HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-10-05, Page 4THE, MORON $X.PQS1T0RX OICTQBERr)� 188 T 1883, lot -John IN' nniell, 2d �i th at thf' W: W11 th tion at the Provincia, arifilarge -tracts of countq a arm. *ith Abe se: T e .1 and Wes W Aw NEW ADVERTISE.M'ExIts.- there r n en th I e ree W 63 c u Algoma district which are yet iii sett four imal1os of this brve roialfzed to him: -off I e load . He fell' n his head' -tern REhibitios. The inventor is�& ton and Thomas Allen a 0 lipsettl Gill. w but, fort via on stunn d, by youn RED. SHIBES.— Tho figure between th - e parentkeqio of I ter The oth wo mem bera the - ly V113g, ii� ig main 23 years of.age and' if this THOROU(MB Bencowl LADims.—Mrs Ir er is that t of th I 4rin, � $1,04 Inaliely 5, and the o bul a 0 Governmenti Mr. Hi dy an $1,2, 1 r Dev6 is brought $35. 'the fai perpet u i�l motion business works as well with certificate, b ng ralsed a calf,in Porteous, Fullarton and each line, denoteg the pf%ge of the.p&per on whiah� Oqtari. f u ex Rec I the advertimementill urdy befound. Mr. Pardee, are owners, or J)artr 3wo 1�ohfrescbeing eitllex vdry old c r !—Mr. James'Grkioi all,! in. as he ti inks it will It Should pay 'him 1883, lot Jas. 8 ')t 2d Richard I loth. I Kirktou. en �, The I ok, o: Hom Medical HSI DliriCan., (5) of an extensive -tract . of land in Dakota. very ngJ I did not sell at Image figurei tends go ng to Ann Arbor ollege hbrt- handsomely. am. I r. Grpselok -BADE CATTLE.- eatrailch coN The Death of Be3ij Millinery Opening, -Hoffman Bos. (5) To most person f; these state ant a woul I -the-, fbi�ales and four Inalea sellim, lyl'to'study medicine. lIf �Mr P. Kelly, Reeve of Blyth, r G that, e. anlin Styl.... New Velvets -E. MoFaul. (5 seem innocent eno in Ither isolvei 6 Q. 'The J Mught $20.1 , will make as �uccfigsful,and elover's turned iome froril Manitoba I t week -had a calf in 1883, st, Joseph W6. a, 2d Mr. Robert Haxy, of this tow ii for I erseyeew -teacher rth, 3d Joh White ; two year kindly handpid us a bu Horses ficleSale-Don. NeLanchlin. (5) bat the Mail is not o be' eceired b ind b bull calf $102. The IS gradea doctor a he bag a rofes- B. Hoga the Mr. Kelly was up in the Nort eat in- COPY of the ppearances, . and anon $1912. -Of fa, i c ttl L 0 Ruby. Farm f:)r Sale -Adam 8. Dolialk6s. (5). & ne only 'Sion will receive� IF, valuab the old beifer, let oh n'Smale, 2d M. : ?ark;] Of a es th sold f dtlOn- spectin -some timber' limits up re H4M'ining News the 17tb S the Gr 'was o: 'a got from the Dominion Gov- one yeard bar, published in Eureka county, Farm for Sale -David Nelson. (5) strongest- of langn e th .61 e Gri ago. oh d heife lab B. Hogar h' 2d jored, thd WhieDuke, a Short. -A tr),mp a few evening, 3 i8ited whi 1883,1 t M. horr eroif two Garsaudkirmonths, bongo Mr: b swe Card of Thanks-Midlasel Edwards. (5) Government are Pu osely eep� ug Be f axim. ne LeebUrn, ill I e arnmen 5. He: bad several oloso calls on I M. Park; beifer calf of da, which contains an Farm for Sale flers out of A gom. orne, and was Park, 2d Thos. So tt; bull call of,1883, me1quebolir Whie -Colm McArthur. (5) Igoma - a Ora r t) plac a with �,Weiqht of �2,010 ]bs. The price township of Col give� a big trip, having 'been ne.arly drowned. h b f cattle square eaI, whichille pm.faced b a more -tban once, -and having run ont of eXellar. Cash Up -W. H. Oliver. (5) them on the estates ey are sa�id to owl paid 0 0270� The 66 head o D. M Benjamin Styles, formerly Of the I &Aiit of provisionswaa almost fainishadivibli. this county, The Colts for Sale -James, Sumerville. (5) in Dakota� It is b yond qbeot on tht, t br -611 the fervent grace, but after swillowing the -CATTLE-A.LL CLAssEs.-Twoyehy old ship of staulay,in in all 9,8.477 tled lareas. %6t ic t a 8110p md swine, food he �egsn to sweafat a terrible rate, unge . How r,: b foxind his limits h Lit 11 sail Cider Mill -B, Thomson. (5) steer, Levi Goolwin, one yas;0 Old accident took place, on the 15,, athere are large unset. IU A - Prial r ove goma (a district ImPsV as etan give as war( Jim ndtpublisbed., a unde.-- Paid was lordered off the premises. better than be expected, and Joh n ale; forenoonj Curling Club� Annual Meeqng.. (5) Steer, lab Levi Goodwin, 2d ohn I even about 10 o clock in the oan-M. Morrison. (5) OW ver-,:, that p, ices were ve il, -of Grey, car- B. 11,ogarth, 2d M. ark. is kn Money to L the rest of Provtuce), b 't 'it is als p Stan I achlai M'Nei apriDg, steer calf, let own as the ning it is Bwd he will return next Eureka mi shaft OX ste6r, let ?1� I IT �sb prize and! a Purge o - $50 i for takiijg with him a couple of saw DIBtances are defieril)ed lari ply ur - sathf0tor The only cattleburchase a' ried 0 FAT. CATTLE. -B and the eircu. A Wonderful Cae.-C. Woods. (8) tiue that they are n6l� onlyl f A fat.* or Dress Good' - fron )nuty tbll4 2d an 3d: ;fat J. McLou,61in.. surveyed but evenunexplored.. A Dam ei e r1oi ce is M the best Canad l, -iii,apgb.6 at&] lion at mills, and will go extensively into the B. Hogarth Thos. Sout Professional Visit -Dr. Rosebitigh. (8) 0; o. T-oug L, the Indd8trial 3xhibiti6la-'at" Toroiltc; manu ni. cow,,or-heifer This Scott. bAr of townships 6,10162 the � lin� of tho S. E. . 1%rtb, of Stephen, and J fa tare of lumber f6r the Win 7 A small tank is being need In Ist a 2d in stock Ba -le -J. T. Hicks. (5) Canadian Pacific hava be irveyed Me, Hogarth uichasel last week. � The bo�Ae.�iyoung Clang- FAT SHEEP.�Ra, , la pumping compartment of the all 4 of StRiley. Reg malket. 