HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-12-28, Page 6A Oaaifornia °' sin. The peculiarity of a da iforuia rain- storm is that it 'makes .no fuss about it, but +attends strictly to bu iness, and ac- £oq pushes more in a gwv n time' than tett Id appear possible fro m o any amount of 'bservation. One feel a senna of . dr . -cress, and looking fro the window see that it is raining ; th quietest rain in the world, the drops very small, and failing with no appreciabl weight. But step out into it, and it 's almost like Stepping into: the bay, the wetting is so Lapid and so thorough. t very rarely - happens that any wind a companies a rain storm in that locality and thunder and liglitt:i:ng are almost u known. The average length of a rain a oriel is forty- eight flours, the, water. (mingdowet. steadily and resolutely, w le from the hill -sides an unbroken she t an inch or more in depth rushes epidly to the reservoirs below,: until very stream hecemes a liver, every valley a lake. Bonetimes it continues so rain—though .not in thia unbroken wa -for weeks. But this is a rare case. A a rule, after about two days and nights of solid del- uge, it olears off, the rmers go to work, and the weather is oo beautiful tobe desoribed at all. Slee blue depths of slay, such acres of brills nt wild flow- ers. such wooda ablaze _ ith color, all :form a picture wh icht if au artist should ;represent truthfully, woul be at once pronounced gaudy, nnnatuai and out of taate.—People's Weekly, Winter Cloth s.. Whether winter suits are to be •trim- raed with silk or satin, made longor hort, dark or light, I do n+t know ; but do know that every hristian wo- man's dress ought to be m de up with e onscience. Otte -woman, has consecr ted herself, her possessions, her all to e Master confesses that whether she at, or drink, or dress, she.nlust do all to the glory of God ; that it behooves h r not to set her afectiona on things of this earth, hut to live as a pilgrim _tour eying to a better country; that she is o count not her very life too dear, m ch less her money, ,if by any means, wh ther by her own voice,or by the voice of s me preach. er or teacher whom she h :ips to sup- port, at home or abroad, she may preach the :gospel to some poor to 1 for whom Christ died. Another woman has: stake her all on the chances of heving a god time in this world., hasturned her ack on the Lord who would save her, nd has no purpose to follow his comm nds. She acknowledges that she o ly goes to church for the music and th dressing, and scoffs wittily at peop , who are teaching the Chinese to say catechism and sing hymns. - And. yet .there is no diffe ence to be Been in the personal exp..ntliture of these, two: ; in richness- of .elaborateness of trimming, i hante adressmaker's bilis, i andkerchiefs and. gloves an. the Christian vies with the the world. These things on to be. But it is a very . bar to settle, and it needs settlin over and over, with every dollar spen Lets no one think chat.ai, clear rule Can be laid d,.)w.n,and distr.) : tly fallow ed. For it is sorely part of woman Christian daty to: make hers If pietism, and attractive looking, first o all to he Own tome circle, and; th.•n t all 'e. that rest on her and nuW jut how f may :,he go in spending time nd mate for this purl) )se ? Any one ho tries t answer this question, ill a ma nt-r sa,ti. factory to a keen coos ien e, will b airriost, ready to long for ales abs) gess, such, as Quakers have, hat wool })ay thus fat and no farther. Blit some rules may be 1 id down and Borne bounds kept, and n w that th season for reviewing wardrobe is upo I would beg Christtiau w men, and especially those whuse inc rites ar ubundant, to siinpli:ty €their costume find moderate their expenaes. Should it not be