HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-12-28, Page 4411166 C t IF�7 q V t] ti Ot W 11 DECEMER 28 1-8 Hie pbysi. bas been teacher in the school over I& 6, the cause Of Wh- 3 i neces. Ofark's Brid le was axi I � ge some time past. She )roahing double we ding.. The belore the taught in bar us %I place a week ago 4 the parties interested being W. -estored. Fridwy. � Miss MacCormack was greatly T tin d favorably known througbeut tb 3 Bsor'Brooks beloved'.by her ' scholars, and highly section, gave rise 'to Much congratull. v vii ible to respected by all who had the pleasure tot comment. Tbe.partleg in2mediat(. ' y iulot a mass of her acquisintaince. y concerned were Messrs. Wm. st, I a large —Mossrs. Do.cherby & Co.., of the f Mexico, United States, and &be 9 a line ap- Clinto. organ factory, made their first f8cox, of Chicago, formerly . of D icler a and shipraiiant of a caiload of organs to Lon- sianon, who had ome to c will grow dou, England, laA, week. I h1eir American hot es two of Dungan. f To nuaky, —Mr. Clark -Murdock, formerl� of' 2C We fair daught) rs, in the persons of )n January Hallett, writing fom Cavalier, D kots, A sees Xstbia nd'r V z in.nie Caswall ra. uffider date of the 126h inst., says: MUY 01) actively, daughters of -the Rev, ame; -The Gov. just say that vie am having thd most 158'swell, Methodist � Minister- Th w sdouring beautiful winterj. ever saw. I like* the Poppy event was ebu-summated in thii mt flagrant count y more and more evry da.y� My Imeithdist chtircli iat 5 o,el r, ock wedne, aefipatll. cr9p ii;rnn OU very well this y�awr, I Ida y evening., Dedewber 19h, the fath *a Scores o a US e, E O W Oa, 8, a ri as o tin , a&sisted by th )no actual and 200.of barley and I have 175, Reres VIV. James Fi,SY,er, of I lYth. Th 3 have been for.crops next yet r. I have, in � a 1 320 obrch wasfille4 ith frtieudsWho III ptioll and, sores of land within three miles tf the ome to witness the eere ony. jicb. crops thriving toWn of Cavalier, eight! from , he nuptials were -com eted, the ust, Pi 7na yeal-, but Batlogate and amilton, my t4arket o),gratulations followed com, tOWDS. CL 3V of Some thirty 1 vite gaestig re, —On Satrday laRt, as Uesia".W. , . A, rps';ed to the Parso"g,"a (2 'be wedding Sutborby and James Swallow were cut- per, nd pleasitnt a ening ting thnber in w at is known Ris 'Quin- Ilowed.. v 11 ;ate of the tolo's swamp in swrDe, Mr. SN�,allow -.-The G640rich Signal Of last wee, ve'decided had big right leg�lbroken betwoe# the ays: Rev. Father Wat tera, of knee and the thigh. He was Btu- d,iDg 1, etees, has received. fro _Z1. 0. cam usse. a has with big back to a tree, watching the rcn, Al. P., an exquisi�e -and valuabi, .,,siaeuce of topr of a tree,wbich wis alling, when if J, being a crucifix �axld rhalie the end suddenly swung ound and- cured at Tivola, Ital 'by M . pro i Y, , onsiegnem Peter Me. struck him on. thil leg. The fractured T. Kirby, bisbop of Tita, and Sent froxt Grey', I&Bt limb waB set, aud.the patiem, i� doing hiE residence, the lrisll� college of f $1,700. as well Ats cauld be expected under the torical ,lots, and sp his, of. Tuck. circuU.38tanC68. 4ially blessed b His Holiness Pope L�o X11-1., for t A. Couch —The followitig are the officers -6f St. recipient, Rev. Fath I er Watters. Th( eigbed 240 Elmo Preceptory of Knialits T-emplar gifxi was 0 consigned to' M. C. Cameron for the current term: E. Sir Knight, N1. P., through the agency of Waser [into has Jos. Beek, Presi& ng Principal, Golder- IHanaly & Co., banhors,Rome. TU ?I antlakeis job ; Sir Knigbt Y. R. Counter, Con., it. Qilfflo i Seafokth ; Sir Kti uht F. F. Lawr�ence, cracifix is of eloony, artistically inial -4 with Mosaic work hi. tc�rdiiial and bluo Marshall, Goderi-,Ii; Sir Kni,4hf; A* diRmonds, on which a Cii . rb repesented the, a farming Worthington, M. D., ' Chap. n ton ; I di&r6t implements 04' toAure used at La-vir g sold Sir Knj,cjht M. Nicholson, Trea4urer, the crucifixion. The f1lPre of Cbris 0 ucd i tendij Goderich ; Sir Kti� ght A. McD. Allan, crucified is of ivory i I of exquiile work;, Registrar, Goderi-fli ; Sir Rluig�t A. Ima, iship, the crown of thorns, be-i�ng par4' res''dence Taylor, M. D., Sul) Marshall, Goiderich. tict larly Mae. The Ce Utre of the oros 101v erect- —The Gorrie' Euterprilaq SaYsi ki � : A isur -ounding the heaa, is Ornamented �0, no.w party of his friends 'gatbered �ti Mr. 1 is ;wit a ray representilo go �'be halo of glory. Will. W. Pelotland's rt-sidence ' just south of Gorrie, 'ast Wednesday It 4en 17h) base of the crueifi2i is surmouted iat be top by two angals Seatd at either lot aearly 1119, and Presented him with an elegant �cor aer. In the centre is a gilt shield, co I day last large Bible as a to�ien of the es�eEim in whi ch the E ceo Hom, Is represented, i 4. i for� some which he hats beeu held by beml ditring �Arc brid the bottom:of tie base is repre. the time he lias 1,een teacher in j S�,hool sell ad in gilt the T"m Crusis, findia sup. beell were Section No. 18, H�Nvick. Mr. Nxitland POr[ed by lion's claw' -s 901a. On the C has been a valuied as . t t ession", of Big an a the top of tile cross Scroll with tb and. their Gorrip Canada IMethodist Sa buth 01 i I et t ar� I. N. R. L corners of thell dogs that School, and in the Iudependent, �'rder crn,,ifix are liands,ome y � i I flisbed witU Good Templars ilodge, find ba;s, well gl& . I I 1U . Th chalicel is I of gold, and isil mro, while merited this tells 11110nial. He! takes labolt 1J fAet high. jTbiibasebasai idge a few ob arge of the LO elet seb ool af t r X � riew wret-th of leaves 6nej�.oljjlgi, ab ut I Year's. . I i .1 t, aniong, I I wbi -1h heads of ange:ls read I -as i C1 e nterspe. mail of, Bild 'above these �stai id t lefoures of! Kin of th� —A young named Eli Wh - ' o resided It, k1lb ��t distance Of Abraham. Moses arid A iroi ,the pillars Lualinow.; Winchelsea, in 'Us orDe, died veryisud. of the Mosaic law. 1 The ic Butre of the ass stant denly lasb Sunday.niglit week, of: 4eart cha] ice ig,compoSed �of pillars in which a h4d walked from; his a stttuette .,,in Place iiSeage. H of tb a aadonna 8 Ant Bur- resioned. home to the Bib'e'Cbristiala' charld"ll at t) . i - - mollinted by the cup,k')n,Ybieh -,Our Elimville, to attend evening servie, Lori I's Supper" is b�aatjfal y represen.t- ropn�etorg and before the seimon was over be..was led in the chasifo ich, have- Observed to leave' the `cbureh. He�i had ,)liab ment just sufficient strength to walk- agr&gs the �ait- the road to a riehblourfing bouse, when Sight-Seein itor akes he w�pired. Mr. Clark wag a trios# ex- 9 1A Old on -don. emplary 11 (B7 Urs -Dr. Graham, tar rly k Mussels.) bruary. you -nig Man, and his deatIl in 1; I M� . - daitahter the prime of mianhood. has caab a gliom DEAR EDIT -)R T!". I you P, mizeic count of SOM3 �Of O: wil's inter- 3rich, was over the aommunity. T an f a liad- —The follow building rotea are astir g Sights, I will egi with the n of bar, reported from ikayst Wawanosh .