The Huron Expositor, 1883-12-14, Page 57 7
ich -D
NEW ADVERTISEMIMNTS. preseitoivoinPirliamenti.nhamem 1 thefu1tom, ;b, w pnrpDde it ap- �lowin torva-inamancloolf ttie I
ears to! M I t iere I no small r1811 (I its order. he whole ar y I'll be
bar ol a. Reform Govolernmen 10. The tw
The figurer be (a iftbe offel Ce is -epeated.
Isr tween the p%rentlkevis sftdr I 0ein peive - I 11.
imir .08
e"h llne,.denotes nie page of the paper on Which ringhaflers in this mOveme it were..
ks r1ago rd � i myj OWD P�Iiti 3al. eareer� No WA It. Rear A al Cl
differ 3 t times oppon-�Uts bi his for th iinri 3g th�o la,13 pailiaime t, The c�u es� cently in' commend of a 4i, ti
December Sale—Duncau Duncal (5)
repre 1'entation of West Hi iron, in th bi(h compelled ikla� to withdra Aron,B%yiIi6ispontivetheie i
Holiday Presents—C. W. Poll y oneral 1� war bet yvee a Obins and
(onfidelloe fraW th pr Utl Adi
deft' Wilaon(5) Loca and eao�bi suffered s. is
Christmas Cards,�Lums tration were :1 1 , d bV in a; (',hills ii� ao match 0 France an
Wly DIP &I a
iiads defeat at thel I I - I
Dress goods-, & —J. L. Smith. (5) ignon ii, a �aads of, th nabl"
1. t he variou IC mee ng wl. ich. I i josvitoV give in,
Teasl G. Ault. (5) electo: r tte, w as- triumphe deemed it: ny'-duty to ho a thro j$hout
I have' I UXKIV�T,.—The ho Bella al
HardTiioaes—H. Rabb. (5) a."Id
OW in blic fav
I g
and diiatitine's to gr the Col tr, a that; pi , erilo
Notice to Ore ditors—J. L. Cartwright (5) no I tlibin ex- Wria, B,.Q., passed s4utio i
uly to ado: Viat th� oplin 0
Caution—J. Campbell ok Son. (5): To a To people reviiinge 4 sweet, -an I
i vern Wen to:ia6ro
m0ed ha re ee f u4i I y orne. 61t byL i:lg the
1 9
efest thes
Enterprise—L. Thorne. (8 ell still s a isirtingunaor their d1 tu reatr'i0b Chinese malign
&Co. the resul to
Great B a—W. Campt
two rajeQted politicians co&pire to d,4 At the 3a, a titnei I e -iii rp t -ay. Etaftlin), atatement"was r
Cushion r6st—Bxposilllon Office (5) mpt hold laqi secretar3 that tbare a
essly, Jb &I hough; I
T� eacher Wanted—H. Foster. (51 Claud estinely wfiat they dl':re not d61
ern mer I tc be destitu I a 10,1linese'a a the main Is
I poli I of a Gov
Simale' (5) y
Estr openl 7, namely, insult tild man whal
i f raught wit la [ang in tb6 event (If (eJr-I cam oril r 3ubsist by in rderingar
a Card—B, G. McCaughey. (5)
Le gal bad e u sed their discomAtuire,bv doI �ef, I iug, which they ha a Iready be
t sin, not ro" oontingen
ttle—T, Baird. (5), a�t th : A BidmPALo BILL no: ANIzxT1 X,
Estrsy C& ing tl a a at the polls in a to ir and ope.. I lave al w&3 R, mitted bla a r 1,1,108 lit
Dog Lost—N. Cosens. (5) oante�-q incendiary �. res of a
E tatt6 of tbi ngl on Without wlc Rev
il may go
Collia Dog Lost— R. Turnbull. (5) fight. Taking advant a o- the cirou
f Or a, con al( el I t ]at past in ilwaukee, have belon tr
16 F eriod an I: i I
a il
B-tane ihat in the co; cil o the
Wood Waated—J- Fairley. (5) re a pid f i.liur bo e about 13 year
pl1rog 88 of ille
P' 'the marve'lously r
Pig for Service—W. Cook. (5) the m! bibirs,
year a majority of
am c our�try wi U a the ea as iefinedpeople. The oys'biv
ladet ew yea
To the Pablic—J. McIntyre. (8)
politi ally opposed to the 0 1 ject of the� Ila !'a Many things possi le or 6 to- firroBte . They be. If rmed a
Pig for. Service—G. Strung. (5)
hate slid envy, those W"Ort1des, called 'a ay., I, b it would have, be an $1iodly Bill Or' anization " all I had. 16
Handsome Store—C. W. Papst. a
a np,adent to lave: attem told phort den, wl ere they kept ime ho a
Rall Calf for-Salle—R.iollard McKee. (5) caucus of the Conservative. m mliere, o I
a Did, ]as oes. From t a dens t a
f i (I 1e back,
the co.,neil, and by specion ressouln, i Jo al Rough I eutir 001 0 mul raids on the pantrie we I to d
e9jolel them iDto cominihing- at a acklessrianuer in whic Wf h ve lors. 011e of the'bi ys confbasod
t r 0, Tou
ou EXPERIEN Bill NeaLr L
act which, from the char�ator-of th( beeb corn P4 ill( d toissume th A 4 re
sponsibilit3 oi the construction d ;he Wisconkh, on Mon u. last,, B, )a
Men,w3 know many Of thelirl must, in 1p .
'acIfic Rai ro tod wilihili a fix� Ii 4it of Who ., Wore playin a out a a
SEAFGRTH, FRIDAY, Dec. 1-1, 18:83. their li arts, h4ve de PiSed theMBelVel tan ye . are, I ally � ecoguiz4 the !9V at ciscovefllial the eulalolated. it
desirabilitn' th work i seli of Louis Aboldrison. ` h
for do ii�g d R)rm
sin I ly tras
ais care th& the g-ro th if be f all on4wid buried him at noo
The South Huron Vjection. The W�hole proceedli a aiscusse i �
a agnificent erritqrj, whic iit is i to 37, &Dd'be had beeii. here evei
d Ulav,irse may I rap�id]enough to r eu ra. througb some very severe w
nd rancled
a in a of conser�
The writ for the now election iil South all
vative embers -of c Laid outside vitboul, food or wator. He iR
Huron 0 ncil I 11z'alhe rash �sa dipp]ayed in� our bigree
has been issued, The nomin. s ieletol1i, t
and W), only brought1before the Men to gui utee 06 vast a Work wi ffi but able t3a�oaaklio I
0 , Conn or Ive
ation has been fixed for Thlursdally, Dec- I
I ! j h sq, short � 6 a bace Qf tim a. heved that lie wills
cil as i, matter of fo"m to!'be ral 1 -
ember 27th, and the polling, sh 'old an 111111 regral - n: Deli thel eat: i and 01WAN FItiuID)B., Phb Sba�e 0
0 nil elesso.0011
o all i: itents aliad p r, oses, the act wal t
T r% lar ILilage U which �lisffgtimd the
involati &ling the 11101 go Of 16
election take place, on Tharsday, 3rd
as Bull agreed upon and! as cert%ft igi &I pro 'lei, idings of the Gov�rh m tit blow Bad ford, Masm, vl�lhicb it iS
January, 1884. James Dickson, Esq.
