HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-08-24, Page 6--- ---'--- '~-~^-~ 1, 6 Rat Poltage Affairs. • 'THE PEOPRE IN FAVOR OF ONTARIO, AND I AMINO TO .BE ORGANIZEDAS A MUNI- CIPAL1TY OP ITEAT . PRO OB. A Rat. Portagiacomes advent says: All is quiet here, but a g deal of in- terest is felt he the proceedings at Win- nipeg against 'the men 'charged -with. breaking into 'the so-called" Manitoba look -up, which iS the private property of three citizens who have never been paid a cent of rent, and which has never I been proclaimed a.jail for 'the Province -of Manitoba, Great dissatisfaction is felt in that the 'prisoners Were spirited away to Winnipeg without a preliminary hearing being had here as promised by • Ex -Judge MJ amowit of amu at the carrying oedsx log Use er, and ,an immense ement hale been created way to W'unipeg. of the as abat, ering ram on . the occasion of he jail4i- elivery. Ex jadge Miller, it may be safely conduct; ed, has destroyed any chenoe he ever • had of sitting fer the e4nstituency of Veronese% in thd Manitoba Legislature. To show the current of public opinion here since the recent eacurreiaces, it - may be stated that dying the past few days a petition has been signed by iupwards of 130 eitizene, including near- ly every preperte-holder in the place, asking Ontario! Stipendiary Magistrate Lyon to call a public meeting tteeonsid- er the advisability of organizing a multi- . cipality.1 • As there is already a corpora. - tion in at Portage sestil or supposed to be eating under a Man toba charter, this petition cavi have no ether meaning particularly, ineit is addressed to the Ontario Magistrate, than the formation of another municipality upder Ontario. The strongest and most consistent Con- servatives in the place are entering warmly into the movement and are openly declaring that while they at one time wished to eeit Manitoba, have pos- session of the territory they are now ooneinced that the interests of the in- habitants can! only - be peeved by On- tario's. being snstained -in possession' as she alone has the means of developing the district, by granting t ties to lands and ' mines, and inaugi rating public improvements of which the territory stands sorely 1 in need ; g eat disgust is also felt at the miserable travesties of 'Lidice which have mark d the conduct of the Manitoba officials and at the Mendaceous reports lately furnished, to • Winnipeg papers with a dew to preju- dicing outsiders against t14e Government and the officers of 0 Uri°. These reports leave had. the dotible effeot of stopping tourists trove tr&velth4g this region, and - •thus seriorisly inj, ring business, - and also of opening the e es -of all hon- est people to the tactics he interested clique of ateent a baker's ozen who are crying out for Manitoban and Dominion interference. it is safe to say that the visit i of Premier Norquay; Messrs. • Lari-viere and Sutherland, Latoucbe Tupper. and some others, hs thorough- ly alienated all sympathizers with Manitoba outside of the *retched clique referred to. Meantime Ontario is quiet- ly going on with the work of organize - tion. Her Division Court iii advertised to it raonthly, and already several caster are catered for theeitang to come off at the end of August • A Registrar, a Crown Timber agent ad an Issuer of Marriages Licenses ha e, it is said, been appoitsteel, and well enter upon • their duties at once. Tice Commission- . for -enquiring into sqnsett ts' 'claims will --- hold special sittings for the next three days and afterwards proceed to Rainy River and other points of the. territory. The sheriff of Thunder gay is to be in attendance for the purpose of summon- ing witnesses and otherwise assisting the Comrnissioners in` their labors. Altogether it looks as if the authority of Ontario in the territory will spring, aad derives it mate strengtI from the con- sent of -the eeoplce, whil the authority. Of Manitoba, if it is to b exercised at 4 all, will be against the 'polity, wishes and interests of nineteea-twentieths of the property -holders and voters in Rat ,Portage and Kewatin. , • THE 'HURON EXPiaSI 4 • i on openlitig it who ehbuld it be but John Johnstone, ell • beadle& np, with his nightcap ttssel still dangli