HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-11-16, Page 1KTUENT-A YEAR. aorF, NUMBER 832. inol Treasurer stances to oppose him. Since lie cl .The PrGv . , Plor clialantioril beet issill calli g upon X V� vactied b�y A��Iiamati- them to-eloaot� a representative gain 6 O ies, Col. the repre a bee The nominatiou fol the Leglislati*-e Ass ambly he d u I . 4 the Legislatare, tion. of Woa�.t Haran 10 frequently I ils.kea -why' wa it that ab the acceptance Of the their cousti uall had SO a all f.. ae vacant by y Treamroll prtfolio by Col. elected him &,new ec, on w W )as M-. P. as hell, On Sol They were no doubt a or t at c R( th'lTo-wia HaI46-Od- under our coustitut ional Byatel fl)rme, ssbarawy at turai� g -Officer, S,pqriff upon the pattern L) � the mot rl c Until i! I bi by the Uto 1l at i o'clock p. ta.' I6,was that *-a all rqvere I 6nd are p 7c ud fA th I Gibbons � ; - - . . 'rie. ll� i k,uaw t1ol the Coliservative party had Government, of t Pro'vine a 41 airie Lot tcl bring !oEtt al cundWae,. ulader thol mariagement il w1hat ma aaciaea. on 1eqUalice, few of that be ter E1,f th(C COUE, Mail at select � commi House. T1 0 people iiiipe attened the 110tain-a- leraLLers of ithe PC Reformers. fromL the source 0 all po ' r, an, 1. thill busi tioll The number (if W , a a, how- Dess of t a rr)vi was. large, 0,06 Is SU red that the Lib- to beoadadtied all -,ordiag to tb prol vaclear througu iA t4e'lconatituency were pressed wislies. Bil wouia, �e im! d to a M&I'l in sipport, Of tile rko:,w practLicai,ble jo brLiU gL all the- act le to - mmssioneir geitber to dliberate upbu provincial Treasurer �Ikd Co 61. r incid The utmoSt entbU-L business, ail therefore 4�t Provirl i AgricaltUre A throughout the is divided iito districtil ale b siasm Was Manif eatj act f Jr ..;t em er the reading. a man. to spBak and, on, tire proceedifil Aft Ithe Re- whoLm the§ have c4bfiderfl tb a E il the writ a of n -d t4l he , Was form the Dpliberate -&ase: n bly of 0 ruing-Officeri timp,tk, �he Inames of Province. �Bat it would b equally ljing to. at Once reqelve 0 rill I for the r presentat�oll 01 the practicable �to keep all that Candidates 13y6ar to a 1. atiVe men �ittiag �110 who nln'P.L, in tend to all fille del iails of a P ibli buld Mai-yor H-orton, il Goo sai it afforded 8 Belem cot mitt �e d and:tlIerefol: a a I R ties ing t: to do go.. It wa's of the repr6sen'tative 'men are cos 3 Inca greal . eajingL to tbl tblat the Premier Of to manalye )%ild d ect all the dEtailS f d g PI A�n timente, n which PJ1)- atol bad so vah�e'd the services of the differill dep G 'V.V ell Huron as to offer lie bugiaLess is di ided. I hese laill a ie the member for 1�: T III So important � Position in the - called Ministers f the (r Win net.- Mr. Ross! had 'OpOat nearly are paid alfalary. or devot a; th air tit to Cabi an � on, gg a ri vel- is lifetime in H.Jaron, al had filled to the service,an a oft I( Said* 11%. all In a. Im taking of our country is ,hat whe u ver Li�-mei W01 orta,ht P.6sitiou Many imp rou ies of the Treal bar of the House is saleoitE d to I'd hoof the one a ig 0,1 .Ontario, he Would perform these Ministers to must 6back to J ell ur accessf al arid a a thorough 'people horn. he represe AS and 'k them, iii 9,13 'Ibb,p. 0 IL maaner as: he ha I done smallei ones. approval of bis acceptaric f abanker, a mail tion. The position of Pro VJ toil I Tre­ As A ral b - d a t��naber of the Leis- urer allLd Minister of All 0 Ito officer, al'1( p he ] I I 16CCIll bss hii ktiIfire, Col. R A aways. been SUCL been offfer6d to him -a f Is a not, do a thing it and he -had thi3refore t( Cor L bp O cassf-al, or if h 9, hiselectorato�) bb a k thoir oud not do i toroughly and, W t to then tak'In. Wag sil: pproval of the course he haoE ernMeLat at oil. i, The M. sit Gov id accented the posi, oh W t at Capable and hill nest - 'It had faults, He hr& 9F both )ilrbol but on the whole it Will a gocill relticta"16 and tit cousidill blia pers. Ile 'Del" ved during the saarificeL. Finauci.&Jly, itiNwoul, be ie ign Ming session would get ol substaul: ga Hol would have too' re, he now held as m ag a a 3r of a tial Support. Thai ril Minister was position coull1by, ant paid bala as, treasurer of the fully worthy of tbisi'00IM&M IL an Locount tion. and wilenithey took into, nl,ng him by acclana him in retur proph tailed ip pri him'** at or the extra ex anses as D§t a The Maor w+ w 1.0 t ie n of a prop�he`t". be. believed the Connection with his ne Bit .011 ; � so na %*hen the new Pro- Would irliderstand tbl In M?! timew.&&�Coall pOifat of� view it kould be a 10 a r�t ae re oata bold a higher vinciall Treasin. r b-ighei Parliament. (Great than. aL osil M any f friedd i b l ill ,a portfolio ia a � , I to ;gIV9 U orsed the stand it would dot be peciessary cheerhig-) . Ile end- t er Government of Ontario -on the County tre%gurerabip UA taken. by the action L ird aid'was lol was Be �egal ob: to, -his b o.1 1i In the-, boundary a": both, ai�d, that the duties of th.0 :n I applaudipd. Ill not clail with the SO of i a o� :or WT- L the dose of ]Ls Speech in iecond- Wou At tion, C. Girven, Reeve bu he felt that his datiE 8 WS4 I ovill IE w it 'i '* ' i ing th hi.m viva awano4h., brierfly referred to Treaguirell ' o-ul not pornif of West XY I &ttelat,1011 to the he GA 11 the, admirsible yer.�Lcnl qualities; Of the that p rpl offiele re� air - Minister. Tie hal known him for 40 which sab,h au importa had done wea in every ad, and he won ld not Lissurn 3 the rE y,eaxs. He ty of o di -9 servaL, h.1 the bili -ty in Which: late opo"Bi liad been 'thE .tre��sur people of Hardil 11 ebad'shown rial could. ndivas viltou, a )il-ity SS, '01, nancier by bil gra conutv for over 25 years, al d- &I . and. to sajth�t no compla Pling,gin-"thiL th all &g L.. a'had OvEi icipal, Loan F 1, 'juati a for the made 9*9 hl No a, rors &titar, and gettjt�'g full C In of the cotintY III the diBtribution been reported iii his accounts, � no I v rith the U Peop 'he eve; bad a d ifference e aina at of, the. Provirldliall Treas- at the requil diet Which he hii,� serwed. ik ril U n ariety uxer. as not 0 3s! a then called he c a asaurE them it -ad The Returning Oticer on the le�ati of IIis regrets 01 on the Pegid,l of . the Conservative ver hi Oil. UP position batLh, I Council .1fift as- Far A-8soci&tion, but that worthy refused to had to 06 a witjh ti.e County r Sets, addresathe electors. No Conservative riectio icor iol a-, rl to so long 80 CIOE a and a -Id b� prevaled uon, COU It wasqurgea upon ti 'th I lation. !7 nl- apeak. of As- h' , ho, ol 1 E,, R. ]E[arri�om -treasurer he had geciapted the trusts O -a good wi 11 ad to lbb a, 4nd t wil du field, bri&ffY alInd I th a peo"PI ted toward thill serrWill 091 E, which had been big own istil, -Pd to the Provie 3 fL a, 9,11. Over , the Province. Use gig r new Trial 611 aa the Member, hiaLd uency t6t he shduld L h 'tb e -an it WaStlioug The co , tv, as w pointment. his serv�ces w aerel been hoored by the �VT h b mos it IaefUl, that 'it V4,13- Wing- mig T on deputy-reaVe Of t Mr. Gord th -constit reja haim,. alsb &d.dresed the; electors, and grea A � antage to have a, representative ia tI 0- -elect. Spoke ably qf the member meat, afid WE o: that adv� Lata favol was.receiv. he io H -6j. Mr. Ross,. on rising. d he offered ityl not rig1l:l at eartyI choors, He OULg'l P deprive them oftit tb aU Co I atiop a co a hal kne w hov� to press� objeetioLDS. I'll, Be co a 1h t tatil aaknowliadgments to ght6ith bi& - Ile did n)t terms his 9 Wei riding of Huran of thfill West lay himself OP an :to -h Xgl 3 ,,..�b 8 liar the electers f6r this . newe L ixression -Of their �ee.lqtsc o she 'd f - H. Li personal i, itte -it Wi 6b * -aly givea. IB h.:) lial p c6rifideace-so ua4aimou of the conatitlev P �W Illy due to his ere essall hill ow I to �Vb, All lids(mariv, of whom, Ste; lCeform, frie Unch 1I11 )n. anding I L from the Burro Field Robt n'VV Dist 3 zeal and energy U, Seat) tor the .1 po Jill t saw pre* The kentlemen ap wri them- ith whieh th,e,� had thro or om pil tit 1l - work. of tl:ife fieldroot entered th ) Will Selves into - the ation, to within fthe jurisdiction Of .- ­ argan.i..z-ag ra ia-ve. as I the.. d�te.rmru Agric�al I Soc, y III iBane- Ing Icarry the Coa.teat to a B-1100,08 the fOlitOLIfigit]l interesting re.)Ort. pro. �0 Idue also Probaly 1 I 110 OrOP:: -do 'a th )rvatiie par &tL he n a )ast copl oJaill Seas) man,. of.