Ea. rale t at molt midst not be spent for: mere .how ? I seems: bet card cont st, that wheteve semblance of right there ay bele buying thine useful Incl be n�tiful, n claim can he supported for ' t Ings' tha are merely " styliah,'i havip no othe irtue. As regards this theory,l think no Christian will say nay ; bu ah, the practice of it 1 It allows. a go d price to be paid, perhaps, for a good material because it tants better, and ill be o service to some poor person hen you are clone with Ai it may e en allow trimming for the dress that • ay see at first 4i= lit expensive, (th ugh here my grotenie get more ancertai ) beoause can't put poor stuff with nod ; but 111 you can wit trimming; for`; dollar vara, that will rirake your dee s just an unnoticeably i,ice one is ther any rea- ton for allowing yourself to' ive three or tear dollars for the trimixdn ? There lit a reason: of eoutrse ; it will ake your rens noticeably haudseme : that is, our neighbor will say : " ,sn't . her dress splendid ?"—if she is poo , and has to wear last winter's dress to ted, she will say with a sigh, perb.a s with a spice of envy, Oh hen, to be are, is a reason for the five dol tar trim fug! Is there any reason against it ? For answer to this question 11 b g you to tread for an hour the alleys o some of aur large cities Money given i charity is iuja�rious ? Friend, they pe d blan- kets' for the coming -winter ights ; rte\ er heard that blankets Wei e: injnri- oas ,. tho sick need medicine a bushel Or two' of oatmeal would pa new life Jut° Some little starvelings ;. hove all they needthe Bible, .and .:seats i church, eii 1 that surely is not injurious. How tri,ic:lst is left in yo it purse for these rik./Assities, after you have bought your winter clothes? Is it an !ambition worthy a fellow worker with tJlte Lord., that etre should be they best dr.t teed wo- man in her circle of atrgnain�ta: ces? . _. 1 again appeal to those who are well off in this world`s goods to set the fash- ion of plain dressing. They el a s() well afford to do it; it will powerft Ily itifl u- ence many people whom tarn words like these cannot reach, ate it will lbring comfort - to the great rii, rni,er of pooh 1people who perforce m 1st dress she said, with. an exquisite ar assort, you I feel quite -nice in think you are very saficy." B was a soft dewiness in her think the coat bugged ber the for my wor=ds, and I felt that right to say, Well done." ile; t, I I , and 1 It t' ere lyes. I war er [ ha .a One more word about t ese wi ter clothes ; when you get a' fr sit sup ly, t what becomes of the old one ? Do ot, 1,. because Wane is the nares 1 per on within reach, and beelines it! k eps er In a goodhumor, give her a Id ess t at she does not need, when you fight, by taking thought and trouble, ;,give it where i*is badly needed. ' I The picture our Master gi es tis the a�heep divided from the oats, of courses a terribly great fa or, : nd the one difference emphasized tw those on his right hand and tho nn left, belongs to this very matte' sof o n- sidering 'the poor. How • ma y of us this winter are preparing to . ear l e blessed words—" I was naked acid ye clothed Me."—Examiner. of is What is One Man's Meat .s other Man's Polio Good beef, good bread, exer.i shine, pure air, temperance, ale* abundant sleep, a cheerful ten+ a hundred other things, are•eve� meat, and no man's. poison. there are some thiugs which oi!i can hear and another oannot, b are of dpubtful utility. If you the good and safe in food and there is no truth in the old'' s ".What is one man's meat is A ee, st line er er a rna tistr i m t th. n. d e n veep o drin th:t noth r man's poison." This old saw is ma e to cover a m.ltitude of dietetic sins. Thousands of persons starve theinselv.s into thinness, paleness and nervonsnes�., by living on white .bread an s tine : t things, and sleeping too little. la things, cracked wheat, graham bread, a d bed, with plenty of sleep, would make the t. plump and ruddy.