HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-12-07, Page 5i6 Itag -�v I . Ur -Butler as there. h &gau. W -e, t07 river has. adaptea, for is to, and in Nleford ther6 lated ao' reason, During rIL rare nipport Of.. '1(t ba sent. ittea is en - le, M, ag e. good a0mi. Lth the.-to,7. . M per tort saw a, yoo d Con- Oyle 6vory Of the river bee �zkbont fifty geamS are Bar, �ka7tcliewajj,, , d ,tract bed ll�y Mr 4 by. Bishop. i The Catho- oilQ1119 a good DY- va hatit- .�601; -They is I ap- aMQ a the Pearley Iry Aeld of b nalle-Is of id thatreat. the . eachad CQ_ s. Far te frosty, the, eaaap�. At was- as ava, but not "a of faraz amtry,. and, �ted in roo& tlie names: qqa�r% of the Arthur an bouelit at, is; per cent. rth,we st haa, I 4. the est, age Brew - of ,..4o. receiv� ­ot beer for .qesa of last., rost of the suf- As a and- bugi- r a-a.rketa are, rouniell met sZT, and S I a rama.,tted, ved by Mr. . Surerus, deputy �,,_t a munl- d fall ]; ": r SP luty retur 001- house im lea, tha-1.0-wa �ty nDho :)I house, irig officer officer; �ng to, ,k120 Ir. it this Wall- Lrties or beforo Of the was held iA.11- the a who eve" see rhax the fol- olme:4 survey of !,sh h 'o iri t e DECEMBER 4t 1756 U. 6f Goa-erich, be appoited engineer I ab o r In ngst us, we 4114 in duty pun& talswunicipality under the provisions tolinak 0 0OWe small compolleatio the il"Ditches and Watercourse Act of "Your kindness in'eudeal rin. . t outall0lo, 0. 9 o f 1883, and that. a by -lam be workerg-�into the, 'O g prepared a.-nd passed. to confirm the We preg. at you with t -orne. —Ckrried.:, b1ovedbyB.Churcb_ a b, 41owd. of O %'ts 168 Of'our r4kpec 1. t for �i Yo seconded bj, A. T. McDonald, that Mr. Tayl)r 'mad suitable"t repi in. the deputy reeve be appointed instead the doun 0 of wallch lie thanked ibe: n of the,,Glerk to proseent the matter of for their- iindueal. and on behalf of t .,trespass- On. side road 15 and 16, conces- Taylor and bitnaelf gavo:tbem a' h' &' ,sion 14,—Garried. Council then id- welcome. � He said bil I r y labors M g Sjorned uLtil the 16th inst., beng the. them had been reudere d; e joyab y jjy for �tha_col lector to return his roll their co Operation a,nh .Ja,.iUg to IaWL, apprecifllilo 14 After EL 6, mpuou's su pp" i10 !Was ably pres ded ov6e, by r le" �rr i�, BrusselS. Wong and Ilrs�,'Jobn I .. Job to tie yonri people IdARKETS.—Fall, wheat,. white, 600 to -b�took, t em_861�e io ail $1.12 1. 10 to 6 1. 12 ;. spring, 6 1, 00 8109,1119 &I'd g6mas, an er el -to &1_10 ;,peas 68c to 70c ; barley -4-5.o a most el ioyable,Ovienin Jv Itb,6 t turned to Varna 't 4�rej L901[lale, ho ar.- - to 55c; o0g,-30c to 31c ; pork, $5 00 to Co -1-5�25 ; b0tter 17a tOL 180 Burs,N,Ess CAwaE.—D-avid Ross, who has conducted the buqinoss of Merchant -t .—The u. tailor at his old stand opposi a the town TR: M Do arai al Hot I t! -hall ever since Brussels existed, has sold Cram'"art b thE kind owned' and 0 id, on ing lalldiiiLliv, NlrF. Out hii buiness t big son Davi -AT aTagoart, 6tter account- of ill health, with w4iob he has kuowu Ks� Mrs. TID, beeu r(,,nte I been traufAWd for sarno time. We tii-iRt to Mr.. A'lex.. oils forkla6rly' a thAthiaretirementfrom, active duties amith of ablin but ore recent' au inakeeppi. greatly improve bis health, and the San may follow in the footsteps SCALD �, D. —Recently, while carrylog P; of his father ia businessi aud be equally pot ofboil6d. gmi'L, M Janet Gra arA, daghter L) cf Mr. A. Graham,' sul A TuruxT,—The English church peo. fell andscal.dedh3rgolf badly -pie of Brussels will have a. ea meatin�g the cant- ts Of th 3 Y -sial she 'was -ar I the twn hall on Tueslay evening, rying. n jaec. lith. Thev are providing au -ex. RETuRxED'—Mi,e.na a) jbwrn- of a on te,.,L for- a,bont 600 people. The eight months -in, ib-'XorthweatI!:;Rn( 11zv.T.O'Co-dn&II,'B.D.,.of London,, a. ar , I M - rt'Yoliedaylast ael.. ,Uephw fo- the celebrated Irish aptator, ad home to Orom I � I Dsj�jiei will he pre'seut and Th'ereiano'pefcet,",ublel"ff rencei his ins.ko anladdress.- Mr. O'Connell looks appearance, he h and ch;' rw- ve lilke his iwncle,and possesses iug as -USULL11. E aI p o4es re a uq! - 113 or M. 1. :0 gh ot his Iri%h eloquence and wit. - his -former oc,Cu,, tilon, laoksmi� - ingi the Odd FI. ad will be- athisp)�ItXtH W ha coo.eert last Wednesday, evening, 'rinderstand. that I ei s aketi. the �con gave universal satisfac- tract of mantifacturing large. nu� atep tjolj� It trould be Tisfosa to m*ntioa of iron harrows for 'Nal� L'011a, sl,—Tha Allegbanians, Swiss Bell nane troupe gave an, eatert&i a ment on Thriva F,:x eter UY. evening in the town hall to, a good audience whic THh PROPHET RAI h they well deserved,, -as, I ey. Wild, the oele 4te i pagitor of'�I�o Dr the- are, without doubt, thl a best tro0P t�llal lifts, vitted - Bussels for a long street cLurcli, T -otito 1will dell ,er The qlaartettes wid solos, as well lecture in Drew' all �?iE Ketr U ade astibeir m anipulationa on the bells,werp. the auspices of thE ad. �pendent' ( rile orriethin- _-raad-�A good atteudanca- of Oddfe..l ows, on eiev Xliu- of' Wed Desd&Y mwt, the 12th:; �nst. The W.a$ on band las,t Friday at the regular sub- likh Vi -ftss�mhlv. Ni seeliaed to fully enjo� itIct, i's .0 visit f 3�`Propbet ere miall to 1 )Id Irela di"' Whig lectu cq` iB 4-TAr—ETIC MlAxoH.