HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-12-07, Page 66 • A Ouinloerland "En.oeh Arden'• Toe following romantic story appease in the Martaport Advertiser, which vonohes for its truth, the names of the persons to whom it relates being with- held for obvious reasons Upwarda of twenty years ago a husbandman—a ]#five of Cumberland—married a girl belonging to the., county. The newly married couple went to reside with the bride's friends.. The bridegroom. how- ever, could not agree with them, and in the course of a few months he -left his wife and went away, .no one knew whither. The woman had reason to believe that her husband ' took passage in the ill-fated steamer London, which - in the year 1865 or 1866, foundered on her voyage to Australia Seeing in the list of those who had perished a name. sirnilar to that of her husband, the woman concluded that he was dead. Shortly after her husband's departure s e gave birth to a daughter, and the t lived together for a long time with - o t any particular incident occurring to o ange the current of their daily life. A ter waiting for many years the wo- men married a miner residing: in a vi 'loge near Maryport, and the pair h ve elms a lived happily together. The d tighter, by the first husband, is -now m: rried and has gone: to Newcastle to re ide. A. few days ago the first hus- b rad made his appearance at the resi- 'deuce of a sister in Wigton, and to her h statedhe had been for some time li 'ng in Newcastle. He was surprised to hear that he had a married daughter - Ii ing in Newcastle—the very town that h had himself been residing in—and th ,•t the wife he had deserted had m rried again. His sister was unable, h Wever, to give him the address of,his d ughter, and after waiting upon some of his relatives at Maryport he proceed- ed to his wife's residence, not far front the town, in order to obtain his daugh to 's address. The second husband wa, n t in when the wanderer paid the visit; and the woman was in the- house- alone. H knocked at the door. When the w man opened the door she /ailed to re ognise him, and asked him what he w nted. The man asked if she had a da hter alive, and if so, /where she was Iiviug. The woman wiahed to know his reason for asking anch a question,. and inquired ifhe was any relative of her daughter's husband, in No," he re- plied, "1 am a nearer relative than that." The woman -then invited him into the house, and gave him the ad- , dress, which was on a letter she had I received from her daughter, to copy. The man was so unnerved by the inter- view that he was unable to write at all, and, asked his wife if he might tear the address off the letter. This she agreed to, and., tearing off the address, he put it into his pocket, and prepared to leave the house. As he was crossing the thresholdhe turned, and, looking her fedi in the face, said : " W 11, E—, you have got married again, and I hope that you will do well by your husband and live comfortably. I am. your daughter's: father." The . poor woman knew him then, and, almost fainting, oried in a thrilling tone, " Oh, Jim 12: - but before she could recover her com- posure, he had walked. away. Unable, however, to resist the impulse of talnng Journal. a last look at his wife, the man turned, The Red -Hot Pen and saw her grasping the table to sup- . port herself, and gazing after him with. Everybody, in the village o an expression of sorrow that would glee agreed that it was dei have melted a heart of stone. He has Squire l!leadows daring t' Months, when the roads were allow the highway travelers t muoh consequence in 1 laid aside for a day, ai tbose who love her, ev say'muoh about it, to sible care cif herself.. EX 41 er Ufa d ?be �nif t ake lly to bee Dwelt it t ey do no e best nos How to Drive a Horse. Young man, I see you are about tai take a drive and will offer ' you