6ft lot the of ()was, having 3oint Sale -J. Lang and J. Elder. (5) only this summer, aDA it is id'A' to 8 o4orthoin --Lon S, I alt " for man," iswell-k own ini illie northern John Kemp, two I ding, the purpose of raisig the water -On Saturday, 22nd ult., an accident- . Ir 11 -James - Tough y and i" I at suckled lambs in Lf 83, Ist and 2dJohn the bottom of the shaft ad *.J. took A.C.'Ist part of the cou 9- aloreditto ibis IT Wiuchelsea, in the towDsbip front Betray Bull Lee. (5) Ocourret to t a 600 -A. G.anEgmonil.. (5) tarded, as- few perolmB. have anterel 014f. They an.. native.heath. Kemp; pair shes ring wes, let; Levi level, at which place the Loat are both veryou orior of Usborne, which might'have, resulted them beyond the vies eppl ved i i xm.a &I , �nd'we ish �lie jen�erprisinv -Oh Sunday afterpoolal, as Mrs' J. Goodwin, 2d J. H. insman; twq,� ewe emptied in the big pump. Atthi point�' w Mr. W. Brine M_ .-driving 6mbe, of Eli lambs, Levi Goodw�n. As t pur vlsei at, mq sl ire of 'oil(,. Holmes was to church 'at Styles was employea to dump the w the constraction of t6e rail,#ay.� groiite a &sea a new top -buggy ater, I ville, pardli from Holmesville, her son Bert, a -boy of c SllclitT WO ovris,�.-Rarn lambl and from. the tank into the pump the alleged attempt t'i divert: set ilemen t cess vi 4th them. -i Mr. Ro).ert Robinson, of Winchelsea, OLD This s of age, climbed up on the to Dakota, surely evpn th os.t credul Dino year and, accompanied by Mr. R. 0. Thomp- 2d Davi4 Hill; t,N6 bre orning John McKenzie,. e_ �'News of the W k, of the bu he and 2d Daid Hill. and went to the one i-,aader of the M wil. plillate b k. bac whe(d of which son, cardeto' 'take it away. In going got on the taink Vol catching his,fooly�n carrying it around of the Shaft for the purp fore believing such oh ar�e.l I I belle D of S fpt is dead. I COTSWOL-Ds- SHEi v.-Shearling ram ose of g� )m rl Ott tbmugh the gateway the horse ose of okiii SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Oct. 5, 1883. P__ Stan 0 the fact to be that i stead of' tho i eiten the axle, in y be ke hia'leg,bbside8 7 to let and -2d Lqathe 7 ler- 'two Vreed. afterhe bottom prn bottom the to give tracts in Dakota, which tb D - Mail pe tbat a lialied in �Lviilty all lambs in 11883, 0 apsize, spilling the occupants rather nited States t f the .0 t' d- Pardee- contract for the 4ection, of a ewel the small tank, by, some means let and 2d Matbe Iler; two Prize Farins. R Lb VOTT6314. CR6P. I hi) ci ugg� Mon, crop turned suddenly, causing the b i P �t t1te hii our it is said, difilocati�g the nkle ing ewes, b rmr(-BeptB Messrs, Ira; a;, -The will bi a failure. uncerem'Quiously on the ground. For- or ther,1 a owning, these'geDtl6men like bridge aicroBa the Bauble eiver on the lambs, Ist and 2a got Istranded so that wbe Messrs. on J. �lobsoxt and Will. Diu '11 OF, A -MEMBER. -TbeRev. Johii tunately the buggy was supplied with Aatbaw Miller. Ken. many others, merely 4th and th con§ossioris of Vsborne, has ng the regular signal t 4ilowed SHEEP—LEic.Es!r Hitsiiinm -Best Lei zle ra ivested im a foi r kial le ir, D.b.; lib the pateut spring jack, Which o h ist, it Doualdsoin,.the gen-tIbmen appointed by &I M 9M )E r of parlia, acres there, (say a s ti bu Qr half -sectio] ii been aw, rded 0 the following parties was found i�npossible to raise t men b f 0111 bonegiip is the s h a be to beco m a detaiched from the oestershire ram, two Shears and DV er. ek a ngino at all W Id be�! Fill Lr, VOTE. -Three hlijdred we. approach , Mr the e' on promising the horse, Levi Gdodw.in:; shearlip L the Otario Awricultural and Arta Asso- aiece), &a.& spaou;1Aii For Poliaud; abut- -to mov vehicle, immediately freeing 9 ram, evi clation, to inspect and judge the farms fair return. The nulImbe'r of seLtlen ments, Mr. Kidd; -ftamd-work� NJr. endangering McKenzie, �0)me man V ted t tbid -school election a� which r n a abort distance, d Stopped oodwiii. wbiah it would take, occupy �8 COUPI) Hewitt. The C)unciiil provides the tim. thing bad to be done, and that enered for competition, hae handed Binghiimto: N. -M, on Frias� last. to await further orders. Voilamage GRADE SHEEP. q:[ 1�am lamb, lal' Ilevl for McKa in the Shaft n of sections out West i perhapp half -a- berfortbe structural. n a was F ireed- their' r6port to the association. T ne(hina. -Mr. V.' BraudonI4 one of' the earliest n4 Of[ the top G odwin, 2d J an; two dozen. In' v tl at the 0111irpMEN.KiLLED.— L)rt� was done beyond breaking o H. Kinsm iew of le fact th tank, up to � i's waist in Water, aving supliled1lambs i, 1883, killed by 0 stays. ing eweg, h d fli district in which the competition for %policy of the Dominjo W!".Government men re an expl )Sion at a settlers of the t vi�nship� of Morris, died engineer, 0 arlay Nowra an harvin Y only', -ThE shilreholders' of the 01, orks in Pal forn] a. 1. -Clinton Safety Of gun 11 deri Ist week at the i ago of 80 years.. He ohn Kemp; pair, shearliug ewes H. the i McKenzie 'a fairm prizea took place this year Was annually depriving Manitoba i 6n d thit f 311, -Ompany , t f in hi mita, Curling aad Skating C or Kisinan; two ew 31ambe, H"agh ft concluded that it was the best Northwest of thousands 'who Vouh E Minnea. rry Z SNOW. -S came tholre whe'n Morris was all bush, the prpose of organization mWVA_,,,ia, ocomposed of the cotinties' of Cardwell 9, ygai., Michigan, o an A ALL ED—BERKS131 OR I war the 4uriabo tattli; cl at Ob ebo 0 The following directors he, otherwise be glad to take up Jan tbare [ill d worked until he had cle 'red a last week. g PIGS -13M tbrou-1.'a-Y t Du'rham, -Simooe PO a] ast. splendid farm. -He was very highly SuFFoLK.