HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-01-18, Page 7NU 8. 1884, N AT LAM XTRAORDI NARY VIONDVIL ER, M I Li. zennine Roller Mill in the re slew has no saperior, esse, on the continent uf Er Manufacturing Beater EVULUTTON EN ;legion of Vital Importance, tal Reduction tem Ilers now in 11 Operation. (wings from $1.25 to $1.50 nore than the best -Flour by the Old Proces& ing a SPAcialtY. till in an eases get their round, and by oar new syas ger, whiter, richer and flour by far than the alert) tieen able to get. , there is no humbug or er- e= adopting the Gradual 'stem- Oar new system is d reliable. It has, been 3sted, and proved a great rigary, Germany. France, the United States. 1 Flour previous to our inge at a heavy cost, and better Flour now. One sufficient to prove our tA8-• et. PPI N G. ea for this_ class of work. ,ed,and customers may de. ag their chopping done at e and try our famousnew r Reim t. Shorts. and Feed delir- lart of Seaforth, Harpur- idyille free of charge. Mills at EgmoucIvillei:' in full operation. ItYLE, & MUS LARD. . JI.L. PAY YOU GAIL AT Ms— FOUNDRY, CH SC 001,,SEAFORM see oui stock of 0 W , een Elide especially for I .have greatly improve(' 7 for thia seasoo, and feel ring thEit it is the best is Our ; D RiaLCERS heavy, running light and Orir CRUSHERS hard 4ron, and will last ay other machine made. tools for recutting a guarantee satiafactiou. tion given to repairing s, Saw and Grist Mills, gs, Threshing Machines, )1 machinery repaired on wad at :reasonable rates - and others - Bridge Singe !at lowest rates. nished 'on application. put big the implements ffr, Hartiiit.00. A fall lins Dandy On hand. )-MA, HENDRY. OT 1 CE hevine peen appoieted Agent .gRATION LIFE petATION,1 'ring the lives -of all the citizens Itrroundiag county, go as eto trovision tor families anafriende Thia nridoubtedly the beill ter doing busineea it Canada itt• t the Daily Geobe or Man of ea.tisfy ftny reesonable man. of once on t • BEATTIE Agent, Seaforth. an on Farm de Town terms of payment amidst 804 .FLANING MILL, AHD RUN FACTORY rev&leaTe to thank mantiraerott keliberapatronage extendeiito. icing business in Seaforth,antif te favored with a crontinuldlet• gto bald worild do well to give eoutinue te keep on hand it :inda of ,umber, Bashes, Doors, Notibibigg Shingles, ot eringsatisfactior t °thous m with theirpatronegeosianooft tmenareemployed. etion paid to Custom Planblil N BROADFOOT. TER t SE.AFORTH. fle,1 to u tear Out my iTurniture regairci- K NT, it Will pay them to 110013/. dare purchasing eleewhere. kaut to' theme paying esab,.811* married couples. -g six highly fireishea chairs for (4p Knowitoro3 spring Bed, the lit in the market; warranted s. of iv opposite X. Oortatertei :Siore,Moirt Street,,Seafooth , skins, laza and tallow. N. ash for everything. OEN e .3 ture, vir illThe el ay in 0 a n. 'On .6 mica t aree saunb -S ate. F t mperan t edy f a hi tab --coffee se 1 d their v te for s' ks and e wives dtileyirlonhgli e treatin t le yt icso nu 01 q estion to y ame h w infin w men m s pliant as respon selves, for prbve. w4rkers 1( th ir.fatig in vaia. ha the th y wort th y had 4 Betty an Beer pr hibitio eie EL Bo b ot,tri co d hav hile ter, in de ts of t Wo kings pa t year, bu iness. su rised I ;c nfesa I , I was ce, an offi e. we lig nt wo ks. laqe inclo fill haziness, s lea her of fus from Th mate -CAI' 8 and it i their the basis o tur Lsa tak ir to a ber of vat wit old le for referre rooess whi h ;rag . - 'THE brtt all the _ floe 6, hrea We had to the dirt co tra ted re aina, a out aud gr Thi ia the the hemis it i to his visi nr is the ork b and he refu ner , he bei Ere . Afte me t iu ma ;Hal is into which is fat reed i afte being ope ation, easi y expl oval cans, a the •• (ar. o pro •erty of theiT moiat flax r, and led.1 The are 4ailed) but hen co prod ct is a the onntry sale .o boar( are furnishe 1,_, at w ich. be rnar eta, an to boardieg- Once. ' The been sueh t beefsiteak, e purehased i put& le but - base' erns, ed to d lunch r cam gan, - t a me to ak.e. worl s fair proVi a a .g when Congr petiti ned fo - h.e, sit onsets by th day se 5t tweiv thous for E ypt vv -i ofeeta will b and, t -e Sue -A. train broke railwa, about four Thureflay af nutined there 'the thpughtf howe r, in t the pa swage comic) table. -A ten Turnb 11 of piece f nut throat All structi n pr attend ng ph tube i to the operat on wit ji little s - fferer -S me ti published of the Ozer whi now to hand rence, shOw woundl3d in t the hitilds Of three s iote a escape in o -A eat e the La 6 u worse eondit or lfi years, are , idl , and. by the. argest ations, who a at leas one h ' • . 'ITARY 18, 1884. , ,... • • • • , . , .. • ... . . , THE HURON . EitP0 ITOR. -. - , . . . I . --------- • - , l . i . - r - - ..............._ ;etty- and the Baby. estions for Governor and Legis hich took place on the same Lilo, had. alsces significant les that day, a ' cOnstitlitional Mit prOhibiting the manufao.. 1 sale of intoxicating liquors, setae& to 'the voters of the Ir this amendmeut the devoted ce women labored. earnestly rail y..Near every pollieg.place l their stands where tea and 4e diSpensed, and. where they best to persuade tire men to this reform. Lovely ladies in eatin8, delicate -women, devot- sellingi -thi °en - hav les to have fatherlea a record aslierei been' many Urine ---IThe (Henry orgNnist. , - prim ,there..1 8 .n. Sev nteen.'i'v hies a' lost nrin: tLe eft .c1 sf 63 dorie T Belied Of them th t e is '''.ard , Clevel real4, in yea wigio ildre ; defid tr Mr. I A , h :,1 . t ub e a E iad ' . sels • ,,s • 'vie om r Scription. On iher's) 1 1 . at $6 bnly a p . and Glouce 40 men and a pf •which en capsiz reache Water exPosur Plymo , ov , the for Ise on. o t 9 tt3 fisher- r • known number there d oigigone :hOre graves, nd.suf- t 6 church' r beinew organ- At of 5G lives of is a. - or. • guar apparent by yrour ive r . Book-kee your be , y It atar- co.. ne of ith NITi • 7 : Of owita ttl ne:t h Me •• in bin 8.5 agent . it lided - p v *o b n s I a opi iS ho . y u er, 25 .2 i 0 ..: fit, f 60 of -pkepareo ion:that ''grand 't to' enc de4rved ' m.