HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-12-14, Page 2kHz. ving of duce - FE tat tc `Ceter, sss, of p, lett �adies N Moir, turned rest.- i.11age, Cana- Ia:Tian ntend: Limen, amber erZise- ?peciad tinned week. hens:' Lot:day rith aa: village town that Mt Cf who to the and Sae on eek, in Mrs. adee, a e,, carne: en out. the in_.. usband towf'a sinister ace for he was' 50serible eliCe" re- F effort, be died eavea ar ]ren to unex- ry a of thlt attend. !u Mon' a SEVENTEENTH YEAR. WSOLE HUMBER 836. k ME CHB -I TM-: —AND A— R 14, 1883. • HAPPY N"EW YEAR TO - YOU ALL. SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTER$ SEVENTEENTH TEAit.}"t FOR RARE AND BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY GOODS —GO TO— M. R. COUN'TER'S JEWELRY EMPORI UM, SE:AFORTH. Huron County C u:•+ cit. The Council met on T. e: d: y .of last week, agreeable tb the call .f thear- den, The Warden, in . p : ningIthe council, addressed thein as of ows : •QENTLEMEN,—I have the a o a or t Inn form you that since last m,: etng o the council the repairs and i i,+ prove: Buts needed at the jail ' have . eeu ca vied oat, under the superintenency o the clerk, at a cost of $175.: s, you are aware, very considerable a amage was entailed on the county by t. e great rain storm of the 18th of Anuria,, hich carried the Brussels brid a own stream,and also destroyed Oa app oach to Bluevale bridge, besides Borne inor daraa es.to other brides. wit re- quested o call my committe I tog their to' take steps to. repair' the damages, which I did at the very °arlies mo Out, orde ed t be. unde Mr. Gib - n c arge, who sou o th mat. von tha the bridg has ruct, as be of finding WATCHES u Gold: and Silver Cases, handsomely hased. Hunting and Open Face— res' and Gent's—in a1L the .leading end best makes. CLOCKS. One Hundred and Thirty to choose Tom: Prices ranging from $1.25 to when the repairs were proceeded with at once, son, the commissioner will no doubt report to ter. I regret to inform contractor for Holmes Ile failed in carrying out his Con alleges from the difficulty men who would work ie the wi4e e 1 the corn- iest eet- ,be repairs relieved le duty by to carry ich, I be- -hit happy to inform you t missioners appoieted a : tl ing of the council to enfor e at Blyth and Wingham;, we. re JEWELRY. We invite inspection to the latest style. of Solid Gold Jewelry of standard quality., Also Rolled Plate, Electro Plate and Black Jewelry in sets. Brooches, Ear Rings, Lace Pins,, Brace- lets,: Necklets, Lockets, Guards, Al- berts, Gem Rings, Seal Rings, Band Rings, 18k and 10k Wedding Rings, Searf Pins, Cuff, Collar and Shirt Bat: tone, Baby Pins, :`f,c.. _•r S[L EI3WA.RE. designs. a e from performing .a disa the reeves mutually agree out the necessary repairs, lieve, have been completed. COMMUNICATIONS. The report of the Inspect r of Asy- Tums was submitted and referred to the Jail and Court House committee. A circular . from the Carad a Law Amendment Asscicieti u w and referred to the; Finan a commit- tee. - , A communication from Dr Rosebrngh, requesting aid to the Prison rs' A'd As: sociation, was referred, to t e F'uance, committee. • . i A letter from Mr. Jatnies n, r quest- ing damages in' refereice o : b ilding Blue.vale bridge,. was xefericd t ' same committee. . The presentment of the rand. Jury at the last Assizes, wa.4 referred to the ti Jail and Court House committee. A circular was read from, the presi- ge Associa-'I to epetition h ;o grant the t' ranchise ;to a s to men. b ea w Land s read hi li took v being over new be e. As t wiry; 1 lank when races put . i. trncture is p butments s plaudit decaye at Clinton, I which is' 91 f ;bout 2�0 feet hi