HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-10-12, Page 47—
Dre Daniel doot, -Dyer Owara
Ath--,'! fill� 2. 4riev4,
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. viable position its. disregard for truth- Moi tol Cne y4lW old, list Alei ell; white Leghorns, lst Wn
S tLndei Is d Joseph BtLwden; brown Le�horni, barr 1 Ime Salt not ground, Bissett I
)a , 2d Ch (d, 3d
has placed itin. The object otif the Mai4 III packing
I-,;R'Th6 ffgure between the parentkeiiis, after C11 rvpy; %gricultilir ul' teami t m, Grieve; black Spanieh, lot' Wm' Bros,; t arrel a it"It fo urposes
e"h. 11ine, denotes the page of the paper on which however, is not to ox'pose what A be. Anda ieve, 2d Win. McLeod; Am6riciali BissEt ros.; assort ent of twee4o. lab
u, retmaro, 2 orp 3'
B icka 2d G Van A
eabrights, let and 2d Ralph'
the- adver tisementwill be f ound. lieves to be wrong on the� part of re�, 0 mpbellv _�eddyj j, James Fickard, 2d grnond
Cheap Goods—Dunoe varlem (5) If ariety tarkeys, let �ohn Hynclutan, 2jL. assoxtment, of 1 clot 3, IRS. Vidkard;'
XeBera. Haxdy arid"Par ee, �b�it; to-raifle G RALPURP ioSX,� - Brood. mi x*e Wal Paper—Lumsden Wilson: (5) HUD,r ames
B p, list 'W.: assoTtment of boo and sbo(p4,;J
Ri 1% d 2dJarnes Picktrd, 31 alkwell; variety ge;s,
a cloud of dust behind It hopes 0
4A=onacement—J. McLoughlin. �15) rd ; assorTmen f goods' �lat Jas.
Joha- att foa�l lEt Ri bar 1. Hut le eod, 2d Alex., Forsythe'; , Peki) k, Pick
Fail Stook—W111. Campbell & Cc (5) the mismanagement by its own. friends ter, 2 - Wai.'Taylo a L. I "unter. neks, Win, Grieve; Rouen duoks, 19. b, Pichara, 2d A. G. VanEgniond; cook.
Nbaw Firm—UoBride & Smith. ag s;ovo, Bissatt Bros.; coal a Ove, Jas.
of th�a landA in the Canadia.14' Northwest fiLlly, hre4 years, old, it D. eE nd 2d Win. McLeod; Aylesbury!duckl
�Jew-elry—M. R. Cotiiiter. (5.)
wilf,.ba bid from 3di jas. M oi' 3tvnd2dWm.McLeod; ELnyo+.hervi:- Pick 6rd ; maple Syrup, let Geo. Miller*,
view. 1b wonld 2d.. xander. MoRwe
iRstray Stedr—A.. McKa�i. �Hyaclm
'ety ducks, John an; variet 7 2d J(hr Willis.
be.well for it to oorrect..ebme of the gel('.il*, two; ryell!tra
i Oak Hall—Du-noan & Duncan. (8) r, Lood, 2d. job y FLowsRs.—Fuse as in flower John
H&P m J��es. wl, so!, lamnel antams, let Wm. . c
Lambs for Sale—.* J. liandab 4:.(5) blunders of its ownfriando before it old I ell; collea A Andorsoii; foliage plant, list In Mur-
ci�roug bion of pigeons, let B. Bair d 8;. ltly,twolyb&
Denal Card—W.. J. Fear. (5) undertake to aInder ital opponents, dock, 241 Alf. Allen: Begonia
Cho, ey, M T�hom&B 3; apt') n 1 Ri oil. Iliott, 2d Isaac a flow.
ld' �st Ja 3. JdDGus.—A. Dickson L. Thor er, M In. Murdock; Earanium
Hu it, r; gelding, one ar o
'CIqaring,&uetiou Sale 8 flower,
We direct the Special attention of the
Sale—J. Kneelltel. (5)
Loadi ian 2d� A It dre Caihl)bell, d and 0. Aitzel, geafo'rth. let t Anderson, 2d A. Allen hangin
ail �to the following letter fro in a 9
to, let tin
)ld, Ut ago- batik �t filled with pt w Mur
Sale of Farm and.Tavern Stand. (5) M Jturliej Pi4ke !fill' e year IJ,. I.LeNTS. Patent X18
Watch gentleman who has been a Conservative double open earria-, dock 24 John And rson I ction of
pso Rolias.,SbaptcJU, Elea oi (K-, Umberer; Mull i2d
Estray Rheep—George Avery. (5) pots, Wm Mur�ock�
all hi irpose team, at, ).d and 3.ct Hess a Habpr6r; I ftow(rsin
a life, and who, although in every JAI iei Froyne gener�l pi. phmtc.
Estray Cattle—Geo, tewart, (5) i� F1
go Cicr FLOW RS.— Wide AMI Allen
d, At top, Hess *&,Uabereli; top bu
respect thoronghly� reliable, would- nob. jot J- Wbitfj, 2d irchin Craw 'or
Teacher Wanted—J', McCrae. (5, 2d J03
T 11' e hl at _ 1. Cantelon, ;Smith; ope Pam eg, Ist Iler, 2d Wm Sweet;
D. e
To Prize Winniars—R. Jaiescn (8.) censure his political friends'u as they W thaii ast4r, lat A. Alleu. 2a Win.
aLort- ug Y, %list Isaac Elandfbrd, 2d D. t, Ger
W on, V. S
Goceries, &c.—M. Morrison. (8) week
eserved, it. A conple of weeks ago we to, 3 Dliaiciftf Jus. 3d J..
do UT Down Portland �cutte we(t; astera', A. Allen ; te 8
-eyrie's Lectures. (3 ttoc�, collection, A. 'Allen, 92d NVm.
Cond published an intetvie� Digna ; llgb6 bob sleiabs �Jam(B
w with' Mr.A. AiWhlsonq p- Uli
Xlinery Departmout—T. Kidd. 1(8) A. Allen,
Do, 'n; iron beava plow, lst, 2dnd 2 1 i4we(t; verbonas, I.si 9LI John.
lorral,of Cliaton,who. had then. re- C &I RIA I �rooc. in 6,
peturtia.3, single, Ipt A.
W. H, Verity; )vooden
plow, W. Andoisi u;
ol a RoW ames Moir, d.
cently)returned "rom the i Nolrithweet. VerLty; double mould plow, A� M ` Allaill, 2d- Win. Murdock; petunias,
JuL a �IcNeviu; -foal,
gh Okk, Id Oo.; ho0e 4hoes, let and I doubl6,
ol i, heron
erview was om the 376, a Paylor gelding 1ret -yea rid
Tbis int �opied h, A. 4ildh; blox. drt di
I t Hit
New - Bra. Oservin'g its darnaging J-01 a Aorley 'lly, three years Id, 15t Sallie Handford'; hbrse h 0"W.: let A* L111911, 2d 'Wrr. Sweet, N
can two -horse u ti
i ed bsAet of cut flowers, 11st A.
effect, the Clinton Man geti
FRIDAY, Oct. ir 188,3. Re6ord took� to J. .-Conn, 2 es Load I- Allet, 2d W Mu
4 er.ty gang., PIC w"ist AL. gulhoiroa tdock; coll�c ion of
Ing t Oyears:old, lsi not hilcNion, state that Mr. Goirrial hadEdei'lc misre. H. Vdrity ; it -on b rrcpvv
0.1 2d W.- w annualt in bloom, A. Allen.