—As an, nonuoed, the One- Of ia, revelend tleman's best and most. ra4 efforts' a those who match b-tween K. Kerr, of L-naknow. 9Y Td and G. Perrv.. Of this Ca a off on bear it Garlbot fail to bd D, eased. Vici MUNICIPA ' E - tei oria saaare laist Wednesday and L. XG ,millnextyleir. es4lte - d in - an easv victor . v, as evervnue 6- titled to a deputV Vb�+. For home m an. Very n there are, exp�cted, for the positio t�o 4ainaid.ate a]. than little more money cha aged bands readv in the field; vin: qr.� I , il all �ha match stakes- Perry won three Mr. W. G. Blisett. _yr, �o so)h es ley ts out of the five, and some even go autin response to ti n i P111 - �et mell ah far as to my-tbat it was only through by lbotit-'30 ratepa al �Jld Ur.zf;Pill 8'r- t ti 8 an I courtigsv- he allowed Kerr to win anv,. at Who i old coun ill 's cons tell to try for the posit 9 sit least we know ttat hi throwing of the I . �.J at" 56 T.b. and lht stone was not nearly up quest- uf numerous men t811 The ic*on- to big ol(I mark.' I trust Mr. Ke 'he,,s test will likely. 1, a ih )tIonel —W 1 . rr -returned a sadder but wiser main. . add Hardy, the present re6�k be el( ote, I in future, I would, say do not b� so flush wi thou to PP(.Bi tion, . I in makiag M. eg-pecially givi ng. BitiEws.­-One. .01 AIr Chri `,tie% odds when yoq are complating with beit. well-kiiov7nb�la,,.k-I)onlei,.Oied at �ay- ter men. The a -ports axon-nd town, --Bay field Wedriei7,day Mo ridg lost.- be . r -h thevwill accomodate Our Luckno' old Pres byterian .. Cob reb, in E-1pter fri�id? next season by givin.them-la, North, iE to b6. t6 the t3 near thebrid'016, in d �c averted ir chance to win their la-urels back. Dorral d G -rant, of �Wh'tedbuxch, acted as judge %unary.—The truE tees' :)f & neigh.box; for Kerr aud, F., §� Seott for Perry, abd _lDg rural school-receiv i thirty aplf ion,' Iresponge to i �.aldvertisel. ent, Robert Gr�ham as nmpire,. All pa-esed. tiOil's ill ' for a te .. er in a IDoal I aper. Sor a C, off quietly,therei be.na no reference to te n . ntlernen w referee duting the match. the go o a, pplied for tbi RRrEn.— J. M. Armstrong, coingrt S. fituation o teich a yeai 'fc I I I -broth-ar,iD.f '.E325.�51r. S. Sagwider' s, building x brtl - Man, ft"In Nviscousiu, and Wm. Arrn,,trong, -of this. place, is bere of the telegraph bein'g ni, I visiting with his riephew, George Arm- fitted lap �or ajewelry.4fore. -It is �o by ])Yi atroulal— Little's st(re, now oconpi,ed by occupied �n a few it Mr. Rl ber J Ghla Gruer, a,,3 tenant, was -sold to Hicks, of- PortElgin brother Ab PE Sauel L tird, hy tb e__ Ham ilton Pf O -vi - Andrew Hicks, of NE -village, who 0 t I dent Loau Society fir $1,,250.— Our at said thomughly ur de, qnds. big u6 - block hFLs 0ut down until -after Now ne"--Mr. Thom a 3, G.0 hriat, forn art, r" '9-.—J1tR. Draw. -has bought -a bu Yea si, of the viciuAy of'Rod 7crVille, -'but fo - ness t,ii a 1 from, Peter T hom PBOLn, O'n the last se�'outean ye -p I a residelilt o., the burnt proerty FLtMperfoot, au d' Bolie, Mono conn y,� ifQr n wn $.,.an his w Y t4l intelils building rxc-xt sealson.—Parties to this week. He - - - 0 io r �Ua in darll, bi mother who Owning prverty in, Brussels and Grey v realize whAher our twkes are high oScOtllnd- not. In Grev the rae is 5 mills ini-the u Rodgeryi Lle. ilollar, bu4- ia, Brussels four times that smount.—D.r. McPbaddlen has m(,ved:. to! Leckies old stand. , He can always TEA M�ETING.—Qn Tj trsaRy 6#";ni I of last nek, a veiy ! 'le I ksant and �43uc, Nightingale i bold in!�th b fGu d upstairs over cessul tea meat:4 w .0o.'eatore,—Qait.e an 'amount of dis- Presbyterian chureb, 3.pdgervill a oil saisfaction exists bee&-uae the Coup p el w hich the- s'eaking, si)ging an does no -rep%ir the widewalk. destroyed was all that could be I asredi ..A by fire, as ii; is an ia,justice to business early hour despA a i O amen 0 men on that 4ide of the street.—Lalat I " the weather, and. , nf rable-'stal O Saturday night sevc-ral of our citizens he 'roade, hich d u btless pre-ent were aroused frolm their Bumberg �y the' -many fro atte . i who - othei w is P_ screams of awoman;-aud on enquiring loft�� ivotild have been #are, I �e­ ebureV 3 it -was found tha her husband bad i eyen O'cloch th I well filled, an& a1qut her in a wxcr0;a , ith two children,. atteudan:oe wag so rf at that Nr while he xvftnt to try and get a little of. �vail&-ble seat was 0ed-hpied, andA&I Padial's els�ewater,of which_ ­he. had aiiales on ethef, *si e. crowded, !spd &I-tead part-keu too f reely. While away rilay wera,obliged to at md. - Af ti. te; the horses g,,t (jut of sh$lpe ad she got bad been served. and alJ bad -- part..ke out to; fix tbern, and the borses statea id I -r-Uly of the goo III 8 lVI home with cyf the children in. the an d q t4w ladie whicb,forqafttity wagon, and she started up street with t�, could 'not be surpUsed, thel I the, other shrieking fo help ad bar Mr. Thomsoin, pastor, V4 as called' t i tbo: husband, Theteflm was captured with- chair and disebarg d flid du�ies per, Am: outanyharm, heiug-doa. Someofth a iD� thereto in-a�v �pleslsant. a6(. boya relieved the m an, of. a bottle that. efficient nian6r. ' Ti speakers qtbi seemed-tobethocause of the trouble:' evening weiel- the -following river when taey slarted far - bome.