HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-02-22, Page 2-11 --
• L
(Continued front last week.)
"1 ts like it hese ROW rn tell thee
whatl to do.Take wit wi' thy anger,
aud Jgo thy ways to Thirsk Hall, and
use t y own eyes and ears; then thou
will ut t' saddle on t' right horse, no
doub Thirsk wool is a varry fine
Iengt , and we Could do wit a' he hes.
Teti got ahead o' thee last year; go
and i eak to Thirsk for his next shear-
ing, ad when thou art t' ground then
owl j age for thysen."
" y, I'll do it." Then, turning over
'the li tters hurriedly-" It's a great pity
I did 't marry again afore this time o'
day. If I had a wife, Eleanor oould
oome to her wi' her troubles, and she'd
give 1 er advice I never think about.
T wife thou is after, Johathan, is
very 1 ttle older than thy daughter, but
she's good lass.. It's Sarah Benson,
b bound." _
" A , it's Sarah. Dost thou think
she'll hey roe' Jim at'
iver asked heir: Ask her thysen.
rite n bbut a bachOor, ta knows,* and
there re -carry ignorant about such in-
serut ble creatures as women. But
nobod could be -the worse o' Sarah
Benso , and they happen might be the
better Only, 1,11 tell thee one thiug,
Thira and his wife will be as -mad as
. iver i thou does a thing like that.
Thou' a mill -owner now, and she's
nohbn a hand."
"1 as a hand myself once; and ta;
knows I loved her mother afore die was
V ry good; btit t' S' quire and Mis-
tress hirsk were never hands ; -end
they k -ow nowt about Sarah's mother.
And tl4ou mey make up thy mind to one
thing,. hat is, that Sarah Benson isn't
V" right kind o' peacemaker in any quar-
rel o' nire Anthony Thirsit's." ;
Jonathan took np his letters agaiu
with a Ivexedface. We do not always
like the people who give us sensible ad-
d Jim knew that he had said
itter to the taste, however they
be after -wards. Early in the
n, howevere he saw Crowther
in the mill yard, vibile the
was getting his gig ready..
be for Thirsk Hall," thought
1 he went down to the haler
d stood there. Six,foot two, in
hie checked pinafore and a cloth
yic:e-,, a
Jim, eel
gate, 0.,'
• a Iong
. cap, mi lit not strike Koine- people as a
• figure cimareandin-g respect; but -every-
thing i • in the circumstances- and the
surroun ings i and Jim, among thous.
arida si4iilarly clad, was -a very fine type
of a raa.4 toed to authority. Even Crow-
ther wa conscious of his -moral halm
wee-, antd although he was privately in
&very b id temper, he said, " Jin, Pm
going to Thirsk, do whet thou- .'thinks.
beat abc it Shallings'worth.te offer" .
"Ay, will. Good alternate:I to thee."
- Crowt ier had a ride Of six milesaand
he let his horsetake it very much as
he pities; de Thelast two were through
the shad ' beech woods and fine meadow
'lands G the -Thirsk estate, and their
effect up in Ins temper was beneficial.
The nai n who Inherited such a grand
old /ma ;sion, and. Vole rich lands,
thrdugh welve• genera ione of gentle-
men, wa not one to be ated like a cet
ton spne ,er. He beg&i to • consider
that Thi ,s -le might have rights peculiar-
ly his o e, aid that any *omen would
sow :thing to the love which select-
ed her fr )m all the world to share: such
an honor .ble position. Thirsk had eiso
been par icularly generous. about Elea-
nor's feet we. He would have married -
her with:cut a peony if Crowther bad
not insist Id on reeking over positively
the 25.0, • i a he intended as her portion-.
So-, Wars be reached .Thiesk„ he had
made tip l,jg mind to give no encourage-
ment. to Eleanor's unreasonable de-
mands, -f r he was spite sure now they
were, in t he mailaenureasonable.
But • r -okoning "-without thish1ost is
more ease than sure. Just as I soon as
Crowther met his daughter she regained.
her trifle ce... She was sitting, in her
own eerie, a dainty little room fall of
all sorts of pretty luxuries, and sweet
with dee sa-of ex,qeisite flowers. Never
had she s anted se radiantly beautiful
in his. ey 5, for her flowing robe of soft
starlet zierino gave a wonderful bril-
liancy to he- &now and rose of her com-
plexion, a el the pale gold of her loosen-
ed hair. She flung: her novel down at
his entre ;ce,, and rose with a cry of joy
to. meet. ira.
" Path r 1 father !" ' • .
