HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-11-02, Page 7bd on
1 huna,
T iI7 IIX-PO 2 1883.1 "PUBLIC :NOTIGE E�, M 0 VA thereupon entered h*t in the E t vision an lit f Oiles avaj but M Perm in, �r= undersigned, having oeen apointed Agela �Toteff- ITew Court to rec ver the i kinoul Of the. 01111 I Brati4a ia wyntoz ntario. for thil 0, NC n account. Va cotil were married i WRA E A 0 MO, AGENC I - 9,1 a t i -ill bI Uttle I 9—
t4of I fie of cost,i so day !"it 4week. Goorge ent EMPOrium v aforth M one iia n bed mod led y purci se ic�l Instru 014F OCIATIO.
a al llu mill. M A Great Discovery.! a I - i Ill I lin the I Ing Oil W. t now to AS streeti. isl 83 Years of *gel and That is daily bring iug -joy! to the be qiing. I-iial b4ittles-and. stil O.N the livesof all the eltizeiON I; -of thousands by Lunii 0 surrimildit g coxill 80 der IL GN 1!Js desirous Of 11 surilog jaae 7 yes home an of zn ee At aving given of seaforth And Iy d -521 da ]�, $rave. VY 64 u rug r e nas been occa. -dei —7 �5 their ar ones from an ear u t Se4fil J ! makesatisilis,etor prolv t 0 : t-Clial Stock, I re- kdoubtedly the is W T fr. r Svc iERS nt' "scovery Truly is Dr.- K gle Nei v D i ads'at S -T lin calls of death- 1 hIB is uL t hcll bno d so hite not Tin 00 )O101pa ales, and -is prel or, 0 :)Tt�i BROT - builineps lit ai au I Insurai Aly doi OI trulstee asumptiou': Coligba, )GIds, A s,lthma, 'kilo th i moot favorable tornil tbelifi , a.,oboor Mal a married Mail?), in C S rice COMP _h be!" a sun gelo up lu the ess, er� t A -0t 4 pres.lint. A 1-ok
kissi 9 -a The -u iD , a teach of the beet Loan easonAble man Of t ronobitis, Ha� Fever, �088 i 0 To out I )r ever&, modiclua premises, one may ,at, 1&3, will rK, isiy alay r of Voi )re com so ey ate re thi,3 fact.. call at once on" Ing*- wovea to M a lat . 9 Tickling in the Thro 6t, P n, Side r, i� I �ts tossl 3d b of the real lesB Of unounne tb largo and weli Kin e tf, the siema,Purclas of F lir I g to a
'her d 1up e j so 4 eot f l)r the lie �ey will be found with atheir d a hore t] ghly i -+'6i%r it a� Toronto under BEAT4`1E9, and Chest, or any di, toat 43L Villa 8 PropertJ. d i)r iaIiorth !cif thi Post 0 ffice 0 well known and bi J01HN s4i e of the Th i u 158 York.1 and LUga Pcii NOS, wbich'ai a a a Be cited he ? o f Dl� HA loft higi on -a. Gum anteed. when n(O its at )ek 0 � hese Organs have r6- A 'ORG4,NS.—T -nd want� Tuside to assist in op ken Y IL-11 Mnsiciaoii,a. E, K, LSIO trial bottles free' at E[Icksou & CO-iis ighl of t adiploma at virst Cid I, a S1130 receiv On r4rm F. Ri er i or Town hec�45n_ During RM whErelver shown, and h —Money to LORM d 78E.52 0 a gall I, tilt the hou of te a, d the' 3,i ghost rewar a Pianos 4 at "At out I rug store. Lairge size 41. L ceive 'We ali io keep, in stock ther Property on the easifst tLXma of pTiment an thiiaf stole the funer if sfo _8416., ad �t Vorolito. 904 be _nc not, ,isl Fair just blo & --W* 40- YOUBtaiia Of Real pi) led e low irl�wii Drgati� 1,, &lid all ki�'ds of EI* ru nts ard, -t oN6vw Give Up. *ix -rer ei. I . sheet 'mul 9,li(I inBtruct'on 011a r !%$0900 to with I f r a n: bill. bcok- i itere t. nee jug (if t1le M U:d 9 .01 �11 004 a d eaforth. l If you are sufforin 4 wi and . ? - - . I PLA S AGRI-CIULTUR-AL goods, nd their agents was I & 2i Ocea ptellimnlaipTiil OTT BwirHE 1�ent for tl f gen- ,a sale a t �ho,t depressed spif its, loss i it app Ilastweek, m3(1 decided inion al - i lo r'r O' iiR 311111115 .8 tution, headaobe,. or any disAse Over Me Ion's Store,1 iIt To Terlact, exal debility, aisordeied blO*O 1, weak I 09'91i I . :� I M P L E M E..N T j! 1.114plei 1 itches' EL i ill meane procure & t er fortv per cent, Q Ov f a bilioua n-ture, by abi Lum WilsorN drug 'S root, Be I 31 th. Agricultu Pt 'ITT The Glencoe lig 1, , th4 nel six month i. �U,4 get a T 0,ck ag 3 ',o: McG01 ;,l �3 ijaive pletistire in inform �he 19th a bottle f Electric Bitters. Yn will F. )Ori facturing Compill Huron anti Perth litliat they av0 H (knuan. of 1 i 0 0 Cerat 9. I . w I !a) e' the farme-8 of Do surprised to see thexapid I prove. a J . I ' I J-rj 1141 PuLu
