HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-11-02, Page 8IfL JL JL IL Ir ! I JPJ L! L IA nn �he town ball, socom 5anied D� several bridge here, one.of the ru a acro4s the Lutheran church proposed. w t 11 the rity i auctioneer. rs. post in Tlioulpso0i oatmeal I �ce So as o(.)u 0 R E 0 E -1.V E D a on Wednesaa for ObloS, wh ch were we I rendered. I he rods;gAve Way. Mr. Girylin, road omr- T, hould Rev. G. It. Milligan, of 0 Protestant churches � n the 0,� a is A left liar as: 'a t once,communicat Iof the le are v a —AT THE— reach a 1to a to join ber�husb*nd.—kr­ L. In- miss.oner, was a Oj will I I - 'eilt hold coinmemorativc religiou�aservices niftew's Ch ar% , Torout OubjeCt itb,,An(I the structure is now I g on,lwas in town tellectual Forces," mid th 3 Ilecto -6r , w t 16 an'diversa ry na in the ,k� - -116 a i h f Lc na last e an.ttIo llth of NovEmber. A ueetiug sermO iod up once more. Most of A th I Robe n.took -prlz'e bandleabis Subject to t1le ,ST'R GROGERY. sfaction s pite will also be held. on the 10th,4,na a great ; rian Churall,1 in t is town, 'lan ;e Me -4 first pubI a aronud here Mom to think tbiat, En MCFAUL er.—V16 bale i he rifle match1s,at case & Blackwell's, Soups, Patted , cup at t� ent. demonstration oia thi which i 'I'd -Dac�m nd woi L the p 0 ' 3 12th'! at siunIday i A U�e.at, Ricklea, &c. A general stock of some of the 'grandest speoim�iia of Lu- ard several. icom��vnts ooroerniag I hesdi Nichol i4 a good Shot w:tery B invs —Mrs. Co�maek �J lie E�.na it, i4, i"10 preparations were being m94o I) d for t io or -w bridge bef4o ba state of, I . tbatlemall po Ad are way visiti at J 11 IOU a! nctio:i of a ne A Italian ware'llouge, goods; also just re- thero music will be rendorpd." In a 41on of titnp.- 11. James Y ! Oung has b ught Coe.- James tilec, . D, veltorin r erious aeof(Jelit occurs with i the connection with the above we are ro-i lot''near the Ca ada Glen y elluron 113s, be ween Mrs. Xuo:v's the -he BE SIX. �r . I �It an -i )g tbe I I -t 1) r e?8.4 nt ona.—Some (if our villa ;e YOUbs THIS WED, K THE, IES WILL ceived. in Crookery—Nice Dinner Sets� t 0 �' t ell in Hama hey,�Idild the late rof i- I lei 'a J i at bhui ch for $QOO. Btudel-It* With J('Iln,N I f quested to sta q that the sojeral rr'- 1 L I . Summer, lina rot In to orouto to who seem to delight 'in committipg Nice Tea, Sets, '.L\'ice Toilet Sets, Nice Id be well a re testaut churches in SeafortIr and viciul-� ne (If Mr, U at. It. wou FTND '61 i I � IlcKillop- colltiono bis co 1; col ege.—Ilis uigbtly depredations much to the n1a a. general ty w iinniv4"ry by a or the path WE later, 'r whoever is n i a After Dinner Tea. Sets and ill celebrate the. i 0 Dram"Mio Oumpmy; intend noyri nce of peaceable citizans,b*d betthr I Glasawae. DoWt forget union be -Pj ierian pleasant air meeting in 1 �isby rge, to ba; m 3ome Of the holei i fiII4 d, i HyN 1p.—& very assortment 0 ing fill take waraiD,-y in time and 'desist "fro, church, a Sabbath - evaniuk�'llth No- -it is espected that the 0.4"imad too --e at t io residence of Stuv� L uel 91V y to call and examine these goods ; we p 44 Miriam's Oriiiie j11 be pres�ated._ their evil practices or elde they may be vember. The - services wil'. ommenoe _4 mi I of the essrslTbompson ill !)a Sca le, I 'I s q. %IoRillop, on Wedii4doy mail Acleti not upw leave callEd npou by Squire organ toi. p�y CENT warth &u inspection if -you don't buy. at the us,a The Cradbrook PIALAGN I F P A al hour, and the C16, ymen of "Sta -ted next weeki as the new it; %chin- lias the marriage of Mr. Jot G.- f 0 ga �Om Q, 5a- Somewhat diiarly fol is now 4 Iri iintil the .rrival of t1l L eta their fun. 1r. Thorne's Teas are still excellent the various' congregations riEpresented ne it] y4n position. ]a le 3�ve Hiss Mary! Ann: Scarlett. he fortb.—The salt works will wilit do Min Gillespie-, who has the, job, of' cut * 3r In rmly tied ;by the Rev. I*r. will assist. A special collection will be r3 delivered by Dr. Gard value; try them. knc t: V it 31 r wood.--�he emolly was 9 )f Rorjald'f. foundry !are n:)w alon, well -with the work and expeets taken up in aid of the poor o� ',the town. I rave) in '881 ih'the Meffio shortly fc waut of em� down the hill in tbis village, is getting —OF— di 14U 31 r*i After the cer 08 L. THORNE 11 er on a large number of frioa 'eat I9 mplted dtmpg p scopal 01 h, ou Tuesday ploy" TnE LiTEitAivy Socilrry.—the regular a sumptuou's tepakt, at the work -tug overtime oil &0(3011Ilt of �)r'amsqre to ll� Lve his contract co si �, was fair] y ttendiiid the ebi it 3h b)- do In Meeting Of the Seaforth Li-*iary So. of business. Mr. Rou�ald ti6ted the the loming WeM NEW VEI Nil gel filled. The lebture wa,'� go(d (Onclu I r of which the happy couple YET Port Arb�aor eDgille ast wedl, and ill I&100 toiV 11 ciety was held in the Mechahics' Inati. gave a p a satisfacti V colted to the Seafoah r Tuckersmith. Aro Ing fast. on III6 , ope I Mor uce.—Division Court was tate rooms on Wednedd6y a4eni 3bip it -a an( ien?e.— r. 11 James 9. )f f tabiot where they took the rai or AND--,- L held last Saturday before Ja4go Do �le Nm'V RMIDENTS.