The d ar, simple word flung the in-
most deo- of his heart open to her. He
would ttjy and advise her to do what
was islet andright, but at the same
time he tuew that, right. or wroeg„ he
would de end her to the- last shilling o
his moue: and the last hoar of his life. -
Thirsk was riding, and Crowther took
the oppo Welty of _ talking wisely with
his child. But who can reason with a
high -tem ered women into: whom the
spirit of ilfat contradiction has enter-
ed 7 It h: cl evidently come to a struggle
for supre 10 aces_ and Eleanor was deter-
mined net to submit. The tenacity
with _whi h a word= will hold a.post of
this king is amazing---; there is no
driving h r from it no compromise., no
terms Of apitulation of which she can
In the Midst of anot very eatisfactory
conversat eta Think entered. He was a
e small; sli ht man of fair oomplexion ; a
:Man *bo4n Jonathan could have carried.
as easily] ite a chiida Bat inches and
weight av' irdupois were . no indication
of the ire I men. Anthony Thirsk was
seen in hui wide open, clear gray , eyi3s,
with thei bluish tint of steel -. eyes' in-
dicative a a. straight. forward Character.
Their gla ;ce: roused and irritated Eke -
nor, -aud he met them fearlessly,with
her hand erne head a little on one side,
and perce -Ubly lifted „and a smile which.
- was at on e attractive and provoking.
Thirak had- ea, great respect for his,
father-im ew, end no intention what-
ever .of aiakiug him a partner in his
d'oraestio trouble. He met him with
the frau est welcome, and soon took
him awa - to the stables- and. gardens.
Wheel_ thy returned for dinner, it was
evident 1hey had apent a happy two
hours tog- thee ; and Thirsk, under the
pleasant_ i. thence, met his wife with an,
ahnost lo. er-like: affection. It offended
her. - She deoided at once that he was
trying to .deceive her father, and to
give him wrotig imprassion as to his
treatmen. of her- She wee scornful,
brilliant, leaciat defiant, and Crowther
suffered kisenly amid the flying shafts of
h.er readytongue, But he remembered
that a little' meddling will make a deal
of care, a d he tried to pass ever the
uapiesse a doubtful speeches.' Thirsk
received t -em. with an impassive good
humor; he talked ell sead Odle, and
kept the conVersiti al f as ipos ible
from do es c topic 1•
There w is an in mf rtahle two
hoursafter inner, ith oho ed
throughout i the in nebjk ''
traditions a d dfine- eiein ectgero' et,
UpOn his wn h ar hstone he wi uld
protect ,1 his father -in law from an oy,
anoe ,i it • was poiSsi le to do po; nd
though e was
El atueall 4 inore pass on -
ate mad th 'row he , he jlnever Id -
fared his good te p r to desert him
amid his '8 inn endoes andsar-
casms. 1 iNot 0 jeln hanil e was
pained and angry, and e finally showed
it by relapsing into a row ng elle' ce.
At length he rose kap iently and s id,
"Thirsk, Ill be obliges to thee to q er
my eng • I'd better be g ing, iltia an
Left fee' a few DAMAO with his dau h -
ter, he silted sternly
" Whativer II is t' 1 atter1 N4'- th ce?
Thou hat behaved .ith sea varry ha ly
to -night. Then never oted[:ik thi at
Crowther, and if tli u h d, wo Id
have put an, mid to it arry So fl, t ou
missy dependiori that."
. " Nobleay ordered about Cr. 0 w.
thee. I'did jiiiitewh 't witate to i o.
You never quarrelled ith niti, fath "
" I'm varry afire it w ern T leek as
was qtarrelsorne et ight. fe as
patient beyond iver biog. I bet er
man, to bear wi,' a or • woman 1 Liver
saw; niv_erl"
You -- know , not i g a out hi 14 ./
father. Patient, ind ed! He is se qu te
relsome thatsooner n
lack an oc a-
sion for a , dispute Anthony wot Id
quarrel e with Thies ndi Thirsk with
1 - 1
"1 caution thee to tele care w at
thou art doing. 1 It's a easier to pu t'.
devil into a good hu nd than to et
him out." .i I
I have leo spe;ii I 1 interest in t e
devil, father; be is
his own battles-"
" Don't play at cro' e.
Thou can sow thy s ul
speeches if ta wents t e
sure to reap a fine ha n
down hatred. Mind
But though he t
speak thus to her, he
and admired her so
bed developed the be n
splendidly brilliant w
nificeuce a her dr
haughty cantdence of
footed him Strangely. ;
e able to fig
words wi'
ornfal, doubt
but thou will
st o' plain, ev
t, now."
ought it right
d never lov
bob. Mania
ifut,girl into
8 an. The ma
ll at dinner, t
er manlier.
