HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-12-14, Page 4IEY jun of the STOVES. and the in Stook. glittrautee, Janet, Ct. he Kettles All sizes :promptly #ranteed. kY e it -took and /rouge. others,, oFt 41,1 ':y Good Gooda, i'ff R. Under - and Ulster railed Eats wers, Birds [tee peeey (z, &a.: PI rt Ile cot - assortment Bookidtig : L a fresh lot n price and te of Gro - Patent r5 fuji as- r eras court- .por alwa,ya trade .- C1 and see nen go, W. poon, 13104t. stook, RIOOk. est-, and. 'Onto. te j ken- :orci• of RTE. - Colors, tient ' YARNS ades. ed by the and for color eird one aeker. at. t got it . prompt- deserie- . Ingle t prize 881, and bitiog at ntreal. 814X21 .CKF WS and the God - any, mad yeara trade pronart red, also at tea. aired ma efy cora. cat*. gent for revered property ent for ranee as with asvita. eSt`-tt • DECEMBER 14, 1883. mow - Who Did It P NJ -ova, thia room is in a pretty state] „There's nothing in the:place it ought to be, When I came in last nightlwaa pretty late, kra then the place appeared all right te me. Where are my clothes ? I had a skirt! Ah ;I - there nxia, hungupon the peg which I devote' that (lark object Which I see IP where The shirt should bor—a rabber niercoat. l had anether stocking, I am sere 1 iffy wawh on the floor with a broken face; The stocking "'math my pillow'whore, s, -cure, Rio my rule, at night, my wa,idi to plaee. ' I shoe upon the hat -rack hung ! That's good I My bat is by the other, on the floor, And, in it hal( my wet runbrella stooh laul dripped, instead of in the cuspidor ICa quite enaugh to make an angel Ine specially the spoiling of the hat! Show me the rretch who, while 1was leep, Entered my room and mixed. thingia up like that : —Boston Post. Gale -tine. "Humph ! a self made man, is he ?' rejoined nate Yeast, who has evidently had some experience with the gentle . an in question, well, all I've got to say is that he's a mighty poor work- man. —ir No, indeed ; there's no place like oma, sighed the married man who tripped over the coal-scntte and fell into a washtub while fumbling around for a match to light the kitchen fire. --A lawyer was summonedas a wit. ASO in a certain case. The- judge,find- g that thewitness was I yin g badly, terrupted him, saying: ni beg of you forget your professiou for a moment sea tell us the truth." —A young man who sat upona black .piece of iron in a blacksmith shop and unceremoniously sprang seven feet die the air with, a wild shriek of despair, says he don't think inuch of HotSprings as &health resort. - Aw, can you sell me, aw, a bine neck-tie,to match my eyes, you know ?" inquired a dada in a gentleman's fur- nishing store. Don't know as I cart,ex-,, actiy„" replied the salesman, "but 1 Mnl.. fit you with a Etift hat to match that head." Then the dude withdrew from the store, a crushed strawberry hue effusing his effeminate features. It: is related that as some friends of Campbell,the anther of "Hohenlinden," were leaving his room after a late sur per, one of them had the misfortune to fall down a long flight of stairs. The poet, alarmed by the noise, opened the door and inquired, "What's that ?" " Tis I, air, rolling rapidly," was the immediate response. • —When a lover leaves the house of his adored—one at a late hour in the evening, and walks musingly homeward beneath the twinkling stars, his fond fancy pictures her, clothed in white samite, resting sweetly on her pillow, with, her unbound hair tossed about her sleeping faoe, and. angels bending over her couch whispering heavenly dreams. Perhaps at that very moment she in in the _pantry gnawing hungrily at a ham: bane. —Sergeant Davy being concerned in a case whiell he wanted to postpone fon a few days, asked Lord Mansfield when he could bring it on ? 