HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-09-07, Page 7I tAxna. I prove. 1�righVs Dise%s Diab te Wj Ik de 6ills 56eedy ice mcita Back, or any uriusq, Llick ill 106V Y' M � jew, Zealand hu el, plai q y wit b bloo I igulti a Me l;be� 'TORE f r6,- N. cured They purify th it birewpe thw�th 1,30.0 frozen 'Ptymou die n 9i h% Wrived at the b;wels, and act diTectly:: 1e, hoir -heep. b q%se -parts. Every bottl & i leir it W E" fWixGEfAX 9of a sjleg,�d to have stated d 16 g fited,for trial at For sale'st 50o. a bottle by.. i ikson b r 601 bi I notla I to being COMM Co. 783.52.- 6 ze aa S1. 51 & lbeforc thikxt Carey fit-st drow a revol- opetc gail that he shot Carey in, ar on himt The GrreEt Secre. Wb. 3 2!th I. Bun go t .W.defence. Glbr4on & Scott.) f Louis 4 agnerre, of beanty lie' In NA 6r ti is 0 eqnes D 8 not in the ell a 01 A: Poid Fmba its t0883C Op 3utor of the. d t e, was tonsorial art," but it depends, i o -in g a nerreo yp ibe ill*( hia bir p ace, Cormeil�es, hea6lth, a fair, br lliant � c( ulty.efled at 1� 3urdw k Ani belo.*e.L t 'e a ,or celebr%te4 27th AuguBt- I rendered BID by -pi: re blo6d. *e Ih, V-1. e best p. osted apple bayiers Blood Bitters Par fy the t I) A,. an iie F Olie of tLb �8: Once, agak a til try returned to-Milwaulle6' s Scrofula snaall. dimages '04 1 ka -Bl I I& oeil in, the C01111, Tal 4: 11ountaiin of E, Ts. 25 000 bl)tl les rom, an exteilded tour,' Liver and Kidne W, days ago f ill, be a . wi4ter sipile aeill say,,, tibureL sold during'.the, list thiec m( rsm. it g Wire. :%utine tbis yearthroukbouAw the coun- 774.65. 798 iw"thEir. 'by heXtL Caused- by wet oreome Never TJ ndertal le 'Y L ar -A cargo of "010 IS. a�ming through the Dismal I Wh,ileL a long journey without's bo, A of Tu i�g Cut 1jinal--nea Norfolk, Vir �r ray an ra 15wxmp . I .. r - OW exile, Extract': of Wild Str iv berq in ca -crying, overboard several Os iawlrRen v �r. k;: SO will b tgnlpeded, I ' your travelling case, to:gUt,rdstgaiost , � a r wned. �ifs riabial color a of WilITZ Men* 011eof whom was a 0 anaden attabks of 06lie, chole -a mort its, was, caused at Steens- diarrhoea, siak - st6inaeb s4a' ickuk8s, es x proditic, a -A is sudden illness of a farm anl troahles incidet to 'change of c li- gro, Otla. It al,1541& &La .1 i fitf 3 dandral, ik Smith. The mte, ;or known so -P water, diet, a x. It, if re ly : AND' RAW OtL -laborar ril e4bl at'd ha r m lo is 5 ief.1 774.65, -doctor digeloses th. and reliable el was causibdby child- nd the aicknesS S a] ould 0, nall The Wild trawb, Y 4t j�o birth. I ar. r within twenty- f he with a., a _r 'te I , juri.nd -the past'SIX15Y !IAH s a good antido 0 the �,,j n bf i ike h a grano I i ire have been flnnl� in sit ikke h an a� is balr g '11) the city h' ve, arts Of which green apple and uoumbeti. In'Otale Or' ver, every one ful stream .,of nearl words, Dr. Fowle 1EAra,t of,*ild flowing a power Y Strawberry -is a' sure our i for' ac, sit A- oter. As many mor f3a U11 lgl%168e ft pare. wa, aCholera morbus, cramps, dyamtery, �nd f ",ate in. nearly every in- grow ,ar iff-ay. all bowel complaints so ofter caecli by ore ul ream Was struck at a :Porl Be% by J. l�. a gra4t st the, irritating 'effEcts of In nripe fri tit, 1 stance 7 depth of 3�5- feet.. LIM' 774.65. _7 sease is p :.-Th -411p 0-4w-- 00. TexEkSL cattie ai -revail the']. ative cattle in the -�iciilit ilug ar.iOng n By 9 'a the Central cattle yards, in Mrs O -,a 't, r with ellsoto an alaming extent. Ayer'sSarampan-116 anyapxrgllffire to be ch�aen thail ri Spring.w attle gliLazed where who subits to th Bur oon'� kn'ife be ;Ti? .;I�e idagic e at �ever native 'croful Wher. Dull of oguse of malignant goresnd Lin 61 at cattle had passed, Over the com- Toulitain 61 0 L saed, 11.nd immediately infected sw6llings, might b they were ith hole. This will )urge out the cortup t ix: DVtLLE d.seme, and in every Case W the His Vith the tions, which pullut.�B the'-bl6od. and bv paration i &� fatal results. N jor-6 which such �.tim ridl commeDUA6 -Time. jenn Lin a Gollach m -tnow v 793.52 tit MILL b.reaks thro6h t rule she 'and fed, st - Bud, then it' a fdords, an a t ilnk.no inore in pub- af �(cis in liidnev made long M90, to i C, u . ;,N utly appeared on Kidn;ev i,, in tu She iece, the staige Ayerls� _&gue B rou'A the liver a-ild bil ary tb E 80 011S' parlor concert given ire$811111:130[ AQW haks no M for charitable pur- acts airectly on alvern appara:tus, an Da on the. 0 Entyland, and gave d ativei outiomilf-dE ontinent of btful supriE;e b poison which induces liver c:)mp turing Roller the audience delig, Y. laints �77(.52.789 resh and vi.g daring of and bilious disorder W to , to ,orou-s an a. irFan c her f Lift Thi Eyes " and cure, or 'money ref and.ed. 7 94-52. i Skys DILTIPFN mendeissoha's staints , Song & thei Birds." 