HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-02-01, Page 3sflRUA f:Ri 1f. ' magium EFT .1 rf w, : . k IT EY on hand a fall line o f the latest styles of AND A RLOR aft/. iy chows them sod the iE3 n- 1 TINWARE scription alwaysin, stook.. our g se ds, and guarantee nd right in price.. k of Table and Pocket Cate low prices. fine lot of 'Granite Kettles preserving, &a. All aim :T`OG HtNG,. of Jobbing Work promptly id satisfjtctiofi guaranteed.. kitting goods: in my line ft.. em to siee my stock and :es. leap Store et. Tin fraitse, [WHITNEY _Date Whitney Brotler& is e P, T S is the place to go, ewelry q lite a show. :wets rich and rare est stylets are there,. Fnable in price aket in Papst, sure, Fria others goods so poor. tan and woman born, at's stock to -morrow MOM. ashamed tOshow his stock, f"IInd in Cardno's Block.. aria goods are best, lti or Watch invest. ,u he will do his best, and :0 rival all the rest, ace west of Torontoto purchase 'flocks-, Jewelry, Silver- e and Spectacles popular jewelry store of `..d P PST , FEET, SEAFORTH. 1:: TIMES. . i MONEY, mg scarce, every person w where they can getthe r what they have to spend.. SEAFORTH GROCER, ,the problem. He-1at on a and choice a stock of -ries, for the holiday sea - be footed in the county. ohoiee and good values fits are fresh and cheap. red. ty of Good Pork and Beef ndthe highest market Beef Hams, Bacon and ay s on hand at the Cheap tar. k's Block, Seaforth. _stock of Crockery and every description:, UGC RO BB.. KING'S SPECII'IC, a Dyspepsia, always on P. IT�F� l'� IT IS THE '8 POPULAR GRAPH PARLORS, CALDER: at the helm, and now 'ea8rrn m' fatit approaching, and of Earon; and Perth will doubt • ethn g neat= and artistic in the -to seed asholiday gifts to absent 'es, ar d Mt. C being fully alive of this first, has made sped ts for the accomnmodation- of the CAI,I3Eit'el for Christmaa P1c- S for New. Year's Pictures.. For du sign, excellence of shade and graceful position, coupled with kgreuud and accessories give the. d. and thea, go away smiling; with picture' DRI W CALDER, Sec tt'a dock, Seaforth. AK RS, re have loud t the Tools and 83 lately Carried on by the God d Manufacturing Company, and: Yj,er•ionee of over eight yeas av prepared to carry on the trade s eted to na will receive prompt -class work guaranteed. `takers !,lade, end repaired, MO d Sheet :iron work, cte.,.at res ll/L'_1: Eraa old ones repaired= ea au€r, at prices that defy corn- 1dT'AL BLACK, Reim 1403,, God:crich. FEBRU4RY 1, 1884, IBefo Askin; Papa. hod the slim 4 the belle, ' Aw, mise, ean yon tell Why I'm like that apple y. plucked from the tree ?" r Canso it," she coughed, " s. remarkably soft?" ".A;w, no ; it needs paring , y you," ataamered phhe. irisg you inean, thong because it is green, And rather insipid, !nigh' answer," laughed she,. ' And not fully grown." 8 id -the dude with a groan; "jw, were I that apple, ,haps you'd halve. me." . ' And quarter you, too.- 0h, f r' sauce' yon will do " Spake the miss; "but, now tell me, why you're like the tree?" a Beeanse—I've a heart," blas • ed the slim, grow- ing mart, "-Because—tree s are sappy and crooked," said she. • w, you're," sinihd the slim,, "like the tree for you're wood •" `You'd better sly bored,'" :aid the mist, " as rm now, B ' t tree', you perceive; make a bough when they leave, o you, to be like them, may leave with a bow." Cfaetie. Choose a wife. rathe t r, an your eye —No man iii so insigni afire his eaam;le ban do —Ruskin sa s the less o r intentions, the m.or8 o ' realizing