HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-09-28, Page 6The Weather Signs. IVL1EH OF THE TABMSBit' CLUB Fo G11 ERA L tang. The 'Farmers' Club of the merioan Institute has issued the folio 'ng rules for foretelling the weather. f farmers and others whose business is o t of doors rind depends upon the we Cher will Study them closely, they wiII able to guess the weather more accur telt' than' most of the weather prophets 1. When the temperature falls sud- denly there is a storm forimin south of you. 2. When the temperature ises snd- denly there is a storm formin north of you. 4. 3. The wind always blow from a region of fair weather toward a region where's. storm is forming. 4. Cirrus clouds always moire from a region where a storm is in ptjcess to a region of fair weather. G. Cumulus clouds always eve from a region of fair ; weather to a region where a storm Ps forming. m • 6. Where cirrus clouds a moving 'rapidly from the . north or orifi -east there will be rain inside of t enty four hours, nomatter how cold it s. 7. When cirrus clouds a moving rapidly from the south or oath -east -there will be a cool rain storm on the morrow, if it be in summer, and if it be in winter there will be a snow storm. 8. The wind always blows in a circle around a storm, and when it blows from the north, the -heaviest rain iia east of you ; if it blows - from- the south, the heaviest rain is west of you ; if it blows from the east,the heaviest rain is south; if it blows from the west, the heaviest rain is north of you. 9. The wind never blows unless rain or snow .is falling within 1,000 miles of yon.. 10. Whenever heavy, white frost oo- ours,a storm is forming 1,000 miles north or north-west: of yon. Th4 l3ty=,people. People who gaffer from thirst are often in great agony.: There appears to be no limit to their efforts to quench thirst while thus suffering. Others have' an appetite for drink, and to satis- fy the. appetite resort to all manner of means. Soldiers on the march, under a broiling sun and over a dusty road, suffer more, probably, than any other class. In our own city, on gala days. during the heated term, how refreshing is a glass of lemonade to the sweltering soldier or ordinary pedestrian i On the march, in active service, we have seen the soldier atop by the roadside and moisten his parched lips and throat from a slimy pool of water which .was almost: unfit for beasts. We have seen- gallant•l ves sacrificed during the late war in efforts to quench the thirst of pickets. The springs . were in range of the rifles of the rebel sharpshooters, and the soldier who escaped with his well-filled canteen was most fortunate. Not long since a novel cane was in use among attendants at places of pub- lic amusement, from the side of • which the holder could secure a drink for him - Self Or friends at any time during the performance. On one occasion we remember of a party who was hemmed in in the gallery of the theatre, and could not get out for a drink. He saw a friend in the orches- tra whom he begged to relieve his thirst. The friend was willing, bat was at a loss to know how to get it np. The man in the gallery was not at a loss for means under such trying circumstances, and promptly met the emergency: He asked the •crowd if any one had a string in his pocket. A youth, who had been out fishing daring the day, produced his line. The man in the orchestra was notified, and soon thereafter a bottle was seen whirling around as it gracefully passed upward in front of those in the family circle. The man in the gallery had a racket all to himself during the balance of the night. Brit there are other methods even more ingenious than this to gratify the appetite and guard against thirst. The most novel device we have yet seen is the opera -glass whisky flask. In its use no one would. believe it else than an opera -glass, yet it holds a _good half-pint of whisk.; For use in a crowded audi- ence it is a very handy thing to have,=as the holders are not obliged to go outside for a drink between the acts. -It can be used as an opera -glass with or without taking a drink. If you want to take a drink there is a spring that yon touch with the finger, whena silvertabe drops jilt() the nnonthnd the whisky flows easily. It works best when the glass is pointed up at the gallery. money. " I'll show you jtidge,". answered, with a bewitohkng "t but I will not let him see..'