HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-08-17, Page 7-7` `-7-7 1, a r IM A .-A V 7 - is X, P A Jk A OSIT ��AtTG&, -1 7t 188'3- 7 ,"EER T= Tim '61 Oen6ralt, INTI-ews ote8*6 baak tho �,Ppetiw A ln&W! a healthy fol licle :to rmc 11, 61 r anail I= iiiant 41 Ro I E, 9 P P I tin Mrs. a] eat sme the. oalp, We *111 pity above 'eward for jany as r as MR med oine, -:but si fo d- Aesdsobe,. n Rei 1"SURANCE A V LA 'D AGENCY, ST OR 1. Otewart, of Livingstone woman, as Phod e. wl ic h is :not, a g.-owth. Jt &1 .88 of pVV.u0bjp, near! Gladstone h de For sale 0 e1jc4tes dandrt all C1 a a cot 9 Loer Complai Dy pls, sla 0 ather, Wilds sud sold 13 a. of Ito stivenefte we cannot s res sing. M 93.52 kestion, Con st%ebk ( 0 t W]MG4A34 tter in, exactly druggisti* i i2, A YL -d bar g1re wiqi We@ yegetole Liver Pills,- when the t4X RIENC& tin a ujly 42 from eight P* .e days trictly 66 ikeetion's are 111 Hed with. They are cows, aft -ter -ee in. 0 L blood is dreTy_.Vbget fail 0 give satioble, Z._P.J W-lidso weU-hmown city INE k �g a fandly of eight by shoill a Ni ho and neVej t S C sted. lt;m r b(xes,"containtiag 30 618st lbry in New York, and ibrother n Own to medic U lienpe imn surpass tbin i 9 A 0 1N G. 1- perao s kn warm m ugar L6NZY S L i�l;,25 oerif s, ;For salel y Drue a. Beware _1AL6 u V W W aby an 11C laDa County ug.prol an;; 13 of 'ID F owlr's S it li�,e hi ec alsbapter?" t .0 Ule 'te enAAeut Judge WildiFf of the f, eoun terfpi tand - lit It a genuine I f the beali ut in long, Th *Wrper, -ree atl Iv fts �Suprtme Court,,, wr#es, IsAoEriT for several Firs late stock, Irt Mon Scott.) l gave bi th tb b calves. Extiaat of Wild E awberrr: in Ubolera Cl let hish�ir gr6w iruaty� ocant. and. nufactured by ,� Ft N 0. WEST & Oo kass. t. i I I h foluLl wa dTWO, Of t Lhl a ind 0 illo I I �: e KU Kisk ria,"81 & k8 Ing St. East, Tgron- *a Ufa re ly xnaured M Ans, DyBent r ColicAd iZ all Bowel thi and Insurance Compsuler PLIaltita. it t Out. I ree �tfrisl Pac is WORt fa^rabllo torM8. dto tak)rislke, or, tile qrd.stjl� livi 4 6F, a -1 Loan —7 an Cingilfae eniewer vkl]liimak' 0 K. 5&A St.; Ivele York-, Jray 16, 1882. e sout by in 11 pro- 167 ig, The remaining 18 were Com UJU Un rZe Also Aj ent for Be of th6l bee �o- a 3ebeat stamp. For'sale at Cwentlemen kESSR-1 - �L C,A'Ytlt & C0.1 the celebr b.or grow I Dru nesd, 4ud kre reported the. -size of kobert ore. 79862 1 ' ; I Last winter, I Was troubLea wita a m at fall groWlll��Fts. I o a t Seator6h. Also t -for the S�Iesnd Porabase of ;rn 0hu ter, b r ble- Itching, humor !a Wor s le� by J: �iv "Uncoml DA ffeeting Ist mucosq in he wor 7 3' �nore especially illy liniiis, itchedL 130 V, Prope r Id is if you suffer froin T,52. fill ee �y. disc - er -of be & U I S111C DO F01 FE& CesErof Debiciark. She Liver, stonjach, I - I . I I rin B 1, 1 1 intolerably at night, and burned so hitemse- 0 MIS, Ki I i Loys,! Skin, ly, that I could scarcely bear ;illy clothing ____0e: The CrOWU tmost eon once, Having 6�e iju fis g%perjority six r in -hes in height. She is . or BloocL try Qk - Bl� o I Bitters, 1SAT8 bil, 11114 : I , L� a A Number Of C11 Fencing W� ire., x. 60vi C '0 Bar ver all othen and afrei )usand-i Of $ests of the 'Over tt etn. I -%vps also sufferer from fend. an cing, but bAs of con to nature's specific dicine S UknowE er Ud who Y911 a0FA comp ii ted �nd erest cases We could severe catarrh and catarrhal co, nvy $ale#, f( acting on gh; very lea, ure,beqa al).petitb was poor, and my syste a good. 1%+hat .Use,bo'lng ke0,11- those organs for tlif outlet f rant an 11we r m4i we.ifee i9tified in o ring to forfeit One forego haLGAD. tj down., 1C disease. 4� run alue of ek single Tbou4and arS f or _o, y I Ase Of coughs, coldg, ly 8ensitj4e Of ri icale,she does not wish Twenty five thouEltid botfl (lin dra You o' her wi sold4u.the ore tbrorkt� :eness, bronchitis, Ayrt' 8AR8AVtU1LLA', byr obser atidn of $50s0j#0 to, oidin at �4fx s fluenza, bc tai alilriadl quate partier. hair. I I 'last three monthA1 -77C0.1 orignuiption its early er ages, whooping -cough, ftally other cases, and from perSPmM1 use - t 5n forn er mrs I began taking it for the A the sidle of Ooean e arriship Tic ott' B f al lfaii t6 have and till diB4 gent foil or en was fuund, dead in Ut it =118t be a& Iti, 2 30 of the A ir(at end hins, except _Qe L 1 .6 bove-1 y Lutheran Church &t a ch. ant 'ul 1 hair