* the Cone!( ffect of th gratefully the ocill a fie ro among, ld t! i, I ll should, acl Which they had express-- perceptible as Will manaer in whaV 81ft Or dii, r 4 r Ithose who know any opposition rom I IadL their disapproval Of a the should be, will 880 f bbe- gu election . an ale., the ro, a the 'being, offered tG his. re- given be -low tha as Ell. I W�Jlici. they had ox- Li t YeIr w 3 a( a .In flattering ter m. t bl ap- below- an averag ation. a pressed their gratific 'be less" spa.] ng fossil ad growers to mak- frankly' con Vat pointment. Thy had w are glail to c bseive th-o;Ught opposition Useless. and r, that tha,5 nt it every innWLo axe and wol do their be -9t to preve lips no fa,ult, could be Muria in ouuselg fiad L cric I, I A IfIeing offered. I But their -c in ap g to trill a) ce$s Mali -ith the party, - far re find roo not pravai�ed tv t 'Weather not )�Iily do v; e [O epl they decided tha Le q 11couveation &E-13113:111le Cie -�ize, but bl 4- a pass offered, 'Lad hen ilfe aVerag Btea of cippos.itioa Mst be Man t`oL equ to icrmr year, trisk- al they could rfil sualCrisp, picy, substiale 9 UaLmliaated a Landon Y, all I'th) excls the contest t' -he 'them more stit"rig their banner-. But thQ lawyer to carry, their him credit fibil rootlOts, esPecia -1 6 aS S11, gave tblia, M to run hroIl Wol wiser tVan c. He (Mr. golds, Sea lvol for, aad deedned thegacrin o the rob ontest giving a Woody fl !t as de- �)L Was SEs ad that had the c t O'nt �ve h ive In Role t U on re- most IMP tingto b c a d have be I S-1 been f9reed hill wOul this seasori, owev.a m the uble, the Major un( kr-dr %inagi elected by at,l"st dio . the benefits He thorilat of oiatea G lborr-e t,QW Iceived before. Joselph Morri l'L A the Ihe had rE Ity point of View these Ot lai d b3 first that irom a Pai_ arod his for Ves, I.Sve -acted wige- Prep Dng all :i i Consoi?va-ti, thorodighly U derd,r8l Birlg ti�at there siould be no feel i are lecoul in --vi eI 18 -thi �e has aid, the position bften reversed iing., wh I;:nkgrlificf�nt erog lColitest. Had Opposition the a-creEt ;counseled no at thi-at all Rio Smoot Il wojil(I have . rngtIlnees vi�lrag, and the fa M. mg 13:011 is sthe sam cl-re ad Of 'fine f under contest a he no ad-� party to run a baa- loam". ,Which he differ- to al cl be ell rotted i's mall tLlv�y new th8Y W in. With twenty loads Of * here.. igh he was Uot U16 to the ocre, 18,11�a las� I t BPr ly Itbov t r than Men Of' the party, Man manureaL )roa "as t the a trem had insisted he -again -favorp WLO at the their covOridgof Pfout fiv) 11cla, a to tI ,begin- upon cippbBibiani" and bad. tried im, His tnruips Nrere so -Will Une earni, Oppose a marigoldal MLY tC to thog Total all belit to get a. moridida, Ue al.are .6 still de sure Of hal 9 thaulis *let 'ho us n his owing, n �a, note of the, party nth Boil bydoublill a broader millol, men enough i and he believed 1113q -b, rage bil them roWerS had advised differently, ,any of fill lb sinks .it t 0- Dig to b at it- thou."'bil f tranPIll in the Bincoarit�, of'W-1 firm 0 io that theY -dr�ills, but 0 n had expressed io hin ,a con- -were to d; oe with a cro of m it an honor an4 adviLultsgt' all in this PrSOt' thil its, ray ��Atbtive Ithotigh he LLW con;iderl a libe; stituency d that 3 haportf atili 1I 1,0 ia the Mintistryi, On jag the MQ13t bil -all a. p0aitin, the oirou it WoUld: be WrOug f IIIIIIIB. S., P-tiblisht McLEAbi rs 10 a Ye . in Adv 1 8i 3. IE 0 ALY5 eans' in love f laci g ycful�g r t6 1, isna-foithepurp9se of p itoba atil 11 Ot as 0 the Relde a a I ays the drops in Man in PoSiti to d muraer b US in Canal W, I ore tbOy ani senten4a, t i t ance, i int 11 esl 0 trail Ian, g. &tte� Pbe L . ; � intitruotion on tMia men 0 reported. - Ing: A of '10 nil eui B&I ild be taught f arming,lbut t lat �hqn good as geheril a still ifall , me lZrPW ra IV 10 Ulial twell 6 years in pe ill the general Subjects f w'61 UcKague, one of, M- itcholls '40 1 avecial part to ffituill- las -Johb toffiwasayoulg tramp �d ba. Yed here there re mucl�, the i oil they arri -eal mOr ()eteut and faithful tea -ch -Ors, t oarril to cc: 1; th a lRelt ito 11108t COM ere beoiled, and III )d bhe for tl]iem, and they W y oUg( to Boston. 'of Wellavd, laged tiong u her resig'nation. el we i at In were —James �t6wart,; g no rfjtiuj�ra !has given 1 W nd crop of potatoes, Shift for themselves, ril in a I Sl 00 I son, re- e( buti-lidie'tbinuing IS a I a as Cho ied 6t tl L 3 Fra kl.n i - —bir, J)bu !Lanet" of Ander ay -I Xty years, grow I al Point Edward, by' Will 3-r last for the large sums aid Ill i re injuries by J aikd no siE in i4 of d1isb�af o in act an- a: Wednesday �cently sustaineo SLOMeall I ( planted'abott th Houpe, Wel 6na, o vi�iinchil of sno n 2 i-pecially The i potatoes - war —There Were fi 8 Urge Zt. aM pidee of meat it I - a in tb eating being thr :)wn I from a sulky While U's 11 er the fl. �ro reek, While on, ay nior- mi ('10 bill a, horse was runtf�lng away. i b d of August, af u the ground- Belleville *on w groul a go i astar ces Sais e&'fro L the i any d inner. He s9kiry 11ple top ha een dug ands d. ilea inve ry Ill sold —A White S�Igan, a very.rar ts a Potato, #ot. , n , p, tell of D a r, 0 f aul 6nas bird it' nd- in a 16W in th river' ty I turnip, )aling 4r. V. E. Fall It 8 captured n pears ,-tO'l he beso vari Tlinfrod y night 1�sl 3- Itjs,�SUPPOfil some )Cal w� were severe pasm , is Iately. the favoriite � nang Ila. Beall iina, Valued $50 each., I to �roc ce ibe El La recently, 028,000 worth O Je t. I . , 1 13, . : d the Ion 0 hisk5 helpe, at I on VIB feet from t P to tiP of a Bel, evill that w ithiu a fortnight from the win ov he con. a ;8nWIne I of hill LOI( 2 I - a- rag W The rob er left n6 ch Le In h Staff of New Hanoburg nes; uresseve —The w Ole F orl on tae aas, not digdouri ed.larm exprej P going, as Tin a on a crop :The f as, been re eng for-, net I ageq hind them. teachers have of Mr. Dvi tW I i irayn WE I a Son. ern a throt al op an —A lit tle daughter Y, any 1 OE �fnl 0. a Ca d iz.: Mr W. �s or'lingston, bLas re- at Present Salaries, the I intil theil &rates Minna , a' jf�oh abo- t a le trou L Vand rb ilt ypar`i I Brown, ol Arid[erson, while runn g I from Binglarid for,: w m I lea t6 e:3 1 3ud �1. Baehr, %,500 3 of d two orders Linton, 9600.; Mr. P I ste�poad on the bnal fill rout f din I thil .1 , . ation, on Tuesda evening last 117430k, matehallY, ton. Obe 'cf the at cooey, $300; Miss jaura the gar3le i Kiii atcn-made CIO Pass 31n�,,er Miss Mary u -sing the blade 40 fly up 0 s or k feeAiui yea, becom . , d i 1) g tl b age car, a t, $200. Iscythe, ci :an orde �s is from ael an Wegenas OrMs -si gash in bar koel more Ill el�idea irodul ee ers. T i a plat Ufliet a t �oablil i In coach and two : rom Manchester. . I f iltity of bet;ter I barnyafd rs yere wrecked, ad tb —Mr. ow es BeDnO ), I -or yp p is- - —Daniel Su ivan,.,w 0 miltow, kna 6rger Ill of the cai John Iridas, aMCHi baf 'r. Harry il Shaking U towusbip of E Ian, of D I p, I)ut ner grocery in Ha, Ili-ce,; ty, 1� uur S�an er.8 reedved aliv the same[ -e -i: have Reeve c, Iaas been employed to paint the E battles Long, a moulder, in n3ber yard ii Ir. Morn rilled for' big I As ah i7o ne was: hurt. it the bought 0 t, Hamilton's 1, icipato a and of Sll rticipato 0 welve Apostlill an I -%Vill ve with; hi 11 eight -a ri I to the rill of t in s i �Wlllie 11,0well, ol son of the been arrelated as pa, Darling 8 jewelry Str4ford, Do, I I - villo, Ras ell $12,000 burglary of. b ati town Patticl for Rev. F ather family to It leury C i in, of 00dill tow Ishi'l orfimastor at DUVORn chuich in Paris. B arr F morn- Store, Simcoo. st bel hotel -keeper' 11, i s ini tb a ar 1. 13 ene at a:I I in ured I i augold -JoSoph Lambert was tried at Ow n county. —A`�Ead accident happene S Ir —Augu 13. onfeas. Bethlebem, ii orningtb'o, Was Jilloads to thol, al on a do, big ing. for robbing the m a il ;of rder of ug last to Captain J. C. Bro, in In 0 ie mu on � Of Morni for dealiD d, i6we Sound last week for t' por4 fined 82 ai A costs 'to the I all ba, gone 0'am, eight �iiils d I o n8hip, me W I ad his guill and ret rned man a his hirsIlby Bethlehemill on fa� n Hol an re ria- Kingsville,; Essex couut'r h . inhii il 1) i� Mil - the money' i %ken. A g0at rs to Ro an ' lager to aomE. t Iin Maylil i, and'was cqu, Pere V ith Witt of bunt6 I a Party ollicrue, ba er) letfert have bee"! t1ol I g4u � it Sunil amuel E isseti bf C ter wiping out Al the ground of Insanity. I p �ct- Bush. While led Moxy arill ted . at month. 