HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-09-14, Page 3Eta t in- all thaa .11,4a4,_11c1' trio to $ senoesis •co4 pea Wad the try se PAPERS. t of Paper aj , Cord, Tassel r,,SSee ST PAP REQUISITES. 'anitoba would do of Cured Meats I stapPlied owner- exor*ssed themselves hat their investment ialrtoplied * good 4 still a largequantity sh OU the moat favor - going to Menitola or fail to get a stxpply tti.; Dealt With. nests kept eonstantly rre,, Main: street, Sew. small 'quantities,. ...x&TELLI szAsoN. hiES. eb,eap, as tiSnal. Fur- y buying from roe. a Mock, Main Street, a ROBB. antly on bauda full a we cure for Dys••• y Who have used, it Rreighbora mud friends. rice. Sole agent for IBB, Seaforth. awelier's, r good reliable ED WARE AMIS. • ',rtePresented, rine and be ed. Satiafaction Maiu Street, id 'whip* Saturday for filfloNDERRY„ Fecrind Cabin, $10. !8 Prepaid_ $21. awm SERVICE.. . 13, Oet. 27, Dee. 1. i '9, Nov 8, Dee. 8. I Nov, 17, Dec. 22- ecording to aceoni- k tt Steerage es above - ft Towest rates are and, Scotland and , Book of Tpurs, doe g =ess, 'Nevt York, Jiout Oface,; Seaferth. 798.24 • ki °GAN, rt-te prem.' ses,tri rOzr. ,•:t we, the• rOlops f•r- ruvrtr. They and refitted these .o4eved frir alarcer and better trif }IV Orr hand and ✓ nt of their CELE • too wbU known t.1 'EING is ty, and Repel; ilia r-1 atteadctl to. We of and as ruany new taliett premises. drs. HOGAN. SEPTiMP!at_ 14, 1883. gaieties. It its wro g to laugh at the crooked ' - et ibe youflg mai in tight trOnfleres • bstit is si o able.to laugh, et the tight tremors upon. the men with tbe crooked -.. legs- -When a an irriveshorDa at two • o'clock in t e moraine, a it, his wife goober foot down without saying a word, it may be regardedui a storm ignel. eeseets. Muffin,es " said vieitor, "Em - i ote, bib, your features, but I think she's t her laths, 's hair." "Oh, now, I see," oia little mina„ "it's because I've tepee hair hat be has to wear a wig." —Artist ( a young 'say who wants to learn- pai tine)—"Hew old are you ?" yeenge_lady "21." Artist-d"Only 21? ' Theeasivi e you to desist. You may stillelicee in getting a husband." - It is pleas nt to see a young creature rain, seat herself for ad - happy for five minittes; ke up to the dismal conoln e is a long rip in her right tome jilt° a tuirstion, I end then w ion that th gbeelein impl udent fop once -asked- Rev. lee Lamm if he could tell him the ? color of the .evirs wig,atia prompt came the Doctor' reply, Oh"man, you must be & puir type of a servant to have serv- ed a 'relater 980 la)* MA- no to ken the - color o' his! ig e`r. an go, "Johnnie, it's ap," for three hours without imprestion, but when the ps to the faot ' of the stairs - mad shouts "John!" Johnnie takes his breakfast With thereat of the family.. —ii He's s gran' preacher," whispered Anoia spiuster to her sister.on hearing &young minister for the first time. eWhist. Bed." was the reply ; " he's readia'1" ! "Readin', is he?" said the eulogist, c aiiging her tone; e psltry fellow!' ell gang tame, Jenny, and read ofd lady shared the prejudices or an in Divine service'. _Arnot, time g4 %eking any old m&flst that his Oxford ttitorti liederecommen birn. to. study *t :shah UL sohblatibiples the Boden, las tit Ireland' and -Hertford: WhOit his lois all the more to be de that he had the telleith We: ologist, of being able to spat a. Veresoniar, and might eons have been 'able to investigate, astf others can, the treasures of th Cel speech. His Profesaore reg therefore, very naturally gr hope as well a affeotion, not le on ount of bis modest and Ramie I is sition than the remarkable which he gave of eminenee in p Something Els The widow of a distinguish sor was visited by a rather s teel sort of gentlen great admiration