call be Asthinn, allied dis rder& Aly appOtite im- ind. 14 hich we" d y claim ielsif, that we 89vedish powo i I w6st's Leaves have, th Ar. tin Le. to fall, canl� eur on Kh Syrtip,, when taken proved ljo t f in the first 0050. After OFFICP i7j 4 n =1 iI all S store,' rsh her sold kt Thusday. Sui ide. Papers epured tha t" a f thie. Cingalese 1 0 Falewood, Aor, Unia th�,, fover and i1tching were reet. Sonforth. tions Sample bottles 25 and R brSUds of WH tile illegitimate, son of eays the poet, b4l Wiil� 13trawberry- coirding to e led and It) I Signs of, irritation- ot tile URGEC ITZ 010111 be W r 13wel" 401 at 50c by �J. 10ccents; large )ottles Ono d)ljar' Genniae wrap - red.! Iy c, le!tvek are oo the I disilppe. tarh. ai 30 jast u:)w, being ad cough Kinq Oscar Sweeden rai3ed in the 7_70 52.7S9 erg on] in bt e 44H 0 WEST & Co., 81 & y Z0( %i8o curet). by the same means and Bbcb. edormous ilt anti rie*s in Toliou o Ont. Fpr sale at J'. It siatlai� On the g ;_l f I Robi; Ily ge, eital health greatly Improved, until �naking Dr. Fo le a 'Extra:.q of Wila rts Dr I& store. 'AND: R -AW OIL t "e back of tl,e pulpit he it is now excel-leiit. feil a hundred per of t a ing's 793-52 'to - LINIM blackb, Sta:wberry-tf�i i ailible r6medy for a P1 of lky t lie u" of the SARSAPARILLA e� er cry.", mit stkonger, a114 I attribute th"e, results ORTER SE I- 3$e dea n Jol S. lk�, OR H. had wn Lb Rtiful Ed IT eves -�va, Ghol4a Morbili ia, ce �!A H 1$ WEALTH'm 0 and othee (: 1,11 ora- le bc s6d of U t il h I confidence'as the -77 reeGinimlid-w! It al Summer Compl 6 r. U roo.ently Confess ook ofto to arl Out ray lescr�pt 9 ed-Fthat coml oj t tble thin sti-itobe, and st's Nerv( slid Brain Trai awt d6termin at 'as dyba ttimenti, a best blood med-1 lie. ever devised. I t t t ii while, Dr. F,_ 0. �Iv FUFH t sna tw e nal ned W ard at: �d Kirkbride, naranteed pkiftaforByateris, Diizineop, Con- It 3 rep it adou a fo 61 a I iir by un- Netira;gLt, Headache, U Furiz 0 alsionp it Nervous (1, i 11 all less iu two bottles.; I place twanty Ye 1�:. r ii be re- a b, ap hop agm mardere an oil pros- I? NA I an W 0 m mail (lose t1ireo times a day, and Do li �er: 1?nhre Stock 0 h tto*n for 31 at: era.1 se at our service ing, their 1688 q C08t. I RUE TIS M- rvous,pi, cAlloea the vise of alcohol v York. *ud robbod"him ifallfferingarty f(rin of! -1 owel lbom - ay o ood,. otor from '81 tored r Aubacdo Wakefult w, Mental: I)epression, 1,Publimtioll ill t i�n ad, be T t fied an(, ac tue 11 res Illp ANT,, It w Pe ening o -Brain, Iting in Iwanl 'Yourns respec ly, era Waste s1liatica, Neuralgc-i e 5t -said he body w Z. P. WILIm" IN W h m. 111 applan n tly lo lay be ty am d i )he Oil ga e9( r -tain prices before purhagi ng - (Isewhere. of 6,30,000. the uso1cf 'he 86i Ron. Dft dthe attack ding to I ature of -the many give Back", IF4� ago, !ry, dee4, nd. death,,rrem hrown into a well, and sea ll but is, Dx.F�w er's-Eidract Tbe l�ove !nsu nee is but one 6 v rer.1 Sold It fi y en ;s ar:!bottle by a lai gq disboant Ito those, paying. o eb. ld age, Be. re mess, Loi 9 t Power in either iiex, Ward dropped, dead of Wild 1�trawb, wra R is tb6611 reh.- ol t-stantly coirif to our notice, which prove (sciallytoneIv married c Contracted Jol the skeletd�d ad druggiflits. 71 6. 'nvolnntar Iosses aw Spermatortlices, caused c 0110 - for Cramp n:gusele I am at ill Selling Hi shi d ohs rfoe. all fm ME; of S nimer Com- petfect atlapability of AYi-:Ws SA x big 6 go. able cure )y over-exe I n of th bi sin, sell-sbuse or over th( USA- also kee Bpi iug Bed thq� p Knowlton In th 'at -;-o.- IV e di cin a front ibipure r 1 oerished blood, and a pj atly noiselovs. -The a0t �l ighter P.1 RILLA eat and cheapeat i� the ni 'AT LAO' -r three year hor of the I' plaints that req all prompi treatm,ent. ndalgenes. me. box wil 'care recent to,the t-ure of all diseases arising I SprE�Ins SM ite4- a Maria J)"I ugg at &Dd`a1 dealers in 6r One a s,bornih Ask your sach box con sin B one JAoi ithys - t, estment, rfe t ollar a box' o six boxes to five dollars; sent by �R. Coul 'er"o r).prepar ti(ii,b or oe Val such%, nul- OsItle d in 18.66. The wri. tent mediciNs.-- 775.6'5. antee qilce ed vitality Warero)mo di.eotlly�opp ]a ST HORSE LIN 0RENT. itatt& in 18,27 'ier' Pa ail pfropai� n receipt of price. We guaT I Xammotl Te.w6lry 866ro'­ i1i Str4et, Seaf N..A ti ...... of the IVI Wide Wurld of which .4 k-ew— - �frsai coffli (nda io fo - -E liev1ILti0i im boxes to! 0 em%e. With each order re- eived by es 2.