HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-02-22, Page 5RUARY 22, isstv).4- iaeways up0u lmn.Foitub ae Waa not very large or hit • eht havie been wierset day last week Mrs. Tighe. d. Tigheeof Hallett, had te to slit} down and bre e the wrist. Area, Scott i of Brumfield, b ate of men employed in clew at his farm, on the ard con itartley, formerly owned by Sni ion. A number of tearee, oyed in drawing the ee oo I station, froni whence o London and s good tette font. ilItiott, of Goderich tom:mini& t time ago Went to Edinborgie himself in his profession, it membered Was taken yery trt omo months i age ! his bract; a the Northwest to take care, On Saturday they returued, te townehip. The doctor *eve while his many friend& tet4r they hope for the best. tas Agnew, of the 10th eene East Wawatiosh, recently trahuificent heavy draught eeet t,ep"li Bell, of Dungannon, for ettes market, for the stun ot, was one of the best colts rain county. He was sired by otlaudi was rising 2 yeare t w has two other young promising, one a spring er fall colt. eciburn cerresporident writes etng A party of five young re naakieg a near cat foe Sunday evening last week when a wire fence wasted tet safely over but one, who :objections on the part of the . too pointed, and she wait emly until her companiona. petted her, The question of thachehats meadow by moon. in a t7pic of conversation iforesald five ledies and their ident of . rather a painful •,trreil at the river hill, Dun. ee day recently. ,Frore some' ii Dun -tires team became an. le, while he was driving down db, and ran away. They soon 6 from thesleighand Overtook ;tollard's team, runuing clean 't-igh, team and all. Met pen )rettv badly hurt, and, one of it bed his leg broken. The L's shot, as it was conaidered ,try to cure him. ier of the old residents of paesed ice, in the p t died at th t Mr. Jas. ek, at the a, vaneed age of 75 the deceased was on ar visit at Ss residence, near Walter, - rook sick, and died two weeks decea.eed lady, accompanied ;band and eight children, is. iloreie over thirty-two yeare IC leaves behind all her chit. iitvithree graud children to knese:s Post of last week con- ellewitog Last Tuesday our artist, Joseph Laird, be ; bachelorhood by marrying e Burns. of Umafryn. REM !1, of Listowel, performed the The bride was sapported tgie Burns, slater of the bride, :nom by Joseph Campbell. ceople left Brussels for Lou- esday afteroon, accompanied - a Laird and wife. Joe's ! Seaforth and Brussels wish siy married life with all the iing blessings. i:loise A, Skimminge of Godt had printed in god letters, ilue ribbon of ottoman cord, ;titled WeIGUMp, Welcome, me and has preseted at copy dship Bishop Welsh, and the Messrs. McKenzie, Blake, artwright, Cameron A. M. k. W; Ross; also, to !the edi- ire Globe and Ottawa Free Lch copy is embellished with filoseile, representing baskets cornucopia, a pen in white inn ▪ on an, anchor of coral, very artietically designed el with a tassel. t night. of the 26th of Novella, stranger in Wingliaul Was -accompany two young men, t is ectively Simons andPriee)- in Lower weagiaam, and * 'after the stranger arrived he of $26 in , bank notea to - 4 some silver and a gold he two young men went to el Suttee immediately after. y, where they remained for a and again returned to Wing- tere arrested and, sent to Ga- te stand their- trial. They east week before Judge Toms ted. It is reported that the it, whose name is Lush, in- ying the case to a higher aursday evening, 7th bight leat store in Clinton had a ape from being destroyed by ttietea Jackson was about to Lore, and in palling down the to blow out the three lanai* e whole business came to the no regard for the pieces. The ta lamps quickly ran over the , etl, and in a moment Was in* trees. Assistance from the iuilding was summoned. The n now spread over a space a en feet square. New woollens ped from the counter and ,the fiery element, effecting I result. What might have at disastrous fire was thus he Jackson's loss will be about sad and fatal accident 00' Benmiller oia WednesdaY th iest. It appears that fis Holliday was sawing a tree hi, it fell upon him, crashing hi at the kite° and. thigh to a tree was sa.wmand the portion. '''ton the urifortunate young Gff, and medical assistance itbout half past ten on Theirs- eg the doctors in attendance 4 the work of amputation, t over an hour to accomplibh. hitty minutes