HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-08-17, Page 8LA A P. prop, jry conanotea i a balve Wa SIX Lon "d en SEED FAI I-L WHEATS A V dry proAtable U 0 t a, tv0set, . any. til le L lie #A t'Arough it. For sm ie en Eiivaly eqsigad in t 3, t'i r doi- Call at-., Thorne% Star Grocery exteD d it is in bc a ec ion is 'Be L Lut e celebrated STAR tlTl& this 110ases, have c1c outriiii. 8 and order some of th IN, - not learned Cie arwou rib of lli Habib b WELEAT I ftom. FainusYlvania, Ad i itiess but -it is the ( on )ra opf4i.on 'that is W( an I u pJho ored- when the eatat d-. not -liable to rust., and Yields f0m itorswill be p +,W asat fied, retty' ro okly a 0. tor the &or d that Mr.. R Inselt W III be _e. Tarms MU to 46 btishifla We principal lo 1 -The Unit in the at, in the T Aaxhet. deposi easy. The bestwb ,a d 'hv% b e none will qse he 6Y 01 1k, its I Try+ Thorne's Teas. 4y sire the inoonvem- Iticed b sympathy. is felt with Mr. IMP^ One toga hope At I at and cheapest., am 1'* be his d M 1 b Willi turn. 0 c D'Iav6rab for him than tliey no L.ITHORNE. -0, a;. RA6 :S. The fa I THE G(,)Dz races on Vae Goder ich tj %ok opened o:L eke Wednesdisy. Th wt is an! immenE 8 ut crowd of peopie,.pre most', of I 1 ra ISTRIC"44 XATTERS, having lacien dm*ii t ittkqr by.the D betwee7a the -trott, -E t%Uiobs Toi - tine,- t& -e pro erby f I 9r. Xobu Bet, CAxNt­ED Gom,,e in abundance fit the BourboE own b central Growry. -com" Pond p 0arned 11.eef, Lunch Tongue, a;n Fisho r. The track was very. eavy ]Br&%= , Pigs, feet. Nopieloss -Chick-en awl Xlurk-ey, i- bot l - L.&mLAW & the tfine raoba f thD &c-' Pieldes in bulk and made in the tw FAMLX-r. In t' 16. sta"Ilio: race, first day wag 0 t kee I to, beat h NEw ftocmes oLLxR FLOUR. -The was mile h_ -can be ob- Celebrated Egnrindville flour five, 44 Tontine" tooki t le Ars 4 It at I PAT, tgnedfroinusatMill prices. Lmixwm& ft-, I hLe n xt 7thre 3.08 , and 11 Bourbon',' Lim,. seaforth. 819-2 ti a me do, bein herhts, the, fastelit 4i CuwK Am) G.-,wNARE selling off at the - 3.03 Therace waa thorefor won b Central Grote -also Dinner gud Tea sets. Dont faU to call at -Ad get bargai s. LAiDL&W Yr..Fisher. ii I M is th t Can n. take, I tbisir horses i, n.i he r FAIRLIM 819-2 LOWOV THE FLv R to p Lrch lse the besi of them have much cau Be tc it blow Of faU.Jilf, ga o f eneS is at LA' .1CW & FA R- about their superfo s 4quality r I 6d, i a lots f -LAY,13'. dommon plugs 6 n e p ckedxp almoE t 11 to lie bad &, In tb ei imBiEST V&LUE in Sugars, Ft 130 T K - any place that w I beal -sy's, Eleafoith. 1 1 ce 4 Goderip 1l -in Town is at. lk ,iwAw & Fjartr, second t1iree minute diiief"' 9 t first ;06no,3, Ki, Fplley rp's i, and Mr. T. Sb oup, Nx w EIGH Soaoox, Tz,&oEmR.—. gray seconi High 86hool Board htlie­- chooen as 11 Dan" third. Quilte a number, from The I - this, town and viciulty were !present. r -Classical and English Master of on -school Kr. Alex. Crichton B. A., To- ORMICT IATE EX 0 ronto' U aiversi-ty. Mr. -,Cri hton s career 'University was S Very AMIX&TIONS.-The re ul of tlic Teaovhet at the Frovincial adiate'e an and liaterm inatiodshi matrical ition he won brilliant ore. At a, lebgth been madel k,iowu. ear, -first, claosioal scholar'Ship and.firs pro- N i a a iprpse ated the seivi's Lad silver 4,400 candid te ficiency - ihree scholarshi i for examination in the Pro.vinae. ( f medal. in classics gained during his h se these .2,19 1, or 62 ipeTc( Val passe -course. His testimonials were of the 4--W -The reading of the a 7Tr a r ad tl e highest order, and we have every reason ri 0 to believe that the High, School Board labor.of 55 examineisAr no rl -r vin a b) - F has been exceedingly fortunate in its weeks, andwill cost tba tween $3,0504, and 85,0)0, b aid a tl a 4ca. Thq salary paid is 0,800,L bolul Y idit g cost to the manicipt dit es ofl p, a one hundred'. dollars in adv4nce of the irs. Twoul -1 ine ivw an former teacher, but of this increase th, 3 examine Y is only ten dollars. cessful in passing tfie first elass':i pr) - cost to the town fesaiona-1. In the nsau pr9fes ex alas . 2 got gr*de -A., aminAtion for first- -ThO FUR Llo, SCR,001, WDITURS. -n- -a ated cost of the Public Schoc 1 2. grade B., and 27 'gr de C I t total estim f no t, ye&r i 3 Second class n-pr _ isiona4 91 Sit of t1his town 'for the curren, oeeded in tt' g,gr d A- a, A 156 ge in 0,067, being made up of the following 'In tl;ird Ism non-, )rof gasio: i - are- grade B. items: Teachers? salames, #2,47Q; c -18 &1 1,166 Were sticid i f al iind 13 taker's salary U82 ; wood, 0140 ; In - passed in the Ialtert e li&W. : The fc I- 3L2 repairs,. 3153 B.undries, f4wing are the namei;j the sue -esof 11 too. The receipts exclusive of taxes amount to 0970, and are made up us candidatela wh oti in So dort i: Second class, 91 A Ja me i follows:. Balance from last year, $397; Laughlin, m. For j"ohn ice and' oipal'Loau Fund In. interest on Muni v6stment, $243.; Government grant, Martha Hillen. a'e B. Eliza Juirn of Eld r M g-gi? $2,097 to Dickson, Grace Eld r :f330, This leaVeSL bbe f Goo. -am aiation. The gue on.) Third Clas 6o ravided for by direct t trukees. hame asked the Council for, John A. McLeod 'I ariel A a zea,, .