HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-10-05, Page 5OCTOBER T 18830 TOR. TH T-URON n Hatening, to thellp or able to and Wartch, which REAL E&ATIS FOR S�ALE. Ae In Pat fe info rio r fkp'm 03 to443.0. Shebp art) OeMON 19=90 - in them 2nd theY are not thoughtlesal IE M 'I t 4Jc b) i4e, par- y gave I 1P. , He the a ma oeajbr� but; nbt I TH E IOAL HALL' many offeri g a Concession T EAU PARK RZIRID,-01i 6M Aldetfon M I OR 84LE.—For sale Lot 71 �0 Sale of: Fine bred and'High GnVdie Shoitlllhorn ff, illett, 100 neres, 83 61a.W.4 and in a 4 member$. Ido not think there are off in t4e darknQ8131 bef?m,e a 3ve coul 50 fDr I' . 11 �Iad Afre-Al 14k Ito best,, live' we lambs COLDST ;jay-trustess whi) would like sit identify him. The � m6 Is in the hand easier! IlEng-for good lots I � the loc I imptements,,etc., he Pro0erty Of Win. 1.16 Of CUltilrUir d flaten to a paper .-on Catt e, the re"ii6tr btling 44 of the police. Hov� such I ag eoul ke at 83.75 to �4.20 per head Pagan lot 4, contession 1,1 bush imber'. ell fenea and veil thed-isaussion tbM would follow it Western Divi4lon of Lw B, occur at so -early at Ashfield, ot wo fri��e bgrins, brick libuse, never- ur is I ( � o'clock, noon,lwhen the 'folloll"trig choice stock, d id; 4!n�iles from ti to; i.55 pr 100 The -will be sold by Public' A Thorough- Loli&sbrir I tat4on e4 out I Bel ffig at $5.50 1, , a fact is'n etc., UC On aystery t ko selling at $2.50 tc'$5, Hogs I Thursdav, October 18,*,11888�;Lt 12 drailn A 1 IT STM HTC,2 of- thi ho f sever L 80 to 10 miles boin scafortb, 11 The Kerr, or 41 - Ca, rem uneiiaged, Apply on the premised to iHENRY L sell ng 4" one, on - Monthly JExamination's.11 The puse coutaia 6. i�ll, arid,oroba early all our work at the —Mr. J. A. 91) breds.—Fol r i boi oughbreA cowia, in can 3 Iicopy of ti, differ. -rs ke t .9 from Cliatoul, Constance P. 0. 822. tf 0011youtiou is on hdw to teac yea a At�re at Milverton P 'live' weight., r the u % TAYLOR, or 0) P lb thoroughb 4 heifers, two in calf 1; 2 thorough. bred heifer calves, 2 thoroughbred bull valves. out -subjects,. plans for economizing before. r'einowing, to Branaa i., hai Grades.—T, vo grade cows, lin Calf ; 4 two year old E. -Lot 11, Coqmsaions 14 th place lo, get Pure, Drugs, Ohinzicals, a2zd Patnt 01111tyv. a0hool timellielpis in governing & school" his residene� fl�he Cheese IA.arkers. rade . heifei 9, in o aorev, i5o acr4s clear; the S e ace, ARM FOR S�A 9 (-a*f ; 1 one year old grade heifer, F ar ; the ount irk this as every one can see its burned to the gro &'couo� f weeki I grade heit �r calf, 5 grade 1 1 steerv, two yern f# old; a-nd 16, ey,-� bend with b d and soft etc w, AuROiRA, N. Obtb B.—Tw( Which befel 11 remaimder t,4 g to those whose whole ago, while he and h,s' �j­intreaiiin hfFj Nf e wre AbBsn Vil thc sood aies of abeese were HoR I grade ate �r,l one year old; I grade st(Tr calf. -ing creek run Ing through st6r , w , six mi es �"at 12q, per lb. Marki British H' r,92nd." a fiqviied bullf rom tIie hard �'OTC M Walton; good roads rorrWerty of the k� 3fedicbms. a2id 1�yies in' r e is engaged in teaching. As well at Win rbbred cows and wood. The 1b al Pyre Wood ev shade 1rd, good nher y 1 he thorou heiftu's are inicalf to the farm, i on tim ulpeg. B Ont&) jo. peet teachers to be -inter- —Rev. -Rtity. 3111ght You 01 Ja,mas B tyne, so of Mr �rorn Bros. a, fin '3,- chool on th a of John S. &rmstronp,Es(�, Speedside, adjoining leading to b th d hesion*nu the best kinds T.- Ballantyrie, M P., - OC ou ied th % ConSta?-Z.t n? t ested in s6i 4hicus L At Woodstock For catalog iescont,Jijingpedigres etc ois.oeu. pronliseso 'ry L '07 OC PsTo ; Oct. 3.— t6 ADAM olor kept 11 krid. Customers ivill jw a.' DUlpit lot. For tai -me 826X81 - OL 19, 1 C I forenol .;'In ploughs to Um.er,. some law reform',or 16 of Knox" u ch, Bqra ord, or Ph,ase m et the oilarli3gs to -day were send to IV. ?AGAN,'Lanes P. 0., Ont. J, ppleyO S. DOUGLAS, altali P..!O.. GAUNT, Ayctioneers. 825-3 6 bo h ere Au eped, We, have algo F o r Fale 46 the der- ARM IN MORRIS FOIL 13101A go con gug ri ake, 12,060 Septembcr� and dNa ' C, k lele in, evei Mg Shot &I. lecture with all the techuical §uuday evei g, 21, t ult.,- �nd deliver, mg, L250 of Nv ich w ades rdit terms i it, as to-exect iruts- ed an exoellfq1t ser, ol t bui sto -co 0 SALE of Yarin Stock -�-The 1 6, Mormi in - teaching* r AUCT10" F Ues, or others not eti.gaged gregatiOu. It i's 111r nes in. b a of -the season. B yers, wer signec has received 4ustruvt�iolis f in. the north laff of Lot 24, cleare !being, t% 'proprietor, ra ie ale r 8CUSSIQns. Nt because tention to leave I neuBt MR�k'e, wbich od hous I Bed. IA, the eujoy our di . ne )t".tiID3 the 110016ri on lot 30, wintainhig 100 acres, 80 of -sbie'v 116'at of f to or the Id counfr5 DIX . 11 ] 10.! ugt o ;t a fille SS0 tmen. t of imporied goods, fill, I ' -Vill 'igent enou st �'ii'lbbbye age f ened o it. here be will devo a year t( ie� �eld, firm at : L ilea of the floaAahirid, or are gh,bat that shortly, w t 1�, 'No salei concession JnTtesd,4y, the 9th of extensive larris and she4q, 'a C they in froli October, 18,8, tl�efuliowin valuableprop6ityll— wilbin two mi at discussed he I Wa , ayment. the qU01360111A A -re -Out Of t ir' study. rel orteq,�i I sy term 0 are, One workin � borse, I mart, suppoot d to be %%ith Brd§sels ; v rill be- cold on ea gttogpther.; It is only, once- in a Rob'ert u, who. itesides 'near 's Glo,y;" I colt coul- to tile'. 