HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-02-22, Page 31:BRITA:RIT 22, Dqi ETH ING NZvit CHARLE ORTN purchased the Grocer e D. Rose, Seaforth, it he same at the, old stank o the post office. nd choice stock of Groceries lousis4in4 (-f fill° Et380rte PAN Tut [ee soseor and good, drawiag aunot be surpaesed. I would who have any curioSity to 25o. 50c, bOo and 756 'ort will be made to main.. et reoutation of this stands tht este st and best geode eau sateely for the lead Farm produce taken as Egmemlville Gilt Edge , r alwa% s on hand, and goodit So of charge, to the above, I take this thanaieg my customers :.ic gc.r.trttily for the patron- n-ceived for the last SIX n...se Coat• the same liberal I be coutthated to my sue- Charl t swarth. La R. rs is the place to go, :eweIrt quite a show. /jell and rare leK are there, n iu price eket itt Papst, sure. tr.,rn others goods so poor. awl and Wornall born, Stglek to morrow morn. asbarce d to show his stock, - f, aura in Cardnias Block. 1,1rit-a! gut.js are best, k (sr Wa.tell to he will db his best, and rival all the rest. aci west of Toronto to purchase " .1',,,cks Jewelry, Saver- ., ft ti spectacles uteri- jewelry atoresof PAPST, SEAFORTH. CTION SALES. f Ef Farm, Farm Stock, Imple The nu-ler:signed wi,1 offer for . ors Tts fetid sy, i'ebray I- t 24. coneeKsion 7, Hullett, a 1rns :ztoek, Implements, House • These -4 el be offered at the rrn eons -dials g of 96 acres, 86 goo s -tate of cultivation - 44vn. Good frame buildingS,Itirge 1,v,ster and or ly three and a Le risi-g town ot othaton. sale i arm will be gold first. Terms HAMILTON, Auction - L BY, P. oprietor. E45-2 "T AtsITION SALE .—Mr. J.P. • n instructed by Mr. George s by Public UCjrfl on lot 18, Tucker-rnith, on Thurs.. • tufS4, commencing at , tee fol!owing property, vis.: ly ds aught tours s, in foal to :" 1 geueral pi/pose 11; I horse colt coining two', ; 1 tillv cumin-- two from iso se e It, 10 months old, : ;" 4 in len cows supposed to be Laid bull ; t): two year old s,1 ureter 1.vagon, -1 light ,b & lee ss, 1 reaper, 1 gen- . s :straw cutr, 1 fanning e ssith horse power 1 - t" )# triteks. f hay racks e• tstiser articles. The whole k •s* ye, ts-• the proprietor is ins —Al! NUM, of *-5 and • t:;:s.t amount ttn months' 'ss: furnishing approved joint t t; Cent:. on the dollar will • on crs_di• amounts. GEORGE is1 ts r ; J. .P. BRINE, Atte- 845-2 OK3A YET ! WHOM IT MAY GON- sti seas -in i, . ricsw approaching d stif t.,,` moving to the North- %fter the !..-c-t raeans to `.t. WP the undersigned, !r to call a public meeting eri MAO, Honsalls 021 11:Lt, at 1 Weloti.ls, p. m., tet make rJ,t the It•ilway Corn - 1 .r.and fn bt may proceed . ns • train for the sake of con - 1 e ab,u the third week 1 JAMES- LANG and JAMES P. 0 845-3- - — 33- r Seuforth, bang obliged to ga isifss:!Is for the benefit of Ins g,reatIy obliged it those indebted a4 eArty a f*ssible and settle Ns, boring- his absence Mrs- ustsr-i, s tali.' grant receipts for - Seaf..11. I E1311UARY 22, 1884. THE HURON EXPOSITO:0.. Our 2Ben Wad. See the River. (Astai--“Shall we Gather at the River ?") rFain Our een wad nee the River, Whanr God's bairns hae their abode, gSaft and bonny, rewire ever, Main' in the errdle o' God. Yes, our een shall see the River, saftly-flowin', bonny, lown River; rystit wi' the Saints at the River I'hat rows in the eraile o' God. frJang our hearta were at the breakin', Sant the tears we aften shed ; There mine says " I am forsaken ;" Woe i and tearieforever fled. es, our een shall see, &e. Green the true beside the River; Bright the gowden fruits they sear ; Peace, and love, and joy, forever Find their ain teal country there. es, our een shall see, &c. WILLIAM WYE SMITH. • Gaieties. i , et s," he said, "1 always obey usy hushacl, but have something to say ahout what his commands shall small boy who was playing truant her day,when afiked if he wouldn't hipping when he got home,replied at is five minutes licking to five of fun r . lively Hibernian exclaimed at a party where Theodore Hook shone the star cif the evening ---“Oh, Master Theo- dore,ilent you're the, hook that nobody can bate." . —A barrister entering the court with his wag very much awry was obliged to endute a round of remarks on its ap- pearsince. At last, addressing a gehtle- manahe