HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-01-04, Page 7WA -Ry 4, IF -94. n TME,q, SAVE MONEY., � scarce, every person where they cala 04 thoa, vh.p,t they baive to. spend. SEAFaRTH GIROCERY e- Problem. He has- on and choice f6 citoak of E�19, for the -holiday Sea'.., foaad Jia the county. ,-hoiee aad­� gool Valuet: 3 are f resh and. cheap. -ork ..of Goo P _atdBeef d the -highest. market �'eef Hams, B&eom a--Ua-. 6A hand at the Gheap. ark`a Block,- Seaforth, ROBB* UN�G*S SPEC IFI 0, i.D Mioapsia, at A TV L A, S Ir E VT BURY DNED-1 VIEILLE,, IR I .M L'Lsm, Oaue-Roller Will in tha riaw has, no su, erior P 9, Oa the CURtill'o"Ut, Of maulafacturing Roller ULU-TION-111 MILLIKU., of Vital Jfmpartance. L Reduetiou gystem �rs now in fhu peratian. ings fram 41:!�5 re than the best Flour i� the olict Process, ig a Specialty. �1 in, &XI, cases gat their Inct. and. by our oew Sys- inger whiter,'richer ana- flour by fair, than the- oarta 'Dean able to get.. here, is no- ham bag Or ex- aidaptigg the Graduaii. oml. -dr new system. if+ reliable, 14 hais. beert Led, and proved a great ir,(%ry, Gertuany, Frauce, _Uuited- States. ,I Flour pZOViG113 tO GUZ �igep at &, heavy cost, and-, better Flour now, one Ifficiieut tG prove aur as - 1 for this, class, of work L, and custbmers, may de. their chopping dOU8. at., i and try our famous new floer. Short& and Feed deliv-_ wt Of Seaforth, Harpuar- k-ville, free of chari 1F Mill's. at Egimondville, in full operatidn. iYLE ok MUSCARD. 1T WU Pff yl a U ALL AT THE— F01 FNDRY, 1111SCHOULS."EAF8111TH, ee our stock of F made especially for h--&va greatly improvea, -ad feel, for this seasoa, a Mg tb&t it is the: beat bk Ur ROLLER.9 efkvy.. r un-ni ag I ight and Our hard, imn, Kad will last other machiae madei, toals for reautting ,;aa t eatisf action. ta rep on . a, V n airing, Saw and Grist Mills ra, Threshint- 4_�,ahiaeao, machirioary repaired on d Bit reasoxia4le rates.. amd others, B-idga dags- at lowest I rates. i'Shed 0:, applicatic"n" Eit for the imp,16MentS. ri, Hamilton. A. f 6.11, Uaa, �antly on hand., MAS HENPRY. .;N 0 T C JrZil: I -c-n aP1 -gont having of of-ated A LIFE RATION' G iATA IL No. rig tIlE5 live$ Of all the citizens Kin "17411 couatly, so as- ta I Or families and friends: is is U-n6alitecUy the best,. doing business ir. canau at the D41y 0.1abe or Maill of .,ilatisfy Man Qr ace an Agent, Soaforbli. 1,01111; On rlarm or Town iest term& of payment and at News Notes. by a ofilrofu I a )Plica io of th ie proin- bn isth thric ukh y osei isive taken 4r, together with 111 the other sign members of tbo family of verties of vi ell siel ee, c0a, 1. Epps u irts f vv, us ei cines vi 1 1 mporary bhout an] I er or cons . u ion 11 of St Thomas, are h REMOVAL. P1. ilit i I [4L remed ill so quick Et- J COlwe 89 Providogd St ta lei i with "lipare )i u' til I m, i i i induced a delic WUAT IS IT? WITY IT IS TUE cot fixed to-teir beds with the malslio� y, atel InvOr(a. beverag which I y you ag I t of 9 � later i t:'eet, to tr estore colo: ri to the c leeks, stre ngth to ild who -4 may save an aoctiqrs! bill la Uffolel Jea 7ing but one ch, is nol it is 3 our Fount a in Of IN alth. fber nain energy t ) the ffibbfi� liring nstru by the ju forth. MU mex! Emporium� EOPLE'S am balthy u4i iol Is use of inch a ti oleo: of five bo bleB pre.)ared lo give it a a k t Is al etite an, I make a lil P POPULAR _�_Patrick NileCarbby, a �Toronto labic r. diet that a 01 sti U'do i!rlay bi gradii- my hol est a nion tl at for tie cure o: *o an, s hosphat no, which is not ally buill; or while eatin r iris Chistmas din r �ptatll fajtoug,�'en U1,711 to ott%rrl it a a grand succ a;. I havoi m PROUCRUPW PARLOR"' 9 edicine, b t a food For s4le by al� $is witli friends was choked to death. 61 ev ryLteJ de�ic r to disease. Hun- 0 im any of �r 2y friendi druggists. $8.52 Xat the Win, a recomr: end la I it With ANDREW (IATDr, 1 mieat stuck in, his 'tbroat. e a of. Flabt re a c w tp4t the holiday sftson is �Wt spproncliIng, an BROTHERZ) an �arid Prth _JVjJI Piece of e ni ladies-aie ting 91118 0 m enaloses hisitestimonia' i Jile g.)Od Po(;P)e ad to go 0,4taide, bat droped do v%i n r n d s 1readyl 10 attack wherever SOOTT Igtai te ith ve. 'I � I I rim �es an Blotchoss. requir. SWIXtbizig new and artisto in th tbare is 4 viveah o. d in thb h way. la . We inay 1313Cape �U! g F011 dese'ried sac ess. 411 many a fittail 81 Nvi� 1 1 OallstLli�m-Fden & Wilsong drug Way of Portrait. to sei� d as, loliday gilt'S 4,abs(pin s from buffallo to ti, e 7ours, Beg Story come, iaft'�Ibykeeping curselvoas�_ -Ilam grateful] to announce that tbey bIave rer, ved to more commodions piemises, op� Itiends or rclative,.-, ai!d Mr 0. beir Irr]y a] ivf", -4 1 4ore Me regor ber of Fenians in tb t welt forti�ed 1vitli and geb's packjige d a pure bloo doorl iiorth of the Post Office, where they Will be found with a large and w t t that a num JosEi?4'BRawN,. ell. .3 af this f, le, has Inallp Spe renge tb 0 properly riort Carbolic Cer4a. It is com. e'tra arratige,ney.ts for the of t.ho grigheO. have -determined to a ra e."' Ci vil - Ser- 13 ook.koi ep9 2 5 13 11; r borne a 7eet selecited stock of DUNI(AM WL ich are so well known and higbly h" Pof bi trade. CA for Chri.