HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-11-02, Page 4IIIIIITORIN IXPOSI INEW ADVERitSEMENTS. ttie at. eision of the eif Ction a A and fbe pt-esent ocder' of thing will be ria- �tarvl tc ten years agri. The sharp point of ono end passed! hi 8 rols great - exte uly ornam ant the same. M06a b dismissed the appesA i vith ecil ail one of vel I le to a Nery Of "' 0 in.the house war a lot throat,, tEW-The figure betwel parentkesis after fold APOA which be b been half-aa-iuch closer it oluld fly the four jnages disisenting from the �de. -.6urs- it is or ly to be a) peat! that i each line, denotes the pl 01, tho pa.per on whiah DicrIAN* BRIANDS.-Bands of. bri- out his*eck open. the adver.tiaement will be found. 44 Vj cision. The decision of -both c,4urts m&yl e. owers that -a Bti� l '--a auds i ul the Nouilly suburb of Paris' -Mr. Thompson f Coinc ssionj C Dress Gaod-Raton!Brothers. (2) mbil and �e. 7re )?a . in accordante, with law,;' btit; like ;l ?'f such a resul� a Ong th y U jar , commit rob- Howick, b as so] d hiE , f arm if I 100 f i BMsam of Fir-Lamadela & WilBon. (5) i R :1. I )ertes w iffle.sale' in defiance (if the to Mr. Alexander, Ec Liar, 0! pu'm ei -Laidlaw & F&i . rl many other legal deciE ions it IS -not in )all, � not., far [stailt ey. My Teas 101100, The latter a few nights since for the sum of .5k 5'00, A! r Ch rle Farmer's Advocate-Wrat. Weld. (51 accordance with eithez juistiall com-: kben they wi.1 be 4, ioed to'gNa way uabeEdiad iu capturilag thirty -members Mol h has also sold: bis '' in - of .9 IAuction S&Ie-Audrew Govenlock. (5) man sense, and the sooner thf),: law is n he 1� face of phblioiOpinion,. f O'lle )and. acres Bit nated on'the 'town I betvilfeei Estray Lamb -James I Hil,len. (5) amended so as to render such aeci-siori or! several triouibia a - 0�0 bABBiOtl ORRIG J034PETITION.-The steel in- Turubil ry and Howil - to Rl Fig, for Service -Robert MeLealn. impossible, It i is quite lus r of tl a north of England is jiuffer- Lang, f Howick, fo � $4,50 House for Sale -D. Ross. (5) the bett! bail b eu enquaArl iuLto thei g evences 111-1 lig ke nly from German compebition. -Mr. T. G. MoPli 'rson, a Htul o Teacher Wanted -Alex. McKay. (5) proper -,and neceosar5 o bavl'):: a most AA Highla n C- 1. Oil ters N view rhousy udis of employees bave"been �liia G.oderich model school bas Olen an tip Hogs-Hngh- Robb. (8) q all in- jo ga ning on. I a:u �j ulp Stringent election law, but su �h ch Worul will 1arg( (Vulanufacturers stato they :ad to teach in Be.bool section p. 5 T'.qrn Notice-Thouttlas D. O'Connor, (5) t! 9, terpriatation of the I was have ie- mable them to propose 0, re-alledy. A. alluo meetforeign, competition w'th berry, f r the current� year :Rlaekrnitla Wanted-Thomils'lifil. (5) I. . ! -�, 2 beE n. ThatiksgivinXDilarier-C.M. Ghtirch.(8): fored"to is going fr ast; number of. Wit' e8803, bal he p selA, scale of waggs and cost of of $380, ai3d Mr. Jann':es Wils of I as [the a bli WawatfoBb a stildil Da -,eri, of tbe same' in xa 0: GreatStock Sale -David O'Brian.. (5) the ridiculous. mi ad beforE this! com nissil at d 114 STJaAR.-:- Cl ails S,)Veck- IitifUtiOtl ttil. chargo of a �chool' Farm for Sale - W -m. McMurray. (5) a 1,0S. (I idence goys as,' stron I Ty aq 113, pi _'prie Or of a C�lifornia 'sagar the tow aship uf Riul, sa at a Balar� a iQat Pigs for Service -John P.. Marshall. (5) More Ail the Syn"I e �Ib I y an to prove that tb 11.00� Iftiu L".5 -efinir, Pfil and who bolds the $360. 1-Leceived t'hiS Week -AT. Morrison, (9) 9, 11 4 noilop The Dominion G v'ernm�ut have w)ly 0 the HawaTian sug�ir trade -A phort time sin a Mr. Greo. Remember Dr-. Wild's Lecture. (8) ird op,,Iy too,% e gr uded, `1`4� k, 00111- Colic Ssion iett agreed to guarantee tbrme per cent. In- las oclitraci,ted. ' the puiebasie of t. a an' toff, of, tho Srd if HUI 'ains-Laidlaw &Fairll (8) ithill the ftll to 1111 0�ul we ri otice, have, w dre Gil) -ased Lis p H! sucrar ou tha islands, on It AIV4 John Pickett, o Fresh G-raceries-Dianc&n Duncan. (8 terest for ten years on �,he cap tal stock i I - I a,%, few days reported, rECOM, til g oil diti,= tlii at. a,11' sli.ipments be M a(le in the gra el road, Pud as M ino re aof the Pacific Railway Clomp'aty, Th p If n. to give P 81011 oti an eftj+ it t tbe Gov rilm4t.-Rwist 4.� Wl 6 ais VeRsel 4� arad is, if the Cquipany fail. to meet or pi�y crt`��, IND. --Great exciltement has day, wbl the latter 6cked out of bli dissatisfi-d wAl' theii lot hone -a clep caus�!, by the disc6 in P11�11710 con ideration for thi It V� 0 U by syli g i very of a seall b&FgIL* the interest on their shares. or notes 0 emigrate tD. Gal back piv n � ca i uit4i ing green s, eilver trouble be bat] causa(� Air. F intoff. of credit, the Goveirmelit will Va. 'rhd Willgham '.dvanc( learlil b, b ir.'paFsap a V poor and. gq d anioul1l to $30,000 On the Tilfilia s a v SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Nov.. 2. 18 it for them or, I a other words IOU d. by the urotorious E elider privat ' lk.fer that il Db i Wation (11 iedv and, will 1 have litt a - Ef- the Government go their secuil Ifec, I in quieting the. peopla., Af� Dy )f avil 11-� in xallsa!3. It is sup. formerly of that tow but w. an.. I as d the inoney is tbe proceeds f the resident of Fort has label, The Provincial Treasurers)ai-o. -for their interest. 