—ColA_ elld gentlemen rit o er 0 plaint-:� are Ultide that several young Gtay, of qlinton cl t Or f Th a, rillitgre indulge, in gambling Men o our -vi i-Rbad .; 4argo, of sti It ; Turn b 6 �11. 0 1. for money. Thby had better desist or Goderichl; Hill, 0 fjeh�a,ll, � and R4� they mg,.y hava the ' ivilege of lindwing I pr Don alld,pl! Seaor T i,6,ir addre 118138 the law io a. praotical man Der, as it i's Sting aDl. in.: . which wore variell, irltl� b * I one of the first steps down that leads t6 structive,-1were listened Ito with del the destruction of a young man's char- atten tioll I ad, p -The ch ;rcl aoter,­ osevh, Fletcher, of tl�a Central aloir, under the leaders, ip�of Mr., pb hotel, has been making some chanes AlcLaren I jr., ably ass�igted at'the"&ga. in his bart-hat ate an irnprovernieht-� by Miss AgneE Mu rray, re C. Brooka has sold out his business its. tbrougbo 5 um F t the Eve Ill black-amith to one Mr. Shan -ex, pf choice Be ctions o'. i! 1 E le, W. ich er Xouckton,w-00 t;tkes poRsesson in about well received, an a adi led gre y aweek.—J. D. Ronald has shipped an ahortl tb evening's entertaqmext In Pi I -engine, t Waterloo which he h4s nELmed tea, fileet ing wa mple e,s,tiq., Bismarck," Wouldnot 14Blutcher" and refl4cted or ait (n all conDpote, Tae more appropria,te ?—C. DuDlop was n Vne i3vening fol,2'L . �Ow with the $&.me. � . 0 in town LA wepk with Picturesque ing a? sqclal wa,F giver iii t a ch 'Fc I el 0ariada.— Reeve Rocers is away to God- �,rc W -as well ittended, he hich w. arich attending county council.—Thei reaA ug� r7 grammd lCoDsisti! Of I [IlasiC luill,wrights have cammenced work in . I 9 I p.-o-cee B: 'Of. recitations, &o. rh� to 11 va-listone's now mill. ocal aouat to V 670, alud is ad, goes to �the benefib! o E*l i th Sah a Vari:Lall. PA,RTY. —On Friday evening A ShV Goes D V% 11L 1_U X i lafit tho English church, parsonae in . I i 0. 01pe a Bayfiald was beseigged, by a host of friends from Varua and its neighbor. A terrible disastler, oodurre jus On jus hood. They quithly eutlare4, and with.- of the Engliall cbPADuel i . t h jus fiv eat -much -ceremony -quietly took poB- O'clock on the Mori) i'n,g ( f 0 ewb�i, session.. When ord , er was restored Mr. when the French brigl R)6ale 150 i %on James Armstroiag. in a few wo-11 chosen -bound from St. Pierre i io St. Mi I 0, bal wora'a, explainied " the cause of the dis. ing in all 110 scial.9 on oard, coliideil Sam6ei 'with� the sbi'p, Thdma jDana. Shd.b I turbance, and called on Mr. L g of i : III Moffatt who read abd presented the betl�n.aharteredby�.a�abi Do an 11 *b D A-1. 13 g' f I I following address : To the Rev. G. B. h.d be.lian at St. Pierre cFiri ish!i -a 1111- Taylor.—DearPastor.—We, the mem- -ing the pa,at'season, to take them homl.. 7itt—ia' -one men wer�e �11 that colild I D bers, and friends of St. Jotis" church, Twenty' Varna, feel that you have taen a deep save4l In two minu B from the : md- interest in our apiritua wefare, and as ment 'Of the . colliMon t W g sq men had. disappe . axed.. in the fathom, 0, slight indication of 'the esteem we entertain towards you as a servant of less ocean leaving scarlely a bur Lord and Master, and for your extra, the water the I Tho �'Anno ar . . .,ine i rl orthe Pone 4nd formed of Aral Astor I her fitt is at, il 110F. a aXN 0.1 t! Ithe. f 6 ated, yoarB abda m looked tife 61 womar life -oui Aniam MA Marki Cates tor j nesse I : BUTI agai a bu Btitter ii of thelit, DI Dw.%.rD the quor cani ed !,y Will. U40 StEFLF. Rmi it lar( e it lamps all Hots in 1) eel s, mrii of which ADO a 18 bottoni.l. vu 1, sarnple a New Bic 40c., 50a tea for It I j ilflie Zu �ea.l osli Olf �oek 3U11, let, I - . Propri( ion -ear n Fri Oola, E tf. R. i �: tb a lEmel: Oa Elayl- Yerry, Oag I Stock, �jLw ft al. i $pring N (:),its Pol efts pol arley p 3 atter, Pi I Porl� e #ayn'!iw Hides, po beep§ki ool...'' alt (iett Salt (whi V1, lo, 6 0 C 8 Pl Old Fall N w Fal �priug V oats, pe: Barlb.-rpe Buitter.. -g.4s.... i Hay per ..Apples.1) 1-�Tideq, p( 1�brk.... Pordwoo Livz -Califor: �Tp. 2, '58� 5d., 4heeae, IToRc ,to' 41.1! ic butter :0.85 t� ressed 96.'00. MON', d an( tho waive 04711 Y -06.ws il to $32 ; good fe rfrom 6 16, TI in the and la: the cu compli oil I igh p: llrqe been il �olcl at clerk ; I offered bogB w dressel f A 7 �I�E RU RON ogft,61L �Ioin(r of E, a ir Ills. tson RE AL E S TATE OR SALE. ,a w bo'bi a roud Wiei , W,j ol C on -TO1J1W)N Wife of M*.