fo band and finally s " I reverethe tne and would like ver relic to keep and o 66 The only relics plied. the disc�nsc heavily, "is myself cherish me for his But the relio stolen away befor sentence. iverai I&st reidde lored is tt Pit `ache a (pen ly w to Y1 —Au ot against the ane was, bowever, erected in her kirk ; it was the,first she had seen , or beard, end she was asked her opinion of it after the first performance, and she re:" repeta, "It's a very bonny kist (obesti head. As he executiv zed him .1 o' whistles; but oh, sirs, it's an awfu' , . off saying: .1 I weer o' spenclad the Sabbath day." ......ss I wish I had a drink," said Mrs. - " Yer a smarter condi' Fogg, "bni I don't like to go to the fonri- thought yer wile, an''I bele I'd a throwed ye if yet. ca tain there are so many men there." "Yea"ve juet eli• go04 a right • there as come off,"—Now York !Wort they have,"said Fogg, "don't you see an., who her decie id: • • Rory of yoir much b edge"' can Oar on," late wide , sigh If you viel love ake you my." hunter had elle she could hinsh, Wiestliug ve;4h a Coudrotople: I ro 1010 prof Y g pres e(1h3 hush Ve s at 0 SO Y. e' n. ed 5- nd TO tenc • .k in t ket the as o the 10 for Thr . and bu t cla si the f ace we wri tea as wond 080410 1, vast the W of everY0 roan, Matte - % rising ,fr and gave he rhe nd hind, gain and '1 tions, the to es of. etal ot to be f r resent; au as in all air f oratory •ed. ist is wi je sio de re th ho an an SU ad e s e ei Orator a h cliampil a se in Up no yr.atour poof oine exub si 'when he a : a in a rural d ' 0 he hisyop .nagn, t t rt would b Play of finger e :nhoismihceal;Iii t3iitepc:ronapo A livushteateswohigp:gi °iebo.lia:itticantioi:nee911.11:ghodcachent.eshin:H;tovae htdai 1 li i i taency, it gan his reply welry simply (1 : extravag vo been unw o4e horny -h allt ransplant weolriyt y_aanyd:as4i eplause.) 11 140, because!, een bonsai:gat, f coltish died ori ra le gent atph chain. a . , and its atI -svear i ha/ dying Leg wl ucknow w noant Seve r p‘ictn.on(Lto.on music of t ei. I to Want if&aziietsrealf herbs , (0 *es'of e No, hen the y hi breaStpin re aye who f Eil blenders f it, a r!,x, ewe talti 1 bthoe:' IbruienPgrat,huveshtil o do n the list s f becauset hi: 1 where W fo Scotland to ned with ixdin who co tly •The time was milidnight a d the:ei, tion near the Wo oftist he was fearfully and iffonderfe ly full. walked up to the fire -al ignals and placed a nickel in eu he down math° ourb:i " Why don't the car start He received no answer. " Why don't this car eta Still no anSwer. Gimme back my fare, t It was not returned. Then he jumped up, g telegraph pole around the attempted to trip it up. ' T spirited tugging for sever and then be made a terrifie " feet" of his adversary and was that he kicked bimetal' • 14 0 If the moto, For man beast How lECe Made - along." " Oh, ills well enough for you "So you have found hot ta Bey twine along," replied Mrs. Fogg, source of great profit ? ' q 'bat you know I'm not a man." • Yorker of a Colorado man —Katie recently said to her mistress in Chicago the other d y. t --"I know's girl who bee been keeping " Well, I suppose tie.'ho company three years With a young in.an, expenses, though I ain't u and was married two weeks ago, mid. reply. last night he was run aver by a. train' , e But they tell me yo end‘iilled. Ain't that discouraging ?" $300,000." This reminds one of the discouragement . Yes, but yon see I ha of the man who, when "eked about the teethed to the hotel, and health of his wife, replied-aeShe may attached to the saloon, a d a far 1room get well, and she may not ; there is 1 attached to the mine, and I act R$ judge • danger both ways." [ at ell horse races an 84' umpire at sill —I.a1762 Dr. Themes Blacklick, the 