HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-12-28, Page 8IIIIdi 8, ER 12 TO 111111111H,' H ON E DwEmB pds Ta I al Nichol, Tdrnbery,* accident- from the es abli0h1mallt of Mr. A China toe, set, as, a mark air es- lt is State tlaatXr..�obn 1,101181111l 12 6tion." eel ing of the new o I on 7all y fell from a i eam to the ba�n floor Kell Of Hansall and reflecto. great Eff McFAUL aE, I f6. c r org&Wzati an 7. teem for her �ersouallyravd, fall tend B oppo E Hr.. Jame B)krd f ill behel I taste. the credit on tj tat 1 Igentleman's t if the re evesh of MoKi top. q hey arl� T inrodki, d btoke big oill This makes laborer in the' church. The go, ;Ore 3 next, 19 Ds'ey"A oilal, Big an iDg th PRO ing tb o seaSo rt.�Christ- at of! the *eekly pr im,et oeond break Int At the olos sented Mr. Jol n McLeod, ].a i* of Itti both strong me It l Oill ins, io E, hot m)ndvill). Dar! 0 Xues-. took ing at the Real Schdol House A yClano" �ad- named Lattimet Mae passed ff as a &I. Some DISTRICT MKT S. choir, with andsome inotflo cup fight, new woo lobed has batai erected in con ISO Ing, w fri a 3hool building tholk gir DthetE who had ricine dayeveni 18th inFit., a fe do� in; —The eut�rtranment of ihe 114PIPCO was sent to Goderich. Dia Smurda,y by, taf otion. ith each H wa�v 'n �ered ng, to E tand his which P ove� tol be 9, I er�, great con. saillatered arouilld ta in It, whilecithors their own characiterifitic way, NOTIC.—tH.n EXPOSITOR &I Church S41abath'Schoolit"Ook plao( the -Mayor al Mt. SU6 DRY �000 MAN! a u P End 'ing(an w Il.' At the Fill L tD hun, ,--J. J. Uesier bQbind, and when t�e cougrega 4 hadi i a. the town hall, on Wedu6sil y 4ve- trial on the all go of , f"MA1119 1 rh-i aed ve lence Bay a new subs biBfriends.—Mr. left presented thel Rev. H. is JorEle on a Viet to amoron. i in' Ward, No.1 �Sproa ad. 11, ing, and �vl in every respl a most some aticle � om the trunk o a 011311 M, efring n 2, M ry with the cotitebts of a well.filleo urge, 110W till the let of Janlruar]i, 1885, for ArDbibald Stewort, b is left Tarubeil' Successful afflir. The hall *a ta9te. mereiLl traielerAu ibe oitameroial vo. ated 9 eriction of an I 101 0 itb lkind words. B Sides' the, price of o e the tree *a I .—Sun da, r last as t Its co I est a& .6.1h of e woodsbaAs to SOL to make a fin I gone- to 1 in 'Winghalril !J. accom pani Hannah who Bold out bere, 6 tir�ae i ts Mr. and Mrs. 0 eron I us year a eubscl3l I ally decora 4 and b� gti. �Hot(l tIly laden w th , 'resents 6f At kinday -and, x iugbes:;,d ty of th season sin as stall. for lie Rociomm)datio of It horse, Som these publiogil ISa�bscrip P tions will also be taken as anin rcs It tha ex A i i at t1aso "t io ti me tbkt Was- Ago has gone to lificlIl Somo of his and: Archie have, during the Past few 1 amin he P n a consipted..! of mus' mrious chn b s. are usual for the, GLaRz,, litill London roggr -of Ma4y Valu- nd recitatiol a by the caildten! whic �som N b t tl ttertailed.—M 7men and 'ot ier i friaquo intly friends hope to See him return agai days, been the �recipients a tin y a re rot te4 a, clerg, I �iitreal WIT i56 able a Il tokens of good NOD from PECIAL— rto I th of 1 il de'ired td visit the abb, olF hdn bass. Blaevale school sedian contai 8 ad ki i rore well r 3ndered,. and i4e; tt &I � Mr. Jam' N` 01 :1 in; but sr'o deterred froi n t I( fact that ch-ldrenbetweei'tboac',es of 5 p'roivaten ividluals. Mr. Cameron pur- aril a. Th I i XES1, Ax,vcicifrx at curren audiend Kit has I fee I gas 1 reatly pleas ad. the his ministry in Aippen, W, led sing ess but highly credits le manner in! ich th� save attacill: of flin ( is I �ow t a is 'now no.saiwplax for beir ye*rs, and.there were 137 namea nter Ell a- excelent onIthe roll during the past yaa:r.* and Hills Gre u next Lord's d and 7evening hildren .&cqu treco ing,--yistb wal DivIEitaIi, h. 88. he suqocio Pr.ESEXT,&T10X�—On MOI)i d itted - tlamselves �in thi rd. t Fy Aianounc ment . I I V I leaves soon Ell for the east. last, at the me ting of he An- looPeot Show( 6t cal aiid a rot and le a the COO WwOul be a I aere a�d the grim at Coal t day. h re but *t ere , vb 0 S Y PleA8- teration that t ad been devoted to! i none of t r! it iti bo be hoped it will be carried W ox er. cient order Of Foresters, -heL* deal -,0' businegill an( �6to L 'Witchell. 131139 was training. Dju�ing the evemitig, a', W` �m in lierest.—D r aid Ira DU by thwBoard f ffARXFTB.—Zwh t, 61.10 to �1.12; an and most interesting a ab rial PEnsoNAL.— Ilayor Call and, THIE in due I mily Spent. The lodge opene 4eserved complilmarit was paid to Mr.1 Mae lid, of LU new fil 65o to $1 5: bat ley, 45o !to FOR know,ii Oift P -71cl; oats, We t 31p and after everything inars. quiet J�emp, the of th School in, tc: v; n� as uests L. Meyer, sq.1 Chigfeilhurs-t. 506.; Peas, 69 -,to' spent Christm'as at Guelph.-f-Iteeve Orin 0 a PO. McDonald lew as on Monday next on a' and two presentations ;oA place, *ho was nted with a Co plimeni.' —M Obert mieaoi� intei dE 18' iri�l CHAiWR—Mr. 1. Per- �k, $5.30 to 85.50;11 utter" 18c; a :. A I I O a Itrip I io lt the house and lot 216; tallow,7c; liard, 10c. -to Phjlade�lphia and Now Ycrki.