some' advice. Your - horse is restive and Wants to be off befog yon .are ready „ yon may as well brea hien ;fthis now as at any other tim an hereafter you will find it has been a half hon ell spent. Just give me; the reins while yon put your foot on the step,. an if to get in ; the horse maks a move to go ; I tighten the reins, and say! " whoa." Now put your f of on the step again ; the horse nFia es another move ; I hold the rens an . speak to him again. The hors is ge ting excit; d Pat him a little m e nec a e 9 the k, n v talk to him seothiugly. Pu our foo on the step again, and .'repeat - this pr cess until the horse will stand still fo you to get in, and adjust -yourself in your seat, and tell him to go. A few such lessons will train! him so that be will always wait . fpr or. starting.. era before Now, as your horse has just bee fed, drive him at a very gen le pane fo the first two or three mile, until b warms up, and his bod, become lighter. Beat, before you st t,. let m. show you how to holdthe rens. Tak them in your left hard, ha a them o equal length from the bit, nd to orbs each other in your hand, t e off aid one resting on your first iiiger, they other on the fourth finger'• Ithe back of the hand upwards. Novi,;' in guid ing the horse, you have Duly to use the wrist joint, whioh will directhim either right or left, as you! Wish. cep :your hand steady, with a gentle ressnre on the bit. No jerking 1 or switching the', reins. If more speed is; wanted,' take the whip in your' right bend, to be gently used for that purpose.; be oa'rew ful not to apply it any barter :,than is necessary to bring hind np to ;the requir. ed.apeed., Speak to him soothingly, and inti-' mate, in the most gentle manner, what, you. want bine to do, ,and he will try to, do it. So nobl animal should not be handled roughly, nor oyerkdriven. When yon. return, have the harness removed at once.; and the ,hot?ae rubbed down with a -wisp of strawprhay, and, let him cool off - before beim watered or fed. „ Every one; who endles a horse, or has anything to do with one,/ should in the first. place edltivate his, acquaintance ; let him kno r that pool are his friend, and prove fit; to him by; your kind treatment ; he ne `ds this to inspire confidence, and w en that is; gained, he is your hurmble s ;want. If your horse gets frights 'ed at any' unusual sight or noise,, do - ,not whip • him, for if yon do he evill c nett the. whipping with the object the alarmed, him, and be afraid of it ever` after. If i he merely shies at an :object, / give him- time to examine it, which' ith somei encouraging words from a driver, will persuade him tofpass it You get - frightened, too, sometimes;, d: would• not like to be whipped - for it.—Stool since left the country. House -Cleaning. A aubjeot of engrossing interest once er twice a year is that of cleaning the house. A few practical remarks by one who herself engages in it from time to time, may be of help to some one allose experience is limited. . I overheard ' two elderly gentlemen talking last spring. Don't yon al- ways dread house-cleaning: time ?" said one. " I scarcely ever know when hoes° cleaning is going on" was the astounding reply. It was a fact, too, so quietly and with'so little bustle is this stupendous thing got along with in that happy man's household. In the firat place, it is the part of wisdom to clean one room at a time, and put it in perfect order before disturbing mother room. Have the curtains washed and ironed, if they need it, before cleaning the room. ' it will - rest you to know that there is one room settled, and the work there ended. Not to make home hideoua,'and herself unattractive,should be the cleaner's. aim, and it will be a praiseworthy achievement if, in ad- dition to putting the house in good order, ebe has been able to live, and let. the family live cheerfully