4Dd it is�su —Two irlsi, nam it t t, the rod f 6 m4agold", c Val during the EL . I I i ' hind tho ,�ar. n of 1 ttal ol - of o'cler went off, ahooting'him " of Ill: .-A ikell-known tize Omployes, VH011 wa: in E in are , a t Kal G Otis, f)r a -week , I aboat three liburo if 70 D19, 6 I ratberl ad the boy 3 merely a Only livec lit elertial �b go to ga cheli, left town n spri"g, 11 ,ty loads to theacre i r using: ..heads. onald, Ili Woll,-t( do ting factor3 Mit F fly. a fine of 33 lad costs fo —A a:der Maied 111 il Wis onsin, �y bi a ad A boys Mr.. lor a, I tha. lbx d days ago, forketting to �a aundr was lfc ow Ima 011 Li 0 ell a lot —Rev. I er of Guelph towns1flip, tin a r ver to fright i i Q t., Michal for boar 1, ft A ra I's grow ots;olll -Bair] 01ii Ce for DOW attach id to Is cat farm My U. tl a IN ) k �pt knocking at.his, door , S an drowned in Presarl dam 8 namcdRong wh6left own abo I8V dressE d bi I lis ive M841 I roe year Toronto, last Be I ee Iwith axed morning. Deceased W ewd a sirmilar wea nel a nIg Gordon oarig, of' Cb borie, boo. big 0 as of -yl)ubgi me, same a. a Of -ol to it el 1ea Ing allitig nudiber on Wednesday. evellitIl previoust I I a itie 3, A tothe app 0 of memo: ry in regard -to ravelly 101 ehe mOU �otel, -wb al he� ti iip� 0 tbE at the House of Betlil stache and piiniteil cheek in ercial `aI " ' ' ov- elitirch dcors clie iDg be left the Comm hal a newlsuit of dAhos i Ia a 11a bl rill investgation ll� bE ell� Stand aro, nd short g D 11110,pal a C A. wastosto forthenigh�jtotak aw an aT4e ev- P -t33 -od,, mill d lijadeast a 0 obacco an ogling the! gir� fand a bc ard 4ill of �2011 fs :nu .'Nearly� t: I d'il � I by the city courl i . walk. acre. Seec' r! adrilini4ere a Bev rol re I —Mr. Ed�var L),,rkeb, 'an early IU y loads to oaren fatb Bur lri'g� tvi Eu &I the deaths were cf illegitimate ellil J. H. Burns of 6n Monday last week. T14o if city linisancesi. settler, 4, I ie sowedi i IL I 3 Of JUL16-1 buke to this!'Cls,83 c 'named LF�thergil;! were aspAlzed tIAe to ash-jp man Bill IRS w�ek., I first tied ,,a A ago. —On t while out duck-Bho,l on 1 decease( W dinesd iY picirrii I ig, f9r tl�e varic E h,b i Ifrom a boa t 4b yea .Rot [,�dd, of'Welstwill ork was col arrienced a YM ur�ner, 119 el but 8 gelit 661olsof tit ril in t: a f aimer ameaRotiben L latter I of Logan abouL 0.126.0 .0 o Lb Salvation In! Lrr Icks at S hoolill - Carr's pond on Saturday. The I last tWeILVO eara resil with hiE 8 ip 0 or towillab n or the Y I Climbed 1 ri aing T1,13, Boil is aj�riabt clay 16i number 0 ned ut living in. t]: a Swann, ahore. Baraii in-law, Mr. James Liv ngston Of Fu: - A 0 ide by banging himse f a- y w ih� shovels to di a bottom of the uI t a a 110 nu, -ad jr spfill brodoif 3t, bwer 97h. mitted sui i ni 19, pturaill boa e was remar I ni. H In been Ii larton. IT hible for hi brother's lbarn. a I Sl l jo t e acre. airidiel ed abot 2 0 balding will be 5X with a 20 died ashore with one axid,� 4aln contitic tion. It is si� ears, with his bi other for� t a P Ist four y a !that up to 'Jife be nevp'r'eK- 11)'. salt toi Lie acre, eight ll -ills to t a an lmost exhausted 0. 0: t c 3ilina. elry store in De Oth. 8 teported having foritierly ient 0, 30 —Saturday morning as the Rav,-'Mr. last tw,, MOL'thp f hi o" bol Ju n co4aiderea ced a il sick ss. lie �vjas 34 roll a wil. go ved a 'A. 90 d. deal c f d strefas i pe .0 mithavill a. HE 1�68 bet hiiirch of iColbcx:ie .1 %U others at E aS fethodist perien, Pat �icl �mli allono, fishermen 1 VeL ded McDonagb, of the h age.! insane for Solna finne, but was ri1agar !;Post years ol r t th( wbi-,li Was Su Pol faf mer has 1or so &Y Ill at, in the St. Lawrence Ri Saruia, opened his lefb�ers is c�rrol a i stal, perfect hari alesi.. among I them tbai —Ali -voribal year' and IlLaninild be oA a'dousac, In, � the Local Govern- Office, he found offie 1 i alaything for speiad, i u. the f" rm. o4ae'd b wil which mor f last —The lbuse y closed you i par ng to send p read as follows "Ell least. Hil want with rty, 1�ada to tbe deal rc t are pre 116visional fill hborho6d "O been' Geo. M, E paith- r Haw iry, was bu' hat ril Ell SUM of seven dollars-, Whiv�qh i!i t he gi ds ig 4t drill.. to the rod soviled out to I he stWiE1, )imrijessed the, horse, o8 go r and rip, to alhii a on S�� turda ight, the 3rd find tb6 I set part lister off ad h of my quarter's . -h had atill rose pot 60113i are, n Ilea by 'Mr I owell, t 11 oil,, look. ]ihe occup Sentil run the buggy o&; of t 6 barn, h -he May ad Wili r ce. al a tent ligwalialp Consul- inst., abox youtrufatin alit 11of oili aanared n Clist(tials,tbir6uglAle- for the Lord., I iststrice ci ackling b up and xov� to st. X,,attys, a di 1 Ile- skmE s nY. ve bee� were wak:Ined b the Oise U;(a it for bliat purpo e ex- priug tlj,�Iyl loadsi'tcl the icrE, eill t ttiW III, which ho that you will )ped I 6mral at 0 -to fl ht clotbeg, four a i -d half miles ; he Sill just in time y in their nig pt by expert and clingivil The letter was not oil tied. eN i len axe 114 ;at 0 a rod. '! �ving the 6rBt irticle. 'The just long enough to E rills t requell., e1,pronounced axe to, via without a 3 a Quebec brought dow, a oil her In �e een, alt In lough Le sc i Ins :)rthy of in BP, icti011. In the, —Th tore &ad volell W4 t live boon things needed $,rom, the if r. -N, as, use Is 5uppos A utl last trip the -first shipment !of O�ego Mr. Archie IftKinnon, Who has ca uharnal in id alfo of b use iili abo then drove il natar :i draip!ag chimney.; Th� 10984 b this barn A to niall tl U, visiting his fri Inds at wheatwbich evercame cast p insurance. I)U y in $400 ; cootental no the In rse Put th 6 igg ,C. L, Oaths, �Siatlll Of L Y�1,000 black loal . il Jet now for the pa�t couple of in The consignment Col) and ea thei hoaBe. Tha- I as his &rrota to Jt age E I I iolb, I Pritilah Columbia on, —Belote, Oat4rasiy bushels and was shif -a leaving * t ae time t lat elapse d frora,hi ad Wall 1i aderdfained, MR, I ,-Lot % f ar his home in 1g, �tlalniffaj rr and Sydney Will 40i 7 monii Nortblil thirty -Eve to tLi 3 acre, rine He was ajcorrll Walls, Oregon, by the, I onday last wee and thence ty t 6 house t1lintil lie g 4 bal was all, about Yelve-10 ads two youthla ab)nt eleven Years Of ago, I I onsid. I at Irill t1i � he rod. `S.owei th) end of i by his brother I horse and Railway, to Duluth, ni- were Cbafl th stealing a Minutes. Who 04n bpat -)m -a itoes, se�en violent thuni rstprm,ac ged w: aQuebec to arnia, on its way to Olon - A. Old Man 118med enry day. I is late kose. po 1, passed over Orono, buggy from Sarr uel Dal of WaBtmiD tt e � ve y irill I to I h rod, on it Simi soil, RrE of it �lr rain and b ai ced real for e,-,POrt. It is 0ai or by tradil 1w he tl� 29th ult. 0 wall seatil I t Closhy, a El r 9 . I I tut does ol term at, ne iize 1b it a thip,crop. to a threl ears' term in 11 thil Reformal lately -'ame to W., )arliam county or Fri :)Oil, ter, on good garliple of wbe' towe very tadly h insf. The ta Aes occur Y grade so �ighas anitoba or Minneso I 118. 