—Mr- Charles Xason. I w" coupled by i e Presi- J'Li�g oudville,-h s-rem�cved congr t I&. The ehair to Set fort a. lbelea�� b amidBt the hearty n the to�n hall, wbdn the' f JILOW: ng has just completed a v ery neat I tind CC&ULgbey. Tji are was a dent, Mr. SA tions oil Ia iinderS �al A th t it is cl� teri- d vood wisbes of many Jriel S. TERS. Captain monds of �o t ehortI3 ;.a we 0 DISTR QT MArL' h comfortable frame re fair attend& -no I ed 'get up% cionoer DP Bbys 'm TIM WEST, Moore, a farm adjoiniug tb b I h use on the E ases were tried . Stretton,v's. siaence on is t adjourned ; Veal vs. urn V E L V E'T ke g a o. the ipurpose Al pr, - ew Zealauc ive aar�,O-vf � UVED 11118 W FI[ &T" ho is at presei the gueSL a correspondent thateisre, 'e 0 '00' 0 M.L Moltp.X B. onald, jud:"Went f9r )Iaint ff; mill r d, whic RFCF of his uncle, ev. Mr. Edi ads, In. iBt the Fowstera' Kelly VS. Oa h d� much to add :to 9oN,,4­& lex--e t)ck oi m ned goods, cons.isting ring fnndk t, ass Hugh d Rob A. B arDS, formerl of ocality. We COMI blue berries, apptes, r umbent of St.1 Thomas chur i deliv'er- a. l4c1c but n ding in Wilson vs. Smith, adiourned; Peters -the appearance of tb at 1 odmen,*andt ev 08 ve takeTta, can W.ct of f urnif,4ing d. The Ompos)d '15f ow residing in ni- b na is* o 51. cl, �, peaiN-, salman,in-wkerel, lobsters,sardinei, pickles, ed his promiseld lecture on the Austral- Vs. Dobsan, judgment to efondant; wish our geuial and enterprising friend i,n already ioq t tob�,h� N ALL SHAD�S. B61VeB ins &c., cheap. Alwa- large stock isix Colonies d New Zealan� I Captan. ditabl5c bi t Clayton E t al Va. Hill,34 W i a, itidgment long life and the beat of good heath y§ on hand a e y pre 1, Es in be Riding Mo of chdice frnily _-rocerier,,. ne,%v currants stnd t. 0001 un'; Selling j�'t the lo Edmandst altillough quite a yonn man defe.ndant and a nishce to eDjoy the comforts of his new and -Avest possible 9 eric n y crippled for I ck Of for Mallitloba and 'Northwestern 4911,11111b ars a, pecialty. Twelve 1 as .9een m war 4nd there y mstro 9 vs. meDt ror handsome residenc. Ily �o co Dy. They will ewldoy h, 8 e h Ar Campbell (;an and'. reIai4 ence Of Mr. . R. Turner on.. :18 Teas aud u h ' Ueli Of the Id LI no proper tuiti4i and I C omp� F letd lei-, i I4, e. The new brifk poundi inedium bright -;ugftr fo.- 1 ; ten POUlids e m to be v 11 few places III[ f: impoft- ey to a! . best irrinul%ted sugear for 1,41. -A: good Young or necessary pxpenses. and wt� have EomEiftirlilludre mer and havEi &nee either in. ILustralia, or Nd v Zealand McDonal adjourned for Be'r,vi * on lie- farm near' Brucefield is ahso n s�ar�y Call and 0 bt bst our towns 14) will '.10 - I I 3 L 0Nej, . . lip -on teamt 40 centq, worth 50 ceuts. a VS. and you will be cun�riaced that Morrisons tbal-he has no.; visite fqndatit Lee ailiJoil no, out led. ready for occupauev and is one of' the N E W see file, d and' Ii i . familiar =Ss� JG 0 c w t' eir a,� preciation of thei ffots (a ps preparatory to*carryi i t ioir _DRIT, OD131 M I . iq tho place to sityp mon4 in groccries.L with. His des-,ription Uie- mineral I , �)&t L: - I k ! . handsomest residencein the towi:Iabl�. )at izing their concert libc 1y. (oil ra t. and agricaltur4l. resources ofthese couu- Blue -vale regret learn The interior of both houses bave been ly of our -re embellifilied bv the artistic bruh of �y. D-=AFR,—A Thanks. ge an( b-d:r : BuxiNrG, —Geo.'Lane T tries, the olimal ti -o alvan'taR 4 the If e- death of Xra. Thomas E t, wtoi . 1# ; , pugil at, is t ry- In Great Vatie pe el --Mr. 3 ames Warwick, who as i 1) School AE giving Dinner will be given in, tli6 Canada M6tho- manners and'oharacter of t) :'e OPI re. lVe Mr. Wm. Henderson of Seafrtli, who diat Church bv the L id- Society,, on the II decorator Ro0ester orinerly f S 3 fort]), DOT Dg to get up a boxi aboth in- took Ievening of Ncyeiabcr 8th. Dinner served 6 ch sad event We las 1week. EO she o3sfully.condlict d e, m a G n. earnestly bope he will -pot a p o'clock p. ra. in the lectute room of the church. teresting aud instructive aD' 7p are ill few equals.. Mr. TurnerVow wants to including the aborigines, wN efled. Our I as a house painter anc So, a solvesw ell elilgh ad Is IX1,11h deceas 11y �ad been f( tile ibu ii ness of Mr. - Ja es' Stanley of boys call defond the a6dresses in the body of the chtirch 1 Sure that every person who I stened to sell his hotel- properky On Bruc6fireld , I' E rs PaBt a gr0at Iauffeker fro a dancer thisi Ils at 8 Welock. -8X 1 Pi ve Jurl he summel, now. 9 p the lecture mupt tave come i6way with he �roast, ai i d wh 4 h malad., r n a'. �y We ncle 'S;%Dd ugaged' y Mr.Jara' 13' -n Pviso.-AL.—James C, Afeclaeken, an and haviug made his pile desires to ep-, fl . le, P are selling 25 joy the remainder of his days xustioait. sebool,bug secilied. i new and impr6ved idea of the vast :n X old pupil of Bluevale N E W M A Iq -TL E pounds of good ralAin% for ql. A lso� I 0 ( ed'&r.lift Sbd had only einovEd cf ealorth. E.uowipg hat Mr. a ie. . i pound" i wealth and impgrtance' of 1�se,groat I 0 eXt year ing on his farm. s.andard granulated sugar for $1 her �O: on ba . m),de an exdell nt ch6ice a a schoo y and ot a 14 ato Aochester abo thrlde E iii -Bruce o unt for - r k;VL ULJ1tltJ 0 h empir 0 Itanley may to Successful in GOOD &Lrss.—The- a -action �alb rie.,i eqnally, cheap, Give. us a call. 