6%. S Pli 'Combs, J foal to. impartied- Apply to DAYID NELSON, p* uch as Ladie�' 'and 607as upses, Bru lies, w%t ing three yf arsold, sired by "Old Wellington TRONG, BZU8861�.- Q0 Beg, otinj to th( 1 ;sired by inported Bi-rairck;" ,the D would be likely td mine ev6a if thi vii,idiotivenes I sucking oft ACE ES FOR 4200.—For asler oue% tob 7wnlerous to ths, 'er while W11e1j some question such as Trowbridge, c ne6 OsIng a i foi A, or to GEoRGz ARms ame I al Notices., ipotap". New School eadiers". comes u..p . that vj i I colt two] eats,old. sired b)l "Old Wellington;" 41$ Pol-Ilt _-Inable., team of'borl P-�TTER I—The �qbscriber L i 4 er,ws, f up to calve 3q) o ng e s, and Inany oi4er articles , watei a of a neighbor. Hit horses agaft. bi �ing a 5, quantity of fide' Fall -m.. )O�ed to be wil h. calf ; I cow 6 the al--ly invited and then I didubt,'ve YL it appears, b 8 lot 29, concession 6, township Df 111169ir j roke into dne of..� hii i neigh. Bit 0, -r T Tubs,,Pails or. R oils Fintuse,-w in October, licowt calveiin Novernber,lwell person the of th X� Enipbrium Goderiell Stre6b, SeAforth brMheifer i4ina four years old, in cAlf; 2, county ofB -ace, containing 160 go esj- U 33111 The prop.rietor "A t le plam LDv4� - .9 - a� i6p. - Tb6 UrnpMa. ch Whether they would care to take hor's fields. RD; an. .:823 t 7� heifers ri4n,� tilree y, ars oid.'stippoped to be with loaded his gun'with,16ad a balance is *ell timbered with hardwood, he art,. There are so many POiluts of whib an cleared an4 undpr eultiv e4t t& t any. p nd fir �,d upot c0f ; 4 heit -rs, risinik thr6 ears old, 5 y9arlin T-1 y be discussed that ]Done, but experts th EA' QdA�Tr. rig FORJ CRO 4NERY AATI bt ralock, pi no and,cedar- Good irame bOLrn and of Ilg to e horses, filling t, 11 e 8 it 1 shot, GLA.,1 SW. 9.—Ni'ilson & Yonrc, rol o Terin� a6ecia 'heifers, 7 steers rising three yearei o;d, 2'steere twodwedilarhouss. Two good wellb; ed wari w i co aditiOn valulf in crookerk, and, glassware foi One month fences and lilenty, of. water. Will b6 11�ld for can be, expected to judge well, and not One ok theta is in a; riziul; t-woyears old, 4spiWg calves, 20 N. BL. ---p is Used, i, ewes and lambs, T superloi tam lalubs, I aged n ho; they, ualess they have bad bioth n6t lik6ly to get ove to m! ke i lour fall importatimi. (:bina balftil by Pre ram, I bluggyj cutter, 1:buffalo robe, and otl 1 $3,20 a tLhhd dash and of readers, fok a considerable time ware n� priut6d,ware�a ialty. � Over 1"xt! tg'4',e"1et 7 per cent interast applyto ,Or Otheit, sets James ;ills and WI a.l, Kerr patter as elect from, all o articles too pulnerons to mention. The wjWe to' .. 0' 1 Co�zpoundedi 211 or-ders,Troq7t a distance Wat, when, XeXerl as to have been able to g Mi6hell have mard6 a . pur(h�se of WOODS, S ifoxth, Ont. J21-tf 9 them 01 diff: Cal of tea sots to s be sold without.reserve. Sale at 12 o'ol, ek noo 00 11te�bdesigrl0l; DiuLersW teatlLts combined of 8 4igAal to 8QLL8 I Terms gle —All Slimis. 4f $5 and P; t, it .refully., Anybody of course an 91v'8 1,000 acres of tftnbe� -fand 04, thelLaki eight y--si X e CA or $12 and upwards. Toile; the Sri OP . 111on Without sets Deal Willie Ora an � pain in , an( over that amount 1.4 m..nt 1! ARM t 8 4., 3"credit friven ALE.—F or sale,lot 24, come tG raise much studY On the Huron and Geor nin5ult'soull ning 325 a -ere fi 1jej jui t core ad &'pat�h,. 9 pe pr�ipted, very btp. Callandsee�oar ammot) onfuruishingli%pprovadjolat n(tes. TROMAS 9, 31o) ria, contal s, K of wl-tah rould. GEA11 Pro�rletoi; T1031AS -KING� Aiie- are cleared';,and the r6mainder good hardwood pai ud binding., hat the ques- 30 miles north of Mri rton. is thpii stn ".4 lay i 95 1 print er a Y' 1--ife'. - � our supply I efors the extra 2) tioneer. ):2 bush. There ii on the premises a r:ew f ralw ra OL. f proper amtout of reading inat- intention e So tions 0 &rly next Et ring to, ocatee 1 pq 4 fit advA on crook icarniitg i t e Tak house and barn, and a good spring well. Also a m s re we are qujeld ter—grad s—whether pro- mill site somewhere the lai ds, sni )out g hearing orchard of choice fruit t lees.; Th� t ing f lesson t4a ti0e I 'G off(ring special alu 3 6- Z) Taw a ATq -SAL lei Farm inloa Ii ea. ets" very cheap.. ats W _TOINT AUCTION the shaft, On Ill fl;uit-j rs of Valuab -gressiDg too fast or. too slowly, whether move 4r. Slls, Locan: mill maDhiner5 .1 ;h Farm Stock operty isliwell fenced, and 15 acres of new li a Properbv, together alid lin- Pr th-a progre8sion corresponds with the k tile d. No trouble to show goods. sown with f?.11 wheat. 'It is situsted- within w, ktdrt- Water the out there. The. I is ti ;a -v e —Idzi. A. Bishc T?j k3. HIC,KSON C( aul m4rfid witt W� oxf Yoxr� 820 plernents ip"bas been ilistrut ted by having ord,y Messrs, J. La mile and a half of Walton, where there axe slomeii-it' -of the childs, mind— hemlock., pine anaced ri n and J. Elder, to sell by Public schools, churchos,,Pobt Office, atores,&e. Teiini.� in his Whether the lessons are suitable as re- —On Wednesda 'Auction, on lo V, Concess on l2, L. R. S., cker- y. Fo further partioulara applv on th n y, e -emises formb ly Ca_ ea. . 'he best. -way. as Fjimplicity-, grammatical accuracy Ballard, of the Gr 6n I 'Trunk shoo, on -the 20th ult., the wif p t )I _ MeARTHUR, or if b4letter t ast Weeb Mr. T. Birtba. smith.Hurontu lqeKt L"oor to Dun' n Dutican's Dry Goods Store 'J00 'Ill gaX e f cupied by MIr.Robert an on Friday, ctober , rerai, fami to Wal .0. thro sud literary beauty�—if,easy of com- Stratford,, took ho z ,, "Clock ugh the, i MI) his m Oni -]his' --P&3 f %I X. J,i mes Ki Ilipan of a 4 on. 19, 1883, at 1, the followin DEA RR [G —In -Stepbon, on I the -3rd ulb., th( .6nt. when prehensiOn and interestiag, yet con- -and handed it to bein poperly, stneli and i T e 200 wife,: wl to I rife'of Y�. Abrahgrn Deari,)g oflii,son. aer, .4 now owfi,�d by J. Lang will be off rd for --LLETT FOR SA.LE�-174r slalel tan.kL, and -xeter, o be tive busy at the time 6, lipped it uto th( FARM IN Hr twiling matter likely. to be, instrue iftel 1110S.