- Sh , edicin:s nntil I Was Mute ' Malt , . br Flu, many ef oses ii is &' ratef • Ily Jos PH erbon '1 ' _ -, without indite y , -the muse es, ener& to the limbs, back the appetite and make a healthy bring ' IIIEDICA . I E'STRAY , ANIMALS • DR -FELIX . . , LE street, to After tisi to give it the cure ry g as of woman, as Phosphatine, whieh medicine but a food. For sale druggists, 788.52 ---4,* is not by • a all deb Au G. S. MACDONALD,31 44 Burgeon, e, that laSely UM. Acconcheur, occupied D., C. &o. • by D .,P ii ee a . Hu teiehe e nee Moon, ege VSTRAY -1-4 the oerteab ling stee I : , -1, CATTLE. -Came into the premises of undersigned, lot 29, corecession 13, Bib- utethe middle of October lastetwo year- s, bah red and white. The owner is . ' 4ND : A •Guareiateed 'etre .1314UN-1 G . XI ..14.., 1 - or 0-0001ThOnt And Gle( ess-. . I I my frien testimon ve s, al ap. Cf. W. liffingay, Parkdale Toronto, writes : • ,mv w fo j ‘•7043:106 G. SCOTT, Aceouctieur, south side te. D. &e, Ph, Seaforth, of Goderich eieitunSurgeon era. Office 'treat and seemed and real- dooi requeste take the P. O. • to prove property, pay tharges i and Ivey. Jt/IIN - DROVER, Chiseltairst 8,38X4 Safe, pleasant and telt ttstme. ; Doeft not interfere Pelee -n per box, ,brthre19 gun ante. s issue by every bk. •No,bacleeffects eveth bOTtS .13T duly antherized trey bughteeis_ medic $6 Writtf had sev al very severe -attacks cramps i the 'Hearing of. see of Presbyterian Church. 842 -RSTRA,Y ItAti.-Caree into the premises of the sto rettuodt the me et if ;thee bottes eget fail to. pir mess, . yours, BsowN, e street, stomaoh. Dr. Austin's Pliosphatine pleasantness to talo, I gave bottles, a d she haii not had lim since,and her heal h is a,nd her t atta of ts o k H. 061 direptly gr.,..0v.E.1000E.,.011.2), e and Reiddence, opposite .i.or., , , on J Seaforth Pa ., Ph • e County rvis sereet .lic School. stela ., of Sar. : ann. north, -&-i Oodersigeed, meld, an owner ca. paying MELVIL near Oundoe, Concession 9, Hie 18tri oi Deccrisior,te MIL :The have tle ' some by pi eying property, amagee arid expentes. LAWRIt tLE E.. , 837;4 eh pop age pre aid on J" 8' Illib'-rfa 11111/1431i2P4 Fel I.4 13run & • o. bl . e , „ . . , onto, oare grope tots. receipt lig°3t I° & 83 Meg 1 pace secret aellt.rtb* D et.:. East, To 1 naps , Toron o. muoh For sale y all ar gists. 77G.52.789 .iaaprov. d. M. HANOVER, M.D., O. M., Illradmate of TZSTRA , . STEER.- -Streyed into the prenkises $50 ReVVA I.: R.D ! end mothers, for the -sake of ibands and children, stood. all tmong a mob of men, pleading, 4 prayingfor a resul t wince 1 not directly accomplish. t proposed hereto discuss ti.16 4 the usefulness of a proltibi- .dment, but only to point out tely foolish it is to- say that iSti 'wit's- eucceede not gati con 80ra chti to get 6- n art thi• ch. ba . calee • be h: spirit . : re ild got The k M ac DI309-1 the con Mr. . 11 rcl. sis 0 o .1) Tem 'e ame regation • 1.1 -resign, ter, who ugh. ed : to music,. sor P, brit o a d is hought ih: cortgre- g ' . 'El ' e•Pt!et 1 -their •e I nxions n t. WAS elasa : - or i eGr II dig t i at.; : a e item al ds' a a d ': ny gbr's kilo°, re: f rou not m 4:: 5, 000 te: timobials SPisedY I Ostiveness, ers les • d l . . nui 'e s inl way: anilton, iiks... Reward .recommendi Cure for Headache,et ; . ntir the Stktes .but from Ontario. 1 DyspePs • g -t-- I The Bpst Pro f -The I sell mere Buirdock Bloo plobe. Bitte s Ace North east netati,18117efinfeivrrilh,10tYnctP. side Goderieh o f the Me thodiet hY Street, Chore . ijaci:latteduRreggerdnexanlited, first Brick „ Horse 496 ,H-2-:41tIoeeftstttb,eettr_,uonusidt;:i,ietzlig: . owner can ed; Lot 32, Coneeesioni IS, Vead tte:Ite8recels'Itietrugb eTtira:ezd ti,a,1 -ti.icle have the same on proving property fled . We win pay the Above tem oempiatee, tetete cilizigrtsetiiatifih Weli.13,fiRtt•SIP.Ilet-ietTaQ directions aro 1-eward for es; sick rle°ritvierPtillse,17,:h:elth° apy CIE C Heeetacee, 13 a, that I do t:if any . ther prep ration n DRS. E14...10TT & GUNN paying charges:. THOMAS LIT1 Let. 837x4 ' ' etr Ole; &implied purely Vereeteble, tereoetever evithji faii to They. er givir satisfee e of Win. or tho • -persons 80 fil: h • asmg . h s- n e t stock," sa s B. Jak s, druggist, If the r ader will ask Buy aruggist the oity h Will get a simIlar his query-rproof t at it is leolea.ar e 101 e I ' in d• 'ne for th blood and kidne s knew . 774.65.2ws. Toron answer the mo li , V o. n 0 t r - 1 t !IllWt. b c.cein ellege and. bur BlitUCEF11 ARD FLLIOT, rate of the of Physierans Snrgrone,. h e Licentrate ti!tyal - Rdin- in Lic Col at.d bar L ILLI ntiate ege o Sure . 141 of the, Physiciars one ilia , • GUNN, Royal : Etin_ -p•STRAIr -1:4 •the Y sletee,roa_n.authcAt, same by proving THOMAS - -7 ---!---T CATTLE. -Came into the premiees of Midemigned, lot 20, concession 2, sten. i a No -ember RiX veer lugs fr ur tw2.tu!tljuif.tirs,., Th ,t;e• Lr.,ten heve' ire i dn -- ti ,.. , .: proper y ATI prolog e. a itch, BAIRD. neoee . pm. tago.r Coet d. Large ions,25 cents. F r sale lie- of eomiterfeits nel linitational meteimertired ony by t`The Fin Mrttei 8, ttl & to onte Free tie 1 pae 1 _ . , , , t t ,, _ are on Teem.. of a, 3-ccent -lobei teDrug star b, xes, ell Drnegiste. TORN C. 8 Kirg St. eee emit • . stamp, corifainurg 3t BCWRI, The genein W€ST .1.7 CO, Eve., Torten bVI MUD. IWO ....... . . . Or fele. a 52 ay stand at the ballot box as : to men, but may not go there iible individuals to vote them a meas-ure which they ap- ['hese faithful - temperance et their ea -use -their .efforts, "F• __PP 0011PITG• the 4a.tu, Miens . by's; perties or car 0 ' -000 i 1 . al .diles it'll o w BY law: p 11-4e vvl ten he i;_i WIATEF11 . ()rough inh t 6 ted- k gpve nd nut on of tb Coco D liw edge t e dper- ti ns : line ii e Epps ri • tneM of and. pro- ye t g ., - * ' y u e: „ e ort - b aeeeebeing • ouia 'ilso ial . ' ub ess ie 'ti, I) 10t I t b art cle, giv rn a fr . eco b Trial • flee Store, e of co3t, Ve y pure d b it know bottles •at Seaforth.-795-.2. its ,val and tea a e a- • ygpep a Cure . Mitt ifery, Edinburgh. en 26 . th; plea don late for Women, Etgland. of BOK- Lon- -RBI-BAT -to' undersigred . COW.-Vame into tbe premifiee teI the Int 21, coneeetion 8 Hibber4 ' , I - .$1 CO Fan i • FEli e i 793 I . Lunasden du Messrs. Cleurchil & Co -y • , thin of II alth has ; ompletelicured tir Fon n . e EVE , EAP 4 AND THPOAT t , 6 about thie '"r"ar, previeg p SWALE. 