HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-11-23, Page 8IIIIIIII11 I "OWN""
EM�FR 2 Nov IT. I11111MOMMUNIII, IE' 1�1"RON It P113S m —Wholdid it O' and wherever sales have b ? utlook, A WO D F church windows.- Query Davidr %ve been realized. I 'log wel Iud in I beir Operatiom --Me . n are eng d filling i held"large amounts hi 1.4'Mr, Laiol IM, n the ap- OX Ulu o Brc adfoot 6 a mi4tae IH. Brall6afo t an . ft aboill a pr6prietor, is one of the m)Bt POP1104 ast we k they' But one car- not make Ili say- b wh, I a eon in mani O Ii h caches to the I age, T -H URX E'S from takiation for 4 term:Of yeari i, u. town, anahe has shown b Mr. Richard Hilint6r's sale last was it t.wn e TIr 612 'of the Blei s,i on account of ing that 0 'the f ollowin tw( fir ere using av ince an ameiiiament to g eR 11 itlent budiness, oaplibilities by ek takes the cake. it ifetted the n: eat the jy_I&W I if, I 6 Da, id w ikes the 1-r ne, Ili *oak coi' THE %oASH D -91Y GOODS `STOR Rys in i 8 ail Bustaitile tl4e thaw �hey at it, npellod' we--- STAR GROCE. was car-iea; That ic rtly-. L �k If iin6r W er Jc BUM Of $4,165. This is without d6ubt, he' fall t( ads rat to use wagons. b could colt- the 3 submitted informally' t the 91mo'horiored name of the Hiolks largest sale ever held in UBborne.— -all )t re who 0cm. I I here, of it had th w ry I rtS J,U House. been made
r'tepayers at'Ithe Janus 61ecti:01 f school Section No 6-, aid ei �r ip.. evil 17, e -eports, bu ine iul .--It moutb or si claks sooner The trustees o �1 r1iaenced a X �w at their approval oV, rejectimi, is rred action on the School New Curriants, Raiains� i1nd Paola have defe -)r a term 'of five W_� re wroD g than they did. ]�:)wdyi Bin s cOmm IIpir V0
le 1 4 43 3C
n t I
�t tion to be f or is whol Nva Reader until the let of December, When READ IT! a at old prices Ca Be IT H 0 RN' E'S 6 �he h u if tunate rn�u "The Aucti n,Sale;"011 NMI 'now, the chief ca le in T ac ketsm, bal sibbi In. A .30V 23 g deff, 8 dr W irg, as u of proper THORENII7�'S. A large consignm u g.%.r ent of After passing 'a, xaum�er aCCOU, the boys Bite Iater. -urn., .. Ia, of Mrs. AbriLlasim. �Taylor, inroaard to
and council adjo ad for two weeks ol - sual, a Wan texpected that somethin are the a. the iuthoriz- ly' a will be knqw, arass in tl to �Ott M A tie and stapie Glasaw, 0 tog,tter With' probitij Fanay I -bel( eiiihol loymetit, rr I! low sh �01 3 - Tueaday I Tie w 1 ation of the third aerials' in course bf Crockeryeirg opened au —HoigE'S. he was fol Ina. r, U att6n pervpdou- Severa Is, b d I ok 'of proper su ve -y un f ivors b I u.—There is no talk in this CoM-rL-1MnNT �ou Fit lay p ater and Iwaf - I javelailes have been preparatio Ile `1 into �h ig the ARY SUP]!!'Eft-, rp en Iihat he fell I drow . el isne d, as ver %it and g o4prices wer Thorne, iaiow offering a e Oice. as, veiling last Mx. R. L. Sha i -bio to gei. up � "Was 4e. townsilip over. municip6d afWis,ithes ME
un -k t no! arrests ma It --- I a b 4 I 0. a A i 30 to 24-55 eported lately, bu � I A I . � — 4-io. -3, r T -T A --n In
I compriffir. g 6" a r a ut, of LiquorE, hat his de ho', was a up sortoe ad a. large number of frieAds at a b txi ath'wal d alto 1100 Ire eeh dr I k old council. Will., UO U011ribi, U " 6CUO Orl ho owns that boy w , - I Porter, . I This is as it should be and omeatia bottled- Ale ani piimeififii�y an . ! .1le — Robe t Olt', stell,�,Vl rom. 1 3.5 to 3,15 &'I A I orses f i pper, at his hote lot, "to delli a n oLe of the'princip�lstree� a few acclamation and I auadian oa ill T o a Ic roalized :tb 9 'to a�$12 3. tc 0150 is no fa6ult to fi6d. Supper liad a two -fold object. f ott or Of Mr. M obE 61,50). td- abbatibs ago. -0051. when there Boutbon, Ilish, Be .% FOR 5 CENI T, B ine wio Cloice Brandies,. 11. 15 wines. She learnmempratelthe -fl-ftioth anui 6 y 4d Ia ek III -that - ail sulo i, Z t(d busi �e� B h 't YeE :the x3mer a n cand go ial ho' ne, McKillo N. Ines his st'VV ils.or ur_ wit b YO iefs, Ties Col. an seof w" it id 10 4114 " Ility an IlenEiall. I of the birth' of: the a, Alie ij," nusu Is 04� B usu 11 ab tc the 8 ill
anted. Try rloltwE,g I second., as a complime.it to his e Tuels V r. can get Handkerela
adap�,rjts warr :fac on of &I A GOOD COLT.. Mr. isies Billion, of BUIL11ING LOTS 'FOR SALiz. '�_For salelia: previous to his departur, 3 from th U., Ir In M -. )Vh Eat (1rove 1�0 16ts, Ia Remnan,
e Bed o (Ila Killo the thriving village of Heniiall, two building tq -of Ribbons the 11th conces8JIon of M recent h having 22 fe King street, belrig 500 Ot frontage on Ed ings,:& Mr Sharp has been 6 resident 3e% ono thousand e II ea,
4 r �y sqld a five months' o filly colt for le -villa go."They -out twent p ki itrs,l geese . I 1 r U� I; - ! . ;c sm.14 I the very best business part of t� s the g e ater flow If: � consiatir 0; of �e r forth for ab he! 1101 yy Tbis colid: was siIrod, by 11 Sc6t- will be sold singly or together, to suit purchaser. t )f 15O.: ias beei In t1ke m n 0 r a Compiany ga 3ntert VERib G.-Tte many� friends ( part f whi6h time he 1: th � i r rare chance to secure Arl3t class buid- 10 ig, at I PO on llct�sday Weidoad, 0 jut Reav of ladlia Farewell,! and tclok seco ad P 17-8 This is a For particulars o his obligi d 411I Y M, ohn E 'annah, D ness s hotel business, and is here thb Brussels, 81how tla�s fall. TR tend in this live village or if by letter t din the will e p Ba d: to learn rply at the Post Office, Hen FOR 10 CENTS I gentle'maul� demeanor �aa wel �4F �IlgB,. and, not�vitbL44 t1fi,it 'wnBhj p t the laIst maet- e -A CouNCIL DpiNes. address 1P. 0. Bom 77, Hensall. avc red I I la ng fr)M' his recent MATT L In il .1striet observance bf the laws go ierhil 9 I ant Weatlif r, were 1 av thE o is rE covert �t which TT L The c �g o I! WE PISTRIOLT MATT his business during al, that if Lie, h�s._ I I TE houses, I SeNere,ilinew and that ie 110t),BB soon LooAL BmEirs.-The late snow has )Ot h Oven [no all the members were 1preBen After U a to A me isill eof iderille around again as BE uar' aTf Won for him the grea Ipy came here ur root crops a W)ol Go Canton Fla*n4els, Wincies.. all disappeared giving those who have Yc u can a line of qlovea'!Lge
r pDrne weelas PELBSIDe a number of a4ciounts it was n get respect d popUla,;it, rL it iF n( t at ad to kAON a bi 0
REST&URANT,-O.Vaters by an �, - d Oe reil ,s bee 1 laid up f t as yet Becurea their SE I joye Club, at - I eco*ded by ovcd�by Alex -,Kerr a 4 E; hL fresh; fri,vit, - this &c. ,id dis i s.t Bo riah r 'Of r h:;- - chance of doing so.-Commenoing
the �osa to very fE er.