part! • of the b 1vith.erth, as t long, but buil which is quit watt' to p 'bans 01 son a.s Rotliwe11' *ill hit to I dd n t thin of tree el o er wil leave this f The Warden !build the. at. bridge nort. the ender o .of $ .,952, to ber 1st, 1884 abokt 24 fee ,12' et wing dp. . Hard d , tha comple a rid ave ry a e hs; r t rf. a a O s Bs a r Meet ' �Ztit porte been having sin I the I{ the anf Ease of ar $2• ; • for t while tio , i to ail cost $ tin; Fish C co p eted. in he p a.a }I ted aches total be ding had unda , at 's ah new .Hay est of are thin be built silt jelong roo brid :a,y and S 5 ,or rep ave ads n.d,and epatred a s eyerity contrac betop lesiired. b, wb the n+ ie ac the n anion dent of the Women's -tion, requesting the co he Legislature of Out political and munici :al omen on the same terms. he request was agreed to. ROADS AND ,BRIDGE . The following reports of the County Road 'Cummissioiers were read and', referred to the road and bridge com. mittee : Mr. Mason reported as • follows :IIsi: accordance N ith insttuctions eceive3 at last meeting of council, the. Verde and myself had the oe an:s taken; out fo the now bridge at Su er's hear 'Verne and called for tenders and ccepted tender of Win. Lamont lo 'the esu $815, to build the sad bridge ' 96 long, with two spans cif, 43 with gs uffr rues] rriu 1 otod 'brid ba ' also re he of t $5. f years ago, t sprit' oti b Sween .mbton, abeen r new o1 br bridge on satisfac .Care, 'built next settled do le. and to v,I w en Jets, as leading t. reasOD these brid. at utineut $1,300. The Co on Wedu ee� e rock elm abutments ' 11ed with st ne The centre is suppor ed •th a do hi{ ,g elm The. nk ilding br: Oacbc s. I let breekw end. 'gr sum of $ ole is a • class job, -for which. I must give; contractor. credit. Plans. ere also New and ele ant in Tea for Holmesville bridg and; tenders t ed, for which we ;rec ived �+e. Sets, Tilting Pitchers, Tete -a -Tete Sets, < accepted the tender of Mel Herb Call Bells, Berry Dishes, Biscuit Jars, `for the sum, of $2,19 , as he was hi Cake Baskets. See our Basket at $3.50, Card: Receivers, Card .Cases, Castors from $1.25• to $22. See our Cruets at r 3.50—extra value. Pickle Stands, Individual C'rnets, Celery Stands,, Caps and Goblets, Cups and Saucers, Dessert Sets, Epergnes, Hotel Ware,. Jewel Stands, Napkin Rings, Toast Racks, Vases, Waiters, Salts and Peppers, Butter Dishes, Spoon Holders, Dinner, Dessert and Tea Knives, Din- ner, Desert and Tea Forks and Spoons, Fruit Knives, Batter Knives,, Mustard and Salt. Spoons, &c. `bent faced with 3 incl well bolted on each 1 timbers were all used waters on! the new sold the old iron ft, tenders for -approach on each side, also fe ling the approaches f to John M.aennn. T recr earii ;hilt apps $1( s an cing ✓ the e wl SUNDRIES. Goi , Silver., Steel and Rubber Spec tacles', and Eye Glasses from 25o to $12 case. thrown in. Jewel Boxes, Music Bogies, Travelling. Cases, Sliver Thim- bles, Card Oases,. Portna.onias, Tobaccom; Pouches, Cigar Cases, Meersohan•,.. Brier, Wood and Clay Pipes in endless variety. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN recommended as a pratiOal b builder. I am sorry {to saki that he not rush the work as fast have done. I went seve see how he. was getting alo: to encourage him to pu along. The water was low .and a time: for building. I had to go home for a week, and lefty; the Iwo charge of the reeves of Clinton` n would come back. .When'1 recur was .told that Harbottle has give the work for this fat . Tilts was the beginning of O tober. I1 at notified the clerk to call' [he Wa committee to see w at was best. t Mr. Harbottle_was a would not give satin pleting the bridge Mr. Brox, who was t der, agreed to take build the bridge ti bottle demaned $• for work whi , h he Mr. Box would not ed it too mu h. t '1 the bridge buila was got out and pa is still in the posse from whom it was for completing this before the first of . was then too ;late i Seeking a choice selection of Christmas anything. 