HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-01-04, Page 1IIIIIIIIIII71 IIIL IIBRO-13` Publ1is: W.E10LE NUMBER 839. 1ji.50 'in Advalim'. IFR bIA" Y 4, I �84. SEVANTEENTH YEAR. I
sSir Richard Cartw b P e c reigii I V�ll Of a ftee and libo A3 - is �oing to prosecute d for �f tax so cc ristituencies being grouped' with arears. The agent knew -nothing of ul �ob, and that same big M en,in Lo Elican
-tedas,hidmadehirndoi-C Hedroo Ih uted ciuut i )vi cumulativ at no ("overi - the transaction, and merely ac ped ddad
ht' iairie3 f the: Un led ba boa. Gowl
: . Ho t th,
49 P poi la,ti e�ul 11 people N,,IicsL- voiaa they ha a:) arrest e vote, also th n 0 lating hold in C' 8,11 If SMN AGE MEN" U C Lte. Y dl'i ontreal city treas�iry bi�Evlto Merit grollntB be given to.11tiversties, or collector. A rijbid investigation will be in the streets of Chicago not nag Ago� I Atth6 me h -81r I D ar no's h LIM; ton(_ 11 7The. M 'Thu, last week the NoAh . eat wa sapp mg the ver 1JOU111(x. I in 8i ke. andin West Mio� ah'- borrow 450,000- o meet einrreftt x- ccllege8, but that the books in public held, and it will probably leadto some 0 [,rsday, of r. Georg I I e hfolof thait la4d and ended to t b d bees, is the a 11 0hoola :be, given to the p � its free of disgraceful, developments. er, of Tulakersmith, was Pointed ;Eex.1 (IjoDg;c utinued in! enthusialad Pe P ropriatio havo tip 4Edgar Norman Hughes, of Water- Trade i-4' L&fawel &a, and in.-Openiug th rociele iitructipn;of ollor top �qentadvaI instAll. 4ppillauEe.) be n exeeeded. cliarge. The Board -of 'a �6 part iof aKontre I visit- loo,1 one of the belt football player 0 Z
i6 nouuced 1wi th regol et th &Vol tims.. He ref erred ; some. eligth - to!,!' r imluti 13 anks to the Ch 7-Conterfeit 15 bills of ��Ie B Lk of —In some sections of 1 13 in d, sire to make th. t town
98. an -1 3 erica a y 1q.'absence 6f Mr. John c la�n ti vi rsing i BUY of uly 1, ed by, entr,y. Orray o. BO-Calle d. charg(is iGIL-11 aid 8 for the 'Queen' Sir British North A J olcersoftho'Soci&yfor rotect I Toronto Universi� at either the Rugby -of typhoid -aled, a thatbisoppOterit4lawe bEon pringi g RiA te L 'r 8 i L eired Uok OV t ]or ing women and obildrei ther Were or Asso0ation g4me, died --Ur. Chalmers, of Poole, h�,s sobf in jig had bee C w2q� ro �18 arc. alid ibc1ral leaders cob 1877, IIovercrowding and fev6i, ot ..e nighborh Ri coedingti ibliri,3tuniis day. Hughes -was til od of MC. R1. hop a. p. p., fc ',r South .a ains'bim. Antion 1 the &A Is, clu. ell three bonA houey ihe d scovered as much WA 9 0 pro I-av ion- as in the slu 8 of London. o 1uron, odcupie, a seat on the platform. the effed tL at he w is a p6M 3 ad gment'bas- been giv n in 1. or d stitut netof tb� ;;oat popular of University the part, season.. me a as niau & 0 Ounci
(La hter.) T on yl iL of th, ictive supporter of college
Ile followia Ja
a, Syno ould. +818 of Sir He 0 inad�t- e.labbroars. w 3o sued he Canada In so stuall room y 3 fl f teen me an I of Hibboart at the Wet speech: U- �y CL t t* fn
right's d societies. His last ap- I ichard Ca Pon B* th t he migh iseut to he.'and r Sto e a a e"',ii 61. s� furs to the val, ie of Pacific"for damages for brE �Clt of Con- won, wo'men and obildrecl wer foud in res a, Xteeting feed six in,digents �and the luiuti i at iudisciri inatelyhuddled together L allCO-0.1 the football field was' at -ai I uut dividied between d to the audience he t: ie in piatati on , rov aing tralot in not employi))g P 1 45) liave en t aced 6 Toronto. . I with X, 00111, b 0 aIrcely Gu�'lph Ion NovemberL 24tb, for the I! ;8 �5,0� on-alria IOulid ()n 1 "ne fii,)rward amid -a r of v on�d do as 016 eo� Ile of Niulaah of E U d Coi i lill, at Montr' 0.1, Algo in 9, SO room to movd. 'EiLamed John Universit) aga to be ife4ed tP d, M, I dond ii;1d be high w iter. eatty, kn Ohl anY repn6c ed -A man in Montreal inst Oneoio Agrieul ral —Mitchell seem4 I plautie. He said several iyesra had 0 I ias sl i i� t dol 116 Ing to —Dr, since he last had the! honor of IN E N T Fit i HEi R EVIL 1) DING 3 resid Ill, of Laml ton Mills, ditld' to Ulber,34 years of, age, and b�s vyife, College.. He as in, his 24th year. a gt,ug of petty thloyes. The --A. little!girl in Totio3to has aeen On QL Ifew, days ago.! Dee a ed )th confirmed drunarc a arrest- Decea,si� as the eldest son of J. B,. vv'riioi practised medicitio ill that UE igbboro Id it- was with, no ordinar3' Pleasure o I wer gl1i ddenly , ars report num4-ryus base
his'place, ( r�, b(
easing the eectorti in It 11 lif S;r J )bu him If le by Newfound land od e and sent to jail for ye I braiihing ana thef 6 yilearft to : o well he w6n, i Dolt k tr f "ep- Hughe, �napeetor for the Waterloo rl na; ed Ring vos linock- for about thirty 3 e H ii ve a, disorderly house 1Lhei r tbree Mut �i -e In inrance Company. t1liat be again appeared before them to to g6 to tt e troub a ;and Mrs. Mae- ars. as a, na ir A littl gi n3 on. A,11 (kenz! rmanagli .el I down and run UVeT OL the !street by 11 4d datighteis, aged 16, 13 and. 8 years, —Mr. J rues Parkyn, of Sarnia,gives eo in s d.cloth a d Pa aving chisEn bini as _�etzl 3 SP I 1L, th othe ank them fnTh aha' n` -of r per tib e lar'st �.s with I heir Of the WuPty Of P1 S ashes. Lai late 7. a id aph�usei He —The Queen's Bench at 3eAt to the story for ve as a rea on for lways wearing a plug a team in Mitebe, no oday, to
