HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-08-31, Page 6II h, a Story. is be '111 L ]3�rjtish tory of C&I iAmen aX� eachicg* tham.; tending so impontin Ithe h crops 8 an�duattie- ]a th�ftra tot*e biLiks t to undoarstall The proSpeOts, Britis River Ohio, westward to the ba ):a 10 t Y I; (,uth, titutei good istomt; nritisht the Iate, not now so, ftvuale: as 'they were mississippi,aud. uOrthl to jheI general report is 6 nte4 i&chij 9 low (�r p)or 06metime, ago ern boundary Of the B ritory Ia 'under E 134 Sion 1 ill, is a dw) gert) Ithat th yiel Al", will b a urers of, y9e to+t1le merc�ant aav go( this and p6ta- d II hiobL il a ob I, a hand. :,A IT, trading to tv u Hudson's Bay, an the average, �Ie -worth l` 9. tth of Which w. 11 ba'above An . Said territories, ibland a ala 00,11 Ithe.&, bo sto makemodilf pf-obable vield of ta 6f somf 1, thr expert places the are- not within the lim� firm- a at !a -stand- )rl be true 0 ]lot, -heat, at eiglit pe; cautt below tI ritish oolon�.as allol red And- re W chi I - I ars t thla per tI by the Crqwn.�l ard average very fillOry B 1 aged ttiat for aq astion r'si i a .by pro It must be Rolm ,There w S. Some 3i lea 0 ti6n am aim wo as to wheth r this dos i many years *& of V'he&t Mr. Burke s U This t on stated f t. I0aalY ecre tig. might not an the erri Ihas been gr t WJIL b( ow at i all h eff,80 afor the talling off ha. � the north a t of the ro . ti bec a nbticeable 0 LIL stake to anged lesson i on it is, a Mi - I , a descri tion was last forty years. 13 York alud t ision a GO; Ond not in the I that it is 0 p a so ma 31y fi a with the utmost suppose,. a So as to'dfi iter. -iberwise greater -Caads vj ere! it of the two to, -the high rents or sill the bo of A96ries' I Provinc P Icost: of proautiol prevents the any 0 the other Icompeting With joined patopere Britisk f -ax -I as Iowa: tuding,as *,naan lit i a e By to spOik ahill cej. The greatest the foreign pro Ice Ivanij hin, idleness. gir h British farmef B of �Penui ong the western OppositiGn whic t or the said! Provino, j r6ulting from the ni 1 allovi ad sew, all 1c f I -meet& with is -th watil it—strike's tI River - O, her and ry Variable unrefilable seasons. along the banks of the said rive I m0di f of, ve a recently., all his a Mil ssiop I 10,111 S Or 18 yet For succes war &nh-s qf th d to the b a m ither has s' 30d o d- Th toil and experiss w1ere lost, and � his and northward, to the poutherin un g for ho' Tb Suddenly 0rushbil by Storms ted to t! ti i - ! meill' everytt i 3 hopes wy of the territory, gtB let th Iat detinged hist -(Topp, "and made gen. England radin g self I les ; aint is to chant adventurers of th. are 0 S� Ur as the cost Of AI I wistake 0 Oral aevastation. to Hudson7s Bay." t at thi 3 no mi[09,kes, ;bot of wbat is Concerned'the -.1 The arbitrators held thk 'a. use ion compete in tau� I vals es,�r listakes I p farmer comld nw 01,ause the �fisslssip iver wA t 'al I U�i Can. jt is on �he way _t -ts w the. foreign 00- undary tth ad to be the aster is the home Mark6 A boy w can 4o with tbir u,� 4a, her &as, 'd not, as was pontended y 30M Pq � ducer, the an vho is vjs� a 3ea is the -loss he Bull- Vi9l t, other cereaK. a line arawn due noith from 0 jttln(�til %r wa L nev t a Mi iasippi-Nmg ajus from bad SO&S419WbiCh hd cannot tion of the Ohio With. . tho M.i id Iwithstand, d which prevents him rators' re strengti ened -in ldrei Set andnev The arbit' ll dre st ig himself I -from. making an this view by the Ise that the re""� ne )r, British far- gtstes t4 A te makes For this reas( a In eu I I . ; UI 1783 with a U a mers, r-otwithstandiag, tI the growilV1 oLei clef U ; *nd is fe &_ the Laki Iand north-westii RIDgele *y &test pride uI th, 9 do with :: f 01 wheat is the. r gre Woods a paxt of tize weatern reed to 9,b&ndOn 9L I lie never wi �)hes Lre bEing fo of Cjn#Aa this pirtlat balull 10 ia' of it and to, tu m- their -at- ffonme of cat od R )r and ke t all the culture north ot'te th ltivat acts We, tlxere asippi wrotil ,, such a d rb tention to th-a tt, ion of prod fore held that thd U 88 taloq, candle, rfee in - every- d with less haz",. the trae bounda,rlv-"� attende iver Was I ?11�; - sola Lila domeI3 nd except wheat he can still Wan the &word an Ulmou thing else a hold his, own, wd tbagreat� yes I tkTee arbitrato. for withing but more a -I roduction. -of th4sO 1-8 no justie -Harrison, Sir �Edward 3riltni er cost of P Geo. St �;f wheat. Not- 5 CCRIt JU 16j.iv %jujow less th Rtia MYsoll, all, CALL16. Ey mool Iwithstanding th 3 enormovis Shipments clusionwithout aylprevious 0 sult, 7 idinguisbed of I h &tion with eac�h other. The re In of butter and GIL gese from t is country eel rough tl toi ir tish farn r finds a ready market was a doubt inour,mlndtit the tru the Bri. + jai t week. Thif m: 44es wh it i $on - bad 61 i0l!Y, 01 1 no esson is too, to Tat d sto'Yvlllnsyl Sea erene 3 wl "Pth:- R ?rovid A i d: Sp- 00, �and — iould bL11,116 $11 I 1. G not Its y ot m )p ti ad 1 better., . - Th a actio 4, I and noral r613jarke arc �ren who 113 8I I I 0 .. 