1:would and: New Year's Gifts are advised to the time for 'comp, visit Santa Claus' Exposition now be- say the first of Sep ing held at COUNTER'S Jewelry now leave it in v Store. Latest styles, largest stock and what is best to be � lowest prices. ADMISSION FREE - as he - Fal time g, and ih . the the eetin i�actio n as to unci' next e -ne lowes t off hi hand is fall. Mr. 60' fro Mr had cone, ive, as he co here is no Lost of .the, t of it frame sion of Mr. bought. The ridg wase u ove ber, 18 the season prop se to s eting the ''bri emb ,1881. dur h nds to done I ha the Bayfield bridg e tightened.centre pier was very mchiunder owing nto being built on an island is continually washing away. some plank put down to a solli, ti ation1 and bolted to the iiip'p which will prevent the stone fro ing out. I would recommend tha spiles be put, in about 30 feet island, which' would prevent the ing away. I also had the S Hill bridge tighten d, and some done to the Bolin aryridge. Morris 'and McK.t11 p, at al coat This bridge iB 36 eet lo. g. I h siderable repairs done t Ball's After taking: off the flop ring I fours the stringers decayed to 1 a mere also one of the main cords bro two. It was a wonder that th had not fallen. T put in tw stringers in 3 spans and 3 in th e V3 tl tee you s tb g abs.* a All are invitedto examine these splendid holiday gifts, whether they wish to purchase or not. It Will be a pleasure for us to exhibit- our stock and a pi aaure for you to see it. M. R. COUNTER, The Leading and Reliable Jeweller, directly opposite. J. S. Porter's cheap cash furniture Ettore, 0 0 11 e h Council merit, an following of The pe paying t• read' and 14ouse C A oom+ regriestin hand rep read and one whe Two to the, Gaol an i kfter"t is ting the o'clock t TheC 'pent, w Moved. l)Ir.' Detl den and the Mini tinC1 in r t Goder Move. hier, sand Sti„uct th Perth to One half new Iron trween B Moved Silber, a oonfrrm Stephen road all he 22n transfer t;ginpan ranted The u o be m on and by ;Mr. A mo ion of �oads w: that no county + ;ween �e f erred nttee. The was raa ars n e. of Jr 13 6 q. ng tin).ers, coria .t. 1 a so had to thq e . Bt end Of uth. n o of abater' the o d faced 30 .;s V tr ss The a er •tly af: as long .s •he d bri t . ey ate - ry respetit to the lir ge new s ringerpu in, t to g, built oii as , I y opinion this i• ge i iht be Lille I up • oth r art is;110 feet'. • ood, et ne abntna : ' te,'. ciento allow 1111 he hrong ; it has igh : i e., Th : bridge kn a WD oss h: Bayfield r er, built )r o onejaway th. here; s :. great sane. • f nt t o sum o ;vev : J I • the C,unci1 to di, e. . I sea le is "for to e ` to ut a is at Gri : ve'B eafo t We ode ted s ph a le, for the ern c mel t by , Sep :m- e1 b tmeut wi he g , wi h 20 feet fac: and f et An botto a d , bad Conamiesione t Creditors bridg ed, the cost of the a Ltd td 820.. Owi f' lie fl d in th r the approa he woi out 1,9 eliding or c It icli e wi ook 1 ost, e est o a teinporar 1 o oa ti .n of t e vs., 0 wise nder on . tip to 52, ma in ,1 ° 7 T e roc bri ge e•k"•at o dham, T e sup structtr an, coy rill the i o 700, nd Logel an otbe x ras f su of !$ 4 , half aa,I,i by the c unty to n:etr c io s r t • o ced r c lvert y r: twe ii gan co: of i1 be re eing $ 6 I Oo laid. n he an '• Ste 1 y, near $'.0 ; .the ti ber ec'� ingvey ane a new, trtic are . e' t yea . A fen° th apprpaglies of e,t;•u the tgwn lin ep se!) .a • acost o the floor of hra tha'Exeter br the fences and a st ci $20.; T iD tyeandquiayan St. ei d s e ,rep : 'rB, Iriclg w B b ilt. 