ig. We did not ask him to 6 me in a 4 wait Until I should be dresse for a p rty, but Push - with a big shawl wrapped around me, I lug a table -ag; st the s owdrift and mounted the t le, pea hed, .out my arms and puttin them a mind hie neck found a good c.ox fortable lace ,oee his back. The trip was Moe oomfoitable for me than for Litil, poorleild lit' 1. I can see leitn now plowing With hi through the eno . -He inta to -go np our side of th sitteet til he to a place wher an eddy I had the snow the other way, then dow side to thetkitchein door, where h deposited me . on their. kitchen That kitchen would'1;e quite a en: in these days; there was no eeih g, th rafters were black with "emit geek an the floor was earthen but smooth an clean as floor could be. ; At on en was a large open fire whioh Iookecl very bright and pleasant that wintry tight at /the other a sort of siek bed, closed like a box ,with a door to up tight. There were gathered there twenty children under twelve ye age, and a ha pier lot it Would be to find. - Th old man took fro mysterious re ees his bagpipesean considerable lining • A Christraas Party in Scotland. A STORY FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE. -Wheal was a little girl I lived he the city of Aberdeen, Scotland. My grand- mother (mane to visit us land -it was ar- ranged that I should go liome with . her to spend the winter; she lived in the village of New Deer, on the borders of the Highlands. - Across the street from her house lived an old stone, of whom I stood awe. He was very tall,an hair and whiskers ; on ways wore a peculiar ni even though be limey marnocke) knit from blue and red. woolen yaro, with a long tassel which there is her in the w hung down at one side; and slangledel mend for al thrifty' c about as he walked. He was a great which CaR8 such amine hundreds o nailes'fro i curiosity to my young! mind, and I may believ Oita the supply of tows remember wondering whether he knew this countr is much If_elow the wa how to smile -like other tots. I' after this the rap dily inareating popalati wards learned that bene.th that cold and that b ef, and mtik, and butt child's, exterior he had a heart as warm- as a child's, and' full of sympathy for chile must rise n value year by year, that a few ears hencel each c dren. become mu He had hie wife and all his chil- would be dren in the grave with the exception of continue to one deughter, Jane, who kept his hotel& butcher as Wh_en. Christmas week came the oyter old enough people ware invited from house to heuse Tribune. to Christmas or "yule" pea drinking, and sometiines they drank something History stronger ; they had, very happy times, On exhib but it was rather dull far the children Chicago sto to stay at home and les.m the cate- have a hist einem. There were no Christmas trees of Mr Will or presents of any kind, and I wished city, heartily for the tithe to come when and ar too Would be "big." an, John John - very much in is head he ed- to feed'a cetf milk *oth Moe staff away oarne rifted his soon table 'osit all in hut i abou ars 0 har 80111 afte • • !Ire screw'd his pipes and dart them Till roof a drafteis a' did dirL"' . ., danced hornpipe, hO•rnpipa• , jige reelei was Iliperfectly im 8, We just! danced 'an aeeed-morel! until wo veer • hen Jane invited us " te e elie- had ;4 nice- nppe o which we: did fu jus n fled back to the kitchen d:- old man had ! quantitie ng for use He then tol riaetories about witches 'and warlock that would make my hair stand on en d Sang im a song about" ew, hose that will Esip t they will." • ! Tier w more, .nutil we wer tire home, when bp p odde through the snow; athe oth • Whether strathspeys o material to danced, and all tired out, a hoose" wh ready for ne ace. We th where the go of candy wait , • : • • even now; a pair of brew get me a wif danced some enough to go back with m and brother children. I may live shall enjoy never done s' after,and ne but while m be ever gree "If I can win t For whose sw In the great co I shad be sur 1. 