1st . f Novl robcr, a gree.• cow aoinit : old. The ownet can have thP Atune en 1 operty and pnying charges. WILLIAM oott . 1 . _ i . . , Having the nt t.eofidetice ever another; an after e , te. Most Onipac-•11. . ... in thetisseAe . e gooier -et . . . its opened*: •of eets of tas crises! we. mile of dyspepda,swhicill has troubled me f r - . • , • .erel fend, we let 1 euttified tie offernig,: to lettere- Oni ne, their humiliation, were all Who can d.oubt, however, that Women of Ohio been voters, hi have carried the measure s.) much at heart? 'tend the Baby vereus Boadle t's was the war -cry that the i party irecribed on their ban Ale and Beer, having the =plied. But suppose Betty t vOted t hes a dales, may.say by the diet ally reels dredit around there) many well prov•cle. ely ne j dici the, se tail _II eV Ty of sie . a • is we a 'Mal fort ned o fit m n n n .en tie e: k sh • vo titr n tit • iti -n t t reakfast ea ;t1Oct01131 e tikni 1 y &ladies to. i t. y - tell bever: el bf sneh may strong 7. . to (Ilse a attac W.° I 1 k.eepin bl s !with !et Which ls 1Tt r idles • : gredn- I 0 i gh e. •Hun- :eating w ierever• al escape o rseive is Of to - 1,_ . . Messra. I 1 ave , . i. :t nve h ve take.) . , w ion u ed oialy S • 1 e v :' been . reel w .., I y Jars, . h . alnieny Chn ti me .d t one c h , ecommerld i , P. ehilI • bl II 6 and :thering 16106 '' - effeet boat purchased 1 August 29,1883.. 0., T'e & Co., wl 6 th ' Pil rom ' f ' fi . a cure. ' f our t) Y It. • Osgoode. • nearly tw. years._ , ; . '_ , J. 01eielle, 798:52.2w 17 Sta ord street, Toronte L. Ear to, a DR. CEORCE .C. P., L. R.0.13. nd Throat, d Surgeon to S. E., Lee Trioity lefedi the Merce YE1-ZON urer ;al Co . Eye . n th ege, d II • Eye aeon- In ce•STRA •" the on br abt; wether- , : . ' : SHEEP. -Came into the premise* of utiersigned, lot 10,00118883,i0n 12, Ilty, t the<41st (.,f Augnet, one tam and tine oth wiete. The ()weer eon him the hpukoid etere th /onenn3 St.pli all Do) arei oat, iellhenza, ti,..n in id i diseasts et for any,case early the thre,at of hoarseness, _stages, en coughs, eolas hronehitis hooppier cough Innies, extele Dear Sirs, es or n f t 9 . J. We. herell, • Writing frem Winakpeg, "I firm ophthalmic Thr ry. Late Clinical Assist If °apt tat, Moorfi and Eat Hospital. a nt Ro lds, al London net Central r • same bv p , CA.S.FER °vie i • Art- ed pn hie b r ,. •g- p‘op. y a y. ,,,, e a kes. NS ALPE}, Dafthwood P. O. 8.4 • . . Asthma; for uble -L ' - ' .1,' esee t core with A accordiog to dire i We s ' : t t s C liens. naly dann - gh . .to 8yeu Sample releit, p viti , Lbottles that, Iwo n . ake e t . r 25 the that tithe ve oc o d t I ha Climax M from W. and I 0 cure t I , ' e s3 . 11 11 say more bout Phesphatine - " when I sa you las healthis .. uch im free from eadache having used only t f r o 3 our p P i os hetin druggists. 770.52.709. says novi in Toronto., roved, arid or any other o and a half . For sale : ;ache:, bat' h c th . i I a y a a a ly • s 1 311 -V6NDSOR On In tit . CHURC STREE May . a consulted . OTEL .he Last A.Tuun NTH. T at th TR jog is, • ROHTO ' TF1ORD EA, , c gg 1 703 ,-- BE t" of t ber last. old. The the 9th Cone tbe town them, are Some of t but . ARD.-Straved ft•ore• the Prentes e eubreriber about the 15th of Nov • ve keen e min i ti,i e. or Oeir y were hoard oi about two 'weeks tip; 13Sion of Al cEll -op. goieg towards Line of Haw t. Part, if not tll marked with T on the plate or rutty. em ere light -colored end entire duet en- exe on of §Oceetsit pars IP el. .gnareeteed traelemi, large hot onle in bLue Kii/g.'111' E"t' Itobetts Drug s I A . II E.- , LTH, Dr -El C. W-est'e speeifie Pitt, Nervout lee eit ,t0321e non ore. Nerve for Et dollar' C. WEST o, Ont. WEA- and Erato steria, Neural --Gentlice & For Trtatinent, =bless, , wrap, CO., • 81 A sale at -.I 7413-52 TH I Con Headaehe Beef Steaks. toW MANUFACTURED. - . 4i -siting Detroit -recently,. the ampany .with one of the resi- ..tet city, was taken to visit the ,f an. industry which, for the . properlY . . . vice ing wate. and labelled' pa ie t.il . , • nou . - CraZ tte.- or ' Te, e (4 " 0 emist:, is !Di le dam . : al X. . Ds jranie." a isold ind mien; pure simply only in . 1h.). ) ers & C . E er bd and i il -it i a str 66er • r l' ()Mee- " 831 a Ser-- ' . boil- . lots ' 8' 52 -„, ie talie ‘. . resommen. . : _HA toted . si ler your t t le. one 7'8.52.2W. t , Ire , , i 'e w 0 . it th t . Fou o htiiid crOode b sa e same - tam up Yours Station, , . a safe , . ditease. of il6 1th the s trul , Aecnin I po a . MI ' eanno thev are oht eiye'a comet description of them es a lot -Auv ,Neivons. ProstratiMe eerie ed bo t e useof eleoho an esecel- eltao CHEL DENT L COMS. giving such of of 130 heed. pee•son in eerneetion as will lead 'their or :Softening tobacco, latikeillitt -F, Men 1 Lepressioo stein. . IVreaceem I. They the same etory. . Jeweler, t elhi; suff An Tell I Mr.'. W. Teonapso red. for ,year4 I i fro , el W J. FEAR, .L. D. S., raduateof • onto Scho Office ho . R. 1 of D , D. ritistey. S.,, coverytsTwin GOVE4. KOCK,' •to Lie- reetive the •above reward.. THOTAAS Mckillop, December 14th 388O, .. .837 leading Old :Involuntary of the Betiin, to misery, age; Barrenneee, Lossoi riestating dectiyi Lost Iola .and 'de of Pow Sperma hi Ineavity uni th, Prentatttri r in either see orrbots, eateee hes being doiug an immense 'la , , Dyspepsia no lief he s, 8 A.. M. 5 P. . ihy overfexertion of!thc b-siu, self-abeee or ovei got 'Dr. Carso . 's Stoma until h Bitters. • He Mee sa s Ar 11!. 43.4.AR .__. ...ET B LOCE, - ' - .._ , - • ' WITIMELts. . eetetterte, 77tletWitte indulgence. iErech One boX contains box will etne nicintb's cure teeatment- resent eases, One I was iuformed I should be Lb what I was to witness, and was in more respects than taken to en imeosing looking d, upon application 'at the 76re furnishee.with an intel- uctor end started to view the .e first in th of an see t sian take keep , m otier at. CO nO t. . Not tket ou It other 837,52 ; pr: ge7 an l! : : , ; I • i art irst. ike ttleeq al Mon. Ask Scrape Erad elas 11.- t• three ar ff, s &tor,. d I ggists .2. , and , us- and 1 Be The that worms of eM ieduced, u . Cooked ohoese,- Caref best etc. Me in fru• i.e.