HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1883-08-17, Page 6How to Keep Young, an Itssen nun s IMES 'B. D. Pannell' be- 1 pORE TIM NOWELL- AND BRIDGE - WATER 'ARNOW CLUB, JUNE UOTS:,*. AND PUBLIS A REQUEST OT TRW tHE 1-itAION IXPOSITO AUGUST 17, ts axe. The husband said of his w .fe and careworn, young your if ings . First, when We ar quite mut take plenty . of outdoo that we may grow an health tive, and when Oder! engage things that aio pleasingto th Try to be a compauioji to you k The naind n:net be kept emu the gray h rs m ,. ceme„ necessary th t *e sh ulcVthi are old because a weet httle pr usgnu:Oman:dna ; enter into a your grandchildren. Th may have passed your fiftieth should, be iniiit ig your prime. hard work that ie makinge 0 grow old, but If the rain& is illedi with. dworry r pita a interesting it wiil lighten Write an es ay occasionally. always Elora subject that ev gent woman capkviite on. T one in OUP f rmers! club, who talent enough to Writoan not let the gentlemen have al fit derived from these meeti not know what you MU d try. By permitting any 1 physical or mental, to roma, we render itlria lees to us in less degree. D, i not burden but give it h al liy eiercise,fo and the body :tile so closely that the One caUnot be disease affecting the other. ;Do not hag novels that will keep you natural sleep, but rather he ingethat will kee» the mind you may have something to t when at your daily labor. B your conversation when in that yon do itLot say thin trouble you. When yon are Words sho&d ever leave you would, 1eavt an evil impr trouble comes, l�ok on the make the bet o hat cannot ;7. Never get _a ry if it can Live, above th trifling care apt to vex, f r they are_apt t 'wrinkles. You 'should be m all your ha its, your meals taken regal y If supper h taken too late, and yea have night's rest,lone hour's exer morning VII riprepare yen breakfast. Por breakfast stomach over -active for dinn are apt to p tt e atomaoh t task than it , art bear. 0 one meaLtoc mei= the other, ach will soon give you notice imposed up n. .Ifence yoI bring on dyspepsia and a thousand other ills which humftn flesh is heir to Regulari- Iy in. the hours of meals can ot be top strongly insisted cor,l. You hould not forget to have pleasant pony raation at meal times. And the hesban will have , something to do with this. I he COMM in from his Work cheerful, no matter how much his Work May tro He him,. he should leave it all out oors. , He would if he thought it woul help his wife to keep young. No m' tter if he his lines of care; he Wears a long beard, that will cover theee.hard li es about the mouth, and he may still 1 ok young. Or if he has a wrink d fore ead,. that lf may speak of a thou htful iaposition, no matter how the w inkles o me there. • Says on'?," We cannot hel how we look." We cart help ft ; we hould not allow our evil passions to rn e tia. If the thoughts of our hearts ar pure and lovely, it will show out in all our ways. And I claim that ' you ne d to be a Christian to mate up to this h gh stand- point. For it needs the grace of God to keep down some of our ,stron passions which destroy the body. Yu should not sit in darkeeed or illy entilated rooms; we cannot be kept yo mg with- out the enjoyment of good h alth, and some of undo not take ontdoo exercise; we may get that by cultivatin flowers, and as ranch depends on skill rid taste, and it is thought that mo:t women have more patience and taste t an men, it is a work which she .may a d should excel ins and Othange from h r indoor habits of life, ar0 it would ad beauty, health and strength to her system. Without the direet light and h atof the sun the rose w uld not blush, nor the lily bloom. Labor that adds- to our health should he dignified. It a known to be a Christian, virtue of WQ an that she dignifies tbe labor of her Ow house- hold; some may think that it is not flowers bes laot like to have it at -she is looking old but, rather, "flow looks ;" tha is pleas. young we exercise, and w- in those children. children. g, though It is not` that we ttler calla the Sports ugh you year, you • It is not ✓ women . re of life.