HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-12-28, Page 24- -P
N 0
9UR WINTER. IN [2HE of tbeir, telegraphia glances Oaanit hol ;up her ands, ii�hl: ba �ror if so REAL STATB FOR SAL
they enough planned to keep thel busy fin morning,
COUNTRY. ou should ask biit'tc go
for, the next tbreeL montbs,,Rb 4, ast, if ou to tue woods. 3uoti tryit ind r, ARM FOR SA —For aile, lot �TOVE AND
nly the weather he id f�ir� in ilic Bayfield copoession, to, AlF C R T H
y ivir, t-bip _r I N _VV A 0 1 1 TH E TEA 'STORE -No, 6,
the e I was very 11
By MARiAx BRrscK,: But before a week pas �h kfrw,. thqt.thee4at 8 so, ov, 40 to 50 01'oo chwirod, and
bed, from iwixpit, balan(e *oll, timbered, has EMPORIUKA.
The schools were to open o a the fint er, as it to show us wht was - in Wit i 7ould prove ini a true, prophet, bt 1; 1 f on age on A"y aelfl River, nod on the 61) iftil Still stands firm at the -1milt, and is! file oldest one on the list, andw I sell Teas am obeop" if TOt
I Jai ally we to b our olualng [n th) 0 1::: ly
lfflqins the incoptrated vil age, of Chef pt r, than an, r other h )A 0. �C. M WHI
Wednesday in September, and -by the for us, took a sudden turn ; ULB skits -ietwmined t make the -experimebt. I oft and aftttaula� , and
middle of August we began �egretf ally darkened, an eastarly.wi d t av 11-olti. F r ermo, fullibell. I
e think- day and night we could �ar Ill; if :he West,
to realize- that -it was time to Ill t h Ila n 6 -be Ing 0613 itionp o l to BET, -A- TT T -.j r -C
t ar D of the d i jou
yl IOU 18 !Kinglitr C� IAI ays keeps on band
t 4 full ]in
ing of gettitigUck to t of the breakers on the rot 0 40,IN M01104N iotal .,e �per of the
own rl e. p 01 cpinion tha thE worni r, ys to `Io ito, or
11 IL Ifeld. latest st3 le4 of
re up possess ghei ;e e t1lan j: :'f
fi .0 Y - 11 Is tow receiving daily tirge lots o oliday Goods, and is opening dnt some of thefinestand
It is a g at mistake vilig thet� 'beach. By the third da -r vir . ; I
� - -_ _. I— -_ g In Seefol-fin His stock is now cowple Al
schools open so early," s id Jonas monitory symptoms bad on] in' ted ii e ;fternoon at the �n�-xt moi inj :i3b cheR b goods e ror o e
pted ii tei'rid he extends a 4ordiql'. K BOX A&D MI'LOR
!aIlt'll o all t) Cal a . co
September in tbeL city is Often the and t *ea callne th mu b, time w is aonsarrl6d ill a( ip) A MIN II I" SILE�__For iuvi' Outoallt) Cal inq)tct biH 4tock before purchasing elsow)3ore. He tools colLident
a raging Storm; STOVES.
Ol I -t a, on 6th that his stock wil. please I 13&Eisfj aft �% he may favor him with a oilil. �Iio stock con of sts o Test,
ke a aahirie i ag one of Profe,,Bo r ukl( Ol I
warmest as well as the siGkli 5st month problem—how shall we mal Ojk*t� Sugars,, Syrups, 'Molassw� Raisluji, I CIrrants, Prunes, Drird Apples, Coffees., Spices, 01ifte e,'all Thpir beauty Fill'o
e6ii "i(;n of Ittickoistattli, cont, filing 60 a3res, 1'VB 00rill ntb
in the year; yet the obildrer are hur-. indoors when. the outer wor, 8 Me ('�glypbibaj rout rin ps kinds of Canrind onods, iiqcii, candiee poolA, stal !(jbilt4os, all kinds of ENtra pri e
gray ann, Clf': pts� -,hat 4 ol wl)l,c.11 TIM11-are , tea fill .,lavoring, a..IJnll stoc lol r10 $ Spljt-,� s 8 jem.
for I Irlo Bran, Sbortq, Go MORI, OR meal, Oats, ft ey
.IL13 ali rt v lifidur-dr-duod. "The %holb f1frin Is well as, Barl
ried, in from the mountail seashor�, and ch,66rless? Fortunately, our Annie cided not to tati ul til a fter dini I Itittliet hill a 1:1, faille Pool, Gnham Flour, Bri heat I our, Apples, Onions', Potatoes-, Solt by the Barrel an4 Fino
its SomethitiLg Of a heliostant,. b 'I ding 4 1&6retly, I IV rather bblaakful. to ;be 11q),41 ad croded ittiato Close, illLvtil&ted q It i I)uijy SaI6, Pork and fir Cur(d Fitims and B well4locted stock of Plitina.
Of wattle., 8 Witil I, flvo &con, alro 06
solloal rooMs at a tirneL when illt-the-coun- store of sunshine in reserve �:lr jus cld Professoi, li ba�� thE de Crocker ardGittirware. T4 oLs ar d � TINWAki-
8 Ug n0k, A of Svitf�)j tit, aild wi h In A, n I)o an(I (tiar- Wr, T<tetfl,a stock of all lilinds of Fish on band, also Coal
Oil, Oatmeal oxeliang'lid �ox Oats at�mjjl ratelt. Goods doliverteill, free of charge. Of eV
try nature is pattitt g on 1 ta gal yeat colors such da5R; and though Bbe h6L, eased the o Sit) ery des
'It. tb Uric �olio*ol- '111(
of, 4tcoE k roa .4 loadin rom crip
ft� 1 1111 tion always
d the air is the most hef,- Ithfal and children rigidly to th�i�, lessons� qri,D TIr mpki 8: 11,11
an Tompki (d. Apply to 4 the uudor Igned, We make all our goodg,� sClin oil P 0 'ROBERV ill OliKii W2 guarantee
1avigGivatina.- -And, as if it were not the appointed study hour�, she as its ebi ir�g en icinfly, t was in C nitl
A. 6% AULT Main StrEet, Seaforih.
1 tbem,gootl and right illp, if.
enough ta incarcerate thEm during ready aa the childreu-t4i�lnse e0or Bariluine moo(l t1lat 4ni.io nd I (JoRa., A fall line of TaLl
a aij-d POC4kett Cut.