—Dio Lewis. I Why She Lost Flesli an Ha to Leave Michigan. A span ofponiesattached. to n em grant wagon, containing a `wothan an three children and various ho rebel goods, halted on Grand Rivett- averts yesterday to have a blacksmith set shoe for one of the horses. As the wo man seemed to be alone, or at least ha no man in sight, the smith asked : " Old mean sick?" s No, sir ; I bu ied hint op in the coun try,a year ago." . Then yon are a widdw ?" 1' I reckon I am, and my name:. is a Briggs.". "Which way are you jogging ?"1 Gging south est—miwybe into Iudi- ana." - " Got sick of Michigali !" continued the blacksmith, • atertal in hoof. extrava- expensive perfumes, ' wurua.ti of t ht not so question . over and " Well, the st slowly answered land, good schoo but I had to get Yost a pound a 'v last three weeks " Ague ?" t. 'a Humph t I p� i upset us ! No, si cold before I:ha. 8 It wasn't a mon t, s 'em. Why, sat iv; r' ! their tracks Were @8 house as cat trails th snow'.' ar ' ` Had your. pio 's Pick t Ilton g body from my h' ed mair.to a oh owned a section ,f land and. fon mills- They came singly and in d they came by da And you—yo `C Say, you !" ' ; drew herself u e idiot V' O n No, ma'am.' " Well, when I at the head of a give ap the X800 t you can call me e : pelled'em. r 5 " And they,got " They had to. second husband back end cif the . r " The girl haute a hickory club fo woman held it o said " There's hairs , sticking in the spl. nters, f stains are the pur: quill. whether they sat here ai v or tore down the rout f m hurry to read th : woods ",B' George," ' hisper e after a long inepe tion. ," Well, yon don't want to marry '`; s he pared away at the to is good enough," she Some mighty fine s and terrible weather, . ut of where I was. I ek right along for the 1.7 I 'd like to see the ague ! My husband wasn't an offer -(=f . marriage! h before I had three of ant six months before as thick aronnld my on e eh r" d have marrie (0 an:t b bight." anti= po sahw- roves;' e excl�iimed., : s she , do I look 1 ke an fling rn three of second husba in cash in my n idiot. No, s Snsa , hands epeller; It is agon." around and fis ed up r -feet ong, and the t for nspection and ildren and ockett ;1re- uak e that ri the: f six different colors Ad these blood= Yon can judge �i made love; nee in their „ • a the mith guess a " K4eet, sir.: I yon a.ve an old wido'ers in this t• wn, or if yoia know anyone between • ere an. Indian who that w'11 last al win- king up, just p :.'t 'ern me if my heart -don't my soul rattle a ound 11 me . arling 1" wants a headache ter without any 1 tip to begin to as yearn for love an for some one to 0 What a Goad Wi11 o Avco •shed. pl Disraeli married in `1830 a lady : o what older than himself, who ► ad a fair competence, thus lifting him from penur3y. The devoted lady who bpantie his, wife not only brought him a fo tune,; but the most valuable companio ship.: I She made- hers4lf•the 'minister .f his ambition with an-ektraordinary Ingle nets of purpose reiievii-g him ;of all domesticcares, at ending to his smallest comforts. warnin_ him against enemies,_ and striving to re .reit friends for him. Those who kn w her, remembe _ how; every Moulin •, hen she had s.:ttled her household aif.. irs with a quiet ' omi- veering activi she would sit do, n,to glance throe eaps of newspapers,. itlue-b.)oks, tc' spare fatigue. At his ten Ise heard from `tier all y, got the pith of the: Times, was tad of' d in his favor,. and seful budget of acts,; ae ecdotes bearing open; i h was going to d- iver. of his marriage a