'ill e t c b re has ole g to I s • ing hes wa k fas 50 1rd :. fe*+ing idg bli ruc th .an ee, e:, i •ahu oad- ova cher it rio, + to of is of ':rt cei • �:d ab. to an' + M ou Ih av^;. al �T g Ir. e, 6 • pe tb de ye wit ha ha: be hela b we $1,; a he id ge ppr e e bridge t G+and he counties of 1 ur w ih Ws d niag:d pa r ed a co t of 70, ti ` ere. 'Th Bas nc he ayi d rad is th or of al the bri ges ,. d I thin it sho ' Id sur met`, s it is • er • n in th centre. Th oli ugw9 d. bridge bei al inmend -ton h, reee ar good gr: vel th queal tfy, and it is detanc and I- hi et oul' be built wit acos of fro #0 $ sd adjo u rned unt 4 ds t pa scant o a fter . routine b si o a. u ;cations ere �i is its`► of Joseph Vitt b sent to the hospi ef:rred to the Gall an m+,. ittee! u i lcatioc}u� from JO dg t -o Council to en. age rt'• + for he count co gr '•• . ted, the clerk to re. .ire did sfor wood we : re :erre Cont House Co a, mi • engt y and la or : as ancilj adjournd a +til e. III 0 To ro • er fo tl Ad 1 • irs n- lbri tO t of th ;Arian at ep ry Url bri • e 1 1 Ca a owan pf ece the dge le ne es, ge 0 in er 1 CO 0 • r. • Ai 1 ained t of a oved Weir, rocure ants t for th t mu or the 1, God Howi atford ing 30 Bruss ing 30 Septemb In ality, ho ten arged to ers wet thoee sen alities ted byi ROAD n mot: prepar a state 'ent sh, +Oh foftheir services during the srertien lowing i Aleid John commend oaute. VAGBANB. Mr. Castl4 and se at the clerk be statement (S the t have been in tl last three years, eipalities they h .following is the tions for t on eq tat e pay- ed by ested bee of oaiaty frbm rnent th year Aishfield 11 the year Godetich 1 total two of ae the mnni- e own - BO F 883, ondo ever, o oderic lity pro ho, after ha,v'ng 8 0111111BSIONiRS' EXP n by Mr. Hannah, ly to er ra s. natruete On mo itrge No oper st e road The co gbt000lbseif r. Dew ill health, w e echo committer. Move by Mr. irvin, sec vied r. Wir, and • the state e t asked foe : 1572.56 on ;by Mr4 Hayes, seconde liana, lYfr. Mason, road oom , and hay t e same put in 'Fatima, eceraber 7, 1883. Mr. Mallobb )of Clin on; as es re d land ref rred und Move ee con ane a y Trea egard futur Move r. Ka ecital he vo one in n the ieving ar ad fforts eople, romis sad, t pper land, th autbon petition ave tli into eff long del The ollo and Bridge adopted : Report of sioner, vim) adoptloexc recomMend immedilate the ROthwel Gibson, Roa mend. that s port of G we .rOciomm adopted. R that a e not to brges that be Stracb bridges we. roc Comm It ie conamt Mr. School utio d school lain s in the coulaty of carri d, that the Werd thonized to me oriali oveteenent to ay ov the Land Imp ov me ing be purchased for him. ' C cation from Grand Jai y in providing a suitable for this county, no ac ' Tenders for wood—Tb of John Sands, of per cord, recommend i Communication from about carpets for M offices, that no action Nave visited the gaol a well kept cenditien, a improvements ordered have been sati, factoril The by-law went of Mr. M Inspector for adopted. TU.B COU The followii mmunie egard to otise Refuge ion at present. qlborne. at $3.20 I to be ccepted. ta en. We d foun it in a d find that the at last meeting carrie out. onfir.ming the appoint - Bode RS ,Publi Schobl TY TREASURERS s, countlY teem ad from spouse to . the. enquiries m de by the committee apitointed 00 inter iew him : who was killed by s nowslide from G2NTimatma, As yool state in your Sa Lawrence hotel, Mentreal,hae ta reply to my e quiry a to wh t was the action for 310,000: daroagee age Imaking this e of