HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-01-04, Page 61 7 - • • it is, g 1prig eve their f tat relati Itetative vest preclude visiting during more gen- lair weather,. aid the chores, crowding so, closely into the short days, leave the balence af leisure in the evenings. To buedle the babies, tumble into t'ae big slei h and roll up in the budalo robes fo a five mile skim across coun- try to vi t a neighbor, seems a pIeasur- *hie oh go in the monotony of home life. Q to be roused by the merry in- road ot a friend's family, with great stampio of snow ueud cheery ehortis of ." HO de do's" when toasting one's toes by, blazing -fire, is equally pleas- ant to hose whose opportanitiei3 for ercourse are necessarily limit- ed by th ir isolated coodition. It is njoyable to thus visit and be Visited, but unfortunittely there is in many o ramunities, a bar to the corn - Vote joyraent of these social tone, wbiob has grawn out of a greater tuurar4ce of living and the permittiiag a sennet ss fashion, borri of an unhappy ostentat on, to grow upon es. I -allude to th? 0 atom of serving an elaborate supper en such occasions. Time was when a an ofarosy apples, polished till their pl. mp sides shone, a pitcher of Cider .i4d the ehagbarke and black wa- r:leas of he home farm were thought fit and. ett eient refreshment for an even- ing vijtI. Now our temperance friends would.ptphibit the eider, and few +add have '1 dourage to set betonguests whom t ey delighted to honor, such einarileijegalement. We h ve unfortunately outgrown this primitiv sina.pliiiity, and now days the guests rappings are hardly laid aside before t e hostess is reflecting upon the resource of her pantry. If she has two ar b ree kinds of cakeefried cakes and the indispensable pie in hand she is tranq illy quiescent; if she has not she is r stless and pre -occupied. The convers tion has hardlyi settled into in- tereetin channels before the lady of the hou e_ slips away with an inaudible apology nd falls to looking up the fine table lin n, and handing down the best teaset. The kitchen stove glows like a Molo h, and perhaps the foolish woman- °aspires with the dypepsia and takes.w rra biscuit ancleake to set be fore her victims at a reid-night repeat. Back a d forth, up and down cellar the goes till the best the house affords is set ou , and announcing with a tired but triu pliant air "supper is ready," she bre ks the thread of engrossing converse. ion, disturbs • the tete-a-tetes, and mer els her visitors to the diningtooratto orae upon them pickles, pre- serves, pke, and strong, sleepsdestroy- fug -cafe , under a mistaken apprehen- sion of t e meaning of the hospitality. The visilj is prolonged beyond intended t e guests go home at a late Lour to 4reaio ldreams no mortal ever dreamed before,' and wake cross, un- tested alnd. headachy neat morning, *bile thIe tired housekeeper sleepily washes up the • dailies or impatiently piles them promiscuously into the kit, Oren si4 and ctreeps yawning to bed, eeftectin that it will take the next fore - Loon to 4estore her closets and pantries to their accustomed immaculatene, and wondering what enjoyment she ob- tained fr in a visit which she only made n oppo tunity to display her house- keeping esources. And t e matter of entertainment doesnot nd with the dypepsia, engen- cered. ivairy is aroused as to who Ehan spr ad the most alluring and non - hygienic upper. If Mrs. A. sets out two kind of cake on the occasion of a eighbor ood visit, Mrs. B. “ sees that and goes one better," and Mrs. C., to outdo both, will add another adjunct of 1 fndigesticn. What should be made an opportutfty ifor interchange of thotfght stud opini n,lis suborned to baser uses, mere gas atory oivilities. And, too, the