HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-01-18, Page 1♦ [TART' 1 If 1884.. k4aJdng. lence our Semi -Anneal. '-TA iNG WEEKS,! ! ANI} DEM - ;G THE tF THIS MONTI Mai OFFER di ris CASH CASH owing- Goods me' acts, „Blankets, Makings, U1stc rung8, ooh • Hosiery,. fro2'es, &c. Eel :FL ITY COOS MAN, FORTH. !congregation, if they Eordially together for Godtsr Glory and the wilding up of souls is .hris , and concluded for the spiritual and: sg- It is only justice of the visitors and hese presents were with other congre- ending a very pleas: vening,. which wait ay praise and pray- were- taken and all orfs. -003r. and Mrs, James Mrs. John Reid, of and Mr. and Mrs- te£ Michigan, spent ~with friends in: this s. Artthnr Wanless; 1 Andrew Stilson, of =. X. Reed of Brandon, qr. Henry- Lyon of save all returned te under the parentel smselvect as only boys All look hale- and Bert II. Jahn ion: of is at present visit Mrs. Johnson _ wag eeteemed resident of r rneny fiienda are se» Ler looking 80 in intends following •eels. Fortune ham since locating inthe ad during the "boom” id store, end was wise suou;h to give him.a Le now. ;NG MARIC.S3TAN.-1Yfra grandson of James tliia place, who is at .t here from. Nevada :e day last week to . ting match in that. airlv astonished and d " clean out of thh:e burg and vicinity. eey of 20 years and range rifle he seared • among 29 competit them claim: to be the the .county.. In the - dawn 9 birds, in ten. e slight mishap con - et shot he would have a ns. So much for a SE V -BIN F117NTH YEAR. WHOL NUMBER 841. SOOT&SHOES. —OUR GREili UR GREiliT CHEAP SALE NV L BE CONTINUED Duni .g this Month, ONE BV' OV ER THOUSAND PAIRS —OF NEW— TS & SHOES JUST OPENED. HE WHALE OF MY. STOCK WILL E SOLD AT PRICES THAT WILL EFFECT A - Spedy Clearance; In order 'o• make room for the Finest Stock of New Spring BOOTS and SHOES j a Ever s :en in the County of Huron. IA to DETERMINED TO• CREATE INCREASE MY SALES During t• is season, and in order to ac- cone .lisp this will sell goods CIII EA -P BOO S AND SHOES I ADE TO ORDER. I�. A. I IZ i\-nr PRRQMIIrTLY ATTENDED TO. :t?GE .GOOD, SE ORTH BOOT STORE. • A PEN IA.ND INK SKE 1 A correspondent of. th t racy sheet.. the Toronto Even' g, NON recently been givi d a s ries of is termed " Lette s to .niinent sone." These are' :impl , sketc the public career o each f the 1 politicians of Cu': add • ddress themselves. The fo Lewin is au e from the letter to St Joh A. M ald which is at lea: t into . sting a to its accuracy we save ch rear deoide for himself.' It pro :eeas : ing by years, you a e .no yet a mau--at least acco ding t.) the of the Psalmist. ' on ar: more t year on the right six a of t res sco ten. To put the m + tter s ! ecifical will celebrate your sixty- ninth bi on Friday next, fo -you ere bo the 11th of Jauuar „1815 You little lad of fide years o • '. whe parents emigrated nom t eir mo home in the Hig land : of Se and took rte their abode a Kings Upper Canada. - that o di tow then relatively of in rich a: eater i tanoe than it is no ,Wand respects the most impo the Province. It• Waste Grammer School, at wh for some years pup known for •a bright and . el sometalent for mthema not learn'tliat you special ed yourself in any • ay, o Unction of your ature the least degree f resha exploits of your bo 'hog law, were called t the b down to practise in you soon had an orport a reputation for yc urself a Polish Ame> ieto, , who rested for directi i: the .. handful of Yavke is s�'y • the rebellion of 1:37 trial took piece in 839, b completed your tw my-fi; displayed'a foreps c abili bably would not for days, but which colt fo forty-five yearn a o. ; Yo hanged, but you bac la' stone of yo r repo ation, time forwa d you prof was ateadil progressive. ed a partnership with Alexander amps 11, yo time to es ablish o a business. on 'd d not, Themis wi h a Fin l ey al success. • You had a d towards p litical li e, ai ward with ager e s o t yon would a -able to tak the halls o the egisla your ambi ion was ^ ra the election campaign of received•the supped' .f fluential