the council in Henry Hogan, pro netor of the hot. object of the r tee, that it w s in egret queue of state- boats are at pr sent crossing on an ments havin been Imade t at 't was average 850 cars daily between Detroit my intention o resign my os on as and Windsor. The boats have a carry- Tres.surer of he county at tele present ing capacity of 1,E00 daily. meeting of co ncil, but the CM oil not —Warning to players of foot bail3.1— having anyth ng offici 1 to that effect, Duncan Smith, a onng man 25 y ars desired tbrou h the co mitt e to be in- of age, died in To onto on Monday la.st formed of m intentio s. 1 eg there- from injuries rece ved. a little time ago fore, to state hat I n er ex reseed any in e foot ball match. . such intentio s as to nder My resigna—Mr. S. Robertson, of the Cr stal tion of the o ce of 0e) nty Tteasurer at Rink, Montreal, offers a $50 gold na dal the present ti e. Ie. my esire that and expenties to the winner of his ten amined by the family octor, who said the child could not by , but two weeks afterward, the leg diopped off at the the leg has heal - ng well withrut r House, Lonai3n-;[ deed the offer.1 knee. Strange to say ed and the child ie d the aid of is doctor. reeently of the Chajpt wart offered the tee Episcopal church £(t —W. J. Willis, •rn igrant agent lat Montreal, last year settled one hundred CD Fins on Govern Mattews district well. —A wedding oc4n*ed in St. Cat Etr ines last week and allthose at it except to - ere irl the en nst • ler t lands in the They are do ng the bride had been riety before the were eight ex cony —The father of (dice Court. T s Wyllie, the quiry when I do se er my cinne tion with mile race, open to the world, to eotoe the council a ter so lo g a pe iod of ser- off some time during the carnival week. vice, I shal do so nly a ter my ac- —John Walker, Montreal, had. a donuts to the close oft y ter are fully bullet taken out of his thigh at Haanil- examined, au ited an appr ved by the ton, Friday. He said he had. two re- -council. I am, gentle en, yo r obedient volver cartridges in his pocket, and one . servant, of them exploded, sending a bullet into Moved by r. ForsYth, orris, sec- —The chairman of the Quebec alder- onded by M . Elliott, God rich town- men called a Bpeaker to order because - shire that W J. R. Hdlmes, 1 Brussels, he said a certain act was " robbing be appointed treasure for th county of Peter to par Paul." The chairinan Huron such appoiptir ent to take effect said this was " slang and unperliamen- thati a by -la be prepared a d submit- —R. C. Baker, bookkeeper it *time ted t y the cl rk to 11 is council forth- & Cods, telegraph instrinnent makers, witn, ratifyi ent. On Toronto, after embezzling over $300 the narneii b voted for from his employers and forging two the motion ilber, Dina cheques on the Standard Bank for large nion', Keine, ter; Allen, ameunts, has skipped to the Statee. Elliott, Fcirs until the beginning of the Vt r in 1812, wh -a he volunteered made Col. Mo- lt ugall. He took part in the bettle of fal . He was also one of a picked lawn - be chosen to skirmish cin It e frontier be een Fort Erie and old .Niagara. 