school bours, so inany lessons are im- any luerry makin e moment study RAE IN FOR Is Lr,,.�-- lery at very low p�-i,cfjj�
av ng gone of
g tb la�rva e wi,
Be Forsa'e l6t 12). conces -fort 4 11. R -1S. a t!ck-
sed to be studied sed her.* filli g th ngsters) kt od k t fam�bc
� 0
po, at ome that hours were over. To edut I I �0 . h We have a fine lot of Gati
'on C. 100 rfete-li,* '5 of wbi 11,118 is
scarcely a! moment is left tol devote to role of teacher, or sitting at1ei fether'l lu: &r T it id t10"N ite Kettl 8
door. We fon & 14 s ciLlUd, freo it, Jill 8 unlls, lilt (r.draiv(d .41 d in stock for prest)-v' I
All si
91 HOLI jDAY PRESENT' S. recreation'. As a natural, se uence, by elbow, patiently iving biba -the bppofi� Her daupbter in I close, ov r e ltigIi h is' a I i lek pricts,
to o � cultivat Tile
the time te winter fairly s'eti I in, all the of their German in translAting Professolt I ng -room, bus �y ellgage IF in �putt )g 11 U110 ftl (I all� itnex trin, -build ngs.
)b lot Ill'o a! I i" good and the re, is
good effecied by the summer's ruaticat., Karl Von Steuklenberg's prctsaic letter's,. b3iq4t rags. EAVM0-TRdU0HtNG.
:fit fli-rit or,l in d. it nover fa lini,
ina is neutralized, leaving them. an easy one would scarcely have believel that tilk I Tber was:* a look of un, H_ jig,; To pk
prev to. diphtheria, malaria, nd a host this,cleaT eyed, practical-160hi young gaieea,� an3azee Mrs. ir to �ho (I with pill and rilte tip ioto a All kinds of TaJ111-bilg AVork pro'niptly
of other evilB. person could enter- ho hek-Aily iuto the taoe —ia. face t1 at'wou d I e- it is atid sjj.t1�.11fdc t
-�avo) b68 cot guarnteed,
ft rti Al)l)13! (!jl t1tia or addrosi Fg-' Partics wanting gno,js, in eTom. and Ben' ex.chmno.�,ed 11significart juvenile,pakimes 6-f her brothels an,d 14 bt'for the salow eBS Of tb C( it
Rion vill,
glances at the end of thi will, pay them t
a ph ip4pie, and sisters. To ua who knew bowl !grawt . . i
I ; and
q Rce MV stock
W: 4:ahe eg comparo prices.
now le tratt, is
was the disappolDtiment was! 13:
when uuie, who, a Va olar grad a- sfi e ic PAPST
0 U L I, I NN _IUT.1j,P4TT — orth
atte, feels a flue indifferenbe to the in so bra�el , her sunniness Ur thanhiD us 1 3 inv: ati tL
y I. vms a a or tl
f T, it 3 1 -and 85 0(�ino n i8i mon-
lesser schools, venturea to pr'opose our daily worlder; and, thoroug 6 We will have so much to d. in do6rE, Rt 'fi ta I i Seaforth, Mai.
it Il- aqr -,Hl; 80 acreR claKive the remain.
21 P Tin 11ojjS,,q.
remamlu(T another mout'll, in I the con- had symrathized -with her, we' be �an � te a i, d me, tb at N 7e let 4) Wa der i Iiqr�illitood btihh. Clay 'aft -11 L, well
e ter in' ive.want. g s)*h g, orvuk r
wi L -d Willi lit-tifiver fai.iij rillirg I :Z
try, they eutliusiastically 8 onded the feel thEL1 the discipliub bf th TI i on, n, a ho 8 11 Lft 0 1 T 11:7 0 1\1 2 M. vli�
ders all 8 0-1 Yjanio b rii: u id stqblo i, 1--g
was in some ways more than ecinpon. b80 an mmer, ewid' gBis
lidtisi and a go 14 young.orcliar(l It i,; conven ont
a',.I%ea E bli iii, 0 bleb d tba it bakes n B� a! I Wi I er Z
But we shall all fmll behilud in our i3atirig her for t4e loss 0 .0 to elk acLes all and N j1311011,11LtiLd 4 Ilt ties L a t e "hit, ey Brothers.
Protested Bell C t 1 Up. VEWO 6ft Waiti)Lg X, fromAlyth al.1.110 fr!,ru C iritfin, � For f9r lier Z
Has now ready (Ary large and handsome stock of, 116'liday Goods,
lilifla's all
And fail of a (led tAb. One of the Convenience of our farm- o ths or mohe loralobince to let 166 6 WAWIXt �CIJ�NNII*4 Uj and would ask t e
11 1 oil *fit j 8011 t1l of s�dd Jok to Lt: 1 attention of the public to oall and examine it,
Oh. but we'll study at and as fLttic he re we .1 t 1 leue agq, an' I I old Rq th tha if Whether they i tend purchasing or not, house was a 'Spaciv POST OFFI
V'0 Ito rot,, gh P. 0. Co i> STORE
riDbill".; repty soon V.
rt cite -ablisbed a g nd oil days d 't make a beg d
sister Nan cau helar -as vmnasium a
have to gl`��are flo# u@'!:t I
om. he the weather wa such �f -to d, ni roon 11A.1111 FOR, $ TjR.--Ono hundred acres for
We'd learn a good deal �Iaster than keep. us indoors we usiikljy spe ll a- it 4 so 4tbig momin`we got real in Tli( C rstijith, beingt� 10 lon Tj .1 j -A,
2,,L. It.S,T e1jaismith. Ticronictiondiepr3rii--
we- leain in school, if she w4uld," said hour or two with, the and e arl start wif. I I he wo k, au" her!e vi e
I.A.S a f.a. 4 liouc,a frarrici Ixxti and stitt fes, j GRROA
Bea-, looking coaxingly at An lie. dumb bells, mskiijg s6rt of -lid two.good well.. Thire are
i-rch If -I'll, bea, you willingly : f yon. will frolic -of it. I've bad feired tb� i the Dh, lot the nigs, weit, Mrs. Vo 9- 85 c. (%s id 70 free of sLu 11 d' VelI > In ites inspection 0 1 bisifull and well,.
Itro-mise to show me proper respedt, place would be too, cool f 161 jS too u r de 4 rit I It' (III a od State 01 or c(m.ro li rged AhLie,, it itskurted i4t,ek (if q. Ch.- i t s xid Ne r'� Cards CIIAling.