$2,500 as it is *eqeosary to carry over a Jo]ieph Peudergast,` ieorge Poloc, Ed -win Martin,* Jofih Kuldrew, i m y balance to idpat expenses accruing at -the commencement W the yelar. This, qovenlock, Maggie GOil enloc;4, j -Hann Burke, Ka a Hawkln- Kat' Givli a, however, is 0300 less ;than the 1 Board rOWT- -, Intf r - procured Ir lim," the -C Uucd Iast,yeair. Jainat Baft and Ann: mediate 8 . 1, AeCoy, Carm-81"n Bel I LE&vrxcf To'WN,Mr. John Lattimer, Swallow, NTM.Hewi 6eOr i bewar of this town has purchased,the a -tore, Tim Malone, Jamm( Irela d, Frani stock and busineas,..of Mr. E. M. Rip. O"Neill,James Mdloi e, icha ughea, prell ol My& a. small, vi.ilage.'in the Alice Nevils, Maggiie 'Smith!, Jealli a Mffhip of Beverly near Galt. Mr. Dickson.,.-Sarabell M ean, Yd a E I. Lattimer isAl thorough bus' wards. Knit 3 MoKi BetE y odc'13i mess man, BeN Barr, Sarah oth &.1d' S&rih mild we fiaveoo doubt will do a good business 'In im"s new -location.. Mr. Smith. * C -f the 50 0. wrot 3 belie, -Sipprell, who is a sou-ini4saw of Mrs. or 80 per cent. - were jtp oces and f -town, -has been iip the 44 from the'Seaforlh . High ScbQDI P. Logain of this, p.?inted Mana&4 in -the Maritime Promo who wrote, .35 Or '79 1 er ceilt passe I. vinceS. for the Ontario Mutual Life This is a very oreditki le 9ho ing, n )t uIllow-n. Sebool 6ut for! thow Assurance Co apauy,with head quarters only for 0 other tesohlers who had, pupils in the in Now Brunswick. He is & native of that rrovin and is. an enthusiastic contest. NoT.E.—ThosemaTked"Aailep- H live inauranea man aud -ia * eminently. to 6 up i a who wr(te -fted for the position to Which he here, but belonged uqidsscboAs. quali has been c; inted. The. Ontario Mut, 9 -Pp Uali9jDBer6f )ur most -adec0safal and A S-OPIN N -MR. EDITOR, FAR popular Com.Vainies, and we wre Sure. Smw-I d 1 if two by you n 110 0 '111 soon make its weeks ago, -that you that Mr. f3ipprell wi on- ly vor. N r. known . and secure for Brdadfoot receiving ai(, in So e,,sha)e -merits as. we I it as liberal & Eihare of public favor in the, from the Seaforth co L t cil, on coo . unt 0 Mvi Maritime P inces as it now enjoys his lata loss by fire ; aid. afte waiting a in Ontario. Mr. Lattimer leaves this week to see if someb)d y woull I keep t [i( week for Clyde,. and will remove his balf: rolling, I now wish to il 've family as 800, i as he can complete sr. another start. In 6!effirst place ix do r&ageraoRtSL to 130. a c glad,to se6 yourself sol good Irot tionist, at; to be a o a o one burag L Tbiwx- Cotwem. - At the regular home industry, and I, proveE the , lu ineeting of t4e, town council -on Monday adage true, -train ic, p s! child lin th the i r committee evening, and Wate way heshofild go,an I , hen he is old It. W war- instruc dto purchase;600 feet -of will not depart from kn, v a inatruc it. ] ou hose stuitable z r the. wAterworka. ' Mr. Sir, 'We _Often, agree to differ, , d -oft i Robert Laidl w, -was gra uted, billiard differ to agree, but . wi both iigree I for ee b1ibles, for six months ation to I S, Mr. licoase. for your oUgge w 4rd Broadf ot b- kinowl 011k his pay-inD required by, Y- only I go a little -fur 1,or, and I ;.4 law. The and Water. Commi a0 number of the, farmers will Vitl aadGhief-­HDg&u were inatructed to me wben I state'tha Tackiell m in purchase 816, hose: Cart from J.D. R -on ild -McKillop. ffhouid C ' 0: SOM )o Brussels, providing-- he furnishes bne E..ighteen tbousand i ollars a year X satisfactory to, them, the not. t pended in Sealorth I Dr labor a pf gr )a price exceed $175. A ' by-law- &' Joi,niting i,,M, pp portAIlbe to t1insei two to ob" WE Nips, in -an Wm. IffeKay waterworks'engineev- d .44 so is 61 o t $4( X as Me. Broadfoot's ,Ound-keeperii, in. place­ d Ridliard which is equal to aking Mviye- tim Clark, who mesigned,-wiis passed. Mr. ambant put of his uaines if eM& t h 'McKaiy's salayy is the same as +-that towilsbip would say the all ite Mr- lark..- - The Aful i paid to Mr. Mayor and of 6500* and :Se hel obo Messra. Strong, Mor)rison, Stewart and not be -felt, an r Broadloo we I Dr. Scott we -a appointed a committee certaoinly feel the be ter to ave sue to- inquire ini athe cost, of an electric sympafty from his eigoorl land n fi-.re*l.arm,ot.itablet orig-.ivi ia:ga general man coglabe mo'r orthy,i§41 neve to the yet heard a far,; a C si that h alarm to the citizenakas well as pmpl engi, of, the fire depart had ar ileer a ar ever over lim in a ransa m to eat., it -as decided .pay Dr. tiou. Suppose tbi 18.000' ol, are , vsGoiainlock tie balance, due hi m for paid out in Clinto i Brass 8 W ul Ambgfurniihed,the corporation last notth iipl&Ceanalmed lose at 16101,E vear and wb ich as since th6a 'formed $3000 of it ea a h yeav I Rup )I ing pr a, matter of i ispute between the council visions if it were tak 311: away. J 115b t WX and Dr. Gop nloch., The balance claim- beef for instance. hJre t te on ed was *60-9 , and tho council have '. de evea averacre twelve 1) .1 eac ;this. amoun cided that tl e'y Will pay t week to Seaforthi-whi makeE 60( less $5 ch ad foreattings. After c These avors 4bout 8 [0 each, &rg on year., 9 deriagL the estirastes for the carrent Say 24,000 a year h thoge I to! vt Y, ar, and passing a number of a:c a counts, abips. -Wbata--beniftto t1i6 fam ie theL Connei"'I i djourned for two weeks,,at to- hav'e such a healt a r busint i . sE so ni w which mee g the. ratl will be Struck.. T he same may be BE id of flour and h other necessariep of I fe I 3eafort Su. S P S I oy THE FARXERsJ BANK . dould consume %11 7 could -Mlse ING HOUSE Considerable excitenjent those two townshi ul get th PE I P01100 in Saturday D . . oduce, a ud was occasioned i t6wn on -freight more f6r our P P S. mOrninglast when it became known that eaforth thefreightl q- Oro fori r m I 1P. Hayes. Praprie-tor add fact ures. -Now let a begin ly all t 0 13 or so Farmers' Bahkin Hon 9 onr appreciation for h Ir. Blro'f , in this toW4, had,.made an asaigument, let the Seafortheouixii Ef-tart .8 land- that th-0: bank wa' I sed Jor busli- ing depntations to i1th Tho 'cank h4s) been eatablished McKillop. A RATEP YZAIN for &DO .0. years and for a consider. able t dii, I a large business.. Latter. LocAm, ButErs.