great' ver Disraeli. The 'ervid as . f his bachelor days e 1 orid imperfections of •erected ; he be' ante` sine than to p ease,. convince than a . use.'' scored for hi , so down all the ointa atching the eff ct of shots, and rep rung ly to him, so that he pressed under a epee wens. Only a an's. r him. plain y . A. few years ago l sat in with a lady who was aery rich degeiierona; 1 touched caressingl3 dingy winter coat the dearwo and' said to her in a low voice sweet and beautiful of you to shabby old coat; it mikes a w /nullity of poorer wo en feel able, when the new sealskin, you might easily have) a doze only make their in€agre att 'more painfully meag es." " Do !,yon think my coat . is B0 review, and even her husband leis o'clock break ast the' news of t e d leaders from the everything pr`nt: caften receivedla statistics, an speeches wide From the tins: cliarrge came c car seat self-assertednE nd very was put off ti' a rather his dress were c au wore, less anxious t How less careful t His sure helpeiat to say; marl ng that he made his conyersaticn: , everything fai hf could never fe 1 d of diniinishin pr habby ?' wife can do this f ear this mole con]- comfort- • f which, �) would re seem --k. • EST S^RAT RAY, nndersigned, ull t, on the 1 wee Dan have t ayi g damagoe EL ILLS. o pre>,nt 0, Oo sot bar, a re proviu s. L rem t. e • Con ember a ring tire ving p open TLE. f8 to tho ,r oesefo a yea lit er eau h payin STRAY STIE' .—Stray d of the unde,' l nod, L 1 nllett, about thie la•t, of Sep 'hit° teer, su pi, ed to bo, Sao wner•Can liar. t�, same of pr ay ng charges EIOMAS ILI j STRAY CA T E.—Carrie i the tinder igi) : d, lot 201,10o I'ry, o the 20t of ovombt r, 8 teere and two ' elf as. Th0 ow arm y•provit g p oporty d HO AS RAI • D. STRAY CO .-C?ame in 0 unders, gn a d l lot ; 21, putt the IS ..f °Nov emb ar years old. Tie own rovi MA H OS t f'the s•ion 11, n The• r'petty, R. WE 7*4 its sea n 13, re and he tend .x4 in Be of Stan - ,.four ryes tv: the th . 8 0x4 . t the bdrt, bclut n�oOn. TAM 64 14- t no er o1n g properly end pnyint#loh 'ST AY ST t o under. orry, Montt tin steer. IThe ow rope y and p ST Al: 913 tl a Uhi.era Plop ahoy t 1 mb. The �'w- roper ' and p • 0 prom taion grey ave,t Igoe: —Came nt the - re ars of d, lot 10,, co toessio i A, 1 isrn- Nevem er, a two yea old au have )e •anis ctn p cuing ohargeaa 'nos. Iior . 5x4 ;EF.—Catite nt ign d, lot 34 c. to 1 t of Sept m )er an have. ie yinchat gee the pre nces:licn j2 r, ew ams 0n r oiiN Ncto 83 isiof lac- )4 a titg JaL. -41 •ST AY HE oil the n nrnbe, ry, •tlbot y.ar old heifer s ch informati, e above will °LAREN, Wi STRAY SH. the enders 0 or about the w ther—both w s iueby provin C • SFLR WAL 0r WARD of the sob b rlaet live' st 'el.. 7.' ey.were i e 9th Coroa•ss t: a to .0 line Vit , em, • re mark ,8 me o ' them a ot can of give hley are out of iYiog s,car info every ill rend larOVEN UCS, FE Strlty d tom the pm -flees ,rsi nod, lot 1 , conee8si 4 11, t til 0 1st o$I s tenser, two f a:, eau colazt. Aa porsor. ;'vii,g n a will 1oa 1 to = )e zee v, ry f e uitably w; riled. 4' a T g1i jm,P. O. 83 4 the proms ssaion 12, e ram an can shay Ging oh Et' -(Jame into gnetl lot 10, el 1t+t �l Auguht, ite Theo n property and )Elit Dashwcd� Skived• frpm Briber about- the ere °tuning thr: heti d of about ti on, of Men of gullet t. d with 'T on e light color >ret.�t deso ip of 180 he d. Ano Ip mon ion as w i l load to t ei re - ie above reward. RHO AS liop, L`'tccubor' 1411] 8830 37 c V0 i lop Pa the td the Pro 5th of Ncveni- e or foul ears o weeks at o op going to t, if note plate or r nd somt ion of the) ell of ene day, the rgeh. .84 n18 8 ar s 1 t iI . :ark, as BER SRIR lee &Lie $'Alts A, a Th g was b. ed by 0 ortei st the , id and i et, been'ht into a 1: at t 'e time o ruin: if neves G. ---The ur doreigned th Ipresent a ason at hie will his is yen igs ay - of 12 keel during he on 9 Tucks mi clap stock. ge ter fine f servic wi SER VICE — hetunilereigeed will keep co daring the pre. ant season, 4 his p Berkshire Bo Terms -81, ayable at of eeiyice with th privilege o return n eery 1110-8 AR McKEE. 