- •Oinething the labor. There is ry ere is 'net has not asay. Do the bene. •s ; you do -until you lty, either dormant, greater or the mind, the mind oonnected d without ead excit- Tore your lthy read. tive; that ink about careful of company, that will lone. No lips that U right side, e helped. e avoided. that are bring the derate in should be not been ad a good ise in the for a good leaves the r, arta you. a harder if you eat the atom - that it is I/ A . ladylike for her, to work SA th or email fruits, but if so, it is f •pra the want of the rig 't kind of an eau:cation. In grace and bea.utryi we! sheul; ,befar superior to OUT oity cousins, without -calling to oar assistance: artifici Iaid,, if we half live:up to the priyileg 's given ne.Being out your buried tal nt itnd he the next One to:write. an es ay, and see if it dee& not make you feel young; and remembee the., face is al ays en index to the, feelings'. - TheOrigin Of Postage St nips. The idea of an adhesive sta p af. fixed to a letter, as ludicative of the payment of the postage, is mac • older thenhas generally been supposed. .It ia known. that the first suggeation of suoh an arrangement in modern times comes from Rowland Hill, the father of 'cheap postal system in England, about the year 1838 or1810. It was several years howevea before his -suggestion was carried in -to effect. History, how- ever, tells us that the ancient G-erman cities of Thurn and Taxis had such a system, which for some inexplicable I reason, fell into disuse, or failed to be- come- general nemong nations. The medern postage stamp, then,. was first used in England about the year 1812 or 1843. In 1845 E. A. Mitehell, then post -master of New Haven, taking ad- vantage of the English idea, made use of a postage starep of his oWn, 'which he corithaned to use until 1847, when the United States Government issued the first American pestage -Stamps. • They were in two:denltoinatiens. • The five cent was of a light brown color, bearing the head of Franklin, andthe ten cent of a gray color,with the effigy -of Wash- ington. 1. I At that tinie the rate_of,postage was five and ten oentaaccording to diatance. In 1851 a series of six denorninetimis were issued. The dne-cent damp Was blue, bearing an elliptical band upon which were the wordtt "13. S. Postal Despatch. Prepaid, One cent." Within the band was in 'eagle with Wings eat - spread. The twee:nut stamp was also 41 I blue, bearing the head ! of Franklin 1 the three -met stamp t vermillion, With the head of Washiuttkne the fl le -Went , stamp ch000lateeeketh the head of Jef.1 N Jerson ,- the threocOut reen, withthe of Washington *0 thirteen tars i in a semi-cirole above; be twelte cent was black, also with the 4 ad of I ash -1 instate' The 24, 80 an cent at mps were subsequently a dO: to the 8 riee- The first of these boro t113 faceattlof We ington ; the second * 8 I ri ortteg 'with the head of Franklin ated the 1, : t was dark -blue, also with t e head of ash- figton. There was i t is series eLlso square carrier's sta 1 p, !blue li. colo mid bearing the head of'1 `riankli . An Ancient Br: Cost me. Ohatting.a few eye ai a since ith a charming old lady 80 yea ,! and seated close beside hr n a c imney Corner whose iespacio a fire -pi e was, aglow with a hickory bl e such a -few of this generation ha e •een , fo t nate enough to wieness an e foy,the u rent of social gossip and a m iseence flowed into the domain of 0 e gossi c and fashion. With& mi ut ness of detail (which exhibited rem 'hie po s o niemery, we were fa d with clear- ly defined descriptio oflthe m ners customs and .prevale t odes of dres of the days, "when 80 waa, youn andi to the manor born," hree jscore year ago. - Excusing herse ffbr iai m ment, sheleturned bearing p n her rm silk dress, once whit ' initenew liinpidl and -yellow by the to ch of tithe. The dress deserve escriptio . I was narrowly gored. i the fro t ' ea side breadths, and q te short. Ini the back there was a Iarge clasper o deep gathers. • The iii t was relegate almost to the armpits, and - the very short bodice was cut ont squire in the neck, and edged With w e-, old-fashion- ed lace. ! The waist wasl laced Op lb back with a flat co da ' The Sleeves were long and close, and finished, wit .frills