Uar le 3d Min LAD 'S, , WORR. -Loaf bdoo,made
rel � �� llackiiey The Mad on the RaMpEbge. presented. To th4 Mr. replies net B&lkwel' ; r1oll er, W. H. erity
L11 �wo ye4r old,' I t Jii nois Loa, I-, bread, at U
bay rake,ilst!'J. Elliott, & S C61 a. John Cotton,91d Mary
I Job 1 K che
O.u-r Toronto corresondent ia his as follows mah, Pd Li 6wh; on �E
d Oxon B, tk�nip cutter Chlt� McEw(n, 3.1 Alex. McBwen T alched
letter last week said'he believed tbe fact see in tho Record !of week gel(IiRl� ear old, *: at Mtuiie3 Eld-
one y
I don't qr
to, be th t instead of the extens4re an item concer-,ipg MY41f. iison, �3d James 4uir; faunil)
2�jobiu 13411P Is A. c il�- quilb., baud *made, I at Af%ry Ewen,
hii, & Co., 2d John S ell; 2d 3d, Miss Samopld;,raiBed
know where they 1111y, One y In
.11iott On,, 2 Glen
g6t their Info' elii� old, IE t Wi bft,Eweal qui n, y S. C C r D. i a b, 2- (1 1311
tr&.ota in Dakota, which the Mail repre. ier, list J. �O rni- 9' Bell,
as they are eatir don't 24 ?4er- M4olti
gall, M J.3,mes WeE Win.
elAgricul tpral Sodty 6ingle owdg; 3d Mary S. Cornish; tatting, at
sents Meagre, Hardy &'ad Pardee as think my Statement air carr hoc 138, J h4 S nel. l�
a weke lJort red into Ot iage 31 P -n, 3d D. c�Ewen;
J. -Elliott & Son, 2 cdi Ionic i Swei �t, 2d Jas. Tho.
i UW11-11197 �these gentlemen have, ike conveying views at'varia�ncb with those horse, ]'at L.' 11hnter, -Wary
ad eady exprbsse -id 2 Bissett,' W& �B
few 'I h air- d-.' * iAll� I d rb aWde 3. Ng icalfural Soiiiety ; grai'lil seell dri : crotch work, let `Wm. ell,!
114'any others, mere"y inyested iu qoxon Bros.; arno, let a d 2d eor �3 Mel wit in, 3d Miss N Eish ; emb' n1dery in
concer A was' that I -Brood p
ning Dakot i people 010STERf fire, Job n T
acres. there (say a section or half -section Bolton. sil, ve.velh Ot satin, at Go6o. 4thcott,
went there from the NdrthN1.ve4'to bat. I o t� gelding,lt�reo ye3r3,ol(, �sb Thas.,
Be ch(r. )Oks, 3d to. Bell;
'fi ey -dould got
a -piece), as a apeculati= promising a fair ter their condition�'as h B4 atib,- 2d dhakies:Cllristie 3.d _�Leison J"I'"-s—Robort :T. 11, Tu 2d 'Eis Mary Br
mi h; G. Greensl.114`19., emb, oidery in musli a, let IN Bell, 2d
returii." Whereupon the chief Tory. Jand there Moro reudilyl; not th t they Hol To �r ; gelding, two 3ea old, J. 1L
It, 4 am ;J e,
GRAIN iND SEF1)18.1�2r' all wheat, whik Jo'. ?an8o I Alm i. In gr mbroid-
remarks -liked the' Stairs and Stripes I bet'trr than Hy d kan:; fil�ly,two 3 emrsts d! lat Win.
orga'a L 34lill 2d R.- Hamilton, : i(l orys i I drape o'hew Ile, Jag. qo�lillithcott,
the old British flag but for the - shame- i a' 2dJimes Oke 3d hi!pl) Bain; at Wra.' 1 at Geo�
Thia'statoment is at pff of I - . *boat, Ist J.'Tudk- embioideryinilwurst Bolton,
once a d fall
f at way the laad po -icy is c�kried out in -g I in al One yiear old,' 18 b Rio 6h itr I Wai I- r. Lutz; ec
Dakota and a confession of guilt. But nie C rbeker, 3 Geo S16i: theott;
the Northwest. 'iffe, �3d Geo�jye
r, 2d R XAllist�r 314 Wmi Peln 2a Min
The poorim di. Pol JO Rowe.
as! a] B61 3a 7 brai(dug,
a4 has no IOA nation, 3
it does. not contain even a quarter of the cance."bub the ape 116 tor 1' and Thom ts -Ial:);' fife wheab, ()N ls;� Mari, cEwen a John
tra-th. The writer describes a, section &tor rge Roo4, 2d J oadmal, it 'Bell 3d &-nd: Ow fancy knit -
Jig( hin as T�rnbull
you innat come to 1, is term or e&ve; I, Bis3ep, 2d Leonard as I's t pose of 1,1 3re(r, Mill'ar;.twobus 6F3 any: otler tiDgAt b J&s. 1rhorn, 2d W. IVVerity,
01) fic iael I acrett
a $E
know a man (a Conservativ�)- who was ro:% 16r, lW',Tb Bi � 6tt, Jr., Ile
I lat� A. Ingi arn 29 Job n Ti - 3 a 'N. wool'
misleadiac, readers who are n6t i,ar e y, Len 8O�ks, let
;Tb)m V)rl. WE ,
in a government o:fl Lee, lind he ran for aSol. ly
ea -is 6-10 acres. all, 2 1 Mary McE wen; w
art"t a' a" tion or ; six ro 'oil_ arh y, let . Taylor, Zd Miles N i oollen
the North west counloil, opeL ly expr So ttan, cl�u oboy i NY
ng is the pretence that oss- b oats, lot
!larg; 11 stockings, 10 MdryciEwen, 24!Rob
EqUally Miseadi eorge Millar, W. B ert
El G9unt West anoi h; Did Pewdpey
ig himelf as oppo -ed to 01r.
these Mau have only a Secion or half a d,J. Taylr-; com rh6n OR ts, I at A. : h Bl ; i ool e I i mitts, a rs . . . . . .
and the o6vernmen Do anagoinieliat of the Bbf se liberry, Zuiic:, I. i
Section each. - Hardy and Pardee h' r& m, 2d D IMe,,14wen blan Oa ILE ton, ,Pd J as. noirn ; woollen g oves, let
air lands. What was the result—orders TURAM �104!iiTLF,— ')W,' let. Th(B. L Rob rt Moi'� a
two squ ' a miles in. but one of the three �a. acob Kercher arge peaf and 211 Jas Tbo a ; wax ers,
me -from Ottawa, that is services ;se 1, 2d knol &I 1clard Eunt w; two
couaties in which the Grit synAinatfi is -I a � J. Thom is llis -small, peas, 1.0 Rob A A Geo. BDItOb, 22 D.lBrautd; honey in
were not wanted any lond his I y a � c�d beife'� I �er;
A. Rog th 11 ster, 2d. lot Joe.
know to b a fact. I don' fe41 agg�a- R ad one year oil] aeiE( imotbly So, COM), Jos. D'Siter. ney in 3661
t yndman, Id.