-st, as yjie� xe( juti()n clf 'O"Donnell: by Makin vice _Gazettd.-U, 4de Ply. :wi bb boil. 52 Toronto. ad of Va jeline, arbolic acid and I puke, g a sit 79 2 of bv, all musicians EXCELPIO I . R aGANS.-Tbesb Oig ture CALD 1yearls vtu) a ing water or' oor kte, and sB never failed to remove . . I -ans bave re. .1 A a diploi-oa, at ex ellenct of id blow,. 'lk-.:: E ol Only in P&GhlgitS raid on Toronto and Ottawa, aL m I i ,eived the higJJeBLt Tewards wh n, gliti hav a Pboto of tf fity dps p d 1 .), by RT cers, ffie Industrial Fa-iT just dlcsed at Toronto. We L'IO hel-p in 8UJCk:0th.tr Pianoi et:fnl position, coupl ed witli and Tin i ples, bloches, uIc farated s6r s, and eiever 4howi e alu reopivI6 ing Eip the public buildings with dyna,_ 13 .0 caAy aind 4t - " JA�IL E 8 Wyat Y:,)iiEat.- ro gh skin. It cures when all �thers� Rl�piopxLate backgro nd and acecaiizorie,, giv fte labelled- Co., Humeo. Lud and all kinds of small imitruments, sheet i P, P. P� P. a triul andthen away S�`njliag Wltb� rgans Agen wanted. doN­bot and a good piture. ut ha'pero'ed in Guelpit pathio�Che ist Tbo befit nciedicl4i?s declare, f A'd Try it 795.52. - I Bad acaid 61 i,donli Eng. 83152 Ook Oat worais in 6e ,b man Stem are to: freely of (;hri�jtrnas afternocou. Alex. Ward. 0 by eati cr., W. Mingay, ISCOTT BROTIM Aeaforth. ANDB EW ALD ad 19, son of the Rev. Dr.. Ward- i A Rem� able'Paselof Sexotifula ropf U. d _ffluit and 111t10 dale, Toron 'ites Illuv wife ropE was aciftidentally shot. dead while C#r ad, 0 achmeatl toJ0 W. etc What ver i my be the out Iluin C UrOd 'of King's Evil by ui.pg with go My son wa 0 eage, h ii, a me companions. i severe attacks of 0 u 3e. Fre 3n&J3u,%med Murray was showing bow using fhg Orcwfiti,olli Bitt 8' n in's VV)rm I o wders -are of ME, DICAL. I= FQR SALE, OSTj erg a f ter the -. . cl 8 -in the sto--Ma-1h. Hearing RD, AL EST.� L dy 'i nd 3 to cure ; tb destroy Ir Austin' lis in esEf un Worked, and thinkini medical Men prono�-Uliceilhim in,lumble. a' Phos batine find its mert ms, atill LOSTI-Lb tl.Lt3 'wo] co atain lei own th(l flumn, was uuloa.ded, he pull6d th a Yours tru 165 r el sautness to take, gave b 3r two 1W. S. MACDONAD D.,131. V_.,-�Irysielzlin r4AI01 FOR SALE.- -Pry Pale, lot 22, conerssion 4 I I wal,4 Slolafort)h 3 to C, TurnliclZrVII. et 11tainillf, acres, 72 'L.1 X Del the m. T ,2W. bi t bad an attack trig, orl'" The conteuLtB entered Ward )t0es, and ibe has u-0 4urgoon, Accouchour, &c. Oftleciand -resi ol,,iy, Pec, III et B, a are ele that lately. occupied. by Dr. Hutchison, whlir:h. &red; the balimo gord h: virood' si nole, and be r Owen Solun(I Aub r.OpJ'S breast, killin him alL Ost i 821.26 health $ much im Droved. cu 'd J hie finder vill b, kuititl J.N 7% mediately. y gteeaU 0-.' orl sale by 1, 1 druggJ11sts. 770.5),.789' are good builaings oh the lot. -'If, viD be oi�old leavino. tbe eaine at lim E. plos.=R 'Offide.1; Una men atten".pted to ery valu ble feat te SCOTT, M, D. &-e, Phyidejan,gu- reagoonable. Appytotheproprietor, CRAf(LBS b35 .-Agaugof yo oth, Li K6 it De 'of Dir. LOconolieur Seaforth, Ont Offici AlIcTiVISH, Wroxeter P. 0. bl mail a newlyl married couple ill mrket. no I ).Vr leolis Lit Wofiid- Syru]: is, that it Wethorellp LLIP, Df -40f LUS r. -T l7ist fib(-nt the Gfhinsit.'. 6 Once Oath side of Goderich Stre et,see n d dooi In the ottle eilud to ownship of McGitivray by threaten- ng fron i �Wi east iii Presbyterian Church. 84T g to the i1mile oe� lljbe� the three leatle to take, and all I nuip(g, Says can of any otb e prepaation. Ashlr ACRE VA113 R of f F, nd, is black ai,,d tart v ith n v4bite bri and long., rietie Of IV Dim 8, tape worl included, B ing them with a'a`larivari. Tl�e men and Serapemoff's �y ore abicilitPhoBpaatine now than lot 30, and north half Of Lortb half of lot Sb ggy buir. Ile 'Oyeftr�, Old.. Ai,y lulDrirnall' see that 3 a, izJ Dr, is t1i, ILnd refresbra, u be 113af ex el led b VE13 (30B, M. D., C. .. I hysicioin, 8 31, concession 9, MUillop, 3`�Trt of tI I d tion. tbalwill lead rpeavety will i r, ILVen M wer(i g ents, Rus"Bian.6orn at Eftdiaiajor, and y Y, t, without when I saw ou-1ast in Toronto My C. (on, et Their de- V trt ocul's tlIxj �h ild'sickeAng drugs. il-,Coronei forth Ow ley demanded mare. E Ito health is mu Im r,ved and I am 0 County 0i Ilur sceded, and in excul., tit rnilition for )'lead rei ard.-d ifIth vtTin Seafr-rib, but tl take no otbpr 11irst lass d ists Office nd 14-aidence, on Jarvis stree . or p9.4ture For fulAber particulart; apply to 111 119 nor.. or iwith the lot t2, eo�.,`Cef-SiOD 2� 110111101). 1 xha d:s beiucl refused they mide'd the 7 4.6 5.2 r 6 from heii, ches oi- any othei aches, direct rth Public 3ch y I ooi� Al REW GOVENI.0 Wffithrop, P. 0. 819 tf Auy Perro fnnnd har I, ring Jai= -be Prospr0i, 1; p it'. 