'ro se(ure' tl�e I �h( -a 0, eav ovif n in do not detur t I the!:- in� y tobberill and murders in which been �ulferino from SO a hil) I Of S f QV8 RESIGNATrow OF Am, TO -UNG AND APPOINT- country from loss tD3 Company die- at ill th there h V, are e 1�ed. contract ad at Regina, here lid an ey sire to rerbai Llgj- ) d'jllrs IVET C,F MR. ROSS. posit with the Govertil ent a s, am equal AfAR)RIAOE.-A MUSC UM in Wat901) Ila,d bell taking part in a don I nd ae evideatly detelmil-lea ull tbl er, t The Globe of -i-esterday contains ttl() -to the whole amount nawateed as at rOk yn 'he the. So lie of a novel cart., e are glad t ay, ho Wev ha hE I do' so, 'and obtain ns 0 to t W& dii - i a a, f w da s. The Ne-,)- Eug. be is recovering. y fG1.1owitig im. portant announcement becames due, for %ll i. the Go+ernrni )n !Buell tbes� ;an Offer to their Ip ja id got ill -'marry theGormun -Ur. ohn AuBleA who h 14 the (on Aon. James Yotilag, acting lander pay the Company four per ciant. while it )as 4age expen 3l to foreign I I -'will riji ice 1. di inutivd creature. The.; tract of buill a, br ge on , A, di the I Otl Iimperative orders of his pbv&ieianL remains in tbeir,haril If, �'herefore, at lifyiDa ef ri�bm�n irieFt ess Will give the bride and 11tifcolices ril havo:&.v&y in t. If 4y'. Itble K iAucky giant will act triet wit) a Iwhose judgment has been confirmed Uy tbe Government hold 5be COW" paii3y, he Britts'li, Govern trilat desire toilhatis] W. Ii accident on ThulBdky I St y that. Of eminent practitioners of New Y MUS B 1�ea mil and the 'cbild with the Ile was working Ett tl le bril when E i their share of the ba-ain it is riot, 1". be public -the t. fake more 'j,effec - heavy tick (.f timber fell, �ipoul b im obster head -befirattrial a ne Yark-,bas fel it neoessary to regigUL Iv the country can suf f, �r Io" -rom t a ve measures to iiecufa them jus. and Anaild. disp] cing a numbef of his ri�bs, and il DpAb.-Mrs. David Moses, eved one or two of t the Provincial Treasurership and Com- afrangernient. It is o1jectionaAe, ho*- he d 0 not do it Voltl� Fl TD is bell hom wert 18114 play. , If i y MISSionership of Aoticulture. He IS k ever, from ormaily' Milso Blari4he Gray, of D 3troit, broken, but he is recoering. I i t�Y kn pea.r wbes �.spem. to to two points. The' coun ly ica iba�riE a f4w weeks ago in the AT'. Robert Ham 4on has' sold 1i, Bowery r atl�ffvriug fr(m. constilutioa-1 trouble of 1 gaill notbiD. to do so;,j 016 9�.w Yorifk, waH found (load in fprjnof 50 ner sin iVorristour. 11 gl, g, while, it ssun�es a risk ha' they will be forced t of sell a .8 wh, lut rest ATU4 a respon6ibility iE bas -no -right t on 8 lea dictates, abso a r 7 ong. ie mprican e a t F, rt X - dill moruit)g latit. She was tjcNoil, of Tec -6 water and it re� der obligi,tion I a freedom for a, considerable ti me i' The country is un ack is as gcod his mister or t Passir,N bee houe , )oil at the Dime moving OBrusselstolive.-Mr.Daiijoar I - . : Kused a ih Baltimore, but the past two S. Ki p I pen has Sol (I his farit of 10( frl Me confinement and cares of o- I I the company, and ccusel utly tb�'s I a t that he. i i 10ot an a tirely iia eri his eelKS waE dluob indisposed. Shp was acres on the 5Lh concession of the sainc cial Rfl The news of . resignation risk s3h-6111d. not be Assurned f)r them. el 19, .18 gro J, Lig very fast even ib Brif to Ur. Andrew Galloway go 17, lit d1weighed 517. liounds. Death t, 01 will be'�received with. the deepest regret, They ere emploved and libe*rhII paid 8 �j osed to have been caused by fa�tty the co ty of Oxford, �for $1,600. ThE y I'Llin, arld Scotmalld. U1 arld'th 6 cause of it will be deplored &like I to'do certain work;. hey, in egluel atibi of the heart. w pro )riptor takes bssessi�)� at 01 Ice, 1 ne fact to. d -Joh i McPherson,,of St Helena, aE by, the, pol itical fri n a and opponents 11 f t4r. ef�'x L co�iventi e c- ect their own term and n 3w, a last we(, K lodged in G�deriChlgaoi oil a of the bon.-geniLlema.li, whose ripe, ex- having paid th irig tlie 'A Snel presid4rikof 50u.t. .1111ron Notes. em in full for do eommitmerit signed by Wm.11 Kiriaban, I Vt of J. P perience, and cool judgment it had be( work, the cauutr ad by its G u on Reform Arl soc4ition as con 'u to I 11. McCracken, morel ard Thomas Gib1)b6js-, J. P., y is for, a the vahiel of charged with bavin(f I committed rape hoped ml long be' I r bhe Domiu at the service Of ou Pakiiamen t has c allb I a Fold eggs t erninent to ggarantee the interest on the Provin6e. in the government of the the monil I onverl to !nleelb at i On's , ce Aprillast., on one I;abella Barbil of thetownarlip tbt��. is bef . borrowedlo barh belong to W. J. ffeuce I nber iug 11c- Of WaWILD08h. The &Ile jed fu QbE )n,111 ingliam. Country. We are glad to kna_,that h corill it. This doe 3 not' eern like la I fal A B rucefiej d, on ria a� .�No was burne-1 on to lifive been comlil orl the 23rd I TI D iued.in the British IT �rth October he has since been li�erated on is, not prohibited from discharging, the business tran action 11atilo'CiDeta.m." T e reppseii- a," to rdiuiary man -I st.ti :i1n will be delega. es f6i each bail. less ardtions duties of -a private m ember however it to ar A.M' w -i'Companv for $150. may appee 1, to M6 nbers' 4.1 AT Th mas-Hollow �d th L at ay, Of Cliul -A'� ling man nanjed WWI,. Rivitt, of the Legislatiarel 6, government and tbosp whd. qLre ein- I 1,01 ibg sub �it 4.hop ral The office vacated by Mr.,Youin district v ill, be fully relprese 8, �d wd a nion a thiB Year of the Giant of Aslifield, met NviL'j a veil Berlins played and paid to def �bd �heul B' ]too a ariety which weimbed' two and and robably fa'tal ac!ident w Ijile draw - has been cffered to and