e went ho
iu a copilict of em tion, but his la
thought wae, " She was a good, obedie
girl when itie was under.my roof, at
there is hound to be isummet wro
wi' Thirsk, or wi' his way o' managi
-- II. ,
" Each day brings itslipe ty dust
• Our aoon-choked ,oIs to fill;
.A.nd we forg t bees a we must, '
And not b cause iWC will." •
I confess to an tCdihiration for t
hes the Augl
Man be ' love
on blind [alio
about with t
oi ntot thjeimtto
df his ; love f
itd become al
Without a
was aware
ed her, and h
ts made upo
bleb the mo
th the pent)
reticence which distin
Saxon concerning the
A Frenchman will tallel
his Julia's eyes,' iind ride
name of his lady -love
his tougne ; but not ev
cock did Jonathan tal4
Sarah Benson. Yet it
sweetest part of his lif
solutely watching her,
all thiegs which conce
presence and moven
him that impreseion
trifflog facts eounecte4,
we love remit
It wee a finenight izi
Jaupery, and Jon'artha,
chapel at a 1eilder'4
financial -affairs of the
much in • his bends,
them with the sante
managedithe affairs of
it was not of them he
he walked. thoughtf
moonlight. It was a 1
on . the edge of the m
woods on one side of it
of two or three, Missed
for the first ten min
mill hands, with.the lo
of men leading a hard
gathered from their
they had been ' to t
meeting. They all ga
night, master," as they
-watched them trudgin
: I
he middle
d been to th
eetir g. Th
hunt were ver
seed he manage
• enee that h
the -mill. B
was thinking a
ly home in th
ui ly bit of roa
, with B rto
en, in group
i a at interval
tes ; they wer
grating voice
if, ; so he emil
oju'reraation 1 th a
eekly praye
m a "Good
ssed ; and h.
own the hill t
their little cottage's with half-conseiou
remembrance of the days 'when he had
been their .fellOw.
There *ere several
Barton wobds, leadieg o the road t
the little villages on th p her side of it
and suddenly he heard the voice of eom
one corning singing t ro the learel
0mm-singing as the un titered jsing
with a shrill raelan h ly, dwellin
chiefly on the high t a. Jonatha
knew the voice, and et till to listen
Five minute
askedI me nev
leave him ail
She entered
hat h nds. I
I sant give m
ko. Thou 1
• broken vow a
Crowther. '
"God bias thee, 1 Sarah! Do thy
duty, lass ; an go on loving and wait-
ing." . e
" Then goo..night,' Master. I'll go
home without thee. We'd happen meet
folk nearer ti illageol there's - them
t at would a wrong if their eyes were
out." ,
lonithan • sited a the 6 ile, and
tohod he down he bill. S e sang
n more. Sh felt that'll° had cinched
he heart veily closelyaend the longing
fo the rest an for the higher things
w 'oh; would come with the lov offered
he was so strong, fo a tooment or two,
. e--
0 •t it cost he a few heavy tear 'to put
all hope of the is away. Her ey a were
sti misty -elle she r a hed the ottage.
: T e key hed ben lef a -a nei hbor's,
: an she hoped Steve we at hoer. But
' all was dark a d lone* :
' 1 for a m nate she had faioted in
. sprit, the wea nese wa over. She put
th fire togeth a and th blaze alas soon
making picture among he pewter and
• crockery on he cotta e walls. _Then
' shebrought th table be ore it, and laid
it or sapper. "He'll arry h eeli• be
hu gry wl et he coine in," she whis-
pered to hersel 'and sh cut al sr lice. of
cold matton, and'shred n *miwith
it nd eet the an to si race upon the
ho .. he bur ed, for at all i would
no be ready ey en he a rived ;I but ten
o'clock struck, and th savary dish
began to waste way, mild she, was SO
hungry that sh was co pelle to eat
her ha -ver breal and ch se - alone. It
was eleven o' dock w u Steve came,
an there et as look on is fac dialled
never seen ther before -14 look of ex-
ult tion an ple sure, un ertainin °ber-
et ended b an einasual
befdir to giv
ong as
m novo
life to
d a hal
1121 11
e ne
Ing t
m aa
ant •
died she
, never to
ded me.
romise it
break it.
to thee
e wit a
r, and
My lad, wh t is the atter 'Jul' thee?
O a .does % at thy ictuale, either.
d re's sie Ol M t unusna up."
ao the A."37, th'rq 6' blit I' feared to tell
- _ 64 Nay, bu
e any trouble
a '1 Not 1, 1:s. I'm varr happ . Nob-
e but, I'M goi g t be wedl"
t "Thou a t- hat?"
t " Going t be wed."
d S le stoo up and lpoked
g tar inglwhi e a she did iio, eve
g lips A sou e o wrong, 1 and
anger, welle i4 in her heart,
lifted the lo 1 a 3 went - ith it
pan rye to h de he tears she e
control. Steve kept hi eyes
plate, eatieg i h a ke n reli
e that he had m e his co fession.
waste bittermo ent or t o in he
ere she coul orminani'd horse1
siently to say
e "Who is ta • nig t we?"
code Bar e ."
i (
' iver I"
"ley, it's a nder eel a bon • y lass
e shotild hey m ; but s e romise 1, and
I'm 'set up to- inht,I can ell theethat."