said, "Do you see anything ridicadous in this wig?" "Nothing but the head," replied the wit. —A.. wag the other day denied that Johni Bunyan was the author of the " Pil area Progress." Being vehement- ly co tradicted, "Nay," said be, "1 ques ion even if he coutributed to the work; for it is impossible that a bunion .cottl contribute to any pilgrim's pro- gra m — gentleman who was in love with a 1adi and had no opportunity to unfold his passion, appeared before her house and dried out " Fire I fire! fire!" upon which she flung up the window and asked where. He placed his hand on his heart, and said, "Here! here 1 here 1" --aiThe idea of putting John on a jury li" exclaimed Mrs. Tomkins, when she heard that her husband had been draw!i. "They might as well order a new rial right off. They won't get John to agree on a verdict. He - is the most obstinate man I ever saw. I never knew hira to agree with his own wife in anything, and it isn't at all likely he's goingi to agree with people he don't knowanything abOnt. A pretty jury- man ie is I — he Duke of Wellington once met by ac idea an officer in a state of in- ebrie y. "Look here, sir," said the Iron Duke " wkat would you do if you met One O. your men in the condition in waicli I find you!" The Colonel drew himself up, gave the military salute, and r plied. with great gravity, "I would not e ndescend to say a word te the brute," His Wit saved him his commis- sioni s the get a hour Englishman and a Scotcbman, both Commercial travellers, were brag- giug about the importance of the firms they respectively represented. " You may audge of the extent of our business," said the Englishman, "that we spend two lahndred and sixteen pounds a year in inh for our correspondence !" "That's nothilig," said the Scotchman, "my firm flaves twice that amonnt yearly by yt not d thug its Vs or crossing its t's." e -" s," said Sylvia, "Hat's the mean- est gial I ever did see ! She knows I thinklyoung Mr. Tawmns is just too lovely for anything, and I think else's of the same opinion. Well, I Was leaning out of the window the other day, and Mr. Tawmus passed, and 1 smiled. Woulr you believe it? Hat had a set i of he aunt's false teeth in her pocket, and, j st as I smiled, she dropped them out o the window. Mr. Tawmus didn't see hr, as she was behind me,and what could he have thought ?" —ijhree young swells were walking alongla street one day, when they hap- penedi to meet a sort of half-witted indivialual named , Tam, who had a habloha its day." One of the swells re- f saying to all and sundry, “ Ilka, dog mark d in passing that he (Tam) bad a great Iwant. Tana, who had heard the obse ation, cried, “Aye, a great Want, anast rs, a very great want; the want o' faller" "Oh, but yon know, Tam," said anotiler of the swells, "ilk& dog has its day." "Aye, aye," said Tam, "and the same law applies to puppies." Too Sraart to Live. " Sobas folks are just too smart to live," said the old man as he puffed hard at his 010 pipe and wiped a tear from the end o his hose. “ as anybody been trying to swindle you " , aal, it looked that way. A New• . York r came down and bought a farm next me, and he hadn't been there a week before he proposed a pooh" u what ?" "Onmilk and butter. He proposed to pr4 in 15 head of cattle against 15 head f mine, hire the milking done,and divid even on the sales of butter." • "Tat looks fair." Sis it does, and I was ready to go into it when my old woman hinted that I'd better go over and see hie stock. I went." a ?" "Waal, there was 15 head, jist as he said, but, bless my stars, if he hadn't connted in a boll, two old stags, and a steer to offset four of my cows, which average lk quarts of milk apiece per day I've read a heap about pools, but this is the nighest lever come to having one bite me." • The Omnipresent Scotchman. "Go where you will," said the Mar- quis of Lorne recently, "it is very diffi- cult to get away from Scotehmen. I was on the coast of Labrador, visiting au encampment of Indians, and being then young an Canadian service, wanted to see a pure blooded. Indian. I said to the friend who was with me Make the roan of purest blood among them come here; upon which he shouted oat in French,:" Come here, McDonald." Very rear the Rockey Mountains, I saw in a fine Indian lodge a beautiful baby, anal