them. " My wife' remarked -Fitznoodle, ' s•fairly crazy over the fashions. -She's t the delirurn trimming." —Never judge by appearances. A edy coat inlay cover a heart in full bI om. I When yon fret and fume at the tty ills of ;life, reme Ao ber that the w eels which go round wi host creaking 1a t longest. —A person who thinks he knows all about farming says, in s.eaking about at,awberries, t -.. a best wa tceraise them is with a spoon. A gentlem- n having . is' -hair cut, d being anno ed with she operator's at es in the middle o each he said, " at it short."I At last he barber, in a rage, exclaimed : '• It bannot be cut shorter, for every hair on your head i"s. out off. - , —Dr. Chalmers used to say that when he isin the act of tipping his hat to a lay whom he apposes o be an ace aintanoe it requires a good deal of tat to make believe hat he is only sc etching bis rehead w, en he finds sh is a stranger. 'Are you married ?" . eked the jos- tic of a man who had be:,n arrested for va ranc_y. " No, I am no married, bat m ' wife is." " No tri a ing with the co rt." " Elea en save us ? I'm not tri 'tug with th court. I was married, be got a divor e. My wi e got married • ag in, bort I did ''t so I a not married but my wife is. TWO Engli lh girls we e standing at the foot of a hotel staircas:, roaring with la ghter. •.. Fpr pity ake, Mabel, do 't 1 said ope of the matrons who w with them. " They'l take:you fore on of those hoi rad Ameri an girls." An A mean girl happened t be standing at a head of s airs and Wetly observ- ed I gimes not with tho e awfully big fee by your ear cant as to be o hurt. re speak abort hence there is gi 1" A elergym n, being de nob pressed by lady acqua ntance to preach a ser - mo the first Sntoday after her marriage, co , - :plied, and c'aose 'the Following pas- sag!e in the Psalms as his text : "And th re shall be andance •f Peace while that `tamoon `endureth." tIt was a coibred Area a er who said to is flock : We has a collection to ma a dis morning, and fo' de sake of yo'reputation, which eve of you stole Mr Jones' turkeys don't , fit anything on a plate." One who w : s there says: `f very blessed niggah in the ohuroh ca a down wid de rooks." Never be ashamed yor ignorance, or the wi ear h is ignoran of many mn h that w at he k not bag in comparison d not know. There gr4'ter folly in the world t pos� that we know everyt• A0 • . Dr. Stephen, Directs the `German Innlperial Po gra hic Department, whit ins �:eotion entered the tele at irschan, j ns:t jet time ops ator receiving an offi fro : , Berlin, reading : " gua d. Stephen is on the r put his nose into - ever Th Director General i4og an then ordered the open gra h back to Berlin : 'rT is a ready in my pie." f confessing est man upon things iuso ows is mere ith what he cannot be a an to aup- ing. General of tal and Tele - on a tour of r aphis office o catch the ial dispatch e on your mpage. He body's pie." ed -heartily, tor to tele - o late. Nose Too Honest by : ail. gentleman stopped bi horse at a toll gate, and, not seeing th : gatekeeper, we t into the house. Fin. ing no one he egan to search, and fin lly discover- ed the gatekeeper out it. the field at wor' Although the old man was quite. a di tance away, the gen lemon went into the field, approached he old man, and said: ou are the toll -gate eeper, I be- lievf 2" es, sir," th old man eplied, turn- ing i nd leaning itpon his h e -Handle. veil, I want to go hrough the gate" - n't the gate open ?" es. ell., why dejift you o through ? ay business;to be Cher ." ecause