'On Friday next.. said his Lordship. 'Will you please tci consider, my Lord, that next Friday is Good Friday.' "I don't dare for that i the better day the better deed.' 'Weil; m my Lord,' said Davy, 'you will of cowed -a do as you please ; but if you do sit or that day, I believe you will be the first p judge who did business on a Good Frid day since POIltdUS Pilate's time.' His Lordship took the hint and did not sit. 1 —A parson, upon his nastoral rounds callet upon one of his flock who hap pelted to be revelling in the joys o Washing day. The good woman, not wishieg to appear before her pastor in her washing dress,hiciliehitid a clothes, horse, and told her little boy that,Wheti he opened the door, he was to tell the minister that she was out. She, how- ever, unknowingly, in her hiding,/ left her feet exposed to Vie*, and when the boy remarked that his mother had gone oat for a walk, the pastor replied; “Wliele she oodles home, tell her I said that' the next time abegnea out walking_ she should take her feet along with her, as they are most useful in walkrng any distance." — The regular routine of clerkly busi-• ness ill-suited the literary tastes and the wayward, though innocent, habiti of Charles Lamb. Once at the India. House, one rn authority] said to him, 'I have remarked, Mr. Lamb, that yoti, come very late in the morning.' •'Yesi sir,' replied the wit, 'but I go awaY early in the afternoon.' The Oddllf3813 of the excuse silenced the reprover, who turned away with a. smile. —During the debate in the Contin- ental Congress on the Establishment of the Federal 111131V,.a member offered a resolution providing that it should never exceed three thousand men whereupon Washington moved an amendment that no enemy should ever invade the country- with a foroe exceed. ing two thousand Men. This joke was a perfect sticceesn and the la-ughter which it excited smothered. the resolu- tion, - bashful young man went three times to ask a beautiful young lady if he might be the partner of her joys and sorrows and other: household` furniture bat each time his heart failed him, and he took the question away unpoppedl She saw the anguish of his soul, and had compassion on him. So the next time he 08.3316 she asked if he thought to bring a. screwdriver with him. He blushed, and wanted to know what for. And she, in the fulness of her heart said she didn't know but he'd want t _screw up his courage before he left. He took the hint and the girl. —A puddler went the other day to get his child christened. "What name," asked the parson, "shall I. call th child?" "Theo can eital the kid ow thoo likes," sans the father. " Well,' sass the parson, " I think Benjamin is a very nice•namenn Varry weal." says the father, "call him Benjamin." The puddler came out or the church with —ins wife and his child, highly delighted with the name, when a thought struck him. Rushing back into the ehnrch, and -Overtaking the person 'walking drawn the aisle, he exclaimed, -" Hey,, roisterthe young, squeaner's a lass. '• The parson was at a lose what to do under the oireanastencese However, he put in an a at the end of I the name,and they call the ehildeBenjannina. opened and a gust of wind -sent t e 'delicate lace 'keroh'ef into