! aside her hat and draped .he> the switch. ""Note, can't ya yourself, judge, jt doesn't ,x hair at all?" His Honor m little, looked' over his speotac the room, then at the defend at the love'y. plaintiff kneel him, and stammeredout : • renders judgment iu her fav She head u see natoll ved ba les.ar .ant, ins b he• r for she Wile, laid with for my 3k a und hen fore curt 25. . A SlighMis3tae. She was a thin, narrow, dark -via ed woman with '•' specs " on, and she car- ried- a package of traotletsnd le flats' which she scattered broad ast a ons the sinners in the Cass Ave ne ca in which she rode. When only. one or two of the pamPhlets were left a ma got in. He was on his wiry to he de t, a countryman, going homle, evide tly. He had a big watermelon w ioh he die - posed of tenderly on the s at etto him, and a glass flask wit , a rn ber cork stuck boldly out of hie; -oat kat. +► -'fed ,.� t Hengh 1 he panted, as he s his fare in the box.; Hotti than ar- veSt a i in ere a n tit. h, Everybody •looked disc proval at him, as good, polite, Chris ian- p ople do when spoken to in a st eet ear . all the acts. She ith oma tw but the w n fished one out and extend° it ion to him. "Thankee," he said, receiving it in a brown paw ; " comic alma ao, hey !" " No sir," .said the woma , firm. , in a high falsetto I voice. " 's to ave your immortal !soul. Ton h not, taste not, handle not the Wine," and she pointed with a crooked forefinger to the glass flask protrding from the breast pocket. 3.: " , a lid ;lin � _ Oh,, h see,"said the ]a, g good humoredlY on his sour vi god vis-a-vis ".but his bottle i in't fo me, ma'am." I i " Poe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink ` quoted the woman fiercely. "• He ain't ggsactly nay neighbor eyther," said th man. " .Yon se , it's, the baby, and w'fe calculates to ring him up by hand, and this bottle' fora him, bless his pootsy to'et. y. W ore's; the rigging of it 2;" and, di ing in o an- other pocket he fished out some, ndia rubber tubing, etc. The woman didn't want to finis her discourse on temperance, but go out without asking the driver t • stop. How to Drive Tr • tters- d THE HURON EXpOsi' ORI ase through, buthio �I rot edb and skins. Tee 'nip! inlr spread out on ;clot • , boa all • w dishes, and exppos =d to ,t ;. :When s ha be,•me,• h �l roken up . ne grond to • •xes or bags inal se t to 1a;~ ge part of it is se , for . UD:. but considerable of itis e do! tomatoes t. 'et a e pre John Spian, Who,began the turf 17 years ago, whe years old, and as handled --fast horses in the •coup BRefrus, is es re dy and- alie he is a driver. "Yes, sir ; a good driver is as tial as a good horse, but I' e seen a horse defeated that wo 1 hay if his driver had known is bu Just what makes a goof drive can't tell. "" You see a driver has g t to d than sit behind a horse. a mu out for the shoeing, must g t the head just right, must stn y his know how he Might to be fed an rear. s career on; he was 171 many of the ry, including a talker as send any won ineas, yon nessed, and all that. Th dreds of things besides the that he must lave his ey studying. Ho es are j u� as people. Some are nes and stewing all the tim are so cool that a= cyc1� snake 'em in .p. Now, you see drivi old o k hi drive he he do ]ut'j agar th m as w rho'h mere 0n it as di vols,, f and' ne .w a man that w�s used to of the nervous