asked. to whom the baby belonged —was it an Indian baby? "Part In - jun," was the reply; and it turned out that it was partly the product of a Scotch engineer. In Nova Scotia I found a Highland woman, who could talk nothing but Giallo, cultivating a 'eery successful farm, while her hus- .. band could speak nothing but 'tat Ian. I have .no 'doubt that the imoceissful management was on to the fact ithat of about twenty oh ld en, who no oubt they -had the tordin r Canadian family were 'able to aot as interpre rt." I - , • Yon on't 1el1enth r. M. When enator 13edk vsit d his old horae in ootland in 1875 w ile stroll ing thro gh the fields he et an old schoolmate. ' "Yon on't remember. rue, Donald ?" he said him. "No," aid Donald, " I d n't IL -now your foeJ. But 1 atight a six -p und salmon o.day in 'the frith, lid v4hen - ever I ha e done t atl before eine hing has hap ened. ' I ,dolnit kn ar ythi by sight, buterou're eithe John °Pile son, 133 Who left us thirty yea a ago, or y &re Jiin Beck. Now, ira ch isit?" " Sure enough," or'ed the. iSe tor, "it's Jim Book." " Weel, Jamie, the tell me itha the Americans are going to elevate y u to the House of Petri Is it sol ome along home, then, and we'll eat the fish. An American lord is good enough • or a Scotch salmon.", . , • : A Similar ! Event. , A learned .clergyman was awaited in the following manner by au illiterate preacher, who despised education: "Sir, you have been to college, I sup- pose?" I "Yes, sir," was the -reply. "I am thankina" rejoined the former, "that the Lord opened my mouth with- out any learning." ,' ! " A. similar event," aetorted the clert gyman, "took plata) in Balaata's time; but such things are of rare ocouraence at the preSentdayer ' • I , P. T. Barnum. wur THE 1 TENERABIIE SHOWMAN IS TILL ItUDDy 441) LIVELY. Under the mora influende of a groat illuminated motto —" Whatsoevea ye would that men should do to you, do ye eveia so to them"-ain hi a luxuriously furnished , parlor at Waldenaere his i °pantry seat near Bridgeport, the re- porter found the I:tetTable showman, P. T. Barnum. Plump, ruddy, lively and active, the veteran looked as if he. . had juggled away] a score, at least, of his seventy-four years. "_But i'm get- ting pretty well along in years,* he said, a for I was born on J;ly 5, 1810." 1 . "Whatis your act al present phya goal condition ?" thc reporter a ked, having in mind. )4r. Barnum% • r ceiit making of that stupendous 700.page will. , , 1' I don't positively know,withou try. ing whether I oot4d turn 'a some atilt or not, but the chalices are that I cuuld, it least as well as ever. At all events, i never was better liti my life. 1 eat well, sleet well, and enjoy the mos , per • feet healt , .!Perhaie -to maiu ain ' this dondition k shouidivir lk more than I do, but I walk_ som ; and go out aiding every dayitwice. All the disease I have ia old age, and niy neighbors say I should not plead ta t for I'm as young as most nien of 60. The sickness 1 had as. New York three yMrs ago, when the doctors gave me up, was the only uua; I : had ini many yeara, and seems to have • rienoveaedi mo—given Me a new lease . of • life." . a : 'EBSONAL HABITS. , "What have been and are the per- sonal habits that i have conducted : to such a good result 1/ : a Primarily, regularity, secatudarily, ; , abstinence from things that . tend to ; shorten life. So e imes, When my . neighbors do not come to the,I go to : them in the evenio s land play a game , of whist, and °coital redly I gO to the ° theatre, but as a ru e I am in bed by 10 , 'clock every: night, ! All My *or di- ,eeting my personal buainess,!oonduct- Mg my correspondeac ,and eominannieat• ing with my partners, I do in the fore- , rOons, getting through it in time for a drive before my dame's., which I take in : the middle of the day'. After dinner I ' am accustomed to ilaae for three o five minutes. IfIjuet 1ose COI]14C10W4110B8 that long I am as much refreshed as iTt had slept for hours. Afterthat I take an - Other drive. In th e, ening an hour's reading, ,a few ganieB of cribbage or whist, or a little ra laic fills up:the time until my hour of retiring. I am always • up by seven o'clock i the morning." "HOW long have yoa maintainedisuch regular habits?" 