HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-01-18, Page 6re 6 CIE HUR,OISI XPO!SITOR As al nals have the very not yet a roses, or needles. the Qee bed with traveling. does not bed form The trutl always sl same. pat the• same tured at one with dence in lohe at Coburg, a Albert. eat goes a tern is ma sor 111adv her. tOne tone, And went to B and other Queen has has usual! the Royal will have which pi - and pleas carious wo Her.Royal Bed. t resort London society jonr- actually undertaken to discuss ed Victoria sleeps on. It doe pear whether she sleeps on ethers, or straw, or pins and Bat -one editor asserts that n invariably takes her own !her whenever she may be Mr. Labouehere says thi an that her majesty's own part of the royal baggage. appears to be that the Queen eps in a bed of greoisely the ern and made ,up in' exactly way. They are all manateeindsor Castle, and there i memories at each royal reelnglaud, at the ;Villa HoltenBaea, at Boeotian, near d on board the :Victoria and en the Queen pays a visit road a bed on the usual pat- e and. dispatched from Wind- ce to be in. readiness for was Sent last year to Men - three years earlier another veno. At Dunrobin, Floors, ountry-ho_uses at which the been a guest her special bed been left as a memento of visit, next thing this bed to be described. And at e the -Queen dreams roost ntest. For verily this is a Id. Whi h is Most Valuable; I am S&I ly conscious that thousands of mothers are so overburdened that the actual de ands of life, from day to day consume I -their time and strength. But " of t o evils choose the least;" and which, would you call the least an unpolished stove or an untaught boy ?, Dirty win. ows, or a child whose confi- dence you have failed to gain ? Cob- webs in th corner, or a son over whose soul a eras has formed so strong that you despaif of melting it with your hot tears and oar fervent prayers? I -.have een a wornari. who was ab- solutely ig orant of her children's habits - (A thought; who never felt that she could spar a half hour to read or talk with the —I have Been this woman spend ten iinutes in ironing a sheet— there wer six in the washing—one hour in flu ing the ruffles and arranging the puffs f her little girl's "sweet white suit " thirty minutes in -polish- ing tins wi ich were already bright and clean; fo ty minutes in. frosting and decorating i cake. for tea,beoause" com- pany" was4expected. When t e mother a good orthodox Christian-eshall appear before the Great White Throne, to be :judged for "the deeds done in the body," and to give in her report of the Master's treas- ures place in her care—there will be questions nd answers like these: Where are the boys and girls I gave thee ?" " Lord, was busied keeping ' my house oIeaq and in order, and my chil- dren wend red away!" " Where wert thou when thy sons and thy da ghters were learning lessons of dishonesty, malice and impurity ?" "Lord, I was polishing furniture eta ruffling dr sses and making beautiful rugs!" - • "What ast thou to show for thylife- work ?" --. " The t diest , house, Lord, and the best starci ing and ironing in all our neighborho d !" Oh 1 the e children! these children; The reckle s, eager boys and girls whom we love Incre than, our own lives! Shall we devote ur time and strength to that which peri teeth, while the rich ga den our child's'oul lies neglected, with foul weeds -choking out all worthy and h au- tiful growt s ? Shall;we exalt the nci- deutals of life to the rank of a pur ose, to the ideating out of that work hose results rea h beyond the stars? Fleatino, oh ! mother, are the days of childhood`; and speokless windows, snowy lin n, and consciousness that everything bout the house is faultlessly bright and clean, will be poor comfort in that da wherein we shall discover that our p or boy's feet have chosen the path that s all take him out of the way to all eter ity.