of lime at the wrists. . "This was my weddi g .dress 't she. said. "My father rodo a dista ce of more than thirty milesn horseback to buy the silk of which it w as made. [ Its 1 i . cost represented my ea nags for more than four years in butter and , leese- making. I cut and mad it with. ray own hands. My pattern was the bridal dress of our pastor's wife, who t e' year before had come to us a yonng bride from the shore of Massachusetts Bay:" Holding up one of the sleeves, she said; I . "Here is a stain upO \the s. One of my bridesmeids in ;'adjusting MY modest, homemade veil, :pricked' her finger With an intrusive the tiny wound fell a blood,of which this ble and taken. To me it w to her it wati a grievous clouded her evening's h in, and from ingie drop of ish is the sign a but a trifle;' mishap Which, piness." 1 1 : 1 Unfashionable M s. StOre. Forty thousand' drea makelia and milliners, with all their arts of devel- opment and coneealnae t, shaping and adornment, could'not m ke Mrs. !H-8X- riet Beecher Stowe a tylish ' °man. The same is true of the Queen of 1 Ig. land, I believe, but I have never lbad a chance to study her, while this eek I have had a good, 1eisur4ty,' two hours il view. of the authoress of " Unele TO121'S Cabin." My conclusion is that si6 is a sinner against fashion tho can'itl pos. siblyinow that her redeemer liveth, for the simple reason that there is ma salvation for her. ,She le the kind of a woman who rises superior to chthes. They have no modifying .effect on her. Thernost fashionable detrices are ower - less to alter her inclitiduality. Pro- hably at soine timeein- hr life sllie has tried to keep up with the 'prof salon, but it was long ago. It has be 11dn a long while since she droppe1 hopelessly to the rear of those who c , angd ,th i .i uni- forms every season., . It was at the celebration - f her brother Henry's seventieth birthday in • the Brooklyn Academy iof Music Ithat I saw her. She rvsembles hi very closely as to the face, which is th same as saying her features ar b big, dee -lin4d and unique. No bonne could h ld it's own in conjunction with hem. he one that was on this occasion subordinated to them was in the style, I gn, ss, of twenty-five years ago. • The resti of her garb was equally antiquated. Kindly and brainy 'enough she looked, a d, oh! how we did cheer her when she ame to the froet of a proscenitiea box! Bet as an exponent of the fashion she 'vas a, success only as a remote negati e. By her side sat the wife of Henry Ward Beecher, c rrying her seve ty-two years heaviijr as he did his sevent jaun- tily—a bent, wrinkled, brok ni td woman, but neatly end fas onably dressed in mourning. Then th re was Beecher's daughter Hattie, wife of the Rees Samuel Scovil„ who is of his and Harriet's sort. She lives in an i'nterior New York village that ip large enough to provide competent peoducers ef fash- ionable attire, and yet ' he looked like Miss Bumpkin frorni Bumpl4nville, though a healthy who' some ere ture, Manitoba Notes. ' T. S. Menary, a general storekeeper at Cartwright, has assigned in tries. —Mr. J. A. McDougall, of Winnipeg, is credited with having made the fastest time' on record. He went from Winni- • peg to Edmonton in 9 days. —The deposits in the Dominion Gov- ernment Savings Bankm1 t Winni eg for it July amounted to Il611, 57. Th -with- drawals for the Elamel pl riod amounted to -464,41.6.29. -----The Winnipeggers i have at tl ngth comp down to the gommone el of ordinary humanity, An now re o nize the necessity for the us . of upper coin. The Sun says:. Half a ton of Calnadian cents has been received at:theoffice of the Assistant Receiver General hero. The five cent piece will now assume a more respectable position in society. —Agricultural impleMents arijived at the port of Winnipeg frona Jann ry let, 1883, to July 31st, 1883,„ 750 carloads. Settlers' stock, implements and!effects during the same pericid, 758 ca.rloads. Me -king a total of 1,508 carloads. These cars, if made up in 9U0 train would reach ten miles', and represent al Value of at least $2,500,00 nand probably much more. , . , —The Winnipeg Frep Prase* a re- cent date says Mr. R.l 1. Blow:0,1 late of Winnipeg, bat w has Acently settled in the vicinity o Whitewpcd, on the Cut Arm .Creek, Met a s14oking death a 'Short time ag 1, On oedayt, July 21st., while he wa .preparinn om'e logs for his house on hi half sec i n itt 24, township 21, range west, e had the axe uplifted during. heavy t u der storm, ud the Iigbtning WM at rutted 1- , . by the s se . -Iti is supposed that the atinffia his head: 'Ihelightn ug cut .his'ha to nbbous, ran down, one ar into hi ;pants pocket, dewn his leg Su out th ough his boot into the earth. 