HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-08-24, Page 20. -.:•• Is it 8.81111, fiti,Loifpahineedouorsepieri: tot ili:';,..a:geicreiilt fmgatlantevtiev! d,ti tte,-1•.:11ilr:' eToa. 1331tri 1 vill 0:7 0-41? :14 : 14 f f:Nee ecePist ' aheieb;:‹1 " , didn't you vase tbat is very dlkasts'.11Piraillellyt':aws always does as s with her fLinogg er mou the y -A taste for upa 14111":—DtAnlifiwgitht. etstern gat= bad Tulle intiinated that family so ndal Ailea�. .lh conesEtrinenis_ and, Eve. .--,-44 A.w, 1 he into Ithaiongh:alt8t- dude as be stro IltiSet yesterday. Sp0/166 Of a 1> whoheard,_sotnemei; a remedy for au swim° theineeftairkyedshto eaterda;17:eaavisedS itharne1 siiiiwear oda 1 t ettoorennad` y:tf )Whoohnt ai :1241,itloil'i eon le. eeeurrprir. 1. declare, nte :Lit: engtoto , la Virginia, t:ai Iv -ele sef I 'LI 1311a 1 I 'ft:hare filet!: ---One day as 1:5;18:111att-ar:tavgiliag3,10Weinet . Parte of the ti. 7t 1:1:4:St, oe rtt::.1 let iog:hei tputnathere,l 2claaoe 1 loill gn I : - at, of la 'is e to • , telligeht eel) ,wieb i 3Y. It .0,1-e: :::: 8PhhTyl 1:e4:1;?7'31):Orefrit4i':1*- .11 there; .e.i es,:tIptaesos, 0:561 :14j1411Vt ..i :f ih8e 1 iiir• gel Y. : Ami:tio0wroftet14:t 0 oepfos . the king and Wes kept we tile. Pgro°:einzouicial lie. 0:1116: 411,001; aa'b;114t°_wi a li.i: being et4 grtalkni oyrpl nif: it. v: ..‘.. ,uttled dOwn. a . orilers. to pro J 11444d 'be:lett:I:pen:PI: ‘: 114 44/105 - ey aeked e replied: 44 V V. tld st thro0 PI fu tc1 s 0 tii to ve bt of a. th ov in 7in th the , may not nta e a mighty' differeece ft: --H altoge er s he - ed .Bullfie h street; Apply o !h Le proprietor 'on the premises -or 'o well satisfied, and looni that their piece Of meat cocaked in my house, ! Seaforf h P. 0'. H. CRIOR, Prnprfetor.- . 7 1 yeid them nee, i hav- alea supplied e toe there "levet shall be 1-" 'and she- nod- me, beginnine a ter twenty; butlI eii • et 1 and e ry h tb: t emmtni ed a res- THE OLD AND POPULAR H OU.S. naany this season, but ha a still slave teen d her pretty head like ei p.iece of . to see Haery.-I can t help seeing:El: ey! tanra ki c : or Mr. Mo ley's par- ABM'FOR 6 L A E. -For sale,: lot 24 coneeesiirn i , -on hand, which I wil In . ish ein the mos blew.' ' !OillS1TIS.' - achenisra. - a very different persoa 'teem. 'other ' -1 ticiila vs.., y e as •h: t he wa a man of, F. 9i,morris• containing 126 acres, AO of svhi, h , 1 • !able terms. Ev.ery perso going to th BB BO ,!e ua sa fe a so de as ff - SO it we se U84 th th ov sh op M ye yo of Co gr to ea sa be • ,pr my at • in yo If an warming at ,Jeer work. . steak, he r91 ed unde his torigne t 0 re8.80151- . corner of the lot.. It is also within four mi es if SP OR low can you 'ex.pe t anybody to be sweet =pis). tilof-the e ster out f a i• 13 • " Nat a c a.. I ow.. on tv no . the' vi lage .of E ippen. Crop. The farm Will be so d . pd that is constantly ed and nourien- b ne ; hestecia idered epper po a • . 6 this is e ea eot on w i h I d tt"t; ant • with or! without the Amity to the 1 pr.-- prietor oil the premises, or to Egmondville :P. . GENERAL DRY COODS, PRINTS, DRESS -GOODS, .. . and kept faille on a lower form of 1 ft fait the go. a .; be w s, fond o bre 1:n• convereation • efo ouise," as that • PETER MOORE, 806 11" - ' • li er and -a rasher of baton • • a a_ little derns 1 d:m de. her groats and . ; . • , , . , • • 1 - • Brie b•less. my he rt," cried Mrn pi kled sne lain.. of pork he thp g looked Wit elide in eyes from obe to _, - ' 13, .. , t il.""ARsi FOR SALE IN HULLETT. - Nor la PARAsoLs MENS' & BOY'S STRAW IHAi. ,i •rleyestraggliug up fro•m under the g od enough to- invite he king to ,e_ the other. 6 I do • 't -ant her.ev r to u paits Iii Loth 34 and 35, Crineession 13, con- ! I a Warranted • Re resented •sf elanche of weeds, ••• egetables are a ta e. Itt N 'at, he w ni s a rde toe hear het di t c lle• in Itieotior.." tainini112 agree.; 80 acres cleared ; th,e remain. • ' ....,__. , I M 0. no &le. • ., der is goo& hardWood bush. Soil, clay loam,. wefil 9 ter Ora" of tile, and Be mast live on c nnibal, per, and sit. pie, acc rdin tit " Me - li el" le e's b 13kus," . said Miss e , watered with a never "failing epring creek ming nettling." M . Pearma ns et s„ who enjo :.d Loui: e , vtit o of e c m or h - entinneo tne on the nreinisee., Frame barn and stables'', 1. 'r HILOW PRICES. IN E.ACH DiPARTMENT, 0 . ' h ' . , ' -Vegeta-bias, are inn° ent life, at anY hi dinner wi. bout bei g, aa he thou it quarte ... ' house ; el ae good young orchard It is convetilei 1 1 , 111 : al Wikh.110 :vile prop& sities.orimpare • hi selfe-an ste we th•nk., 60 e a e "It' tato e lo an I • ," milt ered her . -to chur r bes and schools, lind is sitrfated 4 mil a 1 : Oimle and Ex mine and be ., - from Blyth and 10 •from Clinton. For fuith r ,:ts, 1.A.Ind„, moreove , we are half . her exaal , lek epic . re or a gtetto father. • .1 ' . partieul rs apply to WA.LTER CUNNINGHA. , ! . -cii) j - L Conlv 1 ced. eta& ii ourselves." But it w 6 of no a be. When ".Ta 6 s e of Lo te's go ts, then. on the onth part of said lobs, •or to LondeJ:. 