HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-09-28, Page 2F 2 I ' I : .- I : . I antis an ,Inmplaint, uArea lid rep�)ach. e 1611; �r Iiii Jae t i,l - I oiaW BRISBEN, NOBL I thi :..., Thai Ile w tail t� of said: to �1 lo oh his b i �er -I a 81 11 -or I am gisa y-cu-aris- admi Ig bee] C M4 th farm, TAie You need I lo no w0k, vo iry Happy tc gether. I[6 r's w: sh Oolonel Geol W. &monds, in the :n� w; will bb- t. Detroit ]Free Press, says' the I' 0070rnor _SoJoseph too] up . his r� . enc( at lei B camll 0 bl p%rdoned John Brisben,. a pail-ite4ti&rY -the farm, and re en )oieing bis br Ali-, ,beI h S4 u, I Oil ally 111 %could e tt'er i �- I Ter, t 0 convict to day. m Re was sel up frOPI ers words, del I istinieI Prin I a )Out 116 -till ri Lee ti 6 h Rourbow for fifteen years far forgery, to hunting, 6bi g sioid riding I a u me a, I%rg and had ten years �yet to serve., Our 6e country. Ii Q Le Meal itime 0 Olin 1pe ebt U Jo .0 rea ders are familiar with t4e hstory of Brisben had fslen it ld� ell and' I the n Briote = I Ito ts 6de. tbij- caseL, and the * humane , motion Of dangbterofaneighbd1�zigfarnerCrc . - i His Excellency will be generally oom- ton by n am 1, and she Was hi 1 pron: ised V IRM831 RD: mended.—Frankfort (Xy.,).Xeoman; wife. Being a map of ribt h)nor 911 4 Utl Ln n f X reed, j�l little paragrmAh ana I my 'himself, -and having full - aq idence in I nalko� a t a that bali do 1'knekf John his brother, he did I not o Iiject ben i Milid went back sixy0aft Joseph began to pay1his allf anced very, ni �ny, 86� PO a and I i Jre �t j. Brisban, I also ]mew his twin brother I01 -M I Was faull with the de. marked attention. I ff ictive one a4 lm esf. It w of the action that p4mced John III am glad he likes ter,14, , he ihni Ight, ..01 isno * ivhen 11-1 am go, busy on tho-farmilbat I. �Lsve )piratic her6ps aq ier)' a ban. in, -a felon's cell, slid w littleimefor pl6asute,sud Alice 6 130 mi A through ,love, a �d a sad affair is brought back . to my lofenm oiel t a Sel Vividly, I mull write i"at'-for fond of amusement.", o music, Or been r3 ame ti him jI A as te Itil a ? C al ril it never before have I met, in, proBe or One night Joseph ..an Cal -0 I I'D Li poetry, in real life or in romance a the shadows of eveirlfno wlii,� E) bel tiling nbl.' I �uo , It h int - rit ig in lbiiritilill ater bero than plain, matter-of-fact to fall -There *xe a tritimp p gre I � I it erA,'o his voice %she jpokIll her' ing t a at k abl John Brisben. The Brisbane came of good. stock.' I Jack, old b6y," -he. said, �Loiainq out u i leittioln on th a C f an think the great-grandfather of my hero his hand, -I 'con grattifa-te me I think b � �X40ence of a lav endgmted to Kentue-ky - when Boston's that from to -day I 0 n date the b gin- 0 d4h jVeL pr �ic ever station, between tho . present City of in ingl)f a new life. lice CtomptoE has )ltllisli h ins #10 owE ve ife.11 . � , 'istorical X-aysv,ille and the-hiatorical old town of promised to be my 168, li I U y He has too much 11gr"04 'd with his jil l sicistis, k A It � In Washington, was the principal settle tn' . I Ithe effect of this acquaints 0! Ivith t on the 14dark and bloody, new happiness to see ' uae nj( at 0 Marcello, the,60ii He came from upper Pennsylvania al�jad &UnOalolcement as po trayed all J( It F the s" i - ng SEbbi mud otber works. located about five nol from the "Ohio face. He did not n ;ioe ho, v the s, i . the erc of man's hand tiremb] wa . L . B in hi's own. tbaf It wa river, on Limestone. creek. He was � an "s far in iron heityted. Is this true? fa at i, Itered J)hn i last. wWbb. i its way ndustrious, ell� in"s few years 111- Why, of couse kre YO i not to * qr matis�a-tllb,n tile old follo, and e, sur I -is I S love each other� rid sball be f ibil ellow Make ronindings were of the most comfortable. glad ?- We I i Iw lotovr bas I � adep aesoription. One of his sons, -Edwl.0 m very hap py I - I I I kr�sben, once represented Kentackv in We love 6ach otber, alold shmil be al a ael a Was ft I 3 vi(t.i the Federal Congress. I think he was very happy I" repeated Jobibi, meeb),nic- lei.. pa�sl ioa f or a mantilul frott , sul the thoi, grandfather bf John and Joseph ally, and all Ithe supshinfa, of bi life r MAI B-Irlsbea. - Their . fatbiDr's name wus. Fsnnk behind the . -heavy cl,al of des- Ill, in, ri to S, raum,-a Samuel, and be difA when they were pair. "Yes, Jodie. IBM gla' and I wish- Ini 3h t k , 1 Marcel b was un are ot happireB toieft-k- 34l a ros, 3 a little children leaving his widow'an ex- Y91110119 Y6 00 otai' cellent blue grass far. and a sting little He turned aw ai.id stagf prod, r er pi ag inV i �hele dy's best 61 , tills 2 t k bondsand mortgages. then walked, to hts- e wn roc fortunei. stoe 8, 1A Jid to in tbel eboi O� 'hei'llins The widow remained iunmartied' until I'not-stir all nigh,;. Jivilcoaa6ep,solibing. I q� Isode com ng t, ibldl It' herdflaoth. Mrs.8alelBrisbei.wars-a gioan struggled. to i his 11�8, and 'I the' e' hi'loiand, ca ad iiii so good wommn,'ind she idolixed bet twin 1:40onbeams struggling tbro' ii themin- . 1115 Vi 1010111sy titat he mmlatel, boys. Like most twins, the boys re- dow fell upoli .. is face, an surprise IN , ffe by supel Vista, on . sembled each other in a d Ist sp __�strildng man- twogreattears ealing do lot his: pale LIN extei it that all( aoitqafly' nor,. and even intimate aequaintances cheeks, He bruhed away t is evid6nde t eatn ent a 3d died. , t could not ton em apart. R�lt although of weakness and Bartow, still who the W, 81 I out in Ott: t):1 i tb the phlysical resembfince was so strong,, 'Morrow Came, Do one looking 'into his I D ti - F ti, i, an'id het e M dell there was great dissimilarity in the dis. calm, serene ey s.would have.- guessed lArnei tbal Iffeeto, . f hi .Position of the twins. Joseph Brisben -how hard wa::s a battle th. bad been I 1011. ie;loii "in b; t was very ealy. and morose sometimes fougbt and wo' in 1hat lonely cliam- 1holy,13qad e."'I at: I I at a at, cunning and revengef a]. i4a was, with- bar. - t 0 croft 4n I 11,tag � t ty of!1 al a dreamer and an enth usast; a In, un Theyw7ere no ried dand!iloei. Ma re- plcaq� well learned in books, -a briliav, frothy jected by the br de ii p] antei by 8 d:d 'in I IT I ) con eyed i.;- t, r he chose to be sociable' the groo. was a first to o,grat late . I 1. talker. when va , . Ir --one Of 6el neig i bon is (which was s6ldom), a splendid horse- thile nqwjy marr ad pal A cant I Ouse b6iring the �eputa -, oil man and & most shot. John 'on the farm was fittbd�.up Am th i /re- a( wo, . Be doin lisi rary, was cheerful caption; and Ohn BLrit an's Brisben, on the cout :)Day B ore,: v a;tcb 3d b3 41a t fn 'g. - , 1 d:ay 4 and brikht, honorable and forgiving. paid for*the fur dshin he sat . Pd. niah w He was a man of high moral principle, Hereafter,.j oliEI" he sallots wel Will dl iad �orin 0 Tec i i, 3tra B.I. 9 intensely practical and metbodical,cared divide the profit a 6f th� fail m I don't - - I f a I Ir it, as boo gh b little for books, and, although he said need-m-ach, aild You shall a. bCrger M , 1. a, .. . trusid.460oul bnflittle,waaa splendid companioni share." 7 A Tiouiere this Vei:l horsema-ii,and I don'� Ten years : P's seed; awa , �nd rohn He was a poor ., 1. as fll of exen �ero thiuk be: evoir shot. a gan in his life. He Brieben, an old mar, befoll 3 T his I ime, It ixlyt; NY mp sitions Pf Imme.-I I saw nothing -of the poetry of life, and as still worked frohi.-�t:iwn ti [ dark;that c& ian IIib otl tbi I for; sport, he enjoyed himself only wbeq hisbrother might play th, i gentleman W t I MR: ,( el hard at work.' He loved his brother, and keep in comfort; the �� rge f mily ottler 4mimrp;of s . Ai and whm they were boys together which the years bad drRvr� around, bim... tw.iti si4ter'cf , Leo I ra Old ce the: hqr a elolso'y'ths even f suffered �uniffbment many times, and It had been iiecossa�'y to tortga.- o old home 04 ily is angui. I IV . I uncomplaitogly, that IJodie' might g stead to'raise mon" to: pay s0lar I I er, Its seat free, His life was therefore a con- Joseph's gablitig__'debts, for of -late 1 lel 3een alf4cte; to I tj L� e u know aul L h(surin stant saiedfice, bult the objrect of this lov- years he had pliyedl, heavil3 - and h d in- ing ador4tion made but. ihabby reurns, variably loaf. gpiol ras in which If tbe ologi, for this uInselfit4h devotion. Ooeday—itwaBin,the,'sU!mmer of lug one They were 20L years old %hen their 1871—aforaea obeck Was breseatt: d at e eaa1ftv9rite,,:11BUC1ft very - suddlil Joseph d it a 111-C mother died one of the banks of Itbe shi'' town, by bad Aver bear fh1lowea, n trac(d-tbego made a great pretence of grief,.'and was Joseph Brisben, abd the money or . I -ed i4l d. so hysterical at the grave that he had which it called was unbesi batingly 0aid. eser t ltlIl .8lan to be led amaiy. 1 over. Hal under: the itifluen -.,Q of i rB( Xahn on. the contrary, never, aenol liquor at tbe time, and deeply intErest- nietink. V it h:Ahe, old I] Tlin ffif an me of oaras Ifor � ii,gh st a4' tive, took the great R:Riat�oij -with edin.ag . . i -Eg bi r1custowary c6olel -lie said -but 'which was -in p ogress: T to ebeak ill 6� take .;L Iva rl j for$2,500, I th Lik.. [ Bfori i dayligi t�the absenc6 littl s and shed no tears. osel 4 next morning pfist on bad lost'll the living iptler fat this �a The, propo-Irty let to t he -boys. w as cdn-. ea evry dollar ll A. Toldrovithischtgrin. thead�*usirihn.