HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-01-04, Page 3NARY 4, 1884 innommommumsmoolumm AFORT kND ri.NWARE. rRf. WHITNEY m hand a full line ai< the - test 84 1% of UM PAMIR STOVES. shotes them and the. WARE iption always in stock. it goods, and guarantee right iu price. Tani le and Pocket Cat_ r prices. lie lot of Granite Kettles res€rvic,g, c- ATI. sib RO,aGniiNa Jobbing Work promptly }.ttiefaction guaranteed. ng goods in my line it to see my stock and Stove cd Tib House. HITNEY, to Whitney Brothers. 7; Of , MORROW, bis fall and well - and Fancy Dry Goods, €r Overcoats, Tw,eds. Under- #dyruade misters and Ulster r iced and Untrimmed -Vats a;-€, Fe ati:ess, Fi ,we#s, Birds Fns S ts, Ladies` Fancy Shawls, &c.: Iii for 11e a vIrd, and lie cot- i.rge aLd iod assortment Of b. Ctp.,, kid and Buckskin bave.p t received a. fresh lot ,.o. Shaw which in price and ca;ssed y stock of Gro- pe erv, Gl e-sware and Patent r l..te. ar *F fix f-kct a ton as- s W ui'ed. in a general conn- ii.le IR,.11er XIII Flour always ew Ili, !.eat price in trade e Corot: on, and ad and see rouble t.rshow goods,. 'BVI fORRO T A.. _ tlia place to go, 7 gaffe a show. s rich and rare .tyles are there, rile in price_ Bps, others goods so poor. ends woman horn,. ..tock to -morrow morn. rued to show his stock,; id in Cardno's Block. goods are best, Watch invest.. will do his best, and al• ail the rest, d west of Toronto to xchase . Jewelry, , r;121er- ci A"pectce es ;vias jewelry store of PPPST,. ET, SEAFOBTH.. ELTON COMPANY, c'TraRRs OF YARNS! %d, Single and Doublet to and all. Coors, every Description, KNITTING YARNS vasz-,. s and fottonades. ersali, pronounced by the to any made, and for in make and coloring Von will instil findour arty in the market. give it a trial. •• man kart not gat it ti xit isee yoa are prompt ch we make alt descri equally good. s m. - warded two first prize Lxhibitierik in 1881= and t're ind:al -Exl ibition at NTS: . Toronto... Y &- Co., gontreal. 814x26 BLACK, TICA.I mAxgrt- e bought the oole and salad on the God- +fuetvring Co puny, and re. of over eig t years fa ` ed to carry on the trade its will receive prompt ork guaranteed. made and repairedotiso t . Iron Work, &c., at res. - nd Old ones repaired on at prices that defy cow- & BLACK, caE [t3~, f oderi i . LOAN, '=g alipoiittecl agent for patios, is now prepared wa and village property rrterest. Also agent for Mutual Fire Insure -we conveyancing done tviblr CTREW 1f20OftI- :, R. for takinaffida itss fe -tt NUARY - 4 1884. T E xuhi.oN E XPOSITIOR4 j. wil not ask me to regard - it .in am I do ask you,' ma'am. I came pose, and when. I haves. pnr- weys carry it out—and what's__ twsucceed in it." ill be wiser, then, for you not to p ae one in which you have no pros - pec of success." a i e there be no misunderstanding bet ee ns, ma'am,"' said Mr. Gold- tho • :, hurriedly. "I have the highest poi: `bl esteem and respect for your- self, bu it is your daughter that I want to„ary” per nearly sprang from her indignation,butinsalted dignity gav: h r additional self-possession, and the a ied :—. . ", Alt ough such aF misapprehedsion miglit ave naturally arisen, consider- ing the espeetire age, of all concerned, yet I aore you, sir, that it never for a ter told me that you had paid her cowomen entered my mind. My da,ngh- n- sidelab a attention while in London, and 1 cnceived that the reason of your presen here was to ask niy consent to Y°411' ou su" t• o t;it.is, ma'am ; 30 it is," said Mr. 