the lap of her heighboi.. S e 11aitata a, ut t) mac ing for it, when the ; gentle n, glano ng downward8, beheld soinat lIng whi • , and being a little ftir-sighte ,Iat once jumped to theloono Oion tha be had met with a disaster Cd lost a tat - ton and his shirt needed attention. Ile swift flapped his ovendnat across his lap with his 'eft hand, and With his rig atihand Welted the offending linen out o Eight in a jiffy. Several persons who noticed Ithe sot were aonikulsed with aughte , and the gentlemal, not', dreaming of the real cause, soon ftiar lef the car. f any South Side ie laa this wook found any dainty • Eine' hand erebief ate cloth s'she ir only i case of cage nter-O L The t her husbannes, ed no be jealous -nit wasj tn:ist ken identity._ oath .11 8•11 h fan in floc is as !WI() : fast— am indepenclen ai s1ow—I a,m engaged. ai with r ght hind in front of 1fan o e on. me with 1 ft b& d in front of facet - ere me. Open and s ID pen half ppen wide+-Friendshi • Shut—Hata. tiwinging he 1 ho e. ut—itjss see 3 .an A Law 'Have yo asked a ba .witness who TIte witness • Come no nt. Have m eri . "th it, Heart. ev • been in prison? gerin lawyer of a -modes' he was trying to bully id not ansWee. m spa k ep ; no /conceal ilyou ver een to pris p , . ' Yes, sir, -once," answered the down 'to t ' Now -.who sir ?" ; s, looking modestly or. ' yesCI thouglt so hen s% re you in prise , "In 18, 3." ' Whete, sir ?" he witness hesitated. ' Come, own up now no dodging,' sad i the lawyer. "Now, where wer u ip prison, sir ?"- • ' i—in—in---„ L• . it • 5. a wT "Don't stammer sir 1 Out.witb he,e was it ?" e Th T —in Anders ville,j inn” 't re was;a•nio eut's painful pan ten the lawy r, wh' was au, 'Wier, put his hand on his fore i a pistol shot had• struck hi ile the tears came into' his ey eq jumping forward, he clasped aronnd!the w'tnessi neck, and ed : la CI ai 14 9 a. rt DS She Lost Her Handkerchief. A laughable incident Occurred the other evening on a South Side car, A /Ace, modest-leoking girl took her seat - in the car next to a wen -dressed, midnletaged gentleman. She laid bee dainty lace handkerchief in her lap to adjust her hat just as the oar door was • 0 n It O� itt 1• y God! thorn myself I-1 • erenICe 11i H ds. I I wa akes. Di ba took the la en's Chtstisn Le while o gat cquaintance erred fast “ ow nio you ked one la owed thei ruing. " I have us • JOnes." ia your, er nape you ni 14 ?1,4 y of _ wra ally ies ofi the Michi Tem erance Unto tcqu uted,bettstnenj was. nee form Ld. it 1 ghee jyour na,n3 not , as they s at the doer ritte it Mrs. n moth the inquire first speaker w emph En erable sis. ' I will ne yseif by my husband's name, ' or I, u r I, nor I,' came fro' er Of by tenders; - 11 A. en This little ornip ee so 1 rgely final) fou : l ppose in do kind Of a m to find hersel ty, but she c urage to sa 11, ell, I s fe en e what is AnId then t a t a a y pr b tto tb ar, hes it. T th day dawl• sing. and stir kin g. h king, g in his tidy, 't 3 that En p through ceunts th m, are the shine. 1 'he queen, who sits i n, is the mton, which she regales lig tn h inane ga d n at w sup—is rise*, is. day -d clothes she hangs out a whth th w d he knot was 58 the 1 ead. "hag a all kn ver rea Or j erittstinpri n the min a breath'. s inake a n the husli e president rang to o of ladies dispersed, rt of a look upon their a the woman had come Song of Sixpence. ' w this rherine ; but what it is eant for e four -and -twenty lackbirda 1 sent the twenty fou hours. 