I want to pay on." nd you canal() all the ay out here y me five scants?" " es, sir," said the gentI man proud-• okir.g the old man in t e eye. ouldn't yon have left the - money e table ?" es, but I wanted yon ao know that d' you." - ou are an h nest m'a. !" ea, sir," re died the :gentleman, while a pleased gp:ression spread over his fee. ou would have walked three times as f r to have paid me that five cents, won dn't you 7" es, sir, I wdnld." " ere, John,"the old M: n called to a bo that Iay in the shade call' the dog nd go along with this eller till he gets way. Bet e, hundred dollars he steal something 'fore he leaves - the plac _ "—Arkansaiv Traveller. FIo Japanesie Pop the Ques- tion. 14 ft i4 4C It's CI to p- iy, 1 cc on t 4• I pa 46 E4 'Then a young man has been "scotch- ed" ith an almond eyed beauty he ties branch of the oelastra,a species of m'stletoe, to thie door of her house, whic , if allowed to 'wilt and die, im- nplies/that be is re eeted, but if taken in d clone for, so also is the young man. To give proof o ..:r 'ncerity i muss the y u ad t once her teeth; : r a riage -agreed upon this ria of the ing parties meet nd the the of dowry and k .oi a day meeting of the lovers and the the wedding. -the pre - blackens as been ontraot- question for tl . day for' utsaC 'd. on re innoo nt of th ng rooster mu Mr. Ar ansas j lodge of, As Into " And you e charge of ate. Junes!" asked meek prisoner. c' Tee, air, I s cent as a child `' You are co�i steal the roost eir " Yes, sir, and } an. • nooent- .as inn& then oa prove that I d dn' rooster, judge, be an from Mr. Gars 6 a th Joneslives -five wile " The proof is ;co judge, j" discharg the 1. that yo did no Mr. Jon s ?" prove i I oan steal r. Jones' I stole wo hens same night, and from G-&rston's." lusive," said the prisoner. won to h in8 kept whe her she .0. good -oper teat .1 I w goin T thou coal ing to to Mel] easie nigh stud she hom but, that But she of h If cine thing E isie kills • denti Her was very treml made her. Ti o Tat. A worthy, ani • ,etending spa imen of the genus noutdinner partyto ase' Bledsoe, he boil- liant Senator fro •. Kentacky,a d asked a.number of pro a• inent men. In the course' of it the an! who sat next to Mr. ' Bledsoe t ke significantly at him, as he he p d himself lit rally a second time to :o a : Minty, an said. " Fools` mak : feai s, and w se men eat them, you • now,1 enator." " Yes. And h ve ! ou neve heard that wise men ke s : eeches, nd fools repeat them ?r' replied th latter, quick as thou 13 disgusted ith his neighbor's wont 1. *tad for the sa- credness of the ea t. •, ' Rat Bandy Thom lags, characters ower wise tae i 1 stout pan, he- ' in very odd carrying coals f knownlinoor to penurious old tr job wail finishe in an' get a pies Miler. 1'-Ctittin' bread, She gave Meek' yersel She then wen tin' she hack left Sandy devoured bites. Then, ee cut a whang off kebbnok that di e him in the very He was so eag: 4 " Sorry tak' yr ye mean ?" " Oh, Mistre s grid:" " Awfa''gui , y think; because it's cheese like a tnrhi wouldasoon elt in "Eat ye up 1 up ; hooly, hooly, noo; the•cheese'w unoo easy, bn. would need a to Forty Rolla, w>3 wer daft .tae s cork, an' arn'', Being other a toyed sometimes One dad he was A Brown=Better' Mistress . Jean—a lady. - hen the bad San y come when use she c idtia gie with lice of cheese; an' „ ere howiuohah'o elychild c ve itch handsemi eeth," e : = med to inerselt t e be die i. orty. 