HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-11-16, Page 6The Perils -of Qoal 1A-ining-An. I Exciting Scene. tkrrom the Edinburgh Scotsman.) On Ftrid-ay afternoon." without warn. a. rash of water took place in one of the coal pits at Niddrie. The force and volume of the Muudationt so suddenly Jet loose, at first excited grave feard -for the saftity.lof the men in. the workings; but, hailaily, they Were-- all got to the Surface before- midnight., - The pit in . : which the outbreak .oceureed is one of four bete-ugh:1g to the ilenhar and Nid- drie Colliery Compauy. They areknown as Nos.17,10, 11 and 12 respectively, and are situated near the r084t mining. between Portobello and Daikeith about a mile) from the village of Niddrie. Abut 63 men were working in No.. 10 pit at taro o'clock in the afternoon, when the water but at open them. The pit is Runk perpeeldiculerty to a depth of 74 fathom-, frt'aum which point an inclined roadwa .„ 12 feet iu -width and six feet in be* t, descends to the bottom, a die- tauee af 210 fathoms. This roadway has, an inclination of 60 degrees, and. the- werkiegs and seams are situated on either gide of _ it. The outbreak had taken place about 50 fathoms from the surfacia; and the fist nelication that the men in the workings had, of the matter was the deafening retie& Matted by the water auehiug down the Meade. All t hose oa the sentli Bide of the incline fled ,toeshirde a peasage eommunicating with N. 7.pit, and were at uncet drawn to the surfeue, Tuose, howeVer, an the ntiKat II de --of the modue were unable to cyoss the: roaring torrent to reach this readwa ' A rescue party was at once organiz d by Mr. Job:eaten, the mana- ger • of the colliers, and though the hazard as- nature of the uticiettakieg i - Was 'F:vp iairEnt to all, there was no lack of *VI jitters. The party proceeded clown No, 12 shaft, and -by throwing a Tope to me north side -of the " inciitte a ladder vaa got aeross. as near the roof as p41$8 hie, and 4y this means eight of the na a in the farther workings got over to thesoathaide in safety. - They i bad te rtewl over on their hands and _kilo* ad were covered with the spray , dashli4mal over the ladder. Th.ore were ; stilt atliout a dozen men hiside the ! trav hi --g, holes, and some of the r • . eaten 0 used over to with -in thirty yar a 1 of th,et4. and eiguatled with lamps fer 4 them 'o come on. As the men Lad, : howeveat imagined in I the dark that their comrades had been swept i• aisay le the current to the bottom of , the pitithey heeitated to attempt the oroegingoeutil one of ttiexesener 8, named James, Nulana, made his. way over, and taking 4 bey who was in the wurkiugs ou his f:ack, brought him to the south gide. Vo,t1r Of the miners felltavad, but one young plan lost courage, and hesi- tated to make. the attempt. Nolaus, acceiMpaneed by another man ' named Jt. lussou Yeardley, again crossed the torrent, Enid.- leaving Yeardly with a lamp, ohtside the 'upset." the former groped his way along arid got had of the you=g man, who it appears, had gtcen himself up for lost, sale wito,whela, be felt ',ohm's -Couch, threw his arms round- 1iis resonefs neck and said, "God bless you; do you think you can save Ilne 2" Nolan then tojk hold of his arm, and guided him safety across the ladder. IA man named Samuel McCurdy, who, wee working in the northern see - tin, had also. a narrow escape when the meet left for No. 7 pit. It seems that he had no- tamp, and being left in i t aal clai kness, he wandered about the r i working : till seven o'clock,. vaiiily- en- deavorg to find his Way to the bottom . of the shaft. He was -discovered by the relief party in an exhausted state, but hem reitved on getting to- the surface. When the disaster became known, the friends of the miners in the workings if •cked to the- pitheads, and . -made anxious Marlines concerning their raise tives, a large crowd remaining in. the vicinity ;until the last of .he men had been brought to the surface about half. past eleten o'clock. Mr. A. W. Turn - ball, the secretary of the LCaropany, was on (the Spot very soon atter the oc- ecurrene had became known, and Drs. Andreveland John Balfonr, who are the .Medidal Iofficers for the Company's em- ployees,tvere also quickly in attendance. Although one or two of the_ men were slightly Ibruised, none sustained any serious injury; Mr. Ralph Moore, -Her Majesty'e Inspector of Mines for the Eaetern ' District, was telegraphed fur, and ear ved on the, scene' late in the evening-. I Sonae danger was apprehend- ed white Itho rescue party was under- ground f •oria the. prevalence , of choke- damp,lea zed by the -volume of water in the pits, Hel moat of the rescuers were very much exhausted. in consequence of the vitlated-condition of the atmosphere. Mr. John ton., the manager of the pits, succeede , -hetwever, in preventing a, fatal 8,C0 Tonlation by reversing the air fan at Ihe pithead, so as to cause a draueht f one No. 12 up :to No- 10 shaft., The water on Friclay! night was fill- ing up th • pit S at the rate of six feet in ten minutes, but since, Saturday Morning #. ha e been gradually decrees. Lug. At a!latelhour last night the Water was risin about two feet an hour, and one of th currents- had entirely oeaseds In No. 1 and. No. 12 pits, which are sunk to te same. level, the water is 150 fatho s in depth. No. 1.1 , pit is only sun 175,; fathoms, and the water has risen Ito. a:height of 30. feet. When the wate .