accepte.c IlSuess,olftbe ril vital 1 imp lianc) �t ing i I by Col. aides., this,, the very-faili'of the Govern- brele c darter pPUul n Ill Ile cride �voure& to get off IAlexa:rl i'vl. Ross., AT. P".'P. for West ment binding the crt 7rill colnelbdoretlielcorivoulfion f1c r- Iff ]'inch: who, for -a numl: at of the 1"a, and in doll) so C&U-CIjt hold of dit of the, countir Ierw'a 11 a ileen a reRidorit� of Ex te -,has a pitchfork, the handle of whici brcke, 'l ion, e Huron. The selection of Col. Ross is to this Company, places other: cc mpallie 3 -at olle t) 13tratford where. bhe iul, ids an d �rld penetrated the Oval ror- I &he Pro- 1( In P �13 el and emphatically . one upoij which whb� have to compete ith tine an, I i tiorl of his body, infliatin vince is to; be contatulated. During who THE oohservfttive�Toi iJen!13 hav'3 a abe rant, formerly Clin. paitiful:wouild. Honowlie arie equally ent tied to a i in i lkl!r �$ . � i . . his eght yeare, representation of West favors, at a very great disadvan De 0�. t )11, is t rhe�t eDgItged as Et rl preciariot a condition. ' E �le cted a Mr Pr , a, ol iagl in 0110, tDE leading Photograph. =One dav last week a yourif bull og Huxorl,06.1orliei Rosa has taken. the most E acoee& Sit Join IE L Donalo aS,; ,h Ii Uel it is not good policy for e n am Ic a be ins 0 of ('� I - belonging to Mr. Jas.;'Baxter ,vas pass yer t rm -1 I active share pessible in the [dickering with and borr h klu idate.-.. The R. fo, atis (It t�'. OU �)tfi. b as ingov-or lie railway Iiidge at' ingbim Owing rom n JobnlKaine, of Gorri( I kling l have. not mj� a, d a % oi, -a-.-," which knocked the Hause, His previons career as a emplov Mr. � C. T. S a his sort 9 es. Men wouldndt a urchaded cott's ba,11100 N'vl)eu it tnet a 11 ji­ of banker and a county treasurer at t�l Usl­UesK I t at village 4nd will. b6re- it off the rails, aud it feR a di tance of thiag in private hili Itioll: .1888, and what is aftet ri the Institution in Lis o1wii forty fivid feet. The poor - brr to ne er ty-fiveyeara!sItaading has given, him .111, not yef b �,e, issitied. not safe or right for An individ u a! to dc balin -ell, but WaS picked up, ear- UttOred 8 3 Iopportutuities far becoing Re- I cannot be very correct ar.com eul 3 Iiii -mapy frill -lids will be. sort�y' to ried aoross the river ad quill trot- qnainted, with business methods a-nd News l the W 60.1 likari� tI)Iat Mr� Jchn Campbell, pil ted off: boma,fel not in ch I he on the, part of a- governine t.- Th3 ' A � t . No proclainatillo h% C.,pal of he Yor'lie public school, was wor'se foi, his bi pany ae g fall. be issued in Ireland with the needs: of the buailiess Pacific Ra"flw'&y Com'- rapid]: r forbiddin l confine'l to b. me by Mill lat -As A r. James Carn of H`b- is! bo b 11 Dity. Durirg,his membersip he has &88�tlmitlg the position cf mas ter hustea La d Leaguers. V -oelk. hert, was r(.ni0ViDf1 I p ffg� of,the i reaper bi�h lie devoted hircsolf diligently to acquirin Of Q)MYANDElt. SHERI)�N.-Glen; Bieri.m.. Ap Sijrnal says that riding on purchasel at Mr. James Dami Va a 3le 9 their rightfu one of ri., d thi 3 Id' f� b :)rsebi -k :a becoming quite ftshioi iable in Usborne, his hdrses:took nd an itequaintance with the financial la CEI YO fLy elveniu st transaction will aid t toriall qbi hasil.11119ton tc a com maril the, amobo The young ladies of Godtrich. r draggirl t macbjne agai sb an aNtva -airs, of the Province, and he has da- in that direction- aff n: V. I i is it bealtl ful, and graceful recre ition A I r'. H ebbs tqam,�e�hich I apparel] -veloped remarkable talent as a to be stadilld Tbe strong, T LIE Nim l E. lie lnteirio� a 'aid _$ha ald bed6me popula. the ard. ui ird. I m al Depttirtill M',IWas�iv 0: 'a� r.1 Fred H. Puller, of. De iver, caught I ha fraut f thaught I fal, wid. aggressive debater.' In The BAghland Crofters. ot of o* of i he n �e ded, to a -do t the. de�v time at la, Colo. tao, of Mr. A. S. I -.11c, r, of horses w noli g it fril,'btfully, knowledge of mu-nicipa-1 aff ars he is, I 4nd blad We publish in ano-thE r coluix ja a re. lo I - Clinton,! bas entered the- benedi-tinb the knifo been' in-ib'would , dotil tbaugh*iao I wyer.. the -equal of al I Vember 18, -a 'a a Co�PANY.�T A I rf LD k 4, av n a j ust: been m arri ed'to a bavp everal the footr from thAody. I port of a very largely at terided i 1NEw TELEGR&�. t Irn ation a & I lai t1i On Tel eglim a ly, A� of' Lea-dvilll Calkins nd Baird, of qbe any lawyer. - in the land, and, his long' rece'nitly held by the Crftei a of th ap iss �Ile The �n with a capital �of me hero of the Exet(jiLPr.sby_ 4th concil'asiout 0 �5,090, f H(wick, wl on - expe,rience in the egunty'treaaurersbip Scotland b �ej ganized t 1) proteat ag . I at Ne�wiyork terian c 6 a erected &(]join- moned bil Squires Wilson and Fos - has given him unrivalilea opportunity or on regation hav the `UDj Gal SA��ED Orle it. g tb6i i ell ch, a comif rtable shed for ter, on *Saturdla; even lug last iforlaam- ust,snd tyranni tr atmen E -,YPTIA.N SOLDrt AS forbecornin acquanted maill dial l the acOrn Odation of the horses of ages, ihei r dogs havin worl-imi 9 they receive at'the hands of t,a, Ian b n Ired and fit ty E -Is an 801 a sheep gy affars-geill. He has. 0so asaurl r Gently surprisel aneV maBsaci el farmets,w 10 attend the Mr. Tilver. Th moi o-dirs. This is bu church. belonainp to one of argo 1111 11ribesin Nth I Robert AleMuriay, of the 10th trate allowed him eight -dollars! for the aaaurat6, practical idea of the re :a. number of similar feet ings wbil -hav( I' 1. 