1 , "As far as prep i able since 1847, When I became a teetotaller,although when I was a trf0 11 ng showimeat my houre was necessarily not so good.' HIS WINE CELLAR. _ "Did you drink nueh Prior to 1847 ?" " Well, I would 't have allowed any body to tell me SO, but when I look back aver that time I kuow now that 1 did. When I built my magnifioerit. Ori ntal country seat Irani4a iI Was proud , of the house, but ten times prouder of my wine cellar than of Ian thing else I had. was not in the habit of drinking dis- tilled liquors, 'but every day- at dinner took my bottle of champagne, or its equivalent in othei wines. or malt liq- uors. .I did no busi ness after noon and day mother -iii -law used to say some - t Ines that I was 'heady after dinner. I felt quite offended bir the suggestion, and threatened to go back to Whiy if it was repeated, fur I really considered myself quite a tem erance flaass, sipce I rank only wine, a d thought my after - inner feelings weredueto overeating rather than drinking. i But I got! the Rev. Dr. Chapin to cozne up to Bridge - p rt and deliver a telnptiranoe lecture, for the subjectof which he took "The Moderate,Drinker,' and I, saw Myself iu quite a new 1iht. I !realized for the first time the bad example I was stitting, and when I twent '. home that night was so worried that I ciould scarcely sleep. The !next morning I had my coachman knock the necks off all the champagne bottles 1 had in my cellar, some five or six dozen ; the port and other medicinal wines I gave away in cases of sioknes , and the liquors I returned to the dea er.. That was the end of my drinking. .iis young bumble., bees are biggest sv'!ieu they I are first hatched, so It was,1'•n the first heat of conversion, an enthusiast On the subject of teetotalism. I ' eat all over bon.: aecticut and New York delivering free lectures on the subject, and even went out to Wisconsin, stumped lthe state at my own expense, and at least helped to carry it on a temperance platform." f . . TOBateC . " You swore off on tobacco also ?" 1 “ Yes—oir at least I stopped its nee. I never chewed,but Ii'w s a great 13M ker. When I went over to Englaud aect ring inI, 1856, after the Jerome .C1 ck com- pany disaster overwhelmed m ,I was in , such a si nation that �very pound was of importance to me, nd as I was then Using every Weak a saiiereignts worth of cigars I thought I would praCtioe econ- omy and stop it. One SunditI chew- ed chamtmile flowers all day nstead Of smoking by a druggist's ad ioe, and they alm st killed me' 'I'he next day I went to moking agaipi, and • ontinued it up to easily en, averaged 1860, on I felt a, 13 down in bing or p notioed i paid no then. I wood, w heart die scribed soared m to give n the oonn fore doin Parker. You m all I kno one as t is all th making. soared, a a year, h we er, I used to car calamus lin my pocket to ohe I wanted to Smoke." IN BAD L OE. l 870.1 I coul uga, but n ten oigara a y vay dow rttage chokiag sons y throat, and the Ipiation of My he a IOU° for 4 year arttoular attention I give up liquer tobaeao, and a ay. 94e day ill to the rniuseum, biota away a throb t1. I had efore, bat to it until /111 asked my manager, G-reerl. at it was, and he said it was. ase and thei symptObs I de- s Mine meant death. Th t pretty badly.1 - termine business 4t once retire , but b Willard d said: heart, fdr strong a Nicotine on. Stop was So ain. For y bits of on When ry, and prepare to 4i so consulted Dr. He examined me • y have a veva, hara , but you have aa ere is in Nook York. t is the matteaewithi " I did so at once!, d ever snaloked "So i yotr unregeaerate tate you rink and track°. used to Did, yeti gamble? "No, *area I nei/er spe •lated iin stooks b t mice M myl life. 'hat was in the ti 6:0t the great pani ten yeafe ago. I ad eorne rnoaey lyi idle as bank, a d, eeing e erythi • tumble ,clewn to he owest p int ap rently, !I thought t w uld!be a good t tie to bay aid hold on or a rais • So ook down $100,000 to etch st Foote land told tkem to mkt t in wha ever th y thought best. They .nvested a andilil thoughts I was sure, of makin $25,O0p anyway, but on tbe wt ole I loet. SoJtie of my stooks went p eventually, h t others went do4n, - -nd I w 8 a lea r. With thaa exc pti in I have owned do railroad stoaks o et er specalative ecuritiee. I have y legitimate bus4 ess as ed showmaa, a i d wan't to othe . In it I never made mistake, but wienever I stepped outside it, wati prettY sure to" —New York Sun. i 1 . Crime, T ranny E1nd S all Feet , in. Ch. a. . 