caucus ofj.th K Upon th union of; th 1841, , that 'own 1 ai b Lord Syde ham as t ital. It enjoyed t ing a -member to t sly on ita own act the constituency of you presented yourself as I have said, und Your opponent was 1 ahan, a s pporter of I. taine an ,Baldwin, branch, a tagonist of calfs and his policy' tendenoy ppf ,Kings of i that fepodh j was d and you gained: sweeping • m ajor t. since bee without a sea; for a singe session. From t ' very outset mentary career yo by the cirumstanc you. Yo were ret • particular liue.of p.li think youieven the. Yon kept , our pled uents, and voted ticket whtnever of upon you o do so. forcing yourself up the Assembly. Duni sions you seldom a and when you did su brief and comparat ee y one who has watch d yo career will believe 'ha stained in consegne +} tie o1 esty or self -distrust. infer; then, that yo because you did no the Governor -Gene great question of R merit ? At any rate yourself conspiciou your name was me tion with the Solici Upper C:nada,. Yo • the best man avails + your side ' of the hi anxious enough to . a was much petty je: I ors ranks, and you had favor of John Hillis rd after this 'you were nection with the po of Crown. (Lands, bu pally take office unt you became Receiv Draper Ministry. after thheDaccess bn Sherwoodr Dalt/ Gov you ere long suttee ineau, 'as) Commis Lands. In the spring of ment to which you be ed, and the.second Government succeed. six years `thereafter Opposition. Thong biographers, these the most importa t life, for it was fu g val teat your so iti+ were thought on It was then, too, yourself by obsery experience, by the e by ceaseless indust the prominent part play in Canadian po assisted in forming t u� • es in. ent pl: of a s you You er boy, its, but itdistin hatt bars owed i'ou s and gators, ty of •y defE ad be vemenl pathize 1838. fore .yo h year. • which ch in a goo ✓ clien the .dfro :ional Having r. (no •evot-d' y ccessfu 1: w oweve , o0 o prof 'set nj cided 1 an ug looks 'ors time w ' e Yoursati tire. In 1,.4' i ed.- ar ng t at yea od ergs a d' gators - or Provinoes chosen ovincia c • e of rto nacial A :pende.tl enac. the el p H. li tle s, as w at er- es of a ing d' to t act cd on - d as er to nt- Idm a o-: nd ou ay on nr a. ain d, in RS •• 1 or- m.ny in al ere ere ith I do n' bh is - he ud ied et led ere eking nd'ng n ar- s .f a 8" in ac on roe th:s eat 0 rot 1. a L n er y un Eta on i CA 11 e a8 can I ea pal King year, chafe; u you by eral yea s tion was of yjur Hingks- stat Ire enla gin one of Parti rn cope it cis lin in •oppos the disp tion, del 1854, w Sir Era this tim Parliam tai n l the sec foregon eatertva tion. opini you grade a You jo Nab, in for the the ousl 'you hel eral W and car resol .iti serves pe to You we effeetin forms . no too, tvh ch before pp in Perlia still.' 'time ha base. ;day wa you ,fe presery tore w you wo.+� at +! and to s®;Iservati ms istence it outlivei ii � Censer` nized ai his foil found try t e ,versa with en !you di• 'hand machin in b p ti v e ci 1' U an wre o'ne f t re! t. the metin orithe su ++ m g' had at this `ti ..e ✓ the fette s i po y e igeucies bu it. terbefore you di de known heyo d innate f rien s. D in regime yo r ant to loo n in opo+rtione. ''ou had Most effective ape The oely'man w! ou �in open debate ` , the Preinier. Yo n the o ernjme o he Clergy Rose ed during t e first s e off the sharp st c hac+ tit encounter, i-diyo 'too r. lad ator. But lt, eve)." tl Shu Resery you b O rip r t ovef zation'of elision, for e au to edge on that ques- sa that t e tide .f public n :t toibe t rued T• ck, and o he inevitable w th such c uld !summon to our aid. ur leader, Sir Allan Mc- oalitio Goverume formed es: �n ose of cart ing out- ar yie s you had se strenu- ed• In I that Got rnment p. rt -f lio cif Atter • ey-Gen- Y 0 pe,eerscioally in:roduced t1 rough the Asse.