1 i of t e pie is • th world, I e e • 21 .6 411 le ' ; p cruit is he any that eta e op ning lof the pie is , whe the lbirds begin t ly su h a sight is fit fo ' a 1 • ho ie represented as parlot counting out is e- sir,. wbile the g 1 06 his fingers a ayit of gol en the dark it - arid t e honey, kfth herse lf, is the m in rions medal who is in e irk before ber king the wu, and the the clo s, ile the bir , who so tragically nds sang by 'f nippi g ofi1 her nose is hour of unset. Sc' 1 we have tibo ole day, if not in , a ut-shell, ib a ti pi ii 1811 eh pi an Or Ti ro to Watc 'When I n, "we had a sc odd way o tett e clay he c lied at have clo er at rat one hat s rit you to i case." h," tho Jo Sirninon w tch him, a leo k I'll tell. sa Joe look Belly I infor ' Indeed," he was idle ?" ' Inaw hi You did.? yo r book wh ' I Was can for id e boys a Iv f e are ting 1 Oneis Self. as a boy," said an ()elm ster who ;he idle 1y. s. 'Boyel, I to your books. other ids I form meet d I will attend 1 ' I ght Ito my,self,•"there is tha I dclin't like. d if 1 see Ira look off It as no long befo if his book, 111d •imni d th id he h 4 as OU g tit to ntio 08 a ad • 0:1 " sai And n yo ht a sin." uffici own con not tilt ti e- to find f et erS. sha tur sen he mad 'how er." did you k I. were your eyes n saw li nit" ft f d I ne er 1 wato tifd tip jitvatc ul.•o er' .. e shall h v no ith tlie �oncluct 91 • Chdosin a ife. ver marry; a wo an 4ereiy becteee has a halndso. . e fa e or a,' ell - ea flgure,I for we sooi become en- ible to an clic f rms hd faces. ' If walk and arria e aremodest tied li1 lad ke, and f the , whole appearaoce Indicate shb has a Mind, heart and e, wh he is orth ell the simpering, mi ci g, ffirti g, affected misses tat ever bronht gQcid looks M their o ily ,.narri are e dower. If the drawly; is rich r bankstooa on ailway shareE, he ly gear shot1(inot prove an lien able objection; but if he i yourself so inpuolii thii be ter. is nothing like ayoun coup' , the age of 2 stetting n lif hearts, cleat heads, and emppty diets. thing to hope for, to w wo mo n • rTaf l° wi he aey" con Oie ou hav so rkggieer, to h on) b tid ng, nt for. Your earin etr crosses of thi life will the closer to yeer yo loving wife. hy 1gl sen 03 men - 1. God b alt,d hail fdrrainy 2. lex I hould atI home or 3. If Ifs Itshallh s f nrnelse ype 4: By prayers t eserm g eat goo 5. ,My ndays seda . Wh urch, ers. ey 7. On ather & oh ht, ve 8. Am ekers eps tb e part 9. Am ather n my w rely & 10. T use it my, fr ✓ San 11.T s it, th runny to be.r 12. T ere t d's n em. 13. A arch iritnal rist ter, d 14. lf-dene in e rise 15. Su fficUlti erely i ter a od rea 16. B turda uroh y late d to ent of 11. I Lys G poor p ep Heav n nday toi. hu ah n Sunda s. nrclit on iny • s blessed theLor w d it,maki g nol e • 4nYn edtniy mini ter to b be ehrprised if he vqer the Weather. ands 'fil terengb w ye greati rearton to bia a n Einstein him by ra to, ing away I inay I hi br ng God's e la t atj ould ha 0 0 J f3 8 11 nee is more th re are fe en the churn r Station example mu bey away, wh ne ld THE HO.ON WHY, THOMASJ IS TH YO OSITOR.. g, (00 dfn han now in fin mportant bu nes r not keep m -a1 ho at4ndance Go portant. the crowds of leas e: that no rainy wea inate female from he the concert. mg Other blessin s, 111 show me on what fon ait is I built. It will p h love Christ. T Is t me t' an appoint ose ne stay from, ch s nee we ns, or toe col q ently absent th s f .8 h al, u h ove U6 0 8 en rch O o Ives 18 ouatdgh. s til th ere Is a, o j tb iue, He a oid. B qu de y. et di n ktto 0 • SO 0 a 1 ni le tr 8. at el 8 excuses must nn must be St. Luke special p ee meet ill be in le itbsen .Disoiple tance, a Him. ithis to be s Chri nen life, ✓ 1 of hi yiel s trep a inar 00 9 the ther ing to s es for yiel ,until the h rch, and yet thi or for slush negle suitable -arra ellen be abl li texhanetion k on Saturday rne for the S ristian privilege uow not how man Ely gine me, it ration for my to 1avo sligh oi oath.