4 L ! ! a • SMI111 _ al i . . ' We 0h4 what in he world do yob M rley num' -eked h r hatteres t • Like t em, r:Clou?e , bP.. 1 . , , ' 799 1 , I orong Di , .. . an, telly ?" exelaineed Dirs. Morley, m ht, and iebt.. ove Mrs. Petermai o • "By e t' m 0' ," seid LonieJ. iyith some MAIN STSEAF RT ,A....,„D,. SAI;$.7--One hundred acres f r Repeiring D ne and Satiefintict eterrified manner, as if she laad just. pl it of battle! With a whole added : t. point, tid sling tit dish On ards her 14 ''''''''. -..' s'''... salci in Tuckersrnith, being lot 29, concessio . Gu-aranteed. eivecl a revelationas to Low feerfillly ta ion of excl. inatien : nd'emphasis'f -tb # - 1 iiim ide that b r the „ a a •er, wt nio r 2, L. 118 .,:Tuokersmith. There are on the pren - e .. t was made e • - . - en reaty- an embraoi .g, lie. k6evif it w.as, ab ein 1 1, . 1 , ises a g od frame Milk a. frame barn and stable, . . .• Certeiblye Didn't you know that e"..- m ,s•t- surrend` r. _He of ade a faint 1„. "i r elly all end retand . -hat the a good orchard and tele good wells. . There a e,„ ' I 2 ... 'O. ' . P A PST - 1-11ra, Naimain, with. a superior stir.' ai tanise, but. on . the whale 1).ii-'_di : t differe ee i : tween :aping to ese oats: 81a5miectrfd ea:it-el-el and .70 free of Stumps and ..wel: nt.d nd in a good state orcultivation' J eo be an mal that the .balance "he movements of our bodies that are believe it was to be a ob ' - ' d' ' flesh t ' • ' rna,ailent. a - tr no • eattit-gis well thnbered with hardwood. st :watery are- -animal ; !those that a -re wi h his littl Teresa.; lee didn'e lik 0 is niad.. ou f these o ts."- is situeted; within; one an RC hf Brucefield station . . , • Sigll -of the Big -0 ocke Main Street, .oluto •tary are vegetable, such as the deo y her ant; hing jus now • ether it "A ors ' il esh, fo insts. ce. Butand cenVetnent•t0 schools and chnrches, . and within. d miles of SeafOrth, and 7 miles of Clii - -Seafo th. ! illation, end all the processes • that w: s probably- only an incidennal•w up you vt. Old ' e: t that f it wa: set b .• e. ton, and,- good grave road 10 both places. , F r . INL on while we -sleep." ' • -• ' - th: t• would pass, an' !so he -t yiel 4 fore. yo o " particulars apply 1to ti. e proprietor on the pre - A-NCHO A iiso it - dreadful'" _ Dgaepeed Mrs. h: nd80Mely, and pr •. eaIse* d that "I • cin't n a w tnat 1 shout. 1 't' " said ises. or iy 'Ater to i 110*AS MUIsTBO, Brio MI e - .field • ' . D•POSE, FALY GR rley. . , e sh ould have • er own Way.- Ad t : Mr.' M rle , r mly . ' People who are • 8.05 . _ eltreadird ?.- I think it's t beautiful. th. idea of • • * in rrying • is girl- f it v starvi • g ea apything. Peopl: wrecked .VOR ALE -The ' undersighed offer the r 1.1-. S.. otail s eanisaips - t a sot of union in ourselves of the a• irl-to Pe •: r • li ' it - main' : py was!a ph : B find on O. r. f e, t each ether," said he, it ' .-Fr it Evaporator and Cider Mills for ' sale . • Yivery .. Sail from New ork Saturday for ee ki gdonta„ Vegetable,. animal, and an one, Pea main w, a rich a d 5e). too in; 'I at la's wife s if it were not oheap a d upon easy1 terms opayment 1 . , buildings have been IBtted tip in a comple • ritual ; for -when the n•erves come in °roue an.d geed tb • d , ,e men o e p. imPoe 11341e , . hould : t ben • teSome- f .t,h r 1 GO- i . ' manner er e ea ryi ig on of t e Fi uit Evapo . t control the great brlate muscles-" Yr, s, he wohlo proiia - nm -s, , said : r. Mor e , " I 1 eel dan- ating Rosiness, and are now in flrst-class workin'9 , • GUS.' • IN In ILO ON ER A .. .°6 ND . 0 ' 0 ' But, really, E-nailynt" - ' 'Kiss • the i book," e led Mrs. Mor yi ger. 118 " - . order, alnd a fine paying busintss can be don - .Cabin 'passage, $60 ' to $.8 . , 7eCondCabin,s0. :Now don't be silly, Tereese Awe- • No, Imo- ['t. do th' ," said e. •• e.i . 1' A • epr ed. nettle iit said rs. Moe- Rut as W. S Robertson, one o the partners e the firm! of D. D. 'Wilson & Co., has gone to E. , . NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFF CE _ 'Steerage, OutWard , 948, ftep.ald.$21. . teofetortr power of mind has pnly to pr 13218e, and is. y wor s as- oo a 1 ' ''• '' b g s , ,, y ey. . 8 8, flesh a Eta done for yen," ..nionton NorthWest Territoryto remain pe li . : ..,..,.,r e at the thing rationally to feel plat bo • d." whi e 0 g v glenc: at L tee. that •manentiy, the property must t e sold and th tiveRPootisasE: STOWN SERY1W E dot, For, OS 1 was saying, how eau 'Welk, the ,1 Georgolyou've as g. el )3:lig 8 •t iav oo ade'. a weake woman ''business oftsaid firth finally closed up. For an - particulars with regard to said' property apply tO Be. people be good. Who receive.. all as akee .an oi tih, • and I . ' • expect yo e ahu d d l'1131INESSIA Saila •S t 8, 0413)Ies3.7 6 the undersigned' D. D. WILSON. Seatorth. 762 • .. .. ir ineeease trom &lower ainniatform, ke p it." •• th -Is f t i n't she ?1' said r. Mon CITY OF ROME :Saila:Se .,, 22, •Oet27, Dee1 . - a - . . 1 Set . 21N Nov „ :3,Dec.