1 0 bourse a WAS litlled inatantl • M Mowa • was a nepheof Hon, Olive Mow Pr Mier lo Out'rice an A boarded at th Grand Central otel iu Witmi peg fiel *bent a year. He h sd man 1 frien• : ..,tiii was'a gen ahfavori e wit all e knew hi . His arida n an trap . eath is regarde.with th deep est s'r Ow. • — ! ' Brandon Sun o aline flrs as it : es it, in the atelest bel.poid says ti r.'lleer indl: y,1 of niota repo • t barley la Southern a kelt% not I froth Br n n, &being h riest ed. 1 kinds o Who: .! ill be ri ee nePas otet lose• ew eke' 1 Mr. i dlay begani to se thi s as n' potat. : ori the l3th J ly: ;He se s ha in th eighbor ood' of the Inter at on al be. .clary ,the Seaton is be t! w . , -- he Emerson nationallada ctin° R ilWay. n tnte1a . Of t e colt tr along week: advane the 1 n .`of the au eP that he Ogilvie • liue Conanhen ell a gan of men at wor ati Gs tra hew- ing o 1 timnber, to be u ed . in t e On- struo ibuot elev , to s w ich they r4ose to er At 'Virden, n t e Mai ine of the - anada Pacificnd at timb each. a miles st otfybEeastitai..;soeonc. 9A1" will e cepapietr o the li a ed on !the Gret , !on the bound when they brckight territ.rj. This j 'gave aud tus season thyh: briu:'zg the loge over roug . T e company alar:e1elevator at 'M i appli 6 the CoUleil palitf Lorne for taxes fr a term o! ye; fined Ithe exemption. of t i ' they have 43 only ojnordinary . w point 1, I innipeg 6 , y line, el' hteen The el vetore 40,000 utthele mtiaey h d the meeic IL n ide o ay duty on i into Ca .adia hem p. inkter e ire te. 14 it he line In the t II iteort iv ,S roencat of ; tho 11 unici- :xemptio from s, but w :re re. lin; CO u nce elude i e ect I a ehistis t tihat n 1 sa s : When the t4iiu a rived un th Canada abific Raildepot ie ! Win ipeg th other night tyoung lady Wa espied f oni it in anIysterical fie. She I Wan 4ar 'eds. into 1141e waitingroom and latt in an unco as sta Dr.f-' Sutherland, who epeeed to be itt the etatiori, Fetid tht yopng la wa Spifferin from ment aberration, apparently b ought 1 o on b sa point.* nt r trot. le. Gon- ductclrj Risteeu says that the la y wire first with ber tr uble at ergu4 Falls 1 Station 1 Agent Cane Will and other railroad cffiei is didl all in theit power to a1!evi.te;the 4res o tnin4 , itwhich the younglas y was au erieig, bwuthwi h little effeet. There is a wiry sorrowf1 tale hanging over the affair. It is tle old story of lo !e and desertion. It seemn tliat t e poor girl fell in love with alraUroad man, s1vhoe lives in St.! Paul. He enticed hier to that city under; a profr4ise1 of marriaige. , When she arrive4 there he 'found- that til man h who p ofeseed o 1 've iher h d dis- appose d ad aree y d settecl her. The niatto 'imust hay p eyed up n''' lier 1., nund tnd driven hr to dietracti n: A short t. e after her arrival at th depot' in Wrnipe,g herbrot1ieandelder sister came tb the depot, and the scene be- tween phe sisters Icr e a very affecting one. Ti e nefortun te girl again ssyooued -away iuto an hyete ical B. , and I was some tinie before she -recover d con- sciousrnsia. She * s tsken to h r resi- dence op oWilli in Street in a cab. Her ;amine is sup,. essed mit of espece to her tiara ts, vi% i are well known in' Winnii4g. rLEQA14; P. 13..1' CAFiRk410.1.., AT of Garrsewl& Proudfoot's ffice, Go 8 leiter, Conv yaucer, &a. Money KO- Office in ! eyer's Blecke.Main Sealer I °rich, loan. treet, 794 ey to F10E— . 774 8 olioi- rrow 686 13,• ° Corner GA,R to Wm . P HAYS, Soli itor, &o. Plivate, mo nd at lowasitates of inteteet. 