00 and a 4r, a d ea kid, that conam rer to BAC rt iu# his views his resign Won, and epOrt onsequence 14 the di tu ba hat those men, who ar n nced in y arse are 'witty and having learned t at ana a, ths, every an eirs, shot have 10 a. re t th War, eit and the clerk ed in behalf of this, Con el itsaid sole n promis bar ing Ireport of the R omlittee was read otin Melon, Roe, 0bm men that th sane pt th t portion elatin lle ridge con ract. bri gt) Report f Comm ssioner, we id repo t be adonte rvin„Road Co mi nd thet said re port of L. Har y, oundary lines, r co received. Moti n of n, re ittive to by-law asap within to n hip mu ici ali ith (Jelin s pf regret that tee eceitded the resigriati kr ort Huron, on' ac ou ill -health; nd although sorry o our cdenecti n with one who as charged. his dutiei so well a d ait ly for: be la t tw lye years, a on stated in his letter. That i r ga applio tion , received foie the offi by the resiiatio f Mr. Dewar, wrath ttee tecom end that the ap Mr. afloat of his appoint e t t for North Huron B id app in me take effect Janu ry 1st, 188 The following eport of th ao th.at the Werden and 0 er ma rangements to get him admitte the Middlesex ror house o some suitatie place, and that iiui ab e IA 0, in at rt pe Warden's r- books, bond ce county fro oyer to the ir he Dd of ho of be to to 11 w Wednesday night, laet W Bal in applied at the central ti n at Detroit for lodging. ca 6 from Toronto with 1$ si velr watch, and when near London he fe 1 asleep. He woke . up in Windsor Dann y and watch. ! brakesman named Arthur BUTIA killed en the Canada Southern ay, at HawtreY, Wednesday night week. He fell from the top of a between the cars. His bead TIRO mpletely severed from his body. He erly lived near Ialmerston, where mother now-resi es. d living near iiiright, , was found. a dering listlessly ,bout the woods in t neighborhood. I Her mind bad be - II y g man who had left for Michigan. b was taken to t 6 asylum at Wood - At Wiarton an infant child of Mr. le . Kerr was almost ,smothered to reath by a large cat inhaling its breath h le asleep in a cradle. Luckily the in time to avert what certainly ' in death. Blood g said a point ing cane ther Grahaen, Wet th, Beenom, y. -23.I Again eir, Kelly, —Alfred Mcinight and C. Wrklge, Cooper, Cor r, Roeers, while sbingling the new English chnech Johneton, m, Dater), at M9unt Forest, were! precipitated ,to Hays and K t —Messrs. the ground through a 'falling scailold. Ratz, Griffi The former was fatally' injured and the Currie, Hen latter seriously, but will recover. son, Girvin --Mr. E. Burch, a farmer res ding an, ePherson, don, Beattie Hanna , Bri ton, Miller and Walker —23. confirming . he apPo real and p sed. Moved by Mr. Joh Mr. Rogers, and caix tors do audi firer up to t being the 3 to the War the accoun BO ad nd 18 - be to end ild L. rec to- . 0 - be ive nty lend ing a. ool Or el CO • st ai about two miles from Brantford, a Oay or so since received notification th t was legal heir to the great Frie arm the cast- property in Devonshire, England., This eath slier f the trees- at Sandwich, Ontario, last spri g, to fiscr I year, imprisonment for life, 1 end report n. The by-law is a large est te, valued.at $o0,000J t was then ntme ston, e end 0 the the adcfunta st of De ember en's committee s be fonn 'Leon otamitte do by-law app inting hi The council then 10 OUT n of of t of ever ider and TMB d to e of cant your lies - al of and otify the ools t to • djour refuge in the Monte struck agai reduction i —An ex Montreel Lose $40,0 Methodist ering from —Las t Galt, ship Westminst —At the other day bought for —The t minion, fo with loco as canals, operation ings dors w —The ed. the pos the Montr 1of the Ott and and seph e ar- , into other —The of its into ment of it pany's; sec has- left o season. I —The 'Bate of th been formally Irma Island and the river belo 'ging to • da. econded by t the Audi - 1 —The Governor General has gr a commutation of the sentence of ' passed. on Greenwood and Hardin the murder ofan old man named —Since his arrival itt Arciercein and that if October, 1881, 111r. Wyllie, the I Herd a .et, that the Laddie, has played between twelve end accept the thirteen thousand' games of cheokers, erty