HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-12-28, Page 1. • • laving; 3 of a adage FOR THE tore. livened us rem- It Pal. =si- t from was* r term, teaoh- school. eriy of Iclviewe. a visit that; Sang. to, eseion,, arter,. cooper J. P. enured russets- ev.. J. resting .':ng the. at Fri and deputy Enicipal tivrsion. fo:2 at yon ha8: crsefor Selma, russets idea: of i p zrse-- Is the o be a ,ship in 1 going del Mo- tneoney double. and as eurt 014 nti elea- - fact of a lis- ipon in - back to ho was of the Ionated, She race of progeny et- Tha her de- dsf and nkards, rwhom 3n more NTEENTH AR. LE NUMBE `' 838. R YEA "S PRESEI4TS. Some UsEFUI A grand display of nice u eful goods, suitable r presents, to be sen at the S E A- H BOOT STARE,. SUCH AS Ladies' Rid Slippers, Ladies' Sid and ether Boots., Ladies' fined Overshoes,. Ladies' Handsome: Fdlt Slippers, Ladies' -Yarm Buttoned ank Lace Felt and Woolined Bo ts. Ladies' Taney Carpet Shpp: re - Gents' Fancy Vely t Slippers, Gents' ancy Leather Oper : Slippers,.. Gents' Fancy Felt Overshoes' Gents' fined Felt Overshoe Gents' Felt. Boot and Shoes. A Grand Display S, GIRLS ND CHILDREN'S BDOTS AND SHOES, In all Styles and Qualities, at rock bottom prises. Hats and Caps FOR MEN -AND OYS. What nicer present can ybn get than a first-class Persian, Lam Gapsor a Seal. Cap' or an Astrican Oa ,:or a first- class Fur Felt Hat. I A big lot of Men's and oy's Imita- tion Far Carps very cheap to clear. CPEO. GOAD, Noted for Nobby Hats andCaps, and Reliable Boots and. 4oes , $EAFDRTm BOOT TORE.E. Tho,Farm Resources of Ontario In addition to Statistios of the gcai crops of Ontario—a summary of: waist, has already been published --the No venber Report ofhe Bureau of: Indus tries coutains tabes relating ito iiv Stock, hay and clover, field . roots,, `eto. of hay an together -with information ooecernin. fruit and fruit trees, the threshing, an marketing of grain, the new crop of fol wheat, tile draining, fall plotighin, meat supplies, and the honey prod= of the year. There is a large surp: clover in the country, the total orup je seeding last season's by 2,036,793 ton:.. Last year the area under crop j *as:1 825,890 pores, and the average yiel 1.14 tons per acre ; this year the are was 2,359,521 acres, and the , eve* yield 1.75 tons. Broken weatherdurn. the first ten days •of haying , del.aye operations, sand a portion of the crop was poorly cured, but the bulk of it Was gathered in fan:. condition. The 'second crop of clever obtained a late 'kart, but the weather being favorable it ; pelade a vigorous growth. The• reports i to th Bureau show, however, that the ! nnidg has this year extended:to all 'arts o the Province west of Dundae:' purity Throughout the western peninsi 1a en the oounties bordering on Lake Oetori it has bees very destructive. 'he lo temperature was also unfavor bre fo early maturity, and fields that, -scape the midgewere smitten by Sept!mber' frost. Where the experiment tv: s tried of pasturing clover mita the 1Ot •r 15th of June a good yield of seed h been obtained—the first brood of th: midge being too early, and the second oo late, to do it any . injury. Aisike clover, which thrives best on moist Ioamy soils, is grown only to a limited eaten in the Province. ,It was a lata y cr.► this -year, and there will be a ee.9derat supply of seed. The rains of May, June and a ly de layed the seasonable planting • ' pots toes, and hindered the prepay tion -o the ground for other roots. • Tb suttee, quest drouth caused the land t bake, and autumn growth was slow. argot and mangolds, which go deep to th soil, suffered least ; but turni'Jeer almost everywhere - stnnted, a d th average produce per acre is 150 usbe s less than last year. In districts visited by drenching summer rains, 'as in t e valleys of the Thames and t1'I itla• d rivers, much injury was done to t e 'potato crop, and in the western opuntie of the Lake Ontario group the rot w • s prevalent. Ae a result, the avers e yield for the whole Province is 1 bus e18 per aore leas than last . year. T e e acreage androd uce of the several e o e S for 1882 andi1883 are/ as follows i ? Ac -es 1883 Buses. Acres 113$2- Bash. Potatoes.. 