HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-11-02, Page 2TH-R EFFECT OF 1CMI). the morning fou,nd him onlytbe moke
NZSS ANt) TRE RFRWAR]) determined to !break the ol4 ties aud
seek pastures new.
A week passed, nd the little buni Is
6 y
of clothing was rei an all that t'�'e
dear, -kind hands could d 'was 'dor is,
larige u amber ot children. were tbbr and Isaac set f(rth, 6.8 any Anotb 9'r
*sly vichest the family possessed. � The�
Y had done . before h m, to Beek his fortun
Cape! to WE
live4 in a li We Mouse- colored house o1a in untrie(lflelds.'
saoIidy flati I, near the sea, in. ono of tb6 He started for Bosto'n, anA through
s of Massacibusetts. T
manifold perils, lipmegiek and hungry,
bouoj had ance. been p9inted rW—th 'but resolute, he enter
ed i�ie-gteat eity.
old-time, lor of'most New Euglau
No time was to be lost. Bread be m u t-
llougo6a;- bu thq snus*of Many summer have, and S
abelte r. Ha been;ao-,
Bad 04a, atio ig ou i any winters ha
austomedtoltheam,betu 6 'his stey
left �calrcel -a trace of the; origin
natarkily, toward the villary is, aid
after lookini about in.- for- son a
A fiew str 9,rglildg morning-glories an
familiar face, beiz: vested 18011 y 0 ar
tho, traditio, 1 fli-de Bouncin:
g- Bets in lobsters. Tbes(:
with a dilipidatt I
9&t stone wheelbarrow, co'
hudolled at to the little
ustituted his stock ii i-'
which form tt door�step. The P&th trade. Theendoftbefiretlo go woW,
h led from the totter ng gate to the day found him fi Ve Cents il I a van Ce i
low- front, dcor waT overgrown, with ragq his invested capitaol-,at the eud-of.
and bordered- wi,01 stunted marigolds
week he was abl a to pay ten,deats on'
amd 1 casio Io*- Mee. The aid.( t -h
de nal yel I e rent, of big wlif elbarrow. the brave
towaJrd. thO see. 1, was lighter than' tb( little fellow workei on., witob many di
westorn sid�, which was grooved wit couragemelits' an( maw a heartache'
semli4ircles *here'the wind had blown but 1e eni of t le h ff nd Mill
Rae buE
the successive winter quite - eattlished in bus nes�
illes foori
Th h for . b 0
to a, d fro, aa-wilist the shingles.
red % icens6 to Otaud. o
moss grown roof slanted down almos
Charlestown b;rld,9( with b s wheelbar-
to th ground at the baokof the house. row of lobsters. This he t ought A, very r
Ther, - ntters hang lan'guidly against the favorable poFdtion for his
u siness, an, I d
S_Wal� windo�_va. The gat winked and- there for -days he stood; ttriling I th) 8
purred- on !the narrow door -sill.; the pa tic b
igaers* by as he had an op, ortubity, big
hens lcluclted alid"d'roitked and scratched lessons of patieot enduranevat! the ol
with !no, fear of and the cock farm sta,pding him, in good stead now,
stra4ed abc& wl'til much sense.of where for houns., o `Ltan, t1lE to was notbi - f
impo�tance 4 if be Were treadina c
OVOr ing to break the mcnotony big -.dull*
an tral laWr-s. b
life. Occasionallyakind-be tedlwoMI&I
thin,; i7tale, mother was bent wi4th passed S d vi ith bi bu� fev
th es and toile of M'any years. Each 'thought it warth tb eir whil t8. , P
sto 16
g h&A brought the same routine
I D 7 Moment for a cle6ry w:rd 'With tbo
bf work, every dettitil, of which she ha& little freckled, hain ly lobst b
faithfully performed; never halting,
I r. complaining, never too tired . to It happened one day, that a, gen eman
Peve - whom he had often noticed, stop, ed an
comfort the eflow who had stub- In good morging, as ed im h . if
tc,�ittle f bade hi
bed his 8 against the stones, thA
name and. inquired
about 8" business,
came , in the path,�Lover which every Isaso'Was pleased a] id Burp * aedl-that a
ning and pight be must drive the gentlemab. shoula take in
to rest nough
reluctant cc we'- to a -ad from the ex� �in h
jin to inquirle big nal.noto and he said
hausted pasture -land, where the tan- b
6 himself, 1, T . ere �:ig sornethiD, -&bout
gled wild ro &lid theL
sweet fern and this man differeat rom, other men.I
the.blue berr buahei straggled for ex, Ul:
have Seen"' Again, a
weel:,Ia er, the
isteonce, Ila
The ariihbc d old father was always same gentleman stopped a i quired ti(
of Isaac if he we-titdo churel and would
IiL I I St
haggling with Provideilee. It wa's e"ther he ke tp go; wher d, who
Ive I
too! wet, and be crops Would all Mold to
were his friends. Isaac- mon leatriled
and mildew, r r �t was too dry, and there wi
I that his new f riend was a ral �ister� and ig
woaldVeadionight.. The girls wore oat
that he preached in it church in Claarles'
their shoes too fast; and the - spelling- 1,
book -he used. when be went town. 1, But why, a� r dly asked
to school is an
be so iuli=er,MIEI$
wa-gr good enol ilgh for the. boys.
ters?" He werLt cfteu to' ta
boa him
It was &-n e mp�ty, ho'.1peless port Of 9 nc th" big 01
llfeq there was nothing to look forward prouch, a d it bapp LLed nol art
new friend never crossed theibridgd that
to ; there wat � no ince-li'tive to Work ; for
he did not stop for a friendly, wor&with
x the -shed land yielded Mo:
each yea impoveri
the little lobster bc�y,"` wholLoked for -
less and less, and the old honse became to h,L
ward is coming with plea�giut' illitici-
more and more dilapidated. The two nation, foAe wa, d3
�adi gone to a a tt a billy"peisou who
elder girls h llg.
neighborl, t:a d shown alav il P 7
town to bett tbeix condition, and the 1,6b gth, a terebt in him. At On
maiI3 days and , much
elder bq5 a beg aEL- to be reSLtiV fter
e and dis- all
thinking,, Isaac decR ed that Iff
the 'i �. er-
satisfied, with thia dull round of life to �,eto
ence between this man ud o a 12�
which th66 see M�ed no change loner .
and no ]:nit
whom he had seen was due to '
.f LLL "I . the fact
Id e rontiniq of toll
a, wearisom
that he bad learnin�, Egond h is�aid, - If
book-learniag Makes 11l thi a d 1ferolice in
T hey u ere i oitting on.� the wood -pile by
d J1
the kitchen d 7,80, 1 wish I could have it; but'it lig h 3
oor, near t,.b:ez old w6ll too late for me; I can't get it', f` I bav'
sweep o derif -
4t X
just as the sun was sinking be .0
-hind the the b rtc-la. hill which shelt- r6 no Money and no time; bu
d I could' help sqme other[
wea-thenatainedbarn where a little
i the it.,, btyrolx� go to 4 1
chool ? I will try
patch of new shi'hg1les was the only si
Of I A,, and the presence of oment Isaac felt a ne-w, interest ill his
ork. His busi inerease' at d the
which M.S. toof like the Scripture
econd )ear he abandoned t e fr Andly
garinent—weme ratber� than -better for fr)
weeelbarrow, and estamliabed an
the introductidii of tb �reti
e new piece in the
)yfiter stall, which wa, a grpt A , 6 iep in
old-garmeut. The blue: Ries' buzzing, ldva,.Dae. 8 the
-His patoimt indastry was
the: crickets'hirl�in- aind the twilight ly,
t zowned with suGh at �Deess iL
wittering of the �irL �Alone broke the tb'3 new bl:)
ino' of business th
A he we s on %bled,
silence of the 4unset hoti3r.
uring the second ve r, to visit big old
'1 6 ' Jobli.1" 's&.� d Isaac, I- I am tired of bou
ome and take with him &. new go wn
this- stupid o,,d plUce. I never can be re
or his mother. TbiF was the first lux-,
re I am going to
;�vqytliilng if I soav he
ry he had allowed Mmself. The third qu
seek my forfalle"I
year found. Isaac in stall
k in, the ''great
14 e to know where yon are going,,
and Pd -like to kuow1ow you can go arket, and from this time his a ecees
without money a -lid' wilithoutfriends," eemed assured".
His interest in his new fpiend led him
said Job n.
inquire what he Could do �o bECOMe. do y
Well, anyli )w, I am- going to try it. on,(
ld like ti be
-1 Simpkins: vent.aff to the city and dh a ma as he wou He
adored, Sanday aft he H
ar S an ay a
found a place, i -nd now he comea home
ame from church, W at was,the 4baret' en �r
every summer, looking like a gentlem
of t is man's infiluehle over" WM.' I The lit� it
in his fihe clot4es,-' It will be kinder lea,, tb
one big mother had taiighti� him
tough leaving - other, but as for Pa, I
eam. aback t him, aull he r4aeM�ered th
don't ca -re whe� her he likes it or lumps' '9
ile h z m n b e b o Id ofted hearil her 8
16 lit y
it� He ia alwf
ys, Zram-blingil. anyhow
epeitt on a Sunday alternoonli:
itid-on't make Ifni diffe-roncewbatafeller ever
Leave God to or4or
does, yott can't leaao�. bim."I all thy W'. S, I
in, whate'er b It is
And trust in bi ide; t
The old sait in, the doa�w-ay half Nhoult fin d b ini in tj ie evil day neee
asleep,. with the blue smoke curling up ffteient.ptrength snd1wgujd4.`1
fmw his old clay ll�ig struggle ffor b ad he baol for -i mvp
Pipe,. -%�bile' the patient, In,
lang-suffering niother gathered - tp -tbe, �. tten her Christian in stru. i tioni but two
tea dishes; and while all the world the preacher's, sermons brov.! lat-ft all en c
rest, she tt ad yet a thousand steps Imelitohim. He wondered ifthe,goold lace
to take before sibe could pillow her, tired Man would -tell bin, what -for io
o d
head.�_ Therel was the milk to skim, t MLt there was Bometh,ug for lim o do b6u
cheese-eard ta set, the milk -pail to I e felt certain. Isaac% be- ee
new ion
soaldn-ndthe Udling to gather forthe I ved that -he could� in no b tter way 10 a
morning fire.
sarve. big Lord &"n,d Maste� than by nea
Yes, it"I'l
be mighty hard to leave t aa - ching this untutofel boy at true rhE i
mother," muttered Isaac.. "Pa. I want Christian wanbood meant, a o show- lUl u
to 90: dOWn to the city to, see if I can't ed as Mu-Qh patien-ce, and i, erfst in e r
make somethiri of myself." answering his questions as' evould. V;elg
Make! iguthil �,g O� YOUrigelf—what do have in disculsighig creels and d. 0 Fmas, 61se
yau want to make ? You have bad with his equals. He 11-d hiW step --by - re
vittles and- chige eDough, ha'nt ye?
qep. to know God arigI t, and (j at of this nov
That is 8,11 I've c -ver had. Itla��the knowledge to love him %nd tr to imi- a,nd
pride of the ').rth that puts such t to him. ; He tried tc- teach im use
notions into yon Dg folks' heads." the highest aim of evoryman E aoall
be ocet
Well, pride or no pride, I watat to to do faithfully and cheerfully he rk �bi i
earn: some mabey, pnd he somebody, which God assig
gns hiin, whet 3ver and, froin
and I never c am. if I stay On this old Whatever it may be. I aac lef rneZc b is`
wrn out farm.." lessons well, and put em 16to dally oo k
.4f do
At this stage c -f the cor vergation the "'Practice. He became now4
patient heart, who, had 16'rg ainee given bonest and tbrifty Usines B -11as an elit
b Ilan. J
�ap an hope of tter things for herself, Poople sought him because be �Oul be
stopped to list and, mother like,'to ti usted. Life began to, � en bel ore I
>P pei I
add her word of! encouragement. 'She and he Eaw in it great pos8ibi: itie. for. C*� ?
was coming frolli the garden whither )od. He said, Coo
9( my 0 Vn life
as eon *s
she bad been to �ee: if the little crop of to
mpty and poor enough it I fat r 3si I
catnip and tans�i by tb e.