+bly the up:n which the C1Grgy Re - lar zation .13111 was Founded. bu -nit a e th, iubtrn+.. ent of e o+ th most impo tent re- n our hi tory ; a reform, yo • a only a sib rt time se • s iger(usly a ny man ent Bat you wen further o el:arly pe ceived •hat the rriv • :i air a' eneral cR. ange of h C uservati re par -of that altog tier' bebind th • ge, and t hat if He existence 'as to be d t a 1, a new�pulitic 1. depar- s ece sary. You reso ed that Id be 'the ma •in th:i.reach," ha re olution t e Life al -Con- e art , of Cana a ow - its ex ha Sir Al an M. ' ab had his us fulness es leas e of the aati�ve . arty! had -long b u recog- y a lar •e pro. rtion of TOM he ti of the e McNab Mori- Minis- princi- held in of that egun to d upon BS sev- atisfao- e circle ing the political steadily become kers in o could s Fran- epeech t bill for ve flues- ssion •of iticisms • d from els. as a ou cer- n, that :s was a ry soon y 11 0 se ry an tawny mors of roo -a learles M e prey: it entime. t teacti.na etion have'; ice i. Parham f your pari handic c. surro o. supp.rt ich I c n ly app our co aigbt t et 1 M y p n gouty, n asel.s es parallel. them a they w: needed you ha The Govan ent, Upper ,banadi even tolglance �er,l 18 Goer. e poi ,t mi. .I w act re. ion of rec ignition almost uni- B t i++ atters did not dvance h rapi ity as y u dear d ; and not sc uple togive ani smisting o t e ar h o event:. Your ti la to nd mine t e poor, ld night ere. 1iaracte 'zed by heart ese Iese l lmost without I h , ye 1130 time to refer to lengt . office it to': ay that re sue �essf 1, and that ' ou suc- n nam to the ieadershi . which l long :xercised in fact egime •f the Thane -M: d`onaid f whiob you ere the u head, I have . o time at. It etas soca:eded in 7, by ;the Ma•donald- ment, in which you re - folie of Attorney- eneral en, for the firs time, Pre :.r. Your tenure .f office iali�zed by an act which i oes not �f def. nee, and can h: rdly be admit . f excus , althpu gh you Y ur col' eagles ept wi bin the strict; letter :,.f the ] w. Iof course, refer to the fa • oust ori>tfamous Double Shuf e. You, esigeed office, an • alio w- ed M ss•eurs B owi and Dorion o enact the fare of fo ming an admini-tration which a ved cn y two d ys. T en you Cattier • armed he.Car- Govereeeent, w ioh was respects -a resurn tion of ad just: jlemitte.. - Ana ur just ues dig with - r b 13 p n oti ov•d. .8i;t- .arty noes . alled stained fr m attenti.n of first tw .s s - the .fou e, emarks w:re ve way n ed in ito et more th n this inte d mature destined • Nevem Cartier teased tr West, Yo became was gig admit said, to and a.nd yo tier -Ma in all' e the po this yo r. frien don4 sentiel er yo and y re election. T de Le your' e diselb ar beh ged o ved cf and t Boar eagues e. you! by Scanda Shuffie been ; of 1858, sCoencil Iconeent your' col 'thee no the lio s! This tion until on the ever, vs ranks 'of afraCer loyalty Alike t served out of 1864, vs s. artie .- d o Mili s du 14 is riroce 'settees, 4ntil th` Pacific ' Double It has at you y fiasco at the urea left nd in ig your he para. that, t or A; bad n are f the ig acti yen th, menta osed fact, y er to -c excuse ntitled ominy ns and that ac onald Ad 2, Whe it was to idefeetions our wer,Caaadian co n th art 9f yeur own d Ws I aria ballad to s roug goo atal ill re Mini t rw eider more han ourself. Yon re office rail the end of urne efter alliattem es on th opponents to oina sista the occation cr tbe con try formed coati for the pnrpos iehereby the (inept praceedin hot hecassar principal' part, authcaities testi Knight omma, overeo cattle ime for ard yo he addr ' After rrnment his part • e Mini: ft only nciliate s better to bear attach - hare is efeated t, how - m the ant of upper - ye that ort, no loyally ained arch, 1, Lord nxiety, f your rnyahlatdo t thing ou had rown, cheme affairs subse- n it is ng, iPaetr eau' Lord de of ctilohnes 11 1 ost and the nee of Coe ederet • nd ha 18' 6 the ed to Ms' ir app ner of the Bat oat the instr ou had formed the fio Gov - of theD minionematteri ado. - 11 idly settled dotal into groove. I 1871 and during th ensuing session , you in - Year speech o the occ Waif) Mark, treduced the bill to _rive effect to it. ed by unusual ability, I ut you did not emerge scatheless from the debate. Mr. Mackenzie and Mr. lake criecized