0 ol Square an 'West Street', Gedarie OW & PROUDFOOT,Barrisfers, &o., Goderieh, Ontaride-J. T ondfoot. ' CA M.003 oron. BON, IIOLT & CAMEBtON, Bar lfoitors in Chancery, &o. Goderio maronea 0.,Philip lio;t4 M. G iitera ,Ont. Oatn- 606 1.1 •°•11EY L. aw, Solid for tak ng &Endued Solieit r for the Privet funds te 1 R, Barrister and Atto or in Chaneery; Commis is in the Provi co of Ma auk of Hami ton, WI an atilt to fa er cent. ey at ioner bob,. gham. 688. MAN 4"- C of jolt Officer MANNI of Ham vits in cent. 0. Meir ING nveyinoe ston, Tis eaver 111 0, JAMES &DIC lock, Win Iton. ee nitoba. ucknow o R. E. L. COTT, Barrister, Sol Edon, &o. Solicitors for the Bank ale & Gale. Money to loan. k, Clinton, Ontario.H. COTT. ri81 INSON, Barristers, &c., ent's ham. Solieitks for th4 Bank missioners for taking atilda- Private funds to loan at 6 per e every Wednesday.'W:. 'MUNSON. 738 TAT B Money Block, FTU with Cam wister, loan, eaforth. E. DANCE ron,Holt & parneron, Go erich, elicitor, Cornnyancer enson'a Old Office, Ca duo's 786 MOT 4-1 P enders teal co be uN debts d will pa tlie fir °ember STED. OE of Die elation of Partnership —The rtnerehip eretofore existing between the gned ha e t • s day been dissolved by ran - sent. Th business of the late '11.rin will ed on by R. HOIXIGITED, to wIloin all e to the rm will be payable, ard who .and disoh rge all debts due and owing by • Dated a Seaforth, the gist day bf De - 1882, S. .Mo0AUGHEY ; F. II LIIE- Witness, NDREW CALDER. F. H LIVIESTED,, RAIMISTER, & . Law OffideL--Scott's Block, M Street, eaforth. 8.0. MCCAUGHEV, Rote OR, &e. Law OfttorreScott's Block, "-' Main Street, leaforth. 785 AU TIONEERS. BRINE, pioenced Auctioneer for the nay of Huron. Sales attended in all f the Conal. All orders left at theEx. Office wi 1 be promptlyattended to. A.' prOlnIA dreier McKill LGATTYJ Licensed Auntioneer r the ounty of uron. Sales ofalldesor ptions y attend° to on reasonable term . Ad- albon P. O. or Lot 14, ConceseCon 14, p. 774 OR SALE.. - el undersigned' offers . f6r sale hbred Durhare bull calves, ;:sire, "Morning Star- darn, els." Entered in nev herd Wen. TEnste—CASTI, Zfay be oneession 2, Morris. JOSEPH le1P. Q. 801 FDR ALE.— o thorou seven onths' ol "Queei of Bru book; pedigree seen 0 Lot 18, SELL RS; Bluev HOT .L FOR SA LE.—In the village of dit mher- icy, tawnship of Huron, county of Bruce. The be t countrylloiel in Brune having sab1es, sheds, ells, an acte and a quarter of lam , good orehar aild ice house. For particulars. I ply to JAS. EE LE, Seaforth, or JAS , A. MACP BER - SON, incardine.1 8117x12 1 ) VOR ALE.—A/ comfortable cottage and two sho s, suitahle I far blaCkamith and wagon • maker, in a good part of the town for bnsiness. The Co bags is in 'good repair, and is pleasantly situate . The whc-le property wl11 be sold in a block r separat4ly; and.very cheap. Apply to W. N. TATS01, Seiler th. 808-tf ott E FOR 8411,E.—A one and a half ptory f A.me dwei1ng, eitnated in A pleaeant part of the t wn, °Outselling nine robms, cellar, wood house nd stable ; strine foundation under the house nd hard and Oft water on the premises. Apply to C. AL WHITNEY'S Tin and Stove Em- polium Seafortla. 'Ale° a good Drivirg Mare eight eear e old, on,e light wagon, one buggy, oue se light ha ei.s. 802 -LI (JCL S FOR SALE., --The undersigned has a `-' sp n of general purpose three year old eolts, a mare aid kelding, for sale. They are unbroken and pe ferrtly sound. One is a dark bay, a d the othe light bay 4 They can be seen a ,anytime oi let 34, co cession 6, Mc- ' Killop. WM. N. , I IICHAEL. 1 811 0 ' CARP BE HOS H.AMILTON TON COMPANY, AM1LT N, ONTARIO, MAN FACTURERS O' TTON YARNS! ite arid Col red, Single tx1.4 Double, ' WARPS White and iall Colors, WARPSilAND. every Description., YAB,'N BALLED- RN TJTING YARNS OF vAlue Devi 1,87 Tick?: igs an1 Cottonades. The Goods are ue iversally pr flounced by the *trade t i be fully eq`ual to any . made, and for regular ty and eventless in reake and . coloring they a e unsurpassed. OAR 'ET WEAVEIRE1—Iraii 'will Mail our War s imperio 'to any in the market. TiVe nak yogi jus so give: i n truth If Y ur Dry Giods man as not goo it writ t us -and *e 'e will see 'on are prompt-. ly .sup . OUR YARNS, of which we make all dequip- Motto, vill be found equally good. Ask for tit ,m. Try them. This ompan'y :was aWardell two first Prize silver r °dais at TorOnto Exhibition in 1881, and. three 'rst prizes at the Provincial Exhibition at Kings )n 1882. 