S' - -ay 11'.11ce dillborell %vi li bardwoo It" It > C S, w Ye.� C: Vfl-r,ev Di Goods,
id Annie,, with a laugh. we fauud tb�t, with the vigorous �.xer- indoors to -day." st; t (.Tl,
("field st; 'othiDg. Lndie.,1 lt�c�jdvrn'
%vitjli�l one me.
aise, a fire would have lid Ul t
It would be hard to enamel ae all the been unenulura;- But a delicate-feiltui-6d. girl :ith a! L,,, er� and ujsl&r
Ilveld'.) t 116 qc1lools Itild ill burchion, uid 11tilmnid Ha
Lt-diee' T I
-Der Ivo 7 ni rom all the nol ad ma a, ring Cards I forfa-labdwintel 110-01IF(at),
argumL > that wc rged i a favor of ble. A box of tooli3 and a scrcll saw &1 all, of 1) en g ove i ked Ool cheaper than. ever. Silk I Wi Ilirl mile iles of Clin. C)� ed
YiRLI. id vel road i o liot', i places. Vo r
our Rte rr . for I]i wis;fUlly; tat Mrs. '013111ili-illb' e3', 8 fr Bveu Bell and - leth with. furnished additional enter�ainm i m live cents upwards. 91 Ladieli, Fare
to tile tile prem-
dr� w their protest and decla red them- bad weather a small room" 0 ILT I 3re fixed gn t le strip. o:! YE How Cali a G00i'13, lior-&, Cloud"'I Shawls, 121
r by'luti ch, to TIIO_11&6�41U�N h 110, braco- I con Faelit.173 Ct,ttilyj for lie a ydi, and lle cot'
fromtthe kito en, tb�at dari'a the um
_vea willitic, to take their ances for al, f, e Was CllttiDg.
field P. 0. 805 toll f, r -10c ; also a, btirge aLd varied iSgOrtment
the next promotivu Im
pmd as Jonas m er t ad been 4sed as a hUmdry; s, Bh4., wi I bi,
nvitlg Thqt ain't Iny Way," Mill of Ton's FDY anti ciot il 0,I),;, IVd and Buckddu
for a workshop. GlovesandMitts Ihaeiustfefej
11A ffliergetic snip cf her heals; llwbm'i a fresh lot
this tempoxary under;igne� offer ItlieIr y IN INDLESS VARIFE*Y. 11 of I -atudmade Boot ved
revolt B u t tb a we -a ther b ad to be at i ts v i or' t I li ei e's work to do, I d aiaat the schoo aut] der f(j, $file It in
writies, it 0 it, NihuthL til. el Price &)2d
of Go
terms of qu4 it ot be
was 11'sc-less. fur me to raise 9-1) objection. to keep Jonas and the.boyg itlaodrs 'for CA ul nes or not . I lie
udn(en fitted. -or) in ailconip to G4'*swaro sEd Patent
ku 0 one Lte. it
11, had no wi!�h to r if more than haff a day at a time, Now, Mrs. Tit mpl(inFo saido-AD11i', nitinnor f. r thL, r Me, i8ces IS now Cory)l
(if) (f t'l a Evat or. nil in hi eta full
k a gl�rcral cotm-
tbir c, the l6ok in Ru h's eyes, ash Of rain, or a rask wo
tTjnas fliought that October -would be Why be afraid of a d FIA N 0 Y Goo S. 1 try hfore. Fgrilontivil
if I ayinfe bu!LjlA -
ough for the C imill leti-Rith go, orc or and a flit O'S 0, le
hildrelll o eliter pff of cold air ?'? said Jonks, one r 'Q U �iqi us 0 df "13 -be , Ic tie. i on bnd a mill pjie,, [Qur alwa-vs
0 orn - , .1.
Bitit a! W 8 1 in tra�
0 cjr qon one o the artner of
selloal, that settli-d the qat stion for iug,, when I expresEed the ojuion tha" 11.1111 a I come tb' ilorrow a ternocn a j LL_ for Butter a, d Fegs. Come on
t t1le firib of D 1) & C, I itas '0110 tf. Tefoj lo w Ing liot comprises the le ding 11ines for yuur.-olvLm. N tronbi e faid all anti st!c
11 wi if mc nh n, orth st Tertit(Itt ta �Ilrcnain or- o15�ow goods.
payelf'. felt no haste whatever -to re. the, day was not --ver I th. the ar )et -rags!
y prbipit
[it%* tile pr p. rt iii its, I e
turn to town.
C 08 d un. Fo.. 1 ny Lif(lies' Con fillillon(I Graphoseopes 110RR0 W,
ou ly thoe who have a—pen- t i a an TCM1 Ains, libir e" br ghtel) ng.,,- Rut I] Jos RP 11
Y, you�r& er said M -r, in., w Old and 31
tramp. If we accustom, 01111 ell' E 8 -to
tmn the charigres in the Weather, we hlh�Ll be fa ...... ai I )-ol y Rill 13 to CD
wit It ilgZ 6 'ert
'Paper Weights,
in the co-autry can tally sym althiZe in. less likely to suffer from them. i Et i (al L40 of codrs f sh 3 li es -butforrivi tliquidersigned 'D D.WILS X.Seaforth. Lddifip' H!iL d Bag4, M
Odor Cases, I Bi -.,quo Figurcs,
our enja�. m-ent (if those raxe epteber not to be- won lere who P I ri a eo6d ddA ratb
A. d at that Dressing Ott es, �ARNA.
Pp9plo ('Ul.s and Sauecitts,
days—daya. which the auram 111, 6 Cn a lAe tb.s."