6e 01 Dth 111,174, her SIge her y " tr 00 I bhil v tul tan b t tbi I whe obi .to 0 the Xr,( win 1801ne pj�.t. to a a i u,'p a, ery imo I III- V�Sel up L Rild i vvy she d,, EL i i bI I i "beii-n ver h 13 lai� a d if . Vatq im If ; 16nd I .y on doi' ght s 1-v (11 b ly a mi g It . , ivit [. a i 4 g .rne, p4 nd Mr. unc t pa by al, lag i sts, sta� O. was on tiesally. for &1,I hs CLRIry prolAca, westeril boundary ot v arL ho 1118 fj , o BE ;on , an ev. Mi. B i 1 t x. orts a northe ,a does the IaX` -e.,.P At am a�tivepriws;.007 With regaIrd to t M advocal 0 rap 3ey ilas 4. OR In eat 1mm unis coun. ry. 4ted 11 m bee intere live, an d. dead Selling ary, is not'Qlxe be 3 �threatene a'' vi n-thim from raising and the award carried out?" Iprove i desists Iron Iod profit.. Thisbralloh. unle.' 'he yes ; t lwo�ld giv, Qubei i vqirr hiacattle 4t & 9D a 'r lo 63 cau of Ilij� businese he finds afteaded with of territor large actoolifilon d so he f Ian 'which i 3 ;aumber you less ri ak than whest-grO-wing, an north ofthe hei o d 'More into lo 'atoa at Detr,it ha boundaiy-" is, gradually gettinig mare and now to be iffie I rpose if M f . t a Pu Irhus we fll�d the, yield of British 94 The Dpponents of Hon.". to if he a are. I it i wheat 1 an'llu a E�hy becoming loss. enZjeL Bay jJ.-at h - wished tol. Sep t i1f; id I oj�y Corpso weather then the could depet) d ft)?ouL eStioa -open: V-918 that tho SO" in the q, .9 Onner simil to as In in d5 British f armaT C. -To; befoia the award Duld clortipetO C !paS1 C. of C i 9 10 ­10me: ma, bagainst all er-ju. oun( le I rkets, With his W there was &n. Ord I i de4n d wh ic? I fitte. UP fleg �t I t W Ills he ciinrue ,er d Comers; but t� iL which, in the plainest t 00110.-egste 6n "is two bvA seasou are ouila expressi they igroed t ) UPGU-, and one Or words 0 1 on, ;!,Khslu( Le simply ruinqua, thee a rbiltmteri Ithidd by the award of -ri:)r 1 arrive( at ingi G.f latef.00t-juct-moutia 019f 150 if This! oraer.ili-Council. receiveq lue the d,6ralithereby at, eek o i h- -pleuro pneumo are agivibst provil of -the Gdvernbr-Ge rotber b a I Ou riti8h, f but the o cark) aneri ic actioil I e,. B; armer binding the Grown t he bit �tle J,��all AntheiWeB Soon vern. t th Iof the variou awak. The primeni Go ISavo.-al 6 ind the ffliaesse Out fore �houlabe bou nd by ii, h ir 11 O V Sn6I, wai nc the farmer, who 10 to! without much as of no instgnee in which 9, 'Br sh C o*-. Six I ion slue fqr the* am 81 it F. M.M61 Ireceives fall v ernment has re�udiated' Ail:agre Ipreventing the im slaughtered. Ir made by their predecessors." Ti �6ipeg, wbi a a to -Britatip from is now portation. of a ttl. in Do you- think that them%, tot i ig. 1 excursion "as axe Judlid tries where these . dise before - th Conn-, likely to be taken: rne�i with wl re, the Government a i u cil known to prev�ll ommittee of the �rivy Cou a carrying lout -the same tringent I do not well see 'how it can got 110 t serioi is only Ko are rced locally through- t f d the rules that Rfo way of reference, eepe .there, unless it goes by out the 0 NO - doubt b� t lie pe ouint y pit home. in the same way that it was' ta;ken 3-- lu board th t Vaid al- th,is countr is, vast in exten fore the arbitrators."i pneumonia may pe pre- r. Fraze though pleuro. ern States i9 might About Childre-u-s Rq'Iding a, was dr vailing in thel afe enoual to allow cattle to� be ex- nd the bo, be a ouug a ext�aordillltlry Irn States Yet There lived at6no time a' Iorted from the Waste in the p who wishedto ehliat ar b it gal beeRm a a ies. do not contemPlikotO cignor In 3e the troaft Yed in his cotintr against ongider reig wbeh had ca jing up of the country, but c Cutt He was bravo ,"and 8 01 ig g as disease exists a�d.wrong- 3 lod d and so. Ion line a it as one, f it then 0 arm, and they gave him a 1113 r" d. hqreb� 6 inj monr the cattle. in any part ol a Ile joined the army figbI for tpe eo,'tb.. E er, 21100(30rdiag to the law, as it now stands, vi an righ t, and used his sword v 'th )h a cannot bei. exportedL fr6m, here to -omplishi d. phill that much good was ac arty o Biritaia'.—Scotefi American Journal. I In-sp te of his succaSs he w not Sat— H Sttack­ oti out r a could �those w 10 lightly dama The Disputed Territory arae within his reach, butf they re c btj Gove rpm Ilt 14 FRAICIS HING9.13 HAS TO SAY 1 only Skirmishers. Behind b6oste lay u- avor of bridgi ABOUT IT. trenched the stubborn hosts of if n r- Ipor A Montre&I Hrald re rher recently His effo ts atice, Stupidity, and vice. I upon Sir Francis Hinc4s, who Sat, and being iscourMod, W.