relk,ti rE a in. Sar na. ronto Ave werei reform fileir representatve, and thkLt, too, with- -We land yi ra. Pbo ch e. fc Ito ing biad al 0 bee a, chE rg I with lawl uh. i e4 quasbeq the con, detion of dis ildren wer hat, that On twoccasionis his life wo si Lhin in several had. bruises. t opposition; a prisilege which di& Ing -The G6vor air G Eral and ]lady era. of pbpu I I r Mini, ter of Finwice ag their debached barlts. saved b oiDg so. Once a piece ofl rhing on iunda y� on th ex . ple of not ofteu fall to the lot of alenali belause, t4e look ter ders for vor Y r. Beavo D! It -ja at Ic Wne ial e to VIBI r. hotel-'keeper;at 4)t tatlate CAU apply, tOL -ba,' Uh il slant.1 i yol Ing man w -on his head, Cutting his batl - Was wen f6rsoci t I ol id tb at i io ._-Ge6. Whee r, a 0 casting fe � badl ]EIgirliament. Although he h,he , a 1,13fused t) Pli 6Y the the gr 11391 wa's BIC in J10i b$ a r t!, fro *in Oxfor� Engle nd,;Iast in two,: an on other Occasion J s'plank IL En Came �1111 r' C to ontradors a a. graspitig the Crown ur-les i specialty ��Irovidi la' in i ule, Which. he had on his aware that the Relo mdra of Huron ridor of Hamilton store
lot to r the. )ublic ap' trig, is believed 'to have imitted fell fro a mill] on the Laebine Caual, Beatt the act, coll 1W. mies, that the injuries m4y pr�. I always did theiF duty nobly. he thought t ',i trap o iuspecoa burglar -and )rn expra i cide e a His valise, wi h his 'bes; and be,v�o ald I sve4certainly been killed fai�js a'd roll E69Ewith la vish L Gel )era] Ma. ager i -art b 6 an Bit clop
were due the Cousermtives for� ught one, b ithe fileo� his way on lie 1 not )een wearing at Y, P I � a.9e witli the ah 3 pa�,erB,has been fou A in the w6oda had t marririg I i T r �tBrry, ' Drumbo, 1, M ri F jr3ter, teacher at Sel i. Ivaiuly the pleast �a t holiday H wA kq, I e std, for a 3.u. blic ousta- A, a 7hile l.ses himself hikhl the sd' & come p)pular in ill : way, Ill t r Dd-a ice of co I in' the No thweEt" as on the 6uk of the 'river near Ciini#on. time a. goo I sti ' silk hat. Saturday hel ngville,, wft� on bv introducia, iany n Brkiktfor ff,W da�.'E ago,_,Iost bo: abu Chell, but t�aee - I 8 , ted wit -191 an ad. 9 6d his third D arro escape f roml I
16 E thi. count -y dem audod the Cayadapaci CRailwsyl ses a, 'I on The wo'ds were Bear rat aughtr and! Cheers) Sideci had urs colAW 0 Ing UK' (I 9 ad a, pia�r of gc)ld br: t eo; celeb oniater. Whil6p&S8iDgalb112g' (:It ess a fo 9 Mat air,' I e, ter of hei repr eant attiv vo minutes,.auid the o&) is Also m a un& of theMiRSiDg man. th e griml n L t Occasin t uder6d 9 —IL: lermim b3 the every t her retirinLy irom, OSit
en e the --nomllation Of the ear-Generi of A0 le.erreld t the el is a greafl boon to s ttlers. —Mr Wilmot, of the Fishe lea De- Richin d stre at, Loudon, a large pjecl�, school; �14,b c oil! I he Bubj 8 of Politics I'EVE VOLURRS IF ABU 3E, cheaper i MicId an rtmEI4,�Oneof the Caiaadiai' Com- of ice 6 ru,4 ik him f air on the top of his� Factory ihi I—Potmfoes are Pi lan —Wallace pfPoJEtTANT AND SIGNIFICS-NT.t -NTS. v si 1� some 661 as,tio7at the a ': t ppe4 I
I11, or, nic ssioi3e'ra to 'the Inter aatiolia. I ish- silk bat w iich, eing on u . I IS G -D831 ve papers a id- Irato" a ai it tl thgn tl),ey are in EsBex. David W I� nusuRIly stiff: few days ago t4e lst of' lad transpired in the Proin6le, viz., the a il- e of W: wilsor, i3 importi pot itoes er es Ei bibition, Lomdon, has I atial-Ded one, sto'Od. theconcusioil[on nob.y. h, id h aped i: n hii he Make to Air. of tratfOrd. Ed in th� a t, -1 1i Be Sn air Bould ing will:* L, ectiuns, Nvhiuh had reiiiafted in ss- -do f 10, ts 1, The pricia they 0 'Forest mark, t redeived was 'over 11,21
dat to Ottalwa, bringing Nvith h* the —Isav Pow'14, of Cats-raqui,recently' Iutl 7 prof 19flng I to Virg a nkric tainillo tUe Gov�.,ernmeftt of r. M.owat. po dl �vero c de n amusi 41P f _6 aount from D itroit, P�k one killed. 0; tie G I Trunk rai I way was, F Uo r, i �g 3C I lor t1le, etisuing Yar. Her tend6r 0 cents. This th6 beki sile f the aad he follo n the )U'shel, &*d selling �em w le- thirty gold medals awarded the e ge cousdereal it most fu tunate for naustrions ate se Be W, dsor i�'t 60 cents. al. bush( 1. CaDs,dign exhibitsk! Tli,ey wi I 11 a pecul4i man. He was! an i Ii t of pets l�l e itt sale in in season. satario. (Gheers.) It wa noti Mr. lor, tI t me wai $50.., ed !durifig —M SRVIDg Porpon. na generally bid h Mr. Jam- �ef K oor and he �_L MHUHIM'od i%1CP He b n 10 PrI I) I O Jan' a 21,1878, r. Martin, foreman 4 B iii '(r a prabability beplacedol exhibitil
edith, said, but tio O�tawa ree �n uire, who: w a aito�ri I ;; ast (ek t xbibition or some .Ee'r money in utla dish places.