etrife of outdone warni me to such a delicat she can usual wo to the en fashion, hood so S.00ial EVenings. nerally speaking, only in the ingsot winter that farmers and 'lies are free to cultivate soo- ns with each other. The int- uties of seed time and bar - display; the de -sire .not tb be n the matter of getting up iis at unseasonable hours,leaas vishness of preparations that woman, who has about all ,o to get through with hes. k, finds her strength unequal tertai.nmnt of -guests in this ad so- drops oat of neighbor- -ety. (Strange, is it not, how we all tlfilk that "when we are in Turkey w ' must gobble?") Again., there are thos in every community who meet, thet neighbors on a social equal- ity, though not perhaps so well off pet auniarily. Now women, especially, like to " ha.v things like other folks," and to many a housekeeper the eontena- illation of1a rich neighbor's silver tea- ttet- and e g-sheli chine brings envious thoiihtB twhen compared with her own Iteittartia. . and unadorned ironstone. Because he: csannot, compete in this neighboriieighborbood: exhibition, this one, too, drops out. till at last there is an end to all neiglaborlaood sociability- and the friendlinei3sit brings ; stamped out as p ena that one can. find . in a it were, 1• cookery and cake. So it Often ha farming community only a few families who maivitain intimate soda' relations. Dependent on,. eaeh other for sodety as farmer e must be, it is moat unfortu- nate to al ow the neighborly feeling to tun low. Mankind is. gregarious by ziatnre, Et :d the most unimpressionable of us are ,:onstaistly giving and receiv- ing from hose- with whom we come in contact.. Society “ leimanizes" and refines; t is a mistake,. more, a grave error, to eat ourselves away from our kind.; ani a most foolish mistake to let such false1 pride inamistaken ideas of oar dutie4 as entertainer, keep, •na pent. up witha oar own lipeseseftWhy, be, cause tw or three friends deogian of an evening, eat an unnecessary fourth meal be s tbefore the_mtasif they mult. bev:8, cant because they were hangrY? Wouldit • ot be, more polite, to . say op - more,: to i fer they came rather from th, desire:ter a higher order . of entertain- ' ment ? We err in making so much of table lux Ties, so little of intelleCtual pabulum and may not the question sometime • occur to ust. When an over --zealous h stess devotes herself 'to get- ting h.p an -.elaborate supper, whether she does iot fed unequal to the task of entertain iag as Mentally and. hence strives to- make. amends by tickling. our . palates.? ' • In ever 7 community there are those who ,“ set the fashion," so to speak, for the rest. i They give the "tone" to so- ciety,: acolarding as they are wise or friv- olortainatallectuai or the reverse. Their customs have 'weight and infinence ; ahem will imitate. If these will in- etitute a eform in this matter of oaten= talons 8 tertaining, it Will. soon be fol- lowed. Ijf they will not it renatties for , - , et al-. 77 ar..i.4.2 the women who feel absurd ou Atom, li shoulde, .8. Ata w • imilOnimmenia .s777.,7ne.t -717-rt..z THE URO wei Z t of this from their own en; bey d others and ho as enjoyable i. to ape d an ve- iling I41:1 oonversati 1; vetli a hat barrflin hos Jess, perfeetlyoa eaele, withas. th oo arage to give thea • wh t p°sum bl rimy came to seek,' eii a m nionslii with such simple re. i1 ms te as h may have at hail, fa: .ion •1 rapidly find favor li t yea 'fall. le attes.' Soap PO Almost every c tiro young people's as oc These organization •ea pose of doing two t ing joy social evening0 nd. All scats- of iugeeib s d mOney'are inVente developments in tit s cr oti *leap bubble 1 part es, w ere sold and soapsuds s fulrnisho pipes are