"How is ta, ,soling to ke p leer?"
✓ "iI'll work s e dy enou b now. - I've
been so both ed abon Joycel lately
that I couldn' -ork ; len I'll in es .no
daye now.,,
" Then thou ill do mem for Joyce
Barnes than i er thou!' did fe thy
mother or me. '
" It need m k no diffe once be
us, arah. T e e's roe enoug
thee , I'se war t."
Sirah loolte nokly in be ha
way' ring cone • anise. I was
fro Steve's re ark that e con
the' urniture o he cotta e his o
had een gath • d slowl by
mot er and by rah her elf. I
neve taken thought about
thee is always eelhig in Engle
wha ever a . p ent lea a bel
1 righ to the so 'n prefe ence
' daug iter. If ye chose to take
this , round, he last do s ; she
scor to claim n the a dition
with -'her own earnings BMOC
mother's deat , unless teee a
recognize and mast on her ri
the . When • e talke the
over with hi in the mornin
mad no all on to these ar
Perhaps his fa mind had fo
them - he only emed andions t
the catage as • tty as p ssible
u needle t be. Is ta in
t him,
aid she
to the
uld not
the 'through
" We sat in the door o
In the cool of -the
Towards the quiet in
Where the misty $
"We wore talking abo
And our: elder brot
As we used often to
One to another."
Here the singer mane t
pods in advance I of dr`
over it into the highwat
ward, singing
" The Lord standing qui
In thp shadows dim,/
Listening, 'Perhaps, in
Our sweet, sweet taJJ
n tent,:
ad vr
ad ws lay.
I ttle Stile Eft
n than, passe
nd went for -
e ark to hear
f • im."
" Sarah I" • • .: . .
She turned, and steed at 1 until Jona.
i' Barton wood. Eh, la ! I'm glad
than reaoh d her. ' .
"1 thou ht it was tie •°ice" heard
to see thee. Is a' well ” thee ?" ,
"1 try eto think s aster. One
mustn't exited- too nanc ' life." i
" Steve's loom has d still varry
often latel ?" ;
" I kno that, mas . Tito• will
bear a bit 1 eager wi' hi " 1
" I'll do anything tho asks nee o do.
Sarah, can ta iver gi me Ina Ind
thought. I would fai beat ' thy
crosses for thee, and i then'• quid
marry me, to put up wi' all that thou
loves, for thy dear sake.1'
As they fitoodi together, ; e lifte her
hand and clasped it bet een his own.
The moonlight fell all over Sarah's
slight figure in its black el ak, and gave
a touching beauty to her 1 ce, perfectly
outlined by the little woo len kerchief
pinned tightly over the he d aad nder
the chin. ;•
'Can twee° thy way 'le r to e me,
Sarah?" , . 1
"Nay, I can't. I'm i deal trou-
ble about Steve." 1
"I'll do pwt thou wis for S ye."
"He's a emery proud 1 d, sir. e'll
take a half -penny from iii oder."
"Ho takes thy money d thy ime,
and all thane hes." 1
"Ay, he does; . brit t 's -cliffedit.
He's a right to 'pm. Ile' a •ays he 'pm.
LI. It
t; but
gs of
11 on
ht to
, he
1 •
" '11 have i
swee as ban
ut oyce hed
ith t' empty r
"There's no
ery pleasant,
nough togethe
"Does ta thin
" To be sure
-" My word!
hen. Joyce
ommon betw
leaeure above
nd she'll hey n
ouldn't live a
ot go a
It hurt her te
caroely a deoe
hough in rea
houghtless the
ruel sin; and
°hellions grief
sat she clean
lmcist superflti
1 e d ne betwee
cruring and
er tears she ,
Bowed no ;hu
not the simple f
that hurt her;
that event, and d even b gun j to
e girl she had ped. wield have
is choice -a d, indaatrions
Alt whole she v uld have gladly
d her brother's 1 ve and tbe coal
le home her 1 bor badmade.
oyce Berims 1 A gate, idle, ex
ant 'lass of se nteen', whoee h
ambition was bonnetwith art
flowers. Then, also, she had, be
eluded from all yaspathy in the ma
Had Steve conf s led to her his
• and asked her t ear with Joyce,
help her to 'do riot a she almost tho
she coald hey loved her for St
' ake._But she h di only been. consid
hen she mite 1 red wit the lo
teve's griefs ha een bre "ght to
f r remedy always but he ad shut
cut from the joy o his lo, e and
ri arriage. ;
; -
(To b
—The Hateilt a city co4noil wilI be
asked for a gran cif $3,000 to provide
work for the loc I poor,
e ything
• ca,n mak
b tter- do
'clin up-ste.