, had, occa a. (1, East W oa�l of Nagel nei, Ow 13; NK F COMMER E. Coss_, - y ol will be I AK B T 7 --ent that Will fol)OW HE ONLY f grazing farm aLud ba r over fi�ili a eS oileetided sores CE TO11,0NTO, 13 8, few 1, pired with. new We strel h and e ad to ke TTY, eter, V visit Ono t cund skulls and H. VER X_ 4a WLIOU he f activity will return; pain am misery UM, U UU 0 ?ICE MONROE HOG�kjg., Seafort, jays, 14 b all 4.r UIKE 'a Sin old -an d. h res *hen all a- of two otis ce&se, eudiforth In 0 they had y THOMAS KcDON.4LD, Kit it ll I "IP Capit on the As where T t.52 In the praise of Blectr Btter I rejoice it is pure itly on. IZa the olarcaases car- -soia at. 56 cents a bot by H Ason 3.9, Iii. the Canadin market lind I To keep coustan h4nd all rep&M jol the 08 i E 1 tl.lr hR less na iol,ii Livfl Ron. 14 M ur.Hair ble sil Coloapillitit, D isbie of I 11 pa, on t in dicines, wad i
1C iii PL la,
jl�a oft. o. 783.52.! L it is Oc claels eat am Botliwell, vell Was t? be in at 3131 re of th I o in : Pimple I 81 WROUGHT 18U HAVVESM r,,, L%wrallpe L uIrne Are P Bess, weak Bael, , g )ng�-�rayailgroi,duallyf OP latured silra f rol ur e stow twell Sour 0 by- SUfferer �for sOMi YE) lie - son us we I s ex PL eriencO I i I . .1 . tion For 'iver it t Sick Tleadai n 0 'Yom I lay SO sh, but TO Will olarp I and' all otli war Will resto 0 I Y it tures too 11111 Fly'Litioull Or imweni mts n1winfil Give Saisi ol L' 3 alrRerli,4 CH. or a, at meing the mi zl)-lneq formel Mann-, d latelY Partly PaTEL- 3EP AFO TH -RAN 13henni so yl Ig tille Stomuch a nd st ri nsz 91tism, &A iver, cleoil ii Von -will Will the do-y'vot I thein, al for 911 't"he ]�:Onm coniplw,nt. f, ind atimulato coutinlil OR t L filcivredby- I.X81 f strat- I 141 82L 26 4,ea has b eliA Is w, 11 oll es to. prc d� i c*e �Wi n'ew terest a 11,110 nam a ive Ae osito, C, hich in ll the a ov I ford. Y, tl..:Ie Njormoua Of Zone, d wfoot E I ere -sai LUMBDEN & WILH N, Druggists, 0 I ell e Be& rtb Br ch of his Bank it.baches,tha y reKnI reetiorp, till, NOV & wil L pr&yed ever for so m- and Ink trio, ece vf d ov itil the 06 ed Try it Ril use accoldilig to d Seaforth. an I find the Crowfoot Bittes or Ro t used C I Allor-er r,Nitdliin�rvlr-ft�Nvitbthe"T agent, 1 jrh Priest and gi"s universal Batisfactil to, all rcil B. It a3to. ans h A at f I HOENAA]ull, Vill b es tb 3, acA vorible, lzms - 4rb -aiucls n' by Hi� �'Drft 9 o a I I t h i rinoty &I towns and citi eff I,. or addressed to of ox MOB uft, laud i Ion, lad h -t effect, and as 91 I suffering from Liver and Sto ell Com- r11. mtes dakai,. rital and on tae ompt attention. Teceii �on ansda,' aid hikrmle4s dragging. wae taken last -Sundav to plaints, Yours truIv tat lit an, I I. �BO A I gent. i Li- iold. WgRMAX,
oof the comiltierela lot' Mort RoDERT WIGHT'M k 0 F Tilt d I Dr Soill a bed it w I On River Thames ugo -0 by should a mtW whose 1)100d. 821..2-b 00 Dr a MULALKI)ii maul N T E R, Ierse-a. she still lives. 89 R 00u, with 1 3U4 imin Igal.. oil Y. TED, Soliaito r. c n I h big gi al)d Bad Drainage. -Easit Hastings fair ir sty ir�t at d: ineirs McDougallandRo i AFORTH
si ut i alab, fie U 11st Ware. te, ILt th I t his bair lPro ll OCER
pro( etive f :110. GR ore g in -Full-line in HoIllow and F F knookin-, n borhood tock of Watl 'bad set �tqber and Meeting S&tuiriii Therel noLth a ' AM I
10a tha ard Oc Do! D 10 ease in eigli akv NIODO,ag.till str all ais I er will 14 1. ; a n fell OT n CiDgal as R now the lulve,xits a lid aluice- )argest in th I drainage. Open Jewelry Clocks and W fag Ell, I The former either :,rcwf&s bim duw t4jpof Rcil who bit ways and purify the localityii IThe ob-; berts, I County.; iDBpVction invited. hinallelf Pu 14; ep Conistanj t&gonigtis nos� hyatem may b r sale by 3 S. structions in the but We he la bar(l thO a 1. bly o. the, a llowin W -r— na off I"s an go.3 anufactured by the followin
