HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-10-12, Page 2.t • OUR TOE." By Amaral, E. }Hexa. IN FOIIR. CHAPTERS. CEu PTER II. "" Our -choices are our destiny Nothing' a ours that our 'choice has not madeloura. It might be thought that is young man with £6,000 wonld find an open gate into life. Bat Joe's experience was notat first flattering. When Per- kins was aware of the quarrel between father and son, he found out he had no opening in his office. He did net care to put hiruself in opposition to Benja- min,for the manufacturer wa`s of a titigi- ons temper;. he had paid the firm a deal -of money, a asend sits likely to con -- tune to d0 so. Joe's offer was declined, and the lawyer even advised him to make things up with his father and go into the mill. "" He's morethan a bit masterful, I know, Joe," said Perkins; " but if, two men -ride t' sane horse one must ride behind , and that's thy place, Joe." • u "" unless I ride: my ow n. horse,"- - " For sure ; only thou'lt need a strong nag to carry thee where to want to go; Put up wi' thy feather a bit, my lad. He's gotten that used to telling folk they const; do this and that, that he thinks: t' varry stars sod do as he bids them." " Bat, Perkins, I'm a man now, and have e right to my own o pinions. " A pity on thee, lad.. If ta can't smile as t' wind smiles, thou'lt varry soon take cold. • Well, a good morning,• to thee. I'm -particular busy at pres- ent." Joe had' of his first rebuff from a stranger. He felt it harder to bear than his father's hardest Words. At the bot- tom of them he had always known there was an anxiety for his interest. Josiah Perkins had looked ,only at - Josiah Perkin's welfare. As soon as he knew Joe had quarreled with his father he had decided to throw Joe over. Aunt Marthe's first visit only con- vinced him that the breach -vase wider -than he had supposed. For a Moment he was angry at her for 'leaving Brier- ley. - " If you had stopped beside him I should ha . had some one to say a good word for ne," he said, reproachfully. Ay,lad, but why didn't ta stop aud his board and lodging it end of four'yeara' fires it and driving, Joe's'ure it; represented' by four ft' a ,he was now:prepared nese, and he told hime l circle of friends he ha pay the expense of mi too aan , some o k handsome fiic s ; and at the. ,and visiting -• as no longer O. However,, o into bust• hat the large ade would re • g them. He d announced , himself as "Solicitor ttsl Conveyancer. But Yorkshiremen'• re proverbially cautious, and a you gay good•naturecd, fashionably dressed Man as noir their ideal lawyer. Joe or: wise under Any circ the first year he did .nit, to'pay his rent., Nevertheless; he did curtail his expenses. met holidays arrived, to a fashionable!wal admitted to hirnseiffltl the last summer he luxury, and he was de the most of his pleaau so bright, no heart so entertaining and so po beginnicg of August,• Bradley carnet° Har a great heiress, and girl.' Joe was :tetraa beauty, and her large f drawback in his eye some attention, and it that Miss Br idley re marked favor. Then Joe began to the advantages of a rich fession had been, as yet, had adopted tin a kind did not reall like special genicfor it. I ]i knew that h: washarjdly successful 1 wyer. nearly gone, is fethe him, his a t poor, confessed tb = t four `3 indulgence h: d made ed to face th : strife o been on that -night w take his own way;and On the ot er hand, beautiful an rich, wcr wor fan. S • e was p_ o. tative, and had the"Opti "near'std e onornlc 1 !' • ll a was i .ct1 1 Y ot loo mstan make t in en th ent, being plat iat it mi co Id aff te •• ined re - No fa _ky;' no lar. iss E te. ry be by hei tune He p s soon led hi ides s ife. a fail ►f bra ad he n his likely a mo• rtially it • s lux far le e than he el ,000. zabeth to a ttiI oaf • 1:0 pg an orafty es, and enoug ny wa a3 Rum s usual, e. ght b: rd th th o mak ce was one s At- th Iizabet She was ndasom stater was n rid h evide t m wit eriousl IS pr pr Leo! o areo, ; had n eart h to be ey .Eva dead t = tore Silist b rev an .s inclit i ! 