- 'Mr. Itate -n%tional Fisberies Exhibition, a to her Thing. Ross h4s eqnopleted the a4dition jwhi(h closed on the. 31 t etiobir. It tend a re. be was putting toillis barn.—Mr. a,hole was hald in the Roy4l, Magill purposes'eiectincy a stone h6use Society�s buildincy, � whi6h covers 23 acres of Ground. k, a, flue oil his propertly xx�xt year. Mr. T ' Thei iobject of this CI nton Potter 1) as abou� finished the bt i-14 Ind ex bibition was to brin 'he'f 161� products mident of of big brick house�,—Brew Williams � in- of each country togatUer behekno from Expel- F;nce gained by .. r I season of tends to build a bkrn next year.--�Thos. . t� 7ai ilar ,prev 10 9 i the At- Taylor i's haViDg his min lrepiined; it o0casions that indutries de'iive great )f it said will soon be in v�orkiiIg order._I��ugb lo nefit and stimulus in ltb% Way, and Ross- and Jame cGill contei�plate that ach in rofit by the la conces- 'building houses, .xt year.—W-foa.;1 Love experiece of the otheri he English on TueB- has let the contra'ti of getting, hi� bara p �op�e have been broughit to, see that it xs. Her repairea, some. o� !the timber and the is pohsibli for them' i to from the nota, and roof is in want of ma, - ention. colo�is't or foreigller. y could not in the —Loyal OrangO Lodge, No.! 825.!hivebe-_noonviDced:of this, ex-cepCing Her re- Chiselhurst, lield tlicir annual meetin, b ii pi ,aetioal display but vi hen foreign g emeter . a few days ago, wIllen, the followin iDffi- P od ice is brought' si4a by y 1: ritisli, tbe-q are ii trained by strength ast �week cars for 1884 w re elected: , ., 1, - con , . . . , evidenc( ;,Cl _ rculation Brother James nell; D.' im., O. 3 to a,�. wodg� that they 3tand for Brother Johni Br7nriuell Secret a *8 being left beb�- d." i A, �.ertaia por- T,i!p 4ry' tj on of tbis t at the Brother Richard largebuifdixl� vms allotted vingotone ; Tre'as- t E)iDg Very rer, Brother Jo WA. C* t . tb a exhibiti3 belongin g to each coun. bed that Chapla txy, and the Dumber of inte sting uxti� in, Brother oseph Corbett,,, let brc a alit committ � dies hieb were brpuhtlto ether here ee Broth,31� Andrew Latta 2d l... v. as , mazing, not onliy,i s one might committee: Brother' George Whiteman 1a; frst suppose, Bpor dent 3d committee, Brptper Samuel Jeffeiry; t everything that tbecon- 4th committee', Br�ber A. Whiteman p �rte iiis to the'sea an sea-lif a. Amongst 9r. Wirt. 5th committell', -Birother Wm,,' Henry t- le different dis lays !wee those of irte ber. director of ceremonies, Brother George -reaj' Britain, Spaixil NN4w 8weden, 'hinai Mated States barn in Bolton. usda, Delmark 1, lost feel- —Goodwin Ca4apaigne, bari at; d '"janad. There' w43,re fish in all i pr of c0nditiong, livi- ody, and Leamington, who had been attending �P )Bsi )10 , pg and dead, ).d o: I his court at Sarldwich, Was, taken. W'ith a- :6, TIM d, canned, lamplied 10 diied, salted, I kPperad, in Shell,, e!tc., ftom the" little severe attack of hemorrhage of 'the _131111nows in the fish bat,Fberies, (for t Inn 8 at the InterILation*al Hot 1, W -rie, me 9 a ind.. lay tb at sor, on Wednesday of last w6ek, and, m hie a Canada a S olit prominent) to the great whal re I Ithough he was much impro, Ed on Ahtty et'long, While a Pv pre ai inted only in the a, elet-qu. There was e. caught Saturday, he was taken.worse �'on�'S, - 1 4 afrnrdr day. and died R�t � o7cook 1 :all Man, very other species 'f imaI that on S-undav 5 till the bare. fall, : I evening very suddenly. He h ad i been walking abonb the sittin g ro6ml an h6ur it habits, specimelas the water,ai we 1 as of marine plants, shells, numeros glass, nothave I % . before. He w a about 35 yearA old 'and- fspoilf Eli,: cgral and pearls, itbte two latter M'Ple ' I I k1 or i s, at I 1 unmarried. 4 had been P c! "Ing p ade 9L i to the most UU17 U6 ' 6BI 118 Of beer NEW ADVD, RTISEMENTS. Rwuk manager and a few other fi, things, making a total OF of $8000 )61 tion. I I vr,ter to!dc .. the libel aa� ,,-� 01,111 Pon 10 tl ae! parti6s Risen 11 -hrat Colanoi 6 to a re o deoid fer0no to tb e upo. the v 9,1 Privy odffered sev rely frompain. 01 Ins declar absolu. 'te repoi 199 -The 4gure, between the pare uthevis after annum. ought to Satisfy.& �1 of figh- r.ithbr Plvvethis!l , t bee His parents residei in Goderich, Where Be ry. It wi I be Bome time per - m6re am saah line, denotes the page of the ps er On whi"111 bitioug man than even Mr. Rogs� tatementsi Or ileded retiacl a am. it will of - the awar I madle by the I bou dary Czaes bealtilt is coaj�pletely 'Tnic Me advertisement will be totuld. Rodgerville Cheese Factory Meeting. We were not the Signal h a be seeli h b 'O' III t ese� P oints arbitra tors, nd inii the' even' t of that Comm! OF 181�. Prof, (5) surprised at Suffolk Pigs for-Bale—Geo. IlaweB- (5) or New Era giving a mangled - ai,id no.;. Courf4il rod a, small poted thot t : -ea'sion or: award not being 'a asto6ined then 1. : Elite to a tb con �et of 1812, is no Estre.y Oattle�John Drover. (5) truttif u -I account of the. affair, but we a i)x,GT1 e, and t at thl el iae I by thel libei true boundary, E 'a d the ex ei P 4848 of �qe naked eye as a Small ne iq the constellatio'n iof'Sygn, Notioe�—Heary­'Eilber. (5) must confess to surprise, at the !Expos. wr ter '.0 t a T.me sixx�ply ;o excu 36 an! the eference to be portioned �r de -telescopes tbe comet plesem Notice—W. J. Shannon. (5) IT--�a giving such an Tackeramith Society. _,hinveraciono 61nd Lin Usti flab a M . ast oided by the Privy C:)uxioil.i �hfa age pearance, wibh a st4r4i 118 h ;om' Agriculturaf t (5) partial sttemen, of case. Ten t'if also Elated t at b � Ld 4r. Ross is obeplacedbefor)-tbel suspei clad above and supported another irivy ! do. a oil large coma. . The o at Dollars Raward---:Geo. I orrence.(5) Caution—John Trover. (5). We did hope that We would not be *p )Oar 3d ti of re the C Ileil p(r'sonaliy, at once and will like Y-1 is i 13it yJ de­biligloter till the lattertpart —EXPOSITO Et Office. (5 Farniture for Sale required to refer to thig unpleasa t mat. r r in I staf edhia the D, inion, encircled by the miale. eishe cdalinue, in the cided bytbe close of bieyol� L, .At hc�ugh iti; peribelion passage being 26 th. Rails for Sale—Andrew GovE nlock. ter again, but the above aiticle 1whicli o8itio-i untiL gas j',on, he,ra,u ally I th tbo ConseiVative pre Be �a 6, for DAKOTA LIND Git*13BERS.- Oti. —R., .