Oarrested. the ani, remedied in a similar mannel by B,urQ` 0 in
5 all thf dock Blood Bittem -which ope sil Tc,ung C- -irl i company: ST 0 C: :L THE;P0 FFICEII, ea U ah th Bowels OOR DIEN The cl�te "Ol —social about, Wallace ee outlets of disease thro the del womsu need NEXT N hen t o'21411.0 I k oro]M eo or Juliet Liver and iii4neys. 7 65 -imt All ad over &Ron) hatine. ilomewh%4 atin's N. A. es ariaeu Britanni Ino cc [,ten uce pall bloo4 eouri tie M affak., U The exhibIt Of A QUery'Lj �nSWer f ace: lip th bau aliggishly,err�iti(no6n the CO., of I:ialnilton, at the Toronto t -1 to :1 bibitio, wa% wit, out do when i the bee fineat Oecome enamored of Jrliet People often -as i olil� the other wealthy -'Will lail togeth" 'L C: an'l (JiSpl&y daughter of time to take a " lood p ffer'?, W), ry, or constitutio 81 (itler teln�iorai, n Frl Groceries. IIA7 will so quickly ever Ire 004u's-itea- With bar Until she answer, the best tin e is now Burdol r' l* 'N 6 PeM4 V6r xtra plated ware made in Caada, work 91 purify t� the well deserving thdadmlliral nr on of crew vec an M me fusaue and was rgrno I tiD Blood Bitters does its r heeka, strength to bees limbs, bwag - rn ged- around' t ir two :ric last . Cai, ey is %native tl if nj iscles, a4eii o the wbo tbron regulating, and toDiag the sygl5em. at a i 1, ShOLW stic'n is I�avorely con- to d make a health P akity- &nil all Bel sonl� a oi-P..x1tite i rbroy. Ris Ell naoistr times Z iii n reqdirai I no, which is n �)t eig af �ctured enir tl-.inas is alwass in.. der wl v W:Wn, as Ospha i contents b t icits Tho- 86 For so I by 'In de=ed. Wo 13.)nv 'foo ain, H —A w774.65.2w., OALL. r__H1M A I'D . iggists. 7 tea MAE; Scott &q n e from the da,ys a!zo t TIE GOODS DEUVERED FREE, from tbe metal at tb
at- 8.52 GIV Probably the m! at attrac
George StaLphans, -ac tion. work Of art Was ir guards i a!, ilempted tol ebell A Good Litrod delicately en the Mar- Twatowiiii'le poceeding from - a mercha, 1 Pity I h �o�:�! DYSPE 1)tic, vice and -will 0 in Dixie i I to 3-; J. Kenneii 'Where they had been 11 a colol tints rc uce 14ag� perfect bealt I is rathei I and an -Bbout three years ago i3i Pq'yerty i ::5,14 ','�'.3e,a eo'f to t�e Central prison. They e deh gIlLtea visi or tain tl 'WOT 0 b chil h yard's, PectoralBa:, sam to h ousto �Ori richas and ciysp6l)E; Y�gtance- A P4 M: is they paia more than inar t t smil for coug I ri he ib ag! q effect'of an ort do lar b)ttl COMPetiti,04 &Ued upon to halt, but one of by trying it in his own fami Y e bola �or �2 00mmaud cup, to b scott on the nd colds. - Being pleased ` W4 ith restil 41, ountl ill' Of H or Of Ias a w 86 1 coming regatta, %Y -large sale followdi, and it a now .1� it ll pirs, fped, killiu; TEAS d of can' elab i A pair ihat neighbol greu i uplield tian ate s, whil. favorite remedy in t by Eg;� i TEAS ai admire SATs DF!z tuette rEAS The dis UR —The di er-- Wan .and AT, I a,tching, office all the Un E 10i noill when yi� I 0 CAN' a rellev led by onto. has. been abol. 774.65.2wi. NEY TH the,. branches swear 01 ito r Tor �-3 EST VALU� �013 YO let, c6morisiag Pito I a THE'IB er &tching trains beal S Wat. The work of disP Strad Ord Another 'Wiin� C a 'd rm r -Von to her wit dia. gold wa e.. 1 goblets and wai er, of -Ill 'ON I.S AT Cf) THE DOMINI ilfaturp be dcil from iAD silvE r, . were smo�g, ainlai,a and oxydi d JnMurray, who A. Chad, of St6'rlilDc,, to 1 "asi Rua xing400 oil� wb�id� e betkutifnl bagr to h Hagyald's Yell tit 11 I'M < bundr. a 0 ArL 10 I Union, Station a num- efficacy Of tb he -and likutifnI 4mr an b9a been at t S Ic dis Od 01 piaCe13 Of SilVervlli Ihas been* made chief - f -'badly injuria� ee" JO puwm are slio w he:as, i Ci I bad i -Of old a bar of edy for ill- Ills r6d b, t a -cluite a 6ispI Kt ILIU-gston, a Rew w r. Illy 0 patcher bUey had re rea household r4 It a u a' of tbe tij AULT ud he has it is the g Lt 50c lby�! , at. that flainmai f !g*,Ilon, tioLn -sorel it i Rew a gsa ware whie ted 7 0,52.189 Ir la ly _aEc Robierts. an a e-6 Irley