kind took l horse he'd lik as not bre " There's o e thing a have, and that's a', coo musn't be all own when. or way up wh n he docs, 1 it as it comes, and go it e track wi. who were old- lady seen men on t on their horse about it as an have her tooth pulled out Th. do . I don't take any sto k in to give a man the necessary con goodnight's sleep is ,the best;t any man can Make befor: a ` r course, we bet on the races what We are i ' terested i ; it's our business. I don't th nk h gamble mue outside. They their money o a' horse j;, st a buys a barrel of flour, a, d' ex get more tha . -he gave fo it. lie think the a is a goad de T p crooked work than ther; real as. . ramebarn, stables a don't know a river, and lyre s pt with ' orchard and plenty most of 'em who wool 6 nil Die em ,,ecePeare convepien p yarited, being on ago, ployer's hors to win him elf. I from the en- lege of wouldn't pay Driving is a professio Stores, Church, eeb now, and - a an who as paid $3,001 `and is alsoe8 mile& fr or $10,000 for a piece of • ro eijt hunt: for farther p rt1c h p p Y to flottetance P. O. until he find a good;m 1 n totake car: Proprietress. of it, and th n . pays hi „ han�1somel A BBAIrri L Rest Moat owners ave all the mon y the, Sr10sale cheap want and are anxious o ly th t the' adjoi Ing thci villag horses win." pied bh• Mr. Robert of land on which is , house/ and:b ick stay A She louder's ra • T. ' out -building and ct _Wrecking was ' less abori s tha woad shed, all, oras fishing, and •n past yea qui" as pr „• trot t gc1 di rgrafl r fitable. San : a was �sp cially favore, rounds ac nice. by Provide ce befnre the li hthon:e tiruameatal trees an rit.. . cetlent order , It is i was built a; on it. _ Mr Ted i( gaol :a .;tete and c niforta the very pe tinent rep of ,,aa Sande county and 's adm3 man to Mr. Stevenson, the builder f farmer or g ntlem the lighthouse, who re arks « on t • e minutes wal of th bad state of the sails of his boat. " and location for baa had , a the t could b = desire ithad been is will that yo • or to ;Exeter P.O. b ilt sae many lightlion ea h: eabou I would have had new sal s las winter FARM IN TUC ,For sale,' Lot 2 atld caps it with a st ry of a San • a the 2nd coricessio minister .who publicly pray+ thu twining 150 Acres. "' Nevertheless,.if - it• lease hee o acres; cleared, well Ire&.from stumps, a cause helpless ships f a ca: on t e ` balance is ood ti shores, oh 1 `dinna forst the poor s brick house nd g ei r+ orchard an pleas land of San ,a. Solnet mss t • e fore;: n necessary con4eni products thus, cast up at t • ::r do, re are $o scree clear, were a new revelation o the 'laude a, drained and 'seed as: when a cargo of ora ges w - wash :d' chopped rekdy to ashore on the coast of : elti the . a-; timbered. There a - t will be .sold roue. tives boiled themasa n w ki • of "• o- within halt a Haile tatoes. When any kin of li nor is t e of Brucefieid, whet cargo, however, they a . em to now t , e' and it firat• lass gt use of that b instinct nd on insta, ce; miles of th Town byinstinct, road leading to sac' is on record ; when so any gee w: re lora appy pu the "' saved" frons a Dutch vessel .that :11 the seders geed the people on the island were) rank or McLEOD, ALES. ORS twenty days. Milk for Typhoid Fever. Surgeon {General Barnes, about three years ago, heard of an allopathic physi- cian: in Virginia, who, it is alleged, never failed to care typhoid fever. As there were many patients in the United States ;army dying with that disease, General Barnes decided to visit the ancient V irginia, doctor and learn how he treated his typhoid patients. When he met the old gentleman, General Barns. inquired :: " What is the mode of treatment by which you succeed 7" " Why," replied the venerable physi:can, •' it's the simplest thing iu the world. All you have to do is to get the patient's stomach in good order, and then diet thorn- on