— Of which was a very handsome tary add, accompanied III I - the Qld king has bough trip n rel a until Jaroi ENTERTAIN ENT.�T eO mearachaunt pipe and -the o her a gold o- cotill 1 He Inill' bo -on ing to Mr. a Paris I. 'Mr. d1fllows in. Miss Mitchell,lof Granton, dau er of andsome silver cake basket. he r n a6oilt two *eeks. 9 A . 'ho "It 13, dijaE rizg, The pipe was presen ad to'Mr. eedings terminated by the adibiging 'of 'be a c napanied by Mis's Jamieson', w Perkins wl rid! it O 0 11 ve t to tend hlditio social !here on the even- Rev. 7. W. M*chell, is spen the -F C H R I S,''a, f F 'd 9f er -r of Frid -2 Tames Anderson, for his pe Severance ie doxology -'.an intei ie slumnaw t1lei B.— 8th! iniat., a ad a am- holiday Beason with her aunt, Mrs. W. .( spenctirg,tb his busin 6 �s tha fo eM ince, WE Y, I in bringi-rig the most membe a into the R -by the pastbri,.Rey. Mr. �'Vhe ii� w w ic fell oft Th trall y will� 111111 I More; in t a of; the PI(YiDg all th B beat local tile -both W. Hicks, of this town.—MiSS Ella a benediotic n ment ],ira ori ter G.rder during: the Ir. Pa sh% a bo t afarm vocal and inatru maJi. a Cole r year, and the ring to dmonds. xcell(nt oliaighi6g, an I wil aelp! 7illage. eturnedhome on Sa from been t' king d 'I tend moving to 1I r� Fred. Boole, for the sume duty, he ;to rtv ire bu3in'aa greatly. M rs.' 'lay - 36 r Win lam Find 1 it 1, SUCCeS8. London, where Bhe bs a being Second beat. Air, And( racin made lor, I tatightel 0 r. t ot the E ring. we _The entrtai'ment incoun ctiolri 4ith the Calvaw.'-Xiallbodist, Babb th 0 mPbeI[,1 ft;� areso yt)lcfje Fit, -11 —As thel winter saems to be vocal mul lessons from Prof. kip 4. t anked the a-, very pleasing speech,. an I iatpieiii)nt.viiitiri-�go,triella�iu own.—Mr.! Yood citiz 3: I. 06 go fairly set in, the: BRiErs.—Christin as day was s )eat for School-. took" place last - evening, Find . :. . r.�Eiit wi 8 will Corl ig Rink Company to conne . (tion. with the -,Presbyter. at( gettin 'the rint i Order for Carling thei most par., in sleigh -riding. here Order very kindly forthe pre iten which that in E.4 I all has retar'ned,from tlel s� 1hiroll ad'fam ly. I Ni 9 �he had received, and hoped io bring tl y wid- his Christmas holldaypl a A PLEA, ANT �E�T@RTAINMENT.—The an skating. The� velet the niat- beiLg tea W tingle in. alraiciall ver ce In Sabb4h.-Sohoo-d will.take Pla this U a numer of memb ire during 3100. or a iclk I I be� lb ris�rna tree i ebt(rtii or d y night the to�vt.wag daabl,e th ho .--A U 9 Vic' , wl ment of it f t 0 wi ter to Mr. directiod', and olidaity Trade� �iu 'of 1139 0 & Do 113coment 'the severa.' 1111 r the coming' year. I tak art it by #rs deth6dis i Episo(5p&l hurch be 6 came Robt. Fox, who will 6 nduct and main- nearly deserte .—Some of the b Of Ia are becoming the TiCIIii 8 of LodAL Blummi�r---Notwithstiin �vn 'will be hold in St. T mail. ff accor d Al- 'age the thing Rowel! as any one- could. the tow. g the t to tn: strong drink to. Such an CrRis.TnAs.—Ghristnil p� ssed ov a Scarcity of, mODey, our iChu c' a on N ein Years E ve. bough a v�r3 stoi my evening the A LYNX. -6n. MoRday 1310 alarming a tent er dull tim g rning Of very quietly in, this town as usual. The lasb week Chiis ian business men rep A well fille . . . . . tophe Walk r showed that they cannot get enough ova the meroh s aid 0 It arch w nd beautifully weither was dc a very Satisactory ado 30ral ther Th d. havinE thah ful, and it would �Li-adbury. to -1 , I lynx whi- he bar, but two o p season is a azIl an, blaving don.' a showing the'taste and skill afne Specimen of t h g three will go tog lag ID. a -many fri tions by the hail trapped in a ril ng swamp. and it almost seem th he slaighing had duri Chris: mas week. The little Th — 0 les. The ec its, g buy i by �hla bottle, and then get E &BED. nas,iu �hiai f the I hbori a- it was 'at, of 'the: occasion, a siow that oa(Me assibted. materially in vidi ty of r. J. Burns wi I fl ibildrion Nr re well rei d red.1 13 excel- Although amost.powb-ful and avage come for so drunk that hey will fight abolt who in stock a large ass tmp very generally availed of Almost a -b isineas. On both , Satitr- '-to: 1 al of � hi a death Which took Ilacei 6i t addr, i a was:deli a d 'by ev. W. looking animal, it WEML iotthE pr rierbial gets the bigge drink, and go ab�aut the every person h, ould spou.-re any� a ay and Mond y the town was crowded jo Friday afternocitai 7th i3st. at" V1. Teeple, of Seaforth, loo de by:?vev. I rgoot and heavies ver kille(flln this streets. abusin everybody, and ya the -a, d on both Bar apt ion was! r. J. Smi 1, of Hills 1�r en be ladies see ion lynx.,' It vIr ighed thit6y-fiVe Mine ., in, the, shape of as, ri. was ouit v1fith peopl eiifIOnings'the P6r I L a d, : O-�egan., Con' authorities take no�uacire notice of bem as, than if there 'as no law a WD g sleigh rid,mig. The rink w a. leading stores present d a gay and I attrabitive 11 a I �E aaSe hi Cut him down. e' were not'N)hind in.fol ihp the ooa Me Clang. has, thi�, Season, trappol ainst;'s attiraotio, many -spent Or 8,6e. I of ilie after- thi or it, all pearance, a d Main atre-et bore the was it :- ative o hinge f refreahin� ; 01 Jnne�r man. and shot - over liqu to mi4ors.