9 tor3 . a baile to pear ati d by so A rc t. ing, I �abb m as baile treate tLI joy bray Suei�i., of HUI ett, has a ugi-ison were Struck by-Aighti No. 1 batild. plying' Whisky i ly . ii tence, giviDgI tee IHim some fut -ire time for a ssAf ter im Ire- ,as, eiaht drills C th( to on a horse, 8 unning a man, _The Home Iose Pot. I to Security )or $100 for lils LIPP y jobbed. him of out 025, tOre his `d0th- II rn ma a 9 ab I ul'al bmad ast on 3 end of th building. the Pres61yteria. church tave Te(le c- unded used him n the c. Y Ott 4 sbatterin' 0 I a friibl and two ureties Of V Ing. P f A r, 0 o the"Gati4dar, of appointed Mr. Alex, Robson, to t4e fi�il tiw-ei�,;y leads to th A. deput 0 Ohead i and croppea the b air in ati id body rese ntad —Mr. d M, 0 , J111,111031111 MO �uito[Ibo, loal t 6 a very Xarge, bt not so iflry Ameadmer t I -asociatiOn Mission work in M Be to the They -or a ave been affliell edwi�h a ve on one. aide of his ad do Til que8111911 W611 neeting Was Ia fare exam, [.ad. de, Board the al� antages of, tille 106K of. Ilhei; 0 The perpetrators of this cooked als he othil dthis Bad bere 'vemen t in th" his friends in bothi Prilas- Scalp- all 'we ins ystern of land transfe OU given bill b rY I wiagi6th;. priz� allil witb�n abou ous dEed ought to be 'vt Severalty The f A ; OntIl foureld at chillrani a in Ayri ol Fri decided bO Detition tb b 4c 013gregation .6 eldeat' 4aug byterian. thd tw, with. award 1 in one we E —Joseph M -iz- abl till I if, islature to a tl ish 'the I lystena all 2nd insit. The Teat rig a of the Kas or iek T irn akerf, aged 0 and :15 Y ar rg —T Y h,3 dryin hous ters were t id in Kfal church, ilid WE a was burned down al a Xoi lon hi� Province. me ay; phelax III a Ville C heasia factory 3,685 to the and buripicl on t no El i g, AdAlreS ipe the Car very inter64 i pre� 1,254 bi 3hel 6 to Revs. Dr. ic4 and D ii an tendei and 1 the oth4j. - morning. T burned ug; two eldil boys agoad ao.ouri early W. umber of thei - co - in by Rev, Inglifa#-F�oav- J. i er i were give aacrio i 1, 77J 9,06ompanied b a last Sunday. a died, and were buried very, ini ier- building cout 11 th Septel UJI faistl Y, cl Thompson and others. out 500 in numi- r the aqr.e. I agues in the M thodiAt and C etober ct. eese, a , Le has lel The tw6remaiding Children, the y6ung, OY Mail tl s—Joseph T40 I lat P ize, Eri av last, pr a ted Lord I %fasid )Wue ffering from, eating feature at the 1 me ti bef, f iree-fourtba of which -was dest. ddress from riei ids f welcom, from the est Of thle f amil , are also Bu Savd with the el is- reading of a joint 9 wi�s �sgels to tIhe Sainu �he add 0 ad. "he balAl I 00 ail t ibe Belle- 11 the sall malaly. d Enox ch011 1�r. Barthel and hs 4 4�8 eeu in Stanley street a as, sh Is to t a re; M I �hodist chur h op a E6 sett,26, —An Iticient ear�hwork fort has b st diffic krize, 2,208 bash e 1 great ord an l pFizel 1,9 14 to ill 3 Confei eil mbank.- by Mr. -J. P. F th 3 preSe tat ion t al burned in tbl�-il he botl 1 rnia, -H. ur discovered near Sa The a )y Mrs. D. Goldle on behalf of iends son b irio -A Windsor firm a! few 1 ol Ago air ptrons' pro�ertY. i of a Icil eumfek,ence If aL -the a;ct: 8 of Merit is 824 feet i 0 L 0 efffor to S&V large c a both churches, fur coat, c"'- and -ad 326 18; 14ize, lbi d to M, �ntreal a I.,j&j feet 'broad, a in The buildigs a in4area for 51,306 in itl oval sh 'pe Cal ts�Joso:l Morii3i (a roll, well filled purse.. ill 4 -rid the choose DUlabodo- to the &= a;. 1'. C AgE county Inif a -made MAI S, ki with an. average tbickdess Of f4om the lerth Ma for Ion I ieverel 1.7 7J feet Ial I- icir C. I ro�ably, for are growing and a . I!iz'e,, 1,482�;busbela ;b the icir the , most part by the —Ki 'ardirie suffered in the te#90 MatU Our -2n P 0. five.foaeC Oak tree,1s ig It. ite ell 'sh, Ud prize, 1,158 bulah '�s to 'n retaidents. 1 It III 8 d the storm of Sunday 111 rol Inch Cansil least 300� Yeal a Compel lht M ankment ig at A. Y. 'one- a ped.10 ut was blol. n ill hat this firni has ship gh the am at Bros. store fro -V ia venin eat wtek a he aC16. "T�e fort has 't Antrances, ent It 0) 2 bid. M W i nolied. dollars wo th of socks i an. Evans, Planing Mi ill 8 E�til of St. Marys, y fteen bu , A qu belorging to Min 1 li P.Ize, 101; I . ; nor beast. I Iota bo(03-11- Snell, the norl hwest I lad )DgjLDg '10 a., 2pdl brick house beb was I a I airroll I I . a -ore C t D43 time. ity of broken )ottbry and burnt tones, down tanding in froillt of the Storey when I buEhel blow do to the ;61 Ind 0 -Letters , patent of in,cDrpo-ati6n. t Stewartl wall -partly I., St y Seized the orpor- IIb tojbil suppos(atohave been missiles,were SOME Unknown Prize 27% ashels a, inside r a as Ort. the furinitni , -6, was looh�u and f� tUUUY ze 93 ush 3 s t the ba: re been issudd to the int ior of the f wh6n no on, 9- were IP Co LI an 'foun -a irlimal. Mt. E tOu B clutfl 3rd 1, Company. With I cap d I all it the: ill t ils, wad out�uildi�g3 ganerall V a Railloglay on ra Aro ") off with tb acie. I —Fil been btal Was of ir J�u her q, Ing irqu y and a0- lal piru 'for ita, of $1500,00 Hon. J. Cargo els ad, and! fetic a -deMOliE irectio a. most of he O'lit i111,0696rZill I r a ard McIL al si a portic in of of. the Vass Vhe SPen i Ia arrrl� ther were Carried in � all i bik wihout 'suciael lips�, qu� iii -per ac re Mil Bars. Woo red at Gravel at propert, th b ist., -acre il tur t.ntil h is Gaskin and G enora,de�live pilleginci am was of eased through ti a big ig a tebag� ea an gold an d ;lxro 5f I to,]Ar. Ca :neron, Of I i wipeg, an eri 14r the CAnadian galls h' r icat Th follOWLing morn I h O., cor orate bay, Lske SU) pronounced it III lig that i 0 i ept I A [orri 6. - Pri �ston, Ontario , are the' Pacific Railwi e. S . thd bottom of old settlers 6 U recei ved fro Thorridae, statl -Y, S" known. The ou m kmept on which ie one Iu Jo I . terrific ever Was in f �the llotel ME mbers. I all 0'Poll the borse y6r. YOURG, the lak 3. The epaba. analia, i G 0 nol i� i a act o k erected last 5 ear is! a -The 0 p the pile w r jur� aton imm6d Me'll). ALLAN, way while the stables theire. d the r 't beib a ard, a ted I t they more pi led I g4v ol ruined. i The Burf knocked.. wn, for th. plailce, where 'he nd all cattle comir 9 f rom,the U 1 lclad d,-& start ed th boat Wl LS a railwayffence and ran ac 08-3 th; d been very -1 I0 ell; -fiv his 1' Be. Title car' ecli0oted wit 'icit aai�mal ha Cana itb Sand abal! I;Iock- Detro a al 1 t a tracks W Ai Ill a*f it went to th Otto in: twentyr ll led be ill execover a. 1. C [th depall Jet t in' ad. filling ronibly'use all ieso I V Is I water. l hatti�ey Were 114 bo4tlei.t of P A f t a 1�l as in ihat feet Of ing the London trains so t, Mr. Ned ElnrY from Logan t)Wa`1 3abc rc ay lone at �11 I Oit ts he 6 . I rden iiI Duill on rel p, eks Anumberofmotilhada ni1rrow-escaPe 'from 9!91 L Il.spector In 0.1 ur�able o start. H. T. Hardoin loses miicZeii n Xoud last into the lak a 4 where tbf 0 als g wasiLied into ship, was in KY sbe I ys bern from being carrie sixty t as of coal by bein So fu_11 the It O'h be ]OY- u th -Ough the'al �of the car, we6k Boarna�rd will and got on bai soll biE a *m —On TueEdayi last bor. the h Job, 'Vils. 'not! toj�njhijp of pas4cb, fell ful,' thathedid know till a road b omet at has h O is a nsell of the a T of �rog m. team 9 firie SLpala near tidUll. okLl: Dry DUr 2. a exportation an d —Last Su4il bui Brown Climbing - d drove his I , of a H IN to an WolustrY in the had A out co utrY as clu I 4,k350,iut) the 1 $6,90( K lapmon, c arpenter, 11 ill Of ty fe b ad. Ean i a to he pro. qui� His leg was ecom, Mr. Rode i ene, full mill po Into pollicetn I rO- rieg bout ellevil 6. hingles and . all lost- i. the toaliephonst wiri-s (in the, Hat:iiltoj after Aack s internal inju a all load of I ers�an lam CLIPS for broke be reebilve. is been st 13101 vided vith t and Lo tubUilil In fell' iwl I DAY and y, not pro fata of the 0 n i of Seymour Ned Ou -the tv of' vi lei] : �3 - +11l ff ed c n the vl er and wbich i howe or ore diligian ly aecuting Itte 1114 for : h �building nd . Im Il theiabut the hor ot nto deitep siter NVIllie, the ImIll)n I Ill feet on to anob C C drivb is oper- _J leaves W, a and He lil to be some t! a 11131I The field l O Dej. When respue. Ned� ru t ad his skull. H:� elliemll'si,ttendance. Gideon and were dr wt Cal g a the aye Of tifle" world i k b) a f all- receiving m Is ig tb.6 river Trent as3 ad and er P1 f His soll[, WAS El same Township, ation as3 ami orhooa,.- a few Lamb,'& f arn ier of tili it th ght he x 7as I it is tim 'k 8 i it eUT8ged .port lit ron. at ille Same builditig streal and cree we It till of 1u, beam fell from a high Sea olding in, a: barn the qui a cry for the an I ac timill it a Scott Let or ome otet A to, —A f 9I I aps; fatally The present il go. n parb as the hill net is to i rs. ks, seric twine s of the fri( t men d, large p I Jad 'ads naly a im 1 liluor estal lislied at ya a an ol W, best for catching these I , 't so !f -re ly. —A. irt Be. preven giattivg njurel 0 It P mbled at hor reel i water isP cold and the 9 11 con Ya.rm a IN �er 11 a a Iin 8 ra tford, �ont( ar rifio g 4r a i with. --The oth 9 Jr. ti3t, aaa ahlon Doau, Ise 'I of wind, I hich . —1 unbar,i W To: t lately"- to —The ter VA red, th one rliir� ale of Sir donee in 'Yarmol aped on'Suril evening Ilast, slid quence are not so Ell t6 the ;e.late, te att Of the Chief ai. h 9 I b tl it ma h a, net Ittad qui C 'ides A 0 g the of -ice wa3 0l 5he hot, E ith birthdo. Besides Comilla d throughout tRa night,' s4attell a Short pole, wit ttr teaby the or ies Of 'u' Ilebrate, of Yari-Loutla, quite COtirl li wall er cher t Squabs. He John any, of the p. on )ers . and Ird. ead, the frog eat ar al i a boat fitle a Ortl of end lit, 38 for 'from Iowa ad destruction - -ad cr faill child ou.1tib M; J! $60' 0 bar v er, t car: ed on edge 6f the rivers a t B'he ha or f difiastersoc T he are s 11 , im I 10.1 tod a num nuts them i c 3rtained tha torEl ad iu� t �je fiqherie is ar "us Y - Mrs. Dpan A large nurn ooner nto the net. use 1IL P S),rni& and Port Rnran. 