HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-10-19, Page 6IIIS o.N 9xP0 ;ITOR il HE I
17— fancy bri at th Act o�f t Lole dl Legis- �04GAL prize List Qf 134fted how.. stril 7 11 iidifug, lst 8 -waf - grouW.tli FA' L -ge -Castle; l4n ttin in IIA-ulke, pAvidi E g thwit *11 litdL be: 1883 AuRIOULTURAL HILMEIER—OW air old fildl, 2d Geoi r S. pisoked, *,as not bindiiii ominion. worgled, list Miss King., 2d g C ojagalc .8 ARROLL, Pill I001f,, JIL5. JohnistoLl; two year olA gt-ld- f noy, Stoklit �s JknittiDg in Wors rol jug, let, jidit 0 quilo 0 pa chwor. ,, let i q ev nt in -filly, Ut Jag. Riebardeou, J" Sollcltor,044eyancer,&c, Koneytoloan. .Armititrong, 2d Jas. Wells; Miss njost donnec. r _ATE of Garro, w it Proudfootill 0111 a, Godoricb, two -year aid Miss Mary Me Donal e �rge C&84 tiou, w thithe iFe of, Rev'. has, Lowry, d, 2d Vr Office in er's Block Main Street, 2d J'as. Campbell; one Year a] filly, e -secret Lr O:rt a Foreign I issio B cDoi Span of *orhina b orsea, Geer. M n t, Prj re: , to( til %ijoy qui t, lst Misel io C mp I 1, I 794 bell, ),d Jaw, ea Cowie; I( ofsbyterian ch :place I g 0. RAY tbr, &c. Pj ITH., SEAF )RTH
let jels. Siteghens, 2d JOU M019:i n ley.. Jame j Cowie; gout's Aea shirl list fh )r n ) ow� Monday. he # was,�� ][t vate money tol ftaRS.zB._ -Brood li I I II GE-,(XRAL :PULl Mibs 8waffiold, 2d M U. St keg *6 lei Iijinig Mr. Lowr 11-i i g en: wed - ra. y OIL `w* 4 foal lat; W in-. Nitcoll chey Corner or Square and West S'treetl Goderich. 774 mare it tObh: all ersa; y genO fancy flanel shirt, lee Was L %xi$ t ?f biw y, the 2d oe Ray ter foal, 0 lot J,be 2d Granger; 06 as snowalan ; two year ge eSwaflield, 2d Mrs.,A. 1 g � to e ministr RROW PROUDFOOT,13arristers,golici. Oil. ve, io Y's, band sewing, 10 UisB,Swajr1e1& 2d p ej sa t ga�ibering a Mr L a GA to] 8L, &a., G 6derich, Ontario —ill Got rrov,
John XeKiii I i 2d J as. - Qam P e 11 to lo ON IS SH W NG I Mir" S. StokesI; feather flower 81JAiss esidell0di to celebrate the lout ht, Wirti.illondfoot. ear old ist John Stpapob j#11, 12431 151. j i I e. y Sim' 3014 let sui 2d; � airflower0l, Mae- Whft' tus' following laeiea�isr gofdlft g lot cAku ON, HOLT,& CAXER X, B airristers, A.. Foster; oue year I i I ffowet4, Miss Simpson. Men wele prg out: Mr, J. 9'' Lo Tyl Simp3on ; W%il a I ,lPollock` one 9 oitors In Ubanoery,,&a. Godericb, Ont. Jos. TRichardson, 2d ;Wallace', 2d list and 2,ud ; 41 0 ri sed, Bon- f Mt. Low� rmmNl of the' M.6.0 riaeroia�,Q. C., Philip He 6,,M. G. Cam. in 11 work, _y, and yearold fi0y, lot John beXIA r CQUncil, WA! h is. T T. orou. 506 ls6blar McDonald,2dblisaSwaf �eld; Pity $pan.` of Working y I N1'W F LLI)RE)"'38 GOODS AugustuB Tucker Berli a wool work," 0 at, i lab I Mil I S. Lo ry a daughter; Mr dor" 11, Gr and herses, list T. H. Welsh, 2d Johu Camp- brat rd, 116D-. MEYER, Barriuter andiAttorney at stakes, 2d Miss King; tea & ys Visa Trunk h ilwaM agefit at : N W F LL CASIF�MERES, Hl I iw, Sol4itor in Chancery ClaTmissionei _T*0 ye I g; pencil drawivi, Mis bell., r old I. M ggle im- I&VQ 0 Mr. !Lowry, wit: Mir f or tak nig affidilVitil the Provin * a of Manitoba. N W F kLL VFjLVETEENS CARRIAGE' HURSErSw 4 Mrs., Ive soliait
gelding, Ist John Beacom, 2d John CaEu I Yboll lot and 2d ;t oquet (if flo, id U ly-1for thlI, Bank nf Hamution,wingham. nds t9 loan ol toOf ent.. 638 9.imp I Son; two, yeaer old filly, 1 Miss Woods Ist, ana2d; boqui and M .! Cochlraine, Tai a. 8 �od- PrIval NEW FALL MANTLE CLOTHS, one Y, iar old ers. BMILII, DEBS Wocich lst and 2d ders, I o ingtqn �Mr Avery, 2d: i Wallace )t of low. MAN 4 &I SCOTT, 3arrist'l, =Soliaitors N4W FALL! ULSTER CLOT11S JVhu d is. Wil Exrims.—Plate pruu DR, jusephl, 'Rev. tild liai:n,so i, Oakville Mr, Stuart, pro geljing-, Ist7jas. Elder, 2d Joe. Elialkeld; �,hart i 6nd ife C)II eyano , &a. -Solicitotefor the pal N w FALL darninf. Mrs. S. 8tokes;Aancy wyool wife and aughtier; Dr. S of Job] it, Tiodale & Gale. blot" L SHAWDS& SQUAR' S
one year old filly, John Parl�; ar an car- joy to :loan. riage h . or Beg, fitr B.00k, DEPART 'El IT,
John mitiltS, Miss KiVLg; fictory Kai Kets, did M is. Porter and & ightE C. ev. Office, I -a Clinton, Ontario. A. H.