1, AGENTS: WI ANS & Co., Toronto.. F. cELDE RY & C., Montreal: " - 814126 FARMING TOOLS 1 - We have now in stock a fall line Of 1 s, aths, Forks, Hoes, Seyt Sn RakeS, .13 clzdine Frke, awn Mtwers, Barb .Pence Wire, And evert•thieg in the .hardware line at lowes .prices it KI D'S IardwMe Establishment, N STREET, SEAFORTH. PT,OWS 1, , ILLED. PLOW , r Load of Genuine Loirt,h;Be4c1 ' PLOW 8 & $U KY PL W... --JUST RECEIVED AT. 1 0 C. WILLSON'S A gricultural Implement Warer6om, Seafor which will be sold at old prices, notwithstanding the increase ! of la peti cent. import duties, the subscriber being determined to ke p those Valuable Pltiws in stock, imported One Hundredand•Fifty of them a fe days before thesenthe tariff; consequently, he is.enalled to sell them at for er pricei until t ePliresent stook is exheristed. 1Gall and see those Plows before buying a! comm�n or in- ferior article. Ever tt Plow guaranteed to give .satisfac ion or no sale. A full Steck of Massey Reapers and Massey MO ers, Toronto Reepes and Toronto Mowers, Toronto Cord Binders and Masse 's Low Down 13. der, and Sharp's Rakes, all of which will be sold cheap arid on teasonable terms,. Fiepairs of alhkinds always op hand •for the above machines. Don'tfai to see na stock before buying a machine. O. C. WILLS- ON, Main Street Seaf6rth. 7 • - ; REMOVAL. Seifortb. Musical InstrUment Ern o I 1 I 1 I 1 Beg tto annonnee that they have removed to more comtnodious pre ises, one door berth of the Post Office, where they will be found With a large and well- se1ected1 istock of DUNHAM KAtos. which are 4 well known and 'highly elan+ of by all musicians. EXCELSIOR ORGAN .—These Oreanet have re- ceived the highest rewards wherever shown, and havel also received a dtplerael at the leduStrial Fair prat closed at Toronto. We also keep rn stook other Pianos and.0rgans, and all kinds of small instruments, sheet =WO and rstrptioxi bookie Agents wanted.1 SCOTT B*OTAERS, See - , SCOTT BROTHERS HOTEL CARDS. 1D.NNIE HOUSE, (Lillie Foster's Hotel) illiAFORTH, ONT., DENS asinnning the management of this Hou re wk haVe completely renovated and refurnish- ed it throughout with new furniture in the best style, Which enables us to give first-class worn- modation to the public. • The best brands of Liquors and `Gigars at the Bar. An attentive Hostler alWaye in attendance at the Stables. Particular attention given to the farming com- munal.. 1 M'Clinrges moderate. T1.4ell.Roya1 (LATE CARMICHAEL'S) 'SEAFfORTH, BROS., PROP RTF1TORS.. 1. JAMES WEIR - BPee to tufnn his old friends and • the travel- ling Public that having purchased this new and eremmOdieue hotel building, he helei thorough- ly re-parniShed and re -fitted it from t'op to bot- tom, and it is now one of the most comfortable and ccinvenient hotels in The county. By strict attent4on to the wants of his customers he hopes to metit a :slurp of public patronage. The rooms are allkvell furnished and:well heated. The bar will es kePt supplied with the best, and an at - tentative end trust worthy hostler will always be ; in attOidance. Good sample rooms for Commer- cial Remember the "Royal Hotel," corner of Main tteets, Seaforth. 733 and Gbderich jS,A.A.TES WElit, Proprietor, I SEAFORTH HORSE •INFIRMARY. — VORNER of Jarvis and Goderich Streets. next deer to the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All diseases of Horses, cattle, sheep, or any of the idomPsticatedanimal, successfully treated at thOnfIrmary or elsewhere on the shortest notice) Ohaeges moderate. Jets. W. Etante, Veteriflary1 Surpon. P. S.—A large stock of VeteriTurryibledicuies kept constantly on hand. L , MONEY TO LOAN.. THE unciiersigeed, havieg been appointed Agent fo th 'Ha tailton Provident and, Loan Society, Is now prepared to cffret Loans either cn farm or towin pr petty at the lowest rates of interest and on theenost favorable terms. Applications by mail or gersonally promotly attended to. WM. BALLAb TYNE, Seaforth. 804 MCCOLL!, BROTHERS & 00., TORONTO, Manqactnrers and Wholesale Dealers i LARDIINE, CY1LINDER, I 1BOLT CUTTING WOOL 01 SI 6.4.1.