'Got tbirpe, reassured, " and I hope I hag id." , n the contrary, I have been en- des oribg indirectly to make you under- go,. d t at it is useless to ask for it." " s less!" he cried. " Yon don't. kno hat you're saying—yon don't kno , ho you're talking to." I b g your pardon, I know quite well." -` I d e say you think, because Pm a stock b oker, that I'm a speculator, and that nm wife and children might be million ires one day and beggars the IIex n.t I've seen too -much of that kin game. It's no business of any- one' hat I do with the money I keep loost my banker's ; but there. is Z6.0,- 0 .w a. 000 , nested in government` stocks and United Staten bonds and some good railwvats that I haven't touched in ten years, red don't mean to. And when I marry'llr settle every penny of that on my wife and children ; so that if I. went throng 'she td li the courts next month, she keep her carriage alt the same." "I ill not attempt to discuss the honprsjbleness of that arrangement," answered Mrs. Raper, icily.. I am aware hat commercial honor is a differ- ent thi g from what I have known by the nor e..My objection is of a different kind altogether." - "Is it my age ?" broke in Mr. Gold- thorpe!. "I was only fifty-seven last birthd they make hasn't be wa ing h serio y, and I'm stronger than most of Dung fellows I know. Besides, I'll a better husband than a boy that half sown his wild oats, end will 4; ting his own way, instead of giv= r . rest own that I think such a disparity of age a great obleo : tion," Mrs. Roper replied ; "but that is not, has that s . e only ground. Mr. Goldthorpe, y daughter ever led you to believe e roved you ?" "°'ix:by, I certainly thought the young lad to ar it or use s. " I not li you - her?" d not seem unfavorably disposed d me. B:at, without having, had her own lips, I should pot like to ch a. strong expression." m glad to hear you say so; I did lieve the would have deceived 4,in 1. to understand that you love ell, really, the ' fact that I am. ready to ask her to be my wife is proof ensu ough never that I Iike lad go ba d. that there:' weede shoe3 S: with rising • ♦v C mars right right of tri • times mone you tweet niore 41 that I feel toward her as I I'm not a sentimental man— professed to -be ; and I don't know scan get up a grand passion. Bat Miss Roper better than any young ever met. She will make me a 'fe; 1'11 rake her a good has- and, without boasting, I maysay hen she is Mrs. Goldthorpe, ll be a good many women who give something to stand. in her e will never be Mrs. Goldthorpe my consent," ' • said Mrs. Roper, o ?'" said Mr. Goldthorpe, blankly. ertainly not. If she wished to to poverty should I not have a to forbid her ? And have I not a to forbid her to marry to poverty e heart, which is ton thousand as miserable ? : If you had not enough between yon to live upon, rvoaid recognise my right to say You have not love - enough be- you to live upion, and I say it emphatically." I ss Roper is of age, I understand." . ;is, Mr. Goldthorpe. I am per- awarel that I have no legal' right der her from acting as she chooses; y modal right that I have—I shall se to the fall." ell, I shall give the young lady iportunity of deciding for herself. •ose I cannot see her here." 4' S feotl • to ,hi but exerc • ;, the, o I skip i' I #ar m reeei: wish. ray v4th mise „ , doub bacon I i1 A shall not make my house a prison daughter. She is at liberty to e you if, after consideration, she s to do so. I refuse nothing but' ersonal oonsent to a marriage • t affection, which must result in to one or both." +n have no right, Mrs. Roper, to my affection for your daughter, :e I can't make