1 prize fights. - Ob, w well -los la poet, wits presented by the 1 Western hotel to Mak TEarl of elkirk to the living. of Kirkond- . Street News. ebbed waist ere • se ick a. the Or his $1 the and a ads the cult own he nt d , to than I ,tlete !had • . Tt • 1 -keep led 8 Q11 el ha e," w i. have e a saloo a silver that 't a 0 ex es ty (C 0 in St b a t 1 09, New !met !met a the made n at - mine 1. t sad th to 8 st hi sin ott it bab th It w 'out Tbi gs hit re. • their te is di ir, and od f e s a into jo treas!:in men. I ,by th see s! ed lity. t Gth ntlike es'verY on m sent) h Peopl t: an tePPe ntbri e tsit fito then oils a dow was e W tot reate e ev '4 d. ;is J w 1 f th nti- ro ibiti r Ca edit, Mr. D t tile a i ity, an • dress ince n tie 1,13 tter he ems rab 0 oc es, e age in1 a jcsi one tuen.y, i occ oni , M . e sli an ace' ant I idea an it to be corn blit y ri ic ing ings! rid ate chat wit mu h v gor a g W th n :loqu Is ya ng f ion3 to f died, an I n • lon rti pa des of emiel sen iv en of an h OrnyT1 I and d.c rom sin: -of he court had u.ed is yo t ge tlem' n ose, wi h te rs Id: I sai ,w s sal d lane Sco eh t th. Ha ;he, s e a id, o um I: lov •.; - of die,: e, • es : oul'in s e rthy Ilif the s ppor tied JgAO Ito iris to ,se N w orld isi i plic y of Atil Sc : ad Ufa tha he he on d 1i; it (mi li rifii a g amd in Ins e ee y a )ton. (p lau e.) -ma has de ided It i oh -fas imie trine w rth [i s le prow, ly •ecal e it of 1.. y nclei wh n hi ()aura es d ty el t th • la !Ma ober amis th mel alo n ear b e si and i olo ged h e i for s Itch g d ar r *de elli g f aJ an!! a r lati e's 1 tie!" 1 I ng sh wed Ltd (tit° od o e Ie.1 se tie nety low. Si Co di, pery •eig s te o the the agp pea Red the o ly xce I don he d urc i ased Was Ca TI3go i m • 'lace ad f ugh 1313 Wien fiery era alio d fin it i hi q glo owns rrdelito hired ant udi nce art 's age €W LIQUOR STORE • We take pleasure in se.nnuncitig to the people of Seaforth and, surronedtng 'yistinity, that we hete Opened out a • L1Qt.JOR, STORE, orapriairiii the Choic lest Brands of ines. atid Liquors, selected end bought roin. one of the leading Wholesale onses in the Domnion. OLD PORT WINE 'rom Englnd.' •• DRY SORRY -OD CRAPE VINE From !France. • Madeira and Marsala 08reramentiti Wine From Spaite-wareinted pure. D. K. AND KINK'S HILLARD! CO. Mountain Devi iron]. Scotland, r. the o 1 bright. He was afflicted by the loss of 0 eigh, but when, hetwas preaching one I Wi1i e and.the PreaeheF• of hi& trial disoolieses, an old woman A clergyman in Scotland desirced Ifls nother who eat on the pulpit stairs enquired of 1 heerers never to ea one a neighbor whether he was a reader. but when any due said " t e thing that He canna' be a reader." sstid the old was not true," they otght o whi tie. • wife, “Ie he's bald." “I'm glad in hear 1 One Sunday be preached a sermon on it " said! the ancient neighbor.; "T whoh 1 heprablo of the loaves anti! shes ; it. he now - Of MI e they weae all blip'!" and being at a loss haw torplat °comic) who ha She we . • him th was to time ago- a gentleman bad Bald the loitves were .not e tho to visit a woman in Glasgow, 1.aeays—they were as big s sorn a very large family of 90128hills of Scotlaed. • : t over each one by name telling He had ecarcely prb ounce occupation by .which each one words - when be heard al tid wh am his bread, on she went till e Whit's that," said h a," ea' she oa e to the youngest eon ita e liar e I • cradle, Who was lame. As for hum' " It is I.WillieMcDona she sai, "we diuna ken very weel what ed,' Willidewhet obj tee ma.id him, we were jist thiukin' o' to what I ba' told ?" makin' him a minister, for ye .see be's "None, Mes8 Johni--onl lame, ze' no fit for onything else." know what aorta ove "There ready," TT • I • • ! are