�r. n4fo Bixboxeg-,amompanied with five tallowt. rio as, ul th rn 811 'a ;00 (00.copies sold in the Excited re it 3o arsap%an a Cash nil, flfrs� and were r bides, sk�l tibere 'Urs, We _1W !I send the inrehaser our written y rs Van to or Irade. er Urig tru CaAl r ev first tea YeW. ne �b 'a Susan All -ov' N f in I ip ey 86age DiL. n r J) ,,3, �nd of Q or the I&n are g9i 29 lnt� 16(313- arantee t4 fuud ihe v.c ney if the treatment cleans( s, ellriclies amd strengtilens the Iflood, PORTE B. 1 00 Iff Yor i itt 1818. [oeg �arnf r, bol n N' w over Dr.,Kin�'a Now Di0overy for I; ire" s Kic ney _,ut e t a cure. Garantees issued only stimulatos the ution. of the stomach and wy, 1000L, P.111 k 8�ng. 69 mply oy J_ S.'Bobei sole suthe-lzeii %gbnt fur Be& - Th le.8 IoUplainis, is n6ie is the pop ilar, author Coisumpti A t es dist 11,)r Sister r uulmied for re- ; & Co., Sole proprie. bowels, nd thereby enables the system to liohnC. Wt at N 7 derful 3al bh3 j 11 lor I! -a of all Scrofu- of -the Fdur b dovery by tbLe tim, ly use of this great C 793-2 'resist a0d ovenometileattack )VILLE a ther,$hore, S., R6 erts. ortb Ont -trio.' and other '.Orki published under the life say.iD 0 7 jO.52.789 g rem6d caused- themi'to 101(s 1�lseases, qf the Rhelz- Gr, d -Trulilc Railways psoudon-iril'of Amy Lathr(.ip. nearly 'wild, in its raise. Et s guara;u'- -matism, Cdlarrh,iGeneral Deblll�y, and all SIK 4 Clinton stations as bic pateat teed to positively ire - sevprB co.ag 8, Tairs lexav Seafortib and rs resulthig from poor or corrupted a M I L L medicine forgery case disorde H i y Fever, Bronch it is, r e -me olds, Aathma, Lo r _Vloi�o 0 any'affo ic- *d seve" I set, re at CLTNT ?,Oiler Mil has e to nto.- Some C L 0D, Nlv��rit, a : ,,MV, wife I oliows: I lit in Toro F` Male, lot i I I blood ana a low a ate of the S�stcm. Ile, manufactur ars of Ayur' la, ve ta ks Of I loma Wr,�T SZAITOUT ON.. i r EVARED 13Y 117 P., M. itionths ago hXs no- saperior Tr al c namps in 30 S' 9M t0h. Heari g of P. M. pllfoun d that their me6 ie was bei n 0 tion of the Thro tt or L 4 -he, contin go. ExpreqR. 1. 9:00 P. M. `Dr.J:C.Aye b0t Phojpbati iLe ail ith ent I Aus 6 8:20 A.,K. P&Ca.,Lowell Mass. jold in canivla touch cheap ar than they i�bottle� free at iABOU. & 0O.'s ID M&OWrtug Roller gave hot- two P. M. i'Sold by �Lll Druggists; price %91, six bottles ntnLigs to t'ke I 6;20 Woe, and a .11ing at wbqlesalei A ruember Store, Seaforth -%rg.e siz Kim- ad T� Were 9 1 for $5. 78$.52. i 4 - NG PAST--' 0 1,114TON. going 6 Us not La.. a 3oi 6f the�fjtnl was �saut out, abd b n Attack ...... 6:17 A - M. NORMA 1�3; $;ioceana her hea. this: intic b imP-oved. ound al I tile dru stores at I ast bit upon Express 117 P. M. C InteLrfoLit box. Fkir sale by a .1 dituagis 910 CURATIVE 01 MANCES i all M a ikind. a cot 8:45 A. M -boxes, a 9, number Of lozen Mixed A. M. T1W I NI'm ilk STABLISHED 4. He ordered throuall 770.62*789 lUxed Tritin� 4-3r P, M. EtE . A Blessing a retail boii' In these �timeo. aen our ne CATHARTIC Vital ImpManct. er arrested Wednesda� wepapers and had wo fur I ches. complaints, i and Bru -eivous Debilit, Alleurnatism, pimpl �s :,Uq L RF'417"Es 'k'ND ICURF'S are flood6d W' Ill tent me h 'ne adver- ondo�,Huro) afternoon. He does not attempt to deny me. -P I PILLS. audN nk On OIL n reijo. tise ats, � it is gr� �ifyiog to, ow what Ison's drug lor�a N TH' Throat, th, charge. A large- qnantity of ma'.Uu- c�v S-Vatem Gout, get-voustie Liver Kidh Aage� o.' MoGt(gor r A. M. P. . THE BIG. Pit U G and 04�ejt Coillplihits, _Nenfalgg a.1 Bronhitis, to procure that wi; certain y cure you. Ive Medicine LOW in, fall F. ais Purgat d pills were found iii his posses I 15 4 t Paralyis, AAbma, Be a#ea, Bprains, If you a of order, r; 5 16 aLin, 0OR fictur re bilious, lood bT't 0 tejata'. jjt IS Com. London, del#rt.. ... 00 siou. ad ......... 886 C t1pation Indigestion, Headache, and liver inactive, or enerall'y aebilitated, itsed of aB(lirl4 (jarboli� adio a] N Ask for NoTmAu's Electric.Belts, lM yoli-will be. all Bi lous Disorders. ......... .... tho world i: 1 vell le( to remove i fai -Mr. Robert Fisher, o A laffat, in a there is nothing i that will rate, an 148 r ...... .... 834 5 85 safe ap inst imporsition, for they i -I do their Hippoll.. 