- h sidera-bI6. The tl�y they were -21 years he became beagtly drunk, told whi in! eiert his 41 it I meati �& old tiole trurstees, met and made- a settle- A4 a called )11 this condition an officer arrived llLnX! ment.. There w6 the blue grwis fartn', �_pprebendedhlm for forgery and � tter­ bivake,_E411ilving mage ro eb e -k-- �r -t $50,000: and $100,000 in well- esio valaeaa 11 - . ing a foiged 'The prisonex iNas cOffin and cc o, 1: inv.ested securitie's,whieb. could be turn confined in jail,, and word his dis liace T Oss ty the. delut u(n, was, ith the ex, when e4. ino, money. Joseph demanded a Nh lian., was sent to Jot L -n BTigbei. , The .' atter division. -A mi t came over I atl, th h t If laolly -w read the lessage and 'You can take the faxna Jak,." he said. his eyes. He f, roa. easud bly'i vLni I but ora she a s.devote. iai was never- cut Out for a farmer, ! . I.t for astrongeffort of the witl would ausicW skilli,ana I rofel Give me �75,000 in money for my share. have fallen to t1ne floor, S,ol weak was he of.soul" for him, n vi hil: go this �orb of a division " was made.- ade by thel Ock! hiLd been W�ntim In . 4 I - John cantinned on at the homestead, 4.4 She must nol 4now i I It he st 14 to Their app?ne; waE s workinginbis PI&D, methodic � .11 I arcello Uiod afil IV, YOM al w my, himself, and be 130l I , tELIAt pr - kra,-� and'slowly adding to his share of the tioDB to visit "Ilis ro e., Wb iiiarrift:ge,j loavin a rEpa money uhat be could raise out of the reached the jai be! IV6.8 a itted Olt I I V618.a; fileEhiiloll to t �os �ph, with his f ory. prolitsof the farm. cell of - �tb a rete'lled c min'al. T -ad t a 8 I email 0gathe iflyural iou newly acquired wealtl set up an estab. brother 0 3 3 1.12: lishment at the nearest town nd began What pss8ed d terviev I will ariDg th I i� Witboat ti�reidi I'llig Is a life of pleasure of the grossest sort. never be'known. r6hn B -i4ben k . del When 8, wla l I I I - up His brother gal him no advice, for he' m. - he fail be i vent at -aight tever I upA � it, is' 12 emerged fro fortu Ob- Y,DsBible. k tew it was -asaless. Joseph sperit his to the magistraterlI6 hill issuEdAba money wi digali6y, and be.- il, and mppey uneartied �h great pro warrat for tht appr4hen on of Joseph he habitual loiterer nav( fore he knew ft he was a beagar... In Brisben., a youn �ing to pass. the meaujim �e John's $25,000 had dou- Squire, be sad in b i Blow, hesl4t&t�, bled itsej��, One day Jusepli dae to on see lounging, a boA w Ing way. 'You h ve ma e a mis bake2, -eathertdchartke befall "him with a fall confeeBion of his pecuni- In Mi. B.. sbeial askel k,brea'kdowabefore ary troubles. tb�er. aistrate, w *or 0g. w1lat wa; Ja i badl a high: -egard A stuck before tbey ­Jalak,.11 he said, 1,1 am not only a, b for is, visitor. a Help _�'n willingness t:) h1borl' gar, but I am heavily iu debt. Ybu have caus d the: rrQFt6f so i'' DE of suce I - reat ,me Out like a. good fellow and I will n1cent Mau.' - I _... g- . onditio I 3�6 t work an 91 act ri settle -down and begin life in sober barn -1 But—" beg�n tbe m-9gistrate. Aacuu: but t1le wr m est. With My capacity for business I .91ssue a'n'order for my, brothers in E I iaF.t.111,01 can soon make money enouggli to repay stantrolease. He i's innocent 4 the lectr ei y, E ark until you tUrrith I have sown lon y wild oats, and int t to a, P e_n o wrong. I a: i - the guilt, i I leatiti U . sta tue ed' wilth a 1-iole helP I can soon recover man. I forlued th,e lial. o of 10ha . .1 . r brain j and it in a y al io be u-11 ib -at, I have squanered so foolish- Ellison'to the -,hedk whicl he uttered. I fc rg'lery tain sense to- e3ist it tag He did Dot know that it was a 1 , Ier.Jobn Rriben placed i, you! 1.1 - t�bat stands before It rd, FGr an stew cried ph, a astoi iished m4giii -iug both his nd sii� b is na-me to an order for. the $25w,000 he trate. "You a folirger—impossillfl.", arbl!, an I had earned so laboriously. pou the to ,,Nothing is impossibl i a tbesE days, " t J prodh Ong, jin order Wfli.tha,t be -enough, Jodie he said' the white-haired old man, Atel I ' esulti. Succesu also de asked, because I have me, much more I, I alone am g, uilty. M brother ill it �- t meas�re UPOD the ME&S, which you can have if it is necessary." nocent." aie adv . tage. (if tb a cis This, will be sufficient, old fellow," So 'Stoutly did he %ver that � le wlo� great dealof v habw was his reply. In two years I will pay the forer, that the 1 mag strata rel I- i othing more or I iss I It it back." -, ! antly issued a wirrant Ior - hi� arres i, he man It . o k, 9 )8 ill b&6k to rtown, drew his and at,the'same'time -wrote &it ordE I He weD t Ii oil IJosep is- hands Ut a i 0 tio i motiol paid his _debts,'� sold same of his -to the jailor x the rele, a. of $A I eads�'. Wiest I M X�hl horses and discharged some of his ser- Brisben. he d imp were I w i n smi iut(d at -Twel thaus4nd dollais my const le ill be. soon nother c9tch ( af e y at left out of the loan.. He itivelsted in busi- themagistrae; btthe d herO pick ty. Butsom4hng r� (r -b p iiess, andL for a while seemed really to uf , oth the p % ers. aess, is needed ; v 6 s; have reformed. John, was encontaged. I xvill not trouble bin," he Eaid ; wal �ourselves D. - the! I 'will fix thereby. ecuie 1,;oth paers. lastio t 'perei en w1i Jodie will come out all right. He is And he d Handi 1f; the 'Jail(i], fact of C �o recognize thi smaTter than I, and in fiveyears will be both. papers,hb expilaintid their. mam", "t t no a- beg n worth more money than I could make- ing thus: I - .4 a o a n d. - .. They have made a. wl' istalie. It is al; is very likely ft) M -a lif jan a merchmal, 10SEB In less thmn three years Joseph Brie- wboistobe ourprisq�nr.., My broth. a utild u 7) b pmuoller and ben's affairs were in the hands of his is innocent. an itiv �pr creditora, and the, sheriff's offico'cosad - Accordingly Jose'h Bt.sben was r I. I . T pfforts, a d is t lasi out his busiess. �Lgain he turned to his leased mna re �nmed, to tl a farn: -'Jol- I I ,,riumph Son 3 A t'. I a ri :on! r. NY hen tl brother for hellj and sympathy. remained at jail a pri I6 �novelists rote v 3ryl I, owt� that I m, siliaed a trifle care. extraordinary affair 'became known, �ibeginning.: Ti-, lesaly."hesaldbywrw of explanation. seveal Citizens offered to go 6n the ac. !, 11ra-de and eplotid I otlexpe Experik.uce is a dear teacher, and the cused man's bond, but.j! he w, uld nA lesson I have i earned I shall beVer 'for- accept their kind oftees. At iii he. trial i worl: i ut[I t1i ship Jis 0 or- Q to gi eat s get. If you come to my assistance' now he pleaded 'It. and Ny s, sentenced t) 01 Y, I : r'in tlo aP i �is not to lecon is -'Cur Can soon recover myself." fifteen ea,rs 4-t hard a e i- . Once m.c;reTohn Brisbeh placed his y Ibere: ytotr I ai tentiary. Jbgeph ;came to see him be-. : - - __ I-s- rame to a chech payable to the order of fore ne was removed to i Frankfort, bat '—The lIl an coui his brother, and oseph" entered ino their'interview was a prvate cne.� 4d und tile guida6co business again. In two years he wa a JuseplaBrUibenremaindat befari4,: ganiith e da y 3' see SionIM t 1 8: Out 3,000, ch bankrupt. but he was achang: d Man. ro ins.: Ai" I shall never succeed in business, day of his release If rolt a j Lit to 'he timo� and- �vangelist 3, were pr Jack," he said4 Help me -out of this of his deatb' he was ng ver kbown to ject ig chjefly 1) Donai Je #ouble and I *ill live with you on *the touch a card and'& d f liq6or nev E i I ads df call a tryinttg: a t % 3 i farm. I shall succeed as's farmer." passed his -li 3s. Las', 4 Lpril a aied, izatitin througlic ut tl 6 It took all of John Briii!!nns hoard to and his coniesion I bef6re ally !in I& rge i Wes ur y worn pay his brotl debts, btLt he Made to sJustice of peJ.1 wre ma Tub�_Jc 0 1 fie I is ri Ig V (51 r il lE in c v ri Tte n III*XPOSIT R.o URQ -------------- f ORL IREAL ESTAT9 -13ALE. C o it ..,8831I AUTUMN 1138 AbRE FAR OR SALE.—North h fig Ii)t go, and orth b�lf of uorth half O lot 1 coniumaloon 9, cKillop, Oat of this to d in O� ni� I te, e, idel and In a ellent ovdition for ine ow i further particulars llill to b,,oPEX'1.NG in each d�partme4t of My hou Inente Bastnr In annoucing GRAN I RtW 00 LOK,WilitbropP.Q. 819tf (Paor 1 1 at ... . .. .... that m busillaess goofs on S1 BAD' p n IF AR F011 S LE. -Lo 122, CIne6is'lon. C, b avb ranch plasepre to be able to A t y had d, - to Cl ship of.. 1 nberm bntaining 01 acres, ;11 el road brie half mile from ;ri intl g. on the g full TWENTY-FIVE- PBRqBNT, f Wlloxoter; v ere is 72 aorbs clear- IRCREASING,:the last Beaon be f i 9dch tl� I b 3 vil *go D ed and good buil lings and ences on the farm i I ) stjd Chelil Appl�l to the proprietor, Ok A "YEAR AGO. 'will b ADVANCE :over in, the history 9f nat house tave r IV. 0. 8112x8 CIUR E8 McTA VISH, Wri ixote I'�TOCK BEF( c I011 &ND VARIED LX -The eouth half of �east ie satisfactiondof placing such W lia f Lot 84. ConciQsaion jRt WILWO, sh, ILITt combined W3 dul ill hich isi Ina g and .go ill ,irl 5o acro, w Col stat � of 31Y CUSTOMBRS. CAPITAII,,LABOR n eq jall on tiva 5jil at)d Well fenc, Ill 1. There are on the Imalisas a barn 82x52 with Aable below, it I 6rge and MOST: CII[OICE Vic done their beat� in procurin TH� RICHEST all iOd log hIol 18x26 The F. -op- or har I and a gC I Elov, 111111DY eryw[llbcitioldohempaiidqnt-asyternisof )a b anl Apply !to GEUAqE ARMSTR( tions of Great Btitain and th� continout of Europe. ;My impOrtations ate til i NG, a ve gain �it Iler died B"sBels P. 0. an& V TY, a oireason loi� rAL AB I B FARAI FOR A LE -F or sale I lot- saily larger for the coming �s ason, both in QUANTITY, D�o. 5j, iu tho baflioldoonet-asion, towhip Lucia, " I r '40 to 00 scres clearod, and slot (30derich,85,fl ep, f Bel warr RE FAVORABLY in! STYLE anted !in stating I Will C 0 ar A �fr.e fioin etumos, bultinctl well timbered hEL8 mor 3, 7f,.)nt.,�e oil, baval River, � and on the ciinton a P( velty I mad, and adjoiniii the i0lilorporated- tillage of IrALUE wit ny house inthe trade, t 101 1�, r o Btyllield. For 4rma, furtber parilicialars, Al GSTONR c(nolitlorill Pf Bat imply to LINITH K1\ -eet 0 4 ARROUR, solicitors, .18 xinoi West, �Itlienebce- �T)ronlo, Otto JOLLN A10-13GAN, Hotel K*eij r,lis relatEd B lyflield. SL5 D GOO S. D I �i I tFS: f)MN CE FOR �1,-For sale, that large mfa ad comfortable rvoid'i Ce oil north Main h his music. �Sireet atpregentoccuplied y the undtilrs,*gned. t E mbrace the leadlUg noVelLties� of a se My imports in this depertmen ,)a at of The hi ,te corl a parlo [ sitthigroorn, dining ECTION': will Cox Vince 8 . iA rooln, 'kui �hen, bath room a �d six bedrooms, be- 411a, 1 ven tu re to expresei the opinio hat AN INSP lt' is Pa.