HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-09-28, Page 7#; 18 L STO WINGIL1*. ,.: CO., ordon & Scott ) r the celebrated Moe Fencing Wire, tRLOAD Ca Nails and will be add at t brands of Wax ,• AND RAW Oki descriptions at le . isteilt with a square CLIFF et, AT LAST TRARRD RA ;MILLE LL • e Roller Mill in the 1' has no superior:, an the continent of inufacturing Roller aRION !N PMWNCI, of_ Vital importance.. ednctiortSten now in retial ronz $1.25 to $1.50 than the best Maur • €Mull Process: a. Specialty a alt oasesget tneir and by our newt er, whiter, richer and caw ley far than the o been able to get. e is no humbug or ex. adopting the Gradual Oar new system is. liable. It has. been:, , and proved a great ry, Germany, Prance, United States. Flour previous too at a 4ieavy cost, an ter E'er now. One tient to prove our as - PPI G. ur this Glass of work and customers may de - leek ehopping done at id try oar famous new nor.. [torts and Feed delict of Seaforth, Harpnr lle free of charge.: Mils at Egmoudvilte• full operation.. •F1 & MUS CARD. W LL. PAY Mt 4„E: -Aa TEE- FOUNDRY; HE FOU DRY, SCH1iOL,,:EAFORTN ;e onr iatoeik-of Q S C+, n made especially for have greatly improvea r this season, and feel . g that it is the beat iii r - ROLLERS 3avy. running light and: . Our CRUSHERS hard iron, and will last other machine made., tools for reouttiiit guarantee satisfaction. lou given: to repairing' Saw and Grist Millett Threshing Machiueia f machinery repaired on ad at reasonable rates. and others -- Bridge stings at lowest rater fished on a=pplication. ant for they implements- r, Hamilton. A fall Hue. ,artily on head. )MAS HENDRY. t Lt S, KIPPEN.la L GNEVtA. Irtuirii.wn and popular els, ,Hoist in first-class tvorkin tied to turn out an Article o OUR which cannot be er in the 4ounti'). WErian Tete AITS renin LT- 'or wheat. Chopping of ezv de- attended to. Fleur all _u'l, and soldat the lowest `t-i.tetrzbcr the popular mills. "LN le 'EVIN,.1 roar We, Provincial Land St erfeill rgineer. Orders ley mailpl U. 8. CAMPBXII+a it{t 3 1 SEPTEMAER 28, 1 News Items. Ten oars of canned coral the first throe' freight an the Northern Pacific itiad, Ieft Portland Maine, for Portland, oregOto. Monday, 17th inst. • , Abelwhite, of Chicago, who ;KGs only released from an inebriate home a, few days ago, has fallen heir to eu English testate valued at 5125,000. --It is said thousands of dollars worth of emuggied: goods were found in the luggage of a San Francisco millionaire, who arrived at New York from Europe 04 Monday, 17th inst. --the platform of the ultra Radical Fly, in England embraces among other . demands the abolition of the House of Doak Adult Xenhood Suffrage, Pay- ment of Members. of Parliament, and Disestablishment of the Ch=urch. The relations of the English church .. to the liquor traffic are -about to undergo a thorough sifting under the initiative .' of Canon Wilberforce, who has made a vigorous attack on -the' holding by the Established church of an immense amount of pablic-house property. __:professor Swift, of Rochester, N.Y.; ,d1soovered a comet last Satnrday even= Ing in the: constellation •Draco. It is .significent that the only two comets discovered this year are in the same -constellation and so near each other. Swift receives the Warner prize of $200. -_A, party of dranken young men at I,anoaster, Ohio, climbed to the top of Mount pleasant a few Sundays ago to ,annoy a colored camp -meeting en the lair ground below. Butch Shannon ,one .of the perty, fell over e. bluff 300 feet high and was crushed. to death. _—The other ni ;ht about half -past nine, one of the Italians employed in construct1Dg the railroad at Niagara