8 50 wceuti-*Tle of the Glasa:)w Herad, 15 45 f$o re. Always rellab]% -0eap at amy Pi lop. ul �.erjitei d Bru vork- wi11 and are cu�e you so quickl as Ele3trieBitteig. 1. mpleB, �Ic tlhej� an eefteld, ......... .. ...... 9 03 n due best Maur -Prestwick It clinton..i.. �j ...... States tb at tliere is living at w a 9 25 6 10 LUAISden, 4. NORINTANT, 4 Queen St. �T�e are a bleksi 9 44 6 30 the 'OrDn near Ayr. Ek dangbter of to W.11,13 ind,and i ugh skibl. Ora i h i all- others Londesb6r6� ...... . .. . ca.6 be had for on irk bottle f E il, Tryil i. 7� 5 Blyth... 6 39 o'7'5 for. on, con 8 � a Agent� _jorttlil- This if; Mrs. Robt. 11w -FOR 0 Tok i rder� o 'the o lomacb,liver, A.M. P. M. 3pecialty. otHioAon & Co.,1 eaforth. '783,52. ..10 21 7 10 Tam O!Shater I ingbarri, Smith,of the farm of New DykeEt. Her 7 all i Wafathe-r is the eon of -Dou0as Graham, d kial4ev I The 111 -vvers ........ 7 10 2 40 L Carou 'It Stomach Wjingha�, of Barns, greal character. ad by our now sys-� the original �l tterB- ar' Ii4surps,44ped. T:iey Btt�tlgth- Blyth ....... . ........ 7 45 8 is APF -Hr heeler's ibosphateEi* WAI�!L P a describpd as beng U years of Reliability of w- ter, riallet a Shel M, igive a Lonaesboro .......... .. ...... 7 54 822 hi nd �qp e w4o,61 m ocular BYE te: agej and a I-kina, saakciot s, and. ex- aDd Calisa 'ative bas .. .... 8 20 8 60 by far than the hnt 11-althy 0oulpletioti, bril g balCk the Brucefleld . .......... ::� ...... 8 35 406 ceeaingly good -n men of the brought out many atio as, and there ....... . i aturea spew WALIL PAP Ri get. I �Oen edg6c f iap [I dtit6, :an d jarolls 418 are those wbb do ot'consi ter it a vio 'AE an insts -nce n4 18 an to 845 ao, humibug or ex- ,juld Scotch guidewife.' 11 altby -4cbkon t whIlle ]pliysical 8 50 states latf on of morals, 16 fraud c n physician Fn� fraihe. E 01 Dt. to 61 London, sr Ive ....... Mr. F: Sher !u �)62 Exeter., .............. ....... 9 05 4 80 of ber goo&vaturf etergies of t4e I tin- the Gradual WA�L P A P E R -roi abbtitute their omn 10 5 35 that she mads him a 1, ;ent of tb a and patio lar new system- is: er product's wl� th�, 3 'is cal led for. -A Drowsy, d al I an cl ou t o f J?rt-13 P df%tb eil silver coat k"t which her gran We. It eon honfu in Welling tetiierel ton, G� an� Br'U0'6 has, b Il. I vote on hi coat on the 000 sion of his victim mentloAs Ottawa I - . .11 1 Are YO-bifious,nauseated111, td- pmved a greak. b w 17itil) g fkF0 11 y NOILT it cf rs. Smith has a sister where a bounterf a's st Wied him 'a can GoIING NOILT FXP. Mail.' by the Germauy,. Frames maxrisage.' X a orwabout oEphatii a now� �tban Ti)ade sicL WALL 10, APE Rv S near a physician of Moptreiil, w w7fa Wife Was d4y M. named Mr . Camiabell, rc iding .............. .. 1 29 9 20 9 05 t Tj ronto. y �ted 9-tates. ttiking it, wus im sed on ni a similar 4beu I s� oil I'm 11 � ...... 1 23 9 34 10 05 fdod ? Isi there du]p kranraer, ki�id a brother in Australia. Brussels Etr previous, to oar cribea. it i8alth -is LIM, h p, gved, 2410 0 51 10 30 your r;,,' manne�, p es &oa; I am blueva]0. gi pin in or an) other aches Wingbalp. is 30 02 10 er who a heavy cost, and for a Patieldt f in it's pl ce an Elix- ee fro hei Ron E -qT1 Dr. -Car X. Ace. Mixed. DO ybur� bowels sild ing U$Ied 1al,dtW6 80� hospht and 6 halt 1 Flour now. One yrophosphi ;a of Iroul and, Uln- Yotbleal P ENGLISH AND AMdRICAN. ir of P M P. M. A. M. A. 31. hout anym) f3tomach B tters free th t of th liu�i For, get sore vVit it, to, prove ourlaii- chonia, a compod, of no ppecial merit. I yot�fr hoElph t sale by- all 10 18 6 10 : lyingh 5 Is nos rtmors tha. �ovelop into d 7 5 38 30 30 720 Cause ? s5 Et em Kidney and 'Urinary diseases, give tone. Simi I ar.complaiu, i� othax i lruggi�ts 770, Are t are mj d in Sal t I Brilasels-1. ............ 6 f4 30 40 8 OFI 'TRADE X111K REGJSTE of -Canada a -the ged with yellow? rify parts d ates. yqUr eyes ti - o the Eltopaac . ........ 1 6 06 11 0 - 885 and.vigor ctly S&e I . : ' skin wan- Ciam Peoble, ar Ppvfe ),our -iy 'Ina Anot4er Great Boo -m 110 Winnipeq. the 146od- 814 Ai b to b L I or'ses. L�qvg the* reat r�medy a Immense.now stoc� The P9 n buyin 1 a di ry 4 st z i T H E 1COT)percolored? 