167,302 16,106,731 160,70(1 18,432,145 Marigolds.. 17,248 .6,233,163- 15,791 ;,711,'420 Carrots.... 11,292" 3,951,588 9,955 14,069,975 Turnips. 98,558 29,732,013 78,823„•841,359331, Totals.. 294,490 55,723,495 265,269 p,5120871 The failure of fruit has been ,general throughout the Province. The show o apple blossoms was full ofrornise notwithstanding that this was the riff year for bearing, but the cold wipds and rains which prevailed throughout May and en into June blasted the. prospect. The trees,however,have, made a heal thy growth of young wood., and friti1t buds are abundant. The.effects of laitt year's blight are nowhere visible nb,W... A small surplus of peaches was plrrodeced in the Niagara peninsula and Mang the lake shore in Norfolk. Chert:els were scarce and almost worthless. T:'epinim crop was large, but the quality as -in- jured by the curculio, blight, and; the September frost. Blackknot WI rapidly destroying the plum and cherry orchards. Grapes ripened slowly owing to core tinned low temperature in Augfcs-t and September, and were damaged y • mil- dew and frost. Leta tomatoes were -a total loss, having been cut d wn , by frost. The total- atlea of oroh d an e. garden this year is 200,846. acre , or on acre of orchard and garden to eery 52.. acres of cleared farm land. • .The settlement of the North' lest ha: opened to Ontario farmers a n w mar ket for hortes, and the effort t ey ar making to supply .the `demand i show by the noticeable increase in th. -retur of horses this year. For ;1.882 ant 188 the figures are 1 • 1883: Working Horses........350,181 Breeding Mares........ � 87,442 Unbroken Horses . 1I123,408 It is an evidence of the rap 1882. !836,93" 70,59 ' 96,07 • dly en larging market for •Canadian cattle, a: well at home as in England and. th. United States, that the returns:for 1.88; show an increase over those for 1882; o nearly seventeen per cent., c `iefly i the number of store and youn ` cattl The heavy rains of the early a amm: produced abundant pasturage, and th open fall -permitted deck to tun f about a month longer then usual great number of well fatted (anima have been sold off the grass ; :but tl partial failure of the root crop di courages stall -feeding, 'end the laxl surplus of hay will be !used at car store cattle, over to the next ; grazir season. In some districts, howeve such as `,Wellington county,' ma stockers have been tied rip for the wiet _and willrbe fed on hay, roots and stai edbarley for the Eastern markets. The numbeteof cattle in the Frovinceitn 1882 and 1881 was as follows c 1 I883. r r 8 e g 1882. Working Oxen........... 17,086 140566 Milch Cows - 1691,808 665,382 Store Cattle (over 2 years).. - 822,154 272:208 Other Cattle 1790,949 :610,527 Total.... ...... . ... . . t,821,997 - 1,562638 The aggregate returns of sheep show a diminution of some . 43,400 ; wholly in the fine -wooded breeds, . however, there being an increase in the cose- ,woolled breeds of 16,461. - The reon of the' decrease in the fbrmer class i not apparent. An unusually large mor tality in lambs this yeas no doubt : ac count for it to some extent ; but, failin good prices for wool, it is not imam bable that farmers find the larger • m ;. tto prod fo; sb pmen AaeSri'an de e1 -p rt o the s r L lyre cut ane. t e eI ex tort of w t ye: r -old t it gr wing n t:e�tic is gi•en n rhe ; n ad g asse of w icl it of 'eutto i e s atem nt fo 18E2 and 18 C a"se-yoolled ov (tnd Fig-woled(ov rl '(u ats.:.. lief nam- es 1,0 fine fleece ,gh tly e v rge, su p fly in th ce, bu aoroei tion o s will . Els ley a of p turn an on be nu ing— y ar 9i5 of t. he w: el 1 e: pew P evi 9. p p odu f: rme s:also! ba qAlit Thr le , t ar b 1 y '. 