HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-01-18, Page 4the I bear delil publ the r sue the t the c hot d be I oesE tiot b o lit A n his b C�. WOU slid Bay, at tl obje d C for thos Sire ti T ti wire wha they Cou'l BOMI alrei 4 in hE T th of on be, thl Yle mi leg wi T1 no b1i the I bear delil publ the r sue the real the On hot be I oesE tiot o lit D. r. his grai WOU slid Bay, at obje had be for thos Sire In 07C wire wha they Cou'l BOMI alrei the I bear delil publ the r 1884 Inty a the�secona t I li�d *,: I For his %Y S: go 3ond- wonia n be ad; Ot ible inotlVaIli Z. Urltx .3rt tie, 6. itlotheil second i1j,7, out OR wity for the P inch I$S Boni r 1 in' to lo, Vard� Lr, provid eC I O'W all ry olat tha, be - Can - ass* Ain either ,9 ty 0orin-011 [iave,'beeti A i was A*fber.�r 'Culs of the ­Ounpil hm�' tivieell, a t�e Do-! �us, and coi roe �0 WA of er� by s scan can a R-0 f all a 0( on Ulu ,list 116 J,i k Ina xn,6 AIE R, jara�s 1cre Ireal er to;, them. occupied I hel 7rLs oltql 11 leve �eaforth. 1 also lee il. M a, f the -knalwin pro. VV40 )5,0 10 h Y tiodk chu Ch.- apIp peti 91 a Iplq 2 S t li,ci. was her ehig !to au k", rom Wo it hu 3 to I% tana it Ulad iredj t pr�v an eimpelt Her, ,)rovorb mor 3exemplA. 'w" eo -whix impi week yci I :Stai ta 1A ton.: Laic', Yes, and -wi al f Mvirria, maiplity F elect :7 a, haii; re- Beal Ind given mot red bf R I:- zltyrweve I X11111 r ri 1br hom. I bad tatiie that bhe y toge her. haw up h � the J, ehur-` previfle(I let 41 iry R� evval Wool Forlylth pi" that � 'r. the Mr. For� IbAb Coupicil. to 4ght j ON - v ould not cheie their 3 ers of if 'Very I pork U 11'. ttb 7es to be the :Re - Goo They tool Or a Tory bel no i; L --a in 'Whe 9,1l , �Xa Iviewp"1176 on, t*o To4eg. )d in 1031 )ads !in a ToiIY. isar,,1. to -ie m�,In- .r. Nil- lon d -no Zi0a ,ne job, �e mer 1to T4wy Bpeetbr Und Ws. .r. Rea. saor ,of lurpose a ago, 11 . fineos LAI lgrave, t f A 'HE ft Ro 'EXT10 IT 0 JAN UAR 18 NEN ADVERTISEMnNTS. and !receives it in' I dr Ian4 oi ioi slil regall )a V ith bo,41e i a heal 1, P:ig a 1!teo will taliq good car. of it an �ve cor - But cDLsioirription H e, d came i3sidiouo 0 papera who were striving toradee pa *�Xltf courtesy, to 3siAiOU8 it8 co, maniner. Hem flgn-re between the after oil I Cloun 4) 3io and ots oes, in 7 os, who deRi re send 0 n on his o6d fortu 0 aul thi gr atulate hip' I a b sa may he long live to) enjoy it. fined' to )me! and took her aft ar being on- feelitig otigh to be ashamed, and de, Committee. iwo �1; tbs. grotto diat Mr. McLean, of the 86s' Shea to know-how hor bed ffir about iwo �1; Jamf long parenthelds job, sbadea:of ol: ae� line, denotes the page of the paper oa wh tical bp nion, have now assial -his trib don to abarity. Eliould. b VM, RYAU� Fr ut sobedii1e, (0) -c nviota ' r tb' Sh e lqave —The 0 .0 0 ten child en th should write s�oh as' reply in my pa(ket. 4 behind her aid for $ theadi eideement will be found.. splendid opt ll y 4 - ah w el streel east. )Wing g ntlemen - no Dec( �nber IAtb, 1883, as orr wing bustand. M*. Cl W48 infernal lies as lie believed - thatl 1 ular benefit I May 99 Mont ght T.he1E 1 Place—Lumsden&WiIson.(5) patrictis he 11 c M tj )ul ty Let I er will I ear the periae Of ry In ing, the. a OW8 59. ca es trie 1-90 by Goderich consi her to 8: a 0'rea by all who knew newspdpelr peftaining to the standing it in my pockt, 4*,d front 61b. Jam tb�e Clear n Sale—J'. McLoughlin. (5) resolve to Ma 111B, this a pp )inmeE t �po; kitch )n f L)r 0 w ok:!Hou.(J Fras9r, gistrates, i from eaforth, 14 fro sincera ;tgham, 'Clinton, ranka 'at if a IT Si t ranka and coxislBitent Ch�istiati. She the Expos oi: in cl; Ming be littleof the ia Fairloy. (5) '. f, 'Hugl Ryan'. 1. �F I nnl� C. I Douh- 5 1 fro fro was Wiry m accepted' Pibe a I ifesigned and cheerful in her in j ourpal'ism,'coald only I)o t erits its m, i Ispc pti Boots sad Shoes—Geo. Good.. (1) rT re i if 6,11 poli, i C. .0h b4l M. 0 nnol P I B�Iyth, 2 from Gorri( ), � from Itordwic afflicti sgrgice to the profession, Dn, and cloi Ied her lift in Garb it! �n a, a by oftei. Jamesof old, he woull iiv usi, or arlizall Basin ess Chauge—W. Roobertagn & Co.(5) ind i 'd I ork'siletatio'n anaGeor ge K ely The offence 11' of a mino� triumph. a are SIM( t a igg to to Weadi, tbO people it W&H slingiill!g 'ready to a e -the �u base fala# b hi fellow t The -Company. (5) f tz will olman Opera 0 i thih tb ey will noti oul character. —1� he amoi lat of finefs ruposi. ��5. iaioess at the Bru5selB Stea�n broadc�stl tterances of mn or a pery I lead but Dyeing—Jno. Lapraiik. (6) secure a good offib(�, but the w 11 In b,e a 1 of fthiii3 W a 3 ILO ed, was $144 Fire 1, agine Wor 8 EWOMS to be lo , i a real Crse to Society, which, when it suited hsNot be St Tam Durpoi Farm for Sale—Andrew Duncan. (5) Hotel to Ren—Nrs.,Tno. MoTaggart.(11.) morpirestore, bartri'ay, all 4406d !eeliInl Pulp. it N41Y�A�.�-A:� $40 000 Are !—On Tues lay'aftet noon laot weeki, up. �bere w bile 9- r. Alf x. Turnbull, 0 the Th adi ame ar a i ow about 20 wDrk In ought notito allowed." statement of y employed;aud busine 8 steal The above 4notation. of my speech, thatthe Reform; inthec( so e3 th( D 1 Farm fdr Sale—F. S. Scott. (5) both a the 0 p u a 'd i th launio,.! occurred in 11 DEITHE:—A or k! m. Wori ion Mc n. - in, th ay. rotic ex- r I lily Rbad UBb rne, was driving� through increasing. 'six rbn4! in the Blyth Reviw,.aa are prinipal 1 iuring the pas i Be Sqn. as repo ly 10 be 11 is 'eing introd-iii0ed me Plaid Lo'st.