'dollars, i orty dolla say ng itself . ver i • her brain, the shopruai; turn d to Wait e as await).' ; A fe minutes too in/the d ntist' aloe. le se will y a see i; my teeth edo gh to u ?" shasked tirr ii e d otor sen a ed in a deli tiro s , but a stopped to give a urried+exminaton. ow beautiful 1 Tbey are just w I. ut. Cern to -morrow," he s k to bis work. e rept of he day Elsie's fati ht her wonderful y gay, b t not think why, for she said o f;her plan; about whioh she e courage ken the first e . o of it sobs` e . Hard things l 7n the; m r 'ng than they. and as s e sat in the twil'g ing hersel in a bit of :ooking- :1: honght sorrowfully—" I shu 1 her than eve -when they are hent, hew sill of me to care ab Papa levill 1 ve me just the s t w-11 hurt so to have them ent on €thi k ng, and 'every r od niv Bred at the pros w sn' fort a rent, and the .s or ap , and ver so many • -1- neer co ld 'beg, never.- Be son, it's of to be done, on 1" he next mor ing s 'e entered he is officio by the me•e force of 11. oursge • was all gen . Dr. t . w lone and sa.d " Go • d morn! .g" kindly,; but hen he : aw ho - -he sled, heiput h r on th:: lounge slid her drink so ething that qui: led Then lie sat down .y her, aid e whit your n : ne want'. -o sell or . e 0 0 a T}IE HURON E.XPOSI'IOki. me m. n't on ter ire ly ate the iat aid ger he h - an te- 'ok at is t, 88, be . e; Et t,1, ve ot. t- er s, it .. . ough. 1 said, 1" Now,; tell one of fir vilis, and why you teeth a em o 5. ✓ Mii >n as ai en he' bec a 8 le� a t t He could at la: story voice tellin -y ae em, sayi hanme." en 'the roon. e c eeee on t le table. is'nt w. at'he had g t in itwo. „ ei;1g the coast ear; he°i-ole, So, Mrs. ean's wee honed j the si :lna leave mackie ower. he w, octor told him a it that Jea> caught t. Elsie, and how grateful' he fel � , foiiget- spoke so gene only answer t he cot}tri;vec and his eyes husky severa . it u are a dear, she finiehed. on to see yo ly that • t first- ' pn wit. tears ; l tb got all her were,; et and times; bile she ie ut 18 as rave child," he d, " Nolw,`I am g.iog r fathe ." • first, ly. ''Is again:" liblibyou'll take the test you ?" the asked i ploriia never have courage .to coin " ever mid thatP We'll see if t ome better way out f this t he answered. et hand in hand, they ,t bas i k man. How hap ' and p s whenthe d. The following girl is told by a " Elsie !"p Xeei papa ;" away her tears where her ` fat helpless reedy gab, what data, with he plan of, going to a hosp l wher he soon 'got well eno gh to. Jean it w afa' in ` t.e doctor's bandsom: Bron ' while=Elsie, in her lace els nurse to born idiot de baby,; toile it ode the gr rid ye can rat ? Oot o' my Koos a {" docto 's Y° walks my So, though Elsie ept he ` teeth,- :h •y • ye saved both her and ' her fat , er from ; . v - p± - - i'stress Jean ea ye lenty:• i er Bann oy vre far 13 fell saft,nd ate y oerties, lass, you Short o boiling." menced writing, he -publish poems (' Ali:ref" )i in pi fo s ' lr Your Teeth. for dist ibution among his ;�` e s cry of ann�ish one of his college mates (no inline icon paper : gentle.. en) this paniphleet by the poet. Taking it ho dowwn and pu led ev vain. Thin 'ing him t saying an thing n the mart 1 piece would be stir' to pie eel ast,' and tvent to ghen he atered t first thing sai a Is 't 11 re to ut iu 1, s; le el distress. 1 Edgar) A Ilan oe.' y after Edgar Alla d the child dashed be -sat sprang to he bed ing in en laly bandag d ud witho` book father fore b morni room father left on 41 w trying down, it. it." "T ave' thong ed it out That -day an e p' osis n had h ppe ed in the mill wrier he Worked and he was badly hurt. " .