HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-08-24, Page 3AUGUST 24 AND PApE• patterns 'test designs in all t from five cents, to e largest assortment a in the country at PAPSTI. SEAFORTK ER DAD() DECORATION PAPE foI assortment of Paper andow Blinds, Core Carpet Paper, &e. . W. P % FMANITOBA. THE FIST REQUISITES, a going: to Manitoba Woizi do icuro a supply of _ s Celebrated Cured Meats ting. Last season I suppled naiat le, and they all exprsseed then ielsei zed. and found that their kve stresas L well. I have also supplied i god season, but have stilt a largegn ttitity dila. I wil furnish on the mistimes Every person going to l annuli �E Fest, should not fail to get a supply rr start. The i-cde Liberally DealtTr , kinds of cured meats ke t cons , rt my grocery store, NfirWatreet, Sdn1* 'sola in large or small gaitits .I SUCH A t UiCx LOT AS - GROCERIES. ; fresh, pureand cheap, as usual pap: ill save money by buying from me, the spot, Stark's Block, Main Street, HUGH ROBB, keep constantly on band's. fall King's Specific, a Kure ours for Byes Indigestion, Any who have twat it `. mend it to their neighbors and frim all ori receipt of price. Sole agent fir f Ontario.. • - f'S HUGH ROBB, Seaforth. The Jewe ler'; place to°go for good. reliable IES, N% SILVER-PLATED WARE OR SPECTACLES. granted as Represented, Sale • and Examine and C€ evanced. fairing Done and Satisfact Ofl teed, cL. PAPS -Ty. the Big Clock, Mein Street, Seaforth pHOR LIN :U. S. Mal Steal hips _ from New York every Saturday for via LONDONDERK, Itesage, San to ewe Second. Cabin, ear [erage, Outward $28; Prepaid $21.. SIA Sails Sept. 8, oet.18, Noy. iv assage $00 to SWO according to sceoat-;. Seeend Cabin and Steerage as Ws% -Line Mats issued at lowest senora* of charge in England, Scotland sa sage, Cabin Plans, Book of Tawas &c.i NDERS ON BROTVERS, /Taw Yorke_ r to s. DICKSON, Post Office, Svseof!artul AUGUIST 24, 1883. graul-dnother's. ura4---ppit the insokingi Till-4dt° giddy she grew!, For she ivraokedhelf-aneouocit ilka day, meta hal half-in-onnee inlet day. when sheteaned the bit "Vreedin her apron tyr joy in her ei-le she wad say, Fr& saline draws an' a spit." yes, s• he puffed ninckle oilier away . • She -lased attauld shoe for her slasluchan, Locked by in the cupboard wr care, It bOinged it wee boy That anee was her jay, Ines been deid twenty years, aye, an' main If on Scold*: she out o' burn, But t" us it Was sport, Ev• en o nuclei we a' laugh d outright. Thit rno nig we' porridge trice stutit, Ou dinner was spoiled And away to bet lang ale ; Theugh she'd naething will, rya her Auld "tatty" st , An' the Wee laddie's shoe a' he stone; Yes, my wee brither's shoe j t the same. • A, fine langtiage : "Procrastinate ees to put off, eh 1, I see. Tres bien 1 Then theman who ees drunk you pro- crastinate from the cars. Yer' seemple I , —.A burglar who has climbed up to a _ garret window on a ladder,. is arrested for a glas9 of freSh water ?" —Aristocratic Ma, chatting with aris- tocratic visitor, $ „interrupted by two little daughters tanning in: " Oh ma 1 ma! we've tust seen Uncle Jim I He's up 011 9. waggon, hollerin' harl's 1" —Good Chum,—To Ilardnaan '85, who has come in a little hilariisus— " Why George, I thought you had tunaed over a look at th' Chic] pictures." —Happy Thottght—Da ghter of the house halving tried her partner and not finding hips quite up te the inark : " Stop ! ---Do yoe know I see that Miss Bienkinsepp isn't dancing. I really must give you rip to her." —" Cao you change a $20agold piece?" he aldredsas he gently planed the emptY glass upon the counter. I " Yes," said the bartepder. " Well, I'll go out and see if' can find one." and the man was —"Is it a sin," asked a fashionable lady of her spiritual director,' S for me to feel pleasure When a gentleman says . he replied gravely ; " we delight in falsehood 1" —A German went to am ruined. I cannot pay who affe ta the antique, vase tha iB viry old." "I can see by the dust upo it," was the innocent reply of Mrs. Plarely, as she drew an arabesque with her finger on the vase. —A taste forastronom is springing up among the young of bc- th sexes. It always does as 'soon as the season per- mits Bitting on! the ba —A w6etern preacher, gation 1401 fallen off sone intimated that he wo family stiandal next Sa and Evet.v , i 1 ed. The minietet's sub in me h ad," remarked n Ivy stteet dude as e stroked the te der tip of his nose ye terda,y. " Bet er_ that than nothing," •vvas the witty, but cruel "re- sponse of , a Pea.chtree street maiden who heard him. -1-Some meri are always ready to offer a remedy, for atything. 