—C. Robb. (5) palitieis. If C 6 thd 3oi tr, ry, t. ey so plorer, bi a d in Alaska. M. H. t e gate on 1% Er. . H a -.1iney's far ra, t4o fW amers,, the price of whi, Ih was oertainl more credence to giea e the lito Td TE z Payera—S. Carnochan. (5) their Iman regardle 9 Ndtiee--�N. . Clark. (5) 11 f effioi ney, Setbam, wri at C b icaf� 61 or a no) iday e ree . i in d ed 0 tt ick the, post�, $25,00), WT er accidentally firt i' caused the I or awa Regiri to ru ch Y. I have been f- the di �or ( th� than to old and Par i P rry, to at paper ouncil. proceedlia - 9 0 9 1 I and othel ne- correspprideut1who wilfully vilifies nay -places ad row r years a ey a ar ate( Agent a muted—Wria. B.. McLean. (5) so -he M&v he e er dere, I aii I o GR.uN 3wrr �Eltd.—John B Tlb animal ran as far as Fairqnhk gotiating for new machines. worda. now, Mr. Editor, if you Voracious St. James agree Rest& r r ut service to other 0 ,for Sale—James Steele. (5) i parr y, V Ming aii A Y dd Lb c ng U Flem. victed of at —.T.1,3 iere it was he cutt�r wa W. ovped.,i T Annual meetin f t e pte. reoluire'fuTther' proof as to the correct- Conservative to 1b ee 9 eted Notim' ah -a Bar ess. (5) chances are f. lab - a .9 Te4ma auted —'T. 0. Kemp., (8) : i adi t of per I carry Lng On at 4usi ve In or ; swindle iced. hen and ree p -The bhiistmas.tiee. euterta�nnlen Societ Ushorn Branch Agri a th III riess of fr. I r iy,sp6eeh, as above quoted,you. o�poszed. the followl was heldin Exeter, last e i, call briv�g all the fi!es of or tb- ConserivatIvs [a yel woul(' , --will 16 th, 0 1: It. It Wo6d � o r thil ab Old �o in C iicayo, I 4be V n Beir bmcied- to your pap. learn th tbe the County Girvin be lanted—Tho mas'Hendry. (8)i. tain ty of -'s fie xle P tiZan figh i I 4C tweIv 3 m)ntl,i 3k ar d filted fi. ve hun- gi 613 in the C"ada etbodiat cillurob and w.iftra E, imville, of the glad to it a ai Ta wbicb Contains articles on to ele4ed in flo Treasurer$bip the -next fai at V-0 1 I dred lollars. township of Usborde, oi: ociety are a mos; ris h ig �to meeting of D�;Won and led t Th' there 1)6 o ar muni.c�pallty iin t e 0 for t�e.dontroloftl-AJ .0.1 11; ty, n ina& 0.0 DELmoll'100, th i 'haPt DEAD. —ThobOd I - of the Cliristim. rand a clitforf� as D:i 1ht was a g Cce.98 eoll The tree %§ heavily la&ul with year ainounted. IV Coin(.il, when- will e ota.) rece pts, or tI e tile Conti agreement. I ivasa to: '51,539 and te di3- arnple pr0of 'to couvili-ce you and tb-tl ebancilattliatitimand melx I ly JOT 9 8, ell 4 Onic o, of ew splendid foh- children, a bnrP.eiIIi,,nhi to $1,343, leaviog a Islip -e that wh'at I have stated is Cor- f�t.JanieS the 38CO' tha:1 e I �cert Ll�� t y bA all 01 York, wa i di� ove"Idd i the woods, of , presents -the leiigtby 'ably carrW of U9$ public rid ill the s handf. d rect., By risetting the above in the T oteT con 0i ces wit 3EA1, 01�TH'FRID&Y, Jan. 18, 1884. a like bone O�i 0 nte k6n.[ t I a 6edi'y iecDpaq P It lwi 11 aq :1 morn ng. * He 00t, from exp sure We �wl.� ev '�4- J erso Y, I Iden ti.. Sunday. perished p ranaine as ind ver 4hing pa aed off plf asarl t. t o this out, a 6 ly and was a*oredit to be School nd RE t*or rett-,of Proceeds balabee of any Such a xt isnueiof ybur paper -you will obligl6i bef $50 now � no a , rid, ng proposed agi . paya)l (Is grour and e.a­ailtble P. -KELLY. I r?ever attende CX I B13 th, Tun� 1 -0th, 1584. foijta the ropOB eed to Icus 0 be &­� all diffiu it fo COUPCI: Oro to seei THE CELTIC AF1 .�The lor g delayed m1nagers. 37.25. up vor real. ect tb o ifilleReformers. inthe Cim� e -we wbicU. : Th W county Council. course, !in t, lnter4sti of iblibil steam ship - Ce lilic w4s tied T Eafely into On Mon ay, 31st Wt.. Mr. James sum of Hackney, Tb mes Roitil, Usborno, gave re-eleG Wro. Thl) old OW ers N re Bill ring tbe 8 y-egrs that We d eid, viz: Donald Uc­nnis . P es, o, u;gt think Mr. Kelly has im ber of that bo y, I nor The ason of the County Council count it will� I tter ,jfoi th.m Queenstown ofi!Strida i All b(r by p6,ePritanic. a lliouse-%arairig in bi now and mag. dent; n John -flu ter, Vim-Pre3id proved hisiposition very Materially. It ed to attend suet P .. i a me pirbich opens at Goderich Qu Tuesday pursue'. Let he I n li' mell of -bot paB8811gers No MORE CEIINn war it - in good NTEDI.—A health.' Btriu7 ni. i' nee. wards Of 200 A. G. Dyer, p ;nt resiiii e' e e were resent,- and a goo time ard, Treasurer. amei P - 113 . bvi Secrl,ary and i C1 d' u!be;has gob himself into a of the belief tba'; Directors, MeEsrs, 0 ul beitig wiable to prove his eformers i th, Co a Ca 8 xox� will likely be one of more than or- shad Otpoliti"1181 Y intereat, aind will attract more some rhii;, ilaniiab al. u4it( u 11 ba� P 0ent a uti- Wiese into t, e 11E on.ee. law f A ss ill be in m bl roduced 'Victo ria, t IP r wS is r atly a 'Westc( spen he builling is r !(Hav), n 3 tt, J&m I cbarges� boiI� has. not the manliness to re. -I es Oke, -, ha Will' been held rin ty tha an., 1 dir ame I all Britis a �04 lurabla. It :de y, !la 6, 0. r of it 'un - Cre it to th 3 f arm, and is 0.. 1 of the tract th'-m'. s to the question of ver James Loadwaii,-JaMes Do�vj 1, 11, es, MIS. at 1hjb,C: ?tI:b�ic attention than is usually e rat- ble t b 9 Oth, dso ] 01 e d. to �4 I lawfai fo CWnese 6) British ha Osomestr3sidencesintbot nsbip. ThOMYS . . ( ' ;urtin, J 3 Oar - acitV bdt�od bims,?lf an(] our corres- Willi$, I e Oun Y nrit el deliberations of this angust tins Id to i b eern y an, C iei W that the Oup strilo. Columbia, aw be 1� kseS1 enter an' av naal tax, W wish ourold friend- a long li le and tyne ar th 'best of go9d health to -enjoy Pi3 Mag- —Lat d W. Sa.