list ThO8. Nttftel, 21 nit &me to 'tb i i co N JAMSE BOOM' N -W GOODS V Iii h Hds)n? 7 hn -Mr. Lowj Ily - .0 nr i n. 781 IPP Torrance, 3d A. ForbeaL; bu[gg'y� horse �Lett, - list ffirs 1845L, B'D( a h n he bas I Q'ied the I wh ocall gm, y & DIOXINSON, Barriv &c., Kent's Ist A. F orbes 2d A;. U. Ca. Mpbe I sad- Rrtedling; wol Chos in Be i rie, I red rd d- Nis rag miai lst pulOtf 13 lo* Wl gham. Solicitor"a"s' Esso a Sil 01 chur, f1iir the Bank d-lIe horse, let jLnd 2d Geo..Btaea. 0 taking ftflid Jose h Hudst n, '2d Miggie, C amll )ell and B -air lifol of H ImIt'Duill Aminissi ners foir a Boasenberry, ."nrich vito in Manitob Private funds t ii, I oan at 6 per 31. W. S.L Burke, Goder- hon'lE nade coverlet,� I, Miss - Wriggle Forests S,t%uly ; cent. 4cknow office every Wedi Le, day.
cam] farmers' wreath, T&i W. a: ELL DIOKINSO 738 Yb dl ; C. Id fly], i - Wi, I! W ich township. hn A ey ; pillow lliani,, Mrs A.' We dvis 01 who are kifliot j* Wi ftles R aghtl Qualitiep�- -Right, an4 Prices', L)w
I,—Milch cow, Ist Jol;n McG GR.U,)I& CATTLE can h :)r -old beware of, op 1tes and �Jght 9 t Pe�k, 2d Jas. Wells; two year old Grangto ; bral Mifis Eason; ', i 0 TLIS E. DA GEY drebs ro. W. Mcclinehey� m idtle .-all mei lip, nes illat amothe' cheek al heifer, lot jas. Wilson, 2d John Peo'k - as serioul I lead I k an rely. A 710 ithOsir i6rQjn, Holt CRIX Won, Goderich, A rapf L iss I sson�; craWel work, �diss. cough 3u(.d*en]3 a aBit Ister, sollottorj�o ourqaticer, one year� old heifer, list, R. Sino, miss V -10W. HaRy a's Peatural Bal B&M Ease bi E iding 44n oil , - I -ar old steers, Movey.010an, Bianoos's. III Mi E. Westlake - yoke three yc id. breCks -np- 01,11 11b pid ec)his �et Cardoo's _tjLit SjahA Woods, 2d T."&J_ Nichulson f leld; mottoes, 1 Mrs W. I me. effiDetaa n.bn 'r. 774., Cline iiey' 2d James Co, ie ; h, a We an ork, 1: Bloc k, a dorth. nc Peck, voke two year old. isi Miss Simpgov pleated straw for ats, .12W PRIN'rS AND ALL SUMIMER GOODS AT Cil ution of Pity bo ershfp_�_Tbe id D. Wilson ; yoke one vear Old steets, T ?,of Di 3sol aP nerohiph r oforeexisting betwe6h the Andr 3w JobDBton; wool tidy, N
Ist B.8noden, 2d, John Pollock; fitil ot 6 TWe b D d. ovde ; pian: 'stool underK i Led lisp this da boon diRi iol ved by: mu- Loga i, 2d James C ex or ateer, lst a�Ld. 2d W. Wu,- do;. fat r3contl !a vertise. and, higlily. �uaj co be bushaess.of the lato firm wfli MiBEI b 41; 2d mats, let al NtcDc cow: or heifer, lot D. WiltioD. 2d T. & J. re0od' for deaf ne i i b Is lately be carri . 0111 Lby 'MR HOLMUTEL to whom all 4
Son Olson; on Miss M 'Cau� I 001-1 - pa clied war &Nd I i . debt a o is tothe Ifirm, 'will be paymble, and: who J SIM, ITH' Main Shied, Se 4` Niolial bull ealf, T. & J, Nic been. e: Lposed a a u n m i igaled fraud. *4111psyland-dis argealldebtsdia.) ftd owing.by oild gormoloit, Mrsi S. Stol�6s ; plsmts-, hefferal�, Ist JaLs. Cowie 2d ELI W`eSt- 1�61; so wtth Ha�yvard's Yell ow 'Iil; none leWe c)ds, 2d Dr.. Stan he Irm. Dated a.. a fart the 1 st day of Do- !;j F. HOLME.' Clari of lak6-: best'herdL6_f fjV grade cattle, let !ury
2 name it � but; 6, praise. )bn Oem )tr 1 2, B.G. cOAUGHE,
IT &J otherwiite cats, lst':-Hy, D,, ibao STI D. ANDREW CAL )ER. i Peek 2d D. Whson, 3d' Millbrjdg�, 6astifies, thatj cur Iiii1n, of Gearl"Te 1. Coi -per. deafniel 1'774�65.2w GET THE BEST
er, C Qde icb -Dazs. George Aude J1J3' S_ All Frak. HIOLMESTED JL rson,. Sfanley F" it%Ad Mrs. Dr. Gardiner, Bar field Mas 611 'aFtan John uni ter, y N. MatheEl� , Crl'i A RII E 3TER, ke Law Offte- -8 oott's'Block, Goderich township. t.[i ES A I -IP,. 3 Sealforth. Wa�t er. Zurftih. TE FC S1 Imk=Nts,—Lumbot wagon, p; tent —�Ram, Jag. Im Ider; COT13WOLD SHEEP. errer 2d Jubip S`4 I k arm, 11 ess Halb double b ALE. Lot 24 doniessioa C, e9gyp AR -ram 001 ACCAUG1 EY1111 rry,. Hess Hab rer lst o'd 2n 1, E migle towti ship of 1 i nbe t ainity 91 ar-i ;L pair owes, J sh arl i D.g the gr vel road, hal nt!t-�g oy ofl( I ile from i, bu y. D_. Cantellon-� col d , b �ggy nd
is a 'Block, (
t fbWeal, Elder ewe lambs, James 99 I i SOLICITOR; a. Law Office t1t :' AL
Jas.. trh' , vtI �e f Wroxeter; ther 7 2 a �rps c tear- � -se THE CH' ' LENGE HEATER—Halt
h Maixi Stree Seaforth. 785
Heas & Elaberer; best Ohilled y low wi ed, and o 1. build! ugs and feni 6nit. t Elder. 110 illor 8 toves.