L. _e'r tobacco cigars, &e. surprising then, wi, i an attack of scarle I= Archibald that the wdek our town bell and pteam W is 01. I the clab Iteltain �&J r. Mile se: I Murdial hii 6s
Cann lodS north of our citizens availed -,tl -am b -'his. i''Th Iteltain SOLL.-Mr. Mile preset ted be tLecepted
ed .E�( selve one do �ecurffies as ilow Bounded out on what is k xi�owu as the st Ir a occaai;:)n. %nd f6l. Y: o e. Tkm-xs I kind hospitality on t At d so b: a farm on the 10t cono-ess'lon & Co�"s evenings wpre g as atiBfactory.-Carried. R20 C
VVM. Robert, ot Movel by Geo. r epubatio -new Olt One 1111 t the e Q Tt dke smitli, to Mr. m. McCloy-, .A time viz., 19 minutes earlier than Ithe appointed hour ab e aniel 1 Uanl@y econded by to be �t Ut A th Holland -a za is buying w ell f &tted- a Most 3--undell concession, f r 17,000. Mr. formerly. The change seems Wn to: P JCYB. Ill E wkr CA gexltlemeia�sat ompsny el adver- tallted tc -Work �hat the clerk be inst ted �kbout me; al and dres.4d foxvis also,,orne good beef and dressed tuous supper, in Whiel L the nabab a bei in m do tf i I- M 3. �aid $6,300 for hi far�n three more apprecia effort iF lI (I tE.-U, ow at the 11 t� t some thei for tonders for the draotion Of atone n. the m - -a c1n get a splendid quality of New lmbs, raw aBad-ing :691ii u I yp to visitk§e ore ELse quitting time, than it does i orn Y &ore,. Goderich Street, i licous bivalves f6rmed i 6.1 r6. 41 11ce Command gr Che 6, i,gq, & id er ress U11tter end Meat price may 4batmentsfor &,bridge on Side Line� 15 nter The spread was certlinlY cip iditi.able and ing. Tea Meeting will be h Id in. floods, Shirtings, Ducks 10 6 hibitt' emolig enhano, d -A tt again, be I E k 311 as %u ind'x Of tll� 3 ' BILon 3,, kii o Nia as I. ai a emforth. 83 I n th iand 16, ciduceS yterian church 1�odgerville on D 3nima, Liueni i, &c. Of wh ej 8 tills town the Preiab even tb the wel earied reput 36ti 9wa iE shi h Mr.-ETING of the Shareho dara and 011i .. i i beautiful 8 OtiBb Valle f.pro)ettyi Y sc lIon's bridge, also for latiole htutmeutB -the '29th inst., for n Per P 0 re. )y, the purchaserof ithis ar tifacturin Mr. and Mrs Sharp as caterers. S vil P Thurslay evening
We hope tile- M1.4 CM brU ge, Side Line Patr f the wnburn Che�se Man . , I ' for D.: A. McGregor's . An Friday, being finish tables 01 Ild t a a ownFfarm A f I t the benefit of the Sb School a'. b&,i old hi x1oadconcessiOn6', Plall, an t conil arty will be held in, Consta11130 on r a that
specifi. President. . I usical pro- WNE.ARSiSTRONG, company re-assombled,' b, n ju,lj town iib a MI, Ew 860tt for $3�500. Mr. excellen terary and the �affi lot f %;V1 4 A[atth t prop e a, IF ations can be Been a Reey'�es FOR 205 CENTS V�l Vait hill; l(ni ent�il nds rbtiring i - BbTTLF, LosT,-The person who br- Mr. George E. Jackson, of Egni(:64. aegX91cilell fain . ten W.11 mu� is into ficna farrai g d iy, ovember gramme is being ad- for' th 'houBe on and af ter Mon -ay be i -)I Ile � ves P: rossessi n of �: le fr66 cwrcll!s Hotel, took the chair &-ad Mr.: G. .E. weldeRerv(s. fox, a� I opeasion, and a pleasant time m 4
roweil a. thick glass bott 11 eivelth-epapronAgei ap time. i 26th. TeaderB to be proBente on or Irning it at Addr6sses will be Nvil,lgreatly oblige by rein looked forward to
41 1T n oirHir flit, ff�, m. on the first of ar �,h, Ile IPL)earea 'O k! once y'relic,anaiffiui[ir, valued.by Of Tuckersmithl-the .'oe-chair. parsig,rarh th day of D�oerub r n,6IXt, :by YIDU can Iget an assortment of Corgets it is % fniii d and itim 4 , , , * !before the 10 at C wgiven by the local clergymen als: aid K
0 a X a E L usi4ai toasts were prop ae' nY- W As. U t,l 1 O'clock the Tvaer. J01IN C�krtGLL. 83 A a i wcouple - of fora's i&GlovoE (slightly soiled), also an U p - In.,
In pro paing the n the Rovds-A. D. McDonaldf Sealorth,
responded to. d6��&nof that Viet. itYbaving:tt Z 1;tric ouncl. nee it g. - ellent QUal'i y of Oloth Dre3s Goo s 'hotel Dublin,at e L a,,
muoh r8- The Host of the Eveiring," the "c h ir. B yt 1 1 market, id I 0 J. A. Turnbull B. A. of Goderiel all wooliI.-annels, &c. Her me o do IPD-�; D-R-kTH.-We very 10 d of grain I . t- �TJLLk`TIT.-Mr. W811,0' a Of tied. Cho next meet f council he anddeit -death of I man referred in thO most complimen- ... I it sit & E 11�iElf alc Ory Cohn Fletcher M. A. of Thames � An uxiable to a a hote, ret, to learn of t th 3. all lest -extentive: busiucas will'be held at Qr I Dub- 8 !B