mlilished beforo the Com I
of beft acco tlioi to the, kletual 0 cup I Ib a nianufa-,ttires is Jin the c
Begistrax,hasbeen appointed Returning 11
or est Tlirritoty,j an. oligh it manner, nd by Me Ing of circifla
.4, altt
serv&t ��q c1luous close as it! I was whe
d* ti 11
Officer. As yet we have not heard of A I tr a that tile June IC, tL an brosde, I t sells that ajor fabulon
DUneil. S( t
t id in Bril n
actual I ratified by..:, be d.� blail, tit �Ovoirl lant'I
to he u uitial It is believ
any opposition to Sir Richard Cart-
rm dispose
that tl wa- U d of 25,000 organs t
ll manner in w- ich t 6 act R1 66 adniiti that I 4allce
wright We may my, however, that
concei 7 d was pe- - I raceful 11 as, the ac 8 ffi4iontIV, e j:inerate'q the fit'ilet of year, atlaprofitof $5 000tot,2
lie lials, held a series of meetings in e
t a bomin'ffin from the char al)[ hav - GR U r-, 1, SWINDLE% be ste
itself. f things bate cofl
no to tba, a.
various parts Of the riding and every (I dealectE i ffled from NF, w York fo
101 exsA-their in yL in
Pass 11C the county counoill of Ham i. such�&man nek as wmid hilve bonalyell ed i burg, T4 ursday, -,Vi' Ih.'.00)000 I ra
where he has received a- most cordial.
that E, public business must be dis� t le Imperial outho'At16s to tAe ligor(iug lldrlsship�edbyonefirm. Ttiss
reception and has added largely to his 11 be dispc a of to. G
cuaBed' ild virtu4lly ecidel in a -tion in tb a inattee. 1- 1 money rj
It list of friends in South Hu pril a
ron.. Not . bm n cone' �tiin, I d8sire� to 8 a I ,ernigrad;ts Doming W.t4lis couutry
vate, caucus composed of the -mem
Wone by bia powerful addresses but by My a Ua face get. bei
slall make iVi 4yor, if valitifi. WLen b ey'
his genial a'ud affable ma nor, he, has who b ailoug to the d:)mhia::(bt political again. elect 311.91 top vd (11glily '"Ill find hrade dollars are wort
inde an tal 3 1 a)Out 815 ante, A large nu be
party fill the time bei a, thE in we fancy den attitud a a I t: mis
aucceeded in. arousing such 4 degree of a. rea'dy b )an swindled in this,va
T, the
there , a good Many who will ogre: abs', lining DD orle 'an . Irb all
en-thasiftsm among his fri 111 11 1 5, 1 u factions OpVOsJ%ion - o.1t a rdea�=,EB of TrUR�rijc GALE hv iBAiTAnl,.-
with .3 in saying that the usefulnes Bri
would be absolutely futile for any op- G.overnmen , *8 sue I, hilie �t t u sai ne tain WELS visited hy�violent 9
ofour-'euntycounzil is.nof, only gonel sball feW it rby -duty tid abbjecti -Tuesday higlit-, whiah aused co
Lit to oppose him, with even the 61140
pone 1,
semblance of a chotice, of sAccos. but th! Lt it is a dangdrous . Institutionj t4�in, their fi anciaioneses�66,&Vy, to able loss f life and �riist dim
properlty 11 'over be countit
shorp and ilau criticis y.
if our DUnty Coune is are �q be used a rI t
vig 'i, wrecks laive been re poked off I hE
fts. tool 3 simply to adv ce t a interestd
W a ebetisions 3,re' entert�in
id PPF
A Questionable Proceedin�,r. 'A DESPER, L hand t baud stifig, Ila is
and gc�tify -the sphen 'ollog-rolling, i tlie safety, of several channal iqite
As, will be seen by the pr ceedingya of npw in proE reis in I eat Midolesex. and A� ship '813 Bank in the
politieJaJins, and reward the -'avorites ol
w Thf1L es
the County Council of Huro ship LiOrpoul, Ca t. DavidaDn
ei 11 termini to, this v niDg. T116 elec-
q, which we any po Aical party irre 3ppel'ti w -e of th
tiou of a menaber,to tb Dominibi Par- 1 Quebec I'lor Gree3o6kl, kas
publish in this issue, that body, by the quolifi ations,- tb an th soon ar' they fire ked near Strmillaor, Scotian
casting h4ment in plape of R�os whc m a's
vote Of ttfk W&ra.�eal, dislniBBEld blotta out of existene tha I etter. pineteen (if the cre%i drowned.
the County Treasurer and appointed -bilsexted, ax d �the election f a rat. mber Plirssri,'RVATION OF I "ORIESTS.,— rif
We do not say, nor o �ve 11vish it to b
another in his stead. This7 it will, be t6'th,3 Local islat-6fe both tako Aq Ce Arthur a evidently live to
a desired to
understood, that Mr. Rass
admitted 'by all, is a verV grave pro.- I Ahat consLit encyl td -day. Mr. Ross P"y OfT a servin q, th 31o'rests
continue to act in both p(hitions, al. vi -at, b b not iniaxba�stible.
ceedi g
D , &ad one which should not be the Me ?r, p
an tI Y, a pointed! Mill, t E6 u- 'as hp recommmided the w
though there is no legal 1 nor moral -r sage
taken except -under very extraordinarly c4tion, as if 4now is. orposifig s of North irn Mon ana
r. fu I rell
reason by b a Bbo-uld tlot#b so, if b
circumstances. Now, do the circum- John ition, tha'bns'eatoed mewber,l firthe p,op�Arplacoto.estfil)lislia over
co,1ald1rQperIy&ttendto,tho!11 d"aties Of fore t Irliserve. The for sts
edbo ition. jBot1ipkrti(-f bave
Ust I am
istances. of the case j uatlfy this action bil at, we undetstanoll fill hir Uovar tb 3 uounta'iw there a
As no reason for it is given in, the reso- p t f irward tl ieir strongest efforts, a ad
letter to the Coulicil', that ho�isim-ply- I p kylily fort! a influence, tbey exer
Vo v
Intfon, passed b3 Council, in order to a for,.tl.e ppLst t veeks�the cdus�it -eDcy oisture, jut they should bee pre
sired to be permitted to resigo. decen
with �i, ainst fin i.
prappr uaderstanidin a of th proceedin tly' bag been Ab4olutely swarming
0 a 99 alold in the proper anne'
This he i UNUSI WiB1Tl1 it.—A snow
it will be necessary for -as to recite the liticians'cf�othbig andlowd r e.