1 cii A large pr portion of the 4 throng at the Baptist ministers me t ng were *omen asse bled to hear iss Adele Fields, for !eighteen piers a Missiouary in or near Swaton, Caina, speak ofher experiencelamong the Chinese women. Miss Fields aid the progresof Chris- tianity among the woznen of hidhad been slow, bit the d fficultie encoun- tered at evry step were enor iflona. In- fanticide wa a terribly corn '.on crime among the , and it as ver hard to persuade ti€m that i was sitiful to kill a girl baby. One °Man, l ng after she had becorne a Ch istian ii d a zeal - 0118 worker f r the oh roll, si s smitten with the oonlviction 0 her gt t in haV- daugh rs within each. She weet ked if he might Cohrirnielle a h ries had. success to beet( 900 once • told p were not they would be as strong nd the latter:Would no e to beat them. lug destroyed her fiv an hour of the birth o to Miss Fiel s and a hope to be f The band girls to stop evil, and one Btriven hard check. The years. A ve Miss Fields thus cripple as the men, longer be ab There is v ry little China. Ti: girl had choice of a usband. carried to hr intend house and there i bridegroo "What him when • u first question i:s Fields and tne reP1 almos "I hated int." E Christians in every fam who had gai nese wife, w who whispe husband oft he is dead," her decease good t� m Tbeir-stand he beaten 4f what it was New York S rgiven. ging of the feet heir groWth wa that the missio and with some practice dated .y brutal man hat if the wom arita felicity in 130 VO ee in the She as simply d fat aril:I-laves troduc d to the did yo think of w hi ?" was a had o ten asked, invar ably was: cept Mong the ife beati g was • tarried on i ly. A fri nd of Ise Fields ed the affectio of a Chi- s approahhed b he latter, ed in heti ear: a oes your n beat y(Irti ?" c am sorry, ..4 said a widow, referring to I - husband. " H 'ivies very . He seldoth eat me," rd of happiness as not to en. None bad als ides. of not to be, sbeate at all.— n. 11 t • BEAL ESTATE roil SAL rrn ACRE FARM FOR SLE.—North half of " lot 30, and north half of north hay of lot 31, coneession 9, MoKillop• Most of title land ie seeded, told in excellent oondition for Meadow or paoture. For further particulars apply to ANDREW GOVENLOCK,WInthrop P, O. 819 tf 1'0R SALE.—A comfortable cottage find two shopo, suitable 'Dr blacksmith and wagon maker, in a good part of the town for business. The cottage is in good repeir, and is• pleasantly situatee. The whole property will be sold in a bloat or separately, and vbry cheap. Apply to W. N. WA.M.' ON, Seaforth. 805 -ti HOUSE FOR SALE.—Foe sale, that desirable • property on John Street, Seaforth, next door to Pt. Thomas church parsonage, and now oc- cupied by Mr. Boole. There is good stone founda- tion, firet-olass cellar, Six bed. °eine, parlor, dining roora and a good kitchen. Aleo a large wcsothhed, hard and soft water, a new tits Edo. arid ail other necessaries complete. For further particulars Ye apply to the proprietor. D. )88, Seaforth. 830 FARD1 FOR SALE.—North hell of let 29, con- • cession 8, Morris, containmg 100 Renee, 40 of which are cleared and nearly free from stumps. There are on the premises a good g house and frame stable, two never fallihg wells and an ex. cellent orchard of almost two hundred fruit trees, au bearing. The foam is conveuiently situated, being only two and, a half miles from Brussels and thirteen from Seaforth. For fur- ther particulars apply to F. 8. SCOTT, B. ussels, oe to RICHAED LEES. Liedsay. 841 VARM IN STANLEY " FOR SALE OR TO 'RENT.—For sale .or t&rout, lot 16, Goshen Line, Stanley, containing lie) act es, 90 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the balance is composed of first-clasa herdwood bush. There le a frame house, gbod bank bain with stabling underneath, and a frame stable and driving shed, with other neeessery There is a splendid large orchard, and a spring creek running through the , farm, together with never -failing wells at the headings. 