9 and m8st :ix o'clobko, Huron to Mir. Sharp's care3r, .5 reburnin to Tea will be served at ho e, w took it 110 f Zurich, jaL xn&JJnf;;; reat ;Pile- ol!, the second y in December Mr.1, Jonathan Carter* of tile tary terms ml a, Of 0.%, $treat Aed a The want of a couple of � good Road, Tuakeramith, which 11 ook pla-,e I business man in Seaorth,and a, -,piI4 la a few days'aft W ird with t I t feel at t be y paeations for a -large Belso 's trade. i cents er J crossings in this place is at present felt. ai& As we 1 the regret that all trua remaN 6d OR 'Wednesday evening lag 4raess eStb' FOR 50 CENTS Ing him as a i �e wa A C arter was pact Of losi citizen. He also 8 off 3;d Be4ides his sada ary aill b small trifle given by each would Booil
ad, *.r. 9 n have been inform b a �el more fox I ha extensive i 0 nt-, Mr. Wel RnMOVAL.-Mri Josep�,' 01heaser and hold ?
complifilient to Mrs,' ar'. We are flow engaged during the day, assiating ati a I pa -id -a MO. O. t e previous 0 i remove the want, who will take I furiait Lire w; 0 room, It b h 'of wbii ,,la faxm 'of his brother i wl-lo, he said was always for( st in did! Jilot ;eturi- t6 f4mily have removed tile "illagia Of Practice, practice, for 0h4t$tWaa enter You caxil get all the now Oades f 'Vel. I -med tbat b it 01, thraing, on the 11 he doing 9, largo bus necs. He z IS a coun of Br nee. 'Mr. is now the orde4r of tbings. oteeus �or Dr asse, 1�ylh,�but brol g ill to 'gibleside, in tb tainments Xfa Glove
a rned hothe :in his I every good -work, and 'th4t` r Te t bia; gra v s, Wool Thomas,, &-ad r tu and thCae lhouser has been I at ddl and favor4bly The tie inter Caps H Ods, osea ark 't a go iquare dealing u an on w School 116aders to be f of heath )tired to "moval the poor of the town wou 14 I . 'i%id rc Elind that it Was in' thiE in Wraps, W
usual state inaL 1 W, Ijo O busness with b,m )nee will be iftL ng 0 earri . ad st Office Book Storili is what, ow was &§cover- Warm and generous friend. T a iknown this v.,i inity, the Po bed, In the morn :Those oitained the el.hancij price.r I . i rat rn to Ina. a rait. ut, been able 641 iind -in Seal rth 8 a W) rat on a carriage a lag eas for abo attracts the attention of scholars. ro ell to be dead. W-ehave not sentiments were beart�ly endorf . I t al ian dard time va' aa9p ad I N EXTn BIVB ALE. T � tere ia, to )e' it self andfami. ' Faun 'vile, by each of the ii peo�krs ; now.ca a a four years. W ish of Hay, near 8 fUL Mr. Car. reciprocated I John Wilson, W 0ain rther particulars. 106 Monday last at Iai es 1ate in Zur- ly success i ex.-ensi sale of re n t a r new t ome. from Mani. and was Ile music 11italot _W6 iavereebi returned home this week �OR 75 -ONTS Y oun n a during the evening. T gaxatl� ev ri.y. ter was quite a u, plew 7L Hoffman, a ill the 19th of ec m1iier. Mr. CIDBNT.-H toba. and intends remaini 'g in thia part 1,0 on 'this occasion waf unusuk od I cimmunics,tiou f onal C;I.ntcn o h Ot le I SAID Ac a n highly reapeoted wherever ky disposi ri -,h i wn. r H i a intends posi gi:f bile Zu e!gJ t year$, son of ag.-Mr. R. McGregor, whick ap- I i little boy aged bout te a it is rarely that s6 m oa-sing- ' J pip until sprig ail ball matters in reply to at iia t of any g(; er with sever- law time i I even at Buch gs�i ljeripg�a. fl I Xi D Lill pr 3 party, togel ib a vill ge, unfortun"Itely Toronto, is visiting friends his Yon can ge MrB' Ball, of t. v. large assortmt of Cn.kNc,E: oi�e Tiun,.-T ThurB 10 n er& are founc yearedin our ilisti week,'bitas 0
of town property iand a la 'Ia Ca 8 a w al Oh 8r: p 1B White, of H a' Wo Rearts, Bre kfast Shaw Ih 01, a _Me intOL force SongB war( 0 " fa 4i �Iltdew If mile of the �13 clina Ding over is visiting tab eAiOn of 3 given by Molasril Joslin, t riter has f4iladl It gJ ve us tuat broke his leg Oil y evening last. nei" borhood..-Mrs. J &Y, Ladie
-and Monday last. Reid, Thorne, Duff, Hayes,. Roberts, ty way i entify hin Eel The: little fellow fTiends in Detroit.