and even comfortably, during this period of hard work. Some weary woman with aching head, with hands bu:rned,scratehed and bruised, ( may think it is asking a great denI of her to eapect that she shall pursue the. even tenor of her way while she is working twice as hard as nem I, and she is subj:ected-to the many ann, ya ces unavoidable at this time But 't i simply nekir g her to, .hoard her ttre#igth. It uses up a great deal of vital force to fret and soold while en= gag d in. any hardemdertaking, and if she sole uncomfortable, or a little ill nag red let her express. herself through the room and scrubbing -brush. I1 net try to do anything else on the day et part to clean closets ; it is very fati uin to take out, deliberate over, and tit back the usual belongings of a dos t Everything should be thorough- ly a red. Have just as few things as pons bleu in the closets opening .. out of sloe in -rooms old shoes and soiled clot es oison the air. When the b d- roc! s. are aired each morning, tlhe clast d or should be left open, that it Inay ha e its supply of fresh air. If new paper is to: be pat: on the well, and you have any doubts . as to the bealthfnlness, of its coloring, take a piece to a chemist ; he can at once, by a simple test, determine if it is whole- some or loaded with aasenic. After washing woodwork, always wipe it with a soft cloth ; this prevents drops of water being left to dry on .and to discolor the paint. A danger which all ambitious hut delicate woman should avoid is trying to accomplish too much in one: day. The temptation to do jest one thing more, and then an- other thing, is so great, that ]such firmness is needled to resist it, but we must not yield. House work rarely kills, but imlru- dence frequently: does. Running out doors with, sleeves rolled up and head unprotected when you are heated are needless exposures, 'certain to. be fol- - lowed by more or less suffering. Every one ought to feel that she - ie of too -y• I Heppin y kind .of 2e winter bad, to ego acmes his grounds,on his own pri ate road, II and out into the public th roughfare ; again on the other -side. Thi short out; lessened on the traveller's jo rney by a good mile and a half, I for of ` erwise he would have bad to. gp all a ound :the park, which he was zloty pe witted• to pass through. During the winter, they fore, thee traffic along this road ; beoam ,so great ; that some: of the village bo were in: the habit of . turning an hon st 'penny by opening the gate, at the utrence of the grounds, for the carriages and light carts that came by thet way.: ( + (for these fere nater! arket day any earta were still e3 ohalioes I the mar- oved very One evening Sam and Ben were their names) remained t them usual. It had 1 eeu a n in the. neighboring town ; so had passed, and the children ' lingering in hope of seine mod ' for a penny, as the drivers o ket carts had not hitherto p generous. Presently Same panted in h e jumping over the snowy,stump` and s •d, " Ben, do yon hear anything °" Both boys listened, and in - moment or- two their practiced eared d :tented the; quick trot of a horse on t•e snowy! ground. The gate was flung pen in an instant, and. a dog -cart pease through, driven by a gentleman, who fl • ng a cop- per to the boys as he went b The snow was deep and he penny. went with some force., and e : 'nk. i to it, so that in the warning twtlig t it could not be readily.seen. - How ver, both boys were down at once on their ands and knees, hunting eagerly f.r the hid- den treasure. , - Once more the sou' d of . heels meet their ears, and, just a Sam . sprang to open it, Ben's , hand turned :over some snow and lighted on he pe ny. Act-, ing upon a sadden iii ulse, e popped it into his pocket, aying t himself, " Sam needn't know, land /tb n tomor- row 1 oan bay that Whistle :I've been. wanting so long." The