—InrE n the 24th alt.,,thd wifo sale in wbol i or in two, parts. Ternis lit 13, concession 7,, Hallett,' 6nti q0q tile, Farm Stoc —One I acr�s, 60 of which are cleared, -,veil falic ller� —&,re not achir nd for R N11 L OUBF reach the, MM. so easy to answer. I believe drawer of bersewing" 0 � f 31r. Be�iami-n Hivgins cf a Aciti. made known on day of a L *1 � r R 0 P E IN I N G -JO -wif, 0 U �bo, - was ac I Belgkgve, on th, 26th ult., thie -tat f brood ware wk�h foal, I VeaLI11Jg Soiel Clond, that teachers, &lad inspectors ho got about it till next dporninj ',,w aen Bb( I TAY ' L.—D allied, free from turrips and in a big h e 0 'd with f lu �. A. Taylor of a sod. colt, 17 mi oh �ows, suppired to be in ,alf ; a I cultivation. The balance is well tratert it reached, th were. at the iaf-ormal meeting called in- went to get it. she I ound, 'it wt is gone DAV [S.� il-In East Wawanosh, i in the 26th uli., tb4 number of fat dattle,10 Choice young ewe I two hardwood. Tberelrare 40 acres 6cede� glass. to see i4ife �of M Abrahani Davi., of 96 ion. ood frarne bouile and ba k barn J.tay to talk �ver this question decided The thief gained an eptra-UCE through's year old ram, i rum - lambs a number of youlig There is a r, 6k tile dead he! teachers,- not to do any- -window. TWI VCI�ELL.—In Clinton, on the, 2nd Berl -shire pigs. Implements. — One I with stabling underneath, aiid a larp body of to advise t i �e pearing wife 1M Mr. Jas. T Itcbell of S I aughterl reaper, neany new;' 2 lumber wagons, 11single rchard aim Lhree n ever hVding wells oJ water ai I ralncr the hois*g I wagon, 2 sets of bQb-sIeigh8, I hor-e rake, 1 e,it- and two liv n, slirngs,. Is. within a mile and thing: unitil, the Associa-tions met, and —Mims McPheiismN -Boyi Home secOnda gai that the better placri then would Stratford is being got ready for iti ter, 1 plitmeton ugey, I scuffler, 2 gang lylows, 2 tlireequait,,��softlietbri,.4-g-%,illageof I-Onburn, ned, the iMarr 91 n juvenile occupants a3 �peedily- 0 s ;do plows, 1 set i hiiirrows,� J farn e there iare'storesi chualches, (?Is and the: mangled P0881 AN '"'R oe 6f the be: for each Associatlo toappoint 6 of 30N—I�AXTER­At ;he -res- ii,g mill, 1 dog whei so io power. Tei m -t —All sumsW $5 and and cas otherltownfacilititzi and nine. miles fruni Sea - the Most experienced teachers, to ex- be, and the boys are; being i emov�e( Rl�r id)!s mother, on theWffi ult., byRev-ijobn over that'arnount 12 monnbs' credit will egiven forth and seven from Clinton,with a g)00 gravel XAM, de :from Galt b r, Ji)hn Anderso tberiy to ath Awrie the different ", Readers' and re- y deg re B Blind ra;,, M Win$ of Trim J I of i *approved endorsed notes. A dis- ro; ca. There is a grist and Tbi afternoon, 16!th ll lisp, mfiry taiCer, al -haini. on. f urnishing d If ad to each p1h, ly p eport, their decision to, be final.' --ult., I iss McPherso count of 7 percent.. will be-allorwed � for c h on �,tw,mill a two miles. A -pp on rem McQlJT(HEONi­K9f'Ly.—'In Brulsells on tb G. -and AMES ises or Olistaute P. HU BELL .his: dea% ohows that the teachers do not think addressed a large afi a pprqa �ti ve gath b ult., lJj Be r4 RoWt me credit amounts. JAME& LAN Mt y. F. Rv in, M B-�LD BISHOP,. Propriet T�IE DI pern uc, � -(baon, oflfforillis,'to Mi as Te �sie ELDER, Proprietors; -A�01-11 823 i ED WITH SPLAY.i Plank -in. t& therriselvis � qaalified to Fronounce erng in the- t'em a�b St r'atford, Rally 0: EV ER YBODY PLEA Auctlioneer. 421i-2 withou This lady is & I �rni solo. and. he&mg the ludgmerct, _of la6p( -t a strict investigation, 3sirousi tb A: B k� do MoD )N. LLD—STEVENS.—Iii Clit ton, on tb( J CATTLE. I&P shaft atteiijpW all #e 133abbati RESEIWE.—EXTE N S1 VE STOCK SALE. %nd if they do not,, I think it hardly should be formed it, t t1t.0 by Rv. J. Kenner,Mr- Alex. Ale N CMit. W:R. DA i defttirO. pieeel or th-JE that anyone else without sperid- sebools in that town, and bhet unior On d, of Owen Sound, to Alice, secone via, for- the fo-aith tinie,bas John cCon- in' Inter of Mr. -Win. Stevens been engaged to ebud net a� sale fo sTRA,'-: the preiiillses�, of the E -me to re more time than most trustees would meetings of the chi cf Ali: b*xely ti I ( n be held occal rig town ,re Wit itig nell, Esq.': on li�s fkinn, lot,30, conoAsioil town- I undersigat(I lot 2, conce".ion,, 3, 1L. I R. -43st rig p d Oi HUI istruak. him, on, th, care, to, aend' could qualify -themselves sionally, at- which an int D— n the Ut'll ult., &t tb� ship of Hibbert on Monday, the Il5th da of 00. � Tuckerr-mit 11, in June last, a illednd whitb year-, To RAD, SCOTT. �' d' I ) Ldi pressed in's he lLeritB and demerits of gramrine could be re adi6red xc lusiv�dl Rev A. tober, 1883, the.whole of Ole following w !-bred The owner c -ill have, the same on ta- aiscuss t 13 i esii ence of the billi&'s y the Iing iiteer. stock: I bly horse, seven [years old - 1 Iriving' proving property and lViying Charges. Allm I rot -,an. Mr,'Win.'RaAford. 6f R ilett tb Mi& i the� differeat series. I believe,howaver, by'the little folks, - 1 ­-, i I : i N' O'K 'liz Lbeth M. Scott, i I MoDONAao. 