&I Seem b9pele Irbitraltors of 1878, and and ould fight was: one of the %; he pat'up his d vledge of the whole sabj;ect Iwhose kno,v no mor. s$ed by that of any public Then he wandered tilong the lind,a9d is not surpa --Canada. Sir 'Francis at Of' came presently I to a- battliiry of gr at t Ce man in willingness to graciously expressed his N guns. flora was his arm �; here as. want to 4he give any inform -for, and the better than a .6 ation asked word. -Ae following rtant statement was elic- 3'ry and ]asked er- calpt�in O Impto of tb atti Mission a al i ited in the courSet of a conversation with to aim fire one Of th i 3�e it coat ad: tb the retired statesmen. guns. The captain rep 1 at 7 14 The newspapers are conatswutly sav many hundred dollars to. fire a 8i lb hot with thesel� guns, and. that nilln a Sir Francis, 61 that I s remarked o- most a III! al c6 uld' 'be pe, m that the boundary Iine of save tW fiaVe admitted -tot�setbein. The young man stood IOnario,fix-ed by the arbittrators in 1878, ' ted htL d saw t ,a 1611 to wroll aside an gpod -was merely a conventional line, and not Mionebased. oa 100 -al evidence. � his is, by these weapots, and agai he I Is ea Ihowever, &I error; anything that has permip ion to ui a one At; � at, by Veen said in that sense had reference Son of his importunity, he 'as pe milit- -0 solely to the northern boa4dary of On- -ted to t &in and Ifire one gt . Hil I 1 3ye 10 &arjo', and not tOL the western. boundary, had beE n true, and the slot mia, le 8, which. is the one over Which t1iepesent serious breach in the an, 3my's it as. disputes hal erisen. The tWL0 bound- So succe8iful was he -that lit i was" ., oi -ad Ijes, as fixed by ther arbitrators, are to try agan, and in time he E 311 M ar I � F.n be wsD sed on a y V�Lv=l Fwu 0.1 a No tribunal could find a legal boundary 1 the tray aendous fird of his gr -t 1L.- the north for Ontario, because that I the int enchme 9 of the Janemy Nfere on -ing ijaen a-nd&ry, defined by the Imperial broken down, and the fght DO be tfie;iiouth- entere and gained sigfial victor '.1' Act of 1774f is declared to ern boundary of the territory gr4nV word wus the voice of the ro ng 0 teaI ig, at the mercha;nt adventurers trading to man in school ina ehar�h, Ito The H - - - :0 son!s Bay. uldson's Bay na6st, & few �hunari3d young p3o le. Hud Company received their charter from The great gun .. was the agazi Is Iin to three b ndred h)u Charle !I in' 1670 and they wei which ille spok littl and - a Loh. granted aliI the territories in- that part and. he Sword coat'littl erica not in the possession ad a W. Every shot,cos much V it it of Noth Am ady other Christian pria4e. It comes touchE: many, Herals a hop and then -to a� question as, to what were the the aa a liteia are. eguard of childreni Of " t I ich- The cost of * s nRle edition S bouildaries of the old French Province of Quebec. Two treaties, those of olas" or th� Youth's C rapaniot is a subsequent- so great that Only the ca & Of Ryswick and Utrecht, wer ly made betwelbu the French and E -ug- ature 4an be permitted tolluse thei i� as I0 hosts of ignor ce. h8h� crowns, which were believed to �ms �t fight the C) have d 8 is aected the boundaries between - The tendency A the. tlm( the possessida-siof France and Eia-gland the g,eat gurs. The greater arms, but there, is 46; evidence � Of any now Ili Har er's Ya in g People. St. I fich - gj een �Pnthavin�,:b' made to,the Hudson!s olas , 'GoldEnDays" jideAwake," IICompany. By the treaty of Ut- mpan n, and the The Youth'i C61 faug- was. providedtht the bound- better class of Neekly pap(irs are. ar. reCht it a -ries should be settled by commission- ed on the -side of the boat literature, old rea4ing. s, but they never were Settled, and. inL ria-Ilthving, al d go or It, '63 Great Britian acquired the French Ha ring wri an for. -children, it may ti a. be proper to Say briefly s motbir g con How is tb,!e Western boundary de- Corning- childien's literat. re frc m �the. Writer's point of, vie X3 obser. The story; is" th 3 , great Th.-, Western '6-oundary is - definea vation is this Ill mo4e the world bythetictof 1774, usually known as ]ever with w ch to ienc the Quebec Act. A- great deal of terri- Then � is vary ittle iu'aI a! life, 01 tovy wa:i added to te old Province of morals that"ci nnot belmiNide clear to a Quebec ky that Act�. The treaty of -1763 ohild. - In wri tiug to - chill dren havE i,in iespikful fart iliar, t 0 - Ttf fixed the boundaries of the possessios f ul3a that a 06 Iof Frauce and Buland at a 1-ine drawn ity is essentiM. A child. resent i bein t 1) I.t i� E &long the middle of the River talked dowji o qui a �is mue as a sippi fram its source to the Rivar Iber- lofty spirit tb at bides a Jauub an er It 7ille, and from theace by a line drawn frientilly condescengion. a is r, 3achini alona the middle of that River aud the up, and not &wn. He n ay'not Vader r' _id at firs J, butlie tri.. 1,akes Mouseas and ontchartran to Stan what is sa -OnLe of tl�e objects of the Act to 1�ar derstan and he ki lows it is more CD M theL sea.-. 'du C -t- bf h 6 a thi ic thaii i z o 17-11 WaBAO ilLIC-1111143 the Western pleaE are to elp'ed up oats On te, Mississippi, wbi.ch were have the tbir g brought - wn i o him." r 0 taide tb a old Province of Quebec, -It Dr. 'ohn Bro wn may -Fis th ) world on is -a chiA,11 bia, the Government of Canada.1 The bill 8 tb ee feet b,igh to 0 ona -t passed in the House of Lords ebil wants the world i l. bits ej yard was firs IlLud, it contained the following descrip. long I* clause: C -ildren are highly ItGa jaativ� aul ive aid teirritories, islands and instinctively drainatic.' They 'roadil y o All, the a he terri- put themBeIv es in- Others' places. jSo, it -countnes heretOfOre a part.of II got h - saw inav, On .is fforta.