'I he At the w L bus d hope Ali. S at a sa]a1yLof $5,50. EEO is at resent at IF I f the Britia, tb,Is ?a ith baii�` an of as is the E!Pot to raw & I Jffie,eilt & Farm Stock &c., on* the farm of T&T. —AND cheap. LAw close the'lecturer was tend -ad a vote iiv', hul while her�.w.as well now)l proen r u g ;ba s3rvices KInCILrdineluode OC;O Lity, Seafortli� 830-2 Win. Payne, last Friday was one of the of thanks proposed by Dr. Vi ircoe and 1�ighly r ospeojted� —House I man. --A very sdecessful CHEusE.—The Sepi ember and cc�oni- sa, P)Oag1 Ing DuNCAN e ahowingfreah in D u N�7 c ecanded by.Mr. Robert LuEbBaen. I abo on tb f rm f a atign is ver tovi alit tee tool. Mr, r ob- bor make of tile fact( 1. y� chees 3 iere was most succeesful that has been held departruent, con-' I scarce in 01 uuple,,%s t for e et . �riflstron r- goodatL though -1 d the to:wIlBbip for a long time. The ULSTER C s6tiv- of te;%s, spieek carmats,raisins, &o. whichl at g, on Thursday of �ast Sold on Thurs. ay lati; to Mr. fteliesou, LOCAL B=Fs.—Tho 1)avii d i i re all in prime condition and 'of the v ree I ly b avi n I 1 abou t thi ty to 3 at at th r 2 con ts E r pout id. '"paitt f I so banters, Id not zk bad sign e 'ound sum of tallow, &c: Dmic_k.x & DT-,kc1N. 3& d on- everything was neatly arranged. Toe I farm property, at Le'adbury, L Des' A carload was shipped on Tt The highest pria-S ol butter in rolls, eggs, t TM 11�—H&llo wei)U� bsssed , over very . v ror wa — st-el io a 11y. llthe Evening a m aturday by public', 8 Sol I 4ble Hugh Robb, of the . Sea. here on. S auction Mr. Lu' y �`64:8, cOupI( i"of ae- t ,,n 8fforded the yo ng fol4 � by. SALr..,--Thos.* Nixon, of 1�o rrib, I as I attendance was vrry large, an bidding fort1t Vork Factor,, is, now prepared to purchase far $T,300- Mr. Edward Nania-ra vnts!beffig Oil duty duriDg thelhigh t' w spirited. The Sale realized. the aind Ixostess, to wh m a S. Tbornton. was I(0) 13 tf�Uillg tented his farm to MF� maumber of good-ilt 1JogSL for hthebighest was. the purchaser. The faillLcontains tile boys alot of trc t iew d ri d 'their. a,ce on ouday Sam of $1,404, being over two ueTo vb ch partare th y -a Is e The Sale which took ularket price i be paid. Sausage and I L 061i NEW MANTL OR.11AMIN141 75 acres*.—Mrs. W. S. Robl&-tson and Lhough dollars more than Mr. Payne expected. 3 -ne3 � DgrB ulatons. pork- cuttino's on I mud. 830 S 4forth loot b 11 team III t the wari was at, atteude and i 611 ea 19 I familv reached their des iation at pair of common horses sold �10NA ir 6tf l3iid eal a �; Rrurp-EiL Men with Iron Shoes," 1k st I Saturday, that LX The fo l(wing i4 4 Oeveral, articles were r seived the si d-mantOn all Safely On 0 DbEir 3rd. . i I -The OM3 of -tile by Rev. Dr. Wild E tt: -b'f the papils ELmounted to $1,700. for $289; millch cows ave c raged 050, the',- eat lecture 0 th �ov; a,4 See of four' to one S, t names They made their lono, Journey wi to hig] iest standi il averaged ',456 io'sHall, on Tuesday even' tbout : two year old steers of Tom Oi gL. 880_1 rs a Of t& Be' ason. a 3. arr v1o'� ob i�ined tbe in � DOT9,--T. Gibson, U.P.P., was in - Americ I Style,Lz. ersan intends m a mishap._' ander Cheyne. do- I yearlings averaged 631. T :sr. y e claili, a. In 6n Thursday i aorning, b4t 'di t ieir r I PEcti n ribur iug:next. Every P Comm t1own on Tuesday last att ding to and n ow6s nb livers a lecture in Clinton a the even- :,69 laslong, d wa oll a owed'b' raid. lic sh.11 lor� the mou oters' hit court.—R)bert wart, f realized $110, and ten ewe lambs ill kOctobor $Tlm An inc, of the lith Decoinber.T.Mrs. Dr. R,A-b. Govenlock, r pair, a4d I 'Ahere will ])a foot ball tournmer t Serl, or -let Ella, JVi this place, hag been �gaged vs teact er sold at an average of $13 pe a iving s, 2nd Jeanie Scbtt; Junior Ftu'lrth n F3 601 at other stock ie weakwe mentioned an immense carrot I number of afticles of Jancy w rk at the 0, 3alary of -a aluipst needless to say of is'not easily beaten. Se'att, of this town, who exhibited a � and articles in Iiiie pro- CLOVES, rl oni Thuisdiy next,Than� li am in tb� Jamestow' J. NEW eu, he Seaforth lul I' I have C lass.--lst Ies, 2,id I d4r 1111 o�t has moved ie SC60 8350.— r. Chas. So to, portioa. It i laou., and ohal-- show in Clintoti last y grc w by Mr, . Ox. Wi eek, Wits so un- 4 .5 II that on this occasion the auctioner's or i atches ' Ith tie i trat- Schoale rd' Batty Ril y - Third I a. Wingbam. lonaed 'Mr. Goven -bea 0 .,to lose a. a S r luck tb t it A- f rtunate as. ndsok� ely made uui.l: taud that' Mr. ammer. was -wielded by that popul4 t artba Kei!in 2ad ��h ra and Clinton clubs.�Woo has ii d y, '54sie LEAVIN'.).—W6 Ts HOSERY, Ii I lit, who has thouah be has loot been able to do.sor-fdr baby's robe,.'thro'ngh ffie care'l. 3ssuesB of fo J. P.'Briaeof :Seaforth. It a I Colnirig in ret,y freoly th VVh at'e 3 o%vrie;,, S io. uctioneer siza 6 has aiaue so in the matter bf Sam Ae whole 'ront of it beincr rd- TeBiie r Frank 6r the IaSt --thir. ,e one, is only doing Joe scant justice when is, few days btit a ill selts reaO. ly at Second �ff,ss.—IsvtJabez Rauds', ad teen years carried' on �b,e blao Kamithing A- few �a5.s ag t with 'a.,.' per obrd at t t y A dlly 3rd Ale V ,Pa. ,a he le t-1 burilei -in some unaccountallible man. say he fairly excelled himself on this RIBBOM, Al a �3�75 to 15, It bat Lo xia, Keun�l ; in this �pi %ce,bas sold cut to.Job a Pat, -,,r- i curl. this' -Mr. John -Henderso, ?f bant6r a carrot which is a real o8ity. and -with his pleasant Ahe Ki for J or Se' md Cllass.