-Boar,: over one ye old hoisting co partment, when me] -'enzie 'Peel, York, Optari ter.foundation for this, � the newes FrM ere elected: D. A. Forrest M. Me. w and Muskoka: Iand Algoma. There were tbing in scandals, alippars ver ilim, I i ro! DRAiM Art otR bai net' year could g Wall tan] y Irish laidl respected, a man of good sterling ohn Moor toa;r'unaer o et from1he a bee ot t a Mai a the large one reach tl e our., rth noticing, to6,' that t 11 8, A dead in his reF idenob a� Kin itiesi and leaves, a wide circle to 2ourilu I Taggart, Thos' Cooperj. P. Tiadall and Id, lot Peter PeCoursey, D. eight fairms entered for.com-patition. "I. WO W. Jack ion. Subsequently 1e Direo- nyean cLaugblirk; so* tbab )itt6reain L883, face in. safet chose a m -o ment wben both �ha gentle riur3 a er repeate4 attei npts liad failed his death. V. was a mrd, The,fiat, - �rize or gold medal was award- tors elected Mr. Forrester, ebairman,,! men named were in a ie -mote. part- Mr. Gobble'Miller, -of Amberh�y, in at and 2ad F. AqTnilton*; sow, Dde i-ngly 140 0 ger, (I. When' it reachEa the FoR 017 FIRES.11mmense 'firfis ar'i Mr. A. H; Mauning, Secretary, and Mr. 1. to set its. slande: ra�gh ig a 8 �r :J,,P. Tiodall, treasurer. Th board was -ad to Mr. Simpson Rennia, lots 29 and. tli-e countr the town�bip of -Ashfield, bag retilmed eter DeConroeir, bottv c iia whie 8, abo tit IS ita: Cruz ne.year old, let' 3m Zzie was borrified to see in 30, Gore of Sc%rboro, snA 15 Is north kfloat. At any rate,.A is a soinewba, Calif from a Somewhat extensive tn' m. Hodge. the' top of tailk this b t: ia, and th ranclies'are terribly p to authorized to negotiate with the agri- dead body of 8 byL novel doctrine to advance that a Diaz England, the land of', big nativitv; He P1Gs—LATtGE` B ED-YOURSHIM: AISM lea. Hebf course rang the h(is of Toronto. This farm con -tai 1 re h looks as though the cultural society for aleaseolffi round 0, and i, hasnottherioht�o uylaad a S1 ER LAR6n. B tEEDs.-�Boar, tinder Sign AN� EY IN AFRICA. AM6 OTH, 4 a few Seoop do gaim a 0 6 plors. acres-, and was very highly commQn.ded gi for .20 years, and have the b ailding On pleases. tion is dvanoing w ith rapid rid a thi I him immensely, aud'speaks in Nm surface, bripiging wing �the ground enlarged-, to the � imensions no year old, lot 'V rib. Hoiae, 2d iv�th him, the manglea TIQN; sow, I �-ered in 1883L, remains of his dead comrade. by the judges. T he Second prize., or -FELLE E )U0A terms of the rapid progress m de in :of 72x150 feet, which 'Will ma:, ie it one of Wm.! late keporta being that aul has berharat his fatherland since the, days of hi boy- The exactleaueL Of S'ryleg, dea-t4l Win Rrat silver medal, was awarded to Wm.. It is evident that- ihb int eat& li adilig at the largEst, rinks in the West. The first erest of tb led twelve 1 ti6lis odg sow, under one year old, 'Win., V, tb ilmI who k a bscribed, eerle unt of stocks -while leading a. yo hor i $5, Wgi reasonable supposJition of his hood. never be known, uLt the followinf is -the Ronnie, whose farm is oia the 2nd con. gentle sex in the cau se� of b.igher educill F(U INSANi.— call on &coo ddge. i i ItiOD, ig Dot de0liDiDg. Correep(mdenca I , IV, 0 the let V OWLS -Pair ge o, m oe azia fe r 2 a] a eath attain )146d to'shooti! the British 06nou UDg 6 .012L' aimoun4g t i Glindsy evening h1r. W. Murphy )f t cessioa of Markham township, in the he Styles was Aanding on the plank in the has been pubished. I Petween Dr. Wilson !in New, York,lbas een 4ximine by of October. The peition for n0or st Tbos. Scott; 2d � Robt. Norr pal pLora- County of York. This farm. is 15 mil6a President -of UniviirEdt; C o I le a, a in 6 13th cbnoession, Hallet, met w'th lacks. Ist ames Hqrton, 2d S.A. PiLge-1 hoieting co partlmi adheaTill 1physic: -an to b tion has been prepared and 'orwarded SpaniF tank eomi down the sbaft attempted the n and fo a i sane.i rather eriousAcciderit. While holding ']I fOW18L Pat. Dg I I i air 0 from Toronto., and contains 120 acres. one of a number of Udy .-app!lic ants t( L, the P ovincial Secretary. BIbLck George FIT. Exipto,io .-By t 0 �exolosiol the he so the anim with t er t "Iva TheL third prize or Second si r'meda' be admitted to ledtureP in, tuat, inatitu tl struck out argon; pait dar or � light cc lorii to get on ei �be� centre Piece or the I -The Now Era of laab week says: jof a bB,,,el of gun Owdei $6 4adri� his front ;feet, and Struck r. M rpby barely tikine to r-e&oh tion. The Doctor, after giving th rahniLas. laf and d Duncan McI,4reu wall Platd, aua bad i wim io, p on Fria y last an pprsonj On Mon fly last a pa�rticularl 7 'Sad ac - was awarded to Daniel Smallie, town ry!badly hite Legborns�, Win. -Wallace t, when ibe tank struck hi n ie reasons of the Senate on the face. His nqse Was ve of the -On iirbrait werl ad and sixiinjup iman nam- lymouth Rocks, Win. Wallace ur ship of Vaughan,ecinuty of York, whose for ref using the reque BLtqt split and;his. eyebro�ws out and dashed cident h ppened to a young back of the )lead ana press�d hial hiod�y at, s t hat bi h Ai The fat& ser ugly. ed.John bite, who resides oi e loth at out eya-Wm: Wall close to the Side of this haft, and t, farm contains 175 acreA. Besides these aim -has been, and S to brii IPECUNIOUS QUEEN. teE igeonf Is h as n of Hallett, which very of tie- Dean Of Servia; al: a in tb max. -The stallion, Young Contest, 2d MpWaar1renp fen rizes. a number of Bronze medals- wer establishment of a F;OiVindi ollege. a ately A. Page, when the tank passea him, big be P akep serious iii its nature, and the' ultimate 'L will be sold to liql Jd4e her owned by:Mr;- T. J. B�11, of L�ndes- on top -of the for ladies in corluectioa with t -a niver GRAix,BxEDSAX1'DAi11,..