01 coming af er the • attend a party, we ere myself nio 4e, but ha yet. t ft ther -Boo, er saw ray Old ftien agai • , life taste his memo sh: and e homelin heaven et rest 11humbly hope l d pray any of the forgiven i to find old,Deiniel Gray.' MsW.. Wasteful .Thinking en are - tech coneern over the con inued • hab, t of destroyi large numbe s of•calves the dafry di tricts. They realize fal 'y theldi mil of persnadinlg- the dairy, farmer hat would be wiser to sayat le st t female calves, for the' f traer who c readily sell every punt • of milk at profit will net readily they wi h rai ing calves, 'Very nat ally he ask ".Why should I feed wenty • oiler worth of milk to raise fifteen doll calf ?" and it is not easy 0 show hy,f dairymen 0911 buy Deitch gowsve,h n th need fresh o •En, feed te1well *ten quickly when t e 1ow of shall shall have fallen below a prc point, and sell to the bntch enough, or very nearly enough, o p for a fresh cow. If he miles that the tirae will co when milch cow $ cannot. be ;bought 1 this wayihe will reply that when mil cows become scarce and hard 1t3 bu then milk will- become scarce, auU ea to sell at higher prates than ar no current. Tlae profits to the dal ym 'i will thus affected camper tive little by any change w,, ich may thi come in the !supply ofcows. n th 6176 die+ se th WO a par thet ch n which, if br migli. produce in •Of he life food am unting-te many times he own weightage of six o eight weeks, she wi 1 yiel ii, ' and value. . Killed itt t at best ea few pounds only of mit ve nutritious f od. , efitractiip' • • ve II • 4 I IS • • mil fita,b )t I I ease, :mia many othrs, the policy of deetroying the eoung will in the nd serve . to incre cost of diving. Ery one wit milk or but r will have to pay of the penal y for elitighteeing thousands f youtig otdves, e ught to nteturity, he nature course nin ty- ft 1768, 6°1 iv4n e te t ebTimota t -ben b in p r8ail to his eh 'rs to turn g ve Oa New York Whil ionurir it rpntio l be Sai is the inethe cloth ravelin TinttIntthe Mulch co When Scpt re elo hin ,s there as import: • t that teed Sewed gti worn: en wh-seemsr sa niliyi taught at of necssitv, The Fr dived 'nt !study •f di inaet!'eu8 for! ' allxe Iwhile he icourse of ting. N enabled [they are land time in hones r [whiell fi Imam, a body, an an land wiea 113ulgi :extra u lfacem n Ifoelis Ithig g ! else art ' boldie esesh merit lie mu I which 1 place It i of the I able i hapso corset IP I atid n menu l of m 1 appea ! reatteir of I miss, iuid and i ' 1 ly to for t use ti vanta lieved fabric year. 1. a- ehteit ineyrloev; s n thcr h� die Eph His e em her o bse v His wife died in Seihoin Bigelow, --his d the, Oltaits, He ix, and! died in 1812. a son of Gershom, possessor, and dying oeed• d by hi son son • in 1 3. vious eine 1 i elow g • ve the 1. • ; • Leen a, and •he in her tighter • who the p sent onea— r. o• ma g spQns. oh is said • at te hnioal n ma nal 1 or for boys in oiled ,rnigh Ot Something • he g rls ? S wing, so far entin ng :titch go, and the jo teCti g a etrawdge fronx - teise edges of in ei.eaHar.taught now ; o atting Id -Monts and to their •1 utpese is not iders . In ruler times, dy vila like lie • tivo an of onofe for th of the e preP red lot the S irit Df actOr in sec_ ,.mad:, bad] Men s . are les, tuiks, and 11 et i 1 made const acted g e ho,e that ome hat t nicety eer household, mn ation—an cess ; but now i cut, ! poorly 01 universally drape° deries, , ereartherentin&meatg irls will be e used t� learn , intro-. ls the ovidedJ •oilers ; them -days in Cueing out Ira fit • dresses, bn ; in: Material is thus made deal. tires in an oh overnm las he e ementiaty, sdhe Emma 'ng,.and has pi beim tructiollt of! te bei have n Paris a tweet g defeated for ssons inerol we sight ndl a here weli wsf SS It bette hetet, ng\th It ,is m vela tit. ht.! h waki • 141. Bee (tarts that! -deem Ye ill no Ah, rfe d o'ded av t e only rnl re ac4recr°'e.' poet r. t is e good 1 oodl rep re on girl err wee, *e rid in ge, nd Oh • df a s which not to last, ae tstion to nee hasty and sloee net at once hav sehools, cannot eand employ r maker to nstinl dressmaking bil creased at first, be lessened.—p are the pepi B thu. ✓ beat econern saving t is ,n oes no I draw ee lmoeciment s ri wrsnkl for crease y get b there ore, no mere ch seeks a neatly fit. nd Bach. are not neo n exquisitely fitti utif ell. curved lines, g its roper adjust le, Ma than to L Lt GAL., P. S. CARROLL, ir ATE eof Garrow &Proudfoot's e ee, Goderich, Solicitor, Con*Oyancer, &c. Money to loan. I, ,14!" Qffic in 'Ideyer's Block,k, ainliltreet, Seaforth. 