far but
as; we'll
hat she
be con
'm going toratop
hpu'lt stopt here."
but thou O is Mist
me h v not
• 013. he he
ew dres 0 or a pi
nd o' co pang h.:
ug such parrynte
get me a room e
rribly that Steve
tpppositioh to thie
y the lad waa
eartless.l. Only,
coeds love, it
rah wasen a sta
oitheiiext two w
the cot age wit
ois care, 1thongIi
h tewashi g were
ill hon s. The
ed over he wor
n eye -to see. It
O of Stiff 's mar
had lOo forwa
11 be
ing i'
't a
re. I
e of
• an
11 -to
bit -
d. to
But -
ex -
1.18I .
$4 Central Cl....roger7..,
. ,
OR SALE. -The undersigned will sell or ex- ,
change for farm property, ' Park I.ot No. 1,
ruseels, containing 20 acres, on (which there is a
ood brisk dwelling and a Woe barn. For par-
ioulars arply to JOHN i 00EAR, Bras/rola
.0. , 845-4
ARM FOR SALE Oft TO WT. -Por sale
or to rent, a Irwin containing 50 acres, near
intbrep. Immudiato posstision given. Apply
o JOHN C. MORRISON, on the premises. 845-4
OR SALE. -Lots 27 and 2, MO 'Street, and
the house thereon, form,. rly owned by 0. H.
till. Apply to 8 G. McCaughey, Executor of
e Estate of the late Donald( MeIntosh. 8. G.
oCAUGHEY and M. MoDERMID, Executors. 832
and fifty dollars will paellas° a nice, war -
f rtable dwelling house and oton John Street,
eaforth, within five minutes ',talk of Main Street.
he houee containfour roo s, (with wardrobe
, a d pantry and a( good cellar; also a cistern and
I 1 ump. his pi oPerty is well vorth $700. Apply
a Tun EXPosiro [Office, Se orth. 80-8
L E.For salp,lot 24, cone s0iOn
9, Morris, containing 126 heres, 80 of vhieh
a e cleared, and the rekrainder good hart wood
nsh. Tip -re is on( Orel prenases a new rame
il ouse and barn, and a good s ring well: Ian a
y utg bearing orchard of ohoi Tin& trees. The
p operty is well !Need, and 1 acres of nel land
a wn with fall wheat. It is 'situsted wi hin a
Do and a half ra Walton, where tiler are
s hools, churches, Post Office, stores, &e. 'toms
e sy. For further partienlks apply or the
p emises to COLIN MeARTHP'It or if by otter
tr Walton P. 0. 1 82 -tf
50 urea of lot 20. concession 18, 45 acres of
•sv jell aro cleared,, free fromsthrops and well
n ider drained. No better land in the °minty.
I situated abontle.lt way "retina). Seaforth' and
B ussele. It is ivell fenced, liberals a log ou-o
a d a good frame barn and frame stable, and
al ed aud a good orchard planted with apple,
p em, pear and eheri y trees in joodbcariug Order.
.1 is one and stammer miles east from Learipury.
A ply to (ROBERT bleMILLAN,, I.ot 33, Con-
-c asion 3, (MeRillop„ or to Box ?.€5, Seaforth O.
• ntege on Bayfield River, arid on the Clinton
a• d; and, adjoins the it:weeper& ed village of
yfield. Por -terms, Maher; particulars, and
po ditionreof sale e oply to LEITH KINGSTONE
• A• RMOUR, Solicitors, 18.-ingetreet West,
T ronto, or to JOHN- MORGAN, ..elotel Keeper,
yfield. ; g, 815
No. 6; in the liayfteld cetteetision, tows
Goderich, 85 noire), 40 to 50 ecres cleared,
0 from Stumps, billanee` Well timbered
, lot
the Sauth Half ot Lot 16, Sauhle Line, tan -
le , contaitria g 64i acres, About,57 of whiel are
CR ared, well feneed and under -drained. '1 h re is
el g house and 'frame barn, shed and st ible
1'1 re is a PIA( add b- aring orel'ard and plan y of
go d water. Is within live miles of Bayfield and
el ven from Kipp, 11, on the Gr4at • Western i ail-
wa A school wttbin three qttarters of a z ile.
T ere are eight twee of fall Wheat and ti irty
ac es seelred te sett's. This pr perey will be sold
ipi ap. . For further particu1afra apply on the
p inises or to Drysdale P.-1 0: ANDREW
I/ NOAN. . 841
parts , 1 Lots 3 l and 35, Concession 13, ; (m-
ai ing 112 acres; 80 acres eleaeed ; the remain -
a is good hardwood bush. Soil, clay loam, well
• ured with a never failing- spling creek ri Mg
the prereises. 1Pratne barn(land stag-
bles,' le,
Ise and a good yoting medlar . It ie convenient
ihurches and seheols, and is Isitiaated 4 nils 1
o .