`Yater!" he said f ebly She gave it to i and he en speaking. " Where's the .m ney, Elsie ?" Here, papa," p tting heir band ( on the bosom !of he d ess. " That's right.. ekfe good !care o tit's exactly y csi : ,father. God only knons w en we shah any moisa. Po ! chid 1" he ^a th t sI would se if you said` m fondly. An -intimate friend from .o hood •' Not. a bit of it,'; sh an were g ily. "You'll be at home. alt the time now, Edgar Allan Poe says he ne er saw and we'll have/ sir ch; a good time oa th- J smile ' hi '-life A� A4 a boa •aud� yo on tie' wa� 11, What sort {of boo the; mantelpiece ? Poe c d one. of is riends. as han elf too ti 1, where his is that on or tails f Her father gev sr a loving •• i man le, friend El ie to all end closed 48 e eta wearily. way, a fell into an tinea Imbiber. They came front gland, and had li: kellee°131Yin The two were in. ail to each ot. : in America but a few Months. I El te but ber father c le her his dove oi terribl him. comfort, and new a .e as proving ! er patience that Iliad, ve ybody lote r. 8ique' But, the weekla e t by, the Money he had was opent, and still he lay on his b d. fellow The wolf wee at he oor, Hovi c Id htIaPUuMa they keep bine:otft? ' was co -Then it was tla t her lath so d,' ring and the locket,' sh answere " You Must get them out and car them to Mr. 13Ittek.' 1 " Oh, papa, no'l t'e • all the el r we have, and main a thought v y - he put his hands -ov 'r h s eyes, an 806n Elsie saw the teara stea slowly t rough ,lids fingers. 1 I "Papa, dear, papa I I didn't me n it. How cruel of ra 1" she excl jolted, throwing ber arms a Out him. "II 11 them back again." that wilt be t' e eat despairing' • ; it few minutes Ebe et ont on he fir t her last. Tulle, a 'a ag in she en till every possible t a ,g had bee ca tied ; emd-meantime sh was le rnin He, tem poor mako en st sec hi dar- could they -do bat lie do n together an AA Elsie went he e rom her last a grocery to boy a lit le oal, and hil she. waited 'for _or r customer , sh cl 7 II WANTED, Fonr parted ron Teeth, for hic v ir I will give foNty do ars. Chas. Dow Den The poor little face Embed sc rle would take- mine " he tho ht i 41 Mother Savage 0 1 esterdsy she • ' He Was strong and orts of athletic ga in all thingS else. and -peculiar woy With: his ; weird big boy at -school go beating, until by eta hile the *beating w ing of an en pring, Oa emerging, he re determined lto wait gob exhausted, when e him °noel for tell al otions of prooe ies 111 111 11 devoted es, ab eterrni mel were writin his h ing hi dere fr and end until t he me just li ding. ver 8011 11 ke Of • 1 The tor , that Alm Linco n said fore eh m roied that the ma she m 'United Sta eaand I at there are lett her youth, n which ehe reit rated t • some are inclin d to lo think he Flame thi g whe they g marries , an before, nd as' somebo has to b: el cted President, about o girl out sf a million bits it ri ht. It safe to ay bat no girl ever ;parried tnan un ess he thought he had t making of he smartest Mal in t for love nd are reelly mashe to beg n young f now never s es his disadva tages. he eels th by proper tree. remit an a ice there is no neition i and she dec es then nd the e :to pit matter if bi bead is a numb r Mx an • 8, a ;d ttillt t them in co_n d t lay will t' 11 you t at thei is quad to ristake his mark i , a, d that 136 will se Pres slopes t fill out. him any who ma ward ba deuce, a husband the worl dent so , —the heti; master Stratf School i :ing fo the ; cOnnecti n Will Toro to Uui eipeoted the a