1 ' - - • 1 , • 794 p. ;0: HAY , Solioitor, Private money to *1-4'• ,lend a loWest. rates of interhet. Oarion— porner Squere and West Street,1Cloderich. 774 ARROW PROUDIO 0 T, Bartliaters, tors, &c.'s Ctoderieh, Ontario:n-4. T earrow 686 m .ProndinOt. e I , CAMERONs HOLT & CAMEROS, %Meters, M.C;Caraero ,Q.C.,Philip Ho, t, M. G. Carni eron . Solicitor in Uhanoery, &e. Ckoderioh, Onti • 506 111 w " • L 'w,Rol ;Ior te.kig a d YER, Barrister al Attorney at oitor in Obanceryi ommiesioner vita in the Provinbe of Manitoba °licit° for ,th Bank of Hamilton, Wingham' rivatefun 0 t loan at64 befit iile cent. 888 ; AirAN iNek. & SCOTT, Barri+ a, Solicitors •"-a• 0 nveyancere, &o. Solicitors or the Bank of Joh sten Tiedite & Gale. M mop to loan'. Oftioe, BeaverBlock, Clinton, Ont rio. A. 111 sMA , J mita,SOOTT. 781 ME DICKINSON, B rs, &c., Kentli )3 ock, Witighaion Solicitors or the Bank of RaMilton annassioners for taking affida• vits in Manitoba. Private funds to loan at 6 per cent. Luc ow office every Wedn sday. H. W. 0.MSER. E. L. DicKnisoN._ 738 LOF US E. DANCEy, -FATE wit Cameron,Hdlt & CaMrpn,Goderic Barris er,. ' Solicitor, Conyanoer, 3doney to lo n, liBensoiee Old Office, Cardno' Block, Seal th. I • 766 NOTICE TT • • Partne undersigne tual oonsen be carried o debts due t will pay an - the firm., combr, 188 STED. W ABRis of th 1 Main nbe tera the a d reaset snaoothness • ' S. Q0,LICIT . , main g be! an ofte wrinkl on satg ,in f Ids i lady, oia gbh] to on ahem °iv ISO Belie) said 13- him, " Pe fit Me as 'I wear n adahaa ," said he, o fit w thoat a corset. the lady's fignr to fit, ination of hers and - Goodidreesm king. i nee than4t !firs woul t merely or ainly ciks. isonom , neat- ealtb ate alto° oerned, ould! be taught ipropet- goods e menefactere they eeteuld learn t terials to; the est a market would be r hone of cheap flim e made for shotv and are a tontinua temp - less e penditu e and ly 8 W1 g.. If we ma- ths inetruction in the eighbo s club together ally . c rapetent dress t their :children? The would be & little in - but ea the end it would, risti an 1 Union. 1 ' f Dissointion of Partrierhtp.—Th ship iseretofore exieting between th has thie day been diesOlved by • m • The businese of the lite firm wf 1 by ML Honmearim, to whom 1 the firm will be -payable, and wh ated at Seaforth, the2 st day of D discharge all debts dttleziand owing b S. q. MeCAUGHE P. HOLM ness, ANDREW CAL4ER. HOLIVIESTD, 11, le, Law 0ffice-8 ott's Bloc treet, Seaforth. NICCAUGEY, 11, den Law Offloa-,Reott's Bloc • 7f5 reet, Seaforth. Just how a reform ey be es not ely be e about in Ma* mattet The dairy* n. eau Bc r • had long white the pelf will be 'worth ve en htcap (a " Kil- ly reali st str ng lyes, at pri ls to be prong the eat. mug PPe pede •th ean e t ,h more pro table than Be, ow, but h will Oohs sell the vo ng stocW to e• oon as if shall have eco et to kill for food.— hic Returning from school one afternoon I found John Johnstone sitting with my grandmother. I could see that he had something on his mind, lbut little dream- ed. thet I was the subject of his thoughts He aeltetme if I was not lonesome so far from Aberdeen, and turning to grandmother, said he -thought it too bad that nbthing was done to make it pleasant for the children these Christ- mas days, 'an" if naebody else will do it I will myself." Accordingly he eeerted out, not with cards printed on :white atin, but with this verbal message from ehouse to houe: "Let your bairnies come to my house,a, Thursday nieht an' we'll. hae sonee fun" Thureday morning attest arrived and with it a regular Mg -wane storm "o' !drift an' snow "the wind. blew harder and harder end the snowdrifts piled higher_ and higher, one drift especially being right in front a grandmother's house. I was perfeptly miserable all day, re,lizirrg the -impossibility or get- ting to -the party, a great event in my life as I was only seven years old, but as it began- tet get dark, there came a great pounding with a stick on the door, and f T ree Old Chair tion tin the windoW of e are three chairs wh ry. They re the Prope ams,a musij3 teacherof t two huxijlred an six