—Harriet M. Morris in Woman's Je urnal. G lden Wedding. f The 50t anniversary of their wed- ding4ay is being vouched to compar- atively fe of those joined in the bonds of wedlock One of those rare events occurred o Wednesday the 26th day of December. The parties chiefly concern- ed and w o received the corigreeula- tions of heir family and numerous friends 011 hat day are Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Martin, at their residence "The Elms," Be twine. Mr. Martin is the oldest sou of the late Calvin Martin, Esq., one df the oldest settlers of this part of the county of Oxford, who lo- cated hims If on the " Old Stage Road." about the year 1805, at a point long known as Martin's Old Stand, In those daya the settlers had to, carry their whe to the mill, by most prim- Iitive mod s of conveyance, to Aes- m ter, to be round. Mr. Martin's father built the fist grist mill in the county, Icin the Th mos, near the site of the pre- , sent Beac iviiJe Mills, and was for , many year engaged in milling and in 'other purs LitS calculated to supply the iwants of new country. Mr. C. D. Martin wa married on the 26th day of !December, 1833, his 21st birthday, to ILetitia, on y daughter of Mr. Solomon King, who for rea,ny, years resided on the Old St go Road immediately south of the plac where the village of Beach - villa now tands, and who was known far and ne r as a 'kindly, hardworking and succe sfal physioian. The child- ren of thisl marriage are Dr. Martin, of tlitteardin , Mr. Solon _C. Martin, of t Brookbaulf, Beachville, Mrs. James ! 0. Wilks, bf Mount Forest, Mrs, Chas. !Milburn, o OsbOrneville, New jersey, and Mrs. Fred. L. Wilks of Elmwood, Brantford all of whom except Mrs. ' Milburn, vere present, with their Iwives and husbands, to congratulate their pare ts on the completion of ,the 50th year! of their married life. 1' In 1833 mitisiters of the Gospel, of any'de- noirdeation were rarely seen in these parts. Mt. and Mrs Martin were there- fore married by a Magistrate, James sq., of Woodstock, now and any years Registrar_ of the ol. Ingersoll is the first white n Oxford and he was pre - e Elms, on Wednesday, to tolerating the fiftieth anni- 0 0 Ingersoll, for very m county. man born , sent, at t assist in c versary of he first of many ceremonies performed by him. Besides the immed- iate deem dents of the happy couple to the roa ber of 18,there were present 'Mr. nen. F. Martin, of Woodstock, 1 brother of the bride .o0ne, ith his wif and family, ; Moe P. Cerre• ,of4Rodk1)44 Hamilton, who alai ted bridesthai 50 years ago.; Miss 4 rnirA HOWard, o Orange, New Jersey, and 0 large n Ths ber of relations and, kinds • there w also many congratul 1t4ry tory etters -fr others who were nna, le t4 be Pres nt The worthy couple reicetve many ha4id some presents and ni erous kinc wishes for 'the fat re osperity o themselves aud lam lyi the haop* gathering was brougjbti,t a close by singing in hearty 1st le, ' honld a 1 acquaintance be Torg ti?" r The Br our. After General Lee bees, e presid of the university at Loxiu ton,Virgi one of the staff officer8 of is army, a warm personal friend,; p esented with a fine riding horse, nd pres him to visit him at his home, ab fifty miles, distaut,1 in i n adjoin county. The invitation as Romp e and on the day fixed: the Confeder t elde t deugli er chieftain started out froIt Lexingt n accompanied by hii • Mary, and by Major , the alo e said offiber, acting as e °orb to he party, all on bombs, k. e ride as fatiguing, the weat er hot, and the young lady, noted a her ether for a fondness of sleeping ate the moth- ing, bethought hors -If ;�f nquiring o the major the hoar a whiclt breakf s would bo