1 the 1 ies, 51310119, we C4 and h up to abuildiDg errand t on3tof -the -a ar sebooper then caxril ,by the I of tI le I ew left of III& B a; ly 3 al Solugeen; jiogt bar way. She h Zen 2gStar a8b r rknesE had ; hip, Xug is bile Evelli tbrow a aw' but the, the da Vial fK - are killed and all and Said they 'th a 2l Settlers. I,R )re south 0 pack- av n L a quh,ut. ties pr Ontall O,Of God in are 8 line a her ri&M4 as fish I lrg lega, which tford. The I n fg� In, I ) at, �l 0,3 aGlad- bild I to Stra —A horse al �stcll`e :E� v I schooner: - had only lat � YCO a ; craw Ea. ben 0 are for it the Eal a St to cardi ould find LIG Ci tias � astill, on hatil 9: ad in barrels on ICe, W an to: wn, hAel, London @ .. The lextlprit Chief mad is but in rI n &shore at 9 a I go ian ail st n The a mqu factary; at 60 ge )sidiai A warded to New York ot, of illy. The aninal Was ied our 01 4 is 90 III 11�110 A n. Schoon r 111, N. il is fACOMil3g krentli of the chfil 0 be Edwl L a Bd '80 a mark wider ev year. clu 3 to the for ithe night: In. 3 the hotel and Some rougg is dr Dve th - of I Godley- ome a- � i it ''getting i )I, E eek. OI I Todmaia 1311=3134 onSigliments are beivg set I to too k her � to 0 E 3giiind I 11 Y sea ,ch t a borge hunted ic P th stare 1 1 5 long wtl dr* an Huge c a F . 'a a an- r A.fte ay Morn ng In A 3 EL I m's )ll de�rsible itch h .rbor it ni III, an twoor sider On Tll 'ile, -L &�s m's I Alexandria Bay0where ourif ThDall a L e1ound &�10( )or, it . - had nt C th-f a'ad buggy wOr , t Lie a ol I in the i bar' � og pre- f,il d they V Joks 'O al I as 9shoria on delicacy. Thai poents iar- f the Iother 111 donation r I Winn W most out �f water. frogsa, 'rare al obout the'loss I a tist col eg a. distande swell !The Poo e al as is the �aen frog been I at t Iahe or Ltol is whero She ad y epicurea WOU-14 library f the Bad . c ul ition, and it i Is f eared ferr ipli aul II i P' sell 114 child I a Bad - c th, ugh. 1 2 1 I all nan at back. —Fo: few-er tb - ' J ---�,A. youni! 15-D ith Striped -ve" V1131". *� , W h =esai 'y turn al 0 U 9a viet, r lined throu at I If the - re sept �p all Aght, were re eiv ad in answ estahlbor ha;D ud* —The ne P bt. n tell, a rigilincl) 01 Liwkno when in ItEas, D lb for of t achin o ol cl Pert tise ly Opened. on tions 1 . I - Ex, ter timeS of lal week fc lb Toronto, fornia amikraIed, i -The a i I U f M ich he, YV We Its at lire1elance upon, ilie" f itill n as ]pan scho,'.1. n last, in ill I . i that a - till nall froul al I 11, one of ti riday afte I by the Eight births (yen 6 d Owe a I vestigate . Itioul if I in -.reas- I38,78 I h 14 The popul I 'd assill last Al A I a f ladies whic Bh Sa;tUral in search 01 rg 8 cf a distifil . fI a. He paid a mal Anderson. was in town h Nc va 13cotia, c oritie Yarmot t tl'y t9,1ate"lias an h(st meu'ffew ]Eto and geqtlem The on a anohl hom" he state,13 hail ric , ri. K daught )r) W Ld y ac a iel I Aspi in 22! n Iheffield for an ling. e . oar died a ow af',O-, 31 595 �- as bor- nall arding sebool.soril I - f r I away f al I owneq $43,167-a �,which in ()anaa —The Mitchell p ul "C a bo was �oftnerly a. lat-ge SI blocks, passai hile in Lo , on be The sabscriptioti taught, a 11 have adopted the Caaadiatiliser.es o .a L. S. rmer- rowed. . I )W%f&uc" ositiou ;Practical t o montbg� ago. Me -Lean All and wh 3 be 1 13 tho young � vorrian, 3'eloge of the mee 6 I119 ireadhed GU31ph C pen ed'at th, Mi tichell WI;s inform A that! 31111up Fores in Jew hiinutes f arml ng �e I W1 is di acted -to �epo --St.. Andrew's 90c lety P6 arriving. n ae iti- gI here, ala u ly of rvoyib g ca ME al I of; nearly el 700 subscribe a Wil 30n, �,,Metbcidlsb mibis- ibacer,4 oil the was -after b at ation Rev. Jasper Satnia. When intend giving a grand il ifiries, cot earn her where Lbouts Teachers` AsAo near two years i the North il —The Ott 1, w a CamItckiies ovembe lot be c .tO!f the- ter a last night of INT n: she could -epp, bas adopted the following ri fachea thia.plal t g cireniapa in bt t to his 3 bl n September las 7oung ma; . i 0y information &is to whett- n red Johns �on, a' rfl ,a oil temperance wit refer- the t Situation —A requisi fouri, nor committe -to 8 110 d Ii tle gi on I the : ro i atio'd ixt book ST Pill red tb at a IN& ffitchell to induce Nal or diall, to tocept a ha is said edd seizi I Uctioncl a ti t6i find I ish a been here at all. It )nce to the won Ney r 16. 7BrAlnswick, a, -,ri`16 otter to for M, and thil h ld have office au6ther year. or of the aescriptiol en was alcohol; hjiti it wou][4, be .e:di I Sol but or., formotly the Ite � i I imoolf, �, g . h6 4 !bad 8 a WO0( 8 a' att `M )n a the one ot being -Mr Chas. Wst t1 Llt a Isay �' Office, and gtb at Elbe d Of reference bar �nl ti at a he tl her t )ut these waliS lei jo do lb�o work, to which anitobal, Well in the!pofit W l t lie lif to El,chers railli 3r 0191 into ab 3rd line of W&1160e,bul no I i ation, $11 mptl a to lux ior bpi :lands of t tome he was Obliged to near -1i A beou sipplY 11� for IN sit" of abut not Ban fal oustome ,200 soree v 3r a t!eO: a d att thatt I�Iallori isaid tj at, the mil Aspaiu has a farm a -he,hands to tt a pupils b y any a ias maker h:)wev ani � J �bnat' �,pplle, but is 401 'She w a found$ Pill a art of lea It a form Bill 0 Il othergin Erig- Fort 0 V. '),Was C PUL174131' He sis been. '[1lu'alcohol 0 L hu 0081VOI ty Court, fall guilty �he gaueral'49alth lessol that I rK 01011 ru le 'YO K It 9 III II IIIIIIIB. S., P-tiblisht McLEAbi rs 10 a Ye . in Adv 1 8i 3. IE 0 ALY5 eans' in love f laci g ycful�g r t6 1, isna-foithepurp9se of p itoba atil 11 Ot as 0 the Relde a a I ays the drops in Man in PoSiti to d muraer b US in Canal W, I ore tbOy ani senten4a, t i t ance, i int 11 esl 0 trail Ian, g. &tte� Pbe L . ; � intitruotion on tMia men 0 reported. - Ing: A of '10 nil eui B&I ild be taught f arming,lbut t lat �hqn good as geheril a still ifall , me lZrPW ra IV 10 Ulial twell 6 years in pe ill the general Subjects f w'61 UcKague, one of, M- itcholls '40 1 avecial part to ffituill- las -Johb toffiwasayoulg tramp �d ba. Yed here there re mucl�, the i oil they arri -eal mOr ()eteut and faithful tea -ch -Ors, t oarril to cc: 1; th a lRelt ito 11108t COM ere beoiled, and III )d bhe for tl]iem, and they W y oUg( to Boston. 'of Wellavd, laged tiong u her resig'nation. el we i at In were —James �t6wart,; g no rfjtiuj�ra !has given 1 W nd crop of potatoes, Shift for themselves, ril in a I Sl 00 I son, re- e( buti-lidie'tbinuing IS a I a as Cho ied 6t tl L 3 Fra kl.n i - —bir, J)bu !Lanet" of Ander ay -I Xty years, grow I al Point Edward, by' Will 3-r last for the large sums aid Ill i re injuries by J aikd no siE in i4 of d1isb�af o in act an- a: Wednesday �cently sustaineo SLOMeall I ( planted'abott th Houpe, Wel 6na, o vi�iinchil of sno n 2 i-pecially The i potatoes - war —There Were fi 8 Urge Zt. aM pidee of meat it I - a in tb eating being thr :)wn I from a sulky While U's 11 er the fl. �ro reek, While on, ay nior- mi ('10 bill a, horse was runtf�lng away. i b d of August, af u the ground- Belleville *on w groul a go i astar ces Sais e&'fro L the i any d inner. He s9kiry 11ple top ha een dug ands d. ilea inve ry Ill sold —A White S�Igan, a very.rar ts a Potato, #ot. , n , p, tell of D a r, 0 f aul 6nas bird it' nd- in a 16W in th river' ty I turnip, )aling 4r. V. E. Fall It 8 captured n pears ,-tO'l he beso vari Tlinfrod y night 1�sl 3- Itjs,�SUPPOfil some )Cal w� were severe pasm , is Iately. the favoriite � nang Ila. Beall iina, Valued $50 each., I to �roc ce ibe El La recently, 028,000 worth O Je t. I . , 1 13, . : d the Ion 0 hisk5 helpe, at I on VIB feet from t P to tiP of a Bel, evill that w ithiu a fortnight from the win ov he con. a ;8nWIne I of hill LOI( 2 I - a- rag W The rob er left n6 ch Le In h Staff of New Hanoburg nes; uresseve —The w Ole F orl on tae aas, not digdouri ed.larm exprej P going, as Tin a on a crop :The f as, been re