- first rushed into No. 10 pit it immet1iately swept. along towards No. n pi, and it has carriedeverythine before it, i the miners were unable to get out of th-pits by this read, [ and had to proceed, to No. 7 pit, which is ' on a higher le el. - All the four pits are con- nected b underground passages. Mr. Johnston Made an inspection of No. 10 pit in a _der to ascertain, , if possible where th water was coming from. He proceed& = along one of th-e galleries. or seams to , a, ' distance of 150 fathoms. The water was falling aowa from one gallery toi another, and appeared to be coming from a point twenty. to. ; thirty fathoms (lather into the workings than could be enetratederiving to the ,ehoke- damp ex ingaishing the lamps. Aa to the onigim of the occurrence, the water ia auppo ed to have come from some aid pits Iwiich had been wrought many wear& ag , bat of these workings- _no plane or Tecorde have been kept. - What is areew as the cross cut mine, appears to have ipeen driven from the old pits to the searos at present being worked by theVnapany, aud that the: old pits had been, dammed up. There had been no appearance of water nail the mom- ent of the outbreak.- All the powerful punips af the pmt -.heads are _in fun 6,,,,.. eration. There are now WO- men ployed a the pita. and it was at first euppose -that they would • be thrown , 3 3 'A pees'y of' -ie ents vieitesi the Toronto 7.- TbeGarn3ah,,Gevernmeiti, Ii -ot 't1be rash in- his being I. fee the purraive Tiotitut auserelirtte.et .-Sev 31E r4ir'i'n 211394;:li' aengbA.s:teb:af aideration is the fee:airy ect.'w Islao 'divorces ka:..eata lleavs ot. t1:iat staff.. 4.An erorla ! New it sego ifle year has exceeded . la r one, is alifiit rer,e the avtrE,-,. tile quality ex!eeptioee.py faie. great tiM4o and:hbtir CO - plaa:aufituin'tmnrbeer-:-o'f cattle driveni killed by Cree -lialf-breede, fi south of Biatehel, Dakota. Whistler hail „been appealed t . atdirarbtltiEleirta,t,he miittor : lonese :in West Flamboro' e--% JOU Anderson, a, !ma_ - bulitseaiktutt keiltii it ftohisSIpnntiackaeyt, eheck for 15100 on the Bank - 1•Itiitorotribeno:eri6cfaiiiieEblias.ktrritycei,7,kii ...--Sii Weelp3 ago a wontan Wolfe Ieland‘ opposite Iiiiigst tug that her rave might be r. husband ereoted a heat oee there he haa.e_lept sioce the b ptirre_polocitbelec:tiocilnItin:il: e : yhiosovnitl, 1 .. i to. , his -eonatitueets i of No setateSttf9Otjliiisedue netttirrInely(4 rypo of' his hea.lth and that be , aCcord With the Ittleveat Gov ita policy of maintaieillf.„, - the iutiid ToiltMarquis g tituatrioial. rigfto bo hts of _ u 4 Princesa Louise arriVed at gonday last week. and 'wen saalrattee13:firnogmthee;a0Co Pti9*tp'orialltio obi rafiirred to the increasin. ity of Canada and the awa terest of England i.n.theaffa i DI°.11Titaie()TIC:oreriaor Of Yicto 4 r4guing Parliament, !said the -of thel aanexation of Newi been intensified by Fraiice - send to New Guinea the cimi4ials. He deelareril it t itmh aPt-t -suchi)t at to sink i 3e ,of PAonl if II at 17'h be permitted to exiat attb Southern Rtitain. : --Vile 'convention of Wombe's Christian Temper met at Detroit last week regular business variona pl., incidents oecuri-ed, one: tell Ingo% -a sariptural gaeeti 4 Jennie Caeseday, of Deaf, ' firmepiacrkaeautdinufTla:eili:fir:-04,1wwerhPrAiSaisiir•ecai Panama - eAecuanntasl etft , appear rw-Itt oor k aggeeatted. , Some of the has been cat off. bit mit to. To ekeaVating ., of any ite beenidorte on the ' main t ilgraevaetio i biteIteenr aetffe rdl:tse ai n 'i, yheno ienta the money sunk.. Th iIre that the cainal will be - 'in 1888. ----NearlY '200 French CS baa :ber., '157orkIng for . th-e on the Cartaelti PaCific wer tenth by the Mayor of ' Ow 'Sunday morni tin. They ationey, and stated that for !whom they had w( „ paihei.rhey ia re iarlsltll,adli grataolsealoniunlst , -On Sdulay -)rilng Y.1) ea° Ilni :::himl 1 a ut I it'ioi al 1 N711,!,.,,ril sliet II I k' LI:: 07 Inl el 13 : Data, etairted, stifficienti ana30 reach Bothwell lief intending to make a Short relatives there. In. passu 'Weeds a few miles frfini t svertrpotlepri.ivr threeotei:07eetit ltrts abottta6.11, imof MeLebls abtoo a P:Johnie nilni in th launtht in Bethwe stocking feet, and -'-Am-an name 45, a hotel:keeper Teciutesehl, ton, Ito rangeiille a, tie vel election trialdrop * as be -Eiee.teriel theeourt 'Ile13 cause of deatli Ninle bably indhced lit eeite Wa in a. frail'ho'aditio attack, and huctentialted ;lamely. •, -About fair hundred Ann Arber, Michigaa, m Pia to celebrate hallowe'e through -the Wain, siegin This 04 marshal and ee ordered the itudents to arrested -Several of them. 317•944 the t pretident of -t elites. The 'test of the pickets fromithe tft-ce° on attack the pegi , iceme th4 prisoaeri Solveal vo. I make. tterboro 1 dity g halijog4'--*Dosed of his la 4)thet, *anted to reniov of the" Golden Litm" Aiyaori but the neW owner, the SalitIllid went With th former wper tried ge. • Isadore, but the OpPosi' 'stattog foir ham, and.; Boa . I Craft luig;ht foreel4a4 failed iso the ret at if - a beep: sk�n 'Warta ifuottkl daoi * his 1 i. _... _... . • • \ , 1 . . • . 1 • i ,„ -. - .. . H. "ON 81., ' . *14: 1.. R; 1,..6.- i 1 . . . __ 1 • i • ,. NOVEMBI4/1 16 1888 ...................