1h R 'STRIC�I r ce. ulturists, and is the . n�� ILL. -JP in GOerich towlibbip has she0p. I)revious to the trial the parties q.,direments of agric, d I recenly been held in various arts a LB- ntrl a billd6to tIll osli at sold 401 mrl h . offered seven dollars gr the piek of any ha -p& possessor of an inbora and culti- the o' late: ided to prevent PCIC;ij�le I-DV6 illl vbb owns the pext lot, for the of their floe -It, to settle fo ountry and at Whic -h resolu tions a r the sheep, V 8 si iess or at ru X-11ted taste. for a.l. p-a?r its. In b; b h3r tiesirom emigrgting stim of 12,500, which Mr. Tilker refii0ed. simila import have Tbese- HOLERA.-Cloera bas broke: out' A is safe to conclude, the various been passel a -Mr� VT. L�athwa`ite,of God-ril -Aboqtayearagoa widowl' nairied meetings were not called at the justal a 2 in-Xgypt a �d is makiri VMS. tcwnsfi has 0old his two year old Mobre, w4o had residea in Tuc er6mith Piovincial agricultural inE Ututions will 9 of igitators, and controlled by 1em `E att Le rate of ia,gtt'tot�n dail* at 11, oroug4brad Durham bull, ,;rohn for sever4l years, moved reith er el il be wal a fid to Mr. lRobert McUicbafl, of dren to I1eveland, where t a latter Mi mos of the me e-tings ofh simila, - nattin Mr. Rbss Was sworn In as Provincial M I R NO N I S'M R ullett 'foi, oveg one hbndred dolls, a, - found am loyment. I Some d 8 ago a in Ireland bave'�een. - The-- aj Treasurer and COmmissiaher of. Agri- Pla ; iii -the Sfaidwich Islands 11 -ave -Tb Barbot Mi a; Of Me8srs. 0gil- letter wa received byla part n Clin. y tbenselves are -the prime mo a. The p �b'iabed I to 1i a repoA claming a Ili u 3 iber- via asgint, at GiDderi6b, ntave ton, sbati g that a fe* days since one of outlit�re: on Thiur�idiiy. While we in* Highh�nders have not in u. 81 Jir of 3,600. The church owns Eb I arge bE an cl ad dDwn, the 4andB all dis- MrB.Mo re'ssons, agod Mbout twelve madefo c4erely regret the c&U'se which has led to noise as ol �a r plautati I10:3. retal pttt unall years, haq been run a' er by a stre their Irish felo W, suffal ars bu clarge�, and the p at ar he retirement of Mr. Young,. we con- B-CYCI�B-R0 �.­A 1100 mile cle, th a care of a Il man. S'lipon, is elevation the grievances unftr which the� i I$ E WO Isec and inst=tly killed. 1 The le�bter also gratril Mr. Roo -pon, 0 rdee I at -Was' ;n Amf Friday., wi M�. Jam 8 HerbiArt has lba 1 Lis stalied tbiilt the body ould be Placed in and theiiIijuatice, to .. iob tb' b In& iddely, cf W h and the Government upon securing the orce r, n c m farm of 50adres on .h cefis On a vanIt"b'r 9, time ani subseqqeritly be been 9jected is alf1t Oat,' if It Ot b jai 8 and twell ty five. milli tes; I At* -of Usl�,I rnf to his Aleigbbor M� r. iS. removed �o Bamondville. fervicea 6-f so competent. a, Treasurer. oi Biltirriore,tiventy ilesbelitil) Slamie attlintendaremovirl to Bid- -Oneevening last. week whil a exasperoig, and although ffie are 9 ne�v- The annaltaceme7at of K n. Ross, - Mp- y F1 ANCE AND ("IT] �i A. Rep Drbs 84 1: a 6!9 dulph whCrE la hasleaseda farn, of ly marriEd couple vere returni 0 pointme4itwillbe-received with pride mnch less demonstrAtiv they are'equali it dil that'war bet an 1 Fra acTfs. Crediton, after being upited in Exeter, determined to. seek a romedy, an� C 1i 6 is inevitable, and tba,t the atter -Mi So E I peope Of t lyj h Hogh, dmughtek of 1* lel I they ri�et with very ba -f I abegin- a his coun- 0 and plel by the n 1 idn is anxious tq! ficbt:, wbi is: Njlucl 0 not rest until they obtain what ey I e th! Mr.. ! (ugh, oflGorrie, succo-el in niDg. :Vlbile they V re 1110aFing the e .edileotiors, mitah deserve and need. The - see ji ca rryiur ofl t Loine Medal awa ded Crediton bridge their rig was 1run into ty irrewpective of part er Gh Ca net is, be 0 -lessly divi ally &-cc ptable to hi F1 RE IN A�l destru:cti% 6 (to fo: the ji -a it. the by ' earn lier's rigAlie lat- . y pr aequ JAXA1 CA ghei umber of ini a aercial trave to tie a wide spread and ral grow I it in, Par I�Ar topic, co inty alb tlie recent ex#,minatii f elkw, Wemers, Of the Legslature. flugrition. occurred on at the ter drivin:,F at a furiou rate The new - g. feeling ..-of discontent among theli on the I th JAM lie d 'i Cdbourp';Collidglate Institute. ly weddel couile did t eir' tinost a i himS.Elf as credit- Lion of the peasantry and wo la!,g PO PI L6 in a�Ihei.i l Ey -Tba.1followi hers have eon steer cli6a, and gave t1 p leople gel� ierailly, other! all the ably i3a the larger sphere a i he- has done ]Oise , it is reported, vivill mount t:) ODRR08d 'for the coming year f9r eber road, but Ist IpEet eiapacially in the rural dis#ictS if both E ran -e to Say the were u y 0 01 public 16b,room, Mr. Greg)ry ; I and considerably brui4ed. The hor in the smaller we have no doubt-, an odor 'ne milli d En,,Iand ad.Scotand Eimi-lar bo,that se :31 TGRATION 'Bal(i h 2Dd, Al Dh011�i ird, Miss Vosper; ran into Crediton wheie he wasstoppe we have y confidence. in predicting a3 ever. which has so long existed. in Ireland. -in o ajunction4it t b o' Ja'ia' a a i 4t i, 5th, Miss Crolel 66h, The bud y -was badly maged. - I I an 0 WE 6 Halap that he wilil serve the Pra,% ince as faith. 09 aan we consider the circumst, ant the' 'Govern'llnent if I- nd AT -88 H(Iyar -On Tuesday I st a noes id a �nd &a effi ciently. as h ha% for o ba iril _)night wbielfthey are placed a. s6bela of -AtIthe wetion dale on the farip of week th at mill it is not i urpns-' 9111 owned b . M. y many, years,. served tb e cot nty of Huron W 01 38a a d-6poitation! of the Ida to Mr. R6 3lert Br6 wn, 10th cobeegiiall, A. McKerral and known iig either that -it should: as Me lbe so. ndeea, C Gi-ey, l4gt' week, �cows brought from $40 ville's inills, 'in M a, somewhat similar cap, icity. was e a - it is stra aVe re 12ained i XONAGIIAN OA:A1qGEXI11N.