3 �-uows her MIN tK MILLIK Rubin I4s P. irat and By 6 Ferrell, livIlbLE! nesw -Wellsville, What Ax Scratch IV draw yol: O' 0an of Vital Importame. Ohio, wl,s endowecl with an 'n"Sually For -horses that are trouble with tl e I C bea air. he other Qtu. litiftil Jupply Of disease called sornibehes Dr. Dow'. mu bXtductian Sys, em h hoase, with bar it at le day while alone i don Oil Liniment proves. 9, 3ure c u ri 3, o er; anab( ollowing �rs n,,c>w in full 1 and � asked har h ente: c as witness tbe f &at-. A pri 1. beibe two me woman e- during horses ir - The the eiqored y the the price of her adr wet season, both i . I 0 Y 51 d:was albout attempt- I .91hey Ex ir E5 were teyi 6 frig,h li bly bad with a�-enewer. Bobertfi. 770-t` '478 $1.25 to $I.M n seized her,' dal y W-cae when tile m were both quite lame aiiZ grifid ing to 111 ' . e best Row a drawn re. r� 4 rih ra de foiced her into a on-,- growing wo e d- va-z ions I orse. the Old, Proces, CA 1 sheared her liniments but all of. volver, and dehber�,tely no V, il, un il a. ly. the' )la( ead.L Af ter, friend' jecom men qed bighly 'Dr. J)av's at looks frorq bar L few Ca 'I'll" t lag a bo [Lai a Specialty. oardtlily Packing it bp an Sturgeon Oil Linimen 4, a 4 1P atura All 're 601 doilars in money frqm 1148 house, the bottle and my horses were veltin to nit: ifortal� 3 t 1� in all oases get thelt a for I or 3e n robbem-fied.1 days. Inever-Baw its. eq a by our new Bys. CFO, and wino dear Br- by reason of flesh.?' k n oWni f orei ano� qE Nagar, whiter, richer mud --Ivory is gro, flour by far than th -its soarcit5 ; the sto6,k in market is very 6 N. BtEIE�sz. b ue& beaufiAbd a, I I a-,ranced from 793.52 6barlbt, t P. Fi. I. by the�use ofthe C i6koi been. able to get. lovi. -sheffiela ivory has n jj to YU per hundred-wei.- ht, find'& rise owe , �. Soldat, t m humbug or ex Ln. con Z the G -r' in� the, price. of ivory;hanid es 113 i A Start1big Disco erY" all. dr I iists. 7 70 ting adud, tempi a I bhole ldemio ill Fbysicians are often stbaitlel by ran aik- 1 Our now avat ft,tjou. : Th a e -p r am is ith the, a t that Dr. basgrea,tlyipterfered w able discoveries. The 1-:: reliable. It hss been Egypt 01 Af rican ivorylo " d it is -very Pro- King's New Dis3overy for 0 c "$.U,M,i)ti)u pj�dile, Toro to.' =-,d proved. a great Bale rom V Y will bb no supply f and all throat and lung disdam' is lai 1Y hs ae,�eral Igarv, Germany. Fisnwl bable there Atth ii6ry ssles in theyhi a give a. .:ip: �ua unated States. Egypt this year. , 4t th curing patients t1- &t C r �nps in t1i, t in July 120 tons -to d is startlinj the aize th ir AStill'Bo! P London, last week is to 1, Flo-ar preyious� to our. ass 1. ass ass sia heavy cost, sud were aered, and 111t witli the exception BanBe of dut.t, f lid ex t a Ile' Baum bought t' 0011- M arita Of ory tt this wonde 7 disco' and Eh -better Flour now. On# of aout five "Ons.' was )eat Biderpil)l avanced prices. resulting in- huna red$ of by 81- E i ioe, si: I d hei - I 6� ER41 kufficient to. prove ourn Caeb whose cisns using it in their �p a. Tr Al saleby qll r s 7 I Hie a] ug tont four rail eat of Sag, bottles free at -home was 0, chi.'aall visi ad that place st6re. Regular e $1. 71. .521.. pimple ai :op Ci'.tV PUNG. Saturday, 2 �Lh. Angust, andwhen be re- Call at Lud ae d abusive, �B�, for this turned no:e was rank -an In Dr. CaT401�3 it ore all d gel i Pa 11is fa-mily were at!s.up,ptj when he an-' I - j, I . 'd -na oustomors may de- Stomach Bitters -will bp', 41 A I iec ".fie ikke'� Carl q ic ie, ab:using his atered the house an began sit I i Ln as- jr biliousness, spep e. obiopping lie try our famous neW wife, vid talked of MKSLhing her head fc y Iffeir son tion. Y6u are foolish if V. %)t` 1. ratet. and,] to ne -th some ct the ockery. T st,joky al.. r laiples,blotc i(s, ii�'. flour.. wl the old m a, i . n to try it. or aggist. 4. Chartes tried to aOugh skin.. t c u aeliv- which he for ai tim 9, succeeded, ad Mrs. 111 Shorta and Fee ar onj B Try- it 79 t so the way to the Dr, C S xt of , Seaforth, Harpur- Lincoln werl 'a -look not a acDh U6 nL vijele; free. of chaxgs. house of another-agn. AboiA 9 o Stomach Bitters, are 'over there ater her, ti: ul an t; b�t a � p urely ve otable medi- the old man went 8 M Mills at Egmoudvilltt� clad in his '-I irt and carryieg a 'lamp- cilia, cathp6rtic .and tonic i its act ion N hiting Ir6i a in vas got back dons Df the E; it more abor pi all Operation. He i as obs roperolla$, but v 1110d invaluble in all aff c 0 _bt%id -there until about 11 at . omach, liver when I saw yi It to bed and it 6 eplth is mile �KYLE MUS. FARR, p.m., when 'he *ada Slaotheir foray$ f de from be &I 14 ob Yina that if his wife did not return if You .