HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-11-23, Page 1kit no -ettrfs, Wirtciea,, of New Ducka a corsets aiso an Goodse of Vel- , ea, Wool o. neat of .Shatvla, AR UIsters lalsterse Clouds, JAL IS EPART- GASH lies' and variety, sees' -ana up, La - !dies Fur Fur Sets qualities CE. mans& re, been ram the now pro- - for this scheme aordanee he Pres- ittee to ion Coin- 'ered his. -egations resigns - R. Y. reach in nd to de- ,araerort, gation of ytery of •Cameron ae tea any' , call, and est, time e might. Sabbath io'n with h win be id Tueat old three at concea- ession, to • Bell, of the price neighbor- ek of the ,te. Olen- gan. Beawhen ed. The Bidet& of Years a .atatt ith the ed to er he Was s orward foil of the fa, g was w Ly. in Galt ridaa ni s st len, rnofiiey no in a nd shoe s d door f butglari in a ash taken a.neilton, g tce get stahle flames d unfasten est jay en - RD ily Jag was ht, be- nd ale. Ore roan ed, im- was his any oVe the 'LEAN BROS. Publislilers. 1.50 a Year, Advanpe. or cash alas or tpli Aioaf ;)hstkernaElust I'S wor le. vet- fo mere cover° , -with lir—ings of. blue and valfte slattirrat {Russ- skrat, and .eink, trinanaed with 9.ble, will be a 1 acing feature i yles. The p him al trimming n are lynx, s'Iver fox, imitation s, and Alas Ja sa le, 1 ' collision be wee twol freight ecurred on t e rai way ,between. rg and St. eor e, abaut one nm n ,. The engin- .. ped and ; escaped On of the ears hic 'about 40 were be ronapt action org stamen mas- ecia freight which teae te0r,00tC•11.6 other" ghoi.QagITeacrlruivimed- ase the weight tial process he poettibility of `United - States innocents with -A itrains o 013'47Z a.turday mo eeFandlfiremefi ju With ht injuries. claitain d hogs, of killed. • Mangled. el Mr. fylne, St. G ter, sa ed another a was fo ),owin-g closet Tim los will aggreg al, a bean gether -with al venal °the* ar- re iS supposed Heri l e ed the ladies in 1868. at that ime.I or beard ana r. The' the a call fram,al herself as the o leave the col - id, mild alttled thei6thline ' st ck blow indittorMls till t t a !warn er o Mina one va,lia. as op pots lit shed undereeittle being bolarde no stippo t an. ; -A ita uogarian fr m hi Mo treat a few a ys ed to aye power to iner at pl. by -a simple. be had. d scovered, bout detect on, even in the ift!iint. He tried tor pe in apit 1 into his sch rnee, but Was found ot a d. had to dee trip., as a. dectective t)oun ed upon him. He left so hastily . that e had not t to remove his !urns e or crucib es, erected in his • o of n the 3rd of epteinber laat Mr. Issas Fowler, o Newbury, was as - Iseult d by several teen, Supposed to be . lempl yees of a wo d train, and aerious- ly b sten. The matter was placed in the ands of Detec ive Pope,of Loedon, and set Friday he had John and Joseph. Whi e, James Ar cc etrong, and Richara and Edro.oml tyn brought before Squ re W. E. Reg , and all five were corn itted for tria on a charge Of aggra- Vat :d assault and •ounding. James Fitzge days we fipa the ifitinaaot Metrhoen,otivrmeearpli,itshwoena signmente are: thr .e months' ad( if aahMa°v1;netnreasal;g. beseiniilfionincgeti,rifsgron: me & au , Duch& was obligt aalers, have ale° a Ta ad hadl England a few .1 . Clatter, iteri Kinclaadin ott,„! ight lof the 18th: ale and snowatotin A flag of diatress! Doneelly fivel incardine rfe b stance, picjItiig off chd shom4 s felyt Mesers.N and'W Ce. in Beverly, Wnt Joh 1 Mal om o ly •altended. The bull, '4 Earl d , a tWo ypar old 5,andther two year er $83. Leiceete, & na A age of $10 a .2; Ayrshite cietv•s respectively ; corn. 35 td $55. In all aid, a woathless son, sentenata to three mat aed a..i0 fine, or Mortal imprisonment paid, for striking his head with a in dish, deep wound twelve which the coMplaint e& go to the hospitaL cause for the attack wat the father spending his wages, es during the eummer, returning intoxicated fathet, who is a hard pectable map, during f the Lon on ' Adver- Grand 0iera, House g the performance 'of company on Saturday -night. 'According to his opinion the neither particularly beautiful nor a good aatress but 'says iority of &pee with ities of $8,009. aa ding his am fs anufaxturer, has ea lied in the Sta es of 1510,01001 on drink, and the of Rev., England, and Ise cultural College, ddenly the other s way to dinner less than twenty est. Hemorrhage. e cease a death. of age, aJersey Lily is te I live on his wOrking and re the winter. -A reporter User attended th ha that city dun'i Mts. Langtry an ly $4,000. y recent gales at runswick is very s are very badly entirely destroyed. ping is very great. stove in sInd spars, rigging and The . railway wharf ed away, making it to go down to meet that the great m whom he has sp ken do not agtee with him, although. any do. bere is no discount on the act, however, that she carries a corapa •y far above the aver- age in point of bility, and that their acting is very p easing:. --A Port Art ann desitatcla of the 9th inst. says-: At 2 30 pp. to -day the in- habitants of Mc fly% Harbor were sur- prised with whaft they pposed to be an explosion, b t which proved to be a land slide. Th Canada Pacific Rail - Way dock offic s slid into the lake, and a large boarding house at 4 considerable distance was de oliehed. I The ware- houses are still n the laud belt badly rest amount of supplies a,s presented with a is congregation in sgiving atty. alts. the recipient 'of a 20 gold piece. Mr. thanks, being visibly okens of Bympathy ly the kind refer - address td the flaa , it will be remem. urclerea in Detroit wrecked, and a are lost. The bababtante are fearful of further disas er, About three 'acres