- .1 What kill he y eating 'and Wla you autho ities , rl human too too tever Powders Eat. dada a ,it was just the medicine has cured al e. I ueeded. I It 0 • CART RIGH nENTISTS, & .7 • • TN . - -7er !seas s' . -, i 4k - , - .., • ... _ tee, n. t e -- f.- 41. -.'" - leollar Mien a lunt, or six boxes prepaid on receipt or bOXO,Fi te cure apy ca•=e. tor five 40119;18; priee. With sent be 'We guarantee each order te sys tem a freely • - f 11,-- A •aral ytic 'W. 'f, — Stroke. ' .-, evert/ Wed • . , 11 y, and Clint -week, ol welt S esday and n every Friday aforth Thurs. of ea - -. : O .. tl ,SiX '.c,,ei•ved dolars,:eve by 1124 for Aix, boxeteaccompattied wit. seed the to the purchaser if with fiTi our seiner. the. tt much meit may be th a destro,- H. : oward, suffered with palsy Said and spent : small fortune. Geneva genera_ " in a N. debilit dvertise. 1 Y • , , , f Teetl ae d t 4Werto e , ch ex T esday c,omes extracted w thout pain. rms cash. vet the week first in, the rtonth. Charges mn 730e25 when lerate A BEE 'et- keep - . ----- - e....e_e__.-e-se._-- e -_--e-----e--- 1 SlifIliE PIG. -The undfirsigne - d 'WM during the iguarcntee idoe8 by 1 r° tors refund . IlOt eft et a ehre. ': J. S. Roberta sole set rth Ontario Joh C. . • T-oronto. oney euarantees ofized West & -Co., *tied egenti Sole eatenent (es: mr Sea. prop .1 zeeL 798-t$ were shown into a sure, w " hich was almost en- ti with old boots, shoes, Old dales, belting, and keraps of .very kind, including the re- An The mother id Crowfoot , Sore inst 'hired.. I: i 11 if, t . 0 Years Irs has cur hich t cl Ad- . my ca the. ap:edy tb worm cat arthe . : rreerearuss and • to safe 3, 4 , ex I to d. .Oontiiin .. el them. -i ..'44's sprier Cure ; 'they . - 774.65.2w. ..- 0 remedies, ith ut avail,- nn til ....11), , tries - - - - - - "rt TARN 1. preeent re ftee n at his hotel * ' - .— their ow . Burdock Blood -Bitters. revitalized the blocd, It purified caused it to an. eke - i Tits -!..) ••NL.7- 17-‘,. jr„. . . .. ' pig waS br from hive Itt uot b I n• hi • ' ' dB 9 a -or° it ret Be les rf Pig. lit d by O. li. ;immense of Lobo, and le • • - - ..... : 7-.,,, . , ..-- . t - ' : i late freely, and him , ay* - .4,.. MOlit/IS 01 tea stock on Loth ehies. He is toren andeis r - : ---- ,..-:----3""ti-o - - toot and shoe manufactories. Heil is collected in various aipped to this firm, who use lusluess. In fact, it forms ! the artele they mannfac- her tirwards . .- Propriietor alct of . 821,26. I a sor . .of of . th • 4 :. d •i listori had ears. . - HENDiiR Weekli• i kap icted Her- ue L Ws is highly. ieties vlery Pleasalt Highly-. _Sting agr Worm eable greeable. le fester° Syrep to takeeand quiekly health. 7 A 65.2w. , '143:- restored t DiWAT Facility ON D Gold Medalist irkl . and IS Coll If , ever brong able. at the • • one of the purest bred p'es it lute the oeun*y. Terins-Il . PAY- time!of service eith the privilege of ' ' t et e - . - '- ., • _. 7-7-`r- 11 -. _ - I • 1) 11 of 1) is, that it . ' R ilway Accident. . . Gold ill dalist R. • • D. S. . e e g returning i neccssary. W. -.COOK, - •: N erne_ e3b .12 - . ' : 4: .1. I , • ' . i . 1.5,,.,, i! , a 1 Frank S iink, Wilton Avenue, Toro - -RAVING many years' .experi nce he is ble to IpIG F - R SERVICE.- The subscriber °Oil r4f.'i - ., tree . .. ' ' ' '' ! 1'1: , ,. include it, without ,, . . drug , to, some ti e ago r by an ac •ideut o R.ailway. The sev quickly he led by t ceivod a bad the Grand re contusione e use of liagyard injur, Trun I wer . s e a" and Chloroform, make all 41 ting as . P Ethe Clew rations in eservmg te or Nitrous geii- Mod '• entistry th a Oxide ate. s specialty Gas NAI itable given. 'IL ,kepp ceseion 9, first-claes -took the time o lug if twee 'or- tiring the preseet•seasoo ou lot 6, con- 'uck • riiiiiith, a g- od boar pig. Ile it a getter. Terms -$1, pxyable at service with the privilege of return- -- saryt GEORGE STRONG, Prontze- , ,tooet...e,e- ea. ,_,,,,,,„ . '5` - , ' ,,, , r. ,, ' . • S ving the incloeure , we were room containing a lerge nuns- ,. . These vats were filled A tiler from the inclosure be- , • ."4 F axmers men ' Remar in stream • . in Ehing ri'Vin Ie ' Reepve sheep, s,nd g,t1 1 ot e er- • in va ea s be ..re .nrse . 77..i65.2.w. -.safely of o we hap& I mai-tape expelled acd . et worm by sickeuing , , d. to, which was uudergoing much the same as that to . are subjected in a paper STENCH WA.8 HORRIBLE, _ workmen wore corks in their thing through their mouths. l'k i e occups, colds.. Brown, a severe which. sweats, tom of - One . • ot in sunken derep-eea brefight t• ions St bo.d &short of Gei. re t ge, ysi, f6 1'36 lest e grea ()se '1 ! densumption. • y exp was N. 13. ,Ho t • e saesm brought _and 'every se Mr ' •a, d • i on n sy • t o . J. ht og, ht - p- di- , 1 I A pin , 1 • ye: rs 1 . , cif e. recomnaended ' fo ibdnoth If int sti writes!. h MrS. -ve Sr , i• uissd I ,g eq tr • J. 11/IePhee, Darin , almost ual , it.. 4.-- . the g _ :Svery . for bilieusness, to Cars • e Trice 5C Yellow Oil 774;65.2w. -1 . Ogee in Meyet's Block, Main Street, Sedfctrth. , '• 886-4 ' - -.•••-•-•---- • - . . 1 THoBous-usitEn BERKSHIRE last eigh . medi - • ki- 0 Tua there is a relia t • le remedy for : ki. - . FOR SALE. ' -1 st II VICE service dun BOAR FOR -t-1 he un,lerel riled wi-1 kee.- for ), p ng the preeent Beason, on his preen- . . ... - ' .4.b Rt - :. bu uss Bitter- cents. . . nay trouble, half th to these corloplaints For this 1E41 all be th 'Van 's terrors ave been ukful, end attache; remove to D , .. i Eh r e .. _rennin GOVIIINLOCK 014.1 BAILS Winthrop Mrls . Bails. For - . ' FOR SALE. a Taiga a a ' • . - particulars i -For sale a utity of geoid - tele apply to A, the Aele W. ises, lot 8, it ed Berke time of se" necessa y. r ncession 12, ATeltillop, a Thorough - . • nro Betar. : a erms-$1, payalee -at the ice with the nrivtlege of ieturning, if c . . RICHARD 'if BEE 863 . , • o ' e ' _., 0,-. . tete: , ',- follow their example. All itained in the leather i•s ex- le it is in the •vats, and what bright yellow mass, is taken nu.i until it becomes pulp. taken to another eines PulnionalLy It curea ary Cherry_ dies -for '52 Ipm.Th throat Che Bals no a e ref is I' y. is until Dr. aleam• was Wilson,'SP the king ng ,diseases de t ied. • 1 Of reins-. I ifs bn- 93, ;have ocan and re ommeed Q- e bottle, co.n cure. used • IF. War it s w C 0.