�� era. pondehfi, wii� leave them to settle that be -c rabersession old I, tween tbe�naelves, and we have- only, I � Mo'nday eve Ding a deei led T call, t )ody, e need scarcely say interest is the, to fix �d I I over 1i t 0 H i ap Z)ase, on Chinese ni cent homep ant aD very pli 3al - to remark �bat our Correspondent is a successfu. atheril g was I lel I ibii,pursuedinthe dij 9 P on a� ine Subjeot of paramount eti �ed at Tieasrership. The new Coiiu- .' The Bob bio s ast. "�'&E been 1 ! yEars �UHF UNHAI iAR --�The zgjr is --The Go.? rich Si�,r al, of last weeki 'at Roe's - b geiitlezn�anj whose w(ird will carry as appbiuttr ent in U e towuEhft) much wblight it in thiscount ou o 1114 weIll ele 11 will find this - matter in predirsel. y the settled at-Ust. i Mr. J.ff.;Reiwki : I 3 asp a said to be ouffvi�, h4l and in daitger I.' - nteasefy'iq 6�%"aking doWn under saysi: On dnesday an intelesting! 7 of; Gre3, affai� took lace at tibp resic er p* oday with where 184 wing clearly that t under the auspicea of the y wed theme ; they ar4 hoth pretb gi-nerally, known, I chool. T ae - ladiE B - stipplie I e 1yes e C( to be I a,mei Jositian tbat-the Ol -CoUncil 160. to step ( b lown and -0. i be remembered that the M ills ba ��a t win 8 a biB in . E nj! Ron, 8,vi restored the co tluuedat�rafn. tc Frii N UH� of S(SUTH.—Tte J excAclmmt. orango i Hug : am D, 0� 8 r go fo -r, Maggi Was mILTzed to rth dauglit, son CpU A. H. Stowar Of St., atheriu 8, form- v9ELiter8 )er as any - - that of Mn Killy. But even mo IV el D Ica e.� in aking Mr. K-dfy's own Vrsion of what i I ), t ire ant a en ve lie did sa,� his remarks *are equally as. 8 S611 I 0 baucilatits, December sessioninaract-.. him. Judge Gilt Ig 00 jl�idgmfia groves Of the 115011un *at greatly iiijuredby Z 3ta-tes" h wer"o frxlL I �vc been I 7 of Goderich. The Ila iiijr left ]a 1,ppy rge, paid eery. attention to � 3 rJu sty servantwi . W&OM offensive aB those imf)uted to him by 1� triad, bit tb hudiencei w ggge h 3 ho throzi the n< i.ad. bi d the county auditors to andit the Osgoo 'do H01 ou Sf tda' w hi�ch wat the; grlweis of g rd rack and, bv�e lost by the nobia t ain for their future home, church, iccompanied b the flood wi84eB of to y our correspi,nide-ut, while they ar e r a, very Aft r tea Reve tra h -0 his fellow Cil Chi n w66 izenH tbo inuchless anly,as-intheone.casethe -ced. and reasurar's books up to the 31st of Do- as follows. qm�er or the Commencement of the Tne judg�eint I that 'I JJseph evefryt�hing. tions io very go T le I,:e t. In Eouthein age I U So me see Georgia oted iends. r pipInteJ The contract of Ors, Loul,'E no - w cb.6.ii and after a sh rt, efi i -sed. to b e Coe i charge is 8' address C811ed on t 0 Owin pecified and can be met, ition a,3 Tr.e"a arer while iiall We other it is So general and P91 n to x,, and ewyeli,r; they also instructed the War- HawkinawSBindtil y Oleo�- d 'an be ol that the subar oarl E the: fro'ezing W L.as bee ather'L a- dea#)yed by e sp; akem:—W. lock; in Bru els has -I)ee n let 0 th0 W. 11. -Kerr, P� too In i(rce, Rev. G. LDur lor a COU -8 rvative a undefindd that only a riegative reply and Itev. D. C. Clappi The other p ts in Oln frie St, D&vI en's'committee to receive thoso'books the Eon. ol ill 5 vyias! He dasmis§ed t Olylejected. U6, as SUNDAY PLA i[S BTATE Sib U ay per- ollowing per ono: —Mason - -w,)r k, F� who poke ' for &:slort time on to can b givpn. 'Now, while we do not 30'.�Ond`s epitst 17 e on I av e ]. eti ,hen audited, accept the securitioa of a mes Stephensf 1i cOs ir.. Holmeg as treasurer if satisf act6irv- petitioner s. a. and "-a neer 11 ag ai . . a aga nat ina the nst formanees in tw'� he Sabba'Ji night w e 6topped theill, b' t es last the su elly; brick ork, Wm. -Cor M9200; pertaia, ar enter wor Ha try, 4. 390 a �riag, Ross'; 11oldic 11 prin to �pers�otlally follow Mr. Kelly Cip Ily to Sanday sch)d� propo.qe bn C. I hieed , from Dan tiO Bershe*ba in- order to. force fov the Excellent music wis supplea �nkillg you him toeat his -words, to Zni, it rel spact� , > . and hand over the books into 'tion a r' pbti-� li� gav Ju ria, tb ori ti ,,a. ]g- HA -R..) ON it� T�Usevereweatber R. paintin 9 W. at suitable alt roofing, Mr. Cathmw, of Ldudo n by Th, o ititerv�als by a, 10(al ch)ir deare willing yours truly,, 1. in ever i give bi -y possible facility to on - -n as Herl ta ge, with : diss - Hei D,, -N of ig, CU:81 ody.:: When the Warden's com.- Mont aga,inst titioner, fii vor bf 4t ith 1, d costs Agal ilast week played Ist havoc wit h c Lttle on Cher owas a difference of..