afterwards the erred, beim/ too weak to inirs teratien. *Before his death be nee of a Christian experience Pi those who were attending was about 28 years of age: f a large family of a tridoweu way to her last recto of MrsoTolta resideace of her van, on Monday tesday afternoon of last tretlk ,!hviralists of the Mennonite ), mere -Led through the street* FEBRUARY 22 1884: Ti -IE HURON EXPOSITOR. Listowal, in doable column after the manner of the Salvation Army, singing religious 'Songs. The -company was composed of women and boys, and had anything but a martial appearance. In the evening they held services in the old Methodist Episcopal church, where singing and the relation of religions experience formed the principal exer- cises. ameemeeteetesemat, Minister's Salaries. Mn. EDITOR, Diane Sm. -In dealing with this 'subject, it seems to be lost . sight_ of, that, ministers are not all . I equally eleven energetic and spiritual !minded. Were wit to advance such an idea regarding tite members of any other profession, -it would. scarcely he considered wise. F--1.8 it not a fact, that many inen, who college course was brilliant, are faithres in after life as ministers as well as in other professions.? So thate comparison in your last 1, week's is 118, between the minister and lawyer ight have been reversed or held equally good between' two lawyers. For instance, one lawyer rises to the position of Chief Justice, while his equally clever school -mate never reaches higher than a division court pleader. In the ministry one man receives a call -to a city pulpit, worth from $1,500 to 14,000 a year, while another of superior youthful adventages has to content ' himself with a. country place, worth from 0500 to $800, and, that not because people were not liberal enough to pay him more, but that his abilitiee would not command a greater salary in the • ministerial market. Even th* very people who pay him at that rate, would, in many cases, be willing to increase the stipend to better abilities. Then another cause of small pay is the com- petition between the different denomi- nations. In the town of Seaforth, we find four churches doing the work two woad be quite capable of accomplishing years, tiring wh Rua do firs wort carried !off. It is has ben used to I and the Mennoni ed to hand Over t of the Pj3tOl, LA) escape with a on W He rel, unless • seine dr' -The • swollen! an ala ere eat disastrc. A passed of 22 kota time several thole! * f property has been Ported that, fp ce eoure the ptingen, have 'been- comp 11- ✓ 'pas at the, pent 1 I NetatSt ps, the ht ore Sandy ther rn.ur eirtley in s to returi mpelled ad of Cans late t he river mg evt, tamed of s floods obibitorq. the losyp. es. biizzardJ. nday n ea.stwan , 4c1 atte cyclone l 'striking with tetrlifiel fore lives wcire Sacrifi tion of roperty i ' i, -Th re is a an em Colredo. B suspended. ' -Ge rge Salte I Grand lhirunk R ' treat, fell betwee ward b arm an , ,crushe Imornin I 11 SO rind frreig leg take at Mille I • His in He is a ,married ! -Inasmuch as the Milfon News, the foll Wing ite NI. faction '1‘‘By the • in !Zealand, this to ire is one snd this is by no means an exception, erty in rick -land e but especially is this the case in the at £135,00Q steil Home Miseion work where we frequent- equally ' divided a r ly find fouor five ministers of differ- other h irs are her ent sects, attending to the spiritual Canada, one broth wants of four or five hundred people. and twei half eist , Is it any wonder, then, that Romaniste is the tsecond v give us BO many severe thrusts in the which has befallen ! weak spots of our armor, or -that many about a, year." • , ' iministent receive, as they think, such -The oldest del ei ; poor pay" Kindly insert the above re- naeetinof the If , marks, if on deem them worth space onto on Tuesda in your columns, and oblige, yours truly, land, who hi neae lae-TheseN. - C01. Mersarlarnd a Egmor dville, Feb. 19, 1884. +- ment A Queenst ii _ __ neeetin Manitoba Notes. Niagar —Mr. Harry 'Killer, of Emerson, hay- Lundy kr, effected a settlement with his'UP -and creditors, re opened his store on Saner- dig gr ves, He day 9th inst. and has been doing a good the to ehe to other Amer oan trade since opening. -The first murder in the history of tile'dest/u0,1-0P 0 Calgary was enacted on the night of the was th n celled. 