� David Xjpperl� Selfol on lohn. Bon. olla dac VALU�kBLE Grain atid q Well: Farm for Sec.— publii 11 ad - in Jar r'sl . a jot Mr. -In rh blellim on the 2 Ird den Wit e Vif For sale, t iw1v lot of lot 15' and, the ayears a r1now 6r a.,,o, 11 !b 'far i Mr. . gel P, of a cillclp, on the r, le of 16 4 co qloll 9W ul, �he wife of Lot 1K cone Towi.ship a and the nnrth hoilf of G4ey, 200 -1 beg to announce to th6peoplIe of Seaforth�� and surrounding countr, thal Wand' ng that th lle�b in which w IV By to . I IiA�Z.—In of ob! i Sti ph kri6h of a son. ul on I he 25t Bert 5 of ! ;tiperiorlllrjd,�140 cf i W., I b4.vif.4 of nearly f) tie frorn stumps, in wbiol, , are cleared, a gootfstato or c�ulti_ X the bui 8 one otil er than be&! itif III I a - RAU.—In Mr. John Crei Rat: ito of 4.i,on. i, o A the 286 vation and well undur-d � ulf., t lie` wif 6 of Acres of I all whent 60%0 and ned. , Ulierd are 2r) 70 acres eeded I have purchased; tile estate of in] F I husband" and will carry on �ituatdi the 0. Lakp c t Ht ell roi a i, HAATWI0K Mr. 0 tau of a ��lin Hen. Brussels, on down. There is a'a-mlortable the r a an so iva or, a ati barn bouss with hard 8 x6 feet, with noss in all its brall cbes as fotworl F. Thanking ur an3 ciustorners; for tb a vier3 Del, I orat is btt BA,KXu._1 ife of m1r, G4 n I �f orlilo Hartwick rin, (in the 26th of a )n, stablingand aneybir faillnLr ult , The wife stiaw an,I sheep I ()use attachedi we.2 underneath- to the b,rn' liberal patronage �estowed ini the iast, we hope y st4,iat aftention to business t( itame,16 hose we life�end the lo ely id V an tu ,at6 r;erf 0, Eiti lave HI of, ?A* QSTON. wife of r <10Dgkorlof i in. Mr. Ar a sjon. 31,uspela, on bui, Hingston i Also a gc od hearing ore-bni d be 22nd' �ilt., the stream i anning ac'os8thor1:tr. darioliter. and a never failing Itisconvenictit � ! i merit a continuance of the'sai Plot of tbig most icbsnaing I of to Haw mill, school ebvrcli� ar.d imlliketg. Will rimn 10 Be pokit TU is clef ted .)ut the k, At bouee, the ISlarriages. besold leliti)ftgtl(-prnprie�orimbont.-d�to Al ply a THR EPOSITOR to, he undo shyned on the sell. Office, Scaforth, or or to Jamus- ALL P E R',Q, 0 N S, �INOEBTED 0 THE! ESTATE Dc 0, i -,eve 13P d6i erted, ind the fat in w lily I M9 I W I . : qG-1s.r ORITZ. bridolm Die)ltu mother,oiMe in,INVIr —At 'the r0ME3300 8rd Jaob Wit�g pronilses pf the "A� to a P. �. A&C BALD lilcDON&LD. insb.,ty�t(-Y.H. to M k14 Flors 83.) 40 M on �11, shop III 't, aspond Z laught 3r o the late I ARM IN TU01(r1,TUFlTIT[1 ilr.�J. 1'. Voritz,. F sale, lot 89, cc necssion FOlt 1, L. R S.., Tucker. A' REQUESTED TO C LL AND SET-rLE �THI� 8AME. fiollwirix.,11 �racte he ;grand 0 0d r ei �t Me] of icl"N Z uridh - Ll TO ER.—Ab ; the 'Western Onith, c! li taining �' 00 a res. I fre fr 90 of which are ch ar- *'and ,b ,p) fan4 Bd Fit ng ket�h, tit Ortr&3 a tri but 6 otel, Yde Batik L 0 do 0 i, b Rev. A LILM n . ti Hen &son, of pd, well ot ced, m under-draitel. TICTeissecodbrick tunips all well houseand JOI Y� KPD, ilow 0here, --deb a C. ath die �, p rieE t 1'4q., of d�, tuglit, Rb )y Ai eld Huro4 punty, chi i abank barn with StO C Ftabling ;oi Anuie There are seveii aci eS df fall c iltl sg,, Of 0ara- unduraeath. wheat. There is a �treet .v iose go leef an I large bew inr (rcha a a 1A tv Witt ill four In it i four In en if Cinton o never- faillngr wtills. two Majin Seaforth, p� ilitouall ety re:il 11, ere bis e.d mo�,y ven- TATLOR-4)EA ve, Pc Iretlavi S. -�A t tt o M le., Oil the 211 30111 dis rf;ou- a quat tei fromn Br eflold. Ni th Ult r1:31 R el v. and and i th good vnivel roads go. 0 SjWl bear& e a x ou tbE 6! bd I stor3 or B lot I ga u, �va ver- an a ELI Birks, D -,% �es. I )TT-� r. bo h LRINGSHEAD—Ii Win. 0. Taylcr W Glivton. t ) cacti pit il 0, 0118 t( W,811 usan )e sold ch0a)). I Ali Prid will B or to Brvveflold P. �011 is n (-Xeelldl,t farm 3'N on the pvniisei 4 MeXhINZIE 835x -A SALL MON RL� out , voi h for Ile &I b� D. 01481A, on Mr. GRAND OR �E IUALS Dt, lit! w b e, 0,( ess�,�111'E new rAv;,re 3. gre w u ) girl whofib e' in I ffVeE puro noble t IN in. B. t1ird d of Howick, Effl(iM xi'litei of Wirle, t -c o;( 1116 h Hc)lfijgehwd,Eeq., Ion. AlWi JtApphiuc, E, STRAY A� I n all Wel ist . I WOMa I as chosen a f; ood. I I a viB if o A 1VU-1 b - Rev, the I H ITU40RD.—'Ori i U Coleinar, rin c ol� Airs. 6 ifford, tbo- 15th nit-,� STRAY STEER�—Came E 0 Ae of U le groom, tbe und� d� 1,14 In, gru adniother berry ;onie tinie in NoTeruber, irito the' premises of COncession A, Turn- & two year old IHom 1 S K o Cho Mr.! Strphea . 13 o, fil th, gun ateer. TheoWaorcinliave besanie an proving RR LICE Sep :13 ephed, tirn� 8 to M 11(4arth, Esq., ss Almira, Wiitofor4, nwuship Gf 'property it Dd payin cbrgel I 0f Con- ;. T110S. PorE 835XI I Will Com -In Ithis mor .1 i and C X19 0i afre ic 0 enses r. I Con 1tr ES"Rky 8JJr P. �_c I -An the promises of tinue �all this *onth, D .issue at th -e the andersign. d, bit 31, Kt 19 a bout the Ult of Ifieptember, concess on 2, -'%fe- ewe and a )Iflce 3 t�equi,F, 3aforthi )d. N nt-* 0 I tL on Do an g�l; 1, for on the 4 a�,ed 2.1 yeari I lamb. owner Ciln h1ve r th inst , pmpci. ty fti,d 1) tylng-ch,�Ig, 1, 9 'n c I 'Ilev. G- tile same on provin Jolix Allop-OwSLL. A. RAUD-1 �LE� Q SA ljoe Notices . foAlij n the 2udii0 EWa Boa. ri ACH_�,,,R ANTE ti Ice. d Ug a of Ur. Wm. M - Gi-a,,, aged 5 Of his immense stock of DRES GOODS. Ri�h SilkS, VelVetS With Br cadef il in T I BuT ri Ai�.s R I—The st of fin sci�l blar F�I_niaec I a ABUINI.