„,.... .............,,...... , _ . idle. Itis thought, howevee, lb be t it at . aordipary, h thou account . • her LEG , -JAME _,I__00,-,---,,,,01-0......... I UdHLT 1. -- -H.-1-- PRI: ------___. NEESRTOR would perfectly safe for the work ha the . 'ripper g Ileries of and No. 11 pits but no defintte action will be taken mitt a extant. atiou the pits has been ma e. Fo . le horses to ca 7 of ' is e on oe he ashy of e eels /49, Saai " rho ent you ill e ons a at i leaned of andiwan said, neer Ita You 50. If have elae• of 'my to. 9. '0 h• ortut4. .willieg :o pie- 5 salt anf TR 801 G ito S. CA riow &Proud , Convekanee oo OLL 8 Office, . Mono, epderiche itio loan,I . I i HARDTWH A fI , E were drowued in No. 10 , but Imo Celli 1-,ste no t would Ile have Ses eV- fort i tile in bleyer'e sek; Ma n: Street. NV ITT 13LOCI‹. STON:E LOCK, WING-IIAM pit, others have heedeafe• dra • n to surface, The daeu e don by ethe. I the , the ee. e • ade o, of sub ist me , noe ?, Whorea'P -Porter e et year 93 died --- •al. C. e 1 A IS, Soliator, 0 a lowest rates c. f i . , Private i barest. 1 794 money to OFVIOS-1 • 1 i H-----:----. ' 1 water will beeonsidereble. It 'a thought that the moventent of such a rge body 00 en:i 1 eons en habit . neell o t: hi Ave- . wi r at 4's ex.. talentit, Co.1. u nor' qi artsan est d W 13 t eet, odirlen. G . 4- 77 J 1 AftvE. '''''' il. CLINk & CO of water may eauee a subsid:nce of --ground near the spot frora w s ich -it : been flowing, and some auxi.ty. is the' has feilt at roil " ati tlable Motherrreilie yet h ve chen I nr 4 41." I ,Orphnso th 1'40 , lub ! ' ii have tv AR ' tOt .Pe I W &.PRO1JDF-0 a & .,Goderioh,.0 dfbot . - bano.-J. .. , /Wrist ' re, Sollei,t . Garrow , 686 . . • ! Having comple better advantage to e m alterations , customers , in both to, s as ore, by w ioh I can egarde hg l t seed room, . show I be geode .to to -inti- . . itsueeess . ors to -1;. relon i & Scott ) e! for tlae North BritiSh Reilw y lines &Tea, which are. m close pro -imity : the oldworkiuge. . t at to olo ee i :nd her t the oust extract'on atIh, d the- that n anole ;I ha ha LIA no gs; -131111 Or Motley • Rh° -1u.001' ' hit C tilt 0 10 HOLT & 0 ii , 4 oh t re n arum er01..Q.b.,Phil .ERON y, p a a , o., etod Holt, fie , , arrioters .. a , loll, n 'L. 1, i (3} Omni., rc4te that I ana sho . whieh will be &tin . • ;• Goods, Winctes, V • o 1 g a, latge the, best ethane!, a, q Pri d laity, ite, we trot 1 a an sorted sto k of the followeng at the lo • est market nnes, Fla nels, Blankets prices : Counter- goods, Dress Headqua . ters ler the 1 1 p 'e n'ai-ea „ Intere•sting News for Sod oh. ' ep ied that h • valeta no ou • t ma es °ran. ' ' , 598 panee, Tweedh, Shi ti egs, Giey an White eottons, -Woollen and, Cotton Yahas ) Washb ril Ste.: iv ro.e4. - . i . At the recent meet ng of tia: Br tibia ' Association 'there wa submit .ed a • ex. 1 ceedingly inteiesting ducte J. ent, • theeg,” or 1:ss o ho.gh o au e ed for hi d .-ee 1:00118 t she hal she b ' n C, mill !Ives nbt 4 fq a th. t ;' has w 1 h e f ' and a o ea p d •th t hlati n ealera d Bo Pt 1 w • L 6 talc' felt°. *ate, • .MEYER,Barri w, Solicitor in Oh g Affidavits in the .tor the Batik of nds te loan at6t•6i r end At er3r. COMmissionei vince of milton, per oe erney a , : anitoba Ingham. t. (ala 1 of all kinde, Shirts Hosiery GloVes =-Cors:ts, „. ' „ ' ' "'°•s 'JO* GROC.4RI PS ao d Draiwers, Clonds, . I ; -Lae 1 1 1 , Stock liat guar's a a ad tel idf Caps, T Shawls the Dlry wels and Hoopskirte, be8t quality. Table Tine orskirts, Linens, 1 S eel Two . 0 -Barb - E OARLOAD _ _ FenciteisA ., I e -I- 0 I; I e lore. " final report of the: A.n hrepoin -tic *eine _ mittee, a body appoia ed. for the our- , pose of collectieg obe rvation on the-. systematic exaMinati n of . i e . he glit, i t , weight, and other ph stool a araet• de- . •tics Of the inhabi, ante of t e Br tish Liles. The statistics a -re alto ethe ne- •Ritie in -range and nutibber; an ) Scotch- men have every reation to f. el p (aid : of the general result: cone° ed 'rem 1 ' tial as they 'r veal the - impar sources, After e in:* lees ler hi ut on up he . h be , s o i: dector:s somel li natters .. n, and e where li medo tie place th: . horse ha of tbeu jci I mornie w : rea a A t le lapse re =eight y Wee cereineny 9th bride k. ., The irney to is given words i 111 e 0 k o fix Of jug an chu by to real tine:, Ito a on eh • , 1 gle uge ch. Bo:Well in fi, tIC:p. ho - a co - as t 0 if Old e 86, f rM»&iNMei, ein I; t 'P.r . ad• On- t a ofIini n c :t " She • e 1 a uaware ANI' . Co John , EY B1 ' in t. ' Yii IN 'veyancers, tou, ver JANES &DICKINSON, k, on. nit i ck B. & SCOTT, &o. 13 Tisdale & :G• Block, °lintel SCOW. Wingham. -8 Commission ba Private 011:0 nice over L. DIOK1NUO la li le B li rs. un .. ristere, itors for Money Ontario t -• deters, itors for for taki s to loa ednesda ':: °Baton, ie 'to • . c.1 the g a;-.,..6 . _ Bank loan. A, H. 781 ete---- Kent's Bank affida- ;per 11. -.W. 738 1 lighted, Opened and been of • A mtne 1 new and More On and most fashionable done an , . Entering .. thanking my , . neer s after • what I ' On my maty 1 ils t , • d m n a, ble forisho TURDAY oo:ds of being , . . ird y auetonciers 1 tle oona ing the the easo howl an ar a bus aid, t t has e Oods th i . judge • ns e pablic that 'been adde d, than st., with a adies, cciee a,ccordiegly. here, I