three years old. • The1 origin lly longed in E land to al family na, Dorr, a des e dant of to this conetry in or ab these chair e With him Boston. This Doer cl made in 160t and ha family dnring three grery.on June 12, 1696, John Bi elow of .a doena, Mess., a friend 1 lof r. was united in marriage to Miss Garfield, also of Water to the fanaily of Garfiel the late President des hem e igra di at 1864, ring nel settlig imed thy w e 1. been in Wat Dor ern a: own, b lon s from wei, nded. 1 To newly married couple these cha re w presented by Mr.. Doer I as s. ed present. This John 1 gelow and nit settled in. Marlboroug , Mass. N; e years later (1705) John with two oth persons, was taken imp ive by the diens and conveyed to Canada, wh 01 be remained nearlyitw years, lui1d while therethe first sa v mill jrun i,n the Provineaafter which the Frei cIhi Government set him fr mad • he fr turned safely home. 1IA letter lwrit n by his wife to her hus and duribg captivity, August 22, 1'[06, is shown the frame in conn tion with chairs. John Bigelowf lived t a markably old age, dyin in 176t in P. B • Conn parts oft POSITOS 0 AUCTIONEER. INE, Licenced Anettieet tor te y of Huron. Sales; 111 a tended in c County. All orders left at the Ex. oe will be promptlYa tended to. L\ DELATTY, Licensed Ann loneer for t 4-1-4 County of Huron. Sales Of all desoriptione promptly attended to on reason& • le terms. A drops Walton 1',O. Or I Lot 14 Concession 4, MoKillop. . ' • 74 FO SALE. Fon S E.—The ndersigned two Uhoroughb ed Durha seven mo ths' old ; sire, "Morn Queen o Brussel ." Entere boqk ; pe igree giv n. TE11,1S sell, on Lit 18, Co cession 2, M SE LARSIBluevale P. O. o ffers for s bull calv ng Star; dailn, in new he d CASH. May pc, rris. JOSEPH 801 le s, . TT °tree FOR SAL .—In the ti lege of Arab r., -1-1, ley, FOR 1 Huron, nay of Bpi e. The best cOnntry Ho el in Bruce eying Alibi a, sheds, well, an acre and a quart r of land, god orchard and ice hon e. For part' niers. Apply to JAS. STE LE, Sea orth, or JAS A. MAOPHE SAE FOB q.—A ciunfortable a tta O -13 e 8a1n7dx 1 0 SON, Kiln rdine. • shops,isuitable far blacks • ith and wag n a maker, in good part of the to n for busine s. The cottsg is in good repair, and is pleasan ly •sitnated. 1The whale property will be sold in a block or eleparately, and very cheap. A8pops_lytito W. N. WATSON, Sth afor. ' HOUSE FOR SA......6.—A one and a half stairy frame dwelling, situated in a pleasant p rt op oh fo houset:t.ihsueem, tow: an Aeoinigiehpltyseyea ttol COLTS span , oontaining nine rooms, cellar, wr ▪ stsble • stone foundation .under he ▪ g. WinTNE's Tin and Stove E - hard arid soft water on the prOmis; eafrth. Alio a good Dtiving Mare R old, one light wition, one bugy, ght harness. • ' 8024 FOR SALE --The Undersigned h a of general purpose three year ld colts, a iiare and gelding, for sale. They tro unbrokenland perfectly soun. One is a d rk be*, and the other a light ba3. They can 1 be sen at ay time on lot 34, eoncession 6, c- Ki lop. WM.' N. McMICHAEL. 81 0 0, ! Auauo 24 1883, LOW - r _ . --L1--31..... ,,,- il .4 aaa ' a .".‘." ... &.....7 '''•;''' , ..e.--aa.-...—a, — ...••• A Car_ Load f Genuine South iLfED PL A WS & end ULKY PLO ; ! 13ST RECEIVE AT - 0. C. WIL4SON'S . i . ilicultural Implement Wareroom, Stlaforth, Whic e sold at old prics, notwithstandi mpo die i s, the subscribe e being determine stook, iimpo ted One Hundred and Fifty of the tariff ; cops quently, he is enabled to sell thert stook is ehusted. Call and see those Plows erior artialit. Every Plow guaranteed to give A full stook of Massey geaperis and Mass Toronto Mewers, Toronto Cord Binders and Sher /8 R1es, all of which ill be sold cheap, of all kin always on hand for the above MU befor bn ing a ma,chine. • O. C. COTTON . COM P A N . Amii,...T:oN f . . ! _low ILTON, ONTARIO, i . 1 meareicemixes! op 0 IT T ON YARNS! 1 Whete and Colo; ed, Single cud Double, CARPEWARPS, White and all Col BEA1 WARPS of everylDeseription, HOSIER' YARNS AND i • BALILED ICNXTTll‘G TAR rs I : OF •S'RY vAanrlr, gs an fl Cottonad 8. iversally 0 °pounced by he al to an made' and for ss in ma e - andcolor Denim Ticki These 1�ods are u trade to e fully eqi regularit and evenn they are runsurpasse CARPET WEAVE Warpi superior We as t you jus If yo r Dry Go write t us and we will se ly suppled. OUR YARNS, of vhich we • Mons, w41 be two sd equally good. A8k for the 1. Try them. • This O�rnpany was • silver medals at Toro three fixit prizes at t Kingston, 1882. AGIENTS: WIle ANS 1& o. ,i Toronto. F. lecELDEARY & Co., Montreal. . 