$200 i n is Ome ace at the If I tenders forthe The organ, able hi rn'to ri good Hs st;temns. Vot -es of banks w' He has 'accused THE ExposiTOR rititee inet to carry out these instruc- Mr. 1181 XC( t ans,Abev found that tho books I Steph� the plains [1i till Terr Acdes, Lillso Western we S bI 1,1 sectiobe es all d entire 3 same wo�. i. pasuedlo-tlie will be ushed cad v ith P all and la�ies e as soon is the wi iter is 6 i. �,',Ubliel y c11airm.an,sp(aker8,chAr he marri-le i of a, ven, 0ave offense. We again call after which tbii very slic� ! upon hii�i eitber to prove his accusation bose aritcedn� is are a n1C -well e r I 3'ea, Sadite or son that the Thei �ioyi herds were fro t d h. p cessful tea-mee tina was brought to 4' i 1.1 T onto and. Mol-: treal, or retract it, to 50 is, )Uut lathe legal au- humiliatillg'on r tuditors had no� et io M gaw;k1n.8 3st TRocps 3oR rison a i Ennis X LL, 61 N. land, has e Gar. Mr. Robt.. Cook, w io. has IT(sided close. ti the 2nd. 0011068814C 1) of Halle bt for roce . I orto rest under the charge e 8 ollor 0,428. tor in the ea- Aeria of being it uhlib liballer Slid a man idu- �IT3 a town 'y iority to carry ont e instructions MOB ii- en would feelL it! anal feenly, ut-it.18 ordered to mal en, 0 propary tious 0 been jccOM_ —The everal. years, died oii Mo nday lafter a says: iYo Howick E riterprise Of lAs wc ek an a Mcril 1,worthy* bf i Credence Th at be. may v a privatE letter we Ig'trn'Of 1 have no caused a Seri oxcuse for leat e of 4 1; h e rl itui �ven th-em by the Coun il. Thei ty not likely be will ar in . I L iditorE i had 'Inted to audit but the logs,of th 6,nd jh eb'for a, �Y' j . . the modat( 1,000 gidditib4al DO zie to be 3ent ibere iii. trool a v ie,%, �which Fbort of the a illnes CT 13, a. ed 57 y arS. I aves the sad w fe and five Children to mour his fo�mer at attempting, ae,%th of Mr. DavidWarnock, pl, be in the 08 faqb to clear himrielf]l wehall, if be requires MOB Iii sou- Df Samlie. htre,I the other Y it, urDiq I b bird on abl, evenir. - seo,.t ei 20 1 P.- Nation dist Meet DgB an� iounc� d %im for the to ann u We are also sorr Dee Warili with. a c-)py of each wl o recently moved e I ccounts of the previous -year, and mentsi attachi I I P-1 )II-SogUently, when they fulfifted that with I : 11 I . r coming week. SELL G Di EASED CATTLE.; - the;death cectired 1 of MrB. Richard Cole, which Blind River, on TueBda`Y, at the residen' �elot It( EXPOSITOR COrItAillitla any reference to pomp, and the b&1TY a Algp:: a. Doce ise a's the subi4cl. in dispute and place t4 his diately left for &,-own i -00 in tbIe p,: icha-rid Cartwright at anc city fleir functions ceased, I the d Mr. Mills I in setitati e Nvillim (if Iowa, exbibiced Repre- at 80, the lim� 10th concession. Mrii. Cole basibeen Ra 0, and basinef�;s i Gorrie some ye P digpoaal ue�h ro!om in our Columns as lie '% 7 ! "Ch the IsAy ig his upri-hb. T, the H' pfise during the Dnalcil eitheir through overi6t or am ing - BeE al 'h the Capitol, Wasbingtob on aturday, Bili�g for Some time, ano:ber de4t* was him the characteir wo a J 01i may re f6r this purpose. It he if)# th nuptiala, her Beconl respect all re esteem of all'w�) �, ecianious Rusid-an t Mr. B ke will find," nora.nue, had nelected to specially mat Slly a thope(I tretl� is aUda vdk� atho all UIC -the'�laullaofflbi-e�bi�ad(feattI he i ed for the, IWas iingtor 5i marki . r litend- t iite ot unlooke I d for. Her remairls Vere knew � e in the EbeneZ'er come e On uP land wants tolu;how the standing of THE roble, I im. Severa years , o ( o) Exi?OSIT-.�,")he as n oppur ubi y. s li� obtained tit1e.' I �ow h in Algon!Ia I ler la,, 1point hem to audit the account - 8 Of has th. solid voting power they Id have: done. 11,gatin't b'11 4 alaught3re C- tI early, 8 � ages p� t� day. lento One,: and -11howed I the Wednesday. with his : I The liters InMully and removed the�q —ED. E Po' bachelor pa t SITO.U. S famil k, and was strugglilkg! I fe, but he cou ­ ]a !121-�t ith tile I witl)E Lis yes r as shou still. ie Wtrde's found � pneu�a(niia, 4nd y soeiety� recently'otgan- in eRffwted NQ, 6 Qchool hou4e,Tq*�r* wh1oh, thy pi e hardships of one 3ri inamoratia's Wid be bya Wi4son's'Repiy 'ks-tbreeof '!Ps, cilia committee also the Council iii Tim, inquest on t bo of Jam 1 the:third w is' a B01 u tely rotte The bai ah hup broughii I 1provecl io be �ededetil,odl Auo uld I e to mr.:Elays. tbi eompeteircy to hi-rasel: and, St In at on] 7 session eSn si - i I � I y e cattile .,;ere b6tightand gilled b) order c ! family il )ss. The weekly mettings �abd pain i la L his old 0 1 07,0 P08? or. but bQiDg � pt the securities Of the treaeurer, White, killed"in. th e fri and at Eig Park otorit, jht III collisi)n t 2nd of Co MiEi0 In 11(r SUDE1 Loring. At well are still off .611 e an mem ership is' n tb lage, ak4n" a eommeo�cement of the I Ittlb, SIR, — I U youl!! Issue of the 11th of 0 IlThe pin -forte The old at the, treasurer ca not take his posi- oil wa on )n ntil his securities are so sleoficuded di accepted, e in8t.r lea ay. 'N �RJNZ a i SeV6 inlaliVErsityatudeinti, AgSASSINATION;�Thirtyll of Moscow, 't tie i 8 be leave ricrease. A lively iLitar&t i ken h n the debates, and the. orato�rieal poor eir . i his v,?if6 and little ones i i b.9,t anuary,lnotice a I' *,er ob" effusion from' "' I Ta V�nders will ney rristan�ea. On the 17 -01 -a Mr. J HaN lurningus verdict' w !P r -have be 3n arr' in es bed O!U slaspicion of being w 3ra f 11 the boys"i are beooining December th w ea a, Reeve of lUcKillop., fi Alin tbis al be vi�'IiH on his his 11 'of A they had to leave the busi aess just und it. Hen whi�h I the Grand. r,n they f, ce the proceed. ir, Cora connect, A with lY Col. Suder the linur ler of Lieut- 0 6 Mtr vid. the, officerO f r brother Ib� 11 0 )Villiam's 8 Z t, -0 e Rrbe(l term are, i e, 1b., �ohn and was way o entitlld Th e First Epistle Jaimes," Store at Blind I in whieb. he charges we -with dishonor- iveir, t7 Orris i ip who ku walking on the ice n �e: 11 ably withholding information from a1 P( wero severely censire� gs-�t the December session which of t�e'c, ollisi n 0 0 IV tore,, have 9 e �re ded Such a fu e direc (au3e nd due, It t t' FRA-mr-, AND Hainan are soliciting Te Imperial Cliaese, in Ian Drotec- Bobb; sborou gh e Wm. broke 0 Vice- Si the sbor Secrel ary, A alins; or 0i a the Ong a r b, �bout five rods froi6 County C ke Editor q which the �0 f Juron , and was drowned befo e ail- was waiting,' As St, James the Second Ella, Expoig alne f oni t to be illegal and forgqLf Sa' O..tho farcical, and the uctor,. 