—Anoth f - 3t i MArys, in the co iity Coons, and an a City thorbue a, and! w ant to t.4e -B �ateis wl eu e7 was b,"utifully and ri�hly almost. equrdly grea number of fox0s. sleighing.— zil and evening there, and the Shoot. -pearauce of ghfare.— iof I? eri i b a tre Saturd ay last wai out a( cond ing match ey was has Befigo it view if pus Aiiag:�, to As for the rabbits be hilled their he SeaBO Dr. Vercoo ser�t his boy lk wr' at. Harpurh also well On Friday lii� in li�d an wi I costly preaenig do good market d4y for t The 9 Young With the Uk;ters, town inas pachod with coun r fop a, 'patrouixed by the Sportivel.7 jnclined,- -to Egmoadvit-lq to procure a new cutter -1hi f rtune in A new land d he sic-�i ill kinds f toys, Whicb ii Fero distrib ifed nae is legion. V - I y P 8:10 I' 'a dih fol - he had purchased I alto, a - 1ceiladed not. only in winning for bims 31 f a io bet Sa t*o f 11. a fri rids TIN ING STREXTS. pet,ibion was t day ought before the co acil-Pbe last 81' ay be attribu a i b Is fel]ibina, t* beRutifol -o' P;l the providentivill visitation Many enjoyed themselves making social The horse, duly attal to the 'Pom,pemncy, bu i also a prominent 1)(Bi-;� If he chumh also 113281 t- lowing MondayLim d we have, no doubt that a good rom, Mr. F 'o 0 aand the srigobss of tbu calls and visits. The town was very' new rig, arr,,ka,#�antiy felt go proud�of �tio a I, ard il. c' ting to h �Ong tbe res p �ct L.1 resent o stly arm ave the uno 2ed Sheets open- in th, shape t appreciation of -ad out. of a little more sno —The fir Furs, els were i his aurrouR, -1hat he determin d tl I It turned out bow quiet, and. although all the diii a 10 arid ea mem of a I who know him. For -,4�ir,'as a ;oken !of ei' aver, that display of ility. As i -an one Df t he I aid- 3 I Ser ope al y- there seemea to be very few in- ake an ektr Im ears a la� bia S viceE as leader of' the claoir and wh�le the movement was on foot it ball and - upper, held in th ha -the i and 1goonl the 115 y started for home the, ng chan I a o 'Qr'emstro'ng,, al d previ- &)bath aool. Mr. KErolak�, our new CA a to. the ears � of Bome Parties -on on Christmas eve, was quite a sudcai,ss. toxicated people around 3 Fancy ods, �c. no unseemly noise or distart. aitce. Wei animal became umartageablo )1acksmit presente� clapreb. ivith whose property some of tbe unoperil The -ball was tastefully decorated wiith And got bas to, eaterlita 1, mere tilt lif 3 w a a' I ti a III hope New Year's wil be as 'Elfivorable a away. a very short time it convert- J ondu(i th ) Union Pacific rail 4y i x ice anc, itibstantia', fcotac per. We ad street, were laid .� -it, And they inal evergreens, and circling throug� :'the!se 1c or on! P once a handsome now Bei I a ine f t a M asc nic 1 mi I erstain d it is to be pl iced ta tely got up al counter petiti n could be seen long lines of hog The day, and that it will ass ov.0 as quiet-' ad what- *as ml er' of t and a on. meaia 0 1 ly A' d pleasairittly. -tter into Splinters about -allows buried u er .1 .1100, allow L f t cu 9 under., the leadership �of Ir. n the pr C r4ra he was I ceRear tl ie r, ind when to he uuop�nel . streets company oper 101 f pipouons 0 kin size for dling wood, and, a a result �thia: r USPICE S He 'is a laxothl of ho mudd weather a�ri as al' are it kvit-. being sold, and handed in their petition John Griffin e, doing well and', re 1 w W THE CREAmERYmEw.— A eating of of its diversio the -Doctor hid to violit Mr�f lan B of Leadbu ry. to b 3me peradnally equaii ited the Same evening. A Yet the council worthy of every encouragement. are determined t�,, aiiiap-ose of a + he, representatives of the several Hagar hs�lle anothe �juBt say.th the bave not considered fq m' aPit -'a and -pure r It i at it. , re might atter, and it a f mer oul I�rg a Portio n :of these goodd by the oream vehicle, th a being, so c6M'- 4rch ch ir seemed''tio aurpa�s all for. reMains to be. Be u *1 At will be done Jay. eries in this. Secton cf the Pro- I eeburn. vince was held., here on Wadn eaday pletely de ad as to- be beyond re- The Pa8for of a church about it. HAN.Dsomp, Waler 19 V dir effort fox- the purpose of consider at r OVE DIE, i --A' horse b onging to Y Rest ir�g m to 9 Pairing. Neither the boy nor the horse iieBided, nd big smiling at wa" of -BUSINESS.—In the way of business Fee has just finish d one of tbi i llilcNiff, Ashfield, dropp(d di ad a merY In- was injared.—Dr. Ryerson,. the well- loin tbi 8, aided il]QW t houses in the to n 1P. 1:8 mfit of in, conection with the croa ' valry mucl in mak. Ahiii fall and wintei,V7 oxeter can E 'Asit laturday near tie Presbyte,:an w known Toon pa Every creame" in 'the distr orfon the ]ja; '16nt time. E W R occulist, will be at plea i as good a record 4B m15 of thoieighb6i. �hum L was represented except Lon orou94. Windsor Hotel- Stratford, on' Saturday white brick, wilith slate roof, E uii5 fin. II laces. Mr. Jaines Ireland who ished in. excelli t le. 'We wi 3h Mr. 9 P an 0 TE, ER Su PE A.—Tho i oyF ter an]) )er It was naan-imously agreed that the next the 29th inst.