yonneonduct aa a mem or of the com- mission with ' caustic everity, 8 an mpression get abroa that to) bad actificed Canadian terests the mirse of the negotiat on,s. Ho ever, oil carried your bill, w ich was al you 113 famous reSOlUti011 about thesto rept , al of the Paoitic Railway -c arter o ir Hugh Allan. T e country from u end to the othe was stirred to ; ts nethermost depths. Then foqowedi h publication of the Ilan-MeD ellen or espondenas , in the Toroutb Globe na the Montreal Herald, the effect f which °ail only he described as le on the 1.pth of August, yeti man - d to convince Lena Dufferin that quote yout own words--yotir hands eee clean. pie granted a pro ogation t your request, and for this t e Grits raise never forgiven aim to t id day. We fate.' evid nee before the ✓ Parliament inor the eountry at large o Id ignore.; You n ver lost hope, awa, when you mad your pathetic I eel, and th n stepp d down and out. lien I look h ck upon the events of bl quy which settled own upon I your ame ; upon he gross criminality of r most to dee ise or as mire the quali- nob profound nd wide pread dishonor. at overlive it you did, and yea have ve gone so f r as to ubliely 'declare t if the thi e ple of Cana 878. he Nation 1 Policy important fact r in bri es oration,an ely gave e gt 0 g were to be done egain hesitate to do it. And de fresh en your lips, the as doutitl es an ging &beat your it is a tr th not keneral- in for elating: it you ect to views enterte,ined ou ever et ce you have been old ve any fixed opinimas on jects. -pa the question tariff you and Isaac always agreed, and had arisen you Would most n effect to your epieions long bef re the' coact - ley tari But. the oc- doing so had never'been he co merciaadepres- me affor ed you the op- eeded, nd during the ugh to h co omical en f protectiv he necessity n his subject e t of the Ti as on for you 1111kenzie reg or unity you of 1878 you m?unt of feel arried 'you ow you must eeve at the livr you form Your presen as enjoyed a hort peri erity, and it i pnly f w months th t the ha heen beginning to make don't think t ey parte isaster to yo aflway ding the general elec lion contrive4 to get up an ng on the subject which have la ghed ie 'your triumph tis My threugh. gullibility of Mankind yourse f reinstated in tenure e office has npon d. of great pros- ithin the' last d times have themselvee felt. d any serious itt the auada Pacific tion is f aught with. ex - more especially ills the Oultario e Privy Conn - are no stronger articular, and your prestige *sin of cherac- hope to riEle by eed, your fall deep and rapid a it hardls porters arness fpr the ter tory it as ferm d proud ent me events. The was a tribute demego ism. of ry of thiCiorsi- heir a and tinizin cheracteritties , it is appatent mid th ble to s, and olve th 1 OU 1. But the pposition ap you are aa that r. They c n hardly 'our fall, n less, in should be as t n years ago, numerous an you, are safe in your natural lif In writing hi fashion to rego, ntrollers of ommonwealt bition of Cr lution to the ierre and Ma ars to the thi • a 81 ti a. a 11 • 11 • ce so so 11 • our su RB loy er • Was o be they ink of rl the a the lithehe rone 011 the 'corpses en as the products of reer in the light of peculiar ebbe lif outcom uefaver ical ethi • • • 10 story and the Canadian at you ere th ndard of poli ncies which tend to e ler of Canada' ie com oiled t deal th sectional interest , the diviting es of which are not alone the bound- mmunity of heeling, b gin, and raee, and OUT rea- high f exi- tacti- The g little or no t the lines of reed, and the elide and fac- The Canadiaa political leader who, der present couditio s, wishes to eceed must net regard he count;as oraogeneous hole,no advance 'tit eye single to he welf re and pros- rity of the Do inion a a nation. He at proceed one trea ing on eggs. must cajole ere and coerce there, sion made atthe expellee of anot er, the the woullided suseeptibilitie of e mere fraction whic fancies i self nt, and appease by pr mime w ioh • 11 are impossible oi fulfilment, the leaders who trade