of land slid intcl the lake. No lives were lost or persons hurt. has reached Chatharn, of -a family named Tot- -Intelligence of the sad fate • ranit, who were drowned in attempting to cross Mitchell's Bay daring a fearful hurricane ea Siniaday night 11th inst. it appears that TetraultI, his wife and two children, a boy of 101 years arid a girl -baby in arms, ,had been to a bee at Big Point, and started at 5 p. an., Sunday for home. When last seen, ed the peint and were e 1afke. 13eing missed-, de, nd all four bodies beach covered, with also washed ashore y leave a family of orne. ase which was pri- goOde Hall last Fri - no t t light. One astu ent, seduced a omen- Ca holic; and, he reed Ito ria rry her by a er being 4ised as a per - is fether's will it Was en - he married a Roman heri mace, which amonnt Id. re, ert t4 the Protestan e, aild in view of tills redress n the Court 0 Ice- hanc 'nor Proudfoo iage u the ground met meant of the et unkuo rt. a, deputation of TOr- d upon the Han. and presented the n's Suffrage Astatine obtaining, an exten- . The.lediee w re d by the Prem. er, uti-vely to the ,a u- ght - forwara. • they had raun well out in t search was m were Ritual on1 the ice. The boatj was high and dry. Th five who stayei at -A sensati nal vateljbeard t 0 day, bas jus co Anderson, it edic young girl, ,a alleges, Was f priest, a revol suader. By acted that Catholic his i to a6,000, wo ;Orphans' Ho fact he ough Chancery. annulled th mar - that both parties own free will befo e a marriage contrac h sylropatIlity is felt for th elonge to a highl xptessed the lope on be able at present, td i is legal. Mu W-" depata,tion. ; young lady, ho e c rrespoudent o Ex osito gives the fol :tine of the earl better known a 'Granny Howell, c of her dieglater o Hpwell, near God as a • ried there on the 15t well formerly lived on the re, n wloWned by Mr. John me hither when the Gov- we.s foreet, and there able few ladies p ears Pince, when B e or sop to Goderie ninety four years f f he death, and until ot what El kuess was, b t y in that yjear she fell dom teps, frietiaring her thi b. hiCh time she has be n. So hiahla respected W S at when o r excursioh 'wf as Gederic a number of thi3 ection drove o e to see her inta. fonta her in bed, ut d halppy a in days of yeIre. other to the late Mrs. Thos. and Mrs. B. H. Kitchen. th board of Toroato respectable fmil & Wort's cow byres -The St. Ge rg the masa. and ay,. the Bientfo res in excellent eionl- lowing aket h o a that thelexbren:lent pioneers: T is I dy riouB to the DISITS1I. "Aunt Dom- he or some means mus be died at the reside y the exerem nt, in-law, Mrs. Sam hem to the exten of erich, and ts• day can be aolleated inst. airs. Id the sandy farm near h Burt, and. c ernor's road eposited ix the city fo ashion rep fertilizing rter says: lived until a orhena. ing removed w th turday wes Isuffi lent Mrs. Howel was retains its poeitibn as age at the t me r In ladies caps IPre. 1878 knew o seal, Alaska sable, I unfortunate black hake pointed, a pair of o 24 incb.esi d ep. Boas bone, since style. In la. ies' •Caps bed -ridden n as the Duchess., this lady t Skull, and the Wedge this fall t the last paed being gentlemen rom 4 - ite. jackets fti3 made Sea Seal, petsian and. cheerful a Bokaran beaver, and She was na Wars and dolmans,silk Westwood. , .- _ . . 1 I- I , 1 4 , . . ' _ .. - ,' . . I. , , , • . II . ....i , • . ,... , ,------ lig----; ,.,„.,, 'oit,1 - - 1 • ,, ..,,/e 4'4 ,, , ,344 Air ''4.itli. s t.'X. ` i ..._ --_-__. .—,_- .------ ' - ,„„_ -...-._ ...------1 --...-tal 744,, , . II- -F>, -7.,.„,, • - ,_ Otli,„,• N L-1', • Ili . .4...---- • - . !Li, • am 1883 YEAR. 833. } . i IDA, 0 FOIR11-1 li a IDAIY" NOV B Rr 23 ....----- siIXTEENTEL 11013E NUMBER. . be sat and when suddenly beckwara f 811 d before that 'quietly passed jewelty by burglare worth of in. cash. goo• night tle Porteouti was being ' and $180 Wrig . burned waft° ont of a eurnint morning. before h and the po btily 4 years new sleigh : burned. a tramp's work.. youiag lady' in Hamilton .failed in bUsinese year's' for his delight, Burns received I She intro Was obliged 4ith the bill in fa Picks. had hs in one of the night, and were b, bow. The Stack to make a cattle, brit, the post over. and one another of the past : `C. manufacturers, liabilities of dry goods with Sterling, with liabiliti H. Collies, vicar_ of at the died very He was taken ill, breathed the lungs was 21 been out -The schooner and boned ashere on during a heavy the north-west.- seen and Captair launched went to their crew, who boat is owned No -The auction county, Was very sold well, brought horn heifer $94, and brought $9 $80 and cows realized sale brought 0 damage mnierside, The two damage to vessels others had swept away. s partially possible for atearaere. -Rev. P. of money Waterloo, on was also containing , A les expressed acted - by - anifested, especia ces made in te of his son bred, was cruelly t some person 1--A few days onto ladies. General c.,a-ims of the data, with a .view man of the ftanchil cvrphuer t eioi us tsel yn eide ents they Mowat, however, that he would nae-etTthhee criercebstetto visited Gooderharc last Saturday, they found dition, but therefrom WaS and bay, and Suggested hich flows 5,000 gallons 'in tanks , round east urposes. I -The Globe's A. glance iug street to shovi that the popular ferenee is black hare, ranging from . are going l the style i Princetts Louise, •-ta,ke prece,dence, l, an espeeial I chiefly in Russian lamb, l Astrachan. • down • appeal and f any anythi &W E stop last : good Tha a We boot: seco also reated in a of l tryi The .could r atthr old, te nd se' The: attend bill ' uced t unpa 1. ,* d, of stn.,. late • under : ried, l vi open - not had at i few J. Not $7,00 ret habil cap a son York Ari , 0 su I on a and in his was t• yeart from 3-.1 for the II p the B ask all rea b3 insure! sale at Mr. larg th $16( $16 alma an RN to $1 $55 a nea 1 New : wharvl being ship; were then wash traint Alles at by • Than mad a . has the t the , wile 1 as agt waite Wonat t c eai vt te bror E not and the b3 assume in that where into I per and d of : at the on SI seal fur. given t and 9 t out of kno favoi South Cir ,wp Tog that 001:11 SIVI 0 IN at in. .13.