�inthslt Canadi" w ;1 b orp ani � I a ion d rE creal, a kno ' as, a1 be con( Ucti6a in ille Fore t A I Y. Fe )ms, wW air �vela a. n 1H gyp ri war- Dn o a IM I 0 d&I Of io Torm i � -jot' See it f)r tl ri �i sh xandria,.Ip a -has s bc dy. Le ays lent wh,: r � he 11ft and Da Fr r, ning, fro a 1 h- e-Kootei i L as, Lrly res ted a hey em� ad liver, an Who 11 current Set N em be i In t tbli � bo ngl a 'I ider an I e. a, Wei m f`�I:I S t at , 3u .Ort j#,6t louse, :� c. ingl it in a F " at r pe I IIIi 4 !ATj UST. IAUG U,,:3T IYR M It two itils T 4E PlOf4EER 1 OIWI PLOWS T IF S died d IH ARDIVARE� STO� t13TON4 BLOK, WINGRAR - - - - - - IIJAMESA ICU E Y, and ;t �iparat-1 Iagroo in, I�-o GTAbn Siott Ot an Iupon ions d dppra uarti �rl for the tea, A -C,ar Load of Penui' le South B e d They ad polite W ashb Of mon. t , 4rn '48,r Ivioen. Ows H ILLEP PLOWS & $ULKY "'11 0 PL� I Steel Two-]Uxb Fencing Wire. —JUST RECEIVED AT— wtis ass CARLOAD 11tom by tLi tea u -sits shot twil M10 tr�a4l ut Na� Is IS d w1l'S tila obbed i WILLSON C :., RU 1170. Received this an d will bi i s6ta i lirge 0eer gjo IViso A ric-41tural Implement Wareroom, Seaforth, bottom prices. Beat brands of ford LEAD and hi 400 t q0w d &_.ar�rid to aI0 w standing the increase of 10 Per cent- EgGLISH BC AND R h will be sold at olaprioes, n t itb ut:rectelving any Whi, -, i OIL i'll impOrt daties, the Subscriber bein' determined to keep tbose valuable Flows tio f few S1- 9 stock, im bne Hundred and, Fifty of them a few days before thq'riso in the ported, ad to Bell thema at former prices until,the we tari ; co equontly, he -is enabl all descriptions utc sto is a austed. Call and see those Plows''before buying a common or in- Hardware (If at as sitlow pricef as i s!:Conristent with er 4 Fra E)ry Flow guaranteed to give lastisfaction or no 8 deal -vir"Llitillouse I feri artic a. Pvti and M a legitimatf but i4ess. "ad in t A full jitOC4 of Hassey Reapers a Mowers, Toronto Reapers an atlurdaY tW - 0 MaqSey'S Low Down B :.red w3 Ue wa's 1. Tor nto Mowe�s, Toronto Cora Binders and i chea-pandon reasonable terms. Repairs AI' CLINE hou hobday law Sh P's Rakes'J'all of which will be soli CO. Be 01 fail to sbe my stock Iof a kinda sl�ays 'on hand for the above machines. Don'b tT h t tl befo�e bn ng al�, machine.' LA TbaXnas4-.tjlrqg oul drink An 81 :I a�a -eat, 4 PERFECTION ill"I �Ljq lont�e boal' 0. C. WILLSLON, Alain Street seidorth. Iknow 1 contain a X Iconlbiwe, twf IIE.SS EXTRAO when Stud' SUCC RD ARY11- owe'-& ki ro I I the M. Ijdbu hospit- RE M 0 VA L IIi the. 03, 0 ce IE �NDVIL tcieutifi i ce, g J)r de W4 L kaforth M cal Instrum S, usi ent Emp, oriu-T)'l the a% ROLLER M IIIIa The only w r )�Luine Rolle 'in the County"Which now -has no Slip -0i IL di to! the Is eri )r Ing and few on th6 cotill t, I'Ll S(O BROTHER equ4st ent hatj �h heAmerica or, znavafactur� Flour. I commodio1111 Be to� a no noti that they have removed to more a ni� do r rt�,no a Post office, where they will be found with a I rge 11�11. 0 of DUNHAM PIANOS, whichareso well kuowi L' anill, highly A CRE R EVO LUI IN W-111LINC, sel, �Ctea stoc st. ken of' by 11 MuBioians. EXCELSIOR ORGANS.—These Or.391118 tavw� 10ma t Th Bre Q ulotion of Vit4i I c i ved the' hi eat I rewards wherever shown, iinahave also receivelI] � a, diplOpma th Indusiria Flair just-Iblosed at Toronto. VVe also keep in stock other arips, The r Ad 1 Reciluction 8temt all ga� Inaall kinds of sinall. instruments, sheet music and instruc iq'n r 8' bLy! R � ers now in. . Agenjo wanted. I bo a e I �(peration- SCOTT BROTHERSt S aforth, Roller Plour birings from $M 5 to $I.I per b#rel r4ore than t1w bpgt Flour TAII 4y the Old Pro xss. MED L CARDS. Ihys�iti�'-Xk 6ris ecia Ity. ;rrl' ; a p and resi I he- oyal H 0 t 6 1 Surgeon, Aecou cheur, &c. 0 a i coupied b Dr. Hut,l denoe, that lately 0 y Farmers , �ili In 11911 caseE got their Aub I urn. 7K own Wheat g rI and by of ir ne-W By (LATE CARMICHAEL'S) tem get t!ronger,whiter, richeralia Physictan,surgeon &I J. G. SCOTT, M. D. &a, 'h of flott by fall than tb, ut. 00be andr"i- better- gr I Accouchear, Seaferth, 0, 0 d oDee obutli sid of Goderich6treet40oond d401 public berto been able to 9A. SEAFIPIRT-H NTR10. east ofPresbyterian, Church. 1 Rm mbe there is no hut tb�g ma. 11111L a, op perime t d ting t e GraI L. VERCOE, X. D., 0. K�. Phygian "" k �o lk 8 j MES. WEIR 1 I H. geon, etc.,corotner forthe COU"T Redut It - 1�as be6a office and ReBidence, on jervis sueet nor�htl thoroujh 9:q d reliable. EGS to Info hisoldfriends and tel'travel- directly opposit,eseaforth Public SchOol. bboro-u:*Lhly tostied,an proved OR greo On hat al&gpurchased tI new lin I �u n gary 9 tstluutjfio� in German and comin iow otel building, lie has tbbrougb- M. HAN , OVER,M.D.10. M., aksdust y" it from top �o bot- Engl: a the United SL te ly re-furni ed and re-fitt0d. W moGillUntiersity,phyaLoi&nL,Ourgeon..,d ti M and i is ow one of Cho most c6ligortable in the ounty. 1 By strict Aleconeheur,13eatforth,Ont. offtoeadResidenoe, a 1 Flour prel to Out a oonvei ien hotels; Ztelas ange at a lie&7ytiost ana a tentfon I 0 th wan of his custoniershe hopes North side Goderich EltreRt, first 4jiot Honse a-, exii t of the Methodist church. 