- FULLY SELECTE D, I nd is of undt! sile-ijantries and closets. There Isla good. that VERY,LIN E has been CA IT VALUE. Sp dialties in c(llftrand.woods e t n cessary: conven- edly EXCELLEN ltuy lie nees. - Also tw well i -with fruit re w r grape tlees and Vi im 0 i artictilarg W, 7en t to JOHN ciXTYR. 80 )Ply Eleafarti 6 t mc at 11 - I I . .. 0 'at,C GaPit- 1 PL91RDID l3irs FARM FOR SUE.-F,i 'LACK and COLOREfll SILKS). a of a 130pa- 13 ot*% Mum" Loti 27. CoccesBion B if Anl count o Bruce, containing !Rd Lan. I vu lip -m ia w I timbered, pri I lly oct: asi 3n Ores., Thisfai 13C 11f i ORE�; SAT1 :)f V,th Mal and apme heiril ek and cedar, Boot is ACX and COL 'Velletian -if 1 -withir 7 Aliles of Ihe town -f Sorithanl and vise eloon'tA 8 mileg from All 'nfoi d mtaf on the Georgian Bay ab - 0 rjoe R 1I It w a -'K.I�nd COLOREID VELVET5, with B�oca d Lkk E ill.be Bold at billot-dot x III wsv bargaia_ Apply MnL�E�:� BROTHERS, Fox- POBXTC R Office, 8 aforth. 804 to Ic ombine!; o her tas;e J�A FOR 8 LE -FO We, lot 18, conces- S.013 4, Tuc"rmith Containing 100 acres, of nds, of her A hich 80 acres ate clearo�, ff ea from stuml)s we -I 'BLACK a�d COLORED CASHMERES, I6 a fit o)f f(,nde(.,unaer-Lir,6iiieda-i�itliiiahiighstat.eofouivi- nl It s. 3 6 uRg vilior. Thebuth is hardwood. .There is 110 aste land oil th farm. T it re' are good frame .1io 'to suoh water. b jildoga_z good. orcliard a: 'd plerity of pAT N BIZIOCADES, F c., Etc. E an, &: I tnot or ii is 0ithin 6 nif es of Staf ttlit, aud'3 from Kip- 1 it ig. one of the best 11 ruls in the town 'E or body- p 3n. ship, aidmlillbii Id heap,asti16 proprietor isnow. j E c aurah of n the fu S �ENT OF ALSO, A MAGNIF I CENT AS ORT f miligiNoako Apply o rin onto the C seeivig it, dergigued. 2ni coul 0, AlcKillop. TH Os. tE rash Poe- RIEVE. 807 O! lor elan- a AIRK ill Tuck fol Isale. For Rale: that oplentlildfaim,knowul 11 es 11 aving wiJbi le Moore Parill HOIS Ribbons Lac Ties, mall: Rul la Lot� -8.,Tuekerswitb �iery, 6'loves, �Iqrsetsl ton iUg 5 Coneessiori 4, 91. R lb2aneR ab6ut05 of which are -clear' I A of 1L* C ants � nink Water F Circulars, Et Etc. PrO (d #In,] in 1% high sta;e 0,1 alitivati(aiTthe balance nos, There 1 a III, 0 ri ou e an (d orvpt imbered. Ild s, iv hi: �h C ood n d !% S len id orobard. 1 The Sell ah4 the i ef; fro baunt- 1 Jrm !a I six 1 a F &,me from Clint, 00 and is !thin a mile of sahool. ly an y 0 a. J Lppl3 to tbe pro )flef or �qn Ithe premides or to burse, Orth P. 0 I Proprietor. 781 101 0, W �TAPLES a l6bing Me u g and play . . . . . Al- TA .OR 9 LE 7UCKERSMUH.-The. �Whitf nsed of am ab,:)wiDg:t ae productions 1 -M;Jls.. See it tile for 0 of arm looLt-i iWas 1100 ort i in d is' comp of th " �18 1 to, and12 2n4 coneepsit S., Tulre FG1ann 11 Fane 111anne)E ; see my Blarlil , 16rey and Brown Ca:nto It lies within tWO a Td- q- from i s, a yard up. Fall a"'ortmet of I -a. itil a arWr miles y G and White Cottons, _f roml five jt,,� i alf miles of nt ens LlI eta ion, and fo.0 T id F -4isbings. Ind.' indeed ettr'. The so a. There are 175 F 1. X a ay ll oleare-4 nt M the I ede1 to grass. otown mus- onrilance of sprin i w'ater on the prenAlf3es. Ibi,rearetwo g ud d* , ii1,09 houa-s, two barns, Among ith lutbuildfing i attk two large Orchards, IMJLLINEIRY C W ' Eli&da, bout otie Ben. o grill I Yi?? 8 and a quantity of .�AND M,AINTLE"'t r1embling ther small fruit 1. '1� . 4. pu, wi.11 be. sold in one renas colild )r diiided to sui i pq rel Piice mod�'erato wide repuation throu enal 1)r it 1, i informa"on aduress I Our Millibery Departn�ent has eatnea such a carr, I li!ada bad odgarvillo P. (. J. Pro�hctlm 815 'M6 ,ion th4t comments unnecE Beary. We can safely saythit W thi 3 at ility by m u h the LAAGEST, CHOICE S T and MOST CAREFULLY SUE� 01 Pale, la- LU' and PRIGE 9 ie day a A]iM FOR- S&LE -40: nortti half S�cannot be''beaten. A stoc , N%hich fb� STYLES,VA a wall silig. of lot 30, concesflim 8, blorris, c�)nt4ining eut has been slwa�s under I he most able iItisL.nagbme*t, and f r yel 00acres. Aboiit76oi,vi.�chare'cliared,i�.13,Ier- depmrtlu m as, an; acknowledged to- be the LEA] bYed, find ne,trly tref from . Ftwops.: This have given it special attention, ant]�: t is, DOW W-siv as Ehal m io7eituftted on�thelnoftheila grkyel.oad, two ST. IMILLINERY HOUSE V: THE:'VE b or(, . she ilea from Br6i4sels,land 18 from SesJorth. here are good laildirigs add fences, also a good udolm o the. S splendid assortment of all the If rehard and an abuntlau O' df splendid f4irioing rial� 11tr fai I in-,, slo Ing I cree k illinery Mate We bav8 a imber oia I he fa i t n. eatheTs of every i escri I 9. The finest stock --of Biic a dnd Funcy F, I 17,8101te in rins through it. it sexcellent place, al I Dovoltif stock of OSTEUCH F*ATE easy terme &IS t -be Cl to our nmense and a few ill be a ild C'WIP I n I S -pe' 'al attention is called roprietor is ge I l tir) ktl ill desirous t, �ril ()oixpai ison wi L It show they are far elow 'present market -value. 0 Iiousil worr an rom farming, I fulther particular8�apply c,ot a ab:)rt h the pro-ioee or t P. 0. 1.01PERT I BURNS,Propri tor. 1812 0#61 Il it- AR -111. IN I TJ OKERS311 TH FOR SXLE, -For is time, h( F sale, lot'10 coll i8, Tuckersialith, coil- Ie w Sk'wls, Aantles -and Mantle. Mal ria we *a jot in acr i a taining 60 Is, l of N%,bich is. clear(d and I nearl�'all free f om tum, l, under -drained, well LE DU to ror it "ADE MIAN fei-cea and ill a high state 6f cultivation. 11 here i TLI I � we have the"' Li�test _&�d Nel ME ae he is a 11r. t -class (rc6rd. a.1 rame barLi and s ables, In READIY21 . I Ulsters and Sha*1e, in r; A io happi. a hewed log hot i p, and a, I never failing pring SbFil)6 nd Finis nd at prices to f ait the times. qui . a cout 31:lt well. Thisfarnils withir five miles of tie, vaXle by Fall assortuieuO of. Man ile Cloths, Mantle Orn4ments, Fringl ona go . od grawl road and a school honse t the aeery choice things in Fancyll Vool Goods. L�RDo not buy yot r Chi r of the lo;. it' all:o'within four ni iles of Son -ound )ut curne is: I as not Leal the vi lage of Rippe The farm. will e sold Wool ibods, until you havle examiA 'd our sto mirer of his with or withou the rol,., Apply to th pro-, I all o SM ity prietor'on the emis 8, r to gniondviHe P. 0. PETER 3100 806 ot, er sifter ARM FOR ALEi INZi HULLETT - llfort� F ED OLOTHIN parts of L ; 34 til 35,'Concemiooa 13, Coin- TWE DS AND RDER mrt-lived, for ;i , taining 112 acres; 60 �acrcm cleared; the r main. 8 afLer their d,, it, good hardwoodbuftV. Soil, clay 101L well Riling spring Creek rising b a arger tation which iatered with a never This dep, limaut will a foun'.. rery attractive, havi niantid on the remistia. Wr me barn and atrAbles, log Leave yoi x order, and yo will fln� we 0 giv( Ids, rw soon enlent than any far r season., 11 bouseandaigo dyOu gcrahbrd Itiscou Y RE *SON, to churches a'n( sebocl, lind is -situate'd 4� miles G od V't the est of Cloth, and th) Latest Stylorsil t a VER ii�om Clinton. For further I on good All-wqol Clo from' Blyth �ni 30 FMU OTE—W are in olosition. to sell. 17 particulars ol�pp'y to rlf111 CUN1�1N6HA34, P4 6613 vo asto ish you. S lendid l.ue in Worst�! 001s. uc3es3in on the Sonth p rt pf 0ai lots, or to 11011des. 799� -0, S Im. boroug4 P. 0. 6ti I oade V AL on X FOR SAL-ri..-:0 c 'hundred all for con tes ;o I ewt sale in Tu,,kers ii I ith, ein- lot 2 2, L. R. S., Tuck 'th, b ere ate on thti pren-1-- bi in g 4 any �Sonlll rame baTn and fl tables, ises a g ravle REAbw E OLOTHING11 ood f an wholn and t d Is. There' are a good orelvird N1,0 g Isiting or the. 867 acres cletured and 70 fr, of stumps and well itted. by exp stock V76 Adm ti ll go to under-draine dan inig p Od state of cultivation Tb larg st of Toroi to to Select f . and ohe,half ."heap ihey llegin— the. balance Is i l 4 P Led with liard-wOd, It be,sub6rior 0 any. ordered"work oal side of the ziWs, issituatell ll In 0,116 m1,Q of Brucefield 4ation, y1a. Buying as I do from he best manuf i Leturel -nd sideri�g qftall: iy and st 3�ar�. Ability ande,inveniaid to seliofflp' find. churches, a t6 give you Ire ILI a two I 1. ' - C; 61I ada cimptoduce, I am preparec within 6 miles of eafort! ii,and 7 miles of Clin. Bton, and a gooi I grav�l rc ad to both places; For It particulars Apy ly to -tile )�oprletor on the prem- MaChiDE) :n a ises. or by letier' to TE OXAS MUNRO,,Bruce- ORST-0. ASS Still -To A FIRST -C OVER00AT A'y be f a Of field P, 0. 806 PAN c aVL , dr a, w' no IAND E Ty IftR(I SALE -The' undersigned offer their in I a. �t�e FOR Fruit.Evapioritor ai d Cider Mills for sale tin the art ist'l cheap and upon My t irs of payment, 'The pr ths Bbut ot I I compebi don. See my cotch T weed, Canada' A a car. buildingshave bAen! fl d up in a C�Ml)lete ; mannen fr C.Krr3 I. I f tile Fruit ltvapor- EAglieh and Yrenob. War ited Sui 8 Have one loo at my Fancy rweed marloll block r th Wig OLD 0 ating B Ines re i i ow in fint-class work Ing co�ts- and be' �ozivinc, iat whaC.'say Is correct,', 1at you� can rei illy ii, i a a -one. ad by purchal order,'Ind ic paying ibusiness can be Ad hat u have but he inust save Money, �ut make a arge in 'est on W bxa-in to Dear ButmasWA ol-ertson, �lie of the partnereof Wil fail and wint�ir supply f m me. -k hard and the firm of ID. D. on & Co , has gone to E niont6n, Nor] hwest:' T rxitory, to remaml per- an. 7 p ac tie vionently, the ii -lust be -sold and the PrOpor told � -in a ,a( I ly closed up. For any, busirl of sai I firm fil particulars *ilh rega�rd t d said property apply to M ING. 1 roi npi no s the nudersign D, WILSON. Seaforth. 