HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-11-23, Page 588 Pere with_ they are of ladie8 'ociation. tembern. of presented i1ation are d properly to vote at, elections. f the As - r petition foliows :. 'ith other a resident t'frage As.. O to. eats possessing e title men. • Parka_ mase They. `ice. pf be a newt who pay Et voice as Toney was it in the withheld It wag indirect. sentation. to which tight they e. asrs, none 11 as mein. r Most, if tefore the cited in_ then itt t.. asked as s thatthe r besto wed e Pari ,; sons said •s sphere: s well as ;y all the tie statute tinea and tem, --and ley must it not, hall] have hoe who ot be well Acte were Galati an, res Known :s, at least, d. One - Vere girls. iiidustries in some egislation, rues tiers ; different isbip that submit to.• to oppor:., had -been drag jnst J. • There girls em- at making,: ieinity of to be the to crowd tries;, and a certain r declared pmen,.and aty that .k at the ek up the her mein- proposi. ante to the its of the England tunication would be ' Eery, ind, ttion, led: tfr aturers- emed. XS THING: ,employer .mployees. to obey-. heir bust- / no voice vernment ons quest 4 -eminent le,it must vernment had at its k of the' iral force veri ment e if it had igment of the Gov- fort. Let, list to the 'lm RIGHT 8s� but they means of as ire - net their trite the k' atlarge. Wed that Ettr graci- teemed to n should tgielatora, ticipal,. in oceedinga Sew thing nes. Dan- ia in the who, were e time of f . one of or eight either sit ;pence had dug a sub - 'ally inter- e ssed- the hat head. hey ladies when tofa of schdol :tile office of being an.ce,. and nen to be Rea 4vonift sy. They S woman• aid: rcm ate break the ►t was to here *era NOVEMBER, 2 tyro things to be oonsidere 883. when im sat legislation was squired. It generally appeared that th re was some at practical evil to be re lea edied. The Interests of men and wome ' were in the .Min, of coarse, identical, : Ind he was not note aware of any m . aqure which would have been carried if Women had bad voteswhich had not b:eii carried. Tore was only one su s jeot, that of esn1perance, in regard to, ° hick it was -suggested that legislation veould have been more restrictive th :' le now. He bad nqt any evidence of the t: As many leen 55 women were as81 ting in the .tegerance work. Angrier .et of a can - eery ago the laws in regar•' to women were In a very different co a dition, from drat of to day.. • They we e barbarous, and it Was difficult to un o ;erstand how they,eculd have remained in force so longs We have advanced i this respect greatly, both in this cou ';try and in considering the esti aordi England.. He remembere with satis- which prevailed in ti a earl taction that he had been ! getting through the Legist _not passed on breeds relish theme tends having the bi of native curiosities. --There has been- of land broken in th pelle the past seese ing less than/forty ot for the Beed in the s tlernan, Mr. Wright, acres. Quite a num. a hundred and fifty acres ready. More the operations of Hughes with the ste have in all sixteen .ha, Threshing has -b ilv for the last the the Qa'Appelle distr: are most gratifyip bushels • of *heat p the run, and seventy of oats per acre is qn Mr. 1 atuffe n imm enee amount distrix of Qu'A.p- , few s : ttere bac,- fifty ores ready 1 ring, a a d one gen - has ix !hundred er also have ;from to , th :e hundred. otewor h still are Menials ykes & m pro ghs ' They dreda res broken, Sen goi a g on steads ae or fo r weeks i# ot, and the renorde thirt • - to forty ✓ acre beteg about to ei s tyi{ bushes to co on. This, ry drought part of the this district, js ill a gs m illiams in - as a'sample THE EER,TECT-OF WOMEN'S living