plenty lame ministerA el- I bake those loaves m was the clever responseThe Saleswo an. d, the otiose rI a the Bank Notes are" Made.A.n Amerioan lady who has Every one may not know that abroad long enougil to the United States Government ideas, asserts that the shop ma money is printed on paper made America are the worst, lin th in Daltou a Massachusetts town, aseigoing as a Mason for this &ire that the aal of the butriblee Orant even!, to 9, and red silk thread are scattered over couateey. ' This la e its srface. From the pulp room to the sweeping assertion, and itis in lie main wade where it is stared until shipped incorrect. Thirty yearsago a bap gir to Washington, where it may be used rnighthaYe been looked upon with cen iromedirdely or remain lathe vault for I tempt, becau e it was only the womar. who dared " ho filled any re ponsib in a mill that had. its origin in colonial time& As the grayish pulp passes be- teeen heavy iron rolles, bits Of blue nate stete of "are generall and are too ig the virtue o these etle. InC a aker." aye ye ant to had'to resided foreign • tiers in world, efortn.: eivomen • airigin, preoiate During the past year there was print- position in pa hie life in *is iittw cou years. ed by the Government $46,000.000 worth tty ; but to day it is, tbei woman wit of 1.1a! -tender notes. S68,000,000 of nit- makes the poeition rm,peetable„ rot th Con that ubjects thewom' tato it tionalsloatik currency, 487.000,0 o p 091 bonds,138,000,000 of silver certificates dominstion, and t I' 1,450,616 stamps for the internal nation flows -day in th vein revenue. in the Boreal' of Printing girls. In the riranks raa be f and ngraving more than one thousand daughters of lergymen, f ge perso s are employed in wettin, plate- the army,'senators, -and the print' ng, examining, pressin,'-number- heirs to a pedigree for W eh tji ing,s parating, binding, perforatiug and hers Of the new dynast • won • meta -log. The .bank wet plate and exchange some of their in stamp dies are kept in vaults that re-. wealth. An this lady i on t quire three men's time a quarter of an side of the counter to judge o hour to opn. All the Preaidents down politeness. I would probe* nn I; ght 1 th sh -girl sheet d tel the be Iasi e of t Who w tIto b 6 hp th ir min s. do bo ard 0 a ot hop irl Boned y noted persons la science e,wh c twee and sharpen, and 'cleft:ye, and The highest - denomination of legal , their fine ladyhoo in a thou a, tenders is .$10,;000. le 0 nd -the bes blo diof th • sho Mid th (*ale eiinile e lime d iglad Otto wro to rfield have )(teen portrayed ou an . lie notes, and-taireeTice-Presidentstwenty. perience gained on four Secretaries of :the Treasury, ten counter—of the wome • Secretaries of :State, six Secretaries of and scan never ma War, three Postmaster • Generals and what to get, who tum Chief JUStioOk llama been hollered al of lime to. select o the same way, besides twenty-sx.Senso kind, who questions t tors and Repreeentatives and a lew thegoodeasif she were otherd Bible for their manufa liter le e y per tu $5 000 temptible forms. If he unlit' and $1.000, $500, $160, $50, $20., $10, sometimes Ibises paten] Th hi hest value in multitude of trials, the t5, • nati prin ., 1 foiloW. nalbank notes is - $1,000. The man whose carriage ing of a bank note xequites twenty- afford to be petient d d tin sister who hes so lit two h. r twentyfoar isys, the srooess it paeses through the bands hard for that. of iity-two persons. A: womanin the — cou ing as has counted for ' A, Tri seventeen years and never made a rnis- A wetter take iu that time.