0. 8, 1883. McLEAN BROS , P 'Wishere. $1.5Q a Year, irn. A4vance. tg fo us ak 11 he: atm re p eigte nearke b orbs th of'�. ambs in Erie att d Cr eat velum . to bs p r new r. prod>(tce Foliosy of the 3; ri 1 year . r 1,yourp.. t rear), ... Sail sear).' .. f er ; of fl 5,41'of ciol, avers, lot y 5 .lbs las of weste t te-fail t ere; h pdrk. :ill or s where, p e 'being. rk will b begs 'sho ✓ cen r8 bye oun earl ain ofi s. gr: the fes; ngs $ -s ncr ase isin in istri ts, prime ng is a et me cP 1888 1 044,8 581,1 er 1 year. der .l year. `fro Th ease da ys St... retur e this y a . o incsre k ud oth 1t aid 188 ✓ r7ce} O'her fL 8 8e wn- a b to as h ieg ess f s . wed a41k i sta1 t a a b s 4f ppu; aria tihe' se in the rowls. re alter re& of fat n deo thithe gr rd an' lempy. and elad see pt the O1 • for 11 ices bo h ailed t of Septern wth in on the • Ce Oa in to t Jogs 150,4 95,4 di a 71, clip se a abo the is of t 10 e er t ea d. te 1 - he r= ep 2. 1 81299 ed d 2,- 800 coat ,ge cons qu any in as and disc sen to a in 883. 2 6,329 9 7,842 ry sho n her nu be sta 55, 67 491, 01 008,351 w eat ea OS der 5 he rn he 5, he Or- od et. of Or ne 811 of 3 5 4,5 as nu at eed t s, ost far arke de rni soils ng ter stil heat as require at ittil BOM 0 onl is ey as p ices f r fe nd eas ave be ati rt. to tim e re arded gr a xceatir Dull mar e s and Jere ting ci ed th oe le beylon 1 what me noel b t me d was iu te n coal ti he Let( ve 13 are the p e Th haat ar ark ting a t f knarlirB w at th rio nt of ra glen as bee need titter ring r ng to fo were d ainfal ninatead re ma d the rap teat t nce ea eaten ova ce, as th tine! cs 131 ti if PI en ent ys eps fic era ti 1 01 11 • ilee an p od nt s in tl ior por in Ve a 9 OS 11 nd ric fur ro 8 old ee ea ing to of thi ailing ag Bed tial f ed to at r pe eavor d to ma y had) st in nisheci pi feed than tais 1 a hotted seeding unarai ea lends fee a*ned on by the e cF 37 ar, but th scar 1 hi h wage omen of un eri drainage n given by the ret r retur o 08 as$ I oar out. Th ,114 lte ird One- h if or last 42,e, is year past eping as ed. he - nous a and he tage. In as high a rofita le da ry be ter ma e las ye r 1.8 11100 eiu unable to giv ke for in the sc ✓ are 5 73,610 lb 04,685 a on he een a Tr rainy : w ether summer ere coslau honey pr duciri the be s• reaped some case the yi 200 1110. pe colon ne in el st eve s, called here n spend the night ell reti ed early n ting ro0 alone. A being ope ed b nfronted y two re med, one with a er with la volye 226 e- ur- for 32. 058 357 705 en be eat ere ed nd sta to - a ve ate ate in- er. eft for he he er- en nd in In in ve rid ng an rk, in in nd- ho er- re, rge om 7 an nd ten es- 110 - of by pus he he cif 858 in eta eir ule est ak- ege Ifig- nd 1 er ive of owt ld has he r. Peter 1...of Ginter o Platte being en ng, and about 1 in the ei tee late and on it she W n, ba0 • AS eel - t of hig t. th hi etv he rs. sk- ot- tr 111 ortcing h bab. in t e ho se dem d the mci ey. : She s re ed for hen Mr. azi'r rue ed from his r nd closed wit the 1. rgst of tti { l ars, the ne who a ' the revo ud was an ling +: i : roughly quid no doub have :e ur d hint e;not fire , t e ball pass no thr r'close to th:hear , ud Mr. L el dead. Iu he me: u i- a Mr. J a got up and got h s n , but unately it was not to 1 d;, and the eine made their esca s. Mr; Jone Pte aa farmer, a d wads paid o hops t e previous of ter von. e are this money 'wee he object ✓ mpted he attempt at; urglary esuited in murder. Cana a. he DOW creatilev r bridge at Nie - 9 0 for the :relief of tali sufferer by oatraffic by New Ye r'S day. It lie