-I 'be: retin fa ei 4 y. however the business deer -eased very residiv.9 in'Seaforith intend ( aten -T matetiallyi-otning to the. fact that Mr.. thos Of ripur e Ra and E o d Hayes' attention W" so "Much taken UP, to play afoot-bal tob other SP6 ultul otflatione in Which_ he .to takeplace on -ft a ric engs" i WASt I that he was not able to when an admission o'ofAte ents devotel th - tt tion to his business be charged apecio the p seds 1% jo gratifying to be,devoted in aid at that b 2rieei 1:Zi o? r of "t i8L &O'LoUltien do not Mrs. D. D. Wiloo n 11 tur'ne know, also, d' 0 f rol their origtu to their Manitoba I in, any W1 liy ows our n F]i as with t4e bink. 1 '0 hb conuee n .w i - A0 Thpy-oame by 'ay St. f 1hul &I f A Dtewi F 'A-ucuc;T 17, 18 3. XPOS THE 14 UIR,ON 9 1 cffering 'hill hotel fore give below the full iiet of osel' wh a e. A UGU Mr. Micku passe(I from t4o Cliatoti hig mall-ning for so tp frienqa. h a, w0eks.-The Moses. Uhl $ad, :i 866A h4d &I ver T Mal Lt visil _Mias MOB i hire'on a visit 'Jane, A.Unie and El- ond ol"al-wil 1. me Sao Its Maxwell, nam t f Brass -as. school. thwe4t,- class. -Lily Do a t a U%Tor ..Tbe len, who,have eon absent for some She was for er),,y a residen 0 n Third I nson, of London, is h I le John Carla Pur hr. awd a neir b o; W U801 1, ho ly and, --,Mr A Bias , 'FerkL of Brit lea IS for 0 i, ich 1 ra.onthe,have r(burned meii Jean unie cirowley, gal 13o7d, Geo... togro le , 91,amuel 0 Rol IV n in' few for a short stay. -School opens Alext BE ably fe a b-- Ellen parpofiff asiVing 11 eon j.4 r, be bought even Moifid4y--M 11. Henry Eckmeyer McF AU' -The now weekof the for er eB e WIY will, Harry Clark, 6tephi6n, Tayl ji.isv- Latta, the U -Mat a -ri6d to i Qua McLeod last wee I for it f f B, 1pdge the pres- Inal, Wartless, Uobei -t I noefort Holl%nd Jaines I IL completed E ind, so then a Hop i, ns Chas. arm has b our a as being cor- On S4turda'y last Samuel ShaNFi- k vt ry It; WOO Swan, Will or auring this nioa 4 fay so it goes, W'O 6tisfa 3torily ent ioidid 6f her secured the . contract of putting Jamem 't fokgrot t1 Du 1) latet. When the- We -0 it i; the rect, but'. on ae Blight varia 'the road bet n Bell. Stan$ury, Saredi bT.1 Lavia, Eli ON ildroil, I , i )rocu.-ea a# tion in t r Bing letters. Miss wbith! of rivbl on 8-i linnie Z - 0,01 Should Italy 8 and Grey. -The 11 Lion " has Mediat linton, where she M orl p a W I Id n( t IF, lieu Will tu n, to C k ranCe's Imes, Alico'Hol as, Only W)pd: alarm, at) Months in atten. added anew branch to his now extea hill Cro IL 1000 YARDS ItO, am akon the W 0o r I ginef r, has beeir f r soxpe S imuel T r, 01. sive business, viz. - tent building, 0,4a Hartt, sylio I U001 dance at't a high Bobo oTa gart,i Wi i. d blic hrst order from of Bertie FiEher, Win. th fi- -emen and to 1 pu - 0 g4ne -A' number of the far. has reoeiv d his is axwe. 1, —OF VOIL- -At the Is, n )f thi THE UR Pa. the Frpnoh athlete d Milne, Jar ips- MoDon S eEti il a iie Mn or 0 Imitt 38 more arou here Say they will have to 1). GoahauIX7 Mary Strifth, Be 8 ell, An)s QU the F or on acrobat. A h% NUN - n fort a anal wo ipo Wered to Is 5 C feet of ne buy their re iing ye son'Jolth. C rchi, I. re 0 W. As annou ad Loutitti qeo. Ander Ur lia, BAsE BA:Lt MITCH.- tote it SUMMER DRESS G(datl hc soo Wb CL io MW th, socount of the scarcity of wheat, as in c gers 0 en t is rd a slinoeb last week, a base ball matohvvaspt ad There we efour oth, ot t e III some instanqef the wheat crop esar kinovil a. ................. Wfli b roufficie h6se 1 ;o co, rer ween the &pie Leaf base. DMiL UD Clinton,b#t whose na ly a total failure. Those who have their bet, a, ixaeoltic d1a, ithin tfis erO:-Inhermodia - -AT— I U 'M ,remdt 3bulldini I town lirni 0 of CanWa Their numbers w All drant..'' -Mr M. R. old wheat saiern to be annoyed about it of Guelph, the champions froin he pearef erg ght"' hosting, and those wha have none are and the Cli af Brassels, the ld- 851, 856 ; taird class, 879, 1 80- an in As -F romi the school t, golit'! by co" gric wing the :L c illenge cup for the o Conti: 6r has they Aid not ers of the in 14: i nohei in a t equall vexed because tion. 0. 1 St W Yor, gard0u. which ae ur4 Ftiday last Baird, Sir. School See 1H.A,-T­i:P1 :P 1?41 earn wen6e.