HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-01-25, Page 8I __ L I7i IIIIIIJANUA�y 5,, 1884a IFIQSITOR. RON Zqx 81 ki u I -kin i or to rent.—As this village is situated V -�rivfiay of C tain 11homaso home, *i bh� the gMondviiie rres terian foots brilge.—iCarried. Moved by D Ig tock- TRY THOR14E'S E X.E., 9 IA.Y, w i$42; I mm( is E in the control of &,flrst-plasa agricultural I 4 I �o�t,,that­th DaWeli ewe4,45 as ings, , 'Blel I- uffip to a fice to a a few' moments Adr a C1 urch w I be held on th e first 8 bbath Mainson, seconded by J. S 0A,itiog e Is lamb 123 hon;ias, an as I e!,f top urob, Toro to ill reach ta*.es immediately and return his heim, ewe 7. evve, palvatiodist as i ilibwn out by aptain in February, when the Rev. Mr. mith, ool�ector be n6tifled to 0019AVuw district, We 'ondilar aol�e energetiema of means Or ab�lity !does not ere9t a GO lamb $21; V. ad dow to the of Erskine Ch da o hat xd toe: a fo owing to the treasuror THEY'R9 fir grist will a� it would �e a prfitsbI6 in r& :claim, at the usual h before the at C. Monteith, - Uibd ei sh iarling - rat a i ree the la Or N' a outs. On —CiLrried.; Moved byl S vestment. T1 a fuimerOnd others would $15; J. Cooper" �g d itip 046. T1 a - I ink yo w 14- do batter to: itay at Monday evening the 'Oev. Mr. Smith February. i awards buildi a wilr deliver his p4 ba give some ago stilcO t g m We will commeitic r semi, en d' I Ome, and I iiniql! w tr wife and M Anfival tire sale amount 0 3,800. . M. ily, apul�r le�tuie entitled Smillie, so io�ded by J Sproat, t a too mee goo( in &!at CALL AND OET S0114E ill to Pr ioal miller.—Thereis f i1eit n 'Thumd' 'IDr tt e t an Funing arl. rid th ci)unt - en. 'Cho Sins of the Pows.1 Mr. W. J. this Council o now. adjourn 0 wee and Mrs. Love _y ILY iEguioudvfflel� od a splendi-I place �in gur village for a OldConutr It whI6 r ti iey g� wit h tb e I i %gec in sue a it di ulo show FEar, surgeon. dontist,ba-ving di y sposed. agan at D I 'a hotel, is urc a W,.uld it n�it be. well for the la I Y, -Aetoe labruary, a w, ery. Holly andl Mi of his bboiness ild-Nitaholl, has decided Sat t W ores Zf2nd of r -hope that the 8�5� V vage aid chat go i council to take it in hfqnd and establish air will impr Love's oaAth h* I OB�ITUARY.--Sizab!Albcrt&Smil�h,wbo to open an office. in town in the ho r of I b"clock p. In. 1 STOCK" TAKIN4 t arted thi a I . i I a 3ND, NOT —The follou6ug one or a -c eose a or is ing. This It 0, the 8th it a rooms over Mr.' MoLot ghlin's store. EST Es. has been in a! y uni tiq tory it's' I dep O I tell lover ra oral mi I big emit I a youing woman ati- Woo sh *is & BPI Ddi&vicidit tor either,—Our a we take from the No e Ir sov .4 I fo ku6wn as Mt. Fear is said:to be a t Bod note Iro are oi. g much better ;k ly bring many 0 bl . 11 e IDSCK thereof (ri %,gas 126 tbo'Be, who CC nor, and we have pleas I rb in w 31com - E ra of laid wepk: Mr. E. Johna, of th dresti-make I ing 4im as a citizien.—Mr W N. Wat- 2nd conoehsio�, hav�ng built a comfort than they a �tioipiite resh idiportm 0 W know ha ill able to bear tooti- 4 4 I I�T A FEW WEEK� h. Of a deli. so i, Of this town, able and commodions residence, move IAND on to her e u wor, has been agal a ap f 10 0 1 Usbome. COMMANDRU ommandtr pate onatitu tion', *,I ioln, i n the 14 k`two pointed one of the county auditori .—Dr. thereinto last week. It is I a fram ING THE Cheyne arrived .it oli terda�,. I ears seeme( to MID re delicate, till !!(,lines, the newly appointed county stracture, erected by Messrs. Cooper AN-mVERSAiM Szjtx0.-is.—TLo antli- an Y eary sertirlo in the a treasurer entertains the in ver D18TRICIT -a r diness. orhis I that* ayer o! so! hy iousan a, con emb are of MC)K61)zie, of Clinton., which is a guar It a, were pre 111ATTIBIRS. 'is'now tboroughiv Iached entertafilmout, tlii� eve dir g, , and; we I sump tion, la, d ho hy. county council ate, complim ntary' ai�tee of the workmanship beitigPrOP617-1� Thames Road PreBbytorian church, on g are glad t I It her of new ored' or (In at are on )par at the British Excha ly xecutel.—Mr. Henry O'Brien be 'i Sunday, the I, th -insb., in tho forenon O'learri� L4, 61; hose tb nge Hotel, al Is MON Met Scottish views ii, add tion—to I um she gal Ve (nee 'or some years Gc dert this a are also taken the building mania On hi Mr.: Fletcher, anc -Of SzzvioEs.�The anull- is se -wons of, the ihodi* Chureh of. the tot. Friday eve ing.— by the Be I by the 113ALANCE T� T in thisto,wn, will,(D. V.) be reachedon be has been. eilil. arrivied her 3 past f the' lig'I'O $":)ant of her, mi d to stal; that a 11 moo iing of lot,� one ir ile i3ast of Granton, Irib abste a Rev. Mr. ickson' o I27th illst., a oic, 'AC) Lntry since 1 a Iidext. Sabb t 11 a. In. and 6:$O p -direct from the ��l for f I quent W ife the rest ,(if tb membersof!tbeClior I Society will areoted a inog� elegant and subatan.ti I vening. On account of the stormy -or, M. A, (if Ch%thaW, y ra, , wort ro aday evlgn-'� matision t 41., b the rsev.Ww.R. Pai I ite r�,c , weat ]Fiesident of the Lundoin Con ere, c) Special ach;d town', and ii 4. shown to. familty Ila Vjing thernsolv9s, she be hold in their oms on O rhelbuildingis of w i her ana bad road the congregations lif i0ailiections w.11 be taken morniu Yen' night for the �first �inie. 0 1 big entex - woul� , -withd -aw ilciqi b) iem, w I ore in f tfte with slate roof, and is built o t le I ost! were not WE WIL-� O6`FER gaiit� e lug in iui next, when al fall sta ement 1) very large. The tes, meeting j6d - I lie I �rust fund tainment 'DL London � t to PreeL Prom perfect quie 5neff B)he qould re i d and aff iirs of the aoc:ioty will L a given. —The� moaern a yle. of gothic itect re., on the following Mond evening, how- Imy I domfor. TYL PROPIC FOR 'SALR AT, A BARGAIX.