gr in visitel Denver an
could n b do until beillad is b W nd sto
circumstances which led to the ve an ooks Tiere will i ot be msn 7 votes on eitber 0(sday, 501 just" wi h disaRiroas
ry dite land the boo 8 co id not be
extraordinary aud exceptio-gal conduct Bille 13ft Unrolled, but itis'impossffileto ii I is wi thout Pat allol in the I
c ite tintil the elose�
audite of the 3 ear, and
Of the Coaacil. As is generally -know )f Color4do. Snow cona eire
an, Atem r t �o pre jet what the rEB!B It
conseqi the earli at dkte ht
which it noon I I d eon, tinned all n U. -
Mr. Ross, the gentlem F 11 1 i.e. It is Inot safe to Come 0 Con-
*ly L Dt'y resiga--would be"the
an so aDimmor.1 he couli Orly 'Veather was war , :and �tle
-dealt --*il accepte I the Position elf ar prop on clasi . (n by apP6 axanee —.or eve rom ittached i �self to tt a telepI Oqe'
Jana: Ir sessi . Thh, how. veri would p
Provincial Treasurer, and �c'cupied the P!oM see, uad�r the' allot a ta n of Intil two inches in i ifi,meter. I A
-not so t the political wire�jullers, be- . . 1 1 i, .- I .. ;
dual. positionsof Provinei Treolourer VO, inly Ila ec 1 0 91 Oca in r ),elock neit Morning, the wind I
cause if Mr. Ross w1re p&Iitted to
lisle, and in -about half an boo
aill IT reasurer for the count of HUT "n accorp, the7 r Id- not fo, Cftrdwe 4nd No th 'Sim all 0
resign c f his own con )cles.eighlaen ine-bes itl� diam
)I )wu d vim, carryin ry i mass of
"Y 011
This was his sole and, only ic Ce so takes place to-0ay
have aE: opportunity to al iim in the - I I .
I litside. commanicad was c)M
as we are awarle. It was, not even f &P
a an insult him. Such )nduet, we y out off. to the rai
aha 'ad,. it dare not be cha that la, �ac TIHIrRE is an ral 9trike aMqD tie The dan o
Xg, ag
are Sure, will not be condoirld or jnsti., I Ei, egrap telephone; ei�ctri I
I , an gin ers an I k'. firemen all alo DI V le ; i
had in the slightest particular neglected fied by Itrict essenaer companies �01
the right think People
e duties, for the berformance
of,any, Ct
of t�u inadian Pi cioc Railway owint 0 a It range] yv o loss of I ife;
is re orte
recent reduction invag ew seridius c
y The r. iel of the, Lppoititm'eut, i
of which he is employed and paid I es. Some 4,000 a6 idents.
the count we
y. Cin the contra"'ry, none can Man are iffld..'No ftaj,n left Win ipeg . MM"
-four years b eve no, space toA die use. illis week. on, 'T aesday t a Huron'. 4-otes.
deny that for the past tweni y :A desp tob from th ELt I
he has served the co, ;- ogether with tl Le. dan ior of. the',i Cill, 8 tys buEinoss is,paxalyzed, le Mr. Jbhn Bell, a fmirmer in AL
yJaitilifully, tin.. tl
Mode of making the apploin-im I �h r6b ad: fi ve acres ( f patfi, f 0111
efficiently, and to. the entir satisfaction ent"will, exultabneiit intense.:' Public I Itl y 0]
Upal be obtaitle 1190 bushels,
form subjecIts for anotb& arti-cla. .a
Of &I'l. At least, dFuriag t4. long period, i Wit a the wothmqn. i —The,
directors of the Hu lett
not one: single complaint has, ever been 'ty have decided
cultuial !Socie
made againat him in C 1, Facts o His,, -)ory. i4e-v' a hris'tmas show for fut
ounc 'or in any rs of the Vv eek. I
So 5 1� -8 Lny�
IF , year
other public manner. Mol than this, The a�atemeia t is frie Dent& made id PAD o -,q TENxixso-N,�The QUeE n h ),a
—Two! eeks ago �M
r- W
u8ceptible, f m tde Alfeed' el
asy Pr . anyBoin,the poet I&ai (mte th32nd 0 neession of a
it Ta 8 0 e Of, that by the Con ervative a at q, ir Richaird A E, i
his superior care and skill a,� a financier Cartwright only left the C servative I a Xaric n. aluablelf &I, ouppo I to be 1�'o
Ppo ec
$TA:RVING TANS4— fteen hilt In id ammat
he has on, different oc -m heia he took o
caaiorls saved to party ffice i1i Mr. lMac�' It Uliam labor 3 in N w, Orle.'1118 a 'E) 1
—Me4m. John Brown and lilei
Cie countY thousa-ulcla, of doUars, which kenzie's GOVarnment-in 1873. This is a :a' destitute 01) ition unable C pr:)- I avel leased Wilson's sa
a shart
Care am tq.
many a, less shilled official could not very great mistake. H for a y i P J Fordvi(h, and ato� now MMID
IET.' Nine V. a oils a,ations o r
have dan.e. This, is a fact which his drew on it.
from that party 11 .1 bar Si rl I
.—Mr.,T in
pleaded gtailty �t Sligo of c6n pir. as Hamilton" of th f
1b ean admitted in open Con u oil over al
John Macdonald in 186! an -he ted ac r to murlder''Marnial eyden, cif 01 JO ans Hamilton, of i
I is so: well known io this f file mara. to
ever agaia, alic . ; dif. I lis resider ce in Whit ec
act in the most pubic manner at7l
xO14-GToBRA D UM aid fever., 11
t we of' t
everyPersUnthatitis scarcely on the floor ofl Parli me.111% In* 1871b
1. pr)�Oses to tra� d,(s tars fro a
y ellerf,.4 election greatly r3kpocied.- I
sary to Mention- it. Surel , therefore, *ore than tbis,,&t the
U ited States Army.