—' Whit( am ttel of -.Indges state that they on ay b3 ven to TNhich are! Baia t carping! everything result of which is yet a ma�ttet doubt. n spring vii h at, The rerna;�ns priesen awarded. The j sity where instructi debt 31j a6gate -boro, Succeeded tea a most here,. e had no, difficulty in fixing on the first those now deni 1,000to roubles. Tfeand a companion. were riving a ter wheat, F. Ran: i1to ad ad: ittaillee to niver- 7 before it t the StatePaLir held in D a ble appeara.4ce. The head was maghea I fit Wm. Hodge, 2. Thos, Saott; "hit JESU steam enine along the bon dary be- Eri-A Fathel prize farm, as it 'wais'incomparably I afty College., ThiR is the me t robable troit last eek. In obe* of the goes to a jolly, othing re b the twee XcKillop and Hulla�t,andin 2d, Thee. F dott 0 diffiel its ad6p. ly, a German. hus in w - i u, wer 17 n malnin' Andirl en clecte:1 hi -h 't*was show 01b a ra, ate, let Win. Ho io, teeth and no 6 by which �heg ut 110 ouperior to any they exa -mined., but the 'solution of tb order to xid the team in turni ng a cor- black oats, D. Me] �011ar barley, Win. tion is probably Sti a long wa.3 in the as A nulnessor to the Ger er ship of thE all of which were 11 left'id the �ofd." could be ree gnized. fli:addition I Othis L nal, an Jesuit dder-,on theldeatl 0 aDimial is Dow owned others were more naarly eq. d the Der be got down off the Beat ;and took Hodge; peas, Wm, Hodge;; beans, let as nt y Messrs M, P I h Ctrrey; b' future. The, Womei t's Medh"al College of big left ar wits almost torn froni.big lb� Dt. they had *ieh oths i atteDbury Mooney Of Clinton. the horses by the head. After in, 2d Hug egm-patition was, consequently, 'very is, no long ' . I ? mo ard -it 'sea, or a in V1 body, his body wag covered w, In bim ere 1� rdjee Ol I Man- 6hy,,F-_!,0eed, Whi. Hodge; 11iliap turned aLI right and while they; were R L L d While a boy, em-ploybd witi'Mr. and his entrf I were prosse. rigI :t out y (�f day lapt it was formally, opened, the ERMGZ$ O� Corn, 14 P keen., They also.. Spea very highl id" e has run -the -g iet I the near )361grmve, W sn- still Slow ly walking alblig, be eter Clampbell, 211 'ugh -COI tui:i John Campbell, att�mpted of his bod Mayor, ex -Mayor, d 111, :1111 er of Currey; 'tflax. seed, let Win. Roaf al. 2d Y_ the, agricultura capabilitieti of the- ds- to get back nto big seat, �vben his foot a Chi Stock Eichaup, aged ha;uliDg in -grain e at ith a r Del I g0 9 church dignitaries a sisti 3 tl2cere- 11 os. Scott; dairy cheese, let '.)avid The remai as Were immediately skeii he fell beneath the pon- --h tric,t, and the superior methods of farm. monies. It is spee 43 fterwarAs slipped and y noticeable lb at. f ome of - said U al�Z�'nnld 2eve mast' accid(int. The boy w a hu Iding I itchell, 2d B. to H-jul's uO ertakiiig room 9, wher, 3 they his derous heels, which passed garth 50 1bf salt over ing adopted, and report the oiops. on the latter took aing to pof6nt forg-ft tile ine'ident'as long as he lived. the load, when the hot sea tarte and are imacte as preseutabI lit that a as possible a I utter, Ist David Mitchell, 2d J ames lea and arm. Mr. John Mason, reeve, in DiZIDUT SE.----IGborgo Kniapp, )wner! throw him off. He fell!on the ligue revious to interment. the farms. they exai-nea, their opinion the estalihibilent of f �cott, 3d Goo. Pal itor on ; 8 lbs. 11 3 p I as gi�ving A of the wagon, cutting bi etty bad no 6onnecta i with Of he I' who with It couple of others, was close wly the College t, Oissouri Revublioan3 3t ter in r oils or � prints, I t D. The decea' ad was a native of I Euron nd the wheels passed. ov his bv, at on -le picked him up, aid foiind badly, a men'B. wspap h Missis. uty, Can da an is large, average yield. They, howevpr, wha �th eEtof,:.e* was cafled v�o a oldO it no McLaughlin, 2d 1). Mitchell 8d 0 rge cou a 6 years o! age commead- more stook -raising and I�ss Indeed, moretha r w arm and breast but fortiina;tiely tb at botl leg and arm had been brok n onti, of tha a 6�kers' 131ppl, d A on Sept. 18th on t loi E team- not an' Putters'011. Mr. Styles 0 a to Eureks;.in 1874, ana in3ure him further. the bone i of the arm being -very badly m. cropping,. and jiudgmt!g from their re- appeared to think th%t� the hi pur-� ship 11unland, which ROOTS, ETC.-Eafly Potatoes, hiLs remain e here almost con arrived- from la -A son of Mr. Will. Artbir, who has splinterel.- Hewas at once ti6kento a uany pose the college.WoUld, serve wi d1d'be Eur( himers in that distriot,"a e New York oni Saurd St. marks the f house, edical assistace cal*d inj and Hodge, 2,1 D.. Mi�d iell, 3a D.McL gh. since that ti a, having fitla posi� to furnish lady imed been absent from G' erich for a good- ORILT�es to So L L SEN ING OUT A his VVOU 8 resse It is feireil -that lin; late potatoes, at M. Miller, V aeo. tions of earp.. nter atd. timberman it thi rule dappild madh more upon grain ich time lik I-,abor in India. This many years, duri6g w 3 had D. I 1#cbell iw 0 necessary Phoenix, K. X-. and Eureka QorI laines. i beyond d6ubt a num bei of 1�ussimn' ar.phipsh%VJ1%een av b to amfutate his Patterson, 3d Swedi � tur than they' d6 upoil roots and n - ConCre - not heard fr M he e, returned, last il qr Wm. H)lge; V ort. v Ob Ject, stock: viery proper and vtort, ut I orderedlo ntrat� dt Scale sitatio a, arm,,owiag to the'nat PS, lot ag. M He was a prom inent mmer of t 'Weak, and was surp Be n that ure of tl a injuries Two, they, very naturally eonolad;, Zitare to think it is soarC131 th one i the 1,4 d to lear'' D. rthern'Pacific. "Chis is t1t,ought big Parents had removed'to the North. sustainec]. Much sympathy is. rpani ither turnips, Wui. Hodge; MLa gold EUrEka Mas�nic Lodge and Lieutenant Contemplated by the en U-STak tic P.. Omo- to Young I JaM44 So orge of the Centennial Guard. He impoverish the land. bE ireparation: to attaol i�rmal artzels, at mu�t ul festested for the unfortuna ie ters of the institution. trIle.