824x4 R AND -TC saand tEen eldest daul liter Of Mr. hois�, 9iX Tears (.1d, sired by Bar�n kotibschildj WE SOLD Mo E HATS AND BON 'ETS, him- hia, body, fell. that a trustees.' Convention or . a joint —A- few weeks a90 Samuel 1 1 drivibg inare six years old, �iireil by th a same -90 1 VXQ Scott, 61 Morris. Convention of Inspectors, Trustees and seitli, of -Downie, wis anlaq ec I by a i—me horse and in fi�al to bfaglt�ian; 3 yc,%Tliu colts, to the ;remises DbUGALL.—At, the resider(ce 0 STRAY CATTLE.—Com.- in T-eaebters would be vq�pesir the )ride's father,� on sired by imported horses ; -4 spring eol t, i ed by E SP% -4-Fri YJ MORE !fORDERS THAN AT A P E I rou Y ]bred Le d, to IsAbol'a, the wdl-liniown hoise Welt me; Ithonju 27; seven h fi've two year ds and -productive of good if small pimple, hich rade' tH the 8 Oth n it�, by liev. A of the. udeis. f VIV h trilsleeB could be got to attend., as many ance on the back of hiaxieok. Thin X ob augbto Mr.'Angas 11foLe ad of cattle, le h6sidWaS mashed Tall, 0 r bull, with p-digrc6, two � Cars 6 Id ; 1 th rbugh- 0 qu: 0 asill t bir I dalaghter of Mr. Daald Ift-Doug 23 twojearli-igs. The owner cau hi-ve same M v b ids could be brought up there i t Of no bred bull calf eigrilit niontlis old, got b on proving p C PENING. Slining but the qlaeatio c was il I for 19.- -y Mr roperty and pa5lng charge F, G. VIOUS) dell's prize bull ; also a firs', bull Cal that Ou Teiahers' Conventi0rus do Bert splendid heaIN me, Paid n6 FO* LE P—MARTIN. At Galt, 011-N'lbie 2nd inst, S�ARLINC. whiGh the; Krauskroup's thorou, 1a addi touch. Such, for iustaace as yon. atentioi� to it iI�tii 0 1 � I �ev. J. It. S�mitb,,Mr. rhom a hbted. bull; 2 Aiperior Ca 0 pal a B; Fowler U011 to, thie cows, onealvirig th6 ]ast'of October a. id 'the I ESTRA,.Y BULL.--Camednto the promises of lanost torn. from- his. Buggest, also School Law,- Regutions, and show�d sympton is oi 'being a very c f 0 intori. to Miss Srah I Tartir of Galt. othirthe first (I Januarr;,;'] mewly calved cow,;, WANAA AK -E R-80ANES.—At �th residence o I . tholunl�-rsigned, lot No. 17; Hu 0 Road. 'aiered with bi Whool acco mnmodations, - etc, These bad boil. It continued'. to grow worse t he' �ride'a igther, on the I 8th n IL, by Rev. R 7 milebt co)y�, all of good (la a If to a, McKillop, two ini,es east of Seallbrth pub the I rs, isr, of Ootol ier, a red an& 10lite till ear old 3r -ressed right, out are ilay individual opinions, but and when medictil Ri'd was sum nod i 3j. C ikley, of Bancroft, Mr. Andrew G. Wang therouglibriad bull 0 t o 0 o d e 7- w9l w, to Miss Nancy Ann, oldO yearlitig steers, 5:�!ear)i-ngjieffrrsJ7s4prin� Cal-ve fime proinng is Huron was pronounced a c uncle t daughter o S-: ull. I 1�c owner can have thes y 0 ur Cu s iners ivi ackept our Is ag"Zks fur officer of the West and, despitf ighbred stock and of 38 . SU dhi Sogeb,[EAq,, of mn i, Ottawa coninty. , The catt le are from thoro.ki pertylaidpayinerchlirge.'. JAS.IrXJ i '82G.%4 y pro ii)a.media-tely taken Teachers' Association I can assure all the best of surgic skill it ipread al. McT&G RT—TUFFIN At,Cro tgri on s�ho a superi, ir quality. One yearling ram, 4. rain 11 : - -d Inens- of e(lueation, trustees or others over bis back aild o4i Friday lait deati f nd nst.,� by Rev. P. Scott Mr. John AlcTag - lanibs, 20 ewes and ewwlarlibs al I Leicester breed 6116�1' Nberal patilroiage ac(orded us 11%r Ik e past, and 9 ellent quality 4 plis, a Its irion ESTRAY 9 TNER.—Cam 0 in tO the pren is es of the Dunse'ith was - a young q-arj, to Mrs. Mary Ann A2 b th Tuffin, all and ext-. 2 lindersiwe-t, loi $3, concession % Tnckft- 'With theii, -Custom —that -they are welcome to attend our ensued. Mr. 1 ab 7 ws i fzl the, future Wi be bari ows, 2 pl, ws, I wagon and bay ick. As on f Possible c f I lbbert. amith, about the middle of Jane, a yearling steer, unex of 35 vearS 40pi e,'an i I hi s' I be no "white cQp8­ Inetings and everf to become meaLbers inan all foumer occasions there wil red -with aMutlo white in cllolr., Thn owaer may U ell. wisd.. gri(l join ja tk�e discussions. . Our next pected death has esus -a d eep"feelirll, 1 D eaths. or "Tuffers." All will poBitively �e sold Nylthdiiit have the f &me on proving et ty ray pron an I' ck iloon, - z Ek. Uative of R"n-r.on, the-co-Mmunity. reserve. Sale to conimenceat I'll o'clo expenses. WALItER, Brucerield I Sig years of age� meeting is to be held in the Goderich of regret to pervade STRONQ,—�h ]Rowlck,�)n the 25th, tilt., sharp. Terms.—All sums�bf ia2i and undell, 824-4 idug, naliBumin ud , Saturday, 1111, Wife bf Mr-W.m.- mBbrong, aged 70 overthat amount 12 nionths'eredit will be (mven High S6hool Gn Friaay an He was a quiet, Al 187, aild- t a all who .3 Cal S. by furnishing approved joint iiot,6. JOWN'Mcll trayet! from tI e premies. ()0tober -12th and 13th� Of one thing all neighbor, and was ii� ed T Mrs.' hunes A Pro W.:.R.: DXVIS, A-ulc- 7 STRAY CATTLE.—S %4n.ost NG [4n HoNvicki, mI.. E ARM 01 CONNELL, prietor 9, ag A 66 years. tioneer... 825.3 0 y [ing at Irv, "da -�ILOC.K. new him. of the f ubscriber, lot 26, concession 1�,'Logan, C141CON-098 ch.exp are k 4 fitled the posi. maybe certain that the to& �e 110FIX N BROT17. S, Seafforth A timberman at tha desirous- of Ule active co-opibration of —The Mitchell eco r a s wee MO T - MER.