skiminEr, James Cowip list aii42d; will be a( 4-blilealt, Apply!lo the I lrill efor Pai LrcEsTgu Si —Agpd ram, W. C. L ! arlin _k "'hiteley she ran beam plo� wiihoot Fiki[n 0 HARL: 1',& Sic rAV iSH, Wiroxis t e r P. 822x 9 ram, 1 art W. G, lar w mei 1P o UCTIONEER� Beatt gu-ng plow. L. Ben ty td Isaac, ram lam b CRE FAV� FOR 8 of I lat ar, d 2a 13 e It ItMf Istar qr adu Io � 30, and h rth half of irth, I ii ( f lot Clark pall ewes, list Jnlo, S alkeld, bars d Lill, CU dv es THE RADIANT H M E Base Burner., Cowie; one hors i o hay rake, J as. bow- 31, con'c@881bn 9 I lop- f I)i id Is J. Pill! .1 laINIt,' Licenced Anotionelay f 2d Geo. Gri ; Bb ew-ling, owes. let G. can aty of lHuron. Sales aUnded n all
a6deal e' ill in x6 Ilent (3ondil in J, meado w Nrtbrir pi cula Fider Ir'ewe lel Ut ie ; set aorse shoes hammered,not lipol- parls of �Iae CoVuty. All orders ItItat t eEx. Greent 2d J -as., I jC hn �Oss or pastare For: Ill Y"t j IL , ' - Do4 ble 11 ter3—
;.P11 1210811TOP OffiCe *1ill be proraptlyaUridedio. . .. .... W` Whiteley, 211 rk Iair fat isbel,G -orge "rivin Inp ANDRE WQOVENLOOK,Wi top !O- I 119 tf W. Cla Be u ffl eJ
I , r J&mf 8 Cowie. THE AD ANT HOME—
j�� s -heel any �breedt. lst. Jas. Elder, 2d Jno.L . - I I I i ..X D LGATTY, er f or the
POUL Y.— air dull ark ROPER%TT1Y IN�i; Licensed Auati a GMONDV11 sjSWM (I I A. L County of H n the ord double heaters that aye proved a
Sialk ld, P 1NTsaljajiithi uroti. Sales of %I desorj�tio 13 -7, of nond, -ille, 2d Jarres W(Ils; pairl, geeS6. S. 1�urke ar- I In istore of It id, ou whi proz aptly attendt d to on res"onat le tirmii.' pos tive uccess. Prc-s—BxRK.sniRE Aged boar,.G. A. y three- jusirters-61 a ; _A�d- list at d 2d j,air Blae Spanish, Jas. dyes a *aIton 1. 0. or Lot 14, Cbnae8s ion 14, Couper; am, aing r&isej pigs in I arectodabAuckcrItiageland a Ailble. T is ejX Mo] Wellf let I pair �lyn jouth oi an C I cl� ad of eat idiis kin, I., of [I Uit Rt ees, Granger;. briar L 1141
188a, A he or abd 2d;. ow, I I Lo tit t P 3' 4propri.� JL� t:j . G TT- months: or under, let John B acom, I % KETI jrERE11., gyrionto OR Si&LE. I AL' CA Welk Be &-.A I - I , r arti lars THE BRILLIANT �04ng
Roeks, lot Mr. Towti 2 J iil�i %I ko)d :ipringy re For mider, let &nd 2d John -Be&com a '4 o n the am E4 GOLD MED E2 t UIGES.—Tvvm. Edgal Kipp 13 ohn 24 A. Gra� ger. stoves. Zurich; RYDOWSID. St I A M F0, ft S-AL�.—For sa] '[at 7, 1 �onc(slqlon La L E forbable Go titge UK wo STIFFOLKS. —SOW, SiX. Mo�.thaor under, s.—For the b &y 'here 16, ilu �eitt 106,acres, 83 dlearcl and in a ihop;o, Sui blacksmi h and agon of'..'Lthe town fo "I d,r*bang er, in a g Pit, good Istite of '0114ivatloyi, the )emair mal r bu driess. t1u,,ey wer Ave exIdbitors isliallows: Mrs.' The cott-L ge is JUDGM..—John Tough, S excellent . b ash. timber; well f ancel I and iveli good, ro�sir, aud to pies .4outiy d, tv o ita Lted. The warl, , I be'sol 11 in The larl anamost attractive line of Stoves in the market. Gual Iteed
AIR -Donald bil Job it drain r a properify wit
tthi Walker, Val Wm. OuImO-re don, f ame litirriR, bfick lioxiAe, Lever- Mrs. Jtmes WcDon-ali` rs Murdock faillirg 4rifig V6114 strid oreha ,1; 4 ntiles from C or separell al ",vbr oleap. Apply to unequalled foi�' oper tion, economy DURABILITY and WORRHANS IP.