—The now proprie4 leased the oat eal - lill R8 Fee Ell g recently h' of Ilife and h: many years Sap .OBB Bluev toGi the Queen'sishaviri II;CO11 ction with,tbe Leeb arn ter i le new bal- a within the lat two motaths bought over in big now this end we will.'offe i It 1, I ' roamery-assomation shounWIld 6ceiv the i 4..t induce - and aid fro � the Leg. a of nand Budoi Mr. J'ohri Link- same recognition I Bird room ereatW in conneetion with SgItHON111—On Sunda3 last tbellov. 20,000 busbete of � oats. Last week de�- 'SCUOOLS.— ier creditable ek min- r3 - I &ter, Act6d as obairmati in a ve I ef ments to Iffn H aost of the �& lools as are now gran ad to the I is hotel.—MI. and Mrs. Mustard 4(l&t6 art4 preached, Most excellent spite the bad roads the avers,98''W18 ationS were held in n cient manner. Short addresses were Darymen,' Association, ani a deleg. T rise Broadfoo ) left for thei r home i iermon t be Forrestion i of, t his place. 1000 bushels per�day, and on Thursday iril the townsbip, wring the past i 7eeik, iven � by ME Pers. Linklater, WilharriB, ation, was appointed to vis 4; Toronto I I-anaas on eduesda . We beartil copsiderl g the inq'le nency of the the book showed' 1400 nshel - for ''that and it is pleasip tonotice that, t nde y jbin with the oggaith, 11(irtan, Clutton jummings, veather th3 attenda alone. Chapman, and Qoodfellow able teachers v satisfactory during the approaching, -sl ion of the ft Many friends in wishin' t ce was arge. da, 3r or pro 1ress own, I �on -8 a 0 re Legiallature tar the Durpose pf further- Rd nd ifet iUtio is we 'CASH' PURCHASERS., - taem-a hapy and prosperous future. �ivf n a D.—M,-. Jds. Leech, has aold say that although thero its lit 0 no ile being. made. ninber of the lodg3. The � is I ing thi.a. ojeat. We see -no reason iBs Maggie Foster ha& returned A grist Zill here to Mr. Th a. Nixon, wheat to buy that tbi are diincy big- Nw BRIDGE..--l-The old brijge on why thi� recog-tion ahouldrot be given t law,n, and Bist.mi eaeft a great praise for the p Edus Mr. ger thivig in griatirig.� 9ve Cociii's Creek, ue r La I �hau t4ey , has resum keview, Ido ad herlo e of 1dorris,!for the sum of 65,)00. terest is y as 8 the r too ing up'thEi UP. er. as ihe qie&mery i gartainI I ation in Soo Brother's musi tore. Nixon tak 3 posseasloa dit Monday, 31st dor a in any time prqvious. Hooey though it had served its time, an we ipaportgb a One to'the counpry as any HIISTMAS TtEE.—The Chriat as i 'he nominaton for schooli trust finas is 'a otive" Pushing Sanders6n who us . l are �liying Dl c area I believe the council has determine I on ref a �id an other dairying interest. and vl are Our tertsiument in copnec t aes plice in the several waras of' lnan,-arid�,will,ziddo t do well in the grainer pork, &o., are getting all th SEE FOR wilth fte Leebuin Sabbath:S-hcol Came eY build rig a new one next Year. 11; has that thol raa liter needa only to �& brough t t handle with the imp DWR on Wediaosday next.' Tberet inilling bt��-inoss. cari roved 1 RP- become fashionable. to build iron to the attention bf the Gbvernment ff'on 3brist-1113 eve. The church was trustees I ;his 1'ear are Messrs. Ro r DIED. To reRret Ito hlav 6, to a evator;. n- pliances they have in I their a] bridges lately, an.d we Can see o riiiia- Y01 RSELVES WHAT I apd Legislature,. as it will be by the 4ith pe6 J. ni-cf, y a 6. ev. adoh, Rol art Jamieson a. ad M. Pi 1 nounce: th 3 death of I Irs T. 'tle, 1), ill gave a a in Wresting adi I res son why one should not be buil bere. dkut&tion, to secure the desired grant. McLean. '' T1 a nomination fo�r council a . I 'i on daidglater 4 d Mr. Rob, irt Yeo, of T irn - I I I We understand that an iron Ib *age bb d3 -open tiy.of alents towards the IfflLb- Ki lors takds plaee on Monday iiext.—A berry. I e eased was, ma;rred 0'Ime ONEY WILL �DrO T sr.—A-a usual, the fty I i 1'3hool. The c:boir r6nden id is,-) me but- t— could be built he q for between ree at 1 1 i -E ago, and ivpd in ihe town- GOD SALE.—Tbo aleat the manse and four thouaitud. dollars, and W I t 3 . I era of this ton )made a t ae Council meati g on Mond 7 ]art fe n yea the assed torefund-to' 41 sic, re r 38oluticiii was P eac e4UMul, select ions - of;- n i bia of Gr , but coniumptio � cam on inKippen on the 20th inst- -was w I fre� from i Mr Iwemasoreiihagaan H A01 8 gi v an. mE ats. d reeit township is debt that ount f 111 lember, of th 3 Fire -Brigade, INbo iw she w A b home to &er father's It use-! att'anded, everything offered for Sae would -not be much felt by thjzra�e- a I . as wa Ewing who always leads the r itepayEir, the sued of $2, so h( oc llectioh a mounted to 6.4 5 wh �ch attentic tl at kip.d. fri Ja isposed payers. -some, embers tb�3 co a to PIRO b are ev off at,mmarka-bly good of f N a in, this line, had his sta I on Main ln�il Iwill 114) exp6lldod in Sab� th 'Be [tatal 1 'McFAUL tie' rate payer i. and non -rate sy nd a low ig husban could Igive, was pri 68, aud princlpall� for cagh. Mr. S t beautifully decom - I , . * it I - - ake very much in favor of la�ij ding e ted, 7 a ill -ami th a tPe brigade on an equaLfootin as, r also di E'Ll 1, but I i no avail, Eo on Friday­ast, Caineron hag posed of to lot, iron bridges, and Iwo are confident that iriatRa ou- Christmas Eve, an d h-terall t Y t 3r bein' 0 exe; pt from poll X.