'The other day we remarked to one of t ese animated ' yesterday "--and before e could finish he advi ed us t " Rub thp affected parts said an min - ping rip and manor ; you'll ots. He sits sitting down 1 New yonql weer out your new trousers 1 —The ' Gavernment eying secured the title to Wakefield, Westmoreland, Virginia., the site of the birth place of Waahiegton, a monument twenty feet mane mid thirty feet high will be erected there. CongreSs appropriated $33,000 for the purpoae. • —One day Eta a son of the Enaerald Isle, traVelling on the highway, after plantation, was met by he owner, who demanded of Pat in an angry tone wherehe had ,crit that atick. Pat turn- ieg to bina anti. pointing to the end of the stielt, coolly replied r " Just right through there, sun" 15 ----A iterverm was boa ting the other day of his extensive journeyinga in all parts of the world,when a gentleman of the cobspany remarked, " Then I sup- pose re are Well acquainted, with geo- ea No ; the pike suit me. And bear in mind, Mr: 33arkley *hen lyou .rt0 the only too *Etch r than of Zebriekie ard, Of pat - he enter Air. War • "this passe Mr. Ws d tjhat yen po on of the are in the service:of the P crime they will netexcuse Better to be a Lawy "Is it true that the cuate against Van Riper is settle reporter of lawyer L. M. This case had been in long time. " Yes," replied is setled." " Aud it is said have come into " That's so," "plied Mr Ward,laregh- money paid wee. " And what ha there were two two poor lawyer poor farmers aid two yers." .4 Busy M y daughter," should never friend and it, and I can - creditor said : 11 me to-rnor- ep a vink." “ there is a en we began the case well-off farmers and . Now there are two well offtlaw- for sev wife t at he *as busy until linri had been co ral nights, and re ng in late mid k porch in the hose- emigre - what, had it Id discuss a day morning. ch was crowd- ct eras Adam Aer suspicion* were roueett, pow ever, nd. she interviewe ote of hi comp ions without tel ng him wh " 0 yes, madam, qtlite well. He ill Y u have been with him a good. deal of late 77 it, ollnied by Mr. D. MeNatiiht, 112'1 si have mach improved facilities fors i ever_ They have neW on han,&.-Wi use a. fulleasportinent of their CrIiir4d al Jobbing promptly attended to- "-,s,'"A as possible in onr new premises. MONROE ds 1100-0. omical inothet to her so sake cloit't keep tra down the floor in that wear oet your new b down. s Thete you go " has been very busy, indeed,eve night when I have seen him," and h laugh d busin sides home busie time. busy word tined the tr 911 A of a nioun d ay the p bring waite hour graphy t" been there; very near it i 41 ill you tell me the nature, of Id ell, he W93 tryipg t walk ou bot and I satire you, Madam, If he ha late at ni or it that Iterated Jud g by igns;- er who be ven't se told yo ht, you he was t tuth, an a n for a, lon that he w ay take Ring yon t no discount ew Hampshire fa tain hote s, drove to I ask him about another fin 'aronnd the 'ho and finally Hader be gone all day. here hasihe igone s" ver to Silver Cree and silver-plated fish g at one of hirty miles he thou of crops won noial panic. 