11 be ha be ted t thong ot Joe a ide d and : uthor ation •f bein u mon :y mai ned .to - belie e Yorks • ireme hi ;dome. tic an l'c him r: then o mases line i are Mia "Bra 'with im an all p er w a nr : Iter f T;iirale's a hig- fool tide he ge a n heen't made a h, oe." ; i�'out Miss Bra =e>i , with 13-redli eth ng." l h' ppen it isn' ddl d as that g anti to mar thou'lt be noiie .s r • that all wog en are h call "a soft 1 t ; an ince ha the net re was 'qui a is V y ogre as mucU e Slit ed Ma 11 social experi say ta own good words?" overestimate " What shall I do ? Perkins does' not fluence. Fie want father's ill -will. I dare say every: ley would en obeying him men had doi form,• he as! vice.. one will feel the same." I am going to heeds. I salt take a house and furnish i•t_ , acdlet"snch rooms as I don't . want. Thou come, too. There's 'Halifax Brothers' ; 'I reckon as A fool is they hev as gooda name as owd. Pere,hisself Inarr kips." - £50 in a twe The suggestion pleased Joe. It took '. I know t him ont of the immediate neighborhood ley has £6 of .his father, anyet was not far enough Manor. Th Th away from his : anal life -centre to give L „ Happen him a feeling of oneliness and remote- ; No brass is news. For a West Riding than honestly regards any circnrnstanoe- as a calamity which removes him far beyond the pre- cincts of hie own birthplace- His ap- plication to Halifax Brothers was also. succeeasful ; and there -was perhaps no i his inteations. 'Sti law firm in the West Riding that had a ridge was ar avgod, higher reputation in civil cases requir• great deal to than 9" !e s e 1 g' niver,,a ed. kha tvemant pat, aaun' 000 ve- t's a„-is stile. t is, !enc o easy' a by wedding; and if t £6,000 a yea too good for This little all that was , dolt, • spice pf neee5aa •• • ing a shrewd c=leverness jut touching had no ham, :to offal. something that right be called by aless in a manner compel, respectable name. If Benjamin Brier- ley had wished his son to be a lawyer, Halifax Brothers would have been the ideal masters at'whose feet he would have wished him tb sit When he heard from Perkins where Joe had placed himself, he felt a Teal sentiment of respect for his son's ability. T' lad is nofool," he said, hopefully, to himself as he drove back to the mill; ""if he wants to mak' his brass by ither fo11ca3 ebeatery and quarreling., there's nobody i' Yorkshire could teach him to steal by line and level so well as Tom Halifax." Martha had similar opinions in her owu hours of private Meditation ; and in her class<mesting she took herself severely to task for her easy submission to, JoeVinclinations. For it . must be' acknowledged that Martha •'had .very different hopesfor her nephew. If his father wished to place him among --he nobles of the BradfordHouse of Woo;: en Lords; Martha had had her dream of seeing him hold forth to admiring thou- sands from a Wesleyan pulpit. But Joe had never taken kindly to the chapel, and he had broadly opposed Methodist faith ttnd discipline. Benja- min had rather _ enjoyed this form of Joe's dissent. In religions matters he had no objection to his exercising his right of judgment,bat in business affairs dissent was a very different thing. The right of Joe's private judgment stopped at Brierley Mill, Wounds that mien ' give themselves heal slowly. Benjamin had declared he would marry if he liked, and have. such friendship as was going. But he sought neither woman's love nor man's liking. He virtually el( sed his house, for he confined himself to the little par- lor in which he sat, ,and the . room in: which he slept. He dismissed all his servants but an old woman, and a man who attended to his horses and gig and pottered about the garden at odd hours. He devoted his whole life and ener- gies to the mill which Joe had despised. He built wings to it, ;and two storeys more, and a chimney that overtopped all the chimneya far and near. He filed it with the