ornatneh ed w th with hand painting. Atn th provide some Ilight nap eas or musical prOgra tJI 0 no •on for t ou 0 wee on 11 a lunch, which ie ovijl d i Each lady lithraxe a asketi for two and pets h r c n basketatare then BO d ha hi der, and tlae genii ma hoi chaser eats the lu oh ith whose card he find in results of an am sin sometimes observe , brother pays a hig prie for The arrangenaeut f th as ample opportunity or e good deal of taste. g t baskets at one of be nte • were COMD1611 grap bas. to. covered with apart t pin on and t e silesia; thedtket was 1 ed silesia sewed then turned over t e e ,in ing left in plain loins. w in two or three pi: oea, nd brought downclose y a f the bottom of1ly, nd the ask ;. o covered tplai ere around the edge wi h e o ,paper that is ued f r p, ng of a ruffle. The an e we This Would be turn d •.r in also, and had bows of r bbo either in the centre or a ac anese paper napkin we n hincheons varied, b t tj. ally of two santiwiehes aleta s o 'biscuit—some delis te s lks with salt, two piece: of ke, fruit, either grapes, app or has ite •r guil the PU e—to e t 1110 110 or gottii the la e t 1 are t e pipes arfe free. T e jbpglbn iaiie a n to a his w of In c • . T eze hest bi. the the 1d et. S e cter n a g rl er bas t8 ; • raise 0 pre it eine hey or and aide ad of shir hen tened ers trim en w shot- he sh 6 cove 8 tied o ide,J d. coesis e read,ho f cel r nd s ears. 11. 11 1.1 1 Faithful LT A correspcuedeb Union writes as f ternperance serukon 1 -have one before m so striking that t9a one who was here a George II. .Butler. Brammel of Washi rebellion, General undo, had him for afterward he was:m living here. writing Finally, he took to General Butler h send birntoj Egy General.. His E ruined whatever Every step there w He had to be sent f r, fallen to be an arm loafer about town, unt ordihary vageant,.pe time itethe watrkho se begging for money t b now a policeman is ra window on his -way o -t A dozen years ago h s f in all the social cite General Butler cat hi ago, and will ao not in do you think is the who still cares for ti I will tell yon. , 'months ago,QI met Her face, figure; an m feet. She tooked t old ; they told me s e warl 8aPae a .1 lc!' gr ei:svt 3 T' a v etb Twenty years go:s e ler. They la cam d loved hiin as only is eh but after a time he ad ful affair with an a: tree fused to marry him 0 came to her, but sh sal all. Butler fell lo er she still wittched-o er h times he tried -to re orne him, paid fines 1 t get workhouse,bought c oth where- her 'very scat sha ing, in order to say hi protested, but she as is too much good in hire save hina5she resp complaint, Heise :ea giving lessons in e ecu for that men more han to -day, a woman a on all that makes her ex alone in the world, ec this poor tottering. ret as though be had ben There are tragedies in never come to light of these two Ilea m de t So true is this, that thi in ram, and almost i almost an :object of 13.13 stands in the radia CO 0 devotion. 1 Perellyaointh in 11 l• 1 1 • y u a e 11 • • 71 11 • flE ing esid ou cts ba 8 on 1 he ding d t hi ng pot 8 h. heist a reach n forte, u morn D . Ev ✓ kn he B a ring 4h ho is per, jn andso wepap cane, 11 Gr4n Cons I xperiexic he h to wo as 811 110 master s novt half e rest i ky. Jiis im by in ce stati n s welco W shingt n if ome tam ith. on ea t d wret h Ily, a f .1 ving la ere p r ty year ty. Slh dsome her hist() George B anced. 