��,Pent to do -m uch for myself; t ut V ii I t ) I e
which, grew
gardeir wall,, was 'daing it's t do: I will strive Jo. nla,1:0' o%er -1 r 63
these we -re thefamily wed
icines, and li es rich -and fail." Fromthis joy. een
every autumn th�y were conscientiously note Isaac went on. H a first duty was
g0hered &-nd tieO in'sm,441buricbes, and to make the old hame c fortallole, and 0out
hang over the 1 hitallen chimney, for BMC)Otli� the way &n:d M816 basy the
Pa " didn't &.Ppr'Qve of spending mon:ey paths for bis dear old mother io tread 6,rod
on doctors and "'mother " always steep. ia her declining years, I o that �her_ laat
-n4 ministered the bitt6r -days might be ent in eisu e ri
ed the herbs a
ap re
draughts. with h r: own hand, th
A gnarled fort. She in' ver failed 0 remir, d Isi to
ac, �ur f
quince -
bush stoo � in one corner of the Who trust in GcXg u ifailing I A �k. I
garden, and for flrty years fdother h'ad Trust in a rook tbdt na ghte his 1i
an Isiove
made a Jittle quince sauce"that she The groaty old pat ought 6tte., of 1�
Might have som&.,hina uice to offer if a the pride of the 'arth,' whea' saac on 1i
neighbor in to take tea with b
should 4rop is home visits kept the.flo r -ba trel, 1MI
filled, and -never let the tobac o-po �.ich
I, t kir a
Isla t stral-108, Pa, that Isaac`wants run low. Trae, he neve gave up
to, see sometftiliig of the world. hii6i. t
It's pE t idetio, that the world was pill to v 8
nat"rail, for-yo-qng 4-olks to wamt a clian ge, destrao�ti6'n, and that everyth.119 " as Wor
aaad we must not be too hard - on Isaa_c�"` going Wrong; but he was pron( . of the -Towl
Pa granted f4s ugual,.and said no boy, as fUr-as -be.knew -how to 1 lop
more; he wag ,too: indalent, to pursue at 3 him, though he was aamful f, lever to adapt
any subi
corn -mend him. In fact bis,tolimewas 6
John and Isaac retired to their small, so attuned to gramb
h6g, he coula speak
unfurnished room under the-,oaves, with in no other tanes—the poor old Man I
no other light than themoonbeftm,
Btrayed in at the small that [saac began:to carry out the par . ose A s
I square window of.. big life, sud to put In pract
on the, tice tl!ie wor
roof; -but Isaac aid 110taleep- resolution*macio dariDgthose hard aays
or, if for a moment he lost, himself i
n 0 a ChEtrlestown bridge, by belping m[ith td� t
t I
gleeP;, i was to w�ake startled With the hi first apare dollar�, to . I e
vigion of bei.D eke out qw
9 a1pne in a strange place, living Of poor students, and, as his rE M(
wltb(Out Money and without friends, and Meaus increased, to help. young
far from home. � But the restless long. th ell It 1,49
ugh colle a
ing h 9 ; and While
ad taken le, as
Possession Of him, and literal in every direction, big st r., '6t -
r a 2N roo
R 21,
ose al remait'le I itbihirn'viz RE I L ESI ATE FOR,
)MO. — - - - - - - - THAT WIFE -OF 3. 'A TUMN11
to make --id onted C rig Sri 884 _�T ALUALE FAA FOR SALE — Por sale, lot
110 gave . 1 60 ar we t on"'to boT 1 J? sevetteeD,io ung
In the 114yfield eonoesolo l,,:t6% n -hip
f lucatiou &I Justitutions! ana Many' a f! 85 oat ei P, 40 to 60 sores twired, and
IA b�nt I
Olt big ay xejo: fro titurnpit, b-danoe..well ti abi,red, h0
3 oung mi aif ter weu'
fro i bitge on Bayfleld River, rind on Die 01inton
i Ig that C- od had raised'up Buell It, and adjoins the incorporatal- village of
In at a0unc ng GRIN:D'0�'E NING in each department of my house At 0 04-
ffielld.:'At' ellgth, after- giv"hig Mali 7 laid. i For te'
Ilk r :, further partizular6, and �110r#d
differefit, hAtiti a , t ition q of a iv
t aousands o dollar )a tit) ly �o LEITH KI � NGSToNE Ir
18 Klug'-ireet West, B ADI
1 RNIC Ult, oli torso have muen PloaB are to be able to! state that my business goes on t one, -be sa Lis WS ce' bp eati blis I-
atTdrlinto, n to MORGAN, �tiotel Keeper,
a universi t for the Eole purpoie o gii
B43 �eld- INPREA13ING, the last geasoi� being f 11 TWENTY 4 ez
il g to you n -menud m oiaen�the I road
e Obt t or AR koll' SAL —Forsale, lot t8, conces-
and. M ng h' insti lati )U i F siou 4, Tuckersi itli containing 100 acres, of Never in the history of my houso have I had Vrery 0e, ar tment! f loarni ig. Tbi i I . -e cl atire-1, f i ce f rom 9,uin �1,9, we I AD AN C E OF A YB A AG6.
which 8.0 acres ai
tau 0etinftsinf 4 a 3 wider-drainoid'and In a hi�h st kte of 0111ti- just 1) ST
waii 3 lano oil the atfi.. Thtre 'are- ood fran . io
Ois m4ameut to- A3, i.0 heart of va, i n. The bush is bardwood. T)iare is� no the satisf lotion of placing such A RICII AND VARIE OCKA BEYORE, it WC 41
t h
I oston, * A'- h Al are sbI*n'o Ibber.
I - bui good or litird and plent f wlttci� -J Y Cusromujns. ave uyt�"A ru 804.r AL. LABOR and ABILITY combined' li d
0 1 the mo t, i bed larfl,�and it J, wit1fln 6 niilcs--o sc-stfortli, and 3� 04PIT
from - Wcou I au, 0.
e. no& ors im, ti t have Pon- Itt.4onoofth best farinsin tni4will be sold the done: tbei r best in procu'iDg THE R HE ST and MOST CHOICE pToduc- b 30n grod &led . man u D me'. Ud( 14 11ow
tarn illg D k t ply oil the Uahl or to the
Vi �omen wilo'Jilavo 90 6, t ilit all P:LAII I V
d:2ndcontession,oxciiwop T11O$'
our ow oe
ntry a i to 0; ier 81 nds GL1jjPV& i t, na�of G eat Bi itain anoi the cofitinent f Europe. My importations, ate lieces-
0untry a -------
loseiali &�e the in unicie life ii be
RAII ir Tnekersmith foi Sale.—For nd I
arily larger for t e coming seaso: li,pothiiii QUANTITY and VARIETY, R but, trv,
Years ag �plen lid farm, k iown as i
sixty a 04 kindlir F �
he Mo), Farru., W Dpda, spol teh by an licated, ('31ariBtiall, being, Lot 26, Ooneoss i n4;
Tao eirs
),,d4tlem4,1a tol a little I I I obste� boy on, cot, v i ariffig 102 act cH, b tit P5 of wbiq:1 I re (31(mi-' feel Warr nted in statil) will COMPpE FAVORABLY in STYLL� and
no III ad ar d iu high staLi cultivatiop't
'the, ti de.
imb red. Ther a Itoge briek,11ousojilild n
VALUE v, i th a u, house
I gcoo4 11 ouz b vildings. all Hplendid. or,,h d. The jfio. I -
E10W �'L 4a;n Locls! T Dbor -f.,rn ig six miles �from Sesforth' aud the
I L, .1 "' to tpxlby W
"anl3from CliUtOn al4fiiWithin ali3'lJQf R011001. 14
ething all tow.,
Therge E sqmething oil 'Ong b bon b tht App to th6proprietoot oil the preiniws Or to
ni�[Ll L djoe,es up he 00136 fol. tb( Sad& ri IiA 0 H. CRIOH, ProPrietf tr. i 781 1
i �,ht- A w4man wil secure all thi A I Af F J) IR 8 A L li,'.
5 � DR, E(`S GOODS 'kit it]
oors -in Weliouse in ten mi4 tes n F For sale,lot 24, oIlc,-s!4iot1
ris, contid Jhg 125 acres. MO of which A
minutof tia Ing
rend tv�,611t� own -lie] Itye 0, ark and the -,'�ruainder good
my imports ill this department embrace the novelties of the season, S at I V;4�
tdk hai'' I 3Ud 'tbE btisk', 0 Th-rn is on tli premies 'a u�) r , n4l gettin 1 r for
3 li�)u.A nnd barn, and and I vent re to ress Te o n
)rDiDg.! TLe man of t ie ise ay. YLO W. go,.,d spri --g ell. A.1sn. a that! AN INSPECTION will co y0a Has a MiDL
beai fug orch of er and
wis. , The that EVE Y LI X 1) Pi LY SELECTE D, and is of undoubt. when ardA choicefruit U bi eell 0 EFU nbe 1pla
a I 1�nir to ta ie i lowili an& no prop-i-ty is well fe lee : and 16 aeres Of rIvw laid IE 1 will she will, t4a Pbir
VA UE pecia tles in _ry, 7;no b,c] Odly EXCELLE T t is certain, !but al ter. us
h1,owl with fail whent, It is sitou. ed ithilloi, I
rizzes to pu up ape al! she is the very best w a Snil, mile and a half (it 'Valton, where I ere are e 7er )E11119 u ,h hoii.so.' H& begi is At the ihoug-lit
p schOols, all irches, Pob J Office, ftores &a. To, nis knew. She never gets an
ack dooil,and looks andbolti all ]�_Vll but 12 a To
tile eaRy Foi- further r tile kindly Way argnes eva iiaplfke-� . cKetover,llp&
ueatio 04
Then preir 14rs to or ff by letter n, i IF o rs from tb to the ft t doicr.. COLIN A&ART11 1311OWS me go clearly a she �td
t W a Iton 8 rig in e takes f 1� A."bOftt lid 'I cot-hir. By B '.k.'CIC an'(L that I Ill d- to he And i
2 11 tjm -cu L roll to net yiel of the ild, NUD a F: R �ot say, well Mary, y-Onk;
r1l k of' sto and batsitou� ock one 3 tie, it t io, coLec � ion 8, Tuokersibith, cow ab ut
ith you.
these things I I leave it all cbgo
i bell AXIFb
talnirt� 60 acires alliof whicivis cleandand card t1lf
t io do8ri 1 get it. 9' a � 3 11)6ks BLACTCL an C 0 ID SATINS,
i I tell'you it has put many a dollilt e
ne rl all fiee from st6tups, under-dramw, well
lo dooresro� ally abdi go 9 bf -k find
fei;cm and in arhi�
4 _,rh R1 �te of cult ivation. 'lliere MY pocket to, trust her in! this way. At
thep cff- � li 3 V t and *i i a �'i watch jLs�ft f orchard,ra, frime barti mtid st�bles,, oil trsd a log, hou,e, anA a never 'fawi%, Ppring B an first I Faid to h-er, whydon7t
clock' I a the ease MO. e. !is - LACK. an COLORD VELVETS with Brocades,
;V. i fe
it, t fl.- This farni is wit 11ir five iniles Of bOdforth, with Hr. Jones, bek 'an old friend
lenly., KM�out,ftoni I Ong the 1[ied- wWo Ori good grravel road and a sch,ml houf e atl the to Co mbin o u'rsand: I uld lik6 to put a dollar ill
es—It b Ing the i�ter,
corim,of the lot. It is � so within four miles of his way wben I can�. Mr. J
Ones, A asks fif r I e -go lord "I ako anosher tite V � lage (of F ippen - Tile farn ifl belsuli
I w says in roply, is a very nice M,
dition to y to t bu lit
the kitch tid 8, e if i
(be wit i or In b op. Appl 1BLACK and, CO 0 R D GASHMERES
business matters,bur best friends 1A ch ar
priet oil t ic premise, or to EgmondN, 11,6 P. 0.