837.52 ODPOSiLIJ f3olitfo Smashing the furniture, terrify -L 1 h ng used 2)oy t o fid a half bottles ed.' UI)BERT '191-1 LL. Lou e 0 ___ - elm and destroying oT Lo §!of Appeti. jag the couple, M.HANt)VRR,M.D.,0. MA Graquate Nine Phy D your Phospbatine. For sale by all W MORhl'i 7071 SALU­4or galethe ians )n e.: FARM I theplace, lti,Sur,cona a north half ot Tot. 123,4J.,u"sillon 5, LOST Dem irs, I 1vE been sufferer I uggists. 7 52 89i -A sizie black app, .7 'Cril I I dcouos�eur'seafortih,Ont. Offloe and Rdaideno " containing loo crit;, 0 of wb�-iclr it e clearpd; irg totbe rawlt of devc ariag all the eatable8L in McGill University, Physicit H Ion 1-haivl: 1% nee I wi-Th r? Mr '15 No. 831 Dayton 11roill C 3stiv eo 88, 8ick Healache, and r 0bristmas E -ve in London, a ma� Xorthfide,Goderiiilh Strect,first Brick H 0 u e extensive lans and sbvd-, and good hou"; hair wid it short I. -It t' 7pyen,j (p I 31r. X: roae�, Chicago, 111,i,iis in har kiXty- (IF k 01 Appe ite fo - many 13 oa�rs, felt I T elayinitb, on:. named Walkerhired a horse and sleia 1 east 0 f fhe Methodiet Church. 0 The Bes' Proo'L_-The Gl )be. 4961 within two mflps of the flourisbing Tilla,.,o of Cos P, I cf i�e 4,41. . u, eighth y(ar, and that. he lias __nfBiowu 's livery in order to deliver ys t red, sqthatlfoawaq�� �bdrdero-; p% Uliel, UT, ove Birissels; will be i -old on (asy terlms 0 yniev& inber 21, th, Abv n rniation Mh i itters to Apply to D&VID ELSOIN, prhliriefor, Strat- at the xbrAle prernJAS or Ot IT good 3 aroulld. After th6 horse wa out Bee M r, 1% .1 suffered -,v All C 181inlip, . 4 - 11 1 sell Mori) Bbrdo k Blood 901 foi d, or to GEonc-ik An AiiTAONG, BrUESQ18. mforth will be �U i U n for a4cit t to d dar k to _rr e, I b ave r prepar Ely EAR AND two 3ouni it droppeddead. Mr. Walk. years, wa treat d y Li 9 physiciatl% Raid med cal Bt ee, and lave tried,, bat I do of ov otb &Uon in A all, of t1ijil: i pro u U her cam lope- al�uj)gt j4 1 tb a took," say� �akes, Ti ronto. er applied for another h.orse, but Mr. a vertised but FARM in Tirkeyirt h for Sale. For -Attle, that less.. She had give Up.. thopes of ever f: the readia W st in R. CEC�GE S. 11YERSOM k wnas�the Alo t ed 'tho r illa k any druglgi Brownrefased and stat' Over-drivina recovering So% en: botth of Dr Eiug'ti NV ffec t. A 11 bf3r of neighbors, e city h will get a fnallar ains1wer to i-pindid farm, kn ore Farm, M h 1C.", -A. TT r -r -1 -1 r Fountai f Health R. 0. P., L. R. 01 S. E., Leaturar on V 0 Ey was pbe civatie of the �Ihorsa's death. 0 had use �u being Lot 26, Concesidn4, H.R.8.,Tnelrersmitb, y ery-p TIM) 141 colitaining I Now Dis Ovety fo4,1.�()On1ll1mPtiCn COLD �ois qu roof that it is the! most Elar and Throat,Trinity Medici 02 &or es, a jout f15 of which are clear- rown further asserts that the t UrLied mil to )live it a trial bree hot. ge 0 GTj Trri-dr�es at -5 W-413of re. I I , , 1 0 [at n tat tr Ini Mr.- B $urgeon to Itho Mercer E edaudinahiglintaicof cultivation, the balance P bei lar medilcine full tbeblood,liver tOi and, tbattlipchoi(Tof tradivl�L r e etel ed )cub g OneE, p! ease PQPU of.,�Ihich'milIde-lm@ feel w a new nical Aisistant Iloyal Lo 0 wII timbered. Tbex e is a large Wick house and a pcstoi n 110OWD w.j good outbuildingi;i, and a splen did arrthard� The op I di and Satisfy bi p w if OphLboillmic Hospital, Aloorlields, valued at $150; in fact, bought foj es from- Seaforth and farm is six mil is tan Ilegrally be wiyole wi bon. t the Call Throat ild Bai Hospital. nd horsp was it first oltLss PercherOD Cal t L a dkidneys yobrsel06 ti that amount a short time previously. th ithin a, mile of school. same from Clinton and is w. fr e tria bottle. A Paralytic Stroke. and 1 8,52 e Boajd !h-ustees will in t1i drug store g;6 a 7,� 9 2 7, 64 in g stre Toronto. 317 1HURCH, STREET, 'ropat,11TO Apply to the propiletoi on the premiAes or to -atept*.rem to;��ee tk�P_o� 7 81 783,52 SoafirthP..O. ll.OXCHProprietor. 1) Y., may Uy Jarrit-3 Carnp Oil from Sunflower Seeds. W. H. H Geneva, X.. I f be consulted at the ed bell S. h, eD eral d hbili ty of 11calers. 'J Ile 1.1 Idels e al- qqv 4 Phe suffered wit �al_sy an I g TLesuilf1,)werhasloucr been growr k-ARX FO SALr Pe Is -For sale, IJwt 153, enrices� Aai A-iis W6 nt6d. � ! for -iN-e ite iii: all Pi tool i leial, olmal a U and spent a 4Tall fortnue in advbrtised SO11I1OTELST ATFORD slot) 4, Tuekenqniffli contaiiihig 11.0 acres, of �u, WrItES Du:in, the �last eight r far'it B oil fieeds in Ras-ia and India, and ixelu ep.se of Ki Can an one bi ini r S� a 10 v'ery medi- emedies, without avail, until Il'o tried whicli 80 acres are clea red, fi ee from stunirs, wej 0 the c filtiv&tiou has been more recoan bl) Y, 1 ave us �d du fit e b 1% 4 plaint tl�at rdock Dlobd Bitterf. It purified and Nl ii '11. 