her to a very large eE teo, after -he became Prelmier the law was fur Jeer extended in thesante direr - Win, an he had not heard it suggested that -they had sot gone far enough. The Ontario Legislature had othing to do with ori Mal law. Re w uld confess= •tbat he. had a -general not on that this el ineu was one which w uld probably raise t e general tone, perhaps the represe -Cation and perhap the legisla- tion; egisla-tjon; blit he was not able to arrive at flay facts. Another point was that if it was pr, posed to remedy a 'y particular evil, it as of essential im ortance they old now that those a ected wanted it. 'Th e was no indicati n of that in thiacas so far. There w re a number of ravel ectnal and earnest bad to en a deep interest i but peo le generally did n est ini. MOT CiNE 1N TEL{ OR ONE WO$1EN said they wanted the -opposeld the fact was planation, bet it was one ed weight in regard to legi or two municipal cou:noils edfor t o change ; but th dreda - Of councils in ti There Were also Women's .of various kinds, and he he means of 1 summer throughon tura the first' most astonishing. an .able season great thi PROPERTY, looked for. tent its con- —A few days ago Ir. of Prince Albert, met wi I accident while engaged beef. A companion fired a revolver into the ox, dawn, and was abou ` to ii shot on its, attempti a g to ri Carter hurriedly thr:'w his the animal's neck, for the purpose holding it down. TlIs revolver explonk ed, sending the ball tl rough inti Carter's . thigh, fo tnnate y without striking a bone or at artert . —The grain in .M Grego' • townslin, Southern Manitoba, as bee all thresh- ed out, and the yielis ave yahead of expecta4ion. Very -,early danblei the quantity of grain ha been o tained4hid wenlea who year than from last ear's rap. The the subject:, following are some f -the satitfactory,. t take iuter- returns :—Mr. MeDia.rmi 's wheat yielded 40 bushels t IN TWENTY F erguson's above 3 512 bushels from 16 ; wbile th uffrage. He average yield all thr settlement apable of er- was 28 bushels to the Oets avers hick possess- aged. over 50 bushel• cre. ration.. One —Says the Win ree .Press ad petition- Mr: W. J. MoCut , orinerly o H re were hien- the otei Brunswick, s in th e Province. city, lookiug cheerfal an contented. organizations Mac" has a host df- Erie ds in the rid not think city, and his right h led wa kept bus airy of them had yet join din any ap- all day- yesterday. It w s he who 1read=of that kind. x 11 those cir- broagbt the B:rdnswick out f its swad of the lead ore avor- inde a be E. °erten a ps:inful i killihg a shot from kin Iiimd e a sedon e when Mr. leg'. acrosti • the acre ; Mr.Wm , for e ohtaiped acre$ .iugh t1 acre. to th ®i,eg heon Cumstan;cesseemed to ind cate that the t° dltng clothes and m time had not perhaps et 'come: in ing hostelries of the which such a change alien however desirable it Intgh' "tad no prejudices against the day wast coming when women ; once more. would , bare votes ; hut hether that was very scesn he did ii .t know. He -s The �" year Would ' remember with such pleasure A Tia 'des teat interview, and also wsat had been , p laid oil the occasion. her 20t11 says : The deputation then withdrew. Miller left her for day -,j and the rump Manfroba N fresh .developmeuta Ther Blue Ribbon m begun Brandon, under t Mrs. eomarts, the. eeleb ante oi,'atur. • —Niter has now ;fair! Qu'.Appelle., said the fall o tominenced on Friday, has started a boom in a great eatiefa :tion of th agents in tile town. -Steps are being;taken matioz of a company to business of manufactnri Crystal City. Mr. D. W. perien4ed h tnd at this ba ed of as manager. —Teams began driving River on the ice at Winei day, the 15th inst. The