9'0r'e,, tion aga nat the that 20,( 00 Frle� ch. It is r E ported T reSsurer, J. Y Landab g Sistance 9 —In y ale 0 could reac him. 8 wits has a great deal!to say in regard to the Oat there ! last I Barber ad the,. EDP] practical restilt, of .,that ill Iinied 'I R." � m en THE POP - AND aie roe HE, 3eding thither. MASONS. —The Agriikultural e Alluna] meeting -..Of t years Of he Howich So�iety was! held in Gorrie family 01 are eix age, and. l?aVes a wife ani committee appoiute� to wait upon, the that h - -eturned p ave i ten small ,hildrau., County T�reasuror, I tforn (,'o Jej A Efry. afrrdnt �r� d maly ill a -advised proce6ding is, Mont of boih'wa m A g"t �X la, effiGient mud faithful officer tl �e Comm on but J. t, Popp is about to garding-l-Preg MIS �yl : is stilean n ,in encycilinal' wh ieEi, re- oil is be. in *uesday OfIlast ollow- week. The —The g 0frIcers werd elec ted f I or 1884:'Presi- say TI May b I : e pardoned if representatives to �be ( Clint I give tbut cornmitteos history in detail, '417hil Era of last eek rea7llell Ce althon-311 f�ol tha 1 0 onlyne Col servotive of Mr. John readers buaty n --he , I was toc ill froin the e idd t 00" ty has been" needlessly in- I of the ac(i-' lieved a d �8tilu tween tb �Ont or. GO will �n ntal a' 11790 riii d En de be- d(lutt" I all J&s. Perkins; Vie� P re,4ident, J. st;uieyl�vvasthei ecl:, your must returned a lefornivr. be sick a d cciaeofavery leas. thredof hi'mring' abouttibe lilore,tbo Tory de,nt to bei akein -tea-, 411A an elem. A07 ent of discord has - 5n iiitroduced into the Council and 'I'Bent h9M6 af t givi and li� w bilis evio( C9. a cieties. , i I 80 B. T Moses Johnston; Secretary� J'. D. Smith - ing,event 1 reakurer, JaR. MeLaughhn ; Pirector , ion of the B Aldrich, B. S. book, S ter, Em ,Own0ip on the Ist inst., on I he 0 ca miserabl:1 and cn�temptible business -of W't -)rty 4- 1 ; an ly thi -o�,,e of it marria forcii)o �eof-his,third gi obt a Well -tried, efficient and Provid 1 last d faithful a, to Mr. Pidward from TorN -Cti; i barberj however, which it will take W.: W6,9f dicions and careful gaol. tilil thw, AS izbs, mal�age`- the Mh inst., tol* be liLt to e. -adicate. We hope the' ring- rei napde� to 1119 2 oper oul ed 'for Ir &'li- Huror I Mr. Si muel Snow' Flak e, Mani L N! Otis MpDju: I ilugl 4a, ate and W at G S, ife, 'of p reent inntlerri uel rele�, as. Bell H. Smith, n valls The brio� brown, Alex. Roberts' Silk, her On, John Og- AsBistanc Director�., Joseph ee, and silver g the posi, ohnpto, . tion of tun i0d a wbole T. dark 1blu, be! a was qre4sed in Treasurer to' make room for one who 't ''Tory Reeve �olle I 04,; but ',who felt as being crearp , lic -very nxious maj! rity iead drd was untri 1 0 , wbilt tl:,� Toi'y floweral. to hve �an, he brid a r -experience, of that kind. orIJI Ceived i ee. 6 re d5ou ;'thi4y hund D ep I ders: ol the move, slaughtyr. From �he ment are. satisf led proi ;h �he result pf ininrt officials -and generalship. ler ce;gi b Iltlers, at -tb l visiting ftiends in Y' The Bulger o Lon&8b6to, d w arolund prIp rty was sod E xeter. in the IaE t vi� illage week M., Strong, J a. Le Alex, E, ar, some hat ii ex, Graham,' amuel JoJbnBtOD,ALI ert being a illits, James 1Q andersoa. father; b Thoa.- 0a,, p. dso ref That famous committee, co Me `8 no'biting of 1 11 , the 3et of Eil i frou MessrE. Ea v gr spoonf �iriie. dorbItt and myself. was, ati r- Rea, th I )read plate from or ne I an tif u or appoin ted at; ar the cloi hei o Of the �rn)tahers of the C noil! of a of IS." ist anyrate, is inquest, we should'of be' �Y position, as those offi'c'mNa h ighl f t some (If Mr. G4 iorg! e N 1161 ew to fo� the slim bell. of 1 1 I Mother; I —The Howie D in-law, M istriet eeting L�Jlal Set of vases from her session of tboCouuty 0ouncil whch mt. ISO ;131 years past, ai Aer b t both rs.. Pe'ck- I on Friday' at 110 d k. Tb of I Lrli as we ta leain� in which. the V Council find the road are more 4ei ant orily h 02 'ibg bein —Mr. Aiex. -, ; I forr Is form ei -0han' of of Lodge hel h 9 d their brot er; annual meet- also fr o'clo t session of I om. b C a IS& d')n public, and in pri Bet of glassware from U the Council adjourned about 12 -o'clock, uld retire from th w aff ars on assepa tried as,crimi ag at G oderieb on Tuesday next.' it t10 of -'ato, nforturi Brussels has' opened-- t CIO hillg E si -DOt a stablighir tailor ini and T i the Belmore. O�apge E aly on Cole, her y of last eek. A �full dole Cole; ion r. Cc and sister; Silver cake slnd 0,1 i: and the committee met immediately, t when th' as glass cii e i k fro and I was selected tincil got conductur and Vlaat tie ultiramte result wi�l. be of e it [SL impossible Fen . ham. —A.ve y SUCCE 813 nI C'ea ent in Wing- wl be Is present, a y'lodge lin the d -s riot 9' ey8 ing except . roxeter, The owels fr(m. stand Chairman. I th uU M. rs,. en tv Council olia ass bread asked the committee at what time it plate a ad nen. to Mrs I 'would be rua for Jobriston in' most convenient for yth rao', f or us to