Falls, in a quarrel with . some of his companions in Drg1_mznondville, shot and instantly killed a youngman named. Matheson, a resident of that village. --The Times' Loudon cable letter says: The Duke and Duchess of Teck have left England, and intend to live in Yetirement in Germany, where -they can economise. Their apartments in Ken- eiegton Palace have been placed at the disposal c f the Marquis of Lorne and the Princess Louise. —There are now seven Chinese gun- boats moored alongside the English and Frenchmen -of 'war at Canton. ,Placards were posted on the walls, of Canton the other day threatening the destruction of all European property if.the Govern- ment deciles that an indemnity shall be paid for the damage done during the recent riot. .g.thnnder storm came on while Robert Cochrane, two miles 'south of Durham. was milking a cow. The ani - mad ran for the shelter of the barn, and had only proceeded a: few steps when it was struck dead by lightning. Cochrane, who was only a few feet behind the cow, esckped scatheless. eased parts. Every bottle f gasranteed. For sale at 50o. a bottle byH;iokeoat & Co. .783.52. A Physician, = a graduate of 11 Io till Medias -College, Montreal,, speaking of ,- Dr. I ar'son's Stomach .and Coi tipatign Bitters, says, I know of 'no;better medical com- pound for dyspepsia, biliontMess , and , are nnegn lled as a a family •• edicine r to pills. Sold llr e bottle a 50 cent constipation. The blood purifier ; as they are far superi all druggists in lar. Earning : 's Li Mr. C. Hackett, Centervi had a most • dist esaing o months, during • which he was and medical advice. Bet still he g and worse' and hie case w. He bonght two bottles of Pulmonary Cherry' Balsam, usingthem was able tofear- living. It is the v • ry best; c for manner of 'coags and colds and forms of disease off the luns and passages. It cut away 1 th pbleg soothes the inflarnination, an tones the system. 79312 •• Electricity and Magnetism when properly passed into tlee blood, br and nerves produces the most iwonder' e eme --A Darli•ngford correapondent says : The cro=ps around this place look well, belt the weather is againat the harvest- ing of that which . is ready and the ripening: of the late grain. From what I have seen of the props' around other parts of the Province I should judge that the Pembina Mountains will carry off the prize for yield per acre and quality. —At Brooklyn a, divrrce was granted the other deg to, Edward Featherston from Bertha Wilcox. The latter mar- ried Edward Wilcox in 1875. He en- listed and was reported killed by In- dians. ; The wife then married Feather- ston. Recently she received a letter from her husband, who had been cap- tured by Indians and escaped., She told Featherkto:n and be secured the divorce. —Samuel Henry, of Kincardine, went with the excursionparty on board the Gordon.' While the steamer was sailing along the shore past Algoma Mills the propeller Africa hove in night, and on - arriving near a telegram from off board, purporting to be from Kincardine, was handed to Hr. Henry. It read : " Wife very sick .; come home at once," With a mind laden with anxiety be took the Africa to Owen Sound and f tom thence drove to Kincardine. He arrived home, found his wife in perfebt health, and discovered that he was the victim of a miserable practical joke. —According; to the Calgary Herald the site of that town is a somewhat vexed question. The survey has not yet been made, and the . rapidly in- creasing population have yet to reside in tents for want of knowing where to locate a permanent home. The Can- ada Pacific Railway have put' iii their sidings and -Y temporarily, on the west side of the