I CakebattelJoisliableet' ise in It Is D21 gbt.
pitill I MCORE. 806 - those who give as the very best v th
overdow'tbe dislh,. 10) uulqcks b 0 Ue AIM IN HULLET r. FOR ?or Pale, for out Money; and so she has g(n r 3 doots and m ak�pB tour Of! iniipec- I F �.SATIN BROCAM:$, Etc., tc. I c t 13,concession 7i Hnlrett, coilta1ining, 100: elsewhere, and to my profit I assure yot t ot
ves his acres cared, well fen,
r1lelt 1,--eed
0 , Kings, I v arm s hig`f 's�l 19iroposes drain i, free from st
11 All - a :well. reW� JO of hich are el under- I have beard our neighbor asking 1,,e
high -,state of' a�e 96 8 Cer
tire.. i ' )uddenlv e is qpro(me cultiv �tion. The balm ce is well timb.0,,ed with' I IC es
i I the,el I �i� liardN.. bod. here are 40 acres Peededi to pirmss.. ALSO, A AGNIPICENT ASSORTMENT OF tract their attention b6'canse of tbair e,
0 rtion ill& the r ar door
novelty beauty, an ewith bi raltz,
There it; a good frionie house and large b Luk barn sho, tells Vitif Ill,
i (t locked a0d away Im I
go i bate- i,h 1 ablinOr underneath, and a largo t,earing at
�d ove' h �old floo of t la kitchen o'rchai I atid three DeV611 failing wells A water
woodglied." ar�d two living springs. Is within
By -the , meh3 raaohes. a rilile aud
)Yosoieitoyo, Gloves rset' Ribbons Laces Ties F�W-
�,r urn thrash M,�
ther wri f cilitfes, ANTON,
a113 Of the � doo i are'; loch ed, o es� frobi sas_: e7p'rdof Orc'ula?tos Etc.) -Et!
:ig t(i cert ftin three quat te 8 of thu tb rivieg village of V b
e woodst ed doort h
4her where there re stores, churches, schot R
lings, Wd 13RO b
t -I
a e M&k3s the gra-nd rounds agalln forth d seven rorn )n, Wi th a got) a gg."Vel Irtie t C tit( Ifig
0 e!
I secu� opll�ae There il, a r1lit all bojol
rE. He rem d. n ther veh i
e3 his aL ta- And that she alw4ys g
p two) Pe prem- o -es t here
to constance P. 0. everything she wan
k ne. Sae 1400
.18 the ligh indr is just 11UG ELL, :1 in tb eir I i id the$ udie.
0 10 lie hen h a � vOi re s M- Propr dtor,
0 with t le ti es 'or .9 -td,7-
10:11n, w finds they are abrQgst:
f hat t )e girl
to AV111111
4 liereel with all the latest 11a0velties
AR V -10 1 ALF IN TAPLES 11 1 e.N
bly F JN TIULLETT: �North the Wy
f6r,:,vo# to put i m1i k p ai I p i rts of Lots 84 at�d 85, Coincession 14, eon- of DRESS GOOD9. with
T t, lid aay be goes a in, buff talnin� ll� neres;
9 80adr�onelenred; the r I t Mateb, such -as Buttbiii r ood hardwoodbi 1 am showin the p oducti4us of the lead! -ng mills. Pee my Grey, White and liore i i� At littI4 a hAe flb%� g arme tJ Be.ore he 1',�h. 14oil, clay 16:411 wAl
Braids, Velvets, eto.,, ot6. Sb e thin Ls
E )aok to be, a itin he! a ieps )u t ,wkter( Wi a never failing spring cn+ t Fancy Flannels;: see , my Illeached, Grey 411d Brown Canton Flannels -, seq my 1-_ _- - ; ed 10010
"'i' I they have the best assor Sti
WO on the seta. Frene barn tind st,a twent of
preral Grey and White COAons, f in five cents ajad up. Full assortment of Muse VETEENS she ever
bles and, a ar piec, i w youn Furnishings,, a1w,
if tio h ch bouim a lid mg good orchtkyd It ig: c 'I i d �Z;ev�
3 child to obu -,,heq a nd sohools, and iR s"tuat I i
rt�u left oia the flb� r. . It hist c -d: 4' miles sweet little Bonnets all d Trimin a Ha, s,,
Eta bet,w eii the . she B, a a 1 .1 frorn I y th and �O frow Clinton.
and their OSTRICH PL- hey uim elt
part-jaz ars ally to W,4,4-1.ER CUN.�043EIANT, d U -to pl6asu�e or horr We
ate TIOW)r
dMams— on the ionth part of sMil luts, or to.! Londes-
Black and - Colors surprise every we onf- le
and now she tells all ber,'fren Is wh
everk ows1which it,will 48 1 li1OrOUJ IL P. 0
799 Kh
I hetis g( bbles him u ' a i
p and is abu4t I I they go to a bW11V
hundred- a�rois for Exeter, to make it &I point
t te bin! lo the land of Nlic 1, t F'71 F0R
8� 1,c. in 'I uLk- CS
ersmitfi,'beingly lot 29.1c0i 11 and see the display of Nice, Ch-eip, 1
2, L. 1 t; In earned such a wide reputation throughout
Our Mil. inery I lepart t bagi
l] ut th ''i igh�;Jtbat the I S., TUckeistnithi Jhere are o1i i.
. redi irl is prenun 1! and Stylish goods alwgysto be fo
Ises a unnec Beaty.
00d frarne house, frit,,ie bay n an!
es ath�vart his I min lis sect'on , hat cox 2ment ils wo carry *ery
aall We can safely sa'y that nd it
it gnot� Ireii u dand two much the LAR. MOST CAREFULLY SELECTED
he (tod wells. 11 . i �re -ire GEIST, C11. ICE T and
pand Wock the �a
hen CIO)r. 1 85. aer � cleamd and 70 f fee,
exactly pI e b Of tolu"Ps it' (1, well 1 stock, which for STX'LES,KkLU d PRICES cannot be beaten. As this
our and.e rain oo stateofcofti-ation; RAN FON t nder the most able management,'and for years we BROTHERS
tile bad departmeutbas, been, alway
u the tim a he begin s'p- - 4rls�t ons t once is %well timb r1ea with ar i� ad. It i
. is situtIted have dia,
ZE he islilvii.pol for gooc , ' tation, . ea.1tol, be the LE ver
liad: one given it ape Attentibin, and it*is now acknowledg ADING —Wbbn 110' S qaf-
Of I andemvenjeat to'schools tind chu so and MILLINE R Y flo EXETER, ONT.
I I)ors ki unlocked. K fit Clin- eithi
�e Sao 8 soft- I within d triffle i of 9eafortwand 7 mil 1D solemillytobimself,hat' e'll be ! tron, an I a go d grael rc id to b a' e For.
(d if h( andertalwo o I' ek tile particulirsaIpi3-touic propirketor oil ,tile prem- In Milliiiery M, atorials w bavE a Ppl A M r-- R12,0A INY Talk *bf 4t
ises. or jy letter to T I - Ondid assortment of all the lea U
a again if .'rdbers- Aurroup 14 WhAS UN Bruce- ;no . 4ing
r t field P. i. velties. The fine, t stock.of Biro� a and Puna Feathers of -every desaription. nk thoughts.
I y _tTin 805 n
8f four deep.. By the xt i cylit Special atter tion is Iled t� ��6nr ilamens� stock of OSTRICH FEATHERS.
Jotes the- In k6
FOR 3ALE —The 11T 46i'signed lair
eAs th 1'�o offer �ti Comparison ill 'they �re far below piesent market value. ENCLI
e lie Bhc 0A.NAD, 1AN AND Pi 11it EVELporator so d diaer Mills 16t sa)e
cheap4ild up.)n easy terms of payn4c The C!sLTk atks.;
been fi dd up in ft� P1
buildim-s have been fi I
n A
n. manner for tli seru.
a car�uillg n of the Fruit 4
�Ioralen bor C onvexsat� 1 0. awr- WALL _JW& A
S. and are n .),4, i how M
U lent. f �tting 13usine Ti first-clms wc king PERN :any set
versation b wer, n d a ig it. incis can' be one.
lit le Alaterials. s, girt
-is& t
awbti 31�. s an
1dinary j*vilue for commola,: -ve B V S ot-eirtgon, one of the Mant
wil —An 11liut,
life. Aiydne who g 1e firni of D I? Co has golle, 0 Ed- erns thpr give tip her 1,
68 t �t s g ft 'nontor, No hwest TwiftQr3r, to r6na Spriug. patt to' ban([. ei
ait) per- -sl- 8 in all the ltei ocial icircle &D�okbe :e' list. be a, ld nd the In. READYMADE we ave t ,e ates and Newesb ou n (t aud' after on
px0fii-irty ni a day
N anyone'S jfa.�e��_bright M I is )usineso, of fie Shape and F., niall -pr colorings, ffom a Ilia haw
firn, tinaly closed- up.' Per any and at CE8 to a ait the �imes. Motors and Shawls in five-clentla to 8T.25 per
gripat )artko Lrs Wi
1411ce. Id z) v 0, soon he sets a I t h ) egrard tc Ka iol propert� a I'l)ly to vail�ty- Ful I assor iment of Mantle Cloths, Mantle' Ornamen roll.' The largest,lissorth3ent wu
I I . ; �he ul! rsinitid- D D.IVILSON.Seafoirth, 762 to, Fringes, 'te. ild tie bi
e Wheels i4 in b
otion, ncou -aging Somever cloicethingain FWnoy L-S�'Do not bu' your ChildrpnIs est value in.the c4pltry at man livilAg 01
y ool Goods. y
t i id ca.li�g out -iia(Aentli iOUSIY- FIRq'VCLA3S FAR Hoods' intil yon have examined our s�ock. K FDR SAL he met bis w
E —Lot , eon -
I ;, Hulleb, it,Q!aereii, super r
ources( Coll A i the re aerve I ail I sby� land; r 'first ball
d isiDg, the f - cile, & 2d 25 ams alel red, well.fon-ced,tiboroirighl.t inder.
piaking S ss
re- 0 W. PA.
ad 912 rained and:it 1% high Htste f enit[Va(io
lbody g c0i �ver go naindei bare wood buah;,,
py two frame dwelling A stor in ever BrAf
n large A. Tennessee
i 3 not t en�gross the- onve�qitioa, onaes; 1wige 'ramebarn.,itouefolitudootio
I Ot to C &�. iiie", talki goo Iii re.rue a Ad sud wok-shcp; tbree gond I
H 0
istern; 11 rail(s from Clinton, ORDERED CLOTHING a -an wbo
we TWE�DS AN''
ver greeit �rnnoll -om Seato.,"t I slid
6 d six fi A. 6qu-&II UP
ondesboro and, lyth;
A In n ma tal with such Ood -gri Vill io to each p [Vice , you i g orch %rd of
1 - - pa, Ltd for albaor
2 tree This; d eparbm6lit will be fc and 1 ery a btractivle, having muoh 9, larg
its o i
sing po er and sple dour ' Tbe' liage of 11arlock, in whic, 2', 1.9-A
chtlol,, lost. office, blachaniith E than any, former seas n. Leave you r orcTer,
6 rest: f the com p il' into Ei., abop, an(L I two and you will find,we can give you& B0, RDER. DADLOS
tores. t
IjOill" the fann. 'There to 100 acres Good Fit', the Best of'Cloth, and the tiitest Styles, at a VERV REASONABLE �Wbat are YOT
or exci,e �belrleilvy, and fic pr.. nti;ely eerorn strimps, and the farm is ne Qf FIGURE. NOTE We are 'in a rosition to Bel you good All -Wool Cloths —AND— I
Chil I here big ain should I)e he_'6o�jt thecluntY. Objeot in selling: the -B
duce' I iiaii ft ropriet 99111g to Matli oba. Apply t prices toafitonish y.o14 'Nd Val ne in Nyorsted Goods.
t ld sunshi Sple ac
13;e. E14 OtiN
DU tile premises, or to X,.,S. G.