of this of which only five or six hundred hove hand them been draws p,nd about ninetteloat. the appro- —The Kincardine fishermen ha, dance with returned fro ed. fish shanty, ages of fish the storms amounts: to tirely destroyed Voy 'fire oh ThUrsday evening. The house was i quite new, having been built in the past sunimer, and had only been occupied by Mr. Edgar's family for a short perio.i,i —A large and influential Sabbath sehool institute was field last week at Columbus and Brookliia, South Oetario, condected ty the Rev., John McEwen, secretary of the Sunday Sphool *semi- ation of Canada. Another 'is to be Cana - 101 omen found amilte Mo Iders have et tbe P °pose 20 per cent wagese r. Potts; f St..jaines street church °tett al, is recov- eek the, unafri s foundry in ed a earl ad of achinery to r, Britie Coln bia,. Hasting count treasurer's s for tax s at elleville the a farm of 10 acres was 21 I October e from brought tion of la norab al SnoWe oe 01 nk ha o as t obtain power ement of the cone- • 11 • reve was other uted ht w e Par t only in the cord - e member of b,and Patron alists Club. a given notice ✓ an amend - e of the Do - 570,000 ; and ources such o $645,265. 11 be put in lament build - rand TW tion to, chartei migrati alley t abor re —The ecent Islands. Trees ave been uprooted, wharves t ken aw y, houses unroofed and wind ills blOwn aw y. —A. pa ty of ybring me having freely partelien f whisky at a wake—at' Dal. down the dead man's thr at and iprink- -One f Montreal's ri hest heiresses, Miss He ietta Mackay ordon, adopt- ed daugh er and piece of he late Joseph Edward ackayi died spenly Friday night from coneuniption. —W. . Beattie, of the township of Westrain ter, is the fatlet of a remark - was thr e weeks old itle leg began to many respects. He came to ;Canada at the knee, and it was ex- when• a boy irsiding near rod Erie poaition n age inspe euqu uirem t -at Ottawa, tion up the TO into the tits for next Meg ra Park has ed by the commies - Pros ther i erUn vy wi eet Park,Goat hinds in the ted States. ds have cans - he Thousand qo ld I ave respite d from the bah stray eats shoul Mr. John Russ f, of Pickering, sold oronto dealer, for the slim of $1,625 - he cattle, with _one exception, were 11 two, year olds, and ate#considered he finest young h rd eVer seen ni the tit°, on December 2, and slaughtered here for home con amption. 4 --List Monday Ugustua T. Howells, ne of the oldest pr nters in theToronto, raternity, dropped down dead on the treet Toronto. He was a native ef Angnsta, Maine. About 35 years ago he had charge of the job room of the New York Tribun and subsequently of Baker dla Godwilis well- nown New York ibb office. ' 1—A despatch fr m St. gohns, New- foundland says : L st Friday while the Warford family -ere ,crossing frona their home on Sou 13-weat Arm, No06 squall Capsized th skiff 4na all five b the occupants weije dro-Wned. Their names are IlenryWayfor4, Sara Warford, his wife, Matthias and Oferge Warfotd, nephews, and Amelia, daughter. 11 —Win. Johnstone, eng'neer of til St. Lonis botel, Quebec, was expert afternoon in his eviorkroone in the bas naent of the hotel, when two glasse corning in contact exploded, burstin in pieces an iron teak whieh flew abou in all directions. . Some of the piece struck Johnstone on the ead. His re- covery is very doubtful. —A young man in ingston ha secured a rate collection of euriou coins which had been dropped into th Salvation Army aolleetion baskets b e' all persons unacquainted wit the value o the Island% One o their I them, They are ot vari us dates an rdock ;McDonald, had his 1 nationalities, Greek,. DB. iSh, Italian nets and a number of pick- West Indian, Spanish