proved quite strong and s there is -every p.roapect of so for eom:e months to co Rev. James Roberts° d be made, , business interests i be. But he retains a yearning t. No doubt a thinks of entering de it oil city. » e' has large Onta~ o, but sti1 fur W nnipeg, an nto b siness 'here a t i Rat 1' ortage. tch- dated Novem Attnr'i ey Gener, at Pot age yester ✓ is .1 pread , th a in - tit Boundary ,be antici casted o ssjcnof th he officials of his pro : Hii'18 firs Mi?. Mc licence, foij e. Mr. Mcg e sunimous. ing of the the follow need at hi o tiller Gad Alexander : e instructed under th ent Messrs tee. dispute might immediate', o hay, g posh esting Tepee •eceive mmon n taxi t lice tend t a mel] which intro' by cou uncillo eneral action; to pre vement has . We'd. He is said e, auspices of his intention of taki •aced temper- Ontario gaol and fir! [ Tc -day the followin closed in at reedings has been snow, which step was to have s he 9th inst.., Qaarrie, who holds eighs, to the sell}ing liquor witho numerous Quarry_ refused to a Me` Miller " called for the for- Manitoba council, a nter into the ing resolution wa g pumps at instance :—" Move Duff, an ex- I bois, seconded ley C Mess, is talk- that the Attorney - t to take necessaryver the Red ; advice of the counci eg on Thurs- Holmes, Reeve, and atural 'bridge Chardwiok, Macd rvicoable,and from interfering w its remaining and with the goner e. , Superinten- dent of Presbyterian Missions, has re-, turned to Winnipeg;, fro Battldfard, Edmonton an in the' Northwest. He t miles ;by buckboard. —The Winnipeg Free urday last says ' Mr. M. P.,,, arrived i the city ich, Ontario. yesterday o visit to the Northwest, .a at the Queen's. He leave on a trip to the Rookies, in about ten days. —A Gladataue correap In;rmerstare; complaining price of grain. Wheat i the Portago, this leaves here this is riot sufficien farmer. The railway the best of it. It is too bad to have to pay X26 per car from thi age, a distance cf 35 mile —'the Rat Portage Ar his trip to other points avelled 3,000 t ress of Sat-- C Cameron, from Goder- a business d is staying this morning. nd will return ndent says loudly at the only 70o at it about 65o to pay the company has" to the -Port- us says : It is stated: that, ll r. Hugh Sutherland, M. P., contemplates an earl land in connection with td the Rainy Lake Lumber Secretary Treasure];, Mr. Ingham:, leaves Winnipeg visit to Eng - e business of ompany. The Wm. Buck - shortly with his family, and will ;solouin until spring at Stratford, Ontario. —Mr. Wm:. Baker wh Crystal City, had quite a fighting- a prairie fire which threatened to de The fire, driven by the hi rapidly, running over t grain removed. Mr. B toe near the fire, his clot -rifted and consideraibly s also,his whiskers, yet he saving Ms erop. i Extensive prairie fi raging lately in the vioini but the farmers in that fleeir crops sufficiently :p " breaks not mncleloss ha«: been sustain- ed. The only loss of any magnitude is that of Mr. Stewart Foster, who had the' Misfortune to have his tgranery de- - strayed with its content a large crop which he h ed. Mr. Foster's loss is -Grace, the six year resides near experience in huraday last, troy his crop. h wind,spread e stubb]es of kenventuring es became ig- orched, as was succeeded in es have been y of Killarney, ioinity having otected by fire , nearly all of d. just thresh quite heavy. , old datighter of Rev. j. Greenway, of ystal City, met noon laFtt which , near y resulted in drowning. She Venture • the river in the Viciuity on the ice in her home and other hoaxing 'her cries for help, at once ran to the resetteiand pltn3.ging in a ter her succeed- ed in rescuing the child from her peril- ous