—Fra 0 averga . ati rg el 1v. to rrn in ea k t ge 0 Ing ud 6 a rSt Sutid y ted y 1 st cies Ricll y fy gro u n 18. se, h t th -r n id.tlof om tie rice lof follclw en, 1ie I by ny 00 ter. bntlallle to t o e as nay r ley a e 809 n ate d er e, i.st I • y- ailroad Tim He st• .diat the ticket w rollin: ale old fashioned , whi. a dozen impanel:, hind imj, driven to ma outing of the gentlemen ins. fter he got about alt of wallet Unrolled, pped Da said to the tic "Is th t lock right ?" "No s promptly repli "Tait, t Bhouted the sta r, stoo aiigc1own and ma tch a a lean and hu g. Tain Well sense do t en ?" " Well rried: ave ill." " Won t en t.; iti y s. rrl ery m al the cl 11 be r he p t conl ent we "Itis d of f goo d hear d then o hour going " Whi senge ast or 'Don't part o O ht tim out ni the ot ith opped de a r ery m out tw 13 a 13 •0 • ndo lea 111, nen call a, he et d tie ing gr t ht 7" y: in the name o' Maye it stuck up b goll," said tbe p ug up his wallet ised my train. lir any good," rep e company's oder 11 85 a 1month- to g, ruing t6 mix and m cks so that not h and no two of the •• ss tiger gasped twice .1 n :isay anything. T t b he supeitintendent s id a. n, enjo s a joke, an it to !see a num prano bim jaw When he buy fidds hi train has b t eaves him' the e circus." ay is the clock wr ked in ;despairing • a fo hi a, of 4 • I V fa, len an th as hi th840 a 8.0 tn co of BO 116 840 iss ov Su cle in Bt end walke he na tiaske Wha r ?" Whs. obi ?" y glar then adder ailWa trate e the e by neu n bole, er fail ster, 11 ther il The • 0 sl lby Pg 1 erd uddie gen 0 a su ca din m n ere f r, sseng r; " Or. yell lett t r uid f thekil thicej e ticket 9 li 47.7 • w,' relied the ag fun, not to let au kn w ;anything Alilil . know is etas wrong nil 17 , I now care fe vh inuth groan the t- bag and the door, got dhis a he cisme b eek, add took hi e When p toll:he window his •satien a ;a s ne : de yoil talk to I I 1 ado vu e it s que 0* sited he ticket d at each other for thjej paseeriger went net p obably no r although the time station are always la s care and electri and all the traius h , yet there are deo d ome in this 1:n ivLl�, w euever th r toask t elt: icket s e ' her and gateman, o "that clock is right1? 1 ' . Sauft Ste. Marie is frozen re blocking .navigation int' Lake erior. Navigation is pr Ion ed for tho winter. The admission of a Ne onal bo ege Of Pharmacy a• W ton,ha reBnited in all the re:t o dents drawing. ar t" xp g, 00 e is Ioes und ket oue use nts 1 ha 'bo yirl on the ha it i$ ne wan sse gee let and. Se meg ay. In c esti. la e at e 4aid ori bo ght O 1ie a nslikJ and second s •ay,1 leer ec sati ne rly ty can go and us nds of free ti vet, st tion. e fter i 'to 77 t e eh. the hliiiiiiiIMI ante( " W , Thoma, is that again a e you? auld so cltan tiardly know you and ma am tol 66 ye ‘;Th potth "Un promis " On " I n ea hardly tl 'dearly. I thong dream of her .by the anticipation o 111 -ou 1ack d w uld fie o, I . ; ,uncle, I' married. n there was no truth in th ra- t you wen jilted, T m y." ole, I'll tell you all 'f on will seereee."I tainly I wl1,my1ad. . • (3 • in tell ynI live* Ida t Of her by • ay and night. I • eli lin a in one day o lli gho by bins net di n cult to beim d in hoped she A leigth I tOle her o .)e 94 ine, in eply cet la r in prrpo al, but Eet1 un er res - n ot be st 1)8. 