poor Cluds, id M Us, &c. the Gt TrankL a,, or in a th) In I E(aa. This is.0126 Of t en he fell eave this stati( otheri Mr. an not pu 8 vi Oat ext(lu- Mime, wb lad his leg got in as fol -11 Sharpe, McGuffie aLL w it: i his, produ -,V On wO -sales I has ever L Traina now I Bi ,,real state keba, bieakind t 0 a r6cit i6on in his Barad IN caught betwee the pi I Perth Items. ED plac in. t ea-st-6,45 a.na. 1.50 p m. I Thomas Govenlock g ir, If -he will alild -us: Dr. Buch los: Going . 4 I I 8 sect [on; and as Mr. m el aukl lent style. The ciompany i rioliff, up to thi n n of tb a3e a little above .50 all gladly giN 0 Iiis verh i 'is ou-nd to sell, ne doubt Blaine and 4AS p..m. Going West ex al o'clock, hav�ng speni A ''most 13O.- ple,is and tile little here has about two that M as firths and, 7.55 a.m. 1:5 understani set the fract x1ga li I Ons during FO R ONE DOLLAR. A St. Marys coal dealer disposed of 1 get'- barg air s. Th -e B six c n beiex- doi as m I a no less than one hundred t
of as. n I PfIr Oas wl sufferer is doi aso been a, slight chanke in iberunmrig . enjoyeble evening. J,�ne Hillen, daughter af trains on the Londqn, Huron and. MoKillo O. well situated aifd has done a I'a gradtide pected. one week lately. lar&business. _,rhe following cailgetLadies"Read ade Ulsters, e, time t ables pub- ahe the I bl�IIQV&g Schoc as rf dom e -BusiNESS -A new steam eaw mill is being ym 0 SeELforth. B igh 0 loth for Ulaters L cAiBni-E_P&. the-" -esors. a Dodbl VVidth 0
part of this paper, fr' her of-la6ti week: intme: at 4 8.89i taut tead"11 nlschanges have been made in our I : liBhed auothvf air i bu fitted up in Sebringville by a ilim the Listowel, Baxi it appU Dresses, �aeavy Clouds I , i , , 13�yth, i antleg or t Kastuer & Co. -a corrected in- ae on pu:)14 �cb fox next ye ar.� village lately Mr. Jona.6 Hartleib has cordancle the Rev. Jeffrey Hill has pirclialadd I
ha-ve not bee aWalt i I
torsi f a sold bl from S -ime. tables but the lyrope r1y O a E I 11 1, E; tree t ks a ,&L B iEFs.-7-The dii3e acksmith t h c ased
clever El.tIld out biBintelest nille Ibe McIl wraith 'As Hillen w -Dr. Hurlbur as u with the revised 't t Will, We I A ve B a a business whi the -will. 8 )I Will, We I Iloubt, make ail '& an ies' Institute m a orga, b eorrecit time be publised0next We. un Lerlatad he ba 1c; n as bee't carried on for his brother thelarge bric look On for $2,000. nol * ; . - ding -l" during the th ful a 1 a -Mes B0171H 0 ish f nny rea t three years I y' Rothaermb & market square in Mit I ell Offer the Vjng� a'.,- srs. 111ak( e week. offered or intends t6' "essful a 1 t onths at i nt( rvals of b )ut He Pall Mr.'Emand Rotbaermolis- 7 Of Mit-, Go!dericl artieib. -Mr. R. LT. M6ffatt, foinaerl, ;on the as I h g, Via at 61 Lurch con. 'legation free Bit( iliialE MaGkenziE p: ogr 3. They ar bi icoming 0 u- Dash wf
um, ti de week the �buyer.-T 10 61men" cha a bania. Mr -U.At I
mrm ME \a -Ai mee tit) a of the church," M ain e�uoori tra-iii yestO ay� I d Hotel is lalso tit for B7nci *Er r) obell, is travelling age
I paperty for a Be 4 the ReformerElL of Se&f.,Qrth,: �was hold in Oro ly scrapeo, Ild I IL thlir lar, t Lle'litE rary beng of a g old ChiCago.; 4 ;R 'O. K A� ULS I street has been th gh 3r of citizer Id, about to JOpaEl' Co , wholesale druggists, 0 S1 C Commercial Hotel on Tuesday evening en,at the Eta O 0I. -The standard tit ib has al -le". Hartleib assuniE a coy) jr(l of tiie Isaid -The Catholics of Listowell areubou.k notwithstandina the - 7vet I weaVer his i I 1. a Gra d. Iding er 0 a ibnoreble qn or i I last, There wa-s &.very fair attendance'L " -ank here. -'s,i1ay,1[o�,ember 22n. - r BE ason is in unusual were In' at lial eivad a a 711 nd Tr i acted foiJi
:FOOc on, an cor y r e,,, c hotel on htn
I buying the church bui
9 'Drl allee J. acipal obi,eGit of the rlimeting was Ot.h, ins wisely decided to a at h4s,41:30 rented his being hard and ead 4A a xneeting of the S� folth Owe w p' b I i 3 ohnia I Mr. Fred. years ago by the Episcopa Methodists of BMPUTE EVIRY DEPART- a in ri4ge b silles ttand the Con. I i- I liable n and car' to that town. to 1 1,ppoint elegates to !a watilt, as it lim '�ieen , A elld i.4 1he Medhan ed t e �yl i utes too.- :Some laug Mr. �Ned i i lAe of mud and u will be h v, ion at B.r a 'T asday el� E a years, The -Mr. J61.1n A.'Wi Bon A & ni apI u 11 a tak" a hiave occurre I a Ire'dy. 7eTtiu for a torl' rand %y. 00 -Mr. James Pirie, of the G many years.. .-:31 �itutia rooms !on I. -A to: Owing gentle exi were selected to ve a life long'character alto_: MENT, AND MARM AT CASH I
is I present on a businesEi %,� ork. e of orgpiriz �n' i 15 vilid ha Trunk Railway, Stratford, 16at three, ittol 7t� inst., for thb p7qr 9B p I4Lo as delegates-; North W ard-D. D. t couU bf seoilL tr "O p�iictuality OOng is left hand a few da
ke I He left on Friday a t. -Mr. TOxinedy, r he winter.' a., -the 3el vi... omes McMichael �i!Irc a on ad Wiilaon, R. Luxnadbn, J Su ' a, r when
formerly of Mitce , as lease I I a;rp'd Friday pig t accidental diseliarge of 4is rJ , ! I F1 ICESN Ballantyne S Ward- Messrs.' ar ly, as Were w _xiaW c� all advanced'. hotel,. and will take possestiion *ax � . Saun ra gull. a opee. t 1() m. rs. Gfborgo Ban p.m. Volitig c� $parling ar 3' i uf act ar fewer than fif te�xa W Beattie, James. . . . i mM. Gray, John� bo
I Mr. Kennedy is a tho; ough ly cor l. eltent etiw 0 Y. -There are no Bt Ward- I EUF�R.AXCE J'9[FE il4d.- A - died very Budd' nl El atitiiseaseii 8 Scott and F. G. Sparling flueStqatople-of abLe salt ;he�' ing machines in the township 'of oth. thresh M la.adlord, and in his ob.re tbiallonFe'*11 auspiol% 9f 1 164 a 6. d fo be the oaust Of her a64 Cash and n, er the tit Oup prominenUel'tufs is its suppose, steam, ttie A. Young., John. Campbell. mplai a I I I 3,b- six being driven by i ontinue tile exciellent reputatiDx!iI it� has Ifiii'd in the tc w1r 1�� N3i, , The f a neral w 3,4 on, M nday - and, as Logan,, rood Tie IB i W, The projec of forming c Ito 19LON Of moistu quality t1latI res wer. . Most of them ia�re M. Y. 'McLea-u... The projec i ail at. er i so long enjoyed. -T � paid ev plag t by hoise-po ELY: a3l, on Fiid 6 largely atterided. a, LocEd ]Reform C-11 b WaBL di ci, A i y of Iub WaBL di issed an t We I a inarkea improven an on some kept busily at work. L