served at h s 1 ouTe. major, w th " Well, miss," repl ed th the greatest ingen ousne have come pretty f and to be quite tired I re kon w breakfast to -morrow until before light." The announcerner. ing Miss 'Mary, oat , laugh heartily, and about it the remainder -4)f t t, wh fled td as on appe , wont have East a lit le le astoni eneral tease e trip. Roe e Sheep liaising art th; The Edmonton Bialletin disoussi g thisquestion says it has ge erally been supposed that sheep would not elo well in this district owing ,to kb rankni es of the vegetation and the d map soil,1 e - sides the liability to injure frorn ape r ,grass. Experience, hoWeve , has pro ed the.contrary. A herd 0 -sheep w s 'brought.= some three year ago by Votier, now of fish creek, n ar Calga The sheep were sold to farniers Med f- ferent parts of the se tletoe t in floc s of ten or twelve, a d hav done n t only well bet remi kably Well ev r since.. They have no seffe ed to al y great extent from wo vete ai d not at i 11 from disease, while a thong the spe r grass gets into the roo1 4 does n t seem to -injure the heep. It is pr bable that. the nort ern 0 imate m have the effectef counte acting the evils usually following upoi the past- uring of sheep on ' rich soil - The S. Albert Mission estalplisfiun nt start pi three years ago witi sow. thirty -s X head and now have ver 0 e hundred and twenty five,.alm sti .al ewes, be- sides having killed a lege number Of the males .for theh mutt n. While the raising of sheep ill pro ably.never become the leadieg int us ry of this district, still, in a iir d system ctf farming, such as it is ecialist ly adapted for, sheep would forn a ver important part.- Not only is th wt.ol in import ant item, but the ens 11 0 ze of the ea case makes it possi le i fo a farme owning a fair sized fi ck Ito keep him); self in fresh meat 11 Ian mer, of much more healthylkin ban por and Without the daiger1 o iloss froni spoiling which must fre ne tly resul where a large beef an rnal is killed du hag warm weather.: . . Forshatelowe THE DREAMS OF BO We hayteheard gri., har declaim against the isioiaa y youth, and against th d: -e: hood ! . How few • th re !I all Thomas Holloway, (Anil c around the world and ISa the fulfilment of all ny tied With him those dreaJa were And we are; likewi e tol mind of the first Nap lean with visions of im from the veryearlies i). his memory xtend'e exceptional 0 see ; a majority of mien the boyhood produce no Vi4o ories. 0013 EALIZED, aced me plane df ws 40of , bo ,llu ataneye,iBa dreams 1 ' proPhecie . that th ' as finshe trial power evee years to which Bit..these ar d wit • the great loribu dreams qf Bali= feline. i With Holloway the case w sdifforent The suffering of t e Biel' I 11 reused . boyish nature into a Axe' resolve to meet.and conquer al lady. is studies from his earliest year were oarolled and stimulated by th det4ire of rescuing the human family f ore t e fangs cif physical prostration and d city. He found that all the aladieg took the r rise from an inspirit of the blood, an that, whatever might be the form of the disease,it could be re ched and eradioa ed by a restoration o the 'teil fluid to its pristine and norm I pur ty, 1 ' Having made this ainazin discover , he had now (as he then t dught) b t one farther case, and that as, to fii d seich a combination bf our tive princ plea as could, under 'any an all circu stances, be relied upon for r etafying the disordered condition of th stream of life. In the, productions of the veg - table kingdoni alone he fou i d the Un'- versal. Remedies he was in :earch of. Bat the dreams of the youn enthu,sia t wer e now too nearly realize to perml him to be beaten. He ails erei eve y calumny by pointing a t °use/ d i cures, end -at eugth., by the aid' of t e press, his EnoElt