inn- -1--A 30 pouhd liv pi Was st len +-The Parte Rev evil has meter hed The embers of he b hie eta s of The depo its in the postal 811 ings xcess of: the nd- om had zjer nes for - is 800 To bat and ho a m of 1 • of $ yro f Lobo, as s tice of appe It is lake ri er, the e to of ill-fam hea Mr. eon ab ✓ 11 bo es o , werel $1,971,000 • e tim last year. Some eigilateen son, being t eble violas easo eotg r. or enry 11. res nea tOrvis Id his ore of of $ en_ fi ed extended t onnect it .5 ming the number of D lo le rg i.shOt his vaistr t St. Rcichis, B th lived onl (..de ini give up hi oash'.1)0x, con Ya h 410 and sea.ult ng e town of 100 seine t eels ast the has rg's the hip cres we- d with pro a ;letter at redit the De the A It Iley roit BS in a use Quebec, the relet rate his os s, or 30 aye $70. friend pcinting un 18 post $100 labo ad into Hu end stol —John freight co St Tho a is Aid the Dr. pr ached pi lin St. is spendi on the III so far hag The be ongin to pickl fell pr achin ti e to a be it deli so at on 10 000 de umtg oap finntOch: le 1 ho se. deft on th M Dicke tic emits cs tioni Rat xl/r1E40/1 to bagging ni ally, fine aymond, This pi t d to say of Irerkip, o la ely ma skoka coma 11 ne ess- this uu- ver tore hts stol ain- • ith B110 - e of ho 0/al saw w ich Ce f iambi ery s, who new they w uld them an other watelb oke r street sehool, 119.111i ton, istmas ex =natio s. -law raisi g $15,0 0 fo the h to be vet d on: at the ame he munic pal leo ions ake county o Oxf 'rd. ounter, a rand oink hristm a it hi fa eat/ n that ci y. 1 Belalg r, me ectorf oars he fath r f 33 chili ren. ife had i , and the third AO but e s of barley eve din Ga, t far this sea- red at A te his is ex aut- ason clo es j . robbers rok -into a toll - street, Jost outside H mil- sday nig t :tart week, and she h d concealed the loaded urder occurre at bject of the murde _was day mo Ing recently ev. of the C ntrat Presbyterian t, ann need. that hel had tta previon y, sad had ithort- left fo ar fornia. The $ church. he rave end to the laudable example set by tbe yo ng man in California, who he - sai had been a farm servant in the eri g the question of offering onuses to 1. So nd the much coveted ' Grand aft r the G and Tr ek, an One Mow t, a contracte sto hite din peered On lie was quietly wedde at an to the great eurprise Dot 013 ed o her peo le. Last agar ng a Ate r the Ros in Ho for $6 000, w s reset ha just °banked han e. onth ago to spa, and row ownit about e -The engi es and th new Nut ara br ab lit an bon , sever m de on tit brid deflection. • et -John Da idson, told 106 earele to Dahddson, late of Ma for $6,360. Seven it Worth near y three honglit thilt far for bald work an good Wmt 131a BI ck, Cale fro the N a three wee th wi -an dis sid The Society s ab ve named ti nkets. A largely pr anted to co gregation Ki piton, pr meat of Rev. Tble Dean, in hold out no of he Manse or es the raj the fatal ecci The liael to D of Smit Pa sti wo 011 in th edneSday adjoiing saPpe red y of his as .retern- lees ,o property se, Tor nto, Add for 1 ,000, land lite in eal estate, C re that teeted d e the other day 1 deed to s being e to s Lied the ns and teket the Bosanquet, has t brother, Wm. years age John nage etit,made onia, a jus returned was a patent in li beep tal car at rear of a conetr otion rain along h nine oth rs, fou Of who died. Oa Mond y last e Iris Protest - sugar to he poo of Ha ' oni be - B gratuito s done ions for the needy. ent in cash 5500 foe the article , excep $100 for eigned retition hes been e Dear of Ont rip bY the yin(' or the r instate - r. son in as curacy. reply, :tates th t he can 19 al wo 10 n the ion the f Com erly p 100, way a , thrift 's Fal railway 'committee one to 111a, ve the otected IA. jury - 0 vehi les yearly the p int where °erred few days I. ntial little e Canada its anemia it sold here ranch of evenne to to Andrew seh, drove the bolt of a train, ashing it e horses. rit, saved. 