in all its. breathe the overheated atmosphe e of FOR $A 1 —1 i Jewel Cases Vas -s'
0 n
13, (1 Ll If. t, 16U v or Toilet SetR)
ELvs when m 131th, wiffioat� wa tiorl f6r Card Cases,
glory could never duplicate ost of our dwelling-boustis store' and' Co
'uporint- Ni d - I P
' ' 0: Cigar Casem, Smokers Stf-ts,
over the: woods and hills hu 12: 131,�'�ou, h'a ti. y L m, )le th, 3 ra y njid vr-
a' shim- offices sbiver at t.he thought of fac� lig a I CiLRI-Ot to CD SeSi Cigar Stands,
mt:ring parple haze, all1a the b M*6 r: ni her lapf and ra Lr' re- k'
waters respectable, breeze; no wonder hey. judl-rit Do,; I s,
: - 11 1 ! nift T, i dlw� ic Flower Potfi, ST'S is tba
stretched r EL ) Itj I < .90,
put o1a b wol f1 dwo;lj rg P,�p to
iaotionle_-a as a mir rtor -auder holvesor6tbroats and pneumonil and, 1 haba-ii -sito :e f6undatiob; !a Work Boxes, Pocket lttook-i, H311,113g it) jewp -V quite ac
hi. ge jr, Bill WhIlLto,
th4i drea-my skies. For the ii, ext three cansumption. The only-worider is tiliat 4olv pleasaotltb s is 8 e exi 4ail I - -it g d it, i d 1 v mr,d wbll� V nd 139s and jewels -rich ana rare
11 ri. 11� from Cii y0l), S'.00101 n d
or, foutr weeka we liter I soon as vle ti Portfolios, Purses,
ally ook 1:1 no any of them survive thi winte�r. Butr werVi e opEn a r and � i In ith thti Itttei3t j
Drils. . . sfrom Lot;Ies1)ijr) and 13h Hand. Mirrors, Velvet Framea, Pt3* es ar there,
-thou h or t i i s o tire0b 113 e s nO it the bou a t f the morrow giving oldr-' this house is in no dange'r.of being �ver- each phc( Easels, im d pravefro j a b ore of Glove, Boxes, 8�) �ery reasonab)
WE L!tt trt as. i -a Handkertibivil Boxes,
o eteries,
B �YeS RP sically and Werltallty to heated, and I am glad of it.", y It make 3 d to hw '.a-, (it 1111 r1oc k, u wh ah Work Baskets get 9, Locket 1
e! phI, T
v�bich nothing but come.?" elivol P(&t AAacklillifth firlill 0 Japarics LacquerGoodo Pop
No! thoughAnnioand I b i -,b at - I I tw so nice.
ad., ti o'Z. it, joill,it] v farm. I here tie 100 kc Gilt lukStandig Wall Pockets, < the soft Italia far metnit can ade very moruing been listing al the 1:B" DuVwhy Btay tud ors, so close y E Ze Ink Stands, on Pl-ost,
quately describe. (L 0 f (k fri0i i binApt. rtl'.� I til () f li'm is o e of old Pens, I
A in thi0c', -it ty.. k Stands, Cold Pen Cases
ovci a 0
T it w as nut likely to be xheated. We Ol)j,�ut io Coiling: h Cut Gltiiss in H�is word is sure,'
rit. for g.
think of beirig shut up in Dh, theWs I ay eomebitlg to b3 All Olive Wood Ink Sta ds Gold Peni6i
pr( 1- 0'r s&hool' had n t realized, until the lioveilber'� .11, F_' raph Alb
[tal Alp, lire mies, or P �1. G. Pocket Companions,, Auto,, goods so poor.
oa:days like, these said Bel 14 Jlutb aiti whe in a di-8courage L
as we I winds begau to rampage, bow i h,,,, e ery m an a 11 Ll virtW in born,
*ny Stereoscope i and Vic We Scrap Albums.
aboput the ba.y in' the 1lr&Zy sun- cracks and crevices there were i I the 0ce atud rl herl n( vfir seems. ti,
shine, or jogged alo)bg roads t t seemed old house ; but no one� hiuk it worth 57h
seemed to A, ff or le"for a y no to sta. - aps
thl gh quarries Of rai All I �AT FOT 80E. -For 's co >
Out rout, 10, t's stoCIX to inorrow morn.
n 0 ws, the any ill effects from t1jis fr�e veUtala, on. u 1, just for � xe '84ke6fivitalkitig. F ti 6 north I acres of lo 15, ool P TOdRA P H ALB U M S
iF cesdon .4, :D
ods- on either hand bei, - like the wo )5 dn be quit e io bad i" -we had mo .1), of wbl,'Il 100 acies are cleared, 311
On the cotra-�V, I tbink we were l4ver,
walls of t4e New Jerusa'l 0C hs, she added Ll -Nitte I u 'd Jr drtiin-(,d ftivi 4,1 a 111(r.11 state of POL Lit ain't ashamed to sh
in- th6 more exempt from colds wid heada-4,1 lesj , , regretfully. An P 0 W h fR stock,
a re he
I I I I k j I bes,� of liardwotid, i here are eig 3 acres iiea: ly
S�16ridor, of ' their colorilay.... Was PIR Still, our exemption in. this reEpect vas Oo k a, int front �h k, an I th A4nd can Clll-ib'goodfi at best,
I -ely new experieuce to, the cbilcfjen,. t partly due da ent so tl i -no doull td our eq. en t, when wti w t f ulfi..l 011�. I nod f ro, 11 ;tuill�pE 1, ind 2110 ru Is re
f b6tird fdtle. i
none Of them having ev. before seen C root Jilt PL. SH BISQ, .,E NOVELTIES A 5SPECIALTY.- in a �Iocl� or Watch invest.