upon the prejudices and an- tagonisms of andther set of factionistie This is not the Work of a s ateernea, but it i the work that !the ' P.temier f Canada. Must do if he would retain a position only tenable b such method . ing the contending claims of faetio s itlegerde ain, is not a credit to the pe ple of Cenada, but is the nate al !eau t of the haisera.ble system of section 1 enders the statesman n impel and develops the pet tical i jealonsi which sibility, triguer. This euough little ep it wou well kn surface have a when it ous at Assemb otherwise there ar sever 1 sodes in your career n on evbieb. e who is intimiste it you Ws that, notwithstan 1D youlr retty acrid temper of on owa is once aroused. You on rag Oliver owat, Mice a student yo r office at Kingston, came very ear bei House. 1 Do you remember soW yo crossed the floor; while the se aims s in full s ing, and menaced im with your op languag was dee portion ture to ed to el call his ment st. crease you emilployed on the oc dedly unparliamentary, nd f it was; such as I dare net vee- notei. You distinctly threateri- p what !you were p eased ta 11 more nndignified. Even ai- ularice than fiVe ur the lolt- tamed fee fiery Highland pe your blood. It is not more years si tie Ion proclaimed y " Donald A. Smith i arliament; and with oat oriential you prof BB ,t0 accomplish ✓ titan hell could l' A score of other might Ito given, but they w prove a fact which everybody namely, that beneath that em ot smiling exterior of yours ther is ous other qualities which lend herria cealed a mountain of fiery lay ready to burst fo th whenever the interior pree- them &t e letter. bies of bole al willingn quick • hat tas scotch instanc uld only and cost - selves readily to comment an tion like the foregoing, and it possible tbat I may deal with Meanwhile, I must reluctant adieu. sar Canada. Sixteen vagrants vier° se teneed at one sitti g in Welland last we k. —En land and France ha e opened negotiat one regarding the ewfouna- land fis eries. entered n action for separatam from his wife on the ground of crue ty. —Wa; er in the Welland e nal is so ldw tha manufactories depen ing on it to run t eir works have been bliged tp shut do D. the Mayor of Toronto, for the Humbei accident relief fund now a •• ciente tp 46L-01T2he 'Canadian Pacific Ralilwai Company has reduced its wh at ratee from all points iti the Northwe t to Port Arthur, 25 per cent. ! —Mr. Tweed's), of Stony C eek, neat Hamilto , who a few days ago took of the I terior, has sold his andsome esidene in Toronto, Chest ut Park, nd rem liefil his family to Ott wat . --aGeorge L. Thamas, of London., ffers to wager from 4500 to $1,000 that e can e t more type than any( ne in the Hectorine Langevin as mar - tied at tiebee on Thursday of est Week to Mr. hapais, _ private sec etary t� 1—The rnammoth elevator b ing built by' the C nada Pacific Railwa at Port A thnr ill be ready for the toring of Rae el Babcock, of Ham Itme, ac; 1N11 . by striking him with file, wee 'Reba, E gar, accused of ca sing tilt oath of is wife, was sentence to five ears in he penitentiary. I: alleged discovery'of e, gold m ne that Will yieldis$30,000 te $150,000 t the tont The tatemento Dominic) resent' Slid expe ideture hor he mouth of De he 31st It., has bee pettish d. —Wm Batty, otel-keep r, fro charged with takine for hire elf $80 tranger. —Montreal derive a raven e from 1 oenses last year of 50,968.16. There ere issued 3,236 dog licen es, 1,630, Merchants' carts and wagons, 1,922 --Four hundred a d eighty five cat ads of freight, in ard and utward, ere handled at th St. John Statioa eek (sealing on the Oth ult. Webb, th pale t wimmer who at4 o July 2 th, 1883, ave been xhnmed r -interred ha anothe part of Oakwood t e auspices of the. ree Mason . Mrs. bb depoikted beautiful wreath of e deposited, tegether with the white on, in thie grave. Extensions aggregating five hun- ave b en made treal Telegraph Nort -Western st yea driel and tairty miles to the lineslof the Mo Co pally bt the .Grea Co pa,ny dining the p Last Friday e. you Led Wilson, living