49B we 0 t, � merit a sha of ublio heroomp Igu4rant 6 better Flour nokv. Olia I '�`eThe e*d. t i trial will b sufficient to I rove our t& a -call well fu ished and w The bar V ill be kel it supplied with the b all fit- sertions cor ct. A —t-th wave be FYF FAR R r y bostl rl�li -AND T ! OAT ?1 1 I le cot. 116g. ib Litative is j it aploum. th I il,ciated. The wh, Is property.will be sold in , iniitte-ndance. Goodsamplero sto'lCommer- Iwo etw )n I rE b'Ook or oeps�rately, and 'ry elleap. Apply to &� a, ve�lers,�, - i , pit bl 3 W. N. W .80841t RTM _Oyaj Hotel,'Vcorne�, 'of Iffair DO, GEORGE 8:0 BYER C OPP IN Gill imtom th AnON, Seaflth: V emeraber f4B VNIN .1 klqd in ts �i king vas log a d Goderich qtrob , SW.Orth. 733 i E,,-Ledburer the 4ye one and a half sitdrY I,. Torlbn U . r f scil ties for this el ISO of vork It ( Far and Throat, Trinity ged�teAl Co I IOUSE F d wo situated in a pleaant part surpOsed, and custon Lars may de- frame d elling, prietorb d BaT 4.n are �n Ouo 611., ll'o Fie �AXES,WETR, PiO and Surgeon to the Iffercer Eye Iutaining iiine rooms, collar, wood 1, f the town, 0 inical Assistant Ro�,al London hop pling ione 0" b in 0 tion - nnder the firmary. Late 01 (In g ing their C ckbiogOii b( house and sit ble; ston,ei f6tinda I Ih mile Hofp)t.%1, Moorlieldes and Central once. Be Sure and try our famoUS 1161F �not ier ,4rnih bonse, and ha d and soft water on the prembles' E INFIRARY. Tohb=1 Ear Hospital. I a str t Ap�jy to C. Nt. WIUTNEY�,S Tin and Stove Em-' EAFO TO, HORS procesp—roller flouT. 00 pot th. AhLo ' a good Drivirg Mare IGig iitn Shorts and Feed deliv- one light wagon, one buggy, I �arvis and G i, next i 317 CHURCH STREET 1111�earea Tird, TORONTO. it ORNEB of oderieh StrOets Floir Bi hameas. f 802 tf door �to the F�resbytefliin Church, I Seaforth, one set ligh I I May be ered to Seaforth' Harpar- I nt, Alfdi$edse�of Horses, Qattle,sh�e�, or any I bousulteId at 46 f the dorfLesti�at�d animals, successfullk treated hey ov free of ch4rge. atthe in& �ST T 01-kD �!T 0 N elsewhere on tbolshortest WIN, SOB 401PEL, -Our 0. HA M I i iotice. iChateg moderate. JAB. W� ELDER, l8aw Mills, t g�otfdvi& Stirg�on. —A large ptock Of On the Last S TVRO A Y Ift E AL 0 1i U V VeterhiarV CIZI P.. S. Pt Bud u Id in full oper tioU. antly bo.hand. VeterinaryMelliclues kept const 1; U1 I y n k, 0 Mi r A Nj ONTAR109 808 RY HAMILT01 68 OF LE MoNjtY, To LOAN. ilIfi�RIW T MAKCFACTtft 0. ONr A R N Sr' rHB un Jersi�gned, baying been appointl ad Agent i deaforth COTTON i , i. ENTIST9 1will �16 t 111 I naLoat Society, I D Tbura- FARMER I T WRL PAY YR, I WIite a�Lej Go*jcited, 861gle and Doitble, JL for th,. HernilLon Provident a every We ries C �8 now. prepared to effect Los -no either on farm 0 day, and Cli�tonevery F day of CARPET WRPS Whitt) and &U 10 at rates of interest )r town property at the owe eacli week, O.Cept. (lie week when )le terms. Applications 0 CALL AT T1 E v !'I 1 W 11F.Alid WARPS of 6 ery Description, ind on the iaopb 1fal fmeluded to Tue0day eonia,firstlin the month s over the T� f6r oveiy milli 1 aS13 full 71; �ond New Yl Baj �180 StI: Petersba; 24 _0; 302 th(JRQN sis 0II Cros EX,POSIT even S;6,e, �ide 'L 3 GAL b y th e jstx)') e$ 1-I — - ------------ 7 p -6. �C iAR" OLL . mob. U. S ge .TE of Garrow & 'rOu" e Goi%66ch, solicitor, conve�an( oney t;t1r9eae_ut. bi : tw office n ye e Ibrth. :79.4 o.H&Ysi So" AdItUr )Pr Iste MO ey to st nioll 'illowc Arate, lend a ijflinter�st- OJW1OK— nerolSqUiLre AzjdWestStra,jet,(koderjch. 774 &BROW & iptp OUD1430T,,�Bs rrixterlg$ Solici- tors, &C ntfit erich,'Ontatio J. T Garrow a.Prouti 686 &MET -00 �i a (a) AM 11, N, Berristeres gr* Ob 6Ts in Save )deriob,Ont. *.,sVrCMM,Q Philip H 6, M. o. n 906 19EY, Barrister a 'd Attoiney at li in Chaue4r 1. Commissioner i in the Pro s of Kinitobs . - othoitor f r nk of He 'rivatefu t nsit6iboR Iton, Winghs.m. arIcent. 688 ICOTT, Be Is tars, SOU31tors, qlaveyance 8, &o. Solic itc ra for the Bank Johns n, is a le a a. - ney I o. o I Go, eaver I k,'Cliutong Cntsrio., A. H. 781 N 0, J' So COTT. BYER&DIC 1NS0N,BRTi3tarS,Am,Kffn BlockWingliala. Solicursfor t e an ]Ramilton. ociurnisidoners for takin a da. itsinMenitobs. Private funle 7eduesday, to loan at 6 per ent. Lue.knpw office -every V .MBYHR. E.L.DicKINSON. 788 L01", T U NCEY1, with Cam aron, Holt & be meron, Goderloh, LATE Barrister, Solloitori i0c money to loan, Venson's Old nvotlyaneer, &o. Office, Block, Senforth. .0aidnols, 786 NOTICE of Dii solution of E aftnersbip.—Tbe the Partnership beretoforme I ng between undersig"d h&Fl 1is day beel d s8olved by mill tau consent , It 1,11 I ie late firm will be carried on by Tyl HOLMUT CD, to 'whom all debts due to the.. rm will be I pi yable, and whor. will pay and diB st all debts i �ue and owing by �, the firm. Dated at Samforth, the 21st day of Do-: oembtr, 1882, S. 0. MoCAU BY; F. HOLME,, STED. Witness, A. NDREW 0, LDER. H0LM.EST:EDv � I I STER, �kil Law Offide—*Soott's Blobk,; Main Stroeq, Sestorth. S. G., CGA 163114EYj a. Law Ofll(e—J3cott's Block, SOLICITOI Main Streee Seaforth. 