HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-11-16, Page 4NOVEM PIP" 6 1 dSITO'
A. &
being destr)yed. no m an was a tow,Montgomery, Samuel McKee, H., me it fell t
of Ontarioito U'Of 3,00 ty
to be aae PV 3r3 pa, is, - Earngey, Persons bo e was §tanai4g tiltiollto a post at thl:
fatally I I . I
NEW ADVRRTISFmEN,,rs. tributes, it has just caqse to cQ npl 'n of! ol�ot rs4, the be riiared-. A fire broke out in a Zimmerman,
&vor of obusion. Inithi N ra] pq, a aticial 3ol with a d6btof threebuill-I I acto 'the s me day, wimhi,ng to bury there will, please apply Qu en's hotel, 80 the Oign; fell within
of the amount which ha been ex. ilonded tf 110�1' In ry at, C.h rIeston foo of i.t. Fort a
U� tely tho horse W&I
1_---CTlhs ft. re between. tbelpmrenthe%is`�fter usly -0 n � houss A dollars halilgingover t)leE2?' c an sin g the de& �h of several ratives. to Geo,Strong,Esq., townsbip tre llsuler
iox a,. ni)any W o were revi 1111"n
or its direct beneft 'It is Inin met t and un jured.
eiii line delotes the page oft e piliper on whioh FARmicia AT rAoyill.--Ten disguied This Was a needed improve
11.1 be founk wo Ub . A
the Advailioe nent V because it is calculated lo create a ppli it fo6 m ide, and in ope linitance, an We f mov t, ey uld feel very ran —Mr. I E. Gidbraith haS been en
rm ad -revol t -
men some- a With era, a - will be highly appreciated by In. y Nyho
MWaterm rths Ii E PC sed U bestow thei property upon gaged again h I Section No
Xontreal I louse—Dun"a & Duncans(5) w in
of, jealliusy where only *Mity i 90 )d o 6ad atteride. tacked the buise of a farme named have frIends buried there. . .11
ro -k, early on East W anosb U la, inoreasef 815,
Ariob-or Li al—S. Dicks* f,0 We are: b.ever c '11VE Ition as- te, were' Ilia, i scine of their poor alatives, if tb y liongan near Co —The trustees of school Section No aw
feeling siould exist. a delegi
eVisit—D-r. Prouidfoot. iii thds making his sal $390
(5) i � t vo�e abd wom t inorin
a to giving the Go ernmenfol r. t for Johnston. i wnull tal�e J t, leave the limi ta and at �,,and d4manded �bis m hey and UsborDe, - after considering the matt4 P per Annum.
Si0e Rev. N. lRatterson. (5) avers M W. Melia feagapd. i
be a8kilants 'wound- have decided to act npon the ecom-, V -I as een
n t E Wi ag),in.' -Intbisrespect,how, tin. He shot 4 t i
e him 'elf, when i now I Section No
Movillat due credit for all' the goqd' they t ndidat endation of the teach
13,1fl-le—Goorge, A4,lerson- (5) 09 one. Four,6f the P14 ve een m hSame
opti.Ug tOWn8
Farm's to )Rent' T. H. TI&Carfney- (5) do, but still, 9z, swore tl I -at be bad give I L On lr,� Bralifilon is not )xoeptionEl. lution a 8: i, at a Balary of $400 per t
at the Same time WE O'not no 9 sted. The 016ttack is ouppo'S d to be and b ave passed a reso
Farm for $ale—Robert. �iloti k. (6) desire to hear them e.ther prg i 4�d or i Vget sums oi In I this way, ty ever, r town ande y f i the Nort" to age's Canadian series of rea( eirp fyid� nu;;. Mr. MCK Y taught In this schill
DO in Nfair
forl, two years un il the fall of is8l'
Estray Sli-eep—Robert McElroy. (5) 0 that the n i 1213t, not even ex 's Boi Y �OLD qn:$� .—It !is use in their schools.
At 1 11 U s with t E h ?a oluding inuipeg,
blamed for what they are nat' dill n Wurx's Boi gue to attend the Clinto 1
Farms for Sale—John Bi�wker. that Moses, the husbaud o tile f t .—Mr. McKibbon, after a short busi when be refill.
F a-'
P, !a �y High Schol. Beipo SuccesSf-I
em companyiOnce More. (8) responsible for. This movemeD h d vifoulq fray hii 1 (4 al io elpenses B I,Fiir:ti]6rl.y burdened, �H)w the peo le r*enoe in Wroxeter, bat closed C o! a n,
Blanche Grey, whi 1' died If Bal i- ness expe i
hE h o at the
Good TeL confessiow &II& of and h I* 6re and returned to, Wi� igh Ibw
plara-'Butertainment. (8) Itural a ai A ts b' llim. a to sy their tax p a for, a second cluag certifict
its origin with the, Agri M 9 -e a few. days aRo, so 41 bar body t 1 9, )lq 8
Telitcher ratod—R�)bert Campbell. (6) ot, irlicitherl. of ae The Ipr'emisies lately.vacated by I 1r. Mc-�' Ja y examinatioba, VLe trustees
f -t be a man villo wC ef toot ai I C)a t ia� a n ystory to ox I tsAers. 5 esired
A�,Isoi�ttion and,not wit the Gkveitu- a n tor for 52 Tlfe -ocept t P(!�it on;wb
Wanted horn. as, Moll o Shoot libbon will be occupied by AesSrIB 111 to a; eceased thre �tena
siTolt Office. meat, 'and it is'fiom thel funds -�h&h c dif Pon ally ous ituency JE68 US wom a eff ciently filled revp)q*;ly.1
L 0 i rm
ason & L
Parcel t—Expo, [,;OlNqVBN f 130of I OBEIB. b ee, a now 131 wh intetid'
lap—ill. Nlorrison.(8) -a rf�presentsive. Besil -thi�s, s -al iox of armers oompo ollperl Ing out a large stock i of goner' 1i --A cuu ple of a hoold peddlerasboppeil
Norse ttled So tey control that, the I rizes ao !to b A FAITaruL SElIZIVANIT' R TIUT'—Hig Y.
do.e tes fr)m, all par S Of M&DitOb.8, at one of the Gorie the o
For Saallel S. G. McCaugbeV. (5.) taken, and all the Gove ment' to t Lad, I . st Satuiday illf:h, a tempt3d merebandise. hotels i ther
�alve tnoBBeB swore pi itively tha, v man Is,
inillt, and in the m4ning vL-n
Choppers anted—T. 0. Kemp. 1,[1,1 lee. ai i I i ifie Nor bhwest is to be hall at Bra a. —Nlro. Adam,Foster, of Olinton.,met, Do ufteed t o
do in the Immetef -is to Sanction S T Be. U b.'t i I io teal the cash box of o, Btre t car in �
poFgo 3 a ly, offer d tbem corr tho proprietor thitt Weir exchequer wag
t d4 on Mon lay the 26U4 in St. ith a painful accident a few days a49
ol-7-Homan Brothers. (6) 1
air tea to GO- di waukee. Th3 driver wbippe: up tie W
of a portion of the legiplative E rant to ontl I to vote fC U Lenj'. It hi &tally. I She 18 e pty; but ba -vi -fig an extra borse along
ion of the Pro- nt les, and the �hieves sho n a somewhat peculiar way.