finest machinery and with picked "hands." He utilized • every drop of water and every ounce of steam. so cleverly- that people said, "If there.wer the power o' a blue -bottle fly, owd Brierley wad turn.it to account." No one could have supposed from his busy, active life that he was at heart an unhappy and bitterly disappointed man.. In the meantime Joe took his exis- tence with a certain measure of content, and Aunt Martha watched over his' comfort with that pricelessly common• place love which does not disdain the oversight of vers inferior details ; which can superintend meals and ' oversee stookings, and is not to be frittered away bycontinual small dem-ands on forbearance and sympathy. For in scarcely any respect did Joe fulfill 11Martha 'lhrale's personal hopes and desires. He turned out to be essential - le a society man instead of a chapel man.: He went to balls" and parties', sand dressed elegantly, and visited in the grandest houses. "Old Brierley's only son" watt not a young map to be held of no account by mothers with large fami- lies of daughters. And, without effort, "our Joe" became the favorite of a very fashionable social set. Of course £5,000 wilI not last forever, even if a man is noways troubled about Hall as the But perha Elizabeth• remove his ley Moor vi 1 ing no adva ,pleasure. - Josiah Pe of the. Brad, before the i Elizabeth r• purpose of s gning s • 11 usbeed s the ade wa flce Pato age, a' s tagee• to kin;la y estat tended de .over business wa the lovers w together, w • stopped at t shading his watching 't • them 'out t trop ! trop= the'; smooth in resonant ingly said : Dost to is riding, B property farmer's po abo>" hat i " That's ."" I know " Dost to " Not I; " It's ow Joe and he o' it." " Josiah capps me! ley's lass sure ?" "1 hev d Lev si on'd " joewe folks wi' hi think o' ow it ! Joe w t' stars boo t' lass wor "Braille and she's v a steel-tra " That '1 no more. min. drew book, and against wh ch he h "" .What dos to m i' this w: y ? i I niver !" ' "-If it's taken out start an ac for melting wi' my not touch a paper Now, then, what i it ? I'm I reg'lar a'moat as good a 1 tbf a a: 11 11 O• • please re cant en Benj e lawy yesl wi e coup 0, -Benj unj trop ! o tli cobble s oils cho s ; aril ase that bay ierley?. I ;t roperty y *IOW bo t'elki oe Biie le ." hat, I a d hink.". know -t' as he's wi', then what fo s d T f" Bradt y' daughter ; a are goin % make a wedd Perkin 1 Our oe Thou d o awn t's hem'. allays got heart ' Brad -i Il be kit •, he'il•b much Manor. rry hon • 1• t6: , a m: tly ri Y tradiction w confirm Joe' in fore the ma ad to give up liked; and as 1 zabeth, he w o go to Brady he proprietre • est conditi at ` he- shoo • e city to Bra hamlet offe her business. manageme d about a we riage Joe a is office for t papers. T transacted, a up • the ;etre Brierley's door,. Perki is hands, w d he point The trop - horse's feet - was flung ba Perkinselang gelding thy a n do'propert s well as t n made a so • bout -V' - • , • • do, Per ' e :.I- want to la ook th :e .1 ere"—and Bei long b' 1 flora bis pool pointed o , t certain it nt a pencil -m by charging niver pay asiness, t ::n. thou sud' license to` teal. I wan ion against onathanBot b -1 k, but thou '11his bill issett t= going toelo a n courts, and w ` :r as thysen." nd ran his bleitem. " 1. er. bear, 13 g to eat thee e. There's th on. See before the c and his inns heir consider oaten the Niver ! Tl and owd Br lu't mean it,, • • • ments,and e g 'thong wo' e is hand ; but daughter tak 9 g his head age ttin' that. np. £6,000 a yea e, and shar • lia>d to think ttte ng, and say time 1 It fair c, d his whip so le or really imagi nil t •t a+ Brierley wenCage, shed Ben anti Sonscioue of it. B '. 0 thqq'aghtsutin hat aid , • Unconect u8,ly hick 'see 'ed ar provi maim plaits on the Hecould belie when it npder personal g'ri e full" he ]fie t nodoubt th' t knows a' bo t then, our J owd Satan is Then t ! o rni ht go into ha dsomnest bi -he could ley ne er said ;he pr sent, end h Oa e, so as' th nits. Bat in the mor to ked differe t' to him. ha whispere moat poition to hi ! ring tl if Joe hadma ria Brad jut because, h ' ew hog father?