&re Tx6 bled aving used C Y Finaing a -re" then she never wQ d toma b ad it Bt different 0 IT'WILL- PAY Y01 volver, he pont nes with a disorders cf,your Flidsl at 1, mut relief. rd 'pr threatenino to shoot. son1B Bitters will affo C rUggists. j 52 in the ruo aiy- �41cine, far Finally Charles Oew a Pis1;A and shot It is the beO 110.&LL AT THE— roe bullets superior to pills� All drn atis sell it. - IP.eoplO -�:rle his fa,ther dead, 'utting th 4' subse- I r( buying aA The, two son, City for a A London. Dr. giE;t 1,40wn s quently came to �Sagin FOUND�yl nun 1, ave 1 every bottle I ewn past. 1611 Baya - 11 During the many ears- hysician, bu b the f sither was ha never p wn nes' h PP, d tu�arles c%M0 to to been in the drug busi rietors. human ad, aiu ! luoh ti 3r, ]?ties 01.00. Rge"in and gavb hi 0 self up t6 the Sheriff - had a medicine,that gavei b ere w B 8 Lich Web LincolD:, ths viati m of this mid- satisfaction* or Or.wliich here is fol: J dack' 3, A Caii 'it, see Our stock of night, tragedy,, wail a bad. old Man, and a jag� sale as a few yea!rs ago was tried for murder netle"'Medicine, a-avertised in inoiller ha' there isA r Oollins, bt paper. 8).52.2 on jointly with, a, mai named column 0you both -were acquitted. Later he smashed �0 t ese conatl i'103 joeen made especially for the, head of bis so� Chs"lles with a, club, Salt Bhe-um. C�red- this let 4111:b reatly imp(wea nearly killing him, and when drunk you troul6led with lBalt -he am, Buren'li I i 1: have Are gseason, pim�IeS Or coniker sc reE ; if prase for f thi was a terror to thI3 am ilY and, neighbor 0w. or � 13 rough skin; del 1 4 WiJEOD'a a -Yin gr tha. it. if, the best 400d. so go at Once 0 Lu s ovea a drug store and get a j�ae4age )ur i Our At Farmer SaYS: aA St, Vince �0110 Gregor and Parke's' Cac' have used the wa never DROLLERS This is to certit, that I price twenty-fle cents ad"can reoo,m- Crowfoot Indian Bitters, a known- Sul to fail. 11 79.5-52. innitid light didne for the heavy,. n inend. it as a firstlelass Me 3 t1iIt regu 8�1 .'ork. Our )all -with yspepsia blood. Was ve,ryj -e. loi tea -years. After -using the above Bucklen's Arnic ates the li e� F. R -S I wished the tilveness, In- CRU Nttera,I could-e�t anything The greaest Medical- �7 nder of euBes, of a Ibil i r Without feali co; -- fort after, w(jild. Warranted. to,.. Meedily oure, I last, iig � any his hard iron, a -rid will od health salt -rh4 um, 7,98.52. and feel tlankful for the go burns, bruises, cuts, u1ce) other machine bm enjoyi 11 yours, oto., fever sores, cancers, pilm, chillblIMS, -art reouttig ag thi-o' gh them 9:kdg' and all Fo SA-qUEL ELTFA. It renovatf tE t a doll. corns, tatter, 6 appea b in pan guarantee, ea,tisfao . 7th on)3 arah,teai to our ncons � urf iliog 82L26 Line, St. Vincent. skin erupti I gu t, 911ren to reP every instance or MOnej' jounded 25 te "I 318 inea, saw and C1 rist cents per box. For sale bY E. HickBoll stomach,'bosv A Sure Cure for Oata;rrh in it I jc�r�Summe �eshina co�a 0,wor&, Thr plaints. Co. 783.52. ai0a 198-52. d -g of machiuerY 371 *and at reasonablil, Procure from your dliut The Sickly Y-.oU*9 Gx�rl 11 F6 -alit Briapt ':' F ancl ot.hers: — ceilt bottle of Dii. Fowler s x -act Of at lowest rato- Wild Strawberrx$�, and use acco ding to Ana tile delicate young Woman need Thisme.4 nE W i Castings e ihe a the 'lioatiow, -Infifflib )forDi rh stin's Phosohatir .., �DgIV. diurotb�vrurnished on app directions. It is ME ce%, Dr. At th ' blood.: courseE )f the, otomaell countenance is pale, e 41 diseas's t the implell"', Cholera Mor4us, Canker the face ap- Gray agent for- and Bowels, atid Cholera Intalittim- sluggishly, in-ruptions 013 al, Dro wyerf Hamilton. A 774.65. pear, together -,�vith' all 0 oiher sigri-E 1798'52 tly,u.n ha,na: I I .. 7 CtDri,Ettan porgry or couBtitullon ------ of either tem I %r daility. No reme so q-qickl3 For sorTelyes HENDRY- D. Mc,Crimm0n, �dv vll ng h to, jmeabB, resut HOMAS of Lane r"t he has suffered restore color to the cheek3, stre aster, writes: th it. limbs, brin V with, inflammatory--rbeumatism mole the'mu§clas, an fle g �Eye�Sal E, Ild orgy to ft te' and nf�4e a, �h mltb . the prompt reh 'S I'l ILLS KIP aud app6ti rd or less, from childhood had' tried ba k the L iEud remedies with but w n - as Phosr 2 27 Dhotine �vhich'is not & nearly all &dvert' Om , d. r sale bT -al I cli Blood Bit- medicine, but a foo NEWNIt temporary eff act, B urdo ter's have, md.ically cured him, and he drnggists.. 