1 vai-ion. Thebush is iarolwoo& � There is n _ta or, Liver COLM On the Fanist ATUIZD�-V Ji Za U. fenced, und-er-draitied id in highstate ofulti kel 1 ap in GermaDy alltCl 61y. ThE ZlectriciB tters 0.1he recommenood fo� bilioisiless, but BU 0 Vill not 6peedily c,, ei bloo copij�s will bc-%et P�ant gtov7s readilv In Most soils. hu*1 We say they foun bin R,, equa. to Carso i'B B itters.' v zed t4 d, gaused it tc eircu. was, te land oirtbe ftrin, I hire are good fraine __!ion to BELt k1v restorel Lim t R!0 1b M S'. buildings, a good t.rch, rd and phmty (f water. ca,nuot, as! thousand s Of cases already if yc 1��a(tetlrl�iel ailia quic 0 WIT priefers rich, c&l.careous I­Iaud, un u slEfer bryJt. -Pride 50 cents. CHELL DENTAL d who are 3 froin perni aly eh5.2w. lt is within (5 ruiles of f aforth and 774 shad­d1jvtree's. IaRussiatbeseed-i ry cul recomme�difig W. J, FEAR, L. D. S., 111. R. CL SAi Bitterli, will I'DIr, df apemo Rtissian und will besold clieap,�a.tbe picipTictor Di drilledintoliLeSIS inches apaxt, an(' ]Lave use( Rail -way Aceident. I Graduate of Toronto Sebool (-i Deiitiklry. le ': farming in Dahota. Al!iply on the f irai or to tl RAT CLEARTXG I T laait,i ara thititied out to in C e! prove. BrightIB Dis, a e, 1) abeted, I Veak Corn fiiij: wart' and can the r ATSTAX4EY Back, or any Urina Orr plaint 111vekly re�o (,Mee hours, 8 A. 11. to.5 P. M. underii-glied. 2xid coue ssion, Vl 08. ki -the rowu, thus givi a abou. Mme dibLa d all it �rofOSSIBB. rank Spinli, Wilton Avenue, or GENERAL B on 11ARKE,r BLOCK, G B L C, VF,. 807 'late One botd e is N y other 0 cured.. They, pu rif Ile a ood, r�gi pl. aD titl w Jo: t �o�t 1 U uts in an kere. The u some time ago recoa�lyed a bad injury nk ARM FOR rle'lot 24, concesqion o sed r. �Ot V on t the boweW, and d iec I 118 cli-13- corn cuie. poiDs am miRsing.,. 3nt on lie Grand rru f d tqadred for an acre i V y an acoic i Tearp. eased pat's. Ev Br 6 naaar in 3eed. Og, ed,� F. C 0'. CARTWRIGHT & SONto F d seenre IIIII six pou u d Ill and the so wing takes, plac P U rougbes, Stmbford. R..ailway- tcontua*ion.� were 9, Moi ris, contaiiii ng 125 acres, 80 of which 1 oni� e an gail tf,;l flint 11-0 1.0 rfrfL-IF. 1 �ENTISTR, will visit Sea Lie An 9 GrG� bein on, 8, quickly beale-J! by the iae of Hal yard's in SEptember-October. the old by.humstl )ruggi are cleared nd 0 minder good hardwood & A ]a) P 8.0cl. of I or We a 50c. a boaIttle �J. S. B ob erts. S coln 'W ilB I Bt forth I t tt -St. 783.52. rth, every Wedn'csiay and, Thur4- bush. ThereisEnthe prenises a new frarri oItoftnef; Seaf 830x2Cy- Yellow Oil. 74.65.2N7. 91 ready to harv(st in Ft�bruary. In Eng day, and Clinton every 01 house and barn, and a vidl� Al,, a �retfdled at baitilcrupt is Ar ara Off(I land is recommended to be planted me 40 each week, except tbe week wbeil NOW g beiarin.­ orchard 0 c cc r6i treeq. The Cwiit- and see Tneiday comes firs -. in the month. property and -5 aeresot nt wi I ind -asing *Ise wlwrc. Ho llo- w%:y s ills. as ltbccimm�01ded. inche 4 apart and 1 inch deep, aud to bE N Cnn*o-ntrq will gre-JIr 0 10 Y,&n!- ftrly eptliclitracted without Pain. Charges�� olderati) Fown, With fall wheat.' It is �situstcd within -4 obil 'its b -earth ad up N�heu I foot high, requirinp. The Gr'at Need Tb blood if 'the thicir Xar's, 3ept. Is 1983. Tha there is a reliablila remedy f )r kid- aina be' LS G!Xflh� mile nd a half cd where there are 30-25 .34- -TA11119 STA`L, XiLburn. no a Aquent attention. The yield ol life, and on "its pi ru ty Pul ealth as -well 11 schools, churcliesi PO Office, Aorg, Te i n Whi. Cburcbil� &�Q6., Gen s, -I have ytrouble, half the ttterrors at5acbed d, - Beed a nittich increased by topping the as our exigtence do J.E These Pills to'theseLCOMIlaints baive been removed, eavy. , For further lmi1icnlar.-i apply' on the been trobbW wiith Ga'arrb for the past preinisvtoCOLLT MARIHUR, orifbirletter 1wiNTi3Rop cH. EESt C t p1ant:1,aDd the best fertilizer is oldomor-i tboronahly cleani el h vi fluid.from hisletall"botbankful.andto Dr. two',ears. '.ouirFolllitain :)f Health' th%t M ans 'G of t lie d Awrleloi tar. Each plant produces about 1,000 all eouta 4n� Buren's Kidney Cure award i of to me by Mr. Lind- D ZATSON DEIMST ecommended il df;, chitfly on the main head. strengthen :1 i�- vi or' FaCtOl wi;l i be beld ju see -the -whole IJ praise for having tbu 3 re- FARM IN AUKILLO P FOR lie a f-thisplxce. Aft(rusimioneanda torvon 1110 -day, li-e lnihvr 0 acre of lot 20. concession 13, 4 5 aeres of t t1b I st �Mlil ite s tal culture in Frauce gave Uf 2ish ae olle 1) In to I ecti - -beek and astAteillent stem, beiiI .7 Gold Medalist end Ex,)erimou By halt bottles Bill, Bym )toms ;I Catarrh �n?v�,l a hitherto fabal diseaSE from 9 which are cleared, fred froin stumps =,d well ve Of I or ans, repress o st-excite' aeticn-, and -ed e Seso Alo to 14 t C,1 16 rat ra of 1,778 pounds of seed, yield- o k I ath. It was Itlever kncwn to Gold M alist R. C. D. S. underdrained. Nobcticr lard in the coultv. 'fortb el have disappe;.re,1,:and my hf dth is so ? Ur P iout h -If v-,iy bet%veeii Scaforth a fil establish orde ( 10 J ina 15 per cent. oil"(275 pounds), and r of� n arid go �cre-, 11 barts. 