—or be se he'. doing so he co + 1 at one financially an ?s ially a ley Oona iderati •' ? His experie' c s of ,life always' ays' tote tr byte t to tile :hum n `heart an I these secon t, o ght to a (lay or two • : as + nn 1 an then they: •le me iegta note in ' 4 to a an invitation t • atten Joseph Brien .y and at radley a 1l ' if of ordinary p = per, b • wr'tten 'our yvord``s, Ufa her." He •Old tb br wn, hairy h n a to king steadi y t th fan a smile i,n w.;hi•h1 wer anger and aati1fectio gay festive Ica ds in o he watched hell ar slowly' fingere the s rip, had acoomp nip the•. e hesitate • abo , t . hesitate is ane a ly ein;:iheb•-ned�hsp • THE h UROX EXPOSITOR.l were worki + g,, g for our Jo: 'ps me 1" and phatioally t t= a ed him in al bi ace' arta est nil nd'wod d hav as he `had e maelf and 1883-.! ll t' ick - the rry, shed ton - 66U r some OJT ' tin swede! essioln f his rind. had ,! one a . hing oe's fa her a a tion-; the >eet leme�n o his d -and one ley. • n a ape ial pro i, once the r ghti4ig 0 his al "1 s fair of der- :ulatin , ""an 1 hev ond, , : niserty f -llow It -,;• a doe , why. ague fii wore than man I do "' ed IIIto hitt ha . he adfdrd and u the silver are or je •elry' • hands on. Ji had ldn't gi a _Joe's if a a'' nld sed it wi ,hoot; void he be h r of ►ingev .ryihiug: Thee ,il ngel: rritati g sup- e nigh ; hat ley's au hter! r .he h to her new th t by place hi self ove;al 'rifer led •Benjamin e 1 • west m tives'. he al owed rule hem ' For pally m rose, im on - orn- and oil er-- t e ma isge of liz beth r dley, closed was slips • hash Jo had o come, dear wl ale in his great ew o •• ants; ` Ten, with. eerly .bl nde4 drop e• the t o fire, a d d as to eish 8, he of pacer that ,I ra • 0 ti if II to gi peat it into ale inendec1 flu he never us thethoughtlo crased his m thing as adv ready cash a at silver :or ney buried end not payin niver colpo(: mysen," he im rasa an to th th no la through the objecttoe bear doesn't bite aim ley, and I'M none " It wadn't pay siders to Whet thy te now." heri the 8,i lawyer his compla tions, andseemed in, to have ntirely fo about his !son.' But he had uot. his mill he wart, quiet the matter. -He h of Bradley's "handit quent years the r la men had often be n " He snubbed m he could," said Ben s he drove b triumphant begun life a ions betwee as often as min to 1 Pft ape • e. el y a el pen ht b ered ta din de w Et set nit d 'se roe e ciedirt ighl IS Or el • ne,fr en he ed leya ng et Ea a te in a ablO er job W Chief mate evening art . Bu his deslf at brae, he _cases, twas loIqed it most nki tee 1 neon he des -on hold no into th ouee of is white ids, w lite 0, av found o his s rpr there lone re din signs e a par y. eir," said th Chi f bordialgree4 g of his am o lige to it has given e the h from his po , " Cirtainl not the plea orney o tw,6 is ti e very - hi or a d awe d Be 'save at thap is ow point d. shire w man. hat mpg t eddixf Bra le an as ell bf he , Miss litabeth her tine her fine o say yet to e ad - was t her et s Maly fl • ✓ and varry to his a :stayed at horde n • of ! ri • e, she not ha ing se n all the wed in • pres:n +s, and been present °t feast a • on , its gu sts a et, n' a DIM, =er of here'wa: a fal resort of Ings i i; he local , apers, ev ry word • f i with n., o r:ad it,"an e had a of • he proce tdi • gs end esul s. "A bi s • op and e m , tt • red s : re stical- arri:d •y t' uiethody don eh pel, 9.1d found r va Cy' «ell'din:.