-Cartwright. Election N ce I., last appeared in the Exeter Times . I Iroobeding i at bi-,h ;ve II&V,8 )ODdI811111161, &based Mr i Mowat ., )ecaus6 he I 4tild farnment to Beers -are xic t4rougb Dah to fcxrot week,and whieh was undoubtedly in. I not actually written by P1 t T -a x 0 I t.0 f. spied if SOME iffo Id I at not ave is 0 It I 4eelattie T�isfitata- '&I gbBird El not, under the the, Dominio eqndi a, Gover lions ro Poe imenli, conge a! by ota i C413EIS (if latd grabbingow bi to 11 f rbm Lannon- - flays iere a �be 'PE ttle little creatures Scarcely discernible ath was* to the Fri. v 4 ",on n i � ihey therlE ig member of County Counci:, is I sic ��bsitrd, be aUS The rost of this departme ' ut was Wall thfiGollneil had I efore: r"el Brence, � I , elhims wher � Dot outragdously incorrect and so PilpkbI3 BEAF'O-RTH,FRIDAY, Dec. 281, 1883. hem Mr. R)sa k a, statelme � I it to TI6 v 'abuse a: m, eq utklly E1 �b c4ago trcnglyi,b 3ident- Mim re ly lof rbo farm d un,der libe Pre -on — beard that we would' not be dealinE liat effect, a A ti flitay Dersilsted in I be assents i o areferenceupon v ry 111i H,)mestead Act, rona South Huron' justly with the public did. , we all ow, il . - I er . petrating `h, t I is U e Out g ? �nt als mo O e, him of 41 a ond acking itio as, and Owl." C use have k,een token y ar aft is, ich The notnizatio fdr this coastituency to,pass unnoticed. Inorder t efote a, as the r ter W 1�. the me ' howev backing clow a c tho ro w' conta n 11 ad u I d ��ook place in the to-wa hall in this town, to do the writer, as Weil as the, in ajor nqws, the Co n )fv I mbors cf,the'i lev rx�e er,iac I n att of YU Thursda, before J&mes Dickson, ity of,the Council full justice, e pnV Sit &�,q., Raturning Officer. As, Was gen- lish it in fall and give it the aeal Joducil. We d nE held ad a), b El 0 o�u Tuesday rlv, re Mr. arrived Mr, Mowat, or,, -poEedal ost in Some asimilir vea-ft iigo ile ngelfbnit �ro- 'E'ur 6tes. to The exe tore of the w be the af ) ose t he Dominion Govern Mont to t1ift 00W b wally i,Uticipated would case, possible PrOM-illence,tLIthough the great. OV 1, nd tt If i at ��au� usl it 3te Was L 'ent�ared 6' I here wots no opposition to the return of or part of the e:ffusi6 n is Sim pl - repi. n i ipon a Ell 8 ap, i0a uts, a*, r i tobetw een On Jat 10 &I '�ys to continue fie b U14i �ep D 11 bin Richard Cartwright, and titer wait- titionsof the same, clial olot led -ir ')r..H(Imes.rao.IvIVg all Majority of obit,. Mr. the, MOwat Was k1w voi r, i6l of B lin arges 9 - pu rob &Bed fill a co'-n'fc rt�ble i ag the required time Sir, Ri �, ard wag slightly different words. The hole otes he, was ma;de t le cauc a ot bba� the diispute tdi: sLoa�d be e Eq: -red Dr. Holmes in th t village. Ittlydeclaredelected. At tha conola. ]however, is intended as an apo g fol ly for tbf I rel Bur ta hip,. I Lad Jjr otly tb t In the; 9 P 4 ( I r! �]( , P (ling —The auction ale of Mr. ion of these proceiaJings those present loriustifictition of the Council I t:11 , alim Inembdrs epairea to Cardnos hall., he de- I- dismiq'sitlig the Co of the I 'a0cus ere ph idgell I ',be validity to 1 'he first que4ion of theawardlwe�e`)pada at E a the Donald, irl Me to lish P- of week amonuted to t 0 sum cou- whEre arily 11 unty riliksai I 've,red, to a large andience, - C no of the r and appointing another in ll�, isl; Lis Bul I fuse Port c t h a"' t wjl� ME ml fars I I who ;rul of the territory - ro�eil r Nided —Mr. Johit Land b roug' er mith, sold to M1 lost able -&I speech! eE that has s. Staed. (1) that Mr. Ra6,� bl�d Sed to a li:16d d t tie -cau I CUB. . or n the trein time, but th Db 'Ilion of Clinton, 111st a . a tb at 1 politic '3- -conAituexlcv. t mill thus! b ��E ifaii that, as we stated, fu4d t1bes4 luds. Vor made the statement pi ad been delivered in thiE� nhlic�ij pri tile lign Vilih le &obe 4idii M r ally ag, Ka- act wtJorities fit outif rdily rf etlons. po Jo:3. Willati, Ve have not time for f arth 3r details -vatelythat he intende( ; (2 - 'It I anddriedi�tb.E this, issue that the Consqvati,re caucils, rb � war tE I 1 BEcondly,to-retaill1ful d, first. tc igoor th�. ic �j r. Y, of ward loolialit out tl b Kinburn hotel I trol i amd must reser 'i'v a report on strength of th6se ,stae. End even W Mr. ROBB 13om( before the it . - I . poisoesiolaa th ls t of'W"ay n( 1 f this, meethar, until next we nt ments there were otiber a.Wie a m 016 ae i I a1A 0 a i is kned 3 Pie ELded to ! Vf the tertit)ry be leavilOnt),irlo penclit g pro edip 8 A - 9111 i F83 be price. Efi Fisher, who as. be( i the -position; (3) that Mr. Rogiti ha,1C. left lo, le.1a til Me Jandialry Session, the Y_ osa inthematt6r 6111 I 111 fo two rs i a I la .0ta, The School- Re'. acted discourteously to the Council and result wouldihal,E) i it been Ohe Alma. f thir 411y, a re �'erehee But, to thieSt rex�i you urt oil t ere, lias rot irned The, TorontoGlobe of Thursdayraakes- itFj h committee,- and (4) tha be, ac i - i I urtha� state.cl t4t the 11-ef I of 1C nads, wi rm th the privi fief Of' all eml bu ing gaarni in 1po%orna' [le following important announcement: made threats against mebero, bf tbE, uienbel-s leld I cauc bs and seleeted i to t' a Pri iiy Coutficil of 141log �nd. us- —Mr. John Goirdmils nev We understand tilat the 'Ministor of Coulacil in view of their pursn iug a car. t lei L I co ndidate f ilso. T4is is incoriect, by t 6 preseub arraug Mont r.: M ;va;t St. Rellens, wla'ch li has I &catioa. is desirous of havin the ta in course "-towards_ him' . INOW let at a3 the - Reform membPrs d d not hold frets;the award acilinowledged, ret, the ed at a oost of bdut t2,5 a . rea d for brick ve lie 'ribg. aest-iGn of new Readers, f arl her 0:0,11- see what foijudation- ther'4�.aGWE an �Jy :iE dered, with a view to having Only o' for these various q1targes. 'qtiitE ajY . It i6.1, �tforthesehoola f the Pi3vince, if 'stated y de Other us fox subjECt, t' dsodssion of tha,li.or a I h i a6a tteV.had.nO*i Oliuliol ovel. 1 E Atilment of idireit and speedy the territ.ory- the dispute, reference pend,jr I ad sale and erAt , -th a --Ar. Geo,ge �hippeu, I as -a culi the first We Of his iiight f le- off while cho))piu wood on true that Mr. Rosg.. bad I did 0; I i 'r Ln d idate, as itich, or the I Oat L We.k. le will. be la'Id u. iis shall appear to be in thelaterest of L. . not intend coxl�'inuixlg in the tw6 Tosi. tion., 'Mad I� is [a ther sl,ated that I aelo So it the' at instf ad' 01 ba tinie. ie, schools aild.to be practica ble with- tios, -in fact. this stAtemetot ig� reason 10 our or P osit�ioxi!Io tl ie proceed- cowu' eliLE actuall-7securedwh he --As many as t�ve ty-flve it dorilig injastice to, )riietors of in his letter C! to the county- onnail ing av of the series already published which -about iwo.lwe`ak� is b �caue al Con jh -v 4 newly- app Dintel ['bi.11 las i1oltngo3ritended ffi- I for find deWed. wo�ried along tile 6th co" Goderieb tow aship, 1 st we a we pablis ad ci xider these oircum-staxices it would, ago, buu bliely :,a a se i tive.,' I i is an I elv Ne-NV3 of the Wliek. owaliers would like to did it. a he; Lwyer stated either. �erelore, be -advisale that P Trustees or that he intended' to grata 1ous ass bor mptio and is no NV Dili! AUTR South Calleuderl oftlondes privately r respect Elsign. Gla by tW facts. If we Ant stratian wLeaticrop is expected to It be tauld- po&tpone for a few we athe in- fit the December meeting. -On tt el con- were aotua ad, 1) 811104 -motives, we largely over ffle average. � I workiog ou the railway bi oduction,of new R@Aders into the trary, in every instance he Sal : t'hat would 9 equal Y of ?Ose t at poin talent TiPPERA111 TAx.—Tr able is fe at" 'r da3s since, fell adistatice of in feel and sustained:a vere 8 aL hools.