- 0 t early last year. The r3union will flegia ly aclmirea, I by all ho k the Pacific in I filler, fleld carrots., Wm., Hod a �gar- ew veas(la i a c age f 1�086Y n, who is steady -and ind-unribusand 9 1 ew cia' be deferred for som, tim4 onger than ma d lin, 2d Rg; opens with a fgir quota of Audeqti,,'but bad only bought the Bteamershiiii year. C`rr ties betweenYranco a ots, let D.' Laugh Win. acount of bia.many aterling: i OUR TORONTO DETT.ER. the youilgi man expected. adfar is somewhat Slenderly ec td. I lodge ppe boiler kof blood beats, let Duncan ftew- 11 None kneiff him but I RmBLE _EXPLO,1cI Those'who witnessed the acci lent, say ove 8 Th -One ay last week a v ry painful gh As a c t let r W� Blt, 2d Wm. Hodg) itizen he was quie ll Veac ur Own Corre ondent.) the 1, oo er'ColorAdo a On 8at- accident I appened atDownfiv1s farnq on it was the greatest wonder tt e wheels rpm 8P kind and -obligi4 i na aq (F CHURCH AND STAGE. net, Ourray, .2d George Sm�ale tonal moes,; as a neighbor i3rd&7 Alolat last i 01 tSid 3L: Buffiflo did not I age over his head, which' escap- ToRoxTo, Oct. 2r -d, M3. the 14th (on'dession of Mckiflopi, vi�here Rev. Hugh John 4on, th barboul kl'lll'Dg and sm )re�j injuri ed David Hill. a friend and sympathetic. He It# i only I y a hair's breadth. At present popular by a yo, mg man named John Se'agler The, last of -the electi6na is over 9 r, RU.IT, no wife to mourn his loss, but v e me pastor'of the. metrop(4' ch rol i, does tall 6 f b iE r c=.' The agi of the in- came nea: - 10 g big life. a wa' cut- he lies ia a somewhat precarfous eon- -Plt msjobn Moore i fait Algoma haa opoeol, and her verdict is ainformed that he has aged parents'lving! not believe in the thealtre,. e�d-we�re hq'rriblei tbaL mos of them ting bands near th aition, although hopes are eiitertained �pples, Ist Thos. S 3ott, 2,1 P. 0 d t e tumblin ro o e �nC,al L 0 his death is a- sad bereave nent. ov SL. 'hesitite to say so. In rin� froin led escap- t %]a Is rTr haviD'ginb III, of his recovery, but it will bb a long '*inter apples, IS; F. Oliver, 2d lex, to whom not satiafactory.ta�the anti -Pr n iinh brasher When his some way Pa. The reaction whc� was represent6d as spoke in pretty plani,terbig about the ing Ae got caugh whi time before he is able to do a'ny work. erguson ; Collection of apples, F. Oh -i Struck dowil!in the prime.�of .-hi's Nei ch, wl irled im around IL I ler 2d Dfiv Mitc hood, he hag left a void that it W ill be of morali bo, the Stag and fore the in& hine could _app alpt ty crab agmg oJe s Ist I hard to fill. ''To thoee *hoarene anA John Kemp, 2d A 3 h Currey; gi r in the back*! ocids Algoma, and it five tim a be id in those who, it, and CAi Huron Notbs.: be stoppe4. When xtrica ad it wag appear pm whi Sir) dear to hilm we exteindurhektfelt a assoeflitions of. th a ib a!a ow. in' ch waso Strike a dead Th Hibbert Sh let Goo. Miller, W ohn Carmi ly blow, at ad that th tre The �E ish Jubilee gers appear �n found bie rialit leg was broken below sympathy. The Hibbert Fall Show was held at Rears C1 inb etha Lqowait geivarun�en has, nothwith- were manly degrad: ag-. He b el ved GoderioL agaiia oil Tuesqay 6N ening, ille th Ist John are, 2d Th:) e twd PlacES a kne of lanlipeg Standing the praence, the -that' the ieo ation of the alitt)-i cott ; peaches, IS klex. Ferguso a., 2& qLth inst Staffa ou Monday last. The weather, wi by -The any friezid� d ope"ess tas -`h1i Seegmiller Plow, Voun es-, go the church- was a b iand, - i . although ohn Moore; m Sugar Thos. c ott Trustees and Tacher. -The of Dr' Woo a, of mehow failed to connect, and Bay will be r36rr to learn.that he somewhat chilly was favor - ins the last, . in� at at God4hich! has accep: d fleldt There was not a very I I Cindy, lot Wra, 9 2d J�,H. in the next Legislature, as. in, advisel his bearers t diator' not TOR.— SIR; I notice th $10,00 is in poor health. 9 1 able. ro 3ra la "torial aterl ple omas: vote will be east on the Lib. r. J7obnstcn bag bon u a ffoni Woodstock, ai A wi I remove a ted for Soap, let asure your exceltent edi Alc e -time since he the theat doors. il 3an home-made I 'rdl' this may be accoun: Stroke c f paralysis, from ',ampb 'edge collect: gn of ferenee to duties of. set bimself a heavi by the close 'proximity of thel Seaforth ell, 2d Will. H eral side. 'The latest returns give Mr. f he has therf. hich he as not recovered,i and !he is Trustees and W To ont:)n iii: of -1 Ir oseph Bell, of 1 angi nhon, has and M tchbll ority of ab � t a hundred. undertaken to cure! f -owers, list Jas. B�amilton, 2d Th)Mas' others, in re r to the Be of A Lyon a maj on confined t his home Jy the effects. He shows, Ma�ly, who hal a ill retu" ed, from h series be. t a 01 00 utry ii�d Owing to the fact that the margin their theatre going would "no doubt have attended this Scott. of readers for our schools, Thil h had at one time ole oat �xten- AN 3 LEXENTS. gin r oing - so on - 'Pair: writer in the E x-eter Times referr a 'in high places'Arst. -The brou lidwith' imavery per r ClydciB- give medical practices! in th 'Country, cif the tween the MOwat goVernmentL and de- have to be show wore p evented A MANUFA&URES Lieutaaant� Govern a ohn, mt 9. very. Jorge one, and orlhism bax E i account thelargerones at Seaforth honle,made blamli 3t I evidently misunderstamds the positicii tea . was n oi. dale itallic,13 1 8, all wool, J but his increasing -ill egg h a' coinpel- at -0-in of a. canstituancy, gel an home- madi i, latil taken by the West. Huron Tea,31lers' allv reserved for him' i d Pi 6r at -h6,W&Iton Cbeese�' Fact:)ry Co and Mitchell being held on th( th I the loss or P 11 succeed- I-mP; union led him to withdraw,,in a g eat mass. would materially aff ect th� Grand. ntl� sold 1,86 b,oxes of A T, t lection of the situation., pay re 3: ing days.I Theinside departri tent was Jag, Scott, 2d Joh-r Kemp; rag cE 11pet,1 Association.. The Be siders an L '' 1108. Scott iorse. in -1 is ' theands f the school boards., uggs are, from. the activity inci�. Hodge, 2� the contest in the frontier district.. wag Mr' Ballantyne for 10 Celts doctor's lile. t to TEA LAoROSsE qb eef e I fully up to former years. Therewasa I 'It Win- PFUN NAN e, 2a ohw consequently teach own do no morO fought with in.. anal vigor. And if all per p on a d, at - Win. ZI-I&C fire very nice collection of fruit, roo.ts and I lauket, 1 A good deal of enth asiai im i shcDo n in -Mr.Wln.