an I -a few of lyinp' . drank Ilk the btr6E Win PR -eorge 1, I airlet, w4o h ad decided, for reasons f, hie th6 mo�e per I ills, at C town I Geological E siliw Mills at oirtbgi. Iv,6re i6estr "V ouu(� er Ousery %Uve p pe�s slic I §1,000 in cash o sued tbe'i village of Georget vu -for .75 a table place. been ku 6 a to ave large awounts i Ii fire o the'r ight of' '"Vedin�i4y, the his Ust ka )�v�A to th emselves that Mr. P AcutrEal, bai burgl r bo his P081368 on, land to! se-ilaral. be le 12,th ult.� damagiisIor ir�uritls sut3tined b :iis —James Jackson, the Thel fire made 1�ead' b Ili d been,,4t- )era t 00. wt, he P�mfibleis I been; stowed away.
I Cowat in"t go. B a Dd�. ko� I I I ip that t e I
tacl�ed. hqi w vX a pr p e it horse :rO:maBtich0f wood, whic 2, v as sentenced at Belleville tio pen ten a]' Airay, and ms 41'estroyea. v as glad t4 say agadn, had n6t gon6yet. list , LB dMidel into.al- : __1 ron OD Y
0�fd to ei' t & moon Ijlecttyos a all subst tived, 4nd 6 street. The jur �ave a ti ary foe six !years, was t),ken to' Ki age- He told e thathebad bored, a 3 r might o Sir Geor e artier inMontr&l. The upon th io, must rejole u�rari
A 1.1 traoriends of 0-utar' a ;Iaiy, last w in his barn and had e �e is r a
prown, e fail a6d 5ave it.tbe 6be verdict of 0125 to a on WedDes.1 'k. I h6le in aft r
seif 0 th " e Provi 1Xo To ni tip ell P"ays 86,,900 for th 3 the Rt -v. �Jr. Fear., of M, tok- ii. the result by which the nice I t
—Tba1rst ie egram sent Ovet 1 he Only tweInty-four years Of age, but bas p� t his i 3h i to it. To another he ton, was addressing a wi6siol�ary mlBet- of- ul tin 7 up old. irly bei ag ereCtE l9l ttaw Would be �erm� tted jildiciii fa I ri wires h MI Pria e'&Ibert piiged fourteen and a hal I re. hinted t 3:dt a ail of money had been
orth pot TrRXS ABUS 1 I b4s blg in the CanAda Metholdiet 6hureh� in and independently to Ile o3epair ment I (If Militia I � I
members of the -matoilry. penite tiar3 an Was I % on
�6 Otla for militia' eceiVed at Ottaw Ifor n Ce, tral buried ii i fiel d. The d a me sneak thi4 nera hu*&GE IEKEU UWN AFFkRs o7coilning e.V oneis irEd a don TerritOlri Blanshar EL IN tr ct for hriBt �s morn ing mily re no t Veen informed of these from the edit)r of p �son. Since bis first iawcerttic�p' he f a ,16;Wng� to �he oDt+1 Woolen Con'l- Christ 'AD Ec, IVES. es to bis in 0 It er, h 8 Inever'been more than t, o weeks at hiding places, and consequently ar
and expen d her.o-%vn nioney. r. Mowa the shed ajo ing the chureb] and. stolia
Da, )Y,. the Pri de Albert Tim spiracy, Rd had On eac -lbed-ap valuabl, alo tube an whipm riumphedia,spite, of-a6oa -be now unalletc loeatethe spotsvVhere a t wislain 0 I , - I h� I her the complir
lad t unents f! he a ime 'Out of prison.