speeches about it." o not doubt its reality, Mr. Gold- thorp:, but I doubt its adequacy ;. and I doubt hers for you Btill -more. -Be Persil seek case, te$_ and y I hay when Give Roper to giv time. And poor fancy that s in tha ed; think the matter over; and ,more suitable partner. In any ielieve that I intend no disconr- r yourself." you think it over, too, ma'am, ru'll see things' more reasonably. - to go to Paris to -morrow, but C come back I'll run down again. amy best compliments .to Miss ; I brought a ring that I hoped her ; but that will be for next-. Good evening, ma'am." he bowed himself out, leaving Irs. Roper to face Cherry. I he had a pleasure out of the fact he was left they undoubted, victor afternoon's campaign. A-( Earo p Engiis where (To be Continued.) • Once Too Often. hinese regiment' drilled in the San way and commanded by an fiman is stationed at Foochow, it accopies a barracks of com- modrio4is dimensions, overlooking an extens€ve parade ground. No fault is sound with either the acoom- on provided for the men or with ginner in which they are „oiothed l.; and their cheer is very proud n: With the view ofshowing nd, an English naval officer, the ion of their discipline, he -sounded ssembly" . in the middle. of the whereupon all the men hastened rnd drew up in the ranks in "per - to be nlodat the m and fey of thel his fri perfect the" nighk down fent order. j $is men d 1 cone up to the stands d of disci p in I; but, when. he thought to apply k : ame test on another occasion . th olc,titre; in ste ad - of hurrying to the,pa - e grotind1 ran to the windows and kr: :ted Ole* com- mander with shouts if laughter and Dries of " no oatohee " Their sense of hiimour'wae too strong orite, eilr feelings of_dleciplinO. i E 4Gaieti 4 S. It is said that a tui • ister in a cit : re- try kirk in Scotland stopped n he course of his sermon t+ ask a m m . or who was., somewh • eat, " A e ye hearing, John ?" "' • , aye,'! w s he responge, "II am ‘ h r' ng, but to ve •ra little perpcise l', . ---A butoher was vkted retie tl to attend a ooneert, but ,po: iti ely dcoli n - d, Oven: when:. a free : t` •k t was offe ed as n., he r ;pl' ed, s many people at�that it `wo Id re ton . er- v teran a . er.. Ile comp ai .' ed her . day. he ' o' ng ' n;". ad les before spud d the t be n of him. Pressed fir his!r " If I went 1 should tse: who owe :Me for im: spoil my fan, I —The railroad-resta• tain line is a kept by: a A sprightly, young tray: of one of hie pies the; o old man becamn�e angry. he `said severle,y, ".I yon were born ►' "Yea traveller, I g es this those same pie . ' —One Mena rn ng'the had passed!by Daft R ing him. On his ret found Rab Ott ng o gnawinga bone. you're, busy," said t growled Rab,. "'ye can when they lhae onytbin —A Baptist mini er how it was that ie marriage of his + audit terian " Weld, ' h;e ire have ever =been abl . t never studied.t eoloy. --An expi erre, ced la a good way to p cit out ee how patient y the dinner when t i ! b husband rams s til t pick out a wife s t woman has din i er —Horace Gr: ely, was almost ills = ible men now manne libraries in ► iassa compositors e: d worry most mastication." . "Look her;., P now. What di yo melons for' last nig. owner of aldes..ile ed the suppose. d collar. " Gory m anything: 'bon hat yer I did it Tha 's: a Janet," said th a servant of Dr as he was serve stock. " On, a it's an uncom we cal Tam of A. t —Patrick Mc America, one d the Governmen s letters, U. S., fir U at once_rolled i ; up his arm. and se d, ' U for Patrick, S f soul this I nin is a had not