—Providence journal. s witnessed at Dr. Guthri A DiStinguislted Sttideut . i Duke of Arg. Dr Mr. William Cameron, sou of Mr. ; derstand the Descan eameron, of Ardersien Inver -.1 membered: t al ne -shire, was drowned whilst bathing : named Guth in the:Rhine, near Bonn, • on the 10th , in 1661. At Avian A brilliant career was thus per- ' Dr. Guthrie ma tly closed. He graduated recently ! platform to at berdeen. During et- second year ' the ehairms, of his coarse there he Won a scholarship , for a minute csr two OL *.:90 at Oxford, an honour won by no word; until xpectax previous student at so early a stage; i the orator tu ned to sind the authorities at Magdalen kept • great deliberation ea the acholarattip open forhina for two years I first time, trcur Gr in onsideration of his eminent promise. i and a Guth e have Be ' 1 ic ! place to further a g mph calls a dinbu 's ragg 11 was i brilliant and elate wa allusion at a v ie 8ff 8 the dos ane to move a Sur idea being an -accomphs wet well advanced in Sanskirt, so !af Edinbuegit. eap rev d c py el e der rosp r uEs 9 n sur forgi g t and w rks o y. s ne hioh 111 t a theituii d. chools. teas ci lhan r, a Ipties nt. To i t be cerated- clegy ed as .vena mac t frint of oto f thank eyieg the andie wilthan sayi y was awake he Dukeand d: d 1tis not that n Ar met i the si work n this t f the se • it: joule the o41y have re j tly indig a tagonist.' Story Alexend " before th lt eleeted io a d many o p pers bad ton -of him Pli 90 wanted : tide no ma e heedwie knowing t elected if h of the way, 4 The fi;s Stephns," hons) one ing that.I end to so tioeseback kuew it. • ly of 8..,oI re r - h ad ed' he iis 11, as he der I, • GUNNESS' eORTER Bottled by Burke: toin Ireland. CARLING'S AMBER ALE tu his bug :n my ho 1Wherei are re Vwheereil!are Rave your Nide with m ihotee put Toombs, an twelVe mil Where Tot out aud lop Could dri kr ine said: bringing o want it that I did Lt. As am cra ull off and go to e cheat° went elece" 1 g. gh tha othe thir a P glor'onsly w t i, • • 1 o ine.! Old Rye, Malt c6 Superior Maskies From li. Walker it Sen, Windsor. Hennesy, Martell, Jules Robin Brandi is, All those liquors are specially selected for me- dicinal ,purposes and famili± use. Also, several other kinds a liquors, which wa hope wiE give every satisfaetion to our customers. _ Beniernber the place, two doors south of itob• ertson's Circular Saw. W. K ILLORAN. WPDXETER„ ALEX. L, GIBSQN Bee tse announce to tbe Publist thet hiei has cOnlinenoed tei operate the WROXETER WOOLLEM FACTpRY. aria that he will, be prepared to £T1I . good value in I ' FULL CLOTHS, TWEEDS, -UNION TWEEDS, . FLANNELS, PLAIDINGS, _ , • •WINCEYS, - and vaiieties STOCKING; ••••••••••.•••••)••• : aUSTOM CARDING, SPinnibg and Fullinipromptly atten ed to. I , all Importations • ‘1 N„ C A Du . • • pirrix; Have tO ban Go4s, tbe 1 TWA/11A DUNG FIGURES than, last yea i88 and opened out the contents of Twenty-Tw (22)P ac test novelties of the sason, et greatly red ced pri Of good Cnstem shown. bo advantagie, prices. • • arties from a distance will, as far as p sible, have their Rolls homa wi thein, and as he has put the Mill in ins- good vtforkieg oilier and emPloyS no e bitt 1 efficient workmen all Work is rranted. Remember the Wroxeter MetXt L GIBS01, PROPRIETOR N 7having purchased ; s rs should see our stock experience tn buying birth all cUstomers • i• The nli oh ge made in our Dry advantage to all our customers, and will enable us to show sto 'k. all classe kages of Fall s, our MR. s at LOWER 3 Watches and Clocks, iNbere is the :-beat Watches !dad Atleoutei'aew There you iivia stock of palvelr lock, Silver -pia Jewelry. lHe guarantees ali Every one that W goes to Conn Satisfaction give his season, which is the finest we haVe yet La old country ma kids givs usf a decided if they exanfne good and" colinpare see Is and. Millinery epartm n • er tep S phe s, i are' was ver ane the T. ite St tea, is nd