-er waks ; for except -,when the her �ricll P, ise shea ied with be - thiee I ht re a ri;ebkliPinvs,tlhree wells'aid
-contry in antam -such as to make w&1 U th's eyies nq to i- iij orell, r( it; sit 01 tha two hu L a von '0
u; and we wit. Was k Ja e �maatiz ties. please yqu.he
out 0 the est
2X i tiilt � ii;ttm t 1 111 of 12 from ;8 a-
iliessed their delight we had the fee -ling; q Icen d atIthe igit of ffiern, atil tie tu to rival
U111 haesion, Jonas iusisted ilb"a9t tb irls 16 e� it, i ort)), 1,11d 8 f 4� it iii'll Is, h' good grin �ei I
omme u
is not to be left a Tb
Jonas and, I, that in keeping them s6 agd.j we.r h wa-vin �vlicb sb� urnel t1.4 1`01111--i 161(ling t I 1A.11 ])It, re are 14 Re
Ora C,: �sj gi e- in' bnothetjbin I o%% Nil vi a part of the year in t1ae: city we he and the boys started! oat for: �en IV grill I be wildlu The 'best placo we�t Toronto to
had'in a, certaa way defrauded them. oil or _41iscehamous and Standa?-d. Worh s, Poets, M I I
old I lilt, pu I.'are 4qse
tutiovail. Beth, who, '6 a c s fli) orj ix I a: ners, Ta ini ies withi r e bit dk, 6)j bi )f it, 0 relis r. 10 1 1 ; ApI 11, on 'lie i4e bNes, or:.tdd
_Y11 ic. Walton- I
"Oul one week more!" sigted teth,. rit(l in,
of s, u &DO'KiE T liked nothiLig better th'an to sngg u 11 T11 ;11)J13 -dry, &Iver -
for com. Hy Bioks, aFs Sepember drew to a close; but that to the fire rAitl Lant 600k, th� there were bu b few books i i tl Bibles, P? ayer Books,
W! foimirt
very day Jonas received a lettEr from a parly, was sometiLes dispbsed to o'ject Eip� 4borhooill,'Anrlie prop ware and ectades
FdR skmi
well -know -a Publishing ad'
housE asking to this arra,gament ; she 601uld ee no club,
sa e, or Nn be excha a ia
him to take i Ju. ren Wes, d- C. C.,
n hand the trans.ation of use in being dragged out, riiin or shj e- I non er se, Nai ,'!said Bell, p] a to, ot 10, to k ession 8, fitokersmit Is at, the popular' s
The Life and Letters of: t' ilry
-taining 50 le Great but, if there wwa no alternative, w.1 �Oj In �it. will to perfectly; u or us. RCTeq all Of wilichis Cle -d -it-
III free Irmy German Scientist, Professor 0, ail Von ride rh `11 corad, of o u rs e, If they diink fot,(ed
til l0va fT :B 0 rl T,'O M IP 1Z I 03E S
d in a, It g!1 of qu
Steuklenberg,"' It. was a, work that� Becau se, trl� dear, saitl Join a,;, i are going. to h ve a gi od timE bt t is it firlt-ehLsS ori�bard, a fran' e bar and tabli s,
in i -A- C. PAPST
would m-cupy Lim s
ame, three[ or four cold weather, al a rule, people 0�' g'hlt tbev won't C�re a straw or the -ead-
a licweiL log, huaii, and III", IL lie vr f
well. farrh '.� �Ndtllir' five 111iies of setifort I,
manths a,ad bring: hi m na a go9d round never to ride 'wben they are abl' t in
�9 0 oil o go,id gravel und'and as(lit)(ji.louse atit'Le I 'INIAIN STREET, SBAFORTH.
stl_ M, walk. Carriagff, riding.. ?,t t see", said Die, a4 she corier
be best; is If tile w thI4 four rililes )f
uM ed up lue tile Vi
W9 were; goiur, to be here all win- a n, t G VT..* PAPSTS
i doent way of taking the names,& those who Lre of h i j)i -it. The fUrill will be so d
orj, H A M i L TON
t in winter one wants' not' o to tile invitE -1. At fi,�gt_ 'none bu t wit ioul, l) crop. A I o the pi) -
hesitate a moment
er, nly air, 11but PPI
p ic �Or tho I r(ii: ises, or to E, ginoith-ville P,
he% ;said as he closed the lettE r but action. There is nothinj U111; peo-1 r
like a g6o:d, pl� ware ask but before
b lega a i
,or pa',
ood in m ah. y
they arit it to be, ready for pa' br erEzn h -1d it I
0 Book and Obods Store Seitti rllt Ontario.
aq� 0 bin ed tha; Same of' the fdhelEl FOR
w -at of March, and in the city There were days whiell 1,tooi,�� SXPE.-For llcof TO
oti e Aing4 I a& COMPAN
b) t ie :G g le
aret so so many interuptions." inclined to protest; the c and �thitirs wot Id like
ountry w",j s to ')in the nub. ie q, Lot if, 0,. �,lorris, con 01NITAR10,
0 li ieb are. c eat ad. -well fence 1:
lie em �o] by all�,Jpneans," said 60. jeres, 35 a L
He took another letter as h 9 spoke, uninviting at tis season of the ye;ar, no
Jon if part ly liderdv it e , all d abot t 2( a@ res free fro n XANUPACTV Rs ov
ad Sip eided it in, a, peoccupied It and -it was such a trouble to; put on n8 o + club nightli WELS� alway
-e. ec to
rips, Ituid about 4 JLci ; soild gra,". T) e
proved �o ba from, his brotb er,. who, wraps jus fo, a little wak I But, !the readIt orejo the society Of Prof lof the a well flibiaret. witlibarltt�
DECEMB�_:R SALE.1 C 6 T T 0 N iYoA n N 3!
wd-th his wife am -A moVaer-in 13�wl had habit olace folid, I began -t a '. that Kar lend him- 'wooda, Id. cedat. 9 11cre is a 9, 6d I rame lions
Jralilo parns it�ld tibles uso.,a good
beea. oc',upying our house daring our without my * wal k the self to th ent4rtli ment of our gu9sts urWilite anil Colored, Doub7e,
a adly �higle a
.. i it it id-Nvelandl,urn The buil absence- plete. - And I had ne , ; i , � do the oft g forlk 4i good to b av 3 P.
moo y nl4ving beer bltilt within 11 c
CARFZT wAnrs dall Colors
W; t1l i I th And thr, White all
The have Ecli been sck, and, he* that a winter laudscape c thena bem." As tileiresult this four years I re
begs that, if possible, we will 1E t them so many attractions—tibe mary ill tended. iivitation the attlEn nee wa3 qua4cr M!ilt s f, 6 rn Bria miles fro n BEAN WARPS of every Peseript4on.
r month, as the tracery of leafless limbs i w1gii
keep thelhouse anotbe d. Tli(re Aq a bell6ol a quarter �f
ind sV'ecdily doubled even Mi . OMpkin3 HOSIERY YARNS AND
11 1 ill M e, : Till is is a sj lendid lot ailid ill be so -1
old lady is alot yet well enourh to ba against the' wintry sky, the st6rmy.. was F (117BE ded; td leve ei c rpet rag3 BALLED X�NTJITJNG YARNS
Iclitelk.p. Apph, 0 the or to Bri.sAe 8
moved." tournaments of the cl f i t e week; nd b 3fore- P.O; IIENR'y LATIK, Proprietor. OF ICVHRY VARIRT�,
couds, the fq! ke evenlu, 817-tf
Jonas s usually very ready tic sympa- patches of green -grass lauglting tr I Xg 18 winter wag -h Mover T e C ub
.th b acome the de �ral in er st of the 3F 8 4 Collonades.