H no W A eler ion h nc�p he corro crat- Bi E or the fin %noial situaii, "D subject to -fits, and during tie of these they manaed, after dr)wdtrabie 11di J�'f
that ABSociaticia. a owever, 041d T at his pustivatil the "r o
V h �m reB iB a remaJue
:0. ce, and t:) er
he cont , she fell on the stove, burninj
1 01 # Qredit isdue for the sc, eme sh �l el IS these it ate adopt,BU4 ea hed the stable, wh(a ON er eriDg, to dispose, of � hi in -for 67. This
u: den rise in thir,fortunes oneblel
edioal su:
r6ed expe4ion%
von tothe Associatio and nou to ient 'on Oath, and tl�p h dasli-board. e 9
judges I gave :It ar badly and nacessitafix
I I ia� tb6m to pay their hotel bills and get On
b and er
redross fon k the grieva oes and whi@ attendancp. Hll b" faceliesca of
a ir tj ll,m tb OCIALIST BOLDIMSS 11' a JI.lilly drunk. - Duri g thki day a con,
'�FRIDAY,'Nov. 16,1883. Government. But the at teirleati of,
a mystery.
14 n1toba aid the Nc rth Nest suffer -,ondon police 0 1 Frida. , t1tiglat last pte
fio: I ion. t ble arrived from aforth and
seluently he eaNapi 1 4 8
an, undue A fe tif lsoullifi( relioj�-
the farmers receive -yingi aThe heaviest ratepayer' in lGodor
of !an entirely rented a Socialhit'proceslion c ri.
21 them of the other horse, let
fe here a �ath at i g is to be &VID
f I
ich township is Mr. John- Mi dleton
the public funds la - portion tol tbl
at I�Inlqy not be bito )Ia k flag insor )ed -11 Starvation rom
Thelltefbrm 0milvention. thelm to make�nLm
the c&njilatb -non- olitictl. -character, 1611di'judging o $1021 arrwogements r
other t at he ele'I i fl gen t of proaclitin 1 thl � Ouildball dailitig the 'whose taxes this year.amouirt 4 1`3
granted to classeal is equall Y noi ir 1 0 IcOnveying their wortblers fabrics to,
orm I - ' ' aml th(il cocaments of! the Mauito.) quet, a There is one ratepayer wfioa tax.
We wo4..d again remiad our Ref 8: ty princi d distributot of th i 'Ift 91 ord-Mayor's ball aroot. Foir ipsarlee, To Univer (I the ip only amount to 7 cents and aeveral those who migh be Billy enough to bu
equ3ntly held a, In
0 w did, a cl
al bia p� 86 it Will b h int th *co D, try, a' 'ileing he
frienda South Huron' of the Conven- 0 Ono of Jhe Is, gest &,,a, sioniAs subs Eletil3g, at
16�Dey has lef S riff
an ad litioi al U nber
IS laopely end Sea made,. others, among the nur
;3 Mee
Brulcefield, on Fri- h qli incendiary speecbqs
verAtion te IYA St,itIffU( heLd _At the 1 13 ng of th'o Goderiet
Ir Gibbons, who will only be upon
be held at ed d w- 11, uld 0 roc�,red Otial aIBBea1V1&gN 6y6r a
endowment is be;ing for, tr
tiulonv Go
10 tli�e farm
23rd inst., and we h As a ers Public School Bill ard Mr. R.-Millal
day rextr ::a ope re ut b ight, :lr. the P�O,vjnoe. to pay 13 cents taxes.
e*en a more di le,�ale
In I Ill tbo Echo
that thos the duty of o doubt be grapted. lFrom tbi I .. I Hui 01�1 -N C tl Store of w o has been principal of
entrusted wit4 ve -un hi Wqs, MI. O�� an0ob � areu most intE Iligent class of Blyt i, succe as —One day last spring, in th erb ke o(t
tution he farmers, as a 01 Val no b, Mis Thompson ok Switzer, of Clint n, Mr',
aEis, der eeri�, olled. I I , s Boyd, tend d his resi�natijln U) ta
01 large! y f' om On tai io
C tt( Dal) f people, being I n 9
irganizia benefit, and ye they a,e c o (n T. 0. Cooper johi'gly� handed
meetirlg� for the ap- S 3hor in chool Secti'i a The reas
alled vbn to 6buitcla's fir gal into uTnbull as tea a Sin t te end of the year. on for
-8,1 �
Of 4elegatea ill faith ny al tbe, class of c)l(l country ton. No, 4, Morri 884. this action i,-Fj that be has twice up
polintmen t gates, n should be ilis I it. be� s, f r'the yea,r I bean of a peculiar variety to M Goo pnea
-contribute a large P,,Io ortion df its Pl�rli t ent, a
P -n
attand to the' -duties del of Bell rave, h tbo foi- an increase of 84 ad his appli.
vulviog upon ;a it far lerS and it is Act reasonable to --Mr., W. He�64 has Green, of Goderioh towilship, w ry, a,
a r eg
maintenance. The same may b6. sad -;I , - .- i . i
ear -old colt to r. nderad remark to "go home SlInd plant fit Ur n d a
is axticulail desirable on I Iyilm: bat imch melal wi. I long su son . 't
of many'other institutions for the 11 Pi throl i ear Donnybrook, for th 86M I Greene did I ecently g�t erea[ Board and bis servi 8 9,117 eing
so, anc r
-n i t to tlie evil results of a Irrinding wid
this occe at each I olling sub -4,1v- it recei 7e 11 Hooey, of Fyoxeter, ll�s elsewhere where tb dutils are li
bfLs u, an s as the pro t le�
parting of technical education. hl the Mr. John Sixty be duct bf' h 3 Bin
-ly relpresentell ates f,�bs, atiriotijo.dolerce of Proi Ilicial 100 so,- Situated alt an d the sal �arger. I he oard de.