788-52 n and POPllirvial 71,7 Val 'ell k I'l, U,athorlzes. us to say So. 4.65. t I f tht:-;e Nv' it clas!x , I it', ar, � Kram S Fluid Ii Dipf, wra out An pripared Uy ba C when one, HEAE 01 Of Far Morp_ Importance Needs no advertisirr F L_ G_:U K' . . i tlo sold S8,113 -will in the coulAxy- the Irish '�introduced. #Every IDM 1. -Pi i than the naional polie-YOr dL TKA, ing lfund,redEl of 4h�rsl by! � loing aE - illill �Pnid ILIP questiuu jr3 thb, question of restot Buddenly mo hall -represented for 11 ufalgia, :Reb. healthwhon, tost. The most re t. eadachp, at k It removes W,..&TTS FOB th-til diseases incident to this season are toothache, h of 8181, quic '. a B ffll a 1 Try 01 any pain instantly, lkged for xvheat- Choppwg te various forms, of bowal complaint, Wei. name d olor a-11 Of Which Dr. Fowler's ExtrsOt Of it and you will say it 110;1�d, taid aLitt 0- ic. 771.65- F t o btle 13 t . . . . . . . . . . FC 1111 Wild gtrawbeiy is spec Ijaid Lighttaing. Get a 15 cent The 3eaf r B R.,xieniber the P00lar D: Liamsden StOl a 79 ��.reee�vf depol os, VILq the mc Bt f bI anted. 52.2w 1. INT McNE" 4 An Angi��rer W _j oil . ......... 7 I! ' Djaf is on a th I case of xidney I . 1! Canada, on ires ied Free. Can any one bring us I Ur Alan t ELjeb.t;riQ Bitters $tates be Or Liver Compiptlit tha Any reader troubled with ysp psi We Bay they d Willi not speedily'.cure ? 4� 6to 8 Of cases already headache, liver compla i I - I Von pote "unot, as thousand & Wil 3 )n,F3 D u to 0 11. 089 and who are:daily call at Lums 6 1)ermanently cured )a trial bottle -M Z01=8 tD lot wfll and secure a JrE 110] M]48 Ixecollimandjug 1 Electric Bitterf, II6in e t 0 10 a t 00 7 Grand, Trunk':$ L LIS K U N Z t o to bie, I D R. F tiouil so i i ments th TxT inalea-voi S&fo�W and linton ta SURAN.112 AND IANDI ENCY. S NT10j FARMER PAY ATTE, N. man ut yl her I follol %:' s fai GOIN & WZBT— 8 x1irosTv. CLINTON 6 r 1:171. X. Ex �ress .......... 12:58 P. X6 c r )ws of a Us loin's � . - . 9- . I I i IF you wA10 goodplow and g pl, Ex irbRa . ....... 8:12 IN K. .0.0 P. M. Made go t4a ry egula r Xi: �edi�;4� ...... 7:80 A. M. 8:20 A. K. A Gv4nr te4. for Oduoribces and Gleetp� Mi :ed Train ....... 5:40 P. X. 6.20 P. ?A. effects fromq T ii, 0 S I To Safe ploa[Ral it 4n4 relAble. No bad ALQ NG MMLISs KIPPE 810 or le SEAFORTIM. CLI ate rfera with buaine 1 I G0114 1 XAZT— -NTOM. its U Be. ]Do( K n0t i ad, wbldh he - win Pi" 1 $2 i L or thl ea 601t_ ntte for he hjis a In ge9tock on Im 6:17'A. Mi; s for -;$5 * W Ex weso .......... 6%�42&- X. per st, 4F'r4 I sell cliesp for %sla, 6 on tilne A I stock of 1-17; P. X. IS AGF.NT f6r!pevieral First-Clails ek, xted by t rery duly anthoi ivid agtku t lie eA M Ex )rose Train..... 3158 P. M. Ignat antot is iE 8 is prepar- ovia d for the,iollow, Xinds of M M- tor(fundth m6nev,:if threaLboxes -el, and.Lifa Insurome 00111POinte", a "a th Bend, Teeswater i citd Train...... 4:s5 P. M, mio V lall to cui Plow L ) txkeLn8�.a 0-a b'jae most favorab tuma. pl, lvs�,,� FXfiM6ht0WI 11 SOn Led Train... ..OM A. M. 8,45: A. M. Sent postag ptepaid o 3 r, eeipt of price addreeiil d ft 1R6-anY 6ealorth; Seegmider, BoW­ )0d of h( retp eO Bi �Dr'ov?mrxi of the bes; LD&n 80- OXIT08 & T. 6 -rt awhodwd agent, for Settforth. Dri Also Agpnt i Robk F6, 8.111. Massey, ��o 1�. Going plow or� cietiee. 'Ile, No m aav,j r & 83 Kiug St. East, T ort& ahresliers wetiffing -good -]of ::Aondon, Huron 0:nd Bruce Feli I.P till & 0o." 8 ai�And Puieb Lao of Fara caistiu bn gnte, Sole P1 oprliet4#8. 798-52 Also Avent th or B 1, 0 We L 'o glV_e and Villag cyl.ndler spikes Gon 0 NORTE—' ail. e vertT. I01 tritil. !Iron bivrow. alwbTs n band. Ex T ME 0 EWARD In anches IT .8 P. M. e V! neatueEe bi Lo 3don, depart.. 25 4 00 a. IOUI ofte 7 CaLwe of F0, -e T cawhen t A NuThi Ur! of S _t 7a 08 h . I t I and small h R� ater .................. 886 5 16 IV ei will pay the a a e reward for any pmf eal IL C D a epsitt, Sick Headache, In. , th if ]YOU, 80 Live r Corapl jut, D ale. you Wont to bqy plt,N He nsaJI ........ ...... 8 60 I 5 Zrny for! jS . k� ilke �19 jI IV. or Costiveness we canno ImIn ov'ed � T Z�9`jLoek put JAP Oige3tion Ocnstips or 8 54 5 85. ta a lollar, cure wiX..W Bt -0 Vogel able Liver Pill@, when t MAS I�ELLJS, Kippen: 08 r i6efield.....