Be' ek it ie;',art of making �others: I.JifeCAU CEILIN-0 DEC PAI
von that
iteatIll 4e with lij aid ad that,
tter how reat I a his N M KILLOP 'FOR SALE.—Foi ale
thetiorth 32 acres of lot 15, conws4i ri 14' r
t or reputatios, or,h( w smip
-1 , th-ey fi. 11 IcKillu ) of!w ich i0o res are. cleared, weli iRE D*MADE OLOT Beautiful assortment �oof Paper Unit N little girl
d, it in 1i ly j4� t �,f �,Rnced, , e I ii or-dnane and in a high stite HINGI
of Cloth Window I�liudsj C r(l, Tasseh, o,i dri
nk !" tj and 'if leasant, talkil g to Mae! '(uldvat on. lit balance is timbered wiffi tile' 0
Fixtures, Carpet My &
.1 esG of 1 rdNVood. -, here are eighty at&es Aeitriy Thelargest'stock west
i i cr him! t 1,14. i of Toronto to aelect from. -Admifled. by experts to Pperac NiOe-
The takit f 1: -ee froT i st
? c' uni )s and 200� of board once., be superior to any ord ared wor In't you atiuk
i ion, irA �e'd, more thad an I 1 4 Outside of the cities, and one-half cheaper eon.
i3 hilig, I here al g')od fmrhe buil three. nyiD
i * life, r6( ui'reii taoct an I disdrt tion. t wo larg yol . Inj ell �, and, sidering quality and E 9 1 do from the best manufact G. W. PAPST.
11betioying-olch da- tia� situated
alt. duce, am prepared give you aaid a gentol
nires' oni to have me -2 J miles i toluL t ie vilitigre 11, 12 from Sea- Caada can pto
re �v Lrie I
I-th al ( 8 How- Bruss, Ist; with godd � f ravel
W� Ing 1-n
4ge, &I d W - have # !at ill$Uut� adslef ( ing t eabli plam. SEAPORTH
There rt,�a-14 ac 10 to lit of W
)Wn W, 11 fa� I lhert- TM,fatrn will be s FIRST-OLASS SUIT FIRST-CLASS OVEROOAT, ORL S
130 �E, Can tV )1d in
t st as Int ch�. or j i ist as �tle E1 t o,,e bloc z, or, 66 ticres of to to suit nurc) er. P1, TOVE
�o ha- T1Xw Rf: L
3: demau Apply,oy (help or ddress Walton, >. 0. A N.D A '—A CoubectiCu
urr g
.On do. It 'I e I 4TS AND VEST
1,118 � T_ UoKAL Sub rER. i
t1rito, pasr, iaMantly Uni Wit elt a� 828 p ta: ea on Ili$
MPbRiU,M. t t 'he hellai
to �lie smou% rorn 1 ___4_ - .
1( -ARM .01 FALLE—Fo, iale, the east half of At prices that u )n.
i( See my C. M. W
'men, m lo, 4, cc nd.tssiou 11 Hullett, contaking -)o English E
labe, -pj&y 8 t O -di all 0 Scotch Twe d, Canada Twe6d,
a omen, from e I ere i rase knd'Ere all 1yorsted
h are cleared well mpt ag, 0,
n I -z weed pirtly underdraine d state can really not only
tesy to tb, expressio I of t, coats, and be donvine a Have one look at my F cy Tweed Ovor- V eV_4e
wes, aU tit iq��o HLITN
1, aud in a goo E fly i A correct, th a
n pass
alidallLe f Always kee
'0 01 cultivabio . Thoreare 6�ovood frame liDuses save money, but1mak( a large interest on what you have' h� r iva birn an by purcha your Ps on han� a, f all line tht eliln, soltl the
d �stibles also a good fall and winter Ouppli fror4 r ie.
byaring (rell rd t
E m ry I'D I and a nev(,'fa*l' latest styJ468 of i i
man, a boy well of wawr. young MI
b6u"t ;bit.: Thefarmis n
k gnod ursty el road and is Vi ithin
wbor n a;wa if tile proper to
ef of Bet. 11, d oibolitt equal Ai�anr COOKs BOX AND PARLDIR :)ys' e in Gait b ir'ee -)mclirton. ..tisalso uithiA three mil�:s f3o�renade(l
rson's, b yfroli,q' _fr -forth
Killb L rn wl erp are stores
E go,, tur churches, shop.t and lea- -at laute hi
up 9-� h': S
CF�VOl1i0`1CeS. N, STER STOCK uty shows; thom and th
m6l I terl� i Their bea
oi her il rge There are tiyo 8 Mo OF UNDEROLOTHING. iftible to answer
Ce sells them.
etele in TaOnto the of ier r ght a pos�oflice and a ebool within a inile and t fee pri
�;Sh 'bad pent I t: ors, f
;;Sh ear q mr, sti tly don. -st
i ireat jov 1 Shuated in 6na of the best sattle-
in th r particulars A choice of 0 er 00 doze�i 8birts, Double Breasted, MadeL of the finet —A foilar-yexr
rb i: T bov' ba(' in Onf 'PPIY Canudian and Im
0. jFor fur�he
to: thelpropri port d Wool!
i Louisv 110, KE atack torollthepircipises,or to Mrlock :13 'With Pants td match, selliag fjr8
0..: in35c up. TINWARE tkk-4a the baked p
a S astonislied.
adve: t- seffieni as t
328 orers—al, sizeE Cardigan Jackets, Overalls, Overshirts, Of vdeacription alw&ys in stock.
WAL uINTOSH. Undershirts and Drf B
as t iis ere le etc., in great variety.
f 11AR x ORiRI9 FOXt k' -0
f signe *Ibis mother. SALE.—For 15 iu� 111
We niake all our goods, and guar e ot e Pay, a littl 3 3ou I 15,0onces )r-6,Aororris,corXi'�, ntee �tlir&s one &.11
irg.5 therag
a el .1 i5 Of .+hich areo cleared, well fe i0ed, ood apnd. ri lit in
:w 0013' bisto, al Te- Jo� ra and about 20 acres ftee froni A full line Of
at N 7431, fell f roin pirtly u inel, I -L-There goes,
t4 le
idge, a.dWanc( of t( d fe in 6 �atlrnp� d b t 4 and Pocket Cut- I ho laine lawyer
e acres seeded to grass. Th�l HAT5 A ND FURNISHIN lery- at ver
,i r, e ow, 16 bt lan('e, Ia. tl�is Nvell ti r w GS111 y low p
�l 1. r 1;0MP
'I le was w)od an jecolDir T are i,� a go od frame Muse, We have a flne �ot of* Granite Xettle i
1Et sho t raug� in stock for p as
e of wal er�' 13 was roecuB fir Line barns tu id tables a Iso 1L good y 31 ing Is Be
U Hay, oitly. j,ust in i il, To ason the bes Cr of Fur and Wool Felts in the market. ving, &o. All sizes sbrply
ne t:) 10V orclifLWai,,idac,)odweilvtdpti;iip. Tlie I uild-� H&vIn:,0 the products o 1"some I 1he bo�ist malInfacturers confined to myself, I c�n
h liew,baving leen built wit�.jr thel A and.prices.
Aspecia range of Soft Far Felt' e man not:,
sell you� the fiDest Fur �'eit CIL sty for 1�2.
w"t fOtir ea r.9, 11; is wUbin three and ree
all new,: at'$1.75 which must EAVETR
quarte Milo s ftoill Bruspels, and five miles h b seen to, be appreciated.
A V71 Ong opilliolft.
Bf T ere i
h a school within a quiLrier of ale %I ways
A -ad the
y a dollar is Mile;* This is a sl lendid lot, and will be � old All kinds of o. ill: Work pr Mptly
paid for p pscri. JonE
eme disea, 6heap.1 Apply n Pr Misii� or to Brishel attended, an atil5faction guaranteed.
60 that nemet troli led "Alctilda, you
I P.O. Ott WAY iCLARK, Propri4tor. 811-11
atientl a"nil *beiiitbe s 14 dliffim I , I I . Parties
wanting goods in my line it If on b4A
D RIV FOR SA will pay them tol a
Norms, wiliA a Ifew of; Freeft' S P;LPNI)i�
LE.—Lot and ee my stock and
Powde'n iould' reinive. ILeige ;west half oft 1,12§, on 10th concesspion, eOmPSre Prices.
B lber t ir� rig
e I keep this departalbent co a ta: Oun -Y nder
11 free from stamps. r'he
a are] Ilessalit,,.safe; !and� aar�, ' i '* 150 apres, bout 110 gares,
11 a an d a ntly assorted with the Freshost and Choibest Sealorth Cheap
tbeifo OW'n' cathartici, alia are re
dwoo bush except 3 sores -able goods. TeaS fro SIM Tin House. nah�.der b& of b] elc Season toaab 0"?"
ed for children o m. 2. c a pound—remarkable value. ugars, Rmi 1* �
r adults. The ]an I is in a first claoso state sins,
74, a-� of en ti. Cur�antB, etc., the bes'i B -V
in qnai�y, ano�. the cheapest.
va oton,
iwellnderdrAved and well fenced, ;he' A large assortment of firsi �,Olas
famiOwellw red This ftirm, is well adsp;edl 8 Boots and Shoe wbi h
c must be cleared out fol eit �er irais n r in or g for want of'room. 0. M 9 . SM09 900 orchard
of a frnit tr es. are a 1. —The first i
TThe bout 35 ac -es As �I now confi my busiiiess to READY CASH, PRODUCE and
higle bptt e 'i _I)�. owli P1 ..80,vut gritin is yrar, the rernairling parf
S )0. of PROMPT PAYING USTO ERS, purchasers will find all illy goods in each- 148 ud f0ow. ![,'he bilildh to hitney Brothirs.
tp 't from the
St( ne hot se 4048 feei. ,;I T 11
,�,orm�. it is PRICES.
Syrup des 5rBt chms,
yrup tbi i far m is in
100 t9 . ap requent! Wed a,r( a,11 19F departilient MAR Fr D or
pl, ft alit r06f it, id -well flnisl ied. Two large bank Berns, lie �wiahed
bei Ic
-duly toot
0 �au:lr(ii)t.ealJat,and'�rames,able, for horses. A MONIEV LOAN
0�,* no t er catha�rt �c At pa of gri e mo ley ma rerliairt on the f af-m
als :eep sewa 1"agi if to 0! 1 The
Tape v me have ills 0. 611,_t do that
by it, f15 to 35 feet in I red by X10 nit the purchmer. udersigiied i appoi
some first-class 0 . lited agent for til-ev ara long-
th. 200. io0s of boA rd aw [ wire f mee, F0 ro.ds, of tnorn anies, is now prepared
J . , to take loans on: far
�i6tual fc!r fill vewietie� of h9dge, it great numh ir of omaniental treds. For IF ) t and Tillaga property
I Pftrt1eil%rsppl3 to: tije�toprietojo reasonablerates of i terest. Also :,ageui for
'both children Aud,4d at
9 ri 1he THOMAS KIDD th
prenihiesorto" 1111314P.O. B.HOGO�ARTH. Howick F4rimners' � utual PIM —141fott du�
Compan All kinds of don6 Vith I
f 120
ic nestness- and dispatoih.[
ornor of Main and Market treets, Seafor MATTHEW XORRI. I'll 136
SON, Walton.