- rl to $70, two ar blds fro ' 045 to '�65, tir6ly destroyed by fir,13 The proper I -.y luge that they E in p ent so long. Th&tj these �R !as: no a, Grain a Master of the I a!'_ on 9 yeaji,;olc- �a 1W to $60, billIs and bull bad recently be by a Mr -Pierce, ati people an leasil e elect gl. an CD11211ty Oraugemen, I ed. cavee $50 Aural P .1 E The West Sim ion case haa sliould be f6rced to toil laarl and 6n has ribLA to 106. Sheep and �w*ne who bad only taken p( session of it a a etter n which. he Also a thit if �w(re Id at 'proportionately Ybod Short meHow the Are originated is ad 'It will be re ch privation without * any: ho�e of Li ird S )eE. rid -put _'dowi 1 '.th' at, length, been Bel mu I a ie: enicer d( membered'tbat Mr. Phills, the. liberal ie� prices a myUer3. The whole property h rocia6lids of emegingfroin the most grifidinE povIl Ir �sh N ti6ti eetings the Orant 1), a T 1P Mr. JimeaDar i6ls, totally de Aroyed, the saw mill, situate, member elect for that cons itue d ey, was ty during their livesi simply that a' w, 11 eg n shooting. I s, a. b ew days ago in' the' iown- at a short! distance, g pack Ini crowly soap A. 011) REFUSIP.-_ Bbip Tf .8 y the election murt because of jor' . 16ino Alext , id r, Is orne; amounted to 42 500. destruction also.. Tbell willb heavv. do and lairds and landed; aristil of B Ig r1a, has d(peided', to. Idismi i i i. C(ws 80 ci -of Corrup pr&ictices by art i I d- hig1b as $118 and� h rates It was insured in the McKillop Mutuil Lg-1 The cras may continue in idleness ai d R, i ged 11i n pril am $1E iss an Minister !of- War and al t ra 35 to $225. i Or. for $1,400. --persain p Ity w rincipally gai 8 a talrorn in luxury 1jey is something a most rid! -P. a &n.officers Be vng in the �r Y. D 6i0lo has gpn6 to E11l w1lither ----tA large and influelptial meeting W 13 keeper who kept his at a open and burial endurance. So i ine ral Redigh r ref used to resigia I hil fsnZ race ad him last gastiepeo- July. bold at Cranbrook, in the tow3abip )f p i Y ,liquor duriagpliAling .i-�ours., The ple w' 'bicitli-epri e0rdered-hjunto vi .-Mr buril -now atten rey, last week, at wb ich it wa. 3 deci I- sorld ere kept in ignaran Could', w 0 J. G orrapt fia at once. court held this a c C. tou KO el S4 -,hool, has-been erl ig 3d rr atch in t je al and ed to hold a plowing tow I - be induced to continue in their lumili., 9L 13 RA N I BIXTHDAYC T]16,.-Qener I i aii teiicilit er- f the school in . Section 9,, ship early in Noveral the, sufficiaixt to Unseat Mr. Ph. Ips,althougli, i ate all &ting position. But thi: 1 TlpftieceleArated Ideri t g8 - a a now �is eiglity-third birt G, d. n..,ip, for next year it -a place t 9 fixed at a f iture ti; a. The o b it -was not ShGWR or helc that he had' rapdly changing, Wit c i y i nn�veraay Oil Friday last. salary officers were appp littill h the march a a Of 5370, and Mr. Latta, lunbther following N it -dent 'of Same any 14aawledge-of this off ce, 'nor di- I , ip, � a !Kreisan, In Silesia.*; the istituti D, has President, A. McIntosh d- hey fire gaining ri inte lig progress t I 00ei t L jb 3aperor the coutif is tbg iribst a. be n a I d for- Sectiod No. 7 Turn. dent, Th)s. Cald he co�Asider the hotel-k.eper his ago p 12 flag arY, D a nt, and their aerfdarn I - t ani A sks, E 'lar '.of $35036 year. is bee 11 ing I som:6 I t - It, an,'in Gern i y. His birt ry Robertso4'; Treasurer P. it Sal y s:a-ppened MTvr-- Donald. 113 par- and obnoxious. lat onal holiday. tbd local poll rectors: P. Kefter, ;H. This I I . i l"Zinigial a doj�il however, t liat th fil ing, &I jo. will itl Di ate at th convention increase and inte ',If JR�ISIINEA-L+ -The of Godel, nsifyi I . arkish G 7 ar 11ch has received a note from Campbell" A Raymanh je, Gel). P long, AS t1le G. Pe in mt recently ref68ed permit a tl Ail et � I -which nominated Mr_ philps, and objectionable law of entail is irrlp of Lord Lorne, in Avery, D.4 McNair. rho imn ch this Phil&gavethe conveation �a gonera., mailil Will lir- i es§el to, Ial id ou Kes %.tl CUsintio wdiell bostitestbathe''haA been year to, i p to be a I at m -u - good on tairl there 'a n h ho pe folk. f6l; t1, a sufferel by.... he eaftbq kk 3, ad 'by Hii Excellency and Her Ro5 al -A -qloiting toninament tI a invitation ta asaia-I Bee'a ring his In aterrial improvement in their con, dition',� Gilee, a 'has mgda -a forril al, te Hich-ne8st1ePfincess6uisAo t1 a k Wingham quoit club was bold th t, tiOn-. T1* court held t1l this was 'Onst 'this baibsxon inh i ai ii� iss B14is6 A. Skimmings A prize� I to bait the time is fast huteninj,, when g town last week, whe a Sufficiant. to conatitute evl member of this. must be bell at Atled. isbeJ. Let thisba,done I '�ar ada'$ Faewell." amount of �t6.50 were � a�lvarl Tle for the O -a oanvon-tion on election agent auld t rn�.n- Da Scrutin -employ d follo, 'ina were the successful: [co MirER SAID TO med mpe;- 0 andmany ofthe great a tatel which' I David AdiatuB, ; 65 ear w1h1l Couch, butcher, Clirtcn, itors Fil at clas . B'Oper. to come have remained, intac n'Washing ton coulity, ew r. i, rr render the candidate reaparil for. h ecis a might � lia. ve lab W. 'MI Clymont, 2nd F. P'aterac; I, 't fl . 