---7s- r. StirapeneOffte Eradicater, a doi rth y eprns g,all -t ur o . re •- Bure Rid ey • Cure' ewer; , -3 BERK . l Russia» and ea professes any othe missing • all prais tor . movei it itherto onr .path. .It was fail. Sold by,J. S. ailing - thus atal disease never known Roberts. 770.52.78' r-- fro e t BuE old, uoumgehabte.dtInerharn Horn ' the r particulars McKiliop. L CALF FOR S ,8111413." Register, Vo apply RICHARD SALE. --For Burl Call _ . in tl ume 8, No. on lot 8, . sale, a -T about 8 el ne e Canada IS 11,248. Fot concession A or- " k,eep ths . an bet ti4, c er iire ort 'IS LW fur- ri)rivi ege of 'le, Het.Illiecali HIRE PIG. -The undersigned 'will or sekvice during, the present se tsou, neestion 6, Mail:lop, a Thorotrebbred Pig. I Terms -One dollar with the returph g if necessary. vm,LIA.Ni . j . 814, : t. , , . ac.,,,,,,,...,4 , . .4,-‘0/-1, •-i-,,,,, r1/1- . E '-' t.TR B s'i - ' - - . .- „. !%, Stratford McKEE, Leadbury. I 836 ---- T..)IGS • FOR , • : , . ' 8..ka 'VI 'E -Two Thorouelibred ill le ee'tatree 1!.1 ' - 'fleet 1 yoom,and i of the establishcnent- takes especial charge. Here the ,t allowed to enter, as s,11 of - Mr. Wide J. , S. ' Atiti Re 154. 'a. e -,i's , Druggis is always - . a ve. •(S So Se - rened,) d by forth. Lunasd Burfoughe n & ass,••.. ,. Wilson,' 1' • Drnggists ' 830x26 . Ora : d. Trunk Trains leav Seaforth follinve: , . GOING WEBT.-6- SEATO:in:I. Railway. end Clintou CLINTON. etatimas s 8 BU bred LS FOR SALE. ughbred Durham urham Thal - One twe Bull tend Calf, both • year old: a Thoth with reg.* -L- Bear Itigs hoe e er sinre gh • on B k red dollar at, tl e . . e f4r seritee at Redgereille as usual, and nee Suff,olk. Terms-Oee e •timh f service. witl tl i° °I ,* .6 1 le 13' Is) et'b i , • et oiS - , .0teneeeett.t.. ii! tee,e'ette. 11.1..US : .,_‘'uvei pr. A retereee *- ' COT - ---4 a s , - ,,-.5 ' -1”` _411 .o. t -o-• A for 4- . -., tk Lie e ti e e , - . i - .".' • 11.- :to , this individual is his secret, ses to divulge it to his part- rig the chief msmber of the r bein.g subjected to treat- alio . room for 24 hours, the telt, n te a moulding room wo were admitted, and there It° Steakti These steeks, peak (a,v quic 3a,St so to s • ery • k by the way, and one not ined by me), are put up' in solution. poured in tipen. ther secret,. the exclusive the senior partner) to keep and give them a beefy the prod net sealed and label- 3teaks (fer this is what they xe as good raw as cooked, oked they last longer. The sipped to the large cities of aud meets with a ready iinn-la °use keepers. They d at about one half the price sfsteak can be boughtin the J. no one who is accustomed house life cam tell the differ- to hi to secure, ea hie agettoy New JI3 y 1 tion,Coughs,Col• Hay of tbe . - .I• pesitive Regular Mr Writea your they rapid purest, will positial3Iepcn; complaints. late the be withont . dreds yeer. J. S. s b ' for Discovery per sen t Fey er, Throet guarant.. size . Tho T r • : .14,T Electric give sel fere and bowel3. of ;dollar: :. Sold Roberts. mimes 'the ado. - sure B .ro - W • ne e '' ,... beat them. at „„ it: the fa n : 1. sa t er Bi tir _ inlity Ir.. I' is li le - .n - . I II . d ' d.: 4 Or ' ' s 9 e . "S ,. ' p • tu a t , d t ebrated onsureption. oarseness, is,. Triel $.52. • tate tisfaetion t ieine. 'id'ney he-blissd emily .hey .; (actor's spares no of every has secure Dr. wn or . f C ' :" or any negs. . S bottle Say .So. Girerd , to recom to my custo . . no Bitters . known. and and can will slave bills cents a bot p rticle mg* on ti As bine, a -c ff- t, a o l' fr I i 11 na .. end Hers, an. a e the and I iser- raga- aff :rd. htin- :very • lei ns the he' P• on a e. •s ft , are to - by i be ' I tw wa . sa ha`lf -he . ris er i , btuiaes, sor oor tiv It i tio per 783 m. n trou • years nee ' of t bottle e disappeare• oh inarlr 1 potinds 98.52.2w Bile he bes • Ea, tett ii, and ly cures guaren or ' hose 52. Was C 11.' is s money . urc led - r r all IP I en laO, -el ved in en't alv s, c pile eed oe i , ' . , fleth.. am U, ;ppeci, el r coname Karl, 1 & . th e4 r re I tell to 4 symptomis , and that yOurs Arnica . he the-evorld cers.' in, eruption , or to give 'bandied. sale ......._____ ded. Sept 1st, 0o., Ge atarrh14Sr ntain 1 me by fter using . my health I have gaited trely, Wm.' salt "r1 etim, hands, , no pap pe Pr'oe by J. S. 1 1883. Express • 1:50 Exprees 8.t8 mixed Train • 7•55 A. .). M. 2:30 P. IC eon M. 8:45 P.M. le A•11- ete, pedig THO _ __ __ °es Apply A.S GARNESS, __ _ , _ SALE. on lot 14, coneession Bluevale. __ _ _ _ ____ __ 3, Mo . 835. _ _ . _._ ris. 4 _ returuing i • . loading end eap-12 • 1 neettesoarie Anj efts y appaence for en— ; unlo mg sows. 1 ! JOHN P. MMSHLLL. : A"-2.. ••" • . ivy e• • leao et Load Pp 1,, tit, . '-1. 04. ' . 4.te ad,- • arict;:4;•••,.•.: .i 331 V't rf,.;'i , ar. "-"" VP' "10.7•T AN - -4-1-ro - '-i ' ' ' , :4, . ,,,. ‘ A 4:i z; . 0 ,,... DA' • '' ts,-I hay the pas etorNO EAST Express . SEAEdETR. 6•45A Exprese Tr in.....1:50 at. CLINTON. 6:27 P. M. 12:55 A.M. p. M. FOR sh mate The -A • 1 i es, su table in. a good pirt comfortable ter blacksmith of eh° town' cottage awl, and eta for bustrt wo on ss. . 0 . AR FO . keep d 1 S slicF T1 e ran rs gned 1 E '7 t.- 1 de i I 1 . length°. present season on 1 t 01 o e, • es,' "-;181S3 ii 1 MI)717/61-Te ; . . - of Healt Mixed"Trai .....4:45 . - , I . Al: 4LU° Fr M• ccttage sitnat is in O. The whele good repair, property and is plefoia will be sold i - tly a Horan It a Berkshire Boar, a , d iuckersniith, -a Thoroneerie ed tole hiell he will receive a limit* - 4 te V 7.0.4•"•••••• -err tr. _tei --- ' Mr. Lind one and : ___... Londo H.uron , GOING NORT - and Bruc'e. Expreds.• Mail. ' block W. N. or separately, WATSON, -Setae' and -very th. cheap.: . Appl 80e- to 1 number: of EIOVS. of eervice, 1 Terms $1, payable at the time With :the privilege of returning- If . eP • ' Ile°, te-e ei._ : -:,..- tee I 7 --.1 of Catarr is 8. sev London, dep rt.., . -.--, Exeter 4 Henson Kippen A • 'AL .. .... 