- be - in to hay hav 0 wa t _ ' Boa a I fro ii I o eels Li • Hal mai . ; , 0-0 So fir eh wi d 0 the I Rater 1. It .p Ma„ f iILhe ' be e of it ive Tor I - i o f Te Fee months. at , anil iofft an at fo t a, o oi a ti le in 1 s ov;:r lKi , . 0 hae nt an:ferred ees ne" ion .o -ms I la . , S wo b.- east through tweet). after, She dence where had shook made, the. Wyoming :The unknown.' village nea,r very $1,000, October T.; -'-'• 200 sion of I ' ' I , I t .. e e - a h , - , t w e- v, in n...tl4aard g, is go ii- he oh ny to ea- ay ide out 1.. cae 01- m- the for rom Pa!, lists roll- nto. his r Per- any, for Tor- riean Mc- y e, mish- from a Mon- rteen eoted Bu- t • of reach been armor t, for anted a him, earing gsten, a dt ganiz- of of ell,one 1 orney- ast, effort ountry old ringer, k iom he dstods, way of -Some -The -/-1 -'-'• -Robett evidently place, acres - at in to McCleneghan, stock. Wentworth ago, Dundas hitherto Dundas next army War must nature order sell day. onto; relieving per are The immigration Attorney land, berwent while rel tenapted tunately, ferehead. , stairs fell at is an. . of . '4 I • for • ma .. six . a few . . in , tne the the wing 1 to and for Col- the had over the be- the lyiag was no railway author Pembroke, • . *tares, of -Thomas London, the Halton this -eA -The in -The -Atont'ague!,wPib4;inde Hutrel, painful hula large sewn treal, with South 600,000feet This far jug lers few of to ment raised ment. tured Rodney that belt which the ous beet tory it with Berost,h' dantly recetved. tents Imola of . ties. S in a,n 1 at, once co of her son.i shM is stea bopes brok has been severe.. nights' age by, alaaing track 'to wreca of the . Methodisi on the Canada, haye, subtitantial which was 28 by th . 1 . Cutlet -situate Warwick, sum ci regretted as be last Week for the -sum MoClenegh:n, died i age of 92 collet:. county. is deputation went to endeavor and Waterloo been and Gadt, spring. of the hint been abolish& -Office, and, wear all the intenied was promtilgated the garrisen . oombiiied met Saturllay the di inamigrantsatlarge in a -starving deputation -General a few daYB to .water the animals. arose between to kick kicked He -One eventing of Wal all her o a:3 the floor' injurie and her f . cut be tip by a doctor. -Forty ShiPs since the nearly 191,000,0 -.Ameriaa, at; decrease by a large increa the seasora -A deputation interviewed days- ago, reducing t 7a. cents. heard to lay -Mr. j. GrOrdon and hi on aature: Gordon! of a stearla slipped, machine ,j injuries before -The maeufactinle root has at West proved Buell promising 'who man satis -Finlay , near, Plympton, were last. grain in the Mr. Wilkinson attempting Insared in the for a1,000. . -A cruelatory Ottawa. Ai mug turned! the latter WAS bush by the telling his Painful the Protestant will be taken. to be seen. -The opPning barracks of Army was nuptial ceremony Captain Addie, Lieutenant, England, Were molly of the in Canada.: -On Saturday gan, grocereHami homeward1 pocket to the by a gang of the sidewalk through. jured in the ro clue to - -The Harriston sudden death Itibito's pioneers, which Tuesday elvening had been 1 and was in i his way ham° I a °reek op ' slipped into reached the burned home and soon ei sensible veyed -law, ily n lieav about the littera L churc edicatie soia -en- ear .$10,611a, of ears. , postm , from to to held . lienc tress condition resolaed the only ertondwatelesceading n below,eastaining . ce , eath !compared was in e' the the head thresi receiving 1 been Fartibarn, apctifyactttlu, ed , Wilkie:44es There barns, - to young his police l , made Melia • kind . with Xr. strug !the oldest Working his a felt . was retiovering. but ' an Paeific cif P re Rev. ! th: : parti re $5, Ham . who His Ott sec bFv aria raeqr hair him at city to !adopt ardeingst ago were thpril gt the bo ha lately house, . He .8 left opening b more of Sir reg duty erab•rS leputatio ',atter was thrirng it. resumed a failure indiCations with I Aberatder, berried itt was env Out: fa fou' hos agai a ili the • 131:Tried, exte roug and Dugan thi of sa 13-611 at log, the bank and nb found shortly cand to tbe Prof. Fatmer, I the, nekvous I . • attempt, timber across tanile east Exbresti. tad entrlage 66en, a Chic Ra ntly auilt , at a on Sa ames • iti fine f 6th rkona, f Mr. 0 with urchased 00. a r 1 on on e :first i he en* eon., Alexa stet at . the oo war a fo re ales knad, wb the which , in, the by ord:r forth a n his faie , . to gro y Gene lifax t ! 