rts-anei pints in Gem Fruit;rs. A W6 Wig I ompany make A, spec,
PI '71 '64 . tv of this." already assiu-med his- dial a boh call a a sale the A large stock of al ' epla
ncil of hiS ate., and i -Y chear � I ad and r equ no a i fallible. i i ceSsI. I 'k of Grocer ..ff M11 alao go to, -Kingston. I external Bran, -)p Feed f aeo. ly W orted stoc Oats, Wit I q Shor Chi M eal 'ons, Fl(,ur, Oat I �Ccirnlm t in Glasswillre a I sidl; the two silver mz ails awax&4. a " nd
W write . L M "I le si A very iii Meriden Britannia Co —The -Provi enit:at Otawm 65 2w.- Provi ce assortme a Departm for their al blue cloth; Fairkdale, Toronto, ICorin, ivet BPI ak tendera, for 1 500 tunic ffw RuOgi Fork, Ila 13, Colored Tea Sll and elect .0 all s ver� severe Stoneware, Ci� in& Tea Set �,J00 palis of I. have ad BeVEral �,, a '500 jw�k 8, bl; d Ig )f brocl QO LI Oil. oats taken ware air airlier Was notilied iiiiat et no serge ;, �ery. T( in exob%n�a for I fine digpla lk po,ns, and, 1,000L foral C&PS d Wart Bradicat 6 cIMP8 il 6 Bt9tPacb. lot of Cro, ks �nd;M ae of ch ey IaBit tbeLfinsil e f the Jul tr gold mads) bliliff ser t8L, blue 01 Orn t Iftofesst I is t vo I P-oods delivered fr arg. d awarded t m SO e ge *OU rde. 1 C �r d': ts oth, with capes, recommend it as doin al r. Aut :'a Phospbatih$ 31LI. A call i r6speetf4ily �Olicited- I0 OW arett coa folir 11 any other- P ll I One bottle is woy th ha the nlessauti eE A to ,t4ke, I gall, A h' Ihonor sho n to� n one else. for the &rtil I ery and for My corns are Mi4sir, v. �tleq, a 3d shaihas not ball an � taek blue serge; 2,060 0 e ea' for - I Main Stre t, Oud of sneh it 4,WO pairs �af trolias(�,rs, . i. Straotd. toved. I may H Milton feel I co Burrouk I ! a Is c)f b&nd i ($7gueCdu,)r-,F, C. her hWth is Muol: A: G.j AULT wings it ce,anc Ora %P& and 300 pai Wils 6, Druggiel bal Im anufactory. goo, 6y all ilitug 7 70.1789 t Sold by'Lumade: 1 Wils or sale gists C r) in - !for the rifles the dePartnen' 83Ox2c 81111 for i -J _1::l
ertises,,: for 2,000 t1111108, rifle green Seaforth. 11 1: r- 4 wetheroll, I - i I REMOV f trousers, rifle il 0 4 q, I AL pairs o Tr MEDICAL clotli,, and 2,400 41I Du I ug�stsfl - Physicians and I rc in Winnipeg, green, sergo. Writing, KI I an an itiAnStlricinsL lchargi�n: 9 p:a- -atil noW tihan T Till 0. Y., hysiel IHarrison, th ]h &bit c 9")Out Phosph LD,X. .1 —Mr, j.1 have bee4 i a ay Mort, G. S. MAcDONA Offic and rel W 8 MO) nToronto y Surge allcl, respeoted. ecilored citizali Of Strat- tients snq customer 6 than m4ny 8 be 0.1
w lanifairycli 010, Aeconclaeur Dr. ded Ad 3,uc�jfmpro"ved, and I '114M ately cccuPic� de c( that 1 781 u ea frocy an exten of them se able to pay. We are p fox..a,has. ret rn ag. h alth i A, i Or an r oth6r: so! oil, Mack's IV i Auburn. . . a fron visit. to, rel ai in penlisylvania,,Michi to inform our re aders ths ice ad a hall b6t leg, d Tle exii,ol 01(i at �be I il onl� t. ph-1111cian,sur an Vi heine is 8 ng use (i. SOOTT, X. 1). &O, , llikeepi On ci w P h __ Of 114 eleo= -rginia- Y. all )nt- reigned I Ohio, sud notic Me 0 ia lospbati a..-- For aude b J. Leur, Sealerthl QUFFOLK P1 This was 'his nti 6te EG —The ulade enselY. of fifty cents 9, box, a qu l Your. P4 kaeouct sepond doo T clierguilth, his ja,uut im-m ty c �A 0 dexic lot 21, c This e. (Virginia) R h( e south side of 4koderich Btleetil k oricesplon 2% 1: is l stat t,) last ovr t wo a-;ggisi 77 842 60mal was el Df Prosbyteri the I an.0huroh. hb ed Suffolk Boa
visit t.) 11 i Thoroug ir MONRO & firet 81.86VO in ancliher 0 , 1111111. i0ree, erg, 0 GA ol, well-kno n i Beently purchased from aiwe he er,'ca.ped f roTft it savertisem6l ill d I stock on n importe Iphysiqian;. sur
PP e op I )OE,1 �D.,0-11 )aYableat thelltim Franks & Son, id is frOx