—�-st Lilia ar- son, 3 r., f )rmerly Ipp of Nfingban . Bluel OCCaBiOU, 8 will I divided in two As a -bout. three has a raspberry bush. w hich was t, the crowd in perfect good humor � , I .1 IF lie OW — r W10 Six ith. bavin 1, tin, j 2ad nnie Millkon, 3rd BeL -tie vale will iss Frank, and th f arm era kep, from I the t Parts_ ato the1op, aL oub iEtfull bloom last Week. :11k.D.D. %illey, the whole time and drew from them FANCY: @00,031 wo if)" d h a, farm St :.a ril r( tejJbe '801 1. will Jose Jue who was good v�orkm an nicely plated to lither like the than'brs of of this town, acted .s 9 �, one of a :01 a whip,_ It grew in this shape, and was i tjie' judges at the Notth, 'Dumfries esi 4eucip Vort a to is:, r nd allL )Iiging mechiiiie. bids when any less gifted and expel enO- reet, : e"s fort Sqlyi oneer would hae rested satia- fail L t ARrM HUNT".—,Q_ des oboson by ed &uCti just as it is now, when taken. from. the Plowing Mat ch,. held couple of weeks I ow I r reit rne I rN�w rtn- §ME�,C.E. G. Cardiff of Oliver ardR.Barrett Ecouied tle wocds fled with lower prices. a I and r. 7nrol 3r ,�`y 10 111 I I i.0 It4 ,a T P 10 VO 'i 4y last in ques i of gailLf. When 'RE ground. We. no -w wait patiently to he�f ago in the vidinity of yr.—If the por-. I on 3 from I ahota !on WedileO 4tb, on, has' his- new resi- on Frida CLrk' D O-UT.—OU Monday, October OUR MILLINERY 'OPEIILNO �)Acess from brother Hill. son who, on. the 19th of Octal er, wrote -a 4y was th 3 co dest and 4pde iparly obmplete� and it reft cts the count was co.4plu ed Barrett's side 29th, notwitbatanding the very unfay- to Mr. J. M. McGreg)r, Of iere, Mr. Creal ii- the workinapship of the came off ihe&d by,1,6.'o pain E. W M. II arable state of the. atmosph A R a w th's,$e8SOE. po —WAS A— doncerning certain call ectiong, and who f ada the larl e :)f W�!A Uian form"erly a, resident of this" contra r Mr; H. Hawthor.no. 4ardnEir m qe scor 1.500 i F. Brine 'wielded the bammer on t4e Ihis n 3.ine to: I I is le negleoted'to sion I � tter, S,Xrp .—Auo,: �Iorbis ai le, more thail any tbri.%. a ra I farm of'Mr. Roderick McLeod, and dio- c�aty bdf llaw of Sand Creerk, Saun#'* tion. sale. of 0)ck "POSLITOR will leave his name at, THE �"r pade. fterasuppellattheElominion pobed of the firm stock and implo- Ie�s Counity, Nfebraska, -writes 7 - I A,UDi—Prl;fess,.- DeGoshau� R;"e U015: be, ofder: of the day, bE ing DF-cIDED SUCCESS1. nffiae 14A 1117ill 7hQVA_hiC A F � r, an I xvPhiva ta be reminded to his, rn;"-y�_ .14 ed, tD.�Mr. J.- R. Miller, I 'I 1pector of fn8adS in Hil.rOn, all Of who 'o , 4 SGhgols for Soutil Hum n, wa W in- -town p, eased to hear of! his coiltiamedf" #W� - an Raturday last. I M, I I is,an p rity. He says ---,I crops 'thukastic, member, of 7, `� ­- el - t�l IS 31der'of v W-�� t� a d vlie&t especially! hae arL 4 nitea Workmen, 181 L y g6od in ers County f As seaoon� promised to deliver a lecWE for tbe Ther'e have been no storm -8 In benefit of the, Order in pAst. summer and na - Ifrosts uil this t wa.—As . Ithe I an instapoe of the indportane 26t1l, of October, so thAt all thb-ctops tout of the egg., trade f this 3 and fix- ctio . Se , n, kae been safely housed in good con- we miaystate that daring. -and present 71ition are yieldii* better than, .0en eason Mr,, D. -D. Willi lelpal t1leMORt an -ti i 1 'has paid out ovJr$,30(, b of fo is tow eggB,.a:nd le kind of diaa,66fnt- I :mast be Iia agre-ea. fully two-thirds of tl lar"e sum hao been distributed thro.uiy,h the -6untv of JAN.-EIN-4-ERTAINUENT. �'TheLadie's Aid Huon, ad all the - e gs, WA the am - three car loada,.bave b en Sbaiety of St. Thomas' chn-ra.-Rett8d CoPt'On Of this t6lVn- 095 from Ponimauder Chey-ne's lact:i handled and pa;,cked i are. ii� is the i-n,tentiou of these Iiidies tal."in Wilson also in fcirlE�Ad a that . ailly far-. tiate, a f larth6r effort shortly'- 'Q­a'_­ be' half iners in this vi6inity ave this. season Of,, the parsonage fad. They inteud Sold over*S100 warth (f eggs. -,-Mr. Jas. -firm'Of Kyle J*Mustalrq, a grand Social or Soiree in Card. Kyle, of the 9WIng of Egmoudville, left last Y�eek Ifor ,n 5 hall On the evening of Thursday,, Florida, where he ifitends spe' ding �he November i,5. No doubt A. wil be a I I benerattog his winter with a yie w - to firiit class affair. From cert&in indica- I 1 ]�ffalth._D,vif, n Co tiolis rec�eived it app e -ars.'. that cold,. 3 b Art was ifield. here on Tuesday before J dge Doyle. T chiaken be even mote he -.4bandarit principal caeb,of 'in oreat w than the traditional conectionery and 8 that bf VarElymoad VS,. Kyle & Musi8lrd. The cakes. A splendid programe of music i vad readings is also. being prepared, and laintiff Sued the de'endants for $50 form an important feature of tl' damages done to a field of olabs, of his le -by defendants' bogs which are run. ning at large._ A large bumbio of wit - ELECTION OF OFFICERS.—At the -last 1 1168988 were examined, and a . Court regalarmeetingof Huron LodgeJude. gave judgmentlinfallor.of ti. plai - nPlu pendent Order of Good Tem- plars,bold for 618 danlages.'—Mr. Sim Yoa�g, of the Huron Road, Hnllet6,-Ieft here last Fridy even -Ing, the following mem.- ily bars, were elected as officers for the e�.. with his fa, on T:iesdav Ilast for 'his -Bd1a=ter: -- Bra. J. H, -Ryper, W. 0, new home near Milv, irton, in , 8:00an- T4 - Sm,itli, 'V.T.