—In Holvick,after's, 1041 ait"I ou 1, le 11 0 ay, ays : There was Bormn excitement ii ry, aged 6 1 yearlirg hei!er. One of the st4ers is reoland the both trustees and paenta, and aTe as s pail ul illness, Widow M)ntgo me owitli F,Eirelk& Con. mines. A UOTION SALE (A Farpi! Stock Inlip'ements otberastivwb cola; thelit-i 4 anxious aboulf the welfaxe of the town on Wednesday and T-1 Lursdai 3 -ear 9. � 1 q 0fU' I J. -473L and Houselif-ld Furni6re will'take place on white oer Owshoulder and. on tile fl t 0AVEKBil.—In Tuckerernithi,or thell th'ult,,Jan al! I member Of the olits will thank- ��olars as either. Wit,�Lout this. c ftr1u_uu o- owing to the arrest bf Tos. Mi ilheron -wifel of Mr. Robert Cave aged 80 yegA a, Friday, the 12th day of Oottber ntt, at I o�clock formation as to their whereab tga and Lientersat est of Gabrie P. T pperation a teach empted wr a., at the resi'dence of L. Ide� er,'),,sq., Harpur- f utly recei) ad by TIIvMAS MOFFAT,, N wal .at of 4 erg' labor, like th in,, and the ati niontba. Aliin� hey, where tLe following stock, goods -and cliat- nook P. 0. �S %gr Ves. IC "is alleged tba;�Ah3se pa� DALE—In Hallett, on tbe"2ni S 'MET lard., He wa eat- ver. Roe Nei, ) 0 1 Sisyphus in Greek mthology, is -e tels will be offerect-for said, viz,:. One brood mare'! I who knew him, on oni igest daughter of ,ChrJ stopl,. or Palel Fsq , ties. went through the country puttin 0 ray color, with foal to Amported I'Welborne;"l �Aftirig and productive of little praoti- aged 25 ypars, 4 f g - e >ORTANT NOTICE�.;! y sterling,qualities, 1 filly colt, bro*rilloolorl'out ot""Tontiiel" and a IMI cal lr-6�ult—Nv'ith it, it is both pleasant up lighfning rods of an inferi(;r kin but to lovelbi deal Roylpl. Reveng incl profitahle. Whatever can bring auld handed- to the 1armers, who ,e m4e; i Heavy Draught horse, I . I AUCTION Color, seven years old;. I brood inare, gray, them undertal�-ings SALE',' of t Glob ---TheboolisofDra, Stewhib & Hnril- eight yearst old; I brown intare, sev�n years, ruteefield,may be 1:)und by ladoh, t a -ad. Veacea-ble. trustees parenta and teachers into with cor f1101r N OT'CE abligiffg - and 84 Of 0 0 n I &ond ay, Octobbf old; everal mi -.6h cowsi 8. steers, 2 eifers,' burt, ate of - B OBE T WILLIS, P -13ac- Ligh�ni.ng Rod Com�any, those ish ing to settle their aacounts, a ti W. W. 6ordial rahttion—whatever in GEM -ionswill Inbricate: the axles, of the. reimburse the customers :1, on tholitorth- half of 1(�tL 28i several calve .01 Mr.JmesDiok6n'sstookill Farralniplement.4—; athetic� If& left - . i cor s. and I r'm from! 7g. loss, bat we dBif Ithe buildir�gs wer r F irin Stoc I FARR�Nlll Office, Clinton' 821 -*,heels of'. education &lad. Make theni' paid for the ro ces�ion 5, Morrie, Pa in 1) caper, I m0% er, I new lumber wagon, I single' paren-tisrUviug, 0 Withift fen,yearb. Thi and 16iplerinkrits. light wagon, 1 pba3ton. I buygy, 2 sets of bob- ST.—On Moriday eve en the 4un more amooltbly, and with as little burnt d wri 11e rsytb, Pr( - ning. last bet,),e ca -forth, irk or' LO S e sac a sad bereavement. f action having co eor -tioneer.- sleighs, 1 single ale ub I e bay ii es.A Eginot difflo church and P heairtily Plan 0 me o Me ear rietol b And . igh, 2 "ts of do ri -1 1 nrS S Iriation as possible—wifl be t p set of single barueSS, .1 broadittast seeder new Woo, -T�be finder will bersivaided - man geT f th atuid oict6 y lot 5 COE - Yrime af his, man- bv all true teachers. Hewitt, 3`7 e� 6, oil horse Y akeJ set (if iron hiirro*s, almost new I it at -the Seniforthl Woollen Mill. A, VAN - Mr. T.' C. On b M Sto4r IMP]e_ Vold -that it will be ml�ialiy of Lo ey, ai small threshing maehine,:.With horse p 1 EGMOND. ing Ro I Co CeF3' i0i 10 82Z-1 rl RANY, CRAs8W1ELLzn, Globe Lightu, -10 re aii see Fitr ho are, near aind 'Swretary of West Huron' Teachers' c ments! '1101B6h ni tureAnd aU im - straw cutter, I turnip cut�ei,'i timo y ee r. i L u, he came ovor he Heavy Furniture.—Two burcausi 4tsingle wash stain a, CASH UP.— A�# parties indebted lt� W. 11. ion. 001at ned.to place! himseff rig] it in 3 P( D� Oli SEA-PORT42 xtendour heartfelt aeermi A in t au ht StallIon. ftle 0! 2 bl,,dsteads, 4-mirrorg,-1 cordbable, I c6intretable, ver, tire respectflilly requ tio settle eye of the farmerl. 'Thos, M alhe wi,10�treaev6. -Robert 'Mar�in, Pro- C OR AT EB' ff. I SP IRKET &TRE9 t 2 kitchen tables, 3 dozon ehairs,1 rock -i 'g oltsir their account before the-fliNt.6f.Noveinba�r, as he jr',,L appeared before Justic ITIR, 9 0 1 priE tol. ha' Ang Seaforih -by tIlAt tirile, and, .9 parlt�r and hall w6od stoves, 1 sofa, I i on t intends ]ca, -sware, -.iustliavebisbLiolnessv�oui�dup bofoi6hegoes -P6rt.h Item was pmanC - t6ber'16, F t'12 o'clock stad, 2 tables, a quantity of crockbry, gi L ii i Thursday, at 10 a. r i and On Puesd6y, Oc cutlery al:d -tinware OLIVER, leaforth." 182641 —Potatioes are selling at 01 a bag eil for' a week 'am �abrieil Ree es ba noon, u 1�ot 13, �Oncesqon i,� StaDle also a number"of I)i tures away. W. H. y wit M lb eape I UGUO8 with - erfg, Geor quantity of lumbeil and cedait posts, oil 1��in0ags St. Marys, just about the price of. %pples. ot been caughtil Srn,� 0, necesg alml nd-4111PIE of the -gallery, as Justreceived �6.LargesbjC t a3id Clioicest stock of BOOTS! a 6.1; editarial in, To- copies from origingis OTE T.,o —Lost,, on tile 13th of Ble ptember, th. *illig to 18aVe wl� Be( jetoi; J. P. 11'rine, And- priyate sale rind can bein-6iectcd iLt ally ime b N )�As K131- 9 110E 8, suital ha —Dr. D-ausmore is about nbss was. w ting. )ws For esi, Pr 11pr a notejof bando made by Tho )le fcrjthe seas�en, tb.. ev6r been 00ter al in Seafor 6f Trustees and tween date of -b 11 aud' auction h I d bear- iE not a ladieWl'man, put he lmows not at the - luaie I ke in be � way of foot ined to�,pres -side. Th who] Mitchell to. Iocacte in Bay City, Mici- quite determ 8 this Matter' t iol I ee1% will positively besclii without reserve. Termse lady in f&vc)r of John Brennitil,for $8 has no V got the very th6, selection of, st. I i in- date January 12th, 1883. The ibiie are that will suit th His PAdieje I�oots 1. notwithstanding the efforti made (in 1�ridil�, 00 12 o',61oc Sale —All purchases of $10 and Wider, ca, o-ve chasing g mr, and he oods 4 � tim e co In, fortatil e! a n ctober 1' at � 0 hereby cautionedagainstpur r gotla, _Xx. G.. !Minchiri, of -Shakespear, have -the transaiAiol noo ')u Loi`3`2, concess: tinll Me laak neat and handic me on any fee i, an are at bhe sord lt settled. 