762 ONSTERSTOOK10F UND ROL9TH e o: 1. tb a �id). Ial -]no -VARM IN BULL� For sale TT FOR $ALE., 11 his. I t the east half of Pt 5, coliceAsion 3, Md th( A, oice of over 2 0 ozen Abirts, Double �Breated, �maae of the -,bon eas open, � 8r d South half of,15t 15,,,bon - ion 4, Hullel adian anu� Im ported I Wools wr ih Pants to mfl,f�h, sellin� from 5e up. 3 es. tabling 300 acres, 80 oft which are 61eall Nvel �.i I. (it's, tb at s ershirtB nd Drawpl:S—al 81 zes Cardigan 4ckets, Overalh, Ove fenced, and in a high st Ae of aultivatio . lit Ua.d lice,' a ClELlms unclearedpOl ig�wllll timberedi It is pat. etc I great 1variety. Wben be seas ticularly well adapited for %to k. i Th re is splendidly finishe(di itta 0 house, willh go d cellal 'the orlportuill and stove fondatilon also a"barn36.).56,an a than Mart- tood stables, shed pol. all otbe neCOSSILry out iAND .-FURNISHINGS. ull HAITS OAPS .InOw how, to dinga. 7here are[ to good Orchards o thersency. An choice fruit tr aes. *Isd plenty:of good wate 'h ur and Wool, Felts it, the (b I i ever s� gem B On thb whole the farm ils one of the Tlassea, 3on I show the best t I! F pletely rigged In I lie toN uship and will e soll. otifined to myse, 8 of Rome of t, b at manuf acturers, c A'ea'f 0, forgets !ap slid, on alisit te� m It is Within 8 mile: Hax,vin P, the t roduct oh( -4. flie I wo:.,k ovbr of Clinton and 7 sell yo.i the -finest Far 1�lolt Christ for $2. A 19pecial ratigil Of Soft'Fu eftforth, wi I goo cc Is. el roads Joading to baell place 'ALPPI - to thi all ne at $1,75, whichImust be an. to be appreciated. grav Nate re su( i proprietor on the p emises, or to Clintwo P.. 0 I o f oletl ine Only WKIN10,11LEAN. in will be of. N st of Sel to6bez. larler'otie. fered to rent i'not eolh [by the 1 8 9x4tf Narded w�th,l a 1 ot No 4. cone ARAi FOR SA op lion 12 po-- ular F ich arb most Grey,'co xtainir�.- 1)0 aerus, 80 c w 'i th cleared and in a g000d:. state of cnllivatj Dn" and or Staff it lemning their 'ell ulader-draino:d;� thr balarco, is timbe -ed with I keep is department constiIntly asooloted wAh the Freshest and 4 hardwood. 11here aie on the premiseslalllmmi 1. :�ap -value. St -ISrS, I -nd ckmllar,s bever! failiny ti I roll 20 ound—remki kable ot to turn out house with k talien! it I seasonable g ads. . Teas Eir apl)re tice- Bpring of living watpr, v bink barit au& stabl(3 Currants, et .,the best in qualit , and the dbeapost. ecret o � s ccess 40rL60. All t1obuillk4are i3early new. Fou first -c ass Boots and Shoes, which must be clel aeres of'a Cocd Veflirilalg Jrebard of clanice fruill. A ssortment a,c:,,ed,but a waYE It is-�ltbin a mile and a half of Brur-sels amd for want of room, X. t-wo miles froin a'ralkwa; station� Tbe-f�=53 A; .1 33ow confine. my: b Ailless to REOY CASH, - PB ODU( good in the pl�oduction ''of grBill andi-oots,anl �l my goods PRODfPT.FAYING CUSTOM IIS, purchasers �vill find al nti6n at '-',hic- for stock raih: ng� and gro. zi r g ptirpoRes Cft Rearef- of Moody, be- ly be surpas .d. I A:brn-uch nf -the river 1dwitlant de artment MARKED A CASH PRICES -0 I runs across t io.qorz3 er, furnishing a n(.v faili or. the 18�th sripply of rur i3ing.water. The bed of ' ho riv lin. cont ins a qt ;trry of t1to be, t specia'S of limT- --E: 0 T 0 14l 111T_V:Er_r IC itifli, 13 sters Esent. Tb) 8b. stone for bdilding­pdrposes that t a coon 7 affords, whiel will beco ine 06 --min of vealtb r the be t i itself as timb w gets sco . roe. This farm niust a I art-. of evalol -will be sold, I .nd as; th� proprietpr. intei itli THOMAS KIDI cl try, e peci, grating to il a XoAh IwFst someoner will it bargain. ly to the �undersigned on the ing the c(Minj A ises, oc by za 11 to Bru�Bele PoEt Met. WARNER. lCorlaer of Mai d MarketStMC to., T I7f 0 ;!: Fo VEI M t! Wn 40P�1' III&PT, &PTEM131m 28 1883 cotta� Old; 3Watches and! A, aid .,d6* Of the I 0 Cloos, ilng "4 t1te 1)iigh"t tU do is Ja6g still the ita r -b Im '6 tuough Where 113 the best place it, tov !if lived 1 Watches a -ad C11 k At Goanter'o Jewell, r in el,*" giIll 13 'there you. Will alljo find % go� 01 .81*e you 'kro oon ia �th ILY $took of jewelry, a we., tbstl) 1010ck-s,'silve Platea w�r xna IN Jwil COMPr On inie ith is Ti. He guararitfles allgooas �lia r5preltelltttd� t)le t -A had tjy Win _tl I th d Every one that wants Cr43F8 g400as It . I L ilea 2,t ditybreak bol goes to Countelr�s. I baeiawa looked )RE it C3 S916faletion given or :m' bn ey ref utt&,d blew early Ill Said qu!Ck Mve MI' And don't fo rget to Firke his s;Wlf r i I las , be4tbiYO" Mont of iu tl due- re Up 3000 Alaim, Seth tholn as 'Nei 9 & &* rHaven and other clo6lig; hoW :lyi.ble, .ce 111,28 Diamond " R and Se'ari P Ile ..that 'r.� ins Ith's to 4d 1br the Weduling �nd Band Pn V bae 'te dg lost for Ind I _Al though hi art be. or, thoug: h eon ter's for Mearschalim Ulid Bliar be*% a0ll Pipes. B... jj;ds eall no 101 d AM Latebt styles in XteR14 Laud- Lop P it said— 'on at the loadim. ta �jTen WAT, exhibit' 9 0. � , Land I. Vk store. for a Careful attention :giv 1111� to repi(nitig fine Watches. nivqs, Scisors, Pocket B k ()oMbs and Bruslies. I;Spectacle from 25c to $12. to 1jit 41 M& b esights. he bra!' you ible lexamP el onderful )u]:l efis raoal W. IMI' R. COU N'TER, leeper I t way 0, The Leading Jeweller, oppogite � Ug on Furter's Furn a Store. . il t Y tort ben SEALFOR fA I WaDtLed ray 1.h4aut I'M STOVE AND 1_ NWAR I h*Ld ly Iff I E MY PORI des -%�iog too be6u t C. Me roolIt'l K Ey ]k,,D 3n UwA2, Always keeps on hand 'a f alk line of the 4i 31OW $ latest atylel of 't's Prize la;tA 00K, BOX A PA STORL Their beauty shows t'kel and t1le Shari Ire rice slls them. p Old do-eto Impt, in 0 TINWARE; u 0 w�ys reco - llOf every description al, in stwk, makyll our goods, ldnt afford to 1, jW0 =8 gu.arLLnt* thom goo: and right in pri I -� a �Ie - Ut . sf Lill line bf Table Imad Tooket ft Ille�y at very low prices.: N 6 i1a k -e b stock for preserving, Oc. All SkN, eltB 11 bu 3M I and prices. ava; hi k at everi gt E"ETROUGHILNG -s the howlig lf011ow�ed.by a i and All kinds of Jobbitili rk promptly to her' father. �e my attended, and sa:tif3f action guarantaedr� .0 ' ITI louse aear; mi Parties wanting good's iii my line Xt 1! will pay th-em to see my stock atia i 1 reply- '-compare prices. word! I 1 the 'follow. '&a,forth CAeap to4ve te Tin- Hosell !-,will go Up with me The,, paut�ing, ba 06 :M. WHITNEY, jvora,34 ghout peated. tbve started from 7 very I Latei WhitnO Brothers, W, wit b ey ,TED na bi this W ORKS11 the Nvrthy ige 7E ith go mysel )ING IMe! I SEAFORTR NT. —Thomas Once Mom To .3 Front, fsa�d to hav=6 It A-,Obk up literature, miling ption. Ii so Malinyof his he '.ERS. PILMAN CON 1i An zareitect 1!8 186 What d !11 anyway. Beg to state that they hsv� now on"itsua ust take to Inake a large num 'Of times as much us oCOVERED AMR 01 11 BUCCIS. h! eks. xn� of. various designs, all of t-beir Olt several we a anG arr manuf actur theW -V letf material and workrial Shil , which fliev r � 01.4 10 ei terial, great will sell VERY CHEAP FOR CAN, hat, Wuld. you V pa,std70oar,& box; B, etc. or on approved Short -Paper. A sup� room. ly dIren's 0 I&- It will pay cae� b.yers to eye been knoa- t' iin � a place or , them a call, as they neee money Aud on are prepared to make a s to pr0- im jft�15ey t ad Groeeri A Two seaea Carriag a] Wagon, both of our a' vn inaks, town for some for sale at a bar, known. A stral stock askled -why the 11 you a named, und the I Work M ade to order as u anl a Be- neq,il kno Pairs promptly executed.- )the at —Bishop Reckp tbee hundred 0 13. E R REME-M 40n, time If yon want to save M fly go to IV man & Co.'s, Seaforth. cau get -a i tbe soply of be - Better Artide bir Le8s ffov t illottyl emau'd. The O. oil trodoo�iea to -the other town -�lr �oity in Of t y 1 his couch, eyea i I don't believib i tat try, ill1q. to So you -are to rts- to M. PILMAN & Co., 8611JOl Well'. "When I tele ir can- .. ..... . .......... A Welsh biobloap 4 z that _S�. being in a like C-6 SO-tTLLE. ea bed. feir"I F92 —OF— �OR: ERATED ur A Sbx� MAIM I Despotic P rweed" The Magic our' a for i should T110l beir868, to -e ght, Over- he o, is vealtity.. A g your COOCHS, COLDS & 30111 T.-HROAT, I What is _y th Soi� during the past year, nd fhe do, Titit �Brown, -w,vbo v man'd constantly increasing-. :1 ni* *Ile zad I from 4ndle-as 01 Kidd& Sony Dub jfes�rs. Joseph BOl Jf.r. Jas. DrumMond,, ly4h. ea to nn uly wife 4111 we A. detv Govenlock, Wintk-OT- Jwmes Camphill -11, Waltwk- you W11 Scott, 2rucofield. The t�tnth, Thi?,n take H� nry Schafer3 Kippen. 161rasping Brom arket Ja�. Bonthron d- Ill am I that My -t L HeneaU) 1, I can I the cl-b-tah4e Felt&" And wholesale or i8tail f'rota IWelt they "K LUMEJOEN -& WILSON 'fiaad:e Yihe; tn 'When Dis Imillia Manufacturers, Saf'o"th kbge4 to efl' Mrs.1, Brow -a - A. -78 W Moileest, LIM in$, 'BRUSSELS E 1 A A I� tl� e P 4. wed Ir . OWN & SOS out tv of -whexl rtunity-d is subrieribers take this OPPO `E s ring. _&rid ii a T turnI.1)g thank� to the. illl in each an� vicinity forast pstroage, and both aade several imPrO vilients in tbat'havink n _�s -cc ]all and mode of burning, they are low bet r posItion thin ever before io supply *�ich 10 publicwitll first-class 11hile. taper �fingem? ninth Season 0 out bus� 11jis; beIpg the yen unq pa�% loluk< and havin dealings in Brussels, rely but fled atisfUtiOns0far the pubic CS ireee e *ng .�ood trestmentnd a ff""165' laaua t!; Fint-Clas8IiU10zt1ft.,CWA- rec im the opot,—Brumls LiweWorks' 611 P16P TOWN II F 71 III I ' I : .