virulent e ernies were either silenced, or compell d td give a reluctant assent to the inial ible.effioacy of his Pills and Ointment f r the euro of all external'and internal ailments. The Bee. 837 ' r • I 0 On Snoring. A clergyman deliverled a lectu recently on " Happy - Hoes" Aft sketching 9, model hou4e, he said 1e would have conivebienit, airy, we ventilated sleeping trooin ' Witho the right kind -of sleep i i • the-- rigit place one could not properl go to wor If one was used to morin , I let him t i and get an easy positic n. And y snoring was au honest h bit, and had frequently been most• eplyeif n t aggreably impressed by he eolee • earnestness witb which it as indulgi in. (Grins.) He had been ii the sa••: room, in a crowded hot . el with one , f those devoted snorers, and he had d 6 caSionally taken the reksp nsibility f rolling such a one ova tciiii arthe va ieties of snore with w Hilt t e artist u - wittingly entertained hith. (Snicker He had returned to bis pil;low astound at his capacity, and Wonrizig if it wer r 1- 11 ) . 4 alnitttiral ! r aoqu red gift.i Then to anew sor of anor h . had *pro his pillow across the room, and re a, respone more than , be could anticipate or even asked for. (I He had n o jeetina to snoring if well do e. (So mania.) There several di tin t and Separate ki 'spore as • e was able to testif hissing snore the guttural sno rearing I or i 4 oli king -sno aeatte g sn re, the e sy • snore atrangula in en re, th ornshing i the r -r -r r ic ing snore, t e hur liore, and the snor a togeth Illicit mi ht be addshe sn4 if) nd the s or do n, th snore pea lid the a or ece *the; t e snore ni choly, t nd th slier triump : (Continue o ch nation) In fao hied heard on an g.iug throu :, these oh r: • terin th: couroe • bur. He b:ga ' witi a sound ight have leen mista, en for the of an infant, ari d it u til it rese e noise f wi eel in he pilot oT a stenstean bo t, hang d it to a puff, puff, sol:mi ' and regular a puff Of an en Ls ,I,dee erring it 1 growl, thi n a ide urgling of throat as th ugl he ere thro: then a roa a t ougl a; long rai train was of g 0 er ti e bridge o neseethen br aki g f rh into 0 • tions of fe lin that gev 3' one the that the w ol sir was disturbed the rippli g •f hoeloi tiler, un i ecstatio pe fo i.ner wok up expre hie astonis ant that his. room cOuldn't i ee I. (Roars of lang Haled be • of a. snorer who was snored, an • b gged his- rival in tones. " to et's begin over aga n start,even. Rora.) The P ince of Naples ana girls who hav: sad his ory are familia, ; ith ictor Einanuel, wh t uni- etates Of Italy in i I one he Italians bad Ion een pii g for this union hey de Victor Eman 11 as the r oountry, and. ere w en i bodied, in :78. ert acceeded him the in ime will be fol 0 ..ed ;tI e Prince of N: i:les, spo ding in Italy the of 8lOB in Magian rine b , ice) mb r 11 ost beat strike jeo1. ted eave ars) esa) d. 8 e dwseor the ,the , the the • ore, 05120 ,, to e up aut. he h all f an tobi oa t e bled ()us!flff, the to a the tied, o frehialiis d. idea ith the sing • ate ter.) out- ous and 1 All „the •oy recent italian the name t+1 the v k ngdom. eying an n tura11y t e saviou uch gri His son II throne, an by his onl this title c title of Pri The littl f n s born obably td ole wor The you Rome, pr in on the Cor city. Wer Iiimry of would not ly and qui a middle - R mane al face, raisin .rriage p little princ u ly bows courtesy. At rare i with hie in loved Quoezi M ly aceoropainie cultured end chief thou ht i charge and im often drive by the Prince evi about sons thi an1 the uto fo mation i gentleman sibility les more than character o will have g Mementon ii4g from h pr ncipino th impo present, in to rulo his wisdom. I give th related to au English pee of ettendin the co W98 at a p ivate re when the