—(111 mths, ldidner,, fL Ur to 22r.d ult., At id' hei fixt], Is resi- WAY �,,D. -1V,jnt,-d T for 18F4, a feJ to to ruatoli., (,'ssbm6Te, Plaids, and 013 1 urne Partietillar attention OURNIN Wool Gloods, given Abs) mporit] )�Ilolls Firithoqsc ni Goderi $6 I Well brtl t . ratm, lately 3, of t,yph, A Turnberry, fc t(,r aggle, i-nale teadhor, h iliq a lgeil,2-1 Years. to teaell 1.1; �n I w 1: Iiird cem c­rtific,te u- Vale to WEDMNG alud Orders. JUJlliner1yj Fiurs,.Sbav�ls, Tweeds, Unaerclo F ' nisbings, -maust be -cleared, th ng and Genis UT, Cj )Rl 811. 82 lu S AURANT.- E atJohn ult., Dqmo�tl X%Iiollipe Clare, al I� 0 on Lho St,,te'slliry I )1111,, ell ldof Al r. if any). J 1.) El T, �nclose iteslimonials, El 11L.Vale MyImmerlso t1i n, I ha, SOM0 Iq aaditiorl to 4 bou0it for CASH 10 'of * 'v � (a., (an ar. _T tob cac, cl i a T. I vleftr NN il d nd:6 2011ths!- go folmolly of kaf rth, aged P'. 0. I d Scot�ch weeds, Mank Jar Goods. : an an aiak-ets, F ge lots New, a, aa Ing. a choice lines in Dre�a Go as, whi.�ch I am offel R adymado' Clot nd line ne., ing at r Jie ohll and, ol:e dK1 if A� R io �ne, on the. % nd ult Uieliard EAC1111,111 W-INTED T a nialp or f,,- I handle riotl�ink but first -.I fashionable le 9 than li�lf price. "lass ilew an aoods )ep K tson & 3 hardw s hardwa, t, re.. AMRS $P !Ayiry, i RUN Idt ged r Gf Ti, yea�,s. 'Aythj, on -the oH`iwd Alice treacher holdin v, 281,d ul Katie, 16(4 ree ioti No. 9, Ony. Sparliu agt4 1 if t lhird cla-l; cortifiiiiate 13itrics to c -m- Ll I Will �ell th on the I t I*Vi _13 g profit f6 Y, an am oveB IV. so i"D th Ar eek atIM. f Jay ort d gh n'll livar 1, R041 tr, I inoh1h. RWD anli�9 days. an] Ion, Oil 1 iience (if 1 4 leceived Llp to th-1 20 - he $ird ult I Applications will he D cenibei-. State Epee Jing an advance in the p ice of TE &S caus6d by the approachin war I in inip�go tell rat it caset,sinwh tea $ set r ii� egro I . noa �0 t(a P q- ' 11of I ag(-184yeani. .4 :Ro e H, mot salaly ar exlr-ri -goe. le o f IN �,. J., M. Moncrietr P. MCKAY, l' 835-2 nm en t -of ve obo;c nll�s, whilch I will I have secured a larae cous)g ry a ga�s a d General Gj oceries i rdportin. other housaB' cost price. u nP will al o a cups, moll ni offeiilig -B liecis �Ila�-1 lipa, I for the 5 eta, I �� holid R11 rad,: lYENVIT.—Iti witt, ged 7 th yelive and 9 n 2 th u t.,.Tohn bs. IMPORTANT- NOTICES, ge rids. stock 01 83,12' c oicQ f.Ullil y I P c --I .4 luft itily (.f m4ple ted immedittely, a Atp a -h 1-ty-S and BOOtS AND SJ1OE8.L--AnrY rie neeaiigBoots, and �hbes should s 't pck and prices. !They po�itlively:�u,.,t be claxld out thissa�son- ala m) T 'ierson d fC(ffe.Sa,sAhaan I o b s s 11 ed .1 8 a S :LE :01 A LE botsfor butit or t0s; & hw�vy b i iter tu� 11 I 'ps bou t 25 OuO -ood lost Pike Ivill I I I I - Li�- I14SPB.CTIO-,,T IN D! ITE id 5-011 will q, ays buy itl sk I o.- ji GR T CLEA-1,11 YG' SALE AT Ily STA LEY'S be paidnii do 0, h 1).;r futf-tv of id. 8113.1 I GE RA S KI 4 BY,-, RN SAUU ib, Ti'OTT, SC for &Rt Roq['.1; pas. at rro Ii be bv T 0; K AS r i ea pedl. i r 7(-e ' ,i -ii r,! a �d 0111,011 , . 11 an t al I )ther ett �t i 8�1( a will I Re )n0 ice ure 4 i lea ralnii t At ai I C)me at the til- th 3 Y -giliv for thv d ffej-(-nt dtimrtn ont - received 2 th of - of scliparately 3S �ot&_V-, 1 Alit a., &c., 1, ge a to t00 -oekl(f be R0 tweAs, pol.itivt ly at grtop big;z r f or in fo ljq el Ce i-11 08 G, cleeries Tilla, e of Hensrtil. Forini, work, of a b, ick iiia -se in and specill- UCI 10 I S& fore ini 0 Rea ;W bit Bic a we am offe�l ing. be- f -el -ii at Uni. The It w,st ot at)y Wider not Rensall becessasily accepted. USTMAS IN D C, H I N E JAY TEAR Anesd &cvml�!er 19, a"t 1 pitrahasing Culiionstr4 (ia,,wb wil Ere,ly 3ra. oblige 111 early 1) N - Blia l" HenaIll Il. O. by 835-3 P. -io' at al aax�njl H., p _- V'ill 06 a�d tile r a], pri u: `Z r valuable etor iel 1:1 firttlement 834 i NOTI C F. 3t th & TO ne tount6. J"A ffES STA BR' DGE CON ZL arn. ND D F I Y, J�. Libi TE R3 Nv'-k 'Hunic Ccil�ntilo t1o.TKOW11 li�reby ftir tender.% RAU ORS. e _NTRAL -1,CER CE Mt' on WO OD. --m- The of 9 fortli for lit-rolity-fir �ords 'to �e r*y, cti( leer. 