1 for taw Biped that • gone Well, no, I have never ut muSt have passed my tray ls," was the in - y. e of Well ngton was once refusedadmipsion into the commantier- don : while Ring Will*ana the Fourth was kept waiting ontai e a certain part af 'Windsor Castle thr nail an official's ignorance of the royal 'dentity. " Yon can't pass., old 'tin," said he ; nobody's 1 • and 11, Id old seem dang New their fogs bone will over the 11 11 was ache care run eno sch ask 11 in h pre gar me the arb sell • an d Ma just goo van hea bu Spr allowed to pass here a ter stdark, except the sine and the lamplighter." —Among the beat stories 011 the sub- e,ct of careless in the -Turkish adrbinis- reatiommay be placed one told by Ms- Barkley of a Pole who received an 5.Ppoittmen at Constantinople With, 133 reeditthely sent to hi " He insisted en beteg prcivitied witli an order on a haat governbr te pay bit salary ont of the Pedviacial taiKes, and then quietly settled. down itathe town to which he s he hEid not reeeived any instructions, end the only work he had done was eignieg receipts 'for is_ eatery. Mr. Barkley askeihim w y he did not write he replied: "What for—to get discharg- , • ines pole, and 'weu did lae?" ell thenr I guess '11 jog ba am with a sigh of relief. "It kinde to me that if thl kentry Was i York wo Idn't come here to f time away siickin' in morn 1"—Wall Street ally Nevtsi Jones' Scheme. ' eptha,",Said Mrs,' Jo es, 4tif et the baby to sl ep will p all readY for the mo ing.' e to map out to -night, hot tak of the baby isu't Part of it." h, he woe't trouble you •, let tound a tittle and he'll be. sle gh to go, to bed. What Mira. j.1, triflingl . o," ansWered Jones, with hi ict will Yet run right' thro en, makiiig the prtperty wo t h • urrant-bosh row, r and the fountain he whol propert then we'l build a care of the baby,- and she! a shed down stairs. e heal been the long bet° p,on thelatairsifol owed by am, and running found t wling oni his back in the fron after shriek ; his mo her pick° at no bone ed. on the • 0 • • an ta rs, patch ooks an' help ye m as in' yes !eta ounn it. Marriage am a lo Sae peOple take each o ns en. Let us Ow pro ss etroit lam Pre s THE BMWS EXPOSITOR. . ke 012 buy $15 ver a pair of ittle an' see if tery simply be - der unaight an' (laid e, the' rem) ned rioan Rdsoius, Was fill ng a Vona dull,- saccessful en - city of Dalian, leeland' while taking an the quaint SOcality kno n as Liberty, thoroughfarvie calle th Ombe. The of warfare attune to sh ill and con- tentiouS pitth, aer ste is attention, look withi As he pasts:. ,The gleume seetaingly rose* te of in hriety vainly stood she f the me ow ' voice, with daring the e hard arm g epon whisky and tom tenpin ons. audli mut- 13 feta Mom Otis * thin h aring .when finally, t an nus all severe and upiii as we 1,as he hi den° ed fist pon Oa , counter, ex- its bl es.nd Striking bo ctim a mph's' fur I hest touch On ea aware wee 9. col ity in Ire and) b as u in ne of titudes 6 ore t.• thrilling (6s ej vcith protect. and tall in at my ow mansio I. • red tine Is oul ing rin fie ar e mine Turnip Slt!fu ly Iputt rtIediv t, even Moor o thunS up, bro qrt • it wit an litt the BO en, arid then tut out any eference Oh," ne red Mrs isn't ha, f as muo ld railroad on pa e, broken head 1 bady and not nce to have pa emes, poor little t "h constitutes at rolling stock."—Detr • she gasped e red Jone id it all to me 1" 3. sarceStic import r, bless He's not in f enough t parties ted donee, it Poet. Br othe;a0areline on MaL4 If you tt ' marry et °ammo vit 1; bo erin' the driver stop. A if ha e mu h to do bea des singio' e, tiv tin' imples. If you am i in rry, a* yerselves _, now frirS in ove Wid gal whd looks to fa anyt in in a ed plush a ki der fi on how much se yo r ite-,Ome would afford I‘ . yo ana-d all broke p ober 4 al a &capes n' read poetry; ins th in ed stage It Re learn vicin moti neig atidWadi as t at Tye ever dne stric 0 lis Or oning Ala rid ge (9. great rar- ghtly in, and,' s 'effective at.' ified pair, in ey et • ain, and you're to the women by tongue, or pk co ering to terrib grand he r present - n I'll dome for nd, laughing ds 'yin in the s ate of agitation e Wend rful and tlatia eacitement ar and trembling est had appeared to heir eels, apd es (Dome by every as patterns of eel eT ng Int ted met Ily, lie sprs, ia ing the joke n was wit bp hood was in use, and f 1 es se al a 11 nl- per tor 19.11 Weet tidsi Belo' 1 tate t sit er mid few I ca here was was meit Os a rho nsi ed is • le Or tu 11 airy eopl is Satani Ma em in all is g ys, and Or • We take pleasure in announcing to the people of Seaforth and stirrounding vicinity, that we have opened out a NEW LIQUOR STORE, Coreprieing the Ch Wines and Iriquors, s from one 'of the Houses in the Domi °toast Brands of elected and bought eading Wholesale ion. OLD PO T WINE Feom. England. DRY SHER!IY AND CRAPE WINE From France. madeira and Marsala. Sacramental Wine From Bpain—warranted pure. D. K. AND,NINK'S HOLLAND GIN. Mountain 'Dew from SeQtland. GUINNESS' PORTER Bottled by Burke from Ireland. 