depth and the import of W! hich could J-3just Outrage -Gco*:'E1m.tb, on� of the olde tlibrary. at alifax, 0 I rests. J—Mr. Remp, who -has! tBjugb.t i Qhd bominio' died at Guelph Season _�a U. —This Provinci the m ne 8 "Tintair Ylasons in s rcely be conceived. Pa sing on, Sir C 8 '_ " i. Rialton C , the b,eaaqu abbiool. -in seudoai N�6. 5, ul artiod, 'U genercoug Silly ecentl 'v6e s tyler of the unty temperance n- Nova S�otia, claims to haVe the only —Haa ton i arters of a I ic-hard said ek to take f or ttha would Be r1a be = pce and Logan�snceessfull' TJ PXiociled Wesk eld in Milton, on Ji - V � lume f the late pri ace,con, garia 0 8 a jail birds, w hntian will be of the life o a way no priv . il.2 from the Provinte of Ve e kitid odges orDea r -23 yea�r3. -upr 16andl6, Theobjec�istonvive scrit presented by Queen "Victoria an concoct mhole8ale, villany at their I�qt five Yf are, hmi� retired, from t c u situation to astiium� the Priiickpalsbi' of Latbl i, of g3 d Park, L y ebec but be Id uot stand by and tefut e on P
ice fec-Iiiia of Ithe county, Americin colony. On th.6 fly-lEaf is deD in tha city, and who, from this .0 3e, that Proviuc dictate to Ontario. Il. -t pered loll'i oves ar, itill on F�-iilay for abusing the tet peran tjae Delaware vilfag4e-Achoo�, re, r ritten in her majesty's clear style of ceb eetiDg,B in v", -m innerod Impartt ion b rnin her out iE the and arrange fo a, series of W tre, make f requut depredations,and re Spoke from no idle, rumur when he 3ih wife a0d tu The death of 121r. o4n Darber: of Ie done it w nd ctive the tdvinsbips and villageF durin the pE nma�shlp: 'Presented to'ifelegis- so far they Llai itli, great sue. asserted that now a d col Listowel, is re-cor'ded, after"'beino- ir� ti Ill ive library of Nova Seo solumemory cess. Cb�istmas day another successfu _k CuMPICT ll, l'cable ll� five tnionths ending winter. poorbeal.th for about two Y�ears ymr
Revolth g er �30' be -Cag;nadian im�orts —A Yalikee lady los three y 0 'her great and goad b LiFband. by his robberyc meoff in West Ylamboro. bween Sir John ovenah v�as 9. member of the Cauadiin Foriast__ 1: ad been etee� into be acdouald and Messrs. Chavlean and _1� tilromout"fied Idiotic rand Tr nk stE ti n, b Cohen -hearted widow, 18641, Victoria R. The bo so' of Mr. J. L. Horning, on e e Qf J lie 'corresp old boy at the G I ' W : IES,4 than lose ona- I f� era- also of the Masoniz fratorW uj5 Ing PBX iOd (if . ap i fiscal year y, $C,000. 'Hamilton, the other da, , and, after —.&IL who ere acquainted with: Mr. second I nee a oil, WV Lul 00 Uku Mossesi-ii., by -which Ontario was -not -to ibsc( Eu teous v�ife -and' favaily of smalli obilax-eii 'ilsoui O K a] excifemen b and g(tt in'g Jabn Cameron, of Bri will rearet to Diandas, wasi entered in the fore- F rdly cci tible --Rk V si4g a geD�r 9 I ourn his lo8s.. receive the benefit of' the boundary r. V%'ilsoui o iDgSt011 citlie. rai i a( . - of his delith at Uvpdde, Texas, noon, Aflile ; all the members t nat o Cl -1 1 tbe Station to jo. n in 1 n o —Mr. 0. J, McGregor, tb� retiXiing award unless Quebec got kiorne compen- iF %I'lled antAtl, erc us drid, has. b0k ffered the first ,prefor... everyone around a— the � Be reb, she found him up t irs w, lere e had gone several ,'months ago erif and $25 in the hout e old were absent
iva )3ae LI t t lap.t fal B_ 1, can t r Iii a diocef e by School ma er in Strakford, *a1s ting. equ lent. Ile Sai: at igh a 119 C' cibc 3i t Lng the - Bii a. the enefit of his bealtl L romissory note for $100,, *and make 'ttazyn-f lCraity opsof iron.. talkingl Christm is to one of the c r� f 1) r il� He �died money, presented with & handsome pocket book o %er Province had attempte tVa 1. , . !, ell 1 __01 t as tenderod to R6v. or. We nesday the 1pth �, inst.., being a bank eposit receipt for $1,000 an a ach -an unreasonable demand, and the Ica. lft�isai ca a3 ibiar 24th, over —A bauquet lug a go piv es. pe tf a I �rlippan; OnI Mr. Cameron some in sQ - e take ng, Catboliq' priek t I Of fo), 7ty- thre years of age. ellapeons papers wer )mpact referred to was of the moat 3,300 1 ttetB a d Chri ltmas. cards were Father Dowli c regor, asbeelis faitbful and I nuilig 1 tAffeciltak. a by 11) letter- barriers in 11p6m. Paris, by his parishioners, :on Wednes- b skept a 4 1 in the vil- -The titageoly which eied the I Tu � mapy year orp ci ent tea eher for many yipats in prop6r and daugeous chaacter. In Pala tic Jelivera origipa- go of Bright, and was a man univers- In po lu- erli BaSet day laA week. ThO eVeDt ;ed I of Cap, oall Webb in the Whirl I is view of the case it was indeed well It( u 11 a V d O;n r i asday * X,000 more. §tratford High :Scihool. V 1 with the 28th a univerBary of the day aly beloved and respected. Rapids of N iaE ars is likely to be brought - t f >r Ontario th at the hands of Mr. 'On Chri3 mis D4W Rev.. Father Tbla farm and impleme a, a. 1311 T k �Tivr,s I I pastor toc k chai g( of — Wbiletm ebabors, of the! St. Vincent freshlyno the mind by the eintermen-1 I lowat bad been sustained.. Sir Richird ch ary of 4& 0� , t esented with upon bich e &a of Mr. Dune t28 bon.
i . , on, wri pr Eld Ceme. Kippai , He had- I 0 b en oomptired to a C his con lyrogation at that pla'ce. A. de Paul Society, Moutreil, were dia- oflie. 09,ptain's body in Oakla siugs wbich Mr. si *ebal 1DO in ish and a gold ssion 3, North ro �Ald taon. alluded to the warn kel c1e IWe en Fossil!lcir3 was in the chair. tributing Chri-Amas chr=er 0 the poor, a tery at S 9 ttle IVe d O'Neil sion Bia e. Unerts
I fackenzie and himself bad giVen y the -members of St. M ary's P oWednesday ek. T arm- CA,_ Deniagi ign 3 routter, je 'eller, 3 Llt, a wanger entered, stativg thit he was an Ciorriell, -0ho b ad chargia of the previow i g 0 flecturaL of this.'riding five years ago as —Mr. James n of 224 aerps, was :sol I "t Mr. bc Chompim Bnlly to buri I p tbe nufortiinate swimmer, hat ntion ill lock 1 ic rk. Irishman, and wished to Ontribute 7—TI10 On iat 0 Poilt Duncan Stewart for The fall7m, would follow if' Hilroft Bonedh b A rn Y Associ Aiou shows'a new i t� the conskinences that. old alum 'and u receive 1[etters� Mrs. Webb, it f the o dinary pe :d the funds of the soeietM. He the e aI e 0i'000 ill rizes' at I of th
1gypoeri to 10B ove 4 P heir IoBbeac' 0 i
r stored to clnit.us i 3 really one of the finest Macdonald were re 'Felon a at ates he Judo 9 b tio o b eld in Toronto i t a m o ement tb B clock h is a n d munted out $76 in bills and left. 1 He -which r"iriability, on ac, f tower. hey had pointed o�t that ialef ac tor i,uhuai 6X excellent ones in that towwh_,� lUgAe �o' aid Dle count financial reasons, to take th� p- plate, hich revolves once round And v,p followed, and aft
extravagance would bia introduced., and !from t t the -25th in er —The e at of January.