770.62.789 Is pen and wilk routies !or t lie] i improv ed �hat I ev- Direetor-ii. A m have it- ned 8 .16 Sold by J. S. I 'i u e, e f th b dy. I G many �ears`eperiencd be ble t' Briussels. It ifl well fim �,ed. J here is a lot,, bou. e bry 80, per ce tion thirou bo p AVT and it good hame barn and frame st%ble and can do A4 largLe di'.V nb., of cake fro m an acie; but erEt pounds i a flesh. Wit ke all operations in Dentistry itiabl' e di end +rJos sea ion. r Joi The balsamic c B o loway's ?iII13 jilid 111easurer. �,QZ the product varie F sbed aud a good oreb:ard planted with ww h4 Preserving teeth a Specialty y na a= you PO Ing] ving C;hl rofp , h er or N iing tc Boil, Glimate, and'oultivatiorf � aud ex-ercisiES marve or, W. -J. A TIMER. FOR -5 4EA b 0 E itrous Oxille Ga$ given. pIc.m, pear and cherry tives in goodbeftrin(r Prider. It is one and a qnqr!Pr Inilev east froin Leadbury. torne todebilitate 11, vous 0 isti- IMIFOOD WANTED the averuoia may be roundly stated at i. i Tie' OFFER for le Chargm Moderate. Apply to ROB101T 31031ITJ A, I ot. t3, Con- t6ticins. These ' i Is the. V Imar coope age, on FEES willte rrceivt�d irn ehnif of 50 bu-.helq, of Beed-frum an are, 1 gallon dig odge. all] ob ces p 0 t,,� 6d. Block B, Sea ri 50 (land al no cost on 3, McKillo cr to B,ix I C5'Zicafortli P. 0 t Pres- ysfie�siA Du�r' Office ip Meyer's block, Main Street, Seaforth. s byl-nian Chu3clo, for structions, both in I �E bU Is ai SO- �34 of Oil from 1 bushel of; seed. The per- 100). Tbe -ni t en to I ; -, __ L -1, _ - . !:of 25: corf's of green wi,od, two feet awl 10 the mo I.: cor of Airy wot J; Olir where, and are, ow unt, wsara. Cb1ir6h'illok0)o,,--YoarFoun- coanta -oe of oil t(r seed. rat! res from 16 to 0 uah icce� -worth hal lqey� A good spepulatiou i ran runk Rail"Wayl ;e has Cow ple, "TED. and fu;i htr infoiirt,- tioi lQ'tiD regularity of tain It " ( ither, forr privat( dwcfliu�g o. public work� L Apply I fight afte forpr f H aitil, telf dured me 'it dby 28; and that of husk to kernel from 41 TEALCHE RIS WAIN YBpepsia ni,t(rlms to R. 1ILA.CKWO D, Galt. 1828.4 Traini; leave Sealorth and ClintDn SbUtiOnS SE a to 60. ction in you,Dg d al ad elicate of wh ch hal trofibled me for �J# r 0 tL le n ersi v p I0JJN 1AIR Y, foll W8 Per ons who' are 416 a� ly w rly two year& Th) Italian cultivation is confined to (5 Go NG FEST- SEAFOUTH. CLI_q�rcm. as assistant ftir Ht rlock public school. En - J. CLARK, I xpr P.M. 2,30 P. M the ieigbborbood of Picive and. "Cctn� have from some ca d i e, b ci me so. 37. bree iriontlis. DTitic-o to conlipneg .......... 8:1558 P..M. 9:15 P. Iti, gagemept for t Notice to Creditors o Al4r&4am TaSt1or 52. 798.52.2w 17 taff street, rorouto. gli o, in Viatietia.. In Russia -the b ixed'. Crain ...... 7:55 A. M. 8:45 Alm on the JRt of J��iivary J�L84, apply to -TIII IMAS O-rf ate of the Township NEILAS! SEer U-ai y, llailock P. 0. EISSU2 of Rullett GO NG 74 ART- CLINTON. B�ic n X r EB .......... 6:45A. M, 6.27 A -Al ��Inica s,cave. plant is mo -A extensively grown in. Som. Won fu� Cure 3. �-3 CoUntyOfHuTonniR TaylorThfants. Kiele a and Podolia and the -district of pe I viiiiii 0 Train..... 1:60-P. rd. 12-65 F. EACHER,WANTED FnR IR84.-An e' Some time agic I ly wi e took a se vere he be t� 81ve* if for cuts, T ton; r f Ab U late hBiralch, in Voron j the producution of 0 g i the worl M i rrain........4:45-P. M. 4:00 teacher for S. S. X -i- r,,- Usborne. Applica- E P:, we cbuld� r ceived ntil. the 29th of fieed is UQW ugh, which, in 1,(:::: of tions stating alary of flllett, in the County of 14 i.�Ton, estimated at 8,000,000 cO briiiises, gores ulcers, salt r4nin, fever who (lied in or about i be niolith o - do, grew worse a 31 w r Ste soon Win- poodd 86 pounds), from an area of C December. I JOHN 001 BOLT, `�acretar, I J line (of f Lotidoii, Hv 08, 18?(3 tire. on or b(Iore the Seec old d ali. of so sj�attei, 1 lha, edl bands, hilblains, iron and bru chelsea. W-2 80,006 dessatines (of 13,067 square began to raise blood erylitay. - E t wasi GoirqGNaRTX- Xp6sis. Mai a she was in co ns, an iii.. sk'n eru)tions;: Did posi- 1,884i to -ser.d by post, preps iii !to Franci" arent t9 every U t t�i i I J i yardoic i.. In Tart&ry and China.it is &pp 1-t A] IU. EACB RA WANTED -Wrint d for 18,14, a fe- �tcdo)f the a own of Seafort)i Esquire their I tivial- 6u tes! t ilea, or ' r o pay i -equired. P -M T e �4 22( 'es cultiNated in immense quii�lltitiesil but a deelin, and ioa� (Ia. were sdort' 8 In . ar9jul perfe4t satisfac- !London, deparli .. ...... ...... 7 47 wale teacher, holding a third class ct rtificate, - Cbri�tian ai)d surnames, addrft, ni d it tEed togiv �Exeter E 56 6 3( a , to teach as hs%istant in I be B ut, le -tioni, the full particul rr (ff ti, no ac: M amongdt I ob 3d E)dical fLavicial Statesolot. exl?eetit-il ead onclo leit at statistics available. In tio , or; Mone 7 ref undo , Pricie 25 cents ro Hensal." 9 13 e, testimonials, en� of 1 heir ".count -it, ai d tlle 1111f T11 8 Of te d triedull, P 0 pr s 1 'Rippen ............ ..... .... 9 17 6 5 (if an iJoB- Dan NT, Secretary, Blueralt- India,, (Mysore) acre of and, gives III n'rition ind anotber, Roberts. 71c it (if any) hPId by theniI; ni- ill defilult one pe b X. For Sale b y J. SLI e Ur y g( Oi 'VV�oan fill h ............ .. 9 26 6 0 q 3.5 x 4 hiky will lie peronptolPy excludia-id from. ns of but they did no C P. 0. Vea! 78 C. 16 3 thic benefit (f the Order to Le nwe herk-jii� Every cwt. W seed. which yields 45 galo .............. ........ 