Tackeramlith. 1* q. 7,kxSO 1 I -
L deb flDm all o d b, 11 W. 8 6&fo 1 thi Wb ddo alll of miles tile pi. 3 isd H ri N WE ALWAYS RELIAB-t. DAIRY P�,nolTenuet B&ILt butter,' Ross Dn I Mrs. Wm. from to Apj�ly -Balfial'( u a2d Mrs. George T 1) 9 j Ages we�e M ar., D. T*YLO crtocoilithucep. 0 822 tf H)UIEFOR ALE.—Aoneaad�s list tory lot Mrs.. Jag., Walace, H_ R.tellie. Johu Essen a d lexainder fl Lr ie dwel ing, situated in I. lease 1part mwafe a6d YCif.chen u rni8hiny DM,Sils in'Great Fari,l
McDonaM;' twonty-five lbs. salti X Osiona 4 i cont ining i3ine roonts� cellar, wood F(R IF F#]�x SAY —Lot con: itter The Judgesef ter df l'of the t)m-n,- lat Mrs. Jas. Wallace, 21- Mrs. W. L. Graix,ei. eud 15, 2pol slart-Q, sort 8 -lear; the. hon ie in I Stahl ; itairie foundatioh -un the rlin a WE or olc Keys; butterfor table use; Miss exallydriatiou )f the D�. ere i harld and soft houee, i nirt hard And:soft water on the pr iiii w: 11 not ble und IS 1. Cal and inspect our Stock.
remaind,,r be ug tamber d wi Nr ich 8waffield, 2d Jits. Wallaee;L abeese, eitihei unable or afraid lto;de a woutT.. 'i here Is spring area runn it g thi ough Apply to 0. Ivi. N V-HiTNEY's �in and Stov I Em. con e que the farn),1 goodioll we us b t: BUY, ix miles porium, Sealforth. Aloo a I good rivirg IMare factiolde, lst and 2d Jahn 9!On.h were be�, ana �aid, go iL � t% 8 iii, fro eight yesni old, one hght� *tigcn,i one )Vggy *1 ng and 1 m�ad_ fi-ome made cheese, Andrew jobijiston they next best itb dfo Priis.141s, and!311 from W on; irilodroads ne a th L Ig lotiothplittoes;laschoO Lit dadjoining 1 0 at light horn6ds.'r st', 8 1A\1 S. JOHN ICIDD'S E'm all best by dividi up the 'prize hume, made wine, lat Mary Mel lonald, lot. 011, forms apply on the p -41nise to A Ulm 1 money w rem, 2d! JOB. Wild; honey in jtil lbt A. Fos. 'S. Dft L48, Wat 82' )i8 Equally bet een and each 4 Pon P. C babe Wes ded two. I&rs. Ome made bread H A M-11 LIT10 N Hale a�d Stove House, Main. Street, Seefor 11.
ter, 2d J'as. Wells h 5 I FA M _N MORIU-3 FOR SA )r sp e the, ],,at Mrs. John MeKinity, 2d Mrs. James r I alf oti Lo 'OtE a. . L I I, 24,Cuinhil Mrris,-'l III, A IjateSjL New containt ig 100 'acres, 80 of w: � ib i r ele, tred ; -1, I Armstrong. C T 0 t 'C 0. P A Y I urns d Sb d GRM,bt AND SEEDS.- White winterl, wheat, He ri, and Edmun Procter, mer- extensv Exid hodil 14 f withi 3 t Vo m 'a 'gon �J� L chau t s n the rn trad 4t e W 2; alkeld, 2d W, Alle red W stle, flearpof the fl' dabin villaw oi I I 1-t John S. b N AR109
Brus� els ; iall be ifibld on easy i' -fins Al payinent. ()W ID NE re
- i -- olp [I PL PLI 'Winter wheat, lot Jo& Wild, 2a M. have Liabi4ti�s, 23 00; 13 ti IPA'% LSON,! I'kiiid, l8_tL RaBetj -1135 0 Xogerill VVeutlake winter wheat, sliny 1. .000. A -P , D AR-usTiwNia raq 8�64 i TVR� oil T IRS t rd I lirth, Geo� A. Cooper, 0d Will Stockdale Lost —PrE 3ident Artbur'siiflt�_ 1 h P A FO $'3 200.—F i r S* le .V lary a boa 0 Y A R'N I tion wheat, let Isaac S&lkeld,2d Jos. day was observed on ]Friday 5th. ' I
nst., 161 Wild; F wheat, let Isarto Salkald in man of the towns and village u t, 10, oril 0! Bjrupe,� chtaining 16 so le all ab( 7 JY i te and Oo7ora Sfngle�lavrl Double, IMlr� Swafflield; Spring whLeat, any hiln.d, over the UL)i of-wh1oh tiro ofesriid and under lthwforl. The.1 ho British' timbered ith hard vood I C i's Btst- balan is", i 1, � CARM I WAR.FS to I I all C.blors, list Hudson, 2d Hily Dowso ' u ; small oreigb Offi 0 and a ar. Goo I fraire j! bar j and: --a. Wild, 2d A., M. 0 auc pball ed to be irritated at the 4a(t tl�at. a aBEAM WARPS scription lit ml lst JO all ed to pil tjyb d a ngbous 9 T w s at rob a. do good of every Pe * ' 0 am 1 sells two -rowed barley, lot Joha Salkeld, 2d Germ a colany in W`1 4 rity ioi, .w.teymPiVill tilis' ii for CHOSIERY YAIMS AND tigh $3,20 ird ash and hDILICe S� ured b�l lsa,tw Salkeld; folu-rowed bal - let amm ti w1hile B e th e inf on. to natives IYI mo, t ll 3 1:7 p. r 6onb interest a I jily to QIJI A I tLEd BALIjED-KBITTING YkRNS