Diflo r, 2d. Mary
e ri,�
li9ft, ad
The: -gifted intellect in, t Mail ODA 24 T1 iOmAS �Russ I at Win. McEv u, 9d Rot ICCIgy
oc 1 ert
vated or annoyed over �any ructi6n lleife at
affice - apparently suffers from cc that bits been placed on y terivar�& A" )le ;on 11MIcoat, d an d. 5 d Riebard as. seed, Archibaid Hcligert; barrel McEwen;.la-,0worI:, Mary McEwn;
H efeliants, fl6 'r, 11st James ap'cka C, .- Berl n wool w rk, lat Minnie Crocker,
Ihave been tuld �ince d9vai* h(Jine Rid aN r; �Uli ;-calf, I. T1 bmas Ru a-
caEdorlaluberratia. Ourcarrespondent
d I., McNevi bei is . lit Are
an hibi I I 2d Henry J. " 1awkii a ; feather flowers
Applb',Ibolo Thom
that I prefer Dalkot& to. Upitobs. aoubtlo�ss did not think A necessaxy to John Esser ; flow r wreutbis, let Alf.
nsi 3t,i -Jm i odgert,2d W M�J�wen; qxt b it y
Such is..not the fact. l6ve the 'Old Rn;sofil; hei4ed, 11of four aj e -a
n a Section, Robe�t Bell. llen, Jas. Mont it4;-3hell work, let
state the number o acres i fl%g %rd 'prize it -macb hut� the, govern. 4,m c a 1 all lot. Thos 2d -Rich.
icott 12d Alex. lacE wen
taing 'for grantogi., perh JU�Grssf—Wrlo. Cba 114 Mrs. W. Son,]
d 3, that ment is noib what itl�o obt b
�,,nori is
est boom there %re few a r- DunEeitb,�t. �Jaiys booked mats, Ist Backill 'ham, 2d
sin -De the Xorthw doing wiliat it sh(pulY by "tJ 86 CAT=t� H ogart h
HORTIdULTUR+L PRODUCTS _1101�r 11 lg w; hair
as; L 4. Mrs. J)hn N a it, 3,1 W. Bag,
'I out�, staeban d facit. 2d; r6 s. Sffi'a)rt�u,l�fd J F�dkar 1;
in this cciluntry who do not know that a of the west. ;.gent's . I
'I iE!tieswinter,9,3pl)les,IEitl,'. dresswel. wor! �, D i McIntosh shirt, lst
r1f thia is not suffic Publish tw c Y, tar old- heifer, 111 i Ta0pielArd, Od
section is 61.0 acres. Robert varieties M I L"ar r I feEwE I , 2d. .,McEen, 3d Miss
-The Mail se Robt. lerglak,�3�1: c 8 Ole Me 09y ;I four
; Some more that will'sta, to Von" 'in �w( 11,
cs,aridcpen eey'es -ipples'Istjoh"k GJ!en.2d WmiBeM;-(Nash_;coIlecbonof home -male wines
e-cibion of 2c
to have heard of "sections only� yester- Coi lervative frien a r Cold heifer., as Picfird �d ).
I - i let ; aE. T -rag car -
le. heife, calf.' L t D:. )est Coll aflples, five 6f e' G, hol I I i`im. Steet;
day, - It does not yet know that a. see - of Some of them. E wc n, Irari pet, Is; Michael Eac"Irett, 2d
7ariety, seveneen. E a
GoRREL, ChQtol�. 2 rag. Piickol, �d tw ties ' ;D d
W 3ell 0 ye 9r
rea, is equivalent to one - ; log cabin q
tion, or 640 ac ore 3d I. I IcIatc nil Jst Mary
Jacob oed"pr; bode Isla a
0 d stoer, �Ist 4ciba Wil 8,;2 an I 3id Ong yparlold
en lot In B el 1, 3d Miss
square Mile and that two sectiolia reenings, 2d Mrs: Thos. McE w 3u, 2dAl fary S. Corilist
are Bte Jst.and. Id
xe, er'Show'' 0 1 Nash; kaittE(. aull,,t, let Mrf.Thom.
The E 6 � lien Nort-bern as
equal to to square, imiles. Congo- 10iuka'rd, Bdl:Jobu' ear rig. fat The annual sho 1 linder th4 anspipes packmaro, 2d Win, Boll; 1�oxb(r? Coates, 2d I fra. A. DearinE, 3d Miss
i I it at d 2d Thos, BaIllautyne,; 31 Jolm
quently: when it say, a - that. our corres-
-W Cot -
of the South L Ridin of Ht roll Agric'ut- Wi lik; fat st6er Iftf assets, let Bobert McCoy, 2d Sampla; bahlEx's bread, Alra.,Tob.n
b t 3. Fichtid, jd
pondentia stating tbat Messrs, Hardy tural Societv was 61 d &t, E ite ter on Parsons; Sf 3 John;yVi is;I fat co%-lst and d dt�onbe!rgs,.IA Jacob. ton; else (if millinry, Jas. Pjoka'r
DS I* 'y la ruesday Allen; B W-111 JEDGES.—MiSS
andPa-rdee own'only 0 seetto Monday and Tue ba t chet,2d Mrs, T�Om�s m'd "derfWp, Seaforth;
IA�i rd. Da�is, 31 1166ar h -
Kigtober, . d
the weather was d igIll anc seemed
Ifit Jacob 2 �ohn Willis MisE Bell, Heusall X rs, Dur seith, St.
Dakota Stated less than "'one quarter.of,' li'6i er Ist 0 d Wch. Dvi
Win ars if it had come fo the 0 CEZ81 on. Weetfield's Se'ekho-faAber, 1st - E. Marys; Mis� W. W. Stephens, New
In- lill 'a f five ib !I eers lsJ Th,
the truth," it is not aware tha it "is deed, it -u Dat ap Miidge - Snow �appl- 31 York.
would all 6 b esCr � is if the a Ift it regswell 2d S
yne, 2d.Rilclilar I Daiids�.
Only pl!iaoing on exhibitior own Exeter people werp in le agme w th Vie
n- aMi 1111,11tyfi Downie;l Mrs. -�homlas Allen I" 2,d R. JRo-b,r E: M IAS'. itched qnilb, Miss J.
C I'Ver b� , 101); eml, MUS
ignorance. The" p-uff of DakOt&Lf, and nor, MOses Oates, Or some 6f- t I -e ot er "Bon ; -Fall Pipping, -is. is ; C BiS ioidery on Miss M.
Mdam, I ubbei t;.- Jo�� Al kinson in, Rich-
a1her-pilb-nostibatoi tan 11st John Glen, 2d 0bristopbei E acre;t Crock.1; sheet and pillow sh
'It-" are, we venture 0
'oonf.bal - eminenCwe
n Slo er. Toinp ina,, 74),
I lul Oni ST_E� it !SE lot Thomas R I
g their alto -days they arel SO King of ard.' nter; iiight-dress case, Mrs. Jas.
every 0 8- L)
W. 0.
f ri. i8omers,! 21 1�e is 06odwin, I Robert F*uso White; cielbohne bracket, IM
sg-y from but invariably, fortuna 0 in e It I attert of ; 'At
�d 2c exan ers, fit
gif to�d Da The a, John Ttick 9d 'IS.: Jor can Mannino; Barlin wool bashet, Win.
U The Mai weaEher-�- -ttf: adallee Peeri sh,4i-li rn-
of I oth v at Ilit Wd3 Oy
rge, eir;
acob a 0 Ir so 8 pi o, ISS
l0ta mad tors and exhibitors was very libi he iih 2d Win. Some -a, 31't Red, lst*J Rerdber, 9d F. X H F
e -bo o rer crewel worh, lot John Vail, 2d Win.
receipts at t 'gat Amountin
Las d3ut, however rain liamb, Is i IV n. Penh 2d
It no dLlibstoil 1pipjins, It J. nd i
aell "A wh)m isoh,,21 W. T. GritneB Ox.- p P- needle work ugh
N00, -besides memb $,toe' Folluid; huUted. H,
I I I -rs,.3d Le NI "Wil
Hardy does not Own a foot f an d in Gob 1 p �ir
k, D.