would for their which is the old o full stock along and take this very , libera - larg- e, an of t i see op and e what schtunity eupport w01 Will new • , i ,. , be et as , , h htecei hotto LEA ENCL1 ,. H.ar 'font ed thi prices and H D ,, ear weelt, - Best RED o f all Cut and{ brands , AND deseriptions ; , I\ Tails will he sol, a , -of WU Ti , RAW 0 ... - • ' fact that the Scotch people are the : tallest aud,heaiiest: ,The ge feral re-- sults are Worth iquoting:- In height theiScotchmea' s end o rat (68.71 inches), the 'deb sece -d•(67 :0), the English third (67.36), and the . ad oti se „est ha, tot 0 :he , into ete• that a ee,:maii -r lover •h e told '' coal( d hPad . i. e a that Ilrode t keep little .th of sp ,- nog. at; fan 'it s o, o f avith lowet - odic 1 00a 4' 1. sir, t eta a. d me, :look, LO I. ./e/TE 0 a B nay ti 8 TUS E. I itheameron Ho i ' • I"' ' stet, So bettor, loan, • Bention'S forth. ' 1 t& liameron 01. NC • . , • onvekyancerl,, Offiee, EY G oderieh, C I • . e dm ratio's 786 diiring the pelt to serve you aa • Cash and two well, 1 , prodqce I yeire, tend and 'bottler, buyer 1 will if wanted only pophi f ay le, 'in , r goeds my hest the future. at the efforts will , right prices. be t forth • ,i , , . , - low pr legitimate ces as leeriness. ii coneisteet a a etqh a eq. ar, . Welsh last (66.66), the event a of the whole being. (07.66. In: w ight the , Scotch take the: first place ( -65.3 lb.); the Web& second (15 i the En lish !:. »' 1 efilatt: `" nd ,set ed. - th hen -I r - - an4l .me a 1 ind. * • f capri e • a: rapla"ned 1, s pot ad 1 to resol that : made ed to ' -pus. she I la • tie beg a , i u t ono . Pa .dereig a con of Dissolutioni. nership heretofo ed hap thie day nt. The butane of e ex een e of Partners sting be climbed the late 1 w b fir .;-The on the mu- will VGIILIN ;. WIntney's , , Block, Seaforth. , 'PE.ROIC ION , AT ._...„.___ ' • - .1..PS : . ai 4 . . , ..3), third )155.0), and te Iri- . to rth• , s na I 1 t t eae o n till I •aa . ere 'Or fairly f oe out o her li di e n 'et. gh , .• b d Gerrie. bts ou on by MR. Ho, to the firm will 14B:TED, Ibe , to ayable, wliora rid al1 who - . I (154.1), the total, aVerige •bei 1 .8 2. , V1.11 d discharge • due III S U CCESS EXTRAORDINARY For each inch stature 2 406 g the Seetch an i 1 :eel . a s.re adlay b:tWeeri that ebe two could h ti dgea, t sot Mies 1 , ot Pay , me fbiermr; . all n2ate(si.aGt sgstgr ebt tiiit.eztt and t ted °Wing &oit, by a -. • , I F L, • I I wkigh-ed .its. i, elsbm '14 2 815 lbs.; Englislinattie2.80 - lbs. ; led I We- ':' nail e contriv :a that elle s • mild •she' Brio n, did, I Sr ED. Witness, ANDREW *ALDER. • ' . . • , . man, 2 270a. It 'mae obvious, said the .. ... Committee, that if elms county he to . '1iqn . s 1 upe wits d her to nee ; when e in tears 'J : ' ' . . F. HOLMTED , , . , • - LG 0•NDVILLE contribute its Wative quota sol 'era the minimum - etanda d for elsh re -f „vie 'f3t 4 it mu t te-alloWed. • eeinni . g proved almost Ootiouhit . 'affect as 1. felicity (Mate a . Si.. ; an o so ARRII8TER t • wale & L , . r• ,aw street, &alert. ..-- -s . -eSpott'a Bloat, - ROLL R.' VI I L 'I. Si emits shoo Id be two in hes low for. .• , r, an English and MO, one richlo or ' t an the Scotch recrntts. It was prolbable tool much importer* had. been at ache, to in I for hdulsent 4 hi .ler : Ice a • e hue 'alt life. • . e with ms match d to -the be told gravity, both. 14 T "' side t.nicaneot phaa Be: - ir, 'it Iv 8 ,;" ad i a is S. OLICITOR, Mein G. MCG , ito. Law Street, Soaforth. till. HEY -Scott's Block, , 785 J. L. , , SM 1 i - IT SEAFORTH The only. g Count - C y, whic and. few eau. . Am.en a to name now is, On Roller has th Mill in tii no supe or continen a etaten e seleeting t eon:lite the o is ' n Meditatio a we fins , naanufa taring R Ile • arine in this conntry, n1 the Ia s ighpry; etandard did not arily eayera, remark& ol evidence th t his r . , AUCTIO i ERS. IS SHOWING THIS W: EK MAGNIFICENT VALUE I IN i Flour. nee s pros nce eard-aad fond iebs for her reis or cease 1 , men best fitted for mil tery du ital..' An adult Englishman pf t pleat proPort ons a sd sifter ea . 4 , ' ! 1 1 1 P. • Con RINE, Licence. ty of Huron. A : otioneei for the , ' NEW 1LAL • , D ' S GOODS • A GREAT R 'YOUITION1 : IN Mall C . • . , -had a. stature .of15 fee 7i inch's, .c test iacheei t 10 10 lb., ! 1 , .10 m•F.�w y m c.7II __� M 0 rtei _'_ .s • 1 se lot 1 • Pill , • . r e of B TOR he County. Al Office be . ale Ord .. attend re left s e6 in all the Ex- d ;no NEW C AI RES, The Bread Q , tion of Vital hit - . pp, . girth:36i weig sto e 8tca• and her : ns will pr pt yattend , iiA.I.4 .1 and was able. tohlraw, as in •ch awr, g -a, bow, 77i.lb. The ave wee ga e gre ter w P. eight for height. T e avera e staeire of adult males in En • 6 . 