— Says: ThO vie�,a ti ro, wit on th 3 study her Bi )le. Was all this I .11 inti- attendance of pupils at the SeLfokth' Wewish r.O'Brienevery ever, was one of: the most snecehsful Tbe subsdii,er offem f,,r , sa e, one of the irtiry $,canvass wetis roavly lent, being D!tatic n give that 111er end was 3oming Hi jh School is larg6r at the resent� happiness in We newiltome, which, its al that has been held in the church. The xtra IndU6 i's ln�'i ce� ,olow i P m TV I**t sites ii z Sca orth, known - aa' th( 01a V &I 11 by far the lh�fft Of t ki d ever em. IiIear, f 140 he iv rag, nQt: learn- tini`a'� than has been the case at any' retired farmer, he 130 fully deserveii,—, attendance was Veryilutge,asmaybe 11tomeNte Iota 11 and 12, opposite the- Prahby Loudd P-'[ goes froin 1 it I SBO hen h6r illnesii came tiniellfor the past four ye rs &till new The youn pedple's I terary. society that', judged from -the fact t4at the proceed -a' fArian Chu %h, on which ate erected two dwell- 19 bibited in i I 1, h-ut-eE, Wit] seli separaeely or tgethor bore to Toror'It he in V�1' ation of th 3 18111 k' ei it Oul idud in ideatli, � ut she schollars are-coniinually coming in.—, as 0sual 0 Tuesday �veuing, 15th FOR CASH bw amounted t6 the v0y large sum of Tiale, 1), rfe4 -,.t. App y to I CAR] 1, 80 forth pastor of R, iiii! i treeti cou rogation, to .did lik ny, shkink In i in the Mt . Robert Jamieson and Miss Jamils- in No. 6 ac L-iool. TI tt d Tea wt a -an once Wasi 0112.56 afterPaying all expenses I ft for the Old Count y on Thurs y In Followi?z 842 hat church. , We ithoug it, but be Cc] trary, ; a re- sot. e, Beleotio s was served as -nee exhibit big vi wo:iii t on innusuall large. usual, and the abunds' th Cb KIND WORDs.—A4 old fri5nd' and 'hespeak for . be Com an&r a large markible de a Voi evidence B to had day. They -sail from N w York on most worthy of colmml ant, are: At, may be jugde"fro' g Good8 viz' na toe fact that not enbscriber in E"dist Wawanosh writes as audienoo thisiev en.111. g, 1 no file ar of t. J 4ring, 3or illness she 8 �,utday. Mr. Jamieson expects to! logtie entitled "From 'PumpkiaRid e"d withotandiDgIbe Urgdattendance, there 601 ring th t she follows "I may Bay tI;at generaliv 3r4 in about oev'u wee is, but Miss are6itation'by Kiss Gilpin, teacher, r voas not bb.ck ard in re a much left as was used, which WV tANNEXATION vs TD19R. TION.—A do;. trust6l -in agin blood Jaini ason will r a reading by Mr. John Thorp. The" ry., the readers of the Exp(lsiTIDR abd othei a t,� Whos emain in tlite Old Court I would lead one to suplDose that Usborne W d:,io th f vi.ould cleans for the summer.—At., the present benefits of such meetings are b-ecoming! is still a land Of plenty.. Excellent, �u this locality are weill' plea3ed with b0it i ill be-hol 6.04age room d, a frc I Il sit , and tli rough tr y nut tbeexcellLmt, pithy, and ikensible edi. te a, luavi u n Wednesda] wholm she co ifid �i exlecte t e ncil Mr. Jno. perceptible in the In Der in which the' short and pithy I Add;resses were givn T Mechanic' d end meoting of the County Cot MantZe ah -aienirlg the 3Qth iD a t, t o begi of he faith, i IV th sa vAtion 44 her BeAtfie was appointe stee f the younger in ambers acc ait themselves,' in by Rev.Mr.MoCo'' , of Egmondville, I ! , e S, torials b ave lately. appeared in nAt I d th-a 'th Rev. Mr. Quatrice, �f Elinaville, and Rev. y 0,01 iotirpaptr over, the County Treasurer- oak, sharp,, on'th 116wing subject soul. She 68 n? onlyy illing to die, S8E6f6,rth High 86 ool in glace of r. A. entertaining tl�p Mee iings. On Tties-, h but lo'ngiog1hr t� dhip it the kavn h6ur v hen able could ques Well done the 1�xpos.rrolft Resolved th at ion of, C Armitage, who declined to act for an- day,eveninglait the billowing subjee-tsl Peter Scott, of Crdmarty, and Rev. Mr. I* -d —more power to ytoatt elbow. ads to th6. United Bt step OUldbe 0 recogi ize tl a firot ap ach Of the other; -term. A 'better adlection could were debal �ed on—Rel olved, tb at k n 6 w - I CeDam, of Eliniville, The apeecheg Shawl, betieficial to her than Xm erial F6der chain 3 that , voulld ql�se 3r eyes orever not P 9 have been miade.—W learn that, ledge is more 19'ondu: ve to happieog were varied by sol6s.given by Professor *h, Hugh M he first meeting a.tion." Affl.rmativei: Gig(rge Lockhart upon 611. thin "a zt,,t�ly. With rtb,_ 1 iah School than wealth oa ; n forth, in his usnal good Coumed DoiNGs.