- I : . I antis an ,Inmplaint, uArea lid rep�)ach. e 1611; �r Iiii Jae t i,l - I oiaW BRISBEN, NOBL I thi :..., Thai Ile w tail t� of said: to �1 lo oh his b i �er -I a 81 11 -or I am gisa y-cu-aris- admi Ig bee] C M4 th farm, TAie You need I lo no w0k, vo iry Happy tc gether. I[6 r's w: sh Oolonel Geol W. &monds, in the :n� w; will bb- t. Detroit ]Free Press, says' the I' 0070rnor _SoJoseph too] up . his r� . enc( at lei B camll 0 bl p%rdoned John Brisben,. a pail-ite4ti&rY -the farm, and re en )oieing bis br Ali-, ,beI h S4 u, I Oil ally 111 %could e tt'er i �- I Ter, t 0 convict to day. m Re was sel up frOPI ers words, del I istinieI Prin I a )Out 116 -till ri Lee ti 6 h Rourbow for fifteen years far forgery, to hunting, 6bi g sioid riding I a u me a, I%rg and had ten years �yet to serve., Our 6e country. Ii Q Le Meal itime 0 Olin 1pe ebt U Jo .0 rea ders are familiar with t4e hstory of Brisben had fslen it ld� ell and' I the n Briote = I Ito ts 6de. tbij- caseL, and the * humane , motion Of dangbterofaneighbd1�zigfarnerCrc . - i His Excellency will be generally oom- ton by n am 1, and she Was hi 1 pron: ised V IRM831 RD: mended.—Frankfort (Xy.,).Xeoman; wife. Being a map of ribt h)nor 911 4 Utl Ln n f X reed, j�l little paragrmAh ana I my 'himself, -and having full - aq idence in I nalko� a t a that bali do 1'knekf John his brother, he did I not o Iiject ben i Milid went back sixy0aft Joseph began to pay1his allf anced very, ni �ny, 86� PO a and I i Jre �t j. Brisban, I also ]mew his twin brother I01 -M I Was faull with the de. marked attention. I ff ictive one a4 lm esf. It w of the action that p4mced John III am glad he likes ter,14, , he ihni Ight, ..01 isno * ivhen 11-1 am go, busy on tho-farmilbat I. �Lsve )piratic her6ps aq ier)' a ban. in, -a felon's cell, slid w littleimefor pl6asute,sud Alice 6 130 mi A through ,love, a �d a sad affair is brought back . to my lofenm oiel t a Sel Vividly, I mull write i"at'-for fond of amusement.", o music, Or been r3 ame ti him jI A as te Itil a ? C al ril it never before have I met, in, proBe or One night Joseph ..an Cal -0 I I'D Li poetry, in real life or in romance a the shadows of eveirlfno wlii,� E) bel tiling nbl.' I �uo , It h int - rit ig in lbiiritilill ater bero than plain, matter-of-fact to fall -There *xe a tritimp p gre I � I it erA,'o his voice %she jpokIll her' ing t a at k abl John Brisben. The Brisbane came of good. stock.' I Jack, old b6y," -he. said, �Loiainq out u i leittioln on th a C f an think the great-grandfather of my hero his hand, -I 'con grattifa-te me I think b � �X40ence of a lav endgmted to Kentue-ky - when Boston's that from to -day I 0 n date the b gin- 0 d4h jVeL pr �ic ever station, between tho . present City of in ingl)f a new life. lice CtomptoE has )ltllisli h ins #10 owE ve ife.11 . � , 'istorical X-aysv,ille and the-hiatorical old town of promised to be my 168, li I U y He has too much 11gr"04 'd with his jil l sicistis, k A It � In Washington, was the principal settle tn' . I Ithe effect of this acquaints 0! Ivith t on the 14dark and bloody, new happiness to see ' uae nj( at 0 Marcello, the,60ii He came from upper Pennsylvania al�jad &UnOalolcement as po trayed all J( It F the s" i - ng SEbbi mud otber works. located about five nol from the "Ohio face. He did not n ;ioe ho, v the s, i . the erc of man's hand tiremb] wa . L . B in hi's own. tbaf It wa river, on Limestone. creek. He was � an "s far in iron heityted. Is this true? fa at i, Itered J)hn i last. wWbb. i its way ndustrious, ell� in"s few years 111- Why, of couse kre YO i not to * qr matis�a-tllb,n tile old follo, and e, sur I -is I S love each other� rid sball be f ibil ellow Make ronindings were of the most comfortable. glad ?- We I i Iw lotovr bas I � adep aesoription. One of his sons, -Edwl.0 m very hap py I - I I I kr�sben, once represented Kentackv in We love 6ach otber, alold shmil be al a ael a Was ft I 3 vi(t.i the Federal Congress. I think he was very happy I" repeated Jobibi, meeb),nic- lei.. pa�sl ioa f or a mantilul frott , sul the thoi, grandfather bf John and Joseph ally, and all Ithe supshinfa, of bi life r MAI B-Irlsbea. - Their . fatbiDr's name wus. Fsnnk behind the . -heavy cl,al of des- Ill, in, ri to S, raum,-a Samuel, and be difA when they were pair. "Yes, Jodie. IBM gla' and I wish- Ini 3h t k , 1 Marcel b was un are ot happireB toieft-k- 34l a ros, 3 a little children leaving his widow'an ex- Y91110119 Y6 00 otai' cellent blue grass far. and a sting little He turned aw ai.id stagf prod, r er pi ag inV i �hele dy's best 61 , tills 2 t k bondsand mortgages. then walked, to hts- e wn roc fortunei. stoe 8, 1A Jid to in tbel eboi O� 'hei'llins The widow remained iunmartied' until I'not-stir all nigh,;. Jivilcoaa6ep,solibing. I q� Isode com ng t, ibldl It' herdflaoth. Mrs.8alelBrisbei.wars-a gioan struggled. to i his 11�8, and 'I the' e' hi'loiand, ca ad iiii so good wommn,'ind she idolixed bet twin 1:40onbeams struggling tbro' ii themin- . 1115 Vi 1010111sy titat he mmlatel, boys. Like most twins, the boys re- dow fell upoli .. is face, an surprise IN , ffe by supel Vista, on . sembled each other in a d Ist sp __�strildng man- twogreattears ealing do lot his: pale LIN extei it that all( aoitqafly' nor,. and even intimate aequaintances cheeks, He bruhed away t is evid6nde t eatn ent a 3d died. , t could not ton em apart. R�lt although of weakness and Bartow, still who the W, 81 I out in Ott: t):1 i tb the phlysical resembfince was so strong,, 'Morrow Came, Do one looking 'into his I D ti - F ti, i, an'id het e M dell there was great dissimilarity in the dis. calm, serene ey s.would have.- guessed lArnei tbal Iffeeto, . f hi .Position of the twins. Joseph Brisben -how hard wa::s a battle th. bad been I 1011. ie;loii "in b; t was very ealy. and morose sometimes fougbt and wo' in 1hat lonely cliam- 1holy,13qad e."'I at: I I at a at, cunning and revengef a]. i4a was, with- bar. - t 0 croft 4n I 11,tag � t ty of!1 al a dreamer and an enth usast; a In, un Theyw7ere no ried dand!iloei. Ma re- plcaq� well learned in books, -a briliav, frothy jected by the br de ii p] antei by 8 d:d 'in I IT I ) con eyed i.;- t, r he chose to be sociable' the groo. was a first to o,grat late . I 1. talker. when va , . Ir --one Of 6el neig i bon is (which was s6ldom), a splendid horse- thile nqwjy marr ad pal A cant I Ouse b6iring the �eputa -, oil man and & most shot. John 'on the farm was fittbd�.up Am th i /re- a( wo, . Be doin lisi rary, was cheerful caption; and Ohn BLrit an's Brisben, on the cout :)Day B ore,: v a;tcb 3d b3 41a t fn 'g. - , 1 d:ay 4 and brikht, honorable and forgiving. paid for*the fur dshin he sat . Pd. niah w He was a man of high moral principle, Hereafter,.j oliEI" he sallots wel Will dl iad �orin 0 Tec i i, 3tra B.I. 9 intensely practical and metbodical,cared divide the profit a 6f th� fail m I don't - - I f a I Ir it, as boo gh b little for books, and, although he said need-m-ach, aild You shall a. bCrger M , 1. a, .. . trusid.460oul bnflittle,waaa splendid companioni share." 7 A Tiouiere this Vei:l horsema-ii,and I don'� Ten years : P's seed; awa , �nd rohn He was a poor ., 1. as fll of exen �ero thiuk be: evoir shot. a gan in his life. He Brieben, an old mar, befoll 3 T his I ime, It ixlyt; NY mp sitions Pf Imme.-I I saw nothing -of the poetry of life, and as still worked frohi.-�t:iwn ti [ dark;that c& ian IIib otl tbi I for; sport, he enjoyed himself only wbeq hisbrother might play th, i gentleman W t I MR: ,( el hard at work.' He loved his brother, and keep in comfort; the �� rge f mily ottler 4mimrp;of s . Ai and whm they were boys together which the years bad drRvr� around, bim... tw.iti si4ter'cf , Leo I ra Old ce the: hqr a elolso'y'ths even f suffered �uniffbment many times, and It had been iiecossa�'y to tortga.- o old home 04 ily is angui. I IV . I uncomplaitogly, that IJodie' might g stead to'raise mon" to: pay s0lar I I er, Its seat free, His life was therefore a con- Joseph's gablitig__'debts, for of -late 1 lel 3een alf4cte; to I tj L� e u know aul L h(surin stant saiedfice, bult the objrect of this lov- years he had pliyedl, heavil3 - and h d in- ing ador4tion made but. ihabby reurns, variably loaf. gpiol ras in which If tbe ologi, for this uInselfit4h devotion. Ooeday—itwaBin,the,'sU!mmer of lug one They were 20L years old %hen their 1871—aforaea obeck Was breseatt: d at e eaa1ftv9rite,,:11BUC1ft very - suddlil Joseph d it a 111-C mother died one of the banks of Itbe shi'' town, by bad Aver bear fh1lowea, n trac(d-tbego made a great pretence of grief,.'and was Joseph Brisben, abd the money or . I -ed i4l d. so hysterical at the grave that he had which it called was unbesi batingly 0aid. eser t ltlIl .8lan to be led amaiy. 1 over. Hal under: the itifluen -.,Q of i rB( Xahn on. the contrary, never, aenol liquor at tbe time, and deeply intErest- nietink. V it h:Ahe, old I] Tlin ffif an me of oaras Ifor � ii,gh st a4' tive, took the great R:Riat�oij -with edin.ag . . i -Eg bi r1custowary c6olel -lie said -but 'which was -in p ogress: T to ebeak ill 6� take .;L Iva rl j for$2,500, I th Lik.. [ Bfori i dayligi t�the absenc6 littl s and shed no tears. osel 4 next morning pfist on bad lost'll the living iptler fat this �a The, propo-Irty let to t he -boys. w as cdn-. ea evry dollar ll A. Toldrovithischtgrin. thead�*usirihn.