2d 3nell
three tick6ts werl, givem The sb)w !ping, E. "Cress, g ap�les, fit 0ke; cardboara ,wor Btaund
118, 136 Wmt EO seedlin
olDakota, aind tb%t Mr. Pardee on y owns was the beat ever Uld in Exetfm Johu Willis, 2'.'Jameg Fanson.
point lace, Mr. G,�. Southeotb; boqueb
�11 f evPry kol B";4d Win. 1P 3uh ile ; shh,4rli I B, 6st
ar a at
wiall he has -held 0 . &1_ . W " I len h Itle tic 131ic le her bracket,
he wt I. �omers', 2d W 6. PEARS.—Wio -r pears, Ut R. Hunte: flO W ST 4) Corley
cles in the hall pre nted most attrac. for several years. But "-sui �_Posllag b B, Is J! H.
2113�s; pair em le,11 a 611 :2c R. Pickard;. Flmish Beilitlity, It4ac Mrs. IV. S wel: erton failey kpitting. on
e c here w wool Ess Nash; case of Berlin
ti ve a.pp � &ran e. a ali unusu- 3d W 'ess Injoule
048, 2d WIm, p(,,n. Carling; Duo 1e, Ist Tb D
these gentlemen owned ton sections, or�
ban Some collbetion of Brock, 2d illson; GreyDoyenn , woo flowers List I
ally large and ob as. Horton, 2d ames
ash, -at n atter ladies' work of A.'McDonald; silk
a, h, Ored sed -a, for 't i all kinds. In act this P Robert Pil a d ; *i'ar 6f Wingfiel , Ha 3d Miss
09 j5WOLD SIM �2 L� Ted i am, jan ies
ess, �r laid Fwason
whose it but the! own ? derartmiant waa.co era,�ly in F', I e:&; sbearl ram, Rot ert Pi kard Sheldon, Vrs.T.Alle quit;, Robt. Crochet quilt,
"oll IL"Sod's;
Of Robb. Faisoul; tuft�d quilt, lot Mrs. N.
any we ha )ign tbio leenson.
ve 81
In r I bl B. Sul ell S 51ps, �d j p
8. Lou is Bon e d'- Jersey,. Wra. Sweet,
Sarely these getlemort: have as good a fruit the
re was S l� ry good! Show,: much P Livio( stone, d Ralph Caddy.�
11 ell 1! H I I . snofiII d I Sol a; S.
ri t to in
gh- Vest tl lvir Spare ciapita,, when larger and better than- w1a§-3'xpected G RAPES.* elaware, lst: R.' Picha.
larn i
8, 1 VH, 3nel!4 fibls 2d
in Itkota or other I i Mod r.
they have, itja Eds as consider. Dig the season. T�e Oisplay of j 2d An a Hartford Prolific, ..lit I' tron Notes.
dairy �rodncts IRS irdMen5e, and J. Anderson, 2d Jos. iller; Omeord,
hay.e�any other Canaqian citizen 3. But �o T, S ai�fl, rz in, let Mr Thortlas 4in] eals
ev, of Bm
was Prono in y at to let J. Andeison, 2 d, D r. Lutz 1R g 1!
D. annah, 21 TUC Row'cliffe, 3d posea of 7,480 ieces.
the al has another braal, to its U Joh 0 1) 'a hats % �juilt com
either Guelph @r Lon No. 19,.,' Michaal, Eacrett; any ther Va.
a grain ram, Ist
R#! Zarnilton _Mr. E. It: Palmer, the well-known
was a go
thaE boldly, also, there od sba bu t for the
charge, It ates, rather �1n_nahl 21 andd G 'E Cr(�s- rietyt Ist J, Andersbnj 2d JOB.-iDill(I turf ma
In has irnaved th his family
states, that the! in e 'rat rne..ih the hii tory of the soc:iiety weI`r&m1a:mb,lst9'. Ru3s'el,,.-2d 1 0 4 110. W
terest which th, so f abs, any variety, Ist4os. Diller, 2�
front G'oderi b. to Detroitf
there were no comfietitora or t e Hartrah Cre iswel' pairevi; es, othor-lvariety, lea id unbar is 6onstructiDg a
3d G. Failson; an nd 2d
D av
gentlemen hold Dakota cause a, them da Company'B priz( for fa wh, t.0 Thae Jos.! D Iler; co-Ifection cantle,
-1 I
1�st T� Ru13s4,*, 2o d fruibi,
to, use their po&.11, ions as member 3 of the- I briduE acrosi 'the Maitland River near
spring wheatand coxrsetgra�itis were let 0 U illis,2C . Jorey..
sbearJings, st.51 H6nn eh, Wm. - Ailue'h saw mill at Ethel,'in the
Ontariq- Goisrnx4eat, to i aduce Settlers largely represented and of ;good �ualit EGE TABLFS. --E tirly - rose . p ta.6 3 3,
Y, - 24 ari.d 3d. G. E. Cressv ell ; ewe larn bs, t6whs[iiP of JTrey.
to I-eae Canada I aad There -was Ellt llf�rge i how of! root of vir-i-
Settle in ota. L lgt IV. ParBons, 2d W,. Penh ale; Beat ty
I 1 6 J Hann.& _� ad an a 3.d I E. Cross- Mr. Jayr gs Pickard, of Exeter, has
Ong hns, but the t arnips �nd itlangods we of Hebron, Ist A. Allen, 2d R-MOIlt kill;
This is a ver serio I South ran
us charge, and if !at and 2d T. a.tiree year old steer which weighs
f we're som I ewhat "i matter 4n, (�ize tha late rose, lst.Jarnes. Cree6h, 2d Jan (is
true, the people of this Proviric' 2,65) boundE., It will make good Christ.
e would in f, rmer years. Down; Snowflae Isi John A derson,
4 D wNs.4--Rar as. ma� beef foi- some ent dor.
. I ai a��bd, er�riging yen
he. just cause for binging the I ge e sb�ow 0 r14
atle- rM the field th' . . I 2d J. Creech anyTy'ade Potat6es, lqit
W; ra 18 eaeliag, lat Love, 6 -xe
The business done a t1 xeter
men accused to account. B.ut-if it i. ble, better than hat in t all. iIn a as. ooper 3d-TIIOEL� o#cili: [e on
Win. Bakwell 2d 0111 ros.; w.n
pos office ddring the mouth of Septern.-
sea ther was a IaxAe rlul b, let E �ugh' c ve, 2d- les 2d ondes-
lier in i all ter cabbae Ist A. All
borc ; bloo C'h larger than'llia done.
-A produce its. classes, the' agriclturial and! geDoiral .6g]
trite 'why does not the Ma ber was ran
d'beets, Ist Ilen, 2d, V.
o p �r, 3.d L Lov � sr. Tal eN a
euglespecialy notice- I H. nell� cLoul,2113[ul
proof. It has, been iterating and. re.- purpose classe e' Fol I alid long in a,,D got Ist ' o.ilad3r, during any month last y6ar I
--Mr. James Armstrong, Of Varna,
a in various
iterating -these charge forms- 'able, both for nubrbe'rs an&-, quallit Ja r a aearl ag e*e6', -at 2d J ames Bamden I e mangOds , et
Y. aCooper; pai
while engaged in painting a buildipig in
The show of cattle was thd laligest,'�nd Jaues Snell, 2d J1 Down;1 Swede
SOD the
alm ost daily for the past two week Ssell 2d! Ili gh jove, or.,
Ild 3d Bruciffi-eld, the other dayl, fell fro
it has yet fa best ever Seen atExxet4-andthat is oper ; ipa,r ew 3 lat ibs, I lab 11. turrips, Ist D. McInn;gs, 2d R. Hunter; nj-pted. his h
iled to produce one sG gh�ep wpre 311 Vo roof and i nee very a veiely.
sayin a good dE 4, wbi Son, 2d. --early horn carrots, �S� Wm. Foliand, 2d.