-Me ars Ro bert Log keep They all -i to have pionship of mr counties, on CUM it.over. on Victoria quare herw The Guelph ley, four are Successful ME! follws a 110. v I Up politiosi.and M thodist union, t CiLmpb 311 Third a 31 for Q Lrbe ry,,: giver Second Duncan z I Th angin and, ohn C. St their onversational topics ; team arr I here on the 1.43 p.,m. Frank Scott g is in,g, oBal Mr. W. 1 ate., as -Thos. 1V. Butchari, F I M an5, oba,, 6n Tu leating,and unfavorable train, theib'611adwelcoming6heir axtival class The on Mo d iyu f r 14ew Xorki %il. and chaff, rg the and Rode. -ick Ross. Reid eft S, 611, and escorting them to r 1011 cit a vid. an 108 wb 'Was, Ze' hief a bjects of dis- at1the stati i ity he ZtOIL441 ther are u nod AoorDENT. On Fri4ay inig is 3t, 108 eo American I otel, when they do 71c TO 250 PER YAP 9- the Ze 1!4koj rot ,;d h's ve y painful aebiden 5 while div v eeki ' holi isivil oussion. i Spending a On e of the Mr. John Mason, Reeve of . lullett, met -eorgo Brent, m' 0' 111LIS Qwuli.. their club mits and. Started fo wit , r Tuckeramith. Square, whe: -6 the greater number of genulne] ttle lrao- ing throiigh town his way ! hon ie. i ed t socofinfi it in Hi -es"' on keg the P mition 0 boys were getting in a h leg .- Wonlis, V al yet Darin men h d on e n. for i Ivert', acr, iss .g(nq io T6rout .-Mr, M my ad ex avatiiag for the 0 sessing Visit -to Scotland. g'e brought 'with went. to the bat and soored -one ru a in Ployed ex a maeai 'noo tie Nvr rs, 14 . 0 Hom:n AouNii 'Mr. Jo n Doig return. oul. tho street a day work be' 0. 'an ban of.this to 11 G ', ad home on Fri4y evening, last from a tice- When time was called Brussels too Yards400 IV -eiii lent of t CaUlla Tlt J ISO" 1% front of Mr. g the lot innid a; Guelph then to k the (in a sit t i, 4ni- him two Superior Clydesdale yearling WDin, eftd,nTuma y irle b I i sinef i- ith,1 . liona.which1he purchased near bat but failed to Score a ran b fore and had carelessly lel the openi ail wilow --d-owt toba, He!.will 3 three men w re called out. . In tb:2nd unprotec d. It bein darl: Mr. 1MaE on broalill 'av6v to fo -m W! Sailing. . One of these 11 Ro3 al Tops- dTo' fa a the dange and:; Ve hito .p.em tire,& d.. Ilfnd( Aelioa ngs for U ro i S 0A it the Nob -1 man" took firstprize a 'Stirling in in`gs BruE aels was whitewashed I and did not a(: t the 110t y ph Ma leaving D iieo' Guel clue, ran tDm. a it. He m as thrown f m. his buggy and 11tres fort lierl of, and Donne shows, and is said by com. P,:RINTS AND MUSI IINS had a ril, fraoture eat as re celv ng vast..- dersoit Per. DOa s tu lat, petent judges to be the best colt of his tie. In the rd, 4th and 5th 1 a logs 19n 9washec - sea. we essful e I thisilt wA, as* Frocar, -whit 1, but other bru. aro glad, to! lea U, thofig- ho luse coaut -thel other Bonn a both clubo were A r avtia olergywa terinisla,1111 ol In lige in the one liaore that he is r idl reccivermg. —FROM— Guelph sne 3eded in BOO is a clast woi L- Scotland" is &Ila; a filae, pecimen of the g Ug considL rablVbrokeu. I I 010ii, is he I] ig 8611. run in the ill inninas, thg leavinA the The b was U and -11, 101 1 m ike si i mi it y Scotch oart horse.. In th,; 7th inniqgs rug- THE H . MESVILLE BRIDO#..—The eqn- score 2 to 1 61 F, age -f ol ME hei has 'n -A,131 Ingo tract for he erection Of tho IOM:i talked 5 Ce Cent -S, ainbpx 0 1 8 in In the 8th in i Tits to 121 eclitirtea ml.n L Itr Sale Scored 11okle run y a 1 Wint i0tis roma'ac g, hb 'an 1 I fin the OfHolraeL ille bridge hasm. w follo pi xagre ph i t Brussels 8. red tworuus,leaving l t- -- stb On T iescU CLUB*. , The Refo h awarded y the county coi amission re. I c -, p d in -e, Lo i lo i P per THE R1Cr!O.RX i vor of Brussels, ot eatica 'on - 3 _6t adiall _q r Score 4 to A in fa 't f bi -senda * hitewa-shed 'he to I a Maggie S afol't Club will meet in the Tpraperan' ce Ha 01 LIC111 0 1 a i There w in all five ten4ers for The the A' t1watic M d " venin next at a( a it work r ing in prioe, from 0 clubs haviii been w es'. ' 01- here, on On a e 3ve ,190 to Slidi Student o t Hall nuth bad a 9 as iilthi at one ti wbibh was 100 Yards 1 00 !1, 'but: the IM -ter 1E go, of this cit Afnllfmeetlng is expected ninth i DUgh $4,500. he'loweSt tenderl had y, has eft, lor a vi ii iing o'clock a though ' uelph would Score o ei-or V%lthy ladyl Bowio ci-es"M dwill Ishei business (?f importance is to be trans- wa. as given by Mr.'Har ttid'Of t6tir! o the esi bt r n accepted,w more rans, B they had three mei i on aided in the tive part ii i 18ev )r&I :muskail 'an acted, And the subjeatsi chosen for dis- 00 in who, ry an bases and, 'none out. Their heaNli6it Cranbr the townsh o Groy., OF—! his home, I k ro th I 'll b exceedin ly . interesting. oiiv that Amherst ti nrl!i6 !A 9 His estin ate w ip ti r nts t1leii e: te wit oussion wi, a batter took the bat, and the boys -'ally as just,$3-00 bel Wf ferea to def i S. Cowan. gave gously ort] &I, 0;r At hist meeting Mr. Jataes 1,!ao that.th6 high J ll Smi 11, Sea Ova" expected tborr1i to make two runs, but of the commissioners it's Studies -I Mks picnicea a, a very interesting address, subject "The ideiablyl ou f her love load 1 of it lorb Stop, who re. est must have' been cops 0 .r: ago a hav he only 9t1ruck to BI I 'plated this brit 0 S H I RTi N S lege 'of Surgeons, 1!1 IE ayf old U 9 ay. _M, C. 3 National Poii y;- why w, a it, its of the way. ! When. corl [4g, turned it to the catcher, thus putting ri&ng bein.9, Will t SIB30 a t me ral facts on diffei nt ciassetli, Mnd its failure Xt de 'hippy le 4great servic6 to Clinton, A iE t1i 3. out the m6iin running home; the . 