buttermilk; that's U. I never lose a: patient, if he isn't in collapsed condition when I get to hissa. Surgeon General Barnes tells me that he adopt- ed the butteirmilk treatment among the eo%diers in the army, and found it most efficacious. It appears that some ten years ago the medical ' scientists of France and Russia, compared notes as to the nee of sweet milk in the treat - of their typhoid patients, and concurred in the decision: that milk not only is a wonderful efficacy in typhoidal cases, butin the treatment of fevers generally. Aneminent medical man, a professor ins New York electric medical college —Dr. ;Newton --informed your corre- Spondent a few weeks before; he died (his death took place about a` year ago) that he had found to be , substantially true all that is set forth relative to plain sweet milk and buttermilk, and that the latter acted like a charm in uses of nervous debility. ; It is =a. great blessing—this discovery, said he. A Novel Suite. Miss Byrnes, of San Francisco, re- cently sued a barber for the valve" of a switch he had furnished her. The bar- ber agreed to work over- the combinge -of her own hair # but, as a matter of fact she claimed, he;furnished 'her , with an inferior article. His lawyer asked her 11 it was not a better switeeh that she could have got in thecity for tlae same more t look orse'e orse, har hun- riving nd be erent etting others nldu't gIftss cams. I in (warm wate rditiary manne anted for h , m derable cps a po to be alp o ito in in this d dice agai1 s y of them r holesome. unites with and foime t4 00 es severe siokn es could e in ny of t] loy d for r, 11 frinits.— too u raj o t Do y Animals living in st; not over -eat them . elve eal 'ng when they av: Th re are no prize the 1 os nd tied Its the , pee, deprived of a rtio fat; ened into a diseased ese pe -this process beoa to rany extent dery the ter andjracer are n ov -lin is expected to do t oar fnl1y fed as to q alit 1 nm n beings w efe• Wig ld a as health . god r les for 'fee° W; en ur food is s ki' d a d' quality a a i n, mere is littl dun pia , of eating too any irs or bananas. Sal 1 luxurious coo .ry t th men as with ani di: t is self -limit& and ' e to stop when e more artificia. e t borate and lux re able to : ov o�v rte k the diges. igh the forces c to d is a condition metes ongevity. w Lich enables a m workwithout loss Iat he requires.. daily waste—no This quantity *eh each I indi ole an easily rnasre of r` d cin the quanti h fin s a balanc It is y opinion e : ti y owater free : •• me 10 bu 'nese and I' rar O noes. Men of' :; ay require sixte it found nays n f r sedentary nee . ' When a ct nd ion.folj his 1;e1gh he has fou REAL EST ells the isl then dor in h sun. nite dry and plat market.. ,maaing pl:ylid :ery :d'•n is so' ked or :.few nd hens «ook ddin L ge yuan sties oon:ump ion, and ed. Th s '•uld e i i dost y t en - het ; is -,reat to fig .atoe:, 'as ns, o- at east juice the ' oon- r of th = tin nd ti• at , ften he . ulp of to - of goo a•van- of spea, a a>�tns s, pe: he: and rd. y. ne son id old po 0. dt les pplY iRe Mu toof • got on t he the besi se :11 hf at, re di 1, ey stol en, ugh e prairies iries ig i the t o n. bE y. Horse 1 ,� en , o no he . hen r fe•. ,A I an- eir wor . ar an qu : ntity . as ° isel the here are sem ng s to qu : ntit nple;and i, atm al i (ode of p epa ger or ;van gra, :s, . pple en : ar, epic s ;mgt to =ices . n ale, a n : tar 1 we : re • ispo • have eat =n e•ong . he ood, the mo e ohs: th fe::t, t e load the sto „ an e p, wet : and eve life Si " plicity f of.,'ealt andpr - he Wan 1 ity of fo d n to d i his dad y f w : ght `s precise y 1.: s pplies the i, or: an no le W. : y ` • ary a lit le dae , t tit eve sae tain his o n Wire,, en : • by le - of I wily food until f force nd weight. t t i e av -rage quan- t r: quires, say me , is. twelve at •`, use lar activity to ,twe ty ounces. f. in ,' ery good condi- ' ork on igh t or ten on:. w, o is in good rk eep' his normal fo•'d en ugh. 1 „ Pik i. , that ift g one a lazy all up. must` ▪ He 't win, t take . I've ey got t t won' ordial age. ng tha ce. C that' part o rseme LEGA P. B. OAR ROLL, LATIN of Glarrow & Proudihat'a Office, 0oderi h, e So lector, Conveyancer &o. Money to to n.' tor Office in Meyer's 'Block,. Main Stre t, Seaforth. 