Elbow, but owing to, a dis- pate between the Government and themselves regarding the ownership of Election.15,they are unable to say wheth- er the town s=hallbe laid. out their`" or not. —Mr. and Miss Laing, of Paisl=ey, Scotland, have been traveli=ng in this country for about a month. After visit- ing a relative at Stamford, Ontario,they came to Hamilton. per Grand Trunk Railway, Taesdti.:y morning, 18th inst., intending to go to Toronto. They changed cars, a hen some one told Miss Laing that the car she was in did not go to Toronto. She arose and jumped from the car as it was moving and rolled un- der the wheels. Her sight leg was al- most entirely severed below the knee, may a shred of skin attaching it. The ends of the fingers of her right hand were completely .crushed off, and a wound three inches in length deeply mniked her forehead. When -picked up she was. still conscious, but shortly- afterwarn swooned. She was at once conveyed to the hospital: Miss Laing is of a strong healthy constitution and rally recover. A Life Saving Present. le, ug Ontari i3 for six rj ew wor 'ven n Wilson s nd aft :r his o • 1 .W are to that 1 effects e e ld � e are perfectly blended in the medici known as Mack' Megn : tic ediei advertised in another col, iron, and t good which has resullte• from its cannot be competed in dollars cents. _ 780.52.2 A Bedridden) Pers. a used. • a n n nl is •e e, e 8e a d I was h=ardly abbe to tori myself in. bed from a weakn E as and 1 a• n i> y `back, but the CrowfiotSitters: ve iR ER Tow Onta Bio. cured me perfectlsF- MRs, 521.26 'Collingwoo Mrs. Plait declared the Neur lgia the old Rheumatism ; either may be, Bufrdo will conquer it. It t 1s blood, regulating t Bowels, and er humor from the s' sold in the last three '1 gton to •e u ' ho loo L ve adic tin ate ergo t ever, erofnl hitt kes p le ye 00 bot 774.6 • hs. Mr. W. of Newbury,infori Burdock Blood n: that h vitt rs in with good effect, r4nd a e.ds th_, J. R. Smith has used it and it in high ,termis of 1praise. great system-renovatin all diseases of the Kidneys, acting hsrmo ture's laws. 25,000 bo the last three months. Salt Rh Are you trouble rough .skin, pimp so go at once to ] drug store and ge' Gregor and Par. Price twenty-five known to fail. 795 • woman, 4 Phos hatine medicine, but a' food, ] druggists. 788.5 an ad ars re nd us les • l sI u : ed it f: •ly tt a •ev. speak; of It l he tb nc'Lithat • res Moded. e : nd iohsly w t Iles sold d ing 784i,6 to of 'ity the overt with oor.1 erfeot which is not a or sale by. all yspeptic• er wi p hes th it ra shoe en than richs and dyepel the magic effect Of a dollar? ba ' !i ountain of Bealt►. "-798-52. • et Certs. n 8.n Speedy Relief fr•• Congib s, ,co ds, 4 onch tis, and lu g au thro t, tirotroubles •obta ned 1 us ug Dr Cadre n's ! ulmcnary Con D • p old by x,11 rugg sts n .ar bo tl la' at 550 O ent8. A1♦ sir tt .As e no ant n dr lair. t it • C su en H • I) b m of -k to al um', Cur d. d with salt he • m. es or canker's" r s ; if �umsden i s n's a. package of c- te's Carbo is C ate. cents. j Itiwas 1n=ver oe .52q I Arnipa :Salve. iedictal Yvon .er o the ed to spe dily •ure, its, ulcers,- alt r :um, ers, pi, es, chil.' 1: ins, pped an s and all aarant ed •o car:; in mane re untie - 25 'or sale by : Hic . son Bucklen'E The greatest n world. Warranl burns, braises, c fever sores, can corns, tetter, chs skin eruptions, every instance o: cents per box. & Co. 783:52. • $5, For any testimonials McGregor's Speedy Curs Indigestion, Cos •iveness that are not genuine ; are from person in the ands of -miles a ay, bet and around Hamilton give trial bottlel. free of you cannot be deceived. worthless article, but k before buying. Trial b 0 Re1vaa rec fo] He nor Sta fro 0 Po no ott omm Dys adac e of .es or pere tario t, .80 arch its es and rnonials given free at DBMS Wilson's,Drug Store, Se: fo th.