111am 936 81 , g eeasant °r rties titiite•isi; litchi:act a is ti i e - mete- sar , nda i D . a c. thar- et . D_E Co 0,. p I • s W GrITTY_I Lieens nty of Hur. ...; Attendeon d to on lton P. O. • I A " le a : • so.. . etioneer of alldesou . able terms. i 4, Concession for thp p tions Acl- . NtW NEW t ; A_L ! ' AL V lAFN . E I 1E ... i EENS CL • THS, The Gradu bY RO li 1 ers pex4.tion. ducionSysterc { out j.11 full • and ma .36 inches • and Of Jamul 3 62.6 inches, , c 11 iout Seggiets - g or causi it... 50 • • MOB,. g n ,. a li ttle. . ie ' illo or t 14 , - NEW AL 111 1E1 CLO HS .7 , ! , ;, 1?oller Flour b ?ngs rom , 1.2.5 to $: .5( shoWing a differende o nearly ' iinc es. ,i cen KIM NEW. AL 0 HAM' S & SQU RES, per bctrrel 7110re t 1 n 0 best Flo- _ . In average weight he , the& e 0 Old- r ma es, ere 155.0 nese and the few males 22.8 lase H. A M 1 T ON . NEW OOi1s I I VERY EPARTI. ENT 71veesk. . .. ._ or an.excese of 32 lb. The di; -relic EST DAY ANIMA S ft TITO N - .0 .1) A _Y1 , - , ; Grist • g Spec-atty. ,in strength was 35! s. he ohs rvati' 48 i s , 'i It 1r GATT E -Came into 0 of HAMILTON 0 . . I , • ; in strength, nowaver, ere tei.en f dea school mistressee a,nd Eihop. a sista,: 0,, and the average was!no •don ut re bh lower than if the labodriug ala sea lad been included. There wae eve y reas'en to believe that the sal ient Cal: don, t e', Beigw. and •Cieeleri, lib the Sil. • one nd 'it . eu. d ' per at- s e e ove a 1 Et uhscriblie, mber kt,. tWo he fere. roperty, pay IOHR» HEI ' h4 14, cone. i ve yearling The chartrps D1'01.tb, P.-Stra ssia owner anti Lon ed fe conce, preibioes -12. Bullett, I cattle! three is req iestel ; tak# them esber: P.O. g 14 i • m th sul - sio.n 1 ' Hu. • * _ OTTON I White r PET : 41Itc li . MANUFALM: and Colo) ed, S WARPS, Will WART'S of ev:.ry Ms Y ngle!, [ e : TAR107 . F RNS! lid Doti id all . escrip le C lore, i ii, , •1 t -t. _otyles -4. R Qualiti ' q li. 1 lit, . Przces 1 , Own tem better public , .penment Farmers w wheat ground, get a at gtade has hitherto Remetnber, 'ther . in o 11 in onge f flo r adopting all (auks and by ' Whieer, r by been s no get t eh our new ye, richer rid far pan ht able to get henabug orex the Gradual Frieians, as well as th Bailee nd or:- mans, were all people f great stet re, and that the pee -hi tnric r ces. ilu Britaie were of love or od,erat stat te.. _tete Ina! ['LI k• er I I au,d_dar oAter N.'s pre161.14, Ana- hei er mostl k nose, any mono. recov r3 wilt be D BEDFO ,D, •Lonelesbero , red, suitahlv , with white on th t wi I_ row-, r‘ded.... P O.: 831x4 I : .0 tIERY YARNS AN. BALLED OF XVEAY X lin' . RIE TING 0 . Y RNS . PRINTS AND ALL sum iR , GOODS - . AT oST. . Reduction thorough .tboroughly success Sy an. te in 11 tern ratable. ted, liod ngary,' Our proved Germany, new f3yste : io It haS sem a g eal Fre ce Accordingly, the higb felted in the Pictish o portions of North and .Westmoreland and Lir berland, Lothians, a,ed r statu ea' are Can hr. -Bri ilbli East Yorkst ire, col nah ir : . d 4n Bar -las] pe te 10 5H1481b0t011 ` , r tnet th r eCe ession v Louts . -0 SIMI: 4, Mor beanie, across polo, will E 5 NDEt • • • D. -Strayed s, one, tli-o the Irdermatin be thankfull O. , . grav N B I fri yt afkid f;O•eh y ' • li e I' t 1lot: co - site . ,e, re id. 1 '_Iso as o h s recei 1 b 0 8 - ,. . 31x- e I, iene, sese Goods e to I. laritY -e • are RP.E".P ' irp.,,,ttperior Tickings are univers: be fully equet t. and evenness i Itussurpassed. WEAVERS- to n anil llbp any rua on y i Cott onounced Mado,laz e : and !rill ft the des. eethe d for c wing iti our n ket. . J. I L. Smi • I . . • flant Street 1 Seafd ; Wt. ,, England • .. extensive we trial sertions :and We gave A cha guarantee will be corre he Ueited 1 Fleur go at better, ufficient t. States. previous to o•tri a heavy cost, lei Flour 130W, 11( to prove on as - were mainly Anglican IwhiletePe the - .......; ' i , • Etighlan.deasever ' 'Black e nee you just to lye 1 tt,tri I shire tilie mo t cle rly . 0i OST. -A all an& " Ta i Do , 1 yout Dry-C.1'00days sun rts' in t Ot it identified as _ the de Caledone The tnliabi elevated districts po stature than thoee of a eedant• of the ahts of ia os ore essed • gre: ter- luvial pitting, tad tifetli Ward( thltpad 11 woring di g last d ille. to the premises f 'I bbi n leavin th REV JOSEPH , ahe ket the uudersigl. nder will dog at JU be rnyl Me0 i?.'t bo," litraye d on . i la suite,' ly rIt I ouse in E - S3 x v 1 .i e• te to DD ji. i Y n will the in it. and we wi 1 . • ARNS, of which be round e ; '4.ry them. i istie3-tia •13 rn nun arc . ike all goo( p inipt d scrip- . Atilt • ,, , . . are . ; Our facilitie unsarpass for d, and 70. iG this 0 SSE of on caste ers may de, those of the northern tricts. Scotland,iude ell merely above England the average stature of it leads the list iwhen and ot'lder ; is- th does 'ot at ed and : It- 'lend in its" intl. bits., te e comps, d iti 'Kilo The ad il ST 'tie a p 'CIA , bout 3 ig -MB endersigne the '...s r can ha. •e charge Came into , lot 16 of October, ihe same JAMES tlui toncees by proNlir H1LLEN. .iireini es f on 11 , M - a ewe lam . gpr ipert - 880- i Is v lus.Company v r medals :e firet 1 ston; NANS was aw: at Toronto,behibit prizes at the Pri 1882 A G.E N ct Co., rded rind, 8 : oro' - wo fi On in 388 1 Exhibi to. t prize , and ion at I ..._...._,J,.... . . • . pen& o p on getting ee. Be sum ,ocess-rolle Flour, Bran their and try floua. Shots chopping done al our famous es . 1 and. Feed d liv the adult males of _Le erica • as d E rea sal. A.ft CATT E. --vete et -era to any p: it f .Seaforth, liar ur pean origin who we , e etam, tied for if tilie subscr bee,. -Strayed lot 4 comes fro he pi inise a n 8, rri , . MeELDERRY . Co., Min real. 14X28 ____ --- -----.41 - hey or Egmon vili ree of chsrge. admission into the ll ited Sta ar. fey. about t o middle f June, 3" yearli g steer.: end , . .. But the Polyneeaens a every other raot) in 8 lish prof:emit:mat class The influence of town ' ,les pear hilouts 8.ture, . te 8' corni g n life a- d town rip ng- it: yearn otdeer c' b, ill lor. thoa#/elly Y th , heifer ' s early .wh oformarion reepie•ed P O. i We of the eteeis ; the heifer az to their by ;JAMES wher.aboub : re rid th le a o• •' h • will POL. O(K, 8 9x4 - .c. -eei,"e.,t;t:.;e: . • e.. .teeeess' • A ' ` • :., ...