791 tit 0 I'0 HAYS,. Solicitor, 81b. Private money' to • 1end: at lowest rite& of interest. oxxlcs— Corner of Square and: West Street, tloderich. 1174 4B1ow & PB0UDif0 tars, dae., aoderioh, 0 Wm'.P ondfoot. T, Barristers, Solioi- tarro.--J. T. (311;011, 8 C 13 M. 0. exon. RON, HOLT :& CAMERON, Barrie •re, licitors in Chance , &o., Go.>lerieh, Od t. eraeron,Q.O.,Phili Holt, M. G. 0 m• 6 H. forts' Solid Prima .0. MEYER, Barrister and Attends at Law, Solicitor in 0 ncery. Commissioner ing affidavits; in the Province of Manitoba. or for the Bank a Hamilton, Wing ire. efnnds to loan .at6 tcf %per cent: 8 ' MANNING & SCOTT, fparristers,' Solioi oaveyenoers,,&o. 8nlioitors for the & o n Ston Tisdale o a , f Ofliae, Beaver Block, Olinnhi MA)INING, aAMEA Sco'rri. I METER & DICKINSON 3lock, Wingham n. -Co m ire to 131to �. Manitoba. 1'rivata •Lucknow office eve: Ea. E. L. Dickies of Har vita in cent. t0. his OR SALE. 4 1{OIIERTY IN EC —F r sale, in the v 1 ` three! quarte s'of at e ected a lsricklcpptta so an :orchard df v -d a good sprite we li ply t.!:, the pryer rietoir IEB i• ETTE1 H. ON' r I -ILL FOR SALE. age . Egn ondvile, near- cre , f •ian , on which. is and a sts .le: There is us inds of fruit; trees, Fo I furt ter particulars on tl1e pr;inis�s. IGOTT- gmo; dvill . i 824 �f 6U ACRES FUR - 200. ' For sle ve y cheap, V lot 29, conceit on 6 town hip o Sinless, l unty Of Bruce, vont: i ing 460 a es, - about 70 000000������ffffff which are clear d ei nn' er c Itivat . The alance is veil tii d bar �d ith ha dwcod, Emloc , pine and cede r. ,00d eine b rn and vo dwelling h sea. i wo : Mall reharde ; good noes and plenty of wate W 11 be field for $8,200,, one third cash and bele: ce lettered by not tg.ige at 7 per cent 1. tere : t ap y to 0:1 kRLE S ODDS, Set orth, O • t. ( 824-tf 'OR SALE.—North` elf ''t , concession 8, township of Mor s, in ,Le e unty of Huqron, dontaining 150 acres, - 0 Clea ed 7 t acres h rd tied cedar and wall The . d ie f the best c a l��am, 1G acres of beating or • ard, ood water rai and hoard fences, frame a d log .•am:, fra. e sell log (houses. The ppreport � is on a g• • d gra el read 4 inil_s;from Brussels a • d 8 ilea ron B yth. For Ifurther parts nlars •ply on t pr miser to 1ONALD Mo ,EAN, .sus is .0.; } •r 0 R. Cooper, Bruer le P. 0 I 82 4 le Money to l on, Ontario. A. 7 ore, auk en. H. 1 Barristers, &c.,Knt's Bank rlicitore for the ers for taking atlide- futads to loan at 6 per y Wednesday. 11. W. N. 738 FTUS E. A E with Oameron,� 'lt r Bolio4ta airier& , . Kone to loan, Bensirn'I Blpok 8eaforth. I 11 f pat I ] ARM FOR SALE a ma 1' Lot, 6 co cession eats t : acres 90 of w '.oh are he pub "underdrained nd in 1 more °'the remainder. le we11j 'there is on the i em,Il ANCEY, Ca a doirich moron, a , Conv, yenoer, &c. ld Office, Cardno's 786 NO ICE of Dieeolatioli 0 'artnerehip heretbfere signed hue tine day'be oneont. The: begin es lied on. by MR. l H] due to the firm i i ay and discharge ell; rm. Dated at Beide'. r, 1882, S. 4. Meg ). Witness, ANDR1 F. HOLM JAkRISTER, &e. Lahti. Main Street, seator$h. ander teal e be oat debts Ole ooinb STEL IN i' UL ET. For Salo H flet, eolith nine, I00 elea d,:ell fs.eed, well goo, 'state of o ltivaition, Limb red with ardwood. es a Iframbon: , aitarge drie • g : hod, e o n'good wa er, nd ev ry ether T e ab ve is will sit- gray.1 roa abo ti 1 mile Sine ern, where here are 1 a 'd 131 ekemi h'e shops, thy: to n of Seaforth, app y on ho pren'riee•, or RS.: I R HAM TAYLOR, 820-tf t, b