-. ........ 908 5 45 TEO ly coxaplied with. They ar Pe Ir crime -0 dire4ions ard- strie i 1'enn ILI Clk�on ............. 9 25-1 6 1 $30,000 7. .--:Old ition ta Len ju trage. for plemetts. i d aever fai L(ndesboro. 9 44 6 30 pur4 �Iy Vogel ab) Ito giv.- satisfa Anverent. tion coated. Lsrge bcxes, CiOnkaiDiDj 3d 11 Ids of Ocean -B) rth ............ 41. L 9 58 639 Agentfor t ihi] i Tickets pilll, For'saleby all Druggists. Bewaro uair W ngbam, arrive. ..10 21. 710 If he; genuin of ounterfrits and imitationi- nl Gorqe SOUTH— Kail. Bxprops� a St re, Wvft t ?I OFFICELL Oive M. Morriso max:aLiELeturtd. only� by� JOHN 0. WP�ST & co" I ally' ral A. V. r. x. Street, SesifouU. 646 v 11 re Bt( re 0 2 40 111XI e Pill Makers,"$1 it 83 King St. EasZ, Toro 7 19 Wnglasm, depart. �. .: bv to'Ont. JPme trial rackage ieut - Taftil. Pr BI 7th ......... 7 45 31 I e a 6 Itl E: INT I r -r T -T M:..v 9 oceiptof a 36cenb stamp. For aal [iewara ax. It w Londesboro ....... 7 64, 3 22 on r Itol erts Drug store. WS 52 01 nton .... 8 20 8150 a ELIO Beg to- Bi ueefield .................. 8 36 406 ........... aiId a baot b, - K ppen... 45 413 FORFEIT! PoATER S k CRTH $11000 H msall... ......... ........... 8 50 4 18 i a dreo ai 9,. 793.1.2 f 0 t e utmost nce in its superiorit ........ ..... 9 05 4 8;0 - avin -onfide :ove 7 211 oth rs, andlaf or thousandi of tpsts of th rive ........ ......... 10 10 5 36 -�ained to Clear, Ut M4 L odon, ; I detki icqted :fkr d a6ve cu 0 0 wee(l jitsti f Fuvzitu 6. egard mo t coiiIj( rest Beftil we co wh, .1 to Wood is 0 . : lrxec in offering to forfeit Ent' Wellington, Gx+ ey and Brueii of coughs, Col. 0 ck Thi iaukl � )ol: ars 101 aaY case h L t ronchi 9, i0fIuqnzfLj horaeu -in alab&BterRy' 'NoYLTH .. e a s, int i 8t Aeo Exrl. Iffail. �sorilt rp� , Goi;G P. M., A. M. cor hoptio a in its early wages, w 001 I'D c WAXT, it willpavyt on I to agoor. ough, n uBty" 0( a T H tesi Ei p`i where. P 111IRS, except R ibel ........... 9 20 9 05 aud all ffis gsias of tj e thrwa arid ID as before purchasin4L alse 9 34 10 05 Asthma, ii fo wlaicI4 o only claim rel if, that *0 give a larg-id i oubt to those inC, oss B,-ussels ........ . it 9L 51 10 So can't oaf e gh Syru. be i taken si (!War N rill in Bneva,le ..... ... 2 0 .eaulticlate ithwtat!scou pecially fo nb W y married. couple d chalre for 10 02 10 55 acc3 �ample. bo ties 25 aOd 'I am obilijeling simbighlyAni rding o dirao�lil us. sV ingbaw...'...; $2.60. , Bed, the Robed S. a tiforl h. Goi w Soru— Exj). Ace. Mixedi, 50cants;lla-rgebottles tine Itillax- Gen�inewra Knowlton!s Sirins ... ... Epest- in the om only.. in blae- o�oallo.WEBT&ICO., 81, marks 'warranted A-:51, A. 31.: r6LM P beat and b 10' 83 � ling Eal3t. J&)r onto, Ont. For sale, at Wifigbom.::.....! ... 5 VE 10 18 perfectly no essi; 8 lag storl Wareroo 798-52 site B16 R. Conntear I Inevale., Robeit. Immoth.T 'Iry LStor a, Maii I5 3 3 10 30 7 20 S.' leatly oppo n ft�eet,Seslorth cDyspe- tic. Iruspelsio .... 6 ti� IQ 40 8 00 Xammotb.J t Si e. ...... .. 6.0( 11 07"! 8 85 L H 3 WE' TH Eas d L AL c t bee lt'h is ratl Ler Cash for' 6s, sIdne, f11TB and t ow. 0. W8st's N(rve and Brain Tieatmenti: R truck or tra, Cash fox everything. lies ar ys iepdi&. d r Iiness, Iof a oll ar boll tle ESTRA ST OCR: gnI riamt ed sp eific f cil 3yeteria, Dizzi Con- 629 JOHN -P I RTE. N er ow vulfdouR 'it i Neuralgia, � Headache, Ath."— 79 ausedby the7usb of alcohol No ous P1. sti�atioa 3TR&Y PIG.—Can)e int6 Tainelo5:itre of the STJ 1 Wakef ADM, Mental 0881011., or tobaoco pepy 1E1 - subieriber, Mai Road, udke,snt�'th, about rat-anity and Bral , resultiDg in' So teni g oi the of N, Lie in the Ist of July, a white so-%itp g. Tbe 1 owner is and legiaingio istn-y,�d cay ard death Prema,t*e op(i age,! B ri r power in. either sox, retlaested to provo 1) rt�, pay chiiirges Waive tie 2OX4 n KER. 8 011 torrlxo�%, caused 14 .akeit f6vay. E Wlk In, 1 laf tosse'K and 8 erma, for e ,:,r rt�on of t iu bi A n, sel -&-buse or Ocr u M 0 K* by ure' TRAY COIV.—Str�yed fripm Brucedeld obebse one:1box will our, E rmaD i cases. Ilie 2nd A ust a [red cow, ntain.Woue m6nth's t,ei Mses, D fa,�tory,,about t 1Ltxht-nt. Ole �s 'by tion il ho) us turned in, a piel� ill Poe I ear Pprs011 do la a box, or six b(xes for ft�e &51108; Mti P P13. i lead! We guaiantee Drrna,4�n 4 W 11 to her re- raceipt. of prive. giv[DgEuchinfi pli Elm 3 boxeti tj, clir.! any cme. With each order te- n �,oiery will be su�t&bly rd.,w tirded.' 