86 BERKSHIRE P keep for ben ice t 24, co/mission 5 him. Pig Teri trk iivi br for he if G.—The nn FOR SERIVIC ..- The un eep on lo 8, Con ession ugh bred ege of retere ng lk der. This rrie of neces ar '. oar Pigs or sera ibe at Rodge lig fad unloading -owe. ersigned esent se is horoughb lar with ill ed he is a super or R013 T horougi ville as u Terms- lAARS bled re of Or Eceul ft eke hire .oar, to ehi er SOR's —The lin sent spa's ereas $1, pay bl at the ersigned horough Ns in 1 t 21, con rong Wired nks ft So ides Term e with the Pri 1, if In n the time of S.1- elk Boar. This animal 1J payable a of returilin Ile s. BULL OR SEIM u - HA en% ed will -ee Lot 21, oncessio 3, HE ARMERS BBEE ELS OF' El e. red ;' 8d-1 hey ill produce 001114( er I the hest sty e. The Suffolk. are ttri ell -known hi cd, nd havei th ir ad s and see them. Th se pigs ‘011 be k p m• a Hotel, Hi Ito Read, HIlle V. 1 A K, oprieto L8 BEEN has urchas field tis well 11 kef p for se Sn• el st pi Roy lq at fie tin tette of r irurnin 111 int e 011 er ha A LA & Bros It, BE d by alt Flour exch desiori Alen Bren twee • -vie at his piemises in 11 ter Ca tint" an 1 his gia in England, 'als at It, e p r. 81 x20 KIP EN OH oNEVI f these every DON nged fo rompt on Ha Re wel hin ed ti I known and p pule mil turn out a. art cle f IT FOR wl eat. Chopp d, nd sold at 1 the owe. t ar Us. IN, HURON LEG r, Conveyane Po tTo�. 131 ek, Main Street, dot a Office, Goderich, die. Private money to of in emit. QFY1OX- -tr et, Goderfoh. 774 i 686 ON, Barristers, • lend 8, Solicitor, t lowest rete aro and We ABM .Pron AMMO , HOLT 1. Solicit re in (thane 11. fo ta• king 8 loiter fo BYER, Bs davits in th the Bank o te loan tidier nd Attomey st ii slice . Commis norm Pro i co of Manitoba. to 6 er cent. 688 ANNIN Conve of Johnston EYER Bloc piamilto its in Man t cit. Luck VEIL LOF TE with ney to lop do r), c_ippost le (I. Farms SOOTT encore, &04 Tisdale 4 28 SCOTTI. MCKIM IC 00n1Inis lo ba. Private ow offiee'elve US ol el nor ters fond y W th. dOAU FE ce in Ca Trig EXPOS TO 0 term, SA/ oney to tario. Bank loan. H. 781 s for the Bank taking] ffida- o loan at per 738 NCE riveyanoorJ dot. Moe, Cardno's 786 Ala M Block, (t ound thee. AI ey to 0 830 Partner ersigned fi hip hereto or aP this da The busioe o be arried on by MR. de te due to the firm wi wil pay and discharge al th firm. Dated at Seal r ST D. Witness, ANDA of eats en d bte Gil OA F. HOL MUSTER, &r. Lalw Main Street, Seater th. 1 ng between the seolved by mu - late firm will D, to whcke all y and, who no and owibg by 21st day of De- ; F. HOLNILE- ER. E Dy 08104 Scott's );Ilock, IVICCAUGHEIfit *0(3—Scott's look, LICITOB &a. Law Main Street, Seaforth. 785 01. MP IMMO an ly att n to e are all wil b ten in cia e - all tt en e. FO to info rnished nd it is it nvenient ion to the it a share well furn kept sup ve and tr ndance. ember th derieh St NiPt.f3R1 IrHE oya CARM MES his old fri rdii; and the trial el - hotel buil hag, die hes thoreti h- totels t e panty. By st et wants of his custonters he ho es hed and well heated. The bar lied with the best, and an fa- st worthy "tostler will always be Good sampl.e Nitrite for Com er- "Runt Hotal,leorlier of ale wits, Seafortb, 733 MES W GE L IssvErt • ROROk EXPO Tfiti ESSER OEN TOR OFFIC prietori SES 883. 