786 AUCTIONEERS. BRINJI, Licenced,lAcietioneer J. county of Huron. 9 4 attanded"'),ruliol parts of the 06unty. All qrt are left Ist the Eir be i pOSITOU Offt0e will pro%r -lyattandedto. DELGATTY, Licensed untioneer for thd A. County of Huron. S�le of slidescriptioni promptly attended to on reasonable virms. Ad� dress Walton ,F. Q. or Lot 14, Concession 144 774 MoKillop. FOR SALE. FOR 'ALE. Tbe offers for stil two thor6ughbred' Duiliam bull calvesi, sevenL Months',� old ; sire, 3 orni�g Star; dam, 11 Queen of Bi tussels.— Ent red in ew herd ,book; pedigi 66, -given. , TFR d$—CA1511. blay, be seen on Lot I$, Concession 2, Morris. JOSEPH SELLARS, 1110.evallb P. O. 801, FOR SALE.—In! t a v)jjjI of Amber Bruce lay, township of Huru , cocij�.ty of The best conuCiry Hotel in 13 ce ha*ing stables sheds., wellejau nere and a and, godd orchard and ice bou@e. F .Apply 40 JAS. 8TEELB, Seaforth, ACPRE4 SON, KinearOne. 817xl2 i t OR SALE. ��A comfor able cottage and w Fahops, - suitable f:)r Isoksmith and watzo maker, in a good part of ti�ej town for bnstne0s; clod re a r and is Dlessaut) IIIi 4 !ATj UST. IAUG U,,:3T IYR M It two itils T 4E PlOf4EER 1 OIWI PLOWS T IF S died d IH ARDIVARE� STO� t13TON4 BLOK, WINGRAR - - - - - - IIJAMESA ICU E Y, and ;t �iparat-1 Iagroo in, I�-o GTAbn Siott Ot an Iupon ions d dppra uarti �rl for the tea, A -C,ar Load of Penui' le South B e d They ad polite W ashb Of mon. t , 4rn '48,r Ivioen. Ows H ILLEP PLOWS & $ULKY "'11 0 PL� I Steel Two-]Uxb Fencing Wire. —JUST RECEIVED AT— wtis ass CARLOAD 11tom by tLi tea u -sits shot twil M10 tr�a4l ut Na� Is IS d w1l'S tila obbed i WILLSON C :., RU 1170. Received this an d will bi i s6ta i lirge 0eer gjo IViso A ric-41tural Implement Wareroom, Seaforth, bottom prices. Beat brands of ford LEAD and hi 400 t q0w d &_.ar�rid to aI0 w standing the increase of 10 Per cent- EgGLISH BC AND R h will be sold at olaprioes, n t itb ut:rectelving any Whi, -, i OIL i'll impOrt daties, the Subscriber bein' determined to keep tbose valuable Flows tio f few S1- 9 stock, im bne Hundred and, Fifty of them a few days before thq'riso in the ported, ad to Bell thema at former prices until,the we tari ; co equontly, he -is enabl all descriptions utc sto is a austed. Call and see those Plows''before buying a common or in- Hardware (If at as sitlow pricef as i s!:Conristent with er 4 Fra E)ry Flow guaranteed to give lastisfaction or no 8 deal -vir"Llitillouse I feri artic a. Pvti and M a legitimatf but i4ess. "ad in t A full jitOC4 of Hassey Reapers a Mowers, Toronto Reapers an atlurdaY tW - 0 MaqSey'S Low Down B :.red w3 Ue wa's 1. Tor nto Mowe�s, Toronto Cora Binders and i chea-pandon reasonable terms. Repairs AI' CLINE hou hobday law Sh P's Rakes'J'all of which will be soli CO. Be 01 fail to sbe my stock Iof a kinda sl�ays 'on hand for the above machines. Don'b tT h t tl befo�e bn ng al�, machine.' LA TbaXnas4-.tjlrqg oul drink An 81 :I a�a -eat, 4 PERFECTION ill"I �Ljq lont�e boal' 0. C. WILLSLON, Alain Street seidorth. Iknow 1 contain a X Iconlbiwe, twf IIE.SS EXTRAO when Stud' SUCC RD ARY11- owe'-& ki ro I I the M. Ijdbu hospit- RE M 0 VA L IIi the. 03, 0 ce IE �NDVIL tcieutifi i ce, g J)r de W4 L kaforth M cal Instrum S, usi ent Emp, oriu-T)'l the a% ROLLER M IIIIa The only w r )�Luine Rolle 'in the County"Which now -has no Slip -0i IL di to! the Is eri )r Ing and few on th6 cotill t, I'Ll S(O BROTHER equ4st ent hatj �h heAmerica or, znavafactur� Flour. I commodio1111 Be to� a no noti that they have removed to more a ni� do r rt�,no a Post office, where they will be found with a I rge 11�11. 0 of DUNHAM PIANOS, whichareso well kuowi L' anill, highly A CRE R EVO LUI IN W-111LINC, sel, �Ctea stoc st. ken of' by 11 MuBioians. EXCELSIOR ORGANS.—These Or.391118 tavw� 10ma t Th Bre Q ulotion of Vit4i I c i ved the' hi eat I rewards wherever shown, iinahave also receivelI] � a, diplOpma th Indusiria Flair just-Iblosed at Toronto. VVe also keep in stock other arips, The r Ad 1 Reciluction 8temt all ga� Inaall kinds of sinall. instruments, sheet music and instruc iq'n r 8' bLy! R � ers now in. . Agenjo wanted. I bo a e I �(peration- SCOTT BROTHERSt S aforth, Roller Plour birings from $M 5 to $I.I per b#rel r4ore than t1w bpgt Flour TAII 4y the Old Pro xss. MED L CARDS. Ihys�iti�'-Xk 6ris ecia Ity. ;rrl' ; a p and resi I he- oyal H 0 t 6 1 Surgeon, Aecou cheur, &c. 0 a i coupied b Dr. Hut,l denoe, that lately 0 y Farmers , �ili In 11911 caseE got their Aub I urn. 7K own Wheat g rI and by of ir ne-W By (LATE CARMICHAEL'S) tem get t!ronger,whiter, richeralia Physictan,surgeon &I J. G. SCOTT, M. D. &a, 'h of flott by fall than tb, ut. 00be andr"i- better- gr I Accouchear, Seaferth, 0, 0 d oDee obutli sid of Goderich6treet40oond d401 public berto been able to 9A. SEAFIPIRT-H NTR10. east ofPresbyterian, Church. 