abo no res an th ea tre CO CO RD Na lia sil of co La da an ne giv Ho giv IS er nem- lve miles th of Barrie, was fokindt dead, with od sleigh ing on his neck. t1 The mail bag, coptami 1 matter for Orono, Kirab wis from. the train, was car wheels a a destroyed. Mr. Beaudry in ante neing hie 1, denminced in vigorope terms the duct of some ef the mem ers of the nail, who, he eays, ere tb be bought sold like pige on the ma ket. rn Presibyterian church, East Wil- e, was presented -wit 200 and a er service for Mrs. Wel e n the eve heir departure fou J r s, in the n in their honor at se. Collector Benson, of n ordere to have all it ies of "Beadle's Nickel I ide Awake" found on g all the ing, wben caught in ing into Capada confiscate see a literature. Thursday mcirning last ni e o'clock Donqlas. MeCis ees ion of Harwich, was ill wh le faiths treee. A la struck _aim on the - hEi neck. tie was about It is rePorted that th k building of the T Sr 00/13 any, which s , who ill turn it into ery. The Sheriff of EBBOX It of the inspection m tor of prisons a sho 9.0 his ag bri Su Es to fir br be res sp di 1 ith Lady ns. Wed - party was ndsor, has e novels, kitty" and 801313 com- He classes ead of ob- eek, about 9th cen- t ntly killed lim.b fell , breaking 0 years of even story late) Grape rads on the rk, is likely American lager beer eounty has being the 0 by the In- t time 'ago. t farmer in the townshi of Colchester, as received the eommissioe of abet ff of the co ntn, and will immedie ely assume ver pleasant and sucicessf eocial was hel in the Presbyteria church at W ton. It was speeially connection wit the tr4eslation of th ev. R. Pet pee orate of eleven years is that place wit the intentioia of filling a call to G1 nmorris, in the Presbyt y of Paris Swine for breeding pa, poses, it is ord red, ehall come into pada from the Western States throug the Cana- dia quarantine at Point E ward, shall re am in quarantine 21 d ys, end be dis ase existed among swi e in the lo- cal ty from whence they sta. ted. The new transfer fe y for the Gr nd Trunk Road at Date it will con - tai the machinery of the resent ferry Mi higan, which will go ott of service, It i said that the new ferr , although coriii inally intended for the eteroit river, I be used as a transfer b ween Port 1, Hu .on and Sarnia. 1 -fThe ex -Reeve of Milto Dr. Free - 1 man, has commenced an 'on against tio that Dr", Freeman ha urnisbed a 'me kid order for whisky t party that , did not tegaire it for meth 1 purposes. —, Win.; Denaldeon, telle the Bank of British North America Flamilton, ;died of heniorrhage of t Image on Su t 35 years 111. ts of the McDEAN BROS., $1.510 :a Year, in ublishetts, i dvaw:ce l wires ere disconeeet ,, and no danger , tion of his head, and ecatterieg hie foremen of the woeks, /1111e8 ateteay, wise prostrated violent' , and for eome time ley in an unconscious cenditien. —In Wyoming vi lege, Latribtosit couety, at the r cent school' restee nominations two I dies ere noufnateds the other vsent to t e pone and WS* (19 defeat d, though sbe re eived 25 votes. The 1 cal paper is of opasion that demo"- , in that village to a mit of the electioa ' of females to office ed about twenty flee years ago fro hie ' parents' home il1 Hamilton, and ' twe yeats after his son left the city the friths i er received proof tbat lee had ais3a at Cincinnati. A fest da s ;ago the son walked in and sarprie d the family", Reheat been down Son h hi the States' an had not written or n any way are --1-Ja seph English, fa mer and milks delver of the Dougell R aid, near Wind- s lodged in Loud n jail Saturday g last, charged ith cruelty and oy he had taken ram the -Guthrie in London. It i to be hoped hie : pallet to a poor ill be suitably -ILA man named. Rest vie and e young ' wears, t from Toren o. They i are : watch ant. jewelry, on riday Met front 1 Carite an old English} an who SM. 1 as tae prisoners. The woman :pessed MOrIlii Honae orph,ae -under his tare par )9 an intimacy sp ang up between Eptscopal elder of this istrica tells of ' a Woman near Gana oque who' watt , she1k elt and prayed fo two hourst the resalt being that at the end of that time ' ' She attempted to respora, and ! ar conta arrived at the S Baldish Heinen '. Detre a who registered as Georges F, Rosi,va and Alice !Rai son, of cam. laclide Ont. TheY said the object of their poeturnal visit w s to get 'Mar- ried. 