and sons de ry favi able th la e. oom Pr th Be ate, e in aat dire tion Ste em wasaak t h (r. robt3) o could nly get Step et a t ts sec re t thi hs did," 00 118 over w yti 000 go er ss ysel ess. I alw t se •aye, and he d ove p us a I as bout aiud sai ' ello ou oin ?' " Wli ant oiu o er t ugi g?' o 00 h ree iput in as y b gg I,.' an, i to t etba ent al ng f w I s we go to sive t le h na he r in, ao h le h Idol eclij, seso'aep8. o t for Sen tor. rep 'ed t I t car an th ngiat k a thou ht, h if y u don' want ter it. So 1. want coat roll up your k' f r e.' 80, e a of la Seri w r fo hin, a,n A Sir (Seen — 1".inet, 013 visit to Lo 1`anpmakt in It unni was ac b' the ho Isaw son" ply '9, Word epi faaitied 10 8.13, f talc I ot turtle dressin' meakle lo ?,tiiirs. It I was neiv dey Ilan :"• Kirkcaldy For - tth • dity a - da toe Dodge IC Sunday • rejoicing, le tires of J Many e - leaving. ee-A urine,b • efforts o ewbutig e ( teeu cow these a ever oc is aom 11 te • MI ng fWx,tnh '). Fi ia ee o T o mils n h min'eat dad ty ofI o et fl! 0 s a' e, tho', is Ip nrpri 8 be 111 insel glass a tinny 1118. t 4, con the vt f30 jill tim usin dg ansas Te is be ie Ca $ an ease, n out a York riper died. 1y -ea n this urop $ • e, 5- n - o be ut d. r. w-. at - de bs hs se tget Ao ek, ,' I an - •00 rt. rt, oo. up nd ad bay gy th a out o eek' se,got an- m al ig er$ are pol you id not; a11f for aid: it, li do, y n to le yes, I°' se 0 shipe., 13 was we •1 •I 11 12_0 49n. n. Tw c onie wend id Ctoni Wee edy, y k nue (let,. ;n ther on the stair pia rt up, had 644n afore. spaik , aim- ?" bu e dei mus ay, mov. . Los n cies r • •ki 11, s a refleo in t the o'thje ioo Ica e fi t 6 ;yon I got h ck t e the ory- f holase ,is loon bug he ls eile lo ea n -6 is unvers 1 ed that mea ca tie o t. prosti ut s a e med he bloc) rip Th young lady in charge elf our show room, alt recrnInended,afld! has good taste and experien StaIple tooIs for this departnient. BLACK and WHI a, 4 W; ITE TIPS, A4 COLORED and BsA,CK SI ' I .. al ays et ' oods as chev, if not cheaper, that in any o ! ,I W w uld call spe ial attentio to our lEijOUSE F P T ROOM. We will have fart • St ck is co plete. Ot4r Tapestiy iJtrket. ur All Wool and pnio I s capet.; Iace Curtains, Cretonn csods 11 and see tSe best and • an ough e. We rE PL KS, &c. our citi NIS er additionr by Fite ship n nd Brussels Carpets are the can be bought as low' as 40o s and Damasks will be fon cheapest stock in the west. DUNCAN & • • • creat 13argains in Boots JOHN McINTYRE'S, THE OLD AND P9PUL 15 you t ttu4 for Fine ummer SHOES Idneeinent for CASHbuyers. # large stook and 1 1 . • ' lehoete from. Closing out my p esent made Work. -1 1 i I 1 EL—Aoconts are n� 14 Ss'eJD OIVA a f rII De :rtiegeo7 i) 1.1 nFg et he d • o rsei of t. -i Se unty h ugh r - it 0 5 re FOR, SAIM, 200'000 FEET sof cheap pine and emlock lumber. Apply at the saw mill, Winthrop. Eight houses in Seaforth and r- purhey. Prices ranging from $150 to 111 Three hundred and seventy-five acres in McKil op and 1,4O acres in the Birtle District, Manitob . W. C. GOUINLOCK, SEAR' 01119111. • DU nt Will fee immens ne traeger,i3ome mport 4i on NE, B AC CusItom rs ca tNGand4 CA til 141 oir F141 chee[Pest itt tie perl a 8. place in town for locks? lry Emporium. iso find the largest ed Ware and Black oodsss represented. nts first-clieui goods 'a. - or money relinaded• Ar.mdeorintlot• forget to price hie wart- Nel&et Alazns, eth Thomas, New Haven and et4ier clocks, PiaraWoeudditgset, tndR nadSealartgs!ius, 18k dingPan 1 I • - Counter's foe Meerschtunn solid Briar Pipes.Lat es01, ety!ohrsietby. iltei ni n t etchkel e a da s3eawckeekt.; Careful atttiion given to impairing fine wat ites, SCi9,:lits, Pocket l3o0 s Conibs and Br4 Spectacles t•ol:n 2c to 412 t4 suit all sights. a sira NCAN and Sb le SEAFORT R HOUS sna. SLIPPRS'! Srial a great stock, with the -view !, It e Leading re Portr'S OUNT 61101, oppo rniture Sto6. SEArORTH TOVE AND TINWARE MUNI. 0.. M. HIMNEY ilw4s kegs o4 hatd a lull line of the lat st stylesiof COOK, Hit A13 PARLOR ,STOVES. , . Their beaaty bows them 1 and the price sells tide iTINWARE f every aeseit'ption always in stook. We make 411 our goods, and guarantee them good and right in price. A full line of Table and Pocket Cut- lery at Very low! prices.