118 h a el me na then b tell he my br knetni the op all my She re said s a posit she co “ T ent cir e end in the joys mine. I found it of the passion tha est for hr, 1but 1 I and romp cleated it. orthnity came, and heart and a4ed-ber aipea unI1noed, an o Was sor y 1 had pl on to deo! ne m Id not do (4herwi omits,' " neat timita.nce we ic than f ienan and you ita ever any thought of . i ship.'" "Ip essed ray suit, nut to pose. I then instated that I in the Cat1Se Of my rejectiois." ' ' Thoniasn n' sne f3tud1 "'1 you candidly. It in is not you connectioenn yonfl posi nen 1 your as enlat qlifications financial circumstances th4t5 the way. These p.re all I 6 ul but it is your untidy appear no tastes are so diveitte that w o behappy togetlien." "Oh! what anihill ran bro whole being. I neela net a an -skipped" et on to th w •st. " There I fonni time fo n 14 as no • WW1. CAMPBELL & FALL TOCK 0 MPANY MPLETE IN EACH DEPARTMNT. 1 , New and tylish Dress Gods, Black arid Colored Cashmeres Black and Colored, Silks, 3atins, and Brocaded Satins, Black and Colored Velvteens, Ladies' Ul ter Cloaings, Cash/here, Gloves and Hsiery, Nofelties in Small Wares, Clouds and Fancy Wool Goods, mb's Woel Undrwear, Drawrhiidren's Lamb's Wool Combination nuns, In Boy's Srts and es White and Grey Wool Blankets, ol Carriaie Rugs and. Wool Lined Quilts;tsh, 1 . limy Colored lannels, Hugs and Tabl Linens, , . • Ladies' L Men's and FancyW. Cords of Plain and tV Sttipes, ChIs, Plain, Grey and inceys from fi e cents ti wards, , 1 Cretonnes, Towe willedSbeetii4gs, and Cottons at mill prices. • • I - CUR 13EAD MADE CLOTHING1 ROOM his season, The magnitude of on stock ini this line iated. We have every style and:size made in Suits smallest by to the 0. S. men's sizes; the mos fashion - nada; All of our Days' and Gents' Suits .aid1 Over . r, ana same styles cannot be bo ght at any othelr place Lot of Odd coats which we will s11 at less tha cost. rowded to 1 the door with Fall andWinter Sul nee and est n.ovlties to be had in Gettin Furnishing. We rs to examine our stock before Parting w t.1 their Ore for- ion - St ifnow • wil tell' f Miler 8o i eo tYr 1 rjour in ire; • lOur ulcn not my and tan de gh d i fie non, and in looking at my osi c ar cter and habits, I fo4id Ida w s . I had, as you kno from boyholod none about in a half -el venly, slip shed man- eer with untidy apparel, an sOrnet mea with an uutidy person. r solived that I would at once mend 2i2) wys. On my return• I visi d a s or in E eter noted for the s yiish and cheap gar- mentie!such as required, which they were turning out every da The; pro- prieteris seemed courteous, and Iwere eviden,ly very a xions to pl asa m. I left my order for a complet on fit, hat, undershirt and drawers, sj7bie 1ress shirt, collar, cra at, coat, parlts, vest and o+coat, ha dkerchefs, brace and socks. When I put these on, I was surprised and phased at the ch nge. I deternaided that this o1auge s calla be thOrjough, tha is, it snit Id pp y to myess”eivry day hebite as ell as my dr "A1h, Tommy, this acecin ts for my hardy being able to recogn ze yo . I pur- chase." where you made yqur "Bon, uncl+ 2' "1 Ik ow by the make o yOur coat end if nts, my led. Why, a