814x26 s—Yon to see to give ds man g the increase of 10 per ce•t. to keep the° valuable Plows • a few days, before the rise in e 'at former prices until the prattle before buying a comnion or • atisfaction or no Oahe. Mowers, Teresa° Reapers • id Massey's Low Down Binder,;d nd on reasonable' terms. tem s ine. Don't fail to see mat4 k • ILLSON, Main Street, Seaforth. Till find Or the marhiet. t a trial. has not got it you ale prompt. . I ace all descOp- awardedtwo first prize uto Exhibition in 1881, and Lie Provin *al Exhibition at FARMING. TOOLS. We liave now in stock a full line Scyths, Sncths, • Forks, Hoes, Rakes, • Spadng _Fork, Lawn 4fowers, Barb Fence Jr And 0 erything it - the hardware lin • lowest prices at- KI D'S Hard re REMOV eafoAh Musial instiikment Ernporiu Beg door selec spok oeiv the and boo re, • SCOTT BROTHERS • y have removed to more cornmeal us premiles,- e, where they will be -found with large and w M PIANOS, -whibh are so well known and Ing EXCELSIOR II RG.ANS.—These' Organs have herever shown, ..#d have also reoeived a diplom ed at Toronto. ' e aloe keep in skink other Pia of small instrum nts„ sheet Muse and instruc SCOTT B OTHERS,1SeafOrth. !of the Post Offi to announce that th north ed stock of DUNE n of by all musicians. d the iighest rewards ridast ial Fair just cle rgen , and all kinds . Agents wanted. riO 11- lye - at 08 at Establishment, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH • ROTEL CAR1IS. DENNIE HOUSE DE • SINCE assutning themanageme t this Howe 3,1 Ifs have completely renovate and refurnish- ed it throughout with new furniture in the best style which enables us to give first-class accom- mod tion to thc public. The best brands of Liquors and !Cigars at the Bar. I An attentive Host er always in attendance at the Stables. Particular attention given to the farming com muna1ty. lalreharges moderate.. T1ie Royal Hotel, (TATE - CARMICE d FL'S) SEAFORTHI ONTARIO. jAME6 WEiR lletEGS to inform his old friends and the travel- ta -1-" ling puhlic that having purchased this new and mmodious hotel building, he hasthorough- ly r -furnished and re -fitted it front top to bot tom nd it is- now one of the most comfortable and onVenient hotels in the county. By strict attentioil to the wants of, his customers he hopes to merit a s are of public patronage. The rooms are all well fiirnished and well heated. The bar will be kept supplied with the best, and an at - tent tive and triist worthy hostler will always be in a oendanetood sample rooms for Commer- - dal rivelle. z . R menthe the "Royal Hotel," corner of Main and Godech Streets, Seaforth. • 733 • JAMES WEIR, Proprietor, MEDICL. W . S. MACDONALD, M.D., C. lit., ' 'J Surgeon, Aocouchenr; &c. • 011ie denc that lately occupied by Dr. Anbulin. , .• . 1 11,7 and ntob , SCOTT, M. D. iitehysiian,Sto Acconobenr, Beafertli3Ont. Otto dime south side of Goderieh Street, se east 1 Preabyterian Churot. geoand r st Ond dor TT L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M.. Physic an, • geon, eto,Coroner for the County K4$in. Office and Residence, on Jarvis etre t u44h, &keely opposite Sea -forth Public) Soho 1. THE PIONEER HARDWARE' StOttE, STONE BLOCK, W Oneeett JAMES A. GUN cety (Successors t4 Gordon e&ilf3:tt.) • virfre. VI:Seehl Tbwil.0.3371rb Headquarters for the Fe ONE CARL • MontreaA aii • WM. HANOVER, M. D, 0. M., Gr duate oi T McGill University, Physcian, 8goon nd Accncheur, Seaforth,Ont. Oflice and °eidtc)°, North side Goderich Strekt, first Bri Ik Home east o f the Methodist Chnch.I •98 EYE, EAR AND1TH DR. CEORCE S R1ERSiN, SWOP! HORSE INFIRMARY. VOIRNER $f Jarvis and Goderich Streets. next N-1 door td the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, it. Ont4 All ilieases of Horses, cattle, sheep, or any of the dci ieSticated s.nimals, successfully treated at the int mary or elsewhere on the shortest notie. a arges moderate. Jas. W. ELIM, Veterina47 Surgeon. P. S.