#.. n bruted testa -eta and: actions -how _ "1 mean to keep itn he replied. • t ley, w risei . d reell eeme now to VARM IN HULLET.T' FOR SALE. -For sale, pELGRAVIA 14t ••:* ' the east half of lot 15" condession 3 and the • - ; Cabin passege $60 o $1 .6 aceording to wane theylhelp. reoeivin.g--those instincts le st till yoti °lease 10 e.7 : . I rut on Mot d things, a d wit 7 the air Irnodationst. Second all find 13teersgessibm th f - ' • ' ' sou , half o lot 15 concession el Hullett , being tempted to tneae actions; and, 1 That wi " , be fore • er, then." I of 0' : Ito s eke his 1 ps. "If one f t • ' 100 ' ' II ' ' 1 o aming acres? 80 of wine are clearedi we 1 For Extra Value in Fresh Gr eri s Anchor Line Draft is ed at lowest respire eating trader the guise of men and sh plumed h tself lik NictorY ' if t just ef t 0 e nth pophasi ere to get ..hen fenced, and in a high state' o.f iultivation. • The . 1 Paid free -of charge ' ngland, Scotland antl . Ireland. • neu, ite baser sort of animal them- upon a ban•ne . • 1 ' be', g t'st, je c motse ;" and then,' as ca Pe go ed • Mc av .80 rat ve • nie in re sh o -sai vqT cir ge Mo thr spi aac • ma too as tho the fro ian an bee wo sel • L Mr by •• pie or alo be •was a-iIi Id can Oa Fest her _t, to tha sla do whi for sick tho 15 81 isto and rari Msn., laae-- 1 o• But what does M-4. peel -mare sa,e oa ple's boys. no if be could ' 41y • 11 • ! his w, d. • . are cle red, and the remaind4 good harden) ,icl 1enI ,, - before they -start. The . the Northwest, should n 4 t lail to get _s Isupply , ! ,. d ,the ether. - . . ' • , and marry,he be ows tine wo Id 411 , Eve y & c.• . n a while, r. Morlee leash. There i-, on the prat:dies a new fra e • J house and bare,' a good spong well , Also a o sh, d on he s • le : , : . :, •• u . , • who had' - b en n ur e ' • 1 0!: 1 ' 0 , he agrees about it fort nately, . ' e • Made a fe • ere. o trance futile., as young beating oichaid of chino° fruit trees. i T i 1 Local Trade Lthe allv.- Dealt int . sort •cif • foo -just ti ink, Ter • sa, t! feeble, for . Mort had he whole property is well fenced, ad 15 acres of new•la d . tiltliw le your turn fori Fine Summer. S OES and SLIPPERS. peciel in- . • , . , there is no difficulty there. In fact, we might ex • ec ;et t eir children 1 t ds of eurednitate kept eettitehtl .1 wee Mr. Pearmaitta remarks, before I-1 thing pat . aitv, aid Wee, m' reover, . 4..11 Al a • teady' for f.all w,heiLt this fall. It is sitreit d d ceriilent for CASH buyers. A large stock aud a great variety , . 1: niarriecl, that first,. led me tO think vtould •be the be inning of a Ince it ' woma wi • ho •• it was idle to argue, • Zietilin, toMsik Ani:reabehr pilot snigene, wibterre thl e 1 ! . -on i .ana at tny grocery istereii WiliCstreatente. , 'lonely of the subject. He always would coequer to e 1 wort,' li it tee -Elgin 'nig for wh -11 o ited to a ndon, ! er posi- Ternis eaey. ' For 'fn;ther particulars (lapesply en. and sold in large !or meta - , , 4ne'llitt lei .1 ee- , XI. to call it. cannibalism whenever of that great pe eet r be whicb win. • 0 tion • ewe , she lw: s did hysically the preraises to COLIN MeARTHUR, or if by c pose! from. Closing out my present stook, with the view of going ou o Ready- forth, • .11TAD st011 A CHl)ICA LOT. . a beef was cut and the blood followed such wonder til hinge as pass Our 'loom. also, a, d eit r ba Ines .out Of• he room. letter tia Walcott 1 814 81. made week. ,.. . 1 GROO RI S illaile;., and I thougnpt so ,ra•ach of prehensioe."1 or else banile round w I ere he s t, put an minx FOR 'SALE. IN TUCKERSMITH.T 1 e ' ' • ' ' t• opinion. I bega,n to•iturn the matter •• What inane: you Ltlk seeceteti a arm bou its tee , add ' f kisses t: fa an emits ins '200 acres,and is comprised f All kinds fresh, vire an ehe p,,as Poe Br.' . . . • ••. of that great pe 'eat r ate, Emily ? r would 6 t a Ole. his e o o t. , stepped it, to lase and 2, 211d, cOnceesion", L. R. S., Tack. r-• •• 1 • „ B -Accounts ere now out, and must be attended tP at enc.°. chastrs will save moue, by - flying ;frets me. 1 -Well,. I declare I- I don't believe I del, You knew en thin it,bout. it ?" _ • •the ac orn o : n men of :much !laughing smite. it hes within two and a quarter allies ltro • - Remember the spot, _Stall -78 '131o4, Main St*, .Seaforth. ell ever think so ranch. of any .man's ! • Why, do 't eel° and thee tbi o 0 and te: in oo • an Jail , with is hand- treztr j, 0 kehieosnc:iii• Vaforay ailloda•ma h,aplerneilatps 1 .of . JOHN . MCINTir.RE, 1 • . HUGH ROBli N. SI ,.-I keep tonsitatitly •on lames n'10114 i;ni,on," aaid Mrs. Morley e "And did alio* es that reoe• aft r ewe of 'auiri ti• pkerebi f 1 . - acres clieared and tiearly all seeded to gra s. . • • has passed away, and °WY leftets .b • eS -Aoundemee of spring water on the prereis ti. MAIN .STR.EE. 7. rearrdairita. Ootniotion 'really affect •• A d v 18 4 pr tt • break•fest 1" -said ' ar appetite! Whet an ideal And behind 'it ? And. sheet we supTose ot- ar s Th. re are two cro d dwelini housrs two b -4 Mr.eMo le • I ee, Us ing beak his plate tvith outbuildin-gsi. attaehed,-two large -or-char 8, i "1 'supply Of king's Specifftt, a 13ore, cure fdr 41.