6ARLINOS AMBER ALE From Walker & Son, Windsor. Hennesy„ Martell, Jules Robin Brandies. All those liquors are, specially selected for me- dicinal purposes and family use. Also, several other kinds of liquora, which we hope will give every satiafaetion to oar customers. Remember the place, two doors south of Rob- ertson's Circular Saw. W. KILLORAN. n ears hience there wilt be no ame a urld el men and women be a feel c ergymeial here and there 0 Make both ends Meet on this I ad with riches. la tel e. I can t he on to streets where 00 to S20, 00 yeet. Hundreds of ,000 y az *hp are not rid the poo ,00rer. Culture, at on and refinement do ,not neeea- but in the extent and Th re are seo- azi ork re a manual in - WROXETER MILLS. L, GIBSON Begs to announce to the Public that he 'has commenced to operate the WROXEtER WOOLLEN FACTORY Or Or du Bar am ride of t nna a and B. 00 e $450 an nal expels 000 is nothieg wrong ? Are Hewa and that he will be prepared good value in FULL CLOTHS, .TWEEDS, tiNION TWEEDS, PLAIDINGS, and varieties in STOCKING YARNS. CUStOM CARDING, Spinning and Fulling promptly attend- ed to. Partiee from a dietaries will, as far as possible, have their Rolls home with them, and as he laas put the mill into good working order and employs none but efficient workmen all work is .Remember the Wroxeter Mills. ALEX. L. GIBSON, PROPRIETOR to give RECEIVED THIS WEEK AMeriCan Grey Cottons, Denims, Tickings, &c., • 11 sto ro fre oul her Aar out ita owner la ar others Where an f the win 1 rut. This A ature say e, the law • aileron o. Wor the se of the b at laat Bent fo the do tention that is g mon we nt Which am oun ted for i ittl tna tate ings." in he me ain, bre er on e to- ay out of the cc, the editorial Bilt ships, some BPsiness says i, -putrid air. x -i an when the ma- eadily granted to gaz;la the 1101111E it ore strength, on "time and o- 011 e „men and ASO es at 60, end e 1•1 rade superior 3; pocupatiou u fat the color of chine ki th Su ca nd nd nita be better w r bo cal vigor w Id b women wo no in all tespeet to great deal nn re o cfq 0 CD CD CD rZa � NOSUI32 0 • sit Cn 1-1 St trn tee re 0 re - cis 0 Ceit re▪ s 0 0 lee CD CD tte tee 0-1 rn 0 •32y `s5tJo3 /NH Crq 0 0 0 ro CD isssal 0 014 CD CD 0 WE sHOW A SPLENDID TEN CENT OOTTON. 1SPECIAL VATTE IN DIRESS GOODS. FOR JACKETS THAT WILL NEITHER OUT NOR GLACE Fine Stock of Hosiery and Gloves. NEVER FORGET That you cannot get the best value for your Money Poots and Shoes unless you buy cit .00VENTRY'S SHOE STORE. For the FOR MANITOBA And the Nort Aivest. THE LAKE SUPERIDO ROUTE Parties going to hfanitoloa or any part of the Northwest, or 'wishing to take the round trip on tit lakes, can procure tickets and obtaie nimessary 111formation as to rates, on application at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH, Watches and Oocks. Where is the best place i town for Wp.tches and Clocks ? At Ccitultees Jewelry Env Thesrtectykouoi wisjewllerryaleoi, find the largest Clocks, Silver-plated Ware and Black He guarantees all goods as Every one that -we Satisfaction given ts first or mon -class goods • y refunded. And don't forget to pric his assort - moot of Nickel Alarms, Seth T °MOS, New Hetren and other cloc 8, Diarnood Rings and Scarf Pins, 18k Wedding and Band Ritngs. Counter's for Meerachaum and Briar leateat istyles in Necklets end Lockets On exhibition at the leading jewe Carsetfuer'attention given to repairing fine watches. Knives, Scissors, Pocket ooks, tombs and Brushes. Specitaeles from 25o to $12 to suit all sights. The Leading Jeweller, opposite 3. S. Porter's Furniture IStore. Genuine Article in Frencp. Calf o Kip Boots, go to • 90VENTRY'S SH9E STORE. RememOr that Cot entry buys all his stock for pr caSh, so that he can and will undersell ,all tho wh,o buy on time. DONT, FORGET THE PLACE— STORE, SEA ORTH. rn ter .54 CAMPBELL'S 100' THOMAS COVEN -TRY. O., DUNCAN, Chemist andr Druggist, NOW IS THE TIME FARMERS TO ECURE YOUR SUPPLY- , FIELLEBOE AND PARIS GREEN. We have nat opened out a large stock of both, which we will gnaran pu and of the best quality'. 