- h sidera-bI6. The tl�y they were -21 years he became beagtly drunk, told whi in! eiert his 41 it I meati �& old tiole trurstees, met and made- a settle- A4 a called )11 this condition an officer arrived llLnX! ment.. There w6 the blue grwis fartn', �_pprebendedhlm for forgery and � tter­ bivake,_E411ilving mage ro eb e -k-- �r -t $50,000: and $100,000 in well- esio valaeaa 11 - . ing a foiged 'The prisonex iNas cOffin and cc o, 1: inv.ested securitie's,whieb. could be turn confined in jail,, and word his dis liace T Oss ty the. delut u(n, was, ith the ex, when e4. ino, money. Joseph demanded a Nh lian., was sent to Jot L -n BTigbei. , The .' atter division. -A mi t came over I atl, th h t If laolly -w read the lessage and 'You can take the faxna Jak,." he said. his eyes. He f, roa. easud bly'i vLni I but ora she a s.devote. iai was never- cut Out for a farmer, ! . I.t for astrongeffort of the witl would ausicW skilli,ana I rofel Give me �75,000 in money for my share. have fallen to t1ne floor, S,ol weak was he of.soul" for him, n vi hil: go this �orb of a division " was made.- ade by thel Ock! hiLd been W�ntim In . 4 I - John cantinned on at the homestead, 4.4 She must nol 4now i I It he st 14 to Their app?ne; waE s workinginbis PI&D, methodic � .11 I arcello Uiod afil IV, YOM al w my, himself, and be 130l I , tELIAt pr - kra,-� and'slowly adding to his share of the tioDB to visit "Ilis ro e., Wb iiiarrift:ge,j loavin a rEpa money uhat be could raise out of the reached the jai be! IV6.8 a itted Olt I I V618.a; fileEhiiloll to t �os �ph, with his f ory. prolitsof the farm. cell of - �tb a rete'lled c min'al. T -ad t a 8 I email 0gathe iflyural iou newly acquired wealtl set up an estab. brother 0 3 3 1.12: lishment at the nearest town nd began What pss8ed d terviev I will ariDg th I i� Witboat ti�reidi I'llig Is a life of pleasure of the grossest sort. never be'known. r6hn B -i4ben k . del When 8, wla l I I I - up His brother gal him no advice, for he' m. - he fail be i vent at -aight tever I upA � it, is' 12 emerged fro fortu Ob- Y,DsBible. k tew it was -asaless. Joseph sperit his to the magistraterlI6 hill issuEdAba money wi digali6y, and be.- il, and mppey uneartied �h great pro warrat for tht appr4hen on of Joseph he habitual loiterer nav( fore he knew ft he was a beagar... In Brisben., a youn �ing to pass. the meaujim �e John's $25,000 had dou- Squire, be sad in b i Blow, hesl4t&t�, bled itsej��, One day Jusepli dae to on see lounging, a boA w Ing way. 'You h ve ma e a mis bake2, -eathertdchartke befall "him with a fall confeeBion of his pecuni- In Mi. B.. sbeial askel k,brea'kdowabefore ary troubles. tb�er. aistrate, w *or 0g. w1lat wa; Ja i badl a high: -egard A stuck before tbey ­Jalak,.11 he said, 1,1 am not only a, b for is, visitor. a Help _�'n willingness t:) h1borl' gar, but I am heavily iu debt. Ybu have caus d the: rrQFt6f so i'' DE of suce I - reat ,me Out like a. good fellow and I will n1cent Mau.' - I _... g- . onditio I 3�6 t work an 91 act ri settle -down and begin life in sober barn -1 But—" beg�n tbe m-9gistrate. Aacuu: but t1le wr m est. With My capacity for business I .91ssue a'n'order for my, brothers in E I iaF.t.111,01 can soon make money enouggli to repay stantrolease. He i's innocent 4 the lectr ei y, E ark until you tUrrith I have sown lon y wild oats, and int t to a, P e_n o wrong. I a: i - the guilt, i I leatiti U . sta tue ed' wilth a 1-iole helP I can soon recover man. I forlued th,e lial. o of 10ha . .1 . r brain j and it in a y al io be u-11 ib -at, I have squanered so foolish- Ellison'to the -,hedk whicl he uttered. I fc rg'lery tain sense to- e3ist it tag He did Dot know that it was a 1 , Ier.Jobn Rriben placed i, you! 1.1 - t�bat stands before It rd, FGr an stew cried ph, a astoi iished m4giii -iug both his nd sii� b is na-me to an order for. the $25w,000 he trate. "You a folirger—impossillfl.", arbl!, an I had earned so laboriously. pou the to ,,Nothing is impossibl i a tbesE days, " t J prodh Ong, jin order Wfli.tha,t be -enough, Jodie he said' the white-haired old man, Atel I ' esulti. Succesu also de asked, because I have me, much more I, I alone am g, uilty. M brother ill it �- t meas�re UPOD the ME&S, which you can have if it is necessary." nocent." aie adv . tage. (if tb a cis This, will be sufficient, old fellow," So 'Stoutly did he %ver that � le wlo� great dealof v habw was his reply. In two years I will pay the forer, that the 1 mag strata rel I- i othing more or I iss I It it back." -, ! antly issued a wirrant Ior - hi� arres i, he man It . o k, 9 )8 ill b&6k to rtown, drew his and at,the'same'time -wrote &it ordE I He weD t Ii oil IJosep is- hands Ut a i 0 tio i motiol paid his _debts,'� sold same of his -to the jailor x the rele, a. of $A I eads�'. Wiest I M X�hl horses and discharged some of his ser- Brisben. he d imp were I w i n smi iut(d at -Twel thaus4nd dollais my const le ill be. soon nother c9tch ( af e y at left out of the loan.. He itivelsted in busi- themagistrae; btthe d herO pick ty. Butsom4hng r� (r -b p iiess, andL for a while seemed really to uf , oth the p % ers. aess, is needed ; v 6 s; have reformed. John, was encontaged. I xvill not trouble bin," he Eaid ; wal �ourselves D. - the! I 'will fix thereby. ecuie 1,;oth paers. lastio t 'perei en w1i Jodie will come out all right. He is And he d Handi 1f; the 'Jail(i], fact of C �o recognize thi smaTter than I, and in fiveyears will be both. papers,hb expilaintid their. mam", "t t no a- beg n worth more money than I could make- ing thus: I - .4 a o a n d. - .. They have made a. wl' istalie. It is al; is very likely ft) M -a lif jan a merchmal, 10SEB In less thmn three years Joseph Brie- wboistobe ourprisq�nr.., My broth. a utild u 7) b pmuoller and ben's affairs were in the hands of his is innocent. an itiv �pr creditora, and the, sheriff's offico'cosad - Accordingly Jose'h Bt.sben was r I. I . T pfforts, a d is t lasi out his busiess. �Lgain he turned to his leased mna re �nmed, to tl a farn: -'Jol- I I ,,riumph Son 3 A t'. I a ri :on! r. NY hen tl brother for hellj and sympathy. remained at jail a pri I6 �novelists rote v 3ryl I, owt� that I m, siliaed a trifle care. extraordinary affair 'became known, �ibeginning.: Ti-, lesaly."hesaldbywrw of explanation. seveal Citizens offered to go 6n the ac. !, 11ra-de and eplotid I otlexpe Experik.uce is a dear teacher, and the cused man's bond, but.j! he w, uld nA lesson I have i earned I shall beVer 'for- accept their kind oftees. At iii he. trial i worl: i ut[I t1i ship Jis 0 or- Q to gi eat s get. If you come to my assistance' now he pleaded 'It. and Ny s, sentenced t) 01 Y, I : r'in tlo aP i �is not to lecon is -'Cur Can soon recover myself." fifteen ea,rs 4-t hard a e i- . Once m.c;reTohn Brisbeh placed his y Ibere: ytotr I ai tentiary. Jbgeph ;came to see him be-. : - - __ I-s- rame to a chech payable to the order of fore ne was removed to i Frankfort, bat '—The lIl an coui his brother, and oseph" entered ino their'interview was a prvate cne.� 4d und tile guida6co business again. In two years he wa a JuseplaBrUibenremaindat befari4,: ganiith e da y 3' see SionIM t 1 8: Out 3,000, ch bankrupt. but he was achang: d Man. ro ins.: Ai" I shall never succeed in business, day of his release If rolt a j Lit to 'he timo� and- �vangelist 3, were pr Jack," he said4 Help me -out of this of his deatb' he was ng ver kbown to ject ig chjefly 1) Donai Je #ouble and I *ill live with you on *the touch a card and'& d f liq6or nev E i I ads df call a tryinttg: a t % 3 i farm. I shall succeed as's farmer." passed his -li 3s. Las', 4 Lpril a aied, izatitin througlic ut tl 6 It took all of John Briii!!nns hoard to and his coniesion I bef6re ally !in I& rge i Wes ur y worn pay his brotl debts, btLt he Made to sJustice of peJ.1 wre ma Tub�_Jc 0 1 fie I is ri Ig V (51 r il lE in c v ri Tte n III*XPOSIT R.o URQ -------------- f ORL IREAL ESTAT9 -13ALE. C o it ..,8831I AUTUMN 1138 AbRE FAR OR SALE.—North h fig Ii)t go, and orth b�lf of uorth half O lot 1 coniumaloon 9, cKillop, Oat of this to d in O� ni� I te, e, idel and In a ellent ovdition for ine ow i further particulars llill to b,,oPEX'1.NG in each d�partme4t of My hou Inente Bastnr In annoucing GRAN I RtW 00 LOK,WilitbropP.Q. 819tf (Paor 1 1 at ... . .. .... that m busillaess goofs on S1 BAD' p n IF AR F011 S LE. -Lo 122, CIne6is'lon. C, b avb ranch plasepre to be able to A t y had d, - to Cl ship of.. 1 nberm bntaining 01 acres, ;11 el road brie half mile from ;ri intl g. on the g full TWENTY-FIVE- PBRqBNT, f Wlloxoter; v ere is 72 aorbs clear- IRCREASING,:the last Beaon be f i 9dch tl� I b 3 vil *go D ed and good buil lings and ences on the farm i I ) stjd Chelil Appl�l to the proprietor, Ok A "YEAR AGO. 'will b ADVANCE :over in, the history 9f nat house tave r IV. 0. 8112x8 CIUR E8 McTA VISH, Wri ixote I'�TOCK BEF( c I011 &ND VARIED LX -The eouth half of �east ie satisfactiondof placing such W lia f Lot 84. ConciQsaion jRt WILWO, sh, ILITt combined W3 dul ill hich isi Ina g and .go ill ,irl 5o acro, w Col stat � of 31Y CUSTOMBRS. CAPITAII,,LABOR n eq jall on tiva 5jil at)d Well fenc, Ill 1. There are on the Imalisas a barn 82x52 with Aable below, it I 6rge and MOST: CII[OICE Vic done their beat� in procurin TH� RICHEST all iOd log hIol 18x26 The F. -op- or har I and a gC I Elov, 111111DY eryw[llbcitioldohempaiidqnt-asyternisof )a b anl Apply !to GEUAqE ARMSTR( tions of Great Btitain and th� continout of Europe. ;My impOrtations ate til i NG, a ve gain �it Iler died B"sBels P. 0. an& V TY, a oireason loi� rAL AB I B FARAI FOR A LE -F or sale I lot- saily larger for the coming �s ason, both in QUANTITY, D�o. 5j, iu tho baflioldoonet-asion, towhip Lucia, " I r '40 to 00 scres clearod, and slot (30derich,85,fl ep, f Bel warr RE FAVORABLY in! STYLE anted !in stating I Will C 0 ar A �fr.e fioin etumos, bultinctl well timbered hEL8 mor 3, 7f,.)nt.,�e oil, baval River, � and on the ciinton a P( velty I mad, and adjoiniii the i0lilorporated- tillage of IrALUE wit ny house inthe trade, t 101 1�, r o Btyllield. For 4rma, furtber parilicialars, Al GSTONR c(nolitlorill Pf Bat imply to LINITH K1\ -eet 0 4 ARROUR, solicitors, .18 xinoi West, �Itlienebce- �T)ronlo, Otto JOLLN A10-13GAN, Hotel K*eij r,lis relatEd B lyflield. SL5 D GOO S. D I �i I tFS: f)MN CE FOR �1,-For sale, that large mfa ad comfortable rvoid'i Ce oil north Main h his music. �Sireet atpregentoccuplied y the undtilrs,*gned. t E mbrace the leadlUg noVelLties� of a se My imports in this depertmen ,)a at of The hi ,te corl a parlo [ sitthigroorn, dining ECTION': will Cox Vince 8 . iA rooln, 'kui �hen, bath room a �d six bedrooms, be- 411a, 1 ven tu re to expresei the opinio hat AN INSP lt' is Pa.