- ere. CHILLED A Car I LOad. ' I i'liO t I of Gmnuine it . South Ben PL . . and 818 Or Our Ss, Brucefiel ilKYL Mi is in f .. at Egnehad 11 operation. : ; 86 MUS rAR . , occupation on the of he 1 a ...tea_ a:a:ea ,e S SULKY physique ulation in which the the pep. races al 0 er •ii Ale ST t * LATVIA .e nbscribe7,11ot •-•-Can3e into 14, corium t e pre eisee of n 18, Hollett, -1.-.,---s :‘.. •elk, _,4.1 . AlST . WEBS) IT . IL , . , L PAY ' t . YO and climate conditions are he same, about. S : temher la, 2 lambs. I • Ale tra f ye, e '.'• RtC D AT -e - • i is seen by Comparing pal:Inlet-ion of 4yrshiee Gliego.w and Edinburgh,where the agectiltural • with that he a i of er.:: the one ssitd y ,,f,aRT .remises, lone areng. ' Iindly .n!: the above DELL. ewe and addres1seran eoi Le...de one :b .ont ra li last b and 'pinto lrAir O. / 9 II FO keep . * SERVICE. --. The n lot 8, Conoession • 1 I ;lidera , Tooke e s ill it , a e 0 .i I • -TO CAL i. T THE - l age difference in the stature. mounts '1- i 1 0 9x3 o ()ugh 'red Suffolk Boar Ti. a is a su emir fulSONYS to 4.15 inches, and ineeeetghtl in favotir of the country .. rather a -note !worthy that, comrared twith the lake], lun•atics I show stature of 1.09 ihohes weight while criminals . 36.4 fol • It cire mate- gener .1 po a deflc ency aeid of 1, ,3 lb are 2 0 inch lb. ! is •ce a ' of of es sha y t a r B1 f, cot foirli fo t bin. ove - t D STEER.--Strayea n 17, fieleyeabont g .teer, all etl'3xcept el ed. Th .Any in °re;0lation • ill- be su telly alton P. . the al 811 had been that rewarded 0. NEIL I frothot itt few w kn wfil DUN . 1 ,, eon- ot une, a ire h irs on eked' ff the led& to his y the i nder• 0: siS0 . - '8294 n )'ll r I ' n 6 sl, a , paS v lege AN, - ,------e, I eS F Boar :I.rkol ; rat d from -good stock able et the time o returning if emcees Kippen..: - ---- ---- - It SERVICE. -Two igs feir service et ire aod one Stiff& t e time of service, of Rod wit Ter erviee ry. BO1 • - Moron erville .1 Tenus ilthe privil 'applian s. it . -• e Ono the ERT 830 . libred seal, One ge of 'for Which import stock, Aoticulturili will be drake', importe ' k ttold at he au One , old goriber andied I pric p e s, n ein 8,nd en twit)] de Fif ermined y of trending them Wareroom, the increase to - keep a few days •Sea of those valnable before' fort • 10 ler the ii:e 'inn* . cen.t. !ii in the . - HURO EAR THE HI • And H S . see oar oUNDRY HOOLSEAFORtH, stoelt of , lower and 17M Ite lighter, '. deficiency of pl4sical stamina in these ind oatin as wells mental- a ,r ST e us * CATT11.E.-StraY s -n 3, '1 nekeremitli, ut one y'par• e I old cattle. d from about Tir lot ',con• be d o I i steel ., one e I 0 tt [deg d ng uni 2 f necesSiary. An unloading sows. -- jpHN e : ! • I* . .M.A11,8 • e ALL. tariff • , conseq stock IS exhau ently, ted. is en and bled see thosb to ell plowth them at former before baying . prices until •13 a, 00=10 th i pent or- 1 in,- . 0 _ ' W S 7 •both classes of sodie•th. unlirturre . _ . • a m ck Id i whife rd al o two r d r lts, the other 'haloes. - re Any with, white i'nfos i atiort . 0 . R PoR keep SERVICE. ---The uring the present a ndersigne aeon on - 1 Will t ferior article. . . A full stuulit Every ie. of fr,f a 13 ow. gu ey Re ran per eed to' and give Masehv. satisfaction Mowers, or no sale. Toronto . Boa .ers , an g a hich has b l.- nes county..gr en Made - have !especially fee e 1 ' at y neeproyea , 1Dr.. Johnston's The Marri. g.e. -- ' • ANDR . their roe WOOD ' y willl be ensail P suithb O. y se • rded ; :i'lx4 r Le ii shire her of B sad I uekeransith, oar, to which hri sows. Terms Si. wil ; There're., receive the a limitedI .21, -aired time Toropto Moweas, Sharp' Bakes, Tore all of w to'Co ich w d 11 be Indere sold cj3meal an' Massey's'. and on reasonable Low Down terms. Bi 4 der, Repaks alai s y Gan.g Plo tis-fied in ea for this ing that -Simeon, and fee] W is the best la artless meaner tiness of Luey Porter Ben's youthful heart, ae-d.rue ic pliet- had wo Jobn.• hen she was on Li. -iir G46,, sp i' 6 ' • 8' t HEE ' e undertined, n ir about belptemher ;--St ra ed 5 lot from 14. tie: ' 8th, • ' t e pr misc.; - - cesium 15 F nu• , heeie f e e • ice ' e•sary. with theprivilege JOHN S. HENDE pa able at of returnin SON. .. I 89 g if If of all -kinds always . • before -buying a on machine. ' hand for , th abbv machines. . Don't V fail to see • y 004 tie market. ' LAND pur R ! a visit to, the Rev. Joh for of the free echo Johnston's youthful d Hunte g I, Lich s eta, ye. The peon in ' tar th 'e: e din , ye' pet - 1. eon the I' their ree 0 0, G E .R E the Dielt. Iht side 'e -1 y ie 11 f:4 1 ' 2. :, Egl., ene ' Au be' Yth ' 1Sr Gran as 4. C in 'nfisi . atio kit/ ly en ' - re ook. 82 f -de FOL ot 21, h rang tly p • PIG. -The nn Urfa concession 2, L. bred Suffolk Boar. t minuted from the : tied wil. R ' 1.1.,I Tucker his •einim: wel -known bree:iers, keep. on m'ith, was • , O.