—T - i ach a the pitpils of the 'Peafortb cDonald ''of Jones, of of tbignew Lowli cottucit. washeld as supported by George:, M arc io, N at. ve faith d on oh f ope sh3 feared noth- int ind g1VIDg ad 11111131ca and literar Tuckerornith, �bo bag been visiti Tweeds' eg y Dg Ibis style, assisted -'by Miss Jones,whoplayed Su pportec. by -T. 11 ing, b t w&Fj,-,onf r te,:OUL W,t.16 i iast. T. L F. Hilliaid an rfainment in � daughter in Ka:nsas, r3turned bome, last the aiients on the organ. On 1 The MaYC fty a. 9,,onf ant all things would ucefiel next Friday Jug "W hilE Dig respective I =94 )r. Reeve, Pepiat� Rqeve, nd Millan. We miglit Iso -inention ihai be fo heritritti ph. I wet —At.- their cc uncil Tiinrsday. Hb eDjoyed his trip v0y, account of so 1�rge a supply of pro isions vi IFlaz Bett, Wiklou,Pd1dLau,Fai r- the winners'of thio d bate tire to N the Be Do of inch life as this, vr feel meetings on Monde, last, Mt. George much. tcounciflo y b6iDg left over, a secord meeting was lay and Davidsou, John holl ind and R, the f , roe of the `BaYing, B lease I are Ho'l d was elected DeFuty-Recve of held on TLLj,0.,Jd ,were pre 1, nz, and challetiged.by, 'ay evenj wet do Sparling, suppo 8, th USIL which also at �c ian I de. the -d �ad who die a Lo rd.' Me a-ving a scribed to t -- ---- iary here, op and Mr J. Shior i of orae. Blytt was, a very p�leasatn t aff air, and nearly I 1� Of t .01aratioija -of office and. quatifloat pendenciEl. The b(v8J, to.] lid M4 oh doa�%Lh, is- th�,� a "Ibl It wl ere, ob if rave, Ion ng NoTEs.—Mr. W. H. McElroy shot a' as successful 4a that of Monda, y k their seats. Mt,. Win. Euiott Was' these debates si e is tby victory ? t The ath tg of d ath is melfinop.; - large owl on Friday in ght last.—Mr. of th Ei, re-elected clerk. A O'cim-mittee oonaist. we trust the pilople town' ill gin,'the strength 0. -1 the, IWO,, but NEIIiLY A BAD FxRE.—Tlie resilience H. Shane has gold his large * livery us� Hullett. of the fill the place t Ove fl tvilia. thanks be unto )O� who oriveth. a the ball, Maver, Re�vej Deputy-Reuve A. oil ver �Clqain "Au - 9 " I of-hir, John McKinnon, On the llilith to Captsin McCulloch, of the Gr Did' Couxem.—The Council elect met at the 0.11ors Willson 001 lacti t k, be 086 IiDi the vi9t6rX-throbgI(o rL'ord aging C ris ocincessIon of McXillop, od the Hullebt Union Hotel, Clintion.—The Sch' ,�tnd coun rt and It 0 01 Londeaboro oi� Monday, 21stnat., Made t.n a 13vas appoi.. ted tOL fftv rk-e the staudiug benefit of th nstitut,8.1� �Com, i I The towujine,had a narrow 66 pe from fire Board i3 to oi� th first Wedies sy their declaration of office, and entered cummitte it for the yl�ar. aud diAitle the The roof 0 ugbt ti in Matea fa -Upon their A by -law -was passed one day last week. eve4ing of diaties. of the various! tow offi.d.trra, and: BEL�HAZZkll 8 i9AS'T.—The Cantata M 9ach mone Ulstleriq Ve, PERANCE ENT�E RT IN Will T. — he Ishazzar'3 eati, or the Fill of nin-4cal. and htiermryj a te in . the of Be fire fr)na the chininey and[ had gained stor6. fixing the salaries of officers. OUdS Sre to rep rt at next Ojeting of otinticil It inmen 00131 iii arable headwhy wilam noticed. Babylon, by tie, 7nio6 cietv by J. Lasham, seconded by J. Britton, 11 which will be he[d out: Monday lisvouing t;he TownHall, on riL: a ening I I fouc at, FoAu iately, however, Mr.i xfcKinuou, text., of Seaforth, W aneslay evoning Howick. that Richard Jackson be an auditor.— -he &ua under t iVisit the ood, Tc in- and N r, Jonkins who wag on a amsin overy the, at W,L Re It v ry resp got of this to�Vn, WILS 41 I AT.—A Scarfs, plars last Was a 81 HiRID Ila E f w days ago Carried. Th' ointed Aiq lm;p.(]R 1were both close at It 7 d, and by aTAX )i a tormy follow. a g a. Campbell thepther auditor. R. Smith T DEct ra-tifyiug' 1,* as I(Otvvvi, respect. Dea',� ithiacold and a and 1tobt. Woods, wi a small number hatandug lid - determined. wor eneigotio and k they tug, wtill tie maitereat,nig aud umefal to thti fact, that, tb evening the Due ally of In ate was re -appointed assessor, and Thomas Vre w re. , 5epce wis It a'cc ter attr to i i I . d-ost readers: a' large, thqre succei�,ded in extinguishinj the flame �n, thrashed 245 1 ushels of o Neilans re-ap Og Elf' Uoulvr Jud.90 Sin- I a I eing many, applications r an,bbur, for Mr' Haskens-, on the botia d- Pointed collector. 62 d 'y tions in town tb oalm i ening, he f N onttworth,'� roe 1,1:&II wus, ey were -grea & running ary I ine. for reserved seatis i wiiicb wa andial to Alex. Robertson Woo .0swr aeatly decided uld IIA be Th tly aided b' tax a, ref, i d Cot th6 toor. Ilia f . which pasaes near t I house and �rojv,L 0 D. -V 'il- Bupplie!d. 3 ment its a A NEw I wronglially assessed. The followihg so- is assirsfed ill a city chair was Ocqu Zell Th � laintl6irtalu stre L a 106 OFF' c-E.—A new post p y Aperiot had it Dot been for this it ik doubtful if bell. tor the usual 0.2 statute limbor tax is not sull, who surprise to all and we the couil Opulled th� een 68talisbo'd in Howil;k, dared to be paid, Viz eE lings b r a offie has b tc ezvm, thLirefori, ii,ilder short but a -beat a the DIace could have been s ived. . a it G16i ves,, xpeot&t;onl3 Of even the most between Belm�re ani Lakelet. A, Ro*bertson!, repairing bridge, ii(I'd in-wh ch or so was he damage done was paot Berioug. the 78th section of the A-4881481neut Act, he dwelt, sanguine. T ilg�6 w&e, In all 8be)ut name is Election expezises, 6051 H. Allen, extra (in up(in Lie a, �18 Of latemper tie Huutin�field. u rt, 66 - V ,1111ply, b(JWiDg that he paid, the %,#r- forty �voic ere STOCK.