—Ifit' she f,=ther's•e' 1. hey! aha p e oge off a haps forr rd thet'1 ,s ak iir o.' hi on com a • y— 'BO be C• �'tGi fnl ba Jo es .at a 111.91.111111."1111111- 1"1". TUMN. 1883 In announcing GRAND ,9TENING lu each department of 133y ho se, I have much pleasure to be able t state that my business goes on STEA INCREASNG, the last eeaso being full TWENTY -M.4 PER CEN ILY ADVANCE OF A O. Never 'in the history of my house bave hied YEAR A the satisfaction of A RICH AND VARIED STOCK BEFORE CUSTOMER§,. CAPITAL, LABOR and ABILITY combined have done their best tirt procuring THE RICHEST and MOST CHOICE pr time of Great Brit a ued.) ief Su f New • e nen neer i• is H rked e rerect mmoree baske ation if from e drew et. for thi day o • Justic ound everd iend t, swi esse o the he h pap ade ustice frien the c the nor of SS 111 party 9r th st ce. rk deo to sexily larg r for th feel wart nted in stating wil COMP VALUE ith any in and the coming sea ontinent of Europe. My importations are COSS- an as r. When h.; would ,a d then ek wa ked rr ye in ti Is f a pa.trlor he st ting but no My i that ENE edly EXC BL A.0 BLAC ouse tn the trade. DRSS ports in this department embr ure to e press the opittion that Y LIN has been AREFUL E FAVORABLY in. STYL a ,COLO an COLO ED S ED S RED OODS. ce the leading novelties of tlie s X INSPECTION will convinc Y SELECTED, and is of uu • in LKS, TINS, MACK ancl. COLO ED CASTIMERES, SATE) BR C.ADE; *c. Etc; T ASSORTMENT OF ALSO, A MAI IFICE I am showing the Fancy Flannels e Grey and White C MIL Orli Millinery this section that much the LAR atock, which for department has b have given it spec MILLINERY 11 ur is yo IS ter ake, the In Millinery novelties. The fi Special attention Comparison to inig sMall and RE,A.L ZSTA,TE FO SALE. WARM FOR' 8ALR.---Lot 22 Concession 0, A: tctwnship of Turnberry, con aining 91 acres, fronting onthe gravel Mild, OD half mile frem the village of Wroxeler ; there ii 72 ecru clear- ed, and pod buildinge and fence • on the farm ; will be sold cheap. A Pply tO the proprietor, CHARLES me teviele, Wroxeter P. O. 822s8 -WARM FOB, BALE.—The 1701,1th half of east --L- half Lot 84. Coneession 8. tia.st Wawanosh, containing 50 news, which is inia good etate of 'cultivation and well fenci d. Tkere aro oo the premises ajharn 32x52 with stall below, it large orchard and a goosl leg Ionise 1-3 26 The prop., erty will be sold cheap and, on tit y terms of pay. ment. Apply to GEORGE ARIISTIorloGo BrusSele P. 0. I ATALUABLE FARM IfOlt S. —For sale, lo free frota stumps, balance 1 thnbered, boa frontage On Baylitld River, and on the Clinton Road, and aOjoins the ineolp rated village of Mayfield. For terme, further articolars, and conditions of -sale apply So L t IT Hifi GSTONE Toronto, or to 30:IN MOR A , „Hotel Rana, Bayfield. 815 Lown hir of• An/abet, county o. ram tootaining 1 -•If saws. This farm is H ered, priucip illy within 7 oriles of the town of ethampton end Bay and Lake Brie Railway. It! ill be Pala at a you N't ball SALE —For -Saki, lot 18, comes- 01Ibt- D 4, Timken/Dial coital ling 100 acrek of FABsio which 80 acres are a oared, heel Lon stprnrs, ve,1 fenced, under -drained and in a b gh state of culti- vation. The hush itt hardwood There is no -waste land on the farm. Iliere are good irame It is within 6 miles of SeafortN„Lnd 3 from Rip - pen. lt, is one of the best farms and will he sold cheap, as the p farming in Dakota Apply pn unders-g,ned, 2nd concession) 31 WARM in Tuck eremith foriSal .—For • sale, that x splendid farm, known s e Moore Farm) being Lot 25, Concession 4, P S., Tneltersniitb, containing 102 aerea, about t3 f which are clear - well timbel tit Thet•e is a le r0 brick house and good outbuilditge. and 11, orehard. The farm is six Miles from S. aforth see the same ft ore Clinton and is -witht'. a mile of school Apply to the proprietco I thD premises or to Seaforth P. 0. IL CRIOH,Prqj rietOr 781 A-. sale, lot10, coeSession 8, ickersmith, con- taining 50 acres, ail of N, h is eleared and is a fir-t-elasa orchard, a frame barn and stables a, hewed log house, and, a poi r failing }print, well. This farm is withir Jive iles of isehforth On a gcs al gravel road and a scbiol. house at th corner of the lot It is also' wit fin four miles v the vi lage of Rippen. The f rm will be sol with or without the crop, A ) ly to the pro prietor on tne premises, or to 1' omondville P. 0 PETER 3,10?RE. 806 des bbons, Laces; „Lies, WI - IN ST IDLES productions pf the lea mg mills. See my G ey, Whit ee my Bleaehed, Grey and. Brown Canton F annels ; ottons, ronalfive cents a yard np. Full assort ent, of omment is unecessary. We ca,p. safely say th t we car EST, CHOICEST and MOST CAREFULL SELE TYLES, V LUES an PRICES cannot be eaten. en always u der the Ma:tat able management, apd for y al attention and it is ow aeltnowledged to be' the LE USE OF HE WES . aterials we est stook of s called to how, they ar and ee my use ghout y very TED s this ars we ING have a splendid assortment of all the I &ding Birds au Fancy Feathers of eVery desc ption. far belo pressint market value. Slta.)1s, Mai Iles an . In READY Shape and Finis variety. Fall as Some very choice Wool Hoods 'anti Eked note d host, the month sIt we had pr."— ADE MAN LES you have e amine on Mantle Materials. aye the L e times. loths, Man Goods. stock. test and Newest M lsters and. Shawls i le Ornaments, Fring Do not buy your Ch CLOTHIN reat 0 etc. This department be onnd very ttractive, eying much a large tock than any former season. Le ve your or er, and you will find we can giv you a G.00d. Fit, the Best of Cleth, nd the La est Styles, et a VERY BEASO A LE FIGURE. NoTE—We ar in a p sit on to sell good All -Wool C ot s at prices to asitonisn you: Splendid val e i Worsted. Goods. OEADY MADE CLO HING The -largest tock west of Toronto t select fr . Admitted by ex be superior to an ordered w rk ont4de f the citie and one-half cheap eidering quality, nd style. eying s do from e best ma7factur P NT AND VES At prices that sh t out all co English and Freeeh Worsted coats, and be oonvinced that save money, but Wake a larg fall and winter supply from MO petition. See my S Suits. H ve one look hat flay is correct, t e. interest in what y A choice of over 2'00 do Canadian and I ported Woo Undershirts an Drawers— en S s, wit 11 siz erts to otch Tweed, Canada at my Palley Twee at you can really have, by l'purchasi ot eed, ver - only g your in the township. oprietor Dow e 1,arni or to the Killop. THOS. 807 irts, Doq.ble reasted, made of th finest Pa ts mate selling frpm 35c up Boy's HAT,, S This seasomI shotc the Having the products of som sell you the fineSt Fur Pelt all new, at $1.75, which mus est ra AND I keep this departraent seasonable goods. 'Teas fro Currants, etc., the best in q for want of roma. As nova confine m PdoRpOarymPeTaPANTAINRGKCUES D FURNISHINGS. ge f Fur an Wool Felhs in the market. es manufactu era confined to mys can VARM IN OULU:1TP FOR ! ALE.—For Pale acres, 60 of which are cleated, N ell feneed, under drained, fn.:. from AUDITS andli a high state o cultivation. The balenee is we I timber ed hardwood. There are 40 aereS see.ded to grass There is a good frame house an large, bank. bar wi#h Arabliog underneath, and a large heath orchard:toil three never failin, wens of wate and two living springs, Is wit tin a mile an Whete there are stores, chine tes, schools as other town facilities) and eine forth and seven from Clinton, road kadirg to eaeli Th shit. mill withip two miles. AP ises or to Constance P. 01 onstan ly 20e a po ality, -and t -class B iles from Sea ith a good glove re is a grist at ily on! the prem HUGH BELL 823 VARII FOR SALE IN Ht LETT — Nest x part s of Lots 84 and 85, O neession 18, con taining 112 Beres; .80 acresieles ed ; the remain der is good hardwood hash. El il, claY loam, wel watered with a never failing sp ng creek 'fain on the premises. Frame bar and stables, IL louse and a goodyoung orate It iaconvenii-n to churches and schools, and i situated 4 mile from Blyth and 10! from 011 on. For further particulars apply to WALTER CUNNINGHAM!, on the Soeth part of said lot , or to Lonnes- borough P. O. 799 sorted wit the Freshest and hoicest nd—remar able value. Sugars, Raisins, he cheapet ots and Sh es, which must be el busittes to READY CASH, PRODU 01V1P,RS, nrchasers ill find all my goods AT C SH PRICES. TION- 11\TV-11M Corn TOMAS 'RABAT FOR SALE.