19 8 1, 0111 lb tt t8r ybwe: ca°6 This small n Toro Teen ack fro • fron ling t htly dr key fair, ution of th of dres the late f ustry brie farmers i Friday morning ison, a farmer, fro ng the' railway t ks at the umbe il ich steno the int pieces and ki hi -life by 1.11 ping. A far errs team in 'contact he pla ed pon ir day. a in no that tri da th y cam i on of theitrailway dr rn away proceedings Whisky i, given bi more free y, -but T omas Naugle, who of oods, and ehen re a ay, alleging he wa no intend tlibid. Whilst ngaged day 14th inst., M ighly respected fa ,- coming into con re inju n Mon o child ernper t Ayr e blue berg the forte of sec an e meeting will be Fr hil bli tained 138V is death ow and t A grand o be held he interes tinence— wi is in ab 1 111 11 attache to a load Londo the other d the race until with a d boarded ye, an d. after away It in oraetim bought ased to I drum in th . Robe mer n aet wit • aro 'es whi net being them, the an abrnbt t auction kes people a leads to e case of 166 worth take them and did eshing on t Wilford, ae Cross - the tum- nd it and h resulted ey. He leaves. a nee ma s meeting ni New ear's day, O cans ef total ltreced d 9y the an nal musket festi al, for hio care- ful preparatiens are eing made. share in a rafle at P int St. Char es for th ow but th prize lac no fort "m- ilt . He consequen ly sem d 'a horse th t he was told W8, tile ani al. %bled fo aed was arrested fee *ate lin . He . ha to retnin the horse a d ill get ly inade large parch tack tt Ox- fo county, 'has j et retu ned 'from from Jame O'Rourk f Wo dstock, for Will return to M xico early in J. le ary, eking this ho se and other pur tutees w th him. —Mr. T. A. Dickens form rly a resi- rem mbe B OM ho e a barrel full of nglish Ho y and .other beautiful ever eeps gr wn •ri that ge ial clime, to be use in etc. ating wa an esteemed mein er. el w o is au extensive exiled r of cattle an sheep, states t at the Ciar stmas display of beef and. utton in St. Law - las ever witnesse in Britain. H is of opinion that th Shropslaire o ne are the best she P for Canadiae far- mers to breed beeh for mutton and wool they being 20 Pents-per lb. bdtter —A public debate on the Minlis ers' Stipend Augmentation Scheme ef the Presbyterian Churbh, took place ie the Cedar Creek Hall, North Dural 16B, the other eveniDg. The subjec *as discussed by three members f 'the Grange, and three resident farm reaiot grangers. The decision was gi en in favor of the fanners and again the man, was last wee fined at a sight- -A young man amed Thee, illaHoff- trate's court in Gale, the sum of $15 and costs or thirty days in gaol for dieturb- jug divine service in the -Met odist church. As the stfinaps were not forth- coming he was s ot to ,Berlin gaol. Hoffman had bee Several tim s I re- monstrated with, bat persistentl eon - tinned in big evil c uree. The following ar the property quali- fications necessary ter these who aspire to attic honors : (1) In incorpertited villages. freehold t $600, or lea ehold or leasehold to $1. 00 ; (3) inIcitie ree- (4) in townships, hieehold to $4 0 or 'leasehold to $800. And so in p o or - tion when. the qn lification, is rtly freehold and partl leasehold. Spink and McLau hlin, of Toren land of the Dominion Millers' Assoc ation, had an interyievt ith Sir IL. 1 ley, !.1 on Saturday, in re ard to the w eat duty, which they ish reduced from 15c. to-7-io. per bushel, eo as to equalize it with the tax on flo a which is 50c per barrel. The Fine ce Minister has the matter under consideration. --A young man,,named Jaines Leith., lately from 'Scotland, a brakesnian on the Grand Trunk Railway, at Na anee, Friday morning, fell between th !ears while doing some shunting, a