7 47 8 56 , 9 13 9 17 P• M• 4 20 6 36 5 50 6 55 QUFFOLK PIGS t-) et, e incession numbtrof Thorourhbred about three month on both sides. T FOR SALE e 2, L. R. S Suffdk • old, and from ones reason; -For sole oh luckersmin Pigs and tto imported etOck ble. GEORGE Tot , a, s, necessary. - • • - -DIG FOR .11- p webs bridge, his ' JOAN 13. HENDEASyN. 829-tf I , 1 - - , - ' : - - ---t- SEIrtTICE.-The under ' signed havieg . '• ' ed ft,nn Wm. Hutchison. of 'IN' w- hot otighbred Berkehire iig -will k p, '41 ret• • kl...0prti. e . • Eli (:) ,N -N.., , ee "t - _, j 01,..t... i . I A 0 1 fs'-'4,F,11%..,-1 ; I ,-- 9 , . i, e- .., , ,.. -Ts:- • • ' • , , Brucefield 9 26 6 05 PLEWIES, Brucelitld P. 0. him for ser ice on lat 14, concession 8, Bull •tt. , eeteeee. ------ -trf r- LATIMER. ' Clinton .• . . 9 48 6 30 82.eht - ' Terms --i-0 • - e dolear, payatte at the' time of tier- - - ,- :0101:1flit'ld,41e,• e----:. -. t.'" ":11.-- • . • -i t Londesboro Myth - 10 07 10 16 6 50 6 bil - - --- - - -- ---1.-- I - - LOST. i______ - - .- -1 vice, with t This, pig ba e prehlege of returning if neeeessiry, taken a oumber of first prizes, 4uct -4.-i- etteette.....•,. - - - • . --- -- _ ' • ---i- save. feelg rave 10 31 7 16 g is a firtteclatis a/die:tat. ANDRPIW TYERaieN, . ; , r'-'-- - --- ---.--ea.,,,,24,„ for cut . Winghnm, ar ive q GOING SOUTH . .10 45 Mail. Expres 7 27 ft OLLIE DOG LOST. -Lost a I :mut the 6thi . st. - - -- . I 8,3 -4 --- 1.-- - I .8, fever chilblains, and posi- .- required. ct satisfac- 25 cents Roberts. .. W' h d art Beiregral:em' ° Blyth Loedesboroe.. , - . ...r. • e Bcirinthli id 1 •-• eieupcSene i . Metall . ... ae• nu- 7 85 7 49 8 05 . • • t • • 8 14 • . 8 45 - - 8 59 9 (.8 , s••sl• 3 3 n 0 4 4 4 ‘.. 2' 57 09 23 ne °4 , 05 21 -30 k_i a Collie Dog, ,anSwering He is black and tin eh a gg hairt_ Tints t• ion th I will lead 1 rewarded if left atT or wit the owner, Arty pc son found h ed. R BERT T13 to t with a white two years et. his recovery E EiXOSITOR ot 22 cobeet. f rbering him NBULL. le name of lee breast, and o eee inf.‘,. Will be eneta* Cilice, Seaf rsh, ;ion 2, Mc 110P. will bepros (Mt- 430 i . ' • g , . i - 3' , QTTyPtClii PA,../ a Thoroefghbred recently•putichased A Fxanks bo7bh aides. service wlth GEORGE PILEWES. -- — 1 The undersi ned w' • PIGt- ou rullkeeptt i 2, L. R.gt. ' Etuffolk Boar. Thi's animal 413.4 /teen the well-known breetere, Sou *mils from imported stock ou '' ' - Terzote-ol,payable at the tame of the priivilege of returning i f necessary. . 783 ! ; i . I l• ;' ' . ti ii- Tne • a r . e. • blOo • is the - fOunda- , • ... 9 13 4 s6 tion of lie, it ,circulates Exeter . London, arrive . • 9 28 10 30 4 5 50 50 IFFIIELL'S f ILLS KIPPEN. 1 l n ITRHAM — dersigu L. . BuLq_s FOR SERVICE. -The tie- will keep on Lot 21, Coneeesion $, , ' tl:rretteti etre- . 0 . ypf..Irt of the bOdy shoek to ray system has tat I am now unable to eat 'en. when I know it • to be i the regular Wav from re- hers. . • ; 'Felt : • Deb. 8i.s,-1, froth 1 Cos ive Loss i of ppetti: alwaYe tir d, Al As' • g a a S - f .s 4 1 , ife Tired been ar k Heidachei many years • - Surlerer and felt T Sal s, Cast owe, 0riping as a pleasau Car onsieBit . a o • Oi athartic su esti ere se ! it ' , • .1 tu whi Of PiliS, and either , is ri t e is f und ,- h act . • 'Wellington, Grey and Bruce Mclitillop, o , i , ham bt 1 . e thotoughbred and one grade D, 1 e_ enns, Far the thoroughbred, $5 t'Otl d unless i . is'rur(*.:1-id •• - - • - rii:li . 3. ••, i -t LaI186- necessary, in Dr • a cathar, . --i- oING NbItTli Fthel ' Brussels Bluevale A.ce. P. M. 2 06 2 20 9 37 , • Exp. P. M 9 4 9 4' 0 1 , JOHN , Propri tor of these McNE • ell known and IN 1 , . ' popularntills, thoroughbred the season. The thotoqlibre ceived first forth 6110WS. cetts, !For rize at JOreN o arid e2- tor grade cows, or the grade, $1 fer the seas n. is a first•class animal and .e Brume s and second at S STAFFORD. 8.3:7T41 t : i good heal 11 . l - - • . disease has cm the onlir= A • Way to urivC _ ib 3 cnkred! st • it npos , c an • tit il iple, i I L , he s -:-..- i)"•,; (plot: - : to pu- , . gews Iteras. 'and ffiller, of Stratford, was kll s had Medic almost so't med 1 afte he 8 ' 0 at d I ' / .8, it k wits 4 le rden to me. I have a and have ried , . • ! t19 All ithont gip; ruggiet- sal • eg or t.! •-•.--- as causing 50 ce1.4s __L nausea. a bottle. G 07Ni:94107r. Ti. . o: ee 77' •777 771 '''''' - Exp. AEI M. n 2 Ace . 31 '0 has not got eveey d d ' r or er, n is p epar FA I LV FL I in in first-class d to turn o .ti Ft whic worting t an article cennot be ex- of . . TO THE F. -t RON: COUN-TY.7-1 - twins AND 13REFDERS OF Hu'. elle I keep for• iu provee . 11-1,y and enrich t ' I. These sin plc e ilo I racts , d .- 1 . ! e Wk. 11 ea,th in Wright & Kitcham's 1 No. 6, Midland county, 'earisday 2nd inst. ating held the other evening Tangements to hold the n 18-87, it was resolved to ,arantee fund of a 6100,000, !HS and Legislature will be all withont effect, who had used urgedime to tles`o whi woman" ern „e e 1°°"""We give h ma . ad : yo. • 5 , • If 1 .. )1 ed- III 8 untain :: I1 i g remedies het ber of neigh ors, of H alth, trial, three hot- feel lik a bew R8. BAD , street,. oronto.. , , A , , : roti&ti . so -go ' dru_4 Gre Pric-twenty i Salt i 0. you ft. a skin! i ire 1 • Ist ()nee te store and re- And P fi 8 led, eles • euni ,.. With or urnOden t . ,a .0 (lents. Cur s It cankinssores SS package :Carbolic It was - d.- rheum, • if Wingbam • Bluevale mrtifo,els Ethel • . , 0 i . C 50 58. 6 1-3i 25' I ' 5 0 0 1 2: 1 4. ; celled. y any mill ,-, eeRISTING Dobin WA i the countr WHILE TS FOR e , . i THE PAIIITY meat of sto4 Poland Chine bred ander° erica. The 1st two pigs of supe ior breeding. Oita pig tied one Ouffolk pig; both put the pens of the best swine in Anti Advantages of Poland Chinas ar : ; known and ! (heal autlic..ti ! Lothino- but he 111$2 ire t - -hest af.;re,.: v. ill : . 1.. n:wii - 1.11 1.:-• - • re'stfl.-: ; Wilson's Of Me- • IMPO TANT NOTICES,., ! F Flour changed foe descrip ion promptly IT. wheat. C attended . 1 1 opping of etery o. Flour told ---Their susceptibility age ; ed-th if desired ; to being f itte,,ed at Al ir capacity for growing very la -'i hey will produce con-iderah Y; 6 y . • ., : the blood to : tion; 1.3 . ee.erel that c ' . 