L. VER( $Ili He has since a L t aides. Real SEA then been r_ useful and re-, 52,2w 0 irIfe c. y 1fe e of %_tbe home - rest reo3dy- geon,etc.,l r fort ae jountl Fluroul TArms,; Oe FO: RT1410 al regident of C&II& ig th ei t north. returniugi A]l r �ell n buyi])g S ervioe w*th the Privilege Of ewi Prorniflea" T4 ar QW of. Ele4l4b,` L as e oia Jxrlile str�e 7.83 HA'VE Temoved -to ih DB valuable They 66 OP. Ota 0 and Residew, Is store a 01) the 1p Its own as 111itsiti lert, of the frE�,e—arid naw I tb 1BORGY, PLFWES. A Mr. W�. Tholl P gu ontee of the iteso&r PubleS0111001 of Robert Stratford. &me story. 011, ,a tewm tdi I y oppos OcOnpied by D. They ery b tt lid re thise Iproerty in In the a flared itir YO& a f,"'On It is �&i B od I? aLri I er. G aduato Of .—Chn'rilil oy�r ),oxe' tboroughJY avelft ul ad a hall *Recorder says : -belhi, an W—.—M - M.D.,Q. X., [ILLS GRI&EN FOR, PORR for I a mit Jeweler, F roprietor i.' �.HANOVER geon froln james T Or 01 sbops, and have much b3proved ISO —Th' ii univfrsity, r Fat Ian, lived ineop )n a lai and i hi Of Logan, got no relief r until be -52. bM Eurchased. 'rice bich n their bits the aii tol -P, Dyspepfts mys IT Senfor111,0rit. ceandRelid ence, carrying o end B On Hill's - smie. than ever. They lix re now on bal ted families,- ostamachBittel CO linolier , .: ick House �ricefield is wenknown Berksbiy� P ery, lately two 11111, Dr CaXsOn, aodeiii,sh Strop I I) Bit ep for service at his prem wtil V them not Was just the mellicill needeal I t ]�.!oulitain of Health.- Igo rth side 4 thod lot Char h. 496 he will ke ason. piR was ready for me fli too Vail klail to �gland, but one Of it eagbolthable Green during the present Re LO hat both from E, I i oil 0 - of �Dg with them has cured me- andni purchased irom. the celebrated bree rA Messrs. BRATED F ne very long! ou. Bringi eathebovielsli FOR SALE. - ---------- ill I L;1, I Ol it re iniat of Edmonton, require comme H. Snell &I His r lit, intoo till a.Vthe a is vIr I del goal coviction til.-- - tea th, il liver, curing M OAT. the bel pigs ever-broug HOR tsly aplied, 1heum Oure I a a LS VoR sALBI-For Sileon AN a Of his a when vigorou Salt I J13 HAM BUI EYE, EAR I as Nvell as t1i ltivenag jILLsi, Jaun� i — sire, ': Itoyal carlyle" In l*p(cip t I' , 1) 11 lRoad Tnekersull two i grand n L , w� tue in thp.ro r r, ice, V Rot 31; Si In all its br _lty,isnd We 6 Sir- Dorchester Cardiff " a`11( -first T,,r-- winners ai3 d -atin free cotin &sea o biliaty ch al-, - one a yearling and dauil we General To tug prou"Ptly atte alid th try 14ke this t4e Are y on trou Ed WA. 1 I: i , loroiigb')rqd Dv rham bulls, RYERSON, lid Lord Ltverpo a;nd al� abre JL ible CEO ICE Si sire, ee all bur old liberty to axer' both el W. a -England, also 07e Pro- shall be glaa to is, at ples or -ratwo5earold. TheY it 11 ir iabw�preiltnu h IlLe othe k. PI Y a Eye at he Royal Shows sow customeria as poE Rible in o head of t4e, f P ON. ON to or ad 0. ew Hard siod lil�rost, t be their rOW skin, pit Lums 5'n 11 c, isti a tion it k tile I S. ae, arer ( a 8 —81 oir,a his, 6onv I f c r re,, fl?011�11LLIA. I,. Et. 0 vincial Fairs in Canada, TY -1" I 13L e Oz� ,iciions whatever ��e PTiV- lalth " II and got a Tintain laity mit stab- 00 90 Olt onco t') 3, of Uld, 0� it( adT88 Brucefielid. P. I dil lal 001 payable at the tine of service, with nature, 60 h4 and get about a drug store E. a e Idorcer ary. - a surgeon t( their k at 3. DOY 11R, irth igeipline nCarbolic C! 3crdt Ono , ! 80 to, an Fai Loudon ilege of returnim if neeess SIOA20 liahina a in 1� 1. Itbe * . Lat,e Oil ical Ass Let Ill Be TROYER, Proprietor. 