TH-R EFFECT OF 1CMI). the morning fou,nd him onlytbe moke
NZSS ANt) TRE RFRWAR]) determined to !break the ol4 ties aud
seek pastures new.
A week passed, nd the little buni Is
6 y
of clothing was rei an all that t'�'e
dear, -kind hands could d 'was 'dor is,
larige u amber ot children. were tbbr and Isaac set f(rth, 6.8 any Anotb 9'r
*sly vichest the family possessed. � The�
Y had done . before h m, to Beek his fortun
Cape! to WE
live4 in a li We Mouse- colored house o1a in untrie(lflelds.'
saoIidy flati I, near the sea, in. ono of tb6 He started for Bosto'n, anA through
s of Massacibusetts. T
manifold perils, lipmegiek and hungry,
bouoj had ance. been p9inted rW—th 'but resolute, he enter
ed i�ie-gteat eity.
old-time, lor of'most New Euglau
No time was to be lost. Bread be m u t-
llougo6a;- bu thq snus*of Many summer have, and S
abelte r. Ha been;ao-,
Bad 04a, atio ig ou i any winters ha
austomedtoltheam,betu 6 'his stey
left �calrcel -a trace of the; origin
natarkily, toward the villary is, aid
after lookini about in.- for- son a
A fiew str 9,rglildg morning-glories an
familiar face, beiz: vested 18011 y 0 ar
tho, traditio, 1 fli-de Bouncin:
g- Bets in lobsters. Tbes(:
with a dilipidatt I
9&t stone wheelbarrow, co'
hudolled at to the little
ustituted his stock ii i-'
which form tt door�step. The P&th trade. Theendoftbefiretlo go woW,
h led from the totter ng gate to the day found him fi Ve Cents il I a van Ce i
low- front, dcor waT overgrown, with ragq his invested capitaol-,at the eud-of.
and bordered- wi,01 stunted marigolds
week he was abl a to pay ten,deats on'
amd 1 casio Io*- Mee. The aid.( t -h
de nal yel I e rent, of big wlif elbarrow. the brave
towaJrd. thO see. 1, was lighter than' tb( little fellow workei on., witob many di
westorn sid�, which was grooved wit couragemelits' an( maw a heartache'
semli4ircles *here'the wind had blown but 1e eni of t le h ff nd Mill
Rae buE
the successive winter quite - eattlished in bus nes�
illes foori
Th h for . b 0
to a, d fro, aa-wilist the shingles.
red % icens6 to Otaud. o
moss grown roof slanted down almos
Charlestown b;rld,9( with b s wheelbar-
to th ground at the baokof the house. row of lobsters. This he t ought A, very r
Ther, - ntters hang lan'guidly against the favorable poFdtion for his
u siness, an, I d
S_Wal� windo�_va. The gat winked and- there for -days he stood; ttriling I th) 8
purred- on !the narrow door -sill.; the pa tic b
igaers* by as he had an op, ortubity, big
hens lcluclted alid"d'roitked and scratched lessons of patieot enduranevat! the ol
with !no, fear of and the cock farm sta,pding him, in good stead now,
stra4ed abc& wl'til much sense.of where for houns., o `Ltan, t1lE to was notbi - f
impo�tance 4 if be Were treadina c
OVOr ing to break the mcnotony big -.dull*
an tral laWr-s. b
life. Occasionallyakind-be tedlwoMI&I
thin,; i7tale, mother was bent wi4th passed S d vi ith bi bu� fev
th es and toile of M'any years. Each 'thought it warth tb eir whil t8. , P
sto 16
g h&A brought the same routine
I D 7 Moment for a cle6ry w:rd 'With tbo
bf work, every dettitil, of which she ha& little freckled, hain ly lobst b
faithfully performed; never halting,
I r. complaining, never too tired . to It happened one day, that a, gen eman
Peve - whom he had often noticed, stop, ed an
comfort the eflow who had stub- In good morging, as ed im h . if
tc,�ittle f bade hi
bed his 8 against the stones, thA
name and. inquired
about 8" business,
came , in the path,�Lover which every Isaso'Was pleased a] id Burp * aedl-that a
ning and pight be must drive the gentlemab. shoula take in
to rest nough
reluctant cc we'- to a -ad from the ex� �in h
jin to inquirle big nal.noto and he said
hausted pasture -land, where the tan- b
6 himself, 1, T . ere �:ig sornethiD, -&bout
gled wild ro &lid theL
sweet fern and this man differeat rom, other men.I
the.blue berr buahei straggled for ex, Ul:
have Seen"' Again, a
weel:,Ia er, the
isteonce, Ila
The ariihbc d old father was always same gentleman stopped a i quired ti(
of Isaac if he we-titdo churel and would
IiL I I St
haggling with Provideilee. It wa's e"ther he ke tp go; wher d, who
Ive I
too! wet, and be crops Would all Mold to
were his friends. Isaac- mon leatriled
and mildew, r r �t was too dry, and there wi
I that his new f riend was a ral �ister� and ig
woaldVeadionight.. The girls wore oat
that he preached in it church in Claarles'
their shoes too fast; and the - spelling- 1,
book -he used. when be went town. 1, But why, a� r dly asked
to school is an
be so iuli=er,MIEI$
wa-gr good enol ilgh for the. boys.
ters?" He werLt cfteu to' ta
boa him
It was &-n e mp�ty, ho'.1peless port Of 9 nc th" big 01
llfeq there was nothing to look forward prouch, a d it bapp LLed nol art
new friend never crossed theibridgd that
to ; there wat � no ince-li'tive to Work ; for
he did not stop for a friendly, wor&with
x the -shed land yielded Mo:
each yea impoveri
the little lobster bc�y,"` wholLoked for -
less and less, and the old honse became to h,L
ward is coming with plea�giut' illitici-
more and more dilapidated. The two nation, foAe wa, d3
�adi gone to a a tt a billy"peisou who
elder girls h llg.
neighborl, t:a d shown alav il P 7
town to bett tbeix condition, and the 1,6b gth, a terebt in him. At On
maiI3 days and , much
elder bq5 a beg aEL- to be reSLtiV fter
e and dis- all
thinking,, Isaac decR ed that Iff
the 'i �. er-
satisfied, with thia dull round of life to �,eto
ence between this man ud o a 12�
which th66 see M�ed no change loner .
and no ]:nit
whom he had seen was due to '
.f LLL "I . the fact
Id e rontiniq of toll
a, wearisom
that he bad learnin�, Egond h is�aid, - If
book-learniag Makes 11l thi a d 1ferolice in
T hey u ere i oitting on.� the wood -pile by
d J1
the kitchen d 7,80, 1 wish I could have it; but'it lig h 3
oor, near t,.b:ez old w6ll too late for me; I can't get it', f` I bav'
sweep o derif -
4t X
just as the sun was sinking be .0
-hind the the b rtc-la. hill which shelt- r6 no Money and no time; bu
d I could' help sqme other[
wea-thenatainedbarn where a little
i the it.,, btyrolx� go to 4 1
chool ? I will try
patch of new shi'hg1les was the only si
Of I A,, and the presence of oment Isaac felt a ne-w, interest ill his
ork. His busi inerease' at d the
which M.S. toof like the Scripture
econd )ear he abandoned t e fr Andly
garinent—weme ratber� than -better for fr)
weeelbarrow, and estamliabed an
the introductidii of tb �reti
e new piece in the
)yfiter stall, which wa, a grpt A , 6 iep in
old-garmeut. The blue: Ries' buzzing, ldva,.Dae. 8 the
-His patoimt indastry was
the: crickets'hirl�in- aind the twilight ly,
t zowned with suGh at �Deess iL
wittering of the �irL �Alone broke the tb'3 new bl:)
ino' of business th
A he we s on %bled,
silence of the 4unset hoti3r.
uring the second ve r, to visit big old
'1 6 ' Jobli.1" 's&.� d Isaac, I- I am tired of bou
ome and take with him &. new go wn
this- stupid o,,d plUce. I never can be re
or his mother. TbiF was the first lux-,
re I am going to
;�vqytliilng if I soav he
ry he had allowed Mmself. The third qu
seek my forfalle"I
year found. Isaac in stall
k in, the ''great
14 e to know where yon are going,,
and Pd -like to kuow1ow you can go arket, and from this time his a ecees
without money a -lid' wilithoutfriends," eemed assured".
His interest in his new fpiend led him
said Job n.
inquire what he Could do �o bECOMe. do y
Well, anyli )w, I am- going to try it. on,(
ld like ti be
-1 Simpkins: vent.aff to the city and dh a ma as he wou He
adored, Sanday aft he H
ar S an ay a
found a place, i -nd now he comea home
ame from church, W at was,the 4baret' en �r
every summer, looking like a gentlem
of t is man's infiluehle over" WM.' I The lit� it
in his fihe clot4es,-' It will be kinder lea,, tb
one big mother had taiighti� him
tough leaving - other, but as for Pa, I
eam. aback t him, aull he r4aeM�ered th
don't ca -re whe� her he likes it or lumps' '9
ile h z m n b e b o Id ofted hearil her 8
16 lit y
it� He ia alwf
ys, Zram-blingil. anyhow
epeitt on a Sunday alternoonli:
itid-on't make Ifni diffe-roncewbatafeller ever
Leave God to or4or
does, yott can't leaao�. bim."I all thy W'. S, I
in, whate'er b It is
And trust in bi ide; t
The old sait in, the doa�w-ay half Nhoult fin d b ini in tj ie evil day neee
asleep,. with the blue smoke curling up ffteient.ptrength snd1wgujd4.`1
fmw his old clay ll�ig struggle ffor b ad he baol for -i mvp
Pipe,. -%�bile' the patient, In,
lang-suffering niother gathered - tp -tbe, �. tten her Christian in stru. i tioni but two
tea dishes; and while all the world the preacher's, sermons brov.! lat-ft all en c
rest, she tt ad yet a thousand steps Imelitohim. He wondered ifthe,goold lace
to take before sibe could pillow her, tired Man would -tell bin, what -for io
o d
head.�_ Therel was the milk to skim, t MLt there was Bometh,ug for lim o do b6u
cheese-eard ta set, the milk -pail to I e felt certain. Isaac% be- ee
new ion
soaldn-ndthe Udling to gather forthe I ved that -he could� in no b tter way 10 a
morning fire.
sarve. big Lord &"n,d Maste� than by nea
Yes, it"I'l
be mighty hard to leave t aa - ching this untutofel boy at true rhE i
mother," muttered Isaac.. "Pa. I want Christian wanbood meant, a o show- lUl u
to 90: dOWn to the city to, see if I can't ed as Mu-Qh patien-ce, and i, erfst in e r
make somethiri of myself." answering his questions as' evould. V;elg
Make! iguthil �,g O� YOUrigelf—what do have in disculsighig creels and d. 0 Fmas, 61se
yau want to make ? You have bad with his equals. He 11-d hiW step --by - re
vittles and- chige eDough, ha'nt ye?
qep. to know God arigI t, and (j at of this nov
That is 8,11 I've c -ver had. Itla��the knowledge to love him %nd tr to imi- a,nd
pride of the ').rth that puts such t to him. ; He tried tc- teach im use
notions into yon Dg folks' heads." the highest aim of evoryman E aoall
be ocet
Well, pride or no pride, I watat to to do faithfully and cheerfully he rk �bi i
earn: some mabey, pnd he somebody, which God assig
gns hiin, whet 3ver and, froin
and I never c am. if I stay On this old Whatever it may be. I aac lef rneZc b is`
wrn out farm.." lessons well, and put em 16to dally oo k
.4f do
At this stage c -f the cor vergation the "'Practice. He became now4
patient heart, who, had 16'rg ainee given bonest and tbrifty Usines B -11as an elit
b Ilan. J
�ap an hope of tter things for herself, Poople sought him because be �Oul be
stopped to list and, mother like,'to ti usted. Life began to, � en bel ore I
>P pei I
add her word of! encouragement. 'She and he Eaw in it great pos8ibi: itie. for. C*� ?
was coming frolli the garden whither )od. He said, Coo
9( my 0 Vn life
as eon *s
she bad been to �ee: if the little crop of to
mpty and poor enough it I fat r 3si I
catnip and tans�i by tb e.