been'w:Ile av known the t an at all." —A man wit a mouth called o a drawn. After :he his instrument, an mence opratio • s,• -.strain and atret h it to - a right rel said the dentist ; self to stetch y.ur To I intend to stun. outs your tooth,." ` ' • Chris m There are +o en having a jolly Shri drunk. At any rate t ey Fool drunk. • Sick drunk. Disgustingly ru . Beastly drun Dead d unk. Men, ordiitarii y so: thing at Chri tmas time. , Men, whose Ives tears whe the • se do this w, en gl dna rule thea rth. . :_Men, whose s . ns blush when they see en: stagg r an sort of thi g. - Youths and y :ung .. flashed. f ces, nst:: d breath, to Brea . thei and bow t eir fa had at Christ as ti « e.; Plenty , f the •• a been at it or d: ys, for a wee, . And th y call Christ as ch Christmas he Christ as rut Drinks pd j and. desol tion Songs a d mi kies ;and Tom tears ove the hearthstone. And tint is C Young man,• o and yourmapsDrink, Tend a , gs, an watc y ur mother, yo n —while - yo in then get dri • Here the you getting drank 1" See the look face as you try a toast '' ozerb See the sham nese of yo r ass till your family to go and weep :folie_ If drunkennes an under the head ng take it borne wi:h yc If you are ase : me see such things 3 ou o to -do them. There ate oth Li entiousnes Cri e, Po erty, - Th starving f • milia band, .. The ruined li • es of drunken .fathers Of brilliant fa urea But this is sC , atm, want Christmai hoer, fir • let sk p, se nepig E atl lla�in 'th e, tey .6 on y gn er yr or artly, a feu+d ,. m art b 'r 1 he a a ape 1. f e or y at of E Linton it out n+tic- th :t way he gr as bu fly or ing, ' ab ; O, , k ta olk o toe as ed e • ted to the re : by- ar :s1 C.pid 1313 rye hat US an i to "as. cover n wa'ts for t me 1 er o d • a to wet er the, t me. Man.s•ript rate " ' o - the p brio s " a d the mei •ow lie} ba ie by I've 'a. t you all f y +est d the irate as he gr: sp- 1 rit • y the Non: k.ew ho tole Let's talk of something elseaid forget that the' Devil ever: forecloses 's mort- gages on those who commeno with a little too much " Christmas peer."--- Torfnt�o N ws. II w': a Cnly Called a Man. of ha av ad t goy h' ter bear hip." Iris b bra k. rk di tat s. at it hats rt t'in. I mild mein t ere, to . to to . irk, e f: rm J: net, ; and :a', in t irem. 1: rge P:ddy u. der 11'ne ; me If I iver a all, 0 to ha or an th, 6tro n3 f ho as d eii tic l it 6 er.!• rt ity, t e . s loop t e. i."!er the hot/ and- erg ies Bobs era,, le and roan ris :• as the r d a,. n, tak your ion h ewith y mock nd sing th fa es of your r.e dran 'f yon p, r out he w uk `f you ca .. gste whin r He of eve u, oth r wif d goo s. motin "1a call .yo of sus conte ? 4' wbi 66 _repl deli Ai ing can't world 'em e. was n . Whos a -qua bide?' C: the w band. y when et "II P• .. op . • �91 1rge et t+ath 1pep.ed t t 4'om- be4a• to til h got 8t y, nbl t our- wi e , for t .+ raw • ee im agile eans ge otpisjso Y aai fatl Stu PP gh et° dr or, d 1 p . seer .44 soft s. oou Ji sbo+w cosi 1 $4? a bid 3. T ail d told y I lige +, c jI do " t! con an wel bol n:t? orter kno "T.en II" sots, said i begin ea Oa r4gj� eTe 8 a and +ver a!0eo 'booay ts ?" her "ii Ee me ladY11 ne .