4haribie ..ea t amber in t wait t Ed tieltelve t•ivp hor drinking and ' Or, but 'instead, d 2 bonus. as atIrs. she Olive nese Nrkae ,--,10,cerated °he °yelled he port of 4avigation 0,feet of timber leg a decreaBe witialast tame e irena Qttebea . the Domlnion teonara r to the! on wheat of tha bef Ld his fearful' yl last. adjustink Or while -1--hi tbe could I of Que last erbseeatne the re I . bar t F re 900 early a adly b his fa ho Mut come an named er out out a most f ory he tal. st the , , Sunda, Zingsto he occ : • two ef , f 14t. lhomas titian, j t hich ha light la,s to, wh the cast t of $13.' a, knoc his wa: Is and veB as ypt. Tribuna R bort ad most even Iat wee i the 1 good night h and while vvater, but thoroughly ohang e th 1 • I tion. reel- She was rising lway, oet . bath, lacat, on r th sident riday, se W let - I, ca W ex British o so - . al e in e If e on p ard jear es,,,L a one i I of 'Made nee- fro • re kull cut t the in bove e gar t ec, year f are urns a wnship iday bbah total reed nieg al to a an ozere as hat on of • sloe itsi 1st e , taken taaj. , le sales ea mckets is Wait, . bush healta. i d , . of is at of of es- the tier old 100 tied ted der od- of - ays the has 8 fres the diet w ich The us- ther Tor- a bau- hom city. the uper and uar- unfor- on .. John se ladJy t to ' , Mon- lyear. Til Go an P spears m ci&ainst sto th. success. ee and , , lio . lig door Mc Bet ae the Stalvatio officer Out first J. II on was do slightly pant records resected occu Mr had doing inediately J his wors -----....---.......--,................,-.. 1 being of the his .atipper, to svtay, instant couldrealize he had -Trptter's enterea and sides most The of Janies Trotter's,' the ilar -Alfred badly . horse Sunday him horse, beast cow, ticies‘were . to seminary, fathet He tuition day - lady. piipil.who lege the Of Plyinaton, over other his able order for•the around, topraad crowding the of following button with Preversa assigned., Henry . assigned, Is- old Collins, student at day. the 'minutes 'of. the and eral. at a be . for of up cur- mil- ey a stay e 15 tern- pro- rlia- frac- near ce ain tion, seri- sped. from fac- here and :bun- m far con- of after- la of loss. bile mill. don, t at, unJ an ay fte t ctio am no of th an heti cer place Du h s wa ri his eized n oa goneal an- ri torn. the ne red Wait a day, o cross so wet. alothes, e. Tea ready ftmily, 07,1000 020 valuable sane sale 1 manner,, back be -Ai oWedla Dr. amount -Jahn. cattle -Failures list -J. Guelph, when Deceased only, weeks. laden went inst. from was Men and the The Dament. worth Feiday stack March" sort old sheep Satithdown bought mon the S Iti-The great. dainaged, Tale Several tted sails w 1 ' the i purse Alles purse II e f • 'Attorney , - - of on On he He is nothing THE I' ' IS i 'is how at ;the WELL . • _ you - 01Rarr STO STaCK. - • IA ike PUT , get 1 it The Mrs. we MR. England, Globe Canadian come for ed ed fal fully. in imagine already of in apreacl tiara. loss enemy, so feather room of in next The clean main. a square beriug • fail . Impression are and throughout able the pavement They that ately trast front sitting .the , s _ • • • ' , , a . a ex- K r , , i . suit A _ take ma•tion. iapartment n in the peripatetic double strong a quiet very we portant good In elevated stantial protection until itself street. as safety some vehicles •piriod ,passengers. been being streets Most of ance, poorer wretched wretched per P dant The ous4 and they patrone, and .quite. or they • • • • • "Lia.dy's Qpon - LOndon. following intereeting,letter Dr. Graham lately from the Post of EDITOR. ---.-04 lalidilig we first visited office, 011 Fleet . s always find .8, and can receive,any Havnig had: • ' pursnits recompaini of themeand securing rooma nicely fitted up, but On repairing evening and -preparing our surprise in occupied by wh pa.rattites file from beneat in bold cleat -nee' a After a shad of a few lame on ' th , their reinferoeui that. we ?thaw by retreating to where we extempor Battaglia three 'chair pOssession of the unfortunate ledger next day we ; sought apartments - wher London is a gra large One, its are miles and its- in nearly foxy paillio at first sight ma - on grange kept beautifully eiDea cleanliness thatpreveil the •city is when we coraidet place. The sidewalks and the ro -are •swept Many work boys engage' and tae sw carted. out a sight, to the city lof lie.. 'find a tub or aroa,'I of each shop fittest for many 'hours sense of sight and crossing* they plan forthtatfet centre Of 'the at paved apot a' pillars where frond the &favorable o•pp for mating the These are a you can 'Sometime: but could g points more th.n per hour pa of an average say, Most of laid out witheut paid to regularity and business, unexpected plabes. the people here h healthy and r parts of the c specimens' no doubt nourishing food Use of beer an drinking aloon they are afit•t are apparently are at all time Men ft girls, Sand - women fasciae as much as with one or two want and drin bar. -It is nothiu ' • young woman, wit months old baby •n number of girls fifte of age, drinking in Sundays going to many call to allay evening the wor . wending their w. their hard day's ea big saloons are 9, g ands of homes in Landon, arty of many is to se drinking habits. Dr. me, that at St. Ba, where he attends -come. in, the atten• arniniag them alw your drink I)." the ale, beer, stout or ,•in, tion how much, co'. live or six pint:. they are hanging 1 i and all their cloth bring the ol :ix .. live out of water . ' - much written or s,, oval, and I think tee -p should have the a of every right-7.mi son.. Np tongu.e ciuldltelli that has been accursed thing, at Yorkers might ta. • from the Loud There a clerk in : I wait on you or a 6°1106e:1am a question as if h.: I great favor Metes' for which he has by his master. H:re site. Policemen wi necessary, to help are both courteoln day is observed much better than there is still room parts of the city Stenday principal market fifty per cent. c, Ontario. The go 1 with good taste,. g remarkable for th The principal arti beall'atetek 32 cent lamb chop 40c.; butter No.; potat 300per dozen, b Canned meat, fis U quote some 6 compared with B beef. 32c. here, 50 bia salmon 10chire, sardines 11c.here, . _ . of Oa • of Br last •We in Ialnalon; the' Tonto street;1 hearty. edema- 8 Me tarnish ed, we. were s. and thithe tmaretitis fiudieg Par- le regimentS arching the their e aofintere side nts appear d the ' the dra,wi zed a , leaving fort until conies; and we d oldeeity coveting Ithitauts s. It e a favors, 8.