5 0Mari lOv B, me an 8 0 fo ha y : • ot to rig 11, disgra e she te • marri g 'to th4m ower, 11u Scores 10, he hel ed ut of even w n om ent r er frieid Th r to tryt. very such living he sp n elf. A ousand acive, sh i e hr lovefo ft hallo e doer of hr •rld wide are of on er a siti t , stee e becoi4e manse hejl woma w e fai e ot a ed Pere Hyacinthe •as h his wife's son, who ive Hiswife is with hi now a bright lad o whole family on a s day—father, raothe speak nothing but re up 9.13 happy a little do you often 888; all fa an You know we have tbo ington, whose pas ngui s el. wage and depo it ic otlher. Pere Hyam the h b t when a colored_ wos. • a dime with which to Pay tutderstamding wha was Wright into the bo five cents back, an -hero out what trouble - hr; we s a heavy loss to Ili s a ilingly gesticulat d ill a 'other passenger •aye he ft d. all was well. B t Eat, • dently did not nclitre a alk with the wri erhe ake it clear that se h meelf a Catb.olio, •ut i i many respects 0 t cupyt p• sition as that het. hy amara of the in epend O urch in this con try.. d y he helped admi ister t a little Episcopal an Ch stopping place. asiingtcn etib4re visit n lashingt n wed hia own b y tl.1 1' saw h reetc r the ot e Bad son. T e , and m114 tic party a well dr d arts in a h a 'e to mq.k etB for e d iistick4ts1 handed hli hr fare, a ted, he jrn O santed e ld not m k hat nic e while . Ati st ve ee ts • eifllyaoin h a d it. I ook pains t t' I conside e LO a Roman st g the sa Bishop Mc nt Cathdli est Th e sacramen rola near hi 4, 11 11111114111111111111111111111011m4111•11011MM111111amilln111111111171111111111 ESTI Y A IM LS Ee S'atah. u.deliTrTsiguLeE oert, ;slim the mid ling ste rs, both red request1d • prove take th m away. ',11 P. 0, EST" . und o owner 0 n paying d MELV —Oa e ill the pre lot 9, concession le of Octob r last, t nd hite. The rope tyi, pay glut HN DRO1 ER, . C ises of , Bib- year- er is and lhnrst 8X4 me i ear oi. 811/M d e. • . I 8I r V of the ion 9, . The perty, E 40E 714 E8TRA of the Hullett, white ate owneeelai paying ch VSTRA the lea, on th steers and same by THOMAS ST und ut 88 ER. rsig he 1 Str ed f oni he ed, t 12 °once st of SelitI eber a r, suj pose to coin ng th have the , lune 0 i pro Jug pro rges.. T : 011A: LLPL11i. 1. ernises 13, Ir I s' td y Taa do dde 1 :37x4 . 8,seftsnanno four a e tho ca r 30x4 CIA TL lnto the pr nder =igne , lot 20,00nession 20t of ovem of, sit yearl . Tho awn r can party and ;paying two heifer ovin pr BAT D. ✓ STRAY 00 -11-4 undo sign about thi aat four yoars old. proving p opor SMALE. acne i1to th prom's 21, pace Rion 8, eve box, a gra a owner can ave he pnyragarha gee 1 ' , , Ca; le into the pi lot10, concess on / ove11 her, a two !wee the. : me o char es. r os. Po • ✓ STRA $T ER. 144 the nderignot berry; so e tin e in steer.; Tl e ow er property nd p yin w of the bbert, about me on LIAM 6x4 ; 18 scs of Turn - ✓ old roving 835x4 rp STA 1"4 the Killop, aueb. 1 ,propert STRA. of th T 1ye old1h ribeir such in4) the above Melee' E SH nders out t e ow nd p !EP. gue e er ying HE FE un di rill , abodt lh Her of r mation 48 ill be s , Wingia 0' fe Into , lot 4,1 co of h S aptetl nha charees, J the pr cessio er, a e ame, on UN Mi • .—S--Strayedf ornahe ed, lot .1 , cene tat of Serembe au ca lor. A y pens will lead to , the re itabiy row rded. P. 0. IA 11 1-4' ST 1 SHEE •J t s undersis e on or ationt the 1 t wether b th whit same by p oving CASPER WALPB -,,- - $5 Roth snbrcr b: ber lat1 five steer old. Jae were ha the 9th Concession the town Line of tem, a e 6 arked w Some 01 11; • em are lig but ce.no ' give a oer they are o t of a lo giving suc I informist !covet), will GOVENK Oa lot f Au Th e into 0, eon ust, o ovine pert and Dashwood the prg en anion • e ram a can he eying 0. Ise e of • *o - and a eying. WELL. 5x4 misea on 1, a two giving ery of TER 4x4 ses of Hay', d one e the arges. 