`S . r an auction store on Monroe opened for business the or ing an old farmer and his d in and begau inspecting he asp ionoer ` thereupon boxnd began : and gentlemen, I desire to ✓ a tention 'to this sar#ple pair end:re. Who starts them at 15 ne h y r, ir&i all me : lady ?" real the near -to her d man. d h: gated I e a gen eman 1" th lieu i1yand : s he grined his f! o 5: ye 1fi 'cans o start 'em go - W o Issaial jho says'' You ny 'ens I any °° h re else in the or alf a dell: r 1 Doll t want 1 'ery well; he e's'a t which ver made for es: theft) 0 cents. art: it at a q er— aster— ter Ladies gentl •• en,who • Ile. e e :lad, : gain 1' cackled. m : A , as, she dged ser hus- 1' s, + a he bor n ' pret y heavy + e saidn :n," rep ied the ness he know: • lady •• hen he :r," he tatLly r -e'. arked, srha a be does a d perh - As it's all ap. ' Don't' be st ck up.V" ,'p r ups yo • ant a watch," tied' the suet' eer. Let rue due, reliable e kee which E til dozen. Who t: its it at s and gen le en, 1 t me hear t l ee Iti inn ed the d lea .. . ar n n b adi� tat'i i„ g rI in e's 68 .. 0 a u w jest the city.” oft : oapin t 11:. ieve 1 see he is. : ave you got silks ya dwhite hands 'da .gay Yee sin' s 1 •O lad; and you o gentle aril" b+re on when he :s just b caurethat ea be has w* man. a ::a uch a i. +ailed me '1 aline I: dy as if yc s'ain't Bel I He e e: id ladi se tenoe '"' a n'tiwa n o the b hat you d an runt s he is a rice. lei a the , 1<here,0 g ns me, red ntst'h an 1 grb alon s 1" IfI•ou home ! oft -so suit t o go, riend the The .� d 'aho , ld with h a coy, p e i Free P Ball, ,. a /in here It ut c ' r+f'th a " • OW 141 • 0 0 a 8 la 8 k of t le -linen, of co ide boots th ady step exa nes the ed th woman. he Oa led me a battle Le called: don't Vheet a gentl gentle le or adies ctione 11 ✓ fing Bed 1 • hrist For et er p tiro olas the follow for atio a Tor that nuOter f not' 113 14 t of itter se to head. th o is as ch er ot a, ny on yon d Up and to elate , and kee se crimson di will nk- this ith foul art, row, aye o it woe his - and the Chrr in ip tete Sch tots det for O tt and tatii said sp ever frie Who heite do a Mem On 01 as o save or only fou years o lady ca eferw r n't tel bUt er words e of ti ear tC yeer, it their bad fe hoe yth rea s Cl aoco tree , childre 11 ere w ore gir ool use at sday -a • 11 me along an's old an towels 1" hed out, and the in her on the was mas St. t of the e, of a ich gave d dinner of that Mee, ask- s and boys the_ city ve o'clock t kno a whi they c ttartos from t big he d child what the er about ; came e Butler the kin - en, toady ul have been there th n our caikd • • bwr of not et, so theught WiS rt-th o I Ill! I ren What ca tIle he first 61ny -an Ve 'era of that gall it 141 111 e e no d st wit sh es hil pat to speak to them. re bee, iful. She slimes estivities rturiat children e non of these le ree at wa ed 117 G coat 1" War ia's To form up gnat debauche Christma orae heer to let youn fa ily h to be sail med t e chit re ed— • of rit ; to tn to t or p yeers of lag pies, lateh tinte *oh rep 1 ss for th on h h beg oth in th C byi 14 a " Does any one ythin or these' that ey could as new but like - camel heir •an - ant t3 do eome- yon one tle voice offer, t it was ther : Give 'em ginniii with that eeting as this : ship at ten shou be pre- 1 cause was not notion, n regard to per*. it to join under eighteen nii the elves ; to hrist a: week, a dab he word. t of ten festival tg of th t13 t eir fits wo Hello, i that you, ,Mr. Jones ?" Yes. As It could et get .ont noW to see yo , I thou ht I would advice on bus ne s mu tets." just tal k your " I'll be happy to Ifelp you in any, . Well, my wife has ,been teasing me toigo to your teen to do our trading, She thinks silie must go to Banton: Brothers, sh hears so, much about them." I" Well, you! could net go to ' a better ;61 Pshaw 11 they aro .great • blows, !" No, but t gener lly happens the, men who low their horn ' so local On% back u what they 'say praci knovt