Itrains, east west,'la( p Iati- re lelle, We are now BhoWi g idieg' and at . to
a 3 a arge aid t, $1.00
es, wa�s f -bily received.' MARItBTS. bite M avora forth Stotion, itlateEL.4 of at Clintoia as 1 ele de i vE ke, t[ a Aber ocal mswif ict ares, -Messrs. T. H. Race, of the M�tchell diasea`� Trimmed H&tL8 in great variety,,,
Pro, dres I I -1 I . l & CB, ipriate d W shippe to $1.12 spring hea f rinerly.-The new oatmea' . Mill of il,nd.. (I iylol I hW $1.12; red w Recorder, h!is been offered; $1,511 0 per aaies Man tl, as fr -up, Misses'sna I a !r ]P_k_,7,D GON--CERT.-A '46oncert is to be 0 R Meal 'baley, 450 t oul rovid 61. six c4rs OfT barley t( Alban 11 NeW wheat,, 61.00 0 fir three years, ' and travelling 1 L n s nr aps r M e up, a- -Messrs. Thompson .]�rothers i -now. in so I 3 I fc, eas, 6 c to 36C given in Caxdno's Hal oil t -e evening lee t MUE ic -Day' in aid of the full Operation, and is doing t work BE rley and oa re the l6ading; 550 oats, 30c to 31c expenBes, "-advance' ag,eint for,tlie Fiiik lil 13 Maggio lielli re 31C lies' Fur Cap 3 from; 81 up, Ladies Fur of St. fal wheilit real y Pt being ior ton 996, Sets ets from 6:3 up Children's Fur f ariotw �13 glat be. 6n., I '' f I ! 1 3 . 7 most satisfactorily. -A ra t3,' wi rth hayi $7 to 05 1 butter Jubilee Singers.
F eatars'Rand.. The Choral Society i L at theLor A of 17 wood, 02 � io; 62�5 pi 317 c r kig bn tween two large dogs Messrs. .1 asing.-Mr. Chas. 37h an a. so -The Listowel. Banner remar owned b -d ro al,H�o Cur ningham, ill. m $1.50 up All the. better
have, kindly consented' to assist and _M M a' 60.1 s� deiriable Shale, Esqi., of BI VtV, is 'at -out 1 Ross has beery the price of wood says: The pri L large I 1. n, ir erto-meet b dc� 3A n p 0 !t several other prominent aateurs will. Gull aa Whitely, c ate adsJD1 ll: Jes rt- toportio, 'Main reet Mol aP ore- aalag . I a ng fa - Detroit. Hi , hELB'Bpent his; ad as teac er IQ Jun or pa : mOvel I excitement on I as r exigag Ju the short' cord ranges frbin $2 to among the nu br being d iqc�re usifie�' ba present I' ha in theihcinor,� mek1t of our a, After - consi uj� bil a life. in B ly th, it 9 salar o �225. and the majority of the' cords a te- IU.i8a S-A.ge, sicECI noon. Ig Iag anhii i boot nuld a] a0 t 20 F t ETBIB Prier rEi. and I on t, a mu at' their p; rrativela y the b6i g h. B birth pla a. During th ' Thl for DiOXt :�'es,r is: J- S11aw- mark%bly short even at that' hauling I , 'a 3001 lera �,wlier 3 Q s. Laidla, v and the djoini.ngi.Ar i ! . y. s S,' also TYTr erB,t animals w rel in lilist few- years he &I coup d th: staff MiSE Higgins ivere jr a r. his c Tre S d f acil �i es Principal, salarV 700 a'e respective own -The lecture
Johnaon, Downey ad ho OS'b Campbell, 1. -laoitilitie � U I� Y pDf a, aoxi 01 B&1e8M arl! ift R '-r. McKi n 'Eli 2nd room $325,-1 Miss Ross,� 3rd Tully, in Mitchell recently, and whih ddi oti duced to auapeud� 9, - I' tiOn Ell aW h4l Kil -lorau and Messra.. Xoshn,, Itolis and re a itley, 4th wall accompanied by a number of, lim future oceasion.-Dr. Scott. Ought i, -e a drY good establislarribu 4 aild i 11 lel� to salary $0,75 ; Ml�i ,a d the as t -vice of ; I PRODUCE1111 iure H 0 aimes UnA George Scott. In view Of J i I I .1 aild g qo4' roOm,salar ' $00 ; M iB� Rose, d �S home a -very Yand89,11143 drivin na e on'. (41 E 'City aS Won the iesl 9em th room, light views,was of a very,interestibg ail TERM CAS 0 -it the y s, this array of talent wel� thin" K we may fthO sslar Mr. Petq Sco c tN ly of his -e -pl )yer, but o Saturday night which he nrchased a b 'Will, not la y 3225.- t'i'&nd "`iif8, instructive character. folirly pramise, our towhapeo Ile Ela an- i0i oi cook. e W1 thi bEt tri 0 on -Mr. P. Lilico, of Listowdl, h p from a gentleman ! in the to-InEihip of go I) E r a: I p lblic as well We wish I m returned from their riag 3 las taiainexat the superi6r of which has ) W -ad t 0 Z ads of, W3 teT T dbptor p an, unli nited:, measu e of y ros�, ie B Tin, bought the Carnag n the 7th Blenheim, near Driipbo'. 0 ers.4 "m Satiurday evelaii1g. I is Jan ie f arm o nofteenlin Seaflafth for a long tilme. imorous his I 3W nberej -visit.n friea concession of Feel, near Drayton, f I is an ardent admirer -is, well L� El.'' ood Uri y of Seaforth, i, �s he 8. or Bit aside from the murits e con- 7 -'a Box ee, laing, is ow acr1es, -at, that I ,en judge of horse flesh Iid his ce "tc! IN ho,t horrib The Assembly,in. It 3.6; t ' n hall last 55,0,00,. The farm consists of 100 t. the- hand ae.-des6rviing )f every chase does him n iscredit, t. why that o6casiotal burst of I fiendi I rgely attended. in-. a firlat
% aIs d i Friday evening waf 80 of.which are cleared and G'E.�� e 11 (D it be!, axa(l- we hop( the people, &N THnR CEIA' I �1 I %ughter ? What ca An in' cident tool k pI adoi at i t hich; Be v - class state of cultivation!� barl certainly one of the 14� indsomei t'. ulthas. C: of the town will show �heir; kpprociation F She" ook n thd Royal la ell Inged I Ml h, 3 dark age of t e inquisition rieL eral bf ourcitiziens think r quires an r are we prin tk f her clasB in the co agiilIi�l I Ell urning 1 , � in A, wild anli] our i
am ent by t out in large O unty. , I I -At the last-choese fiLir held at Lis- of the mov second prize tit WDod-stock sho last d Obarlie, la 0, Iaw� explanation.— W Y p 31ked Sla LwJ ipial oi. towel, there were only about: 1.000 'rid.ay next. j njmVera an. the evening of I 6� rs, -cla bi, I Teach rB' coDseqnenee of a sb Es b r eEs doInain' ea
g t I opret6r, surroundw by the MaOci- bxes registered.- in -fal. amon wenty cdiignpetitois.� school, attenilld th( 61. I little inger�.p is Buro'to A lbee, . I rdered, in co -iation o --at S irafford ast v�eek.