1-J IFJ 1 0,11.811 BUY entatiena amenisernoweir ECEMBER 1883. LOUG.ELLIN' S ERS WILL 11 ND THE FOLLOWING G-OODS AT SPECI PR CES TO CLEAR : DRESS boops, OIES, FLANNELS, BLANK TWEEDS, HA S AND OAPS, MILLINERY, -MANT ES AND SHAWLS.. The pub profit. A lo in exchange. ic are es, as of Fin UGP amine these gootle and prices before akin ned to clear the lot out for CASH, regar less of se prices. Butter, Eggs, Lard and Talk? taken IN Whitney's Bio k, Seafoirth. LO A PLO W ar pad 9HILL. D im Pa sto feri To Sh of bef ert duties It, import PL Genuine Soulh Bend S 8E. SULKY PLOWS, iUS 'RECEIVED AT 0. C. ILLS014 sold at aid pri the su boo ri ber k is exhausted. Call an see r article.. Every low gtfara onto Mow rs, Torento Cord rp's Rake , all of Which will re buying a machine. es, bei an bl notwithstanding the inetense of 10 p r cent. g determined to keep those valuable Plows in Fifty of thein a few days before the ris in the d to sell them at former prices until the present those Plows before buying a common in- n teed to give satisfaction ort no sale. re tend Massey Mower's, Toronto Reapers satd Bindera and Massey's Lbw Down Binder, Riad e sold cheap and on reasonable terms. epairs y stock or the above machines. Don't: fail to see WN, Main Street, Seafor0. NO14' THE OTS AND SHOES, AND C VEWITRY'S SHOE STORE Is t e place to buy t stoc of Factory Ma and I cannot be made I Will not CUT can uy the best M But I will guarantee chetipest in the end, Don't Forget min, if YOu e 1C400ds lis 1 Old by *ICES in terial, and o give 00 apt to get the best value fo your money. y the different lines, rge and well assorted in,a1 ny house in the trade. Sta OUSTOIVI MADE ri RK as ni3 man ay to have work properl made, and 4 THOMAS !COVENTRY. Is 0,e rld4e to col r kept con jus SUG gene as L 71282 6071. N. Accurcttely filleid with SIJC488OR ME D1CAL HALL, get ure Drugs, Chemicals, and P At s and Dyes in eve0 shade n tantl n, hand. Customer' s ,21(1 et/e Zit every respect. We have clso ou fi? e assortment of i4orted g d4, nd n any o her articles tool .numerou car Next Prescriptions C, (irefully de patch. nd oor to u can ?t Duncan's Dry Goods Store, eafort4. be DECEMBER rBER $, 1883 HARD TIMES. HOW TO MONEY. ney being Scarce, every perseit nts to know where thley can get tht t value for what they have to spend H solved the problem. He has o Fresh Groceriee, for the holiday sea son, as oan be found' in the county His Teas are choice and good value and his Fruits are fre h and cheap, A trial solicited, Any quantity of Gond ork and Beef pn Chased, and the thi hest naarke4 • ork -and Beef IE4tros, Bacon an(i Su sages always on hand at the Cheap St re, No. 1 Stark's Bleck, Seaforth.. HUGH ROBB. KING'S SPECIFIO, sure cure for Dyspepsia, always On PERFECTION AT LAST and few equal_.. on, thel ontinent of America for Manafaetnring Roller he only ier Mill in the Connty, which new has no superior, r. 'The Bread Question of Vital Importance, by Rollers now in full Ope*ation. er Flour brings] from $1.25 to $1.50 p r barret.more than the best Flour t made by tlz, .01d Process. Fanners will in all cases get their cpwn wheat ground,i and by our new Bps - tem get a stronger, whiter, richer and etter grade of tioar bY far than the public -has hitherto been- able to get. riRemember, there is ne humbug or ex- eriment in our adopting 1 the Gradual eduction Systen3.I Our new system is t °rough and reliable, It has been thdroughly tested, and proved a great access iii Hunearte -G-erinany, France, nglaiiid and the? Ukiited, States. xtensive change at a heavy eost, and we guarantee better Flenr DOW. One trial will be sufficient tb prove oar as- sertions correct. Our facilities fo thisi class .werk pend:On getting th ;ir eh° .ping done at once, Be elite and:try eu Unions new ear, Our Saw Mills -alb piondville and Brucefield in -full ope tion. FARMERS, IT Wit PAY YOU —TO CALL AT THE IH URON FOliNDRY, N AR THE KOH SCHDOL,SEAFORTH, And