- Bro� J. E.Ka� t, - ty of Perth, where'lit haii. p!cbased a Secretary Siater Bella, Bootb,assistaut i farm. Previous to hia- depa: -ture, We Secretary; Sister Brett Treasurer; i melnberS Of the 96BB On of. &b a Presbj- teris church, of which Mr. 'iyoung-bad Blia., F. financial Sbereb&ry Bi�� M llillman, Marshal been a valued membe, prepnted him rair, deputy - Bro, Barto a, with a parting ltestirr onia in Able shape 7 Giater Kemp-, inside Guar of ail excellent work entitled 11 The' Ri)o. Scott, Outside Guard ; Sister A. Treasury of David," by- Spurgeon.' of which there are seve I large. volu meg.�— Ddrra,ace, R.H.S.; Sster M. A. - D( raace, LX, S.; Bra. N. Cluff F. W. C. -I Ur. F. �S. Scott, of Brussels,. Lice'nse Inspector for East Hufon,.wds in ta: Ov',auniat, Rra, McLeod. wn on T:uesday.—..We would agoifi'dir'eat iAm Pao,Tocm.�PuFw' AssocuMoN. atten tion to the lecture of Rev. Dr. T'Je Huran Photographers! Associatic n, Wild, o Toronto,.to be delvered, in - 1, �icvh w as formed three m' ontha ao 1 ur this town on Thesday eve-ninR next. It thel purpose, of raising the standard of , will be.. -well worthy of a very large the art, met iii, Faster & Bailey's sta-d a, audience.—Aft, hu,g Mr. hu : Chesey'aid Mrs. -6 evaniug of qrsday, Herk andMrs.Georgg Chesue�,of Tuck. clintin, On th Th y 0 'tober 25th.. , The scale of priCos, Old er8mith, arrived ho, :a from Itheir w4i(;h wa;,,a adopted at the previons Country trip last week. Thev laelatia-, Nvas, erally approved - 6f. very stormy weather Iauil a UgL pass. After EL disaussiou of same of' the fi a'e ' age crossing the Atlai ways, points in, photography by the differe�t, I b'qt bad a very'pleasant.ji4itamoug rilembers, -which was very i-a-stractiVe 'f riourls in Scotland, which the : y eDj;o 'Mr. Donaldl It a was aTid. tended to promote the standard ?f i e I very much,,— as this fine at Ja reao' tiouB were adopted So much taken up with Kansas duriug: to -the, Ef--eGt tha:t Dr, Verecle, - of Sea- iiis v' -sit there that lie nowl wants to forth, who is a, -a en-thttiast in the art of sell his property in t with the is t6w4 in that 8 ��v of tailla up hi rbsideil ry mem- VIC *p-liq1tog _pli�,bemad'anhoaora" ber of the assolaiatioa. Also that the state.—The sae of f t rniture a, house - next u�eetirio be hald, in W hold effects at Mrs. I [ayes' op aturday. ade BrotherH' on, the Second Thus. aild ITuesday last wa largel apt6u ded daY in, December. and'very good prices were re :ised upon conetid 7 e that the whole. TLo was diAposed of by e sf le'the Sam V115 p Canaa P(-sJ)yteri&u of last w.eek say. Of 51 100 was real'zed foi that sold The fQar linudred'uh aaniV.ers,%ry' of by anotion. —Thu reday D' ext, th6 8 th therth of x1artin Luther is arousing a iust, beiii- the general T akgivin' 9' NVO-rld-wide i4tereat. No6 in his native,' D &y, ser�icoa will be- held in t e seveTal country aloue bu all t ovr Chriateridom.. churches in town and, busin s' place 8 PratestE4'nts, F-Taner&11Y, are making ar. will be closed, and the day w It. be ob- ranrlanieatg far celabrtin .4 t1to d ay in served as a, holiday. Th ilethodist m1knuer. The enthusi. churches, of Seafort�, -will b6ld: au ap- asm. of the Gar ms:as will rise - to a sub thaukagivi in thE a union ag servico Canada lime height. D-elegater, 1-roia many Methodist church, (111 Th4sday, 8th lands, will be present to take part in the inst., at 11 o'clock Shoit'ad'dres- proceedings at the gr�at delnonstrotio i-ses will be given by Revs. Teeple and - in Wittemburg., Throughout th' U e public axe respectf 311y invit- e - nited Mill. Th Stotes th day will be marke a by appro- ad: to attond.—We sine glad to see the priate colebraacla.s. The PrBIRbYterian amilina countenance - of 'r. Louie Synod cif New York have. agrbeci t1lat i Reinkie in town, nce mOFe_ Mr. the day be observed with religioue ex,.r. ' '2 I In Toronto the Reinkie has beei in Chi(ago for, a couple of years, and Ireturns here to 143 giroupgAve a �perform�ance ill th B alLpoBt a day a Elotel tbe crowd dispe I -Bed. mente of the said parby ab unusual+ -V clIvirreuce. iey a, and satis -ac Hall ('11 aFe. I IS',well atten 1 LAT._41 3 Hown, Judge bigh.prices. In the morning - it w6s a Ftidsi,y evenimg � Inst. ady iTome held a court..I.E)te on Tuesday feAred the sale would be a faillare on And we are sol able to sait sitdience wwt fai but the A a* 1 t`1 iry PX a now r4E r ision of the voters'l a b. Thi ee :Now. E J. Fern, on 3 of r the r accont of the pelting rainsto m but A as the hour appointed drew near t 0§6 everybody with New anaf tylih Goo 1�,, CI,UAF,.—' b le are wi b as W ireilt -prisibE and �puihing farmer i of qr four nitmes were 6� led aa� about as., t ie '2L boncessioni is making every Tanystrackoff. Se ralchargeswere fears were dispelled, and it beca .1a'v Uou.delive -ad ia the Tod Hal I y �(1- at the lowest price 3. 'IN prefsrS, ou for the eredion of a 1�and- made in leoriptions ' prope y and in dent that the affair would be a gra, at mt ek by � Iri .'Pe 2dargr �e t, Ses r i 1 Postponed till 1��ids,7 80me )�", W residence ii b is farm. this .'he assessor, lerk &L printer, BUccQss. There happened to be a am 11 i"beei I ad job of 8 voit il;accql: ut (if 8'asm, an purp a v ng it fine tween bem, made ather a ale not far distant. This, howe v I j,; Nove M1 or. adl 16oses ha v ed - hI&a hd little or no effect t: he weatl is some ne ,h illnes i b�fore winter, drovidim e liA. Evidently on McLeod1b. a ac p Iod erit; 43-f avbrable. lundered." T. -be implements were disposed of �t A Call so- 116 Booth, of Se4' U led. "a, but when the cattle were fair )rtl L. , vas in t ov In this we(k 1311866 IED.