-ander t Reir control before resgning he wi-sLed 'to 01 Be of 0. thp,ftho e,5 oh o ho 0 Mallic ell Tipperary, owin. is '�;ers c f that cou g to a nty ref a umib o f� f ing; to y M ", back. he a and a- his, fiscal. ye x bh* his fully T he County Treasurersh �p ter]" pro ou.n1le d 'a .4 .Conservative as poli(e, tax.1 I i I" I --Mr. H. S. Xi6I,,ea, . Lea, lom beeh Aga.in. books' and accounts o au. Dr. pr P Y Holmes, and still Ite I eartil y S13 ap- TEN0,1.--Five f of the G) a' 61' engaged fis Eecon )w teacber in Clinton ligh Bobo The Sea -forth EXPOSITOR, am ongst the dited so t1lat the Auditor's c orti cate pt A ovfdof 'big. qp., i : me t to that-- p)si- i! YUEti are servit ave een 6 0 for' I sentenced ifa,t at a 6ei to — W. R. Longli, who baj for ol [ier Reform papqrs of the county, showing that everything -was c)rrect I i wes, wrath, and Uses very harsh be laid . loe(ause' 3ppolintip-0111 was In penal 06, jevei years. �650 per allulame SaTrry..l... C,,,,y - B and complete co uld 0 bef a the in in deaing with the raclent ap. Council big th a p rope m a, 7, an! d t a a D poitil a Si 3 is i . Hj,,.Avy 1( fall w FLIJ.—The known b6aA ers, 3st Of I t 6 Woodbide DOW, 0 6 N�jth resignation. ureli, not intment o a new , County reasurer. no person can say that such a de I ler EXPOSITOR is wholly f nise j a its sur Lre is is only de seriing qualife' of c it fo r th PogitiOD, bu I t &ild the appoint- sno%i ever )ut i bame on Satirday in last. C entral I I 'Trains' DIS 801 tbeir in b i a th estf to, fr. Wrli.ter", ere Crlaig, form �.rly �sies, reasonirnsis Promises andcon. unre�ison able, and the erest ty, ro in mau i of m, r, .Ix ch be III, m ade if I deda-ed and 1e jute' iruptod. tolegraph commuwcat�'ou o' ]an House. The no ropri i tsions� The whoe caselcan. be �tated Municipal matters knows that this, 3o leffy� - � i , uld "Bam When A. TV. Ru ac cepted a I I I , manner as that Dr. Holmes, I Ac CIDENT ' C AN ANoi toni L E �TEV.Nr- palession aborl t th a fl s- i of F _� Miss Minuilo ee .'- )viaolal portf,)ilio, he sated pUbliely not - be done at the Deceria ber me ting, W1 3. all aouldh�vaciinde'mrM it. jaEt as Ea.--Tbe Auclor line E tealmship 1U]i Millet of Seeginille�, Esq.,cf GO nor -until the Janu- d privately that he inte ded to resin ary meeting. Wily stron 3 County - Trea-sutrers, ip. large then; this Unseemly habtb in fo , 19 hi� roix gly � T a pa litip'al c 0 M p lexion c 11of fitru(k.a bank f a i a Fridixy last, in comlDc, and was down the Cl I'lat -ash re do' last week made' t1le rempient to f cou� mber ' appilioadous my -C ffich, i B I I M atte 1:1 4 ery ti h i al rev. nt, a cila In ity.' T1 e pass", 111� son a present r1om tbo rl rB -of ere resignation by appointin g big succ+130r? importance the Warden simned CC=. to illi-publicii but for a rim. riv ere all land ad iu safe;y. Satbath School clotss revioi th Position, r. A anosion, the We defy the writer of the above ox any e JO it, 'of the Cou oil to 4'Wibarately P11 OPOSED I fEMORIA.L To YDow-N,' lir , goll g to, Turontio, whe 6 she il sidi 2g for some. time. an ty Clerk. bein,,, the a,ppli. living -mortal, to gi arly Bus' ial t6nti ve But :I nd statino in his letter to the t� Ln old and faitbful # bli3-- Servant, Dcunell's friends ineworial to iim pro in Eub P 8 to eel, . it in. 18 On Tae'sd 'Y of Jait wei 110- reason for this proceedibg exdept the and that Mr. Ross ' in-failded to 1! In dOiDg so, 11rag A munici )al ort( d that KErrigaill, the 1. I inlorme 1114as Clydesdale Stallin airi.�,ed a roni f the --old dola ign. And who. should know better one we gave two vieek3 4,go, and .-the matt I . -,rs a iscofflaut 0 am 11 W � hot during a 0 0 disturbance 9 COJ Ig or a i the Walvanpsh. I all Aff, Adamson? Mr. R:)`gS was other which was admitted byat Past candbt, fail proluce . tbs t bai te fiber nialib. Ful ST IKE Oil G E31PL TI tile Year to'brinig horses aeroE �eatedly asked his intanti011b in the one member on the floor of the Concil ireaulis, 1 is a Oro-,eiding e sel 7 con(e -n. s of As a Liwerie YE.'ES a c k Gas % 11- 1&D tie, bn t the Man in; c large, ks tter bat never vaucha8Nd a deffilite when the matter was b disc e, I n' 6d" Ply. 'A deputation was &PPC in tel by 0 ert ratepaAr'in thlbi county, and ?IOYd6, 11 -for hi a ier waq 0 a s,! ar s he I ad %, good ti irs and both are alike�digcredibable tc�' the th, onacil to wait ola him - at.. d to say- , respo for it. It'islt public, Jour anst wh th� -oug4 foar Nere Jout to w(rh 7ent the cit in -thbir eing eing Place t G ;i a darlint a- —Mrs. Hubbard, of. the 16!1 sion, derich towxl�hjp,'died i least he did not parties the deputa- isible, of i or Coa ,acdl- co.-arteGusly. that that there g:LVillg Off B11-36 or othek, Similar nio. Y. Police and guo, rd the�worjis. 9. day of last week, ag04 6 ye 'a to were other aiphicailts frl trhn�oe, tiN �Utatioia the oxil reply he pave was, i y osition, bat this is no P reason will the it, as is unworthy d ail UllexpoBpandcondemn the confidence frillat i GoLi) Dig @,vER-k.—Tneiubabitdn6 so as Vegas,:in New Maxid . I husband (lied obbAtime E of sbe eaves three: small ildr it he wonld t4 writing, xibify the lacil of big intetions, F a prc mise be present occupaxit should be delibe ately of t o 1rublid. 0ir or men t!or also dED.eS titte citement over co, in the 'die' : cov a tender mercies-, of the Yrld.1 r y mai as were irl�erred in 3all's ad to falfill, until the m ati u to. ap- isulted by being. dismilsed . wit�out the _m 3curacy of our Btatdiiioela�� that the' if go 0 while 6 _bUi I ing, &I digging tile the enti f6widatibil. r ' a cit is con for n ew a of I - at a new Treasiter was do and cause - or reason being issiged. No " Cot ag disaussed., Now a deal is nei I API)Oi 0 t E d- a conamitee Irdild I1 Ld erte into:& mining camp, y says A requ sition! i in a good do ulotthey-were all actuk V he alitiox ag said abont Mr. Ross an old ted b fai-tIltial Sae desire as Mr. Adamsoll, tbi th pm to rf ceive and hand over Tu I �OWN OU . I ilwiy-emplo or as have hupdred been ischarged aski i a Mr. Jo n McilWli 11n. to reeve� the ositiou of a 0 Halle o pUlylia servat. and Should wh o c b ut in the following I 61; B a ffalo, beti 10d appiclaching el3ctionil, all d iBI od. with consideratio. To this stated that his reason fox Saute x a his placin� oice be admi i a it. - What is t he I200 ht Syrad nd se. Thet eaa and ffic rs ,ive t dy sio I arg, ne and it i repo ,o all other queations there are two application in the hands of . the Council War� m. Th& Coaxity of Huron basal.