cerri• ge passed on its way, but the ec�achna gave the boys nothing, and Sant returned to, the search. , ► You'v'�e not found sit have on ? said; he, as Ben still feigned to to k for the money. ; 1 " No, I'm afraid it's no u e looking any more;" replied en ; " it's rather cold •; shall we go?" d All right, said° Sa{ . f.e ell come down early in the rgrning, ad look foe I it," So off went the brothe a to thele home. Poor Ben crept I into` b saying hi0 prayers that nig. how he did not feel as if he with that penny and the lie d without, ib. Some ould pray', ie had told1 dreams still the sting of Sam," s northeo ething. all and her I ing. knot he tend and his aibat, hi feel mu as , " -o0m ee, and to says that's t in." otheyk and, an i of his s Then ti s, and fet11 �!P a are gl. lose hi e.tr older, ery of w' ny night panion. h 1 h n 00 ail g C r• r e on him a coul eaoien a onger. he; I w an to t did find that penn is, and • 'm so un hat to d �.'' iearted "am put ther, an ' tried to king tlia nothin h batter, e >whis , Ben ; t' kne 1 G-od eh,'t it. only ay to ge it down +gether b }ten scab • d out a and ed to be 'boys ='t back asleep. j Ito tell u - that IB thnde ionseienoe r did h : ever fozg theoll:d the 'r M. 11. �' . in the no 1 h 1 1 bee 1 yot after^ PPy, Honk fort ads ed. at own thug right am'Is nfe- rgi their n did as he the -ht ild'e . 11 iu. r 1- AINew An acquain 'same of to his other good :• p s eases a de a idea t o Ln ry liue, a particjal n thought- f dishe ti e, his wi a is one El i 1s who l o s afte t e divine x Dept t f a ments th t nothi f nights sin a his r Minded himthat he morning " f y the be cher, slice t e , you k ae left of t e frie s • reps of sat : ork an e erything l an." orning he s on rid potatoe ' ere all tle, the of hall r with a f 'rk, 'the .tared an 411 put in fey.. Ha peeing to n try he d sc vered d o s of gal. baker's b opght he ould uti idea s iz..d him. 8 into c+limbs,', , and e++ dnmpe• carat:on in the spiel, ttiming be !ng neees n of re -3h milk yup, fut . en took sh ^hole,a he wf d that fe came anger! nothe+ di . cover' d. t • ave y n b: nd. you' 'Ik o. last i and Bred. 1 I o� ri n. a s A sl o mil pre] moi a pr tea am rhe te, re •inceded a o e fish afte a 1 st she o e. "Wha ed of the but M gnus—do h me a trio sat d di hi was un o inh, and the w h lined. apa, tats I i w' fe aid i w 811 ply wase ly enlj Dyed. t ar the codten1,1e ib t oer: ja tosu W of stele bre: d • ]thou." a sw'lltal1 i co di cted la h , et hold w stE,a d o f dthe foort kel pro e pe s.— ' et ieh• ins, in ad bad qua e in the rly impro At the those c ings and gather u: g be Idst use, on rel gust the • potatoe ow, take halibut an we will ell, the y early d, accord et fine.1 craps af o the spid ass throe a shelf s� el.1. Th ize, but He brp raked t it in wait ✓ ; a litt ary, he d pour fork and d left, it it and the d breakfast owu and at of the as place, this part here,' - h h, that ow I: 1r night." he ,mys looked i 1 1: itioj itiee, ouli- ising 8a e ref l be s iri n ` , nit le it wh d tai at neat t T ng on Po h t Iver ho e th th 1 moat o.ene' ink ma e and danghte sad a cl s delle austed a e wife . as atoes an have ". �11 the dun fritter)' us Aft d the die 8, "but; the Erie " Yori with -t ase faun you ha'forgottt mor 1 .If this usele:;rti le in a eco] 'caU1y arr thing : stable ne s ist a principal s in de, by suel0 an / b and ng - n Tr i. s m e 8 v ug ways uper- abl , culaher as Ile ugh' Th don 'nvi . were hter Th the. ful- here hal have lices n to that Wel nge- b ecre ssfu Due$ AY /AN FMAL TR of Tn nbe rold su h in t • : abo 11 01 'A$ Y H IH.