gugh 1 �ov or., �d J as. Mr. A. I Caylor h at black -
in pro y
o'of its charges. Su 1, it does equally good, the A. IffeEwen;. long',orlinge or r6d car--
compotiticin in the 'o
ship of
)p pr. gmi,;b sbop in Eli' Ville, town
not expect the public to coadf its abort-wobl cl
asse beirto ve kee, Robe"r
rm u r Aw a Abovii.— -
]a : I 't o. Pollaild for the
to 13olgian Usboine, t Mr. Ge
�-OT ER'Bfm rots dulson whi
e in ani good'i h
tried and trusted' servants merely on There- wer ogs bot4, of car ts, Ist J. Xree�b,2d J. Down
:ram Ist, e
g�d; vis Goodwin, 2d as.
surd. A M1 0. Mr. Pollandivill, here -
Berkshire a,
ad Su .1 the,f'competi- I i(,kf' 4; ram lamb, I A L! dian corn,'Igt J' D 2d W. Foil oil
ewis afte unthebusiness.
tion- here ifl 3rs -A I
tl.x-.e strength of its unsup-po- Gcod
rted was ndt� -kof. ceenlas in ;the -A red oni6ns, Let
Od,Jas.�Piciaid-; pair6wes, Jancids ew4. Owl 9 he An last make of che so i in the
in faae, cattle % ad Sheep. wa i also, a W.Balkwell, 2d VV white fir
Mont. If it doe indulging shaw;
arlir g owc 8 Ist Lewi?4
BluaNalefa tory, 350 boxes wigreloold
very fine Bhow of poultry, ivbiI3'
hopes. If the will substantiate agricul. yell)w onions, lat W. Balkwell' 2d R.
VC Dd �ip, 2d 4as. Eld pa 0 � lambs, I
-for 11 cent the Beavigr,fact�ry 11.
tural implements Were. argfly re.pre- 'Is, - i
Monteith tolngto6s, lab . A� 2d
its 4-ta-tement by reasonable proof, that 4jels -:k�-Ocdwin,�d ames Elder; len,
Pard -ar 'Rich ard 4t Is b
-We are abrry tliats)ace ill J. Down; eele�y, Ist A. Allen, 12d' Wm.
cents and 90 boxes from the Belmore
eit --er Mr H a d y or Mr. ee has not permit us,to f Folandl.cibrons I'tW._Bell S. fatou kt 10.1 cents.
rtber pa Ulan 'I le I..
1, i It lad named Willi Davis,
over used big privat& or officia position We must Bay, horew 6r, t1t t t4e show, I
I] , P Loadman; paroilips
'Fu: Es. 0 9 Va
Iat'A. Allen, 2d J.
to induce people to, leave Canad, an UPO sla Or it t( colledbion of veget A
n'the whole son 0' Constable Daws, of )�Iytb, got
a d los� iQ-ourl Y, - '41 ell; S )re, ables, hills hand badly out by a eir�ula saw
e, county, epres �ted, auldthe Cr cl�; ee Dillon, 2d .
4he sec- Wp' h,
tiolis of th pres Alelt w t orn', at J.
I settle iniDaliota, or an 'A erica pres bla-I'vorth Jol Ro ) ion Elderton. . 7
y potherA D. in G. -ay, Young ok Sparling's Cooper
exhibit to,' inspire ?I( TJ Mt Aum -Aged-boar, Ba den; Nan,esel&rrots IstA, Alleng
of a 4 harac �s AIR 1111 n that V41ta-e one cla�y last week.
state we will at. once join. W sho-)
do a 'd sati8 le
actibn in th;
Witl L it in a feeling OfIro"Iri 0 -Mr. R. M. Hazelwood, who has
i I . . �'rd,4a'ln A, d li's. Chi 0 2d Willis.
ting 'to
in, and in a breast of ht denounoing the'. every per on who dOlig 8,14 0 Lr, litt d 83 Lot Ch 11g, J I)OBS. A. MeD. Allen, Goderich;
�e prospe 1 been )mplo ed in the Dominion Mills,
'balth of %a TE
th and in! )as ng w 3
thrust them from - offiGe and ]Position,, a ed sowJ1a1s`.11_Cree-,h Jol n Walker,, 11c4.iI102-
aGoi rig, fort be past two years, left last
bat it does give thia proof we must so, V, or: Sal d, �Lst T
this noble, 011county of Hurpn.. The i tered�ih 1883, let Jt 8.�Do"wn, �2d' AIRY PRODUCE.—Butt
I J hiirida;y tc take a Situation in a large
followipg it: the.
..los Cbihgl R. KcAllister, 2d J. E8sory, -3 Ja
remain Of the7convition tbgt tbe state. LIST.'
rRia �'t flouring mill in Streetsville, Ontaxio.
:)U OLYLs Agted boi or, (�80:. Plevi els Cooper; butter, without salt, I t John _-The Many f
iiends of Rev. Mr.
Ment is as falls asJs the one contained DRAUG117 HORS It to tr Ii tered n 1883, Ist Jag. Snell,'2d Es, ory, 2d R. McAllister, 3d J. 'oopf�r Ham
zp.--�Brcod 01 are, Is ;,tt. 7i' ROD, late of Londesboro Methodist
'John. Ratt �nberry,Pd Francis 0016man.; sow Jad. Moi 11, butter in tu�,.,private,
r 0. OW68 a6 led. ir, sow, sa am8s ch- u rc h, Nvill be pleased to hear that he
in the f ollowin, extract, whiah i vp taike foar, !at 0 n BattonbErry,! lit iyd 3d n 'en tly recovered from his ill -
from Wednesday's isBae r cis e in 1$83, Igt G I is. K ol, 2ol as. Co er,f9�d.,,W. Jac'el, Job iK�s_; has sifficl
21 d3d; filly, tree 3 ears Meir ;e,
Coleman 01 Ory-m3e, lat W. V gabaw, - nes 3 to be a6ble to take his usual
Littel d hite & Son, I set- agan. I
OConservative st�desmen have old, lst T s Clolquhdiun, 2d -'Vm. Br� ELV13111RES.- BPar 3d Thos. Rowe che' wr
Sturn-ped Canada deeryig the ountry Finlalon' reld- 0-8, 2 In 2d T.
n Fr A )Yugall B r Penh.3e; pri 7ate ado, Ist W. Bagshaw _-Rast week asa team of Jas. B aa-
in- which WaI#
they live and in whi6h, they a re T, -urntull g a o0w, 113 F Ri 11%, DO 2d hn Rowe., 3d Dclugall Bros.'
i6g, two y a a old,� Nnd IL,
bope to di L L'-, of Goderich'township, was be, ng
No Consgrvii-tive - ewspa- �"old let P bell, 0 1, Owl, li itered i IS M, home from
filly,two y ars ei,er -amp
f pers hae Slandered and IBtF iR TIA-NurACTURES, Woollen ho Clinton, th bec& n�e
miarepr Beled We -made dri, 'ey
2 Wrn.P rlb&IE,, -a &-way, damag no
sythe oeldipg, one 10:11 on, 2
2d Alexs� der F� quilt,.lst Mary MeEwen, 2d A. friohlened and ra
the land in which they fire published, year old,rWria. �irilkysoa!; 'filly, one
Zlor hayo thdy puffed ?o TRY. Liht! On 61IM is, 1st, Tln. Ewen; domestio cl6tb V?aoon and injuring one of b
let Ralph Ked ly,, the
and pra ied the year old, I at George Taylc r*,,' 26 E orge U 2d, aZ Do Buff Co he, .2d, Miss Nash '�; all -wool blankets, lat horses,
1 territory which would rival our Nortg- Hobkirk, 3diThomas Retllell, dralight a Jobn Taylor 2d Miss Mar he Sheldon, Dakop&,Herald�
west, did k happen to be as fertile. The toam, lat d. e d, 2d Geti. Baw- en y 210E Wf In Brom t
ksor'. mew y �hoir vari ty C o -,hi D a, I at M IM
and thel Grit J. Gritpa sat[nett, let notnown, _2d Robt. Bell; it is 13axned that Mitchell fladwin, a
all t is "by t press have done Loadman, 0rd H 2d W.