119R) that amount oue year's cr6dzit wil� be g onl ting the said note, as the praount ha,-; b an pal I referred fie n ind chilrdr6n. JuA Shipped a carload, of wagons to Manitoba hev,Farm Stodi, Implatientg f urnisbing approved joinfir'botes. A di�c)iint ol 1e ladie&he do )a.no forget the mo t try Ha: p -c r aiid the finder will be, smitably rewr ded o -while providimg.for 7 per cent. will be alrowed"for cash or vedit him Once and be co e t. rOMP S-UIM i a4dq. th-a position 3 qh Mhu. Dot d. Custc n w � He lastFriday. anc' Rouse4ofil-Furnitre, A�eyer, lealvi *e saine -%i tly, A amounts. L. MEYER, Pr6prietor, Corill Tho.%tA011 MULLADY 824-4 article, or -he Huron Teachere held a TEER M Au Lot giiaxantees &good Mo4w"d- a good an neat al a no pay� The Sebrin.gville band, boys Fr� pr� Ptor ; J, P. Brine cepsion 1, 19 cKillop, Harpii - y J. P. RINE he lecitiori, of readers who attend- 825-2 days ago� Al On 9hursdi y, 00tobali 25, Auctioneer. a LTj NGE.— The uz:iAcrsigned- herpby offer piem school, boardS, BE RTH )dt, 4 1888 �CHAL ed ha& 4 pleasant time. Proceeds $20. Mi] I I oad -Tuckersmith, lfa'rm-,�tool iia 1 5 E I larty CUSt EP 66n, da. no more- Old Fall Wheat per bu+el.� ..... a 9 iROUGHBRF-D and RIGH -GRAD STOCI An bae! ten men to be �ele�tea from Me town N. B.—A grei Lit 33 omersseenitoliaborn, �rthehaluzinatiojitha., lebientm; am apy 0 ar Nil 1 —The warming of the St. Marys pub- I I to 1 1 Win. Talne, Pr(- TH`SALE.—�R.W. R.DAVIS has rece�Vied ial. ship Ot Eky,figgill8t ton won if tb I give a-yeses-crediu, on mygoods. Tho wbohave en into thills er4ror V 0- -- The Institute- ' - N t'peir bqahel.. C. 140't, 1 5 a:Y. uld. sid6ra- , 6 tug, of terins alle F*ROMPT OASH govern tLira. -ew Fall Whea towilsbi-o in the Coutfit11. of Huron fdo 100 a lie sohool by hot- air is.under con, Wheat per ,Oo 0i ��2 pri(;to,,,. P. Brine, An lodder. otructons from J. T. Hicks, Esq., lot No. 15, 3r do. well to talk pri side, all a trial of strength known as, a noti3e that My ppai—nt a COM- :12 o tion by the board. Oats per bushel ....... �JL- n Phursaay, October 11, At. cloc t concession, Logan, on TaasdxY, the 16th diy war." Tnal to take placs,in the vijl&ge of Zurich, tr i 15 bo' 0 10 FATesaccordingly. Isell so cheap that'[ can't affQ-rd­to;g.ive long credit. ustees, mint 0,.( October, 1868, ta sell by Publi� AnctioLa, i the f ol —Thre Elma, Toint Stock But-itter and Peas per bushelL."... 01 45 to 0 46 nocn, )n Lot 30, conce stook - One Genei at Purpos �ftnd e-JUt laNS'DOtiCe to be given. IL IWFEL Ir, wing - valp.ablo Barley per bushel.,. 0 14 to 0 l5 horse, six years dtd; 1,Dralagbt mare, nine yea su'the arm i Sto k ind I pleM6 ti I. :and 8 3 Chee3e Mlauufacturing Company was lop, �sr and all othems Butter, No..I, louse.. 0 P ietce;.. P. Brin old, sired by tb 0imported, Draught stjillion Old t *wrded the fimt -prize for chebse at the Batter, tnb.. ...... 0- 194 oo - 0 e 0 :95 Jo"Sep J Craig! r0pir ro, attend' Institute ......... Au Ai �neer , : re lour yeini old, OR SALE. To Ation. Xggs C�apitain Wfttt; I Diailght�Ma L10BERT afoth, 1,V12 0 Ol ck ing-bred brood mare, half mister to CouettO, 2 (0 to 2 5 1 1 trott- T to exhb per .100 lbs ..... ...... I I sired by. imp6rted stallion iliobby Burns;, that 90 —Mr. A, K...ust&rd, of Hibert,, has Flour, ft Wuesdky, O�tdiber 23, 1 :�' 6- to. 7 )0 1 record 61 iha opportanity..' Ha,new ........... I .... ... ion aAlnumber of Grade S&xtbdown i n, bn lot 2, co cesE OR SA T�.— Apply on 10b 14, - con- leen4p oLnted to the principallibip Of Hides,per 100 Ibis .. .. ........ 6 10 Out 2-18 sired by 13lumberg'i Bashaw stibted to to 7 no F TcRara Lamb9ifor sale.'' SU OnIT th 3 0 10 to 1 0 stock and, liml BaonRothsebildl; lbay-gelding, two, ye rs old EP11 TEXI LETON, i'sh 1 k r, n 8, btauley. JOS ... ........ pubic seool, at, a salary Rbeepskins6oadli. .... ... 0 38 to 0 !0 dam are; I TL, AGWIRS WAIRTL Of H50 T. Michael, i ; sired by Old Clear Grit, a Bashmw H Vaxna P. 0. 824x4 T 14 E Wool ........ 1 15 Propi let i s' J. filly dred by Old Cloar Grit, one year old, ara v welcomed A Salt (retail) per .... f ! a W TV, t-+. b... utilm- ie & Splas, Liato- Sal:t(wholeosle) per 1 )0 Br n% -Auctioneer. Buitiaw mare; I sorrel filly, s Ho�nes and a 11"a itf ed for -Goderich on S .—Two gpod.working TEACJ'V' . - f 0.6 (on ueoday, 1 O'c ock by Old Clear Grit,,dam the old Cummings mare Section NO. 7, Worils, a niile,)r itmaut Wel, were awarded first priz-0 for their potii-toeg,yer bushiblAlewi.... 0 to 0 V 06tober 23, FOR S Ayresbira cow, earning four #ears old, HURON LIVE ST K 3 0 Ulu] er- 1 brown gelding, three years old, sircd byOlc er,holdingla, liecoid or third class cert ficite. kage at the In—dus- 1�'ot 6, concession 31 Ti. Ilew patent butter;pac p. n., on 11 ljoya aripoised to be in calf. Apply at Pump Factory,. I A -tip to Char Grit, dam �ilted by Cte"r, he by o pplimfions otaing -salary to N received Do: 4, 1888. sm th. ASSOC �LTION- Janu- CL-XNTOX� Farm' stock anal Impleme t bla: n Street SeaforLh. N: Olufr. 