��,Pent to do -m uch for myself; t ut V ii I t ) I e
which, grew
gardeir wall,, was 'daing it's t do: I will strive Jo. nla,1:0' o%er -1 r 63
these we -re thefamily wed
icines, and li es rich -and fail." Fromthis joy. een
every autumn th�y were conscientiously note Isaac went on. H a first duty was
g0hered &-nd tieO in'sm,441buricbes, and to make the old hame c fortallole, and 0out
hang over the 1 hitallen chimney, for BMC)Otli� the way &n:d M816 basy the
Pa " didn't &.Ppr'Qve of spending mon:ey paths for bis dear old mother io tread 6,rod
on doctors and "'mother " always steep. ia her declining years, I o that �her_ laat
-n4 ministered the bitt6r -days might be ent in eisu e ri
ed the herbs a
ap re
draughts. with h r: own hand, th
A gnarled fort. She in' ver failed 0 remir, d Isi to
ac, �ur f
quince -
bush stoo � in one corner of the Who trust in GcXg u ifailing I A �k. I
garden, and for flrty years fdother h'ad Trust in a rook tbdt na ghte his 1i
an Isiove
made a Jittle quince sauce"that she The groaty old pat ought 6tte., of 1�
Might have som&.,hina uice to offer if a the pride of the 'arth,' whea' saac on 1i
neighbor in to take tea with b
should 4rop is home visits kept the.flo r -ba trel, 1MI
filled, and -never let the tobac o-po �.ich
I, t kir a
Isla t stral-108, Pa, that Isaac`wants run low. Trae, he neve gave up
to, see sometftiliig of the world. hii6i. t
It's pE t idetio, that the world was pill to v 8
nat"rail, for-yo-qng 4-olks to wamt a clian ge, destrao�ti6'n, and that everyth.119 " as Wor
aaad we must not be too hard - on Isaa_c�"` going Wrong; but he was pron( . of the -Towl
Pa granted f4s ugual,.and said no boy, as fUr-as -be.knew -how to 1 lop
more; he wag ,too: indalent, to pursue at 3 him, though he was aamful f, lever to adapt
any subi
corn -mend him. In fact bis,tolimewas 6
John and Isaac retired to their small, so attuned to gramb
h6g, he coula speak
unfurnished room under the-,oaves, with in no other tanes—the poor old Man I
no other light than themoonbeftm,
Btrayed in at the small that [saac began:to carry out the par . ose A s
I square window of.. big life, sud to put In pract
on the, tice tl!ie wor
roof; -but Isaac aid 110taleep- resolution*macio dariDgthose hard aays
or, if for a moment he lost, himself i
n 0 a ChEtrlestown bridge, by belping m[ith td� t
t I
gleeP;, i was to w�ake startled With the hi first apare dollar�, to . I e
vigion of bei.D eke out qw
9 a1pne in a strange place, living Of poor students, and, as his rE M(
wltb(Out Money and without friends, and Meaus increased, to help. young
far from home. � But the restless long. th ell It 1,49
ugh colle a
ing h 9 ; and While
ad taken le, as
Possession Of him, and literal in every direction, big st r., '6t -
r a 2N roo
R 21,
ose al remait'le I itbihirn'viz RE I L ESI ATE FOR,
)MO. — - - - - - - - THAT WIFE -OF 3. 'A TUMN11
to make --id onted C rig Sri 884 _�T ALUALE FAA FOR SALE — Por sale, lot
110 gave . 1 60 ar we t on"'to boT 1 J? sevetteeD,io ung
In the 114yfield eonoesolo l,,:t6% n -hip
f lucatiou &I Justitutions! ana Many' a f! 85 oat ei P, 40 to 60 sores twired, and
IA b�nt I
Olt big ay xejo: fro titurnpit, b-danoe..well ti abi,red, h0
3 oung mi aif ter weu'
fro i bitge on Bayfleld River, rind on Die 01inton
i Ig that C- od had raised'up Buell It, and adjoins the incorporatal- village of
In at a0unc ng GRIN:D'0�'E NING in each department of my house At 0 04-
ffielld.:'At' ellgth, after- giv"hig Mali 7 laid. i For te'
Ilk r :, further partizular6, and �110r#d
differefit, hAtiti a , t ition q of a iv
t aousands o dollar )a tit) ly �o LEITH KI � NGSToNE Ir
18 Klug'-ireet West, B ADI
1 RNIC Ult, oli torso have muen PloaB are to be able to! state that my business goes on t one, -be sa Lis WS ce' bp eati blis I-
atTdrlinto, n to MORGAN, �tiotel Keeper,
a universi t for the Eole purpoie o gii
B43 �eld- INPREA13ING, the last geasoi� being f 11 TWENTY 4 ez
il g to you n -menud m oiaen�the I road
e Obt t or AR koll' SAL —Forsale, lot t8, conces-
and. M ng h' insti lati )U i F siou 4, Tuckersi itli containing 100 acres, of Never in the history of my houso have I had Vrery 0e, ar tment! f loarni ig. Tbi i I . -e cl atire-1, f i ce f rom 9,uin �1,9, we I AD AN C E OF A YB A AG6.
which 8.0 acres ai
tau 0etinftsinf 4 a 3 wider-drainoid'and In a hi�h st kte of 0111ti- just 1) ST
waii 3 lano oil the atfi.. Thtre 'are- ood fran . io
Ois m4ameut to- A3, i.0 heart of va, i n. The bush is bardwood. T)iare is� no the satisf lotion of placing such A RICII AND VARIE OCKA BEYORE, it WC 41
t h
I oston, * A'- h Al are sbI*n'o Ibber.
I - bui good or litird and plent f wlttci� -J Y Cusromujns. ave uyt�"A ru 804.r AL. LABOR and ABILITY combined' li d
0 1 the mo t, i bed larfl,�and it J, wit1fln 6 niilcs--o sc-stfortli, and 3� 04PIT
from - Wcou I au, 0.
e. no& ors im, ti t have Pon- Itt.4onoofth best farinsin tni4will be sold the done: tbei r best in procu'iDg THE R HE ST and MOST CHOICE pToduc- b 30n grod &led . man u D me'. Ud( 14 11ow
tarn illg D k t ply oil the Uahl or to the
Vi �omen wilo'Jilavo 90 6, t ilit all P:LAII I V
d:2ndcontession,oxciiwop T11O$'
our ow oe
ntry a i to 0; ier 81 nds GL1jjPV& i t, na�of G eat Bi itain anoi the cofitinent f Europe. My importations, ate lieces-
0untry a -------
loseiali &�e the in unicie life ii be
RAII ir Tnekersmith foi Sale.—For nd I
arily larger for t e coming seaso: li,pothiiii QUANTITY and VARIETY, R but, trv,
Years ag �plen lid farm, k iown as i
sixty a 04 kindlir F �
he Mo), Farru., W Dpda, spol teh by an licated, ('31ariBtiall, being, Lot 26, Ooneoss i n4;
Tao eirs
),,d4tlem4,1a tol a little I I I obste� boy on, cot, v i ariffig 102 act cH, b tit P5 of wbiq:1 I re (31(mi-' feel Warr nted in statil) will COMPpE FAVORABLY in STYLL� and
no III ad ar d iu high staLi cultivatiop't
'the, ti de.
imb red. Ther a Itoge briek,11ousojilild n
VALUE v, i th a u, house
I gcoo4 11 ouz b vildings. all Hplendid. or,,h d. The jfio. I -
E10W �'L 4a;n Locls! T Dbor -f.,rn ig six miles �from Sesforth' aud the
I L, .1 "' to tpxlby W
"anl3from CliUtOn al4fiiWithin ali3'lJQf R011001. 14
ething all tow.,
Therge E sqmething oil 'Ong b bon b tht App to th6proprietoot oil the preiniws Or to
ni�[Ll L djoe,es up he 00136 fol. tb( Sad& ri IiA 0 H. CRIOH, ProPrietf tr. i 781 1
i �,ht- A w4man wil secure all thi A I Af F J) IR 8 A L li,'.
5 � DR, E(`S GOODS 'kit it]
oors -in Weliouse in ten mi4 tes n F For sale,lot 24, oIlc,-s!4iot1
ris, contid Jhg 125 acres. MO of which A
minutof tia Ing
rend tv�,611t� own -lie] Itye 0, ark and the -,'�ruainder good
my imports ill this department embrace the novelties of the season, S at I V;4�
tdk hai'' I 3Ud 'tbE btisk', 0 Th-rn is on tli premies 'a u�) r , n4l gettin 1 r for
3 li�)u.A nnd barn, and and I vent re to ress Te o n
)rDiDg.! TLe man of t ie ise ay. YLO W. go,.,d spri --g ell. A.1sn. a that! AN INSPECTION will co y0a Has a MiDL
beai fug orch of er and
wis. , The that EVE Y LI X 1) Pi LY SELECTE D, and is of undoubt. when ardA choicefruit U bi eell 0 EFU nbe 1pla
a I 1�nir to ta ie i lowili an& no prop-i-ty is well fe lee : and 16 aeres Of rIvw laid IE 1 will she will, t4a Pbir
VA UE pecia tles in _ry, 7;no b,c] Odly EXCELLE T t is certain, !but al ter. us
h1,owl with fail whent, It is sitou. ed ithilloi, I
rizzes to pu up ape al! she is the very best w a Snil, mile and a half (it 'Valton, where I ere are e 7er )E11119 u ,h hoii.so.' H& begi is At the ihoug-lit
p schOols, all irches, Pob J Office, ftores &a. To, nis knew. She never gets an
ack dooil,and looks andbolti all ]�_Vll but 12 a To
tile eaRy Foi- further r tile kindly Way argnes eva iiaplfke-� . cKetover,llp&
ueatio 04
Then preir 14rs to or ff by letter n, i IF o rs from tb to the ft t doicr.. COLIN A&ART11 1311OWS me go clearly a she �td
t W a Iton 8 rig in e takes f 1� A."bOftt lid 'I cot-hir. By B '.k.'CIC an'(L that I Ill d- to he And i
2 11 tjm -cu L roll to net yiel of the ild, NUD a F: R �ot say, well Mary, y-Onk;
r1l k of' sto and batsitou� ock one 3 tie, it t io, coLec � ion 8, Tuokersibith, cow ab ut
ith you.
these things I I leave it all cbgo
i bell AXIFb
talnirt� 60 acires alliof whicivis cleandand card t1lf
t io do8ri 1 get it. 9' a � 3 11)6ks BLACTCL an C 0 ID SATINS,
i I tell'you it has put many a dollilt e
ne rl all fiee from st6tups, under-dramw, well
lo dooresro� ally abdi go 9 bf -k find
fei;cm and in arhi�
4 _,rh R1 �te of cult ivation. 'lliere MY pocket to, trust her in! this way. At
thep cff- � li 3 V t and *i i a �'i watch jLs�ft f orchard,ra, frime barti mtid st�bles,, oil trsd a log, hou,e, anA a never 'fawi%, Ppring B an first I Faid to h-er, whydon7t
clock' I a the ease MO. e. !is - LACK. an COLORD VELVETS with Brocades,
;V. i fe
it, t fl.- This farni is wit 11ir five iniles Of bOdforth, with Hr. Jones, bek 'an old friend
lenly., KM�out,ftoni I Ong the 1[ied- wWo Ori good grravel road and a sch,ml houf e atl the to Co mbin o u'rsand: I uld lik6 to put a dollar ill
es—It b Ing the i�ter,
corim,of the lot. It is � so within four miles of his way wben I can�. Mr. J
Ones, A asks fif r I e -go lord "I ako anosher tite V � lage (of F ippen - Tile farn ifl belsuli
I w says in roply, is a very nice M,
dition to y to t bu lit
the kitch tid 8, e if i
(be wit i or In b op. Appl 1BLACK and, CO 0 R D GASHMERES
business matters,bur best friends 1A ch ar
priet oil t ic premise, or to EgmondN, 11,6 P. 0.