body a or rein ermeDt. Mrs. Webt nt taintment give.n in Xr. then Lit ek. i clock is said to kher) p irsuasion gave his name a4R. J. Moat, 13els bu 'All Apostst e --In Ham Ito in 1882 - there were h- 'reenwood"s: school, near Staff&, OA
F.IGHTS- O� 01ii[TARIc) JEOARDIZED �Traitclii good tine, and thabL One winding will Ill sor 0oldwin Smith] thinks 9 -wi have her husbana's re, I 11,229 g liolensesIsql�aad, and 1 5 ft 4,ontread. � Profee buried in th( Thursday evenin b ristlihas I efore, nd so it had oved. To -da the peo- Gen al ion angler 4 Jao dobated $100 to ibeli soeiety. mains tiiii,k an u and again
td,olo - ihere cause i 5 to run f or over a y oar. a censes or. Lite eS., sBotieti St1k a a great $13 ol house face with the very evils A r f benevIlen Tbp o t)e Company has same ce m. Aery, pr cce4s. The '10 le w. ere f ace tro� �,aat. year 1�8 —A borimittea o t 1 id ies D'tainion cat obably on' Jan nary 7 Wa '�Timon, illia ve* O �l y been 1,206 I do's an� I9 oVJ ill:C.6ro was 130 au4ing then. predieted. Sir John's -Govern. Calibau! -1 lea. visited the London city hospit8ithe ji t declared a 20 per �eni. dividend. I A new' Offi will be prepared, a n was packed f no at Public ex I OOM, ifient had increased -the Pen- Wilk i; sbyld(A a I e co pany has 36,928 beaa of cattle grave d- gla I proper funeral' servicei A the proceeds lounted t
nwial dinne of the W4 dayaftar Christmas and listribute m a tern J'4dg Jefftri' Doetrin iir( admi� i I ol.- and a d horses valed iat $932.717 at its will be performed. Mrs. Webb sayi over $30 at ten Ceuta 5 ion. iture from $29,500,000 to $31,500,000, j quantity of frui , Christmas cards F4
don, Sloth Ontari Com mercial aviflers' A�s ei t T&*
IV k8t 1 1 I ano ffior look at poor Iffatt'i proceede* were handed to the rus, an ii�,crease Of � 157,500,000 over th,tt of d patients. "'he rich in northern T 1 as Mr. J. P. Bile wala ts' Mlrn) ell Irredee; nable nt fflaa iatim w9s file" d Friday' evening at the spectacles for the ol Mr. Greenwood, but wer tur r.! W. B. Ives, I Ir. Mack and 08,000,00a moDre �flil; r I Scaveoger presents, w4e bouglat with. the proce ads I iser is president, and f ace." --Gr' house, touacin. I Abat 14 �a C� I Igg I by itherij to b.�. appropri ;ted aili�i ey 04tr Aristociett e residenceo� mo P., general manager. S nator Coch- —Th Pominidu Goivernent inteina: i than -they themselves. boasted th - - i j of a. Bodial held at th
Ad va toi a -6plen plen'id repiAt.
mila thrope Lulldti( -Laot Frida eve'nii g The Wot .)a of the ladies. r ne, Sell ato Ogilvie, B ugh an and present n lEs Boyd, of Spruce Point pleased Mi., White 00C Pied t -h4 o a The genera. tqxs1ion i I I . ie 13 jpqpu� ,nld reqnin anlito Ur ided too his prev (If the country'! had been swelled from pr I L�Groff, Elmira, car- H. Pope are on Vae board. The St. Croi i"a ll�ew Brunswick, wit ail 10L rist in Ot Laws —Mosers. H. & -oily i6oll I bad be r commenf�d that-tbe a.3 a voeal�st and :a'
li22,500,000 to 036,000,,000. 50 much i 16 ert il Od� 125 news 1,oys to su)por, ried o "85 in prizes ao, the Christmas c'mpanybasjastrente4 285,000 acres a teti nonial hi recognition �% time hiappeaXed 'Lle-OrD oublic 12 -his ye They took V60 in at 2c. per acre efforts i savi -Ig I a. Miss Boyd s e I -14 or was folld ved V %, * stereopDicon shows a efice he i ouldibe ig. father ii —A Chriii MASI, tree nt6rtain'm�ant Col\SEVATIVY, PROWSE a ex libil �i 1 -prizes at Woodstock Christmas fair, at —MeBsrs. J.*D-. MeCoil and S. Hap- veritabl Darli Her B'cei*ea with 6 ielil; brickbaN. Oold in I �ux Icib preh, Str fe a4 on that (Applause.) But this cCi%e,1cf the Ottawa Gnelph-0120, aul at Toron o $505, 6nd rer, of Parkhill, have accepted the the ligb;hquse� keeper at Spruce Point *as h �r fr it he� Bhoi 0 be ta# )d and J eat se whol� Christru, s e e. 10ach Bebolar, of Ivagnoalh Other evils bad been foist. filt lie oi;bu III be toilsed in a N tscholi 1,1as for )aDme time be8n a silvei cup vaLu d at � 100.1 I C bi n" challenge of R. S.Darby ndR.Brown,of One Ing at summer Miss Boyd an blanket. I ham -a pres bat he abot 0:11ade to rui. tbe:gaulitlot.. taler, winn ag uevale, to M In
b lad upon the people -of the Dominion. w&s tho heaviest; prize Ina C g.. her mot,�� were sitting in the light, there are about 400, received en ittge Lit in itl e t ornpila.on of a Hi Btory on tj at ihe Orpbatlls ,'A dangerous blow,had been Bruck at. e star bear. A t in tery al B, aa- 8ir'. �Riitihard pa`1100 of Enoliin&f(r t se in i tholic Schools. the cub and $123J. ey will 14 saw" Mepi ra. Darby i and house vi ey wer ed by The children 4 A !to Cbris as i he representative principle of our Parkhill o' 1st 3 f6r belp, Her mother beinf were also I 11 —A few days igo a little child bElong- own for 8200 a, side & i n Ing crie &w brewth .,vhil;; readiffi.1 the b -A 4urnb r f bid d sheep ikiris what bad come to be known I I prefer the larrable to &7 ' t her, Miss Boyd -do from the ma Yie tree. The toachets In. In t N i - titutions in ra 1 wpre ft 6nct L 'r, s, fiotel-keeper, I bruary, 1884. They, vouc