e NCE; • Ex; ER FOR SALE — he r:siden•e and grounds f E etor : t preset occu- nso. There are en ;acres =Aorta • and forta le 'brick, e wi all ' other necessity vent aces •omplete, such as rn, eller' &c. Thertl ,is a rioudiff& ent varieties of a d s • all fruits... The. pia , ted 'th shade and hed e. The land is in ex- fac one ofithe ne st com- e p vate residences in the bly : dapted for a retired 's r.siden e. Is within 15 usin.ss p at of the town ty a d bejrlthful . els is all n the preinises, oN. 824-tf Partnership -The listing between the n dissolved by; me- et the late firms will BATED, to whom all payable, and! who is due and owing by , the 2l st day of De- GHEY; F. Hor,iE- CALDER. j S. G. mop QOI.IOITOR, &o Las` Main Street, SettOrtii. STED, ffioe—Scott's lflook, GHEY Moe—Scott's Elea 78 AUCTIQl ERS. P. BRINE, Lio419ed Anotioneer for the Bales attended in all orders left at the E. inptlyattended to . PLOWS ! • ()county of Hurn. art of the County f A11 part ron Offibe will be Oro A. pror dreg >l�oE 41 , DELtIAT.TY Lice sed Aui tioneer f r the ' County of Rardn l tea of all deecr tions tptly attended to 'on r aaonable terms. Ad- -Walton P..0. or Lot 14, Concession 14, illop. FOR SALE.- . �. FY B SALE.—A comfortable cottage a d two shops, 'suitable for blacksmith and wagon er, in a good part of the town for le:Winne. air, and •is pleasantly erty will be sold in, 'a very cheap. Apply to 808-tf The cottage 3s in goodire sitetted. The whi lei pro block or separately, and ' V. N. WA r8ON, Seed -get t bf t hon bo pot -ons AT ply BER FAS BSIT: and he n In Italy an extensive basin s is derl fruit cannot be obtai ed. °mat are raised for the mos part betw roiws of graPe vines ; 13 that he '1 for their culture costs °thin • So times the tomato vines are, Slued on grapes are attached. he to atoes hey re picked and pressed. hagS made coarse cloth, which ws the pulp to flPLENDI,D FAN, FO Hib ert, containing 150 cleared and nearly 11 f remainder ardwo 1 bus for either r ising dr in o sow to gr ini thie yea the sem is in grasis atel are ll first class, II ne roo and ell tin ed. and/root cellar, and tram Beer• ired by Mortge if 200 !rods of board it d •tvi far• ther pt rtieulars appl USE FOR SA frame dwellibg, e town, aontaini e and retable ; e# trine 0 one and a half story ted in a pleasant part n ne rooms, cellar, wood foundation under the seer on the premises. se, and hard erol port ly to 0. M. WBiTN Y': Tin and Stove Em - nm, Seaforta. Ali -p• a good Lriviog Mare t old one itis t wagon, one baggy, years set light harness.' 802 tf HAMILTON OMPA{I4y FO SALE.— acres here are 80 under rain. d and seede down, the thet ds a new and very 'other e 50 tires there Btu ps, oder- , and 10 scree the b lan well gs. hese places ratel r. They are echo.) , within tyre miles stor s, mine, chnrebes, fort and a good gravel ad• dreeS either of. 0. RODERICK the 10th concesssion, acre abont 1W aereS et chi s state of culti- and, well f need, the is fee.; is we 1 adapted gree; ng, g d orchard ere a e. abcdt 35 acres fella . T1 bdildinge oriso 40x2 feet. slate Two huge enk, Barns, ay it main p tbe farm e fe e, 80r s of thorn to s if th purchaser. erns ental reds. For to t e prop *6tor on the 820 COTTON • MAN UFACT 'RERS OF OTT0,14 YARNS! White and Colored, Single and Double, PLO A Car Load; of Genuine S -iI LECA PLOWS & 8 JUST RECEIVED 0. C. WILL oras Agricultural_ Implement lement WaiJ'eroom, Seafor S'lllicll will be sold at old prices, notwithstanding the increase of lb( import duties, this subscriber being determined t keep those valuab stock, imported One Hundred and Fifty of them few days before the prices until l •the ma former e tariff ; consegdently, he is enabled to se P stock is exhausted. Call and see those Plows be ore buying a coni ferior article. Every Plow guaranteed to give satisfaction or no sale. A full stook of Massey Reapers I and Massey,u owers, Toronto R� Toronto. Mowers, Toronto'.Cord Binders and M ssey s Low Down Shark's Rakes all of which will be fold cheap an on reasonable ter of alt kinds a1ifra's on hand for thejabove machines. Don't fail to s before buying a machine. 