I CakebattelJoisliableet' ise in It Is D21 gbt.
pitill I MCORE. 806 - those who give as the very best v th
overdow'tbe dislh,. 10) uulqcks b 0 Ue AIM IN HULLET r. FOR ?or Pale, for out Money; and so she has g(n r 3 doots and m ak�pB tour Of! iniipec- I F �.SATIN BROCAM:$, Etc., tc. I c t 13,concession 7i Hnlrett, coilta1ining, 100: elsewhere, and to my profit I assure yot t ot
ves his acres cared, well fen,
r1lelt 1,--eed
0 , Kings, I v arm s hig`f 's�l 19iroposes drain i, free from st
11 All - a :well. reW� JO of hich are el under- I have beard our neighbor asking 1,,e
high -,state of' a�e 96 8 Cer
tire.. i ' )uddenlv e is qpro(me cultiv �tion. The balm ce is well timb.0,,ed with' I IC es
i I the,el I �i� liardN.. bod. here are 40 acres Peededi to pirmss.. ALSO, A AGNIPICENT ASSORTMENT OF tract their attention b6'canse of tbair e,
0 rtion ill& the r ar door
novelty beauty, an ewith bi raltz,
There it; a good frionie house and large b Luk barn sho, tells Vitif Ill,
i (t locked a0d away Im I
go i bate- i,h 1 ablinOr underneath, and a largo t,earing at
�d ove' h �old floo of t la kitchen o'rchai I atid three DeV611 failing wells A water
woodglied." ar�d two living springs. Is within
By -the , meh3 raaohes. a rilile aud
)Yosoieitoyo, Gloves rset' Ribbons Laces Ties F�W-
�,r urn thrash M,�
ther wri f cilitfes, ANTON,
a113 Of the � doo i are'; loch ed, o es� frobi sas_: e7p'rdof Orc'ula?tos Etc.) -Et!
:ig t(i cert ftin three quat te 8 of thu tb rivieg village of V b
e woodst ed doort h
4her where there re stores, churches, schot R
lings, Wd 13RO b
t -I
a e M&k3s the gra-nd rounds agalln forth d seven rorn )n, Wi th a got) a gg."Vel Irtie t C tit( Ifig
0 e!
I secu� opll�ae There il, a r1lit all bojol
rE. He rem d. n ther veh i
e3 his aL ta- And that she alw4ys g
p two) Pe prem- o -es t here
to constance P. 0. everything she wan
k ne. Sae 1400
.18 the ligh indr is just 11UG ELL, :1 in tb eir I i id the$ udie.
0 10 lie hen h a � vOi re s M- Propr dtor,
0 with t le ti es 'or .9 -td,7-
10:11n, w finds they are abrQgst:
f hat t )e girl
to AV111111
4 liereel with all the latest 11a0velties
AR V -10 1 ALF IN TAPLES 11 1 e.N
bly F JN TIULLETT: �North the Wy
f6r,:,vo# to put i m1i k p ai I p i rts of Lots 84 at�d 85, Coincession 14, eon- of DRESS GOOD9. with
T t, lid aay be goes a in, buff talnin� ll� neres;
9 80adr�onelenred; the r I t Mateb, such -as Buttbiii r ood hardwoodbi 1 am showin the p oducti4us of the lead! -ng mills. Pee my Grey, White and liore i i� At littI4 a hAe flb%� g arme tJ Be.ore he 1',�h. 14oil, clay 16:411 wAl
Braids, Velvets, eto.,, ot6. Sb e thin Ls
E )aok to be, a itin he! a ieps )u t ,wkter( Wi a never failing spring cn+ t Fancy Flannels;: see , my Illeached, Grey 411d Brown Canton Flannels -, seq my 1-_ _- - ; ed 10010
"'i' I they have the best assor Sti
WO on the seta. Frene barn tind st,a twent of
preral Grey and White COAons, f in five cents ajad up. Full assortment of Muse VETEENS she ever
bles and, a ar piec, i w youn Furnishings,, a1w,
if tio h ch bouim a lid mg good orchtkyd It ig: c 'I i d �Z;ev�
3 child to obu -,,heq a nd sohools, and iR s"tuat I i
rt�u left oia the flb� r. . It hist c -d: 4' miles sweet little Bonnets all d Trimin a Ha, s,,
Eta bet,w eii the . she B, a a 1 .1 frorn I y th and �O frow Clinton.
and their OSTRICH PL- hey uim elt
part-jaz ars ally to W,4,4-1.ER CUN.�043EIANT, d U -to pl6asu�e or horr We
ate TIOW)r
dMams— on the ionth part of sMil luts, or to.! Londes-
Black and - Colors surprise every we onf- le
and now she tells all ber,'fren Is wh
everk ows1which it,will 48 1 li1OrOUJ IL P. 0
799 Kh
I hetis g( bbles him u ' a i
p and is abu4t I I they go to a bW11V
hundred- a�rois for Exeter, to make it &I point
t te bin! lo the land of Nlic 1, t F'71 F0R
8� 1,c. in 'I uLk- CS
ersmitfi,'beingly lot 29.1c0i 11 and see the display of Nice, Ch-eip, 1
2, L. 1 t; In earned such a wide reputation throughout
Our Mil. inery I lepart t bagi
l] ut th ''i igh�;Jtbat the I S., TUckeistnithi Jhere are o1i i.
. redi irl is prenun 1! and Stylish goods alwgysto be fo
Ises a unnec Beaty.
00d frarne house, frit,,ie bay n an!
es ath�vart his I min lis sect'on , hat cox 2ment ils wo carry *ery
aall We can safely sa'y that nd it
it gnot� Ireii u dand two much the LAR. MOST CAREFULLY SELECTED
he (tod wells. 11 . i �re -ire GEIST, C11. ICE T and
pand Wock the �a
hen CIO)r. 1 85. aer � cleamd and 70 f fee,
exactly pI e b Of tolu"Ps it' (1, well 1 stock, which for STX'LES,KkLU d PRICES cannot be beaten. As this
our and.e rain oo stateofcofti-ation; RAN FON t nder the most able management,'and for years we BROTHERS
tile bad departmeutbas, been, alway
u the tim a he begin s'p- - 4rls�t ons t once is %well timb r1ea with ar i� ad. It i
. is situtIted have dia,
ZE he islilvii.pol for gooc , ' tation, . ea.1tol, be the LE ver
liad: one given it ape Attentibin, and it*is now acknowledg ADING —Wbbn 110' S qaf-
Of I andemvenjeat to'schools tind chu so and MILLINE R Y flo EXETER, ONT.
I I)ors ki unlocked. K fit Clin- eithi
�e Sao 8 soft- I within d triffle i of 9eafortwand 7 mil 1D solemillytobimself,hat' e'll be ! tron, an I a go d grael rc id to b a' e For.
(d if h( andertalwo o I' ek tile particulirsaIpi3-touic propirketor oil ,tile prem- In Milliiiery M, atorials w bavE a Ppl A M r-- R12,0A INY Talk *bf 4t
ises. or jy letter to T I - Ondid assortment of all the lea U
a again if .'rdbers- Aurroup 14 WhAS UN Bruce- ;no . 4ing
r t field P. i. velties. The fine, t stock.of Biro� a and Puna Feathers of -every desaription. nk thoughts.
I y _tTin 805 n
8f four deep.. By the xt i cylit Special atter tion is Iled t� ��6nr ilamens� stock of OSTRICH FEATHERS.
Jotes the- In k6
FOR 3ALE —The 11T 46i'signed lair
eAs th 1'�o offer �ti Comparison ill 'they �re far below piesent market value. ENCLI
e lie Bhc 0A.NAD, 1AN AND Pi 11it EVELporator so d diaer Mills 16t sa)e
cheap4ild up.)n easy terms of payn4c The C!sLTk atks.;
been fi dd up in ft� P1
buildim-s have been fi I
n A
n. manner for tli seru.
a car�uillg n of the Fruit 4
�Ioralen bor C onvexsat� 1 0. awr- WALL _JW& A
S. and are n .),4, i how M
U lent. f �tting 13usine Ti first-clms wc king PERN :any set
versation b wer, n d a ig it. incis can' be one.
lit le Alaterials. s, girt
-is& t
awbti 31�. s an
1dinary j*vilue for commola,: -ve B V S ot-eirtgon, one of the Mant
wil —An 11liut,
life. Aiydne who g 1e firni of D I? Co has golle, 0 Ed- erns thpr give tip her 1,
68 t �t s g ft 'nontor, No hwest TwiftQr3r, to r6na Spriug. patt to' ban([. ei
ait) per- -sl- 8 in all the ltei ocial icircle &D�okbe :e' list. be a, ld nd the In. READYMADE we ave t ,e ates and Newesb ou n (t aud' after on
px0fii-irty ni a day
N anyone'S jfa.�e��_bright M I is )usineso, of fie Shape and F., niall -pr colorings, ffom a Ilia haw
firn, tinaly closed- up.' Per any and at CE8 to a ait the �imes. Motors and Shawls in five-clentla to 8T.25 per
gripat )artko Lrs Wi
1411ce. Id z) v 0, soon he sets a I t h ) egrard tc Ka iol propert� a I'l)ly to vail�ty- Ful I assor iment of Mantle Cloths, Mantle' Ornamen roll.' The largest,lissorth3ent wu
I I . ; �he ul! rsinitid- D D.IVILSON.Seafoirth, 762 to, Fringes, 'te. ild tie bi
e Wheels i4 in b
otion, ncou -aging Somever cloicethingain FWnoy L-S�'Do not bu' your ChildrpnIs est value in.the c4pltry at man livilAg 01
y ool Goods. y
t i id ca.li�g out -iia(Aentli iOUSIY- FIRq'VCLA3S FAR Hoods' intil yon have examined our s�ock. K FDR SAL he met bis w
E —Lot , eon -
I ;, Hulleb, it,Q!aereii, super r
ources( Coll A i the re aerve I ail I sby� land; r 'first ball
d isiDg, the f - cile, & 2d 25 ams alel red, well.fon-ced,tiboroirighl.t inder.
piaking S ss
re- 0 W. PA.
ad 912 rained and:it 1% high Htste f enit[Va(io
lbody g c0i �ver go naindei bare wood buah;,,
py two frame dwelling A stor in ever BrAf
n large A. Tennessee
i 3 not t en�gross the- onve�qitioa, onaes; 1wige 'ramebarn.,itouefolitudootio
I Ot to C &�. iiie", talki goo Iii re.rue a Ad sud wok-shcp; tbree gond I
H 0
istern; 11 rail(s from Clinton, ORDERED CLOTHING a -an wbo
we TWE�DS AN''
ver greeit �rnnoll -om Seato.,"t I slid
6 d six fi A. 6qu-&II UP
ondesboro and, lyth;
A In n ma tal with such Ood -gri Vill io to each p [Vice , you i g orch %rd of
1 - - pa, Ltd for albaor
2 tree This; d eparbm6lit will be fc and 1 ery a btractivle, having muoh 9, larg
its o i
sing po er and sple dour ' Tbe' liage of 11arlock, in whic, 2', 1.9-A
chtlol,, lost. office, blachaniith E than any, former seas n. Leave you r orcTer,
6 rest: f the com p il' into Ei., abop, an(L I two and you will find,we can give you& B0, RDER. DADLOS
tores. t
IjOill" the fann. 'There to 100 acres Good Fit', the Best of'Cloth, and the tiitest Styles, at a VERV REASONABLE �Wbat are YOT
or exci,e �belrleilvy, and fic pr.. nti;ely eerorn strimps, and the farm is ne Qf FIGURE. NOTE We are 'in a rosition to Bel you good All -Wool Cloths —AND— I
Chil I here big ain should I)e he_'6o�jt thecluntY. Objeot in selling: the -B
duce' I iiaii ft ropriet 99111g to Matli oba. Apply t prices toafitonish y.o14 'Nd Val ne in Nyorsted Goods.
t ld sunshi Sple ac
13;e. E14 OtiN
DU tile premises, or to X,.,S. G.