—A large stock of Veterinarn, edicines kept constantly on hand. • MONEY TO LOAN. rrHE undersiged, having been appointed Agent •I' for the Hamilton Provident and Loan Society, Is now prepared to effoot Loans either on farm or town property at the lowest rates of interest and on the most favorable terms. Applications by mail or, personally promatiy -attended to. WM. BALLATYNE, Seaforth. • . 84 WW1, BROTHERS & CO., , . TORONTO, Manufacturers and Wholesaki Dealers in LARDINE, CLINDER, I3OLT CUTTING • AND WOOL OILS. Ouroe ebrated LARD NE brand is nnxc1,1d by any othe oil on the mrket; In recognition 41 its superior merit we have received a1 the _ FII1dHEST PilIZES Whererte we exhibited. since 1878, among o her awards a latge number of COLD,$ LVER & BRWE MEDALS, Beside S numerous Diplonas. It is waa*rie1 not to gum or dog, and as it wears elq al to castor oil is, therefore, th tlec inhiontt profitable oil; for those running y. centers, • Thresh rs and Mill le by Cale OBTE. mtn Bhp ld try it. For wps, $lnERTSDN & 02 12.6 SEA ! , L. B0. P., L.R.O. S. E,,004uren oil. the Ear nd Throat, Trinity Zat1ija1 Celle e, T to, sid Surgeon to the Mercert Eye an Ea firm ry. Late Clinioal Aseist nt Roy 1 L Opht1haJ.mio Hospital, Moorfields, aid C Throat arid Ear Hospital. 31i CHURCH STREETI, TO Way be consulted at the W NDSOR HOTEL, TRATF On he TAM mA.t110,10,431- lia E ItIIN.T1L. 014 • ye r n- - xi on n ral O. CARTWRigHt & DENTisT8, every 'Wednesday and day, and Clinton every Fri each week, ex zept the 'week • Tuesday pomes first in the Ten h extracted without, pain. Chargemo and terms cash. 73 13 -0 -531 -GI Received this we bottom prices. LEAD and rth h rs- a of W 0 • th. ate 5 0 SyRGEON DENT! T. aBADIJATE of the Boys.I College of 1 ental Surgeons, Canada. Office in the o ms latelly occupied by 11. ; Derbyshire, 1 Whi ney's Bloe , - Alfl fact on guaranteed. Charges ISIoderae. operations carefully perlormed nd tat rain Aft. B. --Teeth extraleteld with bv the as". anmsto*tsfi-. 1\111I1S1111R1 O. WA-roj—i--1114ENTI Gold Medaltee C. D. S. ; I I'AVING many years' Icpelience he is b to make all operations in I Dentistry a xthb)e and lasting. Preserving teeth a , Sp laity. Chl4r0fOrm, Ether or Nitoi Oxide Gas even. 1 I , 07eir' Charges Xo4erte.1 °ice in Meyer's Block, Main Street,, 8 T, Fa+nlby Gold Med net and C ege Cu h, and est bra ENGLISH BOILED A Hardware of all des low prices as is c neiste legitimate basin s. JAMES- A. celebratee Moen' wit be sold at ds of winT4 rip 'ions at ite t ilth a equate PERFECTION T LAST SUCCESS t XTR ORDINARY 1 11,500 BOI171.1 1 —o* -1 OLlYttRATED BALSAM Of 1 IR, The Magic Citee for COUCNS, COLDS 4 SORE TH 0 T, Sold daring the past yder, ancl the de- mand constantly inoreasin . his valnabie medicine may now bepr c red from ' ! 0823. Joseph _Kidd 46 Son, Dublin. . Jas. _Drummond: Blyth. Andrew Govenloc4 Winthrop. Japes Campbell, Walton. Wm. Scott, BrUcefislcl. Henry Schafer, Kipien. Jd 8. Bonthron ct Son, HenSal 1 ; And wholesale or Caen fro InUMSDEN & WLSON, I11 Blanufactuierg, Seal irt i, .., i • • EGMOND IL#LE. ROLLER IILLS, The only gentithe Bo ler Mill in the Cousety, which how h s no superior, and few equals, on t e continent of Amrica, for manuf during Bofle Flour. A GREAT REVOLUT10 11 MILUNC. The Bread Qest' n of The Gradual edu by Rolle4s no 0 erati ital ti tem Roller Flour bri's froi per barrel =or than ?made by ate 0. Gristing a S Farmers will in all own wheat ground, an tem' get a stronger, w better grade of flour public has hitherto bee Remember, there is perinient in o - adopti Reduction System. 0 thorough end reliabl thoroughly tested, and success in Hungary, England and the Unit We gave A 1 Flour extensive change at a we guarantee better trial will be sufficient sertdons correct. 