years, and I t ey were .o uld not say, fri nd Jones, kno, any co es, but y u ar en in danton Br thers them f r more t an ten ttey di not carry out.' elleve it." But otthose q an 'value in ,illiusg,Itatnadt half what tb sech good knack's fo `Ties, Silk Shawls, lo priseyou ; a and Dress stilt of clo h have me loo ciatii which 1? to 20 per they say the all out in. " Do they OS 11 ife act s, and nice m ays the Sets Oil rued hat says sh They h hristm andkerc d such oods. Why, I got s for 1131i sop, who r $5.50 cesh. They through! a stock o hey are offering, nt. off egular peces, are boutid to clea ason, and they ha s, very ch ally boug know it have th ever saw for each only pai lliners a, such iefs, Woo that won les of Vel w tha les a tion, I s true r only fines Sh of th abou rge fo knic d su eteen is fu 1 woul t fro e Tweed eep Gr eries ?" the e an itiae goods. Jest now they have speci lines for the holideys in C4rrant Raisins, Candied Peltils, Icing do. They always' gi e special Green Teas at 25o, 3813, 47o and five pound lots. Also Blacks and 75o, an They pay ex Huron on o panied with " DO they take butter in exchange fOr ugar tract alue 60c in Teas charges to any •A s office the Cdunty ders for $10 worth, acoo the cash " 8 1 11 yes.1/ " Lard an Tallow . yeae 11 1" Poultry'? " Yes, =a they all w the top price always." wife Barash must go to RANTON BR the Inh4bitants o eaforth and Surtrounding Cquntry. CHIMNEY' TOP, DEO. 20, 1883. IES AND GE T EMEN r, In reply to nutneroue inquiries, beg to inform on thet when on m annual Xmas tour of 1883 pity headquarters will be as advertised m previous yea s, at the store of Messrs. Lemsaen tit Wilson, they being 0 e with rne in our desire to sapply all benevole t People at this season of the yea* with the most beautiful goods at reasonable prices, and I assure you that b33' examining their pr'oes you will readily concl de that they give many liberaladvantages over all c mpetitors. I will this y at leave with them an abundance of goods to suppl old and young with handtorne Christmas boxes. '1 SANTA QLAUS. MERRY ICHRISTI)*S. We Have ment of Use* Articles Swit- Please all a'nd Inspect a Chea ash Store of HO • he MERRY CHRIISTiVIPLS. 73 Pa f hi o 111 tO In a large Read less t and I ha other stock SALrE FOR ONE 11 Comme ORAN 11 immense stock of oh, Cashmeres, Plai DDING and MO ha,wis, Tweeds, tin ition to my immens ts ,4 New Goods. ode' Clothing, and an half price. I ha ill sell them on the • peoting an advance secnted a large cons ouse cost price. OT AND SHOE nd Oces. They po INOECTION ni A s ce, this lyforniia and Con- e all this Mont CLEAR! NC SALE RES'S GOODS. Rich 5 lks, •iltalvets with Brocades s and Costume Cloths. articular attention given RNING orders. Milline , Wool Goods, Mantles, erclething, and Gents' F rnisbings, must be cleared. impOrtations, I have bon ht tor CASH some very Canadian and Scotch Tweeds, Blankets, Flannels, choiee lines in Dress Gdod's, tit, hich I am offering at ew and fashionable goode, die nbthing but firet-class leweitt living profit for ree y cash. ii the price ef TEAS, cans dl by tbe approaching war, gnmont of very choice Imes, iwhich I will sell at ugare and General! Groceries intproportion. NEtW LIQUOf4 STr.),RE. 'We take pleasure in t announcing to the people of Beaforth and surrounding vicinity, that we have o ened out a, *LIQUOR,' STORE, CoMprising the Choicest Brands ef Wines and Liquors, selected and bought froM. one of the leading Wholesale Haratee in the Donainion. OLD PURT WINE From England. DRY SHERRY AND ;RAPE WINE From Fra4ce. From Spain—warranted pure. D. K. AND KINK'S IfOLLAND Mountain Deiiv *pm scotiand. GUINNESS' OORTER Bottled by Burke it.