L e2iiin, Ticking.s
thize w his -friends, when trouble the anow. Eveiry day had -h C Ahl and�:
its surp iinil. A `F
F, r stdo cl, Call tbe jo,id net Raid. gottui6, CP A. DUI
6vertake i theml� bat in the' n i. N A N.
pregent in I re member an6t da in particular ere I adjo 11 il, �g tile vi 1t] 4r, Of EX These Goods are untivr.4113
Lter at present occt� onounced by the
sta,nce h� 8 voice, showed no regr A. bad been 9. light shower the ni _ht bel rE IC lie chief p'b eq ion t iv Dg 3U 161 'Ilied by Air. hob or t Tanson. ' he er tradetobeftilgy equal any madeand for
tie tea acres
the fol Of snow I to 0 1i e of 0 fo.-tablebitim regu arity� and overtiless aud coloring
9 11'
0 of I& id au wit laige Rnd i Make
lilY wish.they'd take i r lo -wed with a flurry f a m in winter Baid �& as �1911,,ze a id bri t lare ilnsurpasqed. ck.st lie with al
'Winter," he, said, as, he pitssed tI. e letter when we started out, a * cold, gray I iky, 6 r ro rm( r f riend s, 1 is the 1101 of s 0 e othei necessar CARPET WEAERS-Vett will find our
buil dingS and C1 IlVeUiCDC corriplete, Buell he table'. bent over a, Cola and disma worl&; but V EZdjfor tha�j reaj on.'ev'iety neigl bor. woo -shed, w0l, c1storn %Vnilp" *111'pt'frior to n1by im time mark -et.
across t
ommoneb this m6raing, ailid continue ail this! month,
&e. There ish Will A"Ve Y06111sil Ive IX' a trial.
An what would become of aq in that jus't as we reAched the Woods the pa bo:k kit o ha6 so.. ethin'k going (in to sp endie, oreliar� Cf ario arent varietic.q (f tto g
us difl
vo LC driN7 AlE fruitlincludinvqj) ry a] If *01111 IlDiry 4,; ood-si intian $aa not got it
case in a startled e. burst for-.tb, ad iu"stantly all %-as peopla jogethei s6ciall at id =01 f1ruits. Till wiritie to iffix and wic will jltefo�t
11 y �r�uridw. are ii[ehl ' ilanted With Ishade arift "YOU are prompt-
atay here, of course,"' inswer- lei S' i ill](CE a We ly $uj)pIied_
,hawd; the trees. stood white, and I OrIvaknelital trees Imdhedge. rh
r d la 'd is In' 03 -
eq June% coolly. OUR YARNS, of Which Iria Mike all des,crip
glistening, every branch and twig cover. .64'k3 rig It ;b(!ve, Iffri B��owninl," ollept1der. It still fact one tof the ost I con: -
good. ALN11r,
Bat the children, Jonas!" I ex- ed with4eathery foliage, u w 8 t] 1ei Ea 2sw el 0 c;mf4)r diie p -ivato resid lices in I b 1 tiolls�' will be toviiiiii ,bile here a A We th e F83 I
1L__ � a eP I for 11jitellill. Think what a setback it there a, wild gr�pe-,Vine hung in r Win n th ia� sets o cotin.tv naid is a� n itably adapt' -)d or & retire Thi - Com )any -,% a
nowy of ters 0 farm k �arn-10r Or gentlei ai nits rt sidet ce.� is � within I! A 113RAND SIL 00 NEW WINTER DRY GOODS I s awarded �two fint prize
would b to them, ha 1 . -111. 'L X
a' d 8 ag -life in hi utes k o a Ive itedals at ToroDto —
ving to, be oat of festoons. And,as we came out on the -bo �E D gir� t. of tile bibit'lon in 1881, and
frf the busineqs pow tow. I
a w inter r' other side of thig bit of woodland, driv of 'ella awa'.fr m b 6 ii�n ti locq jd6n for bpt, ity and b altbfu ties is a' I tbree t prizes at the Piovitli4l E)dn
Not -necessarily a set -back t1here ull"1 dsend 'o us, a titliot�couldbede;ireil. Apply on'the e! KID,-, t1lot, 1882.
,=y.dear. lay the blue bay dimpling in the zu� Tbfi DI is a. 9
n- premL
OBERTFAM302-4. 824-tf
They h& ve, done well thus f &r vhy not Shine. It - waj like standing -in ome. nog t WI�ANS & Co.
dres a to bbink 4)f' ts, C6 or it6 E 824-tf AGENYS - i
lot Aanie Continue to teach thf -It -boo. white grotto, looing,out on a -um- eu`(
t discipl 'WA -RVA TO EENr F. AlcELDERRY & Co., Montreal.
iae for her." mer sea. Ants to, tan on d, Tqr, X
S oll'i parts a I)ts 39 and 10, in t c Ist con -
Annie looked d tifb R, I I 814x26
igappointed. It -was And this enjoyinent of the bea-u I d J( co'sion of lurnlorry, conta;ning 8' acres,!6
to have been her first winter in. society, was not: the only good that I deiived 611, for 6nd ing, #Ien 'you qC w1licli,are cite, vd. Itjssitutedonuitt ng)
i111(ol I,oue 11
&ad she Uadi anticipated- it �wdt walks ; as tho"� vveeks' awELY X
b girlish from my winter ttb.Ere won't e ;�dqka, enough
1 L �uarte� = iles fro Blue al QFIRYSTAL & B1Lrkf0%r
6 ant I live fl bani. Tbesoiliisg :.jd and
Q wing- o t e gre A depre' 131013 in the wholibsale tirade,l we have securhd
eagernes.. But when her father spoe grew into months, I found to . my Bur amp 2g;- us, a] ;01 , at" 1 klis� not tb 'bratioll (f the Alaitlit7d, runs thilom, tile; 101
is a youi., b
rig 2,; sort of bo k: i, I( epp he 1 ring orelia rd aric a4rani
the proposed Orange- prise, that I was fr;eer than I had 7 p Ltd ipeon ment -would be to him. in, his work, and for years from the attacks of �a han dwellil To I e sold tilil severod lines of gDods a�, wgreat redu3tion from regular prices- Dress Gtiod� in
njy form:er hnted ta necessity for retretic ment 3 eaBi y reio P illit fircliaser, pi rented, for a t2rui of- itearF ]BOILER 11AXERS0
w1 -r foes�neu
te ralgia and dyF edi�d Nid Jon ;s. 11w 1110 tplits Of lot�,27 ay'd 28, intib
3pepsla.� A
usual 6 1 W what I (uld prop conei S! wil, Is, Cloth Goods, Checks,
ahe yieloed at once, with self s, Diagonals French T ftipes and Plain
"I told You go," said J nas, with th. at )se is , ihiBl Sion oflAbl-ris, colltai]11436ltieres. 1 1;
I e bought! the Tools and
and the ad. oins I hievale a id id three id 1 a I alf Me� TUB Subscribers bav
pweet. r�a_sonableness young- asBamPtion of superior foresight eo 1hat In 1h winOr tjae Club Bh)u�d JL Befler Business lately ostrit-d '�on by the God-
-it to; f ro art Wi here d1f ch, Mourning P�jeSO MatO�Wj Crapes, and all the latest styles in Millinery.:.