position. - —A. few days ago Mr. Williams,' of Oak Lake, shot a large pelican which. measured 8 feet 9 inches from tip to Its bill measured is inches, and the bird weighed 14 lbs. These birds abound in arge numbers in that section, ba are of little Ilse as foodealthough it is said the half - Coanei lora Stubbs nald, and `Bake th this'corporatio ` ment - and manage': the Bastin utione wer iccur•red las' threatene McQnarri summon e• excitin aitoba polio in, attempting to arilest Mr': McQnarri' was himself arrested by the ()uteri police for assault- ailed lod ed irl gao The excitement increasing' offered to let the case again stand over for nine month'' apologise for disrega.rding t He threatened to - battery if the peo specials proved took half -past ten, when. being escorted to th to give -evidence ago chief of police, he w the Manitoba cons him as their prise constables were at ':nee s the Ontario force' Ontario gaol ami. crowd. 'They have The Manitoba cl;ie in gaol for a w Portage to retprn t ing. Rumor has it fled 'with bis conga FOR SALE AT Mottled Soap. Try a b structions with every b went of the town.' By vote of the Meyer, t carried. Nothing night, but judge vengeance - agains for not attendin This morning thin when the Chief of fie nee; afore c Miller Mr,j the s bete} he Ma: if heiwoul le and the Ontan ttong ,or hi M. On tar o court hotine as pou ced open, er. he Mennito a rroueded edged in t been al* ita.natei left R eg this eve e is not sati Old New. Spri' Ots as rte Lt tt r, tub: ..1. Pc Bt Fl R all Whe all Wh g Wheat per bus per bus per bi rr No. 1 B M.A,R SEA 011TH p bushel. ,.. , st ler nstiei.. per bus loel, I el. ..�...• eh, e "es j•,� lo se.. ' T . Nov. 22 05 . 0 70 1 00 ❑ 81 0 65 0 45 gee.... • . ..... lei per 10 lb.. .{s • y,, w • Hde 8 ee w; 8 is n 8 0 B P B ] of t( It ( at 0 0 0 . 2 ,per 100 lbs.. . • stiles ea.h. ., .,.,. . . . 0 °tail) pe be rel...." . holes,rl ) per b rrel...... es, per , uthel Neve._ . 0 oc,, per oor. Y. , .. • 8 CLINTON Nov p r bwhpi .. $11 it cr bustle! ..�J.. 1 er bushel,.:, .... 1 el. 0 el. 0 el. 0 6 6 0 d Ft11 Wbes aw'all Whe ring Wheat ts, per but ries per bust as per bus tter • ,;s ° ay per ton - P tats, per Apples' por bar fool Ides, per 100 ° ork and the since of p ek. that ORRIS r. Som thirtg new. School epo Us. No. 1, HULLETT. The , following Section No. 1, Hullett, .fo the Imon of September. Third c ant senier 1st Jane McDermid, 2nd latra Fowl 3rd Florence McGregor ' Third °la Fannie Freeman, 3rd Re rt Roberto Second class saniorHIst ecilia Fr man, 2nd Isabella MoMi ael, 3rd E —1st Meg class M Robertmi, Junior McMichael, 2nd Daisy McGregor. lst Herbent Fowler, 2nd ton, 3rd -Hiram Brootor class—lst1Maggie Robert Freeman, 3rd Antliony, WINTHEOP.—Th folio secon ary Seni red standing of th register, based o and good conduct October. Fourth Cash, 2nd Lizzie Gledhill. Senior t Blanshard, Juni Andrew Govenloc 3rd George Kenny Hanna. Junior 111 oond end Barwick, 2n An Francis Combs, 2 d,Joho Mo 3rd Maggie Client nd Sarah C PuPi en ft gene el preficie for t month clas -elan Meg e nrns, rd Alexan. or ird fol se -1St Liz ie te Cal er, 3rd ie Sen or Second el its e 2nd Ne hard, 3id ass istRi 'tgom ry first - Alfre Jan or fi n 2nd nen hig is the ctr- of the ,W m thel gene 1. 34 14 20 60 00 50 60 18 0 . • r - °,. 7F, m0 61 Ave 0 el. 1 65 00 2 5 0 0 0 5 6 0 0 5 0 8 lb: .. ? 6 0 7 ordwood... LIVXRPOo lbs 06d ; ialifornia o. 2, 08s t s 6d; p heese, 58e 4' TORONTO, o$1.15;sp o 37c; pea 30 ; hay, atter, 18 0 $5r to $0.- missed ho 6 ¶0 ;woo Lie 00 Oft ,; No red N ,1 11 ; o ae 6s 00k1. . 21. 09s� to 5 10 ; 0 8 0 Spri r, 05 ork, 9 a 6 888. t 112 t� 1 05 t{ 1 12: t 0 82 t, 0 70 0'56 ti 0 16° t». 