- FULLY SELECTE D, I nd is of undt! sile-ijantries and closets. There Isla good. that VERY,LIN E has been CA IT VALUE. Sp dialties in c(llftrand.woods e t n cessary: conven- edly EXCELLEN ltuy lie nees. - Also tw well i -with fruit re w r grape tlees and Vi im 0 i artictilarg W, 7en t to JOHN ciXTYR. 80 )Ply Eleafarti 6 t mc at 11 - I I . .. 0 'at,C GaPit- 1 PL91RDID l3irs FARM FOR SUE.-F,i 'LACK and COLOREfll SILKS). a of a 130pa- 13 ot*% Mum" Loti 27. CoccesBion B if Anl count o Bruce, containing !Rd Lan. I vu lip -m ia w I timbered, pri I lly oct: asi 3n Ores., Thisfai 13C 11f i ORE�; SAT1 :)f V,th Mal and apme heiril ek and cedar, Boot is ACX and COL 'Velletian -if 1 -withir 7 Aliles of Ihe town -f Sorithanl and vise eloon'tA 8 mileg from All 'nfoi d mtaf on the Georgian Bay ab - 0 rjoe R 1I It w a -'K.I�nd COLOREID VELVET5, with B�oca d Lkk E ill.be Bold at billot-dot x III wsv bargaia_ Apply MnL�E�:� BROTHERS, Fox- POBXTC R Office, 8 aforth. 804 to Ic ombine!; o her tas;e J�A FOR 8 LE -FO We, lot 18, conces- S.013 4, Tuc"rmith Containing 100 acres, of nds, of her A hich 80 acres ate clearo�, ff ea from stuml)s we -I 'BLACK a�d COLORED CASHMERES, I6 a fit o)f f(,nde(.,unaer-Lir,6iiieda-i�itliiiahiighstat.eofouivi- nl It s. 3 6 uRg vilior. Thebuth is hardwood. .There is 110 aste land oil th farm. T it re' are good frame .1io 'to suoh water. b jildoga_z good. orcliard a: 'd plerity of pAT N BIZIOCADES, F c., Etc. E an, &: I tnot or ii is 0ithin 6 nif es of Staf ttlit, aud'3 from Kip- 1 it ig. one of the best 11 ruls in the town 'E or body- p 3n. ship, aidmlillbii Id heap,asti16 proprietor isnow. j E c aurah of n the fu S �ENT OF ALSO, A MAGNIF I CENT AS ORT f miligiNoako Apply o rin onto the C seeivig it, dergigued. 2ni coul 0, AlcKillop. TH Os. tE rash Poe- RIEVE. 807 O! lor elan- a AIRK ill Tuck fol Isale. For Rale: that oplentlildfaim,knowul 11 es 11 aving wiJbi le Moore Parill HOIS Ribbons Lac Ties, mall: Rul la Lot� -8.,Tuekerswitb �iery, 6'loves, �Iqrsetsl ton iUg 5 Coneessiori 4, 91. R lb2aneR ab6ut05 of which are -clear' I A of 1L* C ants � nink Water F Circulars, Et Etc. PrO (d #In,] in 1% high sta;e 0,1 alitivati(aiTthe balance nos, There 1 a III, 0 ri ou e an (d orvpt imbered. Ild s, iv hi: �h C ood n d !% S len id orobard. 1 The Sell ah4 the i ef; fro baunt- 1 Jrm !a I six 1 a F &,me from Clint, 00 and is !thin a mile of sahool. ly an y 0 a. J Lppl3 to tbe pro )flef or �qn Ithe premides or to burse, Orth P. 0 I Proprietor. 781 101 0, W �TAPLES a l6bing Me u g and play . . . . . Al- TA .OR 9 LE 7UCKERSMUH.-The. �Whitf nsed of am ab,:)wiDg:t ae productions 1 -M;Jls.. See it tile for 0 of arm looLt-i iWas 1100 ort i in d is' comp of th " �18 1 to, and12 2n4 coneepsit S., Tulre FG1ann 11 Fane 111anne)E ; see my Blarlil , 16rey and Brown Ca:nto It lies within tWO a Td- q- from i s, a yard up. Fall a"'ortmet of I -a. itil a arWr miles y G and White Cottons, _f roml five jt,,� i alf miles of nt ens LlI eta ion, and fo.0 T id F -4isbings. Ind.' indeed ettr'. The so a. There are 175 F 1. X a ay ll oleare-4 nt M the I ede1 to grass. otown mus- onrilance of sprin i w'ater on the prenAlf3es. Ibi,rearetwo g ud d* , ii1,09 houa-s, two barns, Among ith lutbuildfing i attk two large Orchards, IMJLLINEIRY C W ' Eli&da, bout otie Ben. o grill I Yi?? 8 and a quantity of .�AND M,AINTLE"'t r1embling ther small fruit 1. '1� . 4. pu, wi.11 be. sold in one renas colild )r diiided to sui i pq rel Piice mod�'erato wide repuation throu enal 1)r it 1, i informa"on aduress I Our Millibery Departn�ent has eatnea such a carr, I li!ada bad odgarvillo P. (. J. Pro�hctlm 815 'M6 ,ion th4t comments unnecE Beary. We can safely saythit W thi 3 at ility by m u h the LAAGEST, CHOICE S T and MOST CAREFULLY SUE� 01 Pale, la- LU' and PRIGE 9 ie day a A]iM FOR- S&LE -40: nortti half S�cannot be''beaten. A stoc , N%hich fb� STYLES,VA a wall silig. of lot 30, concesflim 8, blorris, c�)nt4ining eut has been slwa�s under I he most able iItisL.nagbme*t, and f r yel 00acres. Aboiit76oi,vi.�chare'cliared,i�.13,Ier- depmrtlu m as, an; acknowledged to- be the LEA] bYed, find ne,trly tref from . Ftwops.: This have given it special attention, ant]�: t is, DOW W-siv as Ehal m io7eituftted on�thelnoftheila grkyel.oad, two ST. IMILLINERY HOUSE V: THE:'VE b or(, . she ilea from Br6i4sels,land 18 from SesJorth. here are good laildirigs add fences, also a good udolm o the. S splendid assortment of all the If rehard and an abuntlau O' df splendid f4irioing rial� 11tr fai I in-,, slo Ing I cree k illinery Mate We bav8 a imber oia I he fa i t n. eatheTs of every i escri I 9. The finest stock --of Biic a dnd Funcy F, I 17,8101te in rins through it. it sexcellent place, al I Dovoltif stock of OSTEUCH F*ATE easy terme &IS t -be Cl to our nmense and a few ill be a ild C'WIP I n I S -pe' 'al attention is called roprietor is ge I l tir) ktl ill desirous t, �ril ()oixpai ison wi L It show they are far elow 'present market -value. 0 Iiousil worr an rom farming, I fulther particular8�apply c,ot a ab:)rt h the pro-ioee or t P. 0. 1.01PERT I BURNS,Propri tor. 1812 0#61 Il it- AR -111. IN I TJ OKERS311 TH FOR SXLE, -For is time, h( F sale, lot'10 coll i8, Tuckersialith, coil- Ie w Sk'wls, Aantles -and Mantle. Mal ria we *a jot in acr i a taining 60 Is, l of N%,bich is. clear(d and I nearl�'all free f om tum, l, under -drained, well LE DU to ror it "ADE MIAN fei-cea and ill a high state 6f cultivation. 11 here i TLI I � we have the"' Li�test _&�d Nel ME ae he is a 11r. t -class (rc6rd. a.1 rame barLi and s ables, In READIY21 . I Ulsters and Sha*1e, in r; A io happi. a hewed log hot i p, and a, I never failing pring SbFil)6 nd Finis nd at prices to f ait the times. qui . a cout 31:lt well. Thisfarnils withir five miles of tie, vaXle by Fall assortuieuO of. Man ile Cloths, Mantle Orn4ments, Fringl ona go . od grawl road and a school honse t the aeery choice things in Fancyll Vool Goods. L�RDo not buy yot r Chi r of the lo;. it' all:o'within four ni iles of Son -ound )ut curne is: I as not Leal the vi lage of Rippe The farm. will e sold Wool ibods, until you havle examiA 'd our sto mirer of his with or withou the rol,., Apply to th pro-, I all o SM ity prietor'on the emis 8, r to gniondviHe P. 0. PETER 3100 806 ot, er sifter ARM FOR ALEi INZi HULLETT - llfort� F ED OLOTHIN parts of L ; 34 til 35,'Concemiooa 13, Coin- TWE DS AND RDER mrt-lived, for ;i , taining 112 acres; 60 �acrcm cleared; the r main. 8 afLer their d,, it, good hardwoodbuftV. Soil, clay 101L well Riling spring Creek rising b a arger tation which iatered with a never This dep, limaut will a foun'.. rery attractive, havi niantid on the remistia. Wr me barn and atrAbles, log Leave yoi x order, and yo will fln� we 0 giv( Ids, rw soon enlent than any far r season., 11 bouseandaigo dyOu gcrahbrd Itiscou Y RE *SON, to churches a'n( sebocl, lind is -situate'd 4� miles G od V't the est of Cloth, and th) Latest Stylorsil t a VER ii�om Clinton. For further I on good All-wqol Clo from' Blyth �ni 30 FMU OTE—W are in olosition. to sell. 17 particulars ol�pp'y to rlf111 CUN1�1N6HA34, P4 6613 vo asto ish you. S lendid l.ue in Worst�! 001s. uc3es3in on the Sonth p rt pf 0ai lots, or to 11011des. 799� -0, S Im. boroug4 P. 0. 6ti I oade V AL on X FOR SAL-ri..-:0 c 'hundred all for con tes ;o I ewt sale in Tu,,kers ii I ith, ein- lot 2 2, L. R. S., Tuck 'th, b ere ate on thti pren-1-- bi in g 4 any �Sonlll rame baTn and fl tables, ises a g ravle REAbw E OLOTHING11 ood f an wholn and t d Is. There' are a good orelvird N1,0 g Isiting or the. 867 acres cletured and 70 fr, of stumps and well itted. by exp stock V76 Adm ti ll go to under-draine dan inig p Od state of cultivation Tb larg st of Toroi to to Select f . and ohe,half ."heap ihey llegin— the. balance Is i l 4 P Led with liard-wOd, It be,sub6rior 0 any. ordered"work oal side of the ziWs, issituatell ll In 0,116 m1,Q of Brucefield 4ation, y1a. Buying as I do from he best manuf i Leturel -nd sideri�g qftall: iy and st 3�ar�. Ability ande,inveniaid to seliofflp' find. churches, a t6 give you Ire ILI a two I 1. ' - C; 61I ada cimptoduce, I am preparec within 6 miles of eafort! ii,and 7 miles of Clin. Bton, and a gooi I grav�l rc ad to both places; For It particulars Apy ly to -tile )�oprletor on the prem- MaChiDE) :n a ises. or by letier' to TE OXAS MUNRO,,Bruce- ORST-0. ASS Still -To A FIRST -C OVER00AT A'y be f a Of field P, 0. 806 PAN c aVL , dr a, w' no IAND E Ty IftR(I SALE -The' undersigned offer their in I a. �t�e FOR Fruit.Evapioritor ai d Cider Mills for sale tin the art ist'l cheap and upon My t irs of payment, 'The pr ths Bbut ot I I compebi don. See my cotch T weed, Canada' A a car. buildingshave bAen! fl d up in a C�Ml)lete ; mannen fr C.Krr3 I. I f tile Fruit ltvapor- EAglieh and Yrenob. War ited Sui 8 Have one loo at my Fancy rweed marloll block r th Wig OLD 0 ating B Ines re i i ow in fint-class work Ing co�ts- and be' �ozivinc, iat whaC.'say Is correct,', 1at you� can rei illy ii, i a a -one. ad by purchal order,'Ind ic paying ibusiness can be Ad hat u have but he inust save Money, �ut make a arge in 'est on W bxa-in to Dear ButmasWA ol-ertson, �lie of the partnereof Wil fail and wint�ir supply f m me. -k hard and the firm of ID. D. on & Co , has gone to E niont6n, Nor] hwest:' T rxitory, to remaml per- an. 7 p ac tie vionently, the ii -lust be -sold and the PrOpor told � -in a ,a( I ly closed up. For any, busirl of sai I firm fil particulars *ilh rega�rd t d said property apply to M ING. 1 roi npi no s the nudersign D, WILSON. Seaforth. 