1,ocs e from he cheapest to the v ion, we And a Lhis, olass of work Dr. Carsons Everybody, re eh�ibers te f&m6uf3 Down 83 Foik�tsln -of Healt� as taste bd' i: and Abe our obgervat inana speculap- r4outh 7 -1 gold p�pers. Ca,111 B'y 0"'Pual �c-� t6 ups and LPleS '-] tors haves blasx,head, U, Ita GustGmers may ide- 4) Cie Toin's Yery b0tle-,�efi.-i; thle1guarant and wa s! a owner Legr�' CAKA01 N1 BMIK 0 F G 0 10, &11 E P, C -r;-. LG h%litters, Rdmove ostipation,, mae, s' hefor&purebasinq. No -troqble to Zowns 4f p V*who bert his Ed a ve to desith. Ij roprie�dy 8 lbod P�rifier. n1lorni',T? Are you rosto.ver r chopping ion at Inji I it, B, roperty, tbus maklmg lairge 10371,U110B i'But ilid vihole sceret is, they keep 00 system in a relieve Dimitie",dif-1-pel sick headache, �.50 ? whether you buy or not 0 f 0 7(1 0 ry our famus new 8 Amp of an ce 01. RE.&D OFF10E, TORON'ro. IlB PRIDE y thle bame- ri Do 3- 'U I healthy' condition by' th -and iegulti:te the Uutortuniltel, Wfff c ran safely abosh biioueness 1) we's ;-r ? OF t F, VALLET MEDICINF,. ont, Are 3T ur 0 A i found everywhere F,on the contin say ih t hundreds oome 9 t flie C' stottlach, I ver and bowels. to us for Me grest luu althongh in -the. �*q of t. iolnegro they 1, -Pi ?o6rDy�pept�'c- Paid up. 4 YT cl*--zy and purifier befoic going 4eiii. picad the L and Idod iyitll L er rathEr follo: ig ststerrient. We could glye thousands ell Pover LUinsden & W_�lsO 3 and Fee. d' have the more h4less b Dr' fleet be ilth is' Ar � I U I I S Seaforth, H With Pure B1 od, I ed!at t�mes ? Are yoa �1u Ut BE q thi Lp r cbes d dyspepsia. arpar- the poor animal is doino h is utm6stl my tiv same kind it it Were necessary. be; 0 eS aespondenit ? 'I thablI was troubled with catarrh In the head, 3V aaci other diseases 'Try the legin in the tbroi*,chol"g and. ,rree of ahaFrga. is prevented froull exertbior b lame tiess tnagic (tfecb of a lollar bottle Presi at, Kon. Wi 1, gathering of ph I have no h;1d 0-n the system. Dr. Car- 11,gilly color -,J ? sore sboulder or of -1 Fountaiiii of jHeaJth."--79&5 g stnight for Nesrs, Fo 11 wula -tot sleep 0 thek oaluosge the SEAFORTH. s at Eamandville, gon,s Ston�ttch 1�ittors reder the blood I . f . I - I i � congbiv AFOR a i i you - ijervous I-, J f.:' 1 F 1, is resorted to. 4 1 d*ff alau FaE H BRANCH. ofteia troubled 'with dil-11,11 Brame of th by all drud is Bank continues t( nd back. Af tet gly, it hundreds of 1. operation.. �JLZ d ive ors. and I trie OPI c in d its, 0 teres a a ova 01) f o the uud part B L I C o T I E Oce 814 Ginn,. c; Lrp (is 1- - - Nopeso I f T . in the best a and For sale �a Ow 7 8 Oi Mr. 9%Dmas enter, Peli I I; "r, (,I P pare e�CUjr e o i i 04 The 8 adopted g gists bottles 60 0 to. rece dollaro to doet Thomas, B _n ty wii1fe ba F3 lo3ig 1 been, t -.THEVAT -Y, and i ra xii6w -able to Linai the a] Ld �plri� he av rable terilus. DR OF , n La ment api WoRt Is,, �Ooy en years' 310kne4s. 11! XX8. 6 Id be 010 t4 do my work after s(- �S:Ving men aipoint d Agent tb e same horse vf do t�1'0' itroubled; th congtipation, she has Draifta On 11 the primcipal towns mild PH undersigned Stre , Londo Ont. Young Callacia, on I revt Britain, aud on tne United the -work. 793.1§ �r4g, but Tames �TcNeil, 202 Simcoa .41 sed a geat�maily so call ell Tf so, be ae-v: f -L. the perience, the nStates, b4tj �t and sold. The - aliove gtatem�nt of my W14's ll� rorm ,and iddle aged, al e: i C�_ 111q.! Old g b er an y I asting! .: good. 0 oor 13outh of the Commerei ja-mes.,meNeil. For Palo by ill diltYgists-ld- V 11 L L you 1�without doih fftee--Ftst d yolir �ase g 745-52 ats of Ayer Kram, Uld L ht i --4g. urb4 her, Hotel. Beaforth. eficial effe, wGilderfult ben. s Dr. CLMOWEI StOp'aach bitt3ra c befor6 you.are sc.z_ -Young Gbildilren sufforimg F F. :best modicitle ever A. 11. IRF�ANI)k Neds no.advortisinz when, ona 3 landshefli t th 689 COINFEDOAt; 101N IF1 IT Tull forni f b L ore leyes, sore ears 1. Eve b tle, sol soll3 �mado. F r1salelby F. 11OLM-19 NIL DESPERAfs DUM. heaa, or �11 dri ggi8ts every 1: r )�Cj--- from 8 ED, Solibitor. an 9 0C A 1ADE MARK. �hei ry 0 where, it lExge botbles othe ASS I introducec vvith any garaf ulouB or sypi4ilitic taint, -hupdreds of o ra, by oih 11 at 50 cents. hop,_. TRAOE MARK. 0; inay be matle howlthy and �tr g by its ma a revesented for nXalgiE, :909.52. than CH' )ISTAL & BLACK Taize SULPTIUR lase. 799.52� to Y,- es o� all the a toolaelle,' he daqhe, etel lit remove 3 s des irous of irsuritag the 11V ITTL R S. -0 t ly,, qui. a flash. Tr v of See forth and