h0l a audienc 3, bul t �8 I dd a al
I .. I ntQ rep(ated r r an in ell in Wai foid, ing to W. H. Rodger rmined to make the attempt to sav� .4y Sthoi)l were also @metn- as the Gerrymander, :a measure in n in the bel- I to be 22 iDches:in di Lm ter, or two to the Suild Watford, fell int the cister 4B Mr- of I iughter. E said it Put him :last wi k. 'I i i sup ed that they IT Ing D arld'; Re Y-hich Sir John I I �, e a 8118 ch mable log. OW eu herself, and hastil� ered by th eir claRses, s, i; te en once in ir been lar. the c wer6 o 8 601 n cattle d hsd e ir and and his obedient back d of Lde by Mr.. Roda rs heard sla, c to of a 20 -in t bub! will e rowed to right reeeii ed a! fin asy ;cha e had proceeded to - - ho had �io ne placed the: -ts. to launched a )oat. -Sh the i ng in the Hou' CT,arles B� (liti tp e that matter for th air oppoulazi, Ile e o proven I detection. and by qiaick Presence of raind seen ed I I up to them .Wright. a cr�.Yon portrait �(cvi d e. t ub; i I I' I
EST FROM TaE rzoPLE no-InsioD thlatr cne� f the fir �Tc bog4ahidi,herelol ore a, Ver pop. the little fellow,, by catebirg him by the Z ckel �ber boat WR at -- e -nd, right. their most pr iou '71�1 ;to i,tilar stime at Rides a Hall, wil not batir a king the econd I—A variety of barley known ai the and, with adu irable presence of mind ec. s privileges. itils of a Ca adian istatesialan, Ia be was eln d out r -use an" wds in- succeeded in sav�ng the lives of the tw —Rev. Mr Wri�ht, of Kn then Point the gross h e a hidE 8 ick as thE6t Of... -S 41i 1-beiiidugedi tiuch WJ3 season a the The cistern is. 1 feet deep. Russian" or "White 11, �161108 in 01 men. T e �qepiBr of this lighthous trartford, a i n i red from thei'pplpii intioduced by the party at pre 0 stela d th o &EPA to March oness )f ansd ne does n( t ap- —On Christmoks evening Messrs. t1duced into Canada a fe yearalago, d it L a- a scath ng �ebukei in paxter by bringing corrupt in-- Vbi bow) ld Do abject ed. e r rove ill Moveaut & Laingan's store, Oti,1197a" 8 was thought woui a prove BuVerior his sav6 more thau'a dozen liveg. in a recent b,,: � I I The .111a P 0 the brazen- ed Jo 1. 8 P- I -AA orapgc pri?CE bour C 9 ctorate. (the syeakea) .0 'Ae Bit' 11 12uEn ce, to bear ilpon the.el Ifion at Har was burglarized and $210 stolen,fr)m a t, barleys ultivated beita. Unfor- Tho I othar 1 morning a erman to the lim mo at ati
Uonservativermjority in the House -had doh &rmot its -this! be woul i n. t:, Y, Gi ade, Newfolaii dland, I be other drawer. T e case as een in V68 ic tbee Vari named hilip Kurtz, resid-Mg cials who o OUPY! leiadin I lions e -he expect&- near ree A having been for so -411 t hat town, A colicludl e q0`0116 oppo sea to give their sanction to a bill, Ing via 3 a, tl�c tie by th site'faetipu, .jt�he w6l� imo.11t-Of gated,�ndMr. ainganha5causec. ibis e4ed, it has failed to jug lifyi It Po n 4113ek) it Were not maintain ottad deterbim froT at n tly I ed and a ne, to be aruest ti ns indulged in - e' a -soQ what quesion� urse as folloWs
M degig of wh ich. was'to uameE a ChIar regard to 't a d &ppar ngtl f ti
th: -ee I i rogi ii, -part ed on go of I
rd I - Ai L f ailed, 't�n Stralfo ar�oant of biroral n leative purity Pv forbidding public Coll- refised. I rso th foi one of the able ental dition, took a V&� UNMASIUMI THE ENIXES Ole _CA$�AD& be: m( r Or � ieverel wounded. embez ling the funds. Bail was up C to vreck rou TI eiffiist survising daughter of The store is beh i g now close ding mals Out a so A, c 1w terB of Toi actors frona. meddling in the elections. g1 1i u bl g -doing hed- d alli..'the I Ya Y W 0 an tely serious bu-,Tn ana commenced all sortp .. atin bottled iel!rt
0 , i piran I to 1publie i )4 eos n of viole ice around the house, :driving the hopes of every as war, eaqv to Bee the aim of Sir John's �, or it iYL a be dre his n tice� lAn. �qi He ;or iri revin 4r o Lite marri d pri firm going into -. nsolvencv. 16fuses.to use it in his ioiald, house.destriletiot coMee Enown lor 91ross an a i glUrI14g �r in Bbsan- his wife away 6. d creati ri a a �-irectiou. He (Sir Rich- tb a ary to homas Obap'las —M,: a meetir g of farmers beta in I —A few days ago a farm )Oli,Cy, in thi ause.). 0 to, up harge that th 10, h of J 9 ope for the 'future then all� b H3 �ec his barn, n rality,