'After a half aour s search juetioe Y lottple man and ife. The bride ade the Tun. Pattie WRS found, 'who le the inhabita ave been rubbing lade putting ' on arm, with the ve zero, Whinipe a dose somethin elow. The high aw sai • earl)kee 2° Eas havaa est te lows Jowl; ma day. Deceased was a e, was a. imereiber . lie first telt the e ase which catised his ing cells en New Year) ay, The, steamer Garlan hes been the inter season, to bees. ice at the Ata erstburg crossing., he left for the e Tuesday, breaking tla ice on her wa down for the car le 3f transfer, whi h goes alto service at easherstburg The Reformers of So t Renfrew 'am? unanimouslY nominat Dr. Dow - 'ling of Eganville; who wa elected in Feb -eery last, and has sic; been un- eea d. 'The feelieg of all es that the !doe or hed been harshly de lt with, and tha it wets the duty of the lectors to la him at the head of th pone again 't a larger majority than ever. o e drunk Sunday night nd turned d ntil she was taken i by some eig bora. The woman w s almost oz n, and on Manday ;so' mg had a tvar ant issued for the ar e t of her husband.. ' He was sent to 'Iota for 30 he medical students!' ef McGill ersity are manifesting 'such frOlic- ways since their returii after !the aye that the faculty is engaged in to be disciplined for their raisbe- nr. Professor Pe,nhallon had to don ais lecture on1 botany twice eek'owing to the uproar the recal- nts indulged in. terrible fatality lee cuttieg on the Kingsto railway extension, ab the village of Renfrew. raa named Cornelius Mci ear of age, and- the maillEitay of his are ts, was employed in ta ping home ch ge of dualine, used in loosening hevItone. The explosion is finally set Off ith electricity, but in, s case the om oli one re haw aba last eitr rock bro fro nd. Pein- t six miles aloe, 25 Tt desPa Park, senge ploug Op ts' of fair. On - their noses and xtra, clothing to like this Low - 29e below-. 31, 314° beis the week was 6°•below zekot aliaess of a, ophe early parallele rough the forged cher, the eatast oronto„was very relay night near express train of eight loaded,card 'emitted to wee d past CornWa was known to b approacbing °site direction. ortutiatsky the lengsneers ef the two t eine save their deinge in time to avert a terrible ;dis- aster rain • , —T k= annual New Y arts belllatj the 'held op Wednesday eve mg last, week. ' The raome set apart for the dances *ere ed. bout 250 - of the patients *ere allo d to take part in the enjoyMent, with a intermission fo slipper at half - past, t n. The utmost Order preveiled . throe bout, and the patients s.ppeered ; —The Galt Reporter Says: Whilelthe contest for the Iteeveiship in Nerth Dumfries between Meters. T. C. Dou- glas* and Theron Buchanan was eery close, tee -tilting in the election ()tithe former gentleman hy only -eight Of a ra.ajority, it was left for tfesers. Geo'. R. Barrie and Wm. Wallace to ehoW that eomin out a tie for tie couneillorship of Wa a No, 2, with 73 v tea each 1 The Rater/sing Offizer, Mr. hos, Mateltall, afterwards gave his eciding vete in favor. of Mr. Barrie. —The Musical COM ittee ot "the gaged Mrs. Wells B. T er, her lines ban a d five other Be lo singers1 to give concert in Well nd, but on lac - conn, of the snow eto m the coneert lam and demanded heir pay, they ;offered to take expeeses and come an - 'would only give them $20, arra the 'singers threaten to sue for the baiseace , ' Mrs. Cullen, for the past seventeen raent o the Ontario Mod I School, Tor - ,t sitneti n on account 'of il -health. Miss Hunt, or the past fear y ars teacher of the ehied division itt th same institu- , tion,,hes also been camp lied to resign ' for tae SUMO reason, rich of those will eeeover. Miss Scott for the post Ladies' College, has been appointed' to