Jos. Hudsain, 2d Mr. Swaffield; white calon, be on eitiier aide re �ino; all ed IW WOO d, eafortialloiat. 62 1-tf C EVERY "VARUCTY. oata. list Chas. Middleton, -2d Mr. S waf- to do sc. :field; blackel 18t Hy Dol 2d W. —1 oal a It. 13 13� Of A Deniga Tilrkiql C tion 9des. So'th Bend
I PC R SALE.—For sale necs-non!.., n 0
as r Adix iral I- A car Load of Genuine
F 8 a I'Molriicocialtaing125 eO'of hioh t -a -ti, ickdale timothy seed, lot John WRal in,ton, on the reti�Odi I* b idb tersa yvpr(nounced yth
I on esp I 'nod are un a eal ed� and the r6mainder goo bar6 wood Lr to :a fully equ I to,, a y made, si A for cKinley 2d John Salkeld; 11a). seed, thethirlinst. aged89 �oi4,ra. H 3 aMDS)i lh,-reis'on1he�premv 'In 1) jandc as a row !rame re lar t v and a nne ma -k 4 loring
Lome Sal-keld ;L corn' ISt Gl Er ?viii, 2d ved it t 3e war agaiust, ugland on ta"ke bous, i at d i CH 1_LF,_D DLOWS & SULKY PLOM
)ar1r. arid a go jid sr; i g vrell, a the ar, insur said, ldr. Cam .11. y talt bmi Lng orchard of chok i I rait it The be Ontaflo, and the Meiic an 1wax, and also y0itit i a RI :r wE 1—V0111i ii�! tin, our I ,mv I iid w Igoe, a any in "Ite Ins -keg. FRUIT. prQp rt� is ell feticed, and 15 cres of %vi hin �!j, is i ust k —grapes,. lat. Geo. MollonaldilL parti ted in the latewa. ONV wi;h, fall wheat., UST ECEIVED AT— I -A Yost. IMIL 0 givd.; it A I Dr.,Wooda; variety -fall apples, lot s;reet car in Allo&in� Cit�, Pall., (A AVa 1: ye Diry eo * 111all linji 110t of It 2d ile iud a, ton.; V err here at, John Serpbenson, 2d Jas. Wells; varie- onssturday night, 6th instill th, ough .§chocls, a] ircites, PObt; Office, E lit rea To� in. I we itir, I t1s and we will aveyouarep mpti Is
ty witirter,&pples, let Mrs. Weston, 2d the ii ac tion ol� the bral:4s, rus ed il easy. F1 furthitir prtil 8 applt on the ly i d.: WILLSON am r pr Set �COLIX[ XcARTU L, c I k 'I all d a art Gee.. M�Donald colleotion of apples' a hill a das ied intOL frei t kjain, -%V, i (letter cUR ' ARNS, of which we ma 4) to Llt( I P. 26-tf 0. tions, 1v I be 1ound 4-qually ood. 8 f-BtJohnStephenson, 2d Jas. Wells; fataly wound ng four cf the ssc aters alf I Gill- thl.. 11 y ith ni. 2 i oi�aej sioti an Was ard n
0 ush, oflifortim,-inthe a of aron 'rot nty a liers. VOR & It E .—N611th h' at: 1his 1) I aw ' ad 1 f I i
ears., four varieties, lat Jol I �Lunter, and Bevbrely i ijuring'twe 1p, uny 8,4 prize gric. tural Inipleme t Wareroom, Seaforth,
id Joe. Wild; collection of ,pears let , —MiEs Ab) llr Pilver no i [it s,at Torril Exhibiti and io- Winebe8te of an dont lit ag i acres, 80 clearec; 71), so, eii ha rt lwvod' In th ProvinriiF thrae fir prize at I Exhibi an at arild 2d Jo H-unter ; peaches, 1 3t Mrs. Yran ke, he re8s. of - 9, mc;1lion; as � ced Up d i Oly. The soil is of the has; . I tI.A3 1011111, Kit (n),,st( 1882. Geo.Weston, 2LIL Geo.XcDonald; grapes, �nairro the otber day tc? Wall ice" ck- U sa -es of beating jorobird, goq weal, oiland AGENTS: Whicb vVill be a id at -aid prices, notwithstanding the ineresee of 10 per .ent.