—he �ig stock -raisers aud. the. btne, 1111 of to it abl�itinen 3 ea. he 'B: i4al cliarIL13t of tLe I statute labor and repairing a lVe ton, tui other Eau S. Cole, dln*ry t&XV3 OD land i a' Were well take a d faithtt: Ily reni ,, red, 17th co ces3ionof Howick' will likoty and. o1ci The Rev, Mr. 11 Blak.e. ang; cu . DIOA� d 9. &I 3o delivei �ed falities: wbich inGluded' at& tF3 labor a most X wbiletheoosti. el ere mtractii tu u &ptrite siucl,6 I e aDd rn ouT tho best class of fat cattle ttl is Churchill, to get *hat bare ctill ub addre Bo. ThE CR-EAm--r,,Ry!.—Tbe_- f.rst annual Itu -2 boltS and taxes in Places, but that 1; mp 'ropriate and Itl a usic was si dh as f tg �b at spikes to put the piers of BiDgham's 14ra, in The'musical a lectiolus"':b the loi go P meem g 0 the Blake or 3amery took 8 pri I: they have done for several SPr=41AL -W&H ontly ia.iempt from the paylael-t (if choir, and t4e 6 gs. aud r fists 8eldome, if! 6 bridge he c tationo by p aci 3 i n the f actory on Frid %y, the year . The mo Be )r d;at pa rtic ar individual t: U1 bers, we in oa11, tax 0 U i 0 Seaforth befo 3.: act I them well ran ience 108 ter a very in ereEting an( iu- men are a.i, itchie, Walla a, as si rprise as a ei t -b the were d6lighte L sed "charity from Is Jewr paid 6 aimiIiiar tatute hi hor 4ti,x de:yed. and and straftive speech o Ow" h and n nett. j, were grant. Mra I, I., Y. aPpr: , ii �d . y n the ere mery inter- Janu- to question gon len ho com 1i In art was g)t' ary, 1884, viz Mary Conley, at the rate ' th . the Jadies an4 401se,whore. In the ca t, audience, he en to rtmi pose- est, by Mr. Win. Johnston of Kirl.ton rb I son atsE msed caini "d that paylp"ut the society tofeel iof-675 a year to be paid to D. Reyol com ten up W .0 �1 in t nefit Of the'. rond for whinh the meeting retu Died thanks, S ;shine. de and clothing; Mic N Of taxes on land hil county Oi B14"t, poor of of thei success, an the very ma ifest andl� tLe auditors' report i dopted, the he roads between tile for her board hael I FUR ErliK LocALiTIE3. h of $25 0''lizod. for that 4ch inal, 0ed a evitta til,14 very hand. appr ate liabar �tax. some %u:m 00 ation * �icl:i 1greeted their ef fol win ffi were ele3ted for the VlIara, at thlerate of $75 a year, and O forts 1:fifth line of Mo*r and Belgrave I , I I w freed hirin rom the pt� th� 62 purpose, after 46fka penses we h?p 0 1 some me�oure Widow Hobson, $1 per week, to be spent Gi� present ear: John Reitb, David OA- I in'suc'h a bad c ' ii�t on ion that the anow under the direction of J. Britton.—Car- tttx,-iu ' Ran dituit Out, the judge n bld compensate them for t is labor i and tetlar, aniel Stickle, Edw,ard Rc 11- had to be FloughlodAn several places. M tNIF1CJZ it I Iri Wiffie. IFT trciuble�entaileclin At D dar re- sonj In and It is m, th Gotleib Geiger :The Council then adjourned to a er Shoat, NG Mc]Kie,: Oaid th it towards Blyth i;he d Opence dayl spectivla parts aD a, oien While, Da r, diractors; #epry ley- 'in al worse condition.—Mr. meet again at tondeaboro, on Satuor .Pastor of 8 D. IM Catt6oli Chur h' i Q. Mati. E-ONO-RINNG A CITIzz'N.—A Mon. where *11 did! go Dmark4bly v E M at tri eSPULLI 4 6 !I tile recipiE n- ill ear, dil d In this tow13, mis, ma(i ni it rock auditor; John Reibb, salesman %th of February' c A UL Allan D uglas was Of st wek of a vl�ry hat t be jus, to ps.A� icularioa, it and: Pesident. It at aev(ls tis th a fol. owlng: would Do who as bee for- the last y Tne staf Cratheriii ;ids W6 -present, on T(leBday the 15 th inst. - He leaves a at the hatils of would be equally i Ij U at notl to spe WIY elect ddi secretary and treasurer. The fa Ribbert. Cavorbill baDquetted thatr ,rioufroi-le; 111r. M4 in ci,cumstnces which are f ir P. for WeE t Rur6ll; ackno�wledgA t a a 3rvices'ol the co ]no- proqpectfor next -encourag tug, QuiNsy.—Mr, . N � il McKellar having season is a a Robert Wit ion, at the Exclimuge aott'l, a pres t from;being easy. Some Of the -Doi: THE CASH DRY: G�GDS MAN 9 con,­hited tor,Mr.T.O. emp,whobas-bee un. andl'tbe directo been very ill w!lth q!ni-nsy the Sabbath 0 L the eve of his low i u of a lbtLg "been olid gold El I f., Is intend.3tartiDg out bore are ler ding them a he] ping haIn 1. Eilbi v g for Sqafoi-t . ceasing in his Efforts t chalace. haudsom,.ly ch seid!, as im m ad, ately in a vi !b,efore last, was notat church, an unti- there to el,i 0 partnersh d starid- gorous onvas of the —Mr. Jose h- Cli6gg and Mr. Ja I M, 39 ip w i Lh nearly as Potosi le perfeation, a d it sect4 SEAFORT*. r. Wm. 0 Raid, of that L, ingablirut one Oot�tw(jI iucbes n heiglit, It 6ual occurrence. Her man friends Phs, Russell se ut the other day for Cli 2- Y Af tor must be rat fying o him that h bag' W1 on the bas wbiCh L 9 will'be glad to' learn that she is no the usual Omits htaii belen diLHpeLit--d laced in ton, , here they intend to- parchas I W solid gold, fou iucIh,6IB iin I ight, t e F30 well succe. ddd The aocom Walton. _w a convalescent Vith the tt a ani- with gtoat interest 49 nd c KAY-* ar, of the evtvtiiug brickfor theit houses to be wer ME proposed' by Kr. G (Ir figures 1.1f AlDr�� ��d Aar ments y� Miss Jamie P�r4goNALs.