eng for-, net I ageq hind them. teachers have of Mr. Dvi tW I i irayn WE I a Son. ern a throt al op an —A lit tle daughter Y, any 1 OE �fnl 0. a Ca d iz.: Mr W. �s or'lingston, bLas re- at Present Salaries, the I intil theil &rates Minna , a' jf�oh abo- t a le trou L Vand rb ilt ypar`i I Brown, ol Arid[erson, while runn g I from Binglarid for,: w m I lea t6 e:3 1 3ud �1. Baehr, %,500 3 of d two orders Linton, 9600.; Mr. P I ste�poad on the bnal fill rout f din I thil .1 , . ation, on Tuesda evening last 117430k, matehallY, ton. Obe 'cf the at cooey, $300; Miss jaura the gar3le i Kiii atcn-made CIO Pass 31n�,,er Miss Mary u -sing the blade 40 fly up 0 s or k feeAiui yea, becom . , d i 1) g tl b age car, a t, $200. Iscythe, ci :an orde �s is from ael an Wegenas OrMs -si gash in bar koel more Ill el�idea irodul ee ers. T i a plat Ufliet a t �oablil i In coach and two : rom Manchester. . I f iltity of bet;ter I barnyafd rs yere wrecked, ad tb —Mr. ow es BeDnO ), I -or yp p is- - —Daniel Su ivan,.,w 0 miltow, kna 6rger Ill of the cai John Iridas, aMCHi baf 'r. Harry il Shaking U towusbip of E Ian, of D I p, I)ut ner grocery in Ha, Ili-ce,; ty, 1� uur S�an er.8 reedved aliv the same[ -e -i: have Reeve c, Iaas been employed to paint the E battles Long, a moulder, in n3ber yard ii Ir. Morn rilled for' big I As ah i7o ne was: hurt. it the bought 0 t, Hamilton's 1, icipato a and of Sll rticipato 0 welve Apostlill an I -%Vill ve with; hi 11 eight -a ri I to the rill of t in s i �Wlllie 11,0well, ol son of the been arrelated as pa, Darling 8 jewelry Str4ford, Do, I I - villo, Ras ell $12,000 burglary of. b ati town Patticl for Rev. F ather family to It leury C i in, of 00dill tow Ishi'l orfimastor at DUVORn chuich in Paris. B arr F morn- Store, Simcoo. st bel hotel -keeper' 11, i s ini tb a ar 1. 13 ene at a:I I in ured I i augold -JoSoph Lambert was tried at Ow n county. —A`�Ead accident happene S Ir —Augu 13. onfeas. Bethlebem, ii orningtb'o, Was Jilloads to thol, al on a do, big ing. for robbing the m a il ;of rder of ug last to Captain J. C. Bro, in In 0 ie mu on � Of Morni for dealiD d, i6we Sound last week for t' por4 fined 82 ai A costs 'to the I all ba, gone 0'am, eight �iiils d I o n8hip, me W I ad his guill and ret rned man a his hirsIlby Bethlehemill on fa� n Hol an re ria- Kingsville,; Essex couut'r h . inhii il 1) i� Mil - the money' i %ken. A g0at rs to Ro an ' lager to aomE. t Iin Maylil i, and'was cqu, Pere V ith Witt of bunt6 I a Party ollicrue, ba er) letfert have bee"! t1ol I g4u � it Sunil amuel E isseti bf C ter wiping out Al the ground of Insanity. I p �ct- Bush. While led Moxy arill ted . at month. 4Dd it is�su —Two irlsi, nam it t t, the rod f 6 m4agold", c Val during the EL . I I i ' hind tho ,�ar. n of 1 ttal ol - of o'cler went off, ahooting'him " of Ill: .-A ikell-known tize Omployes, VH011 wa: in E in are , a t Kal G Otis, f)r a -week , I aboat three liburo if 70 D19, 6 I ratberl ad the boy 3 merely a Only livec lit elertial �b go to ga cheli, left town n spri"g, 11 ,ty loads to theacre i r using: ..heads. onald, Ili Woll,-t( do ting factor3 Mit F fly. a fine of 33 lad costs fo —A a:der Maied 111 il Wis onsin, �y bi a ad A boys Mr.. lor a, I tha. lbx d days ago, forketting to �a aundr was lfc ow Ima 011 Li 0 ell a lot —Rev. I er of Guelph towns1flip, tin a r ver to fright i i Q t., Michal for boar 1, ft A ra I's grow ots;olll -Bair] 01ii Ce for DOW attach id to Is cat farm My U. tl a IN ) k �pt knocking at.his, door , S an drowned in Presarl dam 8 namcdRong wh6left own abo I8V dressE d bi I lis ive M841 I roe year Toronto, last Be I ee Iwith axed morning. Deceased W ewd a sirmilar wea nel a nIg Gordon oarig, of' Cb borie, boo. big 0 as of -yl)ubgi me, same a. a Of -ol to it el 1ea Ing allitig nudiber on Wednesday. evellitIl previoust I I a itie 3, A tothe app 0 of memo: ry in regard -to ravelly 101 ehe mOU �otel, -wb al he� ti iip� 0 tbE at the House of Betlil stache and piiniteil cheek in ercial `aI " ' ' ov- elitirch dcors clie iDg be left the Comm hal a newlsuit of dAhos i Ia a 11a bl rill investgation ll� bE ell� Stand aro, nd short g D 11110,pal a C A. wastosto forthenigh�jtotak aw an aT4e ev- P -t33 -od,, mill d lijadeast a 0 obacco an ogling the! gir� fand a bc ard 4ill of �2011 fs :nu .'Nearly� t: I d'il � I by the city courl i . walk. acre. Seec' r! adrilini4ere a Bev rol re I —Mr. Ed�var L),,rkeb, 'an early IU y loads to oaren fatb Bur lri'g� tvi Eu &I the deaths were cf illegitimate ellil J. H. Burns of 6n Monday last week. T14o if city linisancesi. settler, 4, I ie sowedi i IL I 3 Of JUL16-1 buke to this!'Cls,83 c 'named LF�thergil;! were aspAlzed tIAe to ash-jp man Bill IRS w�ek., I first tied ,,a A ago. —On t while out duck-Bho,l on 1 decease( W dinesd iY picirrii I ig, f9r tl�e varic E h,b i Ifrom a boa t 4b yea .Rot [,�dd, of'Welstwill ork was col arrienced a YM ur�ner, 119 el but 8 gelit 661olsof tit ril in t: a f aimer ameaRotiben L latter I of Logan abouL 0.126.0 .0 o Lb Salvation In! Lrr Icks at S hoolill - Carr's pond on Saturday. The I last tWeILVO eara resil with hiE 8 ip 0 or towillab n or the Y I Climbed 1 ri aing T1,13, Boil is aj�riabt clay 16i number 0 ned ut living in. t]: a Swann, ahore. Baraii in-law, Mr. James Liv ngston Of Fu: - A 0 ide by banging himse f a- y w ih� shovels to di a bottom of the uI t a a 110 nu, -ad jr spfill brodoif 3t, bwer 97h. mitted sui i ni 19, pturaill boa e was remar I ni. H In been Ii larton. IT hible for hi brother's lbarn. a I Sl l jo t e acre. airidiel ed abot 2 0 balding will be 5X with a 20 died ashore with one axid,� 4aln contitic tion. It is si� ears, with his bi other for� t a P Ist four y a !that up to 'Jife be nevp'r'eK- 11)'. salt toi Lie acre, eight ll -ills to t a an lmost exhausted 0. 0: t c 3ilina. elry store in De Oth. 8 teported having foritierly ient 0, 30 —Saturday morning as the Rav,-'Mr. last tw,, MOL'thp f hi o" bol Ju n co4aiderea ced a il sick ss. lie �vjas 34 roll a wil. go ved a 'A. 90 d. deal c f d strefas i pe .0 mithavill a. HE 1�68 bet hiiirch of iColbcx:ie .1 %U others at E aS fethodist perien, Pat �icl �mli allono, fishermen 1 VeL ded McDonagb, of the h age.! insane for Solna finne, but was ri1agar !;Post years ol r t th( wbi-,li Was Su Pol faf mer has 1or so &Y Ill at, in the St. Lawrence Ri Saruia, opened his lefb�ers is c�rrol a i stal, perfect hari alesi.. among I them tbai —Ali -voribal year' and IlLaninild be oA a'dousac, In, � the Local Govern- Office, he found offie 1 i alaything for speiad, i u. the f" rm. o4ae'd b wil which mor f last —The lbuse y closed you i par ng to send p read as follows "Ell least. Hil want with rty, 1�ada to tbe deal rc t are pre 116visional fill hborho6d "O been' Geo. M, E paith- r Haw iry, was bu' hat ril Ell SUM of seven dollars-, Whiv�qh i!i t he gi ds ig 4t drill.. to the rod soviled out to I he stWiE1, )imrijessed the, horse, o8 go r and rip, to alhii a on S�� turda ight, the 3rd find tb6 I set part lister off ad h of my quarter's . -h had atill rose pot 60113i are, n Ilea by 'Mr I owell, t 11 oil,, look. ]ihe occup Sentil run the buggy o&; of t 6 barn, h -he May ad Wili r ce. al a tent ligwalialp Consul- inst., abox youtrufatin alit 11of oili aanared n Clist(tials,tbir6uglAle- for the Lord., I iststrice ci ackling b up and xov� to st. X,,attys, a di 1 Ile- skmE s nY. ve bee� were wak:Ined b the Oise U;(a it for bliat purpo e ex- priug tlj,�Iyl loadsi'tcl the icrE, eill t ttiW III, which ho that you will )ped I 6mral at 0 -to fl ht clotbeg, four a i -d half miles ; he Sill just in time y in their nig pt by expert and clingivil The letter was not oil tied. eN i len axe 114 ;at 0 a rod. '! �ving the 6rBt irticle. 