1., conin- Cerate. never -NOTICE e -The s_ bunt, 1 . ate those wishing t FARRON'S Offi books of bre. Ste -wart . f 13rucefield, may be settle their aceounts e, Clintoo4 lo at ' & ' . u n NA : , url• by . NV. 21 Brom al vays on Hand, market prices. Remember . JOHN and sold the • MoNE °IN, at the lowest °pular mills. t t ' Kiprien.. more p net f other breed ; and of tlee best and well-knoWn Call slid see FR,rrke r thelsaine amount of tettl than al 4th,--iThe.y are the Most hands t s4le, _, The Suffelks are a tri le• edema(' have their admire hem. These pigs will lie kept t y e d rzild. 111.5'.0 ' iron prepa ' 1 i . made b,at-..e.e ' headathe, n a.t:ofis - I tilt! Id 1-,.i:lit:41,) t . ..ecilt, (.,t ra:I. 1.11- .. . (.14-c rwiz.:=2-. r appropriation. titian in Egypt was Hoivir to life - 1 ' Lurn:sk ;kno I 13 to fai , T- ' 95,5% -,....., ' ,dis- 3 British Cabinet on Satur- - t ult. it is stated' -that gad men are ready to sail. thin a w -eek; and. that men. El. ordered to the Red Sea ; canal. inamediet4y. m the Kingston and Pero- in 'Always keepino the possible. • in the open °tasty dean, Balsam for troubles." - breeth• . neon Walk afro and emigh 774165 ,1 . k t .. 1 tilirough . . Id p a ce , d osed sit lo : aoardss ds, .eak , the toee, as mud erect, xe oiSe e skin 'Fier pul- Pee oral and brion hial . , as 1 A Th: Is ralgi . does _ requ an , p grea:y i 1 1Q-01.ic ana's' , e H it • not res but - in liiiiinent . ezt , 1 . ac bll•ste ea 1. • sem u. - e -, 1 o Thing on isilitning l'ootl ach i e, ' or diiscolorl• appllication 'th t ' y :wi on • using. . carrying your . Record TIMI3ER TED.-Winted immedtet ly, , at $1 viee, with ier s w, payable at the time of se L of turning if - . . ... _re - 1 for Neu- .W -11- quantity o bolts for but. or heavy butteetu maple and ubs, &e. ttlso hoops. white as about 25t000 legs a and eood ' gr br, 1 to rAF . nTH H I.. RSE I .., . _ Flti.MAFilt. ptiviteg the Aline Rotel, CLARK, Pro r. nee -ssAry, peon Read, liullett. li e RR rietor. 837-8 t , 1113111101.1S. SULPHUR A - ND I , no:c i :TTItilz 3 . c. et It the skin • to banish . be pard on deli MUHL Therm SA.- ' ' i The •ery et the Seaforth. -. ---*-- highest co, per 1 - price faetor .. 83 -- will of -.8 Jarvis end Goderi el,ORIr of 4 . %--t do r to the Presbyterian CIL h Streete r eat , • , rch, Seaforth, , it I:TILLS GR 1.-1. bas pi EN ' ori, PORK.-Charies Troy releeied from James Turner f Will : thorou-'1 ' ie."- ' tostirculate 1. . . 1 •,- . '-,T iih -.-1 1 ' . - 1.1.,,e. r'eki' ' " . ; . 1/10(0. , , " any head a twenty- de Wil- esiaUTION. -7 u against giv K, TioJ er, with as. I i -hall not be MIAs she may Bills Green. he public are ng credit t6 iut my wriften d myeelf contract. -- hereby my daug order respousib JOHN coal ter, or e TWA Emme .coneent, for elletx4 :tied lany ER, Ont.. 41 diseases of Horses, cattl., of the dbinesticated eniniais, sue at the h firmary or elsewhere o notice. Charges moderate. ' Veterins ry Surgeon: p. s, -e Veterin ry Medicines kept consta sheep, or lurY -dully tree, 1 the sho As. W. Er. o large stoc itly on hand. d t , of 33rucefield hi he will keep Green derin purchased fr J. H. Snell the best pigs " well known Berkshire Pig NVIlie or airiest) a his 'premises in Hill the present season Tide i w , le rate brce ers, Mess m the te7 b d 7- d P 4' ' Bros , of Edtnontein, and is ono ever rentght into the county, H • . f s ii'urnying an( land thlIS CI: i , any part of tl • - V111 not blackei str V'' c s3isttn.), n,..-t!:dn;;;;;;',-; . .c.1::, t..,.. , ,, , . ir(-0 and lit 1.,!t.:i'.1. ii- got stuck a- snewdrift miles fro.m Kin.gstort on - erneon, 3nd inst., and re- fifteen hours. Owingto Impriov .Lindsay'S e. I W I: I - ealth. Aug. 22, 8 3; ' iii five f soia, ' a 6 4, ultice )o nt bott e , . , rnig...ist . r . 7 eeks. Tr m Lumsd it , 5.52: , 'cine N OPE LOST. °- 1 a note arao Lost on of. nth g to about about th $267.01, 2Oth draon ult., in F II SALE A E3ARGAIN I g • .- sire, Reyal,Garly dam, " Sir DbreheSter sire, " Lord le,' as well as the -sire of h Cart:iff," • and . his gran, LiverSool,." weie first prize wiene s !cause 'head:I:he I ' - , itir,n and 13 pcl.i.r or --c. ('-•- 1- ns.'. i: :...- ..... I.: . ilness of the train officials,. eking a stock of provisions, , the s were rendexed tolerably treated ont i . • . , 1 's old child of Mr -Caledonia, swallowed a hell which lodged -in its taM !fforts to . remove the ob. wing unsuccess . . of " ful The CliM 7sicliteis inserted a silver dured. inessrs.. heve Eastern benefit. X. Li th . Ch been. afflicte. past three by some • Outerio I dsay, f Hee, Fountaiii tt Sal ' M iir was of Ker. th. e, T e ch o recom • . ,a,. b:1 1 tt' , i a :, It e 1 . , ter ter t ts ev I ., --, • Co Gel t: Rah rhe . .. kir. and ha •e leen est doe o s in o t . any I a•tin e ded bv 31 . - your F1 a s n five .c) tles g . ottles tf on I am p-rf:cti I - ',NOT versal i 't ,afftrds affec Bure these wond.: .770.6 t ep: ' co a in s is fu I 78, . e ' rt ation .. ne: xi • an: t kid le. .i. y 'dee ess•ng - . ?or es ation 6onap ,lalis cry of Me reoeived such for the :*leviation ' ermane I t p , 86,94es, as ute i ' Its . . . - (tints is by J. S uni- i t favor of James r All parties are c leillaZeneas paymen eith and signed utimied ageiust has been by D reg. stopped vid tieting Reale d a .1-1!;8 i 8 th t 9 T OFF R for sele he Tolrear 4. Bioel B, Seaforth, for 8850 (land $1,t0e). The lumb r in buil, pieces worth hall the t oney. A g coverage,: on alone aolit ings taken: • od speculaticlu to at use Royal elude.' Peers -_n pa.yable at the lege of retUrnint ROYER,PrOprie Showe in England,:also at the Pr Canada. TERSia -., per SO thee of service,: with the IA if •nccessary. CHARL i , .., s ! { „ , !nous. t- 1_ i - l I ...t. jonnsuury, ) , . • Ter six yr ermo rs I ... t 0.2;. hove l• e rrIt , .... i -, cur e Dr. Vaal , 1 R Y SBFEP ES1 A . — ame 0 in o " t th prentis, 1 • . s or either fen private dwe iing or publ e work. Apply r. - . 819x20 safftrer fi,,m . tJUCI Ili, .t •., 4 a rif : " . i ° ._. -opted, .o or tr rm to R. BLA.0 MOOD, G at. 828-4 _ .1 t.o. I cent.. tree Lt, an i l,--! - -. action i 1-1 - the under lot 22, oncessio 4 Hibbert, t ___ . , heee 1 it 1 . ...,;1 ! - , .!.; - simpl y - en or about the leth 7.1.ze owner cell have of December the sae etc e by provi 'BARR eie g sheep. nopi.,ty l ONEY TO L 1 , AN. ' AU TIONEERS. • . at t en my stomac. tecome •ul.d i , in f t 3-, tet lite hod enytl, 1. ; able t Roberts. • N and paying churl. es, DE N IS Y,1 8894 The dersignecl 'Or ,i, . ., . , - T P. BBLel , leeenced euetioneer f or t e a hints:a, zimu-t kit ry.c., ai4,1 1 m4s-i!,--_-Ti.,-,•-.1 v. Lea 1,, ipz, ji , i 1.1 gi ":+r.. es. VOTICE.