825-4 trial Exhibition, Toronto. George; lfilly,two years old, sired b Baror North the 20th of oclober Duttics to -rolyinbl-M, IV -RAY, See etary, wart, P ally 18ft —The ListoweI Banner slavi: The I ropriAor v Rothsq.hild, dam a pony r4sie sired by' an Jim. a�O to i., r Old Pall Wheat per bu I ...... Do; iall I:n- your isStte. ported Shetland stalliow; I' brown gek ing, 011( FOR SA U, —Forty colon lee Of par( ltaliaD� Belg'rave Pi. 0. suffere(I New Fall Wheat per b l 0 0 to 1 6 All oti, beer.. cd bees, in. Irst-clam PWo crop in that section has Sprin g Wheat per bush k year old, sired by a paceri �ot by Old CIE ar Grit and ten celor-iies. of HAr .... ... an article nle�V me. heavy 2 On [rues ay, October 16, at 1 0'6�10C . bnve; 1; foal, The Seventh A Sale, un for' erely J,4.r IOM the rot. In so dam a porly mare same as a ired b3 patent hives. For paiticulars corresp)nd wAa Ital. ....... OA 0 to 0 ;3 R WAN TED-� A ater -y a, t0t% Oats, per bushel ........... cespion Ill, Hibberbp the TEACUE Section No. Tth t gre lloss. -p- M..! on lot 21, con I B&ron Bothochild, dam a, pony mare ame aE GEO. TIA ELEIS, Grarisford Apiary, Duilannon P. School. 7 Hullett, e, ItY 01, OI&Y Beils the crop is nearl. Barleyper bushel ....... il ........ 0 to 0 5 4y' agree.-�. 'but. tha cow, livitin pedigre in CA` 0., 0at. 893MA auspices of the Hz 3a ox L'i +E ST"OCI As- Viles, Mitchell Road, Peas per bushel ................... 0 0 to 0 0 Farm Stock and - Irpr lem �ii ts. The above; 1 thoroughbred Huron, Duties t..)i Commence jarivar3, 1884 —Mr. Richard 1' igh brod bull'; I thor�iLiginbred hei r, Ono Vhat u a letter f be * sold. uithiciiii reserve. to ab Trustips: JouNIBAOWN AVAI.Trlti IVI)DYLL, -'Fullarton, has rented his rm. for five Butter....'i ........... ......... wb Ole w gna" s ommoN, ivill be b 61d. at the ye-ir old; 1 thoroukhbred', heifer calf; SALE.—For sale,:a b3aTy SeCrej�ry �ndTreasurKtr School f Celion! in calf -to IC thoroUglibicil bull; graie leter Bggs ...... .. .. . 0 b to the E - to Mr. Hugh Russell far $290. 9 to 0 9 John Dunlolpl, Proprietor; James Oh H012ullslit FmoarRe, 7 -years old, suppose to be in 1). 7, 11 ullett. 4 years be 8 0 he o �k$ con for som Haiy lier ton ....... iipneer� a, three years!old,.ope in Calf t her juat hlin's impor ed hoise Uri, Wiles ret&ius the bush and remains -Potatoes, per buiih el aw ....... 0 60 to 0 0 Ab heifer fop.1 to Thomas WeLaog rowN OF CLINT that to 0 ao ober 13, at 1 o'c�odk calved; 1 grade he' ter, two years pld, la fly due also one 8 year old he�avy dralaxint Valorn 96X, U Bee -L assumes. ......... 8 Oct Turl3berry amrit tas oil the farm.. Wool .......... I Wers, One year old; st-ells. -, t WarmllnRil, 81& 1 4 ( 0 to 7 )0 oDeeEsion calve; 4 grade iii a re ; a so two heavy drought Colts) ei,,;)nteeA Ty 0 F tion No. 7, oxitiong are, h ...... tbn lot grade ste�rc&174F; 4grad hdle� COUN RURONI ])or, lwirjldifig —Mr, J - ood y has r -purchased the Hides, par 100 Ms.. i.. p! )ne year old; 5 Zetland, for Q ea 18"i IL W 0 teac W ........ 7 60 to �8 )0 mouths'(1d,sired by "OldEnterprige." These y ar as to ort Fork ........ ......... a, tapes as f I&M. he sold near Fallarton a sh Cordwood .......... ... 2 0 to 8 )0 F stock and Implemen Ives. The stock is aU sired by thorc ugbbred animals c in be .4een on lot 1, corieussio 105 Grey, a second or &rd,,cl tirae a, �s would la '0 his 0 rieltor Al 'Delg rth of. Biussels, aud '%iill be sold to ato val Ap Ii tions rooLiv till IL ot be M L O,Tk es. att)', bulls. TWO, tboi,ougilibred Barkshirc 3opxa, 4 two mileE no etober 1p -on bar - 1;btb, DiW- d Ws WiLgliftal. P. 0. -]AMR and will remaiU U A B or�shi re so ON WEDNESDAY; JIL.r X3aW this lit thoroughbrc 2 teta ii A -mat Deer. cheap for afLF;b,Oron credit to Teliab*e parties. WILSON-, Secre". 5x4 3nLany friends and the scenes of his. boy; do so Liv:&RpoOL, Oct 3.—Spi in� wh e rows, pluwe, bay 4aeks, & pail a bob-slogli., 8 For further partioulars RpplY to he owt-ar on the lkey to- n Wedha�sdav, Oc obqr 10, at 11 wagniis,l. reaper, -1 mower, I roller, 1 tur ilidii1l, '*ls P. 0. 24 18"8 ood. winter �99 Oa ..above nalr aed promises, or addreqg Brag OCTOBE 08s 06d ;* red I p. in., on -lot 23 calicessiou 1 seed dDill, double and simgleharness, &c.- TI -ere Itradicted, thmt I OVO 1 23, 6 DUNCAN MOLAUSELI. CARI) TH*NKS. —The M' cClacher ty f &rm, just Outside No. 1, 09B 64 aliforn a eerve at this s Ia, to number of CaliforniA will positively be 1:0 re ale. Sal - : � . . H9 �axm Stock, IlnplEiments ar d On wbich occasioi a large it. 00 the. corparatiali of has been r 58 (511 barle 7, ommLnce9t,lo1cIbck:-­m,, sharp. Terms,— The waders! ca yes tol- tar sale a thrc a RTS Old Wn Arbuckle- C- I.—F I r ritualFlY6 Ill o will No. 92, 098 00d Hcy.J - very' Superior Th:) -oughbred Animals to the Core D rented to Mr. Robert Faller, of Logan, u 1.61d Parniture. All same Of 10 LTS FOR SALE wh 5a 6d; pe 5d por 72s 00" ; 5 and'ni.deil, oa�sb ; over tha amount I 'N' -ell broke its, 798 ioneer. twLIve months, crepit willbe i Cl.jwz, ired by "'Lord Iladdo blie palay, for the veltylprompt and rimut. thera. To nual Pr)pA( tor Bishop, Auc by Mra sh-.ng �1; o two two yftr clId gel- red. :or sale by I i f()r 8, ternaaf five vears,atanan' lie. ner in Ill M f choose approved ji.iut not,eB. . T S, Proprietr and rit etly sound, al I be offe Oa riday, October I. , 011:10t 1, QO red bN- 11 King of the D-nuinion," 56. 