- C. WIL -. SO . Alain Street • -eafor . - / S , . e large and oing good work. eleavy,lran. Our FLL.ERS • g light tiZ ! ' appearance, hi) wove of --Jahnst n, F ankei Son, f i Perted _ I could not teanpt the la his passion ; ed to Intsd at le her pari ,at B , y to . r:turn gth s e minglia-e tete . B of n- .., :si .. ay tt ST of t ser ote ° h Y CATTki,?1,-Carne undersitt head of eat Jigs. T e ed,.Sr;.aforth, le, nee' wner den into on two ye hey.) ; the pr miso Frida ,,,,Tal r ol an. the Sam: . . o s f h eidee.• thsw, 't ORG .' and is em Terms, -$1, p yab . the privile e of ettu . , g LEWES. at the lain if neeees e eittelik on time of -r 74}3e. Q1fsiS , I , THE. TIME , 1 GRAIN e made from 0104./ liar HERS ;iron, and. will Bei nese required Johns that netghborhoed on father, and callin.g n's pre: he deat hi :nce of for in is 44, '8, Pri AR ig I pkopar • alnd paeing I • a...1.....H- ' " ' , charges.,' ; . ., F. G 8 7-tf . 118 has REEN FOR P i RE.. purchased frpin harles Jr mee Tu Troyer her 1. of I 1 . . • • nger than auy •aving special. oilers, we can -tit toils gee er Machine in e ixor recut "at antee eatisfactinn , . pon er Bp y Ti. m B IC ame inl ' o tha ' t u efield his well known Ber shire ;Pi Ivbieli TO 33T.34-"Y'- 1:;A- 1--1 f:St WIl\T _a. inistress there, : he out dying. With friendship which. par always experieneed fr .i his leisure .houra found oar hat aff &date el ra hinah: t 11:Er. p ation uati pas 'orte re' to ea ed ' 's, . Is i '"'-' C • -;-1t lo • b. Pe' e encieA's a lie ' sig out the Owner cen 8124 pa, In , iddle o .Tuty, hav the.sti plu"ggcs. premi ee p this ; 'ear% e On p ovia '1S‘ OH 1hort 1 e re 1 I h ire, • ill ke d u u. r. ne8Sneectl nest pi ". Bo p for service at his -ng the Oesent :ease frer Brtoisie 6 of Ed s ever brought •al oarlyslee as well remises . n. beers, se, and t 1 o ie. as tl i This i oun e si Hill's p'e was Messrs. one of y. , is Fi' e of ;his . - - .pairing .1:it, pedal atton team Engine, eapers, Mowers, rid all kinds notice and Sae T of ma a an Grist Ila nettling Mathi ea hinery repaired om reasonable r4ee , attended his sick bed, after bis dPath. ask consent to his maariag Mrs. Porter bba bee very fat, withera red fa thl a fe- •1Mon d . his oth with th Wid repres :nted e, and hidiff ,, hsall es va fl . 6 0 ik . I 10E .8 , ; •n "ri• 1_, e P.M He, ine AV i eg: . " Si i. . Lo *iv Re, al Fat ble a• of Dorehester Car iitI,' d Liverpoele" w:re • 1 Shows in En hind s in Cabada. gin the time of se rice eturning if n eess arid rstprize also s !---4$1 wit ry. hi. at p 1 tl 01 grind milers- he Pro- r. sow, e . priv- A thES• . - , . I' OTS ANO , - SHOES f • of o contraotors cite; and C uotatioos fur Also a L. D. Savvy an stings ishehou exit for r, Remittal.- others -.Bri g€ at 'lowest ra a 1-7,pplieation, the impleme tt A full hie ent featuresand in her spe eh aie) d 0 EPli M OR , * W ROVER rroprietor. • i . 1 :nese - AN E ITRY'S SI -10E ST6R* of repairs cons aiatly •on hail& manners f affectPd, an girlish levity, while j first introduetion to h borde,ing hasten., ' on on' ids . 'evil : nspechl ! ,I Of his fall . , and well - , e R o y a . 1-0 I . TH9MAS- EN -DRY appearance yet More a -r, exhilited nguler. He . an 118 a k R eart-d ad) teek of • 8 a 0 Clottg le and Oveteeelts,-T O&M ry tloods 1 eds, tinder- • (11. - TE CARMI CHAEL' Z) Is tlie place to uy t • , if y a W : lit 0 et the , best val •e for your . ! mo . * Talar 0 then lean and lank, that his ' i el, thi , ...dies' 11 d -made 91e,:ter .. and ; Uister , , . -i .4.7 .E.111.. mouse structurelof bones ly striking to *the: eye, was • ideo bile ta - G le th faI L dies' Tr a .d winter ed a,nd so Fee.thers L nt ' 1 mod Hats. 1 wers, Birds AF f, RTHI ONTA 0- • stock of Facto Mad: °Ode s la ge and well assorte d in all the . . differ . t li ' P" ° ElRil SELS- . $ 0 NI - K WOB' • . e so -re m'a in ,s, Ladies' Flu., Seta, ie a s' Tates; , occasioned by the scr ble. -His hair, wh fula we 0' dee ch wag atria ly. • ht \relit e t nt it, i fol 1 onds, Hoc bine one a 10i.; , Clouds, rile a Sh ysidt v s, 4.: I2i and 1) e eet- d JAMES EIR!and 1 I cannot b : „ nude sold by y ouse i th trade. I TOWN s& OM and stiff, be were se. and he often had, see (starts and odd gesticulation Waded to excite ' at le ridionle. Mrs. Porter, much engaged by •his c she overloolied Off the advitbr d a ' , ages an expres ter : "This ie the . ne that I ever Beni in my johnetonis mother a naturally be expected, eurpriee at at-brit:lest 1 •arated bah • ipgly., coo vtae , wh ce Burp se ' hOweve: was • . nversat on that 0 eater ;al ed to he dan st send be m ife.". well a might expreEised her inaptud:nt a; tre oh d s••• , 0 • "es- I h- n 11.me tame 'xi q 6 60 t or to f0 ban li,sty iii-. ' , ici..ee ttIO 4, sto heti Bu yo. ! , also 11 , fnr a.nd Mott an 'Mitts. II ot de BOot :a idn\ovat bee r a . ' ' ° is now c f all th t le e Eguion eil mill p ice: and Eg s e yE)13, N r 1 JOS/O 1 ge and Ceps,: a•ve feat Shoes eased.' re, Gla let- - e e, ant required c Roller . Highest SOME! one ble to . ; i .31 -OR vari Kid reeei whic My s le" wee in in a Mill pi an show laasolf, talon a Bewail' e a frtsh.lo n priOc amNn. t ek of Gro la d p te ' I n f ' Ile - n ' a - - as a nora • ootin lour ol •r-waY e inl trait 11 an, 1 se: ode. . ,, ... W ; , a I 1 t • ipa, te a tie t . a Ca ill tent all dia I 4e. a r E S to iing omm ire furn and tl •opvtit ton m rot a, I well eke tive t en ravel em d tode,' ilorne ublic that I dious . led and i is aow lent hotels the hare furnished supplied d trust ee. Good •is. • r the hStr - his old fri :rids havin r hotel buil iin re-littei It one of t le in tie wants of h a of public p:tronage. and. -11 with. he worthy • samp e "Royal H tel,' ets , Sego purchased g, front moet empty. custOmers beate&. beak, ostler monis' and h i e utI3 loom •And will for . , I corner the tl th to--) B h Th al • C. Of t avel- is nee ' r ugh- 0 blot o ble tribt i lopes • etne I e. bar a at. a be nier- its I will not i - , ' I , --- etan :buy the host i •° , . I.e. e e. . :MTh I will guarantee 1 .