834 11 receive t OK, Mei ayefrom to ;rmises r about the 5th of °vet:te- eming thr e or fo r years of about t o wee a go on f AleKtIlgoieg t wards allot. Pat, i not all of h T on th plate or rump. t a lorod nd some dark, eat &erie ion of th in, as of 130 he d. An uerson on ab will 1 ad to Ith tr re - e abeve re ard, TilsMAS llop, Deceinbe 1 h 1883, 837 • 11110111111011111111111 ,4 BEAK keep. 111 VASYA pig was bre from impo months 91 ever beetig able at the retarnin pie KO -1- keep cession a, - firt-lash s the time of ing if n ce tor. }TIRE P u dersigi e nrieg the present Inaon at h a Thorou. trared Berk hire Pi by 0. H. immone, o Lobo, ted stock n both Side . He and is on of the p rest br t into the county. 'farms— time of tel vie, with t e pri necessary W 000 8vern . • will hotel This d is seven pigs 1, pay - 1 go of 12 1 I I • SERV OE. using tbe -areas dekt rsilith, a oek gettert service with th sary. GEOR 1 ! 'The subseri se wil t 80a8)fl on lo, con - God bo r pig. at, is a ernis-1, pay• e at privilege of turn- 1STRONG, roprie- 830-4 rrHORC U fil3RED BERKSHIRE BO SEP V CE --iii e undersigtted will k service dn ng the present eaon, on hi lees, lot S, oncession 12, 1GKi11op, a T hied Berks ire Boar. Tere—$18 payabl time of service with the prhillege of ret necessary. IAICEtARD or FOR for rem- ugh - 1; the 866 ng if A BERK 4-4. keep on lot 24y c Berkshirb privilege,of HABKIEK • DIG F0 - keen° Thoroughb animal, an Dollar, pay privilege 'Of hicLEAN, tiotitts -6- Beal one Berkri re and inc dollar at th time Of ..ervi returning it necessary. loading and! unloadin 830-12 - HIRE PIG. --,The tradersigi or seta -ice during the present ncession 5, McKidop, a There lg. Terms— no. d Ilar w returnitg if i4eoessaiy. W will ason, bred the IAM 884 • SERVICE. The nhdersi lot 8, Conoesson 12, Tucker d Suffolk Boar. Thi is a from good atock. Ter ble at the tim of s rvice w returning if cuss y. ppen. R SEA Two Thoro igs for s'er 'ce at Rod erville ffolki Tern with the pri easy applia soWs .J1OHN .MAR a 8 ith, a erior One the ERT Ox8 bred snal, One go of for ALL. OAR FOR SERI I keep dining t e Huron Road 1 u k Berkshire B ar, toe number Of sows. of service, with the necessary. J0HN E.-4 The undersigiq will rent season on 11 t 21, e•stnith, a Thorotlig bred ich be wf I receive ale ited s $1,J payable at th 4 time privilege ef returiig if HEDERSON. - tf -441 UFFOL PIG.-rT un ersig lot 21, concestian 2L.11.• aThorouigh red 'SuffoBbat.- ,'T recently purchased fr m thelwell- A Franks & Son, ah is f,ront bar both sides. Terms 01; psyable service wtth the privil go 0return GEORGE P LEWE. ed ., Tucker is aninati nown br'e carted' 4t at the 0. g if neth op on mith, was ers, ck on e of sary. 783 Tatiatieti euees dersigried will ls.e oiie thordu ham bull; farms IF thoroughbred cows the season. For the The thorou hbredie ceived first 0rize at 13 forth s14+. J0 ! I FOR SEM 1.0E.—Th p on Lot 21 Conees hbred and one gra e • thoroughbred nd 2 for g ade coav grade, $1 for the la usses. and second Nat classanimal, TA.FOR nn - o 13, Der - 5 for , for ason. id re- Sea - x4 TO THE F RI)IERS 'A' RON 0 aliNTY. ment of s&o two pi Poland Chin pig ae bred and frill the pe erica. • T e a,dVentla ]M1;—Their s scOptibil age ; eir1capa if desire ; e more pork or t other br ed • 4v i— tiucl of the +est style. and well-kn tvribr e Call and see them. service a per sow, yiee,with rivilege o the Alma tel, Her CLARK, Pr prieto TT ILL G EEN -111" haS urchase Brucefield is wellrk he will kee for se v Green durit g the pr purelmsdd f am! the J. II. Snell & Bros, the best pig ever hrc slat, " Royc I Carlyel. dam, " Sir °reheat sire, "LordLivernce atthe'Reyft vincial Fair payable at lege of i r ROYER, P AN BREEDERS p Is al kee for itii; s of a petio breedib„, one tr 4uffol pig; bet t swine 1 1, es 1 Polat d Chines ty t1)o eing fatteLect ity 'for gro ,ing very will produ e comid ey are the most hall e ranouut f feed tt: The Stiff lks aro: la and have their a • hese prs• N ill be k payable at he tiraci o returning if neces • Itc cl, 1.1. Ilea. 8 fr ics:nt v n ee at el ebr f Edr tight ne Car e,, w Shows i Eng in iCant da. he tine of se turnine ne opr'etor. HU- rove - One pure Am: aree t rare larg rably El any some tried irers. it tor ser- ry, at R RY 7-8 RK. Oharlea royer 7a 14 es Tutn r - of Berks 'ire Pi' 'Moll is p mises ta Hill's easb . This; e g was ted eeders essrs. onto , and to one of nto t o county His yell a the site of his 1 and hie rand fi4st prize iw Liners and, liiso at Pro - Oats $1 per sow, viee,ivith the pie' essara-. CH. • LES 81 x20 • i 1 AZ0 ION S' I" P. i3R N , Licenced Ano ioneer 1 r the * Connty of Huron. Sales ttended rt all parts of this 0 tuaty. Al] orderIeft at t eEx• eoaor,Offiee will be rein tlytattendedto • A DELGAT Crainty o promptly atten dress Walten McKillop. Y, Licenaed Atrationeer I r the Eitn4n. Sabot oall desdri • tions d toYon res ona le ternlo Ad- . 0. Or Lo 11, Conceison 14 77 ris 1 Ii!alialtorSconv y neer, utte 5.1 E of Garrow & P oudfoott 01110 in yees Blo oe POS T • NMI GAL. RROLL, Be H renoi end aTt , Sol lowers aro an 40. rates of In est etre Office, Goderich, Marley to loan, k, Main St eet, • riVate mon to erest. Mane— t, Goderich. 774 IOW & P1101 8 DFOOT, . re, &e ,GodOish,Onta oudtoot. 1 snifters, 8 14101. Cis fo So Pr BONI, HOL & CAM RON, Barrio honors in Chancery, Goderieh, areeren,Q.0,. 'hilip oll, M. G. • .0.31EYE &mister and Attorne taw, SpIloltoti Chance y. Clommissi t k ng affi3 davits the Province of ManIt i t r for the Bn* ef Harailton, Wing v t 'nude to loabiat6i to 6 per cent. 6 NJNIN'Clr & SO onveyancers of thiraton, Tisdel 01,0, beaver Block Me JABIBB So YIER & DICKI of • 8, ilton. Com Wingh: vit aniteba. P cei t Lucknow offi 0. „ Y-811. E. L. DI /44 ON, Barristers, &0., 11 it'a in. Solicitors for the nk toners or taking a •' ia Ivate fund to loan at 6 ell 0every W dnesday. H. latililON. 7 r T, Barr store, Sollei Orin o. rs for the Money tG ;it! Clinton, ntario. IL, 7:1 LA Mo B1 FTUS E withOamere Brrister, Bo y to loan, Be ,1:leaforth. . DANCEY, }Holt it Oimeron,Goderieli, I ; ii itor, Conveyancer, &o.. flon's Old, Office, Clardno's ! . 788 . G.. IWO 1PARY Public, N &e. Office in. floor 1 opposite THE len 1, Farms and 11 OH.E.V, A. M.,1; nveyancer, Commiesi armiohael't Block, (gro 1,081'1'08. ` filee. Mone nses for sae. 1 8 1 ner nci to 6 ;an tn be de wil the 0011 ST olrioa of Diesel, tion of Partnersh1p.—The Partnership he etofore eiletime between the ci signed hap thia day boon dssolved by 1flft onsent. The businelIs of the late firra will :arried on by Mk8 H0lials8118D, to whwji all te dine to the ftrm 111 he payable, ard who ay and dlsoharge all debts due and ow:1n by firm. Dated al 80 forth, the 21st day bf De- r, 1882, S. G. oCAUGHEY ; F. HOL E- l). Witness, . IREW ()ALDER. F. HO!ESTED, M AER, &. Offie —Scott'e 13.1 ek, ain*Street, Se•rth. SaGI CAUHEY, IOITOR, &e. ilex °Sloe—Scottie 11 look, in Stret, Sea orth. 785 7s • NV rijo rIVOO AVIGITNIVO (INV rjrj DAL:MOTTO *STNVIA1 and ly r and att to winhl 'ten in a, cial Re and Le Royal Hotel (1.4ATE- CAMICHA.EL'S) ftFORT ONTARIO. JAM WEIR S to Inform his Old friends and the travel- ing public that having purchased this new mmodious hot 1building he has thore h- unihed and r fitted it. nom top to t - and it is now o e of the lOost comfortable onvenient hote1 m the connty. By strict ion to the waz4slot his ousltomers he h , es tit a share of p patro age. The roclms well furnished aid well h ated. The bar 3 kept supplied with the b st, and an et- a ive and trust worthy hostl r will always be • e dance. Good ample ro ms for Oomnller. Tellers. ber the "Byal Hote1,1 corner of Main erich Streets eaforth. 