2d Joe. Wild ; crab pt, a, 7 u.g Is, v boAri . fe ne Is, friiiatia and. log bath 1, frabeal i imp r duties, t e subscriber being determined to keep those valuable Plo i we in
yer -of. that (ity. or 9 i
fat Dr. WOO(J'S'L WINANS & C Toran to. i 0
housl P. The propsirtyas on a gdi(d 11 I orill 9. 7 , A list J. Ferg-.�Bon, 2d. J61 -La Me- trous i u was valued E tj 61(X 100( IV and inji,s stook, impol d ne undred and Fifty of them a few days before th-3 ise n. the
from Brussels and 8 miles ron 1 lyr a. For I, MoELDER11Y & Coll Motreal. 0. ilaw ptwticialarii al on 11 e is enabled to sell them at fbrme prioes until the pr isent
her we cling presents a '6200 ( 0 far he pierialses to tariff ; conseq ite tly, 11 ri
3�14-,26 C noil DONUD MCLE� _11russeh or R. I "tall end see held I I I 1".0,; - stock �J s exhau sit d. ing a common c Jui)os.—,Jal Tompson, Bayfield, , —"h Mormons LaV4 cap L I�T those Flows before buy' i6m d.1 �tetl as. 1, L -guaranteed to give satisfaction or no sale. a. Ebnes, Zi ;. G. Stewart; Varna .6 . i . .18 V 4 fe'rior 6r Acle,
at Sa It Lakeland they i O' Ined Ir ivery Plow
'EGETABLES.—Early;pOtatoes, lat; J. to adlie re to t !eir P-013, amou E col t and
C R& JTJ �Uii XCE-FIt. `,Oft � 3. LLF — A full st�)l �,Rlof Massey Reapers and Massey Mowere, Toironto Reapers
EG!MO�D.VIL 2d Dr. Woods; lato potatoes the I dmunds� Act to I Le cont.,ar at. y r 8 ile i xetd Me nj qyuuds r
Campbel it to y F,, he th Torouo Mow 3 6, Toronto Cord Binders and Massey's Lo* Down Bihdex and or its piesen Sharp a RakeE, ia I of - will be sold ch
lat Jos. Wi 1d, 2d John Eason lon th tanding. Bright �yo Ing, .1 jr Udjdi ain g i he veil E 0 t* Oceu,- I 3 eap and on reasonable terms. Repairs
C R Mli L% hich pie4 i 91.1Rober -Zi,inson. There ard 11( [I acres warig.olda, let Jon. Campbell, 2,1 Geo. expr iasad the cl tbatj at ger of all I d do &I w a on band for the above machines. Dou't fail to see�my stock
of lal A on *bich 14 a laige and comfonab ( brick ne. DOI e b aying a to 13 a III brick Stable w-th at tli(r -n(Mss-try A. Cooper;: yellow globe mang s, lst revel tj one WE re yet to e vilit hoqs I - befor aeb
'convenictice; mint lletei s ich as W),ntB at 'thB7 Juhn, Salkeld, 2d W. H. Woods - beets', them. out-li nit lit igs an ' d Egmoi3dvi'[le eam a*' Mill -at W. H. Woodist 2d Dr. Woods; cab- —11r. George'Baird Sr., 6. st lu iey, wood-shad-iwitIl �§tern, cell ft. ThEre is a Cider 8,
splendid ofthara of variou,- dit' syj a iies of crant v Street Seafor 'I b U iSIF tii�.acb ( r' OX. WILLSON, Alain
bsirge, 1at John Cowie, 2d D. Campbell; has leen. re-ei gaged ag! oi the fruit �n. !1u nz �.rapery and 1 1mtIl f6iti. -iflower,, lat John Oo-wie* 2d Wm. 2ad'doiceRsicaj of t, f tow ishi i for' grounds micaly- tlauted with �llliale, and 314", 0 B11 it L TaWnsend; carrota, let Dr., Woods, 2d. the ear 188 1,,;1 at a salar of 5510; ortiamedta trees atid hedge a lat0 ii n ex- cellentard5r. Itii1sinfactone ji th 14 ct com. Cooper; , paranips, I t Dr. This I : I —OF es h a* 24th y ar id thE [see- pliate'ard �liryifuitable, resi eh'c& in ihe W'Ooil 2cl Jas. Cambell; lInglish tian, pa d we Joubb if SIM11 cicum- couto y anfis admirably. adapied foy a ratire T potato onions, M. Westlake; Celli IPL S9 N 0* _fHE TIME
und in the vini el s reside As W t lit] 15 11) ALF iS
Rdian Stan c e , Ian be o p former or gentleman' R I r railitutes w ti at the 1 -us* tneFs larsi the town,
otato onions, let A. Johnston., �d Mr. h3 other eveni g several I the and Ice ic forib -'atity, and 1(alth Mess isall le-st' hee wl. in for hic the �hioh p E_Vviffiald; �otfier onions, let.. harles voun I adi-eA a trb e W stern 1 ricin tyi of tli;li t cov Id b q'ed. !Apply Don t a pre xiLses: A be paid. orl 2d Mr.. Swaffield; tuxii ps, lob, Gow ie, calle I - upon he good-na m � d QRERw FK ; WN. 81,4-tf re or to at, C h, a L o 2d Johii Tough; r: arrats, store-eeper, a rin-ed wit one 7A1_T__jT_j csz; _W31 g ClIptil M or Done U�; aal. C 1E3 G 13� iiRx FOR E Ix ot 6, con4l g foo ga FIA81 �& lat John r -2d W. H. Woo(' red wia totradetheir roducei r( Ira 1: tes, 3ic n 13,IH6 liet, 150 a p�riorland-,i kj celery Di Woods; radishes, Jok.W`ild ; cal um, ( te. The allautimet .1,T CHESTS �OF TEA FOR SA IIE. hal 125 sorks ialearbd),� well fence oromf ly ituder- c. traus., John Tou watermelctxs, lst soon'�i aft oul i to each gh the edimn odityl drained and in d,Ujigh istatsi oulihatioill- re; J -thn Tough 2d Wm.Townsend; beano., she -a 3 ed for. rdWdod 6 frain � d%i oiling G. H UCH�ON. b