1 Itr6a ve cents -1 It 'N 0-9 11 ov it d4 igbed m ar: ril Ads, 6u(l 106112tr I 1E arke's ates Of I —The unde A( ore rigid sFor Gregor anc bw he;L I tI'O FOB S XL tii Moo a , L Im DO households on, S-and&y nigh their Price tWeDtY-f j.,ha in, �ci a and ace lirl ral purpose thref ear old colts Or thalmic BORP CHRYSTAL & BL eg&u with 0 I , ar, exp )a,, of gel spital. ---------- the known to fail. 795.52. � X &I 11 r bowel s; &b Oat mud Bay 0 purpo �Btomadb geiding, for sale. I beY wel T L a-11 its fOrms, 1) Ina -e ti a, dart, F RAG ro.a with catar ?rice 01 0 a eTiectly souaiI,. one is bay, CHURC TCRONTO.' applied th -8 r h, 'a i I i i I I 18TRE CHAMPION -who bi never been S Is trclteand"P qbe scen at % Axaic a I b a light.bay. Theyll, abonsuRe th) energy of haii-bands - BuGk]Lei3.'B. 798.52, ond tbe ot ey 'WAK on 34� concession 6, b 1, aillop. W31.. at timean lot BOILIER the _cwerS5 oni at 01 611 e. -med x6MICHAEL. bou P0_ S_ IT lb or
ni Ile 'CLI, �e fat No ted to ght the l is SU4 to;spa-rait. The twP wives thus In, The greates Spal �TFORD Reapers and M as of aiscilpli"16 world. Warr on' k —The NYINDSOR OTE STRI SlabscTibpTs hil mod is 1% reli le:EMIP.d Vlfcq R SALF, tie stracted in the erg, 8 it 'Thai Ul RED LFiC,,ASTKRS P(! aTHE earried on bT le to their husbands, proper burns, bruises Outs, ul totrorst, ati� A has for sale a i x: rober or pure ose!)h I i3nilarBusiuess according '011 ilb If t ind igned -MACIB manufactured pxclusivly by the J, icers, pile I Day trot ? 8 1 are arliu- AAAL, Y Is eri6h Foundiyand M_ ad all night wi-t fever sores, c ran )v`6 e Last Coml.sny of 0_,ba;,%&-' over eiglifen ave �tana Lambe. Tt ace of, 11 I if d: Jei ter convictions, wtere ha,unt do, 06 to the 36 �OMVI`Sinta 01 lot 11, Ten 0 L th 793 baviL9 had on exPerl t) �.e 1i &4 ter, shopped.,., han to fil ow d t r. .1, ah SO iSON ow pre�aied outry- afford- corns, -tet IfilluO d, )U. and cii� l e tbal, ail that this c '�o 2iet ill be t' Apply to the u r 10 I are the � con eruption', guaran . teed For tl 'if, eyj: CdV8 Wei �cad'Mc illol Rsbir oar, win all ita`�rsl Les. receive pr ueh liberty and 'KiIIII lot a pure uer RMEOS ABOUT
ea altogether too M, 'If ��dez 5 Van B lren's! of MO DF Orken rusted 'to; nil V11 r Mon y 11 t ENTAL ! I , B 11' " .�thnl e ill be ceived. Terms .f,111r0HEL11_ Anv W
and, independent every instelic i 0 avit g- nuinber of BOWS NN' SUCCESTIONS t teed. 'll -free -W. . 14; ;kf )n ; I clisie or ! It tec �i Fir3it-cissov�orkgnaiBe fr ofreturnk) n- 3a repatTO - , keedam to so. a. Dy aew th t1le privilege, D le morning turn- cents per box. -U j. FM!� L. . Big . R. PVCHASINU. All kinds B0 .029. W lL TIEFFERN AN t ifel and Oboe Iron Work, llrhencO &Co. .783.52. householdes aY move. 1 I n Ito t,"x t1le la,nd from Ni Tilw E61 ne ver Wc oronto Sb Grad-liaiteof (X)entis rY- lat 6011able Tel Ed theii our I to 6 1 [a ol ones rq dr in town they R erts. I 1�0 um6r of Office h ours, 8 A. New Salt ps as madis 4m i.- Vol? )R S&LB—Fo �'O.-a arrlvl RE fail. �ld by' : i BE �ejng many Reapers and iXowert; in the
lith clothin abs. Thesbelep can 7 s out g and The Quickest Thtng oil r sale, MITCHYN, degree of i Jy CO er Ra;Tio LP THE t and eaeb possessing 6*6 thA abortest nc tice, at Pr' es t"O
emSellve go( d Leiceat ith. [_kRKRT BLOMi marke without 801116 rellee- u I411sb%ndsl ex-PeUR19 ick petition rigged th 'L `!5htuirig 1 to' 1)( 13 reyl -Orsn' ght be d,dfteult I merit, it =I would
B %t their 1; I13 -1iram's �oulltai:dof 11ealth. on lot 32- Mill Road, I lack selee4lonitIALt Tpothache, a 0. I 628.x4 BRI! 10HARTERS. SON, to, him. The -L �AA. to be U-0 g�ia Ilead achel ill re�I,s- RTWRIGHT 4k tin for a frmer tf. make A
di.t seemed ral" Mild! Y 0%. CA lo,g riiu flatisfacto-Y CHRYSTAL w-bose ere star or C Iscolor 11thE sk a Tbisifnedicipois 119 visit SeRfort: I pro,. in the will Bs (c patible with ped and supplied 613 not Ill i t1il our' I ALE.—A-comfortable xtbage nd two . principal 110inis are--lightintm (c 38 on, 783 103,19 Go able al thus equip] a do �to jal 181 in. -1 d jaretid in it 50ti n ft- h aimlici col - II 7!_ W!A.eadly and T tv 0