15UGH me tC. B o gjN, TNEY Brue 'ac E U -eR, J� S. cei Ved b!Y u' -t for si bi)-, with Ave I 0 wi 1 80,d the purchaser our written S' j- 'ttiCa. eU doijari,'w L i I ; I , i trea,tmeDt STRAY RAX.�Sti e 0111 the ptemises of guaentoe tln refund the mouey it Vie Ithe undersilg - d0s n6t eff ct a �en -o. G n arautees issu eid only Lame Bacirl' Lun ned, I (oncessioul 11, Tuck for Sea- mmith, in May last Of -bred Soittila Dov" by J. S. 116"berts soh avtbo-ized agent I., ani LL whgn'... thontprio. Johl)O.l�VeAt&Co.,$Olepl,nl)ric- TW I N I V y Contractd Jo , il) OU Ram. HewaRoneye I , ad large for Ilis age; fo ttins Tox0to. 7J ar I breed. V11benli Iftlionaeliewasunshorn.' a Billgi A I ly inforntation that will kad to therecovery ier T of this animal Vill be suitably roularded. C. L ROBB, Kippen)? 0 818x4 L )BY TH 1E, B I G I U - .,l t Litiful bair to lily BEST HORSE, Autifil' boircan, rILLYE D froralot 0 9ou half 7,� e In ng S !er re'd of t, gaks) Morris. Ona�ye i nd yellow C, . ie C, Spotted, also on6 3.0arling heifer cW-k bro;6rn: at 51 c byi J. one yearling heifer rnbstly w3ite witl M's4den ilson W. BDRAYL "O W R wi % some -white spot§ and % cut in onr� ear, - aNd 1 LU & -i� some red sp)ts. Any person giVirlig Wtornmtior�.thitt will. lead to the reco�,pry of tbcna -will be suitably i in 9 reyarded. Word can be leh at the, ottee of TuN OR e of ate iti Ill a RAPOSITOR or sent to -the owuer. ROBERV it is infin t I THOMPSOIN, Brussels P.. Q. Ian Ovitclies, WAL� PAPER Y V c r the rL Hair M ay be r stor d Igalel a E[ !NEW] I KAIR ER 0L 1 actu al V WALL PAPL - �,�b ttle by ,exults a, WALL PAPERY vas the first pxepartiM perf)300Y 5 P,.786, cure diseases the SC4�1 and:the first sue- or Ling, r of faded oessful rest I air to its a rsigned tvill �esp on W L r ful be_a_ut.y. 1_ T S UPFOLK PIG. -The u �A P F- iltural colo , ,,,,th, 1ttaortrayi, aR.S. Tnckerf,,m1tb,. Ivirites lot 21, colacespion 2,: AL P it has hail ta ,rs, at ='ne bave so M U, severe a tWOk 3 of a rhoroughbred Suffolk Boa, . This 46inial was _-TLenients ueedfill for of recently purchased from the well -know d biee erii, fully met all t a requl )rtba stock oa Va�r and scallp- Cut imp( the proper tre - lient o4 th Osphaiine� And i is he tiroe of :1 . ach. Franki; &"Son:. an e irms,�,$Iip,kyable at t grown. both aides. D4 steadl IIALL'S IJAIR REXLWE it hws 1�ibvq), bar �wo se vice w-.th the Iirivilege ofreiturning if nedessary. -AN 0 AM E F? 10 N 788' ENGLISH in favor, nd 4, pread its faftle aDd U-Seful-ness not bad in, attack GEORGE PLEWIMS: the glole' It& 11"Paral- mprol ell. to er of a in act .-Charles a roydr leled suedess ean,be attributed to 1)ut 0110 ggists. 7 .62.789 - ILLS GREkNFO PO of has liurchased frofil Jtames Turber 1 his Well kno*n 3erksbire Pio wlliOl I rucefieli ? f ill kepp I -.en,j "at I ils premises m Hjll!s ense new Eltooli jnd fo bana The proprie:ors have,o tem b�.eu urprised i 131 othb.OS. I 0 W ce An i or; r un- t1w present! est -to reen durin eon. , This pig was I the very firleSt at the recelpi of orders -fr(,111 Nlliofe et) g from t 3heap 11 n 9 archased froinitheleelebrAed breeders, a see our samples Ir 4 -f - ptxre�s . . ye 11f ell r -Snell & Bros , of Bar ionton, and !a on6 gold calla sag Ito the County. Ills N6:4rOulletoShOw its introdacticn. tIn— tieb�st igs ever brought ' i 0 sire of h5s T 1� 00 H iGUCi BUT REALITY. befor buy or not ITAIR Yal Ca,�lysle,,1 aA well as the 'Ile use for A short tinv (if �IALVS s xe, whether� �,ou Carblffl� I acid slid dam, Sir Dore)a star 0arfiff and bis grarld I I 31FIXEIWER1111 ia_rfLully ilnproi7 s the per- e 1nnets , . . L I " e I Y, Tba,hDiplithe ia Ji neof the most no V I g�ro wBr fafkd Ito Ire 0 sire, 11 Lord LiV'erppo , AV re first prize �8 so d in Us d. -Ie scalp from ul6erated res, and t the R.oyitl Shows! in Englalid, also at"the Pro- and e1#11 illy sweeps foway tboqsands of r-ona, , lappearfaim. It-cle-U) rke can dony, am uniors, �Yer, a iocial Fairs in-, Canadm. TER S ilaildran is a fia t Which no oi till impurities, cures all b an I obhErs "[SO13 S_ �%j per -sow, res wh time 6 sev-ice,L with tile ihat ovtors in jas ny citses are powerlessi agains I Lunisden & W' hus prvelits It I ! I Lyablo at the Is tba.t is 4 c Lain ryness, and 2. ing if 11, cessary. CHAR11F b is jost as, trr,(. A m and enabl ilege of rerurp. . � I weaned gh 11 es 19x2Oq d siirc cure f o Me dangerou tin(l eontarious rthnulates tb ,Roylgi R, Proprietor. we 11 Nv alid vigoroits liseam�e E )ion Id b 3 Itailed with joy aud wi%iml we them to pusb forward 11, 11 bher 11, j SEAFORTTI - of ieed. 1:11.1 a ticle are not wine growth. �The -eff-ects of 4b�(-vL�ry.ainilyforuseilliutimei more eaplvicbecliadat, ri ipeg, sa ic RIW those of l!oboli ljrepara� C. ia a ae� it has gained heal wa. joBphatine now th i lrNHRYST IiLACK, Keel) it on band atid tiljil AL� & E P aj it is vith ti. s lisease. tions,but ren LIC NOTICE ,E t in ]Coi nto. My 0 t's too late. Such a medidne is do not :nit till; a 7iitt r of ecommy W t offered : the 1 ted Agent -ovel, and i A lic, in D opr faia - , 'I&AL - TERLA_11151E! PRA.CT :We %re'thor- At signed, baying DeOx in THERI4 and C ROUP REMEDY. T1 es Or any Dbher f 11swar it.s; purpose. for .4 onvilid d that it will a. DYE ougb�y BW 9GH4 two and a haf b t as Letters ttentlMe been taken ootfor theDo- R ruiui4n )f Canwit, and Ireca, FOR Till-, For Bill.- by all 111ions are ta�-eirt that BOILE: AkERS n6one! hell i7l it.. We k 40-4P, eiroulat;a-ndt�ifilbotticF;se-ntou applying for, iFht th Tools aiId dFij.�`eVt�ry City, t--Wn sod- co�ntr:y- er s IIE Snbsoribers hit -ye baT Will CI)ange T Agents !A rolvIl, trial Testimonials ;.789. men to give tbi� remeflY ft indly ask m . ptlical 00�`)FEDtRATJ L1 FE SSOCIATIFNI Boiler Businen lately ariled on by the G( d wute oN"4 Drug stit re. Seaforth. lI tural 1) y and Aiainufuctlaring Company aad riclipio'.Out ligthe gf-6at'nmedy -1 0rich Fouudr AddroBs Rev-��H- DILRLA,11M. Zk1 br blai of ealtl' " as )javiug had R-12 experiowe of over efght yertri3 in Is 4esirefis of inatiring the live. 301: 611 the 01 izens 'gof color I ain notwashav;"ky, that It are now pre to carry on the tre de of Seaforh and surrounding co'll �ly, so as to 1e gu are tee f the 110 I mate ga ftmd�ega,Adffieude a single prepMrafiO'n it ib 41q)lied Wlihout it'hi-Itnelaes.- -) provision for� i3l a BlcQ,d P rifier. in all 114FOR 'B PLANING MILL, ThiBis wndcub,4411Y the besb Any work entrusted to its will receive prompt in dase 4; anada, at X`uble. -Glass work guaranteeil. Ing i 52. atterition. First S y Pi D B I ell AN A lers na.de and re-paired,also D BLIND FACTORY 'asuran Ge compn"' do All kinds of Boi present A Wok at the Da �,o or M,%Il Of smoke Stacks and phoob Iron Work, &Q., Bit Mai- SA I fjona Is of y any ei sona Is an to d dln I 0 e 0 ti: 01 h Id e ad I can at onceou _H Imay lat 1883, Will fatisf ow sonable rates. ubscriborbegaler-ye to tiltank hisnuraerov, this faic R. P. HaL a, I' I d Id a rerairedlon F New Salt rang Me.( 0 6� 0. 0130 i&ble remedy for Kid- THE err -for -,hellberalpE t prices that deiv cent. Sold by alhl)e Q I an.d oustom IE, the Ahnrtest notice, S in Scaforth'aue he tarrora atlached etition. himHiuce Coaajn(incing bmde$3 th a �ontlnuaurt JOH T be favored wi p .1 . Ved, trnaLs I.Lat he W ay s bava bi an re 1�n ea Iful, and D, Dr; CHRYSTAI� & BLACK, ofthegame. than p,,ti,,iute'adingtobnildwoniddowelito 91W, (lure award IB�x 103, Godeprivil- him a 6aillashowill coutiniae bo keep on tasud I FOR ALL THE FORMS 783* V -B -Money to L �tn or Town Wney If ail I kindu of ff p�v j re* larg0s$.ocko having tbu Propert�, on bhe oftsicst term ment ind at. seasE I DrIl! Pin4 L'umber) Sashes) Doos, 8114 low intar'"t. ScrofulouS, and Blood )i orders, OM CHAMPION 71gig; sh*168) A198 revU kric w lo. BUnds 4,nd Roberijo,. 77052789 the best remody, because AGRICULTUgAL - I- eap 'Ting' niost searching and th0rough R' ers anct Mowers3 1. I ACtiDpto'bf1N Holdelsoontid wtt of 416"Pf nozi blood-ptirifier, R li-M wit), theiz)-trol4agu'r 1, I M P le oseph, Ball Iloyca: 6 of EIE sive y who may flLvOltl LE M It 'N T S Manufactured exelu ' by bat ust'am Planitio lg� 8 arilla.. 60WEls, ij I. Y, Zu - . ! Oshwa. 001PItion to 0 Ayer Company o e jjj)�ej)jejjt iUanu- ibg deadache, (Ims. The Gleilco rTI11 I arsa - MA10ADFOUT. fjt1,,,1K Ilave plug, ro I 111% i bottles, 45, 20f indice, and all dis- Sw ; !�!,S- .1 -3 hay'; Sold by all Druggi the farincis of Huron slid P�K that Ulf- Pr'ice, 01 SUCCE8VIONS T01 FARMERS ABDIUT: �Ara ta arranged NIvith Mae :3 agnetle- Medicine k7s 11 W. H. VERITY PURCN�SING. - 1 )GAN 1$ejfbrth, E & HC ONRO of A D B RAIN FOOD F4 ERVF . i M nAff'M MCDONALI), X5:tchellse(retLoxns, 110=2681 RE being rnanY Ite pers and Movers in the tautlyon liand till repairs j or tile I B of Atho !held tfi' t THEarket, and 6aell possessing some (legre of To ke 6 CorL M ont some xelice- I lad der, a p ling merit, it might be difflou It, with wou U price 1.00 tion, for a fitirnter to make a, election Oat Id S a W 0 IGHT IRON HARVESTEq rma. 84tisfaco-v to him. The ited b prove the long. run ti nutillifactit IL -ad other 11cip o`__1_1 fi)njl -I EXTRACP P, htntss 1c., a al Points ar mpatilile 