-All persors in -1- 1 the late Meliuggin, De requeeted to settle the sa ebted-to the bet, of SeafOrth, e innnediately, _ u icing appot some fir t -clams loan a mpanies, i estateof ' are tp take leans on farm town _and v and at reaso able rates of interest. ' ted agent xi. ow re arted P P le hap Went! tY lso agent t r co e Conetv of Tinton. Sake :attended in a - part& of the County. Ali ordeils left at theE 00SITOT °flies will be promptleattendeo to. 1 Itemnitte it*:13 I .am new t.i:.?:1-,;11 lla.-e not f •:t. I do at TR,r9^: !•o v., 1.1.-"1=';:S ,- t' .,1 l i i i .:i: a mei ,,t.!,..- sae y.: -r, :-.s. child's throat, but the - improved, 5 a no avail and the 'poor - died on Sunday night. . ie ago -. eel acebunt was am, accident received by ler huntieg.' A despatch givee detaile of the Occur- 798.52.2w. ing that the Czar was _le shoulder by a , bullet at six assassins, who fired - Nrajesty then have y . alri man' Your • Engineer . - A _Gran, Desel Sirs g,(.14 • , , [Str -For. er. . to tr OB oRT e y; if bleve, . .Porland : esss- i . S ev-e t t is als. eue i like a I eNiv NETT,. Montr-al nd . Li • e. . c ess. t enty •ea s - I Cal store Park posed cerat pimp rough fail • ri Ipl•-s at Lu III Eiden nd get : '8 0 rts li of ascdine' , and h / s ra s, 1 lotch4 ski!. ; t Tr it, 7 , -31 .. 1,0.'1 and, 5.52 )31otcla - •, . . ds Wilson's ck.ae or /lc:Gregor ,, . erste. It carbolic acid vet failed o niceeated - :ores, res When 11 '' ' • „ drug & is corn- and remove n persons havieg claims a a ' . present the same without d The books and aecounts are Watson, Dentist) Ses.forth, may be made, arid rsceipts ' Ge,ORG-E NOGGIN, Athol 4--- • inst the egtateshould e lay, for a Jastment. in the heeds to . when& payment ven in ny strater. , , the He jek Farmer Mutual o - =Pat.- All kinds tf Oortveyan Of D. neetnest and dispat h. MATT son. W 1ton. - 'one ' B. B. fort name. . -11--- C rollissi it37••3 . - Ire insure* lug done wit EW MORit king afildavi te .. 82641 • t • • _e I . A DELO A'OTY, :Licensed. knittinne• r for the -Lek • County! ef Herm. Sines of all Oeseriptio promptly ettended to on re•oonablt t.rms. A dregs Walton P. 8. or Lot 14, Conceeeion 1 Manley.' I 7 s , I prctei.i. ' Tarn -CR . fp , TEES eitertnibly ' • -7 7 1:7 r TleTiola int lo'll'•1 teRO, AND -11 -t* ir F. T., ji100P.n. II1-0"..N7 enrit'e nani 1! 1",--1.-- dre- ' - s. , i - .me.,..,,, and others OUSE FOR S ALE.-Fo property onJohn Stree sale, the desirable , Seufort , neNt ______ _ . _ • door SAL- ! S LE.: UALE: , 1 TEACHERS WANTED. . . • I ness, a:ne rtS.e.aeSS / 1."1 1 i t 1 - .0 *r- ("''' ' e, -= ' to st. Thomas chin eh pargonege, a d now oc- I , . ' . • - irl an need hen the cupied by Mr. Soetle. 'I herelis . tieit , first-class cs: llar, six Ix& norm and a good litch.en. Also hal d and soft wittier, a new eta no:let-series complete. ' For aptly to the proptietor. D. ' , . paid stone °ems, parilor a large, tie, and further RISS, Seeforth. woloehhed, ail ear GREAT CLEARIN A fouede-S LE A , /lining NERAL ,S ORE, KI4URN other • r Sale w II centinue n til New Ye. Halloos mice and secure barge' us that are ,880 A larg s,ock of firs class time STANLEY ,'S ! ' I • , . „ rs. Come let argains. J s, grain bake, . I TEentts. WANTS D.-Wapted, a male te- itch • holdin i tiro ae. 1 r s t, 4 • i el o certi leate fo elee ,. - - . , , . 40 -o. e Ilo ''ek f. . .,9 nu 1 ..; . ect n is. 1 ., e i Due f,t L i lane 1 -it ' ' January, 1884. Anplicat ons will be rec •ived uPi to the 15th of NOivember. State, salary arid e)..- perience. , JOHN IdeGt1IRE, SI:teeters, 0 i•rile 1 1 . I 1 : test relief PP ,ersons su .,..,.. 1." L' : . , disc,:,, .4-, 3 1-1,3 . . • ' liver .earnplaints , - -,. and.; beneif * , 0 4. Ill r 110 1 e . - - ....1,,._, te 1- 1411-:0. 1.,, t . ' 1 4.4,ysi)ep.. :iais end. he woods,' aan hem Cleveland says )erior ore trade is in a en than it has been for 12 Seven out of ten mines bhose rim Mng , are owned and wealthiest eorpor- 78 restricting the output alf. The best quality is - _ ,, - sometibies properly.. pain nod The annoyance, of into. breathe: suffered over the my writin phlegni which. won my thr throu - ei 'h i Os reat e n '-'idis 17es ,on my ecia a a:leaden sit, h m 1 3tfr*ra 't1,1)1 ase a t 1 ' 1.1 c u r.aft 1. cl no • nasal c: to smell or arused a .1'0C111e21t1 t of diz ave rn: e mpan Ily fall Quid 8:1•om e. I hav: . ta rh; t ste ale ere a op- in -ss, m Oh , b:lls d wu ta- en ,_ __. , 1 . . And t -Dr. A count sluggi pear, of eit debili restor • . los e sti tint •hly oge r y. • co "Si e i I's eel er her em No or. le a h ti w ,o eta th: :phetine.. a. tiorili is a 94.: yQung todniiig e, Able On 411ithe y,j :r4 -dir eheeke, - wo blo the , other con t.tutional will s et4ength i • 1 , courses t fe REWARD -The Trestees 8 &c., &c., to be sold po itively at e. Sec- 'ees. • • Grocerles Pb °- . , 8_8 . .111.kilrry'Stkin , : re - (till face a -p-' signs -quickly to. - . $ Ji" of sio orisons, 880; E l'r thin No., 2 MeKillop, ten dolly.) s for sucli i.., fol detectien ttnd convictio who on ler about•the broke tile ' aindows in, RGE DOURENCE, Sectretery, , of will giv ation as 1,111 of the t2nd of the sch _. _ ._. ebece a Nes. Deeem ol reeLard lead nt hoGse. 836ta i to or er, . retailed t bankrupt p Come nd see the ba fore pure asing elsewh Cutitonpers *wilt gte..iy settlement of theix ,ac 1 834 Oa, gains we a -re. oblige i mints. it S STAN . ; , e offering ite- . t by an cr • I . 1 1 EY, Kinbatet. .1 tPEACHER IWANTED.- -I- Schwl S Huron. I miss Trustees :. Joine BRIGHAM, Secretary NO. 7, Httllett. ' etion! th 1340WN, , I A ntale teacher for l No. 7, Hutiott, c..ainty of I commence , January, 1884. ; WALTER ELWELL, SOHN i andTreasurer School Section i ; i 824 ' l . , • Sold by all . ' : Ot Depot 150 : Txr .1. -‘ .1- 4.,,,,,...1 [ : VY esti inoni..4.N.tiv , i............-...------i------,,,,......_____i_ , 1 . Drnaoasts an:1 , ,...,t, St. !Tames ,‘St. rr, : u.:-riee 50a.;, , , 1 t. t. rt - e. 3 1 I 3 • I