—Miss Sherri4t, I tb, N SUTY. One evening Aialbgiie by the Missloo .00 Guest" W huu. Kcs1es a �d Aar Ewing It the I an Mr. J.A -of B in 'the spring.—Mrs. WID. A PLEABJJL'� P SLdley, re 9 CP adin the pillars, '(if M,� Wilecin webl� b T__1 isaiii a Moses me friends berej—Mrs.bTeil fell down istiirs on Wedn t 104verbill, who,, III a hiappir 8111t h Pie is vikiting 00 a, D tmbot of: youDg people by'Xr. Andrew MoIrisoll, speeches, Y ei O -0. on the. violins� the Choral AlcRillop, tbapther with many W 1K. Morrison., R detteribei'lL fl,kiDg great progress inl' the at t of week hurtiig herself somewhat seii, ise: d &Mel hotding in his 11)tiiind th' ntaill a 1IN1 �rom 7 b1i Many good' qualities, tLud. iu,, tne Ten i Society can b u a q Mr. G an Mu 1. I t'o repeat the ev, the regret filt at hia:d raphiog. She sent a Itiiesaag( ve�ry �IeaBau -epi&rture b all )v ts, which telak on ously�� —Mr. Rogerqon took the measur -from Hibbett, t R ivii Mr..cNaughto a, music and �wvru delivered to, hini I an Mou at Cantata in the haarl� future, as we are Tue0da h'residence of Mr. John in4. �y 00 ,by ly. She is1ardly a eek niid6r Mrs. Gee and Aiss Who have had the pleasure of his mentifor t I hool. N �vening at t Hodson _Jt6 e, he A 80' .9 a DiCat P red. ilbsquction. eConnell', ex -Deputy -Reeve of the 12 o'clock the by 1 sure tbere were' �Oiie! regain t on Ing is p etty good, W) new aOOrS for SCI &i T&keu U —Sleigh 5, Morris... Mrs. 'James Watson, party brokE tip by Roi,7. c4ety. Dir, Wilson, ia r, ply, regrt3r.tt-id llexqu'iisito piecie of �hipii &lid -nesday 3veninq who would not like to Be and if it continues'the Mee re. McD ownship. Mr. Mo0ounlall's son James Mr,' I MoN aught Goat verino, th,E associatiorits whici had on- Paisley, is visitin I here.-- on lew ling in pra hear it i 6gaiin, and, �no! doubt riends yer, A-11 i tht, htwdsom'emt-in design' many were Ve igan, ial recently t bren endear3d by many tLats c f Per we ha 7e bsent (in this i aid h9ve to qait buying Saw -logs, Mr. �hn Hood is r rom Mich eturn,�ed from anitoba wisfted Mr. ad Mrs. Smi id family 0004810 ey at co sbip. Th Lillis are no to lever nn� I a it'll t. tie n vvhc would avail I 9 there' to Spend a many years of health an:d happiness to L; so t) By', are getting oo- ma.�y they wi n these friends d thdmaelve i above is a vt,14 a of the o ortun [ty if 6 y vahiabl a b( n y proi a, event seeoo witue host Duitibmim for the sumptuous PP gaill ha% no, room ?16' ant ' h him. Mr. and e4jby the comforts f their spil did 9 two feet ei offered. Belgr�avei on Wantler in which he ente turned �ome f rom g the $Oti rtainc d the hic-hes, iul if lit. ; T id Johnston. who re Uri. McConn 11 g e all a most hospi. house. On Monday Iever (,--rose is artitticift'lly Inlaid. NVI h raised Nebraska this fall,had ad AGRICULTURAL SCCIETY�—The annu mb a welcome an p aCE. eir hand- r _rty LocAu 13RiEFS. hie cost n attack of It people wer vited to tea, a griitiug Meeti!ngof themembers' of the Ea t eammel, -of cardilial allLd 614'e diamond , st the Egmou Roll r Mill' last bleeding' from the1uga last� ed themselves in music,-botli a 3011 0 residence en rely at the disposal thoi enjoy' El ilf Wawmnosh Agriculturmi., Society I A Ft&TER?e,�LV Go Wed )a each one of which is,n 18 vceek and too i 181T. — , jar� er tha r tty bad, butli undet s al D-odi- )f the all f wh sday - nia w Bak - amounted was �p e Ir guests all t om were lorid Vocal �'&ad instrumental, Miss Smildy evening last 11.um pin boad, but a: 1,71501 ushelsl and place at Sea :tdr0t's Hotol on the loth. t re so be t 1`91 tj�e iarta�Oiu 6. ' . i n their praises of ber of the tudimbors y arrang cal Ireatment , hi'3 will rtover. His Via kindly- reception O h ing �d 500 b pre ding at the orgai I. an ther socil esi 0 the lodge of the Ctmadian O! der. of ed, &.11 by baudwork ih is inst., whe;i the followingi- officers were 0 as t low d mos 8 maul rien a wi k &mple f tie busmglB in amiasements, when tl resters, of �hi8 toa, pald a fl'i"Il I porfect, symmetery, and 9 party bro ,a ine to ,see him electe: Pmsideuo—j Robertson, d speaks Nell for " abo A again. D the ex- done.an the Eg r., a addlu,of Bring- 0 1 TRACHER'S R -Es& tr�aordi oVice -Preside Ill, Chas.' z,xcr.—The begin- with prayer by Mr. I forri son. 1W g y nary gaining niond. it to the rt aidence 'of their brother. adesignE r. Ville flotiring �ill ._ 13018'. a attending li,�m. )Ictor IL I he H )]mans Igave It I Din of lust wee sedou 11r. John Tile arms and has� tors---4'For awan k alzheetiug was held in 9 -tit. oah, H gh Ross, Geb.- 4 arose a !e t w. AR is known. Ar. of- t 0 of t their ;Pc* Dill an rtainni be ool Section'NoJ 6 for the purpose of Shaw hILS beE 0. tie by mount -ed witli soli+ theAcip, Fotbergill, James eury Jame d to the hou- gold, On ai 'd tu Tuakers 't a Owigils )f b re on ,Frid4. Ta rd Ity eve�ings ng if.the P'leople in the se 111ness for Bay-eral mootba, and the which is an ivorv'scroll, mAd Robert Curri orris—Ge ction. A!NiRnow ESCAFE.