• • I than would ble a exception to be a e t • •ea_n 1, ts 1 SEAFORTH pepsia and Itsdigesaon. ' Any who bays -sed # a ceased eating meat in tiou,sequenee • about ne aer • of grape vines and. a qtaintity f .. s will reconmaend at to their neighbors andiriede Mr. Pearmainis conviction ?" 1 etal fate? tit as each race pa a •s, " I don t om plate Of 'pea:nets, 'other s na I Truitt.. The place wi11 be void in o 6 Sent by mail en reteipt o price. Sole agent far •o wee, en eoesequetioe ot My own eienietleing te i s its p ace a lit0e en • .- ,or divi td to suit pnrchasere. Price modem, . 1 1 this part el !Ontario. ! • • i Georget a 8 M S. Morley. ', " Outhe Terms •asyi For further informa ion adfire's Ivietiloat' said the1 priestess. i“ it tor to it, apr n• from it perh ps e a . - coetralrie m he • eful for them. Bodge ville P. 0. T. LANG, Proprietttr. 8 5 . :! en disgusting to me. We boarded this great er -et . r ce. is to take tete Theytle 8-' .oe a a • d skirted and . well . . ItIIGII •OBB, Seatorth. :ether, yea know, end Whole/11y plate place of man, prung from an '0 baked the • re p en y'of them. I am FAR. FOR SALE -For Pale, the north b;11 • ne„"andtI began to help my -self to woman, but • frail t e first 'an! in meta ciy , r . ver • •etical' food :-• and • i OOef lot 30, conceseion 8, Merritt, containi g -drained,ill'and.13" 75 of what') ere cleared, amlit- , S PAP T t, Mr. Pearm•ain wo[uldtglaece at woman that ceased to -eat d, ath • then bey r: a • anon:11 one; we- can nearly free from , stumps. Th s I - I slay, •• Dead flesh.' it • t • • . corruption. 0 .Te este" a 'd alway thi 1 ., ton .n W, reboil we. eat farm ii situated on the northern gravel load, t • o 1 I shou-ld think t4tet. wotild have Pearatein, het c Peek nd her e es g •• - petien te, t . t we re encouregibg the Miles rom Brm.sels, and 13 front Seefort.. • . - The ilewellees in disg•usting." ing, " if . tt • eho d e your c ild I •poor f eed 80 en dew i Noith Carolifia." There good buildings and frInces alio a_go d J. L. S*IT ..,,,,, . , ,„ . . &char and an abimdenee of splendid fend g ellow • I did feel eexed. a little: at first, but mme ' • 1 • " 0 ,• han the: fre:dmen 1" groaned timber on the farm! :e. never felling spring ere -'k • - ' - . 1 psently il Wait seeing • Dead fl•esh ' ko ' The- last *Cep e did the work. ii . Eee net •1 4 tr t rum tbirough it. It is an excellent place, a kl 'Mil Is the place to go for geed relieble ' . . •self„. %rid presently I couldn't taste it Morley; it miteht be sa-d, threw, up 8: r„ e e eye . o 6 o you e pec me to go ih an o • lof t e eity evety day on will be suld .cl,eepH and on easy terms as t 'e prnpriotor is getting old and desirous to retie . I 1 i 1 _ all." sponge t she Via: a co vert fitcica a .t • •sach feed s t 'is ? 'I have no strength from farming. Fat further partieulars• app y • . •• The ide\a, 1" said Mrs. Morley, hunt- rn•oment " to Mits. Pesirrnain's theo o . I for her lest needle.e• ' on the pre-iees or to Biusseis P. O. liOBE1 T FOR I MONTH AND DURING STOCKT'AKIN I' She went th cough the house t at; jy te., - in aye t- - ' • BURNS, Preprieloe. 812- 1 ID • 1 . ' Oh, if you lustr o . run the matter . A 1. ri day; she 1 1 quired . tte .eve ythi • i .1.• Leoa a , t livi e 4 iteks & ose o en, George, . rage , • it . ustelf, you won't be so scornful, Teresa. she took °to! of everythi g • • a fe .eing that in en e load after them- 'Vent! IN TUCKERSMITH l'OR SALET-F r We have determined to clear out our entire stock of , 1-0 CLOCKSJ you tnin.k every time you take a bit learned hose- d do. eve ything ; and a 8 i3 ' There's s•ti• bg 11- no - t all mines from. .1-• salerlot 19, coneession 8, Tucker:mall, co 11".1 mutton - that you are eating death went bottle e. eight al prepere tp 4 so-. busks t)". taining 50 acres, all - of which is cleared a d nearly all free froin. stumps under -drained w di . 1 corraptione-21 . vert Mr . , y,1 • • .' • • • 14 I' •no i ox . ' r • red M DI el . 1110r e and t give he Lo Be . , • 0 eY• feeced and in a hi h state oi cultivation. She e e TT 1V1 M Rt. GOODS, J, • • RV EWEL . 'Well, I never "sa , d Mrs. Morley, to be marrler to -Het -if it h ppeo : " N ? . y Oct .'d ay yon wtre a -d t I' a ram tsa re -6 ass orchard, are an st • . - f el b • d 41)1 , [ Immi 1 '' ' , ehing her breath. • • - to be 1,0111se. Ballo ' pa I -a- " a hewed log houte, and a never failing epri g ' Why,: only think o. • it. 1" said Mrs. • Peer itteMorley ! He loved ili j t i, '`, M F4 , fd 1 y c : n' ou ap ly a little well. This farm is within five Miles of eelifOrt 1, . On a goecl gravel road and a scliool house at t e• -CONSIs'rn4G Olt - 0 SRVER-PLITED WARE ermaint uncleared portion is well timbered. It is. par- ' • For passage, Cabin Ple s, Book of 'Teras, dee res t''''' ' , ; tit it was 1 .disma,i, oreakfast, to 41 he au lit t bub'oy • nd and carried sticuenlaree well adapted for Stock: 1. here is . pl di ly finished frame house wttli good cell , apply to • I don't know -perhaps BO," said Morley eext 4 y, when dry toast pre.e. it to hi 1 Iip k4 rs. Moll v found herself and sto 6 foundation ; . also ii.'