er ones. v.r.ere -too well pleased with the naturs.1 to a man. I is a. L t 60ttage, all' ; I y
0"Us- erich �'onnd &nil Manuffteturino Compan , and
There are tbi, ho e to house, 'a d thtti a id, r a y
C d on I*Iie soil 1
the p lac
1101781 PrOsPect of a winter in th coun- ands of women tbroughout the counti:y ulffi!Elilti Bum 13110111d ibe pa,'d b-� the (,,f 110 v i . haviij Y had an expemnonce I ovqr eight yeati-s in
best. ri rent wittl be foinier 61
try of raising wn objecti it. For to-day-do8ing PI in 'and Bro ade Velveteetis, Dr ls Immings, Rid al�a 'that shop are now prepared to clairy on the trala*
down tonioi�,. and imag bets to subECribe for 0 or pe PP! hiate For hir f ns in Silks TO ii �4
to th -in- Imle 11 il . r incornation apply t( in
'ES, PO,
TOYS81f, I inust cGutess that 9ttilater, B I u q 41
.t, though, L ing th hrmed inv" m g;tZiDeE, the f& -Mil" at o6e house JIA 0 3gq
ilelves to be con Rilid,13, An3jWOrk entrusted to us will prompt
Q� AICOA Y, Propi -ieti,)r, S b. G, H8�iefl , Bi eakf ist Shqwls, Bfoods, Clduds, Heavy: Work
tried to ve my co;n h ho, if tkey could'be persuaded to take tb i n6eitisg is hel d riteiiin the. m. Iga. Cash ere Glove 3 y Wr&P atten(ion. Firii"lass guar*uteed�
Clian 832.x4
was Boa lwhat appalled at the quflook,. an hour's exercise every morniiig inj t" -zi ei -!until' t eDext ciub.1ni ht bus Allikiads of Boilers =4& sto repalred,also
for in ay ycuth I Shaw4, Mantles, U181 er Cloth B, Munell iit�S, Wool aud F 1- Smokla Ataoks and Sheet Imn Work, &o., at res -
In 0 ] f6lb 7
e to laugh at porta RME FOR 'con sion .3, 1 1. sonable rate'C
winters: had spent sev6rail open ai�, would soon be &bl gi il: g all lltit� to; e Shirtings, Litid
4 &EL Old, New Engl&a(I f arm- the doctors. But bal them 'wbu ffit 11111 be �Ahip f '64 low hip -of a -ev, county (f Altiron, coutain- nd Id oiltes repaired on
f of Po s' Y the me Would New Salt Pans made a 6
ricesi that dety Com-
ii,�g 1 0 wreti, 50 tlif v lich arti leat-ed and nd"Seal; Ri
wall rerdemberad how think any doctor i of the purc Skird Fars.in stracan, Mink libons, Corsets, Laces, Ties, and 411' the s4ortest notice, au'd at
-who ftred HBO of & De . book owl
drearily the time wet by. lemer-ted f6l) rho elearinj is all in Patute. Tilt petit' n.
in op-aie snail a remedy," t lien arld� the�() wouldiorm the bFLI ILl P I; ood I tv -d wond I and
to pr Id iann
selves ly a id, iles from Ettlel sta-ti n, bn e Great
'e Pe6ple the CHRYSTAL e Bt A.CX,
-ooking baak,l could see that thq dreari- Yet,_as a ru'le," said' nu leu s of wh aif n 11 g 3 in ti' become front rm-se)sGraveh�oad,74 e
I nilec class' 'of Fancy Goods.,
I C�t fit eril Brus-
,ness was dae, to th men'. I am inchued to '.t . a, ire ia, Ui g li bra ry. h k, db c -ofe Ivir Pox 10,1, Go'derich.
,rather than to t valwy 111111 situated i goo I local i t
Place and seaE ion, and walking than women in the country 11! s an ii ble pli Als OtT6, ctincesiii)n 5, Town
said our sbip f Orey,
I mentally resolved to; Profit by the And the reason, y dear, is c D 'j- �'gi t wht%6'i�d like to C 1. bouti 70
ex- - eig bor ]owly; 0111
perence. v Sit Huron g1 a4res
OUR,` said Jorias of 11 �11 re elea oil all in ft go d tat !of culti. jMONEY TO LPANN
It is a tentative with exasperating seee3tibiiihedis at. old-fash oned ly- of
is rivaily all
Broad celln. We used to 39ve em Vat o nie f ILC fro"i beirg appoilited. agent f0r
said urbanity. ay and Foaxtee 01 wh(n JL LL ARE INVITED I PEUT OPR STOCK, Th�. undersigned
Jonas, -1 and very likely We M tu is. rhere is; a r od 0 agoo dwellim, some fi rat-clat-la Joan companies, is now prepared
a all be Street riiaturally tffo greater atit�actj 013�8 8 aiboY and I at count*; u morelra hut sc an � two' lit Re ame ban�
sick of A before the winter t to talre loans on farm, town and �,iljage property
b trns on 18
re, In good of Or a I chool on 'lao agent for
f over ; to thalf6mi-dine mind thiin wint f t public me fars ANO GOMPAF E OUR I RICES.
er weods a 1&1 in pro 12011 In h o tlh r. Th e is � , I , at reasonable rates Ot int�,rest A
Fj Our, neighbor, Mrs: To. -their;f ist 5pedrkiala in t el c rncrofthelilit, Twelve acres of iail witeat the lutowiek Farmers"' mutnai Vire Insurantle
but it w can manage to keep, 1busY I and f
A 7L.
if t
bard�y ink we. shall flud e P_ ceum ill
e kins, would Company. AI kinds of Conveyal
sown., 11 is ituated )n the mRin roalJ leading
wil,linglY walk fiom. the th oLdIred',,mphoob. se.!l I oug done with
h"ging heavy.", tbr utrh1betouTsbil Frorsialiq ort evy term. neatpest; and dipatch. g.ATTIKBW 11013,111 -
ferry to Macy's for the sake of loo] ilig b, th ire's n hi 9 likelit for bring- Ap ly to 1OHN BAH,iE�. Sr. 40, Brussels 11 SONj Waltn.