— The- Quickest -Th' • g in R Is Kratn's Fluid •Ligh nt • g fo raigia, Ileadache, Toth: che, e does not blister or dis of • r th. requires but one appli M • n to all pain magically wit, e o • t .usi greasy liniment or carryin • yen in a poultice for weeks. ry a';t five cent bottle from Luraden son, druggists. 795:52 ; Saved his life by a simple trial bottle of Dr. Rin.g's New Discovery for consurap- tion, which caused him to peocure a large bottle that completely cured him, when doctors, eheuere of climate end everything else hae failed. Asthma, .hrouchitis, hoarseness, severe coughs. and all throat and lung dieeases it is guaranteed to cure. Tri I bottles free 52. An Answer Wanted. Can any one bring us a tase of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Eleotric Bitters will not speedily care ? We say they cannot, as thousands of cases already permanently cured and who are daily recommending Electric Bitters, . will Prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak 13ack, or any urinary complaint quickly cared. They purify the blood, regulate the bowels, and act clireotly on the die - ati In the History of No preparation has rectiv versal commendation for t it affords, and the- perma affects in kidney disea es Buren's Kidney Cure - these distressing complai wonderful. For Sale 'by 770.52.789 When the sun gets up sky, -From its tossed -up bed Sea; And before the meal, high. :d enc iient D ts ts is Turning 0,ray and gra Hall's Hair Renewer w its original color, ar,d growth. It also elean "Why should ra men w warm within Sit like his grandsire Or let`his hair grow ru Wh-etnhiCningalese Renew grow faster. 770.52.789. The Siolily And the delicate y un Dr. Austin's .Phespha ti 00tIntena.nee pale, th pear, together With all t of either tenaporary or debility. No remedy Will so restore color to the cheelks stre 'the muscles, energy to the limb back the appetite and niaake • R DEN.`, s her man nd sweer, it you fro bier gust be beast: power ; and; ben .power the use. it Re ewer. Sold h 'rte. i 170.52.789! t No ��• 11 ►y and when y n with a 'n le fel hair to ha e iful hair c n e the Cin alae t,50c by S. 3npply the place bf a beant a of natural hai=r: ; It is i ✓ comfortable the switc e preparations fiche hair o `n foreigners: it ma d, beanfife ". and ctu fly "'rales H e ne of tae e Cil sb • • n t e P r h d er F 81 F • st P p - pi r• f tt r Sold at fi ty eenta uggists. 770.52."86. f ul silky fii:ly es, :1:d b e- es orad, it ' -n- er ott1e by G-. nga dale, Toronto, ilrites :several very 1 • ere at ps in the atom : ch. He : ri g Austin's Pho•.phatifle a d tautness tc take, gave he :a, and she has ot-had a ,and her health is much i •• p sale- by all drug:ists. '77 t .52 78 ,mss•► B1otc & �. Xls e o.M te. It rho] c faile t rate whe y. ac e Pimple an C 'h' atl Lu Eden and .get a -pack se's 'Carbol??e Ce d of `'Vaseline, r.te, and has neve •• pies, blotches, ni n •h skin. It cure il- Try it. 795.5 r 8 ee. tt 0 's d Grego is c cid remjove s is roe, nd a 1 others ife of of its wo ck ed. rug a& )m- ind RON k ELi;/T s OR, THE - CANAD AN BANK, OF C, _ MMERCE. HED OF1"1CIE, TO .ONTO. 'Paid o 'Capital, -- /ifS,000,000.` real, - - - , 1,650,000. Pres!, rent, .Hon. Wm. McMaster. EAFORTI R A]CH. - The Se -forth Branch of th s Bank coutinne@ to received posits, on which interest s allowed on the most avorable terms. Drafts on all the principal towns and cities in Canada, on Great Britain, 4nd en the United States, bought and sold. Office First door South of the Commercial ;Hotel. i 1689 A. H. IRELAND, Manager. F. HOLM STED, Solicitor. J.Wet r ting from Winni s: y more about Pho h n I saw yqnj last h::1th is nauch'Iim • f :: 'from! hes aches .h. ing used o ly tw 0 our Phosphstin d o ggists. 