—Th E) hE rit led to a t batter laind." composed of alit ad- such a bridge would look just as well tie -O� r four acres, yi�cked wit -h the choicest array of meatis Acirris. ten Ing 3 ladies and ge f U� I was lar a attehicled and joiqiug� the Pregbyt6 ian cliarebt pro- on the Lake road' as anywhere i1n the arid fowls. Among others he had ten nei a 13 g had; - L B tXEj MEET119G.—The an u d tea Ell ( at- ibc Rev. 1dr. Scan d -E P party, to M unty.—Ctm. cin class of Mr. Win. r. Thomasl fellis by private co �Ilg of abeeves, all Ileiers; 11 lambs and 9 pigs -very pleasat time in -their hall a M hodist Claurr III, Sartol i [I ish Dry Goods Store o I ibE CCALSIon.by prea 11 ig six exce lent Bale., It is only due I the metionelar, besides tu-r-keys iri oridleas variety and a guesdayoveniag. Thq-cele NRis llb'd in th%-t place on Than day or mon V) a crow d chur'bh. Mrs. Mr, J. P. Brina, to 8 that le did big I rated, VE rarity Seldom seen in these parts in the 0 e anagni htof thefirst mon'th b3 I wil 3, of IRE 16 week, -and �lbhough .1-arbottleh7as only 2 y 3ars Of age, and wor in, a very satisf. c tory manner to. shape; of prairie chicke 9 Its.. One beef o Fater supper,, io which some- CU Con, If a 3ight ivas fin� and.the rool Pcod, etor and purebasEr. L —At the la t AF da ves tw 4 of a f ami both propri cor,Nci'Don�Ggl. a meeliag I Y.- BE ORT IH., wag fed.. b Mrs., -Henry. Chesney of sat't down. Tae bivalves and oth( ittE ni I ince 0as Sail ;E f the Hallett Council a resolutio, as 1 �O% ve a r 6 IRIST� AS TREES On Friday qiFeia- I 'Rrcst NTATION.—OU! Christmas eve- 0 Tackeramith ;, one, a thoro red heifer -------------------- ']list a laristmas by Ur. J-ohn C. Morrison, of cKillop ;-I e ifoetrao, which were furnish bv Mr- r 11joyala time was ape at. ter �g tree feitival wag the; Ki ppen Mange w 8, raide( 1 by 4 large passed inatruct�ing the deputy reeve a1lud J %Meg Stevie, were of the claoicei t vi�, nt; of he inner -Mah. wer,-,e well ve� bv Miss Kai� Brown and Miss in: ti. i 61 Presbyterian ebutch. ,The jaurnber of ladies and. gentle men with clerk to sign a petition to the OnCar'io 2 by Mr, Rosa, Of Leadbury, cXiIIOP o -der and all present up?lied, Mr. 1B Gerry,,of B us els, was erring On, a 0 TI%mblyn sang a were loud i aiding t9 crowded., The buter in- most kindly intent. h as, some. Legislature, ashiria that body -to pass Cl rea ngF, aci- 9 d' aoullle�of 'Songs, C 2 by. Mr. Jamea Pickard,& Tacke-11 their praises of Mr. Steele 'al all3dtotble hair,aPoplip which he. a t Cons ted of musi thi ag mysteri us ab 't the movements legislat-ion ad the, orrens By at 0 abi id by Miss Smith; I by Xr. Btafford, C. as qJ granting the fran. 31a�se n. McKillop; c derer, and'bis success on this, o�. ite abl, k. fill. Addr4s es erade- d an Lblyn. on 6 f at one au d dialogues, rize were lis- Of lady and itwo of the geht.emen,who of registration,an peeches were 'by t 6 Revs. Mr. Clappi&04, 01, uted thing special to to women onj he same conditions I by Mr. Calder, McKillop, Etud 1 by a on Will no doubt secure him man i V I 'by t ive a by all th c: a I !as rs �pjresent, an fl fit io the des rving.pi piieared to pli Pilo' Lnd a have sonat 19r. Down, of Tu-qk tl d a: milar orders Mr. and Or' a Is, Se8 Ulan, of Wbitb hu,011, Sit hen can E hort :0 11. Expressed them sel v eramith. One' of a.'- ames the iothpr presents, ind do in the hall In a time they, men. -Londesbo 'was fixed up n:as eO as being great' Toh -odeland, Pic% was. fed by Mr., ays P -array spent 6hriatmas in town visi;- Ph U of Be 1gr tva. The c oi r, uader am rged fronall a ad cl a v P eased with the d roceedings U1611Y the candies, &c.. The yo.ng- 11 oining -room,. the the place for: liolding thenatini -Mr. John Campbell, Ibbe le leade -ship of Mr: G deoi 1 G. nd regrettec 6-8 eDjO'' red the coca 0 ml�ensel lad bearing E,� tra -oselyvelled., Mr. nomination a in the , event of art McKirl-Icip; 2 by Mr. John Cameron !H d SOW in the name "'loan. Rev. Mr. Hendorson, of White. Mond�y evening n I a tber fesaval So( d bomasSoole, of Tor eleel ilonE. of: 0 of' the lalie;j of St. election Pot will'take place at he Tuakersmith; 2 by 1) I thel de�arturo of Mr. ing Ur ad M - Alex. Scott and other 8 m 3 choice a r. John Ga:rroll, tat present spending his hoi red' in f St. Kip�l on, re d the ,bui ch, gave 0 -dress on Tuckeramith; 3 by M sy a li�er Ito io, which -were render es. I an eYL Went ad held 1 -the lViethodist cht rcb. A drew's ch fol- usual polling p ad b was moved by th; and one by Mr.,Xlaseph Bow. Seafor Mr. David Moore, of Egmonoville, -r 01 it iyle, ar d, 1611 departed. fr5m thell Vita programme Co -sisted clif in SIC, loikig nead worde4 il.ddresB: Mr. Churchill, and second-ecl by Mr. 'he moral duties oft Parents to their pb The true ees, a jo gave short 1, Seaforth. tixed home on Saurday la ialogues,! recit t, readirIgS, &C. "t S -.