ripe pin and gave her a' mother tol hith it permisioon to 141i88 plied arci ly, " ladies like o b ki conclu e t is s items that my Prince of Neales language v ry -ell, stent roader of t. Eager in St. N cho Ve SO rr oe 113 uv nd o, it he oti tly ge kn th sese e), 4s la a kn terval th r, t rg ed. to TOV 11 e ent g h gi u hspo len fu ing .poly s ;'Uy oth th ne ave ma qn sti • fa e, im elf tan 'e cd:r t peo•le low t •ese • airs his !r: E43,ainnue tiful city of rin e sp iids bis win ay be often Been dri he ••ain st eet o or the b ight s hman, a str rtioi1ar1y the sed oy, triving g ntle au. - But w nd love the b sir hats pot tely ai s hila the prino ey call him, g wle gment of ot co e p re: 11 fo • Ba man who ant rap* at lag prevented by t ,up in Montreal 1the attempt ea —The c ron Win. Van ink e, who ti dying con itio in. 154 of De em er, the effect at • is of a blow on th: h 'view to rolibery. mend, tha in ie several nt case 1bery from he Pers vicinity, a reward the Ontari Gover cif Brant f r the di or persons silty o They also xpress more effici nt poli sable for t e city o be 1s Seen i dr e beautifnl an ret ; but he is n hi4rirvate tut mite I man,w int relit his y h s I inind. erne t I cenvers y a king ques ha Eisen in pas wing him tali th wer. X am sat net • le of the re •, 'hi , for upon , m n depend: t ki g of Italy, tors to decide xis t tsettle. feel sure tha thi ks erious 1 ropr ving at h ma know wit jud ment ng cident as e pe sonal Inc who as in the rt eeeptions. °pH,: xi of the Q caste into the iss of gre ting. was ode not to lad'. he bo •liothEjr, En Boertd. ketoh with inte esti ou. spe s t e En and is leo a ich • las. Olive as. • nd- and les the era ing the rlet ger at- ith the ish the iso OS• eir ing be- al - go ng ey 118 n, 111- his n- 1111 he ho nd he of he ow, nd as of bit he n, is sk re- sh wo he sh11. san, the young Fren h- d t awl •• the whirlpool a 1 "et ugast and -as e arithorities; has tur i ed an4 sake be i will m.ke ly i the eplg. r's jury in the case of ho was- found ' a Brantford on. he etarried a verdip: to cath was' the ret3 I lt t ad, inftic ed wit' a he jury Iso mode- of this case nd of atterpted n in Jr ntfOrd nd should be offers by Mont ati the co • ty Coy 'Fry of the p:r on • •t! this fa al ass: It. eir 'opi ion t • a e fo ce'i inch: 13ritntfo d. i 61/EAFOR H VV OLILEN MI S. WE have cpened out a static in Mr. T. d'e Block, and have a good sto k of W o len Goods, saved from the f -re, which we are a x ous to dispose of either. for cash k• wool. F. era and others who had pods being narnfa red will oblige In, calling for it as soon tis posbi 1 • as it was nearly all saved nd n hat w • lost be replaced. 839 A-4 G. V -EMI° t 1 0 II I 0 :M 1 VOTICE is herteby given- that the A --1-11 Moeung of tilie1 Hay Township Fa Mutual Fire Xustirance Comp ey Will be h the Town, ti a I, Zu-tch, on Monday Janus, 1884, for the )urpo e of receiving he Dir Annual Report. E ection ot 011ie trs, &c. members ] ar req ested td atte a d. H EMBER, Maxiagerjand Secretary ; M. L 'President. TUCKER MI H AGRI ULTU S ci ET, . ! THE Annul Me ting of tire me ibers o of Seaforth, Th rsday, lobh of will be t o the ommercial HO aluinuarthle., 1 -1- Tuckers ith ran .% Agrichl ural S held at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m.', for t ; yeare1et Officers and ireeters for the eland the transacts n of other busjneas GO lacADA.M, Se rotor • ; JNO. IL&NNijH, Pre. 8 nal ere' at 14, ors' A11 RY 18, 3 the ety 4, of nd ON at. 1. ---. t-- P. S. CARROLL, LATE of Garrow & Proudfoot's Office, goderich, Solicitor, Convoianeer, &c. money to loan. Or Office in elver's. Block, Main Street, Seaforth. 794 - LEGAL. ict O. HAYS, &licher, &a. PAVIA° money to •••-'+'• lend at lowest rates of int4reat. °MOS— (orner ol Square and West Street, Groderich. 