—Alr. I--' amilel C x has
this is a July c f that year, w n nd one kne WHII, HEIRAP)ARENr 4 LAND XF1111.
record which -is not f1tc, n -Mr, Henry Co he th
t a the 0
I r�uce 9
only Creditable to: him !,as an of- anything of the Pacific jSeau�lal VIlic.. —Eh -is said the the V f -V e f o t 30, 1 the 12 th conceBsio of
I -Ile
h 8
a -
in Call SES paying �n 'the; neighbor 0
b large tri dts ol lilld
fiCial, but should- eutitle him to U�Itimatmy -caused the! defkat of Sirl.
an agobt.
at least' common. courtesy and de. JbIan's ('overnment, hel, iss d 'an ad Vyn L Bid -P- 1,0T'BcTJ. The ap rElen-
—Mr..tchn ollind,oftho� 21d.
cent treatment atthehaa& of those dress, cri Ucising the policy of tJhe Governi - sic 118, of the f )rdi iaciltsin "arton caf Biou of ul
.1 etbo Ila a late b6ti
gn "
wham he had so faithfully servedl. ment vei y severely. It will bol seen f have been Wl aybd bjrl'tTe assuraU f t1laorouglibred 3erksbiria boar from
ng v�all.knowa breeder Mr. Til Russ
the Vi eroy t IlA he i J
Has he received this from Vne county this th h 6 Ole and V1
.4� t a statement tbat Sir Rich -
c0ulilcil.of 11axon W a let, their ow n
ard left t[he
P or il]
to protect
In a aevent, OT an
nlihates, speak for th a Mi.' This
Office in
he ranks.of hiR
ante is a,
Susphl N.—A man
The At
deats of the- Clidtolil
Rented Mr. a] lo4h,
record shows that, in its�
]er. It should
also I
a re .'am'.
!be' arrested
i on
(Limerick ofi auq
.c io a
n orning , of
..dyino, hours, and without st imomeint's
bored th;
tt from June 13&1,
of hav
rig, a k
0edgib of a vesdel
I st.l.witib
bea�ntifal photograp
notice, at one stroke and by one motion,.
)aaost of the
w it Si
was disci
pounds of gunT
verli a policel
all ch vii h three Rlvei
dismissed an old, fallffif al a. A -d well tried
J ohn's G
overnment. It
aft 186
a I,aue
on Sal
y nibht.
Hafry St 111bury,!! 6f
Public, servant agailistwholn' no accusal-
they wi
jhdrew in a body,
t hot Sir
U CE, D —Eight b
tbe Lo -d's prayer,
tion rested, by &-ppointing an untried
actually barted
bills!and joint- re;dld-
ih the book
jji a
ee cent
f!Pace h If �the Riz
local. N arty the Nkh
and inexparien-ced man in hi§ ateal
Sir John
whe il he was i
zenith --of
it Wasl�'-ington oul
or -
t�can be
read wi hout a ma
and, as if to aldid insult to injury, they
his power.
a addr
Tho follow'
as b; -1-1 AT- (1,
rt� ,
11�- I a
day, wn
i m0mb3r
ft n:
i seven fop
a stiAes called.
Ain Vn� V a 0 1
ee raLa heir num er sells
V YORI 9ALOONII 0 Wing td l,
Constituents in. July, I t
to. receive the books from the auditors t9 his 70, 1089-k judgment in NoW Y' a3 B We z xe sorry to: learn fla 6
ork that liceas-, ibries sustain6d by Mr. 14eil,.Uath
and hand them over to the new official for themselves, and s bel a be void on a transkression of ph 3
am 9
his recent ail en;, are more Re
when he is prepared to receive them. dbub-b tl �a* U Ear] al[tl:' saloons
at at thattimehe�' y le were aRmed-
�ais idel, Ili at ar3t suppos(d, as it has
in �he city'on S nday�. Thirty I;r,','E
not even give him an oppor. Varian ce with the Conservative sts I arnad tl5ah he is infernally i�nja� re
f t They. did
Vol 1 4 — a --Mr13.1 H, Cozzen.s an chi
tunity to resi,,ja.. A. moye:, dialbolical "We ha" and C in- llo�iffiGoderiih for Toionto oa T -ti
entered 'a
n a now i FRE 01a IN' READAGAscim. TbE
'a- a- on dEr of' tt eFrench in Madagascar
Outrage -was 92ever perpetrated by a �L vastly m ideir splieTe of . poli exi' )m wb re the `11 make their h ill
Dee y
liberative, body, Had Mr. Ro te We have succeeded"in deNelop. �Eporbs t -bat Ids vessels have des rolred
as been a
the future, Nlr. Ouzze-1 is having rea
ipg and reatirp--tandiffig our . new con severall ports D the -east coast, an t! cit and.giveii. up busiue
ve des
deffaulter, or even, am embezzler, instead fe: derptio n, al that, t 0, ir - sp be of IaI 1, pal a ha troyed th' port
iat to that
Of Un honest . axiol f&itbial offici�l, lie 'qo,lerich.
ble s?me gre ve errors, both I in J and of MWravilta. : .1
y I --Mr. Jbhn McCall ata., of B 31
could . 'not have been treated. in a. more aa.ministration, to wbic� ; I v, ill alludEi Al LAN -G1 Wif I S CAR STOINTED.— ouglis n ieb with a 2 accident one da.� la, 5t
hiereaftel,; while, at, the same t1ime gtry's car as it m3sed He w
summary Or disrespectful manner, the istono Mrs. as cb(pping a tr e.tba:t �was R
94neral prospari,ty of the -whol c6alitry thrioug1l tonnellsvIll Pan 1. ve ia, 6 1 nothdr, when thE tree, fell S
We have Baia th&t the only �st No on t ion he expected, and he 'c&:M
osten,sible hhs re'ached-a pitc �Ie i, oat Saturday ve If
reason I :M g
for this extraordinaxy proceeding sjugluffie would not have vkturod uJ urec
ith. it. strjkiD� his n ise and bre
I calculatE on our attadnilig foi yearg. t
is that Mr. -Ross holds ' . t�
the dla�l positions, qFTli 0 TO li�E RE"STOIRBI) TO kolVER, iti an arp r )ratio
come. I —it -13 ro!Lportqd tbat�the'Zlildchief, -WR W. . CrosscD, who is u
that I I
at Provincial and County. Treasurer.. A I I tie( d hardly say �6ru most Cetiewayo, ilivii I be r
esto'red to bic e folli)4, farmin'
This is true, but there are other reasons "'u " " 1- 1 . g ou account
d: sirouB. of seeing thi 013 lierity pfar�- over his tribe ai 4 land under the'" pror ltb,.h6s sold his farmon the o
whichdGaot appear on the surface. 8 pr 6d, Tnehersmith, neO, C1112 0
p tuated as far as possible 1, fl t.lia't �ection -of tri ish.troo�psj ti
reason I am the mor nxIo N I TC
0-ne of these is, that Mr. Ross is an al thatl it b A ST.ED.—Th i Sal TO W G' t, Brucefleld, d
should n be used as -a prote# for -ini- at on aded tb�. streets c i T 9w al'spose of hiip.ateckomd-irn
kinds of cont6gent �Iiabilitir g 9, eri last SI'[114
aictive politiciam. He is a'Reform, re y pw
curring p
afing druiti gild QU thQ 4114
ayor's make a g of the farrii as the uDiversal respect of all who knew 1 danghter--live to- lam ood figure opf-
tit the loas of condeason since
nt, th -t
rrsot. there isooii8i(lertLblebushonit,sudhei-a him. His wife i6 in� a dangerous con. I kind husband aD4 an.'adulgnt fathe�
eLgaged in cutting and shi ping wood to dibion with the a me' disease. Mr Scott I although a retiring t
re- 'Lo Mr. Crosson is I oing to � on- —Mrs. Dickey widow woman living imoKst disposition, took da deep jut
erest They have
So us. gage In Im Aement manu soture north a mile west Of ii-teeburch, in East inm&ttersi�religiouflaod��olitl-,,I. 7
J�uslhelfl of grain as the
no of Toronto," Wawauosh,dieil very suddenly on Tues- was astapinch Prl6isbytsi
isn and eon
Bibout 2,000 bus&;
F riAi ice. : —This is the fir8t year � n the history day mol �She retired in her usual tent Liber4l. B xempllary in his evelly of %Yhi4th gavf�
n' ufft of the Kinbura cheese fa3tory, thiit it health on tbei pirl6vibus evei . ag. To. day walk 4nd con
`vE`l-'9Ati0l upright a i hej per atre. Jai
hifir little girl was swok- ho�l t,Uf;hEil
has been u nducted Without being able wards morning efit in 41 his deoI
ad bis hp -r.