Blyth and 10 from Clintim. For further
ticulars apply to WA.L1 ER ,CUNNINGEIAM,
he Smith part of said iota; or to Londes-
ough P.O. 709
111.1 FOR WA -One -hundred acres for
sale in; Tuckersmith, being ;lot 29, concerithion. I tak4 this opportunity
for a verycsuccessful season'
J. R. S. Tuckersmith. Thereare -en the pron-
Big Bargains in Crlockery
Duringithe months o/ January and Febr
to seculre the °est va e for 'yo r money
well selec
Or st
ck is large ant
A large stock of General G4oceries on hand, which. for quality
and przIces defy competition. .FLb UR and BEI) always in stock,
FEB RU, 22,
anl. Glassware
Sow is your time
4ered Seaforth,
ed, and pr ces lJw. Give us a calk
sold at mill price°. Amerman and d
etc., etc. FRE,E DELIVERY. 1.
Oil, Salt,
Has deci
ed clearing _ou
G (pUT
his whole d entire stock
isiepart4io s in the
At and below omit, to make room for large
Choice Ass
Wedding and Mournin
few sets of Choice Mink et'
Ijrnean this to be
may rely lin getting goods i
se a good frame house; a frame:barn and stables, attention o merit a °militia
g )od orchard and two good wells. There are ,
5 ,bres cleared and 70 free of stumps and vell ,
n er-drain el e and in a good state of cultivati n ; ,
h balancels well Cambered. with hardwood. It i
s s Witted ‘I•ithin one mile of Brueefield station,
1 eenven ent to schools and churches, and
'-it iin 6 miles of Seaforth, and 7 mike of Olin- -
jm and a good gravel road to bhtle places. Por
par ieulars epply to the proprietor on the prom -
1$O:, or by letter to • THOMAS MUNRO, Bruce -
1 el 1P, 0. - - 805
R SALE -The undersigned offer their
Fruit Evaporator and Cider Mills for Sale
( ip and tipon easy terms of, payment. The
1 in dings beve been fitted . up in e complete
net for the carrying: on of the .Fruit Evaor-
tir Business, and are now in fitst-elass working
C rd r, and e tine paying bushicss eat% be done.
at as W S Ro -ertson, one of the partners of
re firm of Ll D. 'Wilson & Co., has ,gone do Ed -
ton, Northwest Territory, to remain per -
at ently, the prop rty must b eeld aud the.
us ness of said firm finally ;close up. Per any
ic lars %teeth regard to said p operty apply to
t 6 an ersigned• D D. WILSO 1. Seaforth. 762
ST CLASS FARM FOR SA E.' -Lot 6, eon
eeision 13, Hiolet, 150 acre Superior land •
of Fall and Winter
sprini purohases
rtment of Ready Trimmed
M ill ip.ery. k I
orders done oil the short st nottice k city atylie. A
1 ma hand, *h oh will be old very low.
Grand Clear ng Sale w.thout reserve. Cue
this departie nt at thei own prices for a feirdays.
of thanking m
s trade in thi
mice of the Fitt
many C1113
Having purcbas
nese of D. D. Bu
continue the earn
de, theeGr:t1, its;
t tehsfo
next door to the st o
A new and cheic
on band, cOuSistin
niee t of
, which for fine flavor83:14
qualities, cannot be stir
those who leaf a
call and see iny 2Cle.
Eatery effort will be
tain the past repot tie
by keeping the id ed.*-st
the can simply
I -
money. Form pe
- I
IT tali-
ak af Orocenl 'es
good draiei
seised. I w'Ould
y osityto
, Oc anti Irde
ade te en*.
nd beet -g
for the least
due teken as
cash,. The EgnitsetivrIle Gilt E e
-Roller Fleur alwat s On hand, and geode
dellYered free of drama.
Referriug to ine oho -4e, ta this
oeportueity of than' iug ray cutomer
abil the public geneifally for the patron-
arwhich I eaceiee 1 for the het eix
years, and trust the the same lib
patronage will be continaed to my sue-
cessor, M. A. Charie wor
mer* in town and country
t, anti. hoe by continued
-.all; kind
acres cleared, well -fenced, tl oronghle under-
( ai ed and in'a higla date of cultivation; re-
ai der, hardwood bush ; two fi•ame dwelling
en es j
la' go fra me hire, s tone' narlation ; large
fririeMEd end we, k-shr p ; tbr e good wells and
c strrn ; 11 miles from Clintori, Seafozth and
ru sele, and six from Londestoro and Blyth ;