774 wamA. Rp :Or t N-'' tors, &a. , GOder eh, Oaten .-1. T . Garret WdloaotP. RO$DF(nyr• ti niutergis65008186101-: 1 RON, HOLT, 4 OAME ON, Barriotere, J1 loiters in Olianeery, &et., Goderieb, Out! 51.0.0 meroo,C1.0.,Philip Milt, M. G. Com. arOL• fl.0. MEYER, Barrieter rInd Attorney at • L w, Solicitor n Chancery. Commiseioner for t aki tg affidavits 1i the Provinee of Manitoba. Solicit r or the Be k of Ramliton,Winehem. Priv ate fund a to loarirat di bo (liner oest. 688 lvf• N ING & L. 800r T, BarriSters, solicitors, il' ..,,- C uveyaneere, o. &Leitch% for the Bank of ohi ston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan. Oxifil Iiiis , eavjemanr Blsoseckoi . , tOlnton, Ontario. A. H. 781 , lul- YER &DICKIN ON, Barrieters, &c., Kent's Arti- Nock, Winghai4i Solieitors for the Bank of 11 milton. Comm ssioners fdr taking affida- vits n Manitoba. Pr -vote funds to loan at 6 per cent Lucknowofticj every Wednesday. H. W. O. Iama. E. L. DI moos. 738 144 Mon Bloc OFTUS E. DANCEIrs • - E Comer° ,Holt & Cameron , Goderioh, Barrister, Soli itor, Conveyancer, &cr. y to loan, Benses's Old 01)ffice, Cardno's Seaforth. 786 floor lend G. McOAUGHE , A. M., TARY Public, Conveyancer' Commissioner, &c. Offioe in Carmichael's Block, (ground , opposite THE EXROSITOR oftiae. Money to Farms and houses for sale. 830 and tual be oa debt will the earn STE BA S° TICE of Dissolution of Partnerehip.—The Partnership heretofore existing between the signed hap this day been di solved by Mu- oneent. The baldness of thilate firm will rigid on by Ma. MOTAMISSTS , to whom all due to the Arm will be pay ble, and who ay end discharge all debts d e and owing by rm. Dated at Sotforth, the 2letday of Be- er, 1882, S. G. MeCAUGliE ; F. 110LM1- . Witness, ANDREW CALjDEB. Pa HOLMES EDI RISTER, &c. Law OfficeLoott's Blok, ain Street, Seaforth. MC AUGIEliff &c. Law Oftloo*Soott's Blok, sin Street, Sento th. 785 PADLOCK 02 1411 0 ssoINAoa `4:INVIHAgrID 0 ' T e! RoyAi Noti' (LTE CARMICE1AL'S) SE,FORTHI ONtARIO, JAMES WEIFit -n'to inform his old friends and the travel 1 g public that Iiaving purchssed this new and cc4mmodioug hotel buil g, heihas thoroug ly re-fllrnished and re -fitted it from top to bob - tom, sind it is now one f the most comfortable and c nvenient hotels i the county. By strict attenlon to the wants f his eustoliners he hopes to me it a share of pub to patrona,g . The roome are all well furnished a d well heatjed. The bar will b kept supplied w'th the bes , and an at tartlet ve and trust wor hy hostler vill always be att ndance. Good s mple roomb for Commer- cial T yellers. Ren ember the "Roy Hotel," cdrner of Main and G derich Streets, S aforth. 733 JAME WEIR, Proprietori M RRIAG LIC NSE$ ISS GED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE 43EAFORTa, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REOUIRED • PLOWS A Car L HILLED • oad of 60uine Scruth Bend LOWS & SULKY PLOWS, —JUST RECEIVED AT— ; ITILSON S lenent Wareroom, Seaforth, O. C. Agricultural Im Which will be sold at old price imort duties, the subecriber b stock, imported One Hundred tariff; consequently, • e is ena sto k is exhausted. tall and s fen r article. Every 'low gna A full etook of Ma:sey Rea Toi uto Mowers, Tor nto Cor Shi rp's Rke, all of hich wil of a I kind always on and for bef re buyzig a maohi e. • notwitb4tanding the increase of 10 per cent. lug detertnined to keep thme valuable,Plows in lid Ftfty cif them a feW cliays before the rise in the led t sell them at former prices until the preeent e those Plows before baying a common or in- anteed toigive satisfaction or no sale. ers and Massey Mowers, Toronto Reapers toed Binders and Massey's Low Down Bnder, and be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. Repairs the above! machines. Don't fail to see