(w- to declare a dividend to the sharebold- ened by the troubled breathing 'of bar as was n � for, before Ol1,000 ht
p u of aboW
ot ers: The pahrono, h6wever, received 8J rqot.her, and,� get lig no response to her; Court of 00mmidin Pfieas, Toronto the �.15
ad oI T1,4
a Ar ot- cents per It. for the 0 00 a, ahol, more enquiries, shal ecaime alarm apoll other day, which W'as tried at Walk
Oalbr in Octobi cheese waamade out milk. Weilt to call bel but before her return ton before 11,or. hava.,g no 11'
Mr. Jmt,itice
he I —A tea belonging to r. John Sal- accompanied ljy a -beighbor life was last. i D a caln, Lavrook, a storeke vinotl off your. Hur'01111,
tile ter, of Eas; Wawanosh,,got frightened extinct. The 4au,--e of her death! is not of Port Elgin, a
ued Hutabi:o. of Ubot
re 3,000 at the t)rain at therailway atation at known hot -is Sup posed to be dis ola-se of Ron,' a farDr;ier of the r�6gbborbood, so nfortuu�atia as tr
r d �vo Wiglaam a,. few days a -go, *ud rau clown the,beart. bis'wife fbr $267.93, tibe amount of
d ateal. town alt a pretty good The wagon —The Sign�l of last week says: account f Oplli4M to gait. goods sk, -Itrciiydi by fire. Me]
gal], struck the corner df Mr. J. HanDah's There were eleVeit candidates for the Hutchinson. T-)ae far as the
bt bO imentioned
-a, nearly ran over a iman, and then positio, f usb&nd �vas
- At out -stjoi n a pripcipal of Goderich'model h eoncerhed, that he had 111) Os,
month Upset, but'vas'not badly injured, school. The boord. evidently went about not I authdrizoot i his wife to pu�rchaao
at ind*oed tbElm
acell to —The gale olf.lasti week tumbled bver the task of sdeu:riiig i teacher as they the Igoods i
The i udge;at the trial he* 91)
I have It
Ron,; o a straw stack on the farm c f James Tay- would buv thei�r cordwood—the .lowest, ever, founol thatiho lwife w% -s the hli�-
lor, in the township Of ColUorn, bury'ing tender taken. The icheapest beacherl ban&a agelit, and also I
a: b 3eu ound that 1i
f aloi over twelve bead of attle. Mr. Tay- proved to be a ;'Young man named 1'. had acquiesced ih till purebaso u of the Ign. f r �ra lor was absent from home at the 6me, Kirlicounall, of: Tiverton, of a few years": goods, whi' were c1biefl necessariep
of tile C.:t.
141, g ins but some ol tbe* ueig�bors turned' out experieh'ce as tlacber,ad noneia,model tea, su d li�d ��!-,ed the gooas
gar, letc., ill ud dag :the dnimJai �out.' work. - He asked only $550, and was himself, a I d thE
w ade witb' forks )]rofore�gave judgment
10 )Deg None wdre lost. accepted. The; anc-14:1ment fell through the -plailit
—The other day an abseint-iminded and the boar4 have fallen biiI Pon by counseI Nil coorb
rmed tj�,R
brodad'e a.0resse, farmer from near Bayffidd, went to the second eboice, at 57 0 & year,'Allan judgment.
Embury, of 13ruicliville, 1st clms A, whoE
a boys 'Clinton wit a his 14'year old daughter. now,
V Bta6k After the rmer had transacted his' is well recommonded. His appoint- Frol2il. Ddikota.
living businei3s,h) started, for ho a at about Moot appears to give better satis.a0tion, P]EMB11�4A COU�TY, DARDTA, NoVember 28t1i, h!Te6swilr ab,:ut fit aek four o'cloc i, forgetting his daughter, all around. r4 our persons applib(I for q,0 the Editor of the V Expositor.