- at that to' - fro en'3 Committee bit a CD103.10aftlee �IIUM 1 the ina ility to jas work� in win, *n a Mr. Andrew M cDQnal ill b( far out 0 deputy. session was be as earl rs, tised Mr..Ross well, and P 'd him y as am png the Con no And as ac t of to Jon doun evere I ree weatl er �East ,a Sam s, o money for- his �e rvice in possible in the field, and not because he X., I L i, ine ome, that is a question I An d 9 inche i HoAORS of' snow Bim, almp the rot d. —An Wawailio h corn saye: We are Eorry tO ear of last 24- years, had in all thing,S treat- supposed' Mr. Ross woulil' or sh ula with 0 vfhich the Council or tl a pt. bc, To-liffE r. Gladstone was, 1181 I RE.ViE IR on Saturl� --tiumed foeblen-eps of It Ith of. a afm with te Utmost consider& tion resign sooner than the -Jaivary,gess on, ha 1111-ibelrailfty,; and sFarely deservesa, 7e nioling to' d c, So long a beld� s- Ilast,tresentel with an address 11111:(Ja �y Ellis, whose back, it will be r, when he could have big books in a chirrthedutieE Lecaurtesy and, urbailityin return. ach a I �'resiga of hikposition effi. ervii of Crown fdep�fll tioil.from Derby peree &in ;bl 4 ad, was broken by a f a] I from i a He has cuf BID July: last. ce Rose: ft%,ifted to treat the Uouneii shape that he could honortibly, cie:it' 'We , and Y1 To mi 61i ,has ever yet Bai4 11 nen -of Dar )'to wa ed.up)n hx�n Ig- i n the Iowa part ol big I A 'gi El ev�n" olinary courtesy-. - No now come to the meanest and that, bat he A insinual ed tbai lip haE faill d y, to iwittden oi- hat purDOS but Small hopes are eUtertain throate ned thelt if the Mt. do maicious of all the charges against mail too any action in the mater sof. Ve think w h a a av now'ablawil �r.. , Rr,� 3CUED PAS 3ENGERSI—Twi inty- thr ultimate recov ry. ae i a7inbar ot the members would never Ross, n mely, that he had acted dig, ad h4i ;861 I )o ! ve �rul idel in ev Y P infi, all robie persons n IR, gonad fr om tb Spaxii h r. A. B.Allison, I Go tbat. Coune-il, again. Nide and courteously to the Council and1had we N a CY the b 11 i 6' N, I I �q q iite 41 F. Wamilar burned I 11 a ve been I 9,r in the d Bd in Ei Ba 6f Bisc Sevex with all accident the ther Might have proved S lolaJ8. ropris,,te I gua, surely- fo a. ser ge threatened cartain. of the menabersi In to udgewbich it,iB that if! "wholl, Ilal 8 I 1 -4 as kere Ills ,I )n the igle ild, ill- atEd I.* splitbig.wood the. uplif ad lk t to, use towards, his am Ployam. what way did he act discourteolisly in Roes has only himsel f to t h: 3.uk for ' ! it's BlIrmi r as .1soill. et, premis I E urvivorE I Jv a barro vesst 'ing deacri in the clothes line, slid lauci p. him . the head, laying According to the wri unplea-saritil,ess betwaen , f ter of the aloo01" in aw imsel I e Jh(luai 128.11 Ile a a-bjec It 3,s n o, MC LS of- the, t rrible See as enacted d6r- on- is 81 ; I the CoUnGiL Had he in a 'manly notIma-king his-interntion known tb hebeen ; : : 1a, - Savory ne to us. I . ii ill tile fire.! f . 'M rH.,- EWF 1RV.TED_'SA11A.--Sax6 I Bera. Fort a n ately b a did, in A r ceivc force of the blow, or he ould con a- befora the Council atifd Co Uncil at �n-e&rlier . date than at the WO: a14ja intentions (if not re ii-igning 'of xld have bef I . r 'mull 1h ore i I ardt o in' T esdayafter clion,madde. i n d.' ci .ed,with a,'§ca St sittin the Session. No the accordance he present s6ssiom, no action would 9 know, .. I with our feelings to haiv witiliragettlabfilablication I 1 (1clor ibier, p P, by Ma4le book'vilely — Hessrs. R i S. Darl nd- I a been; ta-ken. . But the C"ounty writer must if herlbws anything' let -feel it page, b,,nt t) o a woldd hav,121 in @dling her, aid aris, of too impati a, � to is - of . B IneVale, st4te thi Lt -a as neil did not like bixog bffied about the 9H ir t- all, th _t a, a Tat Ross been negloat.a. public duty. The �Y's nt. aw lit a' fEw days ince, oh 1, suce lis -courtesy and threats into DecOm- could juot, have acted difforan ty, t1han priccei(ding thialtool of Mr Rose.1 TL Er Ei. i is D atifig1le UPOIL at 113 la slov ts japartimen al, rocess,' furiour wei it t Mari.'s 'I or*sewhipp Y Of cutti ng 10 as in fiwenty in I El d in 3r seconds. The reSS ell TOR raves abo' he dd. The.first intimation be had ill Ut a CdA-zervative . I � .. - lor prounds, . and we rvou� lher, chasing I a! from room. to rocm- Yj esa to com lingr Pete W1 p Messi ,-us ad politics being at the -bottom fro m the Councifthat ttje was any faiii.bi�]Avetlla&nlanyof thos respoi uti-I the vi t n finally a 3caped by a, and '. Elooper, of. Parkh!'11 `or all . 4-fawhol,amatter. We as theEx- desire for his resignation li as when* tb e sib of)rit were u pecing'l le I in i abk� 3tairw A. HAi LIND.— the IIliter"may lame, t d, log 4 TOR, �ere no Reform - auena Gom ttee, wited upon im. !I'llat- it, th at th-q TreasUrarship? Eve.-ybody ws. there was, and if the udw inee of committee —was not app9hate'dulitil Fri by 1,11 this ihe faict COUViAtipla tbat i �ol i& strengtolen one sin e i)b ember P1 crd orne at D 111.1,be" citur 'a mee night, In in liroducl� ind A Exet Si Alexander' g inch is thick. r., . WAlli 3 who h beed tea& ling in Sel- ool S ct on No. oAxiaos had, b' day at noon they wa,ited upon'.* aerl. elected Tre tearer, *ri the. C - oun oil h Re yet attempted to* jusl olt Atisavow(d i for the C iitholic Irisli-r fort a past two year aves -a w'lard of squealing I wo-al I have Ross at four o'clock in the afternoon, he fy I o'I a heard froin the E XPO: New 11.6 �bce6,tjl P3 is over his - Own J1gn% 'in - L Ld a a 510013UB senUments any -syn of ipa thy with We th enians ling, in the county astint 0 of a d of this at, wh a has PITOR, met them civilly and.treMod'thena most t 11*176, If politics was attbe c r a tbur wa, Whi,,h IiE NEW YQ�' Elid rk e d eclar d lhe Irishm ye in gaged as Princi al of tb schoo T c6d.Id.be of the matter, why did co teosly'and prom ould Ot the ised-tl!iat he w' held resp)nsible if or big Lit to i rl p. Canada w I a a s happy andimn t�nt -d Mr. W place. Mr. W Ilii ha's oved . ne,11 aIly time in the last tbre'E years Send them a written ansi vier to their , all i es although "; everal !of theirt are a 3 thiii natives INOTHER of 9 nglau 13AGEDY. d. I Jo mo,YI631,- very efficient ach64 a h r ce poil ti tments to plenty the quiPe question at- dvenflog: Sitting Col olpeten t; 0 SO— �ar Me r, who. ret entl retu n to, Lo- Universal sati8f ction d in g h No doubt tl �ey had of the Council, Which -he power� In reply 0 a lepitation. he did. That letter, Th Round I ar, d f rom. -Am erica, C1 Y has no be n Eliot desid' the a 3otioD. —Miss Wilso , of Cli ton, ll� Ross tated that woul� com- as our readers will, a ay ILwar B1 LSil 3.eS 3 onbur': . It was a actrarian oi . row escape fro polsolay"g 9, aicat with the Council, )�ut tho have seexa,.' was frank., straightforwar&, U he necotia; ions xecentl� entered into rage. The 6spalssin'sho c_iest M0Y.&RfeI'-,a1fdt'.e oyl in -in li: a since, AS she wa Isullerin 13 ncil Olt ita last sesision oil Friday and reaoectf al. Now,' where was. there between it, witil, no. biasillesk before � t, had any unnecessary delay dlscourtes� Attornay-Cener a 'I Mowat c with %gal- 11 )a rdalre r aga. )ACY1811 aimed at laml, wh cough able had een taii me 'f it, a d by mistit e got ho d of or in bell heard from him.. The Coucil no a.If of Ont_'ri a d AtOrne) -Goner I B Wifa., brew hers f upon U10 of a 11 monia, and took a* 4poonf lot ca,R�� this a &v -e in� al r. Ross w' it, kit t a -ad this- M as waited upon by, �or on be If of #1anitaba I avE beE P�qstr obte foin The asis gain draggel she realized tbg error. As tb ket, of faith, am, i ia motir a was committee at four o'clock iii the b r o igglo t to ali.Ifacl6or�, terminationl: her off and 11h: fired atened to.k 11 her'. 