ird) a�ked if there could -be any doubt e Refor p rily are 11 DV WithO t M Soil of*' Seriatol- Cha] i%s, and Pi ivs,te Barri it was rf solved and carried that allet-township, Lambton courityx med generally. t fire to t 1) r town muvt -die out of' thd mos )iat- V6h.9it fargeL S 21: deer 4Uring tl e eason about I bi the of the 10, d beat bank barns i umS were contributed a for Lia t itl he R aform- �eaders Secret ty to atena -Governo Itobi. propers d qvausq sent his taxes, Riv no rgest a Ile taill I by LII parties w e unable tii ra Behkny reall, issties for e. Lit I ec ho tvish to lllino6t, $21, alnd p laciQ I is"hors and the count, at (11 with the high win anguine ast - and men iof izorrect 3�v these political favorit a and Govern- "a' 11 isti�u feeling GtOF8 for the purpose Of V ggy at the of course �Bver -was burnt dow4 mral. intin 8 d Cbri -ae fo ment Contra n Boplb. lie othEr Anornina it Ottawa a ything
Ile consi 0 4ti In of t pursue them Either with orwithout disposal ;be hired man.. a E re )e yoing . mai ith ad evi ir I f doint was ade, before rilyneig bore could come to th a jvhohavea parenVs fr)licitu r the ,)it, d th t' I liamed rborniton, was hounds; also that mocre. Stringent at instead o 'UTT G THE ELECTORS IVAII - CO -IM I rescue. " Xurt is a man of about 3:5 moral healtli of their fami I mo more d ring the years of age, N 7ell educated, and a u ativ 3 fuse Ell up in an a Ir 'JiMP)rtE at quqstions be], t 0 Thedford, n. This was, a, charge '6 sel Lten d Eiths imprisonment. means Should, be adoptEd to preVent e man drove 'the h rae t to bringi the tmo�pheie f this Dominioll. ote$ lef b Lelpeople than bho e no," 1 raised.' 0 *i, Iholl tj th on of a fine, for fc Ildw- their 4estructio U close ea- hd leaviiig it in one . of th; h -ag I ;bat could not be brought 0 he came to thi 3 so polluted where o Mr. I i of Bavaria. When saiies! There lay beforia them b 611 the ext train fm e Unite( liu� )I a, d aecostin a lay 6nl' the Son. thing- t la�uors, anil 'whero fl�re (AppImise.) If any M of n coun ears ago he was posselai wreathed wii li 9ackenzie. 8:1110 -MiDg dia ell tates. The farmer, thin�lng his ma y eat worlc �!of' a syste e .—Work on th 3 Caadia Pa on hen - 0o, aid eve hon! 1; to be said it was that Mr Mack ed rable means. Ile die I wicked. walk 6n: TY Si at tax:1 ti, ri; fr( 3ing the Northm-ESt --,t i� stkt �-d. that on, of the di ors the no tb shore of Lake Superior, is as along time getting home (trove The dth�w I r a liad Served. the people oly too well th vilest men �.re exaled. e saXnele e ing from the effects of t r D the t� mme 3' of, an oppres I ve of' tl 8 E'X balui:e bi who ga his progreEsingrapi-ly. A telegraph line
�ere just too late to catch 4is birdt . . ll L I argymen. th'town als-
p suit, his oppqnerits�a -fact which the rry e Canadian Governme d lenor aris Green which 0 made suit- nt an the M a 8 6f P t le f eor 'Ing Pr ed between
liz- :0110poly; tf boud t),th ister for 8 w�ll be establis Sudb( —Th the SaIA-e 1 infln4nced he too Wras If, lyleators were 8,74raly and ra.pidly rea able ana. POILatedtemarks on
T 'Elt. PAI L T R111113SENTA71QN 0 1 �1: t: t auk bef.. i I � E2N'T.JPL �re its Coll Be, Junction and Port Arthur by spring, :Etllada Pacific Rail ay� -befouryeatson the 4th of subilect. ViCe —It will 1I in 4 D the pea al )rev 3 661.6 efilled on for: a return Q y Had -the d and policy cif the t* g the gross ex- t e �t�us completing the conne(tion. Work rgel I by the succes Atendink her till Goernment been followed —On the e ber.5th
Iate Reform r 4agitnee'a r lCte flStiC (If at he pres�e mx 41 Lake Saperior has not baen t tat efforts, in that d -i ctl z oil, hav,,e set Februalry�nex since the murder of t: f he 01131 Rot, to Ila ::Y. around El illion ades in Son ern Don nelly Ifam, ly took place in B iddrilpl, I many of the attendants flie lad -B, t theria w day be heard & vo. nmerit i eforming he d to be so difficult as was at me ; )art half a church Gov. rio, t at Ole rWd�n Of tnion lount Forest gix'. whohas always fou n
I lie t Lit, t ii 11 tal:eji h J,ivE 13 in terest 1 � the care f her time anticipate T anit ba, within the belt of the Middese,� 0 n Y, and there is yet no 'n ate go' ca, not c PE ose its DEEP AND.'REU0N3TRANCZS C tple de6li Lre d vill )f t e'p3ople r- f at' clue to Ithe murderers � Bill Dorinell. Alexander Colqulii D, Sr., ei f Iter hEr93 ganden, has been. rewarc —Tlo ice blockade wLich b1poked r ilway under coustructi6ni, for Lady liB d for aa- ap eiA in wat% very pro-fitald tim. e w e. ija ow 0. const able in that couqty, and 14if the farmers of the NOrthwest, - and � A: - - - IIJ: Ali d,(,,r 3on C �th c ir n I L . �l or defendit cr hq,, t �o ubl e old in n droppe,l his the channel of tIle steamer 0 t Gordon, to enable Iller to assist ho Ill ul h ve been the granary ill, farmers an he does! nbt d�espair oll yet being -abl, 3 ing and stn ying the Bi job 6'. a RI 11TS fi tit ni! the St Lawience i ion of Bm