1 _ ©. C. WILLSON, Min Street, Se `. 1 I CARPET WARFS, White and all Colors, REAM WARPS 4 every Description, BALLE/b KNITTING URNS 11, per cent. 4 Plows in rLise in the he present or in- epere and inder, and Repairs my stock ort NO !DUNCAN, Chemist and Druggist, SUCCESSOR TO E. HICKSON & cio4 l*S1- s Yr Tz sm.A.F? IS THE TIME FAR RS TO SECURE YOUR SUPFLY SEPTEMBER 28, 18 TIE PIONEER HARD;WARE s, STONE BLOCK, G JAMES A. CLINE 8, Headquarters fdr the tele ra Washburn & Reeeiv bottom LE AD 1 Two -Barb Fencing ONE CARLOAD d this 'week, and will he watt prices. Best brands f W and ENC1.1 N BORED AND AW Hardware of all deseript ons at IA. low prices as is consistent wi ha spate legiti ate business. JAMES CLI E 00,. PERkCTION AT DLIANASliy, SU CESS EXTRAO EGMONDVI ROLLER M LE Th4 only genuine Roller Mill in the County, which now has o superior. and few equals, on the continent of America for manufacturing Ran A wag REVOLUTION IN MILUNC, The Braid Question of Vital Importact. OF The Gradual Reduction S by Rollers now in 1?oller ,17'1ur brings from 1.25 is ,sto per barrel more- than the best flour made by tile Old rocesi. liELLEBORE AND PARIS GREEN. We ha jcitist opened •out a large stock of both, which we will gairan to be pure an f the best quality. Is the place to getr bargains in T ILET ARTICLES, &To. We have tnense etock of Nobby Pipes, Cigar olders and Cases that we re ,iselli cheap, Nyhich cannot fail to give set sfection. Brushes, Combs, Purees description Sponges, Smiles and T ilet articles in great varietiee, Pe fum and all orders answered with care nd despatch. Next Door to Du an ine- g very f every can & Vulcan's ry Goode Store, Sear orth. AT HeionEity YARNS AND re th OF EVERY VARIETY, . hese Goods are onreesally pronounced by the e to be fully e4u 1 to any made, and for ularity and evennos in make and, coloring HARrpPNELWpieErAiVoEr S—Von will find our e ask you juin f your Dry Go rite to us and ils" fait vretrhneiencila.ls rartITIotio e:::::::on in 1881, and This Company Will awarded two fiist prize itiVrnegse tflorsnt,1p81z2!s al t _.3 Provincial Exhibition at WINANS & trio. Toronto. F. MzELDERRY & Co., Montreal o any in the market. to give it n trio'. ds innn hies uOt got it will see yon are 'prompt. EGMONDVILLE 814x2 IDEI LLS Wanted at the Egmondville Stearu Cider Mills, for which the highest price will loe paid. ustona Work Done as Usua 1TFTY CHESTS OF TEA FOR SALE. FARMS OF AiLL DESCRIPTIONS, IMPROVED & i'ARTLY IMPROVED BAR BAR TRE Any one wishing Ito sell this class of property 0.n readily obtain 4 purchaser by applying to , t lowest rates of interest. Apply to . MONEly TO LOAN Land Office, Dundee St., London, Ont. MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED AT HE HUM EXPOSIM OFFIC SEAF'ORTH, ONTARIO. NO WIT:N ESSER REQUIRED. Is t stoc GREAT STOCK-TAkING ti-LkMES GAINS ALL THIS M GAINS IN cLO GHL MENbOUS BAR9A NS IN MIL INERY,IAS TH AN4 OF THE SEAS N'S STOCK LL BE CIAIAR R ARDLESS OF COST. BAL- D OUT LASS' BUTTER AND FRESH EGGS— T ASH POGES—TAKEN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS AT HE BIG AXING FOR HIS MONTH ON Y. Farmers will in all e own wheat ground, and b better grade of flour by public has hitherto been Remember, there is no periment in our adopting thorong:h and reliable. thoroughly tested; and p success in Hungary, Ger England and the United We gave A 1 Flour p extensive change at h we guarantee better Flo trial will be -sufficient to NOW' BOOTS AND COVEN e place to buy them, if yon of Factory Made Goods is and cannot be undersold by an will not CUT PRICES la can uy the best Material, and Out che ant to get the b arge and well as house in the