770.52.7 People are P-, fec I•` .guying and usin. he • kn wn as '� �tonutei• of e '.ry bottle bears t r . gnu .r: prietors. t is ja B cis$1_00.— ereli, g, s ye: ' I elan hati re r o an n Toronto My r ved, and I aml r an ' other a es, and half o Iles Fo sale by all •ding psia, e,etc., hick- sGUS ns in We th at ing a aloe esti - •en & 5.52. ord Neu - k▪ in ; anish • any head enty- Wil- eat st the f the hen nr of a dol • uni- ation re it Vete t on in Si mply erts. stern stless on i a bill 11 triestuo e at and 1 is essin out it t th Tian Beal Mos 793.5 ty, Boa t an erts, Sekfortl gth • 98.5 .'e9 lySaf seat re Health,' as antee of the ood Purser " Fou ' • •f H-alth." f t t regulate theb • wels, and in t` $ the liver, cnri • H:adache,. v =nese, Pile , Jaen • ice, and all a es of ;a bili br ch : raot: r. Price 79.,52.1 •."Foun ain of t renovates the secre (h mucous sii face:: of t topnacli, bow , Is, ars bla a-arrh in all is forms. 9i 52. If ?i ou Only sed • t. Carson's :fitter- yon would n hays telling :verybody that en • after yopr health how dre: dful mea Ai; hid' a te riblet head : the ; no titre etc. On 'the • cont ary, you return the gre ting with a br ght arty grip, and They look as you fell first ra . .iThan for sale b dir gistis in 1: uge bottle at 50 ce • t . ee s Now T ia' there is a.reltable emedy for ,trouble, half the t rror a atm tel these come ) i n is fav : bee are • • Farr'' this let 1;1 be t!ti auk nl,.and t VaBuren' I Kt • ney -Cure al praise or ha • ng thn: ..ell a hi liert• fat 1 disease r path. t w:s •ever' kno 1. Sold b J. S Ro erts. 770. 11 .fir•G • g dence, th Auburn. MEDIC MACDONALD, rgeon, Aeaoneheur t lately, occupied .D., C. ]ti., Physicier &c. ; Office and resi by Dr. Hutchison 781 T G. SCOTT, M. D. &e, Physioien,Snrgeon and " • A000uohonr, Seaton Ont, Office and rest, deuce south side of Goderi 1} Btreat, second door east of Presbyterian Churalj. 842 igor- Cub- dis- TT L. ERCOE, M. D., C.M.- Physician, Bar 1•-T•• geo •,etc ,Coroner for the County of Huron Office a • d Residence, on aryls street north directly apposite Seaforth P blic;School. WM.: ANOVER, M. D. • . 111„ Graduate o MG ill University, eiaian, Surgeon an� E Aeoonch•nr, Beaio Office and i deIIe rGh Ont . U o , North s de Goderioh Stru=t, first Brick Hone east oft • e Methodist Cha�'h ions, so thee der, exp lling Price $1.00.— • EYE, EAR AN # THROAT D�. CEORCE S L. R -C. ?.,L. R. C.S. E-, Ear and Throat, Trinity il to, and urgeon to the EIe firmary. Late Clinical As Ophthal ie Hospital, Mo Throat nd Ea, Hospital. 317 u be red you Pe- uld ile, uld all WIN On the Loot KAT1U1 eeturer on the Ey dioal College, Toren er Eye anti Ear In- stant Royal- Londo HURGH STR ET, TORONTO. May be consu ted at the DA it he JEA 708 8 L diseases eraor 'sore e ye Salve; al • ne is in it f the 08, 1 t to a yo act'on, bus cur ble y all Ch rohi l's wil •be urpr Fri e 25 ceut 'Gra d Tr nk eine WEB1r-- SE TOE H. iii 1 Ca ARTWRIalkT & SON', will visit Seaforth every e *ednesday and Thurs- day, and Clinton every Friday of nett week ex zept the wce'k wbttn • Tneadoy cgrnes first in the mon h. Teeth e tracted without pain. Charges moder te and te a cash. 730-25 kid- cred, ward re- orn to .789 lately All o faction by ill diming itaiuch other lirnax sed et 798, Et Clintnn at :2 • Londo ,H London, de Eketer Heneall Brueefield Blyth 1 Loedesbor • LI 6:1 8 5U :4 ro an Br 8 e4 9 03 25 44 53 9 9 9 M. 29 23 7 00 Wingha .. Blueval • IMO 00 5 28 6 38 5 64 6 06 54 20 35 45 50 05 xp 20 3 5 10 1 10 3 30 4 711 1 ITCT GE -ON DENTIS geons, Canada. Office in the roo lel ccupied by H. erbyshire, Whittle 11 erations carefully performed and ea is, guaranteed. Chernes Moderate. .