116 is a rank POi§On medilcal a !a to a, voint a new �reasurer, when noon, and he gave in his Mr. RDfisl note. reply to �ibe An was, banded i 3. All commi *ttee the ligraement has been enterec into ly tlien at t here i wounded o clue i !man, killiiig o t4eurderE was ealled in, ind antid6tes ]. administ fared; and She W %S Boo same evening.. N.ow;,Iwe the etrenuistainces tend Ito: Show ha if reprehentati as of.the wo Poiincee M ylaahadta� n possek sioh of a vac ai 2 t danger. 11110tioia had, .0 ask, was there an— Ot Y such delay herlal as- �Ivhi,lh - ean m :e, Mr. *,s Will resull in, &-speedy 1LIld finl —Many of OU readers Wi 11 d wold have failed to' nol ify the to justify the charge of d­iAcOurteay,' or sett 0 ne,i], big hitienti 'S in leftient of the cispute. Th 3 sitthei i, , REvbL t ti B,. 1 Gov. r IN THE I ient has 13D&w.—Th a r learn of the death of -1 Din an Y Way - to afford grounds for his �0-11,g if," g Tim poll: i 8 other Mis- taemen - a dismissal? We fancy. ts of the a q u ment are, in f ihor i' m e& the rptian Go pli citly- ve nment tZ, - in, Of Usbo ne, whic took hiBr4sidence il LumleY on t st%teB that that even. the writer in thlb Tim os thal a.Coureil ap. S6 thandeast f the ieig] it a. � Ian d It Will hot at L( XPt t 0 re-(ODquer inst. 1Mr. Dinnill was Ono of tb( ated a comm-itte, from aong wi.1 0 ilot,-,in his -calmer mioments, say wlili.-h m to receive, ; i divides t' a waters wh �ch llow, Sclindan, nor m maie laeatien 1, it peimi; . 1',gypt resid�nts of the townshl 'and I and hand o4er, the thattherewas. In verification of ih " into io, Th'a Wardoill' 0 the great lal eE , the - egis latz re 'of Isi I ill.ng thi a t. Enol ly other ai i 3 d, howevEr, wer years was postmaster a mer -Lu �Oh is a standin absolute truthfulness Of our g C MrQit' E every Statement -Ontuio 9 r,. a lorizec, W`&% ,lathorize do this. And of the case, we refer any doubting shall bovie landisluted ccntrol d� ;o.at E93 P It request; Pic shoubl: prov ding t M`ev. He Was a nd, to 4) and cbli,ging gentleman, pq bit on apen Say, that can th 00rainiti to the in, he ecie,on of the 9`e 1 nc r: 1 takin ao expen Be in the unde r warm f riends. For som. , yean .0 ee was minutes of the Conn6il, an. Pri the appropriate On d the y Con' Mill Whi(h is to be ap 9 p alel . 9' E g the de 'ence �f : id is wil trictly linj - to assist in been'In feeble health, an 1is d4 members of the committeel That. to, Mr,. lRoss' finan6lai sto Mr. th he wants t6 m. in rMa ich so Ross ever rdaide, either p ablicly or lize onop nd in the di P, ifed� territo lying. Y. tory if threal eil Ed by El gy?bian to r Mi It di. not at all Tinlooked -for. —The London Free 'Press all Pri., . i4or#1 d things goin. S40W &S, pro -t g va ely, verbally or in a n West 0 I his Point, e mat I'HLP AcciDi,1Z r TO THE P 'A —A L fiers to the death of an estimalol goo writing, or in any �age �1&1 T easureryat,200 and mqesgories other Wa'y, g ',Io=t3, Treasurer, a Iax9e each Staements or threats ciout�rol salary 0 t (Ff of agai a com fit I�Bio is to be u de r th . 11, ap oin ad j oini. Peters' urg d 3B 8 to the Czar by latch sap being tbrow i: The accidei from It -t ladv who taught school in: Blytj the year 1881 The death is a as us those imputed to him, we alre in ly by the two overn ent�.. ot] Sledge occuri-e� I on, the 1 Ali, Instant, h ad, after a brief illness' from IgI it shoulder �v F3 injure d The Cm fever, if Miss Ella MEL coorms It3y 11 DECEMER 28 1-8 Hie pbysi. bas been teacher in the school over I& 6, the cause Of Wh- 3 i neces. Ofark's Brid le was axi I � ge some time past. She )roahing double we ding.. The belore the taught in bar us %I place a week ago 4 the parties interested being W. -estored. Fridwy. � Miss MacCormack was greatly T tin d favorably known througbeut tb 3 Bsor'Brooks beloved'.by her ' scholars, and highly section, gave rise 'to Much congratull. v vii ible to respected by all who had the pleasure tot comment. Tbe.partleg in2mediat(. ' y iulot a mass of her acquisintaince. y concerned were Messrs. Wm. st, I a large —Mossrs. Do.cherby & Co.., of the f Mexico, United States, and &be 9 a line ap- Clinto. organ factory, made their first f8cox, of Chicago, formerly . of D icler a and shipraiiant of a caiload of organs to Lon- sianon, who had ome to c will grow dou, England, laA, week. I h1eir American hot es two of Dungan. f To nuaky, —Mr. Clark -Murdock, formerl� of' 2C We fair daught) rs, in the persons of )n January Hallett, writing fom Cavalier, D kots, A sees Xstbia nd'r V z in.nie Caswall ra. uffider date of the 126h inst., says: MUY 01) actively, daughters of -the Rev, ame; -The Gov. just say that vie am having thd most 158'swell, Methodist � Minister- Th w sdouring beautiful winterj. ever saw. I like* the Poppy event was ebu-summated in thii mt flagrant count y more and more evry da.y� My Imeithdist chtircli iat 5 o,el r, ock wedne, aefipatll. cr9p ii;rnn OU very well this y�awr, I Ida y evening., Dedewber 19h, the fath *a Scores o a US e, E O W Oa, 8, a ri as o tin , a&sisted by th )no actual and 200.of barley and I have 175, Reres VIV. James Fi,SY,er, of I lYth. Th 3 have been for.crops next yet r. I have, in � a 1 320 obrch wasfille4 ith frtieudsWho III ptioll and, sores of land within three miles tf the ome to witness the eere ony. jicb. crops thriving toWn of Cavalier, eight! from , he nuptials were -com eted, the ust, Pi 7na yeal-, but Batlogate and amilton, my t4arket o),gratulations followed com, tOWDS. CL 3V of Some thirty 1 vite gaestig re, —On Satrday laRt, as Uesia".W. , . A, rps';ed to the Parso"g,"a (2 'be wedding Sutborby and James Swallow were cut- per, nd pleasitnt a ening ting thnber in w at is known Ris 'Quin- Ilowed.. v 11 ;ate of the tolo's swamp in swrDe, Mr. SN�,allow -.-The G640rich Signal Of last wee, ve'decided had big right leg�lbroken betwoe# the ays: Rev. Father Wat tera, of knee and the thigh. He was Btu- d,iDg 1, etees, has received. fro _Z1. 0. cam usse. a has with big back to a tree, watching the rcn, Al. P., an exquisi�e -and valuabi, .,,siaeuce of topr of a tree,wbich wis alling, when if J, being a crucifix �axld rhalie the end suddenly swung ound and- cured at Tivola, Ital 'by M . pro i Y, , onsiegnem Peter Me. struck him on. thil leg. The fractured T. Kirby, bisbop of Tita, and Sent froxt Grey', I&Bt limb waB set, aud.the patiem, i� doing hiE residence, the lrisll� college of f $1,700. as well Ats cauld be expected under the torical ,lots, and sp his, of. Tuck. circuU.38tanC68. 