1 Rm mbe there is no hut tb�g ma. 11111L a, op perime t d ting t e GraI L. VERCOE, X. D., 0. K�. Phygian "" k �o lk 8 j MES. WEIR 1 I H. geon, etc.,corotner forthe COU"T Redut It - 1�as be6a office and ReBidence, on jervis sueet nor�htl thoroujh 9:q d reliable. EGS to Info hisoldfriends and tel'travel- directly opposit,eseaforth Public SchOol. bboro-u:*Lhly tostied,an proved OR greo On hat al&gpurchased tI new lin I �u n gary 9 tstluutjfio� in German and comin iow otel building, lie has tbbrougb- M. HAN , OVER,M.D.10. M., aksdust y" it from top �o bot- Engl: a the United SL te ly re-furni ed and re-fitt0d. W moGillUntiersity,phyaLoi&nL,Ourgeon..,d ti M and i is ow one of Cho most c6ligortable in the ounty. 1 By strict Aleconeheur,13eatforth,Ont. offtoeadResidenoe, a 1 Flour prel to Out a oonvei ien hotels; Ztelas ange at a lie&7ytiost ana a tentfon I 0 th wan of his custoniershe hopes North side Goderich EltreRt, first 4jiot Honse a-, exii t of the Methodist church. 49B we 0 t, � merit a sha of ublio heroomp Igu4rant 6 better Flour nokv. Olia I '�`eThe e*d. t i trial will b sufficient to I rove our t& a -call well fu ished and w The bar V ill be kel it supplied with the b all fit- sertions cor ct. A —t-th wave be FYF FAR R r y bostl rl�li -AND T ! OAT ?1 1 I le cot. 116g. ib Litative is j it aploum. th I il,ciated. The wh, Is property.will be sold in , iniitte-ndance. Goodsamplero sto'lCommer- Iwo etw )n I rE b'Ook or oeps�rately, and 'ry elleap. Apply to &� a, ve�lers,�, - i , pit bl 3 W. N. W .80841t RTM _Oyaj Hotel,'Vcorne�, 'of Iffair DO, GEORGE 8:0 BYER C OPP IN Gill imtom th AnON, Seaflth: V emeraber f4B VNIN .1 klqd in ts �i king vas log a d Goderich qtrob , SW.Orth. 733 i E,,-Ledburer the 4ye one and a half sitdrY I,. Torlbn U . r f scil ties for this el ISO of vork It ( Far and Throat, Trinity ged�teAl Co I IOUSE F d wo situated in a pleaant part surpOsed, and custon Lars may de- frame d elling, prietorb d BaT 4.n are �n Ouo 611., ll'o Fie �AXES,WETR, PiO and Surgeon to the Iffercer Eye Iutaining iiine rooms, collar, wood 1, f the town, 0 inical Assistant Ro�,al London hop pling ione 0" b in 0 tion - nnder the firmary. Late 01 (In g ing their C ckbiogOii b( house and sit ble; ston,ei f6tinda I Ih mile Hofp)t.%1, Moorlieldes and Central once. Be Sure and try our famoUS 1161F �not ier ,4rnih bonse, and ha d and soft water on the prembles' E INFIRARY. Tohb=1 Ear Hospital. I a str t Ap�jy to C. Nt. WIUTNEY�,S Tin and Stove Em-' EAFO TO, HORS procesp—roller flouT. 00 pot th. AhLo ' a good Drivirg Mare IGig iitn Shorts and Feed deliv- one light wagon, one buggy, I �arvis and G i, next i 317 CHURCH STREET 1111�earea Tird, TORONTO. it ORNEB of oderieh StrOets Floir Bi hameas. f 802 tf door �to the F�resbytefliin Church, I Seaforth, one set ligh I I May be ered to Seaforth' Harpar- I nt, Alfdi$edse�of Horses, Qattle,sh�e�, or any I bousulteId at 46 f the dorfLesti�at�d animals, successfullk treated hey ov free of ch4rge. atthe in& �ST T 01-kD �!T 0 N elsewhere on tbolshortest WIN, SOB 401PEL, -Our 0. HA M I i iotice. iChateg moderate. JAB. W� ELDER, l8aw Mills, t g�otfdvi& Stirg�on. —A large ptock Of On the Last S TVRO A Y Ift E AL 0 1i U V VeterhiarV CIZI P.. S. Pt Bud u Id in full oper tioU. antly bo.hand. VeterinaryMelliclues kept const 1; U1 I y n k, 0 Mi r A Nj ONTAR109 808 RY HAMILT01 68 OF LE MoNjtY, To LOAN. ilIfi�RIW T MAKCFACTtft 0. ONr A R N Sr' rHB un Jersi�gned, baying been appointl ad Agent i deaforth COTTON i , i. ENTIST9 1will �16 t 111 I naLoat Society, I D Tbura- FARMER I T WRL PAY YR, I WIite a�Lej Go*jcited, 861gle and Doitble, JL for th,. HernilLon Provident a every We ries C �8 now. prepared to effect Los -no either on farm 0 day, and Cli�tonevery F day of CARPET WRPS Whitt) and &U 10 at rates of interest )r town property at the owe eacli week, O.Cept. (lie week when )le terms. Applications 0 CALL AT T1 E v !'I 1 W 11F.Alid WARPS of 6 ery Description, ind on the iaopb 1fal fmeluded to Tue0day eonia,firstlin the month s over the T� f6r oveiy milli 1 aS13 full 71; �ond New Yl Baj �180 StI: Petersba; 24 _0; 302 Una the sis 0II Cros !1he pla even S;6,e, �ide broke two toes. b y th e jstx)') e$ 1-I be.. mob. U. S ge at the P lately n?T�rthwe is the �0� years an, Y 'e.4 ra , iown p!rluper1t) -poal A short th day as a wo aIumulet f se office ofV. A XV�e iiiaty whiie having It, the itid4ojj�ef eh -14 form ino u4minis t-] tracted,� and whe. The iioti M mas h velahe4 180 pounlc' Or Of 4lfiree.boys wr from oi re toi twelvi tl . .1 I I I i Py mail or per onally plom,l) y T eth eitracted wituout pailw chaToes mocierau HOSIgRY YARNS AI�D K4 I i BALLANTINE, Senforth. 3 and beri as c YA 98 BALLE)D KNITTIN0 RI For t N-FEty VARIETY, IMCC I OLL 'B HU N FOU I q b RY.j or H j ROTHE S & Colo) -rick!'77199 and CotloadI68. I Deniv whi SU GEON DENVIST.� NEAR HICH SUN S�Afllflf ds by 1he TH A 1by: the Tliese Goo' are uiiiyjrsally proriounced jy made, and lor II trade to be fully equal to al TORONTOg Iauthrities. 