• barn 36x56, an ' HENDERSON BR THERS, New York :. ifeeiey, 8. little moved,, it may be, ed oatmeal, a' d butteress baked poei Wet hi g hi ith a b • athlest scrutiny 'good se bles, shed and all other necessary ou „ or to S. DICKSO , Poet Office, Sealant 70844 the reference to her po-wer of- mind. wilhout salt b.: ought 4 the resi; a st t ' L--fo t, reci 11 - cross ' • her niad th t . , in a nudin a: tThere ate two good orchards 1 choice f uit rees,. Also plenty of good wate . . 1 There' inuat be .an inberent princi- m,: I dinner, w en, We, ery sqalt,sh 4 . Mei Pe:erre:lin nii.gb.t• , right, and Mr. on the hole the larm is one of the most ebn - 8 G V HIM A CALL. GOODS DELIV R REE. I . REMOVAL in natie.:that will rise. whether or no, la, is py turnip!etete th -only .vaitatio • .pt Mor ey eiwit4 slight b a little wander:- pletely nigged in the township and will be Sol else Lwe never • should have gotten a t: ble gorged, LB Witliloarrots and Ineti jug uat'il he had- .1 sed the little 'heal' 11116 °n eaSY of C te! ins. It is within si mile lintrirranc17 Miles_ of Sea:forth, With ,goo . Jo' • t tg asi ar as we haVe. But it week/ an silver. "I'll gi•Ve m whole'4 d'm l I ' fist d 1 't d ' ai y na i • an • n • an i own ag ii. gravel reads leadie tri each plaee A 0, nettelt faster, so mach farther, if it, to itee said Mrs. Morley, . &with' I "-It or .0 • part,' said h • " •f I were to Ye ,-, i proprietor. on the g • - ' • 11 3 premises, or to Clinton P, 0. nI for this food. on wh.ich we sus- " 14 rs. Pearm in, will 1:n'd me all •• • h, ay., a plate pf roast v al set b rfore me WM. McMILLAN. N. B.----'11riq firm will be ot our &!rdwth. And while we eat it, ex erience,, d. ' '-' h 1 h ' ' . an we s • have it vs (an. 1 • :ti d •.. , . 1 , fered to fent if not sold- by the lst Of Sep , se o espne it) -.r ast v ai, ternbe . . 809x4tf , . -4 bilibb--441111111111111111 , r Y OCIn't 1 gee' how the great perfect rate pal: table yeti' Bet h: hankered a t bto n, 'end stvimming • geav -swi - EAS. TEA§.. TEAS. .- „..............-- ev0 co -me - at all. It never will the flesh pots ' 'min 1' :gravy -' be -re , eats* nctuoue- -Fenra FOR SALE—LotNo 4, ;concession' 12, Err:.,___ . ...,...„, .,-.- 1,e, - Teresa," seld Mrs. Pearmain, I was Quietly :aft& he be • * • ly- • I don'ethink I s ould ea it like te - Grek, contaieing 100 acres, 80 of which; are • • cleared end in e good state of cultivati .0n, And 11-1EIBEST vALUE.FoR YOu7 moNEY THAT °IAN BE , - : iag 60 her elbow- sted lookieg through the new reginie • h , t at & les Lemee I 10 cm e: • eltig-e-1 ve left eff being El, ' 'MONROE 4: HOGAN' f , ao r- well undier-drained ; the balance is thnbered With . ] - : friend as if to the far -distant future ley carne let° the wo I , and ..there •• ivil•zeo ibeing, eatibg a ts ' an piunee hardwo a a h th • f • o . ere are on e premises a mane it natter will cora° till people cease mu h rejeleitig at h .chrisierting, nd hi o,gs t at dont r: uire ny eivilie house with kitchen and eellar, a never failing do ' HAri-) IN THE DON1INION IS AT SEAF*RTri, at fteen, and ellen. lite on the things tho o gh the chtisteni g cake- censis -ation ; ii Beteg° neVe 'aided to re+b, spring of living "water, a bank barn and stables . ' es le f4ti 40x60. 1:the buildings are new. Fenr . . AVE reraoved to their new proms .- „t'j, t DO . ,tnre provides without pain or of a 'sort of raised • weet bread w le he ,•oi Ing ecaint to ea hem •• I shonld acres of good bearing orchard 01Y 0110100 fteit. of Robert Jamieson' store, the shoOk ,z. A. • G AULT'S in erly occupied by Mr. D. Mes.tsuitit, j 1.14.ei :eht il. • ' ' • • ,„, . To think, every tune. you sit rai ins .in it, of whi h Mr. Morley -1 put 1. el Isnot d.own. and allow n it, a d It is within a utile and a half of Brtutsels, ' land e p t two milee from e railway station: The fa is - I • . l'ave thoroughly overhan. ed end refitted' .. 1.1. t the table, table, that some createre too so eagerlt that e lo id h• ' y 11, eat i liiie -al deg." 4. e lose 4 .; 1 • Shops, and have much i proved facilitiO for good in the production' of grain and roots, and ch e to,' ' • . • • . , yed life has had -to give it up an beca.me pt ' tl • ,i . 1,eeeta I rostrete , .. 70 BE CUNT .,. 13BD. 7' for stocktrae-ing and griming purposes tan se ree- SUG i RS -very cheape call aed see them. A large stock of h If - gallon, tuning on ibeir businese on a largerallqterd yo eet appetite ! That makes me- the doctor, be 1 d rd Me su ll o4ed, , 0 , ere ly be Barnaeled. A brooch of the river Maitl -ad quarts ,a, d pints in Gem Fruit Jars. A w -/1 assorted iitock o Gr eries and. . eady for use a full ass° ment of their_tlak,5* . I" ad 11.US. Narmada. . runs across the corner, furnishing e never fai hig - -1 , per- aps at hiajwhisp r:d suggeStion a - 4 r A. 0. Deadth: . the owner of Proviseo. 