1 here are 11 acme of fall wheat and about 22 acres seeded to grass. It is within four Miles of Hayfield and six from Brucefield, on the Great Western Rail • way, and within a mile of wheel and church. It iS first-claes farm and w411 be sold Cheap Er rented on easy terms. For further paiticulars apply on the plenums or ; to the unerrsigned, Hayfield P. 0. ROBERT STEPHENSON. 842 AN RESTAURANT D DONFECTIQNERY BUSINESS_FR SAL.THE undersigned wishes to disp so of his Res- taurant sod Confectionery business and stook m in the flourishing town Of Seaforth, )ogetber with a lease of the premises. A good uiness is now being done and could be largely ieereased. '1 he stock is light, and teasel -table terms will be given. Apply to the proprietor on the premises. JAMES S TEE LE. 841 R. NV-GREGOR, elONVEYA.NCER, Auctioneer, Agent or first- • class Fire, Life and Aceident Insurance Com- pel ies. Debt e Collected and reteres made with- out delay. Mteley to loan on improved farm property. AIL business entrusted to me will' be promptly and Carefully attended to. Office, op- pOsite Mr. Kelly's JewelryStore, Hensel'. 840X52 JAMES A. CLINE & CO., HARDIr.A.Rg STONE BLOCK, WINGHAM Are 'showing for yo to select from fifteen different stylies of Chopping Axes; nine different naakes of Cross- cut Saws. Also the largest and most complete stook of CUTLERY AND SILVER-PLpED WARE -Ever ahown in Winghatr, comprising Cruets, Cake Baskete, Phalle Bottles, Butter Dailies, Napkin Rings, Knives, Forks and Spoons. Also a full 'line of the celebrated NEVADA SILVO GOODS. We have a full warratty on our plated goods, and guaranteethens to be, exact- ly as represeiated. i& A. OLTN&po. IMPORTANT, NOTICE . -e— n- SE-KEE'PE R WAN/PED —Addrese, stating • weges, JAS. HI8LOP! Wroxeter P.o. 845x4 •• To ! FOR THE NORTHWEST.—A meeting , -1- of those intendiug to Igo to either Dakota or 1 Manitoba this ete ing, wilt he held at Weir's 4 Royal Hotel, Secuorth, on !Wednesday, February 20, 1884, at two o'clock, p. in., for the purpose of organizing and Making arrinaements to get cheap , rates. All are cordially invited. JOHN 11. MeDOUGALL. 845x1 Q1101ITHOR1' BULL FOB SALE.—For sale, a ),-.) Shorthorn Bull 10 months old, from pure imported stock on both sidee, of the Cruickshank ;sillily, Color, nch roan. Fi,om the herd of John Dryden, _ rooklyn. His dam Wok first prike at Toront Exhibittoe in 1881. Apply on lot '23, concession 10, Hibbert. BE JAMIN • HOGGARTH, Cromarty r Shrewd Indigo:I De A story' about an In.dian white man 1 ing dead in the a bullet-h1:in his ferehett the best ill strationti of t observation which a dete white set1 ment and told cultivate. he Indian cans his story: " Found white m woods. Ha hole in his hea white man s a oot himwith ramrod of g n three ihches b muzzle of gn a. Word gray w Had little 1.g with Short t waited long • bile for dead m along." a ow do you kno Did you see ?" was aaturali ed of the In. ian. "Oh, ye nr es show you." The settl the scene of he murder, and showed the i. the spot wherei derer haL waited for Isis yid He ht1 se his gunagainst It was a Ion one, because t slightly raz d high up, and 4. inches alFove the mark left b zle there,wa a slighter mar the ramrod, hoWing that it three in he . The man sz woolen oat because wher leaned a ain t the tree little grey tilr ads had beea caug bark. he e was the place little do s t on his hati stump teal le t a markta soil. Th mirderer Wait sho when h r loaded his gun butt a god way from1 his 1 trail he 1 ft coming and goi he was white, because he toes out. Indians never did. also shovred that the one the tree lwas older than the away from it --hence, the m waited. etive. o found a oods with is one of e habit of tiive must 1 into the he settlers n dead in . Short ong gun; yond the olen coat. il. Had n to coaoe all this? demand - me saw; s visited he Indian he mur- . the tree. bark was out three the MUE- made by • projected re a gray he had ticles of t by the here the • hes—his yielding , because e set the t. The showed rned his The trail ming to me going erer had 1. I • --At Vieveland, Faiday, la t week, Mrs. Coy e received a 'verdict' of $6,000 against tlie King Iron 13ridge 4id Menu facturing Company. Hier hue nd work- ed for th company and was ki ed while in the di Wargo of his duties. She sued f r f10, O. 845 NOTTCE.