surrounding ti Y, so as t any pain in:s an ta 10 1 make i atisfar PRACIMCAL tor) pravision for jes endi Aeuds If Ton Would EscaPe 4e 00wels' and u, i's that your I'ver i C I 1i . I � it, ell name i� It, reg t fa -30-UtAFUTHr it and you will s 'Yo o , R' best tZ cl� ay n cas) of death. ThIls is undouli edly th the ages of that scoarge of the Sum-, Fluid Lightbing. Get a cent bottle fi t 1 ii ateEt'the li�c r, dorik H; adach Cob- loing businef:i I C 11 ada at T I any �( ily Globel:or : k-. Dr. d present. A look at the DIL bail of Q inerseasoti, Cholera MO'rbua,. keep7 1 1, �,e,� all, ZS rAv Lumsden & W�IE(onls D g -0tore. 795. tiveness, Jauili 1( 0 7 a S ordet and ji4ccd.3 re* nsurinoeComp &took B MAKE 1 11-nme ,UT,P H Tj A gay I at, 1883, win sitisfy any rea- as of (ir 01 ER diatelv. Str6wberry t�t eases of liary A�Fracter. -Price 01 Fawler's Extr,,aet ofj Wild 62.2w allaIn Aha efoge t and all other I Po x BITTERS Vi haildlor use. 79�.52. A fter Takkg '4 f forms of Bowel damplailit, it is Cured F ee k tothin, ci-;i� i.1 e bought the Tools arid� as 11 0 Sub arfbers bov BEA#IEi THE JOHN - V, 6B �b a secre 1PAB, a, cl a eapeci&ly for Any ret- elff t onbled it4 I - (pi int �ij� I of E'. aXth Boilkil usinces lattily carried on by Ube God H GRD, AT FJNGLI SU RT KEDY jor Ner, .1 lifacLaring porripany, andi I iou0c. d T us Debility and S11 Nervo is. Affe0ions, n- yspep§ia, [ of medicine n. It ren Bootbes eri a greatly improved headache, live complai. t, �t ., should rth. avig ll�d!�- ale3xperioijo :Ageit, So clual, g Spermator-rhes, Sernimi I iveaknjats, ect-_4 ver cightyeal-8 in i E; n a the muc tis surLace-8 of t 3 bbi b rug Stoje I d throat, that shop, F e of o -he trgdel Le Id $arm or To%'n reaulfs of 1i and !e�l For call at Lumodeh Wil �e noW prepared to carry on t Belf-abuse, IUMS ot L. I stomach� bowelp, a6d bl X. B.—MOU43y td Loan on yBDICIN This ir the on and secure a fr�e w al it. is- the be Its Snot�-iDa amd grateful influence Ott a ;of Me e�, "Polling in Ail its br ipplim' made to doits k7XS SPZC:(FlC Prop(#y on the easi!est tering of plymelit and at G1 Catarrhi4 all i:!S MS. Price 14-00— Any wor-1. tntruMed to us will meeive WomPti oex known to perb. �Aprq, Greaor's Spee4-Cure 804 only rom ed -v -Which b as evtx b nee, wbic the scap, land for the removal and 0 tly QT low 1 aterf at. atten irst-elask work guaratitced. aL p.roper mariner don� Palpitation and otber affoctioltA mfixul tly cure epts of t1 Le.11 798,52. 8 M, ril ar jgcfr will convince Y6q of' the m rde and repaired, alsol I - I'daildruff, Ayer1B t ve-lition o A)l kintis of Boile4 lac -art, corsumptiotlinifff on Work, &z., at rea-i jj�D IRON DITTL-RS ti I 'J,iV-r of D es faded or -gray' medicine. It R1114 jig ot blood -to the beft 1, nLLE 1. It restor 4ures pernia ntly where 9mo"Isit.a(Us and, "eab Ir a� AGRIC7'"LTU has no eqqa. 1T0iin**of B'-alth Nki�resume its natirnlj �A sto Lose, of Uero­Y, Ir to iisiorig lates all other medi ines bav 3 fa iled. As sonable I ' _8�lt )?V,136 raftao find 01(1 Ones -or &dlAnde, Im a' 111al dark color,stinau repaired on t6 I Fill �%'nd _ . I - W t 13LJRJ� V and gives it a blood puxifier i has: no i but' increas- Ne 0 ulm eBs, D ail e f ra-uniij-, ui. Remerl-IF Thig med icin 0, isimildl s; nd all the abovo_ ) the grow of the hai the short�st notice, and at prces that defy cor- N1 S. porsition �o lltbo-r On ace')Utit of 409 Uni, �Frl' ingly didretic ii it acticl i, th U caring P.L I Psti n in the b -0, divineRR Of beantiful, soft. lossy Ikrid Billion a her it Costs "U,Ot�inv to tj Y il Regul, petition. �ivffl d' P� such prematule age,ect. Full Particulars pearance. 793152 all die-eas a of 1 6 rinary orgaii,s isi:o 0 size 50c iind 41;!-, 795.52 But do ro C Tb6 Glencoe Agricultirml Irrij)1eii e ann- forg(Aticn. !101 �_, (: t .11 rnlivgr ;P.Mphlei. wbi -disease.- factj leesurp in , � The Speelbe HERS r paY: Brig' VE; in I I r!Dg company 119ax 103, Goderich eipt of& three cent Ptilml e3 liave i on e. at gi�per padi Cj3RYSTAL & BLAOIKV sD 79 -52. 783 t4�rn the foruiers of 11ur6n and )?ertb.that, t Q Iden'a Arnica Salve. h6um 4 ed.