­011 WedllesdaV otion i THE i %� which a: last, but owing tc oth r attr Az R ELECT6.—We regret to Hood, Thos. Miller, Chas. Wheeler a a inf a:voz.' of having a teacher's resi- night last i0alemlyers, of the IodgaL 00110ifflVed the I:e "e,'rs 1. N. R.. I.. whl_J:L1, tra,uslated did no le bous as as Mr. Thon Las Ward.of this t ave 'as I h:y learn that owing! � to havin en'e erected. Af ter a vote Itaippy i es of giving him. 6. a cK financial David Geddes. Secretary—Finlay I ;� i meant"'Tw3A of-Nazarelh decided in the affirtnat was Pla'pe, before retiring I or- the nighti plit w in tii lac(�.--The relations withAbe "ownshir C sk n it was usually ra er. ouncil of darson ; Treasurer, 'C. Me, ive, �urprise, and &-t the. game time cheer 1�i"19.uf the,JOWK," 01 0 front in cu ry dr ppect to 1 2 lie ees below zero Tuo Mr... Robert 3harters is Auditors—A. Taylor a Ciellan in ority a good fire on in the s jove anci shitt it Ioad ;i -ILI eve Pgre I . I ersmitb, oGi Ivory, its the ima, 0 al' g, �Jediniiggi.ui fa'volr' of going on all �up close, int to keep. thing Dibg endi PC bimupby-opend-ing a a g, i D1 SaZar nd Robert,Arru- t the ul I We may -Bay this is Vi L h hi M. 1L. bailod to the . on Sunomy m6rr it[ leing the IOW013t disq- alified from al iting in t, ]a caps, ity a tro It g. b Pa tion. croms, �on W 'a c warm au 1 t is residence. After on d cosy for themorningibut IP_ lut r istered t his is ason, altho igh of c( i incillor for thi i townab i p to wl ich at p fn the right 'rec. 1 D, as I Is in- -r the evening, wus very pleaiantiy intmt dolictaely vv6dl C DOT�s-�Dreaa i� Jus 11 so n o get into bed IC94 1wor raised r der 11,90. ends Nill ntetesti Cola"ll, ry 111 Wi felt much a.— omma, Mr. Chartet'q' many t1i in the'inoral an I tual. Pi -cony ive of a rig.4t, df -seeing the stove from some .p It f thorDs there 7ere. Mary d 78 w an the! ]on he was' el6cted ia few weeks fu old, stormy weatlic r. LL t as h was preparing t social er8er, 8ovgs,reuit4Lti1JLl$, '", , and betle O 6 feet,.,: i's cold Posit' here this winter ; ovary I argon want oper and f . &C-Lil ogralulme. a I' January th w.—Mr. J Is - fell ling up tife pr ebony aud il t 00 ne's lectmre i 08 Tyner' aciwz and went to eoes., the burd- ind 11' g generatio 1. in the desiguis on the f)r,o, Oy lit views in regre this. as he. entlemaii who is of the risf4 t was the, brethren also expi,etist-d 0 a he, i oros�, ca j 11vell held", saw mill is running ag in with full lIi6mbers and c-oals -0 I .; eadino ro oU ae services 2 � , ill be thatthose ly barpet on the Locir By det e4 ati no' Hall this 6v(Fi".`g the highest esteem by all wbo , whoh 'e,or are of &nc g,)Od %t6ill to- are the instrumeutig (it Ir 4 - force,'be having s9cured t (If U 1o8erv4ig of a large a dif3boe, an we know%im, and altbougb neiv to �children at v-4rda their host in a 'most tanuibre His cr cifixio'll. We d n li r, t John McOoo I and J`�ames'qicholson, two 0 a us and expeditious hind'i ng Mr. Wsr4 %,nd t4 ope the people oil th6 town and vicinity cip-al honors would, undoultedly, have or iLt, whereas a nulImber 0 manner i ir ifts O en, o run t thid O'haraot"r presoutt-d first-class nd e�_ 'f tbos 0-66 got the -fire giithrld up befoie much w 11 testify their appreciation".of their �mad a most excellenI councillor. 4e saw a A ropr "WatterHil of d ri(n3h, at d w )rth by turning )ut in lar Mee ug of the ratepayers wi Il'be hold y towards a ppor C oo-intrah toulteeri.b. heartsaudl ghten Rev, Fthers gitie. They'arI6 cutting large quantiti a hilken are educatied d; not learly damageas done. H�d U. who, t b, 913 n u m bp rs.- ee,%beir wa:,,, if t,hft� burclons of Aljos(31 roag of timber for frame� barns � which will ppor i the ot W`w` a- who a T io anniversary a 3r at t io Egmondvillo, achool house on a 0 D. EV i not: taken place beforp he ot to be A� I be pre Ach - th ho oirobLierwiso, maybe 0111311dowil upwards of -0 2V The gif ;a ed in the Can erected 112 the apnno Mr- asleep proba ad& get Wed, bil- ties are ths Place an d in the eN an aail fill Mr. Charter's )-day., of )r the time'beiug. were purchnsed i by Mr. Cam ath-at the uls odist Phureb a ext eaday next, to' nominate a mat. to s6,80 putting a grain. ria Tyner 8 larg4ly actuated; ifrom. a pecunia t, I - - : R.. c er into t !a rY woud be minus a bol' -as well t C' less -30 sa;y that Ve- eron Itist aum� er, While 4b oinlp of view 8 is visit tio D�ucau, of the ours. W. mill, go that tbe,f armors can ge thex OV W t tab the id's as a at It is nee e 3Arx--,Tbe auction aule fi D1 or, Dtind'an & of in re than one 'position MR. tayz'a. the Et6rual c ndidate being n M-. choppitig dolke near hom 'and get bett4r to: the'advageement of our hied -off to Seaforth �e irly on Th-ursd -Citv, and' u Wedu�sd a 1-. inated the olection I ill take lace on due Ltional intere; vQ k, Is ousigia can, left 0 0 cd thoronglah ,ed stock oil the fa �y - 0 I'm Of to him through the tide, Messrs. P in rat T o brick dwel. 9ts, would view it mor and purchms�,d one of l satisfaction Ding the b Mr. Huch L(ve, i agrival purchIsil g" N *Bit the Did the f UIIOWiDg Wednesday. onj n, bile toa oat ip of litilitd, Co., bankers.