-A meeting dine Directo s of the Londeeboro Butter ak.el Cheese anufac- turing Company will be held in Bell's Iliotel, on Monday, Februery 25th, at i3 o'clock p. ., when contracts will be let for drawing crean on the several routes. During the' season of 1883 the Cdinpany menu factured 32,423 pounds Of butter, which was sold at an avorage prico of almost 21 cents per pound. The Disectors have cenvaesod a portion of their tenitory and feel confident of a largely increased business , during the present season. W. L. OU1METTE, See-Treas. 845-2 • TENDERS FOR BUILDI•G WANTED. — -1" Tenders will be received by the undi-rsigned on' behelf of the Trustees of School Section No. 6, Hibhert, for the erection of a Teacher's resi- dence in Cromarty, the contractor to furnish all materiel and do all work. 1 Tenders will he re- ceived for a frame structure, and for fraine with brick Veneer. The lowed or any tender not necessarily accepted unless satisfactory., Plans and specifications can be sena at the store of M. ,Williams, Cromarty, or address the Secretary of the Board, Cromarty P. 0 ), and on lot 17, con- cession 13, Hibbert. Teeders will be received until Saturday, March 1st, 4884,- addressed to the Secretary; DUNCAN McLABBN, Secretary. •84513 • TO THE FAE ES AND BREEDERS OF -a- HURON COUNTY.—Lshalt keep foe the im- provement of stock, two pige of supei ior reeding. One Poland China pig and One Suffolk pi r j both pure bred and from the pen of the best swine in Ameriea. The advantages f Poland Chioa.s are: 1st—Their susceptibility to being fatteued at any iv.1.11 noduce considerably Age 2nd—Their capacity flsr growing ve y 'large desired ; 3rd—They more pork for the same amount of feed than any other breed; 4th—They are' the most hindso_ne and of the best style. The Sulfolks are a tried and well-known breed, and have their admirers. Call and see them. These 'lies will be kept for service at $1 ner sow, payable at the tune of ser - ,vice, with the privilege of rletuenieg if necessary, at the Alma Hotel, Huron Road, Htillett. HARRY CLARK, Proprietor. 845-8 SEAFORTH W04.1.EN T BEG to inform those :indebted to me for Ji. manufacturing or book accounts, that owing to the entire destruction of eiy mill by fire, I am 'comptiLa to call on you Or a lin mpli settle- ment of your aceounts, as 1 the books must be , 1 el od. isehop e a second appeal will not be necessary. 839 A. G. VANEGiti OND. .1- 1804. JANItTA Y. 1884. BUILDERS, FARMERS 84 MECHANICS COOKING IA. D HEATING STOVES. COPPER AND SHEET' IRON WARES. BEST BARGJONS TO iGASH pUStoviERS AT MRS. JOHN S • 9heap Hardware and Stove House, Seaforth. e•wwww••••imme cENUII4E CLEARINC SALE —1- 14. Goods, H4is aa4d Caps, Mil - line y and Groceries. P(Eizt. EV EE oi\T Commencing on on SATU At J. °Loughlin DAY NEXT% S Saforth. NEW MILLING FIRM IN SEAFORTH. tHE SEAFORT1t ROLLER MILLS, LATE TF, FED MILL. Dicl3RIDE & SMITH, itom Skrathroy, Having bought the above mills, and e tted them throughout with all the latest s and. best machinery that could be pttojtured for a GRADUAL REDUIQ And tl,e result attained' is, they have Farirh ve it home with them the tial4te s can now get all their GRIST and ION ROLLER •MILL, one of the best ! mills in the Province. ING and GHOPPING done in Seaforth, .day, and Batisfactiou Guaranteed. 1 OIT1R,; aA For sae by the ton or it less quanc,ti of What,.1 .A.1•IL s—FOR CASH. 3 McBRIbE Cash for any quantity & SMITH. •'MIR. THOMAS SMITH will personally suPerintend the Seafortha Ro Mills. ler TEAS. THE SAFOEi. ki 1`‘'EA STORE Still stands firm at the frontl, and is the Oidest one on the Ilia, and will sell Teas as cheap, if not cheaper than any other house. : IL. CI- 41 .A. rl' EAS. TEA. Xs now theapeo invitati that his Sugars, kinds o for Flee Pees, G Dairy S Crooke Oil. Oa receiving daily large lots of Rohde goods ever offered iln Seaforth. 131 n to all to call andastpiesct abuwiio his stock stoat will please and fy a Syrups, Mohaseo, BalzInB, Cerrt Canned Goods, Jellies, Candied Ptlel ring, a 'full stock 011 Flour, Bran, bo aham elonr, Buckwheat Flour. A pl Sete and To Glassware, Tea Sileti it, Pork and Sugar$Cnred Hams and ,1 meal exchanged for Onto at miU rte Goode, and le opening out some of the finest and stock is no0 complete, and he extends a cordial efore purchesing elsewhere. He feels confident favor him with a call. His steel consists of Teas, , Prunes, Dried Apple, Coffees, Spices, Cheese all , Starches, Soaps, Tobaccos, ell kinds of Extracts s, Cornmeal,1 Oatmeal, Oats, Pees, Barley, Split e, Onions, Potatoes, Solt by the Barrel and Fine d Bacon, alito a well -selected stock of Chins, 8,a stock of all kinds of Fish on hand, also Cool . Goods deliyered free of charge. LT, Main Street Seaforth. REMOVAL. Sea orth Musical Instrument Emporium. Reg tt announce that ,they have rle oved to inore commodious premises, one door n rth of the PostOffice, where a t ey will be !foundwith a large and well - selected stock of DUNHAM PIAN S, which are so well known and highly spoken of by all musiciaps. EXGE3JI&TOR ORGOS.