'The just long enough to E rills t requell., e1,pronounced axe to, via without a 3 a Quebec brought dow, a oil her In �e een, alt In lough Le sc i Ins :)rthy of in BP, icti011. In the, —Th tore &ad volell W4 t live boon things needed $,rom, the if r. -N, as, use Is 5uppos A utl last trip the -first shipment !of O�ego Mr. Archie IftKinnon, Who has ca uharnal in id alfo of b use iili abo then drove il natar :i draip!ag chimney.; Th� 10984 b this barn A to niall tl U, visiting his fri Inds at wheatwbich evercame cast p insurance. I)U y in $400 ; cootental no the In rse Put th 6 igg ,C. L, Oaths, �Siatlll Of L Y�1,000 black loal . il Jet now for the pa�t couple of in The consignment Col) and ea thei hoaBe. Tha- I as his &rrota to Jt age E I I iolb, I Pritilah Columbia on, —Belote, Oat4rasiy bushels and was shif -a leaving * t ae time t lat elapse d frora,hi ad Wall 1i aderdfained, MR, I ,-Lot % f ar his home in 1g, �tlalniffaj rr and Sydney Will 40i 7 monii Nortblil thirty -Eve to tLi 3 acre, rine He was ajcorrll Walls, Oregon, by the, I onday last wee and thence ty t 6 house t1lintil lie g 4 bal was all, about Yelve-10 ads two youthla ab)nt eleven Years Of ago, I I onsid. I at Irill t1i � he rod. `S.owei th) end of i by his brother I horse and Railway, to Duluth, ni- were Cbafl th stealing a Minutes. Who 04n bpat -)m -a itoes, se�en violent thuni rstprm,ac ged w: aQuebec to arnia, on its way to Olon - A. Old Man 118med enry day. I is late kose. po 1, passed over Orono, buggy from Sarr uel Dal of WaBtmiD tt e � ve y irill I to I h rod, on it Simi soil, RrE of it �lr rain and b ai ced real for e,-,POrt. It is 0ai or by tradil 1w he tl� 29th ult. 0 wall seatil I t Closhy, a El r 9 . I I tut does ol term at, ne iize 1b it a thip,crop. to a threl ears' term in 11 thil Reformal lately -'ame to W., )arliam county or Fri :)Oil, ter, on good garliple of wbe' towe very tadly h insf. The ta Aes occur Y grade so �ighas anitoba or Minneso I 118. 9 tor3 . a baile to pear ati d by so A rc t. ing, I �abb m as baile treate tLI joy bray Suei�i., of HUI ett, has a ugi-ison were Struck by-Aighti No. 1 batild. plying' Whisky i ly . ii tence, giviDgI tee IHim some fut -ire time for a ssAf ter im Ire- ,as, eiaht drills C th( to on a horse, 8 unning a man, _The Home Iose Pot. I to Security )or $100 for lils LIPP y jobbed. him of out 025, tOre his `d0th- II rn ma a 9 ab I ul'al bmad ast on 3 end of th building. the Pres61yteria. church tave Te(le c- unded used him n the c. Y Ott 4 sbatterin' 0 I a friibl and two ureties Of V Ing. P f A r, 0 o the"Gati4dar, of appointed Mr. Alex, Robson, to t4e fi�il tiw-ei�,;y leads to th A. deput 0 Ohead i and croppea the b air in ati id body rese ntad —Mr. d M, 0 , J111,111031111 MO �uito[Ibo, loal t 6 a very Xarge, bt not so iflry Ameadmer t I -asociatiOn Mission work in M Be to the They -or a ave been affliell edwi�h a ve on one. aide of his ad do Til que8111911 W611 neeting Was Ia fare exam, [.ad. de, Board the al� antages of, tille 106K of. Ilhei; 0 The perpetrators of this cooked als he othil dthis Bad bere 'vemen t in th" his friends in bothi Prilas- Scalp- all 'we ins ystern of land transfe OU given bill b rY I wiagi6th;. priz� allil witb�n abou ous dEed ought to be 'vt Severalty The f A ; OntIl foureld at chillrani a in Ayri ol Fri decided bO Detition tb b 4c 013gregation .6 eldeat' 4aug byterian. thd tw, with. award 1 in one we E —Joseph M -iz- abl till I if, islature to a tl ish 'the I lystena all 2nd insit. The Teat rig a of the Kas or iek T irn akerf, aged 0 and :15 Y ar rg —T Y h,3 dryin hous ters were t id in Kfal church, ilid WE a was burned down al a Xoi lon hi� Province. me ay; phelax III a Ville C heasia factory 3,685 to the and buripicl on t no El i g, AdAlreS ipe the Car very inter64 i pre� 1,254 bi 3hel 6 to Revs. Dr. ic4 and D ii an tendei and 1 the oth4j. - morning. T burned ug; two eldil boys agoad ao.ouri early W. umber of thei - co - in by Rev, Inglifa#-F�oav- J. i er i were give aacrio i 1, 77J 9,06ompanied b a last Sunday. a died, and were buried very, ini ier- building cout 11 th Septel UJI faistl Y, cl Thompson and others. out 500 in numi- r the aqr.e. I agues in the M thodiAt and C etober ct. eese, a , Le has lel The tw6remaiding Children, the y6ung, OY Mail tl s—Joseph T40 I lat P ize, Eri av last, pr a ted Lord I %fasid )Wue ffering from, eating feature at the 1 me ti bef, f iree-fourtba of which -was dest. ddress from riei ids f welcom, from the est Of thle f amil , are also Bu Savd with the el is- reading of a joint 9 wi�s �sgels to tIhe Sainu �he add 0 ad. "he balAl I 00 ail t ibe Belle- 11 the sall malaly. d Enox ch011 1�r. Barthel and hs 4 4�8 eeu in Stanley street a as, sh Is to t a re; M I �hodist chur h op a E6 sett,26, —An Iticient ear�hwork fort has b st diffic krize, 2,208 bash e 1 great ord an l pFizel 1,9 14 to ill 3 Confei eil mbank.- by Mr. -J. P. F th 3 preSe tat ion t al burned in tbl�-il he botl 1 rnia, -H. ur discovered near Sa The a )y Mrs. D. Goldle on behalf of iends son b irio -A Windsor firm a! few 1 ol Ago air ptrons' pro�ertY. i of a Icil eumfek,ence If aL -the a;ct: 8 of Merit is 824 feet i 0 L 0 efffor to S&V large c a both churches, fur coat, c"'- and -ad 326 18; 14ize, lbi d to M, �ntreal a I.,j&j feet 'broad, a in The buildigs a in4area for 51,306 in itl oval sh 'pe Cal ts�Joso:l Morii3i (a roll, well filled purse.. ill 4 -rid the choose DUlabodo- to the &= a;. 1'. C AgE county Inif a -made MAI S, ki with an. average tbickdess Of f4om the lerth Ma for Ion I ieverel 1.7 7J feet Ial I- icir C. I ro�ably, for are growing and a . I!iz'e,, 1,482�;busbela ;b the icir the , most part by the —Ki 'ardirie suffered in the te#90 MatU Our -2n P 0. five.foaeC Oak tree,1s ig It. ite ell 'sh, Ud prize, 1,158 bulah '�s to 'n retaidents. 1 It III 8 d the storm of Sunday 111 rol Inch Cansil least 300� Yeal a Compel lht M ankment ig at A. Y. 'one- a ped.10 ut was blol. n ill hat this firni has ship gh the am at Bros. store fro -V ia venin eat wtek a he aC16. "T�e fort has 't Antrances, ent It 0) 2 bid. M W i nolied. dollars wo th of socks i an. Evans, Planing Mi ill 8 E�til of St. Marys, y fteen bu , A qu belorging to Min 1 li P.Ize, 101; I . ; nor beast. I Iota bo(03-11- Snell, the norl hwest I lad )DgjLDg '10 a., 2pdl brick house beb was I a I airroll I I . a -ore C t D43 time. ity of broken )ottbry and burnt tones, down tanding in froillt of the Storey when I buEhel blow do to the ;61 Ind 0 -Letters , patent of in,cDrpo-ati6n. t Stewartl wall -partly I., St y Seized the orpor- IIb tojbil suppos(atohave been missiles,were SOME Unknown Prize 27% ashels a, inside r a as Ort. the furinitni , -6, was looh�u and f� tUUUY ze 93 ush 3 s t the ba: re been issudd to the int ior of the f wh6n no on, 9- were IP Co LI an 'foun -a irlimal. Mt. E tOu B clutfl 3rd 1, Company. With I cap d I all it the: ill t ils, wad out�uildi�g3 ganerall V a Railloglay on ra Aro ") off with tb acie. I —Fil been btal Was of ir J�u her q, Ing irqu y and a0- lal piru 'for ita, of $1500,00 Hon. J. Cargo els ad, and! fetic a -deMOliE irectio a. most of he O'lit i111,0696rZill I r a ard McIL al si a portic in of of. the Vass Vhe SPen i Ia arrrl� ther were Carried in � all i bik wihout 'suciael lips�, qu� iii -per ac re Mil Bars. Woo red at Gravel at propert, th b ist., -acre il tur t.ntil h is Gaskin and G enora,de�live pilleginci am was of eased through ti a big ig a tebag� ea an gold an d ;lxro 5f I to,]Ar. Ca :neron, Of I i wipeg, an eri 14r the CAnadian galls h' r icat Th follOWLing morn I h O., cor orate bay, Lske SU) pronounced it III lig that i 0 i ept I A [orri 6. - Pri �ston, Ontario , are the' Pacific Railwi e. S . thd bottom of old settlers 6 U recei ved fro Thorridae, statl -Y, S" known. The ou m kmept on which ie one Iu Jo I . terrific ever Was in f �the llotel ME mbers. I all 0'Poll the borse y6r. YOURG, the lak 3. The epaba. analia, i G 0 nol i� i a act o k erected last 5 ear is! a -The 0 p the pile w r jur� aton imm6d Me'll). ALLAN, way while the stables theire. d the r 't beib a ard, a ted I t they more pi led I g4v ol ruined. i The Burf knocked.. wn, for th. plailce, where 'he nd all cattle comir 9 f rom,the U 1 lclad d,-& start ed th boat Wl LS a railwayffence and ran ac 08-3 th; d been very -1 I0 ell; -fiv his 1' Be. Title car' ecli0oted wit 'icit aai�mal ha Cana itb Sand abal! I;Iock- Detro a al 1 t a tracks W Ai Ill a*f it went to th Otto in: twentyr ll led be ill execover a. 1. C [th depall Jet t in' ad. filling ronibly'use all ieso I V Is I water. l hatti�ey Were 114 bo4tlei.t of P A f t a 1�l as in ihat feet Of ing the London trains so t, Mr. Ned ElnrY from Logan t)Wa`1 3abc rc ay lone at �11 I Oit ts he 6 . I rden iiI Duill on rel p, eks Anumberofmotilhada ni1rrow-escaPe 'from 9!91 L Il.spector In 0.1 ur�able o start. H. T. Hardoin loses miicZeii n Xoud last into the lak a 4 where tbf 0 als g wasiLied into ship, was in KY sbe I ys bern from being carrie sixty t as of coal by bein So fu_11 the It O'h be ]OY- u th -Ough the'al �of the car, we6k Boarna�rd will and got on bai soll biE a *m —On TueEdayi last bor. the h Job, 'Vils. 