tra CUSTOM •pay to have wo will guarantee to give Boots that must gi pest in the end. Don't Forget the Stan st value for y orted in all th e. ADE W e satisfaction CHOPPI es get their our new eye. r, richer mil .ar than the ble td, get, the Graatul It has 'nee oved !s, great violin to ter avy cost, Ica r now. OM prove our* G. Our facilities for this class of work are nnsurpassed, and dist mere may& pend on getting- their eh pping dwelt once. Be sure and try o r famous new pro4ess—roller flour. Flour, Bran, Shorts a a Feed digit. ered to any part of Se orth, Mar. hey or Egmondville free f charge. oar Our Saw Mills a Egmondvills and Brueefield in full op ration. - mbney. My different fines, de, and 808 KYLE ds FARMERS IT Wit PAY Yet 110 man nd do so. prove the THO AS COVENTRY. —TO CALL AT HE— HURON FO NDRY1 NEAR THE HICK SOHO L EAFORTIlp And see our s k of Which has been madi especially for my Gang Plow for this SAM, Sabi, satisfied in saying that t is the hestit- the market. Our Are large and heavy, running light do ng good work. Our GRAIN CRUSHERS Are made from hard ir longer than any other Having special tools on, 11114 will lot lutah- ROHM, We can guaran.ree fagots:Am Steam Engines, Saw Special attention giv n to revolt ashrt talinko ti ni odes nd Gila Mi114 of repairs constantly 0 amiable PIO Quotations furnished o Viers—BOO To contractors and of L. D. Sawyer, Hanai ',1- MAO agent for THOMAS HENDRY. t aplov.wiieosetticallte, Bolts and Caetings ' -i.P11-111'S MILLS KIPPER. EVINI Proprietor of these well lino eland Midst has now got everything in fireteclass w celled by any naill in the untry, "WAITS VC IT. lour c%changed for wheat. Chopin/104 eseription promptly attended to. MO JOIIN 8. CAMPBELL, Pro del Lea • and Civil Engineer. tarot/ Dail iy attended to. - Nevis • trobLoe0,7gIehlaffreRiograt'am:naal , Or,ego4i,o0MoAudbealyvv, lilt 71:43 211 12111:f sel is vr 'eeldslat it re a gv -1 1 —It is said thous& 1 ggl3grategnegtfedia%%.113F i who arrived at New en Monday, rith *in party in England e 4e—inT9 l, audesptlis,ietf:ouzioti lio:d. sT,hAe (1:i:to V liolegtisotbneho rota6e0rut°:30;;:g1 iilwletleoltri 1:171: et etkr ae 1 Iiigaocern1 , Established . 'din= *mount of public -1i --Profeabor Swift -significant that the lownisit et rileactei jA )vzi s are 1,1 —A party of drill lauctister. Ohio, et annoy a -colored ea -0: l'aiii. ig_trhhgTear houpe? d:t yt bah, Beefier: irl;o:Li rine, one:of the It- eonstrueting, the Falls, it! a quarrel. and lostenti kill 14__atThehsei n.,Ti7iiaree:,id 1 retirement in 0 -ern economise. ;; Their wington Palace ha)? disposal 4-f the Mtn boats moored slot ' Pwererlii3cphosbatelio°! -virtl:i other day threaten all Buropeau prop ment decides that ' be paid for the da 'It3—cbe, etvArtttrhOinitn,c;tir•ael:et , Durham. was miP ' mil ran for the sh had only proceed was struck dead b who was only /3. cow, codified scat —A Darliogfor ' hut the weather I liave seen. of th parts of the Prov that the Pembin ' off the prize foi. the other iday to Idiisatne#13.11tZ11:,evttwf4ifre from her nshan ttnolriledFleYet:bier4rtnli propeller lAfrita handed 0 -Mr. very sielti;' tom /3. Mind iiideq.1 es 1 found hie v-ife aiscov-ered that 'Abe :site of that 'in tents for wa 't.isidadeali3Pogfaes thIllaecaE'llabiti pule betweeu r.t :".ettmhioesnet 4115:ant bi ibyg :: eotla.na, have :4-5,titenntiaryinfgor To 0 ;,- algrnt rtebitAIivI:ti .03laittili:d3'4'c Tar:7 * Gi haciTi neogar rot bit i tt b'Sweb . '.der the wheels. /neat entirely s *18122/8 s,oislathreed. fionf :whoeertilawd7a,t,shrrirsePtelieiti inaiked her ti .' -: ot trewyaerda st 06 ri141 is of a strong ',tally rcgeover. A Life Bawd hio Dr. King's Ne too, which large bottle th when doctor everything e and all tbro guaranteed. t . at E. flickson 62. All A Can any on or Liver Com will not spee cannot', as th permanently teeonamendin rove.; Bright -back, or any cured. ' They