I as tb4 whi6h arm of e ary
ision be J 41 y doleg smrUbBs monopoly sucl old his f. seed
.1 lo V ,at. It A, Ines
city of Toronto alone in' 188� th( um of 81-6 (1 At 13, near Wroxeliteii to r.,, i clined to acce t the riasignation,but
to gb, �a —Mr. B.
roperly S�Ieeied. Vve, may also sta a great Worthweit; The Pope's corner S. Cook, of Forawic olepall,
as expended i y :,T�ndets for tbe
p $10,000 W n aid of, in'sItill oul In is W1 ?f 55 ty reeve of Howick, recetly met w� tb� matter. Mr.
that Refairml I although iked Pope for the sninli a th,41 ta K6 & week to cOns'
print nil, w'. -e all,4d foi, alov five ja0hon oi conven ion viiill bel. loc
b1i 3 large lynx was si week Mller is one of tb;e ust efficient au�d
general y, tins of this classlur the speciai benefit pi A� 'i : very painful accident! He wa in thei
ship f, public S'
they may l3ot beillelegates-, will be cor- They were Irom fc i ward to'*ith mulch in te refit by the the v Blaick C eWto%N n i, Be sucaSsful chool! teachers in
To., a gum i qual to loft putting do
of artiElts, airtizams, CO,;
we!' '19 Fi 3. West( wn some bay for b is llor'
-comed, we understand that akWUS02;�H uter,Rose Ple f Datirio as *ell as those of H by Mr. Ja of sbori a, wheii he fell from the serond Aoor to, Ontario,land th tru. tees iwill not ac
thez entire grant givenJ or the Pr ovine &I inti, g d P f6they 11 is se�lvices for the
floor, striking his back :on tho�
an"of the Associ. Grip P, l'ubliBaing Com'Uny W UL we,ighed ibout the first wisely i
IT - I a'. Bli" do?,11a"ts
Mr. SnellUthe Pregid AssociAlon, in which he fariale's are Q1. �pp & and 1-11 it bl.
C I a;f &:a 'Mr. Barker, former merchant af 8 eof-af
ng suci iiijurielaftsto
In an ger, receivi
ation-' ha 3 extended an.1 invitatio: to Blobi Ism, and 1( priceo� w re bi ap ad f om tl at PIS
3e; —A few evenfogs go wl�ffle the train
mainly intereSted. So th&t 013 is Biliffheld, has' rordov I ,
iber amend ents -w:hich t' 0 incapacitate him for business f
lloa.�E.Rlake,leacolee of the Reform tilizar din g.seal be gi DIOnk wi In Son, MON4 0 W . 11 is family to Blyt W er Ell �La�
Score no clam or indivi ual has a right time. from the' BO4 W9.9 a n
a WE
tios) figur a w, re the lov; est. The r4
a ant elect on trials ve sliown to )a
party,, to be Fresea, and �hat Mr. B -lake rc cured a situation. 'A few evenings ago while Mr. between Clandeboye, and 'Centralia, a
to complain that -an Duane pro; rtidh e P
P r 4 Wil n- a:
DI 0 10catrovert)d �Two Bowick boys, QDS 0 as nu young Ins
a mmn essary o tbe Ontaill Mom,
� 11 on, of Grey, was returni g lac,W� n; fro#i LOndob jumped cff
ery is given tiil ac .1il ed to pass him Ove . I
haa v. indly accepted1the invitation, of the revenue of the Brovince t and'it de, T. �� Gilpiti, carri d
Elections t, is one- Wa 1). Bradnook abol; from. Brusaals his hore took fri t at el ugly ouns upon
and willbe. at the Convprit;ion. bAve the WC11k if 4bg it Eb Orlin -
told. be m! nors in tile C1114 in N,v1dch th ly� hL
to assist in elevatillo aid impro IS 1e v af fena'6 which bad been erected ac osath hi6 h auds all d f ace. I I t; i I stated t , t
ving. 6ff the ho ;beg to give
into plowi g;
[a take t.111, fip'COMPELD'y int') it 161 off enco or a perrSou ei stied at the rocent road, opposite Donal& McLaughll h4 was going to pla�, 4b violin at a
n's by
calling of the agriculturist. :Oa tibe lyil WT figure ere or It some "Me U.
offer b be to an
TeOnical Ed-ucation. Tor leal. Ur otb er: berson o J a Dal aorn.6 miselvievous boys, aud. rail awaj,,, dituce to be hell: wiliere bet*
ciontrary, the grants. f)r this purose au n'00
the krii t)pi concerti I � �-L]Aessrs.T.Far,Jatnes�, co a
C dalce him V vote or refiain rom voting. fe to the buggy villages, D. Faxmers. doing serious dama and tbese two 11 bat he
might be largely indreased wi Lhout ghl r.—G deric Stir. ])a H. Scott, rare orclqdued lders iof harness. malle arrangements the condnot)r
Apd, moreover, tbis offenc should
UAOD b the 7 b1c,
tot -Blacken tbe Speed of thd�train so th it
Via Acxicul,ural an,& Arts As,, re h,our cc i, am- Belo
do-ing an injustia to any, �Ilc with dab N pE ragralJ I tell, 01i —The E eter Times of last week
I made punishable in.the !a vae way is' Wii�lis chu 31 X
I y bef he mig
atioin, of Ontario, have recently decided We morning service, on Stindt pre says The farttlers are aareeably dia -ht get ofl! at i e e6ricession (in
rot Am- advantage to the country. Pi5rar wJiBb, 8 to ionvbyl a
-iso ment.
o -her GriDies by imp P. Tile w
to offek, additioa encouragement to theAurnip cro milll which the aft'ne a to :be held, and
.1 thin wr( ng In
a 8 Fas no
0 ioneerer knew t at by ev)n ---Trevious to leNving Blyth f r Weather of the pastfleW Save him W[§lki g fr m -ei4hqr Central
ry elect and.'growing
f he. to be�oe more 1 14 t 6
--Armers ta induce. t n '01 1p jwardir g 0 a Pon 3
�10 o n't h le 11 t at Dg r. .' aw Deal was P -
THm Roeform associa, I] tb ibe to influ Dee an elector, Wirigbam, M dayB'has done *ondersin the growth of. 0 B iled
0 1 eri r Clat u the train fa
thorou goh �y prof! cien tin scientific saw ;ad by the It
Huron, will assemble oil the 2E rd� inst. qDVE6�menti dil Pt do anything tbatl, donc-'re 1 tibu of
h laid la�nl�elf aenab e to be brandoldl 8elt e thisimportant root, and the _c slacken at the plac �T, be, jumped f,
with th�roee volu es -ue ce much better than, at striking with krat fo
In imil r (ircum
as the Pr ctical requirements of their to determine whether cr not dr�. X o - $40e&: would not Methodist chbr,
dE be ih conseq a rde upon t) ake Ila'' i rimi ial and punis ed 3 Clark's Cbm montry n�tlie Bible
bject in view Millan shall retire to ma a ce fbr a! & CrInRl -A he tr4in. I ad gae about two
occupaiqu. With this a prhate 1pdl onetime a tici ated. stones. T
h ve an done tI3 pt 2'efinybaker, Of
the, sa. Nli.� Wilso M is Said tl a�
hsi been set aside Sir Richard Cartwriht. It is no t by apy I In 3 WOU14 UE very a r "in —George Campbell, of Seaforth, 0* railes when the 1coni actoi, upon hari ig
all ora �jic,E. 11�4 tehdek. �drlp cherr: es
eans certain tb&t the thing �an be. 673 vit,*Iit is"al ch towns 1 , . 9%ei e
I I , bho ap )earance of el ao attnoding Gode ich Model school, this man umping Off,! ordered te
from thlel annual grant 0 $10,00a, tq be m Ell d. a. ten or �!f tb gr garden ci I in Day, a
Mr. Blake's fri ends say that,.he VV Big h lowest 0 R�Y- to B 41,11yol uff , county of Durb am, to t 3k. up to the 81 Ot
done. , .. lil* I I t I I I a, LL 9 h titin to stop ana ba
a 3olut 1! ' cessiary t 6t th obnoxious 8 U of Novembl Ho i is tha'j for t ie
Pu bliE thil l'i nex -where be lay the trai :W
given in �rizes to so farmers wh :;h- chal,ke of the public school tb4e as de ayqa
thas spen. t the past five yearF it bru, 9 Lompaln I , . , and practice upon rity of the Cantais. a Climate.