—DE An FRIEND, Lasham, that It 13 u well Olei 6sed wilitt4o" a veni I gs hi' Council desire to re. at after` a the la ies, of the Kippen I congre- c at of —Mr. Robert Winter, the 7ell known R�! ence of four months in the � )ld Coul 4antert i rimen b.f On the '!foll.c. win a v m2h o as fromr,110 e,(vergrb Lddreases., all regr4tind the departure resentatil ena ill�, re —'No, ord its profou disorrow on accou asil �so made 'boy gat ion, do feel: with. �ri no -a Meattle'deaer, appears in thE1 line for try. Blb enjoyed his visit v eri M60 I 4ng asocial an Chriattril t -ee Sloan, and expr'06sing their an,, and as t as * the small at cc �r th a the very Severe and protra the fi-rat time this.. seasout an, ; -his dis- a�d BeEiihs to be much improved il �eld f 3r the fr- al ath School. Aftei tea1 if their respected Reeve, John X dre satisfaetion with the work �f the I W in hiE O.. los3 that we i Fill sustan by your re- c lititble. 1-ved., M Goo. Hood wAli cl �1 lory. Proceeds, $26.0 ;eac; Eir for the p'ay was, equally crec He, too, health a country a gE Esq.", and hope that- he may s6on be las thiree yearg, Mr. ouNcu The Turn aerry Cot cil mcval from amon itus. B.yyourgre' a climat h th and 11, bu 40 chair, it vl�it hills Fen ablE re -11 te althL, arid%e ased !a iaArents had a splendid collection of meata of people in b he considers tt Ide heire ' riday 1�st, The by�kw kit dueas of I earb and vour many other restored to his: former he � Root now addre &PjIS in a very affectin Speecli, giving eg r ing It rices on Ou iav a every iW ereF t of d a drain on 81 10 am�iable q'il ies, y a become o able to resume the duties per Tartoua.kiads arriGingat wbic'n ae oo- execrable, it haVirig ra nednearl ded " 0 airiiq�l to malks, ad greatly t 9 -0 la, ;he ng and recita no, ecount of the 'number. of children beeves, I imbs, and 8 pigs be, day during big Stay there. H I C me b ' Meeting. -ch encleared to us Ia y Ln 11' wil finally Mad, and ten3ers mU t ]at wl pit an you are his office. Aft3rpassing a number! of Venison. One heifer weighing - hat� had left the Bection; those way of -Now York and had a rather ner f van by the child Ell Muic v?aB' nil belinyfted for theworkQ, at no;dis- y we will think of ou wi �h pleasant accounts and 0 aarity grants the Co licit oral accOna a war passed, an appy recoll on 3, as y 3ur d 1�i()i- Me. was fed by Mr. Me- rouglipassage.- Mnchtothejpy tbb 1UPPE d by t] .hbir. Our old .frie d B h adjourned until the 31st December. ladleonal Find new* purfils in the see. t . , ,aiot*day, a ectk epar.. don, ople 'rink will or ; a.. a. W113,1' Lhd tLe ,general business'of the' year tu a is inevitable we ir not L e sat XAMINATIONo Ratio a 1 of and again thanked the pe heifar weig iii -150, ly opened for t. ie Season on istmas 3 -pieces of m usi a in ch ind assistnot Kil Tua-keramith - I atear weigbing, youngsters the skating Pit. C 1. Kit] bi and f amily, of �v The examh 1,250 It s� aRA one Ig 1, ang El ch isfied ;he section for th6ir 0 nd ur, The nominations will be and repeat the old aa ie, Ki pen's loss the pupils of School Section No. 7, Hul- M be 6 Von r 9 9 I A in Parrow's hall oxi M6nday,1De- w'i I be Surnmerstovil i gain, We beg at St., lur g his Stay with t 4. w4B fed by I avid Hill, o' Hib-bert; DaJ. - The ice was in fair orl a I are heartly uded,� T m. The Ell Or I 2 beiflere,L 0136 1.,4 lett, took placer on Friday, the 21 00 Itia and the other large number a in atteuds roce (links -v ere brfoug t40 8, (JOSE bY' inber Met, and P(� ling on Jan ou -will accept t1- is tea sertice as and 'was. a grand success i Dg manner in whibb. �IIl pupils 'A 11 ever re- 0 1-220 lbs., fed by Mr. J,,obn I oil of afternoon and mduirig. 3� b 11 Bit iftipg tb �Oxcil -at 1 B K. a siighb token of, the in which over 6 Varents took tbe ae rture of thfld� I Th" d was, . T. Anne Inevale, ei teem spec There i were visitors P Grey* 1 s rn. tear, ;1,270 lbs, in atendance and migade , thi oxell, -4',adie's, arld Jokmes Yo youarobelabyuE. Anditwill lb preson.1t; inclu Dg parents, teachers; of fell by Mr. gs�i more 91 ittacher, showed in. what stimatior er'sWith. t G lorge Walker, of T eker 5mith 1 pleasant by th )ir excaillentrin sic. Th a 1 ! - i I 1 f, the deput re- prayer to.Alniigbty God. that bis'bles's- hboring's c T k' trid esteem ions, and several visi- he is h4ald i# the section. heifer 1,100� lbsj ower Titighanal *A neig ad b m cur-hrig rink w %a also opene 'be 103111 lCil r aing 0 Bu osed no oppq mf in& apon yo an, the t 3ach- d the Sam a I CIL ETING.—T tore 6m- Blyt Mr. Slo Q)v aet' b )ers. It ioll y rest V audybur stima- of Tutakeramilh. ;,. 1 heifer, 1 ad - '! - I . 4xistmas, I day f�nd the fir it match of ti�e Season : J a. 3 O� ME;, f It Fr day, th 3 21st. All th 9 r lem ra tian will be offered to ei her -Messrs. ME husband and sonj [ isud. th it y a may. er, Was assisteo in the examination by �eef a�d �Fouitry. by James Hastio, of MCLK rest] y III M r il lop. The wms played ani was eviden ar Macphia and all ])a Ion as Hand son and Taylor, and T 0 Christmas Sho -7ob n in mes �T, �p. q 0 1 2T 'as 0 r t t 0 n a f -u a t t er !a el T J n t 1p�ei a Mo v� A y M unc eecl entaing 1( rocin, reeve g sp red to, promot -i th Of f at ttIe 4 P, gie, tha Ali 3x. cKin I eputy, b at no.doubt oodnellIcirs will be ca#ee �wherever it imay. pleas our Mats ro. Bari so aithwaite, of IE lyth, under' the larabs Were fed by Mr. George Dor-� eflJoyedLyth-laiew'hop i0IPat1%.