- R' u their P'jitrsini 'ion 0 morc thoroughly iiii gob he to a Country markets. I a 1111 approve ers bliat could y wotod speedily i see their MiB_ '0 neox.Elills Green, on Ti i-Fiday r I y of Couxem DOINGS. The Cot neii met, on I DgB will bta) rect in 0 village early ness, the and taost in the sprii, g. —Notwithstanding A�N- INCIDEN Iw.. pr �rld tho-*21st inst., wheii the fol o the take land reahip the !-fact t�Lat as an in- of theit I't"t, W-4'13 & Voty ELUPCEgSful affair. I T OF THE $Al.. No k. We Wh hi a safe; got.. ,w ARMY� .1stes Tr W1139 an, hard times our energetic and accom!- itTRZ-D -4 m2n made ob an t A T was it and the excel- pwl�asanC jouruey a d 4 pro table dii lestu'pent it is profitable. It is eatim-at. VISiT To 8RATI-O tTI; tie and subscribed the de- in aylor, is doing munie - - I odititing m nBion.—The Kitical 4* curl6rs'beat 1@th6i. leuce of the at ck attracted pure iasey-a part to the claration of offic (a that it would cost about $700, and it,,ularlv rt4erred 6 and qtalificati-)n: 7ade and, ha's sold More goods a Ifollowing- S f in lgilam a largq t frorn various parts 'Gf wortb� tpam at last week David Walke would draw �50 as rent, th BRIEFS.— r. T the Province. P&ragraph from 'lit _%Ji, S r, Reeve Sam iel Smillie, the past month for cash tian atly r W h at 5�8( :'a I a ebv beina a tratford b four Ahots, an previ- Os. W ite returne(I 0 o the section a year.— tobs, last ireek. ilia ior Diddi�UCTWuss.l)iritt-d.,&L�id-on.t,bi) whole Tii Sea: brth tie am Depn r�y Reeve;,Da�id Man on and J uth. HeAs. now busy taking �Sh wati, wdl be rec guizec.. its fIL farmer hn One Mo gain f about �4 t home from Mani: V L stivetip aen Sprop t, Councillors, A le fitting it Up 'Very prices Nere realizod. N'�ell known OlLiz, beat the Wingbali 1 la�orp b looks well and i-atendE gC; ing I t4n of thi� toi itE r was r 3___ back � . lut ! &aL Ye U. The slidts.—At a ocic a g8A all stockin the d stand an The imported tb.r ar old Clvdl�dale Times say's er-ng of he f rom R about Month.—Sam el I I t. wag. ra'tu�#� r li obart Charters, Councillor x Tichol, who of doclix'ling to act. The Reev* engaged in Heffernan's blaeksmithgh� was StitlLirduy night a'couple ij dist -o i I 0 purahased by 8 bla a mom bars of the . N atl�o churc to make room foi big e te give stock f Gl�ey. Halls�* f o issued big w ek6 lao stapi t In held at 0 a and fancy goods which ime at the F"m SoLD.—Mr! H has had the misfortane o � th tesidence of Mr. an Cowim cauk-s,of D.rcb_eL4.- say.9 o'clock. TWP warrj nt to the returniDg offi,,er- to hold station. have his fingeir Ma8,srs. XacttkRon r Q gerit a Ow -iug to 11 ay aVealuo, I jet, to gn werla '40 C(_)n]lee With ter. for $1.015 I tile Cauadia-n bi-ed gol ward tile o Be ttie, on I do a t copucillor, the nomi H-3-is'90ing to Make ordered- 131old his farm on t' 2nd concession of I tak a drillZ 11, Iwli(n uhde�r h-161 en off by in whine,—ThO �tftt' thip sum of $3,000 5s as siabsciiihe an election for a na- clothing a S ecialtv, this ear and sell C*rey,! the original Bieche ridge home- business meeting in 'tiD6 the Canada Methodist :Salbat4 ay, Scho�l 1, 1i hoavydraugIlt -ezlirliu,­stELliiou "Ch3sLtr,. tht, ga.slight they were Valtb he tio t t) be held in $'bool No. �3,Egmo ad. goodsobeapEr than ever,—' Mr. Andrew stead: to Mr. Robt.;Wray, of Turnberry', :by Ur d I y a man Ispot t mee t tloatmg' Iiabilii6eB shortly Ville, Du Wednead the MthL day of Black, of EaA Wawanoeh, is slowly re. fbr431,500. 'this one of the oldest I was held on W JuIpli, for 15 ; the Canadian bred Arwy a eL i Was knooked dowtit to P. Curtin, Lf Bid with the white budge il tho )alvatio fa, ling due on th rh4rch ropert� Af a poll 4demanded ednegd y evening, la'v? -rou tid his but, *bo: 6LSk ad th Di January, 188.1, and M ugh Robb if U coveriDg front big I&te.illness.—Mr.Wm. p ip town wing Office. are "JOBS," eil­ht .yearlit old, lwas for a bigi t's. lodgii, k n9. oull you tell t active PDII. Shorts is CDnfined to hi I - rloads 'of i recived polls mill be held -iui the resp t�laoe in the ettle''Ment, having been I Week, when th follo butight by Nx- Douald )I, 13 bed, but we en!1 up by that V 'tergg pione e k4ificenii pork fr'um er, Mr �11 III 1__� 117, 000 IT Tho I t t t4 h t d t tj r a el 3 W w lea g n b ri If n rch e w :for Use i6 eie quel Li ,crknow last t] Cap Wednesday, the 6th Suberinte US- D10 W1161*8 the st bdivisions ou' teaohers were lectd - for -ft;0, woE k Irom 9 o'clock . a. m. to expect to see him around again shor :9 rris Chas. Dobson; Asi4taiii t, y in the alld be iti a tow n4iri ied. -, Cl&tktiLl Who Wao tL, Y a6kin establi,,hin p)rk day ofFebruay, f' Daivi' Breckonrid e of M' '8uperi a repl , 113 as he is undier the care of Dr. Bethune, utes afterwftrdhe sul "Captaiul 13mrl �utl Mt. Robt is Year 1853L. Tiios. Simpp On�; Secltary, p4,- ey bf thbi Salvat r 5o'cloclip.m. The Reeve hit ving taken of Wi s Tucker a HOUSE WAMUNG Th n -get tiffig weakor with that horrible disease of tbeI 18th conce8sio of !Grey, built a son; - Teach-ers, Job,, Men fram Owk:ville for S500; the three y large b, ''; nghan.