•..i. i .1 f Oar celeerated. LARDINE branld is 1 unexcelled by tiny other oil on the market. In recegnition of its sup rior merit we ho.ye received all the HIGHEST PRIZE8 Wherever we exhibited since 878, among! other awards a large ntunb r of 1 OOLDISILiER & BRONZE MEDALS, Besidee ntuinereus Diplomas. It is warranted7 ot to gum or clog, and a it weats enna to Nutter oil is, therefore,, the Most profitable oil for those run. ng me.cbinery. 1 la- Farmers, Threshers and inen sholuld try it. For sale by WM,. ROBERTSON & CO., -802-26 SEA,FORTH. Mill MEDICAL,. W G. S. MAC " • Surgeon `dence, that lat Auburn, DOICALD,1111.D., 311.,Physicien Aocoucheutte &e. Office and resi. ly occupied by Dr. liatehiseto 781 j G. SCOTT M. D. rleo PhysiolaniSurgeon and J • ,iteconcheur, Seaforth Ont. Olice sin.dresi- d into& south sido of Goderich Street, coo d door east of Presbyterian Church,. 84$ T.1- L. VERCQE, M. D., C M.. Phyoia -1--1• • geon, etc.,Poroner for 01.3 County of Office and Res donee, on Jarvis street directly opposi e Seaforbh Public &libel. , Stir. Reran. nortS, WM. RANO ER, M.D., O. M.Grad ate 01 Y oGill II iversity, 'Physician, Sorg on and Acconeheur, Se forth,Ont. Office and Bee ideuce, N orth side GO erich Street, Ant, Bfiok Hoirse east of the Met °diet Church. 496 ) , EYE, EAR AND ittRQAT. , DR.. C ORCE S.' RYERSON, L. R. C: P., L. . 0. S. E., Lecturer ea the Ilya Ear and Throe, Trinity Medical College, !Toron- to, and Surgooi to the Mercer Eye and ar Io - firmer/. Late Clinical !Assistant &Oat ondon Ophthalmic Beep, tel, Mootfields, nd entre], Throat and Er HoSpital. I 317 CHURCH STREET, T RO TO. • Map be con'oalbed at the , 1 WINDSOR .110'REI., STRATIi'011D On the "Last SATURDAY its lE,A (11 708 C. CARTWRIGHT II&SONi TIENTIsTs, wili visit 6eaforth every 'W'cdoesday and Thrirs-ii day, and Clinton every Felday o each week, except the week *hen Tuesday conies that in the ettOith. Teet extracted without pain. Chaiges moderate and t rms cash. 130-25 ' • RGEON DENTI1ST. GR DUATE of the Royal College of Dental iirgeonsel Canada. Office in the rooms iatelf occupied. by II. Derbyshire Whitney'ri BlooI4. All operationh carefully p1r!ormedj and. satis- factien guarauieed. Charges ansier te. 1)1,71. tilie.u-2.`e; taltnewx:Lrott‘c.tise_d.wi #.1 outputs. - • • 1$.:WA+SON DEN'TthT, , . Faculty Gold :Medalist and Colleg Gold Medalist R. C. D. S. !! I1avnte many years' experience ire is able t make all operations in Dentretry suitabl and • lasting. Preserving = teeth Specialty. Chloroform, Efsher or Nitrous Oxide Gee given,. Ear C4,arge8 Moderate. avtli Office in, Me er's Block, Main Street, Seafort I,50s BOTTLE —OF. CLYCERA Ea BALSAM OF FIR The Magic cure for 1 1 COOCIIS OOLDS!‘)OilE THROA Sold during the past Year, and the d mated coestantly inereasing. This valuable medicine may now be Occurs from Messrs. Jciseph Kid4 & Son, .Liubli Hr. Jas. .oruntrnond, Myth. Andrew Gbvenlock, Winthirop James CaMpbal, Walton. Wm. Scot, Bruelfield. Henry Se4afer, Kippen. Jas. BOndbron cf Scn, Hensall, ; ' And Wholesale oir retailfroM LUMSDEN '&.WILSON, - Manufacttirere, Seaferthe , THE PIONEER HARDWARE ST913EJ STONE BLOCK, WMG-Iiente. JAMS A. CLINE & ooesSOrs to Gordon & Sooti,) Headquarters for the ceIebr ashburn & Steel Two -Barb Fencing W ONE CARLOAD Montreal, Cut Na ieceived this week, and will b . tom prices. Best brands a EAD and r ENGLISH BOILED AND: RA ted. Oen tut. Hardware of descriptions at ow prices as is consistent with a Square egitimate business. JAMES A. CLINE l& Co. 7RFECTION AT L ST uCCESS- EXTRAORDI EGMONDVIL1 OLLER. MI The only genuine Roller Mil Qounty, which now has no and few equals, on the eon America for manufacturing lour. -11••••• Ls. in the nt of Iler n, A CREAT REVOLUTION IN MILLINC. The Bread Question of Vital Im Mance., The Gradual Reduction by Rollers now in Operation. lioller Flour brings from $1.25 per barrel more than the best made by the Old Proms Grifiting a Specialt tem 11- • $1.50 Flour , Farmers, will in all cases g t their own wheat ground, and by our ee,wsys- tern get a stronger, whiter, richer and 'totter grade of flour by far t in the Public has hitherto been able t9 get. Remember, there is no hurrah el," or ex- periment &our adopting the adual Reduction