9,48 had gone we. hear 4 ROM ul L oil, which is there c �oi derf ACKE It WANTFD. a malete"licr, ompared with ground M londe�,boro .......... .. ...... 10 07 .6 5 r M - hold ing a i hird cla �s derti colic, for school nuit aff, and apL ures performed q Dr. Boon's Pul- 1 9 samol-before ine the 1plied to the sae uses. Blytb.'�. ........ .. ........ 10 16 The TJse of Pills? onary Cherry,- a friend elgrai -e ...... ............ 10 31 7 1 section No.18, Howlek. Duties to commence Ist Of L the said e,:,vit, at iiny iiii'atbeirs, in inglj� m,arrivo .............. 10 46 J ry, 1884. A pplica �ions wil be received up I -Tally, in. the Qky of Toronto, oil the'N'luill d-1 of Russin.ri, seed is expressed an the spot, m Z 1 ve�'&.l )ottleB a' ts 0 It and :he Oil is largely employed for -drove several mil( :6 et s Oill, &c., and o Er nauBe- he 15th 'of Noveiribei . State salary anil (.x- "1 0 G) NG )UTR- ri"'P!,6811 to 18S4 it ten o'eloc, in the folenj)ncll :fted oil for us. In two w el h' waill e a ti rely Ouf Lthirti(39 is unnio 4 aduli xating olive -oil. The puri WesBary, a 4 ) A. ff. M1 perience. JOHN M 11M, Secretary, Gorrie alilwilited' :for 01judil Ition w tile is con 3idered equal to olive land &lniorid cured.` This te 6 n?lnl as 3ub;stitute is foun i in Dr. �in& m, depart ....... P. 0. 7 given )y Mr. P '3`8 the Seventh ;,GHl DJ,l .!3 0 e e. . ............ 7 49 T he chief industriali C. A. Black, Of S boivO, Pa., � s that Carso: n'B bi fterii, which act a a cathar- iii WANTED. -A. r;ial CA oilf6i tableuse. T 18 2f EAC�lElt e teacher for B! D. 6- '1 are * for woollen ty (J . .. ........ 8 05 T in I hisi cc -causi�g nausea. of thousandsof o aLd"'� tic,W thotit griping or school Sectioa No. 7, H-allett, coun ifiii �atious'of th oi urtry. Ijonde boro ...... ...... ..... 8 14 18 3� Huron.: Duties to commence' Januarv, 1884. 793.53 All 50 ciants a bottle. I ngi lighfiin, candle and soap, druggists 3ell it. ClintO4 ........... ..... .. ... 8 45 4 0, Tr T _P idress� J3!rncefJ Id ........ . ...... ii.. 8 59 4 21 Trustees: Joio, BRowN,1VAI.TK# J"11)DIL Jolis JR1-TZ- E _T_ pose 3nakil ig for the last mentioned pu Bitioiwt, Steretary and rreasuri�r Schooi Seetiou Rippen 9 68 4 8( 824 0 most Oils. It is pale Im. 'E: itil. ewaid .......... 9 13 4 3f No. T, HU116tt. proveq $5. BrIperlor 1;0 $5, i O� R YeHON Fin GOlo, thicker than heulpseed Z e t e r ......... 9 28 4 5( LindBay's Whiod 1883. For any t 6 163 imollisis re�o m� ending td 8. PbRTER S'_AF0 Oil, of, 0.926 �pecific gravity Olt 150 driLea . ......... 1080 15 5( kntcd, a fornalis gorls S, eed,%, Cui e for Dy Messrs. Churchill!' A Cc., Qeuts -I spepsia, tcaoherboeldirlg�athlrd cIVs%i certificate, a slowly, becomes turbid at ordinary tem- have beeri afflictec t I so, It rheum for L1 i QSUOD, COAUV nesf Heada3he,ete.,, assistant lok threp montl ;, for Fi�hool section No. lam deterinived 40 lear Out M W 1wi I ala �UC 3- 6, Stanley. I Duties to or Jnmonc� 14th of January e, and solidifLea at 16Q. C.— W gtoyi., �Trey d B perai 1 r t are�not, the pa4 three 7e lir ni I havo I een V enniue none ol �Which Go 'G N)RTH— Co. Ex). 1884. State sal,try and exp1rience. ALLX. Uire, A. tock of T Drug Reporter. treatedy some c f 3, be it doct ors in are h m personsin the States; r thous H P x. FOSTER, Varna r. 0. 836x5 1-3 ; 7 Isis of Cost. Eastern 'Ontaio vitioub any ladin uds of wfleB EMS bu from personsin Xtbel . ............... 06 9 40 H S I IN ...................... NOTICES. tftin prices before purlias ng A. H�Ppy milhon%reo, and tropud" FUMilbou Ontario. 'We WANT, it w 'as Upm to:ag . I was re 0,1 a) ien ed by Mu. 0 . I W I �D 0 : '0 0 J3 Lva. e .................. '3 7 A I We Often live going the roiu the J. Lindgay of K tr I gi vib I rial borr, es free of cost, 3o tb at ;ive a larg,3 ld�fleonnt to thost p 3"Dgcaf oil - o I your ingbi ),55 10 2 ............. pecia)ly to nevly married conp'es. 11 no ied by purchasing a -'xp. A �qiv.,Brm AVA.KI:Eb-- 'Rnfed' inimedi%telv, 0, 0 t be dec '0 S( UTU— I sin still Rolling Fix highly f u.-k;bpd cbai-,s 1or press, figLares, Showing the wealth of tain of Jle�lth., LIE i, five bo 1es 11 1 A. M. A. quitintily of majile, d Whi e sh br-gr% and America's rich men., but the name of of -the Fountain ar d, 0 70 ttles of your o t, -eso arti,le' but, now it lue $2.50. 1 also keep Hrowltonlk fZ pring B eJ, It e w I t) va Dr. David Ward is never belof re bu 11T �!24 bolts for but, ei amUlng them. Climax Salve, I beli�, v -i ai,,�n . pei fe A i �iai 2ottles' and testi- 4 ................ 50 10 5 r tubs,' &e. Also:tbout 25 OUOgood best and cbeRpet ig the mi rkwt; ly qg )3!luevale ....................... 5 58 io 5 heavy battc� tub hoops. TI) hightst piiice W11:1 His niodes-ty, in this age of the world, i L 13 gl�.v ee at Lug'igdeu ok O� perfectly nolselet3s. Brtlssel,� ...................... 3 1.3 11 8 be pitiol on ldelive�yj at the, couper factory f WareroomBdiiectlyoppositi cured. Xygeperall. Lei,6 h1salsomach mOJ2 to )ru e.f S af rtli�--795-52.- -8 In early life Wils I 'siDruE E 0 ...... .................. 