—Mrs. T. '�orbes, Nwh as. brou a the fron �g bE dvisabil ty of stardn 0. clas Xauftoba for llibbe�t- 1.rioltL t, people, were bea, d 9 b)er 'vi itimg friends in 9 t 3 RmIOTI.—On UAday Mr. Jo n nrl'musinore. 'eve7licipeshe MEO Bud. 8''In 1� hs, h&'p rettirn d borne. She to whisppr those are daisies Itruly they mete, as the following e�d,a§ able s8, ood iteaclier', an i one, 9'veS Wilt very despa, aging ac'00411ts Melville, who resided �11 the. ouse for- a � I ha b c )un tiy, and says she -N 7ould plices will clearly show: Spiring.calvos f R U! Eixi�erian erlykilowa-as the, idinister's man e, mg xn ranged f rain 620 to 427 per head. Mr. Fi &E —On Ilo da:y even� I tbel arng rather i 25 'a -ores of 1&,n,d here e I moved to 'the chei3se f ack ry n ar III org 400 crea t iere,4a farmer t ir ag for E's MC FA L r ildil:ig8 � b I Ug to 5b Sincla, prcured a lively yearli tabes and 6 is in Man t1ba 0'romartv, where he lQtends Ii-ing he the baudsowe sum o a hiivii Eli) co ey f � 53, and a th;er alfdd wbateor, ua3ess err r IdTpCart Lo!ekia,,v re t, �tall firstyear. 9 0 . n8apiod by lire. The bar a colit inal tild it it peni�g their ibabiu doot d FOR ICTROAN.—O i the � nd u t., stock sold proportionately well, cows briugiDg from 040 to $60. A yearlilig 11 t 11E season S,(� op nd a lEtr '' Id4l] Alikiad a general surv� of the equare I fessrs. lei. Park, E'ugh Gil. spie d THE CASH 001 P 0 0 D MAN., &3� ly ree ye r may pq as, -n looking I Van. Le ryleft-fortle lumbEr woods il y )f old wheat* is. to see ori flIlly birough t $142.50, ana- a th The 1051 I t. I old mare was knocked Aowu at $291. isiralceaboa 11,400. th-rotrgli a telescope for their next. in Xicbi an wbere they purpose woth- I�i OT ff� M Fu �E, Oil'Wedlie, dav-of laet neig'abor's dwelling1 ina during the -winter, and tbEi retu n Mr. McLeod reserved -a horse and cow, SE RT:H1. B Is R USEV. together with his- household furniture, ,all 6e. braia out in. Mt I dex� Mit. n I�w fraii6o bank ill"homein the sprin'. WebDpo ek g an 1 1 and then realized $1,674. It would pl�ly bel 8 staie. f EL, d Saw ;milig. birr, 5&:60 feetl, wasira. ad on the farm. ay be f oprtu.nate in getting 0 III "41 a 6, naninio0sli re omffien'A th e readers, ; . farmers of the neighboring townships ;,46 fira had cotd.131etely eil vE loped a C rIaock D, Monday d , 1. tb I I ap - Oloymen' at remuner itive wa 1 a. th. ce 0 0 1 euga Gage's C 0 to ur old Jeterall, auctioneer, adoption of. ian Readers 1,4ill ii 'g� 1�efo a I d 63 ne Met. W6 In- I Nazis —Mr. Milk ge a by the v 1 t', , I , an a -A n3ans I arions seb:)ol bo . a of North iVei 1 ral acoo n of its III a c. e IDUL (f the wea be, ;and the s,larci. land pay him hils pr�ice, rather than in- t an -e fror 1 *ho-for.ome time live been irkingfor - I Huron." Moved I?y M4 1. erguun, see. 1' bel u 2er da3 to on ded by Mr. Dow at, tb at the report be Q A 11 d when be h6mei t f 1andS sides eia not chosen as traduce - a Stranger, and, 'doubtless, be 0 a, Mr Samson, left horr o the at' Oac 3e I i the all Iot' they found thE y coul I u 3u I berefore. Oniv one. Bideo'.the gotoaneighboes to Ithrash, He left someoneivlio sliall''be. nameless fed.la t 6 a'dopted. Mr. Moran, ret reseu ting Mr. le!f1smes frol I sp eadim, w I 0, Cauf ing"L home in good health wad strE I gth, 8 Ind ws be W&IMSjoy- for inl� pie,�eht t I a.ra'seditatim ere this that while PiOhirlg StXa WAS Gage Air. this Royal 1 was losin ONF, WHO A ,and. a Of-, t� in tb ntil bund1da.— Of a ljciolDg b litilings. .1 Xg3 pertl In t6rema'111 unerected u orked' about two hous, whEn he tc ok THERr,.. .series, were then given time to � present ar� . The bt ilding was a re y boot - t a following day eSI ay). The )&rty ick and was dead wibbi tw6r the L I i6 n � y MLII the claims of t eir different readers, Uri 341 i vith -a, I ra.s.6b. Elly, lot,(f il I ,the etelling, whi as by no upaus tes. Tie cause of death was It he burst- �Jl I . I -uron Teachers' A after which the discuission- Was taken !no I North H bee3 1131011, ing of allood aanir rtant par a the odei ivhi ;h ras aw.. and bad he* vessel. Malcolm Lamdnd up by Messrs. GroveLLS-,'Cre 3L eahto, Forga- d to. b abou t was,ver largelyatt n eld and imrr onse- ciation. T 3,e loa i Ili suppose ]-.as purebased a thoroughbred cow from son,, McRae and Reid. on the ballot i n&I Meeti Wo. Insura, ce'. 82100Q, Catse (f njc'ed, and althj -y for $150 ' ugh tbe oung yr. Lear Mr. Lamond is The regular semi-ann g 'of being taken Awas f Dun th t44- y re in k own. gentler: one gF*rmeiAts were inev.: t%bly 40ing iric he into rw sing thoroughbred t the North Huron Teacheri? Association for the adoptin of Gla.4a 8 series, R-0 iCiPAL H TioNs.—, In .4eatiods lu L� C d aniper 6d, theie spirits were n A by stock.—Simou Char pie is le�Ving 8 was held in the Central School' Br ussels, 14 for the Royal readerai. The motion 0 Been: Ifar, to be , bril It Ilpall a ny' ipped tLe, I f nt ds ni. 4 pe 0E, as they r .is Y aL y an- part for Listowel, bere bi� i on Th6rsday and Friamy Of last week. was again put and with their fair i ones unti �we unad Una 461ilLi'' andp�liticp see tb be We orking at- carriag3 building. I fr. e After some formal busilieps, the follow- mous. Miss Forrest th an read her a which 4 ghec as #0 vl.ilt. not say when. 