8th inst., in the store of Graves dr Mc- His Ho or tient Kelvie. A young man named Janies son he vieited Go II.. Adams, carpenter by trade, was before leaving found on the store floor with his throat Ph°t0grkPh from cut, almost severing his head from his (-4 Gen. Br°0k• body. Suspicion points strongly to a -Mr Penrose, Cal negro with whom Adams was last seen been mit to in company. The negro has fled. days ago, biingin -Mr. N. Dare, last week sold to Mi. fat cattte 4 -hat the it Fisher a quarter section about - four ranches i miles *mat of Emerson for 01,700. The They ere a fins improvements on the place consist of a slaughtered for t It " house and about fifty acres of lane is b*Iieved t broken. Mr. Dere paid 6800 for the most of the fat c place three years ago. the west; if the C t -The Ladies' Aid of Wesley church, ' tariff *-11 be at Winnipeg are getting up an autograph traffic* : quilt. Scares of names are pouring in. . --Farmere of t Preparations are being madefor a grand miles east of Em bazaar. -Sheriff Setter, of Portage la Prairies, , who has been suffering for some time from the effects of a dose of lie taken by mistake, is convalescent, and again able to be at his office. -A company has __been formed for 1 ; the settlement of all the lands now va- 1 1 cant around Winnipeg. The Red River i colonization company adopted a con- tract at its last meeting, and a company I is being formed in Scotland. to send out '10,003 settlers next summer. ' -The Manitoba and North Western Railway Company are planning for the approaching season's operations. Ma- ! tonal is being taken out for 100 miles of road, which will be constructed be- yond Minnedosa, this year. When the season closes next fall the compeny ex- pect to'have the line in operation across ' the Assiniboine, about the mouth - of Shell River. -The Emerson International lof the 15th inst., says.:.Jacob Y. Shantz, of Berlin, Ontario, spent, a few days in ! town this week, a gerett at the Carney House. Mr. Shatetz has been buying grain in the Mennonite.settlernent, and purchased altogether 243,500 bushels of . wheat, aid 20,000 bushels of flax. The price paidfor the wheat ranged from 60c to 75c per bushel, The Mennonites have retained 100, 000 bushels for food and seed. . --e-The Brandon Sun contains an ac- count of a farmer's loss by frost and neglect. It appears that the farmer, whose name is Meakin, left his home- stead on Turtle Mountain to work on the court house at Brandon, and on his return home found that the wholetof his stock comprising a cow and calf and three pigs, were all dead, and in addition to that the major part otitis potatoes were frozen. It appears that his son had been left, on the farm to take carel'of the stock, and during the : absence of the father had been away to - Pelican Lake for four days' fishing with a neighboring farmer, and On his return found the stock in the state mentioned. The boy Was found by his father inethe Bhauty of the man with whom he is maid to have been fishing. Mr. Meakin is only a poor hard-working man, and this loss will be a severe blow to him, and he states it as his intention to bring the case before a magistrate, as he claims that the neighborenticed the boy away. -Mr. Archie McKinnon, has been appointed to the superintendencyi of the experimental agricultural farms of the Canada Pacific Railway Company at Virden. Mr. McKinnon is a good prec- teal farmer, having an experience of ten years in that business in Manitoba. -George W. Williams has been 'ler- rested by the United States authorities on a charge of smuggling cattle, etc., across the boundary between Emerson and Gretritt. At the investigation it became known that the articles were Stolen from Mennonites on this side of the line, and steps have been taken for the *extradition of Williams'. The Smuggled property consisted of four cows, four horses, three wagons, plows, iharness, etc. The robber is the head. iof a gang which has been carrying on marauding expeditions for nearly two as a re district.' Lane, ar burnt, as new pa nig which they des p and piled in co* coutract.ors for the them $75 a yard contractors using break. -Quite a sensat in. Eme ton by th the disd very of so ularitios in the place. t trarspir amount of ebotit paid by: the Cans Company during have bein enabezZI officials on the st thorougi inYeatig Icy, and.: 'Clerks have bir suspend items. fe Murderer, who Sandwich gaol in coinpalny erer, was ea tri ed Pullman, 11 labia. to Canada f r al ving a