8 Flour, Oatutealt_Conimeal, Sho ts, Bran, Chop Pee Oat Bart - • • , eY, RATED PLOWS, 'which are too welline,t4 Wel 1 it's Very wonderful. I never con se a boa t6.a. t 1 . sine of rthe 14ileit pet • o c erd it: • • . . i , r, s c eatamm a qnerry of the bet spcdirsen of li e- Corn, Palk, Etaras and Bacon. A very nice assortment in, Glass are and equire commendation. tght f it before. I really will look ii - 1. : r. Morley etteed d tonihat beef , . • Wes ere Onterio., teoo gbt to Land n , stipply of runnijig water. The bed of the ver stone for building purposes that the 'county -9 Crockery 1 Tea Sets, White Stoneware, C ina Tea Sets 0' ed T ' , otor ' it Se s .and cede than ever. They Jia e now on hole, a HORSES OEING I over. But I don't see what there hi e self.He was no soiig to be pat , the • thee -Moen •ng thi first :ample of affords, which mill become a mine of wealth in a leege la of Crocks and Milk' Pans' and Co atil Oatstaken * ,o 1 . . en ut exo wage for ' n till its branches a sp ,ialty, end Ile ; I jive oia-I should starve - on bread •evit o sloPs end dissol, el Lieb• tl. alc11 tg , le ; , new peaCheis, very fine tnit., , t is s- will be a itself as timber gets scarce. This faxm must and Old ' d h - • , an as t e prop ' + • - oateneal. A call is respectbally solicited. ll goods delivered free of c erg°. - rie.air inteeds emi; ed General jobbing prom, gly attended U) _ 1 . Oren be glad to see all our old end a,s meat tle• butter." • p - . . pen de of that:thick r . steaks laid. • Al cert:ined the local era Will b 1 -cal atin ' - i . 1 8 aro- y .er . , g to the Northwest someone will get a , , Butte ! We only allow batter as a for: hire on th ' slab ' the li• h 1 . ' 43 ' ' . e n ite • a foe ur .phth Se0.80B, - Wing 6 hiefly to bargain. , Apply to the nndersigned en the pr. ii - • imetoniers as possible in o r newt prennsco. , iy." ' ' viha.re he went, erid fa rly !gloated o 1:i I tinfa • orable1Weetlien lees, oe by mail, to - Brussels Poet Office. " , ..e• A. G. AULTj Main Skreet Seaf ,- al ' WAIMEA.. 813.42 2 r „ • lioNit E -ets 310G0.- . . • , . . .. . . 1 _ • . [ • • . . .. • • - . - ,:. - _ - - -- - -VST ' acid naitber'S - ic 6 *47 sh6., She eaffea , 5111 quite nor sea smoked 4-Yer* baba 134' ben abetwie4- > if4y hi iter e ewe:tat a Fka, three 'Out she blew •es, she ru i exiled- " a. %,ocke.d by RI ht it telan5*:1 That anD0 . aOtir thLt W. !ti t tlels beim dela BuzuclaYsb"' Through Ile* Ob„ber te Batt' Imo .1 we coold,0 yen on Sun9a I „ a teeming ve e tbe-kale.ig *bat wr Our 6i7311/- ut he saida!'“: , puir mitherts d sway tot Though sb - I' -re ber in -I Ate the wee) ' lee, nkY wee .rtotan e iati 1 gi :8 g:: . ri 3; :its: t, 4t. wilt i lba. urtuert 136:f rff:01 a, t:it; :. 1 iitaii stocratie ft: 4g,vweilalaanogwna:e. a jo dooiyetubwh:12 Faeii:441ausavjapAp,iylb,iieL.I. to,......009132e've just, a Gii:fatetea'at'eviesatit''llitf:-Gfrrt:::' Go tau d*,eabt1,713,:iivt:Iteohngunogrigelimh,:iii toupero: icae not 1g0i'e-a.f;.kuidnisnogtpphi;':'PDoiS li e;o:upto I -" 0833you ‘ le'*ke;jas gleeb.porthe ubartetat 4lf I cafi 41 • _ • i ,. • , .., ._-.-- .. ' ‘, - -, _ • - - . f. • • • .=.4i.k.k l i ,, 2 _ • • . •AUGUST - • THE HURON EXPOS' OR* - • ....._ _ '24 1 - - P 88 - t• , . ,. -- . , .mio...********.., . hi. . . . . I . 1 .....• . • i SALE. ' . _ AMERICAN, , , 1333;1, GREAT FUTURE RACE -" Well, ixt " Milkein lk, tthen." eedl Do : its pr Para 1duta no Bu M his rapture was of Tun,- REAL ESTATE FOR CENTRAL OROCEF4 ). i cettidaly., -- '. ' —i• it - e •• ' while cows -rel kept yo'n the Rippe., ululate that short ning 'vet i o pa e day .1 ,Pearmain, et an errand, saw •,5 AOR.E FARM.FOR S. orth •hal f of • - OANADIAN AND • ett allecl MI ding was a e wheel Bee. pettereate his 'young wife ullioneal-windows with poi•nted obarminiebomee had, ea, ; -a stotteedottage. from ItOor to ables and :divers cond•ition it thein, weld', no, indeed, ealdom do we tone Which - tild dri et f • • the their ilk, iieldoren milker Milk kee ? orea s le , .. him whetti it lik ad " 0 a eit rs. nli see, o his and ley. dear:" _ lin. ; • : f ;and. flottileng tip eed • a solid, away to yon never • . • lot 30, and 31, conceesiOn 9; Seeded, and in excellent or _pasture. For 4.441'4Bw la ov north halliof north half McKillop i Most of this 10.nd condition for niBfid. further ,particelars appiy NLOCK,Iyinthrop P..0. id '819 it is w o tf SEED SEAS . . 'N OF .1up3. !. • , . lee • WALL ElOuri APE: il lobe& d Vanes, and nth an infinitude "My oo gin* 'ries -4j" ben yonve • not - WO a th - e • 1 egeo s to bet er advan- TTALUAtim FARM FOR ' ALE —For SA el 4 ftetrat lure nd 3.3peta ad & t • gio -eberoldthallee (la till the house. Si Aside it waa wh celled fairy .. roaaemaiu et ir •notione, -an not a nit of paint e&tein:giroa :retain petheee Quid be a bower. t all good house- land.' Here lifro ,d eaten nee scope theit name was in the louse lug '1.4 "Well, o ''. rarely. I ne to break an neeent-7 " :Why-, tlen; - , e " What d healthy, indigestible, egg (nein et eau- . gg isth ! , . yon o you ' a g ' i , hile, t• over Murder an't • aen i an fe . have 1 1 that , egg; b ling tb of in. ip- cake, • ' for,. t -t 1 r - tage. way the . whetted throat,. me s . 