11 straction, I .: tboat%o for all the r Stra 'treogth), durability,. oir:)PlicitY Of cOP Tll()XI80�,j & W1 LIA31, in al of He,alt ease Of operatin I kinds aud,conditions,of I faeturf!ll bY F�n tbLese the Champion will emn furd. a land and gr -ry left ith t1leir a, E mildly but inot as paxe favorably ofi ail po ts, find ill many will (�X- All )p�?erB for Njaebinc ALE, Nill po t3 actionlo thus 0 ring 1 It has. been thorc u,,hiy t(:sted durilag the or "0-,v ce taity inaebines N(�re found eive prompt attellti" h uril: ary organs � such past seations, when ir opp— itb next to useless owing t 3 the beavy er re Gu x1teed. Bri 815 BI gilt's didease is ,In importnt int to eonsider at the prtsu t: BO po ---:tlle 0138. found f labor) on was alwaYs OLD A O Y(W.Nfi, LIC AND FENUXL price 0 P hundleds of Usti- able to do its wo &I rentudy for Ner- Tee B.. I)y'a 1. other [Lit par )4 the Dominiou'ckp'bc is a sure, prof TH= HURON ineurabl Ifemory, Loss of 0.0imis from I t:) Chur hill's C1 max farciblaed to attest to it, ncit forgetting ()Ill Hur011, iu %I eat% r g lt,tj all i imes to give (PtljL-r ina- Pejweq atort-11.) !a f will I 0 Stirp �isod at We are w"lln rn T 0 A AT I you LIVE b hines their irst doeq, 64 notbing is inwic by 1.3,�rr2ijrl IIt re- celAs. 798,. tha, n el. I ice ropreseneation, but we want it wa,;te. r(.jnyLruMte,; 01P, jadcd i xnaM neryou we do not pretend to compete M price With ' I '; br.thi indre iron mael�jlieg, wid, t, stren hull -S of the inferior vGodeu cas I I SALE - . 0 j i i5ros SUTpris lig tone and tlje PH E ANNUAU the .9 and rprjn.�jt. WO I,(, A ir numberless latch, tILI mpion on its merits, and as i -, haR a �, well e(11 Relloth-6 r H the Ohai &V", .1eeninpaiiied Li IFF Sro utatign, wwill -try :for oilt 0v�ll in-. 11 c-ach ogder iff r nvFj,vF Ili r the Auspices Of tile lIvIV i K'OF COMMERCE earned rep y many engtower,; t) pariL. With ill ;cllfl otir writtvn IfIlrailtee to I will 1;(: fluld on or abo t t hat of on 1'(! 1 dtle�, mt A�rests and if Ox rt�Lbneut champion 031d P,mwioa; refund t1l, c-eape�mt nd be,;t n and M4inta.111 iL B68 t" j� i( -di- it before you� purebase. The Beaver . 1-jL11--�eomm c.ffoeta ctire, It i� flic -ul -i ill our 24TH, OF GICTOBEER 1883. S(i. CE, T Ro-N.-, r ol. I citle ill tjj� niark(t. I -,I paiti, jar. bined_tjwa�is kept on band in TH --;Lr3 i p. Inpillet, ch we deAre tQ Mail fic-e tt) RaY i R%kes,Scuffleysl Turni� Bowers, Flowil, alld L grueti( 11,Ldicine is sold o criter SOCR f0l t1ple Sak M11', 610 01000 aildre T. Ck , M. pa�fies intending't thing iu -that li0e. perlbox (IrI2 b0xL9 for -11W will r�-(Iifiru to make thAr entriko WiLb t tie Stuxm- Xj,ti; tit 50 epn'tit-, 1 D JAMES STEWART, Agent.' o�r will be i nailed free (.if on reef_*ipt of t 1,Lt-rr thall -Warerooms—k-ain Strpet, ncxtr'� (lour to Fj, wb,_t itj�riey "try "'j t.,§Old by all Drutr- Ell 21B1;, qn. ye (J., Windior, On SEPTEMB ter. n. NJEWCII�Dl C FRIDAYI ji,,rjjj is.suf d by J-. S. PaIBERTS, ea- TO tBNT.-- That FA L. X 781-52 CWU,.&by E'lj 1. �-Anattd Feien r forth. nffsal are de- I`H BRA:1�91311- FOR SAL.E. The ptollp(leta for tbe ppro ing Sal op from Tids farm :iH F. IR PROP aa fo any al that has mil a. * ir favorabl ' i.� 11t- 6h of WE 10.4.nk 0-t n U68 t( R cidedly m0re favOrabI6 of the bere is doz on, Geor Strqvt 13 ��ETT9 yet ben held under the Pice. 7i b en� e.4 pvin t. hich inteie t 8 1 Wo we e 'LT desixable property Vill ge rjf R V occupied by Mr. C. Avoo(t" iS fDr or cattle Ced e e a. —Frl eaeb hors .1G, ii i SEAF ETRANCE FEE, a poist clilide, ebu gh,U73d U. d cities In Very �C��p. an r A noipalt "s a -fifth of acre. ot Ian! i11C I I There is one for each shdpp Or a g -)-.t1 ;,tate of r -al is a I ritail 1, W, d on tue witil jimit trees and� A good house witli sevqu d RetailDeale, in LE ATHER sad -anhpal, !�1.50 or ILL1 ru Wholes comt�a�jou of I per cent. jill lw cliarged 0 all twd bt r1k, ba, of F very Description - -i and every othet co SEM, INDINGS mm for a i I g'ffj'l frr roo�u, soft water ej4teri Mbe VeryBest Stock kept. Terml anu4als sold. grnd: fiam�- sht,ld on tilp South (it. e C omx0aerals I venielace. There is also a good barn and �woo None b7t el.1tuaders4,metii. I., a it-iq fill. ; orders by m0 F,�tries to be made witli�th t4-rrf. of jv;1I be sold very chettIj. For moderate, � A. Trial �!olicited- All shed on the plikee. S acret&ry JA,4ES �5.N L er inform&tjon ttliply on the pre X. Y. XCL fUrtb to t1le or otherwitte promptl3fille4-' H. I Ex �ATXD, ASUager-. U.,4t. BRETT 82 undei-sigmed. 0. JV0QD8. E alieitc r. t I------------