200 000 PERT of cheap pinuand hernloc lumber. Apply at the saw nsil purhey. Pri ranging from /150 to $80(4. . Three hundre and seventy-five acres in MeKillo kind LSO sicreis in the Birtle Diabrict, Manitoba. W. p. GOUENLOCK, IMAM 11. litElD1 1_J Is the piece to get bargai s in TOILET RTICLES, eko. We have mense stock of Nobby Pip s, Cigar Holders ma Cases that we ate sell cheap, which cannot fail t,4) give satisfaction. Brushes, Combs, Purses d ri gen Sponges, Soaps and Toilet artio es in great varieties, Perfu ' N. O.—Physicians' Prescriptions c fully and accurately corn and. 0,11 ceders answered With care and destahch. Next Do ee to be ina- ng very f (every ery enc. oun ed, GREAT JULY STOOK -TAKING SALE T JAMtS Ma/IOU-GEL' 1! BARGAINS ALL HIS MONTH IN DRY GOODS. BARGAINS IN GROCERIES. SEAFORTH STOVE AND TiNWARE O. M. WHITNEY Alwaye keeps on hand a lull line of the latest styles f COOK, BOX AND PAR OR STOVES. Their beauty shows t price sells them. em and the TINWASE Of every description al aye in stock. We make all our goods, nd guarantee them good and right in ricei. A full line of Table a .d Pocket Cut- lery at very low prices. We have a fine lot of melte Kettlee in stock for preserving dm. All sizes and prices. EAVETROU HI NO. TREMENDOUS BARGAINS IN MILLINERY;, AS T AL - REGARDLESS OF COST. All kinds of Jobbing W, orlt promptly attended, and satisfactien guaranteed. Parties wanting goods in nay line it will pay them to see my stock and compare prices. Late Whitliey Brothers. PIRST-CLASS BUTTER AND FRESH EGGS4AT CASH PRiOES—TAKEN IN EXCHANGE MAR GOODS AT HE BIG REDUCTIONS I AM MAKING FOR THIS MONTE ON Y. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. TT NDEIE and by virtue of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Cap. 107, Seetio» n4, the credi- tors of John F. Merits, late of the Village ,of Zurich, in. the County of Huron, Tanner arid ShoeMaaker, now deeeased, w .o died on or about the Twenty firat day of May last, are hereby notified to send by letter pr paid, on or before the first day of Beptember itext, to the under- signed executors of tile last 'Will and Testament of the said John F. Mora., deceased, their Christian and Surnames, &ticl eves and. descrip tions, the full particulars ef tbeir claims, a state- ment of their accounts, and t nature of secur- ities Of any) held by them, a d that so soon after the said first day of Sep mber next? as tho assets of the said dereased, J bn F. Moritz, shall have been realized, the same ill be destributed among the parties , entitled thereto, having re- ferenee only to the claims of whieh N•.)tice shall have been furni-hed the undersigned, and the said undersigned p4rties shall not be liable for the wets or any part thereof to at y person of whose claim notice sball not have been received by them at the tinie 4.1 distribution. Any per- son having knowledge of any property or se- curities being part of the aid estate, or nbo are indebted to the said e tate, are requestad to esammunicava with Dated at Zurich this 17th day of June 1883. BRUSSEig Li E WORKS. TOW!kl & SON. et subseribers take this opportunity cf re- A- turning thanka to the inhabitants of Brussels and vicinity for pant patronage, and beg to state that having made fiGveral iniorovements in. their kiln and mode of burning, fney are now in a better position that ever before to supply the public with first-class lime. dealings in Brussel and basing given unquali- fied satisfaction so ar, tbe ublio can rely on receiving good treatment and a first-class article from. us. First-claSe lime at Mc. Cash. Remem- ber the spot—Bruseals Lime Work.s. rAnme Of ALL DtSCRIPTIONS, IMPROVED & PARTLY IMPROVED 13T_TS1-11 Q"1. Any one wishing to sell his c)ass of property can readily obtabi a pure by applying to Land. Omes,Dundas St.,,Landon, ca. MONEY TO LOAN .A:t lowest rates ot interest. Apply to 814-20