SyS am le, e, 2d idoth wc ille yarn, let Mary McE wen former Hnronite, who murdered ames
atically. in, , M N,Ijeoc AGRICUITURAL.—Brood M Ocl let Wal, GrievE 2d WM Iffe M(Ewen; pen y'ardo wool and cottop
The' IpLre, let let McAdams, two years ago, was sent -n-
stftten�ieat contained, in fhe last Hugh Me
Gregor 2d nc t;
orlimf �s, 1 ��,M_ t�rk- i e to) ears tude in he
known'.3d Eod red D stand 2d i Jo.' in Taylor, 2d lJames Fyfe ; 1116 ce four penal servi
i -ME nean McEwen ; fact ry St
a 0 A pris
sentence of the above extract i foal, let; 4,jugh- Mo. Od: arty other vari
8 �Cithing George H !Uk 00,0 ebY Dor Igs do quilt, D'
a wilful and Gregor, 2d George Hobkirk; filly,three,i I "W C ve McDonald of Kintail. in
]short of. rVm. XotiLood, I" " 2d A. G. VauEamond; Ja es
deliberal a ral I r e tw �eds, let an 0
hood. We defy tLae mail t -years old, let Axchibal 1. Biisho eI breftated red 11 me Ist 'JOSeph., factory fl�aunel A. G. V&DElm, Ond; f ac- the tc wnship of Aslifield, this year gi ew
a W W 3cl At I I ?. 0
In r exandErl UcEwen; 6w Ron,. 2d D. Braun ; wf)Y-other' wa- toi y blankets, A. G. VanEimond; euxed 81bushelsof white elephant potaWe
earsold, Ist Alexander Making an
m em-ber of Parliame at or a 9
tyi!gmaes,i ist Win. cLeod, 2d ;Geo. ham, James Thoth copper work, Big- off t squalt feet o ground,'
9 f
Reforin newspaper that has ev,(r done -Zpromt, 2 Archibald Biabop' 3djas. e ; gold 0'
13. r silver spazglect *E in- sel Bros.; assortment of tinware, Big. av ot 785 busbigh per. equarle
Archibal filly; , -two t rage
n 11 rB old'! u rgi Ist G Y, it accuses. them of doi 9, and t B dward aer-
Ist eo-Biliwde !,2d Win. G#Eve; wing machine, lstE
a4aes Fr yne, 2d Tom -wait with Weary', 3d eRolledHaral urge, lat 11ich. Mann- I Bissett Bros.; organ, Thouls,'
a, he
a --I East Huron election peti 'on
some Our' 81 y Its Richard arvey; geldin.g6 Ono; ari 'Old, ng,2d W H.'rerity; igh of'.D(aring; got of parorfaiiniture, Win. trial has been further adjourned for
any vari
to squirm out of. the uneA- Simon C pbell, fin Diew; set of bea,room. f arniture, '"Tm. for six Mont
a rd kit and leg olapoel let N tra. I ollaita' 2 a jc
he. Mr. Gibson will, at
r m
E 14, F,
I t
V Da
ES. t
OCT0113BR 127 1 .3
any rate, have one session in'the ouse intends spending'the winter with rela.
e tris 1 -!comes on, anPl
before tb very tives. A -ver�y pleasant. evefti, 9 Valli
likely More.' labent, and all regretted having i o part
_Mr� Wm. Wi4e, of Goderich town- with one who was so general a fE vorite
ship, has & single !head of oa�s i his 'Miss XcDonsfd �filled the pos
�,ioa 'of
possession that i� plienontio0al tu its organist at the Pkesbytetian Chu,.0hf.,
wonderful growth. It was pidkedl'when the past -thr6e ybars, with great or
green, and measured the unu6l ength and mill, no doubt, be '
V. u ch Ini E Z111 _tl
of 32 inches, or over a foot a4d half. the choir.
—John Johns, in old man Oho �f live(I --0 no day la�t week the
alone & short dist�nce south (14 tlie vil- daugl ter of Mr. -i Holmes, of
lage of Exeter, WO found d:��d in his Era� 131inton . . . . . a ed three We
Yelftr 3, met
house on Mondayu orning MAC here with a very Be ions a:�cid
IT 'Whiiii
-Was no inquest held, as it Wits 60dent crossi g the strOt in front of thif 'house
Itiat deathresulted from naftu :&I causes. she W91-8 run 9voo'by a team, on of the
The remains were buried. in tx6ber on horsei strild - 14 full in the I cla, - the
"I L or
Tuesday.- lower caulks tif the aboe . breakin, Col..
—Mr. George Al. Newton h4s W'en re. pletel� 7 out thel front of the uppi'
eaga�ed to teach: [Isrlock lieboilil for and flia front leatilka infli-,ting S feildni
next year at 'salary of 4, .460' Mr. gas , mmediAtely over her eye, 'whiell
Newton is & good feacher and)14 peo- ha W be sawled Up. R-3ckless c1rivill
pie of Varlock always know-1ow", to re- was t 2e eaus� of the accident. 9
CCIgnize and appreciate worbb;;I�evoa in a ne -day lasp week - at lad namea
Schoolteacher. Cam ign, %�hile working at a pf � er in-
Ue is sable, I
, Bach an, Ltwson RobinscWs
—The Gorrie:brid
wbile the contractor is plalci�g tilte new I mill i a Godoxlc�, was struck the
structute in poition. A a f ording head :)ver the ri*ht eye, with apieee of
road has been' built just! ast. of the thoplank whicli he was hold[il
bridge, between the foundrvl:� an� the splint ar entered eo deeply in tb e fl%h
will asto -equire thel main stren
plahing mill. ''The Dom Lath of the
be ready f�r traffic before thi mo�nth Is i doeta - to extracp it., leaving �'Veo. -y pain.
out. :j f ul a d dangerons wound. The in3ured
—An old sei4lar informs e !Gorrie 'bOY sornewl�'at recovered, )Ut the
Enterprise tbatIourteen yeal: .. $1 ago he sight of his eye is inticht islidangf red.
dug down tbroug� several feq of: snow: farewell �arty Weis given
-1 � 1 at the
to get at his oats Nii�hioh was adh , lj�hoek- residineeol, r.WM.R6id,E'&stNVa
ed" in the field.. As there mauy nosh, on Tu sd4y ni�Alti last" veet ih
fields of oats still 013garnere we 'throw I honor of bis: sob, Mr. Robt. ReA, wuo
out this bit, of news as a Sort Df elaeont I bbd beenlio e On a Visit from - 13fichl,
agement this latelseason. gau V�r th.e. past'six weelis, party
—The- -olahiv�rsary servi: 4s 61 the was -Made Up of 1is well_wisbe�r. frolm
metholaist, Chnr4,,h at Holmelville, will Wingqainlaul vicinity, nual e itbout
be hold on;SU06ay* and M Ry Oct. sixty, who all Seemed tio-- Di
i oy theni.