his Padi dir ear. Mr. Ninian'Fi� nearly half an hour.
est certificaltes at Ifexaniin- ing obstructions from tho hily 0 ii tting is W got MO a'
noul 00
take the high 1�we o. �'Wi: soli L,16wever, W y
card Cartwr'-bt is an obstractiob. elOctions N stopped. Thi is one of :
It, I L --Mr.A. Mel. Allen ed w er Har�riaoa, also -student of Goderie erprise A
ation's be held &t�'the Same time and R' The Gorrie EDt ava: We a�e
I n y P
He has te misfortune not to be an able 4ei con: pe fficien tll Ino hi idious P. arr his
in the sa nae, manner as the High Scho 14 are
011 financier, but to understand finatI.Ce the Grip f t44 el�, former Howick ov.s. la he early set-
fil'.18 1 0 k, b it pro. W1 ing t el suppc )Cif me4t in Usbot e at a Balary
Mr. Blake does f (11 ms of, I r bery; and Ilioiigb it I ad' scircit
examiiiatioDs. The better than Mr. Blae. o i1n ent,; the &Ore I ny I al bE on ship- arinlum.
Intermediate a.O Th, V4 this fruit a great many I tl6ment of this tow'r 4r. Benjamin
t� P bibly ill'orl votes ar corruptly, in -
not like men -who understand fibal) t from this co: ulaty by 'a-rioui deale.,s. The Gorri�e Methodist Sabbat et of 111r. Tlwi. W
sioh�eme has met with very general ap- �de ?t4 U'sJ te: ii W on: cot] a �tiol Pei Darcey,, broth It is an impertinfebr e i n in an� 6
flu an call it] r way. T. le
better than he. t-Aaluable three 3ar 01 hei or Sell -ol held tbqlir arinwil meeting las 8
prova,1 fiam, the -press and people of all of 1the 4-th corlco�Eslonl t b't chool in
todothat. 1-Couseqn(ratly, be. does not I iat would;1et tia 10 Pl iDg. All the oldl offi
t e(letion.10, should r feiv al be apgin to M Jame 0 Di nald,x of We ues ay even dero
e A genet tb' b ne ghb ol,where he
shades of politics,and we think,if av 1- dere a, tolaBfic .1 1 like Sir Richard Cartw ight. 1[6wevor, Aten r
ai 10 n.-Xt lowe to U of Col teachers were re -appointed aiid �ho
swel ing. He Si
jig a
h is we Shall Nach the proceedings of t , be teirp Ieg a fpw showed the school W b
�1131 0 V rhau t the firstsessim of. Pi r- Po ter's Hill, it the to and a white ibequ(J
ed of by 1those in w ose interesta it be SU eedid in boll 8
G�atE ith him his nell. accidentally bro�.e 1, offiders' report die"d medici�e an I settled down in
8 ago,
Reform convention of South 11urOn 1 11affient designedl, havea veTy:ben a cot tfacl.6 14wardi d. t - d very prosp roli con'ditio It wa; M yville, in the northwestern part of
The outcome Will
with some interest. .—Mr. John ell, &61,old re ident[of decided to hol a soiree and e teirtain� th state of Miciigi i,wherl e- he has do no
feet esekimi-y upon i 1 01 11". of the:
yqluirlg�'111611 inolicate.whi�ther Mr Blake managies 6 �enderbrsl t 'the Pried teni- V9 V eh�.
Belgrave, returi all fromI -a w me4t in the church on the ev Ding- of and won �a 'nice ht, de
have d�loted themselve� to that Oce.u- the Reform party wholly, or whether a urge pract�ee.
ay The
re f 3r:�b:i W' Ison, e I owe it torl a at hin and w; s! m arridd to t he th, rd Ohp!istmas D
PuRcn E 4—C a he s pu -chased..t a ag( fo tunev dOCtDr 106t IUS Wife aid
tere are elements in it beyond US cora� r. Frank HQo1v
paliion., It will afford them additional G J: 144nr' of the f t,h vay, vho as re'
re if arms an( olony daugliter of Mt , M tv o children this
Nart i 2 o I arson I myj ay that tlt6 otnuon of th3 Fr2neh W�wa;l 0 summ�,r by fevEr;
tOBtUdV trol.- We Bhoald pot e sorry to see Sir ��l l I
-emeut &nd atimulus ill Egy k3o cession, Eas now makin "a fl vi' g visit to
ea-courad ol in vVingham for a Jon
ytpi I . or orrupti in sooll.
llis:pafty 9 in the i%IIS. HE spi f ternoon.
Pt turuin A—Admii to' Algolta, !to I Va. h -bief clerk st
and will increase in' I the -natural I' Richaird again in the Housei. A-FnEm0f ADMIRAL al enda re 9 Ois po . Old frie
0 art Ace rchng too r collitem. I -Y Lbeen the u a, situation as book4
needs debating talent, and he b aiO alft ;a don frieuU. � ofil Mirs, Are h has taken. eveilaing thRev. 11ough'auld others in
y Landolfe, c1li'mmandillig the'French fleet --The many
Will be an abler critic fn anoial m4t-
el 4q exceil in their coGapation. be Eu 61 'e, is dead. -ter's 11111 ar glad to ltee�er in the Glenora Roller Ifti. ls�ileat )rrie last:week. He alo -reports tl at
)ra y�i o n stl te: 3q an t, t in the, McPhail, of Po
80 Bra, I 1 1
And, lt� 1 is with farmina as With ters than Mr. Pate Ill -of n, - learn that she lias a y missed in
rf:4nce -MISSI 'NA. Y FAD. ev. iles Bro r oviieref] frorn a, Picton. He will be greal D, *Alichs,el is settled in
13jo(ol 1513 been �� ave to th P A
every other calling, the more m- i a BaptiBb Missionary to evere kick recEiv'ed frot a co t, am, having t
EID3 43 years toria alittlelvill, ge noar the rail
Hailton Spectator. s,.tl 'I wa tb 3 d �ffe nce betiive the wh� c Wingli akeu an actie part
a. it was feared at one tim 3 iVOL A CI F In �,Ports and� entertainments' of !all irolld, $even
ant] it is gone about the more It is astonishing Liu w1worlderf ally wise. 1,j Sam, i a i a, is dead, ged 70, � i . from his residen. Ga.