-Xr. Jame Army" W" tl WO don, b 0,'�K`lat vb i.1 his paak- the cL air, A was' moved Tames Smiley, 'raim Cober; Treaau' wrence war It! st a 'i abli y Sam, el IA i inu bred r kLiown auy cti,pliaitt bl sLlm6ut tbis'year, and - b ng Smill, a, seconded �y David Mans a to —thair 3 0 ng 0 ber, iS08J 0 brick In ast On -miner. Mr. Buclian in, aMes menzit, wah bcaight Ily Arorltvitllt, of Exeter, Kre only t procure.all the. liogs haL ra- that Wm. 'McCOD)aell be )n, corlsumption� and will not live I a w(-, 1) Uti u S cr�at'ord, On 3 appoinied Martin Master has returned from 0"*' 3rmrs. Haw., quiyes on the 10,41 i4arke hastogo al -17' fo,11 was pureliwqed bv a btink, allkti I- a Clerk and reasurer at - Qr I Den. thorn Pnk" -VT -I iLt;,,t,,bF i Of them i Troadfoot, of Seaforth, h d the car Mrs Mr.. D. Fishjr, ZIT3d the of Goderieb, for -8136, O&pt&iu Tiloruaii )uyal barie andL Ili I b oad Xor them I ko 9 West which" The 11313 at 8 tri shoti,ld. tin clerk:�150, Eta treaqnr $85, �Ls -,I.Y V regisirar V.L fornia in poo I parties are nealth.—A great many tpr taking now in this, work and the paiting' AfrXite holl, F, Whlption, Miss Tindall aw ki miss Bay- purchased �u Must be tho aae d is ve Pas. ad of vital statistics v'slb-�Carri -d, Moved I place o�, Grey, had the stone ana brick work, nard, entire cot for,',U65; tile f 'tie. -1 the L,)rdia yes he's a are at 1.50 P. ot arriv' 6 until M., on Tilesd ay, (lid :k by P. Aanson, seconded by Jc hu Sproat, neiabhorhooll. A r. Frank �Vheeler as the st8ighiDg is good.— has X r. . Ballantyne, of Brussels, did t4e * -at three vesr ol d bv Mr. n are Ltin a. -vas lo -lin G. Witami, of- piir �Sea_ Diie Proabyt rin t 0 P.and a go6d- &ud believ e Blako is Grit, tie I&v Was caused by! :a (3,u otic lo, The le- I f ario. 8 Ow sto-m that R 'ichard Hicks be' appo uted Rudi- The moved into his asteriDg. T he hotise reflects are Osidleuc i with his bride. r, new r We WN11 I the workin c edit- on an, as it is Wint hrop.1 fort It, f, m $06. ThettioroughbrelAyr- A TT John Lich was raging b or.—Piarried; Reeve appointed them,long life Ore of and prognerity.—Mr F I t 3 hciQ+ 1-In"Cl . 4-1- The annual oiree in COU- I ,%- movii Mr. So and So s sect -on oi- coun- nection wittli Cavan Pre sbyterisdi a 18rluut OU y jhr work, Brantford, whic v an "mi, cMillan the other auditor. A "Webstef, tail ir, late of Ramilton, has l t After moving into his new house in� WN place, will ellire co was; ;11(1 to Mr. WA Cameron,- straugrer,—iu fact It Led flor is Sal_ je 111,ifortonately, did not number of accounts connectel with the started a firLit be held u Tuesid V, elf Stanley, for tiq 510. S-hr(I shire 'vtLti( ach this far vVest.—We 8; -class shop in mr.Haslem's r. Smiley gave a. party or house. the 5th February for w iol:t, oocasio4 rhe )u Army procl C( me, -we Mr. U. r 'gret to lo P 13,ru late elaction were, on motion, ordered to builditig, and as he is aVonug man with warming to Down sheep &14o sold well. TL-) fol- will show MoIrrisou'lias ben !ail up be pai -1, and the fo ing is 0 mittee have been IfortunLate IoWiULg You bi 8 house." Th?y then, Ilow was. gra--Iecl h friends and neighbors, 'the com or iseveral day's yvitill great experience, being a first-class bpth young and old. On Friday even- seicuring the services offn-- '%N-- ti are die, purchasers: James kindly couclUet'd V.ry Savore in chatity: Wm. Brewer and Edward workman in every branch, no doubt he iqg last the old people wpte invited, and Iiiiiii t ]CHiptain 4tt4ok of i orysipelas, but alt ugh be is Comb 3r �5 each, and Hugh McE w an ng.! b Dalzial. Chesterfield. slinarling ewa 448; Thomas' dwalli -W4en t a C,,Oor was .'the pop4allar Pastor f tEralkine churcho' Monteffl Tackeramith, she �6t: unable to leave the'41ouse he i sin; 11 get more work than he can do.—W. alter barta Ing of a sumptuous tea he Toronto, whoi after tea, hi* ding opened by the Captain i 0 h i :omfortable wi ki will deliver have fir B( $5, to be expendedby the RtEeve._Cj��, R. Hale has removed big stock from p�rty�njoyed themselves in a more in- lecture entitled preiiadip 035 Cooper, TuakerswitilL. ewe slip ers, and I 0ientlY iecovered toblaoutof danger., ried:, Moved by S. S milli% seconded P happy paptain:'-Barlley - .4 I a and p_ro#. 145, J me Ccoper. Tuckersmitli, ewe Mr. S. G Mr. Haslenals store and iis, living lion, pre were dialogues, gross."' Mr. Smith is a clavier and vers&K' - Mo Caughey � who as been by D. Manson, thab Robert Jones be Wiplghs,ria at present. W want a good then h asklect to take,& 81194� i h in i�llect'u%l way. Th' tat n the bea� Parlor i4imilarly afRicted is a 1.31; 13,1011heim, ewe $50; 1 rocker. Iso re( overing. paid t] le sum of 85 for damag as ansta�' i4adings,speeolies and mflic. Mr. Hugh tile lecturer., and those I u - who attend thO We wbn't.,�.ntrude Ion tile The anniversary ser harnego-maker, also a -tins 4 1! I __ vices in ounionkin" A I ;I I ith, in our Bic bee w— w- 1 fta cross ng the river at Broad. village, Tbereare shona 'fm'h1a -F^ en. soiree on '&:aLo Otti P will be won I. Dal 11 "fav Owng j Pr?gral me was gone over 1 repaAd for their time. ar ,d trbubl. IIIt