'b3 of szouid ound cord4loo,. (114444 'Co rtlwo-id), be de-. X P. Dal. oh*1 Dt�cembef A14, coucesgifoi 12, at 1111, 1 T 1 tie ' w0l b,, r apived of I cKillop, at the %vate vor ;. tie nep of Jivered. )n ,kiond'i tile be dry w ind! 9 he� Tv -tmot 0e Ist F Febi i884. I u-trity-five cords to o e (: iWile Y lie Our at 0 in, each and Very a partment are now fully., mplte,and �,�,Y W4 'F tor tt,r In t6t; clialri. A,'ex. H,mift)u, RbUraod, I .0iii-( imvl)id's abutri fty of ents De citinbar iote !or twc pext,at I t1blin, tot- theer b�i ()PC i Uar )"ellock il. ni.,at I I � (� "etiOn stooe delivet-04 by the .t nar (le I lies 15) f ur feet 101'g. Vt-n ni.. reell Wot d to be 88 hill 4. Woodtobo be made for the offer for of the laigest a d b6st assortments I I I b w6st Hallingomnl�.ae ail our 'are a es for,CASJJI, we held anv. house are, therefore, in a p in thli U(; alid 16, cor. dassil in g(s, 8!) kpown a.i; �ars J$1111es 1( arlin's of U, ty- -to give Otir customers goods: at pA es- that c nnot 6 Our diBl be b atb�n. av O bridgc arlditllc�(tl er cnl6ide line I COLM4im 6, five cord i.preli. "feii(lertabe lodge -d with the Crockery a -pd Glassware was !navar b tter.. We exten 1-a c rdiail invitation't�'al 0 aytDectnil, it rp" on, LO 399 Cdoces4m OC knowillas �Spccifi,eatic Dtmaldxc(i ns m I -e�or'b bri ab tile I -Pl� a cle k on ir btfore, the 1711h va De.11ty ;:,ceve's lowLst oi auy tanill'er nit . - of Dee mber, The accepted. I to eorne_a�d see o:ar magnificent dis lay. Notrouble tosboW'goods. TUC gram 6 i,. t wo i d! A da r or houe on and a Ngveibe ,tlll' NVY. I Ill ior, Clej GROCIRY DEPARTMEN1. 11,010,!: I a -M Sto al I 13� I 8334' d J 11N u"BULLIVANN, T ! - Clei'k.* 01( D Oil A Our ocery Departn writ is f al 13' sto6ked wi everythiOO'laeedred t' in A farn ELkCKSMITHS.— pe F P. W.� G.'( rossn, Proll to, 111 un,ersignedo m P. fo­ tw 1, f one oir tlir o for sale or will rert a lil'acsmith ily. Oar C,� Els aj,e hard to beat—i fact the foods from 25 to 80 speahl1for Ahemsol'Vffl, special thay U Ci )a, A�,Uctio aQc-r. December I h 1) in-, dwellitig ilume atUtched. (' yumis, Tbisprit-pert.-Y need no p ng—prices centf centi � per poun prices rilesday, 13tbl, at I is 4tu tile N�Iiin Strt et in the I llouribbi,)g those buy -i g in la'rge quantities, Our Sugars stil� as chea U ever-10-younds M., OLI! Lo, 6] I; 1 1, wak r iE i T 2 wi Y ir ts'T village i: � 11driall, and i on! of the beat stands Standard Oranulated Sugar for �1. Coffeesare rdasted. and g_�6uud on the -pre. �Idrni ic - �ioa hol Pr nz It 1 PEOPLE'S PC, fur bu,i ess in the! counly.' P11 ULLA R. two f, ok alld hl au la I lie shop contains S 0 eniences. z -)y c 11v ' mises, andt' tberefore, pure. Fruits in. Raising aiad I-rj i 'ices low., Spices Ext chles, Currant3 are very choice, Ja: a, Jellias anil arld Can bUrsdalk, SODIi i D!cem ) irle or er ha, at 1 TOGRAPH PAIL' The dw lifighou,c i.t; Om C niodiovs I here ilk also it good .'n Istol Februaq . infortable a,,d. com- lot of land. Pos- next. For fUTther pr. . aud ots Pura.- nod Goods in. abuildanee. i p.4m., U& MaDs T peil I Vil AT4 R ft.t th given pi�u ticulars apply to the .1131m, wr d now desslon 2,'L. ictor oii'lot , con- or to HolvialL al, &I. al, Grahvla;t�d IV.he Flour,j Oatme or, at—C ld anil. 1jew proceas. a -in Vehicles ali�( CiLnDrori Ot Be r( P-fiE d I I tl)r 4. irri I - . that the the gno'd holida.y pepple Flilliso (A' �hin is fAHt ron and: il-irroacin'tg.faid P. 0. C, P,io Li G -r 'N jaR 01 erth will doubt 83-5x4 Baco -La�e Huron Troub a:d Herrins, otc� n Amctiouq'e! r less require Pon e� near 8D I artiStid in the "Iti F0,R CROCK ERY 01t TfRENT,.. way 0 f rien Portrait'A F or n t( I set .a, d as holidi d Mr. C. y to ibsent SALE. bei ig ful alive ihis p We have given special Atten tio'li tot r rtment, and invite inspnerpe. Of . a 1 ; HE: lNiU.. KET to the extifLarrang3aientfoi impol taucti if I his, fact, bas tbeacco niade pecif.d LL F')R SALE , 6)(datioll of the B_u roo rlibred Diii-baln bill 11WO year old Tbo- and a 11hor, - nportea djrect� from th our stock. We have 11 a 0- d Co:intry hict a' large and have choice holiday tywe AL' PER'S fol C 11 Duthain BO ( J, I -ibtmf 13 Pic- bri-d -al &rl, oth with assortmen of Tei, Diner and Cha bar Ware, x we now n. �Xhi -A FC RTH, Da 6, 1 88. titires, CALI E R'S for ew YeRr s For pedigroc�q. AVply joit ll -t 14, . concessitm ti011 and er at �rices unuslially low. Parties ish, ng to pure Be a 7e& 0. bum!n 1 05 2 a �o of iiiiFty i f,gign, exeelleuce �of ship de and THOMA GARN 8S, B Ue-ale. 835x4 D' e� Se should see Oui at ch before m, akiiia tair Di n �election In fancy good I Mheat por umiliel.. 0 7U.- 1 5 fi,28b easy and grfti�aful positiouleoupIlrd with we hold a, arge a9sortme ut, ana will sell, at 20 per �eiit. les� than last y&a'r4 b ishel.'l.l .... ........ 05 31 1 0 2 ') ,apPioniptel P. P. 1. P. bheki a trial, round and and az(, tb on, -g.0 a vssbrie,, � ive tbo FOR SUE,—A',blaek R. fty, sll�ilil g with io.-Lili-ter F(rinedy owDd niare, spletildid by Ittv J. Ed- PrIC6 a. L limps and Lamp Fixtures. Bar Good -4 in (lrlas.ses, Decanters, P ottls, b r ...... bushell ..... .. ...... .. 3 46' 0, 0 0 5 deligh) i and good pitit ure. mohdR. Tim pro. entam. er of the C Untry. Ve dol is leoing this part ars. cashi will pur- &c., Wishihg our namerous r,#8tom.4rs a Meryl Christmas 4nd. a Happy New 0 14 0 14 0 6 6 ANDR EW CALDER,� eliase tlA anin.al Allp y t L) DUNCAN MALCOLx, a Yeax, we 4e, your obedient a rvants ib.. .......... 