0 16 t» 0 21- t 2 85 t» 7 00 t 7 50 t 120 t 0 20 1 25 : 00 to 0 60 t 600 1888. to 1 15 to 1 10 to 1 15 to 0 83 t 0 55 t 0 66 t 018 t 0 22 t'» 8 00 t 0 50 ti 2 00 ti 020 ti 7 00 8 00 t 4 50" 'HE RUR tR 111 EX sits OSITOR, �T TT � .1.\ D V �II E ME I L INDS OF GOODS h at, d; io pia a ley, od; N•v. 2 -l+a 1wb:a ll , •O tb`:•1.1:,o s , 2c o i 174a ; burl •, , 5 par terel e6 00 t z '2 et 22 ;pot' tees 1 O;; eggs, •peer d tz•, _s, per ;100 lbs.,$ er pound, 17c to 3 . to lit h}Iank' Nc v.; 2. - Tl r of cattle o n th g, an' of -t! eso :r in ecel ent ed fro al 3, 't 4ic in m: d b ' weig h,se o t) a ay + a Is u, ho b ught ea at 4' o all r und, al s w•,relal's mace ve w re in odea d of air 2 amyl, Liea• 1Th out d ion:1 c se, ouly t t i is, amount 0 she p and. lam obd on 3s m t from $41 Nev. 4; Cattle and - � he meanie at opeeing priq+es clearance as o. fair; Ve lit �5 She p 1 a di m h=any, or , . • st of the .sea ed slow at til der n �> sales wer primed e tern seep, far '4.e5 ; rex ra, �' 4.4 2. - to 1 $l3 11 ogs t naiad ahent t l e sa •rIIers, good ti cic �o qtly, $4.50 o $ •ei"hts, , 4.60 to $ av' , $4.8 th ' 4.9E . p.: t be }i u I%1ONTRE ut- 50O - morn]. °bele w ri'Ces ran he Bales b ergest' pur •y Neth f fnebee call other gore. Ca and a 3. to $16 • •r 3 a,n except is brie in w ei•e also 8U 1' rket, mini t dy demen d. 1 B UFFIL , ivals lig t, ut steady 3k. A f air prospects 1 ,6 .50 to $$7 eipts very [1:1 arthe he neket i.n. etiterday, feeders. 1 $3..50 to ommon, . air; mirk erday. ' o 84°65 ;. �� edium o :extra h. 0 L ea 00 36o to 50 ; ag, 5o.; to ere �naket a .o'.dly U i'ion. .oaof he ode 2i lead Id sev- this. tl,;;°od r using figure ani: The re n the i'th a 8 per Fesh r 'led ood, deipts e yes- ; good 11 ea re ab I It as. On Thu rine, Au wife et ! wife Of i:;crife :of SMITH —In of Mr. H LSH.—I the -wife the wif 6011. T WAND. 111 Toronto assisted bride, a Mr. Th 1 • her gra nosh, L wife of hetb Gr DGEBT H. U TION ern Steen an Mon eer. 11 !tsar Line, the of a r. eo AuTWs f a so —1 Exeter on t e 38th r. ohn Matheson, of a eon. borne, On the 2nd • st nat. an Cooper.of a so Bt ussele n the 6th In tiesels, on t ie r. Fratik BIM gabs bf of Mr. Michael Klink • inn*, fin the 16th ips rni B. — OK tber id otl er, 8 Cowan Avert e, 81st,lb Rev r to • Mis este out) 14 e township f Grey,. 111 In Hibbert on tl e 18ra in age '14 Yeaf!s. n the let limit., at th re 011' Mr Jo n aged ged 8 ce year glittM, on th Jan Bell At Fullerton Cornets, o W. To Ian ,lattly!tro Donee. Mary, engLiater f Mr. omas egtd 13 mo ths. Colle of he Hos VILLIA e of th E gland. 171-12iT & lel for Women, ondo E ospital for Wo N TICE TO. BItiltd a the to nehip of Mc 1 p, o idge, an the other on si line Ocifieatic s an be seen he use, on nd afteri Neve er 26 tb S. thi thti wifri aughl ewif of the' eklesq th inst., a Clare eorg nee of awa- and 9 Eliza- onths t. 13t a. el nd. us Ediu- Boyil day, the n Of stone e lines 15 an s Carli 's co cession (5. nit y Beat/ t. AT T CH HOF ntil New P CASH TO MAN BROTTIV3,S, S eaforth. the junior depar orris. WILLI ANTEIn nt et school 'Section MARSHAI/L, Blyth le McINNIS, Ex ter 81-3 - c er for School SectIon No. 2, Has. Ap- tious stating salary re( eived until th 8t1 t ACH WANTED'. holding a third cla a *se 884. Applica ion • ntcd, a male toe Our, ertifieate, for school Mee to commenee ist will be received up tate salary r.nd - ex- , Sem eters', Gerrie It 0!1 'WANTED — Duties to co m Jon's- Bhowx, Secretary and Tre male thee ler for ! LTER. Ilinneet,! 0327: gi surer School Seetion XIV ESTRAY IMA_LS of ti e. undersigned ab out the beg nine of uet, .yearling heifer. 