hourties; is igo filattiobarn, 4.044 utidal largo Hudson, 2d John Parke; large I L widesptead'org&xizatio, of 'RiBd� fr"me Bind wozk-s jr, a 900 I Wet Is alj� t atoes, let Mr. Swaffield, 2d ndrew Men" has-blBiEn discover'ed In 1vil Yinia cistern; 11 1 milli front iri 0i, e8ifortli an� AN TE lin BOOT$ AND SHOES. X! -am Lad Blyth J mifici iol 5:sud 1ustou; small tomatoes, Mr. Swal. which'is'said to have Brussels " �nd Ai fi lovd!41 oro, e graw I roLd t ) each P wor conn6etiol taroughou tile goo ti, s Mite. :D ur- a 12 a I. Tbe:vi Jage f dic k, in which is a, I A� RMS- 01'F ALL DESC �TRMSI �Iyiutgerehkrd a t four year over 60 school,-, �01 it oiG tb)ja klimft A%NUFI&cTt-REP,.—White:ffaRnel,home- iag the pas blion, still - tw4 de, Is -t Mrs. S. Sto-es. 2d eries, 20 npendiary fireR and lsdj)int4 th f .. That, �- are I IOU acreb IAT OVED & PARTLY. IMPROVED
manyi, storeill iling arm in tirbly fri 6 f rom tu ov colored flannel, hom e made burlaries have been attibutf the ana �ba tarn Lis one of AN C ENTRY'S SHOE STORE 4 t I im 8 ILSO an iu S(Ijing tke �3 is the best ill 11i a ' Apply; to Me socidty. proprietor g 0 floba.1 Andrew Johnston 2d Mrs. lia Obj:
clo ' - me -ma M IT—T -11 - ho- -RAN Ia r c chey; fa th, e, John —Six tbouS, the TOR �3, persons attendE I misi or tu! Mr. S keld; satinette, home-made, adrew Morrpon'Conference at. Sal h 817 : I McCAu, 4f r, t 0 party, (Pe wishing to sell Uhis: e of p]
if yo� want W get the beat value for your mo:ney My
JCh.11ston; woollen blankets, h -h aion ca I r adily obtain a Inlrebaer h appl�i�k to Is the rlace t)'buy tbem ome Satu�day. The chum org'anh -%do, 18t,1saac Sal I eld, 2d Miss numbers 12 apostles, 58 patriixcbs,�. Im C ID. 413111AIRTAIES E' UR k1G'E stock' Factor Mail Goods in. all the different ines,
r is large a d well assorted C#Dalpbell ho2ke-mado carpot, Ist i 3,875�1 saventi3s. 3,153 jiig� priest Y, ILand Office, Dunda� St.' Londo i' Ont. 140 des- Granger, 2(1 Ja. ArMStrOD beat I 000 Idlers, 1,500 bishops, and I Caunot e'unde e. ME MR Arizoi a reports mo� , mb hip 014 Ey �To AN '40 1 IOUs !in the trad
dO gents'suft of clotlies, Mrs.litdke Cons. 1 B R! :at
r 101ra by any. 1 0 W; ollen yarn, lat Mrs, W. McGloenchy, I of 2,264. Id ),he fill not rej ut I Orte 1b Qua. IAt lowe A rate of int6resL ip] not CUT RICE .()U kndrew Johnston ; Ptockiric, yarn, l;t has d oube fl, at of Arj:,, one 0 I S. Stakes, 2d. W., Ke ighl S in ADEJ WORK, as no man
,voci missionaries 2ave been. 6�poi ited! to go i stockings, Ist Mrs S. Sltok'�s"; S a 4rib rs'tall 11!is opy ortun :811-26 E.: B 111 Icndon. ty if re- d George o m" ed 1. urnb�gthanktoti. inbbLbtantspfB i§els e. t nit thebes Ua�torial,and p ol made, aild do so.
issionB t Europe an4 tj t T]T ay ta have work pr Castle; cotton -Stockings, la S. stat -'s. and cift.1 pa rqnage� d b g t state i that a113 "'or leg t It M 1011 a n i is i Ll that rNV I :IRIAGE L I C IN, E 8 Stokeiv, 2d Joe. Wild - woollen ace,ks,lSt the Toron to ass ze- a Sol ne m Dtba a, eve'li, mpro-j, 0 give Boots tbat; must give sati§faction, and prow the
-irgm of uri. ig ti iand 2d Mrs. S. Stakes; woollen mitts ago, Pia yid ode But I will gu antoo MonkbDuso, a br4ema�l a I iij tion than eve,. I ie$r are rrow III I 9 i betit before to Qbpply th,� 1 ISSUED AT: lat and 2d Mrs. Geo. -it] x first-class lir Weat(n, go*, sr-�Mirif ; fine 1 awarled sixio aam. t t 6 pubi iel d. bootaj js�t and 2d Jobn RoeddinE. Gran Ths I Id the hinth )f ou. bt lnes� cheap, At in tl 16' e 11 k Trunk. R9IwE y- for sev.-e in- 4 " i fl OF CE LA;;�W WoRK—Crocb.et war j, Mrs. invie, sustaiued. owi a deali igs If Bru. spla, qn, I avitig givei THE MON. EXPOSITOR 0 ur qLpli pac o7et Forot the Stmid, Roy Hotel, Seaforth' ag q&.fr)g nd t e ati it dtion so far, t I I I - i - c cait re y 0 -T-'al Cowie Ist aud,2d; emlard dery ' in i Uftiol stptioij not bei i ked. T is dn 'Pod trilatmer at �, B'. BA.ITURTH, oN, r Rio. 71 al W� McCli 9 P'u" lrat-r� WS vy�os �te the.
i� Mrs. ncbe r comp&j) em ealed, an I judi knell b b is us. class I in a t 15�. Cash, D mem- lbrOiderY in worsted,Mi,-s Ma; P if jVo Iie ip rmsele I ggic C been giv4n by the of -A) F t
#e T ot, �A
r v bell amroi er biik, James. Arm. ijag t a jal w th co -d y in allo v ts, a I t ;THOMAS COVENTRY
1 7j
STONE B LOCKII WIN2 GH' L JAMES A. CLINE & ('811ecesq,ors to Gordon & scott Head4uarters tfr the celebra Washburil & IV, Steel Two-Bia�b Feneing Wj.rd, i
.......... ONE OARLOAD Montreal! Received this well and will be a6ld bottom iprices. B�atbrauds of W i
LEAD'ana ENCWH B011. fO -AND RAW Kill'
11jara ware: of all descriptions 10w,rrices ao'is 00 slitent with qqarel
legitim4te bisines i. JAMEE A. CI�INE PERFECT1014 AT- LwASTl
.......... NARYV
The ol 'r Will in y g�_.niii�e RON the
County, which nOw hus no Superior,
Ian. few,eqnals, jon. the contiDon4 of
r turii3g
Ameriga 10 Fleur. A UiAT REVOtUTION IN MIL U 11
The Br�ad Questliv�i of ITital Impe 4
The �radual::: eduction
by Roller now in Stilt: Operation. Roller Plour brin_os from $1.25 to $1.50
I)er ba-mell more titan t7ze best Pl� Ir
mlwde by 6 te Old. Proll Gristipg a, Specialty.-
Farna'era will ip all eases g4 t�ei�
own -wheat ground, a' ud. by our uew�YB.