—Strayedfrpmtiep he and re gned, of 12,1 co cess ry, abo t tie let f +September, Miter . f a roan co ori Any pe son ormatio. .6 will 1e d o the recn e will 1: ,suitabl :warded. N, W1 �• m P.O mise on 1 tw giving eryTo; E 4x4 1 ,9TB &Y S: th 4 undE O oraout t ether both e ,�mo bg prov C= 3PE1I WI rsi be ag E —Cam o the re see of Id, lot 1 , e ncessio 12 Hay is iof Aug et' one ra a d: one it'. The w.er Dan ha e the roperty a • d payin c ages E Dashvro.d P. O. 834 h BTRIY H oft he.ui ]gust, a yea i by p -ovin M. APm n ke : • ith, I.. -Stray: d into tl e p xliises 1r . ed alio] the b gin ing of eller.. T. a owner ma: hay erty anpeyinex efses of 24, 99 ccs :ion , L4 R. S. 3x4 TRAY HEI ,ceskon 4, 1 , aired yearli right sir. 1 reeo 'cry of t arde . DOr —Streye ..S., Tuck • fifer.'; T I informati ,above ani inMcIA. frpm 1.t rereith, in. ere wa. a n that ill alwill-ee 1 ippe P. , coni ugust lit in; ead to itabl; ti 833x ejes o Mc an. e; th 'rges x4 - TRAY HEI tbell nndtrs' lop; 'bout th te=arling b le.o• iV'provin �:i'CHL TR Y STE 016 unde sto{i; , Morri an white e ,t e sam meg PET about it burning his aonscienee. Neither could he 'sleep. Theinopey as under his pillow, and he felt as if b : were get., ting hotter and hotter, till i scorched his cheek Restlessljy he to sed about, • e fell nate r. till at last, towards ah .unquiet, dreamfu But eveu Lin his orning slumb dreams the penny; seemed to scorch h `m. N w he wap racing.., as if for life, own a nowy road!. and a great big peen like a dagger Aber hind him. At anot er time E• e thought he was struggling in a rive with ice over his head, and a 1penny h • ng around hie neok,, dragging • hint ; do • • n to the; bottom: , At iaat he woke, the ho tors of his STRAY SHI the unders op, about tt ..A'i mnb. T1rqvinglipropert in +IdELht1Y. STRAY CI th subscri • No tuber ers said two .. rove proper ay. .LUCHA n 11 nto the re oonoess on tober, r nor ca .h d, pay! g —Camp i .to the pre ices o ned, lot N.. Twenty -t1 0, con bout the at of Nove.. ber, a S eEirling ate :r. The ow er cat o i rovin roperty and paying B MioAR2' ' R. 2x4: —Came i to the premises 0 d, lot' 130 concession 4, Mc STRAY 11 ite 4rt griku. Ihformation as 4 hiS ere outs ; ill be thankfully lece,i ed by OMA S AND MON, BelgraVe P. O. }331x4 p LE ENTS . r% tl e fa ers of :On and P-rth that they haVe W, H. : Ell Y, Mx ter, W OUCH and . all other them, also for le,'cturec by dere or addressedt receive 'prompt 0 5 IRON ARV S I plemelit. manuf et hinery 1 ft with he at tion. Is B01 ed Marin- o Streit. age LE e. 11 OR. Solic tor, Conveyan er, &a. &IT Office in Meye Block, C. HAYS, Solicit° lend at loweekra Corner of SqUaro and W oney to lo 79 • s of interest. at Street, Dotted 8 ney to ITION ARROW Wm .Prond AKEBO C. Caree & PROUD oot. Gar re in Uhan on,Q.0.,P dAMER ilip Hol Go • fete h, 0 60 • Law, Solicitor in taking affidavits in t licitor for the Bank AIMING & SOOT Conveyancers, ece. of Johnston, Tisdale & Di NNINO, Jasine SCOTT. Block, Wingham. of Hamilton' Commies ii vi s in Mani ohs. Priva t. Luck bw office e • titer 64 p to Co e of ey solo nito gha 68 at er • , Harriet re, Solicitor for t Gale. Money t • cito 8, A. 78 Barristios, ?sc., Kent's e funds t¢ loan t 6 sr ery Wedtxpsd iy. H. ATE wit Cameron, Barris er, laey to lo n, Renee r, Oon 's Old 0 oyamee Yo rdn 0. Partn dpreign arconeen carried o I pay and firm. D ber, 188 ED. Wi Diesolutio ship hereto hap this da The bust by Ma. the firm wi discharge al ted at Seaf nese, AND of Par re existi been dies ems of the be papa debts du AUGHE MCC QOLICITOR, &o. La kJ brain Street, Seafort nershi g bet ate fl to le, a and o et dity W CAL ER. Office—Scott' Blo k, h. UGHE • 11 111 log of 0 - GO • :I1 toJ i-'.M.