very w • ole - than law. Is and rains ve hames at Lour to and serious f rs a repetition f tho last year. ! quor bill has 'eon enate by la m 3.1 ty ioh started in a- t travelled Boli - ed the veleci y e Southern St es A large numb of d, and the (lest calculable. blockade in o mess of all kiiid. is It brakeernan ay, living in he cars of a brain „Enid h ff and head Ores early T ries will prov u with a fain he ne w st- akliy8 b ieday f tat. lv1 ' , . Starret is e r of at journal pu li hest ith peculiar tis - etre of a gran 'ole rs. T. J. Star , of seven heire t p op. ow. Zealand, a ued ng, which is t. be ongst them I he two sisters, o in r, and a half- other in Ireland. his tation of the kind - Mrs. Starret ithin II e gate prase t t the . Loyalists i 'Dir- est W1.3.8 00 °Far - ninety yea's f age. eeper of t e onn- , and at -to d d. the esentative r m the He was p es nt at saw the d a piled re was no tine to oo, helped o carry m Blank o k and es in retail t n for ewark, as Niagara t the inv tation of nt-Govern r Robin- rnment House, and* s presented with a original oil painting Winnipeg, w o has my, returned few ith him 100 lead of e grazed up the icinity of C lgary. lot and are to be Winnipeg arket. by another year tie will come from ads Pacific Reilwa,y 1 favorable o the South Rid on, have str ustrk in the from their, nient place ailway bridg give or these ston4s, the em to fill t e ice- ! n has been c eated annonneem nt of • Very gray irrege torn House at that that funds to, the ,000 -duty on coal a Pacific Reilway peat six monthe- d by some cif the there. Pending a Con- Collector Brea- ks 'and 'Me inley d. €irc o te en ea ks farms . The -Th third an Ontario Provincial Tuesday morning Hall, Toronto. Mr. R. J. Doyle, O chair. Delegates f Protein°, were pros 75. Thsecretary showing1, the* wor. year 18 Ha ste had now a neembar Province of Outs standing than ie years. Intl se sion f the range ohm eneed in the Temp ranee astier, k the the her of eport, r the range n the better some e Wor en ,Sou orn all nt,to th binitte and re ed that hip of 2 io, hued i hair be , t rts nu his tilts f lie C ,000 in n for AUCTI On W&Inesday4 p. m., on Let 2; near the village o and Imtlements. the prop ietorhas Kline, LProprieto Auction On Mohday, M noon, ort ot 27, Farm Stock and Houlden Proprietp tioneer. On Wedn, sday o'clock p1m, on is Grey, adjoin ng the SuperiofFarm i Propriet r ; J. P. On T uraday, 'iclock,11+on, on , R. Tucke ImplerniS)its, dte. proprietnr ; ,J. P. On Tchesday, M noon, on, . Lot 28, Killop, Farm St George Getty, Pr y, Auctiloneen On Tucsday, M p. m.; sh Hay, Fl Wm. Sclia berry, A - On W 'Concessi Implenae prietor ; On Frid in., on Iret BO, pear Port Blithe, Pister, riot Auctione r., SALE arch , t 1 'deck noes , to 18, Grey, alt -on, I arm Stock ithout resd1vei as id his f m. Aditm Geor K rk y, ii , at 112o'clock, oncesei n 6, Hay, pleroen s. Jaries ; JameOke, , F brine r 270 at 1 t 1 Con otssion 18, village ef Walton. ock. }Jo it Hewitt rine, Au hole* elle-nary 128, at 12 t 18, C ancession 4, i h, F tne Stock, e rgie proa , Jr., ri e, Auction er ch 4, at 12 o cl ck on easio!, 12, rc. and I as plerne ts. ietor, eorge rk- • SS Se a' 1 1 41 I. , chit, 'a p, on t 51, Con Sto • and I rfie, P a irietor ; ! di neer dn.,sday 14 etch 5, rt 13, G- iy, Farm ts. Chili loll Al . Delg ,Y, Aucti ate Maica 7 at 1 e Road • raiture E. , 1 o , 19ck, fission 15, plena° ts. . B ssen- 111 ID on fot 8,' Stock rnod. II e reseorn. , p. Eezetrist p a,teerr, ossen berry, 1 -The jgreatest xciterne t. Marys f r some on Satufday night ant wee t thStihs,s tine4 was , when the Salvation street p Queen at beating t e and cartel ally. Th the new cession, b and what nurnber baok to tie and had k then retir was crow gutter a nights p e that nigh f constable Sunday a t street par to the op to the do were pros have irn CLOVER la of Clove Seed Store, . WOOD immediatel into the bu Apply to T. Milne MCO FISH erring an Yotiee's, Set trade buym rmy ,turned out f r their firs de. Th1y mar bed dow t oarryi ' their i anner ✓ big drei sing -ng hym a great 'iexcitem t gen were bOween 5 to 10 ruits marched in the p the craWd the folio as on th sicleve lks wo oushinds. : Whelti they market Oi,ar° ey 41 ee drill or it iort ti e, into the own b11, wh eh to the °ors. he youn as that re so ruly so ions be aye& tretty w r they jknew hat spec are on 41e war ) path. n moon an event g they ha1 e each ti e, the retur13ed house which * s crow . Upw ds of Il 00 peojl t at ea4i me e ing ; t ey se crow's every ight. 0 • • • 0 ()cal btice S EDS—Jett d, a. 0/10 aid Timothy Seed at C. Wi1s n' elaforth. 