4nitoba wo I It( Vll� CU ?,a flu 11 kin ill o her stockig at Clark's Island, in the emigrat ; #� aB tnrn' d. into a 'tern igh. to gotatthe 1919,1culprits. He was in. soli, the meetillg. -a sort of rmlaborbr8from' the Weqtern 0 Proving 10 r C he f� (If Canada inatelid f ,ipl a of Confed river, was succe, sfully rem ved by� madiatalill-IDU r1D, WAIn as d)rL Ing. Pleasant Sa)'Lptjqe�by appoipt ing Mr. A. fields of Dakota and D� -n the Pill �ljc; f ands f use of 250 Pon ds of dynamite and 13 1 ndB f Scotland. Th lal 4 been terviewbd'in oudon a few days ago,and lertilizer for tar m r Ii ai je of I �erf BeacrOft, of ly'and pleoA-
a aisa S u4t at, kegs of giant P oc P ddref� C Minnesota. Elsewhere, throughout the bEidg sq a A iredifoe cQri-blitpurp a p( der. A )I k of ice given at the rate of VIM r1acre. told the reporter that! he had waited ColquhOUU U)T,eai) a k wb Huro�, ;O. Of Fore er, on behalf. for his revenge, but if -need ing a
th6 a o JaAe rm omiLtion eVidbXlees of tl loverment s6ouring 6r kind nearly 170 feet I ng, 30 fee i wide, 6nd —A serious Scandal as j1u# been un. four years ieir unwise.pol- b beiDE the fir's; carem . on Of i a apparent. He pointEid.-out the (if A19nitc: ba and, e -fo r ad i an'alIda Matlio- at some places 2 feet thick was re'nov- earthed at Barrie, whi will probably be coula Wait twenky more, so certain i of her =an,, frievda, and -IF,. J. Lo'00e to a rlurse, ia� reside a 4 pei the new
angemut! ev �rl;E e 3ition or tee, pr 12 -.cb' nel lEtbemeausof gettin a y6ug man, VIE - present h. r ith! tlina from th was he �"t his famil� would be W N A,hwoat 94 me :bctter po dif t 1,111il eat, II6 trus e- d, giyi go, cleai an a] I aek'nowl4i�dmrlt c re in if �her
'hat, of BE ess a relf tive of a 6chool 61ficial, into dicatedlat la.La b. irfs e and8ome lible. —At:a meetino of the trE des COD111 He e aims that them $43.85, LAYS D YON-01FOLIE 6 a Cabinets tt ng at t- I -
0 i set to th with a hd r�aekrvi for thc'people��bf - -]a Vor r to the ber da� Eliza n Toronto last week, resolutions t oubl. It appears that t*o y ago has been i great mortility amorg tha valuable Bqviceg. as I the enor- 'ar 0 ver in the Northwest, arid showec ie t lio wo�re allE to be concrned Cramer was a --od as from Can' da UN rb, r c f tb Ong i f pooch &�d Rooe,s and a-ai Mir, her ser7ant, -were a �opted condemning the holding 1: �aa aaged to tako copies 6f ti ach- People IF] Mds increase in the e unable for _U ici ;(AI IW, hndlsst(reito pu� ha 6f larg� tracts of land bit companies e ex iminatioi&papers andsold hem inthemurdelf,and looks pon itash, pri8o that Ehig -her ta to the United.States in consequence. fie t ks of 4 moments to repl�, but expressed iDg a co clu3Lcn hosaid e believed t t lind i6dividual speculatcrs: ca I t fif teen applica�ts for $50 each. i He sort of VehgeaJace. hua spea, n ring. They weit goin e Ia oil, iro, L 9 feelings by < fferi I a short pr4yer i Yotwithatarlding the anti-eee-tion r man who! wa�4ormerly a rbember t Reforn 1 a of Ihis Wi li(n�!' p relitsing, when Go at d, Pon the working classes to orgsAize vdas'also to receive �20 a yda�rfromieaeh c3u try wo d_ alses of the Coserva,�ives, the xo -nk a thi i the Hamiiton 'police fo;ce There wo to God, in which she tha mi Bill I tli-e rings, bad, the i r. ad fo trades councils, affirming t]liat c succeed al I teaeber's who PULr 'Old -D �IHNCIPI;EO -at ave summ ry Cl C the paper roora all parfa of Canada has increased a i lid fasit t, i 11 IiDnel 11 , il D rr ri hod man na�me I Everettl, a constable the kinan-Is of bul. f I'E) ear. H e� [. Th ivere ard else a. Eividently: the -a who sivor 86UND A 1S tipend' ag. strates h t 0 . some 75,000 or 80,000 a; y 3' tl�le ry m e my brother Bob hero plored His ri,cbestj, blessing ut on M.
ut th ring, - t urisdi tion in a, t, kchc re have we bif P yl� and would 3 �ioiv y 03:6yernment' anel ng Luean, pol Bta 11, 1) cases of Aon-paym 3nt
-the mrpoaed doing all in h is power to enforce P A pleasant time WUJB a le, and I 11 c Was for f hem into perift, for two years on 4 odawa that al 1 r 10 C. an foc orrupt itto in 21 f wag's, and eEpreosing opinion that t is Aipulation, one of entiar3
the people on -this question, 1 I subsUpently fit g It i I i istolie, it havin 'rolled. off t e the views of be I d h I ng c "Bea would best ol t %in r qfuse it and. cot him. Re. ac'4 friends repaired to their so h4ae . s ess an let the cat oub of Lharge -flower fluences, *oi I ljglrying to a nd to prevent the 'cream ad the iihe wo ki I ti I ion, by ihe tie bac, when dunned ly all agen ow af with glad hearts a' na light. b for terwards, ithat it was a pu� t Dg to defe rarlis entary epresen a -the Bl�.elxela blia oou a I.' T4( 1i iobii.no6 qf IMrs. Roge�s c f our �)onntry from going to enrich a Pt IIIIIIIIII