their. Way to v e r V, ce or rim 0 0 suitable f -.)y black"Intia and watw strebigth) dula f . nditions of i kinds an ithe urinary org usil ,g in, all #13as C n every Friday 0. d they &lie now O'n heir husbands are requires butbue VLPPI go r bdisiness. Jay, and I M atO g in all An will eoril ma ICE611Y odpall the tam i fO Ioya -ad -while t' vall ropoy pain BIlight's Tr all except the week w ease Of T ail repair, air d is pli Wan MY each- wee i an d, ;,1n.'a In tbes e ths Ch
and kind sadder, ind you, b: as in good land I Jyany Vill ex -i grea,ay linim(int or ca rry. The Ot Tuesday L11 les Aral! in the mon nd it The "I P! go tea 4 tu te I e Wd. during the depat0d, ill, t tY 798. Q2, K ,vi 11 bel sold in al, wo Over JOYS Th ;-lit Is property are favorably On 1111 POiDts, a hoped, wiser poultice forwao-1 B, i�Y . . ........ e aeap. ply to vithout I &I a., 'Chi irg 6 modera �j found A E tbLough it is to be R - --------------- tcly, and vbry reeth extracte It h" been thoroughly clail es, iwere (L AT F, oreri Insaon othel I 06 epaTa 1808 )s, when mill Ing. po _tf 730-25 ;le froyin Lid ATSON, Sealforth. Inil terms cash past Reaeor wing to the beaviiar6ps—i(tbis five cent bot' Fc r 00re -eyes, 1110ur xt to useless 0 bear- ne Drell at down for :MT 795-52 Tj 1.7 I)Ortan point to corisiderdat the —A novel Bu -,it ill 9 ! resait to Ch tchill% C one end 9, half PtOrY is an im always found son, druggist B. Means � P SAIY,.— AFORT 6NT. I I You wi 1 be sat a pl easalit part ce of labor)—tbe Gbernpiola W9, S FE of the Division ve.-allic ,a iieXt B139810' flame 61 e I a to which hia dr a of ing at �th 11 Eye Sai U 3E FOA ling, situa e R weeks L 1 1 1 &a. oth Ln 25 798, le to do its W01 .9 pt r4lief own ins rec me, ceNi, wood Do on can be J, AM F- Th,am i f e t 14TI-81'. ab all -parb,i Of tbO in St miles the )p e niaiiiiiig 11 atfon under the SURG. 01q DF -1- nials fril lol- Mo old Huron. stone fOQu d 1,g fourteen o, a be&-dtif il E juse ll st 6bI e to it, not forge. I Ifarmer he place f -2 9W. rou the prembaes'. furnishEd to attest to ther ins- d friends a e radel- Vie ar 0 So, to t ni A %z�d soft wate 0 -0 Willi] gince ThOmRs can Supply I ;61 r, mud ha Ig at all time 'DGS to 1nf. rM his"o) dist hair. A WHITNFy's Tin �and Stove Em -i ail co liege of'Denit al as notbing 4iside by role- -xirel ark; tel-egraphed error of hood of natural .0 0 J0 - ling pu lie that h 3;vi'W Purel P) ily -hela-ts1ho vVitcbE 3 gC oil iiriving Mare c1iines their just dues, nThrough an le th-111 iijs Seaforth, j-j-R&DUATE f the I erstood that tab for a, �hys a, 1dessed more 00m Ono buggy, 3ons !0a,nada. office in the 11700118 representation, but; ,We want it nd commodiays hotel Willi, a bUl CE, c)wpete in FrAle %vith many 08 was ac lid, onel light wai 111.3 S tney's tted ig] it, reli perbysldri!, Whi . a n �f ,
the oi arator the Me"'5,, doctor, WhO96 other prepal ations fo r t1i M J 802-tf 11 ,,,Iy urg. pie 4 by H. we (to not pretend to 01 inmachineo with lyre-furntb, d and r V) ble occu r most 0
ni: sit ligh harnep don eiiiit irc 0. . now OIael of tbal t I of the inferior WOO tona and IT, I olin and delivered to another phv- know"n fonrei nerg. ISE T ED I T Block. I beriess latulaes twd sprizi We sell convelli bol n the -couna that, of thal tu�dly r re and 7 he, lapes name is, -not -uliko at A fled Sni I Foj� -All operatiolil� carefullT performed and ilat their ium its ad as �i has a w0l- e WantA of his cust,01114 �� i
as intended. The tained, be ;I l LOTS I attention to I 14 he Ci galese � a x Loll of He it all, two building res, Moderate. tileC.hamplionionits'ner) TY4,urourownin- : Ilic pall, noge. I .. F�IICE ie thrit-IngtUage arwr teed. Ch r we ws11 i I 3, s e of Vii sid for whom it. W ve Jo the by the use c f the Ci EXPOSITO I et: faction 911 earned reputations t )atch dro 4— ts per bi: ly Till. �HURON 1. hat of our iiall11Y Clagt011iiers; to guard to M dind 1. The1ar e t:,e.ch ho.)i-iog 22 feet fronts gi i on King Stre , I I heste -village. _T ,t,,,Ctrd1v-1t1xout1o" terests aud It well t,3 =Ashe e bel t of the 0 a the yery best business y ort of the N. H. e Ohampll end are a b, alla ian at to U; Aesl -sold at eel Tee telegrauls ewer. fifty ei ify L L it. See tt e kept � -upplied, nth