E IIII-ov, who, when sbe fou III I be 11ILd gone, re. -the position of teacher St. Da�vid's
Sini.—As your yi�adqs may be willin4jr �k. HEI grlill
Bil to W Ok home, and.she elid it, ward school. Mias, Cal?dwell was' ac -
E ittl lor, —U1138 lydaroaret brabam, who. has cepUld at a, 1300y of 340 0. year. to receive some in�forn#tion from �and South, s -de of tbil3:1utefnktional bound.. e -a r -ag,
E, 31 are for several ears past been housekeeper —On WedneWdy of l4at �week 'a, Mr.. )IC
ary to coriaparel Witlal Yoar Manitoba, 101114 flanily., R,
is be- for Mr. Hyf lop, near� Wroxeter, died at Mustard, of TAIckersmitbil was (Iriving'
n her home miar Wiarton a few weeks, down street in Clinton, be 'Was Diet by owe, I will give yOU Aj shor account of
what are the prospectS a "hances Of living at
ce are ago. Her frotber had died afe*w6eks ateanarunnin a aly, which frig hte:ne& lid oc aiatm A
success for youriCan ian friends iwll� T V I E*r
n: es fa
Ilpreviously and it isl thought her a Ices- his borse a caused it to to 'sharp have transferrealtheir4tille -ance to the ic ov.,-Ar Rive grief for him'hastEned her bwn. aroulid, throwing him out of b gi 46nthusia,t
agpy Star Spangled FW hiotead Of still talks )f rtt' ninoi i
death. Ur
1, test I on his face is horsei then o i a 1-11) 1 Jack, I M
poslg under the
Bra says
I eat —The Cl uton Ne It is street some dis--ancewhian Mr. orge i btate that in What I Way say, I shal 011e Iiv ),itely, U'
a Prices estinciated t iat the a rinkage by B)iort Cottle, at 9 eati p son at risk, cRu t i t.. they endea t a orio strictly to thetru Orth I)m
ell a ke t ranning unti .1 ti a crops,! -an every bund -ad aDres in the The first t th even tho�u Our countily1may appear
lo Tisif3t county will anlo h to fulli, $400. This, reached Ki uy ls� s ore in front of iw.bich at
on . I
a o whea contr�sted with Owl. (10,000. we do not t jin,is t.o�-,high an estimate, as tied a hds"l a wkgonl andt'Ahis ao8bip aud those vi, ho take � the tro able to com. they struck, ovP'rt4ruing it, and adi*m,n Territory �4 reppesented by. some jfowarda� lioirio
of your cokrespoln.Oent�j:lind to use a' Jri�-,htef-e at iL
HILM- Pate te total shrinikaola tb' a ropireliants one of the h4rt -to I f all benEath it, 1jecisImP,
. I i s' rl
f American in,will1er,01 observe th at VOT
cedol- in the county, will bE,astOLished at' the where it N, prispner, un re- -at tall to tho ma
I Col- aside. T
writing arid exaggerated statements
aid the gross"amount.. lieved by tbe�crlllwd tbLA quickl h4;bng1N4 '
IT Lio longer �b -"edi*te4 exclusively to ace
r. Ri(bard Ug, of Ol Ol ec a IS C, CU r,
1&t its cut his foot !with !an axe, but it as and baYid and Phe h tbat� American as Lsee some of y 1
'W J�OWIBVI 'r, h 8 4. Manitoba uemB I've e4idence Of w
el they immedisteN bound -a qilud govo no fell -down wag s�nqowhtt,4 bruis bich w 'raises, the y
-a as 6 8 Iiv�l I imaginations
11 Only r calwe�forlid until' al;few was a] I the inj -lone. I We& 91 th the �halftl beft�g; chairacter'istie :of the writal 1,
have days afterw trola. he boo d the wol —Mis GracIleMalro,161destda-ilghter Id WIL$ eaUg,1,4
BtI04im Soaulan. migbt say .there Is
tahte(�11,.", bleed ug, a d before a of Nell MuDrio,Fan old and re p9eted
wholl'it a
no harm in a bit 6f a shetch." Allojv
Great doctor arri vOlAi, the patie t was n1e6lrly resident of Am�el in the'towni 1p 0 Me to� Sal hia Ilonfreal Wit
�hat OUr coul0try is so neaI all e Fi on exhausted fr0rd lossi: of blo:)d, and. now Ashfield, died litst Week. Dealt y bronght v.,
similar to tbeirs t1liat 1JIboy u sider'- lies iu a cril icai con! orable mos �enh may be- r(i-
dition. 11.2 al N er,sDatchedbe fiwav Ila i,* -on markt-t'll I.V:
gardecil as due in har 6 1
.1i to. —A coup 1 in the bloom of, youth fro rhea' abter,and to a cei. n
je of Exeter young. No: m. thosel'; r vere�l t at tWo c f t i
lies, taini extent one dli de iny. Ja the are rat orifQuoleJr of Walking than I A -W 0 dssbov
who aud dear to.he b) the ties of ref4ion- P U0
a aft
ch teri8ties )i sollk climate and le two 001�8t, div ship and friendohip. Abou 1; tW6 years T
Ing, took a trip of! thirteen miles in I seasools, tey re o6rfainly similar lei-ght
lqd for the country cil 1 ago.she conftacO� that banLeful d B: fiscan by -*e 6wd
Ouda-ylas We6kII, The while �the opulation Of I the one tie
obj tion, ivla ich bij ffied : tb best ed for
act of I b( -.Lir walk bein Y for beii�vo- consumP --c. wneir carcely claiina. aly spbriority over this 1 COI if Ha nii The lent purposes. After a f 3w such ex- medical shill-aild domeotic- trea �eut,
P otliler as they ha -e clo�q connection by from . i and -1
challenges , I turs- the ties of' read -ill,
cursions they intend issuini, teta uated'in her death on 6 a c )m ui on ancestry t0tUllY to some of our young Men or a 50 mi�e I day inoming, 21th,ult, � Deceas-34 :was T iat a t:,rLIat
brothorboo4- f ature is
ol, and walk a young lady of more thkn ordinat .,red 0 r warke-*;,�,
in store fol both', it L Wi�ely governed, in
telligence, ullassninitlig b�ablts an. en- i
_10n ta urday, !while Mrs. New- t h. eb, -ari a U r to the ]lie Mau who twill
id ties. Du ing bar P 1; � d
ut March, of C, dearing quali s bontemplate thJa
Linton, was igoiD g tb the ROula sill
I undeveloped latont resources of eith�
pu m, p she had and.protracted WreF , 2e manWated j-t W C1.
as- I Y Itte dowii and hu the misforl ure to slip mplary pati6nce andUhristiaDi f6rti- will velltur to (al Putei un hg is n� flr-e out ii�.
rt hersel pretty badly, al- I axe ifriend of thei 0 of ei t - r who won
lindhis. though no b Des wer brohm. She is 7 tude, and calmly fell Lleeip with a peo Wil
prayer on h endeavor t sow the seeds of discord or MU
qD er- a very heavy prsoibl, er lips, to be released'; 11iom jr,
,and falling for- i e a 0 r t the freest' possible intercoursh,
49 the 'her suffering and t ELken home to it-Vell �la y �dee
ward,� bruio� I her f aq'i in several plial troy g
bettii)eon them. This la6t -season hn
�M�ut while lier hands were ispraii led -severely, with Himwhow a a trusted and loved.