'happle is a clever a 3d jolly, roung 10, Bay, "Exam.inations,�Plibl.icand.rrl� ing committee was appunted to exam_ es t m I iess for' 00,06, So i LlId his -,ompanv will,be u; miss3d, I ine the two series of -reader's now befopre vate," which 3 of bes1t i Was well I e0eived. dr aw 3ut he is isbed succoss, W a,e -retiring thip" -yea�. e I -the country for adoption, and bring In Harstoue, Seafort shoiw�a his methZ ayor oull'aild Reovel McJ,o a al I ha#e M FARENcELL VisiT.--o e r1i TCNE IRA LE.1—Ti Re Dr. In tb V8 Of tifeir report on Friday morning: Messf's. of teaching 11E clidll� �o beginners ille t -air off ce witlh� creffit to them- zildi f.T heir daparture for the gi�at Lone .a orollto, w 11 deii�ve his 140ture Ferguon, -Henderson, Wallis, Dow4r, whieh was the bei t and most el boraA !I and ibe t' wn land A is fira ly be- and, Rev. Mr..Land Mrs. '-otberiog- . I . . 1: - cn the i6bcv, si:IIbj in the -own hall, Shaw, and Misses E. B'Caso and K. method it has evei been� Our good for. 1 vad in ()a tiv�, y r64 n4er onngea it bat did e� at M an I the two 1 ih(�', auspi of the Canada Of tl air Gilpin. tune to listen to. A 0 AS( t stand ! ;hey oul I bE again , i etihodf I ly _' iBiled the b Cr Marl Calif mtea 4is of thanks was theia tend d Mr. Han .Pit, urb a I t4 9 th. Nove ber. Mr. T. A. Reid then pres( lectedby large. majorities. who a MAIOI�T Whit at-), 60c. to Can to wboin he ad mini.- ored vOry- method of teaching "'Map Geography stone. Th sconcluded'olleof themost aitbfully at and a :6 beat, .10 to 01.12; I pring .. in a most concise manner. Mr. G. W. succesaful. meetings of t -his always ough t -a d!� Burre�W Ccutcq �118 one time, P i l.- 0; w of bis osi vat(ly. PraE el no. ba1r,un "will bd i-6- c164 N hi at many biends pri a of bi 'dent ol tbeProviucialTe O P. . , 0 O10kl.1&; ats, 30c. to 31c.; 181' Ross. Presi &ch- easeful associati 6 -ad th, majoi ity on either side hess"an shortness 0 -tar ey, 45d.Jto 55c.; peas,:63c. to 65o.; me proven be L ers'Association, treatd of " Difflculti�es . Atthe conclusion of Q e meeting s bem from seeing w RS OTg#,n 'td belinown Imf at Lioe 3- 4 5�. to 50c,; eggs, 20c.; 1 aaer, U at thEirbonies. in Reading," disposing of many of th Be society W 3a Sabi ath Mr. Fo 160i to L7c.;l bay, 47 per ton. t I i hering in prea In- sttimbling blocks to you.ug teachers i a the North' Huron iTes.8bers' Liter a EIAI Kerr, of L 0 )u lint6n. )u A an celleti It Berm )u w 161 !waa, I 91- manner that could not fail to be pt6 a- Society, andhe folloiog officers we u -it cearand convinci Brum vs., Spa chal E age o G. Pen iy, to ble to all who listened to him. I jdaly elected Mr. T. A. Reid, Pr L cia.1 oervicbi were I, a Be It, a X star ed el a; d heavy I" eig n V1 e, 2 All I -I res, I il the CE ii4 a Method: p hts with him for 5th inBt. for Bib a a AP0116 Mr. . M. 'Momu, ex -inspector 'of 'dent; Vir. A. McKay, rs-P ident d is one Mr. J. . Wall -an, cc "es th �B wEi d iie8dey ampioni I nedal, won ly M.r. schools for Perth, read an essay, , The e, SEI;r6ta ry,T-rea-sarer, an listrict, where he i , hi�,e lic" nead),Y��utb6 Bib.E C listilin Feilny at the 5aken possession of 1),nd to the extbut Two Sollools'll—one a Superlatively b Mossrs...J. W. Shaw, RJ Q Lucknow Cal& onian 4d K neahtel, J. 11 �4i: r6l n in tl a g at es, as In A 960'acres. We hope that he ntiay d That, -sda: n4,1 �rid bampion.a;m one, and the other all ideally atieur for'. aro good oiie, MoBain, A. McKsq and. J. A. Young. 6dVMoth)dWc4drch. .1 ligiewore --and Bri go -to pe suce 813ful and; 3rospero a in —in the first case I painting out many. Managing Commit and ask that 1 Penny tee. T Society-- ReB e6�h d Luck He -3eeme to �e like a great v -b).ppy and con -dnt- things to be avoided in the mauagemeut bold its first meetinpat Brussels OX )e'i 4vic I ay an ha V-28 ard. In pew a: c cation and t reciative sudienbes gree �Ed t % . a3- niaby ebo think that evor, thing 'd in hi i now home. of scholars, and in the second. showing Satnrday, December I t 1883, e, am- le, we rA 4y tim 1 meflcmg Of m 1 good Fboul in Luc know.. He no d not rn. what an ideal school shoniabe. v at one,olclock."s,�n exedle I ie i: afi of his. lchall�nge beffig ac- Mr. Ross then gave what he caled programme 'will be provided, of whiel i R bA aone.t holaby,--L Meall ir arn Aub a r ihipped W da helid c ep; "d b u him conj,6 here tc com- - Loui Mrss.—Mr. W. T. W IBM, ,buo " The Teahers'pentalognG., aig�l f; Wedues, y t let bei -da five your reit-ders will receive further notice I&AqWe to W ndSor. They ere I Very , �et 'v�heu of our wide-awake br siness -m en hasi,re- good commandments that every teacher ..ioliny went a L74chnow si� !option. he ClintoL urIfi g aicd' he lon th3 medal. We4nolve' iim a moved from here to BluevalE. He has should paste in his hat V known pro- ' ; . n —Mrs Smith the wol t�-'a t i rin Coh1paDy have oud t tile r a a4ch 'or both- hea g'bts been � I y an4 light':-,� i b 1i It was moved by M egaged in the, shoemalsiug 81- Mr. Musgrove, Blqe- prie'tress of the Brunswic� hotell,Wilim- (A A rinceEg areet fromM 100101. vale, seconded by Mr. Henderson, Blyth, peg has du out, ness In r8 for mally years and di, and a Winipeo, papel !�u ai 4 hVive I tb e can trl L I t fol eree b - Co-'47.Z.2FTiO .