06d and taxes. 0 EX ed by the Lan llig 0 h ;; *tal It av-d Wlint(lits 04 relltal of �4001 a V ett 1 820-2 C R. DAVIS, &uctioneer, -are - j�uction. 0 ceE Bic .2 L. S. S. Tuckersmith, at 19 W ci ther by Lord hE. most conrt� and t4e I Haddow." 111.liy al evret-t-.ird, la cf Lcin and tomr. Watbon z-��zAt-*th-eannuglii-i'atGho-f the Ferth the 7tIs Oct. 4." Fall 1171 -Eat, OU -een on TORONTO, Ole �oc �r noori r1i ProPeAlt, StOck and it UbliuthrueyetroA cahbe the al-,vite-f t1141 P(;�hparjy,. Ary lop WaR RifteA199ociation;-whiGh Was held the Fhr -year olla on la *or -ng to fil.12;1-3pring, 6' 1.00 to$!, 14; Oats, 31 ic IMPI,(T- kentdL ANNUAL MEETING. it 31, L!ii 4, and the 2 The list ComprIst, in flail w..t4iU.40 (:*�H Ottl th�- fin tool placA, ,gymell Wine, "in be.,41deg 6MkYnS. other av, Mr. W. Thom , of Do 1 1 70- 6 ar] E y,- 500 � 0 ;Jas, Lang and Jus, Elder, -ion 10, �leljilqp I Thoroughbred Durban Bull., ral ex - seats to 400; Peas, 73c ; b -Priliptetots -A. Bishop, Auctioneer. 1 28 collec-Es! ve 3 ears old,' I Cis I)c had by sddT(",i'n_g the r4e to fi offered agaia 9�toceedod in Nyiinin:g the hand- rnina beni Can S.S( nt animals frum tL J11L -h&y, on Lots r) The SevenLh AAnual Meeting if the Set, kirtli R 0 ��I'V I f,_LF 68c per to�, 67.00 tD 013.5( ; underlzl- O.JA iroughbied Helfere and 80 liber&l 130me si].V esented by left. Bal- OnliFridai, October- 1% 1 Several very choice Th( er cup pr hatter, 15c to 21�;- potaicef per beg* Cuiling Club, will be hold in he Ho- 14ENAI COM MII�L. �t(- -'ection ani il,,ConbessioulO,C-rreyi�a�tlO'CIO(k I Owe - tel, on Friday,. Odtober l2th, eib 7:30 p. m. A I anal IN's Dr �xght ,.a, r I&Utyrte, M. P. P. $1. 00 to $1. 00; �ggs�; per doi Oc to 211 Imported alid C Un bred Hr - Q_ ughbred Cattle), members are retlaitat Valdable Thoro ed to attkati,us of the —The Me*ssrs. Hay, of Li�;towel, baVe 100 lb '$7.75 bo P- "Ok, S�,LM- tbeVnion lignei in th`� I St,ilions and Breeding'Slares. BERNARD THOMS', N dressed hogs, pe I e t ra-t et I -ad Cotswold Sheep, and B ;kshire iatc-rested. eet and Pigs. Robert Brown, pr importanceNN111he, b,ought befo 11c, e Leiceliter a Sb F Cor' d on D infol. m. � is cimtoiners eLlud tht. publ, P, 601d to Mr. John 17�V&lsli of ',U-ornington, ' Ali lovers of the game in%j:,Ld to It f Fe i t1uhari. This hotell is well sittlat of both sexes. sol 0 iCA bers of the $8.25 wool, Per P()und, 1.7d tDr`300. Stretton an alte cilirdially cxtensivtlx� tr--velled ind Suffolk Pigs priet r; Capp., dtioneer. it ill: Poultry of various brec,. U. gcneriffly, that 0* art-Oubt Of th0, (if the laorth halt of lot 10, On the Ist con- tand and join us, D.D,WILS6.NL,11�xesidentl� le ng orou rbfare flom, the el.wt. Apples 1his seapola, be will Constitution A Yfednesday, October 31, at Z' R. COU' ,TER, See. -Tress. 826oil2 1' 0:61-ir run his (Ifer e sum. O $1, Live Stod n, a7i a cess k max 'tic, & noorl,� ou Lot 3", d being 71 ni`hm frow Ali the animals to t( Qffered tire fro tN MiJI three da�ti �* the ve. -ihu"t Y ion cj Wallace, for th 0, ek� ents a ConcesBiou 2, eut1y AtutL an J)q' d fee, (250 ally friends and TORONXTO, Oct. 3. L—There h4l i been a 4 West� rn R�il of the beat breedera in the County Of d Saturday, Charge 0aah. He Exeter, 4a. the Great W33,11 and 10 an e &a uual. not 'demand f61!shjppErs Ll R Tubkersmitb. Su )erior Farm MOUEY TO LOAN. i ft(Ill, jq]tcliell, on the Grand Trunk Railway, adjoining Counties. rot"matio THOMSON. tf 'Well-wishers in M- itchelL slaC1,-.11eSB in the i �gue-aof saleand all Other inf the ents 1);Lvld Elco6t, I -a I a, ln�plem nt fo but and value g4ne1#'.1lly are S d igned being appointed agL Isolo� ilesfr�m.Du'�Jln, from wbieh place Catalc jeltion to the RreB!4ent Onc thiB week daily ursi to !Farguhar. The hotel is can be had on appl WANT1W �Wantitd —AbcUt seven 001cck M ly even nouriced for Biin% Auctioneer. ar)Tmheeflrsn�-Celars . n compaLieB, is nuw� preparei ilig liat W' eek, as Mrs. X Dir, wife of easier. Receipts 8�e mode�at& but stif. Pr',)p� dt,Or�,; J P. 88 log '16,:m 12 o'clmk to take loona on farm, town and village properll: fitted up for the con:v�lnieuce of the travlling S&'rGt&rY- r res 1 9 thfd 1, 1 first class Stable -and M. T. MeLFIAN2 & ood econd-band Ce han ficient for all ts Choice. 'Oril7riday, October , 9 rc uireme hed a -1 how 10, 9 d 00 Railway, r. fo public, aving fi-tt&c "Machine. Apek*tione 9 - to, Pillgilaeor Muir, G.raad Trunk sion 3, 11. R. 1 st reagon4ble ratas of interest. Also Age - t fo possession Seaforth, Secillptary. oted at; �5 Zo go C1 )ao)n:'on Lot 2, Conces an kood water. Terms easl,, Tull. what inake o1f niax,,hineb,,na if in "Ood rie- tvv are export cattle are q I the HovOick Farmers' Mutual Fire �nsnrlanc Shed an Ot 8traford, was returninc, from town she took and Imp e immiediatiely, r( -ttl Tdcki'drtmith,-Farm S Allkirdsof Conveyancing done wit .and balance of Iticeuse given apply JAS. BI S 125 ingha�a )asons: -)rietor, ddlqessed to to choice butche s ba foe worth pany, at 6,.cel, to-TI103XAS TACEY,11 111rol GG I-� athe An P.O. "Vas Stopped by an oprietor; �:Intnesa'and dispatch. M MORR 4TTRE)Yi MORR irs�0111al inVita revolver $4.50 to $ 5 - Ord n ary li t attle ar �rd n drew ROBS, 'PI P. �?re8idunt. -7 : Clin 0 149648ioix House, who pointed ar that, the Bull- 4cticaeer, SON, waton, 826-tt Fargub ot worth over �4 per $091ba; atid B71in Al at bLer and demanded her portmonuia n 3e,. are. Of 00 not be: ia- would 9 d re,i e e ell 9 u 0 7 a, P t C y L no rup e� J, 4 0