been mo propitiom oiDe, tile 13p
vbich swelling considerit�lyl beyond their —The residolice of T. U. K J�pq.,
opened e bULt the was'no
natural size, Reeve of Usborne, was the scene of ?4!,0E0E0Le0, ILSI�rI for
j : uniformly f 00, r farming operation
�Upoli matrimonial vows on'Wednesol-liq � elven olftter,
—The Managers of Killox church,
-therefore those o had not their ln
served have replacc d the old,wood stoves with iDg. 28th ult. ib Ing the 1 occaffloia of . ''P
':r had to: Row a 600. .- aris
eady ifor t1te sped a i fori 4
the marril reeve?s oldest daugh- part or
an "Improved
BoyDiton farnace" for $3400
dcoal of the I tra ter, Ratio, to Arch a, eldcst. son of Xr -ch. their grain ater ban E. erience juati�
Ost It waspuirchas. aland, foe
era f re unknown�
McCurdy, Esq., of jUsborne. Rev4 Colin Ifies or pruene 4ivall But, this di4
W 3d- ad from J -1 . , I
auies ol Son, doder �not prlevaiiL to
ich EL. p Fletcher performe4 the cermon in his el all eXten t as to Ild set up under the supervilion. 0] rul kv in
*Rterially h&ua Ifict of al
, - the ael
Manlier h the
ex. Saundereof that firm, James Mell
story usual bappyl after whic
Al or retard ltnpro Eimeutt3 although
guests, fifty iri nu ber, sat clown toar-
411 119 Vicar doing the brick work. Tile w�ana- the�paa`per Irish. IMAM'
Individuals sollsit ated I ft Ell the effects,',
1 The gers are well pleasea.with the take of the good thi ge p ovided,of which i ever. 111duc
pr iu U4
lind�bave been ta;u-,bt 0, lisso y
er sup n not to b
there wag a bountil al supply. Aft -clothiligr e
—on �Saturday last,,while fdrg�itten or disre deal., Rt
per had been dispe
Vi res sed -with and !� abort r ee: il ill! V4
Mr. so te re one
Thos. DeariDg, -tea inercb&nt of Plentiful Ill part of t
four. Exeter P3 time whiled awfily in pleasaiit� chat,
urn t a abtouplolipg rti
<P Dee
I clea ad, season as ivas des�irabl' 3 00
AS , id. lJot -colU3,6 tot"
wai rat; ing bOM8 from DLash- tb6:sPftciOUs: diniD4 8t -ed cam
woo he aucidentaLly drove over the a up slowly; a, I somewb
3 0 0 and the young people soon became terVa S, bu t 141dies. i
embankment, Dear the Eketer came- rregu I arly, tb a a trth onlymoisten
,!'were tery. absort ad in the f acill atiug evolutions of
I Icy'! tin --i d to any ext ew
Tbob Xle of hisia was broken, the mazy - eut :mce in 'gay, aud onell
apatidi 4isposed elf
and the tea scattered n all directions. a Jul)e. 101onso-iliftbuCtly grain had to
,a- The few pleasant"hoars were spent until the i
lie al. 7
4,oa ows at night plef d Dight was jut Usely dark. Mr. open I an tirely on - the d
before the rain fell' 0 -the 12th o
their Rieveral homes, wondering . h,o Dearing and his horsel, escaped uninjur I wee sma' hours� when all repaivia to
Did -it t e i:�;
)u I have beez
a ed. a great ps A wl� i'
av V. I would be next. iliss Lilian Kay, sister uly� witli
—A Morr a eorres londent : We ithiered beyond -the 4ope of reciove
p . of the bride, ortE) nd C( I as bridesmaid-, and Racbe,B COC4. 117a.
are sorry to hear of 8 utinued ill. ad it in o been furl the bi; -cumstance 0
Mr. Thomas M:!Curdy, brother of, the tfie I li�ea
Does of Ur. A. Ingram, teamier, what at" ooll. cloudy 4eat er ppri6v "lina for 1630
groom Pei,
first appeared to be a, slig]: formed the duties of bes Ili an eeu
t trouble in :,P.
efficiently, The bresiants recojiveol' by i in But! Dn t" at an cious day r EL
do i hosp
the back, is lovelopin Y int � COni4 11 in abundan and blibwer - succeed
uMP- the bride war �umerous and q:f the
40: ti i imed. I
o -war, obtil ;he par6aad earth Wall
tion. For tb a present r. G. A. Dewar, i most usefal cha aqter.� i Od sho
,v chi son of th illittio t iaffoi a
a In I I aj
spector is efficiently dis- I 400led; -and revived ths;
—Another victim has co�ae tcy;i grief the � crops NIS
charging the duties of Jhe se iior di�,ision I ter an
�he abpeet,: of af lairs �w4s zompletell at the hads of the bogus lightning rod the N?-� 11 n - v to all pri
Ac: ri - bs,6-ed, the 0 -
until Mr. Gi ey, the to %chift for thoit com Weather
not 'to ing year, no v' attendiii- Clinton odei agent, �ta-dd'bbelr t I -or and wil1likely have to bleed. to bich retarded the rqening of th
�tt ek -School, assa es charge. the tilue Of DC or so for his Sim ioiu
08itv. rain so that th3:,harivest was ral
The Blvt evi 3w'igives fo'll a er)p wa$ abundant an
—A Tur-
few day's sinco Mr. Edwin 11 Owi�g to. � But 6
partict�lar :, A a agent named , Wfa,"WrS ell li 4� Of Der, of the 2 id concession Tacker4mith 4nd V.; 'De olamait
i dl that was cut ind sthoked before thIfI L)s 9, met with a called at , r. W. J. Fenwick's frm in I i wo
-N,ery nasty accident. Wilaile th of . Septemb wlas. excellent ill
rs we to the 6'th�-V� nigm: handling a pig the I ru East Wawauosb,an* I after a tliree)411 nality. Bilt tb had t
all 15
it tusk -talk induced Fe to sign an hgree- anu tboh an -A
rough his r r eve)
thl thumb,ltea the! flesh Oat; BeI fr t h Ch I have Jry T. :'the otell �at so e6.,rly 3w=', )r as first in� ro in -vs. resON
pretty bad. As be WELS the. same ment to sell bar ire fencing, at,'
same time agre(in to allow . Fe Mill time suffering from rhe matio, the fo,r cents 0 n e. Otalment. tFarimen h4e have to exerfL
U ev pou-nd of barV wire them S:'f V Universii
Pro-. combined effect of both is tpretty 1 hard solvesyso as 0 Bev.el 4x Uell
which he could al' at inine Cent's �per 0 erg,, of: at k-nd
on his syste . The bite of a pig ii� gen. D ss siod pb�sicsl �Powal and Do
pound. A s: t, h V ctim. of the Swindle sooner ills the clatter of t e binder oatl to U`10v.eel
rm Of orally considered to be sonous, but binder 8,
bag just recentill p",urchased hi the thresh
s arm, Onced. than uuivemit$ 2
a in, we are glad to state t�atpllo - the ).ium. i i
u rch and made many improvements upoii it takes its place.1 It is no uncotamo . i
sions are entartained on tlljE iscore.
was this summ at be �Ould to 'Witness! bight Or ten of al. itl4entl,
—M6BBrs. W. Will, ams, and W. Me- require some b r wire fencig' jand �011riiglor, a -ad as mally of t ,a latter with, r. Uga4a
Clocklin formerly of sbor a, rat riled when Waltersi-t epnealk� assured� Ili 11-1 range of bar viein cordin Ort eat ome rom r
1 part Iffanito last Saturda. oftbebargalin'he asoffe ing,FdAwick to the work ln which
The former has be an there over two wrongly placed Ilislaignature to the!-qu a -me,
years, and Ill P 0everally Tfi�e ihers are Prill, Xr. 'W )�n was
0 of hich was in rallit
a latter nearly alyear. posed agreement, Y 6ipally st:64W:pd�'er ?any W.
orth of useIessOt- an the 10I ifrom T' -hill.