0;0. Vi'iw.aa. 844. - OPPERS WANTED. Wan ted , one dozen week c opper's to g Ii n the Iltireoncessi of McKill p O ICBM,' Hig Mids, &forth ; o t • uEos at tile hush. 41 ar 1-A car load f fresh Cad -Fish just receive at Wase f, rth. A liijcralredhbtion to quantitie. , 844 a . PAY Ul. Robert Willis, t ie People' Shoemaker, S alorth, is i i need of oney, and h has on his b o -s a large uumber lof accounts, which, if pa d, would put ;his mit. at ease and i satisfy his c e itors, cons fluently li meet ileitis on immedia e ay-me-nt, a ul those!: not paid I b Fehr -retie is. my expect t visit freipi ,Toe B4ie, the People's B VITALIZ GAS, -11 W. J Fear, L, into his offi a Vitalized Ai way prefet a is the first c e introduce i in all the le' t. and in the n WILSON a. dirscl- from of French a d decorated S Dinner Sete 0 low. Our a o and Lamp o we will not tra le. We a , tern square T in tl e cities ' presents, co ridge Sets, 'i Etaglish, Frsn . and Plain, . q oar stocks N h • " 840 AIR INS D. S. has full tipper tus for S antesthetie. to Nitrous Oxide list in WeSteritOn • combinat on, rah(ugh it is tre ng offices the Ci 31 of Toront ted States. 843, YoUNG lave j et receive makers, tie finest :assorted sthc Ri glish inmate, alnd plain- an to Seafoi th. °ode equ 113 ware, Lamp assorted. u. house in he new ilthe basic) suitableifo U Sets, INsr otto Cup.' ii a, Moust ach and examiu 837 Ii or this 'w cjk introduee dminists4 t is in ever s Mr. I* diia who ewer.° eveij broogh • $a and up ; other k of -0Socke1-y, Gla Os is large and wei uudersold au3 ca limited iltock of a Sets, which are et A kr' neon e• d'.0 'has tare and Retied. C ther you bily or no e stoak of go Mille and Br oak Tk,a, Seta Gentian Ch a 1 nridst. NDICESOi-At o manse, M Killop, o the 18th e., by t e Rev. Matt e Bair Mr. Isllit e Milldr to M s Maggio J n . Bender o , oul daler of . Jas.Hen er son, all o fsickillop THOM PS 0 - RAMSEY.-sAt the sidenee of h bride's p rente on the 12t inst., by 14ev John o gh, Mr. J ein Thom son, Of a in ‘Ielary nn, eld t detughte o wbielryitet t amsey, of 1 Gun -i. SEA.R1 eA.TES.-( n the 18. e inst., at h residen a of the hr de's broth -'r, Ethel, r Andrew S ;tales, of (Prey, to iss Elizab Ii Coates, if Elms. LAII1D--,33 NS. --In flenfryn, ti1,e rt side- c of t e b He's fettle , on tli 120i inst. b Rev. r -y Bill, Mr. Joseph I :ird, of B us sels, to iii as Eliza Burns, of I anfryn. BABE- H l'P.-At Blyth,dia t e 13th inst.,I b Rev, A. M Lean, Mr. John Ba to Miss Ai nit! Shim lot Blyth. MATHE HASTY -4iai the 611. inst., be Iev Jas. C t•N Oil, of D iriganno, , Mr. He r3 Mat es a, of the N' e, to Mi a iary Tim Hest f awanosh FALLIS LIS. -On the 16th I It., by Rev. J W. S1 i o , B. A., M j. lis, of Arran coon y 0 Bruce, to Miss Ejfl, daughter Or Mr. . his, Grand Bend. BOX -H LS' BAD: -At the mil once of .,11 brid 's fa her, near. Holmese e, by Rev, J lien (r n the 2511 ult., Mr Wm..Box,1 o Exetir, ti Miss Haunah Maud alstead. WALKEst-sP ARSON. A.t the e idence of th bride's fa her, by Bv J Ke er, on the le inst. r. Robt. Wal ea to Maria Pear son, of th 2nd conce sion of nley.; at • BURKE.-In le nrk c, ag RUSH -In B. Bush, TUCK. -In C Tuck age HOLMES.- Met., Se. months. MoGISBON. irate, Mrs 72 y In v.g .- n, a CROW. aged YOUNG. Yoe R01.,ST hoist Old Fall ;New Fall Spring Oat e per Peas per Barley p Butter, Butter, t Dear hs. epi .he lit d 66 years. ; ingham, o the 16 gad 75 yea 0,6 mon anbrook, o the 10 77 years, l Month Goderich tbwnshi uel Holmes, aged inst., Pataio Inst., a and 13 days inst., Ja e nd 5 days. on the 91 years and 11 In Godelic towns ip, on the 14t Blieleet McGibbon aged 67 years Med, on the 8th i st., Sohn Crew arti Clinton, on le 18t inst., Georg d 23 years d 7 m ths. n Clinton, on the 17thJ h ed 19 yearn., 1, Eggs . Flour, pe 1,0 lbs• • • . • Pork, per lop minds... Hay,new. Hides, pe 100 Sheepski s as Wool... . .. A Salt (rata ])pe Salt (who esal Potatoes, per Wood, pe con Old Fall New Fall Spring W Oats, per Barley pe Peas per Butter... Eggs Hay per Potatoes, per ushel New s.... 'Apples pe bar el "Weol Hides, pe 100' /be Pork Cordwood SEAFCi TH, F ea per bushels Wheat per lanahtl.. heat- per bushel4. busijol i btis el ...... 1).• • • lbs.. . .4, t 41.1 ..........hi••• ) per barrAl bushel NO/ . 