see our stcic of N4hieh has been Made 4Specially for tills county. I have greatly improved my Gana Plow foe thie :seaeon, and feel .satisfieribin ,saying that the best in the Market. Our! ' LAND ROLIJERS e large and heayte runinitig 'light and doing good work, Our GRAIN CRUSHERS A e made from hard iro , and will last lo ger than any other aehine made. il R Hers, we can guarant e, ;satisfaction. S ecial attention given to repairing S eam Engines, Sew mad Grist Mille, a4d all kinds of machinery eepaired on s ort notice and at reasonable -rates. T nontrectors a d °Oil — Bridge' 'f" Also agent for the ilooplements o L. D. Sawyer, Hamilton. 1A full line o repairs constantly on hand. THOMAS HENDRY. !a THE rideraigned, having !vett appointed agent for the - CONFEDERATION LIFE ! ASSOCIATION, Is desirous of it during the livesof ell the citizens of Seaforth and surrounding cenntly, so as to ' make ea tisfac to ta provision tor families and friendi in case of death, This is undoubtedly the best Insurance Company doing business ir Canada at present. A look at the Daily Globe or Mail of May 1st,1883, will satiety any reasonable man of I this faclt. Call at once on ! JOHN BEAAgTre.ntl,Esseaforth. .1 N. B.—Money to Loan on Oarm or Town i Property on the easiest terms of payment and at intirHt. 80i ECEIIBER ', : rti' g NI,z0e.:rnsi-,Ner°11 4reets arrived itii tie a //Spared with 40,000 tl :0 t-t:::Peuri:inwrjoefri:isitjnaaurukoki:ciilli looking very ill 'and f,.,4 1:0ai jaan,:d!cethniei4e;42111‘elva.bistiitiic:ietn3:::::_sr,dt: NI 8,73rdipitibw eases to this: season. hotil in Ipivd b000nrciaelruele.v.itIl'iai".ie„0114)17idii, p to tharaorkrize hie gait atture_40::Aotb1,0,i3:te:4'tili.)e.defahs,Ifior,u,,.1, rithIlii wa,13I-ei pins:hoes:el:4;w:: 3.:13.6a:re y0 .:1Geti:w. Sul;_rkiiistritit.: tetPerti.t.alittu itn.: re rowIti:rkili4".;5tet . ,ogftfoll;;:iiti.:. aowlsik: yNid 4;;N:::::a.fitIliw,:tterah;::.: - I:lel-469'T:: silic)::1 tlet:11"4,:i.; sistartLlivd,c,;•epri;t5tit,:!...-)eacrsaic brieln tor hunt and friyi:::: portraite that the oep parente. Old they ellipe ter to P.i.rthibti. Atter i CeTeinOny'. there was ii, -1--One xtf the Iareest . .1730DCHOne:14;41 li*O: nay2:igjt:1)5:°t;.41:,1111I4;( liclu:r:11::: slilit:14:14,:l tt:ifrer(2''';'31;:- ';r''':;::_,i'. , calv4s were branded in I- .jr-iA. speciaUto the Cl Farqualter, elf Vort Id broeder, bad 4,4 head of: t. cattle fer dee quaker, too. $3000. 1 forte_to oyez' so far. bate -uueuecestful. !scene of 'o biett is Juid at be 'e.iirreti thet he' has up'. With.. 121,1re thau he be4-4--ul. itiosis)i.t.,13;a11,vraircitatnelut .sw eer0 that loin be extau eraiue .50 1,,, ettire hence. iin piirvilulj,g4 ifl Stit1;61111:1141,2it;',1111i: 3relia.e.sshltvnail:,:esiillgatihr,:%(vti , is the *ost inassive and six: inCI4es through-, anu seep limn a. wornan's be her hair bas already att4L, ---Aidespatch from. The ferry boat; G-saden 111)1101.1:lees,. Navtezoto,:iolintatb,beu4 gerS and employes ese 4300 aid rhadtjust left till eviak tO Long: Island :City; burst rorri. the deck a -• The engines Were ,revers,•:„ baciked into thle slip, butt reanlitid the bri4le th In a desperate jump tOi the pilots INtiii4011 .diSlOCO, illame$ and. relielied the fl olothiiig•t all : ablaze. i)41:44.1.4,roli.egahPtil..te°ptilltretr ahtl: I:Latin-1 f\- cte rarsy e ahyalid's ,L'ttirnr 117SikS of the ferry slip ronT:Pr.-1-24alls.-i-IC,,°Bc°Iyila-ithGoiA014,' ' tions 43f ',digestion- and may sine', as many, &ate by the Judiciotts inle of diet that ti, -conetitution. iii.yi'bi4lt on nnti1 stir esist every teildegcy t,.1 alallbdillTedb±,- 3:Ciktibn*s l'''11 1 s patbic -Chemists, Laudon,: t r Please Read the inriter ,is Mr.1 W. oonaulted two :doctors II my lather'sfamily die til)Qr3i.1* illsoanra3sni341inoweniarl y •