—Teeth extrotted without no pp, it Von as ON D. WATSON' DENTIS Peon ty Gold Med list and Coll G many years' experience he is abl tp, ake all operations in Dentistry suit bln form, Ether or Nitrous Oxide Gas in en Ittar Charges ill -aerate. 'IA HA and 1 14 ge 1883. SMITH, SEAFO RTHI, HOW1NG THIS WEEK MAGNIFICENT N W FALL DRESS GOODS, N W FALL VELVETEENS, N W FALL :ULSTER CLOTH N W FALL WOOL SHAWLS s Qualities bight , arid VALLE PARTME Prices IN ES, PRINTS AND .ALL SUP4IER GOODS AT COST. SMITH Main Street, Seafor411, Office in Meyer's Block, Main Street, Seafo 1 a Th rece A. F both send P. 5 6 5 p5 o 6,145 6 10 6 30 6 39 Ex rese 2140 3 13 3 22 3 50 4 05 13 35 M. 05 1 05 1 80 1 55 Mil ed. 6 10 '720 8 00 8 35 Gitr THE BEST. THE CHALLENGE Parlor Stoves. _ roughbred Suffolk Board This aeimal Was tip purchased from the vi1ell-known bre 'ere, anks & Son, and is from imported eta k on sides. Termsle-81 payable at the tinee of e w'th the prieelege of returning if necessary. GE Pra wEp. 83 LLS GREENtFOR OR --Charles T oyer he will keep for service at hie premises in ill's Gre during the preset t season. This pi was pur lased from the eele breeders; Mesers. the est pigs ever brong into the county. His sire, " Royal Carlysle,1' well as the sire. of his dam " Sir Dorchester' ardiff," and lei§ ?rind sire, " Lord Liverpool,' wei e first prize wieners e Royal Shows i ngland, also at the Pro - vine al Fairs, in Can tt Teens— $ I. per sow, pay. ble at the tune if service, with the pi iv - TR YER,, Proprietor. 819x20 CHAMPION SUGGESTIONS TO, F PUROIAS me tio pr pn str eae of operating la d ana grain. In the p favorably on ell °hits and in many pa t seasons, when in ny machines were is n important point cmcpoionneilNearsatatictizaeys ce of labon—tbe Ch fn eh 20 of th fall MARS AEL1 INC. UT ERE being many eape s and Mowers in the market, and each c sseesing some de of it, it might be difti tilt, Without some ec- , f or a -farmer to enielze a selection that would te the I mod sent und esti- Dished to atteet to i not forgetting old aron. nes their jest ,dnes, as nothing 'ts made by rais- are willingeat all limes to give .ot r ma- reeentation but an want it understood that do not pretiend to eernete in pziee with wary the inferior wood n_iiagt iron machine4 with ir numberless let heel and springs. We sell th Champiou on its elite, and as ie hes a well- terests and that of o r ifieby custoimers no ;nerd and Maintain it, See! tt e Oharepion. end F.ixt mine it before you purebsee. :The Beaver e rilli--corn- ip SoWers, Plows, said every - re HEA1TOZ— RADIANT HOME HE RADIANT H ME—Do positiVe success. HE BRILLIANT GOLD IVIE The la gest t6aa most attractive li le of Stoves equalle far 'operation, economy URABILI WAYS RELIABLE. ware and Kitchen Furnishing Demi e will,not be undersold. Celli and inspec n th s in our and SEAFORTH INSURANCE AND LAND AegICY. IS AGENT for several First-Clase Stoek, Mr* and Life Insnranoe Companies, and is , mar. d to take risks. on theelost favorable ternaa. 4lso Agent ler several of the best La n So. pieties. • Also Agent for the Skis -land ?amino e of Fenn and Village Property. A Number 'of :First-klass ;Improved Fevrins for Sett e3o,ftoo te. Loon at Six pc cent Agent fox the sale of Ocean Steamship ble Heat alto pro d a AL -0 king biketa OFFICE Over M. Morrieon's Sto e, Mane Street, Seaforth. 