`t se 411 J, L. IS SHONING Styles NEW EW EW EW NEW EW NEW Right, ALL, 1883. ITH, SEAF RTH, TIHIS WEEK MAGNIFICENT VALUE L DRESS GOODS, L CASHMERES, FA_ L VELVETEENS, FA L MANTLE CLOT IS, FAI1JL ULSTER CLOTH FALL WOOL SHAWLS* SQUAiES, up DS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, IN Otalities Right, and Prices Low. PRINTS AND ALL SUMMER GOODS AT COST.. • J L. SMITH, gain Sire t, Seaforilh. LOWS A Car Loa of Genuine Souih Bend CHIL ED PLOWS 81. SULKY PLOWS, 0, C • JUST RECEIVED AT - WILLSON'S Agricultural Implement Wareroom, Seaforth, Which will import duti stook, impo tariff ; cons stock is exhausted. ferior article. Eve A full etook of Toronto Mowers, T Sharp's Rs es, all o of all kinds before buyi be sold ta old prices, notwithstanding the increase of 10 per cent. s, the subscriber being determined to keep those valuable I'lows in ted One Rundted and Fifty of them a few days before the dee in the quently, he is enabled to sell them at formet prices until the present Call and see those Plows before baying a common or in - Plow guaranteed to give satisfactioe or no sale. I . assay Reapers and Massey Mowern, Toronto Reseferti and konto Cord Binders aud Maesey's :Low Down Binder, and whio will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. Repairs always oti han for the above machines. Datil fail to see pay stock 0 C. WILLSON Ma V3IrIJV rIyO3 NVIQVN tea SIP 11 NTA EIR EGS to form is old frie ds and e tra cl- attention to the ants o hie customer h hopes are all well f ed and we I heated. e box in attend/tie. ood sainpl rooms fo Crma el 1 Trove ere. • Remeniber the ' Royal Hotel," corner Of ANcH S• 4.1L T AMSHIPS Sail filo Pie 20 No th iver, New Y rk, Ev ry Sat d y, for GLAS OW VIA 1.01 DONDER RAT S OF HASSAGE W, ERB, ,BELFAST R char e in En land, So TtGLASO 00L, CABI uchor land. or peep ply to EN, NE 0 Imo Seat NVIDI 0 T - rates tire tland and BOWLING ON, Post W'S THE TIME BOO S AND SHQES, D ,OVENTRY'S SHOE STORE Is the place to buy t em, if you want to get the best value for your money. My stook of Factory Ma e Goods is large and well assorted in all the different lines, and I calm t be undersold 3/ any house in the trade. I will ot CUT PRIC S in CUSTOM MADE! WQRK, as no ma can buy th0 best Material. and pay to havJ work propl erly roads, and do so But I will tiarantee to givle Boots hat mast give satinfaction, and tProie the cheapest in the end/ ; 1 Don't Forget the Stand, Oyposite the Royal Hotel, Seaforth. TIIOMAS COVENTRY. ROSEI FAMILY GROCER; EXT DO7R TO THE POST For Extra Value in Fresh 'Groceries GIVE HIM A oALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE vegetable and Oerfectly harmless daily effeoting the most Intraeule Sick Ifeadacb:e, Wind Z the 0 teaches that aa repeat the Li all the above named diseases. first used Crowfoot Bitters. For THE ONLY GENUINE INDIAN MEDICIN Now in the Canadian market. / , is pure it is the cheapest and most reliable of all patent medicines, and ' s cures of the following complaints: Liver Complaint, Dyspepsi , omach, Sour Stomach, Costrveuese, Weak Beek, Pimpled Skin, Salt u may eay it cures too mneh; but reason' as well as eXPerien er, cleansing the Stomach and strengthening the system, cure it and use according to directions, and you will bless the day yo sale by LUMSDEN & WILSON. Druggists, Seaforth. 1811146 1 ISE PION4ER AROVVARE STOR STONE BLOCK, V,VINGHAM. JAMES A, CUS 8c CO (Successors to Gordo & Scott ) Headqnarters for th celebrated Washburn Moe Steel ,...to -Barb Fe cing Wire. ONE . CAR AD Mo*treal Cu Nails eceived this week, and. -will be sold at ottom priees. Best br ads of WHITE NEcALDI SHandBOILED AiID RAW alt. ow prices las is oonsistent with a spa e ERFEOTION, ilTs LAST CCE$S EXTRAORDINARY E9IYIOND !VILLE ROLLER MILL The oule genuine Roller Mill in t nd few e uals on the continent America or -anufacituring Roll kiAlocu '11.e Bread uesCon of Vital Importa The Gra(inal. ileductionS ste by Rollers no* in oller Pion brings from, $1.25 to $1 per barre more than. the best Flour rna by the Old 'Process. Farmers will in. all oases: get the evn wheat ground, and by our newsy - m get a stronger, whiter, richer and otter grad of 'flour by far than the ublic has itherto been ;able to get. Rememb r, there is no'humbug or e Reduction