14th and 15th. � Itev. Mr. selvef i in si b lilog, danicin &c., ti flabolit
now of Sarnia, -will Preach in 1e morri, 4 o'clock a. ii. next morning, w en
ing and eVenm&of Sunday,: 2d A tes- party broke 1 ip, all wishing Mr Reid
meeting on Monday evening Will 6e ad�- safe * homeward trip, and. good aek Cit
dressed by that gentleman at. 1i nu his, return.
ber of others. —Rev. F, McCnaig� of 0141-inew
—Mr. Sarnuel Ray, 16bh cmliceE On k eburchl Kibgrs on, (formerly of W-illg
Howick, has s-itol-biB farm of 80. acres ebuxch-, Clintoni) who -is seer tay %f
for 6-1,100, and will leave foi Manitoba the: E abbath' reformatib
on So
So,i ty�, ol.
this fall.— Mr. J, S. Carse, NN:. LO a ld big pected to ba�,e �n audience ith tj e
farm, which wa� situated ned. -B i or , Post-majiter-Ge4e!ral at 01
lost winter to Mr.: Burnett, hi's P xchai. week, whea he 'Juterldbol t-6 p
ea 100 acres in the viciniiy o! Tees- petitim. againstUe Sunday NMI gec-
a C, I I I i -
water, nd willremoveth ,�to th 0117
Spring. and las 5-0,000 attached 0
—Mr. John To son,, of ]the Blue... it. I he petitio ers claim that I he Bit 1.
vale cheese factory, iobtaineq:- twa first day a �rvree is U eless, cof no benefit
prizes for cheese- at the Provincial E i- the Public,'who - - re well eliough co i.
bibition held in Guelph last , week. venie aced as m4tters W is b
'er efo Co.
This speaks well for Job :�eff ecially �At the last regrular weEting of
when we-. consider that 'In tbe four Huro 1 Lod!0, No. 6P,, Indepe
years he has had charge: of 0e factory Order of Odd Fellows, i Goderich, B! x
he has taken q gold icnedal,5 lirst prizes, Judge I.
F,� Ton, the Lod, te
one third and'oniafifth.'I with the wairan nea -by th 9 xZ
—A cow belongino to Mr. Job chest�r Unity, th!'o - forrul
Vra on -tioll 4
ston, of Gortie, whs run inta and killed: GoaarichL Lod No. 4 '28, in the year
at the crossina'on the 9th onc essioil, 3848. The old dge 2t a-ttheHurl,ii
but Iilanci%l
just westbof Gorrie, by* thei aVk I tru ilote , Kingst"
iee� The aiffic ilties prev n e
on Tuesday af ternoOUL last 4 t da rocingedearefr_
beastwa.scut-irt two at t p rMS, vn�,e Tbe present +was cheerfully a ceepte 1,
bull being thro a iuto th ibiuh, ftn4 4n a I lie tbank a of tb e I Lodge 7oted �o i
the -other bedomibg ontan e in t e th.b ia)nor. TIl6warralat,whichissur-
running gear of theengitin n rich a rounded by a assiviifrainelivill f3r
manner as to Sto" thb train. the f i liture ffeaeo the *alls Of Hurl)n
—The followin is a list o tho: ratle- Lodge No%'62.
ps,yers, of Clinto whose ta"Os elce —The W ife of Mr. Rjundell Runkhiq,
8100 -. James lair, $216.41 ; I larrar, of tbii 13th cou. ssioli, �f Hallett, di
McPherson vey, $162' 0 ; Gra very suddenly 0-. 1 !Saturaay WgI t of
`1 -
Trunk Rail wity.$162.00 ; M. cTa eek. It e
Etgg&r W se mf thO s'he hadlrbtir�a
$156,80 ; _Wm. Coates, $16.3.jO; R. I- her. usual healtl oa Sapurday avell
win, 8,; John Jackson. and wbile talkmg with her lusban
12.60 ; W. 3L id
James Smith, earl, she is Kel ailned Oh, I i:larn dyh ig
0111.60; S. An, I drews, $11 Thorn4s in less that) fift�eu. miniates She was a
0 J, SS A
Jackson ,$106.70 ; R. M. Rae) �105X ; corpse. Iieart disease IS 13UPI. osea to
h.avebeen'th�ec�u-se:of'berdea�,lbi She
Molsons Bank, $101,80. 1 i
—The wife of Mr. Robert" as c ui to a you: ig woman, hay..ng 013 ly
a' ()f-' w
Tuchersmith, Nvbo has beeial 1plaving for been "in arried a w yeais,being i dan
some time, died on Sunday, ro co4- ter oJ Mr. Altx aoder Robert.B)a, a a
at the tLgo of 30.y 13 allLd 19 had no f amily. By all fwho ki ew I er
months. She was a Clan r of M ' she was regarded Las an excel itionai ly
Neil Ross, and,had only 6e marriel fin e I erson, beft g of a very gv lial a d
9, coluple of years, AL large un iber of friendly tenap'lar iment, a.nd Mr, Hut k-.
f riehds cherished her acquai �an e, and ing b %a the beartifelt sympatt y of I I a,
her loss is deepl 18�mented. She was many friends in the Said, aMiction whi)h
a, faithful adherellit of Rev. I dr. Ro4' ha a I ef at I e'n hin I.
church. —On the 3rd of August last year, a
—Mrs. Win. Armstiorlg, ot 2�, youj)� I Man na, ned John W. Pete -s,
Concession 6,, H'O'Niek, died o, Tuesday Stole a horge aid rig 11rom- Eateraou,
morning, last -week, of cc r su'l aption. Manitoba, � and i Lo traeei'of him -,ouldbe
She",was interred'! in the 4esbyterian founo� l� until a f w days ago, I, on the
cometery on W, e'anesaay tafternooln. Owne ��'Mr, Job, i, Robinson, who is ago
*-ef I &d
Her remains wlgr� followed t, bh 3 grave a cor Stable, le -ned th tit the thi
by a, large. nnober of frie' dS, Mrs. 'gone leust. On -zaturdity night, abou- 9
Armstrong accqWpaniod hE h1l, sband o'clock, officer Yonill, of Goderich, �e-
to Howick,wh.eInlit was in S, III Stat J eeive I a telegra A withi' a . brief aese
and their children are now. in rtab y tiOD, asking hiD., L to look Out fo Petem.
settled on the adi6icing f 98. He Set to wo, I and within oae h(Ur
—The - following teach rs, I at jendirig the thief, �w bad been wa-kino -'or
, ho
the Clinton Mod ill School 6av beq I r. abouli two, weel s with Mr. EL. 1 _1 Sh-oVr,
engagedfor 18841 as followel:' r. as hwo siler,was S afely lodged in , the col 11 -
Clark, schooli6ction NO. 8 tyjwl., Atelefram mras isent to Me
ary, 0340;.Mr, J. S. Cori. It acho I ownE r,� who. rec?lived it on Sunday aft,1V
section No. 5, Morris, 0371:,- 'iss 1k. noon; arlid- at 9#ce,camo to Goderich to
Day.. school section, No. is, JEL it W Secure his pri�e L On seeing M -. Rob -
wallosh, 6275 Mr. D. ]&G L lego: r, Hai son,- Petem at o nice admitted I �is 9 t,
$340 ; Mr. J. McGregor, � EWay saying be sold the borse and ri:,- I il I
Mr. -T. R. Butchard- Hay, $3( D r. Rots. He will be � talmh back t:6 2M �v
Muldrew,school section NO. 4 E tanle' , son by th,6-,first boat.
—The board pf directorsof the 11q6-
-On Monday last Mr. D. . ffe: onald, ick " if f I Fi o Inenrenee ('Ornp
J , S&Y
to nshi' U U I
of the Huron road,- Goderio il rl:'Intio
met � ii hills hall, Gorrie, on �84t-
had a narrowilescitpe, for hi li� He urdo, r, tbe �9 ult. Sixty -ole
was iitanding�insid6�the b y !Wheels, cations we!re -pmsiad, covering n kg
amoi luting ito -679,363. The clairri:clf
when his horge took rig ti� i i2d i I J ,
around, cramped hi y stop and Ww, Berry,, 6fJ',+CarriA-, flor 1,LoEB of I
heldhimtheveiw,bil i Oqbed, about and contents, was consideted, ind
with the buggy, which strd k !an o , b- $1_41 0 awarded him- - also, R. Nesbitt,
strnetioh, and released bl�l VOW lie
of Elms, $�, -kr lamb; E. Airastrong,-
64.50, for a. bhe ep:; B.:: Boyid of Elmift,
escaped. 'with, his life n Lystery.