r TmN.G's Ri-GHT.-A few weeks Smithle Bell R 410 on e i P u( P ord
erform 4 h dal axl4d beings in Ia f Perth,, fall in the market, there was but Iage Monday. ev to a veyy fair BsixEss.--ona 0 t i)f t] LE) snow� Horrors I tes r this -RatopaytrB are bEPiiniDg to express demand, and only about 350 boxes -were ag we stat io J1 cd? h from My I of our council very f ree- l4st.' wee] :,])UZI 0 WIS Il lu Bus] exiltitle& The ate I lome," had eir opinionE sold during the day. 1-k on Frid an Ole! ittulday eig tt ly ainoe the collector commenced
tow m d tbo4erformanlpes onj b -One evening a shorititime ago, Mrs. ad that the age ra book �ening 1.43t SI DRY GOODS MANI � house. The ientertai ument t irouphout fall
au order fi om Mrs. was very fair, an y Le e peer thim gh the k yl �Ias procurea F. Pill the -bells, glasses anq other in:. lt . r rJ i alential 8 malket vas fai i - w1h ti 0 1 Ye�! t really OU4 his rounds. Two coxit� ollar Campbell, of the 5th cdacession of Ful- T day morning. f on the of this tovvn, in in im "),roper man- I e 0 particularly �ali Imired.- -Mr. I John, I- ore wded w [ti te�ni Bon,aarbin and BOI� Olt Yin gurat- P:yl Soing are SEAFOR-1TH. W catches the most of a. rather A singular' adoi a a, larton, met with W J.so believe that 41�er orders I w r y ie Si ar the pl MutrCIPAL A nevo BYB y, strong of tile pinion that We dent. While in the b n-yaxd as a similar way by the Hunter, an old resfd�mt of the tow tem of,der �isfry. ver were V-rocured in f Hay, but who now! lives in Xich",gan I for icipa.. 1(ong 13 are iow fl, r y on, me cow made I r want a new council allilround,oven. cows were about to enter, one
persoa. Driia,,g the pres i
ent week . 0 it in town on T6eriday list, 621in� the=1r, Path. air pocl Wais who formerfy were Ar6ug supportEirs of a race to attack another, and Mrs. slid off Btrikitc, the hqrse.and causi
all ai�;ent has been aropnd d �Iliveriag the the eseut O a.' bi k, and we believe upon friends and r4inewing old associa-l' v� �riab-ly filled. with can, lio6 - �or til e 11oline no, in tbewaybeca.me them' to r n away. Mr. Ross 'WSJ I - Campbell staudi 4M 9 acting under in- I I . - ; , -Mr. ay Dorland, N ho hqa pr a: if iths fu y fungsters, a, Of this pl Eme, is an applioant f( r the tions. Mr. Hunter ocated in th9ir D.1 the victim; she was thk6wli some dis- thrown to the, gro, and beh
straiGti(mla from the &bliahrs, is in ak. ad .1mo i. 11,� fm some
�th k ases for tb a batI,ies -B tit t b E n "Tow Yorl position of C)uuty Treasurar.-I VY Man,: 3ustained severe external.- -1 re! of 'th aff i ir is tba I I I )- vi . si Ang -en county, Michigan, an e_89ya �t there �is arentii E. tance and received a; severe mroundi hea removecl ana as for,aa& satisfactorily ar- are far more CanadiAns in that 6 it O� euliiar feat ill this village - Wade, was it Stratilord on bliginess which laid her up for some days and hiternl injuries. He was p raiiaging the difficultie's areaed by, the is oir g Thanksgiving Wes (1, served la viixx�- 7elling close byj' Michigan 1 body !seems t j I now Jhat he 1, i 8 ELY last Week.- 7,i, B. Dickson wh6l has -All the female teachers in St.Marys to X�. t1ae son's dv
than native Americans. Thl fur�,mar agents. Since writ g the par&- I - ing Ito O if Ods crops thefe, this ye tc rull forli or V' af �8_9 v�,ays� by a T e�
Ili . a � 'p�_ been a studei it iii the office of Garrow public chool. have beeri' re-engaged for where he 'nap since beqn receiving everY h eferre to,-vve' ELVE had au op, the! I 706 Is, wh I 0, 9T&p rod. repared 0 the book, and we ed by the'frost, &xio Will not.' ield polino he ge�,s iq. Pr6udfoot,i 6rid Who !&at w0ek an one ave. receive an POF381 ' a 0 hefs cibubb, eni Q p rtunity of pe yed tedselves. better than in Hii�rOxa; but Mr. HanteT Nr,.w JE, wni, .1 bwn -It is 1 tr r: d fully passed ais final aw examin tioni Vance of $26 in their' Balaries.. The taiie of lah recovery� w Ig that it is nded 0 r a vic a being a
does Lad cl,11) is is gieturrill .9 a ast. He ard w �Wo;llen mills, own halve no hesitation in sa� ad excallent work. From enquiries, not seem dido uraged, thi k that. Mr. Edwir t�t q1 Iwas in town Frid lY teachers and -salaries, are -as follo' a The Tal istock
.1 - the! thir eb ch h re. Mr E ell �; -I J J. G. Field
are J,u Led -in. sayin& be ordy from th 3 Uh. to knows, wheye' he will locate. Miss Campb.611, 6400; Miss . Rxiox and Worked by r
a-180, Wo stif Iq ke the, 10�11 ai, 61 all States th, a ee this aid d, will come -to: i Clocks Saxi erElon tbc ght.'be lav a ruth- lbs. of woo and