predict. P-ROVINGfAl held eeting was eting is d lasRes Set Of th m to e 4,U i 4pose Mr. Ma Ilar, a in: th') do ot, think, however, that the bad. "r ovince cf position. The �n U e �.elxi on New Y e0s)eva Met] T-heproceEdi iodist c iurch be repor as being one (If �tbe f A held by the society for many, eal,rs, eck, a� om be I sister, Miss L ZZ -1 Iwait upon'Mr. ROSS, and they algreed to his no mintion�eeeh a pur 4, do so at or near 4� o'clock e � rom a fj ind, thinking that �*oluld not vc to sent Council can, with due regard to rr ovice, been I u de: -el by it nounted t $75. The following officers -,were elect hort tim !as the asi prior to'tb E) weddin 1 she rej 'Cimnall �meti, at that honr, the hv�b) wiih�d in the Count �commititee be ir own i nity, reco I US mud d g guize rulers u-13til now 14 illegal, proceedings- of their - prede. n1v hopeles8. 3 —Mrs. Enoch- C. noah, die' - on' thE S1 or 0 4.1 East Nyawa n9t., fro D. a n e . M W. H. I eived a I 99) D. M., Are, i. H atla After aestop'; Chapl in 'er. eautif al 7,01 watch om, would �be the most. certSinf i heri, r In Iblemen I" he a aid par, finding the Tr lig of di aner! th� eastwer in his offie. As yo. 1 hal y in 4ebt, but ia' a' Ctu mrs by ratifying the dis of Mr. t e verge attack of inflawo She was IS ion of theb Geo. welo. M. Strong; R. s., B. S. Cook; S" :1appy Co aMissal Dane Trea urer, Jchn WaitErs; il 0 o their wedaitigi 1ple left agred, the committee waited upon the he p me.)3 By way 0 f as the Treasurer A off, of bari uptcy, and th..." plunderers is Slid the appointment of Dr. are aged abou, I.- —Mr. J %mes J'ai 3 Jfi ill rs. in ClinJOUL is ecretary, Jas. Earnilton.1 riendA. conr lations of and stia�ed �o him That they m U W ad been aasked to run tea b Y the COnptY for R; COM o 4 menialng t 4uarrel - They should proceed . as if t the lean being kept going hev t from'k lani 11e Blyth k -Review of last !w6e OP )0:86 Mr. Forsyth:; for rImes. pounoil t from him what but; farge thig R carease-i The Mosse�. a I issal and app ointment had has been GOVer -nmen t0bal of w 2icb �� C 1i Oad2 I have al. eady lys. � We learn that all of a nuMber �f the r. Ke as i� e new-Bpaper r r Has to S ay. ruth there w AfOris said neithdr 31% Ref< Rea fQrdpd to er beeF made, or if tey recognize seau will beurotide, M at 1. they should only do. d ML A: overn a Mr. MOB for by thi )I L lbeen ground., —Mr. J. Tborp,the i _a1brof 117ubkeisrrit� 4ell e(ently ir kri I the iorse We. sold a examination J1 Blyth Public Sebool, who wr tel the iloroftheHaronExpesitor Co -e successful i: I passing the entrao Bin,—hly to t le Clinton High SO ool orts in regard to! hiai resignati thy I On and Gonian were worl in Ofteial Statement Of L ot�ln from. him al ibev bad 0 att ply allowed theme Grition has been latelT PIS intention., After some conversation tools of BU ei It. � ind the motiona passad referring to UPOUL been called--* to for] 1 a m. Mr. Ross: would then have an I Ross has 11overnment, span of he&4 �-e Ameridan buyer, :tg:11 ra borses fo: - the s6m I of to an ]as 380. wri .4 galled jbO 0 . week. N fewer than sixty-ttlr�ee the ' illustri+us examinati Ito at but oJily Oeekil)V-, an art 6 1itten I !party of, therefor( y some'! with regar to the�matt er, the Trea surer fok declined to vo r 0 alit3 hb is! so ibe th;s loc w ed th he deSi disome timeto con.- Fepli re Mari Nob 80 with ''he eor and iVis hoped -Ibba; be 'I wl orturait y of L L resi grinig in a regular and . e cem. nt the two bran L all orable and his I o, able t the -Cc`n�- —Mr. G ecirlige urchased tb4 C boro, Sn el,pf l rober Hulle y in. L; t, has tb i )ndes- wb:) ty-threo w notoriety Ole succe I fnI. Tho'se m anh n6ss paSsed from Blyth so ool, were: not'�,on A. a he had not the, Bider and -at be *oul i d Send an Stis wer vot �oi their to writeo V r his own Party In name I �p writing t6 thec ttee aier it wOrt I Do tooL and heci3 !wLe Tori Rea have Successor could p L servative arty an& for: IrOpe rl I "app OfUte d. Who that auc- G)ve'.rnmeni I , &bid in-te'ridi Ahe black e nai ibin taiTtirl busines -'his in t son in Logan, pre-" Mary Alex. BL' cGowan, J ohn Dodds ail 11lis Qirilbus I Annie iRelly. while answering,' re I4o far asI collect were not instructed article. As- any lColineill in Morris, one at- t10 state to the Treasurer that his 'than ea 130mewhat stronger t4ai , .1 . .. It orshould beL the next ques. , Tbu,, �. la ises in t ie 3pri Mr. ig. 1 ma Kea 27 Brice I n es lfu!-.scIioJarS prepated 6cki g an Uag 'lot' answer wba we -Uve ther in a, public pri �sa . who ranat be b efOf6 th,15: Council a t, i t its P abd since it was ineVi the courage to lit f ax, owever, he h h 46 lot, Mr. A-darason, we understand is 1. I' either, -and Quebec is p aeld Succeeded it � 4 1101v Dear' I I tends oper in ou )go i a bgr�, r e -De )it, ShO p in- by I the Seb R. Henders)n, prin ipal of ; our pam )@I, during th 3 fiv I e to t1t' e yel rs in whi ch base assas write his own ext sesion n but simply at a fu ure Re j4 par v in t �ari the alession During the afternoon session t to vin. way it ri�ht tbal; Mr. tabI be i of �he .at entirely. It, therefore, a Local Goveru Men� H,olmm can satisfactorily establish -without t I' village of 0 edi pbeu. M1 good Man an 6 Orr, t6wr iii4 i6ported 1 u don ship c f t, , Ste- be be a --At fair the,township, ias been in el arge. I Slid stabs the recer t ran al electi6ns �ight. I who at 4 oclock, -laya his victim *hich meb Mittee BTr the com lim. i . Shoud thtl'darknesa, of -the reported th6 reslt 01. their intervie W RAI, Mr. -a would, therefore, advise your it t e treasurer Goal innocence of complicity r the'dis- TEE Gode'iZ­S­u-1kr- 741 1- laa Ce yro edings, which, if lega, fram'.THE XPOSITOR . eA copies i h patronage. —Mr. RIbert I I I Usquiinl mand en ds leaving a in olled Move of Stephe re corre I spo , there wb 111� for Mr. 1E Eilber, firat D t tinues to act p� Y 413 about 6 o'cick the 'we, a il� the cli,- ent' from Blyth, if he.con- ebuncil adjnurne to meet in such capaci again at ifor he Reformers f�, xlorri,3?