11. Ve25 to he best Flour Process. - ecialty, cases get their by our In3W apt, iterb richer andt y far than the, able to get. o humbug or ex-. g the Gradual r new system ise 3. It has been proved a great rm any, France, States. previous to our heavy cost, and lour now. One to prove our we CHOPP Our facilities for th are unsurpassed, and c pendon getting their once. Be stirs end try process—roller Jour. Flour, Bran, Shorts eted to any rat of hey or Egmoncleille fr •isgr Our Saw' Mills a d Brubefield in full 808 'LYLE s class of work stomers Mayide- hopPing done sb. our famous new and dorPteHarpddet e of -Osage. patemEtigorane. nded10 1113S [ARD. fiiRMERS, !IT WLL 'PAY YCtr CALL A TH, RONi FOUNDRYJ NEAR THE RITI StH001SEAFRTN, • And ee onr toci;:. of P , . Which hos been made "epecially for tnie county. X haee greatly improved my Gang Plow for thi$ season, and feel satisfied in say ng that it ifi the best* the Market. Our LANDROLLERS Dillig light and ltou. A fall Ills 4dortglagrgoeoda nwao work. v YO' u GRAIN OR $HERS Are made from hard ron, Ina win latt longer than any othermechine mg& 'laving speciel too s for recuttiee Rollers, we ea* guterantee eatisfactiot. Special attention given to repel Steam Engine, Saw and Grist *epers, Mowrs, T eshieg Machines, nd all kinds Of mac beery repaireaeu short notice and at reasonable rts. To contractors and others — BA* Bolts and Cstinge t lowest /stet,: 9fuhot.apti.onsaswftlyr:ri:Hhe: n aplication; te'repaAirlssocoane;nttifoy r nthheeitiom. plea:aura f-INDRY. KIPPEN.V THOMA 1 -BELL'S IMILL Celled by any mil JiosOf ptrHheerS1aeinrwedtMe litielnt Proprietor e has now got evertything 1 Order, and FAMILY IFLOUR Geseie- Done W WAIT8 F lour exchangectfor wllea description promptly atte • Bran alwaya on Hand, and market prices. Reme be JOHN dJ EVIN, mai• aiid popular firsit-class worltia, trn nut an article o which cannot be 131" untry. ILS 1 THE PASTY B ppine1eVCti ded o. Flour see soldat the lowest the itopulei" teo. NEVIN, S. CAMPBELL, ,r0 andOivilEnginenr. y attended to. Le L10 radall Land teuenet rem! ey sustilost" ague IIIbA •r, Latest one of the ailia to a 13e4 pets* i 0:0.1:116;;;rhi,:atiirto!frotani:upea;uin.,: ' r NvT115re9larld Al)11 1,i " 0.13;:tir:leseienrai!s:Viii,ntthhillii 09Xi0 :11201:t,:rtrilaTi-08:a.:1;y:::1°fivnt.f:rie:. it -them inflicted. a ti,c 461siid:aitT:teb: viiiioint Jil); iieiyottai1 in_110r6gaitiu:J : :tae; tliseet, sTypsat r„. , • . . Stated and. Peovl anteti Seturday , :,' x33nleetenscurtste: d toin Ile iosgtst )3Oston and Cap (i N trunks contained 8 43,ailfnor f ti ttoIl ieognet, abalsi 20,000 dameaes ! entreat., who bla gtaphed from Mon; i e ir ir i,i,g _ta hhto: 3 bol; 0 iiie nvfds)s; pbet r!tr ej:g tl, - . jaw is feared. , ether lade gave 1 : . ffeeedr_e:13:::teii-ree4, wbNi tet3h4rwhil -Ottawa, efrOortng • • B°f0bi:velleci;t 71.2i:;m:il:I-toe' 1::‘ It 4' *lit' . ea ana eilver sen attliii.i.ona,gliteli • 1 c 13Pttabiel::inigtPSbe Pi 800-dand. Promit • dainnicellcdeeieaglibee! come to oecupy tht 15.r--(3vAintico,e* t4 10 o'cl. tMiBs Fenny Dong ii lpevoluyoot Wo inned is (Par 4 that town, dropp aiStaaSe .01 Hideo :- !is,t2,2:epeenwleamfrop! .dees paeti. She ri• tietbpz: e. irarTaatifiNv.daeiatsoa tBnhere:towngf number of boye, take a knif#3 aws„ metes. In doin drawn through' h thumb and fore fi gash, and- althon waS taken to pre unvili*, and t • greet agony onSt —The iIen. 'M speaker .0f. the 1(.. IOU Tuesday foreu Since the disselu • 'lament, Nebel' 11 • life, be basben act ef Perliamou • codcation of fie • His renaisins wer for. inter Ilaellt. fat athis demil + : atitiitgeh ataa di° f• e grt10110 ' . bets of both polit biM intimately. -. --The Faith ete :Qriphie:4Aliiel. wePk!ot23 •ocntbaa, ad d:atebife:t- The most etrileit :B)imhut prayer tetvdeNseojtnewdei enye inynrrtiii r,en:erg:klit.i Ti ci / meningitis of sis of Oshawa, Cans vhreatah thh;a1:ctottviget -t—On Sunday! the house of lir pal of .the High; were in a fair 'wh haul, when one shot by Miss Six?: Sinclair iwepi awi his two lions AVIV burglars 'tbu'to: beting noentin at °thnekoisilfeorsits;:11 .01vlitiegnbteethelimelanrdti3°bo:willeaesurs7: da; sae inf,ormee 'he • 3poriwirtejail'df ::,1e: ared,voortwt hb,tienarrinngilair stnh toi II: Ne,,,ii, • r -e olver ?" -,iii NVh6. enlatiehey:lilre.w1 ;e • i ;aidiviiiisotnatfponos iudun:tel aieFgfugtthi, ibbotu, Itnt 1 ! it • IA:: inautiddeo,that: _.(D•u:eedliioalirotutIne• dj • eatetty elearlei te 8nclat has w• e'. brave manner i xeAtiagieehil6,8 •-tlet:,.ef:'' - ereeiroftiorh.;ihetetire;; juvenater, kito- like a Voting ci /13 anoiher cd 158Ued by J. 84 52. In eombirtin preparation ev, ite adjusted an • teleration and, table stoneael• or form of c • agent and at peculiar to -th f the eeeepee 1°.ngaid patie 7