• ' We have a fine lot of Granite Kettles in stock for preserving, &o. All siz4 and prices, EAVIETROUGH1 G. All kinds of I jobbing Work proMptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Parties tvanting goods in my line it will payrem to see my etack and Compare riceO, Seaforth Cheap Stove te Tin House, in- vaiety of styles to of goinout pf Reay at once. R1E TritEmrs 41:0 RT out, and must be attended to • JOHN INICINT MAIN 0. M. iWHITNE, Lite Whitney Br there. -THE HUROSICARRIAGE 0KS9 Sp1FORTH, ONr. - Once More To The Front. D. POSE, FAMILY • 14 NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE, For Extra ifilue in Frcs. Grocers. GOODS DELIVER GIVE HIM A GALL. D F TEAS. TEAS. 1 THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MOOEY THAT OAN • - ,HAD THE DOMINIOsl IS T, A G AULI:S, 'f PILMAN & Beg to state that theY have now on hand a large number of EE COVERED AND OPEN KM of various designs, all ef t eir own manufactureami warranted o the best material and workmathlhip, Which they will sell VERY CHE AP FO CASH, or on approvrd Short, Date P per, It will pay cash buyers to give them a call, as they need oMoney and 0re prepared to make a 8aco4 ce to pro. cure it. A Two 'Seated , an Grocery Carriage Wagoneboth of our own make, for sale at a bargai . Work made to order as uen 1 and Re- pairs promptly execu d. REMEMS R If you want to save -moey go to PO, man & Co?, Seaford'. To can get Better Ara: e . for Lem Moeey than in any other town r city in Otataki0::/ou dont believ inet try, and be couviced; PIIIIAN & CO., Seafortb. I 50 BOT LES 40111 g . —OF— BE SUGARS—very cheap call 8,nd see thm. A large stook of half gallon, quarts and pints in Gem Fr it Jets. A well asorted stock of rooeries and Provisions, Flour, Oatmeal,C0r111008.l, Shorts, Bran, chop Fed, Oats, Barley, Corn, Pork. Heins and 1190011. A very nice °Amer& indClasswere and Crockery. Tea Sets, White Stoneware, China Tea BetasIColerea Tes SOS, and a large lot of Crocks and Milk Pans, and Coal Oil. Oats taken inI exchange for oatmeal. A call is respeotfially solicited. All good 0 delivered #643 lof charge. • ! CLYORATElj BALSAM OF FIR„ The Magic Core for A. G. ATJLT, Main St00, Seaforh. • I ,• I • f I COUCH% BOLDS & SORE TNROATi 1 ' Sold during:tbe past year, and the de- mand • co etantly ineresing. This valuable ardioine :may now be procured from Messr. Joseph Kidd zoz, Dublin. Mr. Jac. Drummond, Blyth„ ovnlock, Winthrp. )41)41, Walton. Wm, Scott, Brueoield. Henry &haler,- Kippen Jas. Bongtron S Soul .1ensall, Ana wholesale or re,sail from LUMSqEN & WIL ON, Manpfacture Seaforth. Andrew G James Ca S'TX BRUStELS LIME WORKS. T WN & SON. suteeribers take this opportunity ot re- turning'thanks to the inhabitants of Brussels and vicinityo or past patronagei, and beg to state that having mi ade several imprOvements n their kiln and txt e of 'burning, they are now in a better posit on titan ever before to supply the public with Arst-class lime. This bein the ninth Seson., of Our business inall russls, and having given unquali- ion so tar, the public can rely oN od treatnient and a first-tlas :article class bine st 15e. Cash. Bemem- deal fled sa Isf receiving froth VI. ber the spol----Bnisseislrime 'Works. TOWN & SON. • 0 • • 54 •