d the wheels passed over both arms, mang- ling them in a terrible manner. Both arms had to be amputated abo el the elbows. Smith was a short -hand riter, and was only acting as brakema ntil he could secure a situation. In 11Tpro- bability he will relcover. —Quite an exod a took place om Beverly toweship last week. e ars. Thos. Gray, wife a d one son, r hur Peebles, George Elliott, Jas. Whi e and wife, and Ledice ray, daughter of Mr. Henry Gray, all o .Beverly, lef Galt for Haywards, Ca Hernia, vvher hey ei intend to reside p rmanently. A out fifty of Mr. Gray's •ald Mende Rude igh- bora came to Galt o see there o , arid all for their later prosperity an hap- -Mr. Wm. Symes, bookseller of Glencoe, met with a serious loss la ely. to attend adneetin handed et a aunt, all in bank notes to his ife, telling her to put it iti a, secure p ace, This Mts. Samos did, as she thou ht, by laying it in the oven of the parlor stove. Subsequen ly the hired Oa lit a fire in the etove, not knowing *hat a valuable parcel t would roaitt. Of course the bills were all burned ot a piece of one remaining. —The schooner S. D. Hanged r , of Buffalo, left Tobermory, Novembe 25, bound to Buffalo in tow of the tug Gladiator. The eame afternoon the tug got disabled aed broke up thie ow. The schooner then. drifted about, ey- ing sprung aleak, until the aft r oon Manitoulin island. The crew liete on of the 28th, when it went ashel on the island 19 days, in a tent, and short of provisions, when they happened, on an old Ash boat w ich they xigged out and menage(' to re safe. —The winter ex ch Toberniory in, all mintions of the On- tario veterinary co lege were coneltided last Friday. 'I e examiners were Messrs. Chas. Elli tt, St. Catharines ; I, market, all veteri ary surgeons The following student passed • tlaett nal proprietors pf the county of 13ruce have former:lit em - Selves into Lennie with the folio hag let vice-preatident Mr. Deck, Ki car - Walkerton. The bjects of the aes da - tion, as set forth n the constitu ion, among the lariat re and publishe s of the county, and te cultivate a more, fra- ternal feeling between the metal:le/a of the fourth • estate." It was agreed to draw up a price liet and stick to it. —An address wets last week sent by the Six Nation Indians, to HiS Icel- lency the Governor-General. Tt was enclosed in a beautifully worked case, the product Of the deft hand of t e red man. In the centre of the cage i a re- presentation of the huts used y the Indiaps in their +Her days, and r this ie the wampum made of white shells indicative of unearned faith, and a , sil- ver chair representative of the lin that binds the Indiana to Great B itain. Upon thereverse side are the ipe of delicately cut out in birch bark 'The whole is profusel decorated wi h In- dian grass, and t e hair died in arious colours, of the M ose deer. —On Wedneeddy evening of last Week a number of the members of the Grey Plowmen's Association repaired to the re idence of Robert McLanchlin, on w ose farm they held their plowing m tch this year a d made Mrs. Mc - Lett -ebbe and her 'tve denghters each nition of the kind malt courteous man- ner in which -they Ire entertained on the day of the me ch. 1 The presents it address sigeed by r. .,11. McIntosh, Peesident of the Asset iatiOn. After the presentations were Made refreshments Were palken of, lend the inner -rasa being satis ed, a shOrt time was spent in social chat whet:atilt started for their homes , being pleased with the proceed- ings of' the levenin,g. The Public Scheel Board of Listo- wel have a opted the Royal Readers. John Butie of Ilibbert, died a few days into the charge 1 the Presbyterian church. at Listowel. I , of fingers a few days lag° by making too familier with a buzz 'saw., ,--The pottery at iTavistock is now running at full blast