goo gravel rod to each place ; young orchard of
1110 reds. The village of Harlock, in which is a
slhc ol, post office, blacksmith shop, and two
stor djoieri the farm. There are 100 acres
e ti el free from stumps and tho farm la one of
the es 'in the county. Object in selling: the
p o rie or going to Manitoba. Apply to JOHN
0 R NCE, on the premises, or to Mr. S. G.
Me A GREY, Seaforth. 817
Flid IN McKILLOP FOR SWLE.-For sale,
e the north 182 ecres of lot 150 eoncession 14,
Mc eillop, of which.100 acres are cleared, well
foie '1, well ender -drained and 10 a high state of
cult %ration. The balance is timbered with the
best of hardwood. /here are eighty acres nearly
free om stumps, and 200 rods of board fene
7.he e are good frame buildings, three wells, aid
two are young beal mg orchards It is situated
n i1eefi'on1 the vi lege of Walt 11, 12 from S a -
fort , and 8 frim jBrusscls, with .good gravel
• rc ad • leading to eac a place. There are 14 acees
s( wi with fall whoa . The farm will be sold in
one )1oek, or 60 acr s of it, to Snit perches r.
Apply oh the premises, or address Walton I'. 0.
Ni ir-T tuclign8miTH FO SALE. -or
ale, or will be exchange fee a larger
pfliac , lot 10, coeeeSsion 8, Tuekeremith, c in-
t mi. g 50 acres, an of which is-,eleared aud
neat: • all free from 'stumps, mid r -drained, well
c d and in a high state a culte ation. a here
is tit reteclase orchard, a frame bare and stables,
a im ed log house, and a never 1 failing spring
oi111. This ferm is withiri five miltJs of 8eaforth,
; a ' ood gravel road and a school homier at tee
MI111 r of the lot. It is also within four miles of
vi lege of Kippen. The fa* will be s Id
w th r withcut the crop. Appl$& to the plto-
priet r on th4 promisee, or to Essmondville P.
P T '11 MO RE. , . 80
VA M IN MORRIS FOR .S..4LE.For -0 le
•'-' e leap Lt 15, 0 ,ncession 6, 41orris, coati m-
ing 0 acres, 35 of which are cleared,,well fenced:
partl • an underdrained;and about 2o, acres free front
se s, and about 11 acres seeded to grass. - The
le, lin ce of ti e land e well. timbered with hard-
eso and cedar. There is a g cid frame house,
flan rdbaanrdnsa aglol do dStbi 1 Casn;d aplusmo ii)).. gololdle ybouirldig-
in rs re a 1 rew, having been b ilt within the
laet our years. It, is within tiree' and three
(polar er inn( 0 from llruseels, and ,five miles fram-
Bele. ave. There is a school within a quarter of
e Mil This is a splendid lot, anil. -will be. sold
chea Appl - on the premises !or to Brussels ,
P.(0. HEN' Y CLARK, ProprietOr. ' 8I7-tf
. . For stile cheap, the residence and grounds
ad oi ling the village bt Exeter al ;preeent occu-
pi d y Mr. Robert F reson. -There are ten acres
Of la 11 on which is a aege and comfortable brick
hOis and brick stable wth all oelier necessary
out -b ildings and conveniences coMplete, such as
wood shed, well, cistern, cellar ' &C. There is a
splen lid orcherd of various diffeFent varieties of
fruit ncluding grapery and sniall fruits. The
groin ds are nicely elanted with shade and
ornan ental trees al d hedge. The land is in ex-
celle • t order. It is in fact one of the)nost com-
plete and cemfortable private teSidences in the
counti. and is admirably adapted -for a retired
feline; or geutleman's residence.; Is within 15
mieu es walk of the business part : of the town
and 1 cation for beauty and healthfuleess is ull
that could be desired. Apply on the premises,
or to 4xeter P. 0. Bonar l'exseee. 821-tf
will s
sof F
Jackets Bonne
price o ma
Goods. Call
11 for he ne
t tw
urs, tadies' and
ts and!
e room
and b
Cheap Cash Stc;re o
ats kt al
for 1‘,TAnt Spring
confine at the
•a. nosE,
--- II -
C L PAPST'S is the place to go,
Havnig iu J f-welry!lite! a show.
To get a Lecket
ofnhal: teib)senilettet.essi 1 et e l! e are there,so very reassn
,able hi price
R 'lugs end jewei 8 ii(j. anti. rare
please call on Papsla
His word is sere. i
Ee'r bue, jug from otlers ,goods BO poor.
RUB every man and wonian bora,
1 i
Look at Papst's stook to -morrow morn.
. -
papst ain't ashamed to show his stook,
And can be found in Ca -Olio's Blook.
, papa, says Chris' goeds ate best,
o weeks so in a Clock or Watch invest.