'blood ; - will o . oo / ' , Lo udd it m .am e [ , . c d a t Min ,., itiste r klliv , . it is jt . etately ting,yo ha ! 1 , • d is , , ed T at - - ut her o ee adf 1:11 1 Ore 0 ire itulanity,; • , o. in our of eu, *a the very ng people I a vet= it it makes mania far he bed. ' Emily 1" y no. 0, in the &if Goderich, 85 Se, free horn ttumps, frontage on Bavneld Rona,. and adj Reynold.. For conditione of sa le . & ARMOUR, Sol Toronto, or to 40B.N .Baylield. Bayfield oncession, tow, pi,' 40 to 0 acres cleared balance well timbered, River, ! d ' th 01* . an on e ine the incorporated villigenf errne, farther particulars; apply to LEITH KINGSTO i . . eitors, 18 Kingstreet MORGAN, klotel Keep - Ch a h tn t a lw e :015 p. .1d pi n id E t, r, • 9 ' • , si 6 p ur oi e, Ina Grass • an Early • I . 015 Of c allower stock of Seeds are Alsike an -d Alfalfa Mixed Lawn 'Angus and Bleck Field Carrot, Mengolds than ever, s.'•e . now complete -: Timothy Seed -Grass, &o.; 'Two Austtian 0 arid :Turnip also a pew stock . . nd.fully assorted • Orchard Grase, and . Six Rowedir ts. Seed .Peas ; Seeds are all of . Flower (Vicke) fpr Clover and . . Re aele- 'Viand ifreeli and ITitoothy lover d To y,. an Gard Se d's entucky . ., h te ai y. .' evt.!, e See e d. ;-. • ' Red Itus- .0.n,r , - ds. -:insod - . •prin Ablaut- . -colorings, n best viable . pat erns 600 .desi• gno from fore Th e largest in the 4 'ilea te • - - ' .. ' lu .all The ebbs t $ - ' ° ' 1-'15 : :sortment • - 4, ee o ntr: • ,t ' . , y .a .,te 'eo meet • --"t * - , tat k bt )1804 claimed,. no cement but hard wood, to seerete inlaid floors and never have Nor do ." , '-hentie?1 ieco ons-eno, . we fend George, el : i • . e:d orl ' y, 1 be - se etelY. th clocter•order. "My TDESIDENCE en and comic) ir OR SALE -For sale, thatilla table residence on north. ill` _let n; n.. `-''''''' e rite 4... : p paying tbe hi Eta and Potatoes hest market pri • e 0.1 W. P A : PST's 1 iget :ale hil low ad noote as, tig uservatory and and dents- without as for the ki_ there were a . hen this was' and 'occupied woecier thitt-Mn gratery on a tiny counting ; lieu, the conveni. imply miraculous. all done and in- and enjoyed, it and Meat, Pear- . . ",Doughn 'And yo Never, sattoesapp those.' . ' B-ut wha b 1 ts you 1 Bnt • , • e i a ." wi cen ve ranb ,, won • ineffahle t have have rry, . e r dc: pia?" grape, Y ou • see a. .. dello' and do w -, es ell en ed it. :' " it ever.! had away w.ate Tares t Th non_ and - die: ; I e v ion , t a •• doc r ty f rooty of to bin . y. Da ispe ki a . ;idiet Order 6 • iiPW6 I [o tin c ee, it t b g f' , it • it for- he bast' a take it of -tartar offeuded, . s. good- street, at present The house containe.a Toorn,11ritahen, bathroom Bidet; Pantries cellar and woodshed, knees; .Alse two trees eud grape apply to J,QH-N Occupied by the undersined. parlor, sitting room, dinii arid suc bedroonis, closets. There is a and al' necessary et:ewe lets, well planted with vines. For further partieulars' MCINTYRE, Seafortit, • 1 go ! fruit 806 g °- sd. . - • - a . 1 , 1 I . Ola y Iteuse . , . . . GRO stock hi this in the trade, . . ERY DE • epa.rtment was never and quality of goads , , , , ART MEN'''. better assorted.. second to none. . ' • Prices We s lew 'h 1cl , as lerge i . B - , - • SEAFA RTH - , R.DEit DADCA 1 1 : • , i , Ain! i• winch ones. at it - wieh • looked • about for to expendtheir Their way pf would have beeu. others to share something else whims and life Was so good selfishness not its. Little Harry you have co 1' Oh,' yen delicious w grains cen delicioua for ' t • a' up p a a co . e ny ?' e no 'here 'ked, of tie - . des re! or o d t5 harnionions • 'of. n t-li ire ow m tiY laich w m t re. (6n 7 he TY -." and i have singular 7 Mrs .1 pleasure e 6 b- e a. ,t il . oeption." ley • • ren s. tag d ; di o no over •o .i Th: tali kr. "earmaiit ' . k al ow 4 er men-tbey is a - . • her dis-- prineiples ; • PLENniD Bust' FARM FOR SALE.---lete s') _,Sis alb a bargain, Lot 27, CondeSsion bwp ,Itip of Arnabet, county 0, Bruce, -contain' 14f tares.' This farm is well timbered principlly with inttpla and Borne hemlock and oe'dar, within 7 miles of tfie town of Southampton is and and • , g is - a S • ocletin lendid:value 'Canned Goods- ' • ' in TEA . put np ty the beat ARS and COFFEES. eS1J4G . --f----,--- American and Prices i i • Canadian On • a•pplica 1 1 1 ackers. iont I -CEILING i • e , !...,.4.. -et.N - D-ECOR TION PAliti ''. '• ' . -.•' 1 p $ iar hen et lt, 1 ion was exactly! they had fnliel . that way their kety lold 'three. years old decided to con- next neighbor, friend can ge . ner of the. r'ta•rio leaties you roams -are as ,pe, no good esti • a vetetables hing a,s that teedesire steeks ; bean tee- r ' liY ; fl uTrt. i and visit 'aciroi 'for M 1. en a str M ii lien, t o e 8.- P SU it 0. ieorl a of •ee 'a i te ain brought .y:breught tett to ft being her the 0108 too; tO be &El . 