0 20 0 T Bloc O" lot 8, e ncessicli K, So 1, 11 aro twot n D Ablin and MltebAl. i Road, Ribbot-t, be- 805x2 r. I [0(1 1118 ..... pounds ......... ..... .. .. 2! 60 i 150 11 2 5 5 5 1 ` 84m c !ALE S. LAIPLAWITY & F� IRLE117,1 Seaforth. f 1884. P1. N. Yi_;-14 .. ...... ..... .. 6 00 K) 7 0 r . .. .... .... ............. ..... ........ ......... .. 5100 U40 0 18 5 0 -0 1 0 0 0 6 LEUKTH YEAR.—I U -V1 ON SAL ri,� A*.-. A ins w-peted by )1��ev. H. 384. P,blie .Wetion at! tile P. Brine has been Camerol),,tn ;ell by ulftil-4, Kipp.ii, on 1883 D�CEA MB 181 al Mile) pi pe -' b & bush el rel. ow ... .. . 0 55 3 00 1 (O 0 (O 510 i lGi blish Q riad d by becen) or 20:11. Thursda,,, beceln Uve Cbml, iru thefollo-vin 9 Canadia.lip, and Rt I o'clock, p. m Styeral v.rds of I's.'Roluesertt for r C bra. ............... .. iiRI[Pi de , tc d sole y to io intere4s of bardw d, I Whit ioachire, the people, as i drivilig I nearly new.- fur; I licifer T aT rr,T,-a: ri: Yleat (LINTON, buMel..., D el el:. 6, 1 05 to t8g. 1 '5 X�111.r -arties nishcd —ought fron to lie interc 3ei c1ow, Corking s ts of Political fifteen n- onths ok,bi)th Pretty shig,loharnei, I slit dle, I well-bred ; 2 sets btltrr�,, 1 cuttur, 2 Ubeat pe P' bu! lie] ...... 1 00 io 1 'O E). ER'NY AD Ni 'H 0ME. ", aers, leo.ikanek wo box black WaIDUt NaUe ijtli* 3 stoves,- I parlor set, bethoi insets, I Eide- t MOLOUGli he t per, ushe I ...... ;.: I (15 1 :2 On c1111,11,611114.— W`G d fin their lon4y lives board 1 lai 1 couch, 1 cdp- '?tu, b - b Ishel...! .... ishel ........ ......... ........ ) 30 ;p ) 45 0 0 3 5 bri treed a. weel �L­O nl UT a V11 Y $2.0it. it 0 Pdr URLUM. it e olet on boaif.i, ft. fum., I . ,ew and of ftaties e is as good as furni§1iivg new CASH B YERS WILL UKD TEE FOLLOWING )S AT SP14CIA bi labol ............ ......... ) 60 16 b 1 0 0 8 ll�ioyrr"- col i�vqsatioi 1AVLtriUd in th a pereon! Pante a n d Pi sot, ree of hotries illig hei.- cti i r eii of tile �a.e. J Crras.—'All 31n4 mlld to interest to attend of $5 and under, PAICE13 TO, OLD' AR �G001 . pi r larrel: ............. nahel N8w...T. ' .......... oo �6. 45 ) 00 t) 8 to 0 1,0 2 (O after all Onl 32-00 roliticians--cf(itber joy I' othersubjects'had por ood-b hun amare been Lira.'. pary--wbo 11 an U lu eath— casb ; oxvr that ai)ioont is Innutlis taii an- isconut of 6 pvr cieW. Nv ill Ue 1 1 easelves aredit iqnf�unts. , H. credit will be al!m% od for a -I'll on Proprietor GOODS INC]: -A FLANNELS, DRESS W BLANK TS, .. Ro ..... ..... Its .. .......... ....... ....... . 18 00 to 0 110 5 .10 '61, 5 Willi theile 11 [tie any vve not roli( b-tibs 'P, pointe4 I cia a worth -ribc J, th,6y a Calt 0011. if. P. BE INE,Anctio'nae i,. cl� thol, name, i3foim(d that 835-2 , HATS T WEEDkc AND CA St UINERY, ...... 00 6, 4 10 ph A the. 11111tir's " 11c, 3 only" I % 91V ,10. wed.yvi*itstotle� '2200por anill -All the ever 3T of Farm M. i A'u JON ilALb s 111L, It Ir.J. P. 'Irir ilorrinion! test-ify --ome s ail. - hailed by r. NY. (T*, Crosi-in, t(,,. s(;I 21, L.R.S, AS-fock and Imple- e hats been instructed I by Vurillic Auctiou, Tucken-mith, MANTLESAND SF ALS, 1p',OL,, )E C, 5. Sprl a '1171 i 0; a, i,. elightbytbdiccdlildrian,t� waom 1.8 car- oil lot 30, coi.cessiej) r d win bar, 9F i i� -1 Id ai e a uniqut education, usttry 0 year'8 t%yj inile.s north of theMill 00 ocinb.r 11st, �oal, on Friday, De- t' 12 oVock, sharp, The viblic al�e invited� to examine, these gcods ind prices before *aki-ilk lis Not 1, 10d 09s 53 3� ; 06d I _3 I fc' a i rni 3, Fub 6, auuiam iption, in ad and I vamce" rov( this asSartio i. 1)er 6e follolvi".9 prope� y, riarin Stock —0ne drivitig their purellaS68, asl am det�r�aiued to. clear tl­lE close BatUr, lot gut for QjLSH, rea less oJ E�ggso Lard Tallow� tahpx. 811 ; oil 68 's, 8d ork, U a 00 d; Y00 I lave 1)fteu tITc ught of I n lf,sc h0qt' x yvars iali i;lg alto 111P. old ; I John late ad rices. tofit. A lot of Fine Teas d P in- exchan a. and 61 -S -00d. Send in ir naille atid it Doxt�a worldlig h rrse, now. in farr 2 milch cows, sup- -w 2 T "Ni, h. y be calf; 0im to I cvw, yearling JJ AlcLOUG11 U. Whitne'Y's B1 Seafor 0C D 5 —Fe.) I wil t 1,O) GRY 8 PL A T RO I yearlingsteer, 2 U. Ininber spiing heifer cave�- 2 pairs -of $1 06 to �1.19; 0 s,37o H o Nvithout pl,r ly; PatriUlsm _,Mplejbont.q.—T)Yo without b ob-sleighs. I 8in-le pu&gy, I dcmncr6t cutter, I t( t per 0 75c a, $6, barle 00 y1; 0 50 I 188 t. al 11, _Onc rlsh' .-Yeari Tri th witho, f r Only t Teniper. )11Qc tf,ani I sat set d( S2.00.