—One 1 2, L. R. EL, Tuckerstnitit. Ther are on the prem ises a good frame Muse, a Irani barn and etable. a plod orcha) d and two good lls. There ar 85 acres cleared and 70 free of tumpsi and we 1 under-draintd and in a, good st te of cultivation ; the balance is well timbered. IS th hardwood. I and convenient to schobis en churches an within 6 miles of,Seaforth, and 7 miles. of) CR ton, and a good graorel road ta?. oth places. Fo particuiars apply td the prop tor on the pre isee. or by letter to THOM MUNRO, Brim OPO!EE 12, 1 `OBE' StOVE AND iliccv. 0. Ma WHIM Always keeps on hand a 411 line of latest styles IA =COOK, Box AND PAR, OR STU price sells theta. •L- Fruit Evaporator and Cli er Mills for sal cheap said upon easy terms a payment. Th buildings have been fitted in a completle manner for the carrying o he Fruit Evano ating Business, and aro now i first-class workin order, and a fine peying bus ess can be don But as W. S Robertson); One f the partnere monton, Northwest Territ0 • to remain pe manently, the propertyinius be sold and e business of said firm finally clo ed up. For an partieulars with regard to id property apply o the undersigned' D. Di IL ON. Seaforth. 7 ARM FOR SALE. --For sal lot 7, concessi • 8, Hulled, eoetaming 1.10 acres, 85 of whi h are clean d, well feocedowell der -drained and a mei) state of cuitive Sion. The remainder well timbered with hal dweodt There ate on t premises a brick house aroi kitchen, covered Nati -slate, (Clearly new); twolbernS nd a stable, al a good orchard. There is a d well at the hoe and a living spring neer! the arn. The abo farm is situated ODD anal h iniles from Kt burn, -where there are stores, lurches, school a blacksmith shops, and nine les frOm Sealost Zrtfourtarnpaayrticulars apply t Constance P. TINWA4E Of everY description always in twb:mmgaolectesaaallnodur4otodine,i,';tguatee A full line of Table and Pool(et and pric s. at-ttltid, and ,saris_facti, will pa them to see nay stock via compare priCe13. Eartie wanting goods in my 111184 0. M. WHITNEt THE HURON CARRIAGE WOVII PILMAN. 00. Beg to state,tbat they h ve n7litted a large number of - as of Zobbing Work promptly COVERfD AND CM NCO of Various designs, ail of their en material and workman. hip, whiehtley will sell VERY CHEAiP FOR an or on approved Short Date Paper. tc-- It will pay cash buyers to gin them a pall, as they n ed money lei are prepared to make. sacrifice to pp. Clkre it. A Two Seated Card eo.rwagaanindir:aGkroary04 - Wlgoino; bs°6.tlhe adt amh Work _nliade to order as xnescusateal Pairs prOmptly If you Want to save m ney go 1.0 P11 - Man et Seaforth.„ Yon can gets Reter Article for Less al oneg the/linty other town or city in etario. yot doult believe just try, d be eonvineed,- HUOON LIVE STOCK lAssociA ION.: the Oeveuth Annus Sale, undettht auspices of the HURON IriTs 8110011 8bOrATI9N, win be held t Tow Isl OF CLINTON'. COUNTY OF HUB,011, °NI wEp ESDAY, oVrosee 4, 18$1,31 On which occasi lie a large eumberel /Will. he offered, for _sale by Pal4 very Superior T ormighbred Athol Auction. The list con/prises o COWS. i IreporPad and Canadian _ Stalliont and Breeding Me. area out E and na each 11111 r of Main atid Market streets, s h. ing acres, 35 of which are leared. well fene le stumps, and about 14 aeres ss tded to grass. I le balance of the land itt 'well t mhered with ha d - wood and cedar. There is i .es od frame hon e, frame barns and! stars - lso a good you ig orcherd and. a good we 1 n't1 rump. 'The bui d- intrs are al new, having bee built -within t la.s% four years. It Ili rit n three and th quarter milts froM Bros 'eh and five miles fr 13elgrave. There, is a s hoe) 'within a quarter ren ises or to Broke i, Erp irk:tor. 8174 a relic. This is a orient cheap. Apply on th P. O. HENRY CLAlt VARY FOR SALE N LLET.