The buggy -was slightly aa gLr e . - $16i for Steer; W. Gowingf oil
—The'price of lambs hie I!eeently 68
f Or ram kR ed by hightning; J01111
declined very materially I&d !several
Rie'llman, of 'Wallace, $3.50, 1 or aaln-
buyers have been leftll� �VW I lar 13 age � Lon a to � ha ise ; H. Taekso a, $a, for
Stocks on hand. Mr. Geor An aersagn, dam, ige to bart , which buildi lge were
of Stanley, who has been x_ tensive struch bab not kurned. To 1409$e$
purchaser during the p&E i a miner, -and expensesuod the reserve fund r6 -
having ibout 800 on banal for whIel-I quirid by law, an assessment 44 pOr
there is no market, it a them if nr mi In 116tes
cent was s on all premi
on his farm until Such- time Is tile mar- in force on the, 29th of S ptember,
ket will warrant him in 0 lint Th which will equal 42.2-5 on t. e 6110M
is a pretty good drove forb i 4e 9-1111 to insured. This yeax has been noted ill.
-or the amount of dam�
this 3ompany f
—At the last meeting of e 1;rnssels ace done bylig-htfling; Stock kill6a,
village council the followi-oh 1 rel;olution I �Rrns andihouseii striaek and dainsged
was carried: 11 That thiE j,'ebluoil, in without being �nrned, while i he farelEl
consideration of W. F . Vi �Sta.nes re- beav y lo8ses ; a school house i I miut0i
building a grist and Saw � I ill,'t on the R. 111cLeods barn in Grev, md WO,
Gore lot on James street,� 1b; thP value Berty's barn in� Carrick- w'ere bur
of $12,000 and a capacity of �125 barrels and the orimacrinn f the fiTe unknown.
per day, that the'said lot Wid jn.ills to
be erectea be exempted froz i ta; Keg for —A Goderic despatch says: One 61'
a period of eight years f�on Tdn. �Ist, thahlcstdistrasingcaaeq�of upwreck
te aron fOr
188-1. Work on the riew nli�li hassince that has occur' d on Lake
many years, ea�o to
ght on Wednefli'
been commenced. that tioruiElIg
day of lastmeok.� On
—Tbis is the ay thd HO, ficR Enter- I deer WAS eceived fr
t . . atch� om Port Albert
prise put.8 it, an the yoiung'� In&n. who
3Lg for a tU �l to go to the �escue Of
runs that machi ne had b6 �ter It get bis i th�e eNV,Of tb'(� 'r at, laaeu
lifa insured,' so; t i P at suitabli �jmvision ; Ir - barge Win. Or
I with lumber, �ound from Bay City, lic'
family: Detroit, an
will be m9la f il his fatbe 'ess,
0 d 4hiebi bad broken aw'sy"
4 C! 1 1 'hile
We gracefully I bow to i Brown, six days ago In the Clark , IV off -
of Fordwicb, forl an armful Yf P ,i" hir- S an I Beach. Owing to the leavy 1861
nipapresentedt6 as last attriday at ranxing, it� was impossible t:) send It,
the close of t e Fair. 2, -Ow we can tu& N1 r. Ww. Lee, a -eco 11 ginied by
imagine Mr. Bfc,,(ugb) of U e Groderich cap bain W. Butler, of the a ge chal-
Signal fairly rd.11ing his es jeel- lenge, proc6eded lap, the shor with all
nay. me Tile
0 haFte to rescria the _n, maul
3 It
—LaBt Monday evening 4 au ber of cook and two Sailors left the V4380191
friends of Miss Efla McDon 4d, . lof Dun- thr e o'clock Ttliesday, On a ft, aud
lop, near Goaerlp'h, met at ber I father's after spendilig's terrible nig, t on the
residence to wish lawt goo4-by, before waters were �cast ashore a' i daylight
leaving for Al ona. Xich.ij W_ re she Taf sday moraing. They we, 'e
p g
0 COO R F-
Tfie, 4ight
mli b1bviting wbi
eil tlIme-1. . !,,T4D -aida t4
40f tbe
I eit foxil 86V0
of the 4�Y-_W
mu r tb
�Uo!,ee On
a' Pi'
Naeh�d -Shor
-ei ther
ore t
Aare is.
058,n4 tbhe
�vjhgvsvll. Tii
:,Ieturnle4 frc
ra=�,e throxi-_,h t
1011hipea �Br&L
ini. cint
re g ry 1,11a F11
an4i auah�re U..
-it tside, th
ed b� theii
jbehe�d is d
bovv, e 1A
.,DS in!
IL3,i�&D'On ti
il tbe pirty pasi.,
0144ra i I
U of 0 -dr old!
lein, O�i Ow
4�1 1 ,
ob Gtiffin `0
le�t W,
f Or
*ISO Bpent two d*
lw, the Chat
IiieN -t�
p�,Iny il� IbG Pr,
du�*�- Ai�
j he arni
StV4,e"I and
P a bt
_., , 4 Donillu
I a Counten aw
�egular meeti
� ,
4f;s( 41�6111
�dal 11*tel, C�A
r nst., aud wa,
�%X- �
own .0nd
411A wor
—, 'I
i'I'sh6wiL t6t" - hi
liorma:.' ig
We. ;at bei
Am t
, 11 Ant 0 �13
a! by s4h -we dis(
481b,� ee:w -be Puri
ii t,01. afi eoLtd: dri#ks.
I!; t�e ��, c,
sontlig.' na. tt; e hist6i
atfn*at. Tv
!i, cases re TeZlIqrted,
veJT �m
X-4 U: t g .101 the
the .101 the
of the
at tt,:!,
feareil..-th, 1. .1 e r4eem
6 P_bsevce of
Lona 6! B
. , ?rll
Intur �,ncea*s
the in q4deu't takes
ugh re
iou4iOL! 'X6 chan
d, that D
�0,% !T41 to I
'ham4 "Ila W`410 was
lGod,�+h, W.'hose M�
was Te!ce-aeliminout
uppea�s 'to Ue Still IL
t Urs. rtice^ud vel.
t �hret LL bild
'breel ungpi", ebild
their rallalatlier
176 v�' to
Godef.46h,: ai��.,d or 3
the acefor, urt,
the 1,;
:of $;eptielmn
Paul,:, here they V
I miu n tbe
to S
hey. 1*a6hed
1waark le: bot tort a
1;� Ang fd ILO -Wing, fibe 1,
Ix UV a anC
and o imt-Imbers
have n' t1ste fo,
VT.Aeln hjg,,,�h �erw-
forts, !an soe of
RE, e
(leed W
the w6rl. ter
Iroln S T
priagoiitt-.0i tthe
an Uri! f il.;
-all 11 'It Rh I
I 1B t0 it tol bo�k tigle fil
SpIr-611-all the fuhall
ii� J
'iOld FA 14 Vbe
wv%r V, all W i OU: per
I=$ Whe ' :r btfi
:8p - � P
bat -B � er bi IkIrt I
Zeas lier U AW
r, a,
is , :1114,
JLt se�
Niles- per D'.
Sat �trb
Salt IWholes
I 4boles 1-")1j.Pc;,r I
110 a 4
rnial .-No.
I I, g,.
pee- 1701!
, i �
ha_.� er
buttIr �9t_
I ito 2
47,* PL
roaliOngll for t
'his %
exp rt faL.;
epa z�n t
liceo in t I ,i
qmied, tiu
'With no j4xiety
A. lot, of twit
aud a, R
iGwd, brit"o-
07* light 4 atti