--­An 4dA by r.. M M dBr' Pon. ry &Cl Iiisices of th'i on la raue"a, Of M-cKilloli. One,, of wo 'Or rtiv� a Sual. H ly Father to pl: ice yc u. and Itilawtilil" "of Harloc We t Hurou Agricultural Society -pig was fed inamensel R1110 nt Od has been d in pal'''t Bum of $17 "O g ,on tic is i Fio�dy, of Chut III, W& 'kv Mr.. Robert Carters, T In the ramith livered in fil during the Pol 04 S, SCErQLA, to.—Writt 3n pr motion ex-, n =d on belGialf of the loidiesof Ithe Brailisels; on, and Miss belz on Thursday:, of last week, -by Ur L B Nichol, to fe Oin ig ort e al ion 14, _M .J -The' 0] P OritL op ; and days. ms ximum Price -&4he Sa, t few gi nalil acic c u As pasF d = i 13 SiiO Is were beld in the pu gregation Of Zetland. U by M y blic co Of S �Ldre huich, Wei. -J dging from the. Godl and was quitfIi a Success. R. L. Sharp,L late of Sea� Works -is t3 per cord, but pfivi a cit'.", by. r. Igie, Be lei t1by 1 00 a during tb 9 Fast week. The Ki penfi- LI2ABET -m IR OBERT xcellent order, quick and intelligent ituniber ofentries this 1 -year amonte a forth. The v r. It IRTINT, AL eaftsoIll was shoi in Mae- zo-tis t th t otif Bell . t I- �1 r have to nLL v from M 50to RR 75 Ir r S ma " f . A I I .1 I- f I- f 4-1, ;I 1V 011 fill 111 9 11 .11koka by Wim. Caanpbr i r L t -T .1 WANW UL 10 U1W g were Promote bo- V a U 15 BOTS. cbu ts a U an pre .11, of , m I axparhey., he best qualit f d wood Man y the H of' collected s tax o a'' Johnston, NVrol Sitlith, Hunt then unveiled herf tray, good practiel teacher, and the large show The 'cattle were good, and thar4i The. display of both a -ents fi�rmers wer,il , 0 r -a a to fake adv 1i oe gesser, R bert wl on there at oo S� anxiol itch. 110t, owli by-bim number of presen is owe( 0 th and d?stro. I a ISE b .!Ag 0 wegan ea Service. ea a wit n us WAS Creditable alike to their I iropril take of the sleighing while it list Eto tht It barly U 88;i, itirried Th( fol. i g, P( tf �,r Ki,1911, li ableth Mel leer, T1 ough Mrs. Camerot had had a, hin� interest taken!by them in the wo k of The porkers were not so pintiful, but Alid the to wa and the an-peria - of which, they' were wor ing art it .all diy Chn*B 'O�Vln 31 sun a i re ,,bar, i �y ftche�, JF. Collie, J. Mc Ci acker. , E . t ZAS "BOMOtbing in. the wind," the and,wi,th what estim fat. animals hung efore the p we vetalre to eay, has not be show _granted i. hi tt there w in tion so ub. the fourth class—Sane she bad . no idea of What ' wits, d was aze. he n Campbell, U, arpur Fae lie h lie beavieet; hog 'weighed e otme from hif u6koh ai h 'in as Part i 3 v, 65 eae la, to )a exp Fe ank d ad a riness, S. McCrac" 611, Tin lall, taken complete r is all A was 12 o'dlock an excellent dinner thLa had 449 lbs. It would be h trd- to beat thO Eig th's season outside of the lag a eitieS. MiIlle r, 4, Nicholas rice Erna a y, the teacher is' 6141, in the section At r ly by� su r -P expedition on Satu: Be by r.lE1 Mra. Call, ill F rzow,J Ed. Gi test, an ibld toreply. Mi. Cameron c time to beeii prepared: by the ladies of thesed- d Ian cl abe Ande. Ban, M. turkeys and geese. T1 e heaviest tun aanrs'r�rxs TnFE ENTER-TA114MENTS.— Arc ebd oao cord '�'of N700d ich; Ross, i.Ai tam An Eirsoui � To t Lird the rescue ly say that', -thi igh his -tion passed around, and after.the wants key brought down the at 241 Me; b ght back v rith him 28 dE or as: tt a 1, ?I) I utertai riment ori result Of hits ?arbcirs. He tol 'ho '. ;o' I-. ofideld by the cler i. M , red'. a 3s, si g ior— Ma ' Guest, Etima wif was a believer ihomeQn's ights, f tbolinner man bad been satisfie( the and the largest goo4e w isjust 5 lbs. b Tile Chritmas Tree E I e FrilfaY e`76111110 last, in the Egmond-, ever, that dee were. very 8 ar . and )y I 11% u (14 second dby11r SpToat, o iltiE, Ed Coulbi reas, ye her speec aes as yet, had 'bee of a examination was resumed and ke t up- hind. The quantity of fowl shown wa Ville Presbyterian Ghnrch larclel y y 11nuting ver u asatisfac I 6ri d L Clark Sigh indl-for, Wil ion, N Jenhitia, Ge Kgo G i est, private character. In beh%tf of Mrs. un was y tor is eason. �f Lai t4e R�ei I til abo at 3 O'cloch tWouded, notwitlistanding the cold &nd when musi -and exceedingly largee The butter t7'.O."Wobrisbmas eve-nin. a v 7 p basaut to hl;Otataio Legi3laturd he Ma 3pl­ on R.. G rness, Me issa apekon. he thanked the d011ors for speeches formed an! important p rt of 'Spoken of . 