703� H regularity ai�d even fiess in make L and coloring IiEu UTE of the Ro�s�, Col 4ge of Dental nd see our stook of -ice > they are uns�urpaased. t S�rgeons, Canada. Of the rqom CARPET WHAVERS—Yon will f0nd elvair 1 idanufaot4rers and WIX01esale Dealers in el ?Ceupied by H. Itpey", Di�rbys 01 _F T_j 0 W :21 Wnfil rAlliperjor-to; uny in the 1rnnTkk.9- IWe ask-.y6ujustlip give ally for. tra as Blot go 1L erations carefully p6rAformmk a satis., If your Ory Goodo man h I i I i mb I Whi h h -is b p All o een made es _11vill mee you are ptpt- LARDINE ed. Charg!a ' Ro Brate. I IN write to tl� and we, fsetic, ELti bd IV improv tEis -, oun I have gre ly supplied.: Iform!, a vtgaab ti —T"lh eXt,racLfd,%�ftkov1t o�_ and fed low for this Sea, OUR YARNsj of W1114h %,a make a] inay flang nally good. A�p -bv th. not otlie_� rpme V tions, will. be found � I &,LINDER satiatied i6 saying that it i's the beat lu vq th.,baark-6t. OuTt ry fibein. �tTr. -E for them. any was awar irst prize ded two f _r I11- This Corn at Toronto ExIijbition in i 881, 4nd Th Dr I UTTING IBOLT 0 0 M, tbree first prizes at the; ProviRcial Exhibitiob. at LAND ROLI.EkS B itters Kingston 1�8% IDENTISTsi, r TIS ON for 1H AGETS' AND WOOL: OILS. D. Are large ian-d heavy, Vu ni iin� light *a ou are f.0 WITNI Co Toronto- Med-afist ilk�id 0011te a dojj� goo work. ur Facu tY Old 9 tOtt For H ry Ry Coll, TAoutreal. 0 6dalist R. C. 1). �C; f-?!U,'c IF. McELDER 111x26 E biand is Our-cele"broted LARDIN Dunexcelled! by any other oil on the G inanyyearns' e eriengil he i able �o -yn 19A itistry suitab ArelmadO from hard irO Bitters THIRTY—EIGHTH ition of its sup rior ake 01 op�ratlous De e I recogn a servin teet -a .. peoialt Y,, marke I Iu' arid I tin P other A11-0bille ms* r lo er tbom any merit a�e received 0,11 the lioe G 8: give a. a V Chlordformn'Eth'elorNi us 0 racat tiui�4 i i J. I V � ng lapeclul 1500181 PROVINUIAL� _W11111 I lull 'I C Rolars, *e can guara. ata '4 GHIEST PRIZES '�es Spt oial V11 liver ai. I—OF THE H iittention giv IA e eyer's Block et, 136afoI steam. En-ies, Saw an bxhibited sliace 1878, offi�e in )ers Mowers, Thresh RICULTURAL AF.Irs Wherover; a ilij Xsellio if Y Lu amLO11,4 otbe awards a large u:umber of �,hin ery Tepallr6d lol AG and all k�nds of mw vit�- C1 ; . W 4i, ASSOCIATION OF NTARIO re i8o�able T 0 B short notice an at solps itters wit, 4 ALSO It th HELD AT GUELPH COLD P & BROKENED To cont��aetors and otbers III) 11' r to pills. 01 est ra To BE low Bolts ald Castings [p iplom a. It is PP tion, nu4nerous D ! I i I Wsidlt)s Q it )tatiqn a f urnished on a THE— and as it 0 4L, r 4 W�rra)ated nbt to gum 0 010 CLYCER TED BA.W 9�' Aj:so agent for the 'therefore, i ide Av., '83�_ lweaMequal�!-to castor !Oil K of j.D.jSq,wyerIHamil1on-!1 24th TO 29th �EPTEXBR2 I- t tly; on ha the most prbfitable oil for tho a running a i i 170 �to their I , I i The Magi carO� tor of.rapairs cons an with the Secretary a� ust be nin de Machinery Entriesm NORylir o -secure t Toionto, Oil bf e xhe undermentioned dateis THOK�S v1z: or - Il Farmers,- Tbreshers and Mill nItlibir le,poultry,Agricultum ttle,�h:lep,'Sw or sale by COOCR�i C DS SORE, THRO Tv 4. Q41k men should try it. F t if Horse,CsL! ill for tbt' Iinplemen s, on,, or befoi I, Angus Iauddther larih Products ISaturciay, t=j Grain, ield Roots )rally, on or ROBERTSON C0 Sold during t a the d'o- III -Machine d XE ufuntures genis past yeav iand W I WM. I 'Mal ri� sin This Jo-, NEVA inc ri N before Bry an 1;� a rday, Se�tlel r lot- a Itoonst utly I Ladieh' Work, Fi 80226 vahablemedjcineaayn�vV�,e ro'curedl Horticul tural products, EAF RTH. 1 . 1 i Proprietor of thase well ID011 11 Arta, II on or before Saturday, Septembor 8tli� __ aw I pop" or aking fron 1 woo -141: Prize L'As and Vlank Forms for 114 ini-d of the secretaries now t ,%n articleol! entri�s up n can be obta of all Agnoult'aral and Hoitliculturall So6leties %..)r_UURE THE. SHADOW 0. er, an is prepared to titir i ou alluot be A- = F M I 11-Y, FLOUR w liell c �,ose ph Kidd on, ubl 8 througho t the Pro- i 'and Mech nics' Insti�ute ed by ldy inill, in W10 C-01 n t I40ince or ;!rl� jo. AlUIA71M. 1 an il Art4 HE -$By 7ADE, Seaetarv,'Agricultura DoxE 'WHI' Toronto. hro p. : ! I i n4 zo ;FOR ANDrfEW CALDER, A ee : Gotenlock, Wi'4 WAITS IT P. �cKj II - I � 'O IICh4 of u460 . ijag D. reBidenti §outh Fineb. ! z 819-!3 PEOPLE'S PHOTOGRAPVBB, begs to, Jimale cunI&II, �a wloat i PLF THE Flur exe han-ed for state that he bete returutd. libbale from DS_ ed t' at "Thpie's no place descripti(ii pr%inptly latteT;i Wn &6tt, rucefield. kota, and is convinced th d old at 't10, RIAGE LICENSES I and he intends te remain at home, Bran alw4ys on Hand, 21) MAfl like home,, teniper 1 be Maier i neeforth give his eiitire pe onal at- q�ler Imarkettprictes. Rem and will he 115 He, ary &h His facilities for doing IISSUED AT business; Ian a JOHN XCIZ tention to d k &I unexcelle(I , d h n gualramtee Jalf Bonthillim goo( wor a come one, come T1, find biliag W THE H60 -H EI,XPOSITOR OFFICE ions end frien0s, au, secure the your rela� he substance fade ean accom-, i abado* erp t And wbiblessle'or rA: t141 f OM Ican send you on your way; Imodaie you all, and ISEAHORTH, ONTARIP- and prove be. Charget 1PAIUBEL, Povb)eial 1AUd rejoicing.. ust try me L 41 adEngineer. 40," ]call the plsce--�-Sctottls I 6'MSDEN & W1 D. moderate. I Remember ly attenled to. IMaiuStre�t,Seaforth- D. S. CAN S aforti� 762 ANDREW CALDER. N0 IVITr4ESSER REOUIOE6. III-------------- ------ Olal� certin -cu VOU) COU&S,COI URI Fever, Brm Throut e giqarau