73 JAMES WEIR:, Proprietor, 188 04$H B D ES itTANIJARY ETARD i• :El Mc CEXIB S MOI\Trit GHLI YERS WILL F N THE F LLOWING GOO ICES TO CLEAR: SAT 1883. PECIAL GOODS, # GIES, -FLANNELS, BLAOKETS, TWEEDS, HA S •ND CAPS, MILLINE1RY,i MANTLE AND SHAWLS. o exardine tbese goods and /rejects beft#E3 making SH regardless of and Tallow taken The ublic are invited their pnrclhases, tts I am det mat. 4. lot of Fine Teas in exchatilge. r4iine4 to dear the lot out for C ti ose prices-, Batter, Eggs, Lar IN Whitney's Bloc 1 3. IVIcOUGii • Seabrth. • OWS o*s A Cat Load of enuine South Bend OHILILEED PLO gc SULKY PJ)W —JUST il8ECE7ED AT - 0. C. WILLSON'S Which will be sod at old. p import duties, th subscribe et , imorted 9ne Hundr tariff; co sequeotly, he is e stook is e hausted. Call ail foior arti4ile. Every Plow I A fel stock of Massey T r nto towers, Toronto Shap's Rakes, a.1 of which of ala kino alwais on hand befote bu ing a machine. . lethent Wareroom, Seafor h, , notwithstanding the increase of 10 per cent. eing etermined to keep those valuable Plows in ind ifty of them a few days be ore the se in the led 10 selil them at former pric s until 4ihe present ee th se P ows before buying a com on or in - rant ed. to ive satisfaction or n sale. pers and lfrfassey Mowers, Tor nto Rapers and Binders and Massey's Low Down- alder, and I be sold cheap and on reasons le term. Repartee the above machines. Don't f il to se my stock Main Street, Sea rth. NOVV S THE TIME TO 3E1.3 -7,r YOTT:Ri P.A.1.1.EJ c3z W1.1\rrict BOOTS AND SHOES, D COVETRY'S SHOE STORE Is he placle to buy them, if yo want to g t the best value for your money. 'My sto k of Iotory Made Goods ii large and well assorted in all he different lines, • an I ea4ot be undersold by a y hoese in the trade.' 1 1 I will not CUT PRICES CUSTOM MAbE W RK as no man can buy tile best Material, an pay to have work property ale, and do so. 1 • BELt I will guarantee to give B ots that must give Isatisfacti n, and :prove the cheapest i the end. Do4it Forget th,e Stand Oypo8qte the Royal Hot l, Seaforth. • i THOMAS ICOVENTRY. • THE MEDIPAL HALL, 141 All\T STREIE3. S_A.P01721-3, • 1 Is the Medic Cq2' our sti juft op such Silp nientio Accura dace to _get Pre Drugs, Chemicak and Patent s. Dye W ods an Dyes in Oery sh de and pt constantly on h1 nd. Customers w'11 find ck, complete n every respect: We have also ned out a pare assJrtm,ent of importedj goods, Ladies' and , Gent.? Purses, CoIn,bs, ushes, and many ' other articles top nume ious to • B.----Physicins' Prescriptions a refqly and ely Compounded. All orders JTOM a 4istance, ARRIAGE LICENSES fitted with care and despath,. THE ISSUED AT 'HURON EXPOSITOR 0 FICE SEAFOREI, ONTARIO. sea— WTNESiER RiOUIRED,, SUC0ESOR TO E. HICKSON & CO., Next Door to uncan & Duncan's Dry Goods Store, Boaforth. HOW TO SAVE MON;Elf.: vlMoney being scare, every person anta to know where tbey ca i get the. best Value for what they eve to send. RCB03 THE SERFORTH GOCER, Has 'soled the problem. He has aae . heed as nice and thoice a stPcItt of Fresh Groceries, for the holiday- sea,. son, es can be found in the dpuoty. • Ilie Teas are choice and good and bis prnits are fresla and hhep, trial solicited. 1 Anly quantity of Good Pork and 3443f pueohased, and the highest market peiee• paid. • Pork and -Beef Ramie Bacon Ina Seastiges always on hand at the Chap t9re, No. 1 Stark's Block, Seafrth, • HUG f301$E3,4 iS 4PE0IitI0,; Bute euro for Dyspepsia, !ailivitys etea litailda 1)tftFECTION Alr spCCESS EGMONDyjLL4 RIO LLER The only genuiee Roller Mill fin the County, which now haetio suiperier, and few equals, oxi the •conthaeue of Anateica for maitufactOring Roller Fleur. A _C)HAIT REVOLUTiON 1111 Tite Bread Question,f finpeetance. The !Gradual Reduction e stein by Rollers now in f.0 Opersttion. Boller Flour -brings from1.25 to $1,50e per barrel- more n the hest P.lur Tnacte by- the Old Process.' Gristing a Speialty. Farmers will in 11 cases get t,heir owe wheat ground, and by our now Sri-, tern get a stronger, whit rssricher arid better grade of flour by far than the public has hitherto been al,lo to get. Remember, there Is no liumbug or ex- periment in our adopting the G-radual Reduction System. 