ystem. Om new system thorough nd reliable, ; It hes b thoroughly tested, and proved a gre We gave A. 1 Flour previous to oar trial will b sufficient to prove our ale Our facihties for this class of wort re unsurpassed, and customers may de - end on getting their choppily done et nee. Be skire and try our famous Der Flour, BDan, Shorts and Feed deity - red to any] part of Seaforth, Harped- KITLE & MUS aim. HUR NEAR THE P hide ha nis county y Gang P aatisfied in the marke LA oing good LL AT THE— N FOUNDRY; SCHOOL,SEAFORTIi, d see our stock of I have gteatly improv 9w f r this season, and 1 sayi g that it is the best ork GR IN avy, /miming light CRUSHERS onger the an other 'machine mad . oilers, wd can guarantee satisfactio pecial at entien given to repeal nd all kin s of machi ery repaired notations furnished ee application. Il&I' Also agent for he implemen 1 repairs <instantly on, hand. HOMAS HENDRY. PUB. IC .I\!OTICE 11 • E under gned, having o6on. appointed Age for the s desirous oi wring the Hives of all the oi ake satiefac or; provision tor families and hien e! n case of de th. This is undoubtedly the 6 nsurance Co pany doing business in Owed* resent. A 1 ok at the Daily Globe or Mail ay let, 186 , will -satisfy any reasonable -wand 'Agent, Eleafort N. B.—Mo ey to Loan qn Farm or To Pelt' 'on e.ensieet terala of payment Ilittcl ow interest. 104 DrePdring ft) eitbdesepannatriliige ,; real:it:lithe InoTtigteintig2, eerets of their ow ,eiquafsht,,iiinvirvd:3)aile:::444iirobriwnep:ottireA:s':.bpilt'epy: 8:hid:I :el:runlet:1407gal: A pretty wait 'Awing S. tuleitneJ grb00008: 1 ,ut:00 bupt ithi nil io 7:: pi II:it:ill:a :1: for the fil4otogra Earello'll'it:fillinoe8eei nab410:snscjifhti 'Ts 4L di4a1; or pale pitk el Finieh the al) ap . al obwa:lp uo ftlip:swhrott: 4:1, ,i,rorione", gT.i.3artiiheinedgeobfiat al lfiliattubbbof to:lici an.si ftwai alie:g. d);:viet i ji:i Liam:flirt:I: bui .liatils7a8riituiii legigtailkalult: ed sitasia, taking oare t, 1311k, V7411 Iiiiing of Ore e gibit%Ipliee;werdetirt nweaxdtd4ibee tiOrnitDa-ebt the tipper eii f weia. pli.retillc3le4bya, peer eivtiittiiim of a book, totte tied Wit' If one,;:teppees etl hay, awl; retst wearing bee ay be transforined int,/ ble ciptead., Dye it 1, enata.k;biten.,--t.a-adCuttt lilfb, gl ai Ls:: sei oit I :ken e: I : )<)_ epl:r:, . jarer uer bad:el lyni:1", e' *n8, pgef rat lb/ 4 ; at . eTn. ada bi itei ett , . : 1 .4: Paoli 1 eir dr yg 1 iy. D .4 t: d:n. We have eeen hose of felt ar eriost atty. , A trim tug of a d pot :on iii appliqbe ;/ f. lab thSaln:3441t5h;lis is wide p's4t finimsnbul-eecitinirib4sraiif, Ia''Pcdalt tet uo raMn. e. Orn:ae 1 lei etehtsehtfys : e: bs ei:ips .14:: 4 deep at 4,11.e loegeet side t e satin et Silk end 1),:tirt:hitt,ine?.nitiritleX -Pil orinesanishaded to brow 4.d red imarhing eotton tota'de al) red, -oil of alte amok, f,trotated toter v ry handsome. The °Arkia*.a.- P:propdate gift to I eves of bleittiog beight dibbou, end ad' sheet. A very Tathetic sista of a cirole, of pd, one andtone foutth loch ;1 in diamonds y Ithreede hich tit Wipe the' peta.1 to search for sontethingl et., in which, anti/fetid shaorohkustLand, Wheel the Match fell lied) the deo :10 1 rroaoeoesotrk: taCieniviihnntoav i iottrtoll:e!or t4n:.! tit ii ei; 1 3' 1 43 .1i:, ;it: 3 "d -rrQad 10:ajoinitd::: 't -Cliarae justwin1r4ri°Ieetto°r l'PE:TIN'O--"13-4.3::0:45ri:. till Es :Pa:: .a.C149;e::::::- 8, cp..refui application: arts iperno°dif r'd lotrieberteel ' delietely flavored ay save na teeny deet ally built up until .st, resist every tendency deeds; of -subtle mai around : tui ,ready , to tv et aaeaeinri eyf loasr :i.,i, 1.74 as kbl, :pi, let:11c p. nk , 14liogewliaat:retotre.ra—ittla.elat:ls laarbenTeditts„ , j,{1AmIlt4...s e.1111;1.,. iirel:iytrers' Tg.:t7.1,4%ehIW93 le' i lenVAt8- eirellinesi3aitt our ,Electric Bittees 'toed& tellers." El 1