�agan,an exteDsive breeder Kemp ; pair calf boo ancounts are true -which is'a thing, athletic and Other Circles 4 -110 Peter Bay'ne,, lacl-Smith bf of vegetabks while the. dairy i a, Edward 8 a];. than offer suggestions. The Instituo wer the 6 +at hort-h rn cattle in the township of Pgoducta 4p of Ashfielp, apartment I air coarse c y the Tor- fljiii the towns Ashfield, aving I-pon to: dout, vigor is a wor scarcely of the montreal SbairciAs Kint were excellent; The ladies d boots, E lward Sugal; a t of� at its infixt meeting will appoiat"s cord - and i rented his farm, in - John, B comprehensive enough to cover the va-r- on tog last ay, d the consix Dent )f TAr I e, is, t preBetit tends offeiing for sale his 'Whole herd, was. well fIlleh and embir arness, Win. Challenger'; double Ing- 1� mitteii o suggest, but 'trustees must ae.d many 2011% modes Of fl -h -ting resorted to dur. -return of suffe. inli! y- Barr & Drager - top buggy BA r make the Selection, and assum) the the la from typhoid fe i ar. lianeome, and useful articles. In the 6 alrosse champli 11 to IDCluding . eleven head' of Paris bred rager; reap city. affierou Co.; respopoi4ility, trustees and 'all other -0 ing the campiaign7 Charges of bribery, th em)lera has Irl John Mas*Re'm cf.Hullett, short -horns and-'fift6eft head of'high . eld there was a more noticeah or lio fall- 1) Tbe. COvE te� Ing 0 W, Thos. MoL&r�lq ; iron beam ow, are -always welcome -to ad imf tituts Titimidaion. are freely been absent fr ff. The various classes f horses 110 corruption and i ast, v6dil: purchased an 'a eveti i months' grade cattle,'b6sides a large amount of om ToroAto Biwa bandied' abo at between, the parties, and with steel moul b)ard and ilea. meetings, and our gTeat regret is t4xt,sq and nothwithat the old a itir, 3 o.olt of Mr. (16orge Sne 1, were not very well filled and many of Wc andinf M-1 ny orts, farm implements, etc. The whole will the opporl a of the present aham:)ionj the 3 am- ves of th-6 fact would seem to be tb got by: ha les, Thos. goIjareu; pair tiron, fewJavail themsel ulty -at the elec 3 rland Chief-, for the ourn f be sold bylpablic. auction at bhe'animas ehibited were of an in.' ad his resi- tion was's repetition of tb e. re'con t j by roelks have retainee-' $200. ifferebt character and n!iost � of them I arrows, Thee. Me a ran ;, drilt act 11 to meet with the teac hero. Ish%Ronl� of D. of no mea-las, immaOuilate strugg posses[ ion .' it __ -1 Ishl ield Presbyterial 1 c6ugregation dence, 161; 4, concewsion 11, weister varoi poor condition. 'There: were, I LIM Ferguson ; hc rf a rake, Alex. Ver- add, 'that all trustees and frien Is of Ole in- Mlls� during thb whole of tfial� t, me, division of 6 Asbfield, on Thursday,­Octo- -nterest taen in' �actogge(ontesli by, totpreagnt a h, at 12 o'clock, 110011, by-Mossrs. koka, the utimate result of which has the I - bar 18t I n set of bor e 8 loge, F. S. H; Ail- education wil be ineiirtily weican ea at. are abo i i to the Rev ioviever, several'good apimals. The 6 ago roved so painta-1- to the opposition thousands who neve� illad a. stiakiu Mr.- Rodfl,,of WOOdVilla, to fill t4e*VaCau- J. J 1ow of eattle was considerably better ton. I the meeting to be beld at :Goaeri,,h on G . nt, auctioneers. I nati(S' of Rev, portio Uately. r. -Specimen I id-, 12th.&-nd l3th Octo'ber next. Yo &C. Rned by the resi' n ro There were al few very party. Indeed, nearly the whole of the their hands reminds" up' of -the' entbua­ Cy Oc -as LAj)iEW DrPARTmEN, i Mr. Wm. Graham, Reeve of Stab- b i ag,lat George Miller - Sweet scented kaug that floured in Mus- A. G ood tollo brads vl�nd.a v ' t 2d Wm.'Jaf'l.-ey ; GroRGE B,&MD Sr. President. ll�ice 9 ow Wrin. Jaff tienth is thit re , iasm, shown in ancient Greece oirk-1he- ley is baib ling a magnificent new 11OUB8 f grades. There kolia, were at th6ir old trios in At inpic games. Th a were not Crocillet, work, Ist 2a goma. Oily I fr. �Wm. Kent, the on his farm on the 2nd concessio, Hugh Currey; Embroidery Alex. MR. EI)ITan'SIR: In your issue John Shields Kirwin, Anderson, Big., now inn 18, employ of M. J. Carter,- any abeep b question is one of d* natioiality ut. those shown Were very creed �an which will not only be a decided �rna- ood, L guson; sampler work, Alex Feq Of the 21st Sept i b -fir, is an article on, Push Wilkison and the rest,, whose as well as one of athl� of Blvt , has fallen heir�l to $Ij�000, b3" micesters and Cotswolds were' Ason am ties, -very ment wheil fini cow Isband 2d; woven da W im by the i be prev il-ing names -are familiar to everybody Oro easily -seen during the c I eatht, o ph rel 'breeds, but there was a queathe to h shed, but a vety verlet, Wm: ray; educational matters with the litinuallix of -a � � f fortable. hc use also. It is two st6reys, e t h k qnill,ls, i Vm. -part of which I entirely agree, but the] I tive i i a 0 4 1 1 . D. of ifiry nice 4shropablie-downs. there, practising co Id coantry..1 in. Graiy,2d rr'aP:tiOn aS galy championship game. It, is 0 p bable gothic in B. iyle, with 'slate roof. The KN'jryW;Or1 g cabin luilt, lot Win. I of yore. The accounts do not state that between. no two 6,1tibs; ir I 9.