Busy Tom and Ben Oxrhml] ged one in at the shop windows, b
ut she wau4a P, ().,'or )n the pre mes, Lot IP, �oncasjon 6 tzi�- Combiissioner in B. R., fort�xljgaffidavlta*
Go2i tituted n 7 hird
N ,
.10givuVI Id. like to tf
in ry i3elglibbi
ea , ,
it befoTe, h
com I irle:
,aij�g Cub, dreyttiting a�
4 -to a debate."'
so heattil.
Air, An,
that at tt
tbj� I)r0potAtion
-t waa laid before the-
4 d0 the girl,3 d,.b
V_ ii -ked. Ruth Tonv
:,;It is Dot �omjjulspr_f;
fit 4 tubt thit'
jjojj� their o7n
able 'o
114.al�j Qy.
movel that we I) av;e:
don't �aro to 81*0
te 0metbft19-!"
lie:,ftj�,lilySwihk1 fat
Uiat Tiom cous-
Nwba.4 X
hi ] -or-to - but tbil TrAll
i with Ist000nded 411d Cal
Ing to e th
tble- you -1:19 r -
e P; i `
i rlls� Ing wbat.
talent W8Lj
boys,�thcliigh they In-
fasted ally Teliih for Wl
took a Aenuiae prit
priitri6utiog to I
at the iiligli'teht urg
. . . . . . st&y,
it or; rhyme, an
n ocogsibrially to try tL1.,
e ly 0
it. Itqs_Aitoge-thier di r.
0 itionsi I -R-4
-e& to
dri Ukly eoufja,�.,
iiou,�d t P m.,eietings far ft
V79 P
!But at`�lub
a iew mol
Ille UOUO wa's a �Mall 1"r
ie-iCellent sthatilig, r�,W
bfiiv� xviouib
ni&ts tbA - i.
.the - biitg i
InmL, aua,�Pit:C
144 !t�jje..� con�forlt of tLilfj
'S,tjrf*de�t)j t p(,�nd, 130L]
i -ng 6explilval. J*Now alid tLl
an linvimti�
:P*r-; a q6iltirlghee�,
�n e was
queot;V venjug
0" and rit'llfilia- C.3
N!7ant the
0-9 Wlao -always 'ent*
� rt t lif
:'11 ba; -e way be j
�iljl th�,coijutrY
t m. to be able 4
-giant � he
e of life.l.
simpl PWasu s
ifik the touu try
al -i Bfen-
tho ci
U4 Inn in
bav� missed
a parti(
C Air" an
e ftil-tv.
p thing-,
at 11 tbos,
om n And be juSt; a+1
YL-tatr, I said Jouks, pattl
4eve a better
I W& somuetimes
I P"n was a b6v, liaid
H miaketi
ope deferre
al noteol
Anni0l biightly-i
.80 ra iffiythat it har-111.
t4at �d�,ay is the first it
1 ithiu-�l On ti
Jon he nuinberea
IN -tt
b0n. -no lo�
dru, k wbc-.
P thlel
�rou 101)'a aq her jim
lowi raiiid td hiv
he i
1�ja toll 1140, W
.6 tby pirte��l
iDr_:11w-,Vh us, a�n
-ew Y41
and; popular
ask tbe �elst ym-an
4 1a ease hisi ary be(
i0r4$aSed fly leXp�eMIt
aid ti, -W
1"TILI ba said he v
th� iler man.,
:8rdial. aboilt the Von -lag
in ni �juii tral
I hc,Oso,of a Vi
the TAts in t1w: house f
ineati. , ThA� m &I wfu�
and he atelto his he&r.
rol is
9 up
for a.�
w 0- au ax.,��.
pridivided these, au�
ram P, rin tin YOU
no4 bAve slave so h
fon caretmi Is lie Reatt
bu4b�nd's kne aua
locks f�rom ljh�
'the� grave steril nian 4
nioll, 4,Sus-�%,Jvbalt If
vhiit?. Dont T�e too
car er thai
eng.-Mea u a liitfle
it grie�
nigllt6: 1ately.
bV tb4'
treq)#S�41)g UP6U
the �Mistj-ejs of the h -)i
watv, vas� � nO prellel.
bol,' at 'a -
gc-nItlemeu— �
Please. I san Czll�
master of thib mausiol
men,, play US 1�ng as V
a silvery VOic7e, aild all
tres�s .:of, tb�e house at
j),jay a� long as yot
returue I the judge -
was sl M, ad
3111tivht", ai irl of
a t v ud were 'in art
:hV We e V1011 W
o U 13
e -go n�exl
ame et:
teli i0pis t ing
41711 D.o e are
__ bit
4 o Ill, of
'b ver. spe
atti V nebf $ota beit,
o a le vice."
Au� Ge le lm1u
WrjP;e;%poeticS1 �epistllt
f;o �4u; R0, 10y de vr sir
gi-T o� eWiteen �s in love.
TO Ilvi,_ h- -1
A qir *1111goll, eon �uxv Itive, I
I ear Sir,
eli4to m
_4 god Old. Quakel
tenting to ft e extraivagi
�rou 101)'a aq her jim
lowi raiiid td hiv
he i
1�ja toll 1140, W
.6 tby pirte��l
iDr_:11w-,Vh us, a�n
-ew Y41
and; popular
ask tbe �elst ym-an
4 1a ease hisi ary be(
i0r4$aSed fly leXp�eMIt
aid ti, -W
1"TILI ba said he v
th� iler man.,
:8rdial. aboilt the Von -lag
in ni �juii tral
I hc,Oso,of a Vi
the TAts in t1w: house f
ineati. , ThA� m &I wfu�
and he atelto his he&r.
rol is
9 up
for a.�
w 0- au ax.,��.
pridivided these, au�
ram P, rin tin YOU
no4 bAve slave so h
fon caretmi Is lie Reatt
bu4b�nd's kne aua
locks f�rom ljh�
'the� grave steril nian 4
nioll, 4,Sus-�%,Jvbalt If
vhiit?. Dont T�e too
car er thai
eng.-Mea u a liitfle
it grie�
nigllt6: 1ately.
bV tb4'
treq)#S�41)g UP6U
the �Mistj-ejs of the h -)i
watv, vas� � nO prellel.
bol,' at 'a -
gc-nItlemeu— �
Please. I san Czll�
master of thib mausiol
men,, play US 1�ng as V
a silvery VOic7e, aild all
tres�s .:of, tb�e house at
j),jay a� long as yot