- The and the evetyWh indeed the eitenett. are dway a MOB a: expressly zepiugs a striaing • York, •arrel with offendil smell. have -adopte• • of pedeStri: eet is a rrounded people • passing artunity ether hall rest- conYeni.nce go half no further. one s in the besides the stieets • anal hence eing done The ve a fine bust - bnt ty there to be a y,tlae wa, and the intoiticati arevery d - up • att well support°, . Well filled_ d . worneu y not t the en, they rienas, it at unusaaa her tw_ her n or si heee place 'and • hp heir thitst. ng classes y thit. ile, nings. zat curse and, attribetted Graham, tholomeere hen the mg physician ys ask, answer' and es the At the tatter4 ng if sold pints !),Lienfoorr..ataa '.!. There tiaeanot , id againat temperana la m at y • dea, theought rought ong drink. e a pro. nors 1 hotel . were of doing eeateng it is quite 1 go out a strangerii. .:_andattentivI. .,bre by; uNewYora, forimproaam tioriarg ng day.", caper .iaere demon anyg of it untidy les of fpod a pound, roast of 8 2c -p& cad 8c. and fruit' the *.P.ticesi" sags pries , in Brussels, 30ea 25c. in Brussels; . . - from ssels. k : Where 1 , .wa4 ryteie 'start ea'eat Jest% bed out white Imbue,. aria o.f t whiI a bed oe the.' t 9.104 fou still I line . Otte a stre or lama laspia:lt. dita team:di'.re c : wh Owed Irubb*sh, g bath ; At • slig by loan .vebi t ,Dres of l'way • thou .butneess , 1 atte you in .maj ap • in, j are en, is t of lto :bun- g d nc ac cively, , ,es cela a a in rdor the • to 10, le _r arms, te n. , tuad'on church In at to a se o th t h ho out p a naiad o ah 1 rOkrlY Same tied Would 4 tont;6 ' Elis for , thi and the , here I T taale politenes r ' store Wilt I cenf ' th ged. the Of theia anp the 4thou .plohing 4r4,98 the la app 8,6 joints laitb pound; per 2•11t. are in Brave . . , . , mal BOM ara ao ed Br iug OAS . aaa • cat . Oer a • • ' e al e g t e d e- d 2 - ot. le ts or re a. no by lor en.: -re in m• a na. tly alp- lad les- nts the ith At and foot tion find the rity ear- the ome ade pro- ink. Deer- with ilt bys ted. oora-s lone what allelic see three, or lyears the seen pend rink- hous! post thei s tol pital tient in hat bly , qnes. four', tim rag fish be gre • cans nap° ul!pe raison, by eNe lease. answ rring d op- way der . ajori nt. is than ell ies 'Aran chop, here Pott Colii d.a hag per no wh in: ly It a..r Ire g° ra deel•than ea Sem: co t w Pl a o 43 a 0 s• a 0 b ;•..1.1111 al • 1 '°' 'lc 1 ,tr • as !•' a te ex i i no bn to. t vtt la wo p:. Sara- iy tie a de 28 36e.; egIeis lo an de Wila 'de Am are so.s. he e. mg lain 'iwith -aeh at, a , i e ga, ;t c t c u 0 y e I r a t ee oad P0 re, ot., to : 0 to dartround; le : or ro .ie at e h r et or: ms v:ry 1 leoitant. r: ea c a ±ae8 4,Ni lige nLIt&L ; h a ha b la ' 1 e r ares..a I b t I authority , ' • ra t I , e 1 - I k a - if s la n- is ii d' 0 , . e. r, '..;- f. a d ' a ; ,r- 9 9,u me e f te o f as n roduee rtina, t i. :s •• ta• . eiiard 1 e bl,(13. • a eraig r°P°litan oh et • re, II m li ording s- h ir ' yellers.. ny re xt, ore ominio EDITOR .spondent, shall siness, e e °lied ook'comp ant altos or ult noe e toe as he orepanies, I bey nto Banters li la' e wi in th re th 00 fa keep w b m am so d a an h -the I b ' "Grange I ' ; • . here Burl plan risme a a., mu it is h gest bere.ar: lawn! t. The d atrial a baske a‘milyt and cal know et waii y. . A s ve mon omen, I za•-• to utiles od . -Th s is no man poor crett sing, • attract have imeelf e t frame a d display% ly disp foe ther tan, his weld, ci cnpati sweepi tc„and ye. even -lbowe t lit their 1 oadone with Ain is a -life y4rd nnti . This and was at a s to th only, and alay -WhO iu the five mi t , Om tout -cars to ie a pen to can ,be if you the aha eralla for se. legal ear to. places sa Ilalm havin than - •.Com corn try Journal . must len and of i monea 'whose erceie:pu the ,G coirip would Company about ctedit Os in the Mc have taelmut etualecotanasnies, urein that, 1 cost la,-rge cost t; &c.• wor pplio t, a sin an. ole tirn: have/I:et stake pray e ems arly. ecess to m at, an ye not ticK rt and w , uld be while, as his • pre . en des not on a thre, which was in had been would for what ps.st thre bad ince Xillop fl et -class 6 , he d cetilay o 'his i the $ .75. W at it p ny, - ..5a t . i ii i 1 w h a s si MI Hole the be met ci oetsened ce -t• fa . I ' . ,.. I Keg Hi od. n ic some- h c a o g w g a y ec r , usps ink mimic offlaensiye„ itrofesiiipnial ' ur orwhietle attention.1 en ralw _aatute 'Bed._ hi e b a. s g have t ri re 'otiloed o he r s -1•1 t Is is iv y I ut ii1 8 halaulmeas. ty,4wo di aPpen ge• ng e from : I a reaslYi already! aafsended., Yaurs, iu Braseel why to of salmoti cts, can b:•pro silts afigure parallel w;th torcoals : strong: re, ane. is ly s' Meat m he traver:es horse flee. aalf-pen h out as he gees at, einlesa , for pith-, a can sappo n tine 'Way natty dre „are ta b grtnding pew:kips ft.ona 'of SOID 1 t it as -good instrument s ratty a at , several t ing pictures with great title throw hith labor.. I f the Atla tides Weill There ate such as se ecroestngs noticed boatel ! la ough ,their theirlhat. bad. • 'Th: eitbet oterh of them ordinary the catie „ one !can gel has first yenta-, a, - o wiee'prec.atio dergraues ei -take trams° f a5!,000,00I buras, carries' great accimm outside a Trains ru s from 5 a ses run o tbrough t .Phe pence aance. , af, ver to be , but if no nou.glit as s; great dell .stran he . e,spece: aye said nethie intereat w I ausa lea respei 4ENN z • e B: : nd • than t via se ling n h su I y a a the pea t a f sed, se' "h of aettet pi tru vio in ne,any- ne mes .o • c t. a he Atm ear v ling bl that ke coat lit ra -aei raf6 tti 1 in t proc owcl, r celf pe d do • bo m, a all le Oil fate land ' ate° res. acq , th cab ma ere. la • jell do sc gthee ' tf ally, E G is lee :ef, r; in tea w- 8 Of It itch ply- day eng kts, im• Mi.