nut like that q only be Iliad at li:n. ton B o." "To are riglit, unci. The do their e °thing bn iness very "W 11, it was.bot long '11 11._ gain visited Ida, and I need har ly tell you that in tters scion became so co pli- caedt at no one but the p rscn onld settle t em, and e did it to oift e tire satisfa tion. As anton Br t ere ave helped ine wona dully in e ing the very beti wife th sun ever B o e pon, I have resolved to do all tr ding there in the fn.tlIlre, and Ila fall in with nee. She tb nits she noh indebted to them as I, for s she no.), a e 89/78 n, nee ke p W y, me tW r wor site site c has a good husba " Yo r Aunt Ms.ry, my m since f una out hat they goods and sell ve y cheap. the nth r•day she brought 'h yards of factory cotton r goods, for $1, and a cconfcirt tie ordinary way 02, and al for ib was nl cashl She say not buy the print for the ix there is the makling and 1 sides. Dur trading there .h many a dollar If you have there to spend it. Butterj e try to trade. Be ure and g (1,31 RA TO EXET R! • long nice only nty ood h in aid. uld °nay; hen atting ba- s seven me money go es itr to Was neve must be e and Over able style coats are in town. Ordered c Overcoati would inv money. so full as it is en to be appre oats, frcim the produced in C ade to bur ord We haee a job othing titore is gs. An the la te all cash buy OS M. CAMPBELL ;.: • EROOERT WILLIS,1 1:10 Pia SI -IO 1CORVER MAIN A.NTI) MARKET 8TRE.ET115, 0,7EAFOTII, Has just received the Largest, Cheapest and Choicest stock of BO TS and SHOES, suitable for the eager', that has ever been offered in, Seafort is tot a ladies' Mall, but 1ie knows just what the ladies like in the wa of foot gear, and he has now got Ithe very goods that will suit them. His Lade' Boon; leek neat and handsome n any feet, and are at the same time comfortable, and while providing for the ladies he does not forget the men end children. j. Just try him once and be convinced. °Astern work attended ,to pomptly, as Malan He guarantees a good fit and a good an neat article, or he as s no pay. N. B.—A great maliy customers seemtolabor unde the halnoin tion that I give a year's credit on niy goods. Those who have fallen into this e4or would do well to take notice thalt my terms are •PROMPT CASH, and govern them selves accordingly. I sel so cheap that I can't afford to give long credit. ROBERT WILLIS, Seafprth. NEW MILLING FIRM IN pEAFORTH THE SEAFORTH RoLLEa MILLS LATE THE RED MILL. Mc RIDE & SMITH, from Strathrgy, ught the above mills, and refitted them throughimnwith all the latest millinery that bould be procured for a Having b and best And the Farmers and have GRADUAL sult attaine an now get a t home with REDUCTION ROLLER MILL, 1 ; is, they have one of the best mills in the Piovince. 1 their GRISTING and CHOPPING- done in Seaforth, biem the same day, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Pia TTR, For sale 1y the ton or in of Wheat ! I ELA1T .49..1T SI-ICD*TS ef3s quantities—FOR CASH. Cash for any quantity McBRIDE • MR. THOMAS SMITH will personally superintend the Seaforth Roller •MI=M1.11...m.••••••,1 E have now opened atd marked the bulk of Old Co 1 inspection of our large an varied etock of all kinds of Dry I • ilia the latiest novelties in each department, and Prices will ever before. j • 1 Y7111 1 DI C) ( Xs 0 ntry goods, and invite oods. We are show - be found lower than In DRESS GOODS the stook is very complete, embr ing the newest goods in the British markets. VELVETEENS in IJOVilLY BLACK a Splendid range of TONS, necin 1 Good ; range -of SH i • - • C0UNT4AidE, and u '4 Furnishing Goods. .A.BZEISOINT", SMAeLFORTE. 