- ;; • cheapest in the ' • - ' Don't Foivet , OUT . Ma lo . i end. BICES • emit, ay give 1:oot. . he Statd , in P 1.J 8110' . y to , el that must Oypasite the , ' MAD work prolperly give satisfaction,nd e Roy4 1 as wofik - ma e, an p Hotel, Seafor n ove h. 0 a ih 7 .i aa. the THE -4- and that kiln be pu de fie re fro be subserilvers take Is turning thanks to th vicinity for past patronage, having made eeverakimproyements and inode of burning; ter position than ever ' lie with ii la r rstee • ss ime. his being the ninth sewn./ lings in Brussels, and satisfaetion so far, the eiving good treatment us. First-class bine -et the spot -Brussels hittetWorks. opportunity inhabitantsof i they before -of laving public end a 'firlit-elass 15c. of re - B ls and beg to se to in t. sir are now . a to supply be , our bus" ess given, null li- -eau rely on afleLe Cash. Be so , - and • - , • -- - VA NA. • 3'47MS , "' IM, 1 I Proili tori 1 , I 1 I I, I, At THOMAS. 1 COVENT - . y. 1 TOWN & 110 ' 3 3 'A pees'y of' -ie ents vieitesi the Toronto 7.- TbeGarn3ah,,Gevernmeiti, Ii -ot 't1be rash in- his being I. fee the purraive Tiotitut auserelirtte.et .-Sev 31E r4ir'i'n 211394;:li' aengbA.s:teb:af aideration is the fee:airy ect.'w Islao 'divorces ka:..eata lleavs ot. t1:iat staff.. 4.An erorla ! New it sego ifle year has exceeded . la r one, is alifiit rer,e the avtrE,-,. tile quality ex!eeptioee.py faie. great tiM4o and:hbtir CO - plaa:aufituin'tmnrbeer-:-o'f cattle driveni killed by Cree -lialf-breede, fi south of Biatehel, Dakota. Whistler hail „been appealed t . atdirarbtltiEleirta,t,he miittor : lonese :in West Flamboro' e--% JOU Anderson, a, !ma_ - bulitseaiktutt keiltii it ftohisSIpnntiackaeyt, eheck for 15100 on the Bank - 1•Itiitorotribeno:eri6cfaiiiieEblias.ktrritycei,7,kii ...--Sii Weelp3 ago a wontan Wolfe Ieland‘ opposite Iiiiigst tug that her rave might be r. husband ereoted a heat oee there he haa.e_lept sioce the b ptirre_polocitbelec:tiocilnItin:il: e : yhiosovnitl, 1 .. i to. , his -eonatitueets i of No setateSttf9Otjliiisedue netttirrInely(4 rypo of' his hea.lth and that be , aCcord With the Ittleveat Gov ita policy of maintaieillf.„, - the iutiid ToiltMarquis g tituatrioial. rigfto bo hts of _ u 4 Princesa Louise arriVed at gonday last week. and 'wen saalrattee13:firnogmthee;a0Co Pti9*tp'orialltio obi rafiirred to the increasin. ity of Canada and the awa terest of England i.n.theaffa i DI°.11Titaie()TIC:oreriaor Of Yicto 4 r4guing Parliament, !said the -of thel aanexation of Newi been intensified by Fraiice - send to New Guinea the cimi4ials. He deelareril it t itmh aPt-t -suchi)t at to sink i 3e ,of PAonl if II at 17'h be permitted to exiat attb Southern Rtitain. : --Vile 'convention of Wombe's Christian Temper met at Detroit last week regular business variona pl., incidents oecuri-ed, one: tell Ingo% -a sariptural gaeeti 4 Jennie Caeseday, of Deaf, ' firmepiacrkaeautdinufTla:eili:fir:-04,1wwerhPrAiSaisiir•ecai Panama - eAecuanntasl etft , appear rw-Itt oor k aggeeatted. , Some of the has been cat off. bit mit to. To ekeaVating ., of any ite beenidorte on the ' main t ilgraevaetio i biteIteenr aetffe rdl:tse ai n 'i, yheno ienta the money sunk.. Th iIre that the cainal will be - 'in 1888. ----NearlY '200 French CS baa :ber., '157orkIng for . th-e on the Cartaelti PaCific wer tenth by the Mayor of ' Ow 'Sunday morni tin. They ationey, and stated that for !whom they had w( „ paihei.rhey ia re iarlsltll,adli grataolsealoniunlst , -On Sdulay -)rilng Y.1) ea° Ilni :::himl 1 a ut I it'ioi al 1 N711,!,.,,ril sliet II I k' LI:: 07 Inl el 13 : Data, etairted, stifficienti ana30 reach Bothwell lief intending to make a Short relatives there. In. passu 'Weeds a few miles frfini t svertrpotlepri.ivr threeotei:07eetit ltrts abottta6.11, imof MeLebls abtoo a P:Johnie nilni in th launtht in Bethwe stocking feet, and -'-Am-an name 45, a hotel:keeper Teciutesehl, ton, Ito rangeiille a, tie vel election trialdrop * as be -Eiee.teriel theeourt 'Ile13 cause of deatli Ninle bably indhced lit eeite Wa in a. frail'ho'aditio attack, and huctentialted ;lamely. •, -About fair hundred Ann Arber, Michigaa, m Pia to celebrate hallowe'e through -the Wain, siegin This 04 marshal and ee ordered the itudents to arrested -Several of them. 317•944 the t pretident of -t elites. The 'test of the pickets fromithe tft-ce° on attack the pegi , iceme th4 prisoaeri Solveal vo. I make. tterboro 1 dity g halijog4'--*Dosed of his la 4)thet, *anted to reniov of the" Golden Litm" Aiyaori but the neW owner, the SalitIllid went With th former wper tried ge. • Isadore, but the OpPosi' 'stattog foir ham, and.; Boa . I Craft luig;ht foreel4a4 failed iso the ret at if - a beep: sk�n 'Warta ifuottkl daoi * his