- any who t in- •dy7 hose 1.18. in• eists mit. Man ,em th lore ; Th run aver d hi iou mall kin an an s l oa6e d g. ,an! e e rod fro ileva, mi ase ati • hu fwaI e pen a onai ain y en e rror of bo in d . HA\ , ur i- r," nip: f I to at s, is ho tab hap • of bf Id • urn les 'ere. any n fella imp: by :ib.1: o ki : - b: eq• lay. all 1 's a eras ••it Mc aff ii is ' 1.1 r • d 0 ha I ed, o pl- • id soli. • ye le ns .e . Id 4.4 OO' •im a ave i a ea or la •ak.ving'f out th: o if st la T t m i la a p. a ti. Ta a» d 61. ‚w . 1 i' I . ;ling • si a! •• 0 gi fa m at w: • o' i p f t hp en p, ge Or his ood he la ere oue be 20 r . tire arc • f itlhad Or t" '''a.31;. 'lite aey • ' ' .EG ;PI matt tog i fav. the lab p up the thehandsome &nee our , ou h: $7 an ef 1 fit:, : 1 foi fe au lB 'a :h !p I w : h 4 ft. • , t i a' - oil'e s : e -, - a . t o : d o e di, 11 .T q ri 5'T f • e 1 aly , is l er- e_ a y. lig ke as 'n' a p- a*n_ 'II 8 • ies a. en m- an,, ur- tier, .nr.- alit • 1 ' to far, ackl ent .1 .ie -1 fo , oli gild is it. . leit loss 'he; ges, a ' t • 10,' , d t : hi.: t tl • i .i a t: I lies _ 'hie! pal : 0 Oa:, ag„. th : la lai he an .. , t h t ur , n en ifi a py a ran t a. • kit • oil p: t en $6. -13::n 11 ' Co.' pf - brie bralda expirtit ' AR, . cKillo nd.for cl iu aMO e ligibl Inali tONDYI !TOR'S r to d dge. of re' rt:Ceula, -Olt 1 cal,co NI 'fully attiGlu 1 r. • evan . lido The - reso .0)0 A talu:d he Tate en The the on • -Di. pecte aut y la s iz.es tL -- ate ed e a v:r 10 tr.ini o s I a e. ei 1 le. :i: I 0 41-1 a .o- e II tan let •nel t b aont L : 0110 le -11 T $ , 1 e, a s.ce a i °hitt° . K:nz r: Bui C E t 1., f• ' -an i N 1.r. ,. I , - , . me a, - r d 5 ; - - Oh ,8„,o:t tate Ba I sh the udi te hos gr q tie ii It' 1 • ti paesen c t B. b.e a an a r ,n s S a h Sli h tli14iheta e 1 o a rr an. a a j ch co tie SI A e, de - eac ke - t ni e 5" en 1 ith n b : , e la, ' es p 'ea .,t u ° lam men d a di Morse- ya.r.ls ill 1 n tire 1 g h. seao la ail bond enea ' in Ofl i 1- e ur to at t e te .e 1 h - onse and • 7. 0 for his g , he w,onld g t baek o • of his 01 cy 131.59. 0 tier case for w ioh I can f tune school house was • or $500 ;. p e as ium note,- tie three yeas last, 18I, $5.20. I i: now e range . co pa, y for the ' t premium o e, on.po. : n insured in u company - a me, it won d have cleat s th at these g eres will • led I shall il ingly give i formation r ired. q , M McQueee. i ct,. 6, 1688., ' T —It vi,ould be no very difficult N t , e absurdify of th speei'al Picad- . i the above m i to:death:a, at. ge IINSUranee CO npany and if °cal coif:pant: , b t, as we nt- rest in either, an as we i s itute ourself th: ehaannion pa: :es, we. leav ..t. le matter IRA its to *defen t em, and at them any re o i able space for that purpose. bitiek Ii Oil ed $ gge : or 0 ur oat ifi iuter on Ma ' • g :ark • h: y t •r a a • g le i en: • u t b p . p y n e la at • h • ear t pe , a. ,0 h: re 0 it . weber pf al .e • il co n 1. s r. SO* 1 i a • a a . h: H. • al ' li : 1 en, o : e : at y e lock C Ti d: I • :re F •ith ' if . se ; 1 years. 6 i ti a • : i s as la: :r 0 tie i r Is •f3 : d1antage tir * a fii, kiot :. sill • oep head . C.J4nada. and .te, have inion Phos to increase lts 25,000. . of gold, weighil t $360, has, Gilbert, at law , ug ladies la. day night 1 Ancaster t -t boat of service a ay, and la ers. • .fiwaxingT a. ractitiouer v, died of- a d 70 years. farm, ceessful in Chicago F .0 animals Cain, a i orouto, wa id costs or Prison. to the low n crossing ars can be trip. - . tv bridge °yet is now ac •ill be ready the 1st of Arnold, 1b et and led aities in Fe ecturing to 'a elland laail to parliOmebt their debt tin. he Grand . ' ' .• McKellar, had at $100 ket in a tjie St'. Thomas OR. annual Mali he University nto, the pea restrain th . .l of suits• contract ha by return nor a,gains • ay Compa Si pany of A steps. to, e and blast f osed capita • . W. Ross to apply to porating th General A dquarters, a lau left Torp cisco, en rut, : intends Bp eased his islan he manage . Hannon he two boy; . 36 from M were Ben matory for thousand Ontario by have been the Gover werefo b. : schooner ashore y last wee . drowned .he is suppose wheat. n Marshall, • ear 'Vittoria, wood, wheelie', an away, dra the wagon. loam almost deer ate r he country s said they .Far top houndieg, • educed . Geo. Step Paeific R9, or $50,000 te hospital fo ory of the a minders of . eputation I Mowat Goyernm:at ng before with capit:1 of late. e evening ,r of drawin off the e pan at Defir with many a undertook way track cutting bridge is eg h: be st : e le d•d o at o I e.i a t x co , ti, a at fe aried el D:cemberol r:r, rue r. trunk b a celled r e a t y e e r o o 1 p: C: su T co n • a .1 aid le. t Vier sla D d:taineld a een ne it on . u a r . r "ns pie b will Br en, hal ti b to he al on tie. Safari° is : is on it, he o elow a wife, i a work to Comae. capital g20 ounce :u taken uce, 9uebe their week, whi amilton. Allan ed at her. , d and St..Catorg ley, On Brantfor 'ing faur ' Stock ibited firnad he other 111011tia or at the Amherstbu &cress Niagara