646 Market. Gu ilante d WORKMA SDI Great Variety MRS. JO IN KIDD'S ese, Main Street, Sea orth: Hardware Ind Stove Ho PilltVE AND BRAIN FOOD If, a sure, prompt and effeetnal remedy for No- ✓ usne s in all its stages, Weak Memory, Lose 'of B ain ower, Sexual Prostration, Night Sweats, arrennese and Gen ral Lose of ewer. It re - ire nerv ti.s waste, rejavenerates the jaded in - Heat, str ugthens! he enfeebled brain, and re- s ores sur rising tO e and Vigor to the exhanst- genera ive orga. s in either sex. (4- W th e ch Ode for TU.% VE packages., accompan ed N ith 85,- w will seri our written gearantee to e e• et a en 0. It is t ie cheapest and best re. l- e ne in -t e market. Full particulars in our ampldet, which wej desire to mail free to any a dress. Mack's 'Magnetic, Medicine is said y Drtiggi ts at 50 nts per box, or 12 boxes for it EDWIN Co., Wildsor, Ont. Sold by all Dr ists. tau rantees isaued bee J. S. ROBERTS. ea - Pt bi Rekes,Seufflers,.1 urn t g in that line. JAMES ST Livery. WART, Agent. MONEY Ti3 SEA custom hnsince rustshat ORTH PLANING MILL, 0011. ND BI.IND FACTO Y sleeve 'to the.nk hien= roc. ibere.lnatronage erten ate. eommenei he may of these e. Parties'ntendingto braid hin3 a call as he will cootinto to keep en h„,it large sto Or of all kinds ef ' Drytne Ett,mber Sashes Do onladowell to iv. Hefeel confident of evingsatisfaetiontothoat 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. , this fact'. all at once on WALL WALL —FOR J S. PORTER SEAFO .Entire Stock of Furniture egard- less of Cost. THOSE IN "WANT, it will pay them to steer- -I- tain prices before purehaeing else here. I give a large discount to those paying casb, I am still gelling Six highly iinished airs for $2e50. I also keep Knowlton's Spring Bed, the best and cbeapeet in. the market 3 arranted perfectly noleeless. Mammoth jewelry Store,Main Street, eaforth East Side. Cash tor btdes, skins, furs and ta ow. fie truck or trade. Cash for everything. 625 ;OMNI s. PORTER. REMOVAL TT AVE reMoved to their tele premi es, in rear -1-1- of Robert Jaren-eon's otore. the shops for- merly occripied by Mr. D. Menlo ht. They naye thorojeghly -overhauled and re ited these shops, andi have much improved f cilities for carrying onnheir business on a large and better setae than ever. Tbey have now on band and ready for use a full assortment of t air CELE- BRATED PLOWS, wbieh are too we known to require commendation: HORSESHOE' G La all its branches .Fpeolalty, and Bepairing .1; and Genera jobbing prenapily attend idsest.o. Wa Vitas= hall be glad to see all OU2 Old and a many new :ustorners as possible in our new pre ELIX LE BOWS PAPER WALL P Safe, pleaeant and reliable. No bad its use. Does not interfere with busi Price $2 per box, or three boxes for pun ante. issued by every ,duly euth to refund the money if the Oe boxes and Gleet. cffects from ess or diet. - 'Written livid agent "'" Seet postage prepaid on reeeipt of p ice &deltas J. B. Roberts authorized agent I -0X Se forth. Br. WALL P PER F I' TeB n& Con 81 & 83 King S . East, Tor- onto, Sole roprietors. 791-62 ENGLISH ANR AMERICAN. An immense new stock justi to h nd from the cheapest to the v ry finest gold paper . Call and see on saroples before pur hs.sing. No trenbi to show whether y u buy or not ati Lumsden Wil SE AFORTIf. PU13 IC NO IC THE unde signed, having men! ap tztted for the CON FEDERATIO iSOCIATIO • Is desirous ir3nring the livee of a make satisfaetor) provision for faraili , in ease of death. This is undoabte I present. A look at the Daily Glob CH YST'AL ff?4, BLACK, 130 oil erich Fo having 1 in all it Any attentio All ki Smoke • Boilable New the sho petition THE undersigned, avin been appointed Agen rt A- for the Hareilto Provident and Loan S eiety iti now prepared to e r et Loans either fart or