large number • • rd Hig olding of men" i ersity a and it i ill pre 0 AUCTION SALES. TTNRESEIITED AOTION SALE of Farm ‘-' Stook and ImpleMents-Iiir. J. P. Bline has been instructed b Mrs. 0. Carter, o sell by 11 at 12 o'clock noon sharp the fol owing valuable 81X. years old ; 1 heavy draught horse, coming two ; 1 span of good Working h 'nes, l bleeding mare, 6 cows, supposed to be in oaf te a thor- oughbred bud ; 1 furl an cew, 2 heifers c, ming coming twoi in calf ail a there gabr, d bull ; i 3 steers coming two, 1 hillifer wroth v two, 9 serail; nearly new; 1 democrat Wagon, nearly new ; 1 wrought iroe gang plols, 1 wood a wing machine, 1 fanning mill, 2 plows; 1 turnip muffler, 2 sets of double harness, 1 set of singl haroess, and other articles too nun4rous to me tion. Terms. --All sums o11420 and nn er, cash ; over that amount 10 monthii' credit, wi 1 be given on furnishing approved endorsed not a diecouot on credit amounts. Proprietress ; J. P. BRINE. Aucti meet.. I The whole of the above propert will be Pold without reserve, beluga' the prope ty of the late of deceased aro c.rdialta invited attend th s 84241 REA.I.4 ESTATE FO VOR SALE.—A. conTIOIT-Cable r • shops, suitable f blarkem maker, in a -good part e the tow Tbe cottage is in rod repair, an situated. The wie le propert y wi ttage and trio tb and is pleasantly leap. Apply to TT OUSE FOR S 4LE —For sale 'as- property on John htreet, Sea to St. Thomas church personag cupied by Mr. Soolo. There is got tion, first-class cellar, slix bedroom room and a good kitehen. Also a hard and aloft water, a :iew stable, apply to the proprietor. D. InISS reiRld FOR SALE.—North half • cession 8, Morris, Containing which are cleared and nearly five There are on the premiliee a, good frame stable, two never failing we trees, all bearing. Tbe farrn situated, being only twp., and a b ther partieulars apply to F. 8. 8 or to BICHAnD LEES. Litidsay. that 'desirable orth, pest dear d stone fouride- ,parier, dieing aa;ng de *a°17 htarl perticulats (Worth. 8510 a lot 29, mo- from- stumpa Irg helm and hen red froit f .m les from th !For lea - OTT, Bruesele, 'piRM IN STANLEY FOR SALE OR TO "4" RENT.—For sale et to rent lot 16, Gosheh Line, Stanley, centaini'ig 1(.0 acr ,,s, 90 of which are cleared and id a go, ,dtirsstta. balance is composed of etelaosfs alrtaivwaotoiodnb, utohlie There is a frame houM, good b nk barn with stabling underneath, and a fra o stable and ere. k i unnirg throingh the farm, together with 11 acres of fall wheat a d about 22 acres seeded never -failing wells at tl e buildings. there are to graas. It is within 1eur miles of hayfield apd six Low Bruceileld, on 'the Great Western ;Rail: way, and within a mile f school a id church. It is a first -clam farm an will be sold cheap i r rented on easy terms. For furt er particulars NO 10E. patrons of the Bluevale Chet se a d Butter Fee- Blnevale, on Tuesday, February eh, 1884, at.* o'clock p. m,, for ahe pa pose of s fling the whey for the incoming seeson • the 1 tting of the drawing milk on the 6dt:rent r utes ; the de. livery at the fectory or a sulfide t guentity of wood for the next season ; the co firming of corf tain by-laws, and' the rfrensaction of any other business that may be b onght befo e the meeting, RESTAURANT AND CONF CTIONERY BUSINESS FOR ALE. THE undersigned wish a to disp e of his Res- it. in the fiou shit g tow of Seal rth, together with a lease f the pre 'see, A good business is now beim; alone and ould be la gely increase& 'I he stook is light, and r asonable terms will ha given. Apply to the pr prietor o the premises, MeCIR Ea R, N--/ class Fire, Life and Accident I isurance Com. panies. Debts collected and retina s made with- out delaY. Money to. lean on i proved farns property. All businese Proausted o me will be Promptly and carefully attended t . Office op- posite Mr. Kelly's Jewelry Store, H nsall. 