21, 188-- 00 to 1 0 70 to 10 00 to. 1 0 31 to 08 ,65 to 0 7 45 to 05 14 to 01 0 16 to 01 IJ 20 to 02 2 60 to 26 / 00 to '7 5 6 00 to '70 Ii 00 to 5,5 140th 08 018 to 02 12 10 0 55 to 0 6 00 to 4 0 ' • at. 1.2oN, e 00 to hes per butih 1 Theit per bushell 6 t •eat per Itashel.1, 005 too bushel 4300 tt oo ..4. . : . i:1 ' :: . ' . . . 162 605 ttt to bushel bus el r 00th 00400 t 6 tt 000 18 to 760 to 0to 21, 1884. 10 :11 2 03 05 a• • • LIVE POO FElL 20.—Siar 08s 0 d' ; red lvtioter, California o. 1, 08s 05d; No. 2, 8s d; °Mee 5s 05 5s 6a; pe s, 6s 0641; pork 'cheese, is 00d. .• TORO TO, FED. 21. Fall to 61.10; sr, jug, $1.O8to$1i1 to 67c; es, 72e to 7 c • b 68c; h per Cen, butter, to 25e ; otato 00.80 to 5; eggt, p r doz. dressed s, pee k00 lb . $8.25, 1 . 1 SI St 0034 Mark 17c $0. ho e °Barb, cattle coni unchanged. sist priIiCip stock. 4te, ch 5-te to tcJ ates, an4t in are in good at 4to pei Calves ere at 100 per are, in mod II 1' Feb. 20e-e-Tlee a ues gond., and Receipts'. are fa lly of t ortinary d butcher's 5c, and ,lheavy MediuMlIots se erior et 3n to demand "0,1ed fir ound.1 IJambs came end; firm, ound, 4rtiised rate offq and 0 8 0 2 0 7 '7 701 1 2 0 50 2 0 65 3175 g wheat, 8s 05d; California ; barley, 78s 00d e eat, 01130 oats, 3 ey, 60o o1:), 380.13213.55 ts. mend fo rices ,but c n o infer o tie brit xport it at 4o t . Sb ewllithata' ith buy . ght. H ady at to g, Birtlns. Bluevale, on the 20th kilt., the wife of Mr. Jae. Tlmnln, postma ter, of a son. FORSYTH:4n Bresselsj on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr. A. Foreyth'of a son. Olintoni on the 6i,la st„ the wife of Mr, T. lideKentOie of a daughi4ier. GAUNT. -In Whitechnrc on the 6th Inst,, the wife of Afr.i Jas. G1tnnV of a on. NEELIN.-In Seaforth, ina the 11th inst., the wife of Mr., F. G. Neeliin, of the Sun of a son. SMITH.- In Seaforth, oh Me 10th inst. the wife of Mr. Job a Smith of ci son. MoOLURE.-10 McKillop, on the Elth mita the wife of Mr. George McClure of a so . Sesforth, on the 4th islet., the if ANDWREe 11831r•.-InM. SPeijalfmorat4h,°1aon.oni3th e4t inst., the wife of Mr:!....__Anitews_Lf a son. WOOD WANTED. -Ar. Thos. Il endrY, of the Huron Foundry, Seifortli, has o hand a number of first-class Grain Cruehers, Straw Cut- ters, Plows and Land Rollers, all of his own manufacture, which he will exchange f r wood. at cash prices. 841x4 REAL ESTAT.131 FOR SA _ es_ SAWMILL FOR SALE with or without stock nection. Is sit uated with of Whitechurch station on & Bruce Railwey. Everyt Will be sold at a remarka J. W. MOWBRAY, Priipri letter to Whiteollurch P. partner. - - - -For sale, a Shingle mi S oneand a, E. -- se min in con- alf miles the Wellington, Grey ling in good ondition. ly low price.' -Apply to ,tor. at the I ill, or by . Would a cept of a 846-10 VARM IN HULLETT R SALE. .-l- lot 3, coneession 3, Ilsulletb, conta acres, 90 of which are olea,l-ed, free fron .nearly ell well ander-driii4ed and in a of cultivation. , There is a good brick good outbuildiitgs, a splenilid orchard dance of water.1 1 heMaitl nd River ru the farm. It it good for e ther -stock Is about four miles from 8 afortb ands Clinton, with a good gravel road- leadin 'place. For futthsr participate apply on ises or address Seaforth r. 0. ROB MICHAEL. _ For sale, fling 100 stumps, Ugh state esidence, nd abun- s through ir grain. van from to each the prem - RT Mc - 846 VARM FORSALE.-Ou ing to ill li .ailli the -.1-, Subscribe r offers for s Ile the eaet alf of lot 34, in the 4th enncession f Flibbert, e ntaining 60 acres, nearly all cie red, ::well fe iced and •.drained, and on which is erected a s ibstantial brick house 4026, with kitchen and oodshed, bard and t ft water, alio a good frame barn 56x40, with bum- house, 1 oree aid eatt e stables, all in good n Air. Thete' is also a thriving young orchard in full bear rig. The far . is in a good locality-etwo and a Ilalf miles fro Dublin and one and a hell miles 1from a goo I school. Teires liberal -about onel-fourth dome balance of purchase money can remain oh tuna age for 10 years if de-ired. Apply tal MESCIITO ARBUT, on the premise , or to Tiaras KixR, A retioneer, &a., Dublin. ._ 846 AUCTION SALES. hot. A UCTION SALE of -FaIrrn Stock aid Imple- ments. -Mr. George Kirkby he» received instructions frOM Mr 'Adam Kline, o sell by nettle Auction,' on lot 2, oncesSimi 18, Grey, on Weslutesdaty,1 RI arch et tit, at 1 o'cl ck p. !sharp, the ft 1 owing *Voeiltleiblei prime rty,- viz.: Fainu Steck.