Be' ek it ie;',art of making �others: I.JifeCAU CEILIN-0 DEC PAI
von that
iteatIll 4e with lij aid ad that,
tter how reat I a his N M KILLOP 'FOR SALE.—Foi ale
thetiorth 32 acres of lot 15, conws4i ri 14' r
t or reputatios, or,h( w smip
-1 , th-ey fi. 11 IcKillu ) of!w ich i0o res are. cleared, weli iRE D*MADE OLOT Beautiful assortment �oof Paper Unit N little girl
d, it in 1i ly j4� t �,f �,Rnced, , e I ii or-dnane and in a high stite HINGI
of Cloth Window I�liudsj C r(l, Tasseh, o,i dri
nk !" tj and 'if leasant, talkil g to Mae! '(uldvat on. lit balance is timbered wiffi tile' 0
Fixtures, Carpet My &
.1 esG of 1 rdNVood. -, here are eighty at&es Aeitriy Thelargest'stock west
i i cr him! t 1,14. i of Toronto to aelect from. -Admifled. by experts to Pperac NiOe-
The takit f 1: -ee froT i st
? c' uni )s and 200� of board once., be superior to any ord ared wor In't you atiuk
i ion, irA �e'd, more thad an I 1 4 Outside of the cities, and one-half cheaper eon.
i3 hilig, I here al g')od fmrhe buil three. nyiD
i * life, r6( ui'reii taoct an I disdrt tion. t wo larg yol . Inj ell �, and, sidering quality and E 9 1 do from the best manufact G. W. PAPST.
11betioying-olch da- tia� situated
alt. duce, am prepared give you aaid a gentol
nires' oni to have me -2 J miles i toluL t ie vilitigre 11, 12 from Sea- Caada can pto
re �v Lrie I
I-th al ( 8 How- Bruss, Ist; with godd � f ravel
W� Ing 1-n
4ge, &I d W - have # !at ill$Uut� adslef ( ing t eabli plam. SEAPORTH
There rt,�a-14 ac 10 to lit of W
)Wn W, 11 fa� I lhert- TM,fatrn will be s FIRST-OLASS SUIT FIRST-CLASS OVEROOAT, ORL S
130 �E, Can tV )1d in
t st as Int ch�. or j i ist as �tle E1 t o,,e bloc z, or, 66 ticres of to to suit nurc) er. P1, TOVE
�o ha- T1Xw Rf: L
3: demau Apply,oy (help or ddress Walton, >. 0. A N.D A '—A CoubectiCu
urr g
.On do. It 'I e I 4TS AND VEST
1,118 � T_ UoKAL Sub rER. i
t1rito, pasr, iaMantly Uni Wit elt a� 828 p ta: ea on Ili$
MPbRiU,M. t t 'he hellai
to �lie smou% rorn 1 ___4_ - .
1( -ARM .01 FALLE—Fo, iale, the east half of At prices that u )n.
i( See my C. M. W
'men, m lo, 4, cc nd.tssiou 11 Hullett, contaking -)o English E
labe, -pj&y 8 t O -di all 0 Scotch Twe d, Canada Twe6d,
a omen, from e I ere i rase knd'Ere all 1yorsted
h are cleared well mpt ag, 0,
n I -z weed pirtly underdraine d state can really not only
tesy to tb, expressio I of t, coats, and be donvine a Have one look at my F cy Tweed Ovor- V eV_4e
wes, aU tit iq��o HLITN
1, aud in a goo E fly i A correct, th a
n pass
alidallLe f Always kee
'0 01 cultivabio . Thoreare 6�ovood frame liDuses save money, but1mak( a large interest on what you have' h� r iva birn an by purcha your Ps on han� a, f all line tht eliln, soltl the
d �stibles also a good fall and winter Ouppli fror4 r ie.
byaring (rell rd t
E m ry I'D I and a nev(,'fa*l' latest styJ468 of i i
man, a boy well of wawr. young MI
b6u"t ;bit.: Thefarmis n
k gnod ursty el road and is Vi ithin
wbor n a;wa if tile proper to
ef of Bet. 11, d oibolitt equal Ai�anr COOKs BOX AND PARLDIR :)ys' e in Gait b ir'ee -)mclirton. ..tisalso uithiA three mil�:s f3o�renade(l
rson's, b yfroli,q' _fr -forth
Killb L rn wl erp are stores
E go,, tur churches, shop.t and lea- -at laute hi
up 9-� h': S
CF�VOl1i0`1CeS. N, STER STOCK uty shows; thom and th
m6l I terl� i Their bea
oi her il rge There are tiyo 8 Mo OF UNDEROLOTHING. iftible to answer
Ce sells them.
etele in TaOnto the of ier r ght a pos�oflice and a ebool within a inile and t fee pri
�;Sh 'bad pent I t: ors, f
;;Sh ear q mr, sti tly don. -st
i ireat jov 1 Shuated in 6na of the best sattle-
in th r particulars A choice of 0 er 00 doze�i 8birts, Double Breasted, MadeL of the finet —A foilar-yexr
rb i: T bov' ba(' in Onf 'PPIY Canudian and Im
0. jFor fur�he
to: thelpropri port d Wool!
i Louisv 110, KE atack torollthepircipises,or to Mrlock :13 'With Pants td match, selliag fjr8
0..: in35c up. TINWARE tkk-4a the baked p
a S astonislied.
adve: t- seffieni as t
328 orers—al, sizeE Cardigan Jackets, Overalls, Overshirts, Of vdeacription alw&ys in stock.
WAL uINTOSH. Undershirts and Drf B
as t iis ere le etc., in great variety.
f 11AR x ORiRI9 FOXt k' -0
f signe *Ibis mother. SALE.—For 15 iu� 111
We niake all our goods, and guar e ot e Pay, a littl 3 3ou I 15,0onces )r-6,Aororris,corXi'�, ntee �tlir&s one &.11
irg.5 therag
a el .1 i5 Of .+hich areo cleared, well fe i0ed, ood apnd. ri lit in
:w 0013' bisto, al Te- Jo� ra and about 20 acres ftee froni A full line Of
at N 7431, fell f roin pirtly u inel, I -L-There goes,
t4 le
idge, a.dWanc( of t( d fe in 6 �atlrnp� d b t 4 and Pocket Cut- I ho laine lawyer
e acres seeded to grass. Th�l HAT5 A ND FURNISHIN lery- at ver
,i r, e ow, 16 bt lan('e, Ia. tl�is Nvell ti r w GS111 y low p
�l 1. r 1;0MP
'I le was w)od an jecolDir T are i,� a go od frame Muse, We have a flne �ot of* Granite Xettle i
1Et sho t raug� in stock for p as
e of wal er�' 13 was roecuB fir Line barns tu id tables a Iso 1L good y 31 ing Is Be
U Hay, oitly. j,ust in i il, To ason the bes Cr of Fur and Wool Felts in the market. ving, &o. All sizes sbrply
ne t:) 10V orclifLWai,,idac,)odweilvtdpti;iip. Tlie I uild-� H&vIn:,0 the products o 1"some I 1he bo�ist malInfacturers confined to myself, I c�n
h liew,baving leen built wit�.jr thel A and.prices.
Aspecia range of Soft Far Felt' e man not:,
sell you� the fiDest Fur �'eit CIL sty for 1�2.
w"t fOtir ea r.9, 11; is wUbin three and ree
all new,: at'$1.75 which must EAVETR
quarte Milo s ftoill Bruspels, and five miles h b seen to, be appreciated.
A V71 Ong opilliolft.
Bf T ere i
h a school within a quiLrier of ale %I ways
A -ad the
y a dollar is Mile;* This is a sl lendid lot, and will be � old All kinds of o. ill: Work pr Mptly
paid for p pscri. JonE
eme disea, 6heap.1 Apply n Pr Misii� or to Brishel attended, an atil5faction guaranteed.
60 that nemet troli led "Alctilda, you
I P.O. Ott WAY iCLARK, Propri4tor. 811-11
atientl a"nil *beiiitbe s 14 dliffim I , I I . Parties
wanting goods in my line it If on b4A
D RIV FOR SA will pay them tol a
Norms, wiliA a Ifew of; Freeft' S P;LPNI)i�
LE.—Lot and ee my stock and
Powde'n iould' reinive. ILeige ;west half oft 1,12§, on 10th concesspion, eOmPSre Prices.
B lber t ir� rig
e I keep this departalbent co a ta: Oun -Y nder
11 free from stamps. r'he
a are] Ilessalit,,.safe; !and� aar�, ' i '* 150 apres, bout 110 gares,
11 a an d a ntly assorted with the Freshost and Choibest Sealorth Cheap
tbeifo OW'n' cathartici, alia are re
dwoo bush except 3 sores -able goods. TeaS fro SIM Tin House. nah�.der b& of b] elc Season toaab 0"?"
ed for children o m. 2. c a pound—remarkable value. ugars, Rmi 1* �
r adults. The ]an I is in a first claoso state sins,
74, a-� of en ti. Cur�antB, etc., the bes'i B -V
in qnai�y, ano�. the cheapest.
va oton,
iwellnderdrAved and well fenced, ;he' A large assortment of firsi �,Olas
famiOwellw red This ftirm, is well adsp;edl 8 Boots and Shoe wbi h
c must be cleared out fol eit �er irais n r in or g for want of'room. 0. M 9 . SM09 900 orchard
of a frnit tr es. are a 1. —The first i
TThe bout 35 ac -es As �I now confi my busiiiess to READY CASH, PRODUCE and
higle bptt e 'i _I)�. owli P1 ..80,vut gritin is yrar, the rernairling parf
S )0. of PROMPT PAYING USTO ERS, purchasers will find all illy goods in each- 148 ud f0ow. ![,'he bilildh to hitney Brothirs.
tp 't from the
St( ne hot se 4048 feei. ,;I T 11
,�,orm�. it is PRICES.
Syrup des 5rBt chms,
yrup tbi i far m is in
100 t9 . ap requent! Wed a,r( a,11 19F departilient MAR Fr D or
pl, ft alit r06f it, id -well flnisl ied. Two large bank Berns, lie �wiahed
bei Ic
-duly toot
0 �au:lr(ii)t.ealJat,and'�rames,able, for horses. A MONIEV LOAN
0�,* no t er catha�rt �c At pa of gri e mo ley ma rerliairt on the f af-m
als :eep sewa 1"agi if to 0! 1 The
Tape v me have ills 0. 611,_t do that
by it, f15 to 35 feet in I red by X10 nit the purchmer. udersigiied i appoi
some first-class 0 . lited agent for til-ev ara long-
th. 200. io0s of boA rd aw [ wire f mee, F0 ro.ds, of tnorn anies, is now prepared
J . , to take loans on: far
�i6tual fc!r fill vewietie� of h9dge, it great numh ir of omaniental treds. For IF ) t and Tillaga property
I Pftrt1eil%rsppl3 to: tije�toprietojo reasonablerates of i terest. Also :,ageui for
'both children Aud,4d at
9 ri 1he THOMAS KIDD th
prenihiesorto" 1111314P.O. B.HOGO�ARTH. Howick F4rimners' � utual PIM —141fott du�
Compan All kinds of don6 Vith I
f 120
ic nestness- and dispatoih.[
ornor of Main and Market treets, Seafor MATTHEW XORRI. I'll 136
SON, Walton.