8 mile's. from Alla uford station, on the 91300. Wand Lake Erie Ruilway. At will be !eta bargattl. Apply to : hIeLEAN BROTHERS peanut Office beaforth. , , • ' . atf Ela- , 04 n a 1 1 CROO.K RY AND1 • • GLASSWARE,. . .t(?°g9it it:112-1:1' Beautiful ..„9,oth. asso. t ent ,of Window vi dB, nap4 cord, Tit end • . - Mr ar ,tle• strange arrived, al5 -, Pearmain's, Who old ' friend . of Mrs. Motley, whpse sharp snap sehool had married a Mr. Pear' main's- black eyes had. in them when be Mede to imiC fruits- and enough of -eve want Meat Pee' s•au •tero es, a: ythi og,, 4 ° t c'me e at beef, land I !luta, and th,oee to ns th ':4- the - -et i 44 _good arg.n him t contr#t. 0 hi ant at a e - a • • : rd, t nzedeo so ote oeaf ea lion only :ars to. Was a, a little cOnVince breach of „ , FARM loon SALE -Fee sale, let .1g, cOncls- • ' sion 4, Tuckersmith containing 100 aci.es, whieli130 acres ate e&ared, fiee from stumps A dit' di high t • fenced, un ;en r me tin n a,s ate of vaeionk The buSh is hardwcaid. There is w 1' eel f • 1 1.! o pi Nn Goode ecaterclf:tn ttcluble 1 . i delivered eIlintienntdhiniegipinutereihe to show geode promptly.. aeslemrs1).1eYvillmZe and quote prices!. Willeeelil p':it Flour and Feed . oba. p 1;100e:fortes haled 1 I . 1 bbetiNi : a Mittel.. nixtures, , Carpet Pa er, 4e. 1 Co - EITAnir • - ' 1 inge• ornietg, er displease.d her. 1 when Mrs. profit by her ftiend,'a And it, was. eine Morley had. come experience " I 'should ,di: 4.1 Not .afte .. y • Res. Peseta un 1, • te we eerie e used to sly. Y it," 4 w ;1 Id It Merle nese i on su to • r to ar a in go ram •a ta tell lag i bOu to ay what -Mr. his bttai- or many waste land on the farm. buildings a good orchard This within 6 alibis pen. is one of the There are good . fie and plenty of wat of Seaforth, and 3 from best farni,s in the townsh • , li. e . - p, 1 LAIDL NW & FAIR EY Ailain- 5 :I t. . Seao th. H01 :t ,FOR .A141T7 -is., .tti • [ the matter of daintt needlework that . , learn to like th: new -ay nd etes • e a moeth .a e aft r. Th si ht of the ,It and Will be sold ehern), Dakota. as the proprietor is I n w t 1 , e campaign. began. I - ., otd.." _ wild- ick, at • issetide wings faftning 1.* Apply on .the.f•trm or to t e OF "1 into Always meant, When as I clio.se," said.MrsePeatinain, . . I could have "It wOul money,,to'b an et f e, to • .e. ee tegre be lewd _t de: On o 1 Of or and door, rilli mo ,, t t gin , br t roke hi: .•th :at a he rt '; , poulterers the men unders-gned. 2n4 e GRIE-irE . ncession, licKillop. TH e 807 • Great Bargains 1 in , boots an ei _Sho ' . s ONE THE. RR T • ' ' •• 1. ' . 1 they that. -er :sully ighbore, I liberty y that sure„ sat and sewed,. not one onnee in T. don't bectinse I believe ; batsince I've' tried •it .Sts there eto-order my table of flesh should proselyte my in inditici- You inquire I vgill longenough to has been things," mu d " Oh., a gr at would be tw ce- and your-eh-1dr ment on yon lit of Harry chi Ily Om about fe, la 14 a. o eat I s h n woo fee that. ingeip a Orley. -And tfiep althy and et • ' Id be an imp ei- , it es.foethe v. e- are• • se ate:, 4:o •-- the ntetter. .0 • :e It! who c lain ' bim .a. to ski Hens : order me pin eel by stud! o up ng h : c out of t heir stout kin to ito • e • Tr:mo pe tit p 0 v ctuallers' s, orate ; and of t t. so . r tenapti cel- excited in he had. e Revere pidly, ha g smells he Fen in! Tnekersmith • s lendid Win. being loot 25, Coeeeesiorr conta4-ing 102 wee, ed andlin a high stele vien timbered: Thcre -good outbuilding,s! farm is six • miles for Sale. -For 8 aloi known as the Moore Far 4, H. A.S., Tnekeremit a ont .of w ic aro b I,5 b' h of eultiiation, the balan,e is a huge brick house and a splendid orchard. from Seaforth and th cle: a T t t , • , - " d • e le . [ JOHN , McINTYRE'S , i . ! i I . SEAF ! t , 1 ' T • • `.. Parties .gobig to i anitob well tp secure a s -up ally tie , 1?obb's Ce:le.brat:4 actred Before 4arting. Last se son : .- .3142t supplied i • ' 1 ' 31 and welter whic • 1 th est or li, that natty . same f om ClintOn and is within a mile of school. one parties, and they fr. 1 ex irtesee -VST ' acid naitber'S - ic 6 *47 sh6., She eaffea , 5111 quite nor sea smoked 4-Yer* baba 134' ben abetwie4- > if4y hi iter e ewe:tat a Fka, three 'Out she blew •es, she ru i exiled- " a. %,ocke.d by RI ht it telan5*:1 That anD0 . aOtir thLt W. !ti t tlels beim dela BuzuclaYsb"' Through Ile* Ob„ber te Batt' Imo .1 we coold,0 yen on Sun9a I „ a teeming ve e tbe-kale.ig *bat wr Our 6i7311/- ut he saida!'“: , puir mitherts d sway tot Though sb - I' -re ber in -I Ate the wee) ' lee, nkY wee .rtotan e iati 1 gi :8 g:: . ri 3; :its: t, 4t. wilt i lba. urtuert 136:f rff:01 a, t:it; :. 1 iitaii stocratie ft: 4g,vweilalaanogwna:e. a jo dooiyetubwh:12 Faeii:441ausavjapAp,iylb,iieL.I. to,......009132e've just, a Gii:fatetea'at'eviesatit''llitf:-Gfrrt:::' Go tau d*,eabt1,713,:iivt:Iteohngunogrigelimh,:iii toupero: icae not 1g0i'e-a.f;.kuidnisnogtpphi;':'PDoiS li e;o:upto I -" 0833you ‘ le'*ke;jas gleeb.porthe ubartetat 4lf I cafi 41