'Our new sys em is thorough andrelieble.It hae been thoroughly tested, and proved a great saccess in Hungary, Germany, Prance, ngland and the U ited States. We gave A 1 Fl ur previous to our eatensive change ati a heavy cost, =a we guarantee better Flour now. One trial will be seffitie t to prove Pur as- sertions correct. CHOP I &G. Our facilities for tIIfS Claes Of work are unsurpassed, andi elastomers may de- pend On getting their clap ping done:at mace.' Be sure and try our famous now process—roller flour. Flour; Bran, Shorts and. Feed; deliv- ered to any part of Seafbrth, Brarpur- hey or Egmonclville free of charge. 1 ; ; i3arOur Saw Mills at Egmoadville and Brueefield in full ope ation. 808 KYLE (it US PARD. FARMERS IT Witij PAY YOU : 1 —TO 0A.LL AT T1E- -1URON FOUNDRY,: HEAli THE HWH SCH. 00L,SEARIRtii, Aild see our stook of 1-1 0 W S Which has been made especially for tnis county. I have greetly improviea my Gang Plow for this seson, load feel satiefied in saying that it the besain the market. Our LAND RDLLjER Are large and heavy, running lig doing good work. Our, GRAIN CRUSHERS Are Made from hard iron and willelest longer than any other en chine made. Havieg special tools fior recuttiing Rollers, we can guarantee satisfactiOte Special attention given 1 to repairing Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills. Reapers, Mowers Threshing Maehines, and all kinds of naachinety repaired on short notice and at reasonable rates. TO contractors and others — Bridge Botta and Castings at lowest rates. QuOtationsfurniehed ors aeplication. t't Alto agent for the implements of L. D. -Sawyer, Hamiltot. A full line of repairs constantly on hand. THOMAS HENDRY, PUBLIC ji TICE I rpAlr, undersigned, having been appointed Agent * for the CONFEDERATIPN LIFE ASSOCiATSONg Is desirous of lesuring the livesOf ali thetitizans of Seaforth and surrounding country, so as to anakesatiefactory provision for farniliesandfriendis in case of death, This is undoubtedl the best Insurance Company doing busineas i Canadaat present. A. look at the Daily Glebe or Mail of May 180883, will satisfy any r48a0nablenlaii of this feet. Call at 02100 WI JOHN BEATTIE: Agfint, Seaforah• W. B1—Money •to Loan on trarm or Totvn Property on the easiest terms of ipayment andsit low Interest. 804 1 7 1 , • 1 '! i .• 1 t 71 7 1111 11, 4', 11:1._ 11 • 1: tt- ce ta. - I 18! 11 I e • .18• , 44 • s on rope rope _out na a ha the trigs, rope teed blot the t /23g were hut man' bolts log devo na from good two er ap Bro was hors va,let that Th for it, the el Wee* plant prefe shad drill the p apart 11,04;, of Be fiX p in Se lea& land inche earth no an' seed i plant tar. eeees 1 Eel 11, ret hag I 80 pet the p ingto the , be -of oil. centes :28; to 60., Th the • eglica plant Ride Birat, Beed, 80t yarde) onitiat n0&e cwt., tint 7 Rtifitla and aalai is con nil far until aressi niakit it is yellov oil, of slowle perat Drug We press.: Amer. Dr. D His 1:11 is eer that tt forest 'could -OWTIS tliChi tithe the ha that a feet of Who it pineri that s On th rich p , to hit for ie direct -I the m he ha except itaper' his ne and lei • per th' thou** his worth This, the ex value: which to2.-5, Not been etruct' it has year a chan To -da nearly: EUP8 PORTZT the ations