84,0x52' TAX PAYERS'f ATT NTION. HOPE that all who have not paid their taxes ebruary. If will have tO do, but we want to have the busineas Wound p as soon ae possible. 8 . CIARNOCHAN, Collect r. 841 BUT yet will do so beforejthe ist of so, I will not say a wordr if not I see abotit it, which I doe. t wish to JOHN LAPR Late of the Royal City Dye Works to do all sorts of Dyeing on any any desired shade. Haviug bad lo in some of the largest dye works i is thoroughly versed In the newest proved styles Of ooloring. j Seaforth, or ?IR. JAMEIS cora,' villa will receive prompt attention. Charges moderate and fratisfactio Ladies' and Gentlemenis Garment renovated, making them eppear as IK, is prepared abrio and in Ame:ica, he nd most ina LOUGHLIN, cleaned and d as new. JA!VIES A. RINE HARDWAR2E. ERC STONE BLOCK, WI fifteeia different styles of Axes ; nine different' makes eut Saws. Also the! largest complete stock of CUTLERY GHAM ect from Chopping of Cross- nd most AND SILVER-PLATED WARE Cruets, Cake Baskets; Pickl Bo ttles, Butter Dishes, Napkin Ring , Knives, Porksand Spoons. Also a f 11 line of the celebrated ' NEVADA SILVER G We have a hill warranty on o plated. ly as represented. ; e140t- goods, end guarantee them to JAS. A.OLINE CO. 1884, JA.NUA.RY. 18811. NEW LI-( OR STORE. but DERS FARMERS 8i. MECHANICS COOIKING ANTI) HEATING STOVES. TIN, COPPER AisID SHEET IRON WARES. BEST BARGAIP1S TO CASH CUSTOMERS AT, .MRS. QIIN KIDD'S Cheap Hardwa e and Stove House, Seaforth. HAPPY NEW MER Y CHRISTMAS. We Have a Large Assort- ment of Useful Articles Suit- able for Holiday Presents. Please Call and Inspect at file Cheap Cash, Store of HOFF- S., Seatorth. MERR1Y CHRIStMS. -13 NEW Ha and Far and TH LUNG FIRM IN SAFORTH. SEAFbillITH ROLi.ER MILLS, LATi THE RED MILL McBR.I DE St. ing 'lough best mao SMITH, from Strathroy, the above mills, aad refitted them throughont with all the late the resul era sn have it ho attained is, they ow get all their,;G me with them the MILL, aye one of the beta mills in the Provine ame day, and Satisfabtion Guaranteed. -For sale by the ton or in less qua tities—FOR CAS11. Cosh for any quanti of Wheat. MR. THOMAS SMITH wi 1 personally superintend the Seaforth st TEAS. TEAS. TEAS. THE SEAFoRTH TEA STORE Still sitands firm at the front, and is the oldest one on the list, and will sell Teas as cheap, if Lot cheaper, than any other house. Is now receiving daily large lots of Holiday Goods, and is oPeating Out some of the finest exi cheapest got:ids ever offered in Sealorth.1 His stook is now complete, and he extends a cordia invitation to' all to call and inspect Ids stock before parch/ming ; elsewhere. He feels confider]. that lais etock will please and satisfy all who may favor him with a eall. 