0 will.open'to this town a large tract o co,oul. hi h fo 0 a b 62 41 -0 :Iike S to producei the beneficial rEoults pro. -pitcher, who re urn. I Froiu 10 cents 11L Nova Soc ei 1001 a Mon reii x raised by i L to man Strucli-to the wh has ithert Oe liromoters." A cordial in - P 3t dog, lur. edit to the atelier, again putting out wealthy pouhtry whJ place. lime on T as my last. a loo i s vitation to at an tbib next mee lug is a, I hk er, atelier also been out 6ff from it. the home' ruhn - the c 16 er) pleasant imai 40 —ALSO &I wishing to join the saiied th bi 11 to th w elL, and.9pen extended to threw the a third base and put ree but Dll rlettlrLl' . I t Alec i I e9l bioll rhdr' embers 141PD Spesor , club. Bluevale.; 8 the. man ru'r ninig from 2ad o 3ra Mae, for W di I tf am says M X ko; T.Eumit -ExTmG.- The mern.;m love vimble anX M on 0 I., A­ tIL8 bei g a doul 4e play and the finish (f the LocALs.'-Mr. T. 13. AudLer f 31lOW1 fr4m, tl L DW,1. bers of HarDnI Lodge Indep ndent vsnisbe t uumbei Anderson i of E MIN d out Dresden, sou: of W. S PoSsesse P. eap ant lot 0 th ga The -6 were a goO, A'14TS, znother4 er d pev r- me W I order of Good Te'raplars, to the number g L . I I i I 11 bwa land all seemed to enjoy r* al sittral s nearly every'd b of about sixty, paid the.Good Templars to Bee the mi) let conc6sslon, Tu : berry, is' bob to kim raintid more oi as L mother! Hi themselveN as the game was very ex- visiting his father Atid theltbe. Mel nt Y. -. Th of this place a friendl* visit on Friday could 7606 ceived - V &a u the 00 Oi- ALL .13-INDS ; a she di Citiag. After the Match the Gielph friends were pleased to see him and to oze! age both evening last. The: general routine of v rypleasafit 1) ;rids sa y, . 14i lef here on'Pu. i dOy boys r tur ed to the hotel where they hear of his success.­Farmors aie, basy : . ai &Xrs. S. Hi buai Biess was qu ckly gone through with. marlew! 1" had -supper, and were then escIrted in this part of the cotintry with t i 0 0 10 J repaid tbie; mooey spO fc r Xanitoba. r. I i0lis bate n 6 10- Under the head of the good. of the order our boys, but the a liledian 8 1 I L , i: - - first lovt io.g near Cry ii Cky Where be Ni bars of Winthrop - Temple around town by laarvest. The crop ik only D R Y G tion by c the main cipal; t - of onversation was base one. passed aroun ref reshments, e affal gagi6 in !far 1, 1g, for, 6m -e it le is oplo 0 JL the 0111 lengthy after ball.' In the even ng all hands rep ired b6riesls Raid to bw 8 W a joiirney to t 'a I which a programme, consisting ey 'to the, Apierican hotel, where thb istories o`m6, aili 6.2 pr6iporih ii i Y In 11, of music, both ocal and instrumental, I I I I i J Spe. it an able evening up tc the )vF rei EDI IN left hereon lrueBda l readings recitat one, addresses,etc.. Was njoy CLOS Dowx.-.:--Mr, Louia Metionald -late -Mr .-MoDoag.. d' hours of the, xnorning in ifit Bale, of sb i4J resor, ba lwhe:e She goes to disposed, )f, to the credit f * those tak. am theenterprising proprietor of thoWalto Places for Virden, M' Short and Medium L nogth, i 0 0i M ing part, a est and pleasure sing ing sua re ' tation. The beat of good work Urger vp 1A Vi Si t heir sonal a are A T and th inter - -a on saw, mills, has completed' the feelng exiEted.among theplmyej .81 N. cluff retutne of, ail presi cutting hi,3 stock of logs for.this seaso M D'ougsll.- d -he Sti I lentertui irou U sw -whiel i aides glid t tile whole game, and the mil lbeen close for the W -bot' I has AT -- on Mon's inigatlaelt,after spenql. A dow hom y Till game ras abi Umpired by A Dil- r., 8 18 awaiting 9, new i poly. I in London, visi4 !!two w, in Green. of Guelph, who gave the beat of he latter holidays.t 'er in -his will, hal Society" and oyin her Smith, the head sawy Jr ends harleB Troyer has faction tolall though only a mere, EMNANT PRI this eoune ion is thil i PURCHASED. -Mr. C E ocur Tie,!. corpora i n w rkmen - are i; novR gone to Michigan, where he hasli pr I I i purchased fromi Mr. k J. Turner, of boy the lollpwi-03- is the score ed a Situation,,L wlLaow prp, t a d Mr. -Richard Ham. bust etigagoiiii aying down neW. W e iepartm-enl Ik. .-The R no Q BRUSSELS. has i1w. fr. Hill,,fori Brue-afield his thorough bred Berks ire mitt, thei engineer and I firen an, SY iv Y 'is on e of the best animals Of W pig. ' This or forth, where he has pio. dainagj s I t1 is .own,' aq; been- stationed. Ong, e ............... 1, removed to Sea R S b abd should have Arm fr i 101 'R his class in the county ave i in &I estab. was ki lie: hud.. 00 0 cured, a similar situatiol band, wbc towQ. MissdIs J obertsoti B ffe )Kne, tell p an imprdving -e ot upon the pork sup. ......................... IC-rei-opeu [-t 'r )riv te' schooll Jab 0 s! o lisbment 6f Mr. J. H. Broadfooi. s Govera nerit r ..................... W ply of this section. CASH PRODU EN mout 4entedA . I I . I Eloos SOLD. -Messrs. Ferguson an, 90, At .................. to 1eL 419 Poplars Oil RsoxAL.—Mr. Hugh Love,1 of this o ii McDOnsI4 h ave sold the ho the 31st i i b. i I - PF 9 *ce m4NIcholhai beenofffrod ver Wilt o ... ... :1 ............ a belongin: fenaeds4 Ssfullyl M rJ 0 lace, has been Jaid up, with a severe Sump s.. ......... 'to: Maser by severil 1p to the Wditon Chbese factory other d c d :tund 1 acr6 P ie, if ..... ............... $%Joafor hlis: an" ac attack of infle, mation but is now Our, d shippe, ........ ......... 0. Head & Son,:of Montre%JLP 4mling wid 'farr4 ill McKillol lea; a. umsdQii . i . I 1 0 0 an 80 ..... ............ statio on Thur ter lrra8l peel& prize, the Wliiaon have offered a fficieDtly, r Overed to be able to g aer, Y,, — them froi a Seaforth El's 01CFAU, 1 of about, and he hl, pealo be himself again ete 59 head and 1 the Io on' bo, day. There w Tance h r a latidsonieviorki v lue'd M115, for 4 'fe 'days. ASe 10 Na" p r' Judice t ingi a . . I otal ..................... I I AN (vwi, - eJ 1P in &'fe veral other members R's eslldd,40; strikes called w4 1pr HE C Ni ORY C000 ft e beat WAer 301or M, F Weighed 1.7,725 pounds of his amily'liwve also beeji sick, but 28;. on 9 27 t A pen taAmit.4-eui ro idinc 6J cents p tion o ai "t, wn rt I I it k defent o oit, an s& 0" eyj:o rs 9; 1 sl base hits, 10; 2nd base hits, 3rd, realized v ra8 i it, , -, *! are nol better. i i er a ver *do*- did not returt, erilht ruileff of Rai ort h. I ; 1 a bai;e 1. 61,086 for the lot. Th SEAFOTLTH, 091. an 1b1g NEARLY k FiR'. E. -'One day last week GUPLP11. at a, prize at i thbir. fine lot of hogs, ai d the Sal Wa among the -diet etitore 0.. a f M aid aDA "Nf r therooidenceof Mr.John Lyons was RUNS- the best t bat'bas I bee t 4A.1 g their prope -on fire. Ha ot, !made thi, vuv litiba', on the discove'red: to be d'it in 0 0. . Maddock, c -1 ............. this season. was a$ont to -take h, wh' Ina big t c4 r 7D fro h m 40 tre jo bp d are Pec d home io-day,, section Wite where tl Mcb.ona;! town lin; v a Oitch is been.noticad in.time tbe conoequences] Tys0 the Py wn pulpit on &dties- of High 81irdho-willoc I we 1 lb ............... 1.. 0 miaht have b on Serious. It is su i Irequired On aturday, the IE 1.1i Jay of ZeO ppoBed HeTe I ZI Uy--nex Augu8t,.t',u accordance, w rs. iiae altdi am- 0 31 W" tinh ei she Sit the roof Was ignited by a spprk from' &tkinson, 21h ..... ii.4 ........... 13:eiisall All f le Ditches H4 . ........................ bt r 3 10i t 0 fam ly, a a 3 lendh i g;' ' a fe- v 4ev., 3b ucouit of her uniae the"stove pipe Mad quite a large hol a n sH .................... AILOSING.- essrs. S* South.- I and WaterCo6rses Ac di Ys!,*ith frieB, ls in -",x4er.-Mt. Alex. jrchtij was burned in it. . A: liberal shpply,of, ry if.. ................... . 0 cott, MeTch i t ailors, Potty, block vest side (if Moved -land Be 3o ad by 09 t ODUS ion; was nek .1 .............. y Geo. HVI 1, D 1,Rdion is 0 ati Ig fotr the vi "Tr .............. 6 0 'the in- -nleythat-the Ree... be in. i V0, er, quenched the flames. 0 railway trac would beg to intimate to 0 ix T. I U.11i 1 the sAmiration vi IIJ 11 or idinin ater, ho*ev f ....... nif. 0 onsall and surrou ti V Daniel Ma OL L a grLu o 17 J NED.—M structed. to mko legal - r e M-BICia com- I I RETUje, r. and Mks. John Troy- OF becat wn. TI e0o i wil Y. abo at bras I . - that they b e opened out a stock of t* s wM 'P I , tl a er have returned from theirivisit to Total 2 for quality nd obealliness cauliot be-equ'alled.- x pell!ing James McCallum i;nkova hit 'Obtai o' ar 3en -MaE . r 'i Dakoia and other We 'Iern States. We Balls calls 63 ' es,* 58; out%;, 27 3t. notice, th makel up off the road a] Sidelines red d' bbtw ham. banj Its 11's't" .'errors, are prepare , on the sbortei fence B 1. oods, al e ai a ence bf. 4 V5 0 Bnits which for,cut -fat and style, calinot U, I 10 'ea. are glad to- learn - that Mrs. Troyer IS 18; 1st base dt8, 6. 115 and ' 16, concession' -Parn B his h 4 - yet r in Toron io, i 11 Den , ing pleasep Call and be convinced. 1 Capi, INext meeting of Coloncil O Chat h improved in health by, bar trip; It is sai: the return match m ill be blei held st in town., T 0 esr have! mad 3 a mile Bn=. Fs -Mr. and Mrs. A:.M f aev, Mr. Tridyer-was much pieasea With Da- played next Thursday, when we trust era or,, Smith's hotel, Leadbary,' on tille first and in'this 04bu rf UMge, returned this wee from. kable dif er 3ne of his tim e in the tory. of this vi' reii ot tiiOit:* the clip ds will again Score a vie Saturday in October. kota. He ape T I a linterior of t1 i a F ublii 11 sebobil b u-14 I- a pleasure trip to frien-Nds up 1' ortb.- - 'where the majority vicinity 9f S heldon, -piia i B J has been w hi, iew ishe d and te The crop i in , thisnelghborhoo thox g of the.settlers are fr m Canada and n a( vill be fril,sh and clean !fot 1 a Man 1. a on. They -are alt doing Clinton better than those i i inany parts, fallfar HuRett. ever ire I' : a tion of thEl 31ouqgAd,0 at t e clol e y from I LOCAL ItIE a..- 6 pu ffle and high short of , leing good. he Switch to tb 3 HoRsE DIED.—Mr. Laws'' oore, of., F. well and 02 6 be perfoctly wall satis, 01 bt e holidays Re,ld, of t1i o Bla Schools -OP u September 3re. All gait well is- now being laidi. It IV! I this tow nship, recent y los, ii'ylery fine led with the country. he crops there 1`0 i w a a f ey-p c a o a in Wier dance prove a great conveuience -Scbo& He- "istMoley, soil of tlia `i leav, PUPI. d Road Is are Stallion known as are veryg6od I his Sasso] L. Before '2 000 for )in;] B , wt Raid, Lrilived he' re I ist k thatday. T a high ochool here hag a hohda3s Irernow.11"irly,at am. end. A refused 8 tile in, a ot long ing, Mr. Troyer helped t E) harvest barley a vetyl staff . of 4 od male* teachers.-] fr. A. thought] hiDg to the er fr-n the old coudtr5 with two a ot vt iry refres ago. e and he thinks he Bpring wheat will be EN ATH.—011 MOnd evening Be a yea g aid SUDD DE' ir j powted stall on 4, 0 ready for the r sper by this t5meq and Ritlladge, f 11&yfield, intends erecting age youth. t1,6 otheir a tw) 5baroia., Au 4nien 3e le re on the lot MT.