0 UD.—Fdarg are . BtreDgtbEn- her to lose the us of hei lilulb. kinds. iorkiao� up,a Sudee3s.
d 6`6; eat ten ef s, �e Go 7erq WX
He says; "Ab"
liely, it essful, mill in a some people are, an . ow very Mulch
i 3 to be &ucc of Hon. A. M1 EnterpriiBe of I d'st, welelt
len ip,
Oil;ilishld t). fivcr the,,( Cl o ni i 3 1 of -between Ruesiashol Austria,, .—Dr. W. K. Ross, Box -LTbe Gorrie fa, and' em unati V,'e practice, and is
b isee Bill
country h ke thia where Bo mu -6h depend -A they. know about other peopl"a busi- Huron, h s lentered i 'to sayo ad t,
i,ave been to U134 )WID t of the Servi an ti olubles. 13oss,-of West We were pleas J�b d iny remarks. ly wle I fov. the time
Er g C
deS inot like. BliETURFN. partnership wit une, has been thre.
d d d,
f the! farm, aything ness. Mr. Blake As isli WE TO Cqoru h. Dr. Be �b of Wi 391 Campbell, Pri cipal of lGorr Pa
upon; - thi 3 results o 1passing ovar 1 13, t t1en 1pa 'to ]Outifollr 1 -8 esp 12
4' 1 1 r 1 0
I 10� M'tlOdiBt EpAm ' I Church of liam, and will prosecute tbg practice of Sch ol, so far ro'civered ii b(
that vill: -ad to the ro erity of tha Richard Cartwright and acies '7ot w t Toron o W61rld I
p IV remons st 6te and ad 0 3pti g thio') I LInerib hae voted $48 )00 f o the color- bis pr'ofeBBion ill botijundtion, with that a short drive in the beantifulwiqath
4�o r
elassi m -111s It, of, necessity, La�y6, it bone- b im in the House, because Si. Thanksgiving Day. During his ill tes fo the following tit bit
no: er of that copalpany. Had I tbe,�, led Conf.. 511ces in the E outh. geAlernon.
W ifeels within whee . C&I, RoSs, the
ult 'upon Ei others. If, by is a more able financi r than hei a d, G TTLF--Tlie is —Mr. John Beacom, the 3wrier 01 the school has been in charge
have howly appointed provinaal trea er,
One this, bow8yer,11 they voulll ise liar�ng
"consequently Mr.- Blake is idELIous of ar a ar T� spreadl if an In 0.,,, rrao g �thB trotting stallJOD. Tontine," dfil Joseph Perking who is d* 'I
intell-ioent lidowledge of the -;14ted lbrhi 'conatitu-,
havi C: At the exp Ipse 6 hi �s been. re 8 01
at 6 11
�v r Dges this sea d etory,
Ej gland a rland. little, ird
9 f tho V
4im !and yet, stranE a to aw, it i C a ttle i lto accept any 1316re challe ifficult task ia a, very Batisf a
-ture moil and sl ex.ey by I cclapmati
I F PR TY.--S�,ain. re- soa from Mr. J, P. Fisher,lbt says hE ner.
na, aeds, even one far or I th osp wpispers that S reason for
rnest solicitation of Plul try, bit it atc ad. they R: re wa
ai. -owaship is etiabled to pro Iry r' the r! him In' the gooc �Some timel' since Mr. John Henry,,
Mar in 3 a rIll
�ulj alul lic rt as in the reas, fo 11 be, ready f is W'be to -and in he
that the Reformers A South Huron tr y at bhoexiersel of "IGrip i � en t4 and that
1 1 tat tim� -ny ye�r Iather Sets in xt y - of Hui ett, I Bill.
one bua il an acre more from his land , : L in m of the 13th concession, at )Pie Will say th r di nce. illat tl le gallant
entert 11 e:04.iok o- p. ! IV ile Mr. Gillei ter6d into an agreement with T'ao4,# c c'llmr'
OT the bebefilt have consented to 'even ain -te DbNATIO!]!q.--:-M1s. Robert —One day reilontly w - I I r G -a go B't o n
than, he oulc I pponnt, find the gentle,
I otherwise d
i lEI 4 feeding his Mogridge, o'
ona d -Donald, of Stan f t4e 11th conces on, tO
he change. gre in- wxt,, Of New Yorh has 'd M
at by idea of maing t VV a iDW - at the last e a -
is not. re' ad by himself alone, b im. or 0 who ran -againE t h
Is the eStablishment of horseB, the YOit 1q. colt 6dked hi purchasr3e the latter's farm. ME3. I
eSp ctat 00 -to ard I apires to be the new tre r
cined. to the Opinion that th 0. DO!v
the Whole GO ty, while his ex ip eirs Pe is �Jn �the stat met a* ic of Philosophy at Princeton 'the right leg anlibroke it in two place' rigae, however� strenuously ob.ecte t1h
Ga S -inlaw. Hein III wo
will induce others mOr hey '(juBt above the a4kle,v -of thelarm, and,
ample aird auccess efailiar with the intering work. -no e§r are dill. T nay Adull: ()ofl 7h.ch will prevaul the Bae for A 1131 ght e .4- Sits out of
batc t . I -relel 0 himself, but kke, t ot
�9 F th'
'N I
to follow- his methods, so that ulfimate� ings 4f the C&nsery tivQ i Our lieform,colAempor I'les. but Ti lr.,�i. RIN GE OF WALE! 3 "r Tiaim Gin him from work iig for sdm. tit] consideration Mr. Henry 6se
-party than
Id. Love, they 8 Ighs at lo: ck-
lie Prince of VraleB haS.rece.v- —Mr. W. Herbison of the Bayfielc' other from the terms iof tb e a r4l
7ement must be the withthatof It t rva ly 0 g t PoH
ly gene-ri 3d impra" its RefoX opponflilts. at ICE a . ae Conse ti've F rose finiths..Apparent le fa,A) 1thAvitli, tpera i at ', east thei ll d m.atly 1,17itations to make a state ecticessioD, God rich t risbi inte d ment.