4ially blessed b His Holiness Pope L�o X11-1., for t A. Couch —The followitig are the officers -6f St. recipient, Rev. Fath I er Watters. Th( eigbed 240 Elmo Preceptory of Knialits T-emplar gifxi was 0 consigned to' M. C. Cameron for the current term: E. Sir Knight, N1. P., through the agency of Waser [into has Jos. Beek, Presi& ng Principal, Golder- IHanaly & Co., banhors,Rome. TU ?I antlakeis job ; Sir Knigbt Y. R. Counter, Con., it. Qilfflo i Seafokth ; Sir Kti uht F. F. Lawr�ence, cracifix is of eloony, artistically inial -4 with Mosaic work hi. tc�rdiiial and bluo Marshall, Goderi-,Ii; Sir Kni,4hf; A* diRmonds, on which a Cii . rb repesented the, a farming Worthington, M. D., ' Chap. n ton ; I di&r6t implements 04' toAure used at La-vir g sold Sir Knj,cjht M. Nicholson, Trea4urer, the crucifixion. The f1lPre of Cbris 0 ucd i tendij Goderich ; Sir Kti� ght A. McD. Allan, crucified is of ivory i I of exquiile work;, Registrar, Goderi-fli ; Sir Rluig�t A. Ima, iship, the crown of thorns, be-i�ng par4' res''dence Taylor, M. D., Sul) Marshall, Goiderich. tict larly Mae. The Ce Utre of the oros 101v erect- —The Gorrie' Euterprilaq SaYsi ki � : A isur -ounding the heaa, is Ornamented �0, no.w party of his friends 'gatbered �ti Mr. 1 is ;wit a ray representilo go �'be halo of glory. Will. W. Pelotland's rt-sidence ' just south of Gorrie, 'ast Wednesday It 4en 17h) base of the crueifi2i is surmouted iat be top by two angals Seatd at either lot aearly 1119, and Presented him with an elegant �cor aer. In the centre is a gilt shield, co I day last large Bible as a to�ien of the es�eEim in whi ch the E ceo Hom, Is represented, i 4. i for� some which he hats beeu held by beml ditring �Arc brid the bottom:of tie base is repre. the time he lias 1,een teacher in j S�,hool sell ad in gilt the T"m Crusis, findia sup. beell were Section No. 18, H�Nvick. Mr. Nxitland POr[ed by lion's claw' -s 901a. On the C has been a valuied as . t t ession", of Big an a the top of tile cross Scroll with tb and. their Gorrip Canada IMethodist Sa buth 01 i I et t ar� I. N. R. L corners of thell dogs that School, and in the Iudependent, �'rder crn,,ifix are liands,ome y � i I flisbed witU Good Templars ilodge, find ba;s, well gl& . I I 1U . Th chalicel is I of gold, and isil mro, while merited this tells 11110nial. He! takes labolt 1J fAet high. jTbiibasebasai idge a few ob arge of the LO elet seb ool af t r X � riew wret-th of leaves 6nej�.oljjlgi, ab ut I Year's. . I i .1 t, aniong, I I wbi -1h heads of ange:ls read I -as i C1 e nterspe. mail of, Bild 'above these �stai id t lefoures of! Kin of th� —A young named Eli Wh - ' o resided It, k1lb ��t distance Of Abraham. Moses arid A iroi ,the pillars Lualinow.; Winchelsea, in 'Us orDe, died veryisud. of the Mosaic law. 1 The ic Butre of the ass stant denly lasb Sunday.niglit week, of: 4eart cha] ice ig,compoSed �of pillars in which a h4d walked from; his a stttuette .,,in Place iiSeage. H of tb a aadonna 8 Ant Bur- resioned. home to the Bib'e'Cbristiala' charld"ll at t) . i - - mollinted by the cup,k')n,Ybieh -,Our Elimville, to attend evening servie, Lori I's Supper" is b�aatjfal y represen.t- ropn�etorg and before the seimon was over be..was led in the chasifo ich, have- Observed to leave' the `cbureh. He�i had ,)liab ment just sufficient strength to walk- agr&gs the �ait- the road to a riehblourfing bouse, when Sight-Seein itor akes he w�pired. Mr. Clark wag a trios# ex- 9 1A Old on -don. emplary 11 (B7 Urs -Dr. Graham, tar rly k Mussels.) bruary. you -nig Man, and his deatIl in 1; I M� . - daitahter the prime of mianhood. has caab a gliom DEAR EDIT -)R T!". I you P, mizeic count of SOM3 �Of O: wil's inter- 3rich, was over the aommunity. T an f a liad- —The follow building rotea are astir g Sights, I will egi with the n of bar, reported from ikayst Wawanosh .- 'Mr. Itate -n%tional Fisberies Exhibition, a to her Thing. Ross h4s eqnopleted the a4dition jwhi(h closed on the. 31 t etiobir. It tend a re. be was putting toillis barn.—Mr. a,hole was hald in the Roy4l, Magill purposes'eiectincy a stone h6use Society�s buildincy, � whi6h covers 23 acres of Ground. k, a, flue oil his propertly xx�xt year. Mr. T ' Thei iobject of this CI nton Potter 1) as abou� finished the bt i-14 Ind ex bibition was to brin 'he'f 161� products mident of of big brick house�,—Brew Williams � in- of each country togatUer behekno from Expel- F;nce gained by .. r I season of tends to build a bkrn next year.--�Thos. . t� 7ai ilar ,prev 10 9 i the At- Taylor i's haViDg his min lrepiined; it o0casions that indutries de'iive great )f it said will soon be in v�orkiiIg order._I��ugb lo nefit and stimulus in ltb% Way, and Ross- and Jame cGill contei�plate that ach in rofit by the la conces- 'building houses, .xt year.—W-foa.;1 Love experiece of the otheri he English on TueB- has let the contra'ti of getting, hi� bara p �op�e have been broughit to, see that it xs. Her repairea, some. o� !the timber and the is pohsibli for them' i to from the nota, and roof is in want of ma, - ention. colo�is't or foreigller. y could not in the —Loyal OrangO Lodge, No.! 825.!hivebe-_noonviDced:of this, ex-cepCing Her re- Chiselhurst, lield tlicir annual meetin, b ii pi ,aetioal display but vi hen foreign g emeter . a few days ago, wIllen, the followin iDffi- P od ice is brought' si4a by y 1: ritisli, tbe-q are ii trained by strength ast �week cars for 1884 w re elected: , ., 1, - con , . . . , evidenc( ;,Cl _ rculation Brother James nell; D.' im., O. 3 to a,�. wodg� that they 3tand for Brother Johni Br7nriuell Secret a *8 being left beb�- d." i A, �.ertaia por- T,i!p 4ry' tj on of tbis t at the Brother Richard largebuifdixl� vms allotted vingotone ; Tre'as- t E)iDg Very rer, Brother Jo WA. C* t . tb a exhibiti3 belongin g to each coun. bed that Chapla txy, and the Dumber of inte sting uxti� in, Brother oseph Corbett,,, let brc a alit committ � dies hieb were brpuhtlto ether here ee Broth,31� Andrew Latta 2d l... v. as , mazing, not onliy,i s one might committee: Brother' George Whiteman 1a; frst suppose, Bpor dent 3d committee, Brptper Samuel Jeffeiry; t everything that tbecon- 4th committee', Br�ber A. Whiteman p �rte iiis to the'sea an sea-lif a. Amongst 9r. Wirt. 5th committell', -Birother Wm,,' Henry t- le different dis lays !wee those of irte ber. director of ceremonies, Brother George -reaj' Britain, Spaixil NN4w 8weden, 'hinai Mated States barn in Bolton. usda, Delmark 1, lost feel- —Goodwin Ca4apaigne, bari at; d '"janad. There' w43,re fish in all i pr of c0nditiong, livi- ody, and Leamington, who had been attending �P )Bsi )10 , pg and dead, ).d o: I his court at Sarldwich, Was, taken. W'ith a- :6, TIM d, canned, lamplied 10 diied, salted, I kPperad, in Shell,, e!tc., ftom the" little severe attack of hemorrhage of 'the _131111nows in the fish bat,Fberies, (for t Inn 8 at the InterILation*al Hot 1, W -rie, me 9 a ind.. lay tb at sor, on Wednesday of last w6ek, and, m hie a Canada a S olit prominent) to the great whal re I Ithough he was much impro, Ed on Ahtty et'long, While a Pv pre ai inted only in the a, elet-qu. There was e. caught Saturday, he was taken.worse �'on�'S, - 1 4 afrnrdr day. and died R�t � o7cook 1 :all Man, very other species 'f imaI that on S-undav 5 till the bare. fall, : I evening very suddenly. He h ad i been walking abonb the sittin g ro6ml an h6ur it habits, specimelas the water,ai we 1 as of marine plants, shells, numeros glass, nothave I % . before. He w a about 35 yearA old 'and- fspoilf Eli,: cgral and pearls, itbte two latter M'Ple ' I I ar-ge (wbich is co6tlyr 1 a - d elegant), -'ra0(!i Darling's boat di.o(t ers of his - or i s, at I 1 unmarried. 