my stock NOW PITY .Z 0 T.XR, 1,SOssr, Main SOek, Seaforth. TF -IE TIME BOOT AND SHOES, AND COVE Is t e place to bny the , if you stoo of Factory Made Goods is and oanndt be under old by an will tot CUT P ICES in can ny ith best Mat rial, and But will glaarantee td give Bo chea • est in the end. Don't TRY:S SiiO want arge hou STORE to get the best valle for your money. My and well assorted in all the different lines, se in the trade. CUSTOM MADE WORK, as no man pay to have work properlY made, and do so. ts titmust give satilfaction, and prove the Forget the Stancl, Oyposite the Royal Hotel, Seaforth. THOMAS COVENTRY. ol ur us ope uc as Ladie' and Sponges and imany rne tion. uratqy Co e p icin ke H MEDICAL HALL, S92,Rd=', SE14q47012'1'1.1 , I ; ace to get Pure Dritgs, Chemical, and Patent s. D e Woods and Dyes in every shade and t eons .antly. on hand. - Custoniers will find tete eve?" respect. Tehave also d oia a fine asso ment of imported goods, ents' 1 Purses,' ombs, Brushes ther tiarticles t o numerous to • stock coni d ?yid?, care liTCCESSOR TO E. ysicia s' Prescriptions Carefully and ounded. A4 orders Trom a distance, and despatc4, c_ HICKSON & C0.1 Next poor to Duncan & bunoan'a Dry _mode Store, Seaforth, ieget ick ally he teach 'all th 5.rst n Ible and ffecting eadache ,Scurvy s that bylregulating t above n med diseases ed Crow oot Bitter. erfectly har he most mix Wind 012 t Scrofula, et ese ; it is the cheapeat calms cures of the follot ie SOmach, Sour Sto You may say it cure e Liver, clea-nsing the Ste Try it and use aecordi For sale by ILUMSDEN 11 BITERS, THE ONLY GENUINE INDIAN MEDICINE Now in. the Canadian market. It is purely d most reliable of all patent medicines, and is ng complaints: lLiver Complaint, Dyspepia, h, Costiveness, 'Weak Back, Pimpled Skin, Salt oo flflch, but reasofl as well as experience Itch and strengthening the sytem, will cure g to directions, nd yen will bless the day you WILSON, Drug iats, Seaforth. . 821-26 CAMP LL,Pro • and Oivil Engieer. e: a nded to. D. S. ci (dal Land Sarvern dere by mail prompt PBELL Mitchell R. 111 of BRETT, NTholesaleand RetailDeiler In LEATHER mad SHOE FINDINGS of Every Deecription. }None but the Very Beat Stook kept. Termc oderate. A Trial elicited. An orders by ro..4 sji Otherwir e promp I Ili lied . 8 N. Beer OTICE TO TAX DEFAULTER8.—I will be at the Commerdial Hotel, Seaforth, on War - ay, the 12th inst, and the following Saturday f r the purpose of collecting taxes. Any partioN ,f)t having paid their taxes by the first council eeting will be put to cods. J. C. MORRISON, 'llector, McKillop. 840-2 1 SEAFORTH, ! • JANUAR:1' PERFECTIONAT LOT. 8-UPGESS EiTRAORDINARIY1 EGMONDVILLE ROLLER M1LLs 3. 1_884 The Count and Arneri a for" meal:dee oiily genuine Roll r , which now ha no superior, w equals, tee th continent of tiring Itoller A CREAT REVOLUTION The .Bead Question Of r The Gradual Re no "Oy Rollers iow Oper tio Rolier lour brings from perbarrei more tialn Lfriw by the Old Gristing a SpA IN MILLIG, 1 Importnce. on S tem in 1,25 Ito $1i. best Flo10 mem.. laity. Fanners will in all c ses get their own wheat ground, and h our new sys- tem get a stronger, whitr, richer and 'O' I rn better igrade of flo by far than the public has hitherto eon ithle to get. Reenember, there e no hubug orexe perinlent in ur adoptingthe Grad Reduction System. 1Oar new system thorough and reliable. It has b thoroUghly tested, and proved a great success in Hungary,Ger any, France, Engla4d and the ilniited States. We gsve A I. Flour previous tO Our extensive change at a heavy -cost, and we guarantee better l Flour now. One trial will be sufficient to prove our .as. sertiOnti correct. CHOPPING. Our taeilities for this lass of wrirk are unsurpassed,a.ncleust niers ms,y de- pend on getting their eh pping doneiat once. iBe sure and try ot famous new process—roller flour.1 1 i — Flour, Bran, Shorts an Feed dorm- ] ered to any part of 1 Seaf rth, lia.rpcir- hey or Egmondville tree o charge. .figr Our Saw Milla Egnondvij and Brumfield in full oeatien. 