We hold, therefore, that the i g on�l a ar But I Mr. George MA —The Clinton No* En 6 of last we�ek
reault. Ull dompliin. The Mon- our tb� aigh Ireland. Mr. qladstene erecting 9, buildi b Dirt for several ho Be
raze fac City, a: id!wi mys - On Wedbezdla�- of lastweek Iffir.
h t h Association was not MR. JOHN gentlenaah who ea ite carde ci�t witl a fillo Do I couri 3s thevisit.. for a butter 11 have tbo Pri cipal of St Mary a Ilub 0.04
PI is, t 6 STOk, the
�re is 3el RBM�U - S OF A GiA,-qT - -A I la m pliances gl. or' Alex. Gorrell, of Cli gton, Went by tr ai
able to qevote a much larger. Bum for was elected 16" represent Test Tifiddle-- he other ct ty. and, noi the ELU Sk I necessary ap_ roily so as to theinew Edit . and Pi to of t1 6
g t ccrnmedee orpeiabions ef yinext spr ng. Exe,ter Reflector, t:) the 2nd condessicp of acirrial.to visit
car h 01" a IS g rtyinebessroui4:4 the foe- rl made hi Is bow to h, a
her I
b an uneartha ea, Vir- I)e4 patrons lasit week very gric a t e,
Budli, an �bject, and- we -lope t9at the sex in the Loca Le, 'slatu're, as been g ister residin Gray, VFhu
ad,h & i W —The contrE ot for fil ind, in the E�p- . - -1
had been T a
Wel&M',ng M days, And
For r the.: paTer Inle ery 11 fot'lse S
success of their experiment will. be Such -anseated, and as t: ie Chief ustice iely fll� I t is computed ��t its I v- proachesitothe ew bAdg6 at Gorri I Wehave pleasure Ii -n
on. enteri th 3 house
d: i h 'a
r. g at ut 10
that in f atlare YeaTg they will -see the Stated in delivering his judgment, cinly ey C- Q Dolt re ui re jost,no to I I Ipen Ug: Poo e urteein feet in wElslet to Mr. S. Eall:01, the builder of Moir to the journalistic field
Nvas astonished to ISO an Id lady
wisdom of doing so. 'It seems, how- eacaped, disqualification, as it were,1 by- P. the pub loi fopr their BustEnancill' the bridge, for $187, hi i Itlender being, success als a jo6rnaiiBt at lapp heo
teacIer he will the floor in a t, w im. a �t first: fi Up -
13 1 wl�
dt erE lit at.1 now asis ve his ability as
4assrm-- '-T ae GelTmans rE Bi- the lowest. Toams c 1 1: .
ever, th t there are Bo e who dissent the skin of his to th.1, A a Bholiwa Lid a ,lel o'ithem w4letb3V 3sia have ra h1t ent position in C010 Posed to be hi. sis r, bilt who Was
If ut-in U
there sed aI subsc p the bridge, in ce of gping Ong he u y a promin
f ase, as will be- by the evidence at t 814-8 all o 'the dMoi 60 Iong asL ally a neighb lu ed girs. A
rd c ver
from -thi `nevw� 0 t a, this' idled ra k.
5i)n of 1,100"000 to ards establishing river.
0 Bi 0 years of agewho only until I our
seen by tho following lextract' from a easu wl ill-kni Y, Aub rn, as et
tion. Waq thb most corrupt that has he lin sinthe '110d Get el sal in the, liffe -out univ or. —Mr. obn Stewart the owl Henry MaIe f 11
0 ni man ?
3ibies a �aminariEI4 o- Russi 11 arkel; garden( r of Be iniller, asfoun( ing the Madand'. river In a oat 44t clock the Barrel ;ay. The diroum.-
egram. el one isibli eirsona, orgin
ni sue of the Tokoato Tel taken pace in this Province or many 1 t A P re as folJows:
ISOOVERED._ -week, Ithe
Ai 8 0 tainces . of her do th a
current was o st'
Acit bas been L a green1ouse britireli too small fo Sunday
eno but Minister so at ol, the Aher. or the I rd reanti f esiding on the adjo ning� farm with her
It say years. Lennox. was bad of us C ni a gro)� 0 that it carried tthe 0
i 1: scoverod to tar an fea, tib. h In to supy"ly, I no demand f at down a
I and olopist fcr t ion, Mr. Samuel At. th� river dividing i
ter it 3 It ayor O� E ublin while Atending amEet- flowers, 9
The farm era. fire to 'be gi v ell prizes this was worse." in Ilennox t1- Siderablia d stancal 4a hin'
e br,ibery t b 6 Aubservi _6 is nq v enlarging the a con i
tcli f a
for knav-ag how i m. The adop- ;he two farms,ishe el reS'Eled a Strong
was done principally,by one man', �ut, lot" .1 hlql Paci: 1c Ra ay an 'the or: university Ihilo3ophical so- premises dnd v i. ave vh' t some 1 dri t wood Wi,
tiolaof the idea, belongs to the Talowat 9 BeiZ lesire in themoraing to go over and See
in West Middlesex the practiceoas I icn P14-vernD ien I d who: e Ed :)r -i r nity coll e ge n Dwaras of 4,0)) feet glass. force as to thrbw aley out; be
t ti m wh ich lis &ys hunt- leli ind
tbi 9th on- tho boat ana i this atal Ma IB. Gray, alt4oglijit was
Adm` FATAur IN BUFFAL)'.--By theL Gol Mr. lamef Elunted of ply I
science, -wa P t4i�e r frien a trie to
au1pn-iT'era9-u1zc lb� which !it can; tidkle te reduced to 6. , bil if is; the mim friend, aDC boo u d
in It Pao of, U insecurei bui�ldii g in Buffa c(ssion of Ho fek, ha�, i recer tly Sen. ;escape. As he cannot swim an t,4'�e sagreeable, P)hd bel
are cO -unta another
0 a Eevei 6 ti�tac Of in- river is both deep and rapid at. at p eirsude her to wa t
Frida , six person
to thoelfaimers who p ssexaina cas !F01 a tim3 beconaratulateshim elf. h 3 got �ff at she enforaL qq
panjon D P a were. killed and p: -ostr tted wi i with the
fa;m;rsJ Certificates to bp give pated' in by almost ev'ery peirson whd of. thf -0 .. Ic mi(
t b Jai a rair ei her ol the I n; & III inju ed, 'many Ol the) latter not fl Lmmation of the lun,4, I
took an active part in the election.- r. III etbipg 1�0 ii ver have an-
aring espairil
athorize electim lent c) ie w liout a
authorize a1v gove.. nm er es 11 Ig
U"e farm, 'a, t a hei wti
I I .. 1 , I I mark that 111�h
air�ctly upon the ft being ex e ted to recover. Sever of his life was 4' it �dfjut we are with ol�ly a cold bath.
work o & d in addition to a 00[i th victi have large. fam ili-es of he 1p- g'adto learn tlt%t theri arb now goo ther chance'
al regrets to announe
tile Cor4ficates, money prizes - Will be took- up his quirtersi4, the COMM: ft�ee a A, glal I -ovdr the I publ 3 -so-, —The Sign' Dreakfast—an 6n alt 1: g for!