9 ler C by the judo , all of whon' F�tf"V`EnY state Of the weablidir, and a asi ea na 'Law a crow, Magui entertainment. But just It a a are pra as yl very pleasant eve,jac, w' i he Iand. aw, t . Gra avid Hardey. their cent atid costly gi t, and the ctical dealers ta that article, Bpe at the yesiden a of M . e t i J11i n ci� spent by - tobi son, of George Hu tbig tow'n n t a' W4 dmet t A3soci�tibn, ask ng 1e n Thar aw; af tern -00111 pub io e7. am- va y special for thEi hind words of very pletafflug interruption tovik ace, Thc following is tay b­tii old aad yorum.g." An teir6stin 1 mannei of celobrati' Chrialmas. eg, ian By patlay t�at accom' Danied in ihe way of the reading of a very THE PRI a atur t0a Opt the' Totr 311 3: BYE lt am a tion w eld In 4h� junior del -art, Cl risti IJIST 1;eautiful tree was th PA I, . -1. . a man feature. f I a er, 8 "Miss Harkl'ess.f it. A assur d them that while r either touching and complimentary adikress, FIat qx or steer, I Lean, 2" 11rogramme C`0118zistig O m-isic, dial" fldla,4 tr�n and al lo the pEtitiOn. Of &nt, ta g t by e St Wm. Me Was provided and the tree, the eveninc?, rected for th 3 family, tt he age W."asociatidn,rmy: Ph a pu pi' equitt4l t emselVes very a. Camero , himseft -nor a an, i ieedee- and a presentation of an fat cow Oman' Suffr album and and! 3rd Robert McL�an 0 U-iich contained a present for -each f riends and relations.- It N rae ban I- Ingthat tho 1�eislaturo and Munidi a] reditably. iss Haik ess, on the oc- any special t ken of tlitair good will to book of poems by the pupils to the bei�er, lot S. Andrews (raised by Gor elt,ld in the Ssbbath School-, was strip- somely- made up, and'nresents to a a Iran-ohise b� (ftauded to I -1n1, -1;n a yr% -n nf ' 6 T�11 no'. ; 4. ir 4-1, I 4- In IV, -Q1TY ou" V W. au Vi" 1U &ULUOLU a"Vo—an- U ng lum� �0. V V delight and; sqtisf ELc- amount of abotit,3300 were, ib to d he 4ame proi'm ty quali�fication as ap; a �ddress & s, beantifii ruet set. A gie the O thanking them very'sincerely for their me eanj,; fat ews or �,ether, drssed dis e past tE h years of re idence tiork of the recipients of the prese ts, to thoae gathe ed around. E 1r Cumming,2d: an AT 4 ith arb ong the ja tilie, had many beautiful present, and stating Rttimer, of , r --M . ,jot n -Carried. 1.w 6Ned by Mr. HaRriah,isect- sser road a ad, and, in fact it 1hust ;Q118 old- I _ t h � ' re§s, whilat I tb t he it i3rd IS. Andrews. have do L Clyde, -was irt townl on by Mr. �le, that th: s Cotizicil Ying perf4med the th r duties. BUC,h, but that 63 ki ad words would reply more fully at the close -Mr. fat log, :�dreiased, Ist and 2nd S. And. I E �F. er Peo"Ple real good tO1 wiMess the ChristimaiaD '. Mrs.L& ay, tti , er a6c' I I- ow adjoll 8 [no die. 11 SKIFFS. a no le that Mr., A. �ffc- of this eveiting anc the beautiful Hendersoii, Principal of BI th School, rew3, 3rd Robert McLean ; fat goose, ; arroll, be ever Y. pleaSare al1joyed by th.eir children. panied, him and rematned som 61. Z's TowNsuip' cEr3OL BOARD.---Thei�fol-! Ewan, t opular tea,,her if of N 9, present woul 3peaking tc them w chairman, whenhe lot 2.1 Allert Phipps, 3r� —On Monday- evening a similar-alad enjoying tb as then appointed ; ' ),v equally pleasaut 13 holidays with he #ieuds. )wing gentl E11 We're duly elobied! rurnberr as gozi' over to the ffeat in their newhome,' w ere h3 hcpes to gav( an excellent a�ddress, showing';how Thdmas: Fear - fat duel- 1st7osephG,( entertainment took —Mr.. Hiram Dagon, who is employe d J letalbers of I a Tuckersmith P blid 628jority. I .:.a carri d off 1 one f Hr have a visit from ma rits can assist the t ier, 1 -ist b of their lappen par( eacher jn� big 2d Thomas Fear, r4d Rober Vace. i the '-Nrothod E pisco.pal vier, 2d, as foreman of Dr. Govin1cokis gilt; )chool -Boav for the ourreict tErm: �peiace's ki�:ist dsU ters. Ti for friends in their P�salng to suit from work, and pointed out to thell- GO i,rch ia this town. The tree IRnpila Lea4.n; fatchicken,Jst obn Was WorkB at Warsaw., N r P Ia , i York, Vard, ; No. 1. I citing I inaffifild ; fal f �e-.hly lad.. with Pzesents and all were 6; No. 2, e unberry axes ext 'ded the east, jani co�cluled Iiy iEhing thei! duties to their teacher. Ir istru- 1 Thdrnas Fear, 3rd �Wm. S 'eorge! 3 d 3rX spent *`Christma in towli.—We ar S 3'ayti the 214 Jana. Cheese 011anil -th m all tem Cal nausic turliey, Ist John 00 distributed, causing MuebL S, proa6;:Nod 3, I ient� Y. )ral and spiribual bless- me tal and Vo now g 6 a vi 3r, 2d art rtisfaction -glad to learn that MIr 4, tr not less� and easure, to the youngfecipients,* ames Ond- No'. 4,;D%Vid iicc Measrs.�� lany mee it to be bQ n Wedne day ings in Cfirisf Thr tea f ervice very pleasing variety to the ex4i aiaa- Thomas Fear; table- )utW] 0 a iew 50 lbs., lot Johnston, of Tackersnal is -re- Paylie Ilind M-Icloy� 6.re new m3mlers,-.�, Oth of Jaiii: ary.—J.'to. neon, Ch se- was th' iry en- tion, when the following took tha and 2,l Tohh Govier rig an dul bani1seleld and a VE part dy ser red one�.' aker ba 1) 2e to Avon ank to hire. jo able event]: : Lg wag brough to a close Mr. Elliott on the violin, accomp tinted 3rd' Harry Hayden; ojck butter n0i Dori thei evening the lad� es' of the covering from his recent sevore ill- I fr. D'YmEinl; I AS alr'e' congregation presented Mri - Teeple, juries, but he i a still very loi�mo fro, t Br nd Mr. Sproap, ha :)eeiL a haFores2pri conte,41ate holdillo a b �t as less' than 10 lbs, Ist P. Ga-rroll, 2d an inging �ot th6. 133 psalm and by Misses Sloan and Floody of the wife o the pastor, .'with a beautiful the -effects of the injury upon ia log.- attemb r of t 1yer. The tea adrvibe was pr(youred or 1.� Board Inoe '61 -I or van., ea meeth )a the 2 ad of Januel qau, and instrumental olo : vir a 3rd !John GGViOr. pr a B� er IIIIII I4 III4 I