---,-Theee Organs have re- ceived the highest rewalids wherever ahown, and have also received a diploma at the In4lustrial Fair just Closed at Tclaosito. We also keep in stock other Pianos and Oifgans, and all kinds of smalli strumentsi sheet i music and instruction books. Agents wanted., SCO Seaforth. SEAFORTH STOVE AND TINWARE EMPORIUM. 0. M. WHITNEY Always keeps on hand a full line of the • latest etyles Of I COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES., Their beauty shows them itad the 4 price sells them. TINWARE Of every description always in stock. We make all our goods, and guarantee theni good and right in price. A full line of Table 19,,nd Pocket Cut- lery at very low prices. • We have a fine lot of Granite Kettles in stock for' preserving t &c. All sizes and prices. EAVETROUGHING. All kinds of Jobbin Work promptly attended, and satisfac4ion guaranteed. Parties wanting goode in my line it will pay them to see my stock and compare prices. Seaforth Ch,eap Stove (fi Tin House. 0. M. WHITNEY, Late Whitaey Brothers WROXETER MILLS. ALEX. L GIBSON Begs to announce to the Public, that he, has commenCed t nnerate tho WROXETER WOOLLEN FA TORY and thlatWhEe e prepared to give good , •aloe in EDS FULL CLOTHS, •UNION WBEDS, FLEALNANDEIL0S, • G WINCEYS, and varieties in STOCKING YARNS. CUSTOM CARDING, Spinning and Fulling promptly attend., ed to. Parties frona a dietaries will, as far as possible, have their Bolls hoMe with them, and as he has put the nii1 into good working order and 'employs none but efficient workinen all work •ia warranted. Remember the Wraketer Mills. ALEX. L. G113$0!m5 • PROPR ETOR T H E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. • HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid wsp Capital, - -56,000,000. Rest, —900,000# , # .Presi(ient, Hon. Win. McMaster. SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Braneh of tbie Bank continues 10 reeeive deposits, on Which letterset 13 &Hatred en the most favorable tetras. , Drafts on all the pineipal towns and aloes in Canada, on Great Britaine and on tat United Stetes, bought and sold. Office --First door 'Bout4 of the Commercial 689 A. R. IRELAND, ttarutgeri F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. • TUB SEAPORTH INSURANCE AND ¶AND AGfNCY. ALONZ IS AGENT for =aevstal Fleet -Masa !took, This ar4 Life Ineurance Coinpunies, and is prefer - d to take risks on the moll favorableitcrma. Also Agent for several of: the best Loan Seo' °lefties. Also Agent for the Sale,antrurchase of Farm and Village Property.! Number of ).A irst-Class improved .ecyrnif or Sale. 550,000 to lLoOssatittix per ceial. 11*teres Agent for the sale of Ocean tiounsitie Tickets, OFFICE — Over M. Moirrison's Store, lifain Street, Seaforth. 1 145 • AGRICULTURAL MPLEM:ENTS The Glencoe Agricialturell Implement Mann,4 lecturing Company hive pleaefire in, informing the farmers of Huron and Pettfi that they haVsa arranged with W. H. VERN?, Exe0r, I MONROE & HOGAiearOth, THOMAS MeDONAII4D.-. Mita To keep constantly on; hand Ail repairs for the . , 'WROUGHT IRON Ift.AIP4STER and all other IinplOmente 'manufactured by them, also for all the Machines formerly manu- factured by THOMPSON At WILLIAMS, of Strat- ford. All orders for Machitt' iery left with tir agent, B or addressed to ox133, MENA will receiees prompt attentiOn. • A i ' 815 a, BO'WERNAla, Agent.' • WANTED FARMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, IMPROVED & PARTLY no.RoVED - SO- mrusi-T•xxya.s.. Any one wishing to !iell this class a property can readily obtain a purchaser by .anPlying to ClIARLEill E. -011-191,Etlip Land Office, punclas St., Lend(*) Ott. NION-EIrTOLOAN +--- At1oweirt rates of ipte(i,iest: 41,A.PlaxiPik t:r1 n6_2oE.11, Lam o. ,