P rospects of h a recovO t i u old,
16133 obil4ir u. Y- death of Robert Henderson, a,
'hefarmers are a fine Gass of rooa in Str 8 ts III, #6m Whence WE y LouisvIll' E Exposimb's GLosrsn.—The —At the las i meetirl � of the Bru., sels iespected resident of Maitla d. drive
paid. T at�Aroy, �d here. 3 Pei w6d ot ler 111011 told . 1iler a, w
pe hoProvincewuldbeavaelt- moneytos-aterits Lin.eery paltof osp I rity. Th( Mitil I,oaisville Kentucky Ex position &B School Board, the ap%flicktiOl. Of XiSB icross the Ti (a hou&, she.hadwilk-
'en v his
their p� 0` h' ItORS., Of ;SOUtILaMptOn, a teacher, was near GodericU, which occurred aIill d by -the roi
ly 3d aroun %d iot- long 'bef Dre)
di ent place witUout them, bat VAOsdd Satulrd Tay wit great Ofte
the Riding. Te mo� IS more T fort i ial residence on Tuesday, Novernter 61th Jit
ey in Is me, asn- le IA:any roc
10111.d. tioit hav a she would n-ot hav a to
there is really no reason. tha I We ca D ic lay. t has been or an a hundred and --accepted salary, 0275, Mis 3 Cutele3 the ripe age of 69 years and m till Ling
I be made, the her ma�
-ulc Selection see wl Y they aho, ally of' $50, N�as plai Ed. ih (nvelcpes, at tvv:) d�ys, luring which timel, it has -of Cl i fford, wa 3 also 01 ned at a BE lax y Decea walk. Ile dild so, and, left
,-are of the. Government., Wb YL seclwas.anative of PeebleebL OUS6 of Mr. Gray., but
eight k U ilI3g to Lchers Scotland, aini had L been :a rE Bide at iof
aad, was handdlh to th Ise anb4 gentE lor been viSited. lb�y ndred thousind of $260. The two retii her way to th In
it , . OV
not offer prizes to the, best oapenters, a. r 13. weakness -Game her' before' he
indimiss 111 Maitlandvill6for about �O year
(if t'. e re
istribution thlbugho, t ther rk iive e
je( � o' ri, our re tolera s�me'l'idea Miss Arnes a S.
tho beal- the best Wfors,? I I ; I � I J! 1 11 �eaobed it, a er ogirl we-, b to I
in Man the I ttte
—The London —Mr. Jameg McGil ho, has )een leave's a wife 4nd daughter, h iL belpe 0
ion o. a p ).,N R IN THF, CAN s. er
best diatri6ts.' Coducillori I An cneial cono� i Me' It - i
magist -atlas and �his lar r fiaist ber int' the
e ance and
Wh,)r )tffer certificateS to t I of whom is D�arried to A. I Ingli 16f
Do' 0 BI are threatening to Go In'
h rs, the best Joctors erbus M 11,11f jobi to as we C py ti dobt r an ing
e ro: ip Is 'Jiouse, when she wl,:&al Gist imle
preach -.he best ven ex- candidikties viere plac 5d. ig the -a (aLnp4ig:i Against all oat ned'gbods* as tob& this Bummer, letuirne to G)rr��e
fo Wingbam, formerly of Goderich. I ad.
A doe in, I
ness box' arp w r r inO to last i aue Me -1y puA to b toir Nvas, calle
lawyer Other-cl rth con- it" call to ai saveral�oaEes of sickneia bave receitly I ist:week. H 3:report 3, In viu a do Lie a
Well Si Mr, A. AlIcKay has been r -e agpid .0 no t�
a the disti4ouished i ut he could:(, in-fo her,anli
that they. received money in LiS r dotiSnn, The�e is 0 teen reported as. liming be�n caused F. ood year's 'b iloiness, and hii bef Itby I
people, wbo.hold the plough, �d hoe 1 for aother ydar a's teacher- Of rV41 peacefully Passed.
a of'. to 3 �y eatig food which had been put up appearance WITId injioAel that. the Z the aflu. irnocin. al
ftv to t t 19 n -tim U1 tb brook public school. Mr. M cl�ay a ars ago, she, ith i
the po -stoes. The explaatioh how- way in s, 8 virying frGm. fi ree isle BI Afti 1) 9 tb, fat 1, away. Abot t .20.
III canS. I otthwoestern climate !is very qal ibri� IV ai we since I B ra: d n wl as neor Orat d esi d'on i t
1 his r r.
ever is clear. The Reform party in hundred dollais, and as near: �vo � excellent tea6her, and her husband, e 2na cOn-
D, Too. -9 he -lottoll' ma U.U- C
Iment will m the beattyi a
Ontari) rellea -mpoa. the agricultura et with' lifiett, *her4 they own a
a—The Si; I
can make out from ib�e evi once have been r1nianillig under higIL pre 3- fayfurilnginduatry. in P is nal says: Misar p -cession of H-'
vote tid it in o��'er Iind proval of the eople of the sectJ oil glatif6r ative,
this to- llalse, w 1% f arm. Shia haO been in compar
thousand dollars ere di 11 ibut ol in To-doy th s! city is vi (in " y raralyz, d in consequnee of over- ell-kr c wn an 11 m cted tit ned.,
is, an aclolitiona-1 means to heep� in their B1X . �: I i . ally. Mr. Tc;bn McIntosh has good health'piior to the da men
aj ductio and foreign I poy tati6n. Most in, God erich, I e a been ap pl Gin ted to
If the farmerS' dCF this way. Where - men co- Id, nc t be )IE g dto &do i.0 wo undl 131 ad t I asteacher in 8hine% �84' tign
good ylxaces. 1 not re-engagec a
and her suden de r4ise Vis a, saa look
-of the iils are runni g half time. A #bsition. of teacher of thsi� 4th divisi'on"
id in 5 Stad by Mr. XOWat when he 1, goes to induced to canie out and vot for John- )ig ty thousand doll irs. Two h, nd in the townBbip of Grey, at a 'B�la�y f to her friends. Fo abOut fifty
th�usan Working.pe Ple are afee 15 �f Exeter pub do school. ' he bast 2a4e
the, pOills, they will be Vlel ungrateful.' 40-00, which is the best evidente I that she had been ;% faitiliful, izember of th
ston, they were paid for remaining at fifty tliouiAnd dollars C1 W it &W 011I]ENTAL RAILwxy AB�kNb NE many. friends- in -Go erich IUriD her
can be offered of big cy I'S
Thel'aboe StatamI is not: only ab- homeaadn',Otv6ti jui order lia; been g 7an ed di solving stay bete. I Methodist chnrob and. death aid not
nstbim.Besides im rnt have altea,ir bee' aR teacher. bih esl eem
.4 i � 1 . I the Pal'ostin'A" railroh The —The' Me odistburyililcr gron on ind her unprepar d. The
ulated to be iffilurious, this., the pernioious practice of batting he Pending thirtl housand to ast. )e oolnpany� " , I �,Ut it �is; ca k In which she was beld w own by
lirb wagoriginally defignedtonn conce Sion of Hov,oick TheiWingliamAdvanceollial3t'Wele as -all
It is a surd, because tl�e parti froall he 9th has been- Oil
chlar GIass was engaged in"free1ji. Leading friends. a'!ae(lbecaus3�.�'liiB'ipub;icfE,ith A GO: a- (11airo, - �lgypt, to Jer'u� 9,Y I d is says: A little before one 6'elook ion the,Iarge attendance at 1hor fuller
'10 era. "I e chief fenced and Ott. wiBe improved, w ,
alluded has. not received --f the eaudidate gaveont larg een x ont is'
le Sums to Ilai o B qupportm,Rev.J. A. 3mitb, is dyiug,j nowasuitabl iplace foriiiterment.a. ;A Monday last, the heavy wire ikn of Mr. Friday.