� po]d by all Drnirgil-ts ed with -BUC once; Sold fi, 1 by mail oil atia Will last arrai i.g o6 1,01.S7), Or will be seut at r1aeuln,!P r Bd v 1 111' , Si itio:n Masterl. er, The test,14medical wondr of the Are you trou bli 'Mr., IN m NY W.M. VER*Y, Exet i I recalvtof Dloney,by ad&eissf 9 1 1 H A M P 10 N 0 c6ts-- 3beddon Was �ols, fo recutting world, 0 speedily cure. rou.gh shin., p.jmples or anker sores; ldo�gptu. HOOFARIP SW01t1l, 011te. Warr&-�ited t 10redit y Rail §ad, f& wilson's, Burns, so go at onC61t(: Lumsci n. 7) by Oarilo'n's THE GRAY K. 00., Tor &U -tee eat-jklf action bruises, cats, ulcers, salt rhenm, I 64ed of'� :)Yspepail . Dr. Kd]D0_NAA"LD, ch(11, P iok� a othel reme- ars 4nd THOMAS 'ige of M � I Wowers,� pileg, Ailblains, and at a c_ Rea' 61? . I ! n tLo repairing, fever sore ij cai�cers. drug store I the 'St6maA' all Irepaim Joy I . . ! : ! To kpep constantly on hand S IAFORTH PLAN11% i oorni, tatter, cliapped hads. and all . arke's C ar'Nolic Cerate.' iavo�recox meiid kl it to des' f a led. h Hali v a t millss� in Pric'e twenty-five cents. lt:lwas never, d! hey a. 1 think: minulalc§4117 d exclusively by --the Josep aabinellk Skill erup,jons gilararuteed to cure lots of r�ilway men an HAPIVIESTER. lirosL�Jng M compavy of Oshawa. WROUGHT SASH Q 3OR AN 0 6 L1 �U FACURY phiiiery iepaired on i pvery,l.nBt (-,Lr money refunded; 25 known to fail. 795.5 Ifiyou.1 suff6 from dyspep.- ai gblytof 1p� L other Implements factured by ur craggist ail get bottle. edidne and I the machin qg6 G 'k'For Bale by R. 'HiCkson o rly maou- iabscjr1beybeg$ cents Pei �ox. Maol s Alagneti6 also for all then n jiber0patron*P C6. -lip SON & WILL tojUerPj()Ttljel When the sun gets, the ; ,o Strit S .52. 9,52. JUT tacti 'ed:by T110M-P SUCCESUONS TO FAWERS AB Bid dgo ford n§hy in rhat he miy be favoreZ wi tU a 00 a_t, lowest rateo. v, left with tl1Kr agent, ntimnante From itIs toe 3ed-.lqp'bEd. of tbelrestl(s For Borseyea, incilra1j, a by fill other PVCHASINC." iv, ERVE AND BRAIN*�000 A oriers for' GU app A Single Box :13,, HENS -&A, cation ort � to Churlhill's Climax, or LL dri-sscd to H of the implemeiits� of MacksMagpetic Medicine prove ree ve vrompt atteiltion. n Loon r1sed at- h he wn continnE, tc koci, or, be jan d yo� will .)a surr' r'siration And before t mea whe I Eye to any sufterer'from nervous P 0 )�irg many Beepers and Mowers in the largeisto Itau. A f ftl Pric� 25 cents. 798. ck o i all kinds (41. high. the pro* -)t rel of. rsesping aome DL or weakness of the genera -tie organs,. TE'El" degree of' �'o.n hand. mairket"and 6aell PC ght be d.ifficult, without sonle reflec�: i P im L 'ber, Doo'T e agw. n, at the boiir of tea, so '?lie, 52,2w. an th9.t it is the best npd claeape8t. medicine I f6ria ai iner to irl,�Lke a ,L-kction that would, eases.- Take Fountain of Hei dtb� if you be d T END Of dis ti facto -y to him. The H t- HUR N1 �S H Ry. ever sold for tliiq class ow I i 10bg rut OsL Is I 9 1 Css (compatible witli lille rAth &c. Reaa th' advertisemLeUt' in another �lincipal i 1. . y h 1, c, u f stiijq �L4 mpiieity of couRtruction, ? fident of at tr - I ht If the t( rrors t&che rating �n and conditions oi! 1 ST M ASSS 0 C 4 reflable i ernedy'. for kid Ll OU Ionall for a I otith co Rts �,Ifar b l. T-lia'I the 8 1 .1 Dlamii a0d send _t 1 10 KIPPE at oce for the grea 52. 'ney trolit Or e L 798-F, who insviaor-rhim brail� an( foo(l. 780i�52- 71 01 olu b landunOkTain- lo theie the Champion win c to thesell pl in�s havE been x6moved, -pare faT I j,ly On all P"Jints, and in many will e�- 1 These ai�e'So A FaOtg- For thi. et al4bothank Ul, a'ud to Dr, bcen tboioughly teated during the� cure (luaant4)0d. �LE I Bitters CO. It OF �ONEVK ButcL cj:� Blooc Van B eia's : 'Kidney kCure my a c when m� ere T F. ANNUAL 1201 -791iN J4.,, 100ADFOOT. d By stem rom rc, past se:L ny mecbiues w a The best bldo& purifi r an I -(tlj�, Of, ANk YOr--,G, MAUIP A- W 1(�IXALF. W, 'A.! r5dlars of r was igig�to tLe bLavycrop;i- D i rankville, - �novvn and popularinillos. all r. s!) f or avi g t 0 Un Atup*cen of tIje HIORON I 1vt TOCK b f suff _--ri: P irill nn orgulstorplacediwilthin.tl!e.ratai�eb dF or the lj 'X� tant,pciint t6 consider at the. preset4t, in fir-tt-clas-5 W eurerl or- Raid Kidney Coml disease froi4 is/a�ijre.�pronipi and effectual renwdT for Ner-, AK�OUIATIOX will be 1)eld dIn or Dibout iv umanityl,1 tr; ly is I'lle ic! I Er move of JEUL of)-tlic Cbampion ws filwaYs found THF SHAIJU: q a o r'y, Lom of I of". .1 11 er known to' price C& U PH,3 baI re- i'19 after M4 w�s d68.1�'Air3( 1] to w1r.ch hundLcds'of test�-1 i i all it,; tage, Weal- el bilidusneE sq, our p able to do ts !an be I gtxual Prostrstion,- R., 883. which qannob be ex een days W clivit of a liv ta. 770.52 morija S41, 113 alj Cf ht Sweats, naiued from feu to flift ithout by 1. .78 the Dominion U THir". 