They both spo�ak high: y of the co ntry an order for 3150 w hines, str&w it OD 1, 44 111 abu;rners pre+ailiii�, and'
and recommend'it asIbe-ing a ve -6 Lha course of a few ry eiceedii
Dino rods. I
ays is 1 11. Alt ou
sirable do
place to iemigrate to espe ially onother gelitle an (?) appeared PPOIl whon damp it is tom'e h#t iffic
bit f I ult to u,
those who are 14 search of new imes. I p oceeded to tb it I;the.f3cene and p )ut upl itbe eep' cie0t pross a of steal roall �6;,de dit
Vear were. xcel- I lightning rods, but Fenwick otil
The crops tharb this MO_ up ad �A wb have' he J. C. NO frGin the min
0 lent, bat thoprice reaf zed for wh4t has ; ordered the agerit off his farm, and 1 13 g the: heard f anyone per-' iagah�ist a rll�lwe.!
ut I
I have no
not been 80 good as formOr Yeats, on'
eo axious to have hiM go t)a formimi, the feat o threshi )g �'61 bu -0roed, Insta,
account ofhaingdaillai ged la frost to a sed CU48 vi per hour fok, 13J on ;a hours, after
hevords ibut e Ltthati
actually u an:i
Ithe hardq ad
comilsiderable extent. J&r. Jo an, Stinson, did not strike teir int� -6 h I
.13 4h akilig six Is taking timB
Bbory. a, thr ; � omffice:aud pl
a former resilient Of 3shed heart of the �ro
lbumIl 0 go [all al lit. an i0l, for din"Ver, §o I of tdon that the,
n his place his. year! 4 0 Pioll"r, P*a 1,11 A'a at
00 buisheld Of s,
aw that he -Wks: I ped and' old 60t heroes of thht feal thie m of 311 A-�
Cli M 'IbU d� oil the
grain, 2,200 whi as wheat. The -allow the agent to -at up the igbt h as, I rn
McRae, nefir PO.-taGe PrairiB, axel 7
r> . �'hePl
young men 7ill returd again shortly. rods, who a ire, t -U it the
nton, C al liduced Fenwiq � to innocent of havili-at Der oi�med z1gut tlh-Ut dowil '010LA
mer and must be groskly rep esented,. They'
ith a. —An acoic, ant which would cer4ainly sign 6, note forl$.5(, and told the far I
liavelresulW ser s1rhad it not, : �Ortollbje, with 41
E ion. 'been 1 that if he did U74 t iere ivould. be $500 could seareely ex��ct be believed hadl
discovered'jtl3t whel was. worth of rods ibn� farm. Ole of hapoened before 'an - they made such a RtatelAe t theme
other ecame alarMed no matter what their Or Eir character'
at the hou6o.of Ur John ni-orui �f a�,Us ana sibokiug
tying edfotd, in day. VA ick b L
clilatonOneeveniDgIstweek. Oneof at this and plic�(Ijhia signatue 'to �tbe for vor�city.l M W V fa rs here have'.
;ud a note in question� -,blv
the childien lad been' put to bed a :Ould �i!iot POSO 1.14
bad crops r�nging 5ait from 25 to
lam �a�p4r blow ai a'f ull
h 9 J, I-: p left bu DID, in the OM, when have had 415.,
th Ioded, I ting re to the 40 bushel a per ael lop. so . a -to' cafry us
(Son 11 Mr. Georgel. 18,cott, Jof Era as, and, in oats h is ei timat d that the ever,
6 lamp exp
had2be''en carpet slid other com astibl mat 1.101ta orials 'Whom we menti tied last, Jweek as ! av- age crop i,� abdut ol to 55 per acrl
'the eobtl�ic t -,!ter.
intheroom. -Thefilr3wasfortui�ately .. , . m� , $ &.
Deall, itia been seriotish, injured by being some bolve )lad fri"Irn o 80.. Bat they , z
discovered at once all(' smothered be� tiTrown from Ili . 'agon while Ou his are exceptio As yoa ---�Rqcently J;
fore it had in 9de mu( bL headway'l . A. way to Guelph, nie-ver ral ied afterAhe have seen tWa loclelfty, ana receive
d e3day burning IaMD was a :oidentally bver- accident, n )PIe, I ith blis
or did, he ever, regain'; oo.:Dski- introauctioui to a flow f the pec
turned at the reRidenc i of- Mr. 'N,,V. ies, ventarill"
19 -for ousness. He d ad the third d 6'y- � a will mal a. few DAi.
ved Ij f. blay have done, i Harland, on Saturday evel ag last, but the injury. M,�-. Sootti was a native Oe ag'se'r h4 wbt
was prom pick DO
ad up, 1 tho 1i
ptl 0,11 of Roxburgbgbiro. cotla! d. f4vorable
-arled thrOogh in, wl�d r ti
C) U In 11340 others Zila, op% �wer ablaze, a Ow. he emigrated to 1Ca nads, umstalice Ito o. aa 0
accolpapanied C 9 0 1JO a am -1
p al —It be*com' 69�'our punful duty to re- by- his young wife, and at once-; set Lb go itito- the livt4ll to i%
g a ert
tid ilton, forme4y o"
k. els of she IfoD;nd, ber q of? -1 cord the deatla f Mr. JoiMes Ham�lton; on the farm (tbeki a dens , i 0 bus
fol Ontario;ii Jae# year h
I 'led who died at his reBidfiincalin W othat in li�:r stu.s.
'hite. which his reman1swere cirried onx.M. n- &ain, and tl�)jj scasii�n w overr
�bolut ten
o church, East kVawan, n1l, �ia S�nday day. F 4 Uer of � ears is amo tain. lArcl 00118,11, of it U of' In 0 11. evening 'of typhoid fbver�- Thd do- shared with him, the toile laud priv�tious ;tbd a- lileighboilbool-I formerly t
q o' ceased was 011 teDdant on plOn 0 i, jus dt d '�I.
�wr settlers ear life, but w Damtries, c.)unty of IV ;tierl D. is vicini X, avi se B at cres he L Vves= had a similar yit�ld, the%
a of the pion
i I f am�l ..a In Lti;9111 8;
ii a4e 1853. He as for a ti ne a! de6lth, lefLVID a no d yiElding .5 bu6bels
ember�of the hand of tbres-4e
tow 00,� 110,8
nship council 0 1 base otit
the 0 Did is been a. Thus Mr. Scotii iva , left alone to ba�tle wm.iH. BrowD, ilkhr
Udcn. j ustice of the peace fo: r a
aumb6r 'of' with the world. . Ult or tb-� lapse of years tbree�l ere ILI EhIce, �thrt�e
seal be r 1 188.0 with bult li-al yea Is. He as .10 g Meinber be married Mrg. rd jet of the �aie April ited means, d, as this full tbreshe , 2,250
wiIII, of . the Pi esbyteriii. a diurch 'in Mr. Black, of G rafraxa,land daughter h- hPal of I wb ents Whitechurch, was formorl of Mr. John K: ' aat� 0�0 bshels 01 Dg
ew ramaoss,..,who, prime No. I harc
in ita sailbbati'l Ruld omaiancliect r, i th her txv6 el ildre �ind oats, nd 1�0 bushel MY f rer"