-1884 Iless, 2 $09 PlOw I1aT I �1113t il) -use one single bug�rry hu� lord biuder, Patter- 3eason ; 2 Piittprson �Ln :1 Otl 6toe a pe t: on's witke, lowers, o, a nearly oew 1, sulky hay ra,e, 1 Ge ntlen Brul S sels IS ays Ilogs, 90 ; eggs for per d 100 -)z., lbs., 2 5c, �626o 85 7 5 0 885JADDIRFii 31ausgerT)ronto. S TE�S- geficral pur])OSC P OW, 2 thistle PION%', I spi cbffled -jog tootli make; 2 sets irloll . bariows, land roller, I familliv IM cutter plovvs, I harrow,. Patterson I stra w cutter�l new MeTapgart's make; Th"e nearly is no use in 13g) wei ar the best thin ing by f ng I ever oti n trayell ever ything n that line, and I am- er witb�out it, ani6 TE I buftlo iube, sugar kettle, I hay C ia a, hotel I Laving h� 2 hay rac have frequ�ntly s'eu it Rob li a a ch� L In on OthalB. n& i� e Stock M, Ic �r k 5B. knife, I giii,d,tone, I lai nd (Aher -willbe to,,th, cross -cut saw, siliall ANO tAd for The to room w h a pekson Who c 11 ne't er sleep himsel rl y remem big almost 1constant OUghiDg, I F311dild I 1W Me to do nor alb. bered thatIltad a b0ttleinrri] so b: 11. ECJ. Picaird.. bi�ught Rich s -blot - EAFGHTH TEA a lot of bay, Vilolewill po-sitivIly be sold, STORE �ia sold bi-; faim. Teinis.—All a4 the proprietor Slims Of $5 and valise. I ant up and offered �im. a qose. He said here trvLt was rcomraefiaea, aal sure curo,,but it1F no usel- I've some othing stop my medi� oughl 1�a.rkei ' t I' )-day, 001261.0 Dg Cf under C.1811; ov r tbat nionths' t for three nil btB. Well,J I've -not hai,d any Ble( ig sai , try th yway- gave haifers s. an eacb, at,' I steers 48 per bea aVQ 8 r giD �efti - Still 8 nds firin a th� ftc)Dt, Mid credi givel �011 LIM, t"will be 8 th(I 0 notm A dise Ouilt of 5 L!cnN it 'oil ingapprove inin on the dollar will be llIOLIntS. W. G. him a teas conful, an.4.it stop -pod, t a irritation day, ton he n r couAbe d. go four to oonfu = ag ailii comil p, or ��00 lbs. . Coid mol 11 d r V one oi chetkpf the I r, tho ist, an ii aDy I wi)l sell Teti Aho house. is a ChLap, Lot llt)wed for eash ererlit _ON Pro, BlUr. Aw.tioneex. %�E - - that night I grave Win thre . oses ext a )lately car d him. hyl gentlemer if I h&d thl,t Medicine a fi adb I ir coDiditi or, 'ic to on so] 3Jc d at per fro in Ib, � 'E $25 anh A. Go AU1 I sell twenty bot fs it r�igh t away. Reade�s, this gentlema lWas an abled. to relieve tl!i& SUf of big ccmrad� MEETING. (�!Ow o a 8 Id Ic do I it $30' jeanis to L i at) $40 R I act., a t is no re eiving daily large WINT tRop C-HtES1 FA OtE if El-oliday if thefirsstand -11IF-PUl G of be patrol CTOI�Y w nd harebolders of by giving 4im "F ,5 �o $25 eiii rb, o r c o,;,q P r Goods cheap and gb g Is open 8 ev lllg..� intsome �t er d in _N selforth. His A ese be held in OLYCERATED BALS M FIR .erle was Wig - terl�dvaicdiiitbe -ea stclek omp ete,.and he (Ate)dB rdbil. eptl2i. December a co ibe fa * 18 th" at .1 I i �Mall and ean ani in als ; ia a in-vit!&Lion t %li to call,and insp( +. A )ck be- 1) to I clidells iis at, o'chick P I and astatement f.r The oreat Cough pit epared in ont OWn to 75, And for sale lily w Debter III kl'ndc,. g offe I ked. , Mcat o -d o see t thel.39 L ed I to �ieep I a fore that his favor parel' 81.0,,k Min with "Vgll a aIll elsdwhere, he please and Ea 'Hjs stock Nels canfident for the Ste' v on. A _qo to let Isf y all ii lio nia-Y pig pen and milk 16ute., for eoi,shAg of Teas, poi!.ti11,r Dirf, Oni�� Any vi.,1111 cl-11truel a new nextseason, aud ap- frto Wiv sres J01XN M. B,)*b ison, Edibard Snell, S- 'eadb 0 awst vj� Javics win'throv T of fo M r sal s. at d b tc begs Sncra1:,, Spups' M BF H, RaisirR, Carrantn, o Cando 8,,. A I . . Iii belt, Walton! ckibbin) Ury j.? 'A. .18 inea. thTt t bg Lo I ey coald uy, althoii f o t 16t it! prptby� E�njy Prune kinds S t arelles, Of Ganned Ld Ap aps, 9 IC o eeS Spices, W. a, L es, oba c all Muds Ch cs�, all (;. h1r RRISON, weetar C111-1died Pec'q, . i ! of I -tracts Londesboro C11pees -as I Bran Sborts, I P35 j -2 I Factory Meeting., T. jfidd & Son, D u blin Williain Dru7nftiond, ��Ott, Bucefidd ITer, -Kippen Blyt,& ; TY112. ; J. Bi6nthron ic �Q, werle a, ked n sa ne I C for,Flav ri - t g &fills f Ficur, I . 4 B&rl�F, SPlit en hat therntial ineet- in Hensall MagAel, Zurich Sion' Dash- F31 ieep and alamb, ).v i b 4 hi�d Coin1r.ea . O'tm(al, LL 0 at.9, Peas, I- "I", OTIOE jaben-i N Y N Londesboro P a l pund I er'( in ictic td -day . I for some by-thibe 8 il YBI 4a eie rke Pe s, 0 ors, D. Xr GrRh Pt, Salt M ii(nr, at MIR, Pork Buckwheat Salt by the and ST fgar Flour, AppleBi Baryel aid Flue Bitter and Cheti-SO a iiii an as and lin,11 11 beheW in Bell's Cur, d B ;cd Wi (iff the ae uring C f onipanys Hall. in the village fil Grom-a ood TfiX6 'S, Blake, J. Le�liej tl ib a tbree'-sl 51.7�, Y Leep ,,t they ali2 t v4a i better an d' B _,too Or6e ., �alEo rya a t-ell-selerteld d Was aware, Tea Sets sto d b,iro,on�lwe nesiay, ek Of L China, of Lou PL dToiletSels, at the bo urofl) cael D the 9th dav of 'CIO, inanIL be it h< legal from ihal MlInT a lian a. go )d M;),Dv that w ere �oq Of . nils of F 4 on for' qAt inb�ri ngo atroil of 9 id i hand, Also Coal cot P n at n ill rateE- tbe sb,nle U e st �o P Y Vill �e lci in d at the hour And those who have not got canro cure or a priv'a;to. 4LIa bi, dioverg� L i�d 0111 Good oatmeal delivered exihanized I tee Qfeharao- at pl.,Itepn of I 0, 11 ock, P. m. A o6dattendance isy.espect- - f the board. of 11iree- factuiers,. ILV 'SMN & M WILSON, S eafoi th. e Juoted. E� 5c, to 5J per a fully rel y old er lies ed - I ogs at 6i to -c pur 1b.1' G.; AULT, Seaf )rth. torg. W L OU TTR, ge�ra, 835-1