and American wept away during time of Some of them were very ola and vain bout $500.. : —The county of Waterloo hag ha . Edgar's, country hong° at a house of industry in opeairation for th last fifteen years with farm of 14 acres ; total cost of oinfit, includin farm buildings, stock, linalernents, &to $26,000. The number a inmates fo several years past range five to eighty-five, with a seventy-four to eighty-nin cents per week for each i IA menced at —A virul been ragin,? in Peterborough and mine itv for some time. Many children have! died of the diaease. Mr. josept, Taylor, of Otonabee, lost five cliiildren through its' ravagefs, two of whonci ware buried on the same day, and otherg of the family 'are now ill with the fever. in the cha ter house of the Holy Trin4 ity church, London, last Sabbath fore; noon said St. Paul's church at ; nightl, Both edifides were crowded to the doors and hundreds w re forced to ;return 11 —Mr. G H. Lindsay and family, o Mount BrYdges, have been left a larg BUM of morey by the death of a relativ Collingwood on the 17th ent type of scarlet fever' bee in London England. Dr. W.B1. Lind say, of Strathroy, one of the prindp heirs, has been selected to prooeed t England to, look after the interests the family4 —In Toronto the holders of shop 1 - censes and the aeldermanic candidate are considerably exercised over the re- solution of the temperance peOple t make the approaching nannicipal tions the ;occasion of a moveMent t separate the liquor traffic from the gr —john !Young, of' Buchanan! tow ship, ReOrew county, Ontario!, kille four wolves near his place one aa3i„ t week.—part of a drove of ten. 'He got 17 per scalp for them; ashounttt. 'Over $100 worth of sheep! haVe bee4 by wolves in his neighborhoOd. this season. • —The death of a centenariai is re- ported from Drum.bo. An aged man, familiarly; known as Grandfather MO- Carthy, died on Monday, DeceMber 3rd, -in his 165th year. He has lived with his daughter, Mts: Henry Mums., north of Daman°, for Boyers' years ;' he was one of the oldest pioneers in Cana•da, and his ' eareerl was a. notable one in —Vivo young hunts)* ed int the Niagara Itive the capsizing ofe their them were youtg Germs, few weeks,. and on a, ple America,. A man name bravely risked his life in rescue, hilt succeed& in !bringing on one to shore, and he, pbor fellow, die from exhaustion a few minutes afte —Mr. Meston, of rom sevent tost of fro and a ha were drown - on Monday, b oat. Three f s out only sure jaunt i George Nett e oing to the k was assaulted by a St. George hot keeper about four Months ago, h not entirely recovered. from the effe of the blow received. in the face, a has been obliged to quit the road. T assistant,who cleared out as soon as t assault -we committed, bas returne and a warr chant of Some thr at' his des drove the s at tbe the a.ccide poisoning age, and h twelve mo —On th Lord Lorn Birmingha nt hoe been issued for h's arp point of Ian awl into s it gave hi no serious pa a in , he paid 1 die attention o t. SOOD, however, bloo eveloped, and finally culmi death . He was 33 yeara evening of' the 4th ins delivered a long lecture England,, upon Ca praised th salubrity of the climate a d said the fe ers which 7ere so comm n in the IT • ited States were ultimo within. the boundaries' of the Domini He landed Canada! as $ field for e gration, and expiated npon the ma vellbus progress made by various tow Lord Loirrie concluded by sayin devoted t their ;connection with, t Mother ountry. ,Otherwise th would lon ago. have discarded tit connectio with Great Britain. Wth ,i, the Domi ion. of Canada and the A I s - land nee never 'feat that her pr • Ila 414 1- s. • 11 it