om, the G and thei scheme has been aba Oi G.:L. W11itney, which was attached 'by
I OIVPramient agents to bet -with 'on the condition Iria or oned. 1 fallBoardof �uateeshaslioenap,T nt. ve
greate f avora .13 is a 30 ewhat staxth I ig One,
- I I IS b took! a
ER strong wires llid —The ratepayeid o
—1; ie ul stered,.and the titleis
than its uu=berls' Sud influetl@6 justly that if the bet w re won the tH E; acialy with population of -3,-0 10. T 'miB Filiaims. y A, fire at SI n -f ed and a y r gi tothe stou �Brandon,
an city
4 doa at,:! no wishea. to the roof of the Qaeon?s liot6l, voted al bylsw mpowerig the
A to, and, n fact,. considering re fits, at if lo I the It s imei to I LIPP ly � t4d brakno 7e . P�nnsylvaia, on Mon ay OL W all that ould be The! across. . outid with. a ormb, takipg council to borrow turned hi ,50 f il;6g � I fell to the gr
le a and anti �Iei foll6win g are �he trustees - Gleo.:Stroitig, $30,000 for Pormsuent
art are hom, 3
a W Ole losi, aad,:� Fiih uld'think 8 How W ie rate. lestitul a,
)100,000,00( worth of proper. w.axd Ferg son, Francis, legg, An"
U of the rev,
the iroortion anuo it GOO Principal sustained Ed with it the hirdwarq ifign- ft� ments.
7to, e a of
U atida
boost i1n
ol� P
u t
iluniarlea, pr,9,lr
41IOL numlierof d,
a the -oa,1116,10,
4.09-V, t,6. Winnipeg rom, P4
...ea , i �
ever -V 'Week- gh
thriiiin out,the
af a thtlorgani�
to Prol
&JIVAnce the ce-US-1
in b�*utlhe coUntrY-
tWo thousand bt
-mutketed V, t
�3 ISO
31 '. lure
e 0 96ud aqoui
inii�-I-,pono:1 is now
d is b
Aiding, an
4%ro,,Ards-Aaif-,�� Aa-Jilldian,
Y Babliath 1DOI!,liting lifiI
spolu k%tes for tbe 0
trpllg too 0
ve�y ilarge mthia set
vaarkeet V
-the rwat woex the -Ogilvie M�]
Jg out:6ver
re P21y" I thl
arldi, tile ot
A "Inst a8 buisy
I layinjo out thl
�#t fengeged# F-�
tb.6 statit,;u recent
,,f Alordean, Pacifil".0 Rail w"
stern MoV far frO331
'on Liternati
w8alk says '-,e, Tr. A.! DA:
iton i Bir�
O�D. is - Wh
k0 s pu�chased
00011 .. I il .1
�Sjbeko!f 1-4 Y'K ler' 9P
ion, a eet, �u the 1,
,It if
a of wb-esat in t
tary to Pjapia - tity f"T
a t
Mold eor less:da=9,5�
hit SeAsou'll Ile ht-.
i I
50�.aeriela of
her- -i-hel , or ar
.,1,dEia-1.7i2,bu- a
b*811els,pet acre'.
� f �,rmho a8e arld
-A. larO , bea-cl 1,'
r With f burteeta
e thj)u:�a*,i bushtls of
1,aj� $awrday night -
ill of C-raent
r The lum ates 01
ith their,
ax. I Bc,�Ping W
majoritY 0f
Ough0ut. the SJi.411 RiVer
a t1ar.6shing.". FrOm.
y.daue let
per -ce 'At-, wilicb.
IsSE tham -
r. o%J
ing ,Ontarjo, bu. It OW ,
i rar, go 12, -WT`,st,' lalbt SPr"
I ;a file iwheat o
buf belsbi �r th
'fro- n Phir-h hel ' has I
bul ill -41B 4'fltie hard W -11f
yielaJ.6f lieurly - 45 busbe
I Mr., xe,)�ay i� justly
iho, farui Of Mt.
langre 7, a
toll � E . - I
po wer elf to. w! buru8r hTt
' a OutI3,69--) bush*da 1
tu me
,k U� m, until 7.15 p
ves and 11A
cl�uded Fix �no
siiij-d- by tu�ti<)n in Porl,'
d two ago. Thev; N
by Ur. ktl991ubgt;bam�. tl
pfices Of tows
Calves , brouglit $15 tO
g1riboth;am finascattle
ta6rib th;at� it is aifficult
pay aliter paying Ue]
—Xv. Win. Xt
B�fferedl seriou.81,37 from I
ay Ravin!
1e had left, a pit.
his gyrs�nar.y-. This waf�
one of hij� I itete boys, M
Unding to the graUUZY,
burned with it� icoute�,
poriionof hi's -0
vai ab
,Btractedfrom th
sind rifled. of its cil
tained� a, ir-umber of 'I
I A inon-ei
which" cqntuin�8
the lo$,$ �s, it % impobE
postallatitborit.ies, li:&V�
4ave.jlio far talied in
7 ! Parties.
!g �111TR&-� Winuipeg
isix. men with team
Untai a
tie M6
the eld of tue Caua-ao
wbore tbf-v lh-w.
'tonstirniction, to take I
entrits C0111A
JWent st�ajgllt OVPr V
�aa male quite, 0�
�,with their teamS,
fro 'X-ontre4l.
boluad. f reight trslu $el
H, a Wdk Lake, Tew
ang on * ong
--$&,w the train aP-Prl
tot &
Ho, o1jiv succle
body, throu-,14' VAIPU
heia4l, cutting th(,
'dTooped! -in, 0 t �- wf�
de lu�
in-s-�nctinn 0
tour 0
4 ditoiki trom t�--,e B lyn
I EcrAt Ing
xe sectiola.
.,,vh. h it passes fOr
2e The
fo d to IN
r the -A the Def-putY
h land thrOu"
has been eiff eeti'v(l
a -da for U
be -good. 11
i X$6-Ditoba �Says
=Elnt on the quaa-,
mjr-k�eted tere com
"X-4 uI 's felt i131
q�antity -r-ought,
much largOr tha'a
-odof last Yet
ld their
^,n A-11, ig,
tb�6 tbre
h uses hete, the,
r0iia consequently
k6opi 9
Vii a C
ibus 610:
atious yet.-