ender the manage - meet of Messrs. Jarvis & Wagner. -1---` Ambng the nine y -eight pupils on th regieter. of the Antulree school, th ee were not absent oae day during Mr. Mimeo, B.A,, aseistant master in tratford High SchooL has accepted a More lucrative situatio ' in Belleville Mr. Alex. Hill, of itchell, had $2 0 on hi person Fridey night. He w elk folio ed to Me house, knocked do n and n Attempt made to rob laim. an 6 from he Collis on House, and his Two Listowel b ye name John and G orge Th mpson, were :up before the h bit indulged in by boys 'n other places s. pent p nishmen 6 would be likely to sheep at t e recent fat Stock show in Toronto end did :Well. I He took the first prize for best :wet er under one year, first or best eWe between one and two yeare, and first for Ilst ewe under one year, —An el lady, Mrg. Lloyd, of Strat- (11 the other vening, the oili took fire, and immediat ly the poor wbman was en - some of th neighbors who extinguished 13 veloped ie flames. Her ieries attracted them, but tot before shta was so severe- ly burnt about the 'beeast that her re- covery was hopeleSs, end she died shortly after. Her usbabad wee absent Item towel at the time of the- awl - Mr, 1J P. Macdonald, of Messrs. to the Neethwest in the interest of his fir , which has found a Very extensive nel se enders being the favorite machines ou on th prairies. The firm have er cted a large warehouse in Brandon fot banality their bileiness there, 'and expect, neXt season, to 44 a larger busi- ness thee ever. 1 i —A meet painful! accident pccurred to Mr. Aaron Buck in Mitchell, on Sat- urday eveeing, 15th, inst. As he was preparing to leave town for home, his horses started before lie was seated, and he fell on his bead ftorn the wagou onl to the hard road, which split the scalp from the crowe dein down to the temple, and laid fully a quarter of the skull perfectly bare. Itl was ' a most sickening .sight to witness, and few thought that the man oeuld live. Dr. Lehman was soon in attendance, how- ever, and he reported. themes not to be as bad as it looked. The ecalp was drawn together and stitehed, and he is now doing nicely. —The following not very flattering remarke on the conduct of Mitchell young meal is from the Reporder : There are a goodly number of yeung men just in their tetras who are in a fair way to become drunken sots at an early age. Nearly every night they are drunk, and swearing about frOm one place to an- ot• er. Being nearly all apprentices it over the bar, so they procure it in. b ttles teed carry 'it reund in their p Acts. To their shame be it said that s rue of them have Signed the temper- a ee pledge., Tins shows that already tl ey have no honor, and aeon they 'won't h ve sense or anything else. It is time a d punished thee° who sell these in re liquor. ' —Mr. J. J. Fisher, of:Colborne, while i Clinton last week, stated' that "al- though he was one of the largest fann- ers in that tow.nshiPj he Would not this year have a single bushel of wheat to sell. Mr. Matthew `Haze wood, of Hal- lett, stated that he tvotid not have single bushel of any lkind ef grain, and would be compelled Ito tiny seed next spring. —On Sunday, DSbember 16th, Bev; James Gray, of 101intion, preached Sunday school annilvereary sermons in the Methodist cherola, morning and evening. In the afternoon a mass meeting was held, when short addresses were given by Megan; Gr4 and Holmes, and a blackboard review by Mr. Keys. On Monday evening a te meeting was held, the church bein ed. Rev. Mr. Baugh occupied the c a." , and interest- ing addresses were 40en yllev.Alessrs. Gray, Denby and Cualer. A nuraber of children, under diteeti n of Mx. W. Keys, rendered a very pr tty piece en- titled Crown Him Lord of all." The la gely to the evening's entertainment. T e proceeds amounted to over $45.