tem get a q rougpr, whiter, ricberglid
better graae of 111otm by far than Ahe
public has hitber�o been able to g'et]�
Remsmber, the o is no hurnbug mex.
periment.in out, dopting the Gradua]
Rediuction Syste --Our new systepiI.�il
thorow r ble. It haa beev
thoroughly testo d proved a; great
success in France,
England a the j Ited States. N�re gave A- 1 No-ur previous to out
extensive cliangelatia, heavyco,4 "
we guarantee bet.ter'! Flour now_' LOU
trial will be Bu#l�ieiit, to prui 11
sertions 6orrect. I Our isicilities f�r this claiis of war are unsurpassed, 4na customers 0my ae peDa ot getting their hopping 40A , a W i
once. Be Sure aiid try our famous new
process—roller floilAr., Elour, Bran, S, or s. and Fee d9liv.,
ered to any part 1 of ;Seafortl Hal pur.
hey or Egmondille free of chare. i
O M 011a n
Ag- ur Saw Mills at Eg &nd Braceflold inifull, operation, 808 xy�LE & lus r�RD.
y FARJ,kfllsj� it WILL �PA 40
R ND HE HJCH�S� 'NEAft-t And,set oy stock of 3P Ili < D .:W 8 Which limi, -beep ihade. espeof Y V
Wis Cal nty. I ave. greatly i. pr
my Gang Plow for, tWa %eal L 11.1 fee
Fistiotiell in Sayid thalt A ds the b ei iti
the market. 0 r AND ROLLERS,
ing li Are la a amd he4vX, runb� 9 Sul
doig ad workj Qur
Are nu de from 1, rd iron, au d. v 'longer than� any ot4er inachine m Having special t6pls : for - re aul tin
RollerE, we eau �.&.iautoe satis�, t�w Specis'L attentio 'g�Ven to Steam En ines, an'd Grist tellpaelknas ashort fiotice aii it "easona r�
To contral ia others — jauldr,
,Bolts and Stin 'a at low 4
Quotations fU on Lapplica iol
Also �gej�,t ��.r the im. PI 6 of L. D. Sawyer, HA�ailton. A AUf bin
of repairs canstaitl,�� on hand. THGMAS HEN: fffe 1
Kippen Still Ah dt
IF you want good pjow T t, it(] gang kin s go T. M-�LLI 'IS KIPPFENi
ka h"d, wbicli his
for be bits go bto( Bell labefIll fol t_3h, Or L( 'a t,Ij1e_ A 1�rge: gt�oko
plow camlngs:;dn hfind fl)r tile folloul 08 0
plows; Frayi�lstowxx, South 1�eiad, Tw*!ter
Xonroe & H6,4anj .4peafoith; Sleagmiller, MOV
Manville, No' :66, and Mm,sey, Xo 13. O� Ing V101i
castingii of 111 sorts, .11 hre8hers wanting 90&
cylinder spikep'-will d� well to give T. 961116
triHL Iron Us -rows! filw, rs on :bond. � W
smitbing in alt its lirsacthei done with e0naml
andarnul PTO S. Ve Miellis a a you wen it to b plows. ge 00h 011-11 f4r 0he Big-signi I 3hp, Pon I
TH024AS MLLIS, W. B. +Old i ton taken in tra4c far implm I
Tor, IgVen to ti bis ii:
Would not Bona thex
—A. but Vat.i4n, ariny - h in
)pie 4ra dete
tih-ew and al 9-r 1 f" 1 &esseil Much let TP.
k ople, bt lie-qliw
Aa dled a r riaor i
t 0 few da, hip, a Lol Nortt
to fall jqev -p, < —An _)i. maxiY P-� V)y I
.5th fust, 8b e WAS at PUIL t ()n t I -At ee r: lea,n' Ill TA)e b &ti -d tze river IL
n pt bit]
D au a J,nn J'alk , r's tru n k -,-, hi lil�
I),. The sm
X00100. had Pome of the —Jabn ao)hnao
' tl Iloront-), ailld was ne n 1
d-av laft wr,A* Itll at a
:an the fbot of Y?Dge
The bridge was �ouj
J11gfier thallL t� top,
1)etroit PkA ice, D"er.
�nurjered while pat
at. T! r4lue %v
by i3dembers o� burglars V ork in. 11tor'-,
tion of tbi.� ovenmg of 1he " )th I
in the y of
concert. The qmdii
a -and there &-s eral lations wcrt� relxebai
mans w. to Ice )rat4
zarny. At - eighteeell b-ujndrv�
A 1 rather tl)nt..
M 40me, :Nvay htx-.
:P1e)#yof S1
to talk to her; she;
peol geu#�rally, an Ila] Ata�
eizua hiiettl!311 up.
han saw U Biiibern�e�s, bhwh
dauahy, P n-�
P Sl Itha,
iL-S 4 r �
*611 3 toy- .8,
Ne " i for 1
W4�m�r-ver JU the R
be4la'! nDable f ill
ke W$ P-1 tile ng finAl P�yw(
lmlh�) i-mpatielit RUI
lectiir to ta1 Ulu' fl.
U "n Po
r I _e, oni oia ou ths, PT1 bodi iu U, for TL 4. A d Thlr�0,3011 IibrAry, When he ,iii
eonlitt, whir'ii %.l ri Y111,
us J�ed V, all
oWti Wh
eons. It i
wa=�, to
4ep%-rt 1949,
ent 4d I