—The East liarge trade, b,4t owirg to ill ealt he tbit a vote- of thanks be tenderbd red- SaYa that she leaves a number of 0 :*g a I uildibg 16%L158 feet I 0 coslt: P'1.,500 .Ca4ve'lition: was held was forded to give it tip and t y alother Messrs. Roe and Moran for their al�lo tors, -whose aggregate claims it is said t 11 on Teachers 1L. D. R. '0'oziesf it will b: coni'- * t . . a a n ral. school here Thu rsd&y DCOUpat on.—Mr. TinAall,of I �awaucsh, ar�icles, which was carried Un&nialojasly I amount to Ilearly $6,11 00,. She wal gleied b Xmgs:,,i Get your I 11 ate ead dxy of -la A large Lifts renIL a 5 - and IT111 t we"ek I y ed h18 farm nd havi., Been ed rThis concluded the firat day'sork.. In evidently afraid of beimy i Aerfered Witt r.'U.Fib2im�mo s.hRs- rmt6l .BM Nttenditcl)' ent. !The principal n this Vill go he ini 6% dFB going 'th.6 evening an entertainment was 'v' was pre e, � 1 60p, a , . I -1 �remise 3 1 gi ell as she departed in dii:g-c ise, and ww S[ In will fit it I a c. carry for) o ford scussion -as thle now rE AC16178,. ntO the p btitcherina ba6ine8a.-IThe v. in tbe town hall, consisting of vocal alid accompanied by her yo Ug aug er ant 9- I @�ph" taken part ini by Bev Morr I insitrumental music and I" s&I of )onald ison, of Win am, ft ecture, 11 The who as also diso, Is 9. w uised,l d who car. 12 ped a fdiv dai�s a r t he 0 a. sbfp d sever t L ca teE Era, also Mr. Uorari on ehalf )reach 9ermon in the Canada, Met a- . :f! Tn aiff . , 4. LC Intellectual Forces," by Mr. Ro�is, tied what appeared tobo A baby in be' owl a. 0 apple s 4ro 0 uadian, and Mt..Walms y on lisu lit reb of this It Itiolis Cf fill CIO, village, Under ihe -%vb,ich was a decided Success in ever arms. The baby's head, however, got §rhooVM� J. �. Bal-' behalf of the Royal readers. TTlti ately uspicei i of Auburn ()ran I y n tbi�:-ilei ge L 4d ge, cc m- way. clLa - �f a bang against the edge ofthe windowi ofthe-iffigh ' hoo] here, the ad) tiDU Of bile (30 mimittee's port, emoV tive of the four hun-d - th aiiiii. On Friday Mr. Wallis, of Grey, criti- and several parties n.nti ed that 8 low= n ei is in ort Col orriewith wb oh was in favor of the Ca than rsary of cigod. school text books in a manner that youngster didn't seem to tho birth of Mart in Luther ind it as R13 i lis brdther.-�- L 'at Ss,turd .�,, waa the ead er, . i itt a lvl�ion (xvirt here, 3,:was,,oarrie(' by a, ote of to hichcecursoutbollthineli audion met with very general approval frd.m. ordinary baby would. i this provoked 4, whiah was after ards� made nani- a following evening Mr. -11 report of the their curiosity, and it p!esetly Lag �Pf th D IMc irison will th4 teachers present. The rneverm inter ati, cases I tkied, mo P( ition liv 9 a a a B re then � the or a lecture on sarr 0 sub' ot. c6mmittee on books was then bande&in outthat ng killing 3ase n ( if posi dble see the nod of the one, r. MOITison is a cie-ver spaaker4n as ifollows Wj, the members. of t�e Mrs. ap pi 11y the if An drew a.; Callendieri it J gment or: a 0 the poll Is of Huror On. vvill, no doribi, be grieeted . b, IS PoSsibla'- Sh' r a I rse corlamittee, -app6inted by the North Minesota, where, it vai r" rved ill. the 1,4th.�i-*. 'ames h rsday evening Mr. G. W. Rb i I gave audien 1 31, T 0 in Auburia -A few' !days "a Huron Teachera' Association to repdrt is yet. The ramor that her bagag ms of thiE A %ce has ell out a, a YeU Lon - p� le't i n behalf of the teaoliors in �while some cattle �Fore bei dri the uewiy authorizeaseries of sohool was adized at th i 11 ' is 4o=ot- i Ia ne not I IUMBI trova wd may le T( S S()We '(Jf 4 U4 4111iols, YeN I i to in 3L' !a matty idly 8 of bitailt 0 e , ath01 b Or *r6 alc f t �b f the betIll al 001 -�sai the prairixi� oug .9, tUT .9, form but a r A perm7i -n jif,iglit kt o*f an I Intl 3t t,4,04 one lea 5t ro&y- A U, of the sastlL n,ot e thf)roll isi3asonis f One pol t iwas, but sbort Mn 41� JM-_.ar�e severelVii th� 6 Negret tbat -A by tliat U1 m �eldered CO P141 at -a h-ungel IT The Ori towns it which t ic will le bl, iongtil e:Kperience them in, I )&trolf feverl 1pecaU`66`ve` he tvgO, -ftf 'au ultinj evills, su thlB t be eissed for Sam, busi-Ptss slid PrIogr I the meant whiell, is t d. toll of IjBi;liesq fail to d4y through, breia"ih 01 the 19 men. duriL maiL0y..1st, lookilig 1, -tr �tj�ng b�- rusb oull that the f utur ion �of the,10 Tualy awa,kk i goc Itbf �ji dreams and N 1.,U1fi4D_S and werle HundredS Wen Hof r�loly any capit, their _11 came -1 9way like t1 ial c 1.hose. who or Bob tb e'torrnt and XA Iavef fillam tb a. w tiin tln� -dutr the Go r couutries 0 ahro'ad, Wi-g wioula ;eek in buil4lug d towus un, 'I b UP 1-jilway and - e, n. :La�a. greali. MeW ppor, ut) s spr vant �Of the U,,,X ..e - nan.cl,e_ J an it. �.00me�S more hieh lml! *Ah rarid stri& Alstrictelare ope, 1wheu these t'wo country aro, th a an busi-a4aSS, _M-ViV'� ,and then a real. iuy wP1.1 b d-ull times wsnN I zommon labor roni .50 to q ­ last Y� the sa�daa B118 r p eT Te Sear, tbis be -1 .6-r Mont- f", year. IC of 'essary for much 10i werly were- -about 0 cou respectively -,;E �g6isys Tems be:wn -evident en PT ch�eap out ia thcpe t -,Vo STt foTT-n, are 613 natiobal diet. bave in ant -figure Put a I these articlef humor over t B high, i tinue inuch of thl" to be well fil but the near a reduction i Still CO and a small seher some Inp can Ka -a,, than 30 le respectively Ecarce at, 470 each a in the II