121 ly, e 3oaped what tbojicl gotio a. T -is d Loll 'W;�aa a. P- soon be broken up and:su nil id, a' A 1E. is'al�eged to have stlarved to &th!� been a, eriops accident the' other day. 3rd, Joh Coad. Second class, open pealeld: against by Mr.. Ph Aps, and the n litteen IthouBard dollIiria ii! seat ti, 313 VIi lil a. spreading a beef , carcass, the to members of the cl Ge�rge many f those who are now enan I lit, only, 19, cl 64PPal a few l &90 BuStalmed and ov fife fotiind:in the houseol Relativc,f 0 BIreade s,,�hich are.somewhat lihe a, Hughes-Eecond and third diVided b3. servantel will becom prop detors., 11 l4ing 'for 02( or' 'f shears -slipped, and tie tween T.Mcclymont m a. His ife hi De p xir b d J. Don IIIIP Tair Ir W1 0 �yl m7i 3 �� e e t r Ve p i ,a,ra7ln� I1, A I i i I i. 14 I IIIIjj urne sp, jonel that'wi others. from' of t Ve also adyneab nt:4rlo- eo lie as wp re UeStd aIota! Y, DOD t1w GrangA iatitm. f<)r SVC thi, el el�jied to thi.4 rtf- r 11 '.,xt 64range will bf-, I 3jiv, ith of -ilit 0 attam on Val ay, rile at Piz', -A� as cc" ta, Ib, el 3 ro pjy 'Age- la Pral cft-v au ap i � if3 -A�i or A lnb in wry eu t W astlel hag it int') er ll extr nt at Mail; �i nIto tile il ,j tjie tra4l View Y. in —A sog in the <-.It b X -Tc 0 1% )Ot ho I fully L-Ij o ement hal,� stir. Ibut a tile low 6 V. Dry (IV a -,tired in! g, ep r-- t Z Bv ja t Al gentl, alla:o, !:1 r�t; g to t 1 tL�� lady U-jr, in -b her i oal i,4444.ry at B 'l 'on ac Ieen vs that n 4 oeiv.ed a aratil ch III! in it .1911i �§ at court, n3 an, a Dut 21` - wee$ of. it-r.e soil in st pair of' are A lorl bt ib, smnl blP is belived t4 I b Le, Ilars and o., el d to put Oank. i 148winnipEd Di a kies �Iy tpgh_�ea by the Ir�' IWest U plaeeia thre h h aga were ,covered i d�ijg ate and blach f4 The Winnipe� fe -bg to th-e ae3ii � -o 'i, ni Q ZLt v�i I -To cl, rs in yetws ag wi% i Ino I1�kulg sick at S. ga0d -,vb,) III , 3E&; awe ,C to th'i VF�-ieh tj me he I10, �'typbbid fel coxe in th#�, 4� -go Gumr Oa Guar A- hea, Itind a 01 ran An. eu i 9 Iwtwm Sir A RnIsti-, Ire be re, aIn ffirculties Of t ir. the managge Tlithize with bi 34,e arid, offer u Xtell Von so -people 0! The �1-00=1 !Xnd Be that When -a Vo -oil lilislady- Y' two, there are and convenieut Inight'repair to I sit an cour s qmte, as diffi j'blailing an ar -6 Inial: t t thre he wishzt Inan . not t -utters W I NOVEMBER 2 s Third class. open to arriatl metribiers Zillah baving intercourse 1wi . th anothel 9 of t1 A club,lst, T. Hughes, nd J. Inglis, I man. This was denied by Zillah a no, 9 3rd.W.J.Mogiatobeon. T erewerl Iwas not in any way corroborated. It entril in all.! proved by a -witness taxned Come a -The Brandon Sun of a recent, issue I Iwittas that he had beard aefelad.ant Bay, 3 thus refers to a former. resident of Oul- after the child was bort, that he wouli I l6tt "Frank Tamblyn's usually bar-,,py marry the girl i n three or four years ril countenal is- extended to the broadest she continued to conduct herself L grin aince Sunday night last. The well as sbe had been doingv The case i twins are doing well,weigh seven pouids, was left to the jury ubout;6.30 P. w., b eac and are tbofirsttbocity bftB�et and' they brought in a sealed verdict for afforded." Another evidence of the and costs in favor of tho pi.aijiti F fertility of the, great west. Regina vs. Hunter. -A"aullb-Tbis On Friday eveidlig of I at week the iadictmnt, being' for &,c,$aillt, was lai( emp.oycea. I of Fair's mill in Chlit n, before the grand jury on Tuesday, bun' r were elitertaiDed at an oyster supper at all the witnesses f.-t,r th� C a j. rown - n., ; b the Qnpen'H hotel in that town b Mr. y atte;ndilig, was adjourned till next aesL - Henry Hollingobead, who- had charge essioa. i of t "a refitting of the mill. It seeins THIRD DAY. I that a made a wa'ger that the iiInill Court opened at 9 pursuant to woul t�, turn out 100 barrE le of flour in 12 a-3jourment. The graud jil y ry made b oui a. an d as on the first trial it oply the followbig- presentmelit: turn d- out 76, be lost, and bajd'acco�d- We, your Grund. utroys E ing'U. itisbutfair ' tostat�') that Il A. u tumn A bsizes for 11 u ran cou-n tv, havi siderable time was ](at oil a il tb a the jprivilege of prezientilia to VO ' Ur Lord. puilkys wo-rkirg loose, aria i is belie�ed sbig the fO1IOWiDg presentation: i the inill can turn out the amount ril We have found our Inhors not verN ti T31r. III in the specified time. burdelisome, as waB i'utimated b y, You] K. Kerr, of Lucknow, publisl�les Lordship would lihely be the case, bul the ]lowing card . I lierel ly challe "I go we bil nevcrtbele�, t1lat the jur3 G. Ferrie. ,)f the township of Groy, sy.Aem is a neceflaity as watt -es of 4 Coun y uron compe o wit, a now 8� an i U, th a fo I owing trial a - P ut ting 14 a! nd -'We are pleased to note the decreati: 21 lb. shots, throwing 12 aDd 16 1b. of crime i ii our county, . and hope Such ham el'S and thrOwiD2 N lb, weight a st;ate of things way 1(�tlu cantiriu c high and far. The stakes W be $211; a that time af tt-r time our _ Sheriff Will side wild the cliampionEii medal of I hav8 the Opportunity of presentirig thl Huron and Bruce which be won at the prvr,),.*diijg uge with We white glovill Lucl�now Caledouiail -games. �ble emblematic of absence of criminal Cas � e.4 matdh to be competed on or before Us from the caleudar. I 5 tb of November, in the -village of We have examined the jail Luc now. All necessary expenses vfill to iustructions from yon, and fi0d tha� bepaid. by me. Hoping Mr. 