SIMAFjol:Lli lC NT drill—com" ai-v�ay- be lel the 786. 'it pur- and maintii Is � a770-0. 0 1ge ier, to su- BeuvO I Will 11 maer V ill hous Oj the forWa-r( that his 9,11 druggist y ly or tL bv the nw- xebiase. The trust VA %,ill be sold sing e aw roonis was told 11o, secure a first it before You Pu S U) k YV tent dane fl �- but u Oil his arrival hiser.*Thi,l1saTa1re-J----_ -e. Fbr inedi—Always kept on bana in. solson. in n e. Good .summoned, that bi live viiia, Sgir-In:3 -ll b! OwerB, and everi eon all, 3s Imsines; stand in t 8 jn,gs, Turnil) 8 sorrV, as, had not b of 146& -A- Raj-eg,Scu Travellers- ty'lto me al Ilo$cl, torri
t In the WE 9 I Tat the Post fficei Hewall. nr L"T r -r 'that line. Rffmembel, the "Uo� jmer Was he family R Mrs a )p b ]DIM 'her prall OrNESS;EA Pa ti Sall. 28 thing in 733 his trot, ceiv d on h Uri N 0 W if )y etter sdVe." P.O. JHOX,17 -eets, 0 de-,Ic a, WA > Agent. and Go not visU to 01191�9`3- propara=aosr�o 10 a-oator siin(l they did coincided No for C &I] �!!Ojlln so DE JMBS STE, -a the villa,ge BA C D Mistake gaI om] lionaatinh for tt it --A BA N i WAT 0 Forbe' I the ver Mo;, lent :ei I R ALE IORS —TheUnion H)t xt do t JAMESVEIRlPrOP'otor' -that, as d find the or el slid Col Th� victim Of arked F This hot a ell situated on go WILTerooms-1-fain Street$ ne Farq .tensively t Gc�ld j1L these viewla but, re: it a 0 nv- ge, CI LI-vtrY. the trouble of d 1iduey dit4ea.868� AB V ra oad which is e, ravelled D. K. awes Imax OQ6 'tb' T ro) LOW R for sale BY TO n 'i"lotie, ce),
he hal.d beeA Put to he Would. expect Its I r I a thoro�ughf are f n tile east. It IS Go Medalist R. C. Dey Y B, S�el build .-M les from 0 build talli �o ing out t ' the hotIl Buren R n ngs I I V Situated, beillg� 7 nientl he fOrWard6d its is The. IUM6 cc nNi" to B F4 F. T Tv I- AiatraBsing corlapi%il A (1) I Weston Riffiv y, and"10 x erielt -xe he is abl Sdvg 16en 1)po into 4,gent
d ; It
his feeS. StIbseqLa- 0 e it,r on tile any yv;-,, r t1sti3 a le sender of Y it eli aol halt th, OIAY HAV IN G S3,&yo'RTR pie( 8 9 ptlibHO W I AN 7 the GrA30 Trunk tion 3 in D - I J - 1_o�r tb 6 Looting th wonderful- For Sale b r iv te IXDUI iitebell on make a opera -n 'farm Clal h 0 LU Whi placo a Spec!" ealer I 6 t 34ens eit] 0 0 miles a U - hui accoailt, and UE )therasy eitler, �or private 4 il) irom Dublin, Presen ir 9 teet a iihol esal f.,%L, d Retal) D D scription. 'W pre at 10 Oat WR of interest re
is 'now e
streat the He 770-52.789 for ber: I's to (C) hotel is Stage! li to Fargullar. Tb and YINDINGS ill 8 pry B. the 4naBsage on the F Ch,(,,=* �ther or I R.470us Q,idde Gas, 911"I'l Skt)y 1 lorutoo'wn �r d il ! travelling kept. Tillinau ell t ked tended to P&J )nvenienee of the None but the MROR' i3 .01 suit on the 0 tel ,5,QO R eW, a;r d f, t el. up for thO as him it Ile IUL' do nota- 0 i I its Stable and Worderal)3 WX Y P*o ptly r woild _bl attall a first clal esl Mod ate. moderate. A Trial r 01101Lvulli by mail ,d no' ho�certxill a tele- recon possess 'Aarg p,,15filled- NWv K. B relplie I e id�ug P ion C I'lol le b6d S81 or i� 8 ce and Water. Terms easy otlierwi re prom I -a I F any tastimonials I IM jug of the kin- - another doctor and. or 1p - . - acial LaW I 8 Till of lie rge given ix imediately, a-PP13 rth S eed. Cure jfor'I) Y j, 3Pl$1a, c e
$. a if rialan E Y, 1, Prieto -Mel Street, Seaf 411111111 byierliloTol lit To oc., *,Dd�l BUE ineer f irdell i a aililoliol 'THOMAS ST Coati nel Head ? .— 4 nee, h at 825 -a to 'bad, Mel office in 11pyer's BI grama addreEse mistake - .Uha lial a ti�whi: r pai(I ther�10r, 94' fflee and genulpe Ltt t . o telegraph 0 hat are ]a ot Ibeeti, made i, the Me one else t 3palaliNlared to 80 are froV ])ersOns ii" the St"as the dii be "doctor t -ble. T he 7as not reSPO L