pleted. • r the pass 'English will visit; ry and - ay Comp for power to amalg Rail Hamilton 11 atolea coo hotel. d, was arreated . elmas °any of Trinit3- to a Wdyism r da4gee been enteted laborers • e Canadia, , ican ca t exten aaes in the cpinpany es noticp rliament nada ance .Cont front°. last for Australia, mg six • hotel the A.m. Robert found , coal Pene ve rs eepr sent nn B, rothe t as , to be gerald, Long F Her crew eavbring to. hay spode as starc team ging him nning antly. ly dis,ap rick of be e‘xti. promise nd to presid , a, has t 6 trus 1 ilding Dr. Cap institu ed uponA Saturday to Spare at farm is the 01.d as ely Mra. Woodeto sion train en whiola s from • o home hen passing and it. fell . ° ,. . ETE E. : EB . . . - ' ITER - EV . . COMP ERY OVER -OF & T .The :5 000 1: ES ii klOilas , EVER DOA Until, I 1F. P DON BE DE -, ENtery SO . •b Hat S -- V ' Ha al,te IYIMMOTH - pt, • - . JUST In dat the I Hi . SEEN YOUR .I You ' ' TIES , VER -- T ' ,I very s- h, - should .,-:. WE 1Miss.._ ' NEW • , GENT'S times. PA THE- . CHE . 8,..„. 1 I S H IN SE ' SQUA „ . IVIpN Seel 0 • • • i • . IRS . ° PEST ID ' FORTH. DER Y . Pri6e . G S R A anted • -HER /ding ,oft and 1T00.' TO , ATIVE; .011r DS I, -e LAPS Prices - HALF : WILL . LLY -, , aPs.itmairnetmosclaoswirthr:-ait . ave , ' . ' OUT. to E•SIT011: t an o na b find th Itei, nlo all 1 of o fticq' s. - of a.. • ii a mde Oa: ha 't wo on M W vodld $7.31../ a " arison tarnish will of i Grange . vt °throned e pies, taal opt nefit althea. ',tegument nies- 221000, f ilts s buit i ill att °Acre.. Bei ompany -management ii.. one than 11 tt a nd 1 'he ha al a oo 11 I.1 ea h ” in la ell y MoKillop in e 4st i 'or building,Efor I hi b lat a Pr 4,rige y McKillop Commerce thati . and insure -of the' as aha • has aciernbe pounty • since p and ed Das.. xamin things indivillual he in company or -pa the y done disstisf -e, nsideiatio mOtinies grea al corapan to -afford SO to , Howick, °arm etied- are, ad note e exa,et a ar term great th8 ad! ; arta y year his, 4 haVe edollare laings- lop, It c 0 - Com Si I with o ur ilan wain hi!' inat"tutie that by thee • the peke - jo -If re ‘.1 di the leo carrai ins the pra their It i t sine It else than les in a corn in one c Y- a clerk work, wh . t . tli bar e° crawled deyelo all for a all a given e, a whether or di Co Gran four in, Mc alth, as one • his th ita weiald ostin st in •he t Of h; --_. Ins tare'. c6 t ran t r nu as • ;.ape la en the • ce c urea at w a sort las rap': iabi g lc s. red eats' ge I ' one, ad • e th ill ein • a to a :6',I ole aro an ith en ) : nal ch w • .a dad: s, 1 ave to es ia cie • a.. : a . c mbh goos e ct he •'o c nape he- fiv ereac: 04 e Ca ears' WO ugh,' ell t ous 'Ohio!t 4nk rid sit 6 , co i I , cK.01 Gra deil.sit 1 1 - ! .NEEN -( PAIR L() • 1 Y LI113 I WITH 1 -. . . . a 1 Pair . -D S -.and ard . H our; ARE . ' • . At the OPEN Variety, War : ! LEA I NO SAL , l OW ' - N., or • - - call . ., GOIN - al' THE - Prices of -GO. E e.e rya and at - . .atatt ith the ed to er he Was s orward foil of the fa, g was w Ly. in Galt ridaa ni s st len, rnofiiey no in a nd shoe s d door f butglari in a ash taken a.neilton, g tce get stahle flames d unfasten est jay en - RD ily Jag was ht, be- nd ale. Ore roan ed, im- was his any oVe the 'LEAN BROS. Publislilers. 1.50 a Year, Advanpe. or cash alas or tpli Aioaf ;)hstkernaElust I'S wor le. vet- fo mere cover° , -with lir—ings of. blue and valfte slattirrat {Russ- skrat, and .eink, trinanaed with 9.ble, will be a 1 acing feature i yles. The p him al trimming n are lynx, s'Iver fox, imitation s, and Alas Ja sa le, 1 ' collision be wee twol freight ecurred on t e rai way ,between. rg and St. eor e, abaut one nm n ,. The engin- .. ped and ; escaped On of the ears hic 'about 40 were be ronapt action org stamen mas- ecia freight which teae te0r,00tC•11.6 other" ghoi.QagITeacrlruivimed- ase the weight tial process he poettibility of `United - States innocents with -A itrains o 013'47Z a.turday mo eeFandlfiremefi ju With ht injuries. claitain d hogs, of killed. • Mangled. el Mr. fylne, St. G ter, sa ed another a was fo ),owin-g closet Tim los will aggreg al, a bean gether -with al venal °the* ar- re iS supposed Heri l e ed the ladies in 1868. at that ime.I or beard ana r. The' the a call fram,al herself as the o leave the col - id, mild alttled thei6thline ' st ck blow indittorMls till t t a !warn er o Mina one va,lia. as op pots lit shed undereeittle being bolarde no stippo t an. ; -A ita uogarian fr m hi Mo treat a few a ys ed to aye power to iner at pl. by -a simple. be had. d scovered, bout detect on, even in the ift!iint. He tried tor pe in apit 1 into his sch rnee, but Was found ot a d. had to dee trip., as a. dectective t)oun ed upon him. He left so hastily . that e had not t to remove his !urns e or crucib es, erected in his • o of n the 3rd of epteinber laat Mr. Issas Fowler, o Newbury, was as - Iseult d by several teen, Supposed to be . lempl yees of a wo d train, and aerious- ly b sten. The matter was placed in the ands of Detec ive Pope,of Loedon, and set Friday he had John and Joseph. Whi e, James Ar cc etrong, and Richara and Edro.oml tyn brought before Squ re W. E. Reg , and all five were corn itted for tria on a charge Of aggra- Vat :d assault and •ounding. James Fitzge days we fipa the ifitinaaot Metrhoen,otivrmeearpli,itshwoena signmente are: thr .e months' ad( if aahMa°v1;netnreasal;g. beseiniilfionincgeti,rifsgron: me & au , Duch& was obligt aalers, have ale° a Ta ad hadl England a few .1 . Clatter, iteri Kinclaadin ott,„! ight lof the 18th: ale and snowatotin A flag of diatress! Doneelly fivel incardine rfe b stance, picjItiig off chd shom4 s felyt Mesers.N and'W Ce. in Beverly, Wnt Joh 1 Mal om o ly •altended. The bull, '4 Earl d , a tWo ypar old 5,andther two year er $83. Leiceete, & na A age of $10 a .2; Ayrshite cietv•s respectively ; corn. 35 td $55. In all aid, a woathless son, sentenata to three mat aed a..i0 fine, or Mortal imprisonment paid, for striking his head with a in dish, deep wound twelve which the coMplaint e& go to the hospitaL cause for the attack wat the father spending his wages, es during the eummer, returning intoxicated fathet, who is a hard pectable map, during f the Lon on ' Adver- Grand 0iera, House g the performance 'of company on Saturday -night. 