4 had been P c! "Ing p ade 9L i to the most UU17 U6 ' 6BI 118 Of beer Browe, in his usual happy style, The Sablitth law in Leamington about five yeoxs' J( Wel 7y an d- necklts. 1sho r en'A labhool, choir,- led ;,by iss Jennette Johnston, did creiditto the occa I u y ould, take too lor. , t.)' notice each apartment I will only an d was consideired a ery clever lawyer. d ress and models of theft cottages, figh- eparately, ly 1 vrite of that on E) in which we are Ning bee His parents residei in Goderich, Where i .1 'g apparatus, IllejUdin 11lircl,los, n darts ileded in his remains were taken. d Spears used by the I ni tive fish-' ).eing haineter heir )w (lays —A social was liald Tues3ay' ev!eulrlg ermen, and the more wodern fishing fro 4. M( wil- Coll of Ja6st week in t:1.;le school hOU06i 111 Rnlinnl qQpfinn 9.11 rod a, small Ii n�es, h oos, u Ei�s, etc., p; t of this abo ar The i formed lao nets werb I I am o, b 51111111i a 20, . I L K3,y I vi� benefit of -tho Sabbath. Soho 1, I 8 *beu very -lonspicuous by ab. rIdant use plad of themin aec6rati the build - parents and children' spent a ve y pleas- ant time. Af tei l;ea.and'the -good tbings ag Ing. Her Majesty Queen Victor&s eng 3, C ad rrp y provided by the� ladies was do�e a M'Ple ' I I ar-ge (wbich is co6tlyr 1 a - d elegant), -'ra0(!i Darling's boat di.o(t ers of his - or i s, at 3tir, the justice to, Andrew larnbull Wa - pointed chairmu,.which,office he ap- fillea prico�l :interest were to be Seen, omel of them look log iat er old auld beer an- in his usual happy style, The Sablitth rketi� well Weather Waten. As it in, limp %at elf a labhool, choir,- led ;,by iss Jennette Johnston, did creiditto the occa I u y ould, take too lor. , t.)' notice each apartment I will only Is given Singing Several �seleot Sabbath P.eces, eparately, ly 1 vrite of that on E) in which we are 3 stay,in and after readings dialogues, recita- . 0 I most interested, the Canadiall. tions, and speech a the meetinf 'was `*'he 4isplay in tbis A )par tmant di no t d har- brought to a close. ach person ).eing f itill bi hind that of its, sis, or countries, )w (lays highly pleased with he evening's einter. but as in every r�spe, 't quite com- fro a tainme nt. Procee $20. nd creditable, at taste was ete D. 'Cre icind for —A tea, meetin aid of the p g, g On- �pl shown. in the. arrailgeMent of the vari- 96 bottle age fund and SUIld school was hbld O'as rEpreseutations. In ;;he centre, of il before at Nile, in the tow ship of West Vy aWa- this court was erected: a I rge pyramid B li laid nosh, on the eve in of Mod V AS- ca ned figh. 24 feet' in diameter at sist nee camber 17th. After�, a splendid. b3a la A 54 feet bi b, and was sur - se, n 9 rom Aly the Orange ball, the gath6ring adjoutul. mouted by the crot of EDgland. A t ou; of ed to the church, were addresses were circle of cod, salmon and Aller fish was delivered by Rev Messrs. CasW8II:; 6f suspei clad above and supported another �eply re. Dungan -non, Coafor of Lucknow, and _pyrai4id of cantled 'fish 'surmounted Ir. N Tm. S. Yates, of Goder ch. A reading ww by t a beaV6r bearing !the fillild of place at also given by Mr. B IcKibbon ittild a reei- the D, inion, encircled by the miale. Lie. 17th tation by Mr. Thee HenderEon. DariDg Proje(ting from the upper I part were pior eer the evening a num�er of excellent solos, fisbiD11 rods from which dopendedgrace- I )r m iny choruses and duots were slang by the tilly lestoolied nets. The Salmon. 8 ,ban i at members of the No�th street M b at dist batchery, which attracted mlich att6n- )urtE:)u,3 church choir, of qod�prich, under the il tion -was :not without iliterst. There d m tny leadership of Mr� S. .. Halls. The fliah life could be seen in he aas chair was occupieaby �Kr. H-Ahering- ttle little creatures Scarcely discernible ath was* ton, the Sabbath school superinte ent. to th,),�o quite ready for the epicure. After clearing off the parsonage de t, a The rost of this departme ' ut was Wall ilausi re- surplus of $17 was found to be ft in filld,1,16,nd i2eatly and beedmingly Orna- 3 yol ing aid of the "Ilanday Dungannon ;correspo-rident entea in keeping with the project. Your have during —A says : reader' will already notizeathat ano-axic. A considerable iipp�16 of excitemen has �anad was successful in;carrying off typhoid agitated the usually, placid surfa. e of liar own Share of prjzea� Lady Brassey `h, who affairs ia Dnngan4c.-rt social circ.'O� of lf�nt t, this exhibitiou a- very valuable 2a. tw 4a on her Insisting of xi i, t Wall d. y sevei. as of areal a,nd. a ryoij Ado of xeteedfugly ism firin 1he Olol�Lk there are Ima" V thon. lost a6d so its, eket� W he rf,�j *;Ouzid at: Trat 1�ar. 1 �9rd�ns are alf$4 twortily ilotief?. Thev: With Wallis. Z) the 18i s�-.ati�g' ueo�: and rt�nd�i-ed tbl� fb1d baol 'fit be I Wh i-_ T aild to s1wCA iro duv AlotVe� Oi. tilei ilitem-.; B�w gal-&-nsi, 1which,; om AAJ _Jlinitl 18 it is ai 7 ,60 iii exte tczb 6 rate collec AndoOsSelis 6 ra Tb 0 getabiel Iat! 1�ov ijens. *bicla 60 t exotj�s� ig higlllv� A_ie 6 0 15falet hil, the palml t e 'he he sli ,)-,yer ol,. a0zo V 1711 ILOUSOB 4", o S±e nlade,attractIv4f by Aovi(x I ed f 1. se tuinult6l tbe�. nce The t1le ista tz�sto di,3.plaVea US i I CO. 'York eithe; 4 ivh ith is a' perf very,4 the it* of Lond� _Ijid-��out ion th& -.same 2's the -6tv Ii, been m*4tt-riallyjwprol� .�vt-r to be adM4' I'In', reat �profifsl S. graplef Ul ly to V i'it relil nd'; attrActive. many, t bed. liou, ra INe,6dle q ite lan iut -Anai as �au a itiq0ity is V ser t ts belkir-1 V y )r the built Special 6�S foat" 5i, irlieber. hiA i fl by 7 ft-�t 5 iloches 'weiihs 166 The vbr girigtl L 6ouh.try� The lxord .1 1114�)jj' U_ 0 Gne in -u-Oncir, 6f the elltectif *u fu1j) deic6,ratd.l The I t;P1 eitV -of flaglal whia.' to thoihouBej it -a lil Lat pa t hl�e I People the 'froottteet,,, 0 T ta 'Wer us; er,ebt4d. o *he Rol were Foritho fii-s� qua�ters at 6e .(Insllead. of West insti-el he C .1 ing in tbe.Liiril %yort osea', ot A-,r+t Fire J�riga&e, of 4reafl- of : gorgems � bo froxIl ule dlkei�4 Colo Australia boalt,, sev - `1$roLl httzids6t eaell -drawn by foar be, by footman ooaula powdered �Mgs 106 I d or Mayor, ila. stwtE 'Was,", a ma�s of gnitl) bro was! drawo -Y 44X atteo-a4d by bis��Jiapiai roace bearer, so0patits i an&au e8qott oi 4ti i`uy eN I hive ever -seeI4 or e V10 Pr III. ioned Way! �y sayiug, 0. vhifte W. BleriI44,011 W; on the Thaa3.es';V*r.,a,, 1.1 ed On hino, toro a ole in hi�q icarfe ho its xii,mrly �all h othiar ae-Y N 16aaing a i [ractioti�,- lim 4own and ar'ew L3- 1j.4a teqji�gs off Lv Zif hi,s tibs with i vh1le chop�ingl but it about. J[Ar-� Slaving, 1; lgeatlerlatta, froML-the boUght tlie� hoase by the J1 I mov and roas f lirther: north.-- sleighing 'now, of wb' iiag advautage.—Wo xxxtich respectea poso Dijanin, w1a* died Decei