'he owner m y have Tu kars ith. 33x4. th ri. • ar. Any info th re 0 ry of the ahoy a the Ki lop a white yea same o ed from lot lime was rt, ion that will itnal will be Y, Kippen P 7, con- A UgUSt slit in lead to nitably 0. HEIFER,- at a into the pro isles of ndersigned, lo 45, eencession 8, Mc - out the Middl 0,etbber, a led and ling heifer. he wner can To the proving prope andtpaying barges. CHILE Y• • 933X4 Pu ni 29 18 po co ts, sir to be in gr. de bn --„AuciqotT St ANT PURL ry Valuable Far ts -two Steers.— bra to by Mr. Georg es. th of Vanes, ng kit ro ; 1 ed to ALES. P. Brine h nderson, to rr Line, Ste th toll/wing tee —One broo e years old, in fo 1 to Mr. Loy brood mare, Asin eight years colt, sired by ' nut aineer ;" all, one to a t LE of s been sell by ty, two vember alueble or nghbred bull ; 1. high steers, risi g three three year old; 2 in phone tts.—One turn pro oder, 1 stra cutter, ha ing s and cannot keep so !ill be served t noon. th al33 it will be iven on tes. A di count of niehi ld one of bio Win ck. Refreshments! All sums of $10 el met 18 months' er g approved jolt the dollar wi I b allowed for cash on mots. 0E04 DERSON, Pr aprietor; NE, A.uctione r. 832x2 6 nts dit -14 OR 8 LE.—One drivin 10 Itre, three years old, -1- and one general p rpo e horse colt, one year AUT ON.—The pub ic ' hereby not.fied not to uy or take a c rta n note, dated Deem - be 5th, 892, leviable t el p months after date, an give i hy Wm. Ric lar son and en( orsed by Jo. eph udson in favo of Andrew Bo net, or t. in full. MICHAEL Z 'LL 'R. 833x1 crA 0 50 nil TO LOA/4 on Improv el Farm 1 pal iog n exborbitant rat of interest nd !wish pte OR SERVIC .--1 het undersigned will co icassi n 8, T ticker in Hi for the ,improvtinent- -One Dollar payible at the time of service, with the privilege of r tur ing, if necessary. This Moss s. Snell, of Edmolotoi , and has good's peii ree as any pig in I th Province. Pedigree can bie seen if desired. . W. 11. MUNDEI L. 8333:4 pia, FOR SERVICE — he undersigned having purchased from Wm :Hutehison, f Trow - hi n or service on lot 14, onoession 8, Fltillet. Terms.-- Ono dolla.r, poise, e at the tim of ser- TLis pi has taken a num r of -first p 'zee, and Orr HE CO NOIL of the go of FR roe. will meet in the Town f Gloderich,!on December exIt. All sec° ell must b se t in before t 838-2 ETER. AD luleesd ;1;1 s ag ins e firs se oom it the Co in ion of h linty CI r FA FOR 'SALE. 'urnberry, co wide re cleared ; th bush t is well fence sr: gbo buil ings on reason le. Apply to httoT ISH, Wroxet er Fe sale, lot 22, c =Beton ing aer s, 72 of b lance good ardwood he 1 t. It will be sold he roprietor. 0 ARLES WAIN ED. VNGINEER WANTED. Wanted for the Sea- -L-41 forth WaterWorke, competent engineer. Must be strictly sober Flee house, file and light pteirided. For paotict larS as to hours of duty, ti it *1 cremes to le o, d with the el rk on or ELLIO T, Clerk, 833-2 TENDERS WANT D. ,r te der for ore hund ohthe dry wood l• of January next e next. The bid o be delivered e or the whole q e es arily accepted. Oil efore theist o e clerk on or CD Cin re tee set 1-3 'STILLS IsTaas3I3 1-3 X. 0 ene i_3111_10 _11018 I:0 1-3 1-3 1-3 td Having in Jewelry Rings and jewels ei In all the 1 test sted So very reasonable ocket please cal on Pa His word s sure, Ee'r buyin from ethers Run every man and wom To get a The Muniein 11 Council th hereby advertise for cords of gaud soand , to be delivered at the rda co be dry wood. One and the rest o the dry ruary,1b84. The green 1.0 g• Tender may be ach Tenders to be lodged f0 the thild ay of De- st or apy ender not ELL1OTT5 Clerk. 833-2 0:11 hneitPelaleseht ge' and. rar es are the e, papst ain't ashamed to s And can found in Car pape says Chris' goods ar So in a CI ok or Watch i T please. •ou he will do tr to rival!all th OW The best place et pure • Watches, Clocks. ware and4Syect 113 at the popul jaw THE mEptCAL HALt..1: Is the place to get Pure Pritgsy Chemicals, and Patent color kept constantly oniliand. Customers will find our stock complete in just opened out a fine such as Ladies' and Sponges, and many 7.