'Per�ie institution well kept and in an efA�iutj will jot delay in a-ccepting tbis. coliq1tian Of MaDiLgemellt, under thii "he Winabim, Times of last w6ek i supervision of Jailor Dickson a nd hi says Clitc About a year ago Mr. W. J. Me. assoHate. leon, of tbia town, bad a a it We fii�d, however, that the itimated agat bf the jail at prese st a Mrs. Smith, of Winnipeg, to.; 0 t ,are p rincipalyagr recover wa the Burn of S5,000. The sait aud'inflrm persons aud Del'. crinnival i e vell, in is avor, u a e- y y m eai):s. ey are mere ufol fendant appealed agairtil-t the declign. tunates, wha, having no means of sup, Since then the case has been goingfir port are committed tojail. for want of one -,ourt to anotbor nti] it eac moresuitable place of abode. Ilia, Figh Court, and oil Mon. a I at We would direct the attentioll, Mr I TeCutcheon received a til Lordsbip and. �be public, gen�aolfljvoltli fr�;oi his law5 ers Stating that ,the app this evil, for we consider it &� cryini bad 11el dismisp.ed with costs, wh evil, aDda ape theday 'On wil I amount to over $1,000. �h when the municipal tepresentativps a firF-t El the judge ordered thalb t the County, in council assennt�bld, ij, R1,510(0 should be paid into court, and it see iftt to walie proj�er provision for th' b0 been Ivi-ng there ever since. Npw i aged and infirm of Huron, inst ead Oj -se tfiat tbe ca is fitally settled, Air. Mo- placin-4 that inifortunato class Bide Cu1tc' ieon will receive that amonril side with the cri-mival ai3i.d. the debal! the e'Purse, of a weeh or two. His f riends on, we beg to thank you: be�e.pald -a sewhere will beglad to hiarn LordAlip for the' hiudly m in aDner of tb successf al termination of this- long It which you instructed us �eh ve to Lti t I and tedious care. performance of our duties, and also t t1i a val na ble assistance and advile, ten, H-aron Assizes. dered us by the County !Attorney. (Signed.) T11 fall Sittings of the Assize Colirt for Wis county were held at Gode'ri,ch His Lordship replied as foilolls:- Geptlemen, am glad i to Concur Ill last week before Mr. Justice Osler, Mr. I the present: t, particularly with that F. AV. Ball, Q.C., acting as 6ounsel for the c 7own. The following are the na es i part referritil to the �Conditionaf tht poor, who are thus confined in the com. of the gentlemen who composed t a man j,iil in defanit of More sitable.ir, I Grau 3 Jnr : - erair y rangement Il themprop , a. I hav( Henry Horton, Goderieli,. foreman called die attentio of many gran�- icero Aldsworth, Hay ; Richard Ar juries to the_impoi-taned of this Subject strourl. Morris ; T. K. Bol Howie ; althIuugh I tid Ltt do st) in yotj_r 'Cate Win.PBallantyul Seafortb ; .J. L. Co#r- ani lad to ee that have you referre tice, od-erichtownsbip; John:Cbnroh- to the matter witli-out aD-Y I Ut' atjcQ Mi hill, Goderich township ; John Corniqla, f rom me,which that in th,( bodya Geo. Dart, Pr., Grey , 11.6u. Douglas, Stanley ; Geo. Hawkins, Us- the courl ty tlil -in list be a r-trong feel, hig in that -a iree tilt, Sevieral born( Win. Lee, Goderich; Goo. Law- n. Waterloo, Wt7flingat-Oni dcluatieE hf;Odlesex, II C ANT son, X tepben; Robert Morr son, field; RobertMedd, Wawan,righ e8 York ail d c 01 ers - hvil mes' icon� ima, Ifor th(� i I Pottc-r, -East Wawanosh; W. H. Reid, Aslifield ; Thomas Webster, Aslifield - proper care: their iifiil-w az1pidigent is 11 W. _. Watsout, Blytb; Gordon Youi,lg, people, wbialb a. much better all, I pl Lbiijk, tbau where aid is' given directly ! .Colb(rile, Th Judge addressed the Graill Julry by the mulneipalifies. The poor is a . ej ass wbic)i, will always exist, and will as fol, oIll : The cal6der at the present 1 al looking after. I trus , I : I ways require ass,z-� not heavy, and the preaorl�a- the tiviae, is :� not far distant -when t tion (if the white a] oves by the sheriff county of Hurou WIAl fe�.l that it canuo showad that no criminal cases were Oii afford to neglect its poor, ' I again a the list. -The County of Hilron was to . I am glad. to see thAt Y -6u. have! calla be co-ligratulated on this faot� and � was I tbinLs it attention to this'filatteir with -out -any oped such a state of wa�ld 'memb reference from rill self, a -ad take long doutinuil . Some of the 'ury, rs caie that acoo of your presentment of tba grand who had been BU - long is laid befoethe County moned from distances might f el The'graud jur y 1were then -discharged iliclit ed to think that the present jury Murphy vs. Dall o -Action- brough systain was too cumbersome and exiep- for damages occa.0ioed lb�,,Iefendant, al SIV6 Ln cnmparlson With the work �e- quired to be doing, but be would inforni p],aiutjff claimed, out fire on his ow111 g�ig,jqntly - settinj lanti, -whereby lunil� them that therelwere times when the ber belonain. to p aintiH I bunt. A I labors of the gr lid jur y were of an ardur us ature., He did not tbinklit number Of witn0sea were and judgment waolreserVell examined by his Lord. his 4&Y to advocate the perpetuati41n ship. of th� jury system, but would ay the time-honored institution had* j�tja Robertsori vs. Bazilt . bri -and Loan Com- abuses, and that taken all in all, - �a pny Jhn K hox and -This action was bran glit D. 0. McKay. by Wm. matters now. stoodjt would be diffiqgit Robertsotl' stal eepeir ht 136nmiller, to substitute a now system that would against the defend. ul for, all alleged work better than the old one. Th4Y illegal dist' ',era W'brtgE iven t;t� Lge gi 1 would inspect the jail, slid report as to by plaintiff to tb,6,.,o mpiiiil The othex IreaB; I its co adition, and if nothing turned liIp to further detain them, hip would be d ef e n d a n 41. -a acted, as ��iliffS. After pleaRed to discharge them as early as evidebbie, -his Lordallip re- served. judgment, Intiniating that as far p'oasilne. so that th�y would be ena; z t) as Knox and AfeXtty �Vere Concerned I *%&tiO to return to their regular occupatio whicli. they had been forced to eli a, there would be ho judgment against in oyder tbattbeintil of justic 13 them, squish migh! be upheld by their presence (in libel-Tbis was 9 I n Indictment libo Ifor the gi and jury., which- &rose from! an. editorial published 6 E C O'ND 1) A Y. by the prisonr in thal thRevial y Cot rt opened at 9 o'clock pivanant Ut adjou.