25 11 5 S_Aa , TRoTT, Seaforth 635 is, d7aqauly a curiosity. improved and[ I io o17 ifeel. like ew AlarlaTfinthTowelry Store, Yalu Stl cet, Scale h t -7 Mr. d Baw the possibilities of wealth M an. I Ust Side. OTICE _'Tbebonks n Dr Stewart Hurl- ' Cash Irbidep,_ skins,. fur that N Tere. lockiecl up in the - Miichi�aflt Tlieyl �An Tell Yours tr if FOR SALE. N hurt, late of l3ruct. eldI'may be found by truckortrad. Cash for everything. .foreatl�, and invested every dollar he tboseishing to R(ttillathir I'tecounts at W.W. ROIKE ERV I-131UN4 TT, the i Me �tory. �Mk. W. Thompson, 625 s� pomtil ln If, 1. 821 could Spare -in pine -lands. - Eq now. 'gineei Str �,Iroe, &ontre Fx_N'Crs'RA118 FOR SALF.-For ale at 1i FAIiRAYS Oflie, C ED lind je v el er )el suffer6d for years from ,000,000 feet of Standing pioe in WWI Imp M ills, a ]at ge quailtity of good Agh 0 relie *until be used FeriningBail. For particulais apply to AND %,V. -ous owns irtla4d, Lin 3. 798.52. W. Dv Bpi! ph.�,_ goi �-O j3LACES51ITTIQ.- or rtintbeprorpri Michimn and Wisconsin, fully three- I ittersi GuVENIOCZ. 8384 Village,of Waltop, Co n fluron, a Black- nF Dr.�Carso t6mach He Bays fif ths )ih it being the cork variety an:d 1112LE it, it Wa i 4.- 1 mith Shnp ardReitr�ence ad nj The shop pan IFe& ici I no'e ed. It L "INN ire ALF FOR SALE. -For Fale, a Tbdr- aas accommodation A.a s. It is in a 188 J. the ba lance mostly bull sa. It is said] _U'ouglbrod Doriliam. Bull Call about 8 montliq 5plirnditl place for bu.4iners, a d a good mlin can hasicl d rn�.' B that a I tod he does not awn 7,000,000 014, namel 11 Statesman 'I in the. Canada Shcrt makamoney. 9rhore-;ideAce,hlso,it;ermlortable. AX <`_ IF feet oJ Norwa. Ask any lumberman Dalmeny 0 7 iciff. liepiqter, VolilMe 8, No. 11, osgoo: - 1, 248. For In r- Verins moderati, iForl flartleularia address, Sidt he E *n iuu e who is acqai' C nted with the Iffiebioa. essis. Churchi I i k Sim arti whxr,; apply On lob 8, cou)ession 12, xRORGE CLABRE,AVal n1P.O. 834m4 Iy e' C., b ear Ar( 'ed with sal :SJ lop.- BIOHARD MeXEE, Leadl ury. 8:16 o t�oi ibl rh um, pinerma who owns the choice pine of I have been troubli id m tl L P-ileg f, r the 1:7 1 0 BUILDERS be received by ro ski pi nples or � -,fikez sores; if t1d that state a u i lid he will answer, Dr.Ward.' last five. years, and -4 11 � �that - t im- o iLumd Wilson's "MOR SA .-Lats 27 and 28, Strectard the underisigned lill tI e 26th of Dec-m-lber IOn th waters of the U aniBtee hehas have taken Medici le fj oiia Ave dcctors, 0 X011 In thch6l'use thereon, To- nierly (,wne�l I)N- C. a. for the different di -pa tnients1of wra eparately Ofadn I en dru ore, d 9 a p ickagE of Me- messions of cork pine. The axe which f�iled.to 06cf,11 ;ct te.; I h ave Cull AI)14 to S, G. McCaiigbev, Executorid or in Vock, for the ie�ectisrl �ffa bflek inrsein G a��d Palk s Carbolio� Perate, tob.112iliaBbeen.a.horr Q) e late Don aid Mel 11tosli. S. the villag c o L rl) and speelfi- olirt 'lima I '-'I y e .11; at I. VT Ij cir's, UtS. s. ,Qr, and athough sed- oiAy one boi o1i it never MoCAUGI.IiEYarid to catious my be r -C stiadly accepted. form engaged, Salve, which I�pdrOhi sed: from IN. F. ece '705 h know I o fall. i.52. He NFIRMAR )i. BFLL, Hens'all Piii, 0. J6 9 aireet y or ifidirectly,' more or less in Ritcbie" of Od a-na 3an LLS FOR SALE. ­One two yer, old Tb�) s 'to B'U rou,,,-bbred Durhin Bull nrid a Thorom, them inufacture of lumber, we believe recommend it , af 1, 1111 of and 0oder: OOD CIIAI\1101-1�� FOR 13L TheQUiCkE S� rl�ihil in g on Record bred Durliam, Bull Calf, both with regis ell streetiiz, lvxt te nevey lumbered a tract of land affli ted with th 11 pedigre". -Apply On lot 14, concession 3, Mi)rri door to tho Prekyterian ic e a let d 81 SO. con, The unirlerii nel offers for Or ill rent Cinirch, eafbith n: Ont. All di�-easeq of Ho ms, cat t1e,sheep, M. Or' I am THOMAS GARNESS, Bluevale. 635_x4 y Aa the ti b upon -it was, gider your Founta-, �eiL th aneAell except whe nl 'Juia Li4bbniDg if r Neu- f )r a tet in I f one )r ibree v,,an- 6 -olling h 9. Thispmpert -sticated animals, sut cessfuny tree- tol Ig t_1 ; of the dnm4c build u �e � t it Impef, lle4 by fire from th t. ral U4. I it9l) and dNi OoNe at;#heo�, e operations Of lent tonic to I 8� M. .11�)ad due, To ach'o, etc. y hi bora. For much of big gap Yo ir� Vulk,, SAbE.-Ablack driving mare, )),leudid I'Situated on th".11ain Strattin ithe flotirishing at the infirmary or elsewhilere 3n. the doe not bli tei or dis olor he BE -in ti notice. Uarges moderate. JAs. W. JP,1)6R . f. I- Fol' x illage of and j or e�of the best stand-, J, Und bi 41 gap pine be has been offered 85 ) 798.52.2w. MoDum-,im. reqnh �s Ut o Loa applic ition lo bauiEh T1 ! ioad,tor. Forinerlyowned'by liev, J. E - filieIshop coiitaiii-, Veterinary u�geon. P. �i.