-espect. lhave also iassortmen of impoted goods, ?its Fur:3es, Combs; Bruthes, articles too! numerous to ge PhysiciaOs' Prescriptions Carefully awl Accurately Compoitnded. All Orders .from a distance, • filled wit& care and dOpi,atch,. CCESSOR TO E. HICKSON dr! CO., Next Door to Duncan dt D'Uncates Dry Goods Store, Se.aforth. °ode so poor. ow Ms etock, no' Bieck. 1,3f is best, and st of Toronto. to Jew lry Silver - 1 MAIN STREET, S AF RTIL ANTE NEW MIWNIG THE SEAFORTH ROLLER MILLS, LATE THE RED MILL. FIRM IN SEAFORTH., Having bought the above mills, and refit ed thein throughout with all the latent and best machinery that could be ptocu fel for a 1 GRADUAL REDUCT ON ROLLER MILL, And the result attained is, they hates o e of the best mills in the Province. Farmere can now get all their GRIST G and OnlOPPING dnne in Seaforth, !and have it h me with them the eame d y, and Satisfaction Gueranteed. 1 1.50 0 VAR gas To FAT EH CAILTLE itIOSI!EEP. In Great Verde y a, ' T. MELLI5, !(1!:TEN. For sale by the of Wheat. ton or in lees quantities MR. THOMAS SMITH FOR CASH. Cash for any quaatie 13111[DE SMITH. the Seaforth Roller SOMETHING ROBERT WILLIS, 011 Has just received the Large t, eapes SHOES, euitable for the seasom that ha is not a ladies' man, but he knisers just W gear, and bib has now got the very oods leek neat and handsome on an,y fee , and while providing for the ladies he daks not • him once and be convinced. eastern wo guarantees a good fit and a good end neat N. B,—A great many custoiriers se I give a year's credit on my goods. Thee do well to take notice that my teethe ar selves accordingly. I sell so cheap that • and Choicest Stock id BOOTS sod ever been offered in Seaforth. at the ladies like in the way of feat hat will suit them. Ins Ladies' Boots are ab the same time cob:datable, antl ' feeget the men and children. Just t k attended to promptly, as usual. e or,he asks no 'say. m to labor pride the balucination th t who have falle into this error wo d PROMPT OA e.od govern the an's, afford to give long credit. RT WILLIS, Seaforth. .WM0 'CARIPiL .C.OMPANY. Farmere wanting good Root Cutters, ,good Sttaw Cutters, both large and small, and, at prices to snit the times, should ge to T. 'WELL* Kippee. Look oat for good bartfal1113. FALL STOCK COMPa-TE IN EACH DEPARTIVIEN New and. Stylish Dress Goods, Black and Colored, Silks, Saties, abd. Bro ' 1 ae, SatBixilttea id Colored Velveteere, Novelties nal! Smelt 'Wanes, bonds nd F /icy Wcol Goo a, Ladies' Lamb's Wool Underwear, ken's and Boy's Shirts and Drawers; Feney Wool Cairiage Rugs and W 61 Li Stripes, Ch cks, Cords of Winceys from five cente pwar Ellin and Twilled Sheetingst and. Cotton White a, d Grey Wool Blankets, ed Quilts, lain, Grey and ancy telexed Flanne retonnes, Towell ngs and Table Line s, at mill prices. OUR' READYMADE Was never so full as it is this •season. must be seen to be appreciated. h and Overcoats, from the smallest boy able styles prod -aced in Canada. 'All of coats are made to our order, and item° in town. We have a job lot of -oaa coa Ordered 'clothing store is crowded to the Overcoatirigs. All the latest novelties1 would invite all cash buyers to exam CLOTHING ROOM he mageitude IA one stock in this 1 ne ve every style a a site made in S its our Boys' Rua tyles cannot b s which -we will door with Fall to be hall. in e our stock be Wly1; :610/11PBE elite' Suits and 0 nght- at any other pi sell et less tban c ore parting with thEir er- ce nd