tl4&t the publi Me3Ers.- Badley, Uncle Sam in time. The r( 13 no f ull Is -to k (if 'Struthers, of 1I ondon,!alld - J, M&SS t� 0325; Miss Cruttendeln, $275 ; Mis'l year purcha led 12,00 Oil �Xopriate one 6 whi 3h increasa V�s many a a I wi IjEweiry, with v Ile in an s) r era, of Stratffix�d,were in to I I week Watt, $275; Miss B.arb�ur, 0275; Miss 1 manufactured over 40, 000 yards of Clotho etsou & Go., of Brat tford, are a BtOrm'caught I he did, by mount of their turnip crop on y partially used-, a sh.qp. We ha a now bi ee gc oli! tot, 38 koBVIO118 in connecti( ni with B a O � sales A. Knox, $2,50 ; Miss Wi on,� esi es 1 vr
spee. U� firm, and we (10 t b1 not -think si cle tVrE I _otherBW11c BE tiuto Jbn: self if , in I the. pe Bon f $225; MissPook, $2205; custom w6r, but the open was,thp[r of the -,p fevfr in tow,n, be in the late 11 -Mr. Adamson wh has i lesire tGI SeClure orders for Ir re �-Ii" Ma Ja a i as, 'daughte o f �'r. been, Elidjusti the alsims f, t Listowel asi . -The veteran door
t eirlNo"k ia the 0&nner that many days Will have affoi ed them. 0 por,,- Maed ware, alrA ho an'ther �c )r los eB by -The other morning a hunier bf Listq:
r ry andeav, r 0 111 U I` 'ne. wel, Mr. RMber iluity of eompleffing th t. hare�iia hiard to �telli 8 ai t ba ine3s lJohni red Is vest., re iegms 5o have ttlea, Liam: Messrs. Climie Bros. & Co. were 11.Uingi Ioi ders JI'Veria reGe,i ved 1 in t1 is town, but , the. I ate fi t Wilson, rtus been n Lexal u ar of a t keep the matter ve r c iet bulan t1iis, in -Mug-
tl iat they have been inisr&PI-ose-L, ted by '(11thOlugh the wor4 c L -11130-E in town, I t tb Y ery amicabyl and to the satisf a4ion of 1 the approaches to Maid streou bridige,� week from ais hunting tour r la e as got 183U ceas�r 1, dame . 0 Bhrt stay, e0 [ramljr all.--e-Good Bef'ghlrIg, I Lgoii W�B d -very agreeable.-Tfi ell log 61f css. Theraiarob r a liNEly ast,week but'", old, the team and *e Duling his
agent. eem this ex tL We d efiergetic man �o W . o vetat T pon the, Be & Boon� 71 captu thirteen deet, pppr 'rr. I aInatim due to, the publishers of the'l the Seaf.oth Btapen. of � th k u[ a eocd b had a oat oon 0, ier the hapl Sol" cam . a GDQ an the embankment alba g with the load of succeeded' _&Agoodsli- a 006 ech-m. BY. of It 8 village. a ha a mosl hi veral h6bllin St. la ass in the caused it to 1 J , -ats and se
tvrk�, EIud we rdfiained. frana maldug it-; Canada Bible Society will be 8, inforined e some forty M earth. The bridge inspector besid' 8 * i
--a Ile _CIAD ad t eirquairters within P-11( laist Were prinel Bmmri or, I N71 RTISI � C ki I I o to Ta' 96 ipallyhnitea I -
Tho.as Church this eveDing''Wbn ad- T 41 D Knox has gcn ra on 'a visit for! the driver that that kind of fill"' mink. The eer uatil 4tiaficd on. a the points refe ' I ang -11 � X, . i b doubt, t� seedre t a a Ell, a rig, n driesses will b d Ii eed b Re follo:p. ing, advOrti,p le t app E a Ed: in � 'two L a returnedl ws not a Ok d&
�Ometime.-J, D. Rohald I pecified in tlie con racb, ;and on the riatways en by dogs int6 Ba Ta r , loc al. apks. Wat er housas foi- lille !win'tk,r� r. 6liver- n, otter some exer- the �akes, with ',Offich the -iLnd t114 la
M a C o s la, Of N -V i. n gh ire heiwasd* country th.6, oluxianscOon from Port Arthur.w. 0 the horsesand wago
a C cir, the cGuncit' elegymen.-The filrist shipmeiRt of o t 11 List 1� meek, a] 14 0 le s- Ro'11DE t VfcLa�ghlin'has movedin o H 0AL e )ediDc 7 I ays 't1hey �aa a, ounas. 1 Mr. Wilson is an O a e'l C Ing an engine.; tion, were taken. out very little the! every, where ab Ifram bouse i rhich I iff I jaspd �IlraeEd as in d f In'th9illhereop a a tc, State a) It' rough time (it, VOW. neetilAr On, Moi day Diubt, the street, 't] i th hr Ke, I wasr( ir d the worse. expert in , still hux_t�i but the.1111,11- I - - P. i I - I - - I 7 P Nt, 3 Ia. I . I i a4C tee report fo -- car- "Nuakoka, ate gen rall-y][t]LOre 13 YMM
ed havi a,V. ex..amined Tuesday last, and onsis4edl of t)-M,r. Auctioneer V !S t irday a lu south' of the r d1woy triX, r ilb�rt -The ro.engagemenp of - the present, ters in a 6r
t1e d 11 on t1lei north side &f GQderich -loads which were consig6ed 50 ta 01'd good colaaffia h adver 3( M, J teachers in Stratforl public schools ces W1 t bil t
,as the 11 Lowr� cot age,"I 1i h a reet oppo4ita 12dr. Peteq,s' reEddence, 1 Country- markets.-Tbe snow, It t fell r ud, J US foRD vi -.13 tr yed or a a and ea ing O t been decided on at the fbIloing salaries he lad 'his camp