�aa -1 Ir. aff- article tte as hu 'Aidout F Ch � ton'. b here wire seeiI4 excellent� pigs al- is based somewhat on le -a with the woul there be -such 11, on T! the ho uh the compoliftion was not by any yf that they had any troubl VE sold his I arm of 145:ad; brickwork i �s being done by Mr. Copp, 2d Alex. Fergi am ; knitted i nilt, from a correspondence to the ette keen, ri. of Kippen. Mr. $. Davis,. of Clinton,. is C.Gutbill; quilt rE if ed or seweaj imes Times, whose roalLarkso&U for a rou� I towl edlis hEen. In I onle and u Whisky this time, but ddubtless the there is between the Shammok Gi6der ch ship to Mr. fitting it air furnace'. It p6ultry 'th Iler; fancy needl) ork, WLM.Ho3ge; comment. Thp w6ter'assumes that' trunks which they h -V8 &Way waro As the Toiontog. 99 John- W Filliott, of the B1yfie1J. -conce o4show. I'The following is the will be a, 0 uple f men empty as before. the yet be an's Shirt, home m1lade, let John'C'ut- our Teachers' Conventions are e American fishermen Sion f Dr e Sam of 16,30 PRIZE 'LIST. G. it is rea y fori occupation, and Will I Lill 2d Jamea Mill )r ; rag mat, T I Meg with closed doore, and goes m far as and others who had no right whateve JVM. that HORSE..-Bfist saddle horse, F4 Oliv- ko' Pregaine r -Afr. r. Cbnpolly� o% O'linton Model cost, when -finished, between $2,506 and rton German ] aised work, truste woul& not be ?a . r ; bu�g: r hors e, -Ist Thbmas McLaren, J aS ght to the polls in Schocl, as received 6,, aprointmen't $3,000. affray; home spur oollen yarn to, vote, were brou. 4 The Model Farin Stoc S a 10.1, t list allowed to even peep in. Now tl Cis iff tug -loads by the friends of Mr. Plum- of saiII I mister of �b �Istowel High 2d Jqmek Hamilton. mer, and cast their ba110ta for that - At tbaolose of the I �r6vinci 11t a salary of -One d last1week. sArcumsial2ce David Mitchell, 2U D. XoLau n ; so errbneous an idea III JiLkely to do I whibi- S01104 6 ) a y(',,a.r,dutief3 occured at a RbAD IND OARiaiiGri HoRsts.,,�_Best 11 gartflemail. Eat the most ourageous tion at Guelp MoLaren" otel, Clinton, Woollen socks, Ist MoLaughli 2d much harm. if not contradicted.., that h a nurc bqr.� 0 to comn ence'l5th of f o tigh 0 t' ber. which was fortun pan cart iage horses, Ist Henry HortoD, Greorge Miller;! feature in tbe..whole election was the hired animalB'fro ate i being accom- woc 11 3n stockings I lot feel bound t answer it* Our 88$001� m th( Ob Model P 9 hq trotting at anie Be �e ),),)d Rober two year old filly or D.' McLaughlin,', W r al a An bar, that p to rions sults. A lady M George MBer., ation m. , in � li 0 will, Orde ing of the Winnipeg militia to Farm were sold by p b a eet go are open to all lie e On. T beat L110 7 thrde year a n. �bdericb, who had III, )an out in the rain to4 off. YeldiD I at Win. Eberbart, 2d S, Hain *0011en mitts, let V Im. H6dge, 2d john take the truable, to attend them; T m. the fe Rat Portage, whitber they' were Bae was attended by an imm ise crowd bred b3li P. J. Pilkey, of Bra Q tford, is her cir woollen. e Ito Bftt ostensibly tb quell an expe Of Cale, and' throwing it OV r a (Puthill; gloval W1 a W not belonging to the ot- people who manife gLreatirt rest repor'l 'A to'i i German ch in, -11T.-Best span heavy ed, fi&zo hs��ebeen Sol airInear stova in, a sitting too HrAvy DRAUG 41odge; loaf hom( Imado bread, let fraternity who do com,-the most art riot, but really in, the inter- in the proceedings a the bidding as'turf in an foi , $8,500. Alliber was 'r part of the house for efft Of the opposition candidates. aired Clat into notbe obert Norris; twq. old 4ohn Cuthill, 2d. 'Dancan art ; eous treatment is �accorded, and sliou It is Spirited. The stock Vraq the sur I I -pbe I 1118 of by Oil I d ear Grit. 14 few me lding, Ist Peter Ca hard to understand how the Manitoba the farm and animals WIP CL ants. During her bFence J in I., 2d N vriting, let Alex. .1 argue 13, 2d R bert they be pror inbit person% clerf ymoli 0 ich- I a-(( 11 be 'the circula. - took �fire,. a Norria, 3d John Carmichael; bracket, etc. they areimmediately offered anthQriti6a could go far ha ur ag tbe stor nd the pre Re My; one year oldi filly or O forgotten sold to mal; -e room fo. 'h i -: it SeAtV fresh im p ta- the r thi - burning led to: an i ves- George ]at T 2d Al platform. Nay, nlora, 10 1 gelding, Ist Hobki - , 2c ex. er- onth d, to a tions. It com risea tWOL Iwn� r Blake, 11 the towns en, was V e Tbomas Reytiold% 3d, Duncan, S awart. guson; w 'tilo p a what was due to themselves an ing, tile 24th ult.,' ook at- Po't of Some homas bip, of Step tigation, lithe room was foun I. to 001 tidy, I a Wm. Jaffrev Of fifteen distindt . 3ree( 2d are we that according to a sectioll sister Province as to delibaratdly'insult Sixty head of ky. i A very 1 Leavy i rind pro- be in a bla a, the cha'ir dud cir-ular Ar, the latter bLy Elenclilag an armed force Cattle, sh. asbcd 0 11111CU TURA�, PURPOSES.—Eas Span Alex. Ferguson; Wreath flowers smes const $ eep, pigs abd., dogs.; -1 ittition, all Iteacber' of the & l3tric, -&I h unea 19 acroash'ar borders, It iaL thj first ocea- Shorthorn Cos 4ight vailed 4 � night,,. and everyth'lig ift the being entir ily destroyed.. The fire iias gri6ultm orses, Ist 0.: N thorcott, Horton; sofa pillom at D D. Ste- and ay ther persons� intereted. or heiie' oiAe I bull, neigh] �Qr iood is more or less.w ecked. ut out bel )r6 W succeeded in doing d James Scott; brood i:mireJ Buckled, art, 2d.Wm. T&ffray; tu t ffed ele- education may become members of tb Sion; on which Such a thing has ha-ppen� calf sold for $1,101. Th He rford John Wiah mall, of elgr*ave, 1urtber da nage. SIX fit S. Netbercoitt, 2d Geoige Ho�bkirk 1hant, Win. affrey.! has of bee ii Mr. Robert Me'Doald a resident, of ucking f:)9.1,lst S Nethercott' 2a Goo. JUD 4�8. ed, and forthe stability oTthe Union., it females and a bull soj.id for $1, 715,li sti, Uti I association by Signing the con ais and he Says ci& hives to be hoped it will be the last. Party Aberdeen Angus Polls; and jaying th� prescribed fee (25c 311ts' of whi0h I very that t�ia is the best seas6n. be has 13'. two_ year politics are, not very i had 'Morris tow aship, now:residing at tsun- obkirk, 3d Joseph Wall .