To please you he will do- his bet, and
try to. rival all the rest.
The best Vac:Tor:bete° Toronto ;t0
osi any
6ffman Brothers eafprth.
ing t
C3- 01_110 M1\1:
E ha e now opened at • marked thei
tion f our large and v ried stook of
e late t novelties in ea4a department
lk of Old Country goods, and invite
11 kinds of Dry Gooxlsi We are show-
and prices ill 11 found lower than
n DR SS GOODS the tock is very c naplete, embracing tlie newest goods
in the Britilila markets.
Vlde TEENS in all shades, and tie wear guarsinteed.:
Splendid range of MANTLE VElfrETS, CLOTHS, TWEEDS, TvrEL.
Good ange of BRAWLS and JA NETS,
ANES, and all Ilionse Furnirthing Goods.
3- .1kA I T..13 S 0 INT
Watcher?, Cl.,cks. Jen' lry, Saver -
ware aid Spectactes
Is at the popular jewelry store- f.
Au°TION SALE of Pa , Fai-ni Stock, Imple
meets, &se -The unsiersigned -will offer for
sele by Auction, on T14-entil ey, Izebruairy
26. ll 8 S.41, on ert 21, e icession 7, II licit, a
quantity of go d Farm Stook, Implements Houee-
hold Fut-Mien e &e Theri will be offered at the
same thne. the f inn consisting i of -96 ores, 86
cleared and in a 'gool tate of; aultiva ion; 1411
Acres seeded down. Good trem0 buildin elar e
orchard, plenty Ot Waim and only ti1 tre an a
half miles from the rising own 4 Olinton Sale
at 1 p-33:1 , sharp. ',arm w 11 be eold Best. Terses
for feren reasenable. 0 1 Amir,,ToN, Auctioh-
eer ; TilOMAS BII:LBY, l',oprietor. 845-2
N--' l3rioe has be, n insti 'feted by Mr. George
Sprott', ,Jr., to sell by Publ e Auction on lot le,
concession 4, L. R. e , Tue ersnattli, -oil l'hivili-
(key, loebtaisrs iri !:.,k'tel, ll '844 commencing
12 o'cloek,-- noon, tee following property, vises
One span of heavy di aught mitres, an foal to
Coiq'ahoun's ''Gle ,gerre ; 1 general purpose
mare, five years r ld; 1 ho 'e colt coining twee
from an impaited horse • 1 lly ceming two fronl
the same horse ; 1 ho. se e, it, -10 menials old,
from " Glengarry -," 4 milch cows, suppos d to be
and all complete ; 1 set of ' trucks, I ha rack,
in calf to a thoroughbred b 11; 2 two y ar Did
also a 'tack I f hay auti othdr:.Aritiiesituesn.s ()Tihe;lazialed
steers, 4 yearling calyr s, 1 iimbeir wagon, 1 light
wagon, 1 set (it doub'e ha iePS., reaper, 1 get-
eral purpose plow, 1 straw utter, 1 fannii g mill,
1 separator thresiiing asap ee with horse power
will be sold without Teem vet, as the proprietor is
going toedanit ba. Terms
under, cash ; over -that li000lIt ten ntonthe'
credit will be given on furn •bieg.approved joint •
notes. A discount of 6 cent is on the dollar will
be alloy...et: for cash on eredie =Mune-. GEORGE
SPROAT, Jr., Proprietor; a. .P... BRINE, Atte-
4-1 CERN. -As the season is now appreathing
'when those conteniplath g moving -to the North-
west may hen' quiring after the best means i()
aecomplish their object. We the eindersigned,
have deemed it adel elide to call & public Meeting
to be held at the 'Centennial Hotel, Ilenlefill en
Saturday, March Lit, at 1 o'elloek, p-tej make
anomie-err:terns, if poeeible, with the Redway C0111 -
party, so that passengers and freight may proceed
together by the 8111110 train for the sake of cone
venience. Party to leeve about the third week
in March. [Signed.1 JAMES LANG and JAMES
ELDER, Redg-erville P. 0. •845-$
R. VERCOE, Seaforth, being obliged to eg
South for a month for the benefit of hie
health, would be greatly obliged if those indebted
to him would call as early ae pot -Whit and settle
their indebtedness. During- his abeencis Mrs,
Vercoe will receive mope e and grant receipts for
the same. H. L. VERCOE, ecafsath. Fie
t•gb ehheoiusre
• 4i1
ly- co
• Pil
his p
one o
a lib*n mz
htia Oz
of lie
I 11 r mits e lob. 1;v:ti :III 11
:1 Y121
. I14 I
i next
' NV:44 )
c nte
otahli bli'
abn5,e4 :
noh the LB e ei
: aNn'edryi.
Ph 117
talk i
very 4