'not! toj�njhijp of pas4cb, fell ful,' thathedid know till a road b omet at has h O is a nsell of the a T of �rog m. team 9 firie SLpala near tidUll. okLl: Dry DUr 2. a exportation an d —Last Su4il bui Brown Climbing - d drove his I , of a H IN to an WolustrY in the had A out co utrY as clu I 4,k350,iut) the 1 $6,90( K lapmon, c arpenter, 11 ill Of ty fe b ad. Ean i a to he pro. qui� His leg was ecom, Mr. Rode i ene, full mill po Into pollicetn I rO- rieg bout ellevil 6. hingles and . all lost- i. the toaliephonst wiri-s (in the, Hat:iiltoj after Aack s internal inju a all load of I ers�an lam CLIPS for broke be reebilve. is been st 13101 vided vith t and Lo tubUilil In fell' iwl I DAY and y, not pro fata of the 0 n i of Seymour Ned Ou -the tv of' vi lei] : �3 - +11l ff ed c n the vl er and wbich i howe or ore diligian ly aecuting Itte 1114 for : h �building nd . Im Il theiabut the hor ot nto deitep siter NVIllie, the ImIll)n I Ill feet on to anob C C drivb is oper- _J leaves W, a and He lil to be some t! a 11131I The field l O Dej. When respue. Ned� ru t ad his skull. H:� elliemll'si,ttendance. Gideon and were dr wt Cal g a the aye Of tifle" world i k b) a f all- receiving m Is ig tb.6 river Trent as3 ad and er P1 f His soll[, WAS El same Township, ation as3 ami orhooa,.- a few Lamb,'& f arn ier of tili it th ght he x 7as I it is tim 'k 8 i it eUT8ged .port lit ron. at ille Same builditig streal and cree we It till of 1u, beam fell from a high Sea olding in, a: barn the qui a cry for the an I ac timill it a Scott Let or ome otet A to, —A f 9I I aps; fatally The present il go. n parb as the hill net is to i rs. ks, seric twine s of the fri( t men d, large p I Jad 'ads naly a im 1 liluor estal lislied at ya a an ol W, best for catching these I , 't so !f -re ly. —A. irt Be. preven giattivg njurel 0 It P mbled at hor reel i water isP cold and the 9 11 con Ya.rm a IN �er 11 a a Iin 8 ra tford, �ont( ar rifio g 4r a i with. --The oth 9 Jr. ti3t, aaa ahlon Doau, Ise 'I of wind, I hich . —1 unbar,i W To: t lately"- to —The ter VA red, th one rliir� ale of Sir donee in 'Yarmol aped on'Suril evening Ilast, slid quence are not so Ell t6 the ;e.late, te att Of the Chief ai. h 9 I b tl it ma h a, net Ittad qui C 'ides A 0 g the of -ice wa3 0l 5he hot, E ith birthdo. Besides Comilla d throughout tRa night,' s4attell a Short pole, wit ttr teaby the or ies Of 'u' Ilebrate, of Yari-Loutla, quite COtirl li wall er cher t Squabs. He John any, of the p. on )ers . and Ird. ead, the frog eat ar al i a boat fitle a Ortl of end lit, 38 for 'from Iowa ad destruction - -ad cr faill child ou.1tib M; J! $60' 0 bar v er, t car: ed on edge 6f the rivers a t B'he ha or f difiastersoc T he are s 11 , im I 10.1 tod a num nuts them i c 3rtained tha torEl ad iu� t �je fiqherie is ar "us Y - Mrs. Dpan A large nurn ooner nto the net. use 1IL P S),rni& and Port Rnran. 1 the 1 ies, 51310119, we C4 and h up to abuildiDg errand t on3tof -the -a ar sebooper then caxril ,by the I of tI le I ew left of III& B a; ly 3 al Solugeen; jiogt bar way. She h Zen 2gStar a8b r rknesE had ; hip, Xug is bile Evelli tbrow a aw' but the, the da Vial fK - are killed and all and Said they 'th a 2l Settlers. I,R )re south 0 pack- av n L a quh,ut. ties pr Ontall O,Of God in are 8 line a her ri&M4 as fish I lrg lega, which tford. The I n fg� In, I ) at, �l 0,3 aGlad- bild I to Stra —A horse al �stcll`e :E� v I schooner: - had only lat � YCO a ; craw Ea. ben 0 are for it the Eal a St to cardi ould find LIG Ci tias � astill, on hatil 9: ad in barrels on ICe, W an to: wn, hAel, London @ .. The lextlprit Chief mad is but in rI n &shore at 9 a I go ian ail st n The a mqu factary; at 60 ge )sidiai A warded to New York ot, of illy. The aninal Was ied our 01 4 is 90 III 11�110 A n. Schoon r 111, N. il is fACOMil3g krentli of the chfil 0 be Edwl L a Bd '80 a mark wider ev year. clu 3 to the for ithe night: In. 3 the hotel and Some rougg is dr Dve th - of I Godley- ome a- � i it ''getting i )I, E eek. OI I Todmaia 1311=3134 onSigliments are beivg set I to too k her � to 0 E 3giiind I 11 Y sea ,ch t a borge hunted ic P th stare 1 1 5 long wtl dr* an Huge c a F . 'a a an- r A.fte ay Morn ng In A 3 EL I m's )ll de�rsible itch h .rbor it ni III, an twoor sider On Tll 'ile, -L &�s m's I Alexandria Bay0where ourif ThDall a L e1ound &�10( )or, it . - had nt C th-f a'ad buggy wOr , t Lie a ol I in the i bar' � og pre- f,il d they V Joks 'O al I as 9shoria on delicacy. Thai poents iar- f the Iother 111 donation r I Winn W most out �f water. frogsa, 'rare al obout the'loss I a tist col eg a. distande swell !The Poo e al as is the �aen frog been I at t Iahe or Ltol is whero She ad y epicurea WOU-14 library f the Bad . c ul ition, and it i Is f eared ferr ipli aul II i P' sell 114 child I a Bad - c th, ugh. 1 2 1 I all nan at back. —Fo: few-er tb - ' J ---�,A. youni! 15-D ith Striped -ve" V1131". *� , W h =esai 'y turn al 0 U 9a viet, r lined throu at I If the - re sept �p all Aght, were re eiv ad in answ estahlbor ha;D ud* —The ne P bt. n tell, a rigilincl) 01 Liwkno when in ItEas, D lb for of t achin o ol cl Pert tise ly Opened. on tions 1 . I - Ex, ter timeS of lal week fc lb Toronto, fornia amikraIed, i -The a i I U f M ich he, YV We Its at lire1elance upon, ilie" f itill n as ]pan scho,'.1. n last, in ill I . i that a - till nall froul al I 11, one of ti riday afte I by the Eight births (yen 6 d Owe a I vestigate . Itioul if I in -.reas- I38,78 I h 14 The popul I 'd assill last Al A I a f ladies whic Bh Sa;tUral in search 01 rg 8 cf a distifil . fI a. He paid a mal Anderson. was in town h Nc va 13cotia, c oritie Yarmot t tl'y t9,1ate"lias an h(st meu'ffew ]Eto and geqtlem The on a anohl hom" he state,13 hail ric , ri. K daught )r) W Ld y ac a iel I Aspi in 22! n Iheffield for an ling. e . oar died a ow af',O-, 31 595 �- as bor- nall arding sebool.soril I - f r I away f al I owneq $43,167-a �,which in ()anaa —The Mitchell p ul "C a bo was �oftnerly a. lat-ge SI blocks, passai hile in Lo , on be The sabscriptioti taught, a 11 have adopted the Caaadiatiliser.es o .a L. S. rmer- rowed. . I )W%f&uc" ositiou ;Practical t o montbg� ago. Me -Lean All and wh 3 be 1 13 tho young � vorrian, 3'eloge of the mee 6 I119 ireadhed GU31ph C pen ed'at th, Mi tichell WI;s inform A that! 31111up Fores in Jew hiinutes f arml ng �e I W1 is di acted -to �epo --St.. Andrew's 90c lety P6 arriving. n ae iti- gI here, ala u ly of rvoyib g ca ME al I of; nearly el 700 subscribe a Wil 30n, �,,Metbcidlsb mibis- ibacer,4 oil the was -after b at ation Rev. Jasper Satnia. When intend giving a grand il ifiries, cot earn her where Lbouts Teachers` AsAo near two years i the North il —The Ott 1, w a CamItckiies ovembe lot be c .tO!f the- ter a last night of INT n: she could -epp, bas adopted the following ri fachea thia.plal t g cireniapa in bt t to his 3 bl n September las 7oung ma; . i 0y information &is to whett- n red Johns �on, a' rfl ,a oil temperance wit refer- the t Situation —A requisi fouri, nor committe -to 8 110 d Ii tle gi on I the : ro i atio'd ixt book ST Pill red tb at a IN& ffitchell to induce Nal or diall, to tocept a ha is said edd seizi I Uctioncl a ti t6i find I ish a been here at all. It )nce to the won Ney r 16. 7BrAlnswick, a, -,ri`16 otter to for M, and thil h ld have office au6ther year. or of the aescriptiol en was alcohol; hjiti it wou][4, be .e:di I Sol but or., formotly the Ite � i I imoolf, �, g . h6 4 !bad 8 a WO0( 8 a' att `M )n a the one ot being -Mr Chas. Wst t1 Llt a Isay �' Office, and gtb at Elbe d Of reference bar �nl ti at a he tl her t )ut these waliS lei jo do lb�o work, to which anitobal, Well in the!pofit W l t lie lif to El,chers railli 3r 0191 into ab 3rd line of W&1160e,bul no I i ation, $11 mptl a to lux ior bpi :lands of t tome he was Obliged to near -1i A beou sipplY 11� for IN sit" of abut not Ban fal oustome ,200 soree v 3r a t!eO: a d att thatt I�Iallori isaid tj at, the mil Aspaiu has a farm a -he,hands to tt a pupils b y any a ias maker h:)wev ani � J �bnat' �,pplle, but is 401 'She w a found$ Pill a art of lea It a form Bill 0 Il othergin Erig- Fort 0 V. '),Was C PUL174131' He sis been. '[1lu'alcohol 0 L hu 0081VOI ty Court, fall guilty �he gaueral'49alth lessol that I rK 01011 ru le 'YO K It 9 III