-nment. 0 September and lairected 4terina,rk � against one Win. Durnin vs. Arthur IvIcLo9l Jobn Upsbail, a merly of Clintoril wpl�i surgeon for- known in ! Thiswas an action by the plainti 18 a Urnaer in the township of AsIll . county. The gr�Iid jury:brought true bill on theeiaminatiqa n of one wit- In tb) fall. of 1881 the plaintiff ad fr( in the farmers in his vicinit 8,310 nl he case "ll comei 73 on 1for t rial pounds of butter which be sold to the next assizes. Ddefen lant, who is a -cattle dealer in the7 Court opeied at' Q a. in. according to townEhip. of Wawanosh. Tho'butter adjournment. was placed shortly afterwards �in tb , a Green. Va. Tow lfsbip. Of Grey, -This bandE of commission merchants in Buf­ action was br ' L - 1- oug,.i b 7''! falo for- sale, but they were unable to earn pel the ToZts, �'h Gry town- Isell y considerable - quantity of it t Bill council, to n lake a � d f r0m a rain first (I ass prices, and were cbmpolled a culvert -in front oil plaiut�i Is land oil the take i ery inferior pricea for most of it. 9th and 10-th Col essio ray. a The I rice agreed to be paid by , del I defendants conthad. that they are no t ant fc r1he butter WLas 22 cents, and, it liable, as in ml the rai ild thev have appears money defendant paid plaintiff all the he from the commission brought no more 1ilvater to the -culvert -than cbant3, igot me r. but after doing so, be still owEd. arigially c �me there prior to the kravalling of the road. The naturitlalr plaintiff $228.20, to recover which this ­ of the water is t rough �plaiutifVs land actior theol was brought. The defendant? .a was that plaintiff represented tl�e, to awamp 4 t -6 rear lan-to reach it from a culvert would 'i-equire dran butter as first-class, but plaintiff Can. a Of a b t fty'' - al I,whioli would cost, it Itende I that be only Said that it wouIld is sai hi the'neiklAorh6od of A-20,, The avera,ge a first class'.10b. The jury found plaiti waBlou$uited. that Plaintiff warranted the bl Only Court adj I -to be a, good fair quality of Canadia'a butter, entered andon their findings the ]iad�l a verdict. for plaintiff for Huron:D siw�V Grange. $228.10. iI-Iuro DivIsioh GraiiIge Patrons of B9,4ter' vs. Baker. -This action w4s, Husbandry niet in Blyth' :on Tuesday broug�ht by afarmer named Win, B.a'�k- last. In the all grice the Worthy ter, of Asl�field, against M ames Baker�,a Master-, Brother F�rtune, W. O., opened farmer in the Same towilsbip, fbr the grange in the� ,t6 deree.. Th, on!. seductioli of the plaintiff,s aaug minut a of last m6e ing hil,ving been read Zillal - It appeared by the eviden a and adeopted, the #ditors and e . xeoutive, that the plaintiff's,l daughter was, in thle committeeprocee dto*h6'di-schargeof`__ year- 881,a domestic servanti a house of the defendant's mother., he'e their rearective were ulties, Anil while ih6y- the al aged illicit bitercourse took lac so engaged h h w t grange lie other membersof. Consultation on , innat- accor� ing to plaintiff's witnesses..' T�e defendantdanied ever having had inte ters cotinee th '' good of the order. The a' ti ad ourned forain- cours( with Zillah, and called b g b ing, the auditors re. I �0, moth(r to show that she bload ^6 aug -t and executive. Itative. o ittee gave in their I IIIIjj urne sp, jonel that'wi others. from' of t Ve also adyneab nt:4rlo- eo lie as wp re UeStd aIota! Y, DOD t1w GrangA iatitm. f<)r SVC thi, el el�jied to thi.4 rtf- r 11 '.,xt 64range will bf-, I 3jiv, ith of -ilit 0 attam on Val ay, rile at Piz', -A� as cc" ta, Ib, el 3 ro pjy 'Age- la Pral cft-v au ap i � if3 -A�i or A lnb in wry eu t W astlel hag it int') er ll extr nt at Mail; �i nIto tile il ,j tjie tra4l View Y. in —A sog in the <-.It b X -Tc 0 1% )Ot ho I fully L-Ij o ement hal,� stir. Ibut a tile low 6 V. Dry (IV a -,tired in! g, ep r-- t Z Bv ja t Al gentl, alla:o, !:1 r�t; g to t 1 tL�� lady U-jr, in -b her i oal i,4444.ry at B 'l 'on ac Ieen vs that n 4 oeiv.ed a aratil ch III! in it .1911i �§ at court, n3 an, a Dut 21` - wee$ of. it-r.e soil in st pair of' are A lorl bt ib, smnl blP is belived t4 I b Le, Ilars and o., el d to put Oank. i 148winnipEd Di a kies �Iy tpgh_�ea by the Ir�' IWest U plaeeia thre h h aga were ,covered i d�ijg ate and blach f4 The Winnipe� fe -bg to th-e ae3ii � -o 'i, ni Q ZLt v�i I -To cl, rs in yetws ag wi% i Ino I1�kulg sick at S. ga0d -,vb,) III , 3E&; awe ,C to th'i VF�-ieh tj me he I10, �'typbbid fel coxe in th#�, 4� -go Gumr Oa Guar A- hea, Itind a 01 ran An. eu i 9 Iwtwm Sir A RnIsti-, Ire be re, aIn ffirculties Of t ir. the managge Tlithize with bi 34,e arid, offer u Xtell Von so -people 0! The �1-00=1 !Xnd Be that When -a Vo -oil lilislady- Y' two, there are and convenieut Inight'repair to I sit an cour s qmte, as diffi j'blailing an ar -6 Inial: t t thre he wishzt Inan . not t -utters W I