762 ONSTERSTOOK10F UND ROL9TH e o: 1. tb a �id). Ial -]no -VARM IN BULL� For sale TT FOR $ALE., 11 his. I t the east half of Pt 5, coliceAsion 3, Md th( A, oice of over 2 0 ozen Abirts, Double �Breated, �maae of the -,bon eas open, � 8r d South half of,15t 15,,,bon - ion 4, Hullel adian anu� Im ported I Wools wr ih Pants to mfl,f�h, sellin� from 5e up. 3 es. tabling 300 acres, 80 oft which are 61eall Nvel �.i I. (it's, tb at s ershirtB nd Drawpl:S—al 81 zes Cardigan 4ckets, Overalh, Ove fenced, and in a high st Ae of aultivatio . lit Ua.d lice,' a ClELlms unclearedpOl ig�wllll timberedi It is pat. etc I great 1variety. Wben be seas ticularly well adapited for %to k. i Th re is splendidly finishe(di itta 0 house, willh go d cellal 'the orlportuill and stove fondatilon also a"barn36.).56,an a than Mart- tood stables, shed pol. all otbe neCOSSILry out iAND .-FURNISHINGS. ull HAITS OAPS .InOw how, to dinga. 7here are[ to good Orchards o thersency. An choice fruit tr aes. *Isd plenty:of good wate 'h ur and Wool, Felts it, the (b I i ever s� gem B On thb whole the farm ils one of the Tlassea, 3on I show the best t I! F pletely rigged In I lie toN uship and will e soll. otifined to myse, 8 of Rome of t, b at manuf acturers, c A'ea'f 0, forgets !ap slid, on alisit te� m It is Within 8 mile: Hax,vin P, the t roduct oh( -4. flie I wo:.,k ovbr of Clinton and 7 sell yo.i the -finest Far 1�lolt Christ for $2. A 19pecial ratigil Of Soft'Fu eftforth, wi I goo cc Is. el roads Joading to baell place 'ALPPI - to thi all ne at $1,75, whichImust be an. to be appreciated. grav Nate re su( i proprietor on the p emises, or to Clintwo P.. 0 I o f oletl ine Only WKIN10,11LEAN. in will be of. N st of Sel to6bez. larler'otie. fered to rent i'not eolh [by the 1 8 9x4tf Narded w�th,l a 1 ot No 4. cone ARAi FOR SA op lion 12 po-- ular F ich arb most Grey,'co xtainir�.- 1)0 aerus, 80 c w 'i th cleared and in a g000d:. state of cnllivatj Dn" and or Staff it lemning their 'ell ulader-draino:d;� thr balarco, is timbe -ed with I keep is department constiIntly asooloted wAh the Freshest and 4 hardwood. 11here aie on the premiseslalllmmi 1. :�ap -value. St -ISrS, I -nd ckmllar,s bever! failiny ti I roll 20 ound—remki kable ot to turn out house with k talien! it I seasonable g ads. . Teas Eir apl)re tice- Bpring of living watpr, v bink barit au& stabl(3 Currants, et .,the best in qualit , and the dbeapost. ecret o � s ccess 40rL60. All t1obuillk4are i3early new. Fou first -c ass Boots and Shoes, which must be clel aeres of'a Cocd Veflirilalg Jrebard of clanice fruill. A ssortment a,c:,,ed,but a waYE It is-�ltbin a mile and a half of Brur-sels amd for want of room, X. t-wo miles froin a'ralkwa; station� Tbe-f�=53 A; .1 33ow confine. my: b Ailless to REOY CASH, - PB ODU( good in the pl�oduction ''of grBill andi-oots,anl �l my goods PRODfPT.FAYING CUSTOM IIS, purchasers �vill find al nti6n at '-',hic- for stock raih: ng� and gro. zi r g ptirpoRes Cft Rearef- of Moody, be- ly be surpas .d. I A:brn-uch nf -the river 1dwitlant de artment MARKED A CASH PRICES -0 I runs across t io.qorz3 er, furnishing a n(.v faili or. the 18�th sripply of rur i3ing.water. The bed of ' ho riv lin. cont ins a qt ;trry of t1to be, t specia'S of limT- --E: 0 T 0 14l 111T_V:Er_r IC itifli, 13 sters Esent. Tb) 8b. stone for bdilding­pdrposes that t a coon 7 affords, whiel will beco ine 06 --min of vealtb r the be t i itself as timb w gets sco . roe. This farm niust a I art-. of evalol -will be sold, I .nd as; th� proprietpr. intei itli THOMAS KIDI cl try, e peci, grating to il a XoAh IwFst someoner will it bargain. ly to the �undersigned on the ing the c(Minj A ises, oc by za 11 to Bru�Bele PoEt Met. WARNER. lCorlaer of Mai d MarketStMC to., T I7f 0 ;!: Fo VEI M t! Wn 40P�1' III&PT, &PTEM131m 28 1883 cotta� Old; 3Watches and! A, aid .,d6* Of the I 0 Cloos, ilng "4 t1te 1)iigh"t tU do is Ja6g still the ita r -b Im '6 tuough Where 113 the best place it, tov !if lived 1 Watches a -ad C11 k At Goanter'o Jewell, r in el,*" giIll 13 'there you. Will alljo find % go� 01 .81*e you 'kro oon ia �th ILY $took of jewelry, a we., tbstl) 1010ck-s,'silve Platea w�r xna IN Jwil COMPr On inie ith is Ti. He guararitfles allgooas �lia r5preltelltttd� t)le t -A had tjy Win _tl I th d Every one that wants Cr43F8 g400as It . I L ilea 2,t ditybreak bol goes to Countelr�s. I baeiawa looked )RE it C3 S916faletion given or :m' bn ey ref utt&,d blew early Ill Said qu!Ck Mve MI' And don't fo rget to Firke his s;Wlf r i I las , be4tbiYO" Mont of iu tl due- re Up 3000 Alaim, Seth tholn as 'Nei 9 & &* rHaven and other clo6lig; hoW :lyi.ble, .ce 111,28 Diamond " R and Se'ari P Ile ..that 'r.� ins Ith's to 4d 1br the Weduling �nd Band Pn V bae 'te dg lost for Ind I _Al though hi art be. or, thoug: h eon ter's for Mearschalim Ulid Bliar be*% a0ll Pipes. B... jj;ds eall no 101 d AM Latebt styles in XteR14 Laud- Lop P it said— 'on at the loadim. ta �jTen WAT, exhibit' 9 0. � , Land I. Vk store. for a Careful attention :giv 1111� to repi(nitig fine Watches. nivqs, Scisors, Pocket B k ()oMbs and Bruslies. I;Spectacle from 25c to $12. to 1jit 41 M& b esights. he bra!' you ible lexamP el onderful )u]:l efis raoal W. IMI' R. COU N'TER, leeper I t way 0, The Leading Jeweller, oppogite � Ug on Furter's Furn a Store. . il t Y tort ben SEALFOR fA I WaDtLed ray 1.h4aut I'M STOVE AND 1_ NWAR I h*Ld ly Iff I E MY PORI des -%�iog too be6u t C. Me roolIt'l K Ey ]k,,D 3n UwA2, Always keeps on hand 'a f alk line of the 4i 31OW $ latest atylel of 't's Prize la;tA 00K, BOX A PA STORL Their beauty shows t'kel and t1le Shari Ire rice slls them. p Old do-eto Impt, in 0 TINWARE; u 0 w�ys reco - llOf every description al, in stwk, makyll our goods, ldnt afford to 1, jW0 =8 gu.arLLnt* thom goo: and right in pri I -� a �Ie - Ut . sf Lill line bf Table Imad Tooket ft Ille�y at very low prices.: N 6 i1a k -e b stock for preserving, Oc. All SkN, eltB 11 bu 3M I and prices. ava; hi k at everi gt E"ETROUGHILNG -s the howlig lf011ow�ed.by a i and All kinds of Jobbitili rk promptly to her' father. �e my attended, and sa:tif3f action guarantaedr� .0 ' ITI louse aear; mi Parties wanting good's iii my line Xt 1! will pay th-em to see my stock atia i 1 reply- '-compare prices. word! I 1 the 'follow. '&a,forth CAeap to4ve te Tin- Hosell !-,will go Up with me The,, paut�ing, ba 06 :M. WHITNEY, jvora,34 ghout peated. tbve started from 7 very I Latei WhitnO Brothers, W, wit b ey ,TED na bi this W ORKS11 the Nvrthy ige 7E ith go mysel )ING IMe! I SEAFORTR NT. —Thomas Once Mom To .3 Front, fsa�d to hav=6 It A-,Obk up literature, miling ption. Ii so Malinyof his he '.ERS. PILMAN CON 1i An zareitect 1!8 186 What d !11 anyway. Beg to state that they hsv� now on"itsua ust take to Inake a large num 'Of times as much us oCOVERED AMR 01 11 BUCCIS. h! eks. xn� of. various designs, all of t-beir Olt several we a anG arr manuf actur theW -V letf material and workrial Shil , which fliev r � 01.4 10 ei terial, great will sell VERY CHEAP FOR CAN, hat, Wuld. you V pa,std70oar,& box; B, etc. or on approved Short -Paper. A sup� room. ly dIren's 0 I&- It will pay cae� b.yers to eye been knoa- t' iin � a place or , them a call, as they neee money Aud on are prepared to make a s to pr0- im jft�15ey t ad Groeeri A Two seaea Carriag a] Wagon, both of our a' vn inaks, town for some for sale at a bar, known. A stral stock askled -why the 11 you a named, und the I Work M ade to order as u anl a Be- neq,il kno Pairs promptly executed.- )the at —Bishop Reckp tbee hundred 0 13. E R REME-M 40n, time If yon want to save M fly go to IV man & Co.'s, Seaforth. cau get -a i tbe soply of be - Better Artide bir Le8s ffov t illottyl emau'd. The O. oil trodoo�iea to -the other town -�lr �oity in Of t y 1 his couch, eyea i I don't believib i tat try, ill1q. to So you -are to rts- to M. PILMAN & Co., 8611JOl Well'. "When I tele ir can- .. ..... . .......... A Welsh biobloap 4 z that _S�. being in a like C-6 SO-tTLLE. ea bed. feir"I F92 —OF— �OR: ERATED ur A Sbx� MAIM I Despotic P rweed" The Magic our' a for i should T110l beir868, to -e ght, Over- he o, is vealtity.. A g your COOCHS, COLDS & 30111 T.-HROAT, I What is _y th Soi� during the past year, nd fhe do, Titit �Brown, -w,vbo v man'd constantly increasing-. :1 ni* *Ile zad I from 4ndle-as 01 Kidd& Sony Dub jfes�rs. Joseph BOl Jf.r. Jas. DrumMond,, ly4h. ea to nn uly wife 4111 we A. detv Govenlock, Wintk-OT- Jwmes Camphill -11, Waltwk- you W11 Scott, 2rucofield. The t�tnth, Thi?,n take H� nry Schafer3 Kippen. 161rasping Brom arket Ja�. Bonthron d- Ill am I that My -t L HeneaU) 1, I can I the cl-b-tah4e Felt&" And wholesale or i8tail f'rota IWelt they "K LUMEJOEN -& WILSON 'fiaad:e Yihe; tn 'When Dis Imillia Manufacturers, Saf'o"th kbge4 to efl' Mrs.1, Brow -a - A. -78 W Moileest, LIM in$, 'BRUSSELS E 1 A A I� tl� e P 4. wed Ir . OWN & SOS out tv of -whexl rtunity-d is subrieribers take this OPPO `E s ring. _&rid ii a T turnI.1)g thank� to the. illl in each an� vicinity forast pstroage, and both aade several imPrO vilients in tbat'havink n _�s -cc ]all and mode of burning, they are low bet r posItion thin ever before io supply *�ich 10 publicwitll first-class 11hile. taper �fingem? ninth Season 0 out bus� 11jis; beIpg the yen unq pa�% loluk< and havin dealings in Brussels, rely but fled atisfUtiOns0far the pubic CS ireee e *ng .�ood trestmentnd a ff""165' laaua t!; Fint-Clas8IiU10zt1ft.,CWA- rec im the opot,—Brumls LiweWorks' 611 P16P TOWN II