—For x Lot eoncession El Ifti!i et, containing ern , well isneed, rood S ate of cn1fAvati bob d with harclwo ame house a la • shad, sista a g and every. ot above is well road about 1 n, -where there town of Seafo on the premises, acres 90 of which are underdre.ined and in a the remainder is well There is on the pi emu s a frame barn stables and drivi orchard and ploity of -Wat necessary convenience. "Ph mated, beieg on a good grave! from the village of rill Stores, Church, Seto) 1 den and is &is° 8 miles from th for further particulars apply to Coastanee P. O. MRS. ee ro of Id Is le 00 ell 4. ge od er it- ile re th, or *--1 west half of lot 21,ba cleared and nesrly ee remainder hardwpod blush ash. The land itt in first L vetion, "well undercirsi led farm is well watered. This for either raising grain Or g of.choiee fruit trees. Ther sown to grain tbis year, t the farm as in grass aod are all first elase, Stone .hoo roof and well finished, Tr, and root cellar, and fraVesii great part of the money ma scoured by Mortgage 11 to; 200 rods of board and wirei hedge, a great number of ot premiseS Or to CroMartj P.! ALE.—Lot 23 es, about 110 a from stumps. cept ogres of bl lass state of o O. well fene,ed arm is well ada zing, good orel are about 85 134 he the ted ard res e,fitveciade'esesurstyselttersiY7 bugi:habredue:e3Droters Ponitry of various breeds. oafa•Altohnie:ibliigsatenobin aluTne etdi See: St7 thin: edam:144re forrillitheurill eftenC:betteaal:2 a dg.n e so nof itspapliej atintidon /1 other irdona& • seaus totrt346 Psoiretuireided:=, ' CLEAN he remaining pa t of low. The buil. .gE oe Itlisg2,8e banfeekt.Brt. late able for horses BA' remain on the farm btlit the our& ser. nee, 80 rods t orn amental trees, For the proprietor o the 820 AlykDIAN AND ENO ItAPER• S ring patterna 'just to lea Abou 600 designs fn all the colori gs, from five iits to RI roll. The largest as ortment =a. best -value irethe eon try at 'CEILING DECORATION P Beautiful assort Cloth Window 131 Fixt res, Carpet Pa O. 114 PAPS:r. MONEY 'LOA Thei undersigned bei appointed 14°P'• smale tirSt-elasS loan cam Dia, II *Of to takS loans ou farm, twin and 41100,t at reaSonable rates of interest. Aloo .fsre the Iloilek Farmers' etwe Yee Company. All kinds of aveyartaintr-allog. neatness end dispatch. NAME" SON, !Walton. back the heart eves butcher., an They don't epee) Said ,e should have a fe She iS 016 tO Cali, ten it girl bits bee* 13, and spelle vacc4 ttlie fault of the ' systein Odell with feterlad leto etep *p to th he ilotvers. by -do eldeily spin tion for parrots? '1 an about the hous thing.r,Duna that north -country &ill she said O the counter i'give ler." A. New Jerk,* wonaa Is se discouraged 't tinaes ratite. 4. scolding, Worosn's Ord did fOrni to state They Vere fies-ted ugustus, an you krii, 7/ ineeting ry_honaely poodle. plied 114arry,i; The Off —the dog ,aete all , aresrigLarnpoon. COeju al enmities the least ?" oatches icoIdi and los t all. It 16,in Fete, atr "Bemuse I ;Vie ihy. en lite ,therefore b: .-noi ine* Credit -Of ,4:.AttainginnY least half si, 1 eenturi Ourrier, or. ,as It w lion eid in :Newlett he 918 '0•113P Prim One eyenirik the Cotkap the jpsilmeely Of D noneidered his ;rlitme,I waS the pose tbat Dr. Wet) syllables et. -the li able : 4" 'Broad. is the roi !And, kbortsand,t But wisdpn.show., WitItIlh.ele au The' ,aeitette. WAS even beg' hi' ingot the hyrau course. ' time how an angel ea , and took I a coal! ' which he -:tonehe Old .*ialla 'called and asketii him 4: What toIt r notice a$ut that au Tnaisn hill. and took it the 4ymptethetic yo #rinititer, "I' tuts, so that Vue to his Sunday he gave aws.y so long tha the deaonis heft the irailag of h was set or a dyt son then rose II clainaed ins Vel It instant and before he Una with an e Perfectly r pe ect 8,14 for iaa of t will to these seventh Psalm t5uring the Deacon 'Mark tied, was wide - Let the bht oel 1 tifb notohaltda :li t, g: 6:10 oei Istedwil 1 . I iw( 11- fit, 0 eta:ini 3,, 1 dgi sNviyocbmhnr, tut telIot 30p°e!tto:r!dylh:p4 :il Ivati .i:Jea suiely women ts4travnaliatecoattleheF;s1 have not the .°1 Btat there is vpatliaettay:l.in,,,w, a. s ert awur:o. eihIstat obi. aaat, . a . .0 habit 'of wbi 7:7:27d280 ? "nth. ie:ibuti;aBt°thhtesia 11'