24TH neyE utry. Hum SPe ni. Nwer. It re, ]ice, constip;atiOD, weak d) atteA to it, not fargetting old' �EW an &PItiola. of the bowe dock lal"ll I . Bur the urhiaiy organs, or, + 7illipj� at 411 jimeg to give other ill Barre0n and General Los., of disease t? Nile Pre� V'HIL9 -;T11E1 FARTX m, and be writes aPY paiToterVotis watite, Irejveneratiei jadedin- Pirties intendiw� to eOter Stock for e Sale Blood Biters cured hi booveir reqp re a1ppetiz, t0l1iC orl esttlid t va Uthingia made byrnim- s the enfeebled kin, and re- wilt re(juire to me 4ntries witt s4ere- 11Z PROPLUS P710TOIGE.APHER, begs to alt IT., that Ue ii abetter man than be has been -w. �jiom, 'but We W stute that he has reluratA 'P I al -it, it understoo-a thl.ti teilect, streng-then ike their home Irok J) 8 71 d: Elecj DR. *f -__LI E BRUN' rej)reben�i mild stimu'l0t, i1L 113 11 k stor4�s� surprisi*g tone and v the exhaust- tan not later than yvae in pii.-e with nial y Ce -774,65. *o- do 4t aic wed that I heres no 4 for Wenty years pust. tai. and 1B convinop certuil- jrT W it h gdne ti e 'orgqns in ei or sei d ODI) eazt, iTon machines with ed m NFF - he iteuda tc main at'ho,40 mt, Choppinute"Ver trio f�itters t of �the :lrq-rior %(sn en Vr PackRaes B r, home," and I I order for Txrm UD SEPTt e erg-risl aND acCOMP31lied ER 2%t F Our an cure� h1lGw1l.!, They acl on 'ely the�r n4yaber"esi 1�trhes and apfirgs. we Fi�li eac Fl. divill henceforth give bli '5, we will send our writ c Oarantee to 0, 9 thel Chaixi-ion on its m witl ion n the m6ney 'The SicKy Young Grirl bottle guaranteed to if the r at ent does not toblsbusir:m tli& lOw"t eTits, md a's it has Mae for d quio)ily, everyl! 0, ittion, we vil try ivy our own 41- rcf U man need, _e !),Ut : The prospects fcl,� the:a; Yrowbing a ae ar o6a work axe umc*_oeI0,, and ho can ber the, p 'And the'aelicaO: 3*11Ug WO -ffe di. tiTe satisfaqU6 liat,of pur mny customers tog d t1a care. It I.-, the ciieipcst and best me ela n or money !iefunded" A Guar fl Gonorrhcea find Glee d t dideilly more favofFable $1 an forany a: de that h" Ceme *no, corn all') nd Wh 3n the ;eed Cur obunpion and examine cinO jil '.the m%Tkt-t. Full partmulars in our nil secure rl ftf ts a.bottle by E Hick.. ou Safe, ples ar, ffects 601yot been held undler the 9W ic(t istions and trier -do, s Phosphativ&- Sold at 50 ce it slid r IaVle. No bad aritts a of V ie Bodety. p y ur re hlet, Which we desire to mf I free to any its use. 1000 11014, h1l, rcb*se. The Behver drill-com- P aine is sold eaa cattle ow ere the Conn; ejAnce irs vale, 1io blood courses ere *Uhbasii�esu ordid. it before,. rou p1l :.P, FPH.-P#r bon 3 ( r substnoo X Co. 783.5 F1 boxes or )tion howd in season. Sulcy add 9s. : Mack -'s Magnetic We I NTRAN03 ser d �yon On YDrwsy b 12 boxes for each silieep or I sltlggibbl� uptibns 0-n the face ai Price i2 I if e br, (Ir th ;e -Writte i ined-4]Filav§ 1(el e, 25c. -A Lee you all, sod er -uggtists at 50 can to -per box,'4 A SDI al .5 ; tot Cargsguay ante, i sued ' by, v( ry duty a nth ized agbu Ralies,. ujilip sowers, Plows, and every bY co 1 11 of Or eeat-'! ill *e r I O'A all )tg. JUstt.,ryme ond i rdvo IE; to Teruti� b moyiev i 1h,ee bous I il to curl 1. thing 111 $5 W Peart, toglet'Eir with all. the other signs D will be ma:i1ed free of postage on receipt of it Ur a Fir 1, at line. erafe. Uemember the p! ei er'temporary- or constitutional sid n receilkt if price address by addressing MACKS MAGNETIC an a 8 1judeo igned4 UA4*u at rth ,,a natal, rand Sui Turning a I lal [y fal liu�g 0 al Sent POE prel Ag t, in [CINZCo.,Widsor,Ont. Soldby ADM.- es to be mlade with the reet, Seat* -der. No ro i b U 0 d agRu 1 to i auj� W.StIrrams ameAy will so quickl ray,�awl Oat MEX) ARMW- I CALDBR.' debi y ol k: t] &13 L irseeforth. Dr. JAME $ STE�VART, en gis% Guarantees issucid by J. S. ltoiZELTS, Boa- ill I & 8,3 ltirigl, I main I brect, nat, door to ForbA' i ' Seafort)li Sedrete-Ty. r to th res Yre ioli� Le B ket, To r- arerow a a- js M. Y. XCI.11,��, r th: -52 f Z'elK be&ks, strength to 11 aJIs Hat 19en er for4h bring its original. col6r, and ,.timilate onto,So PrOprl itGr 798 gy to the lim 11118 B., ener 7 A 0 b 9.. is g ZY, r