-John Willis, Hay; James year). That trustees ao not savOrY in C&nada, fine lot 'were offered] the -competition for th- rt, 3n* years, as * I is boa hiv6s' Skimmi go, Logan David Craigliton, perso I b bt we have not yet shine, has: mannfactured a ma�bino Id fill or gelding, S. N41ieilcott, Ist 11 1 t1ifi descended to the was very keen. Mostl of the at imals W i invitation's I know, level o eigb hil tvier this year than they have '�which has affied the k 1 er ; one year -9, South American republic. were bought b i I of hund!reds, nd 2d, 3d F. Oliv old -filly Kirkton. d foui y Amiri6ans. ill ide * I I meet] a are alwaya anounce In an 3vous y 3 P, ear. viz. the � establishing of perpetual geldin�.,L let John Cham'bersi, 2d Goo. 'CATTLE A -14D on politioal matters, I may refer Lase-, aeifer, went fo 0 John MoRe or fiv weeks before hand so tbst to ---0 a '�'hursday last Mr. J& nes Me- motion. e has been working !ab it ark; 8 eking foa from engarry, . James Irvine, 'Vallakton'; an Bros.,Of London; Maldam, 5, Intyr , ho,- C d all m know whn they. -axe oing THE LTEST SCANDAL year-old, bull, iold fer $700, alL is employed. witl � Mr. J. Since May ind the tortuilate, att�mpt oseph Wells. Switier, Blanchard. tak ' &sells whY, - E e ; lace. The hief re 'Whiob. the Truthfu Jainita of the- Ms�i.l Marquis of H the Ship! y,.: on iihe Huron RoI id, near was the thi A end: This is: thfi-L third OLT-TLE -TonouG11B.RZD* , DURHAXB__ G3&A-i-s, ROOTS �$D -SwrNE.---,4,J eg they do notxecelve personal invi ation, untly, a bu)i Call i nd 1 a Painful mcident. patent Clintc n, r oflarg to, the public. The otrage,,, 'Nebraska purchaser at OU Mr, cDonald.has got' out -the Best- COW, with pedigree, Ist, John I Vood, Logan ;,W and. ex. are Ihulit judge; let. that the slib' m, Vorteous 7' The Hewasi agedl gr alf Ifinfir, FUH&rton. leeta UPOIL two statements. Oneis that es paid sho in ain, and 6thers bei'ag a car coupler, and -water � 'illambers, 2d B. Hogarth ; b ifer c ects generally disonased,. are of so til0h�', pric we the:success a;t id1led was driv I j3g a lo*4 ja jhD ])a ru door, guage. He Wtenas exhibiting this Imt of 18E b 13 1ohn Chambers cof of DOME13TIC NU JFAC�Ualmso- a, rge nical a nature that they would notbe iU4 u 4h h 49 r 0 V eTOBSP. in t 2a, ldoinot tit gjteeg *.ho wol di paper -he disonsaloiu 0 ne Ott , fact iff,nearll 1113.011' h0w subjects, I & a,h­QIp.S,l'n _gOWVJ d this aa every� teregtivgj_o- thu! ly - . in & discussion *U-: f�, lougus WL Ublot_ av"41.u_ I lecture.with a-11, 4 L jil it, V'S J. Silica taftal to or-otheir-s�u0t* e' ga9l axe not in y -nosed ile iquestiong di -$w z ie altogether. i when ��Bdm- e qut -.School; Rfliderfi" vvoul4 be, likely t9 4 -and 0 olaally invitot. lob whuther fbey Nvot Y, part. discussed that nov� expect6d.'tv JuJ_,T� U_th_ey, unliefi$. t11e_V ofre. emft�rv. COO toll.ave beoin a- e I iody �Of �f efaIly. AnyL Opinion without vaul�. Pap 1%4n "j er 1, uding, sof proper a I mount f,� tdk_grading -of 1-L-8sons. �Saibjg too la-st.V'r too 14;, VrOgLreb 0 �jcvrresji4 this, lether the lessions are ­"�d$ SiWPI104Y". grain'"l g, V "'llenslon aad!: antere* ing mattei likely tv) * 618� to ans's 'not 80 the twachem ana �p at the infor. Mal me ly to talk o -ver this qu tbe, t.esZhers M ing until the 71,�!Bsoci;w tl,)U e - each s6datiou 'expe!rienced b IS the aigel"Tl - 11 theirdee"310 tba;,t the �!escb s . 11-V a "-fied qu jqmea�t witho tLa -a strb� if they 4oL - ti not , 1- V kely that R.11,yous else I more time, than =018' U spen-4 could qual $CU813 t 'Orlts it!] t t I Aa t-rus eeA QDVelAt la uvent; _ .�-.f: " " r, bion Of spectorI.1 R b Won. e -oulidibb &Vto Stions coulad ;"be bra V our Teat-heial Com OhV S.uchl, ::f5or int . . . . . . an officer !Pf the Assooj!�atiou I do of edue4tion" tri It 'y are 1W ...... . . . . . thigs, ana-iievoa to be. join In the anseilissi� etlug is to 0 : held in L Sebodi op, -Friday er P2 sm4 l3th. . . . . . . . my be certadn. that th: isirong of the trustees pare idous about ifthe wi 1101STS as eitho-Ir. Wi hus 112 direitic myt-1 I � - otjva C g and proqu );psult—Nvilth it, it i� profiltablo� I latees, pareni%g and Ma -will Iubri�tte thi els of edtim. lion a in raore a L M. O�t�_ I as - I Y, an, itlebmed bvallitrue & rot- T�� of t Fer h Ito _Potitoes aie sellin! FkXarySJuat:4tout thi 10 ate in I to L — Mr. G� X -',ehini, ic. J11 ipped -a earima -of wN tliduy. ie S,4iinaviile hi �o P6 ew 4sys ago� id -h�A 9, P. leaftU It U1310, _X I he ;,,armitig offla; sph&l by 'hot- Uir 'fl �1 Ioulby tb_e b 5 ri, - V be Elwa J Oint 91 ufst:turing flosq: man I Warate -a-the Writ -prize I —Xr. A.- IL, tprd appointe to the Rea are. fnrls L ew.patent b�tior paox, -W Exhibition, T20ron LiAtoillel B -i 0taW that Beet. .0 avereV m We roL niohiarA Wiles; 6T.t L O� � ; - 1 1 *s *tnted 1J to- W lKligh A] retaiob the the Arm sodi, Dear rei ago, Bind V V any friend a aud the I he XoCls�phcrtv corporatioh tf - 'eu tea to mt. �,tobert' Or a t erni of 1,1five rf� lial'of $4,06 At u 1 ne 011. IaAy,blr�V. Tb 84eceede(l in wit Silirer,36P VL pres--iiii; a, Ha t.N) I tarth half of Iot -�J- tj Flion,,Of WI�Lllaee Miticall N10ut aeire,�ft o�ck( k7 )�st Wee a IWA d en %--na& f