town property at he lowest ratee of i teresi and on the most fa orable terms. App.]] tio 'a 7843 • bseribere "lave onght the Tools and ad an experionce of over eigbt ye es in , are nowl prepared. to Retry on the rade . First-class work gtiaranteed. ds of Boilers Made and rtpaire , also tacks and Shcet Iron Work, &c:, at rein atee alt Paneenade arid old ones repa- ed on test notine, and at priees that defe eon: - HRYSTAL (Si BL flax 1103, God S OB FIN INGS of Every Deseripti Non but th Very Best Stock kept. ' mode te. A T-ial2 elicited. All orders eeeteeo N. B.— Property o low interes one the 16500 REWAR !. We will ay:the above reward for ny case of Liver Com laint, Dyspepsia, Sick H acienhe, In- digestion, Conetipation or Costivence we cannot cure with este3 Vegetable.Liver Pill , when the 7 directions re strictly complied -wit . Ttey are, purely Veeetable, and never fail to g ye. satiable - tion. Seger Coated. Large b..xes, c ntaining 00 of counterfeits and imitations. e genuine manufactured only by JOHN C. NS EST & Co., "The Pill Makers,"81 & 88 King St. East, Toron- to, Ont. Free trial package sent y mail nre- aid on receipt of s 3 ocene stamp. or sale at berts Drug store. . 796 52 Having the utmost confidence in' superiority over all otbers, and after thousands f tests of the most comealiceted talti severest ea es we -could find, we feel jutitified in offering te• forfeit One sore throat, influenza, hoarseness bronchitis, comumpLic... in its early At ages, wh ping cough, and all diseases ,of the thrust and. I nes, except Asthma, for which we only claim leif, that we can't curd with West's Cough Syruili when taken according to directions. Sample pales -25 s.nd gent 50cents; large bottles one &Rae Gentling wrap- pers only in 'hue JOHN 0, WEST it 00., 81 & II 83 Kirg St. East, Tononto, Ont. For sale at J. N. S. RubartS Drug store. I 793-52 HEALTH IS WE LTH I, LIFE the ci Liner s and feiends y the best Canada at or Mail of liable tittle of BEATT 'E, to Loan on Fa in or Town easiest terms of pa ment and at 804 ▪ • A M ICULTU RAL the fernier of luron and Perth t arranged with IKON THO To keep rich. .1 1NR and all othe them, als for 711411:1111116 foorrAlidae;dr tied y '1" receive rota TT 815 in inf t the ItITY„ Exeter; eacD0Naala, he rum g baee IRON HARVESTER • Dr. E. .6. Wetit'e Nerve and Brain eatment, a gnaranteed specific -ter Hysteria, Di zintes, Con - 11021701114 roetration ceneed by tbe se of alcohol Softening of the Brake resulting JD Inmuity and leer:hag te wisely, decay and deat 1., Prematetre Old age, Barrennees, Lees of Power in eltber sex, by over-exertion of the brain, Belf- buse or over iedulgenee. One box will -cure ...tent capes. Each boX contrails one month's t etneent. One dollar a box, or tint boxes for five th.lars; sent by Ine.il prepaid on receipt of price. 1Ve guarantee six boxes to etire any caee. 'With each order re- ceived by 13 s for Mx boxes, aecomparlit d with live guarcntee to refund the money if he treatment forth Ontario. John C. West & Co , Sole peepre- tors Toronto. 793-4 WESTERN FAIR LONDON, oANif.DA., ONTAIO'S CREAT EX 'BMOC all the machines f! nnerl menu - r Machinery left th the r agent, Is Box 33,, NSALLL, will attention. , $15,000.00 IN 'PRIZES. Large: prizee for trials of speeki. in the home Electric Lights, Band Campetitions end other ring each after. oen novelttes for the entertainment and aniu.sement of our vifiitors. Exhibitors will Pelee addreen conitounicalione to doffs B. Sterni, Se.crotary, 'Landon, Canada, for Ptize Lista and any other information. re- quired, whieh 'will be -promptly attended to. JOHN f3,4IYTH, Secretary. Bg_ 'MAN, Agent. 'mita ikE),INEDY, Presidentd 823-3