1 shades, and the wear guaranted. • nd COLORED SILKS and SATINS. J 1 ANTLE VELVETS, CLOHS, WEEDS, .1rL•• Wlito and JACKFITS, CARPETS, CURTAINS, • NE 3 LIQUOR STORE, We take pleasure in announcing t� the people Of Seaforth end surrounding vicinity, thet we h.ave opened out a • NE LIQUOR STpRE, 00122p sing the 1Choicest Brands of Wine and Liquors, soketed and bought from one of the leading Wholesale Housis iu t)e Don:anio. OLD PURT WINE . From 4ng1a1id. !i•amromaqm DRY SHERRY AND CRAPE WINE From Fran4e. Madelea anli Marsala. Sacramental Wiva From Spain—warranted pure. D. K. MID RINK'S HOLLAND CIL Mountain Dew froM Scotland. GUINN ES' PORTER Bottled by Burke frilOin Ireland. CAliLiNG'S AMBER AL4 Old• yel Malt & Superior Whisk' 1 Prom R. Walker & Son, Windsor. Ilel-neeyi .thdes Robin Brandies., All those liquors aro apecia4 selected for mt- dicinall purppaeti an4 lase,. Mao, several. other kinds o bquorwhich fore hope will gi** every satistaci ion to ear custoteers. Remember the place,two eone sonta of Itoi, ertson'e Circirlar Sawi 1 W. K4..LORAN WR XETER MILLS ALE IBSO Begs to an ounce to the ublic that he has c mmenced to perate the WROXET R WOOILEN FACTOR and and qusi-om gARDING„ Spinning end Fulling ploroptly atten eclptitor,t iesfrom a distance will, as far possible, have their Rolls hens° with them, and as he has put the mill into gond working order and employs none but j efficient workmen all work ilia warrented1 - Retnemiter the Wrointer Mills. 1 • ALEX. L. GIBSON, that he will be pr pared to giie good value iu FULL CL TES, TWEED, UiNION TWEEDS, - FLA NEILS PLAIDINGS, WINCEYS, varieties in STOCIfING YARNS. , i - FilitOPRIETOit — , A RldULIIURAL I11 LEMI NTS. . , The Glenc factur ng Co the farmers arranged wit H. •MONit e Agriculturaj. !Implement Mann- pany irave plelliure in informing f Huron and Perth that they ha, Mit, Exeter & HQGA14j ISeafortli, moTiONali* To ko cons ntly on; hand is l repairs for Oil and all oth themralso fo lectured by ford. All orders or addressed receiVe prom HT IRON HARVESTER ✓ Implements • manufactured ily all tbe; machines formerly mann- ROMPSON & WILLIAMS, of iltrt or Machinery left with their age Box 33, 411.ENI3A1414, itfl t attentiOn. 815. 1301:48.111A1•7„ Agent1 VVANTDI 009. I*13.1MERS TO FATTEN CAJTLEAND 'SHE Straw C tters and T'itrnip, Cuttei4 Ii Great Variety at T. LOW, .11=110110..1,11•1••••••••••••4 FJi.rmers wanting good Root Cate good Stravv Cutters, both large all small, and at prices to euit the time , shotild go tb T. MELLI, Kippen. Look oat for g oa bargains. T D. FARMS OF A L DESCRIPTIONS, I ; IMPROVED & PARTO IMPROVEil 1 • E3-CTS1* LQ1I S_ Any one wishing to sell thia Oass of pioperi can readily obtain a ;mbit* by applying CHAALE48, E.1•11.1/0G1K04, Lanli Offic, Dimda13'St, ,London, 014 MONEY Trg!i.DAN At lowest rateis of interest. Apply to 816-28 p. E. BRYDGES, London. ; 1 ANCk U.131. Sail front Pier 20 Every GLASGOW VI RATES TO GLASGOW, DER POOL, CARIN, CABIN, $40, WARD, R LI N C STEASITIPS orth River, New York, aturde,yi for LONODERRY. If PASSAGE Y, BE P.A.ST OR LIV.E11i- :0 to ' $0• SECOND: STEE AGE, OUT PRE AID, $1.: Anolao,r Line Drifts issued lowest roes ars paid free of charge 14i England, Scotland irdatdanni ' appirgPto""liEe'Pln';°Eansbino1/PlaBnit 1301111Elso,f 7T°Bouri4wiaarirraci;:4 GREEN, Z.TBW '1I0331C, or to DICKSON, Poet Office, Seior*. 832 • • • 1 iiJ I . •