'His stock consists of Tide% Sugarla Syriips, Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Dried Apples, Coffees, Spices, Cheep°, ali kinds 'of 'Canned Goods, Jellies, Candied Peels, Starches, Soaps, Tobaccos, all kinds of Extra° for Flavoring, a fall stock of Flour, Brea Shorts, Cornmeal, Oatreeal, Oats, Peas, Barley, Spli Peas, praham lean Buckwheat Fiona pples, Onions, Potatoed, Selt by the Barrel and Flue Dairy; Salt, Pork and anger Cared Ha and Bacon, also a well-geleeted stook of China Crook ry road Glassware, Tea Sete and Toil t Sets,a stock of all kinds of Fish on band, also Coal ; Oil. atmeal exchanged for Oats at mil rates. Goods delivexed lam of charge. ULT Main Strcet Seaforth. REMOVAL. Seaforth Musical Instrument Emporium, 'door north of t selected stock spoken of by al the Industrial and Orgini, an bookf4 Agent SCOTT BROTHERS oe that they have removed to Mtge commodious premises, one e Post Office, where they will be found with a large and well - of DUNHAM PIANOS, which are so well known and. highly musicians. EXCELSIOR ORGANS.These Organs have re. est rewards wherev+ shown, and have also received a diploma lilt air just closed at Tbronto. We also keep in stock other Pian all kinds of small instruments, Sheet inlasi0 and instructio wanted. SCOTT BROTI:IERS Seaforth. We take pitapat( e in a flouncing to the people of Seaf rth and surrormaing vicinity, that we h ve opened;ont a NEW LIQUOR STOR,E1 Coraprieing the hoicest Brands of -Wines and Liquors, selected and bought from one of the leading "Wholetsale HOUSeS in the Dominion. ' OLD PO T WINE From fngrand. DRY SNERRY A CRAPE WINE From Franco. Madeira and Xartts4la Saerameot From Spaiii_4_4aaLranted pare. D. K. AND HINWS HOLLAND CIL Mountain De____vit from S4ot,laud. GUINNESS' PORTER Bottled by Bulk° from $relaad. Old Rye, Malt Superinir Wh4skies Brandies. dielmal purposes( and amily nee. (a tietexal ;Remember the Plate, two doora oath 'of Rob- ertson's Circular haw. W. KILL WROXOTB NJ ILIA Begs to annotince to the Publib that he lias.corarnenced to ;operate the WROXETERIWOLLEN FACTORY • and that he be prepared ;tie give :mood value in FULL ,CtOTIELS, UNION TWEEDS., FLANIa ELS, CUSTOM Spinning and Fulli ea to. possible, have; thei them, and al3 he ha good working Order but -efficient wor warranted. ! g promptly attend- tance as far as Rolls home with pelt the mill into and employs none men all werk ALE*, Gli3SON, PROPRIETOR CANADIAN 10 OF COM ERCE. HEAD 41e1 E, TOROliTO. Pahl up Capttaf, Presici•ent, Hon. Win. lit ter. SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to receive deposits, on which interest allawed On the most faeorable terrar. Drafts on all the priacipal towns and eitier in Canada, on 0 at Britain, and nil tam OnlItedi States, beught d sold. Hotel. 689 H. IRELAND, Saanaser. F. TIOLYRSTED, ;INSURANCE, ,ANA LAND OEM 18 AGENT for tte eral First -Claes Stook, !lira and Life Triennia Conipanies, and Is preaaa. el to take risks on he most favorable terms. ; Also Agent fox se eral of the best Loan So. Also Agent for th Sale sad PurobasiOf Farm and Villege Proper y. • improve of Firsts !alms for Sale. emo,oilo ta 1 own 'n.1 Mx- per cents Agent for the mile 1 Ocean Steamship Ticket* 'OFFICE — Over M. Motrieon's Spore, Main Street, Sealorth. 64‘ AGRICULTURAL The Glencoe eultn facturing Company ave the farmers of liar arranged with MONROE 8p HOG THOMAS bloll9ON To keep constantly on ha I- Implement Manta - Perth that they Ineee eter, N, Seaforth, d all repairs for t WROUGHT IRO HARYESTER them, also for all the mac nes formerly mamas lectured by THOMPSON al WILLIAMS, of 8ttabl. All orders for Machinery -left wit their agent, or addressed to Bon 3a, REIN .143AII.1,, receive prompt attenjtion. 815 I, ROWER Agent. WANtE FARMS DF ALL IMPROVED & PAR Any one wishing tO CILARLEIS E. Land Ofllc4, Dun MONEY T At lowest rates of in rest. ESCRI TIONS, LT IMERIDV.taj 816-26 0. E. class a property applying tO ondOn, Ont, aser by BRY LOA 41317 BBYD0F.,8, Mont;