-A large stoo:0-o In idiij� prescutowuer is leavincr th;s Part f r buRiness in thl coillity. f 0 1 11 VeterineryMedichies ke) Perth 3n.9&ud,. and f rom - ,6 to 48 per t .0files and all convenience" 1 4allil. all alh- Magically wifficitit i Ls ng any oft'he -iiatry Sixty-five dollars, cash, will pur- it colist Alitly 01 %T hodwellitighouse is olso.minfortable a-ud crim- thoUSE ud for his ct rk. Without doubt H-ow,to ?e Lungii gre 83 lim'njentor carr,riva.yDir head chietheinii�al. Applyto DUNCANNU,�LCOW[ On wp cession 1, H�roii Road, 11' bbert, be- niodious. is al�o a godd lot of land. Pcifio`_ SEAFO 1ichigan and Wiseoinain pine is doeforwiaeks. Try ii ;wenty- i t�o 6 ruar)-illexii. For -further RTH PtANING MILL tw, 8 Mix 2 Always breath Wough the u()sel in a ulL ei�n Dublin and Mitchell. I- lay, -etor on lot 6, (3013- nt pric dut b)t --om Ltilagden & Wil- Pliticut IN, to t1le prri [)11 tig the mou )d as murh as -,*orthl t curre es $15 000 000. keepi, _h, 1: B five a rtl e f 195.52 'R SA 0 cossion 2, L, . 8.t Tucker,pitbj 'or to Ilensiall SASH, DOOR AND Uff U FACTORY R -iowever, by Do means 'measures ossible. Walk na! At erect, ex3rdisei son: deuc, ts. O'R SA .-A comfortable cotbag3 and tv 119 I I – – — Ell suitable 0r blacksmith end wagoa F - 0. GEORCE INURAN. 8305X4 the extent of his possessions. He Owns P in ep skin 801111 'nl. the open air U 116 in good Part. of the town I oi b E nubBeriberbega leave to t -I nnklilan-t=e�om 0111 ;thoi Med ipine -BELL'S M I LLS I i KIPPEN. A, is in good repair, And ustometi thaliberalptr< nage extidndik4to valua4le hard wood and mining land, which] we balieve,will swell the NIONE hmsiuce COMICAiencig bals'"HE 1 8 fortb�Auoff amount Balsa�n for coAghk, 601s, d bronoldal The whnle property will be so' V :TO LOAM In '01% 6 e' ,Bly Cle�n-, and t kel.El d's Pectorat T is ple=.,� ld in to $25PO0,000. -a lei I 774.65L2wl No pq Litioi-lasroadeived sich uni- bEifi or' ;�parafely, and V6ry cheap. Applyfb HE undeysigned,iavirg 6een apponttil Agent I ttinatsUat he may be layalred Wi t1i W 4 tro b mei idlAi6n to - the a leviation EVINI 1'. JV� TSO'.N, Soaforh. 808-tf i y, i ci� -the Bamp Not D. ceAt of thi v6r�ol oo JOHN McNi smilton Providbltit and Loan Silciet s collosal fortun e b as for the H it affo ds, ),-nd t1io permanent, are it if; now prepared to effect LiJants either irn farm It partiesirittending to buildwort Idde well to gam been 0 irtained in the whirlpool 'of de- rof rioitor of thes, -, w4l] k nci�V6 and popular, mills, 4. leiieiit hm a call,aE- he will continu OLTSFOR SALE.-Tbe undersi,died has a or town property at the IoW%8t rates of in e to leep ou hand s yth ng in i1first-cl I i Nasa Q bi irr4. affectilin :idn diseasefl, as r. - Van Ls i io�lv got ever ss workin- spoin of general purpose three ye"al old coltR, andonthemost fayorableltermB. Applications a; rge tt ek of allkind,8 ef Etructi ve 4tipeculition. The possessor of a t an article of it has een coat Dear 1. _0 fwi6ntv yea1B I Buteu Aney 1 C re, Its i0tion in -der, and is'prep ire to turl' ou .1 D -eat towait year after f I - a 111are aa,d gelding., for sale. Tbei ale well ail 'or, pprponall.v pforal.tly aftended. to year aid work as Steadily as the Me- have suf yfrom Bad ca- m rh; these, lis essill co, phints i' I "AMILY FL01JR wtich cannot be ex- brokc and Derfectly sound. One is a dark ba - ALLANTYNE, Seaf�rtb. &.4 1 y Pine Litmber, ,5qa8he8, Door's, Tered greitl n is'MP Y le 1 7 ay Mill in the couli try. and the of Iler a light baY. They call )e seen at sometim6s -being ns )I oberts' ouldi � to: encil,taste woud( fu1I F*S�LlebyiJ.S.-Ji, I linds and Jf Vqsj Shjngl�81 13hanic does who earng big daily bread� I I time 0 'o-dair he is as fun The iseape i cau ed a severe 7704!52 78 IST 14(i DOINE WHIIiIH THE PARTY q .34, concession 6, MoUlop. W11. R. N. 113 E T To propej I - IN., MCUR(HAEL. 829-tif T -loving as a boy and L: nearly as Rpry as.one- pain over the e ITS FOR 11T. y S, a 3f frlec uently stop- �Ih S i ing C -irl 11 JFFOIK 1`168 FOR S&LF,.-- rd RetailDes' ER and ho wayfavolitirlilm. vrJAL theiTP atronagip,*0111=9 -Ped my writing on a, c6unt, A dizziness. Y170- lour exchanged or heat. [Clicipping ol every Forsale on lot h0lelt13IFS er in LEATH I i . elic scription prm tl atteriftd to. Flour a -ad 21,ecircefision%L. R. S., Tuckersintit'ji,it 9 F INI)INGS of] �4 very Deaeription. in Ia My t roatp ve me ml ich And Ioe 18'to �O�ri wor ion need le cocoi.-GiitATEFUL e phlelg y aj _F W. 4 �Iio t7i P a e U �6ilj re la dr tl oa 0 d a L�np p da ,pe M i all tni oo a n q t y AND COX Th n 8; ways on nd and d at the lowest nu xiber ol lhoruughbred Suffolk Pigs and lo None out the VeriBes; Stock kept. Terint IL gartiouiax. sttiention Paid U Custom Planful FORTWG_.-­:7"By a thorough knowledge of anrro oiall, 1 Dr.JA isti is Ph6sphitille. W ben the ittarket prices. eml ber ttoe' r affils. aboLittlin months old, and from imported swdk i�oderste. Trial Bolicited. Mlorderebymia yanopeiiespe ooi ipany, b dls popula the n -Aurid IlaWe W f hich woul& oce Al Pnal', ly fall dc wu count 3,nance is the bloo I c hich govern the oper- 0 w on both s es. Terms reaonable. GEORG�E drothervisepromptlifillica. JOHN H. 13RC)ADFOOZ and y biolis o4 I&XIEVIN, Kipplan. PLEWES Brucefleld P. 0. UL, I L . I the 'a N.Bat�TT- tion nto my throa� 11 ce, ap- 116tiOUBicof digestion and nutri hl err lom slugg