In. M . cKoa. -Mr. Buir.,ris.-HessrE. Frank 1thkttheyfduiid�the(h&n or-iwiiter last week.made fai sleigbitill6n 'ri A'y n ntire turk&.y El,b Ut four bE, 1E b he bon ht !ro I nL i d at piesexit, viait- Mr. Chadwick, $800; Miss E: L. Walk: I burnbd, accidenta-13y Or otherwise, c0urse in go.;d ,00ke thwed illt the bri-I block Smitb, of Kinsas, re t he as 4_011CIA,ion and' s_uitablEi and Saturday, and on - these d the d rather q,4 ]a the I1(gs, Ag 9w I er, $475; Miss Ross, $�75 ; Miss Green- he a aff (in a hut.; A11tha �kr. ing their Bis -er, MI a. F. G odbol'b, and fir all requiredby the town. itown waii throngyd with� prided V ;hq1i0!rtho1. an. I fft. k, on t a e st si lo of M stre t. U75 ; Miss E. wa:% is liuliting siliti and I Fenpel, he Obotographer, ha� rnolyfed other friends in . the tow nship.-The .1y, 535Q ; Mrs. Miller,, rifle. It al 1. Mr. Jame ed quite li,78", D d B11OVis IA, I'lis - of; i � i, pare, toLge )n p buri�ing is not of tThe r6port wwf adopteL B i cutters andpreseut Y ap- Walker, $325 ; Miss Mackenzie, $300; pears tbat dami
f Arm stiock, i na pleir an ts, &c., O Lie elongingto as. 9, f Mr, d
intD la 61.use in an
pemission to have the i peg-ran-ce-. But o4 1 SundiyAd Sol as- By pe,�-soh retuillin reon uction 0 Miss Hay,- -275 ; Miss' Dunc%D, :$225 common o=,urrenre wit' r alabo,kidesaribed to me 11 has inoyed-t Rol,-ertPorter illbesoldly use ef:the taukloil luarl, k str,;ct from §erted his suprern aby and cain 3 c 61 lal at it- Mr J. MbEli that.,reg,011
ani .�'I Mij8 R. Walker, 3U5; Miss Gorden several who go hunting in
G at which'taprocure soft water providinc, ,in has exited bi - 'ore I I Xorkie the 27th inA. PDrter has pprehas I a brilliancy that 'scion di� abol in ti iriatin u" d I'm er, 001, iorxi�
0 it in+ 6,2715 Mis Hepburn, without k, a guard over the P al] a the orth Sinacoo 4nd -$200; Mrs. War eeping I he, keEtpb the coveria Me -or det )f HT, hom.8 Me a ablin w� o DPW ed propertv in hke see, I an i B I . I - 4 1 - d safe." snow. This foll6w, ell by rallii' , E hal b6 na Ei; li� tla a pec� all Sub to re h, a�q. y 14as tinds rem m Ang Itb burton, §,350; Miss L. Dent, �30Q; Xiss I goods ba,ve n
uc 11 r. ola MdLa y B.,Dent, Miss Patterson,� aturn minus 03111p Illis'n,luest Was granted. a we od Wishe at t e. o" iie ocau n in the sprip B
The aunua.1 has cauaed a, gengral broak u i f �),Tfi I -he Con farvative 9. Mo V00 Wilson on I iheir r &. 1_100 ar a rodnia behind 11r.J. D. his re cause i gmut of I L: mc moval t NVELE; Ma e to the have once more a �9 perfluity mud; breastibon. The P& PI a's A J obi n 0 friend Miss Forman, 5250. other outtit� 8 al' i h, a ook Ross, Of 1Y South Huron will 10 0 a W, arm
rsi y hauia,s' Institute. The resigiaoLtion of fil dull BU-11iER last 1 S 9nd bad road coxaseduexi 9 -A most serious and painfnl aec;deut baKer, i doi a g (d- busineaB iii �be and an alle sup o ter, *nd h; is old e&ef1iio, the JVin. McKay aB engineer f the water business.. -A ca lq d of ch wasithe first; anniVerpary of tb ldl,,ay:: n rred to Mr. Edward Ross, of Vullar -�Tbere 1�as �beein no Tain in tb 0
eived, and i I s- braid li a. rek 8 Gown to 12; cents friends, while regr bin . 4,is departure Oceu egalf ks was ree 11,be accept- Kinhurn cheese) f ctory lwas:61 reiJi. DavidsDri tocil posl ee3hrviast b ton, one day lately. He had been. in Batpeford aistrict si,
WIT ,d n el no S()Gn aa a suitable sueeeBs(r e n , he oi l4r ted a loaf si W &I, the for er pr�,ce will join heartily n wisbi
from Seaorth static n on sion, of the ffi6ks? Ho e r Mitchell with a load of h'gs, and had and 4a a cot 11 breaking 9, Iay. I Lsequence pr6curtildi. The cle,&w beink I a I f.-. -On, Sun sy,�he and his fa Ily longlife and prosperity 0 be 8-8 instructed Harry, son of M r! Henry whm thebiecasiior IiiB frienidE01 to 4 cent abeen done treatilD, 1 an empty wagon box upturned on an- but little ploughing h 0 receive tenders for 100 cord hol gh tbli3re ha E
t I Of wood was hereon avisitfor sompwp s,h Tater supper,'a]Jiol� fifty of W�4ih 11tt irst,, while dertices *6 b4xag in their ne home -Alt I a district was athegrain nthi A tnotion, eondli n b, been some k o ?I st uge at the water works Ito the N' The o: a" era er ar otad in the P reF byteria ur. some a scarcity of, straw 0 top of these he was'ridingj All
returnec wrthwest lag4ij HE werie sentl on and mo pre ent conditi home, and as he was going down on the! ed iii exell t 8 x3aade for the first reiding, of a by Bxce� Ilence a niE the viai & whi c f w- Gorrie, a s 5o rWa has taken n - interest in ari 014, 3sta!b h 0110 Be lwaiir thrown and other atock feed this wint d� Ja exomptiu lishedb&rberingaaoreStaurEint� th n thou, qua, pa le a e
the establishmelLts 01 J outh aide of the railway bridge -the box it is ialrea 'threshed.
Of e farmers are not at all abashed. at the '�Aiheaa ad wEire gen ine, bp lity brol Q of ghas ino IIIIIIIL ------
11 IT78 W EL.