System. Our new sys em is thorough and reliable. It his been thoroughly' tested, and proved a great anceess itt Hangary, Germany, France, England and the United States We gavel A 1 Flour previou o our eXtensive change at a heavy c tti,rand We guarantee better Flour no ojae trial will be sufficient to prey as- sertions correct. CHOPPING. Our facilities for this class f work are unsurp esed, and customers May de- -on ge ting their chopping done at ance. Be tire and try our fam s new process—r Iler flonr. I Flour Drain Shorts and Feeil deliv. eted to any part of Seaforth, tiarpur- hey or Egruondville free of chaege. sat °tar Saw Mills at Egm ndville and Brucebeld in full operation 8b8 KYLE & MUS OARMER IT WILL PA TO CALL AT THE YOU HURON FOUND Y„ HEAR TH H1CH SCHOOL,SEAFORTH, And see our stock -of 17) Lows ; N'Thich hes been made especially for tnis county,' I have greatly improvea y ;Gang Plow for this season, and feel 13 setiefied ie. saying that it is th best in the market. Our I L ND ROLLER Are large 4ua heavy. running 1 Oit and, doing goo work. Our . 1 GR IN CRUSHE S Are made frorn hard iron, and will last lip/agar than any other niacin e made. Having special tools for eputting Rollers, we cans guarantee sattsfaction. 5pecial tten-tion given to icepairing Steam Ergines, Saw =an d Gri t Miffs, 1 Reapers, owers, Threshing sickliness. and all ki ds of machinery re aired 011 short note and at rreasonab e rattle. To contr ctors and. others tBridge Bolts an Castings at lowe ti rates,. notation furniehed on applic tier.. ' lit:" Alec agent for the implemente- d L. D. 5 wyer, Hamilton. A Minim Of repairs constantly on hand. ' HOMAS HEN RY. u'BEL: S MILLS, HIPP NA1 J HN McNEV1 Proprietor olf these well known and po tiler milLe, has now got' everything in -firet-clas. Working order, and iS prepared to turn out an attiele of Wiled by any tuill in the country.' FAMILY: FLOUR which cee, IS be eV OrRISTING DONE WRILE T111 Flour exch gedWfoAri t wheat. I.chToppi 4losenption romptly attended 'to. gl everira114 )3rainati-"plicIlRente n, Htiad'lnahand h dr the poldant he 1°west initke : JOHN McNEVIN :PARTS nes; 1 -11 B. PBELL, ProvincialiLa ;bilge 46. • andZIIII/Ingituser, Orders_ y qpretsli Irattft43d p. rD. a. ciainztori. ---e---- ! eller rs. Je 3-‘• „e, enle, nes Amid scild 113 7 etie ve 4:1-a,Y8 si ccivifbiafter Ise verene- a. doer ow lee els recent Tem ofthere arie 0111 living, born deed, an lett erowo rete —,The t.lik.!. -this PrOW11 Pri es siX feet two i Noy fond ef a forego that p:e en ly'.ssitive et - t-. eon ve an ine aGeorge X th6, swedinit Btrg,43viorpli T chidT vc,he „„ Ries. Otcaf ef eanstly of tl-e ! .blpeltboar.1 ot bid i Written 41 W*I W . e dying. ta 1.4d wet n'itt o' ts0 tY,..37,,a-r PP*:‘,2' nt r Irma :N.! - of t',30 OOP. lik 5l:TOW11,intO N. Skeletoll. years se,‘ he anth Maris. Du th,c thre ,orWd ts het ea rttri isotaeirette 440i: .110• B:esttehteseir. rsIlt:Nlr:A:;1 .splae,__n:dtobr bneit4nr7:1 tfl to soid t:bbe(;::171' atgli fitt,1 were selliee' ;ofth roian faaeiStutu-r:d°33;lef. he - 00 'ahem°. A totinterfeit —Mr. Reber reeent istue etates tbat tbe near Ayr, a Tarn 01:.'•31ia Smith, of the father is the s tbecriginal of She itt.descrth age, 8.Eiti k teeainOy gocd iteuld Scotch oJ ber good n a that she me* silver coat lin evbre ee his ee ,marriage. M named Mrs, Straereer, en - Stoma -oh Bitte poisonous EidneY and peel seer to the blood. Stomaeh Bite relieve abteish. I i I io seontech, Iir Wit tontagion -3 have ne ho. son's Stoma.: pare and co• gists. letrge ‘3. Oldand m Wondetfully Sersaesa-ril i ft -loth -sore ey• -With apy Bert`, -• r4ay be melt use.- 7199ette - - If y0 the ravages tit n3er season, Fowler's Ex leand. fur nee. Jerras Of Bee I 11 Its seothin 'POO scalp, &Lt. Vention -01 ds has 130 equal. hair to its o the grovvth heat tiful, sod ttes.rante. t're — 1*.tokle! The greate. *orld.! Wit burns., :Itruis fever Sores, corns, ietter, ekin ernaption every inetane mute per her 783.,51 to cr aorat neadycacail3ks:11fint iofi.frrtel iLttst dr b4frtaern:ilif:n11.1: Burdo Of Mack's Mti- ti tha he is a pr nty 3 le he c An the de Pr., Austin Oonntenane lauFgishly, teinethe of either t • debility. ZNillifeGr4S cola ihn muscles,