808 = KYLE' & MUS rARL. FARMIIS, IT ILL PAY —TO CALL AT T Ht.RON FOU NEAR DRY, HE INCH SCHN SEARMT/1; 1 I And see ouristot of ?JLOWS, Whioh has been made especially fOr this cetnty. I have greatly improvea - my Gang Plow for thie sesort, and feel satisfied in saying that it is the best in the Mai•ket. Our LAND ROILLiERS Are 184 and heavy, running lioht e od work. Our doing g GI Are AIN CRUSHERS e from hard iron,atd will iat longer than any other machine ea e. Havingspecial tools Lir recatthig Roller , we can guarantee' eatisfaction. 1 Specie attention given to repairing Steam paigines, Saw and , Grist Mi11s6 r Reaps, Mowers, Threshing Machin and al kinds of machinery repaired. On short flake and at reasonable rates, To cohtractiirs and oth--rs Brid Bolts ge of rePairs constantly on hated. leat lowest rate* ti d Caetings Qeotia,ti ns furnished on application. t7 Also agent for i the i imple ents of L. D. Sawyer, IlamiltoM A 1 a1 thie THOMAS HE NDRY. PULIC NC.STICEI T. ferule clersign, havirig ,neen appointed Agefak CO FEDERATIoN LIFE jASSOCIATiON, Is desirous of Lac:ming the livestaf an thectitze! ia of Seafmlh and surrounding cotintry, so *as make sea factor provision for fantiliesandirien a in ease Of death. This is undoahtedly =tho heti Intinranee Company doing businege it Canada at preent. A. look at the Daily GIObe or Mail Of May 1st, 1883, will satisfy any reasonable menet thia fat. Call at once on • a , . N. B --Money to Loan on Farm or Town Property on the easiest terms ofayment and at low- interest. i 4 , • 804i SEA.FORTH PLANING Mill, SASH'DOORILND BiLINI FACT 017 ti, B.Ernabscriberbegeleaveto thank Went:mao es ougtoMisrs for theliberalpatroiage extended to hinisirice :commencing business in Seaforth,04 tinstairsthe may be favored with a continuous, - ! 4/3/7:11148 ift7td 31-ouzding3,, shitigh4, 1 of the sa e. : 4 1Partieg artentling to b alba vonld do well ito gilt' him a call &She will contirane to keep on handl' a ro stdok of allkinds el , D4 -y .frirte lumber, Saezes, Door, Lath, ec. JOHN BEATTIE, Agent, Seafott. efeeleonfider t of evingsatigfaction both*? wire mai avour him with theirpatronage,aenoe ba] firs t-01assworknien a r e employed . i Plarticiraz attentionpaid to oustom vissultil JOHN R. BROADFO T. i FrP-1RaNT.11-2 11.E..., 't t; ..................ar. S.0ORTER SE4NFORTH. 1 eent .&testneined to Meier Out Intl izare Stock of _Furniture reget#4- eas iof Cost. =--1 t 0§* !IN WANT, it will pay them totes-0er- tain Prices before purchasing elsewhre. '1 ve along discount to them) paying cah, tin. daily te) newly married oettple. 1 an a 'till gelling six highlY fitiliehed choirs fdr „BO. I also keep Knowlton's pring Bed, the a and cheapest in the market ; warranted ectly noiseless. arereorns eireetly opposite . R. Counterlt minothJewehy 8 toreiMM ain 8 treet,Seforth at Side. Oath for iride, sifts, furs aid tallow. NO ck or trade. Cash for everythig. , JOHN S. PORTZ.B.1 . i ' i • ir . a 6.1 wri tleJ1 WOr busi Pa4t1 stirr I toi one, edit kigeiwor larg tiree hair ' leaf *Ie The citie it in the' ture. take ber. with fore, a p vehie but nose We the tree rem out This the it in the and I ners. Inert mate into is for after oper easil oval them prop them flavo are but IN prod thee sale t are fl at mark to bo ence. been bedsit parch putah crush riebbi :to:21 edwritiarhisyeEvi:ri: petit- oftaowfnr_ edi of-wa avo brokeaou t b Thurs atta the th h;p rnvebv cona__fAo ineee throat tas utt rtbettono itdi operat iittle the Cz n:vtu re4 eouud the h the.D lescap: theE °l7i 1vrtbe ithle area