- tv, that in alf past 7 Accordingly .4 -ve resulted in. his a� �f I ha ppointment week f F4ir the letter' the: diem i8sal of Mr. Ross, then, we County T 11 reasu rshi *, bul, p i.Prev;ion yy� . on the la 7� 1 1 i ireligio a"' u Iv Ethel in be spii farm he recently - wel. Mr. Do bsoE, n : bd r, C dsei iside ch near the Mir histo- Mr, votes nd for 1 is oppoenont f titure h Doyle, 207; 1 here we 1DO 6 or I -C.. Eilbert-Second Dipp - uty Reeve, every r, ght-mindedei p. the A. e, peouniar more regar me at oln -will have d for muncil amfin t again about half�p4st -7, ' 'g from he imun � tly despised by I q J i a ad after reading the minutes Mr. For- put i � the . hando of zen.� A �Ot ie L ali ip the he� sbould have the SppoiLntraeut. exeludea our the 8 a!goo� citize ii and 322 ; votes and for his oppo�ent M r W. wouldnot q itla, Reev6:,,uf BI I th think) asked and the trouble rep y ther to.' 9 ca,nnot do this het'should, be passed on a par with the t4ti4s of This is 6nly Conser. a" people of lo e him. I th 1wi I be sc y to Baker dat?s . 311 votes. The several caniii- ec1i for Council] 'a: tbesubj on Xr.-E conadrit Iq litor on there was ally rePl Y from the Treasurer 11 Reform r nl- son opr were it ot for -the coba- a d ed by the was answerl th, ves, and, a iother seleateil in Iiiii Stead, vative contem r'' . pq &rips f 6 a:,ppo� lIting, him our Fally. The —The i-0111ains Cooper, Elimville, of r 0 I w 'bi onathan Usborne, Fulton,210; ors polled as follo w Ments made Oliver,101---1 Ryan 257; doubt, on the 71 Warden 0 in your i Conn�ll of 3forris. TILe I �be negitive. Mr. Fosy r fals paper, based, no Rork in th ass( . Is ol;I, thieolle e at tements of 'I tIllen cito, 'the elf treasi F -the Council would only permit tbei� reade.,.s t see one We ere followed t o of French, 273; Mitchell, 202, and - Sg� informant, 4u. your made a motidn appointing who is anx Holmes auditor§, the deputy Ous to Brusselsr eturning coup a t Being and condoning the if they- can hal .p� W R THE Exposi. day,last. -e: .01 I -i a. I 1 ry on This Tues. der sup- year 3 77. The co Incil for! the current u3e expremions will, there be make me 1 of easuker of the conty -of a O'n tables at nd and, . a make as ertions Au elec ron, air:I4 afterw!%rds supported ' iona ational, le proceedings -in whic tti lirs ,h he Ton has publishi d �e been hapli ; and articles p Aed-to have be 2 t ar est f neral REtt colbro, which were H. Eilber Eilboi, Bed of V. z I D. French b� as brief that never nse� by orie 3, nd out of fif"Iteen I will motion b During the deli e speeeb. it ib, fencl atied - -0 But, who Should on both sides, there is 0. the 01 Loice of the Council, it is not tive in: the t, 116 onse:va- ev r vift ue 3se( in —One d%y'ast t to n Wee a� bip. Young and Man I J. Ryan. intention to _The Londest oro corr6s as possible, as ilme. every p is 2lot my olliug But that speech, Mr., Sloan of 0 er Ic ea( ion are n a enter upou a nespaper p iced. a letter in riay hand ich 8 -divis w -or papq nIt' Eta to B We do say, ho COU w6ver, to dared to publish'one a I aille, diat. has yet I that named John I lob)$ a!t Rippen of Drai died v d. e V r. Y su� His f denly the fends pondent;of 0 titioversvontheapioitmant Yr E i Clinton Ne ra. sNys: Election 0 ' unty Treasurer- up -Not a ln�u of the o reading Ole -would as much I foladlto be the T asurerla the e0nicessin lines or a" dready Ii befill. 3 rdam bers of the Council �who de appeared I in defen Ce 0 to I has' Ross, al. who resid e lea 11 C maliville day, were ev was rather lively, espdoially in t1he b a b een 9 when the resullb was sure je t. In r ply. When Mr.' Forsyth resumed Uof,,ris if i t as displeasing written ane said on the sub- his seat, I &rose to !read the said reply AlIhigilas, that been e 171 to Set onorably, and w ho wish to though they ha the i ve all t en. tereats a hald at Qommfinica ted wi and remov3d the i ;all A I c oip 3e to ey call, that � up though orde only Messrs. L$Lsbam and actly wb at r yiit B goiD or on u may -know ex- td tb e coun oil, but Ir. , Kelly who w �,,ea;, �aba without I did say I 1ppend the '4,00nhisfeelb from le e f the county pa.ra. ausing him and still h ere nt'tothoseof individuals are sorae I for interment. f .1 placo Cht pref rchbill, of t e Conn &110 my speeh rs, were of ent. The Lon deaboro �and the so far as i report W:8 first obervedby t relates to this Strab Mr- # e Wardn and 11 had to for as: t or rp� 0 ol-iti- Conservatives who aocse partiza n rieceSSitieS,SVP d p0litiGal TOR Of partizariabip. q IHE Ex�osl� Slemmorl, af Qxre3 I 1, SC arrived n of home i J'O' bn pbai I also ap- much ve Xe ed outside for the filist time, and Mr. Ke wait an- question o her opportunity. M rp, last ! At the conclusion of ly held, t f the e0unty road co althou the 1 �h.S er, .puller and log-rollera, no matter the Northwest wha4be a He likes has bee 1 rom