—On Ssbbat 4 M inmi ppeara- u e, he lth&aght, a brick at next J. Twit Qhell'a AcciDE 11! a last about 6 o'clock M Tb 8; Adams, n- i berof,imported horses li vei me judging fro h. W.A: - ughter, .4 a, 01 Mr. Searle purchased Rev. H. E'. Hill, of thi PI a, was d of. the 9 tii -concession, with bi s d'u i would ast harnes, yield at le int or tbis cou-n by th a season. Mr, Ild the most Of a o t 630 W(;rth of hose for the fire i ing to an appointment he eC with y thirty bushels o the 4,c Hi's son -in - b lef t . hol -e to go to Londesbord, leaving IV. 8 ' T. E. , De I ave I re 6 -da ir or into last week.— Mr.* W.1 aebident which might have proved se a alone; !on their lavi,- Mr.. Ma ice a, h&3 13.0 acres engine in Mrs. Adams at ho m- i, iday trip 0 R)chesAer p -Dtb Br H- Fvans Ord I left last Tuesday for- ous., It appearswhile h was driving return they found her on hep face OIL eml 6 1) ef a- a under wheat t is 116801). M . Troyer .6 riesn citi s. We wish t and Guelph oi hial bic 1 uchl briskly along, and about the centre )f the flooro insbusible and b n med-ca, I W; a I PY yole."Mr. E d thinks thatif a rb a Youngman I A t. 4ul I -Ike: to br g, b it , I . ame the frbi it sin ,as a sit.— c n 5V had the bittle Of ii Po fight'Ovier again, ananand J..B d,of Toroutc,,1were the village, a, nut. 6 assistailde was, obt ' ad i, fouza 99 to i R' she was too fargone to, recoi, and olle it a well worth of iote t A -mu h he wouldmak, 100 line"I for' the in town ths week. They rod( florn wheel of his bu 9 it t ho h Mk er pere6nia tile pul ilis 1 of it ile Tordnto ', tere on, their bicycles. Mr. off, and the same instant he , rever-01 expir ed befored nine o'clock the sains t lNorthwest' bein a 'orth Higb S,Sbhc )1, 0 W lot6 ti,t ie pr OanniDgl im"o horse got hurt bai last gentlem n* was thrown -p head 4r 3t evenlia g. Up to tb at: evenim a she hid ri 16 at Teac*ht rs' at d 14"Itern Ail& eli(x- ile.jompiog over a icket on' the h rd r6ad,but fort, unat4ly recei &If y gooa -pow % 1 1. : qaturday h always enjoyed exceptioii an ibibe weal an liations, passed succe0ful y1i. of rbbq , els. -19'wo hotel" keepers her( were ed,ouly Blight iDjurt. no suspicion health, and of Doing Iiible 4.1kdri arAI I %ni in 410 ( 6ant I de 3d' r L I T: 1 4. V, 1 46 vin t, T1 1'.. 4h #A I A-1 - I kn6wal tl i , bar. paoyi 11a.5 was to Bin& I as Tor , I ;er part -power la , Wealthy, 2g; estim, i 0100, Jbi me by hi* Dress quil nts, fi ,e -b tulaities, 1 `0 W in, 5800f,ea 14 i Often Lei,* who M Uiticitym-L n Awn y last t a IsTio- fined or ie Lig k11AVL Ui WJ0. V, IVIV UJULY-L .—t" F 6 DO any :511 U mubacil. --- 1 -- 0­ i 1wills t to, Seaforth s0hool r 6nkii 6m 1 g,:t ae 1&ve,4 the return beware I­MnjamesFair's farm ed as, nind as.on former, y ara Hen id a' I wel cricket. i earn A. TWINE BIND:En.-Th1S 1 ea'son rn -rn 4 v be'st in t h WML of Hw- moralan he cares lie, rovinci, a I ick 1: -, - Teh"o the ca'reo land bustle - con, esj io match! with th Prill; i cInb of thist. town, . 163 loads of hay this year.-* Xr' intends.1 Lying Raid Cole, of the 8th 1 i 'Wbuld be 1W ad rn for. ill in :or B ied to d -ora bi 'of basine is for one' -day -Bud on lett, P 'reaper from bi . tri, oying tile' -worsted t 6m )yl 116 runs, 'tbia score Jackson, r., has returned I rchased a twine bin Mr. b e -09-,. -to C ag A the west and looki well. pleasureE of a Civic Holiday. This in! r. S. A. Moff att, h bul inmind lVeninaerstarat t' fftt, , h geiieW LL statidiDg:: ls in:i#g4,,' Listl *'I hicag anc from N 1411ty a w rever all proba W t Chesne, r End Mri ,'Gec esney, Brussels 26; nd unings, Listowol 97; Tom g ni rally enjoys himself' W e jility will be observea on We I- agent fbr Messrs. Harris, So Co., 'Of 0 te to Q Uckers-m th, i6 end . leal in for a k t boys are not he goes.-illiss L. White intends taking neaday, t he 29 th in A., in pride r to al Lc w Brantf'ra,and. has o his farm- that n r lk Brussels 14, Da,r crlc a it iu Use. even, tAmp,10 11, xt w 'J h v Ilow as the are a trip to I he Old, country. -Miss Jessie any who may so wishali 'chance oflat-I'duringthe-harvest. Heis very mudb r a, ti to -the., ol c ant ry n 3' is able to WAe. th i. y A, n. in X ofhthe g I t. Con nte It it Du T4nrs Is XBO remen's gra ld h it wor lietitS w d the b t and Kay, Of E Mt, is visiting MiSS.JOS; P tending the fi aaed with the way in Wbi ase ball bat. Elliot - ttir 0 1 OnE'- a-! ple i ror.Orillili mhe -]Kr.'Jo n'McGarva and Misse ijJessi tio'n in the eity of London. IR the ei 'a [it He basins Geo.- E. C6 elpek umn ad the game 'to al it.on very ro ugl Ili vid, both few I' o is visiting irieno 110 and 0 qa-r ey, d n- the satisfactiob. of al c'oncerned. v ange being made 68 t t wheat and I done ib J J. and 'Magl io 016;or, left last 11 desday of'any ch t d.8 '01 lre.. he- C6UNcILDoiNQs;- eetingi last Mon- ever1ing or Goderich. They intend date, due notice will be 611 tle hi inks 11 a b ilg X worl - Wall,.,,a d he t a ' :: rip very' considerable saiviu' n barivesto toget IN If! irs. Ciso 1) t No 0 ds! bf g. jA tlip the- lakes to Puluth. me 4 1 t day - evenin n Wber of accounts takinga ant -.m a our villagers Dai i. b eqnatdo 9 It el er it s e e -a- to- tile1 old 'count mar zbt ito-d Y. i re brigade a tia- iaghow.a d he t e, ing his crops, Owing to the lan his I were pmusod. I h Council -refused and back - %he: re iac hey, can ecure t i. d being Pose f 10 npetent judges 8 Lyth6y a, 6 4q. f ne e totirli ment in London on greatest po Bible 6r6ount c f pleasure' I 3f so wet an to -accept the olfe ,, . f Morris as to ing for tb dsr.ft he has- worked g W U. alwtaslevetlBft this Asti 48 be 1 h t7' 13 our, sh'are-' 64. -the Land mprovernent the 28th ond qt inst.