'According to his opinion the neither particularly beautiful nor a good aatress but 'says iority of &pee with ities of $8,009. aa ding his am fs anufaxturer, has ea lied in the Sta es of 1510,01001 on drink, and the of Rev., England, and Ise cultural College, ddenly the other s way to dinner less than twenty est. Hemorrhage. e cease a death. of age, aJersey Lily is te I live on his wOrking and re the winter. -A reporter User attended th ha that city dun'i Mts. Langtry an ly $4,000. y recent gales at runswick is very s are very badly entirely destroyed. ping is very great. stove in sInd spars, rigging and The . railway wharf ed away, making it to go down to meet that the great m whom he has sp ken do not agtee with him, although. any do. bere is no discount on the act, however, that she carries a corapa •y far above the aver- age in point of bility, and that their acting is very p easing:. --A Port Art ann desitatcla of the 9th inst. says-: At 2 30 pp. to -day the in- habitants of Mc fly% Harbor were sur- prised with whaft they pposed to be an explosion, b t which proved to be a land slide. Th Canada Pacific Rail - Way dock offic s slid into the lake, and a large boarding house at 4 considerable distance was de oliehed. I The ware- houses are still n the laud belt badly rest amount of supplies a,s presented with a is congregation in sgiving atty. alts. the recipient 'of a 20 gold piece. Mr. thanks, being visibly okens of Bympathy ly the kind refer - address td the flaa , it will be remem. urclerea in Detroit wrecked, and a are lost. The bababtante are fearful of further disas er, About three 'acres of land slid intcl the lake. No lives were lost or persons hurt. has reached Chatharn, of -a family named Tot- -Intelligence of the sad fate • ranit, who were drowned in attempting to cross Mitchell's Bay daring a fearful hurricane ea Siniaday night 11th inst. it appears that TetraultI, his wife and two children, a boy of 101 years arid a girl -baby in arms, ,had been to a bee at Big Point, and started at 5 p. an., Sunday for home. When last seen, ed the peint and were e 1afke. 13eing missed-, de, nd all four bodies beach covered, with also washed ashore y leave a family of orne. ase which was pri- goOde Hall last Fri - no t t light. One astu ent, seduced a omen- Ca holic; and, he reed Ito ria rry her by a er being 4ised as a per - is fether's will it Was en - he married a Roman heri mace, which amonnt Id. re, ert t4 the Protestan e, aild in view of tills redress n the Court 0 Ice- hanc 'nor Proudfoo iage u the ground met meant of the et unkuo rt. a, deputation of TOr- d upon the Han. and presented the n's Suffrage Astatine obtaining, an exten- . The.lediee w re d by the Prem. er, uti-vely to the ,a u- ght - forwara. • they had raun well out in t search was m were Ritual on1 the ice. The boatj was high and dry. Th five who stayei at -A sensati nal vateljbeard t 0 day, bas jus co Anderson, it edic young girl, ,a alleges, Was f priest, a revol suader. By acted that Catholic his i to a6,000, wo ;Orphans' Ho fact he ough Chancery. annulled th mar - that both parties own free will befo e a marriage contrac h sylropatIlity is felt for th elonge to a highl xptessed the lope on be able at present, td i is legal. Mu W-" depata,tion. ; young lady, ho e c rrespoudent o Ex osito gives the fol :tine of the earl better known a 'Granny Howell, c of her dieglater o Hpwell, near God as a • ried there on the 15t well formerly lived on the re, n wloWned by Mr. John me hither when the Gov- we.s foreet, and there able few ladies p ears Pince, when B e or sop to Goderie ninety four years f f he death, and until ot what El kuess was, b t y in that yjear she fell dom teps, frietiaring her thi b. hiCh time she has be n. So hiahla respected W S at when o r excursioh 'wf as Gederic a number of thi3 ection drove o e to see her inta. fonta her in bed, ut d halppy a in days of yeIre. other to the late Mrs. Thos. and Mrs. B. H. Kitchen. th board of Toroato respectable fmil & Wort's cow byres -The St. Ge rg the masa. and ay,. the Bientfo res in excellent eionl- lowing aket h o a that thelexbren:lent pioneers: T is I dy riouB to the DISITS1I. "Aunt Dom- he or some means mus be died at the reside y the exerem nt, in-law, Mrs. Sam hem to the exten of erich, and ts• day can be aolleated inst. airs. Id the sandy farm near h Burt, and. c ernor's road eposited ix the city fo ashion rep fertilizing rter says: lived until a orhena. ing removed w th turday wes Isuffi lent Mrs. Howel was retains its poeitibn as age at the t me r In ladies caps IPre. 1878 knew o seal, Alaska sable, I unfortunate black hake pointed, a pair of o 24 incb.esi d ep. Boas bone, since style. In la. ies' •Caps bed -ridden n as the Duchess., this lady t Skull, and the Wedge this fall t the last paed being gentlemen rom 4 - ite. jackets fti3 made Sea Seal, petsian and. cheerful a Bokaran beaver, and She was na Wars and dolmans,silk Westwood.