rece�ved Dver sev loud applauF Ae. 4fter playing Grit press liad &I - selections Mr. T. � Bell passed bead 11 in �at gh speech, Mr. rachan obtained th job bf �r airing a bri, dubbed him as a p ge hard- Ifloor and I had still to wait. When roa,41, beind Belwrave n the Side I hey represent, and wh On Tuesday ether last kitche eek I o' a SOUP year. will dou�tless r( tho west )t #a ag*in we i 11 an d aror ud: the plate, tud got 0'6bo ut $8, for grOsS Offenc ri it e 1 �he instrumental in the Mr. Strach ain had finished his ap -r eech I Millar t e of deposhig the late o om war opened at t�o� come from without or within, the t a reet, Tokonto, for the 9�21 Hope spring, ib the the Men )and to help lay for their. instrti- fulservan ts. They 0terwards', faith- olitained a bearitig' name anread Mr. B` Ros bis itowivah.ip to' of yearls! at inding, hc I inlipect was of letter and b4ndea A to the omo th relie. tail, as you would the inost loath. titute Irish immigrants livi )pe Fitil 3nce. These characters have of the des 9�on Con- I Rbeen I I y it ob ixei bborb'o:)d f (I 9 Ild but t t 0 b'd,no sereri offinion that of the villag a, and Nyere liberally the entire Eatisfaction Clark, Now he perfor ed his d touRilt On t "a now -a ty Lo Cannot latiderstabd how any I f the D LEgrsv', a Torv, who ba liudiced .(!0 way and other stre ets in th Y; done too much to domorali has evideutIly supplied ze aa city. I It y'l Iong-felt he 'ad whatever. The: k1i at cam rew 1. 10 a W. rded, especi y by Mi r. and Mrs. th ecogiizirla us r Onimette. county in person can Peruse the a the bove s t . onfi,v 'Voters in Morris, removal of Mr, -men iolled f Sets with regard to my tw, be in wants. Od Wednef a iday §5-' -nd make it a political -relieved f�rorn hunge-r, o Th� e0ple were p0ilit, and Pvhat, w wa. a formed a Bhoi a i' n d oiell q t t 'a,1268 a for frord no ye the (16ath Ross from y 6'are sorr tohave to record the ti of Provincial of Nlary Ann, Wife Cola- over� this while he hel ob ; Said i d the posi- alaction with the committee appointed two 1803at Ivere nape Tre urer. as the two I loud alrig t 01 wait upon Mr. Ross, tor cor garder instead of a no' 11 -Partizan anc I on Friday JE�8 Frc erativE body as it be. to rsday 129 wp quarts end. In eN el*y otb WaB well for n Led- e te 31 ecfi b] ti the obild -Clegg,* of Mr. Francis ointments bf the 13th concession Howick, on ht not t .3, and the delivery li�eg ila )Iorri.B at last ele were Conflictl o ji, and 'pf 21'r. ROSS' reply: to the cou n cil, a 2 i Millar, be allowe('l, nd ing Against Mr. 10LI C should Th a gallon of soup is g Vey c do not care two family according to ev ery �still-born. 1114tely it: Nas at the The?deceasea age of 41 years and � six months. thot the fac and hen an thought i3ome to the Colic' sion. that I have A�d this is 'not all. Th of the Sigral for it' straws whether to V e ew Tr as membeiis it containu. rer be Grit or Tory, so 3read! aftber of is aso We ar ad 9� Davies, of I b ear I Ithah t TM. . im. was born in the e ount, to y of rick, Ireland, and wa a marriecl to Tories to the passi 13,11 word il ne auyt hit� dishonorable, or 'with- M,prri$ is n Ot aPPOin4d for rin to fight the a oi�if R Id Mr. reply one u nneceBsaxy of US as th supplied in the' a &me rii %S he OPeent for the position P Snnday the visitors to I tion. On Pti ol, lfttle fort line, an I a Becu4ed oull'ting a to ince r. legg 21 years ago, and iiettled )nl rywbichwouldreaultindisasteit eSsin the townsh bitter end, was but 0. war., M, ip. 9 nt from the: council. Nor can i 13 to.make Tory votes. Sc the 11 is I kitchen were $7,QW'by t he d aatb f b is gr_, i ndpaj �Iits. ut e just erected -resent homestead, who' re they have I Giit partyi a comf rtable 126V reEide! nce- country. ITe o nderstan(I how any person can pOS- and to hd (tho 46sa the inju ' t I essor) was put oil ry; of the �fl y construe Alx.� Ross, condct in a Il'Alie Orange Hall held the� view tbiat with ths matter into an -v the �onnection to'giyo eQcnce before JU49e me til the It B� T J- 1884 Inty a the�secona t I li�d *,: I For his %Y S: go 3ond- wonia n be ad; Ot ible inotlVaIli Z. Urltx .3rt tie, 6. itlotheil second i1j,7, out OR wity for the P inch I$S Boni r 1 in' to lo, Vard� Lr, provid eC I O'W all ry olat tha, be - Can - ass* Ain either ,9 ty 0orin-011 [iave,'beeti A i was A*fber.�r 'Culs of the ­Ounpil hm�' tivieell, a t�e Do-! �us, and coi roe �0 WA of er� by s scan can a R-0 f all a 0( on Ulu ,list 116 J,i k Ina xn,6 AIE R, jara�s 1cre Ireal er to;, them. occupied I hel 7rLs oltql 11 leve �eaforth. 1 also lee il. M a, f the -knalwin pro. VV40 )5,0 10 h Y tiodk chu Ch.- apIp peti 91 a Iplq 2 S t li,ci. was her ehig !to au k", rom Wo it hu 3 to I% tana it Ulad iredj t pr�v an eimpelt Her, ,)rovorb mor 3exemplA. 'w" eo -whix impi week yci I :Stai ta 1A ton.: Laic', Yes, and -wi al f Mvirria, maiplity F elect :7 a, haii; re- Beal Ind given mot red bf R I:- zltyrweve I X11111 r ri 1br hom. I bad tatiie that bhe y toge her. haw up h � the J, ehur-` previfle(I let 41 iry R� evval Wool Forlylth pi" that � 'r. the Mr. For� IbAb Coupicil. to 4ght j ON - v ould not cheie their 3 ers of if 'Very I pork U 11'. ttb 7es to be the :Re - Goo They tool Or a Tory bel no i; L --a in 'Whe 9,1l , �Xa Iviewp"1176 on, t*o To4eg. )d in 1031 )ads !in a ToiIY. isar,,1. to -ie m�,In- .r. Nil- lon d -no Zi0a ,ne job, �e mer 1to T4wy Bpeetbr Und Ws. .r. Rea. saor ,of lurpose a ago, 11 . fineos LAI lgrave,