-7_. ire pair of yeeeral purp se mares, I colt nine mon hs old by "Old I'll erprise ;" a. cow newly c.I red,, 1 .00:w supposed to be in pall to a there hbred bup, 1 heifer'Wo years old, in calf to thoroughbred bull; 2 teas two ears old, 1 ste r one yeat old, 2 heifer one year Id, 13 Leieestbt ewes, suppose t to b in lamb; superior rt from the flock of . -Murray, Hardimand cdilnty 1 thoroughbred Berkshire owasupposed lo be in pig to a tho oughbred Gg. All are likh grade ,tock. Impl men ts.- Me lumber Iva on, 1 p •ir1 bob -sleighs, 1 double uggy, rearly pew 1 Huinniii g Bird mower, 1 amung hill, 1 1rang plow,11 iron bent? plow, 1 hal iron harrow ,i set *mien harrows, 1 set double harnese, 1 horee.10e, ' trtroip sower, 1 ay rack, 1 at ek of liaha whifdette s, forks, cythes, rakes, nd °thee articles too iumerous o mention. T 6 hay will be sold for c ish. No (serve as the rcprietor is leaving the place. Terms -All su is of $5 arld under, c. au; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given on furdishing app ved joint notes, A d sconnt of 0 per cent,, will e all mei for cash in credit amounts. AD M KLINE), Proprietor; GEORGE KIRKBY, Auct sneer. 84,6-2 MONTREAL- H9USE, WkFORTH. DUNCAN IMMideeeMelielleYee••••1•1•11 DUNCAN, I We have much plettenre in annopecing that eery departmient is full in this Irehab e house with goods suitable in style or Mee to cause the most fastidious to be eurprised how such a splendid bock of goods cap be field at such reason- ; able prices. • The secret is: we buy from none but the leading Manufacturers of Great I I - ' Britain and the United. , States -direct -consequently, being direct importers, we I get all the advantages of the best hottses in the DCminion, and years of experi- ; ! t • elute enable Us to be better able toau ply the wants of1 our customers, we are I I . I i resolved to keep going ahead, and, if uossible thile year) to eellpse anything fiver I 1 . yet offered to a,n, appreciative public, and while returning thanks to the in- , • 1 • habitants of Seaforth arid *surroundingi districts, Wou.ld solicit urchasers ! respect- , I fully to be prepared to in,spect, in cobra° of a few days, goode liust got into port 1 1 1 ; ex -White Star S. S. Britanica, from:lIondon, England. , NEW PATTERNS SPRING TWEEDS, WORSTED COAT GS & SER.CES1 PRINTS IN LL V44RIETIEp. Cretonnes, Printed !Sateens, Th Grey Cottons, 37 inch I Cotton Shi Ducke and Denims, Sheetings and and Napkins, Ulster Melton Cloth, Corsets -largest stock ill trade. 1 n an& of Vile& Of Print, White Cottons, t ngs, Ameriean Cotton Tweeds, American low Cotton!, Lace! Ciartains, Teible Linens bber Cirenlers, Umbrellas, Gloves, Hosiery, I I Clothing Departml t Better Than Ever S ring Overcoatingt, Fancy Sui higs, just come over the peen." Borges Unde clothing, in all varieties, Shit, Collars and Cuffs. Don't be afraid to come and inspect ENGLISH AND AMEE1C4 Change of Business.5 SItN F THE CIRCULAR Si SEAFORTK ISSOL Ti OF CO -PA T H The undersignedheteby give- noiice that the co -partnership heretofore) exe isting between them, tin the Town of Seeforth, as HardWare; Merchants, un- der the name and etyll of Wm. Robert. .son & Co., was dissolved by =dual consent on the 1st.. of January, 1884. All debts due the firm are to be paid to Reid & Wilson, who alone are au- therized to receive and receipt accounts due the firm of WraeRobertson rh Co. ROBERTSON. O. REID. Seaforth, Jan. 1, 1884. CARD OF HANKS Referring to the above, we take, thie opportunity of thanking our enetoraers and the public generality for the liberal patronage which we lave received. at their hands for over 20 years, and trill that the same pleasant relations will be coetintred to the firm of Reid & Wilson. Wishing you all a -happy and peosperone New Year, we arei Yours truly, Wu. ROBERTSON. eaforth, Jan. 1, 1884. TIES -;--VERY TART. NOTICE OF CO -PARTNERSHIP Tn reference to ,the ir,hove, the u4der. - signed give notie4 that they have this ' den entered into a co -partnership as, Hardware Meriehents, under the name and style of Rnip & truer); and that .the'business of the late firm of WM. Rebertsore 86 Co. will be carried on by them in the Town of Seaforth, and Nye DUNCAN & hope to be favored with the same liberal patronage bestowed on the old firm. w -I -107S -"Y-4D ..A2T M ? who haele just received some of the Mine is DUNCAN & DUNCA Nobbrest Spring Hats yhti ever saw. The Grocery- Depar Is al TAX S ED OATS. -u7M. REHI ii , Seedsrnen, Seaforth, has now 7 on. hand a supply of the eel( brat d Mon- arch Otitis, for seed. The seed for theseoatsto was imported from Ohio, id they have pv be the most prceific oat ever grown in this coun- try. They es a white Inianch oat. erms, $2 :per bushel, paeable next October,' an if pur- chasers retort; oats grownfromthisd to Mr. etilrat clean as the seed theyreceive 'rem him, 1te will allow them 10 c,nts per bushe over the regular market price at tbh time of deli cry. 846x3 WT. REHILL, Seaforth. JAME4' 1-10 EL TORONTO. -SHARP &tRJG (Formerly of ShelHotel,Setsfo PROPRI TORS. • AM, tkl) Tins Hotel, which is eitpftted direet1j opposite "Union Station, has recently bee re -fitted and re -furnished tip oughoiat and is n w one of the best and most comfortable hotels ii the city. 20' Evely possible attention paid to guests and charges very moderate. ; R, L. SHARP, t r 641 MO. BRIGHAM, op.ie Ora. ELECTION EXPENSES. !THE following is a statament of ex -muses in- -1- curred by Sm BICE RD J, CAR RIGHT, at and before the election I eld for the Electoral District of the South ,Biaing of the County of Huron, on the 27th da' oil December, Al.D. 1883: To J. Martin, Goderich, paid board for man and team M. Y. McLean, Seaforth tixpenses per account M. Y. McLean, Seaforth, printing and Laidlaw Brothers,daw7tising Lalivery !bill (posting bills) Alex. Cardno, rent of hall Arthur Forbes, livery bill $ 4 60 7 07 15 50 42 50 8 00 39 00 Total $116 57 LOFTUS 1E. DANCE1 Teem of Seafoijth, Barrister- t -Law, Fin ficial Agent. JAMES DICKSON, Baturiiing Officer. 846 GRAD MASQUERADE1 CARNIVAL. LAST OF TKE SEASON. The Last Grand °ankles' of the Season will be 11(3114 on the DOMINION SKATING RINK; FRIDAY EVERINC, FEBRUARY 9, '84 SEAFORTH 'BRASS AND , wil be in attendance. SOME ELEOANT Ci;IMIC CO TUMES expeeted from a distance The follo*iiig Handsome and Useful P izes will -Se given: Lee ZS' CRARAC^ER COSTUME. 1St prise, a Sil 'er Cake Batket.. 85 00 2nd prim, a D essing 3 50 3rd prize, a Silver Butter ish .. , ... . • 2 00 IAMB' COMIC, COSTOLIZ. 1St, a pair of Gold Bracelets. ... • . $4. 00 _2nd, a Peer -lard Case. 300 GENTS' CHARACTER COsTemE. 1st, a Gold Scarf PM 06 00 2nd, it bleerscliaum Pipe. a , • 3 50 3rd, a Gold Ring a.. 2 00 elsaiTn' come. cosroair. 1st, a Clock ' . $400 2nd, a set of Guff, Collar and Shirt Stulls 2 00 Priscs can he seen in Cclunter'e wind,w. General admission, 15 Cents; Chil ren under twelve years, 10 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clisck, Compe Hon at 8 o'clock. 8404 we on 1and a well -assorted cele rated goods, compriOi and Water Colc* Brushqs Peikils, Sketch Blocks Remember hese collo we supply tIa,em as id anada. Pri-es fnrnis ment of CANi ays well stocked With Choice' eas, C ffe si, Sugars, PRODUCE N IN EXCHANGE. Don't11 rget DUNCAN. & DUNCAN, SEAFORTH. ARTISTS ATERTAL. Owing to tile increase ave secured the age4 alad 1 LUNISOEN s.s.sm O demonic' for tli y for Seaforth, a ese supplies nd have now WINI: O. REID. ROBERT WILSON. Seaforth, Jan. 1, 1884. WALTHAM WATCH The Leading It/etch of A .••••••-e.te• 'ma. Great Fall in Prices.. Twenty Cent. _Lower Titan Ever. I A Full Line to he had at S ock of Winsor 8s Newton's M. R. CO NIERS! g Oil and Wat r Colors, Oil Drawing Papers, Crayons, lor Boxes, Cabinet Ware, &c. s are the best ib. the world as they can be got anywhere ed on a plicatio at WILSC1N'Sy WM, CAIIIPBE Cl TH GO armn L 84 COMPANY Sale of Dry Goods WE ARE DE`It BALAXCE 0 DS AND MINE* TO CLEAR OUT;1 F OTTRI, WINTER DRY CANADIAN ALMANAC NG, lik.ND WILL SELL ES TILL THE FIRST OF ASH BUYER •SHOULD JEWELRY EMPORIUM. The Largest a a cheapest (finality! considered) stock of Jewelry, Watches, Silver -Plated Ware and Clocks in the county. I Repairing in al branches of Watches,: Clocks and Jewelry -all guaranteed to! give satiefaction Fine Watches a specialty. Twenty-three years' practi- cal experience. Rings, Lookets, Chains, Brooches, &c., manufactured on the, shortest notice. Look out for a tree of silverware iii the window; it is the place, directly opposite J. S. :Yorter's cheap oath furniture store. * M. R. QOUNTER, The Leading Jeweller. DONpNION OFFICE AND POCKE1 DIA RIES FQ1?) 1884 - 'CLOTH AT WHOLESALE Nil MARCH. EVERY • EMBRACE T IS °Pi) AMPBELL & Ca 1 FOR 1884. ;ICE, 115 CENTS. Cr Wm PAPST 13Q0KSELLEk Bv4F0i?...TH, ,