= Ireland. Old Rye, Malt da Superior Whiskieg From Walker & Spn, Windsor. . —Any one needing Boots! and! Sboes should see my itively:must be cleared. out thi8 season. THOMAS KIDD, SOMETHING 1[41* 'ROBERT WILLIS, Has 'ustirepeieed the La SHO S, suitable for the 8 is not a ladies' main, but h gear, nd he has now got t -look n at and handsome o while roviding for the 'lad him it ce and be convince guar tees gest, Cheapest and Choieest titock of BOOTS and ason, that has ever been offerea in Seaforth: Willis knows just what the ladies like in the way of foot e very goods thateoll-suit them. flis Ladies' Beata anyleet, and ate it the Same I time comfortable, and es he does not \forget the men and. children. Just try . Custom work attended to promptly, as usual. He good fit atld a good,and neat article, or he asks no pay. custoinere seem to labor unde the halucination that goods. Those who have fallen into this error would my terms are PROMPT GAOL and govern them. o cheap that I can't afford to eve long credit. B.—A great man do w 1 to take notice that solve accoringly. I sell hair OBEL liberdt RE ANNOIJNCEM eg to announce to the peeple of Seaforth and sur purchased the esta e of tny late husband, and all its branches as ormerly. patronage bestotved in the pas continuance of same LL PERSONS 1NDE TED TO TH -rp CAL( AND SETTLE 1 E SAME. M*S. JOHmNaiKIn trading -country, that I will carry on the busi- banking our many eutatomets for the very , we hope by strict attention to business to ESTATE ARE et, Seafortb.. Brand All those lignoroure Ppee14.17 selected for- me. pmposes and family use, Also, Several other kinds of liquors whiz -we hope ivill give every satisfaction to our c mers, Remember the place, two tors south of Rob. ertion's Circular Saw. -ViffiGXETEil MILLS. , ALEX. IGIB, SON Begs to announce to the Public that he I has commenced td operate the WROXETER WOOLO FACTORY and that he will be Prepared ,t,t give good value in " 'PULL 'CLOT115,1 TWEEDS, 1 'UNION TWEEDS,, aySTOM GARDING, ST4nuing and Fulling kronaptly attend -1 Parties from a distance will, as far sit poesible, have their Rolls heme with, thent, and as he leas pint the mill into good Working order and emPloys nonel bUt efficient wOlimen all work e ember the Wroieter Mins. LEX. GFii:30SP°RilVE4"ri oR: AG RIO LTURALI fa turing Company haVe pleasure in informing.. ! nged with Nr. H. 1T;RIT THOMAS Mc ONALD; Mi helli To keep constantly o hand all re irs for the and all other Imp emens manufactured them, also for all the maciOnes formerly mana- faetured by TROMP ON & IWILLIAYS, of Stmt. or:addressed to no 3.:14 -11ENOIALL, reOeiv -prompt atten ion. 8145 1. BOWERM#N, WA TED 1.5000 TO FATTEN CfiTTLE AND SHEEP. Straw Cutters and; Tamp Cutter In Gr at Variety at MELL ;Fanners want' ,should go to T. • ,out for g rig good Root Cliattem ters, both large andl V) suit the Aimeap, od bargains. FARMS Of ALL DESCRIPTICiNS, AnI one wishing sell :this clasa of Property can readily obtain a purchaser by Applying ta ',CHARLES 16 BitYDG*Sy ivioNgy To LOAN At loWest rates of interest] Apply to 414CHOR LINE U. S. MAIL STEAMSHIPS Sall from Pier20 Northilliver, New York, Every -Saturday, for , GLASGOW VIA,LONDONDERRYl RATES OF ASSAGE T9 431#1.800W, DEBBY, BELFAST OE Li VER CABIN, $40, STEERAGE,. OUT - e of charge in England, B Wand end d. or Passage, Cabin Book of ours, *44. it ply to HENDERSON BEDTIMES, J30Wratidi GER w Vim Twill, or to, S. DICES01$ Post Mee Bator*. 232