-The collection the greales possible numl e. horses ou it,; but inordinair3 - i easoUll On I kin trai w a oi a rr. a a. is calculated to work 1W I Fund.- A- betla-mil tee' consisting of Dr. in theCt 3ads ethodist church next w ith t: Ve but W 1W T. t, it I i o other Similar machines it is. hizs frien n kree ior e i ad 1161m ea,F.19. ScAt-abd T-11611. Kelly Sunday wenla Will, be for the benefit xcy .Mop 1 ett )r a." .1 1) a, -- -d nig bad opp ,',I,(,d . them -0 iou i I Idaile and alf tea, to 1, ok i to the matter of the Lc idon ad erers. miork for tw , even under fs V ble'd nt-, and WAS appoiu :1 Olt fl ille COUN-C L DOIN-GS. The last. Mee ing. me 8 ; oi Sedort I: a at c n. 0 horee it his :IOPT)Oul and i6port at next meeting. It looks So CLINTO AND HE REcENT EkAmIxA- cumstances, but with the 04 i 1 1 - lopi C Dnncil 4 ' hd 71 b D ri as belong )a 191 . Thor las'Fo011er town, of the Kil at* 1,7ab for if we might not b ve a] arbitration. 1 It TioNs.-The New Era says - Oil. is 9, Comparatively easy (T 9 a4a Zolhe de'afid. he would have b eii well ad our village has p6twa re stoi d Winthro, on o 6 U, do oahigh educationally*,an ' a a tbern all, and a team can w a;vl .1301a al, I on r. To] the! 4thia Me it 60 e f I g L;E 01A. Mr. 3 a tj A number of: acco, 'ats, It I om ler in 'ading to talked -to Grey last year in the Same- basillad'ie'as upon many oces lions to all, pre n along witho t difficulty. I i makis A orth lcicanl ins t le railway itrac k vat I epare was or rea to be paid when it 868, .1 Aus F -T T, manner. feel prou I of er scholars. Th 3 result neat, colup, t sha' Alex". Ke r r2 io through ded by I n. a C Vjiti0b, ah( the I or to :BRiEz, s. -The. Pri IS " ls bailia have of the rec mt Via' . inations for int rmedi- 1 moved F gathers the I, Mil as Cfea a --- n YJ:!, f shows 11 Archiba d, that the Tbere, i I like] y I a 13 nt ary resper. i a,.tion for added. a lae instri: a to the b6l0d.. &to and t itird cl as cart. icates OtiDu iielatly bu or tof; ly A -77 V )f Ex ;er, They a a said td bia f r clas , and cost that we Ere follylabre'ast of the times, detachin lot 25,cobeessiori 2,and pa Ot get3 -41 fc ii -n lildly' itea h4 ir n e pu blic' a ool $250. -John qtt lost Val Ible horse and;that e are pot groing to 101 Ver our lot 25, c ncesaii-on. front School )c- X. rly 4C 'Uppe 9 be 1, W in ,r i! lied unexiog to 1, ()QI Btanley- 10111.( U AY I through indi detilon at lek. -the at igdard F rotla araongst the 1 cholars tion X 2, and "UsAlul ME art p SeAion I To.- 41 be 1 f t over for conE i- ALSF rE d tra- A F REPORT Cor.'REC farme' are busy catt.io their fill wheat, of the hi b. so h841 about forty Wrote in ed. i rs nFxiiin ILh..t eeting. Carzil port.having been'circulated to the eff4d &C rri and barley. . They -tre A th , former the hree'gradeg,;and no less than 34 tion un;il next fm FS. — r. IN Inear Bri n- only* one-third of a dro, but the latter '"ve ob e off With flying cQlorf We Moved t y Alex. K rr, Bocci uded, that tho harvester sold MT. Be&* 5. 'Spackmau, of 13rowas. way I Mr. 4'rehiba d, that 2J milli.1111 the t r to Mr.. t Gver IlMde ot d n Ills ar rjnl 3&- good. --A p y of nim ods rep a gooa,* offer our I conqritulatione also to kig SO now bi US f x 0 feet, ud batch or Spec led beall ies t nday. John Coi inoll ithe nrat - levied ai d' collected for c ty pit a Line, had failed to perform to, wor awweaa i a t teach eauqe Josc- 5 found a fi or tor town ner, k 6811 A Is 16 -J he Robt Oraham says tb y ar4 an !or in our K Schooll"whd hgu 'd I1 I dl is in thel doll a satisfactory man tO 'a K jhftn%i g oi it cqm Je e- ble a ustice tp St ie r . H. '. Bo at e, Sault Ste M e.—Mr. i IS frie of a I the rate, is but simple j A J"Jento here fr len- . position, o prepare him 11rat propek 04 111he hi Cir d difficulty which &rose e 0,!Of h am a t orduous labon of his purpo )once h( It blqe sUff g Cl iaghau, on' self for a Was 14liela e SeCl a vi lh 3 . I The o a efei­tal"Uli e kes class pro es8i6n&l grade 'C, -and stinds M oved A. Kerr,1 see d d by ge 'to the inexperience of thoo LWo e e t It I me coo, have gofie on a trip ip e1% * - -king f0t W i ily Success Hollan to machine has been ok r a first in the -Hot. Mr. CoUUQ d that the Pl r4 b gluce, r"t th it on ti e at this *eA.—A,unie 0 her I . i dolke - bN re F. was-wi F. 0. -9 ith and notify ownero 011 . 1r, 1, 2, 3 ad 4 j: myself and others, -and -11 .00 to a 1P "d -is -visit to frietids AtESWE cent )Mdeserved. Mr. J '04 ilie, c a i e 6sui Ive Hun has 1861d his Pt, wksmi shop to Mi. Geo. ge Raird, or., have al passeal ou the 5 concess1ioii, lot 5, 0 4e work in 'the most astisfact Vu Wh d t-11 A one I to Meet It a Reevi or cutting cleanly, tying oleo t as thinli fe W, faie utral oteh for th I bt n first a Ron- 6thoon rs.- A. Mic s, , of the as o of p eing p6sisible i I m dra. 9 '70D.1 Ho intenals to 0 ) - ; t. 13 Taylor: A d is n saini 01, mmelmos -profe i &I a and the latter a the t t, 61 bq V re- 0 a lob ptoomber. Ant on rude 09 We Ahe VIC A. 1L 1.14"NOWN NU141 kbout; t 2 J.